#all the combaticons together
arseniccattails · 1 year
Tragic: if I want to read mushy combiner fic where everything sucks and they only have each other, I have to write it myself.
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inkfamy · 1 year
#it's funier to imagine all of the combaticons have no idea why Bruticus is obsessed with first aid#like individually they think First Aid is alright but once they all get together#oh boy what the fuck @gayrob0t
I've been thinking about this all week because it's so fucking FUNNY. Bruticus de-combines back to the Combaticons and Onslaught is just immediately grabbing each of them by the lapels and screaming "WHICH ONE OF YOU HAS A CRUSH ON FIRST AID" but they're all like "nah man he's not my type". Vortex gets the blame because he's a little weirdo but he adamantly denies it like "dude he doesn't even like blood, what kind of medic doesn't like blood"
Bruticus is effectively taken out of any battle by just gently placing First Aid within his visual range. Onslaught is losing his entire goddamn mind. The Decepticons come up with a variety of Ridiculous Schemes to kidnap and hide First Aid just so they can get Bruticus to fight instead of cooing over his favourite tiny medic
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icyrambles · 6 months
y'know i love idw1. it is by far my favourite continuity purely because it has the balls to actually do some weird fucked up shit with those robots but one of my forever gripes with the series was how they handled the combiners.
also spoilers for idw1 (not massive but enough that i should warn ya if you haven't read through the series)
not in the sense that i hate combiners or combination but mostly just because i think it's weird that they never tackle the horror of being a combiner. it's never really touched on that most of the combiners were forced together and that combining has a permanent effect on a cybertronian's mind.
sure you've got prowl but idw is written so that the reader is meant to hate prowl, or at the very least dislike him, so you're automatically geared to not give a fuck if he's suffering a little bit. and his relationship with the constructicons is never really given the screentime it probably should've gotten so we never get to hear their opinions on being forcibly fused with an autobot's mind. (clearly they don't seem to mind it at the very least but i have a hard time believing that they just magically were okay with suddenly being part of a gestalt)
first aid literally shows up on cybertron with five other guys that he's only vaguely familiar with and starscream just decides that they're "good enough" and forces them into a gestalt. and then we literally never get to see if first aid gave a fuck about this whole situation. hell one of his gestalt members, rook, literally gets killed in lost light and first aid just, doesn't care, and neither do any of his gestalt mates. they're just like, "eh, moving on"
fucking hell, sunstreaker, ironhide, mirage, and motherfucking optimus prime get put into a gestalt with prowl and the most they have to say is "wow prowl you're really fucked up" and that's it. do they just all have to deal with the consequences of being a combiner. optimus never seems to bring it up ever again and neither does sunstreaker, even when they're in the same place together.
the combaticons seem to be rather fucked up about the whole thing, but that's not because being in a combiner team fucked them up, it's more because they combined with a fucking corpse and sharing a mind with a brain dead swindle seriously sucked ass.
like think about the effect of combination for a quick second.
a mech is forced to share everything about themself, from memories, to thoughts and emotions with another group of mecha (up to five depending on the combiner) and they just, don't get a fucking choice in it. idw talks a lot about bodily autonomy, what with the themes of functionalism and cold constructed mechs but they don't seem to apply the same emotion to the combiners. they're just a plot tool to be throw around when the writers needed a big bad to face or a defender against some type of higher force
combiners are only scary because they're big and angry and difficult to control but the real fear should be focused on the existential horror of having a character whose mind is forcibly fused together with another group of people
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Redesign of knockout!
Knockout has been a decepticon medic since the revolution. He and his conjunx, breakdown, joined the decepticons together. While life was good for the few years after Starscream was elected leader of Cybertron, after the war started Breakdown and Knockout were quickly separated. Not long after Iacon was destroyed, knockouts group were all killed by autobots. Knockout was left alive because he was a medic, after that incident, Starscream made knockout his personal medic. Knockout resents his medic badge, as it was the only thing that kept him alive while his group was killed. His biggest fear is having to operate on anyone he cares about. Unfortunately this fear regularly comes true because Starscream is constantly being hurt by both Megatron and the autobots. He's having a bad time. He sends care packages to Breakdown.
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Meet medkit!
Medkit is Ratchets mini-con. A hive-mind like reflector, med kit wants to be treated as one person, and not two. He is a wonderful medic, and works quickly, his small size is very useful for when there's internal damage thats hard for Ratchet to reach. Medkit doesn't really do that much around base when he's not fixing bots. Mostly just "sleeps" or terrorizes prowl.
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Swindle is part of a group called the Combaticons. An affectionate nickname given to them by their fellow neutrals, as swindles group would fight off any decepticons that showed up to round up the neutrals (who are technically draft dodgers) Swindle realized that lone autobots, ex decepticons, and neutrals are targets of some unknown killer. He quickly started the Combaticons and aligned them with a random neutral colony. Eventually that colony collapsed, as the decepticons started getting more and more violent. The Combaticons fled to earth arriving in the 1800s, and accidentally started the computer age after being discovered. Swindle set the autobots up with the human governments. In order to prevent each side from tearing each other, and earth, apart, swindle steals energon from the autobots to trade with the decepticons, and steals supplies from the decepticons to trade with the autobots.
He's actually a really big loser. He keeps saying cool catch phrases he heard in movies. It does not work out well for him. He didn't have an accent before arriving at earth. (He's spent to much time in New York..)
He and the other Combaticons are missing.
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What if Prowl, in addition to appearing as an anti-hero, was also mentally/psychologically unwell due to the torture that the other members of Devastator (and their bond) suffer at the hands of GHOST?
"but what about Menasor and Bruticus" yes, they are also in shit (breakdown and swindle are respective members of them) but devastator wasn't called the god of destruction for nothing.Obviously he was going to get the short end of the stick
You know that would be a fun way to explain why in Earthspark the stunticons and combaticons aren't grouped together anymore
They just couldn't stay together because of the negative effects echoing across the bond (after all wasn't Menasor notorious for being unstable??) caused by some members getting captured.
Hell one could argue that the rest of the stunticons and combaticons are straight up dead, and that's why Breakdown has become somewhat of a lone wolf and why Hardtop and Swindle stick together so much.
Prowl would be so heavily affected by this, especially since it seems like they're the last intact gestalt of the decepticon combiners in this 'verse.
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More TF Headcanons
Optimus and Megatron have a phrase that they used back when they were still friends: "No mind is ever wasted in a library." They both still believe it
Star, Thunder, and Sky sleep together in a pile. When not together to sleep this way, they all tend to be restless and cranky
Waspinator is a maladaptive daydreamer
Onslaught is the only Combaticon that gets up early and doesn't suffer for it. All the others, especially Vortex, are groggy in the early am
Shockwave will sometimes forget to respond on conversations. It isn't because he isn't paying attention. He just feels like he's already responded when he actually hasn't yet.
Bumblebee and Jazz hold mini riff-offs between each other
Arcee pretends to be dumb/doe-eyed to tease bots who try to flirt with her
Slipstream chews/bites things when she is thinking
Blurr has verbal stims/tics
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kell-eramis · 1 year
🔥talk some mad shit on taao
OOOH ok this is gonna take a while and i'm writing this in many places--on campus, after school, on the bus, so forgive me if anything doesn't make sense.
Topics: windblade, starscream, elita, combaticons, combiners, and bumblebee
Disclaimer, I *love* Windblade and I love what she represents (and this could be it’s own mini essay).
However, I don’t think M Scott had those ideas particularly in mind when writing Windblade. Retroactively knowing she intended Windblade and Starscream to have a r*ylo dynamic, paints both of them and their dynamic in a completely different light: Windblade is now no longer her own character, but a tool to redeem Starscream, and becomes a “blank slate or self insert” for this dynamic and purpose. As a result, she’s not really given the opportunity to grow from flaws, and she’s not really punished for mistakes (it’s moreso Starscream paying for her choice to have Optimus Prime reveal himself as the “true Prime” to Caminus, and this is almost always framed as Optimus being in the good and Starscream being in the wrong), it’s moreso that we’re told that Windblade is “tempted by Starscream’s ways/by power, but triumphs over this because she is Good, and is able to redeem Starscream in the process.” We also see others taking the fall for her mistakes, as Chromia takes the fall for the cover up—there is no repercussions on Windblade’s part in terms of trust of Cybertron. (This also serves to take Chromia out of the picture and focus on Windblade and Starscream over any potential chromeblade narratives that could (and did) arise).
I think if I were to fix this, I would look at how the war that affects everyone on Cybertron also affects her, one of the first Camien immigrants. Like… living in this new environment that is *so* traumatized, and you, yourself are traumatized too but in a completely different way. (And this is especially obvious in the first Windblade run, with both her and Chromia’s arcs.) Not the idea that Starscream/Cybertronian politics “corrupts” Windblade, but the idea that living in this environment that has barely started to heal will inevitably rub off on her—in both good and bad ways. And she, being someone on the outside coming in, can see how the factions are flawed and how everyone needs to come together to make Cybertron more of a home than it has ever been. I don’t know if I worded this completely right, but I hope I’m getting my point across.
OOOOH. I could go on and on for days on end. I think the way M Scott handled Starscream’s dysphoria is very transphobic and concluded in a way that’s like “if I were not dysphoric, I would not be evil.” That’s… not what dysphoria does. Starscream would be Starscream no matter if he were cold constructed or forged—maybe just with different problems. Nurture over nature and all that. Another problem I have is due to the established windblade and starscream dynamic, starscream is often portrayed as evil—often to the point of irrationality. While Starscream might not be the best leader, she’s smarter than sending badgeless after random cons and inciting further violence as a result. We get a lot of “tell and doesn’t show” with Starscream’s tactics (and Onslaught’s, as well), and while it would make sense for Starscream to be paranoid (hence the distrust of Windblade) and to try to prepare for a second coming of the war (even if she doesn’t realize that’s what he’s doing by amassing combiner and titan power), some of the actions Starscream takes are outright irrationally evil, just to put that dichotomy between her and Windblade and incite the redemption. Other characters become tools either to show how evil Starscream is (the Combaticons, Rattrap, etc) or to redeem Starscream (Windblade, Bumblebee). I could go on and on about this but I will end it here (for now).
Again, a case of “tell and don’t show”. We’re told that she’s “another Megatron” but there’s nothing to back that up—why is she another Megatron? What has she done to imply that? She’s traumatized from being hypervigilant over being the one in charge of Carcer (wherein Vigilem and Liege Maximo are incarcerated), and that shows in how she interacts with Cybertron. I don’t think she’d be a good leader for Cybertron—for the same reason neither Bumblebee nor Starscream (nor Optimus or Megatron) could be the right leader for Cybertron. They’re too stuck in the war, though it is possible to move on from it with time and effort. I do think, however, that she’s not this grand villain that M Scott paints her out to be. God forbid women do anything.
The Combaticons:
I could also talk at length about them for days. I think that they have the issue of becoming a tool to show how evil Starscream is, rather than their own characters with their own arcs. Which is a shame, as I think all of their individual arcs and as a whole gestalt could be *so* interesting.
With Blast Off and Onslaught:
We see Onslaught being extremely stuck in the war--he *wants* it to come back because he *wants* that purpose--what does a tactician do when there's no battles to be a tactician for? And Blast Off, who loves Onslaught (and his group), wants peace. Wants rest. Wants that peace and rest for Onslaught most of all. TAAO contextualizes what Blast Off does as a *selfish* thing—he does what he does because he wants that relationship. But that’s *not* what it is. She does what she does because she wants to see Onslaught heal from the war. He (as well as Starscream) knows this can’t happen unless Onslaught is given something new to obsess over—without that something, he’ll go back to the war and vengeance. So Blast Off, in a way, offers herself to be that. This isn’t selfish, in my opinion, because he knows that the relationship is doomed if she does that. Onslaught will find out, and when that happens, any possibility of a relationship will cease to be. It’s a sacrifice Blast Off makes to save Onslaught and the other Combaticons.
Now, I love the part where Brawl goes to Windblade and says he can’t have the war come back. He goes behind Onslaught’s and Starscream’s backs to do so. However, I wish this transition was shown more. He willingly chose to go with Galvatron and continue the war. He’s with Onslaught and Vortex when they want to make Cybertron burn. What changes? He says it’s “feeling what it’s like to die”, but beyond a few moments in Issue #4 and the annual, we don’t *see* this. No feelings of uncertainty at post war or relief when it comes to just staying Starscream’s bodyguard, just a comic relief along with Vortex.
Which brings me to Vortex. He’s reduced to a comic relief character. However, we know he’s an interrogator. I think we should have seen him interrogating bots for information on Swindle, searching it out. And then I think we should have also seen the ramifications of such a violent combination on him, too. (Though that could be said about all the Combaticons).
And that brings me to Swindle. I think Swindle, (and I also think Bumblebee should, too, but that’s a different argument) should be more present in the narrative even when she’s dead. While this is arguably present in the first arc, she’s moreso used as a catalyst for Onslaught’s grudge with Starscream turning into something more, but I think he’s used moreso as an excuse for why Onslaught’s doing all this more than an actual reason. Then Swindle is brought back in an *incredibly* traumatic and violent way. What does this mean for how she feels about the new Cybertron? How the gestalt and combination intimately affects her in ways it doesn’t affect the others? How this —frankly, violation— of her mind and memories for Onslaught’s purposes affects her and his relationship with the other Combaticons? Ooooh the things I wish TAAO went more in depth about. Then, there’s also the fact that he had helped Windblade. How does this affect the relationship between them, especially now that Chromia’s gone? How does this affect Swindle’s relationship with Blurr???
Combiners in general:
This is a problem I have with phase 2 in general, but I wish combiners were used more. They’re A Thing now that the enigma of combination is a prominent artifact. But they’re only really seen as temporary threats. We don’t go into the reason why Starscream wants one, and when that reason fulfills itself, they’re NOT used. We could have used combiners in Titan’s Return, for example!!!
I also think that IDW writers in general don’t really know what they might symbolize. Are they abject? Are they holy? Unholy? A monstrosity or a beauty?
If I was writing a continuity, I would look at combiners as the closest one could go to “being one in the allspark” without being dead. I could go into Augustinian philosophy and theology here, but I won’t (for now). However, they change the members of the gestalt in irreversible and abject ways! They blend together with the other members—they are no longer inherently individual. They are bound to each other.
Same as Swindle, really. I wish he was more present in the narrative as haunting it. Their death is the catalyst for many things and adds to others. However, M Scott only really uses Bumblebee as a passive advisor for Starscream. I think TAAO and starbee could be a significantly more impactful narrative if Bumblebee’s ideology and perceptions of things such as factions and power also moved in a way that was more towards Starscream’s perspective, rather than just Starscream becoming more “good”. It would also give us a chance to actually highlight the flaws of the autobot faction without being like “optimus is shitty, prowl is shitty, the primes were shitty, insert cartoonishly evil villains that happen to also be autobots to show how flawed they are”.
Okay, I’m finished. This was not at all all of my opinions and ideas but with a topic as broad as all of TAAO, how could I choose?
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friedfriedchicken · 1 year
I've watched Security Protocols 3½ times and it gets more insane to me each time. Like I've realized Bumblebee says "Breakdown, you fool" twice, once when he warns him not to race anymore and once after Breakdown is caught. Breakdown very specifically smiles a lot, even if there's seemingly no reason to, especially when Bee is around! Both bots also reference their origins and it runs around my brain like a little hampster! They considered being on the same side but Breakdown had to be with the rest of the Stunticons so they didn't! They were on opposite sides of the war yet entirely remained friends! Bumblebee fought Swindle, another Stunticon, in an earlier episode and I need to watch it again because my brain needs to connect the Stunticons together and theorize. Also, after throwing Bee to safety, Breakdown just collapses. Dude took gunfire to the face and popped his tires- man took bullets for Bee, was greatly injured by it, and still saved him. I'm in shock and screaming and crying and I wanna know more so bad
TL;DR: I needed to scream into the void because I like Breakdown and his relationship with Bumblebee so much. Episode 14 as a whole scratches my brain so much like yes please I hate when drama happens please give me more it tastes great especially with how pretty a whole ton of scenes are in this episode specifically!
Edit: Swindle is a Combaticon, not a Stunticon. Sorry- I wrote this at midnight while deep in the brainrot 😭😭😭
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anony-man · 7 months
A little (lol) Texaid drabble written for a good friend in celebration of her and her partner’s wedding anniversary. Hope you enjoy, @siberat!
Given both their respective places in the world, it seemed unnatural to have spent almost an entire day doing what most would consider normal activities. Usually, when First Aid got the chance to sneak off and spend a little one-on-one with Vortex, their time was occupied with quick, feverish touches behind thin, closed doors and wary glances cast around the room once they’d both settled in for some sleepy snuggles. Today, however, things were different—much different.
The start of the weekend hadn’t exactly been abnormal, at least. A private ping from the Combaticon coincided almost immediately with the end of his shift, and First Aid was far from surprised to find that Vortex had requested he come over for the night… and the morning. What had surprised him was that when they woke up the next day, Vortex seemed far more affectionate and doting than he usually did, but without an apparent reason.
Sure, First Aid thought, Vortex tended to go through phases of being affectionate and obsessive then distant and cold, but something seemed different this time around. He tried his very best to determine just what the reason could be, but Vortex’s vague behavior didn’t help much. His uncharacteristic suggestions of pleasant, domestic plans to spend the day and strangely tender shows of affection were also rather confusing, but as the hours passed, First Aid eventually just decided to roll with it. He was enjoying himself, after all.
The day had been a pleasant one, though First Aid was a little surprised at the things Vortex had suggested they do together. A walk through one of Cybertron’s prettier cities had come to a rather sudden halt after Vortex announced they had an appointment booked for a full-body wax job and tune-up. It was a little strange, First Aid had thought at the time, but stepping through the shop’s doors and smelling the soothing scents of high-quality waxes and other earth-inspired fragrances had instantly put his wandering mind to rest. One hour-long session later, and First Aid was feeling more refreshed than he had felt in years.
Following the appointment had been a trip to one of First Aid’s favorite restaurants, which was a bit of a surprise to him. As far as he knew, Vortex never cared much for the dishes inspired by earth culture and human fuel, but First Aid had been overjoyed to get the chance to sit down and indulge in some of his favorite foods and sweets, all while Vortex sat across the table from him, sipping at a glass of engex and smiling every time First Aid gushed over the addictive flavors of his meal’s next course.
Now, having finished their walk through the town, a visit to the wax shop, and a rather delicious dinner, they were sitting outside, a comfortable silence filling the air between them. Vortex’s seemingly well-organized and long-planned adventures for the day had landed them out on a park bench in the center of one of Cybertron’s prettier cities, their comfortable seat overlooking a span of galaxies beyond the atmosphere.
First Aid, for his part, was a little unsure about being ntimate in such a public setting, but Vortex hadn’t hesitated to stretch an arm over the back of the bench in a successful maneuver to pull First Aid’s frame flush against his own. After a moment of stiff silence and a small tilt of his helm to catch a glimpse of the arm that had so comfortably rested over his shoulders, First Aid gave in, allowing his frame to melt into Vortex’s side. The act earned a satisfied sound from Vortex, and First Aid couldn’t suppress the smile that split his face as Vortex leaned in and placed a quick kiss to the top of his helm.
The overly soft affection was strange and out of character for him, most certainly, but First Aid found himself enjoying it far too much to question Vortex’s motives.
“Been a good day, yeah?” Vortex eventually said, breaking the silence First Aid had just grown accustomed to.
“Yeah,” he quickly agreed. “Yeah, it has been... but what’s with all the fancy outings? I mean, usually we just crash at your place and call it good. Did you plan on doing such extravagant stuff, or—“
“Oh my god,” Vortex said, cutting him off with a dramatic sigh. “You really don’t remember?”
The once comfortable mood suddenly felt rather sour, and though he couldn’t hear any actual resentment in Vortex’s tone, First Aid still pulled away. A glimpse of Vortex’s expression told him the Combaticon was less upset and more amused, however, despite what his tone might have suggested. Of course, this only confused him further, and if Vortex wasn’t going to give him the context he was looking for, First Aid supposed he’d just have to figure it out for himself.
“Remember what?” He asked, sounding nearly as exasperated as Vortex pretended to feel. When the Decepticon refused to stop pouting over the loss of physical contact, First Aid huffed and settled back against his side. “Is it supposed to be a holiday or something? Because… I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I’d remember if something important was happening today.”
Vortex shifted against his side, struggling to find another position nearly as comfortable as the one he’d first settled into. The silence seemed to be his way of avoiding the question entirely, so First Aid pressed a little more.
“Hey,” he said, pulling back once more. “I’m serious, ‘Tex. What is it? What did I forgot?”
Sheepish wasn’t a word First Aid would have ever imagined using to describe Vortex, but the way he sat there, plating flared and faceplates flushed as he scratched at his neck made him rethink the decision. First Aid was almost afraid he’d have to keep pushing for an explanation when Vortex finally spoke up.
“It’s really not a big deal,” he said, his frame lifting in a full-bodied shrug that somehow encompassed all of his obvious discomfort at once. “I just… I dunno, thought it might be fun to try out one of those stupid human things you seem to like so much.”
“And that would be…?” First Aid said, leaning in.
“You know,” Vortex shrugged again. When First Aid didn’t respond, apparently not knowing, he huffed and said, “relationships and stuff. Like, when two humans are together for a while or whatever, they sort of… I dunno, celebrate it or something.”
It took a moment for First Aid’s mind to process the implications, but when it finally struck him, he was almost surprised to realize how much time had passed since he and Vortex had started… well, fraternizing. He couldn’t quite remember the exact date, but he was fairly certain Vortex’s calculations were right, and that they had unofficially been “together” for close to a year at that point.
It was a complicated thing to think about, but the look of uncertainty that had molded itself to Vortex’s expression distracted First Aid from the process. He gave his unofficial (or official, now that… now that they were celebrating) partner a warm smile and cooed, reaching up to cup Vortex’s face in his servos.
“You know,” he teased, leaning in close until their forehelms touched, “for a Decepticon, you tend to be awfully romantic.”
“Hope that ain’t a problem,” Vortex whispered back, his voice soft against First Aid’s cheek.
“Not at all,” First Aid whispered right back. “Not in the slightest.”
Apparently that was all the assurance Vortex needed, as the next thing First Aid knew, he was being touched right back. Vortex was on him in and instant, frame blocking the world from his sight as he crawled up into First Aid’s lap and slunk a servo around to hold his helm in place. It was unnerving, a little threatening, almost scary—however, it was also romantic, in Vortex’s sweet, sinister way.
When Vortex’s fingers slipped under his chin and lifted his helm, First Aid obliged, meeting him halfway for a quick, gentle kiss.
“Happy unofficial anniversary?” First Aid asked with a giggle, reaching up to intertwine his fingers with Vortex’s.
“Yeah,” Vortex said, already eyeing First Aid up again as he readied himself for another kiss. He leaned back in, slower this time, and between the gentle kisses they shared and the soft, assuring squeezes of each other’s servos, he added, “something like that.”
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lightandspark · 1 year
Relationship Headcanons in the Ark and Nemesis and more + Humanformers Headcanons
(They are all from Cybertron still and they live for a long time.)
Arcee, Frenzy, and Nova Storm are trans females, Exhaust, Rewind, Tailgate and Sandstorm are trans men.
Lady Silverbolt, Knockout, Ratchet, Jazz, Blaster, Eject, Rodimus, Bumblebee, Mirage, First Aid, Streetwise, Sideswipe, Cosmos, Dead End, and DragStrip
Ratchet is a tired mom to everyone sighing heavily as she drinks her energy coffee. She in particular fond of First Aid, Velocity, and Minerva (her medical students) and Silverbolt (the air commander and new tired mom to a bunch guys: Fireflight, Air Raid, Skydive, Tracks, Powerglide... While oblivious to Slingshot’s feelings for her.).
Grapple and Hoist are equilivent of Tired Uncle and Fun Uncles to the factions.
Greenlight and Arcee are the matchmaking Aunties. Though. Greenlight is younger than most of her colleagues but counts.
Tracks, Powerglide, Seaspray, and Crankcase each had a chaotic adventure that resulted them finding love with different species.
Raoul basically gave Tracks a tour around New York City, at night, where the fun shows and Tracks immediately fell in love.
Astoria went on a wacky adventure with Powerglide when the Combaticons chased them around her birthday.
Seaspray fell in love with a mermaid, Alana and it's adorable.
And Crankcase punched Shockwave in the face for trying to experiment on Cons4Eva.
Rewind, Tailgate, and Swerve are best friends and discuss their chaotic love life together. How Tailgate and Swerve fell in live with a Decepticon while Rewind has a bad taste in mechs.
Eject, Frenzy, and Rosanna have girl nights out and have their own fun. Rumble chaperones relunctly.
Tracks, Sunstreaker, Blurr, and Mirage (Knockout, Drag Strip, and Starscream) are adamant on keeping their good appearances and always get a little nasty and snappy if they come back on a mission looking... Messed up.
Lightspeed and Lightbright are BEST FRIENDS. Lightbright loves teasing him about his crush on Afterburner while he supports her relationship with Sparkstalker.
Starscream fell in love with Windblade at first sight. They met before the full war broke out when he, Megatron, Soundwave, Tarn, Skywarp, and Thundercracker visit Caminus to discuss with her and Lightbright’s adopted creators to let them integrate the girls in their noble cause. It was at dinner and during that time, the two were making eyes at each other but after she and Lightbright went to bed, Windblade went down for more energon only do freeze as she overhead a ‘malice discussion’ between Megatron and his men. The rose tinted glasses fell off her face and she immediately told Lightbright, the two were then ushered out by their carrier to make an escape.
Lightbright teases Windblade about Starscream and Starscream gets teases about Windblade by Skywarp and Thindercracker.
Both older siblings get revenge when Lightbright falls for Sparkstalker, Thundercracker catches feelings for Marissa, and Skywarp has something going on with Frenzy.
Sandstorm and Octane grew up together and they two mechs always knew they were IT for each other... But as the war broke out, Octane thinks Sandstorm can do better than him. He was a coward and trouble always found it's way to him.
Sandstorm tells him, that he only loves him. That Octane always done his best to protect him and let's him know when danger was on it's way, giving Sandstorm time to warn his faction on time as Octane unknowingly risked his life for Sandstorm countless times as he only focused on Sandstorm saving him.
First Aid and Streetwise are chaotic roommates.
Ratchet and Knockout both use to work in the same ER at one point, prior to the war. Knockout was the gorgeous doctor that everyone has their eyes for while Ratchet was quite the looker too... She was Dr. Pharma’s favourite. She can't say the same about him though despite he WAS a good doctor.
Knockout met the love of her life: Breakdown in the ER as he came in with a broken arm and immediately he shyly blushed and was so respectful. He had his charms that immediately caught her attention and he listened to every word she said and complimented her respectfully... She fell in love hard.
Mirage grew up in high society and was tired of mechs like her sire and his political/high society friends ruled over and how her sire controlled her life... It was no surprise when she rebelled and ran off to join the war. Good thing she kept her Outlier abilities secret like her dear carrier suggested.
She admired Hound. Seeing how Hound seemed so free, rock climbing, hiking, laughing beautifully in genuine happiness... Primus, she wanted to be like Hound... Though, she excuse the mud.
Jazz and Blaster are beautiful singing sirens that captive everyone. The two girls are simply beautiful and Jazz was once singers at local bars with various admires. Prowl frequented one of them to see Jazz, captivated by her voice, her beauty, her sizzling and sensual movements, the alluring look she gave him... Or he hoped she was looking at him.
His pet ‘bird’ Green loves her too, always landing on her hand or forearm and seeing her tend to his let with so much care and gentleness, Prowl wound up daydreaming a life with her even more.
Blaster pursued a career in reporting, always getting stuck in weird situation with Cosmos, that's how she met Soundwave after he saved her when she put her nose in the wrong place and at the wrong time.
Soundwave mused, seeing this lost and sharp tongued journalist full of sass and charm. Getting her run her mouth as she thanked him and went on and on, noting how smooth her movements were and how her hips turned... She snapped her fingers at him and asked with a cheeky grin ‘if there was something he liked looking at’... First time he caught himself tongue tied after getting caught.
Their cats, Steeljaw and Ravage seemed to have a certain rivalry going on.
Sideswipe is the younger twin sister to Sunstreaker, mischievous and full of fun. Often dragging Bumblebee, Rodimus, Lightbright, and sometimes Windblade for the fun of it. Sunstreaker realizes that he went to war and got a few extra sisters that he is stuck with forevermore. Not that he was complaining as he would kill anyone who harmed them.
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker both grew up to a hardworking but loving sire with a repair shop. Their beloved carrier, a sweet and lovely femme, past at their birth. Sideswipe took the appearance of her carrier while Sunstreaker was very much his sire’s mechling in appearances.
Rodimus is usually recklessly finding adventures outside of base to which Ultra Magnus is adamant she stays put where she is safe... Ultimately going after her and the two get wound up in a crazy adventure.
Greenlight, Perceptor, Nautica, Glyph, Lancer, and Skyfire always know when something bad happened in the lab... Kind of hard to miss since Brainstorm and Wheeljack were openly discussing excitedly on their new experiment in front of them and ask of any of them would like to join them... Hard pass. They sigh heavily with crossed arms or hands on their hips as they walk in to see both of them groaning face first on the floor or dangling upside down on a chair with the lab completely in near ruins AGAIN... Ratchet is never pleased whenever her ex conjunx and his science buddy comes into the medical bay AGAIN but oh well.
Smokescreen and Bluestreak teases Prowl so much about him and Jazz, playfully nudging him. Smokescreen jokingly saying if Prowl didn't take his chance he might so, earning a nasty glare from Prowl. The trio unaware that Jazz heard everything nearby, finally making herself known as she hunters past with a cheeky and coy smile she tossed over her shoulder with the same alluring look to Prowl. Prowl swallowed hard and immediately went after her, while leaving Smokes and Blue feeling hot and jealous.
Inferno and Hot Spot worked together in the same Fire Department. Along with Firestar, Flare Up, and briefly Red Alert.
Inferno often playfully teases Red Alert, making him go red as he tried his best to glare and snap at her but she only laughs whole heartedly and slides off. Seeing that flicker of amusement and fondness, Red Alert always hope she would be back.
Fort Max and Cerebros (his best friends) LOVE teasing him for it. Red Alert and Cerebros had a flirtation but that stopped when Cerebros and Fort Max got together.
Red Alert and Prowl HATE each other. Doesn't help their offices are right across from each other.
Red Alert and Smokescreen never really speak to each other, but Smokescreen was once in love with Inferno, who was unaware.
Bluestreak had a crush on Hound.
Bumblebee is now the baby sister of both sides. Hot Shot and Rumble are the baby brothers.
When Starscream isn't commanding his seekers or going head to head with Megatron, he goes into the lab to do science with Sparkstalker and Bitstream, sometime Sky Byte. One of the few times he can relax and enjoy himself.
Knockout has energon coffee breaks with Moonheart and Glit, the trio becoming great friends as time past on. Spinister and Slipstream sometimes join them.
Knockout and Thunderblast DON’T get along. Nor does she or LunaClub do.
Knockout and Trickdiamond get on easily.
Breakdown and Dead End do feel out of place with the Stunticons, especially when Drag Strip and Wildrider make it hard to work in teams. Breakdown and Knockout share a room as a couple so thankfully he doesn't deal too much with them anymore.
Dead End gets a arrangement to work with the Combaticons and gradually accepts it as to get away from the rest of the Stunticons. (beside Breakdown as they keep in touch)
Moonheart gets heartbroken when she found out about Soundwave and Blaster immediately backed off. Sound wave never knew about her feelings and she wasn't going to embarrass herself... She was found by Blitstream, who sat by her to give her as much comfort as he can.
Lunaclub was SHATTERED when she realized Starscream and Windblade and asks Trickdiamond and Lunaclub “WAS I REALLY THAT STUPID!?” because it was right in front of her the entire time.
Hot Spot has his charm that penchant many ladies... But he doesn't swing that way. Sorry. People did thought that he had feelings for Silverbolt or Inferno but that wasn't the case.
Cliffjumper and Arcee are best friends and he teases her about the beautiful Greenlight.
Arcee and Greenlight unofficially adopted Tailgate as their son and made sure Cyclonus know that he should treat their baby boy well.
Chromia and Ironhide unofficially are Windblade and Lightbright’s parents and made it hard for Starscream and Sparkstalker for getting their blessings.
Greenlight, Lightbright, Windblade, Alana, and First Aid read romance novels and discuss with each other... They share with some of the rest of the ladies and their friends. Sandstorm enjoys them as well as he thinks about Octane.
First Aid likes to read sexy and spicy stuff~
Octane, Swindle, and Trickdiamond are always willing to cause a fun hassle and schemes. Exhaust and Loudpedal often join them as the guys are always in for some extra fun.
Mirage and Sideswipe are friends but Mirage and Sunstreaker CAN’T stand each other.
Blurr has a HORRIBLE love life. Rodimus always finds herself patting Blurr on the back soothingly. If not her, Springer takes over. Blurr simply had a bad taste in mechs or all the wonderful femmes are taken.
Perceptor had a crush on Drift at one point but was left one sided as Drift had eyes for Ratchet alone. She never realized Brainstorm’s feelings as anything romantic until further down the line.
Perceptor 🤝 Silverbolt: OBLIVIOUS to MECHS aka THE LOVE OF THEIR LIFE WHO HAVE FEELINGS FOR THEM (Brainstorm and Slingshot)
Pharma HATES Drift. What DID Ratchet SEE in this GUTTER RAT!?
Bluestreak grew feelings for Jazz too, but Jazz only had eyes for Prowl and Prowl only has her spark alone. It did cost a rift between Prowl and Bluestreak for a while.
Ratchet and Wheeljack are amiable exes and root for each other in their love lives and who they give their romantic sparks to. They had adopted dinobots together, who impronted on them as their parents. Drift cool with it as he and Wheeljack are buds and Ratchet sighs heavily with a tired smile.
Lancer and Arcee hate each other but do look out for each other. Lancer because she still cares for Greenlight and knows how much she loves Arcee. Arcee because though Lancer is the one who hurt Greenlight by breaking her heart, Greenlight forgave Lancer and would be devastated if THEY BOTH did.
Mirage, Blurr, and Tracks talk about fashion... Eventually letting Sunstreaker join them. Blurr is the only one who is friends with him.
Beachcomber, Seaspray, and Hound go on nature expetitions together, the trio nerd out together and later Skids and Alana join them too.
There is nothing romantic between Lancer and Greenlight anymore, strictly workplace relationship that turned into an respectful friendship of sorts. Greenlight’s eyes and spark is only for Arcee and Arcee alone.
Arcee and Chromia trained Road Rage and Tap Out. They tease them about their respective relationship with Nautica and Glyph.
Greenlight, Velocity, and Nautica are best friends who drink together, teasing about each other’s love lives.
Flare Up and Warpath enjoy sparring together~. Poor Beachcomber walked in several occasions that left him flustered.
Vortex and Brawl tease Blast Off about Cosmos, acting like annoying older brothers to him.
WheelJack is friends with Dot and Alex Malto and he is the cool uncle to their seven children.
Sleeping Titans’ conscious take forms within animals. Lodestar takes the form as wolf-dog that follows Lightbright everywhere and if not her, then Windblade or Hot Shot. Then eventually Lightspeed and Sparkstalker.
The Dweller had lured Windblade to possess her and Starscream had to save her as the Titan was looking for any vulnerable City Speaker to capture.
Sunstreaker has this weird… Thing… named Bob that he sort of adopted.
Thundercracker truly fell in love with Marissa when she gifted him Buster.
Kup is adopting all these children as his grandchildren.
Optimus is adopting them as their father.
Lightbright went into war with one sister (Windblade) came out with her sister, three more sisters (Sideswipe, Bumblebee, Rodimus) and three new brother (Sunstreaker, Thundercracker, Skywarp)
Megatron... He is simply going to support them in his way.
Ironhide, Optimus, Wheeljack, and Kup walked some of these mechs and femmes down the altar.
Starscream and Soundwave did the same for their faction.
MirageHound (potentially)
Are all absolutely SHAMELESS when showing affection. There is something going on between Perceptor and Brainstorm at the moment but neither one are sure yet. Same with Velocity and Firestar, these two are still discovering their relationship. Ironhide and Chromia make you feel like you are watching your parents kiss.
All them get shy but smiling like dorks in love at every signs of affection.
One Sided Relationship/Love:
Moonheart to Soundwave
LunaClub to Starscream
Nova Storm to LunaClub
Perceptor to Drift
Slipstream to Windblade
Lancer to Greenlight (exes)
Pharma to Ratchet
Thunderclash to Rodimus
Bluestreak to Jazz
Bluestreak to Hound
Smokescreen to Inferno
Smokescreen to Mirage
Dead End to Breakdown
Brawl to Knockout (sort of)
Onslaught to Silverbolt
Vortex to Silverbolt
Blurr to his several unrequinted loves.
Disaster Love Triangles that came to play:
Lance x Greenlight x Arcee
Pharma x Ratchet x Drift
Swindle x Blurr x Hardhead
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drill-teeth-art · 1 year
Ur octane is so cool i want to know more about him,,
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High Octane! High performance! Here comes the Vulture King of the Wastes! Back on Cybertron, Octane was a dangerous outlaw not to be messed with, known for hoarding the rarest and most powerful of illegal software, hardware, weaponry, and more. He lived in the Wastes which made him not only hard to get to but hard to find. The Wastes in my fan continuity are a series of enormous barges afloat in the rusted sea. They move together and are as big as whole islands to Cybertronians. Since they're always on the move in the deadliest of Cybertron's seas, finding them and getting there is quite the feat. The Wastes were home to several, notorious, Cybertronian outlaws, but Octane was the most infamous of them all. His bad temper, enormous size and strength, and horde of loyal seekers made him a force not to be taken lightly. He was best known for raiding vessels that carried illegal and/or discontinued goods to be tossed into the rusted sea. His massive treasure trove of stolen goods rests deep in the undersea caves of the largest of the Wastes. Most Cybetronians don't know his actions weren't of greed. A lot of his operation was about producing discontinued parts that the largest of Cybertron's factories had stopped making in the energy shortage and distributing them discreetly to repair bays around the planet. Many spare parts for old or rare models were only in stock because of him.
In his spare time, he would host a Gauntlet Run, having Cybertronians who wanted a piece from his pile of stolen treasures run an unforgiving obstacle course. The challenger pays an entry fee, the more they pay, the more time they are allowed to have to try and reach the end on their own before Octane starts trying to swat them off the course himself. He's never had a challenger win no matter what they paid. Well...except one. A smooth talking Combaticon... But the stain on his Gauntlet record didn't make a scratch on his pride, the defiant triple changer still strutting around like he owns the place no matter where he goes. Besides, all the challengers still paid their entry fee which can go right back into funding his discontinued parts production business.
On Earth, he's especially grumpy. He'd joined the Decepticons to help with the energy crisis, not get stranded on another planet. He doesn't work well with members outside his trine. He's rude, unpleasant, and will go to great lengths to protect his fellow Decepticons anyway. So what if he saves their hides! Doesn't mean he likes them!
Hehehe there's a bit about him! Thanks for asking :D
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Angel Exterminatus 9
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is he actually on the defensive here?
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that's not what you were mainly doing but this does successfully shift the conversation topic
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Oh, Fulgrim went full Nietzsche.
But also I don't actually know that Perturabo meant wrong in the moral sense here. but, then again, Fulgrim is also trying to go "i reject your reality and substitute my own"
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(eyes emoji)
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(eyes emoji repeated four times)
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I wonder if he knows that Fabius murdered Soulaka yet
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He's got a point you know
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WHEEZE How very 40k.
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whatever reason/plot he suckered perturabo into doing this for is still up and running
This is not going to go the way that Perturabo thinks it will.
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mood this is weirdly the most personally relatable perturabo has been in this entire book I realize saying that makes me come off like a maniac
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kroeger is just here for violence and i respect that just realized something kroeger would get along swimmingly with the combaticons aside from the whole fact that they're alien robots and he's as xenophobic as the rest of the imperium and he's human* and the Combaticons are as anti-organic as any given Decepticon *blah blah transhuman blah blah so the answer is simple: we trap vortex and kroeger together inside a get-along body bluejay you can't have sticking two people together inside a get-along body be the solution to everything
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forrix is the only one with any scintilla of common sense in this book well maybe wayland has some
anyways i think this was the bit that @krynnmeridia said was "one of the best scenes in the entire Horus Heresy"
OH the next interlude is baby fulgrim outsider POV this time
ah i figured out whither ferrus in the last interlude he's attempting to haunt the narrative but not doing a very good job of it you could say his flesh is his flesh was too
i will not apologize for bad jokes
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Perturabo is the guy on a dev team who avoids getting promoted like the plague the project manager is his nemesis a lot of the time he's also The Worst to have reviewing your code
he's repairing his limited edition transformers figure warhound titan automaton
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"what's giving up one more oath" vs "keeping my word is all i have" but also perturabo's lack of initiative strikes again "part of him looked forwards to it, because then he would be free of his debt to fulgrim" get help, please oh wait i forgot this was warhammer
okay if 40k Guilliman's song is Tongues by Joywave and Mortarion's song is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons I'm never going to let that one go either Sorrow by The National then Perturabo's is Sea Lion by Sage Francis, Or maybe Waterline.
Ma, Ma, look what I did, Ma Look what I did to my hands, I broke em You gave me the stone, gave me the chisel Didn't say how to hold em Didn't say give away every piece of the puzzle Till I was left with nothing But I took it upon myself to crush it up and distribute the dust Get in the bus, hop in the van Jump in the water, crawl to the land Build another castle out of the sand Break it down and then I get into the saddle again Going city to city I'm already lost, tell the boss Who is new in town I'm-a ride this horse till it bucks me off And I'm forced to shoot it down
come for the overused meme reactions, stay for the mid 2000s hip hop recs
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even in this freaking book i can't escape McNeill simping for Magnus
I'm pretty sure this is Ahriman's wine, ftr
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BAD especially since at the beginning of the scene it mentions how tired he is hey so like are their things that can drain your life force in 40k? ...what would Fulgrim even DO with his life force, though? eat it??? I still have a bad feeling about this though
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a lot, actually especially if he considers himself expendable or that his sacrifice would be worth it
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oh yeah a thought re: the entire play which is that mcneill, writing a book with no female characters, had to wedge in a spot so he could be weird about women
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Definitely some kind of life drain
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lmao is it though i think the one thing iron warriors do better than anyone else is no, perhaps i am being too mean. i shall remain silent.
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lmaooo that's the first time I've seen anyone call an Ultramarine a popinjay, that's not their usual type of epithet
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Help why is this so funny don't stare into the warp and drive, kids! it'll come back and bother you while you're trying to work
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I am feeling the Maoism in this Chilis tonight
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Methinks the primarch doth protest too much (re dramatics)
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i dunno i feel like the enemy you saw kills you a lot of the time in war but what do i know
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Hey remember all that dramatic irony with Lorgar back in the very long opening of Know No Fear? Yeah.
okay i know Perturabo survives this because he's at the siege of terra
Annnnd I hit image limit. To be continued next time!
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siberat · 7 months
thanks to @mr-miss-anonymous this pairing just would not leave my mind today. So have a blast off/ onslaught Drabble.
He finally did it. He finally grew the ball bearings to speak up and confess his feelings.
Well, kind of.
Blast Off has been crushing on Onslaught for so many vorns now: their leader practically lived in his processor! Every free moment, Blast Off daydreamed of spending time together- be it helping with coming up with strategies, chilling, or other stuff. Yes, there were plenty of nights the shuttle snuggled his pillows, pretending it was his leader.
Just don’t ask him about it- he will deny it!
But no matter what he tried, the mech of his affections didn’t notice him. True, the shuttle tended to keep to himself. He wasn’t the most social ‘Con around. But Onslaught socialized.
Just not with him.
At least outside of their duties and such. The truck-former was professional and took his responsibilities seriously, always ensuring his teammates knew what they were doing. He would gladly converse with them until the plans were crystal clear. He was well respected.
And in the shuttle’s optics, well desired.
Oh, how he would fantasize about those hands roaming over his frame, whispering loving words into his audials as they cuddled! To feel needed, to feel wanted- to be noticed- would make him feel so special! Yes, he also dreams about other kinds of touches and interactions, usually late at night, so his muffled wails don’t wake up the rest of his gestalt.
So, now was the time to act. To speak up about how he feels. And what better way than to leave a sappy love note signed by a secret admirer? In the note, that was hand made of course, he wrote to meet him at a lesser-known bar in Kaon, for privacy reasons.
And Blast Off knew his leader received said note. His teammates invited him for a night of boozin’ and movies, and he declined. Onslaught simply said he was beckoned for other plans when questioned about it. Even with all the grilling from the other Combaticons, his lips were sealed, and his plans not thwarted.
Blast Off briskly walked to his desired location. In one hand, he clasped a box of chocolates. Yes, it's a bit cliché, and while not the finest candies on Cybertron, the treats were of higher quality. He had to really barter hard to get these! In his other hand was a bottle of high-grade engex, Onslaught’s favorite. He may have stolen it from Swindle. But this was for a good cause!
His newfound confidence threatened to crumble as the bar entrance was seen. As much as this excited him, his energon tingling as it pumped through his revved-up frame, his stomach was flip-flopping.
Would Onslaught be disappointed his secret admirer was him? His incompetent gestalt member that slumped back in the shadows, never drawing attention to himself? What if Onslaught knew of his crush and ignored it because he was uninterested? Or was he repulsed?
Blast Off shook his helm.
Thoughts like this would drive him crazy and make him turn back. He closed his optics and drew in a deep breath. It’s now or never.
Without further hesitation, he opened the bar door and stepped inside. Music played as lights flashed, but the place wasn’t packed. One could find privacy here. Scanning the room, Blast Off gleefully looked for his crush.
And his optics widened upon spotting him. His spark skipped a rotation as his stomach twisted in dread. A heavy feeling crept across his chassis that threatened to steal his breath. Fluid welled in his optics as his cheeks warmed. The gifts nearly slipped from his servos as he stood there, gobsmacked.
Yes, his leader was here. But there was another mech straddled on his lap. Those strong hands that the shuttle wished would ravish his frame roamed and groped another mech. Faces pressed together in a sloppy yet passionate kiss. Clearly, both were enjoying themselves.
Oh, Blast Off did want Onslaught to have a good time tonight. And those plans are becoming a reality.
Just not with him.
… …. …
poor baby! This was wrote in a whim. I do have to research the chars a bit better. But hopefully ya’ll enjoy, even if it’s a bit sad.
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weaimtomaim · 3 months
Smash or Pass (Bruticus being the smash option is peak FOC combaticon, love that note) for the Constructicons & Devastator, and the Stunticons & Menasor?
Combiner and combiner team dynamics are my bread and butter with TF, and I love seeing others' take on them, most especially with the three original Decepticon combiner teams. Just !
sorry for the long winded ask, I can never articulate thoughts in short bursts about Combiners:tm:
akfghsdkfgsk;kih absolutely NEVER apologize for long winded asks or comments about Combiners, I FEEL THAT IN MY SOUL. In fact I'm about to be long winded right now! Under the cut for length!
For my silly version of Smash or Pass, "Smash" here means that Bruticus will beat up the person in question. "Pass" means they get to stay in one piece.
The Constructicons individually all get a Pass. They definitely aren't friends with the Constructicons, but they don't have beef with them. They stay relatively civil with each other, but the Combaticons do still think they're the better gestalt overall; it's in their name, who else would be better in a fight than them? I'm currently still trying to pin down my own headcanons about how and when the Constructicons became a team, and that will absolutely have a part in how the teams view each other.
Now, Devastator is gonna get Smashed back into his component parts. There was a Constructicon blog on here a loooong time ago and I loved them dearly! In our very first interaction, and this is a direct quote from that mun, Devastator had a "rage seizure" just at the sight of the Combaticons. Not even Bruticus, they weren't combined yet lmao. So. It's self-defense really!!
The Stunticons... oh, the Stunticons. Smash those fuckers. In my personal headcanon, their team was put together while the Combaticons were in the Decepticon Detention Center. And after they got out, the Stunticons were the ones who recaptured them and brought them to Megatron. So that wasn't a great first meeting for either team. There is a ton of animosity between them. The Combaticons are insulted that Megatron put together such a sloppy and disastrous team as their replacement and was seemingly happy with their sorry state. The Stunticons are upset that Megatron took the Combaticons back into the fold instead of killing them or locking them away again. And Megatron found their hatred of each other amusing, and probably egged them on at times.
Menasor is also a Smash. He's too dangerous to be of any use in a battle; he's just as likely to attack fellow Decepticons as he is Autobots. I'm sure he'd also have a rage seizure at the sight of any of the Combaticons, and they will gladly oblige with a fight.
But the thing is, the Combaticons recently found out about the loyalty programming that Megatron had them installed with. And they've realized that the last thousand-ish years of their lives were a lie. They don't like to think about it, but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that the Stunticons and/or the Constructicons could be suffering the same fate. They have mixed feelings about both teams now, but especially the Stunticons. Maybe they were too harsh in their judgement of that team; the Stunticons surely had no help or guidance after being formed. So it's really no wonder they turned out like they did.
And now regular Smash or Pass rules:
lol there's not much to say, I'm not a huge shipper just in general, and while I get the appeal of inner team relations as well as between members of different gestalts, I can't say I'm a fan of any of them 🤷‍♀️ so Pass x13, plus some more Passes for the Autobot combiners
I'm a slow-burn/needs a good foundation to even consider a ship kind of person, so I wouldn't say "absolutely not" to the possibility of it with another muse. Just that it'd take work!
Edit: Feel the need to add that I realize "Smash" doesn't have to mean "commit to a relationship", but even the Combaticons that I feel would be more open to a casual hook-up are like 1) not actively interested in that at the moment and 2) have way too many feelings about other combiner teams in general for it to be "casual". And most of those feelings are negative anyway so. Pass.
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Funny thought.
G1 Starscream disappears for six months. At first, no one thinks anything of it. He'd been distant since he's and Megatron's last big disagreement.
It had been because the sentient AI Starscream had been toying with he'd stolen from humans ended up accidentally being uploaded to the 'Roomba' the Constructicons were building to clean up the Victory. The Roomba given a knife by Rumble and nicknamed Lord Stabbington had Decepticon coding and decided it should rule them. It then began slowly building an army of hive mind clones that together almost succeeded in a plot to kill them which eventually dragged the Autobots into because the Roombas installed antigravs and chased them to the surface. It was due to the shared work of the Lambo Twins and Starscream that they were finally defeated.
Starscream got in trouble and grounded from lab privileges and had been sulking going on long solo fights and pick-up runs to Jupiter.
Then one day he just didn't return. Everyone assumed it was a long sulk, probably the last bit before a new scheme. Then they thought it was a scheme a la the Combaticons and people were quietly contacted. Then concern or something close to it happened and Megatron got some suspicious side eyes from Acting Air Commander Thundercracker. Finally Jazz ends up joke-asking if they'd offed Starscream and Megatron orders a search and to check if the Autobots have him.
Nothing turns up and it is tense. No one has seen him. No obe on Earth or Cybertron.
Then as casual as you please he comes sauntering in completely unaffected dropping off the ore he'd promised Hook to pick up while he was out, ignoring every shock looked as he made his way to Megatron refusing to acknowledge anything happened.
All with a small (strangely small actually) little red-white-and-blue-with-a-little-splash-of-yellow Sparkling magnetized to him who chirps and smiles at everyone he meets and is the sweetest thing on the planet and horrifyingly, undeniably Starscream's spawn.
He introduces him as Star Saber and thus starts the hunt for who's the Sire. Starscream post return puts in and approves his own request for carrying leave.
Zxfgyhyyyy yes
I dunno what I expected but it wasn't Lord Stabbington
Technically, Starscream (maybe) didn't plan to use L. S. in a plot to kill Megatron? (It probably was a plot to kill Megs wasn't it)
Goddamn Lord Stabbington was productive
Ah yes, the combaticons, of course.
Everyone asking if they assassinated Starscream ohhh
He finally came back from getting milk (ore) and cigarettes (a child)
I'm imagining he's doing this all with just the most faked-innocent smile too
Smart move screamer smart move
And let the games begin
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helicrazy · 3 months
♡ With the Combaticons
Send me a ♡ plus a ship and I'll tell you...
Vortex with all of them and it was basically 'We clearly all like each other let's just make it official and go out.'
Vortex and Swinde.
Brawl is surprisingly a good cook.
Brawl and Swindle.
Blast Off the big ass shuttle he is.
Onslaught to enjoy the peace and quiet before everyone else is up.
Onslaught and Blast Off and you cannot talk to them until they have had some.
Onslaught obviously and yes he can hold them all.
Blast Off as he prefers the night sky.
A tie between Onslaught and Tex.
Vortex. Swindle and Brawl are a maybe.
Swindle and Brawl.
Vortex, on rare occasions the others.
Onslaught: So there's this enigma of combination...
In all seriousness they weren't happy to find out they were a combiner team when Screamer got them out of the detention center, but they learned to cope and accept the fact they will be together most likely forever.
Meeting them all for the first time.
I don't think Vortex would have any with them/ can't think of any off the top of my head.
The combiner bit considering Bruticus was (still is) a weapon and there is nothing they can do with him since the war is over.
Spark merging/ bonding, plug-n-play, and simply being in each other's company. <3
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