#all the charts just have slightly differently proportioned skinny women
mabelsguidetolife · 11 months
[researching fashion]
the fuck is a kibbe body type
[starts reading]
actually fuck this shit
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firemama · 6 years
Physical Character Chart
General Identity
Character’s full name:  Koyol Bessmertnyy
Reason or meaning of name:  in his culture, people are named for purpose. "Koyol" is his identifier to separate him from other "Bessmer", which means King, and a Bessmer "tnyy" is an "immortal king", denoting hes A, outlived his kingdom, B, has slain a large number of foes or an extremely powerful force and C, has lived an exceeding number of years, as well as D, lived through something that certainly should have been fatal- any of these would earn the tittle tnyy but koyol has achieved all of them (some of which a few times), so instead of "bessmer-tnyy" or 'king who is immortal, hes "bessmertnyy" which is "Immortal King" or "King of Immortals", detonating hes a legendary person before the death of the culture. Koyol means Snake, denoting his affiliation with the serpents as his Personal Identifier.
Character’s nicknames:  Kyle, Kyle Haru, Kyle Moritaka, Kyle Kirishi, Kyle Serifine, Kyle (etc), Green #008000
Reason for nickname: Kyle is a nickname given to him primarily for those who cant pronounce Koyol easily, or a name used in English speaking worlds or modern worlds to blend in better than Koyol. the name was given to him by a long dead friend, and hes used ever since. last names vary, with the above being a few common ones hes used as of recently. #008000 is the hex code for "green" or "true green" and is his color identifier in the Color Squad. the title "Green" is also a nickname used by color squad or rainbow squad associates to refer to him as a coworker or in code rather than use his name or refer to him as their boss. hes refered to as Green or "eight" primarily by people in either of the color companies mostly by senior members or fresh recruits, especially by those who are aware that using actual names causes him some discomfort.
Birth date:  koyol has no birth date. theres a variety of dates or holidays in which hes celebrated, though.
Physical appearance
Age:  who knows. hes at least a couple eons old.
How does he/she appear: scary, usually. hes tall, thin, green, and has ominous eyes and no expression. hes known for looking... civil... but something is off about it. like something untamed with an air of knowing how to look tame, and trying to decieve you into thinking it is civilized. creepy, ominous, in most bodies- some seem far less scary or intimidating, but they all have a sort of air to them that whisper a caution that maybe its more feral than it appears.
Weight:  varying by body, his usual one is described as weighty and heavy because of the double muscle system in his body. other times hes described as unusually light in a different body- attributed to the double bone structure. in his original body he clocks on at a good 200pds or more, despite his disturbingly skinny body.
Height:  Your average koyol, including his original body, tops at an even 11ft. some bodies are much smaller- as short as 6ft- and sometimes taller, stretching to an even more ominous 13 ft 4 inches in one body.
Body build:  skinny is the usual. hes commonly of a wirey, unhealthy looking thin-ness, particularly because of the proportion compared to his height. his version of carying extra weight is odd- he carries extra weight in his shoulders, or in his legs. the storage of fat on his mutant body is unproportional and poorly evolved, do koyol keeps off high fat diets in order to avoid the inhibitor of his legs carying the fat. most of the fat he carries as usual is stored on the shoulders and gives the trick appearance that they are broader than they appear when hes well fed. otherwise hes very stringy, with thicker arms and legs, due to the nature of the double bone structure.
sex/genitalia, body dimorphism, and associated gender: koyols society and people followed a 4 sex system rather than a binary. some people were born to carry, some people were born to give, some people born to receive, and other people could do all three or some combination. givers and receivers are similar to the idea of men and women respectively- not exactly sperm and egg, but close. the givers gave their equivalent of sperm to receivers in acts of sex with a penis, receivers kept it and genetically mixed it with their version of an egg. receivers found a carrier they liked and in a second act of sex, passed zygotes to carriers who had womb like organs, where the zygote could grow into an infant before birth. these children developed into the fourth kind of person who biologically could do all 3 other jobs in the breeding process, but rarely were children born that way. most often it was givers impregnating half zygotes directly into carriers/3jobs, which would make more givers; or receivers impregnating carriers/3jobs, who would make more receivers. these roles didnt actively have titles, although those who could do all three jobs of reproduction were venerated as "perfect". the people of his day were archaic and didnt understand that single job people were mutations from "half breeding", and attributed it to gods and kings and queens blessing unborn children.  now, all of that said: koyol is the 4th archetype of sex to his people, capable of all "3 jobs", and thats what his concept of gender or sex is as apposed to male or female. biologically speaking in terms of what most societies believe of the binary system, though, koyol is considered intersex. in binary systems, though, koyol prefers the term "hermaphrodite" despite the average person using the term intersex- for selfish reasons. he likes that the phrase hermaphrodite contains "Aphrodite" which was a goddess of beauty and love in multiple universes hes been to. he doesn't mind the phrase intersex, though, despite the feeling that its misdirective in meaning, and considers himself of both sexes rather than in-between them. all that talk on gender and binaries aside- in terms of genitalia, koyol has both male and female, and then some; he can both fuck and be fucked, and is biologically capable of holding a child in pregnancy and impregnating another person who is capable of pregnancy in the average binary sex system. he is also capable of crossing his "egg" or "sperm" with another person's, and inseminating that child into a third party, in am inner outside of binary sexes. when blending into a system of binary sexes, if asked, koyol identifies as a man, in terms of gender; using he/him pronouns. of other dissimilarities, he also has developed mammary glands- which has been noted of oddity, as less than 30% of his genetic material is mammalian, and any milk he would produce following a pregnancy would be radioactive and poisonous as his mammary glands have direct connection to both the gland in his body that produces poison, and the part of his body that handles his own energy and radioactivity. Put shortly, it's a useless bodily function, and a crux of his mutated evolution.
Shape of face:  fairly square jaw. he's known, particularly, for a lack of nose in his original body- instead having a very sensitive patch of skin that operates as the olfactory. other bodies come with wide, short noses. his eyes are almost always a little bit larger than one would expect to fit the face properly, and a bit rounder and wide set than a human’s usual almond shape. studies done on his eyes show that koyol also has a nictitating membrane-- a third, transparent eyelid. Koyol himself was unaware of this, and does not have active control over it; the only time its ever actively moved was on subconscious accord in response to a reflex to certain pollens. these pollens have shown not to harm him or his eyes, so why the reflex occurs, the purpose of the third eyelid, and much else about why he has it is unknown. do to the nature of the Second skin, his face cannot emote, but when the second skin is shed, the scaled First skin can emote just fine any expression. his teeth have been known to change from white to a deep purple when poison is active and pushed through small vein-like networks in his teeth to their tips, and in his original body, all his teeth were as sharp as canines. most bodies instead have one, two, or four sets of fangs, instead, that can turn from white to purple and inflict venom
Eye color: Koyol’s irises, sclera, and pupils are all a black color thats nearly identical. the pupil (which are far larger than one would expect), of course, processes light; but his irises contain specialized nerves that process heat and ultraviolet, alongside his olfactory sense which does the same. when experiencing stress or strong stimuli, his pupil produces what's theorized to be a ‘protective’ Calcium Disk; a bone-like layer- this looks like a thin, white, slitted pupil appearing over the actual pupil of his eye. the pupil is similar in build to bone, and up close, one can watch it raise from the depth of the black pupil like a bone coming closer to the surface. with more stress or stimuli, the calcium will build more so, and the pupil slit appears to expand until it engulfs the entire eye. at maximum stress levels, something similar to marrow or blood and red in color develops from strain. cause yet another, small, thin red pupil slit to appear. when the calcium eye has spread to a certain point, koyol cannot see at all aside from a vague heat signature processed from his olfactory organ. which is note reliable. the calcium eye is hard, and aside from scratching the surface of his eye, cannot be penetrated any easier than bone. the marrow eye, red pupil, is much easier to penetrate and theoretically could be lethal to do so. some human or animal forms will have green eyes. rarely, they have brown.
Skin tone:  koyols second skin, top layer, is a pale, slightly greyed green shade, and the blood that circulates it is a darker, thicker red that borders approaching a brownish color do to the heavy oxidation of the second skin as a disposable, sheddable layer. blushing darkens this pale green to a darker earthen green. when under damage, or around damaged formations like around scars, the blood ceases flow to the area and the skin attaches less strongly to the scales underneath it, giving it an as described "ugly, sickly yellow" color tone. the same yellow tone effects the whole body when koyol is ill, or the second skin looses a lot of blood. this second skin is mostly deadened or numb in feeling, due to its extremely minimal use of nerve endings, and has a large lack of muscle to it, thus rendering facial emotion and some other minor movements null and non visible, such as inability to move ears or flair nostrils, or twitch visibly in areas of the back or legs or feet. the first skin, or "real" skin, is a layer of skin and scales underneath the second skin. his scales are a smooth obsidian like black with the slightest purple tone to their sharper edges. the first skin can be flexed to point outward, or tighten up together flat; exposing sharp edges or tightening into protective armour, respectively. when the scales flext outward, if the second skin is present, they will shred it- in what is considered a frothy, bloody, messy and gorey shedding process. the skin underneath the scales is a deeper black with no purple shading, and the blood that runs under his scales and in this skin is a bright cherry red- when injured, however, it appears a deeper purplish color as the skin is laced with a seperate pulsing network of his innate purple poison. this gives the blush of the first skin a more purple appearance, and gives scars a dulled purple color where the scales wont grow back. where the first skin has been damaged bad enough for scale deformation or to damage the under skin, the Second Skin wont grow back properly, leaving ugly yellow scars to grow over them. these loose edges must be stitched with black cord to keep the ends together. in more human bodies, koyol exhibits an olive skin tone!
Distinguishing marks: koyol exhibits many scars on most of his varying bodies that, as mentioned, are notoriously stitched with thick black stitch cords to hold the second skin together. these include a ring around one arm where he ince list and had it reattached, two thick scars through his stomach and back where he was once pierced, and an ugly lagged mark about one leg where it was almost shredded and completely lost. another distinguishing feature, known to one of his favored bodies, are marks known as the "Marks of Ownership." these are small circular seal tattoos, each meant for a specific person or group, denoting his loyalty to those specific people. other features of note come and go with the bodies hes inhabiting, most often mutant forms. they often include a piercing or tattoo or some other detail or change to the body itself.
Hair color:  his hair almost always is a deep earthen green. there are some human forms where this may change, and is usually a very yellowed, straw blonde color. there are some cases, even, where the bodies natural hair color is yellow, but the hair appears to by dyed green, and the color will fade the longer koyol inhabits the body.
Hairstyle:  his hair is thick, and usually kept short for the ease of it, given his busy lifestyle. some bodies do have longer hair when he inhabits them, and koyol will normally leave it that way or keep it trimmed to that length. his hair is usually of small waves or curls, and fairly unruly. koyol doesn't like to brush his hair outside of keeping out tangles, but you will never catch him with greasy hair- he can't stand the texture of oily or dirty hair. his hair style is of known as wild and untamed, but clean. in bodies like animal forms where there is fur, it's also usually very short, and either green or blond.
Voice: his voice is known for the unchanging monotone associated from the restraint of the second skin, but when its shed, his voice emotes as normal. its kniwn for being graveled with what is thought to be age, in many forms, but in others is smooth. in most bodies it is fairly deep and rasped, but others kighter in pitch or tone. he is known for speaking in two different patterns; on being overly polite, but associated with being at ease in a situation, speaking with few conjunctions and with longer words, and quickly. in tenser or uncertain situations he talks slower and purposely drawn out to negate his fast speech, and with more conjunctions and slang he thinks appropriate to who hes speaking with. he speaks more so only when necessary, and speaks in shorter and simpler sentences. he rarely says the names of other people while they're in his company, and even often then doesn't use names unless necessary, preferring nicknames, coded names, or even pet names. one very notable thing about Koyol is that his people did not laugh. the people he grew up with and around did not make the sound at all. and while he is capable of it, it was thought by the people of his day to be an animalistic noise, and he was taught and punished not to make that sound (the impulse to laugh is, in fact, not at all related to any sort of human-related genetic, or even an an actual instinct to laugh. the impulse is a deep breathy pant and a surge of energy, something many common animals experience, and koyols impulse his to push some of that energy into his pant, and thus makes a noise. when exhausted, but still impulsed to ‘laugh’, the sound is completely silent, merely an exhale.) because his laugh impulse was suppressed, often with traumatic event punishments, the noise is often strangles, and sounds more like- to quote a friend, once- like a “panting dog that's being choked, with the odd sound of grinding glass underneath.” the grinding sound, actually, is a pair of vertebrae from the double skeletal systems that click and grind together when the impulse occurs- the occurrence is, apparently, painless.
Physical disabilities:  koyol is inflexible to a nearly debilitating level do to the nature and structure of his double skeleton system. with a lot of training, hes able to bend as much as his body will physically allow him, although its still not much and it does cause pain. for example, hunching forward at a 90 degree angle or close to it sends incredible pain up the length of his spine as several nerves are pinched by the “spinal ribs” even after years of training and endurance. the most he can do comfortably, with no pain, is about 20 degrees in the forward direction. he cannot bend backward from a straight angle at all, no matter what training occurs, and can only just barely put any arch into his back while laying flat.
Usual fashion of dress: koyol has an almost extreme preference for button up shirts. frankly, just because he likes them. its a minor obsession. usually this is couples with jeans and sneakers or boots. his shirts are usually long sleeve, and if short, are long enough to conceal the scar on his upper arm. he wears a variety of colors with a preference to wear specific colors for specific moods: if he wears darker colors its usually because hes not feeling particularly social or not very at ease today. good friends and colleagues are familiar with the patterns of what he wears and why. bright neon greens are the biggest warnings: hes feeling v e r y bad, and its dangerous. more thank likely this'll be the last time you see him for a few weeks. wearing all black means hes close to hibernation. wearing pinks means he's feeling better than usual and is good to touch and be hugged, but darker purples means hes not feeling up to a lot of contact today. this communicative dress pattern is more or less subconscious in Koyol’s behavior, actually.
Jewelry or accessories:  koyol has a habit of wearing 6 metal, simple grey earrings; three in each ear. this is put on most bodies he uses frequently, and each ring in his ear is for one of his 5 children, and his grandchild. Koyol has a great distaste for body modifications that are meaningless, but a great respect for ones that have important meanings or symbolisms.  one accessory koyol is known for is a large black bag that seems to change shape and form almost as much as he does in body. it has a variety of straps, randomly, and often carries his beloved partner Katrina Bessmer, a snake of incredible length. other than the bag, other accessories hes found with are usually various writing utensils and something to take notes in, often carried in a black satchel version of his “mysterious, endless black bag”.
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