#all my prints are 8“ x 10” the
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bluescarfprints · 16 days ago
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wandascosmic · 16 days ago
typical tuesday night (10)
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
part ten of 'you belong with me' series
summary: basically a wanda series inspired by jim and pam from the office
word count: 1796
tags: swearing, mostly just fun, one-sided pining as usual, sam being insane as usual, wanda and y/n best friendship, y/n may or may not making moves/internally screaming, they're very very cute
taglist: @reginassweetheart @rroyale-109 @marvel-posts @sheriffhaughtearp
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10
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“Okay, she had done a background check on me,” Bruce says. “She had it printed out.”
“No way,” you say.
“Yeah,” Bruce nods. “And she was asking me stuff line by line while we were having dinner.”
“That’s unbelievable,” you answer as everyone laughs in agreement.
Suddenly, Wanda walks into the kitchen holding a mug of tea, smiling as she walks over to stand next to you.
“What’s going on?” she asks.
“Oh, we’re doing worst first dates,” you answer with a smile.
“Oh my god, I win,” Wanda says, eyes widened.
“What?” you laugh.
“Okay,” Wanda starts, and you look over to her curiously. “It was a minor league hockey game, he brought his brother,” she pauses. “A when I went to the bathroom, the game ended. And they forgot about me.”
“Okay, that’s a joke,” Bruce says.
“No,” Wanda shakes her head. “They had to come back for me.”
“Wait, when was this?” you ask.
“Um..it was not that long ago,” Wanda gives a small laugh.
“Wait, no way it was Vision,” Natasha says, putting down her sandwich.
Wanda laughs awkwardly before looking over to you.
You smile, walking in front of her and starting to lead her out. “Want to go play Dwight’s mug basketball?”
Wanda nods with a relieved sigh, following you out eagerly.
You keep a happy expression on your face, because now you finally know why Wanda’s always refused to go to sports games with Vision.
“Shield Industries, this is Wanda,” Wanda answers the phone.
“Wanda, it’s Tony. I need you to go into my office and read some data for me please.”
“Okay,” Wanda says, picking up the book Tony’s requested her to read in his office. “You want me to read the jokes for you?”
“Yes, please,” Tony responds on speakerphone.
“Okay, um, a fisherman is walking down 5th Avenue leading an animal behind him–”
“No, no, nope!” Tony cuts Wanda off. “I already told that joke to Fury earlier at the dinner. Pick another one.”
“Okay. There’s a transcript between a Naval ship–”
“Oh, yeah! Bingo,” Tony says. “Great, thanks, Wanda!”
“Sure,” Wanda says awkwardly. “Do you need anything else?”
“No, I’m good. But would you be able to put all those joke books back where you found them?”
“Sure,” Wanda agrees, hanging up the phone with a sigh.
Opening up the drawer to return the books strewn across Tony’s desk, Wanda’s eye immediately catches a thick stack of paper. Picking it up, Wanda has to cover her mouth to stop from bursting out in laughter.
You’re mindlessly clicking your mouse when suddenly, a huge stack of stapled paper is thrown onto your desk.
Reading the title, your eyes widen as you look over to Wanda who leans against the table casually.
“Is this real?” you ask, near giddy.
“It’s a screenplay,” Wanda pauses. “Starring himself.” “Agent Iron Man,” you read out.
“Of the FBI,” Wanda finishes.
“How long is this?” you laugh, flipping through the pages. “Oh my god, Wanda. Good work.”
Wanda laughs.
“Oh, no way,” you say, finding the last few pages and holding them up. “Drawings.”
“What is that?” Wanda asks.
“Oh, those are drawings,” you respond easily. “In case the writing didn’t really put a picture in your head.”
Wanda snickers, biting her lip to keep from laughing too hard.
“And there he is, in the flesh,” you say, pointing to the drawing. “Agent Iron Man. Now we know what he looks like.”
“So, do we all have our copy of Armored Adventures, by Tony Stark?” you ask the office staff gathered around the conference room table.
Everyone makes a sound of agreement.
“Great, so, let’s get started. I’m gonna be reading the action descriptions,” you say. “And Steve, I would like you to play Captain America, the first Avenger.”
“Oh, cool that’s the name of the character?” Steve asks.
Suddenly, Sam barges into the room, and angered expression on his face. “Okay, you guys should not be doing this,” he states firmly.
“Why not, Sam?” you ask. “This is a movie. This is for all of America to enjoy.”
“You took something that does not belong to you,” he responds.
“You brought it in here, you made copies–”
“Sam, do you want to play the lead role of Agent Iron Man?” you ask, giving him a questioning look.
Sam pauses.
“Okay, sure.”
“Inside the FBI, Agent Iron Man sits with his feet up at the desk,” you read. “Captain America enters.”
“Tony, you have some messages,” Steve reads.
“Not now!” Sam reads emphatically.
“They’re important,” Steve says.
“Fine, what are they?” Sam asks.
A few moments pass, when suddenly, a knock on the door is heard.
“Vision,” Wanda says, making you turn around suddenly, noticing the man.
Wanda runs up, greeting him with a kiss. “Hey, um, I have to work late,” she says.
Vision gives her an incredulous look, hearing the absurd scene between Spider-Man and Agent Iron Man currently being read in the conference room. “You’re joking, right?”
Wanda shakes her head.
“Agent Iron Man takes out a nine millimeter gun and shoots the cake to bits,” you read.
Sam imitates the shooting of the cake.
“Ha ha ha, Agent Iron Man, you’re so funny,” Peter says.
“A man sitting several seats down who has clown makeup on, turns to Agent Iron Man,” you turn to Bruce. “Bruce, want to play the Joker?”
“Sure,” Bruce nods, clearing his throat. “Agent Iron Man, perhaps you would be more comfortable in my clown car?”
“Yes, perhaps I would, Joker,” Sam says. “Spider-Man, get my luggage.”
“Sorry, I forgot it,” Peter reads.
“God, Spider-Man, you’re a terrible assistant!” Sam reads. “I can’t believe I hired you, Sem.” Sam pauses. “Wait, who’s Sem?”
You turn to Wanda with an amused smile, who matches your expression.
“I don’t think the search and replace works on typos,” Wanda says to you through a burgeoning smile.
“So, Spider-Man is the terrible assistant ‘causing the downfall of the United States?” you ask, holding back your laughter.
“Also known as Sam Wilson,” Wanda chuckles.
You and Wanda look over to Sam, who before your eyes, realizes what Tony has done, making the man throw the script onto the table in anger.
“Okay, you know what, this is stupid. I’m done,” he says, abruptly sitting up from his chair and leaving the conference room.
“Sam, some of us want to keep reading,” you tell him.
Sam turns to you. “Uh, you don’t speak for everyone, Y/N,” he responds, crossing his arms, before turning to the rest of the office. “Okay, announcement. My uncle bought me some fireworks. And anyone who wants to see a real show come outside with me right now.”
“That’s actually a pretty good idea,” you nod, starting to sit up from your chair. “We’ll all take a brief intermission.” You turn to Wanda. “Hey, are you hungry?”
“Yeah,” Wanda says, grateful you’ve asked.
“Yeah?” you ask. “Okay, come with me.”
While you may have had plans to meet a friend tonight, which you’ve now had to cancel, spending your evening preparing grilled cheese sandwiches for you and Wanda in the office kitchen isn’t something you’re upset at whatsoever. In fact, you would say it’s pretty great, and you’re not really a complainer either.
“Hi,” Wanda says, greeting you as you make your way up the ladder to the roof of the building, holding a box of accessories for the two of you as you watch the fireworks together.
“Hey,” you laugh, setting the box down before making your way to sit in the chair next to hers. “What’s that for?” you ask, pointing to the candle she’s attempting to light.
“For the bugs,” she answers easily.
“Nice,” you nod, before turning to grab the sandwiches you’ve prepared. “That’s great, because bugs, tend to love my famous grilled cheese sandwiches.”
“Them and me both,” Wanda laughs, grabbing the plate you’ve made for her. Then, after a moment, she speaks, “I can’t remember the last time someone made me diner.”
You pause, before grabbing your sandwich from the bag as well.
“Oh, look,” Wanda points to the fireworks Sam’s beginning to light. “Wow,” you say, finally enjoying something Sam has created in the 7 years you’ve known him.
“They’re really nice,” Wanda states, before resting her head on your shoulder as the two of you spend the evening watching the sparkling lights together.
“They really are,” you say quietly.
“So, I guess I’ll see you in,” Wanda pauses to check her phone. “10 hours,” she grins.
“Mhm,” you nod, following her out the building.
“What are you gonna do with your time off?” she jokes.
“Travel,” you answer easily with a nod. “I’ve been looking forward to it.” You smile. “I’m gonna really find myself, you know?” you finish, fishing your phone out of your pocket and putting in one of your earbuds.
Wanda looks over to you curiously. “You have new music?” she asks.
You look down to your phone. “Oh, yeah! Want to listen?” You offer her the other earbud.
Wanda nods, smiling as you hand her the earbud she immediately places in her ear, the two of you standing within inches of each other as you share your song.
“Wanda,” you run up to her desk excitedly the second you walk in the next day.
“Yeah?” Wanda laughs.
“I think Tony might’ve gotten together with someone from corporate last night,” you say, making Wanda gasp. “He didn’t come back for his car.”
“Oh, my god, that makes so much sense! That’s why Tony had me read out his stupid jokes over the phone,” she says in realization.
“Well, good for him. I don’t think he’s had a first date, in like ever,” you laugh, before looking over to her. “You know, some might say we even had our first date last night,” you smile.
“Oh really?” Wanda asks. “Why might some say that?”
“Uh, ‘cause there was dinner. By candlelight,” you answer.
“Mhm,” Wanda nods.
“Dinner and a show, if you include Tony’s movie,” you continue. “There was a bit of dancing, and fireworks. So, pretty good date.” “We didn’t dance,” Wanda says, chuckling.
“You’re right,” you say, suddenly feeling very awkward as you put your hands in your pockets. “But um, it was more like, swaying.”
“Right,” Wanda says. “Pretty good first date with you.”
You perk up. “Thanks.”
“Mhm,” Wanda nods. “Now, I have some faxes to get out, okay?” she says, standing up from her chair, giving you a kiss on the cheek before heading to the fax machine.
You smile, watching her leave, forgetting for a moment that it truly isn’t a date if the girl goes home to her fiancé at the end of the day.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year ago
brotherly sharing
Miller bros.
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Stuffing (11/18/23) - 5.7k
Sweet little mess (12/8/23) - 3.2k
Tommy breeder POV (1/27/24) - drabble
,✨The gusset (12/16/24) - 2k
Ready (2/13) - 3.6k v-loss (alt timeline)
Leopard bros.
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Leopard print (10/30/23) - 4.5k
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Tommy's hard day (5/25/23) - 3k
Twin peaks (12/24/23) - 4k
⚠️ SEE WARNINGS ON ALL FICS ⚠️ If this isn't for you, please quietly move along.
Main Masterlist
A few of my favorite fics where joel & tommy share:
I can be your pretty girl part 4, and part 5 by (RIP) walkintotheriveranddisappear who sadly inactivated.
Liquid Gold by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
BAD BLOOD - step uncle Joel Miller and stepdad Tommy Miller @aurorawritestoescape
Smack my b*tch up, a dark raider AU by @milla-frenchy
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rosenkranz-does-things · 1 year ago
The X Files art masterpost
I've decided to put all of it in one place. will possibly get updated, but here's what I've got so far
traditional art
environment studies: 1 2 3
Bad Blood, Ascension, Ice, The Unnatural
The Post-Modern Prometheus, Memento Mori, Demons, All Things
Fight the Future: 1 2 3 4
Cancer arc posters
Pilot, Darkness Falls, Triangle, Fight the Future
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas
just some general posters for the show: 1 2 3
Dana Scully iconic moments: 1 2 3 4 5
msr playlist part 1 msr playlist part 2
miscellaneous: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
some attempts to recreate the ✨retro✨ vibe: 1 2 3 4 5
pulp cover/noir style experiments
my most controversial post
queer msr posts: 1 2 3 4 5
fic illustrations: 1 2 3 4
bonus: text posts
and in case any of the above makes someone start watching the show, just remember:
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kawaiiblossoms04 · 24 days ago
A Day in a Life—Dating Nanami Kento: A Love Story in Financial Planning Pt.3 | Nanami x Reader
Remember, Bestie Dating Nanami is not for the weak. 
This is a man who believes romance is a logical decision, not an emotional one.
Love? Affection? Pillow talk? 
No, bestie. 
This man schedules quality time like it's a board meeting.
You text him "I miss you ❤️"and he responds, 
"Understood. I can be available for dinner at 7:30 PM. Does that work for you?"
It drives you crazy, but some part of you melts when you imagine him setting his alarm to make you his priority. It just...makes sense, you know?
You enjoy getting lost in the crowd around the farmer's market when his arm slips over your shoulders and steadies you. The soft squeeze he gives you brings a little smile to your face and his warm murmur reminds you, "We still have time."
Because Nanami wants you to find the freshest vegetables and fruits and buy the prettiest bouquet without having to worry about finding him at the end. You turn and his eyes are already fixed on you, and they sweep down your figure before rising again. His lips quirk a bit when they meet yours and it makes you melt every damn time.
However, Dates with Nanami: A Budgeting Nightmare
Oh, you think you're going on cute, spontaneous dates with Nanami? 
No, bestie. 
You're going on economically responsible outings.
You want to grab brunch? Nanami is already shaking his head at the overpriced avocado toast. 
You order a cocktail? This man is squinting at the menu like he's reading the fine print on a lease.
"Eighteen dollars for a cocktail? Ridiculous."
And don't even think  about pulling out your wallet—because Nanami refuses to let you pay. 
"It would be against the ethics of our relationship," he says, all business-like, while handing his card to the waitress. You open your mouth, because your parents didn't raise a freeloader, when his finger taps against your lips. "Not a word. Consider it an investment," he says as his finger turns up at the edge of his glasses.
Nanami's Texting Game: Corporate and Cold
Nanami does not do good morning texts.
✔You : "Good morning, babe! ☀️ I hope you have a great day! ❤️"
✔ Nanami (seen at 8:02 AM, responds at 4:52 PM): "Hello."
✔ You: "HELLO? THAT'S IT?!"
✔ Nanami: "What else is there to say?"
You try to flirt? 
You send "I miss you 🥺"and he responds with: 
Nanami (seen at 10:12 AM, no reply.)
Nanami (10:15 AM, Zelle: $30).
Message: "Get your favorite coffee. I'll see you later."
And FaceTiming him is a battle.
He answers immediately—but he is NOT happy about it.
You're sitting there all cute, twirling your hair, and he's just staring at you like a disappointed father.
"What is it?" he asks.
You speak first. "Just wanted to see you. We haven't FaceTimed all day. And since it's you're lunch hour I thought it's be ok. Sorry, um.. were you in a meeting?"
"Yes." He deadpans.
Just then, an elderly woman starts cussing someone out in a different language, then talking about a refund, and Nanami frowns, adjusting his tie. "...Where are you?"
"Uh..." You quickly exit the Ulta and try to give a convincing grin. "Just on my way home."
You're lying trying to keep yourself in the center of the camera he doesn't see the display behind you and decide to have your ass financially excommunicated.
Meanwhile, he's trying to make sense of your surroundings while simultaneously responding to multiple emails and messages.
Nanami narrows his eyes.
"...Is that Ulta?"
"Uh, no?"
"I see a makeup display behind you."
"You just spent $200 on skincare last week."
"Skincare is an investment."
Another pause. His lips part slightly—like he's hesitating before speaking.
"So is your savings account and Roth IRA. And yet."
Nanami glances offscreen.
"Actually, I'm about to run into a meeting with some important clients. Let me know when you make it back."
"I will, b—" And he hangs up.
When you FaceTime again an hour later, he doesn't answer. He sends you a message 20 minutes later:
"This isn't the best time to talk, sorry."
He doesn't call back for another eight hours. You fall asleep staring at your phone. When you wake up, the green icon says he read your messages, but not a word. No apology, no explanation—nothing. You're halfway through an angry rant in your head, before you hear his keys jangle outside your apartment door. He leans against the doorway and studies you with his brow raised. He knows. Of course, he knows.
And when Nanami finally meets you half way, it makes everything worth it.
Being Romanced by a Spreadsheet in Human Form 
Nanami does not plan dates.
He optimizes them. 
This man has an Excel sheet for everything.
A list of restaurants with the best price-to-quality ratio.
A personal budget report for how much money you've saved since dating him.
A shared Google Calendar invite for your next date night 
The Relationship Dynamic
Nanami is the type of man to tell you he likes you in the most passive, emotionally unavailable way possible.
He's not gonna say "I love you."
No, he's gonna refill your gas tank and hope you figure it out.
He remembers your favorite coffee order. 
You casually mention your favorite perfume—BOOM, a new bottle appears.
He keeps cough drops in his pocket just in case you get sick.
Or fix something in your apartment without saying a word.
You never have to ask, because he's already three steps ahead of you.
And if you ever ask him why he doesn't communicate his emotions,he's just sighing, taking a slow sip of whiskey, mumbling:
"Words are meaningless without action."
But say something sweet to him? 
You: "I feel so safe with you." 
Nanami: "That's an efficient use of my presence." 
PDA? Not in This Economy.
Nanami does NOT do unnecessary affection. 
Hand-holding? Limited to crossing the street.
Kissing in public? Absolutely not. 
Cuddling? Only if it's cold, and even then, it's purely for efficiency.
But if you ever lean into him while you two are out? 
This man will freeze up like he just got drafted into war.
Meanwhile, his hand is already in his pocket, Zelle-ing you $50 because he does not know how to handle emotions.
OHHHHH but The Sex: Silent But Deadly
Oh, and let's talk about sex with Nanami.
Because this man does NOT do casual hookups.
If Nanami is fucking you, he wants to own your soul.
This is a man who fucks like he's closing a business deal.
Does this man use a condom?
Hell, yeah, he does.Everything is controlled, calculated, efficient—until you make one sound, and now he's lost in the sauce.
You think Nanami is quiet in bed? 
This man is repressed.
The moment you reach in to your nightstand and there's no condoms.
His gaze on you sharpens.
You let out a soft giggle, shifting onto your knees beside him.
"I mean, we wouldn't be in such an, uh," you said with a light giggle. "Well we wouldn't be having this type of accident then."
It takes him a second.
The pensive expression as he cocks his head and quirks an eyebrow.
Then, his brows shoot up at the realization.
"Condom, Y/n. Did you run out?" he asks.
"Hmm. Why didn't you buy more?"
"B-Bu—u-uh, I forgot?!" You reply, feeling his hand sliding up your bare thigh.
His voice is deep, rich and commanding, a calm timbre as always.
"Would you like me to go purchase more? It won't take long."
W-why is your heart racing?
"NO—uh—wait—just—pull out?! We don't have to—uh—waste time with—uh—logistics?! We can—um—improvise??"
And then, suddenly, he's had enough.
His lips slam into yours—hot, demanding, final—swallowing every weak excuse before you can even breathe.
Fuck logistics I guess.
His strong arm wraps around your waist and guides you beneath him as his hot mouth hungrily kisses you.
Suddenly, his weight is against you, pushing you deeper into the mattress, his thick thigh parting your legs further.
He will be completely in control at first, moving at a steady pace, whispering, "Tell me if it's too much." 
But the moment you whimper? Moan? Scratch his back? 
It's over. 
Now he's gripping your wrists, pulling your hair, and hitting it from the back like there's no tomorrow.
His hips stutter, like he's fighting himself—like he's holding back something he doesn't want to name.
"Shit," he grits out, his fingers flexing involuntarily.
And then?
He snaps.
His thrusts turn punishing, primal, unforgiving. His head tips back, lips parted, panting, as he twists your hair got a better grip.
"You're fucking ruining me," he growls, voice wrecked, raw, and almost... frustrated.
And then? He bites down.
All business is gone.
Nanami loses himself.
But you already knew you did this to him.
So, you grab him, press him into the mattress, and you ride him so hard that he is rendered speechless.
You roll your hips slow, deliberate. Just to watch him break.
His hands slide down your thighs, gripping tight, like he needs to hold onto something before he falls apart.
"Shit," he hisses, his head tipping back.
His neck is tense, the vein at his throat pronounced.
You grind down harder.
"F-fuck," he exhales, his breath hitching, his control slipping.
And then? He does something he never does.
His fingers dig into your hips, and his voice drops into something desperate.
"Please," he breathes, the word gritted, forced, unintentional.
You freeze. Because this man does not beg.
Your lips curl. "Please what?"
His jaw clenches, but his grip tightens.
"Don't stop."
The most you can get out of him are primal grunts.
When you lean over him, moving slow so you don't fall on top of him, and trace the outlines of his lips with a finger, you see him visibly shudder. His jaw clenches as you brush back the strands of blond hair that stick to his sweat-drenched forehead.
His eyes are shut, the pulse in his neck visible, the veins in his biceps defined and strained. You run a finger up his arm and can see his skin react, tiny hairs standing on end. It almost tickles.
Your other hand moves lower, cupping his balls, and he exhales loudly, biting his bottom lip to keep from being louder. With another slow bounce, his body tenses—shaking for just a few seconds—before he grips the sheets, holding himself back. You smirk, giving him two long, torturously slow rolls of your hips before settling into a steady rhythm.
He thrusts with you, his hand clutching the bed sheet at his hip as the other gripping the headboard behind his head. Watching your breasts bounce with every roll of your hips, his jaw tightening each time your tight entrance sucked him in.
In one swift motion, he sits up, grips your waist, and flips you onto your back. As he starts to pound into you, his groans grow louder and deeper.
He stops to move your legs over his shoulders. In the shadows cast by the dim bedside table light, his cheekbones and eyebrows are exaggerated, his chest and arms more muscled and veined than usual. He opens his eyes, and for a second you wish you hadn't seen that dangerous glint. His hand slides along your ankle, gently squeezing.
You relax in the bed sheets, sinking into his strong grip and his steady movement. He keeps his eyes on you.
The usual restraint in his expression?
His hand drags down your stomach, down your hip, gripping tight.
"Look at me," he orders, his breath shaky.
You do. And that's when you realize—
His jaw is clenched. His brow furrowed. His pupils, completely blown.
He is holding back something devastating.
"Keep looking at me," he warns. "Don't you dare fucking close your eyes."
You are not some object to him—a mere transaction.
You are an investment. A personal project.
Something he can pour hours of time and labor into,to reap its value when you bloom.
But finally after this man cums deep in you, you watch as the tension that never leaves his shoulders melt.
Now he's breathing heavy, cursing under his breath, and suddenly he's on his third round like, "I didn't realize how much I needed this."
And after he's completely ruined your life?
He's just sitting on the edge of the bed, running a hand through his hair, whispering:
"This was irresponsible."
He's referring to his little accident.
You pause.
Okay, yeah. This man needs to chill the fuck out, for real.
Nanami goes quiet again. You wrap your arms around him, holding his tight shoulders and hard muscles.
You see his jaw tighten again as he stares straight ahead. You press your chest against his back and hug him close. When you put your chin on his shoulder he exhales long, relaxing his shoulders again. He turns and your noses nudges his cheek, and his eyes seem sleepy, tired, but very satisfied. You move your lips to his and take his soft lower lip, dragging it slightly. You move your mouth against his. When he finally kisses back he groans, you're not sure what is going on in his head but he kisses you desperately.
"K-Kento, i-its okay! I was just as involved in not purchasing enough protection! I'll take care of everything in the morning. Plan B. No biggie."
Nanami just stares at you.
His fingers brush your thigh, slow, careful.
"...I'll go get it," he murmurs, eyes flickering across your face like he's memorizing you.
You shake your head. "I can—"
"No," he interrupts, his voice impossibly soft.
His lips brush your forehead.
"Stay here. I'll be back soon."
He sees your trembling expression, and just knows you aren't saying no big deal because you think it is no big deal.
He tries to comfort you, and runs a soothing hand on your back.
It's his way of showing you he's grateful, that this wasn't some messy affair.
"I apologize, I really shouldn't have put you in that position." He sighs. "In the future, I'll be sure to—"
"It's ok...I really liked what just happened. That was, um...It was actually amazing. Can we maybe do it again, but with I'll get on the pill next time, though?" You ask hesitantly, and quietly, chuckling and blushing a tad, and when his arms encase your naked frame. He places a kiss against the side of your neck before his breath warms your earlobe and his rich baritone rumble hits your core, saying:
Part 1 & 2
Part 4🤭
All rights reserved © 2025 KawaiiBlossoms. Do not copy, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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grunklejam · 17 days ago
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In history, there have been many cases of manipulators and manipulatees. Edison and Tesla, Rasputin and Nicholas, Donkey and Shrek (trust me, that donkey is EVIL!) - but none have gone down in modern history quite so much as a psychotic evil triangle and old man in a smelly trenchcoat.
Introducing the A-Ford-A-Bill collection, capturing the magic of an interdimensional demon trying to twist and turn a genius scientist to suit his needs. This is an exclusive capsule collection of incredible collectables, only available for preorder from Studio Bad Egg from February 14th to March 14th!
What does the collection contain? Well…
Ford-Saken Mind: 8" tall vinyl figure, $250
An exotic 8” vinyl figure of Bill reshaping Ford into one thing he’s never truly had - a friend just like him. While Ford remains in meditation, Bill Cipher adorns him with all manner of accoutrements to create his sole goal - an ally, a friend, and somebody who can join him on his journey - whether he wants to or not. This figure showcases Ford in his younger, more studious years, lost in the mindscape, complete with glow-in-the-dark eyes and mindscape pencil.
8” tall vinyl figure
Glow in the dark eyes, pencil and Bill Cipher
Concept by Studio Bad Egg and Jordan ‘Grunkle Jam’ Mooney
Designed by Kyri45
Modelled by The Last Goldfish Toys
With the kind permission of Alex Hirsch
You’re Acute: 8" x 10" Art Print, $25
A high quality 8” x 10” print showcasing Bill and Ford’s ever-manipulative, tenuous relationship - drawn by the legendary Kyri45 and inspired by our A-Ford-A-Bill concepts.
Chaos Will Do: 8" x 10" Art Print, $25
A high quality 8” x 10” print showcasing Bill and Ford’s ever-manipulative, tenuous relationship - drawn by the legendary Kyri45 and inspired by our A-Ford-A-Bill concepts.
Ford-Ever at Odds: 8" tall vinyl figure, $250
A dashing 8” tall vinyl figure of Ford in possession, manipulated by the strings of fate, worked from within. This beautifully spooky figure showcases Ford as we know and love him, with a dark glow in his eyes. Through crooked limbs and that beaming smile, it’s obvious that something isn’t quite right…
Perhaps he shouldn’t have shook on it.
8” tall vinyl figure
Glow in the dark eyes and strings
Concept by Studio Bad Egg
Designed by Kyri45
Modelled by The Last Goldfish Toys
With the kind permission of Alex Hirsch
My Rival in Rhyme: 8" x 10" Art Print, $25
A high quality 8” x 10” print showcasing Bill and Ford’s ever-manipulative, tenuous relationship - drawn by the legendary Kyri45 and inspired by our A-Ford-A-Bill concepts.
Parallel Lines: 8" x 10" Art Print, $25
A high quality 8” x 10” print showcasing Bill and Ford’s ever-manipulative, tenuous relationship - drawn by the legendary Kyri45 and inspired by our A-Ford-A-Bill concepts.
Checkmate 3” Stained Glass Pin, $35
You can tell your dynamic is broken when every conversation feels like a game of strategy. Where the board seems to bend and malform before your eyes, and pieces seem to exchange and intermingle colours, who knows if you can ever truly win…
A huge stained-glass effect pin, sitting at 3 inches wide and boasting a glorious stained glass effect to the chess-board laden mindscape. Complete with glow-in-the-dark effect, Studio Bad Egg backstamp and rubber clasp.
3” hard enamel pin
Stained glass effect background
Glow-in-the-dark detailing
Concept by Studio Bad Egg
Designed by Kyri45
With the kind permission of Alex Hirsch
71 notes · View notes
snowysosturn · 3 months ago
Allies or Affiliates? - Chris Sturniolo Part 26
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Finale
Pairing : Y/n x dealer!Chris Sturniolo
Summary : Law student Y/n’s life takes a turn when she reconnects with Chris, her brief teenage flame who is now a dealer for a dangerous Boston drug gang. As their bond reignites, Y/n is drawn into Chris’s tumultuous world, where rival gangs clash and loyalty is everything. Balancing her love for Chris with her own ambitions, can their connection survive the chaos that threatens to pull them apart?
Warnings : MDNI, angst, cursing, mentions of death, mentions of murder, mention of knifes
The sound of the tyres against the gravel signaled our arrival at the Airbnb. It was exactly the kind of place where no one would think to look for us, a perfect hideout. A weird sensation ran through my body to see this place again, knowing how different things had become in only a matter of days.
Willow, always the smooth talker, insisted on handling the host. “It’s better if I do it” she said firmly as we parked. “I’m the least connected to all of this, and let’s face it, I look like someone who rents these types of places for fun.”
I stayed back in the car with Chris and Nate, lying low while Willow knocked on the front door. The host, a middle aged man with greying hair, greeted her with a polite smile. From where I stood, I could hear her rattling off some story about needing a last minute getaway to focus on her “art.” 
After a few minutes, she turned back to us, gesturing for us to bring the bags inside. “All set” she announced. “We’re officially off the grid.”
As soon as we settled in, Chris grabbed his bag and pulled out the evidence we’d collected so far. He laid everything out on the coffee table: a knife, wrapped in a cloth to avoid smudging prints, the airtag Nate had found on Chris’ car, Danny’s letter, now creased from being folded and unfolded too many times.
Nate sank into the sofa, running a hand through his hair. “Alright, so what do we have so far?”
I perched on the arm of a chair, staring at the items in front of us. “The knife” I said, pointing to it. “What’s the deal with it? Why is it so important?”
Chris exchanged a glance with Nate, his jaw tightening as if he’d been dreading this moment. “It’s Vince’s knife” Chris began, his voice low but steady. 
I frowned, confused. “What does a knife have to do with any of this?”
Nate sat back, rubbing his hands over his face before jumping in. “It goes back to the warehouse..” He trailed off for a moment, his voice breaking slightly before he regained his composure. “The night of Danny’s funeral.”
Chris took over, his tone serious. “That night, Vince sent me to the warehouse. Said there was a deal going south, and he needed me to sort it out. Vince wanted me to fill Danny’s shoes and I wanted out. I didn’t have a choice, so I went.”
“Wait, is that why you had to leave dinner so soon?” I questioned, trying to follow along the story but not wanting to start another argument over the information I was finding out.
Chris leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, a look of shame falling on his face. “Yeah.. There was the attempted hit at the funeral.. So everyone was losing their heads.. I couldn’t say no to Vince so I met him at the dock.. We went to get supplies from the warehouse and then it happened. Some guy came out of nowhere, a knife in his hand, looking to start something. He wasn’t one of ours, and we now assume he wasn’t with H Block either. I got into it with him, disarmed him. But now I feel the whole thing was staged, like it wasn’t real.”
I blinked, trying to make sense of what he was saying. “Staged? You think Vince set it up?”
Chris nodded grimly. “I didn’t see it at the time, but looking back, yeah. He wanted to see how I’d handle myself. If I could think on my feet, if I’d fall apart under pressure. And I played right into it.”
“Do you not think the hit at the funeral was a set up too?” Willow questions.
Nate and Chris lock eyes with each other, to almost ask the question of why they never thought of it themselves. “I wouldn’t be shocked at this stage.. Makes sense he fell off the face of the earth so quick.. Probably the same guy that was down in the warehouse.” Nate exhales.
“What makes you believe that its the same knife?” I question, trying to stay on track.
 “When I disarmed the guy, the knife fell. I never picked it up after. We hid the car there the next day and it was still on the ground.” Chris states.
I nodded slowly, my gaze lingering on the knife. It was more than just a weapon, it was a symbol of everything Vince had done to control and manipulate the people around him. And for the first time, I felt a flicker of hope that we could finally take him down.
I sat back, folding my arms as I looked between Chris and Nate. The gravity of what we were about to do weighed heavily in the room, but I needed clarity before we took another step.
“Okay” I said slowly. “What exactly are you planning to take Vince down with? What charges are we even looking at here?”
Chris exchanged a glance with Nate, his expression firm. “The worst we can possibly go after him for. Murder, drug trafficking, and any other charges we can stick to him.”
“Murder?” I repeated, my voice lowering as the weight of the word settled over me.
Nate nodded. “Yeah. We have Danny’s letter, which proves he was planning to leave the cartel. Vince killed him to send a message, it’s not a stretch to make the connection. Especially with the knife and everything Chris saw that night at the warehouse.”
Chris leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he spoke. “Vince doesn’t just deal drugs, he’s running an entire network. He’s the head of the Crimson Cartel, Y/n. It’s not just about the supply, he’s responsible for organizing shipments, bribing officials, laundering money, all of it. If we can prove his involvement in just one part of that operation, it’ll open up the rest.”
“And the murder charge?” I pressed.
Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair. “That’s the big one. Danny’s death is the strongest case we have right now, but it’s risky. Vince is smart, he doesn’t leave loose ends. There’s no hard proof tying him to Danny’s murder, except for what we know and the connections we can make.”
Nate added, “That’s why we need you, Y/n. You understand the legal side of this better than we do. What do we need to make this stick?”
I took a deep breath, trying to process everything. “Well, for a murder charge, you’d need more than just speculation. You’d need evidence, a witness, forensic proof, something that directly ties Vince to the crime.. Danny’s letter, it’s damning, sure, but it’s not solid evidence of murder. At best, it suggests motive.”
Chris clenched his fists, frustration evident in his posture. “So, what are you saying? We don’t have enough?”
I sat back, running my fingers through my hair, frustration bubbling in my chest. "No we don’t.  We need something that explicitly ties Vince to the crimes, an admission, something irrefutable.." I said, my voice firm but full of anxiety.
Chris exchanged a glance with Nate, his jaw tightening. "You’re saying we need him to confess to something on record?"
I nodded, crossing my arms. "Exactly. But there’s a problem. Recording someone without their consent is illegal in Massachusetts. If we can’t legally use it, it’s not worth the risk."
"Then what do we do?" Nate asked, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees.
I bit my lip, considering our options. "What about the warehouse where the fight happened? You said that’s where the knife came from, right? Is there any CCTV there?"
Chris sat up straighter, his expression shifting. "The warehouse.. it’s possible. It’s an old building, but Vince has always been paranoid about his operations being tracked. He might’ve set up cameras to monitor the place."
Nate nodded slowly. "He did mention something about ‘keeping an eye on everything’ when he took over that spot. If there’s CCTV, it could’ve caught the fight or maybe even Vince planting the airtag."
"Or worse" I added, a chill running down my spine. "It could have evidence of Danny’s murder."
Chris looked at me, a mix of admiration and concern in his eyes. "If we can get our hands on those tapes..."
"But how?" Nate asked. "The place always has people around and I don’t think Vince leaves anything important unsecured."
I leaned forward, my heart racing as the pieces started to come together. "We get the place raided.”
Both of them froze, their eyes locking onto mine.
"That could hit him with drug trafficking charges. It wouldn’t just weaken his operation, it’d cripple it."
Nate leaned back, rubbing his temples. "Yeah, but that’s dangerous as hell. If Vince gets even a whiff that we’re involved.."
Chris cut him off, his voice low and serious. "Then we’re dead. Plain and simple."
I swallowed hard, realizing just how precarious this situation was. "Yeah well to him right now, you are dead and Nate's grieving. So if we’re serious about this, about taking him down for good,it’s a chance we have to take."
Chris sighed, running a hand down his face. "It’s not just about us, Y/n. If Vince thinks the police are onto him, he’ll start tying up loose ends. That includes anyone he even suspects is working against him."
I felt a heat rise to my face, but I didn’t back down. "That’s why we play it off as H Block pulling the strings. If we time it right, the supply bust could be the distraction we need to pull off the rest of the plan, like getting the CCTV footage. If we can hit him from multiple angles, he won’t know where to look first. It might be the only way to bring him down and get justice for Danny without putting ourselves at even more risk"
Nate glanced at Chris, the two of them having a silent conversation before Nate finally nodded. "She’s got a point. But we’d need to figure out how to time it perfectly. And I’ll need backup, just in case."
"Backup?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
Chris’s lips curved into a faint, grim smile. "Someone who can watch his back from outside, keep an eye out for anyone showing up while he’s inside."
"And who would that be?" I asked, not sure I liked where this was going.
Nate shrugged. "Willow’s pretty good at talking her way out of things. If someone catches her near the warehouse, she can play dumb or buy us time."
"Willow? Are you kidding me?" I shot back, turning my head to her.
“ME?!” Willow shrieks. “I suppose I can talk about anything..”
Chris placed a hand on my knee, his touch grounding me. "It’s risky, I know, but we don’t have many options.”
I nodded reluctantly, still uneasy about involving Willow. I glanced between Chris and Nate, both of them sitting tensely on the edge of the couch. The weight of everything we were piecing together hung heavy in the air, but my mind was already racing ahead to the next steps.
"If we find anything to bring this further once there's solid evidence," I said, my voice firm, "I could take it to one of my professors. There’s this one guy, Professor Hawkins. He’s brilliant, practiced criminal law for over 20 years before teaching. I bet he could give us some guidance. Maybe even help figure out how to approach the police with this."
Chris frowned, his brow furrowing. "You’d trust him with this? I mean, no offense, Y/n, but we’re talking about evidence that could blow everything open. What if he turns it over before we’re ready, or he doesn’t believe us?"
"I wouldn’t go to just anyone" I assured him, leaning forward. "Hawkins isn’t just some academic, he knows how the system works in Boston. If there’s anyone who could help us build a case without tipping Vince off, it’s him."
The boys nodded, though the weight of what we were planning settled heavily in my chest. We were playing a dangerous game, and the stakes were higher than ever. But as I looked at Chris, I knew there was no turning back.
Willow looked at me, I didn’t know if she was in shock or just running off adrenaline. “So when can we get this going?” She asked.
I glanced at Nate, his usual cocky demeanor replaced by a seriousness that didn’t sit right. He’d been unusually quiet since I mentioned the idea of approaching the warehouse. Now, he straightened up, his hands resting on his knees.
"We can do it tonight." he said firmly. "We’ll tip off the cops on the drive there, we’ll do it anonymously."
“We’ll sit at the top of the docks while the raid is happening. We might be sat up there a few hours though.. So once the cops disappear, Nate can make a move, check for footage and get out.” Willow says, almost excited to be having some sort of input.
"You need to cover your face Nate. Make sure you’ve got gloves or something. No one can know it’s you. And you’d better stay in contact with us the whole time on your burner. If we lose contact, we’re calling it off." I say, my voice stern.
Nate nodded, already pulling out his phone. "Yeah, yeah. Got it."
Chris wasn’t convinced. He leaned forward, his jaw tight. "I’m serious, Nate. This isn’t a game. Get in, get the footage, and get out. Don’t start watching anything there. Just download the time frame we need, from the night Danny died to the night of his funeral. If anyone’s around, you bail. Got it?"
"Got it" Nate said, standing up. "You guys worry too much. I’ve got this."
Chris exhaled sharply, running a hand down his face. "You better. And if anything feels off, you call us right away."
Nate grabbed his hoodie from the back of the chair, pulling it over his head. "Relax. I’ll be fine."
As Nate and Willow headed for the door, Chris followed him, stopping him just before he stepped out. "Don’t mess around with this, Nate. If you’re caught, you stick to the plan. Don’t try to be a hero."
"I’m not planning to" Nate replied, giving Chris a quick pat on the shoulder. "I’ll call you when we get there."
Chris shut the door behind him, muttering something under his breath. He turned to me, his expression strained. "I don’t like this."
"Neither do I" I admitted, my stomach churning. "But he’s right. If anyone can get in and out without raising suspicion, it’s him."
Chris didn’t reply, just sank back onto the couch, his eyes glued to his phone, waiting for the first message.
The minutes dragged on like hours, the silence in the room oppressive. I tried to distract myself. I sat out on the deck with the fire lit, thinking about evidence we already had and what we needed to make it useful. The airtag, Danny’s letter and the knife all needed CCTV footage to be backed up to become solid evidence, which stressed me out more than I liked to admit.
All we could do now was wait.
a/n: another part another cliffhanger
taglist: @mattybearnard @sturn-33 @ncm9696 @yourfavsturniologirl @crazy4jewel @sodakid1234 @stupendoustreewinner @lovealwayssturniolos @matthewsturniolosss @m4ttsmunch @loveexxx @ilusa @starkeyszn @wonnieeluvvr @dylnblue @valxrieq @maggot3647 @cigarettecemetary @ribread03 @chrisstvrns @bandasaruswrx @noplaceissafeanymore @amexiass @witchofthehour @mattssgf @jetaimevous @v33angel @ivysturnss @urmom69lol @ashlishes @watercolorskyy @sturnioloshottiekay @amelia-sturniolo3 @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @pvssychicken @alizestvrnss @lvrsturniolo @bernardsbunny @spaghetti835928383 @marrykisskilled @sturnsxplr-25 @bxtchboy69 @vickytaa @anikaistg @matts-girlfriend @lvrsturniolo @sophand4n4 @ilovepurpledragons @mattsside @riasturns @sturnslutz @chrisstxrnsaxe @2prcntmilkluvr @trevorsgodmother
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cherryblossomcowgirl · 5 months ago
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Does He Know? Part 2
WC: 2.9k
Warnings: Swearing; Unplanned pregnancy; Cursing; Angst; Fluff; Age Gap
Hangman x reader; Maverick x daughter!reader
Penny stays to watch Duke while I walk down the beach. After a few minutes, I see a figure sitting in the dunes. I walk over and sit beside him, “Hi.” He looks at me, “Is it mine?” I nod. He sighs, “I never gave you my number. Or my last name. I didn’t even know yours until an hour ago.” I nervously chuckle, “Yeah we kind of skipped over that part.” Jake’s eyes are glassy, “I am sorry, Y/n. Have you been okay?” “It is definitely scary and I have no idea what I am doing. But he is perfect.” He grins, “It’s a boy?” “Mhmm. He is a big boy, too. Born 8 pounds 10 ounces.” “What’s his name?” “Duke.” “I like that.” We sit there for a moment, listening to the waves. I clear my throat, “If you wanted to, you could come by one day and meet him.” His green eyes meet mine and all I can see is Duke, “If you would let me, I’d really love that.” I stand up and wipe the sand off of my shorts, “I should be getting him home. When would you want to come by?” He stands up and shrugs, “Tomorrow morning work for you? Or is that too soon? I don’t want to-“ I cut him off, “Jake, you don’t have to worry about that. Tomorrow morning is great. We are 10 houses down on the left, 126. Blue door.” He smiles, “Okay, see y’all then.” I smile back and head towards Dad’s house. People are still outside drinking and chatting. I plop down by Penny on the couch. “How did it go?” “Surprisingly well. He is coming over in the morning to meet the little guy.” I lean on her shoulder and she chuckles, “Told you so.” “You won’t tell Dad, right? I want to try and figure this out with Jake first.” She kisses my head, “Of course. Go home and get some rest, call me if you need anything.” I hug her, “Thank you, Penny. I am so happy to have you.” “I am happy to be here, Y/n.” Duke and I say goodbye to Grandpa and head home. He eats and goes right to sleep. I follow shortly after, despite the nervous feeling in the bottom of my stomach.
When we wake up, I dress Duke in a cute little blue outfit that has an airplane print. I frantically pick up around the house and at 09:55, there is a knock at the door. I lay Duke in his bassinet and open the door, “Morning Jake.” “Morning Y/n. You doing okay?” “Yeah, we are good! Want some coffee?” He nods and follows me into the kitchen. We grab coffee and I motion for him to follow me into the living room, “He is a little sleepy but he is in here.” I watch as Jake carefully approaches the bassinet. He looks in and his entire face brightens. “Oh my gosh, he looks just like me.” I chuckle, “Yes he does. It’s kind of rude since I am the one who grew him.” Jake looks at me with tears in his eyes, “I am sorry.” “Oh I was just kidding, he is adorable.” Jake shakes his head, “No, I am sorry you had to do this alone. I am such an asshole.” I put my hand on his shoulder, “It’s not like I was asking you to come meet the parents or anything. We didn’t know this would happen.” Jake grins, “I went back every night that week to try and find you.” I chuckle, “Really?” He nods, “Yes ma’am. Then I got deployed, was only back in the states for a week when I got the call to come back to Top Gun.” Duke starts wriggling around and I pick him up, “Shhh Mommy’s here. You’re okay.” When I look over, Jake’s eyes are glued on us. “You want to hold him?” “Can I?” “Of course you can.” I hand Duke over and Jake pulls him in close. He gazes down and rubs circles on the side of Duke’s head. There are a few minutes of silence. I stand back, admiring the way he is looking at Duke. Jake’s eyes meet mine, “I love him. I just met him and I love him.” My eyes water, “I felt that way the moment I saw those pink lines.” “Does your Dad know?” I shake my head, “I’m dealing with one thing at a time. Penny knows.” He nods and looks at Duke, “What are we going to do?” I sit down on the couch and he follows. I clear my throat, “Maybe we start with the basics?” “That sounds good to me.” “Okay, my name is Y/n Y/m/n Mitchell. I am 26 and a forensic scientist.” “Jacob Thomas Seresin, but my friends call me Hangman. Fighter pilot. 38. Where are you from?” “Down by Santa Monica. Came up here after college once I found my Dad. What about you?” “Texas. Went to UT and then straight to the Navy.” Duke starts fussing and I tell Jake, “He might need fed. Want to give him a bottle?” He nods and follows me to the kitchen. As I warm up the bottle, Jake watches my every move. I turn to him and chuckle, “What’s up?” “I thought about you so much on the deployment. But now you are glowing.” “I thought about you too.” Jake starts feeding Duke, “Did you hate me?” “No, Jake. How could I? Maybe it wasn’t the best circumstances, but you gave me Duke.” His eyes are welling up again and Duke finishes his bottle, “What do I do now?” I giggle, “You burp him.” I take Duke and show Jake how to. Jake takes him back and gets a burp out almost instantly. I pat Jake’s back, “Look, you’re already a natural! Now he’s ready for a nap.” He follows me into the nursery and lays him in the bassinet. I kiss the top of Duke’s head and turn on his sound machine and monitor. Jake looks around at all the planes, “Your Dad?” I nod, “Him and Penny got a little carried away.” I sit down on the couch and Jake stands there, “Do you want me to go? Or..” “Jake, I know this is an odd situation but you can stay as long as you’d like. I just have some cleaning to do today.” He sits beside me and sets his hand on top of mine, “I don’t want to leave him yet.” I squeeze his hand, “You don’t have to. You are always welcome here.”
As the weeks pass, Jake and I fall into a comfortable routine. He stops by whenever he has time and my Dad isn’t there. Usually he brings food, or coffee, or gifts for Duke. I get home from picking up Duke to see Jake on my front porch, “Hey! Sorry, was chatting with Penny.” He smiles at us and I hand him Duke. He hands me a small bag, “Here, open it.” “For me?” He nods and follows me into the house. I open it up to see a small box with a big white bow. Inside, there was a diamond solitaire necklace on a yellow gold chain. “Jake, oh my gosh. You didn’t have to do this. This is crazy!” He grins, “It’s his birth stone. Noticed you wear gold jewelry.” I put it on and hug him, “Thank you. That is very thoughtful.” He squeezes me tight and we head over to the living room. Duke seems to be getting bigger every day. He is constantly smiling and cooing. His favorite toy is his play mat that Jake got him, it has little airplanes hanging around him. We lay him on that and sit beside him on the floor. Jake rubs my back, “How was work?” “Good! Had a lot of inventory to get through today. Got a few samples back from the lab, so I had to call a few detectives to come get the results. How was your day?” He smirks, “I shot down your Dad in the simulation today. And then Rooster. And then Payback. And then Bob and Phoenix.” I lean on his shoulder, “Look at you go. Was Dad mad?” I feel his chuckle, “I would say he was more surprised than angry. He shook my hand after.” He plays with my hair as we watch Duke wiggle around on his mat. I take a moment to breathe. These last few weeks have been so peaceful. Jake and I have a nice rhythm going. We do Duke’s bedtime routine and then we eat dinner together. Sometimes we watch a movie, or play a board game, or sit on the back porch and watch the waves. Some nights he stays in the guest room to help with Duke. I had gotten used to doing it on my own, but it is nice having someone with me. The house isn’t as quiet as before. Jake raises his eyebrow, “What’s on your mind?” “This has been nice. I don’t feel as overwhelmed. Or alone. Thank you for being here.” He pulls me in closer, “Y/n, I will always be here. For both of you.”
We start Duke’s bedtime routine and he does amazing as always. Afterwards, I make dinner and Jake joins me in the kitchen. We eat and I turn to Jake, “What do you think would’ve happened if I didn’t have Duke?” “What do you mean?” “If you saw me at that cook out, and I didn’t have Duke, what do you think would’ve happened?” Jake thinks and finally answers, “I would’ve talked to you. Definitely would’ve tried to get you to go out with me. You probably wouldn’t want to, because of my reputation. I would’ve told you that I couldn’t get you out of my head the whole time I was deployed. What do you think would’ve happened?” I grin, “I would’ve given in and said yes. Then I would’ve told you that I thought about you nonstop.” He throws his arm around me and pulls me in, “You mean that?” “Mhmm. I tried to find you! Not that week, I had a crazy case at work. A couple weeks after we met I kept going back to the bar. Then a couple of weeks later I took a test. Then when I had Duke, they handed me him and he was your twin. Bright green eyes and a head full of blonde hair.” He steps back and tilts my chin up to look at him, “Is this okay?” I nod and keep my eyes locked on his. He leans in and our lips meet. His kiss is soft. His movements are slow and gentle. My brain starts flashing back to that night. The electricity today is exactly the same as a year ago. It takes my breath away and my knees feel weak.
I wake up and my head is still reeling from last night’s kiss. There was something about Jake that made me feel drawn to him. The night we met, it felt like I was under a spell. He was charming and funny and gorgeous and southern. Everything happened so effortlessly. Now here he is, in the midst of a confusing and complicated situation, not letting it phase him at all. He’s helpful and thoughtful and he’s making my heart do backflips in my chest. I get out of bed and go to grab Duke. Jake is already in the nursery, he stayed over because it was Friday night. He turns to me, “Look at him. Sleepy little dude.” I smile and head to the kitchen, “I’ll make some breakfast.” Jake follows me and starts the coffee pot, “How did you sleep?” I yawn, “Good! Is the guest bed comfy?” “Oh yeah. I’m also not picky, I could sleep anywhere.” My phone buzzes.
Dad: Can we come by? Missing my little man. 💙
I look at Jake, “It’s Dad. Do you feel ready to do this?” He walks over to me and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, “Honey, I’m ready whenever you are.” I take a deep breath and respond.
Y/n: Sure! Maybe in an hour? He is still sleeping. 😴
Dad likes the message and I try to stay calm. Jake notices my nervousness and kisses the top of my head, “Hey, everything is okay. I can handle whatever happens. I promise.” I kiss his cheek, “Thank you. It’ll be okay. It has to be.” Grabbing my phone, I shoot Penny a quick text.
Y/n: Need to tell him. Jake is here now.
Penny immediately responds.
Penny: I will be right there with you. All 3 of you.
That calms me down and Duke wakes up. We dress him and wait for Grandpa to arrive.
There’s a knock on the door and I tell Jake to stay in the living room with Duke. I open the door to Dad and Penny. Dad hugs me, “Hey baby girl! Where’s my little buddy?” Penny hugs me and I stop Dad in the entryway, “Actually Dad, I have something to tell you.” His face flushes, “Is he okay? Are you okay? Tell me you are both okay?!” “We are both fine. It’s about Duke’s Dad.” Dad looks at me and raises his eyebrow, “I thought you said you only knew his first name? And it was a one night fling?” Heat rises to my cheeks, “Yeah Dad, it was. I kind of ran into him the other week.” His jaw drops, “Did you tell him? Does he want to be involved? Did he remember you? Did-“ I cut him off, “Yes, yes, and yes. Okay. Dad, he is in the living room. And I need you to stay calm. And to remember the circumstances. And to stay calm.” Penny rubs his arm and I can see that he is flustered. He takes a breath and looks at me, “Okay, baby girl. After you.” He motions and I start to walk to the living room. We turn the corner and I look at Dad. You can practically see the steam coming off of him. Jake is standing there, swaying because Duke is fussing. “Hangman?!” Penny pats his back, “Okay Pete, we don’t need to yell.” Dad’s face is red as can be, “Hangman?! My daughter?! You got my daughter pregnant?!” I stand in front of Jake, “Dad, I didn’t know who he was.” Jake looks down and then to Dad, “Mav, I swear I didn’t know she was your daughter.” Dad’s eyes are darting between the 3 of us. He turns to Penny, “Why are you so calm?!” Penny sighs, “I was there when Y/n and Jake saw each other at the cookout.” “Dad, I asked her not to tell you. I needed to try and figure this out first.” He sits down on the couch, “So have you? What is the plan here?” “Jake has been coming over most nights to help me. It is still early on but it has been really nice.” Dad looks at Jake, “Are you going to stick around? What are your intentions here?” Jake clears his throat, “I am going to be here for your daughter and my son, sir.” Dad laughs and I put my hand on Jake’s arm, “Dad, I know this isn’t what you wanted. I didn’t exactly plan for this either. But Jake only found out he had a child a few weeks ago, and he has made an effort to be there for me and Duke. I need you to at least respect that.” He sighs, “Okay. For you. And Duke.” He stand up and walks to Jake, “If you hurt her or him, you’re done.” Jake nods and Penny swats his arm, “Pete! No threats. Let’s get out of their hair.” They say goodbye and head out the door.
Jake and I flop onto the couch. He chuckles, “Guess that could’ve been worse.” I lay my head on his chest, “Sorry about him. He’ll come around.” We lay there for a minute. “Can I ask you something?” “Always, Jake.” “Do you want to be with me? Long term? Like marriage and a house and a dog?” I look at him, “Is that what you want? I never really thought about those things, because it was just me and Duke. Honestly, I didn’t think I would be able to have those things.” Jake traces my jawline, “I want those things. I want to do this right.” I glance at the baby monitor, “I want to do this right, for him.” “So where is your head at on this?” I think for a second , “I don’t want to rush into marriage. I’d like to date? At least for a bit.” He nods, “That sounds good to me. Are you still okay with me staying over some nights?” “Unless you wanted to move in? That way you could see Duke more.” Jake smiles and leans over to kiss me, “I would love that.” I laugh, “I don’t even know where you live. Do you have a lease?” “Nope. Renting a room from a buddy in the squad. I could move in whenever you want.” I kiss him back, “You should probably start packing your bags.”
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alonetimelover · 1 year ago
pairing: Harry Styles x book writer!reader
fc: Saoirse Ronan
summary: YN just released her debut book, and it became the hot topic online. It might have something to do with certain someone being spotted buying it.
a/n: comments to all those posts are long, because i wanted to somehow incorporate the plot of the book that book writer!reader wrote!
masterlist taglist
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liked by fallinloveinbooks, user49 and 89 202 others
yourinstagram Those are the notebooks in which I wrote my little baby. I can't believe I am typing this, but 'Silver Lining' is out !!! You can buy it at all independent London bookstores. I can't wait for your reviews. I'll read them all.
view all 8 201 comments
⤷ yourinstagram do not disrespect the legend here
fallinloveinbooks OMG i've been following you since that one post about understanding fantasy world and being allowed to incorporate real world in it! i can't wait to read it, im going to the store right now!
⤷ yourinstagram YOU. ARE. THE. SWEETEST. and i remember you from that post and all that came after. I LOVE YOU and will wait for your words!
user92 what is the genre of the book?
⤷ yourinstagram it's fantasy! but there are a few subgenres. i'd say romance and mystery play a huge role in this book, too!
user109 will it be available online? im from us and would love to read your book!
⤷ yourinstagram unfortunately, not in a foreseeable future
⤷ user109 oh no, why??
⤷ yourinstagram being completely transparent, i released this book using my own money- no publishing house involved - because no one was really interested in it. what is in the stores is the printing i was able to afford. hopefully, they will sell and i'll be able to print more editions.
⤷ user102 im crossing my fingers for you
hArrysbtch i was looking for some new fantasy books, you are sent from heaven
⤷ yourinstagram hope you like it, angel
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liked by hArrysbtch, yourbestfriend and 80 393 others
harryupdates HARRY outside of the independent bookstore in London today! EDIT: because all of you are asking, he apparently bought 'Silver Lining' by YN YSN !
view all 2 202 comments
hArrysbtch I've just finished that book and OMG OMG OMG, i don't know what to tell you, but he's getting into something so beautiful so structured so sad, i can't say enough.
⤷ harrysmoustache so it's worth it?
⤷ hArrysbtch YES. YES. YES. absolutely. from the first page to the last, it just consumes you. yn did such a good job, and it's her first book ever!
⤷ harrysmoustache oh, i can't find it online
⤷ hArrysbtch it's only at independent bookstores in London. no publishing house was involved, she printed all the copies available with her own money. i can buy it for you and send it?
⤷ harrysmoustache i DMed you!
stylesbabie harry in his book girl era
harrysmylife he is back and he is reading, he's just like me
user102 there's no way he has that book and i don't
fallinloveinbooks I've read it, and I loved it. I hated it because of how much it made me cry. Harry, you're in for a ride a wild one with all the *wink*wink* scenes and the most heartbreaking chapters of literature I've ever come upon
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liked by harrystyles, yourbestfriend and 173 302 others
yourinstagram I cannot express how thankful I am for you and your love for my book. Unfortunately, for now, there are no copies available. But im trying to make it work. But maybe it wasn't meant to be...
view all 10 202 comments
yourbestfriend that's a bestseller book if you ask me
⤷ yourinstagram you are the love of my life
hArrysbtch not you using the last line of the book, like it didn't tear my heart open
hArrysbtch thank god it's already on my bookshelf, happy that it broke my heart and made me horny
⤷ yourinstagram Those were the emotions I wanted people to feel!
harrysmoustache my copy is flying to me, and I can't wait to read it
⤷ yourinstagram ill be waiting for your review!
user102 read, loved, cried and read again
⤷ yourinstagram two times??? i could smother you in kisses
⤷ user102 i wouldn’t mind that
user292 can't explain how unique and original it is
⤷ yourinstagram ❤️
user939 not harry lurking in the likes
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 128 402 others
harryupdates HARRY and writer YN YSN out and about in London today!
view all 6 080 comments
hArrysbtch Alexa play that should be me by Justin Bieber
hArrysbtch she's mine harry, fuck off
hArrysbtch what is it that whenever I find someone to obsess over they become somehow connected to harry
hArrysbtch but, i smell couple material !!!
harrysmoustache he's gonna be the inspiration spark
⤷ hArrysbtch don't even start! i read silver lining with Harry in mind as one of the main characters
⤷ harrysmoustache as Emrys, right?
⤷ hArrysbtch yes! my protective and sexy bookboyfriend
⤷ user102 I see, we support complicated men here, i love it
stylesbabie they look so good together
⤷ user02 their backs are towards the camera...
⤷ stylesbabie shhh
harrysmylife I love her style !!!!
user402 she's getting so much attention from it. how did she manage this pr?
⤷ hArrysbtch pr???
⤷ user402 don't tell me it doesn't look like one?
⤷ hArrysbtch yeah, I forgot. every woman harry is seen with is just pr or the one to hate. of course. tpwk does not include woman harry is involved with?
⤷ harrysmoustache burnt!!!
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liked by yourinstagram, yourbestfriend, harrystyles and 40 492 others
bloomsbury Our newest pea in the Bloomsbury pod is the sweetest, London based, young author who has just published her debut novel. We are here to help and tell you that 'Silver Lining' is coming to all bookstores in the world and to online shopping as well on the 15th of November. To feel whole again.
view all 2 202 comments
yourinstagram I LOVE MY NEW POD
⤷ yourinstagram NEVER
harrystyles Congratulations, YN ❤️
⤷ yourinstagram well, thank you, harry
hArrysbtch my favourite author is getting famous!!!
fallinloveinbooks I CANT BELIEVE IT !!! congrats, yn!!
⤷ yourinstagram thank you, sweets!
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 6 492 others
fallinloveinbooks I'm attending YN's 'meet the writer' thingy in London and I cannot express how much appreciation I have for her. She thought every little detail in 'Silver Lining' through to make the book perfect. An icon!
view all 211 comments
hArrysbtch I am here too! And I love her so much!
harrysmoustache you need to either film some moments or just post-stream it for us!
stylesbabie she looks so beautiful
user102 I am here as well! we need to meet up!
⤷ hArrysbtch im in the second row!
⤷ user102 are you the one with a pixie cut?
⤷ hArrysbtch Yes, that's me!
⤷ fallinloveinbooks I think im sitting next to you, hArrysbtch
user42 come on guys, let us now what are the questions and answers!
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liked by hArrysbtch, user102 and 103 393 others
dailymail NEW COUPLE ALERT? Harry Styles and newly established writer YN YSN were seen leaving the same restaurant (Styles a few moments after YSN). YN independently published her debut novel just two months ago and then signed a contract with Bloomsbury publishing house after Harry had been seen buying her book. For more photos and information, visit the link in our bio!
view all 19 302 comments
user102 not you making harry the only reason she got the contract
hArrysbtch she got a contract because of the interest her book sparked online, not harry
harrysmoustache i'll just leave it here but literally Neil Gaiman praised this book online
user402 oh yes, when the privilege is striking
user99 you just cannot stop taking photos of people in their free time, invading their privacy, can you?
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liked by harrystyles, yourbestfriend and 201 392 others
yourinstagram Somethin' is cookin'. And that's the audiobook of "Silver Lining" voiced by me! It will be available on 23rd of December as podcast episodes on Spotify for more of you to enjoy! Merry early Christmas!
PS: there may or may not be someone else to accord their voice to Emrys
view all 19 292 comments
yourbestfriend i could be Rhiannon
⤷ yourinstagram you were laughing your ass off after two lines
⤷ yourbestfriend not my fault that Rhiannon is the comedy queen
harrystyles 📖🎤
hArrysbtch NO WAY! i adore your voice and now i'm gonna picture you as Rhiannon - this book just became even better (it already was perfect, i don't how you're doing it"
⤷ yourinstagram hopefully, i won't end up as her
fallinloveinbooks my dream came true. i usually have such a hard time reading that audiobooks are the only option. now i'm going to listen to my favourite chapter over and over again
⤷ yourinstagram which ones are your favourite?
⤷ fallinloveinbooks definitely 6, 15, 24, 33 and 42
⤷ hArrysbtch all the chapters that depicts love - i see you
⤷ fallinloveinbooks yes! the thing is that number 6 refers to love and all those chapter number's are either 6 or add up to 6
hArrysbtch wait wait wait, i've just realised. what if harry is voicing Emrys????
⤷ harrysmoustache don't give me hope
⤷ fallinloveinbooks that would be perfect
⤷ user102 i'm not ready to listen to chapter 24 and 33 with him voicing it
⤷ hArrysbtch i will die, literally. those scenes are intense!
user102 she just wants people to be able to read the book and not care about paying bundle and having shitty quality. i love her.
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liked by hArrysbtch, fallinloveinbooks and 109 393 others
harryupdates HARRY and YN at the market in Clonakilty, Ireland!
view all 6 001 comments
hArrysbtch someone tell me is that her home town?
⤷ fallinloveinbooks yes, it is! her parents still live there!
⤷ hArrysbtch meeting parents? oh god, they are serious serious
fallinloveinbooks they live that small town romance book lives
⤷ user102 so true! i need her to write something like this!
⤷ hArrysbtch i would eat it up
stylesbabie Niall is proud right now
harrysmylife i can't express how much i love domestic harry
user20 she started the thunder online after *possibly* announcing that harry will voice Emrys and decided to step away from socials. i love her. i love her. i love her.
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 23 403 others
irishharry How thin are the chances to meet Harry in a small Irish town? Very thin. But not thin enough to be impossible. I MET HARRY FREAKING STYLES AND THE LEGEND HERSELF YN YSN !!!
view all 2 022 comments
hArrysbtch they look so cosy... i want what they have
⤷ fallinloveinbooks a man?
⤷ hArrrysbtch yuck, i only like fictional men + harry
harrysmoustache this ken's job is walk
harryupdates this is very aestheticly pleasing photo
stylesbabie small town!harry is my favourite
user102 hopefully the inspiration is overflowing because i'm reading silver lining for the third time
⤷ hArrysbtch are you okay???
⤷ user102 nope. i just love torturing myself
fallinloveinbooks the matching coats...
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liked by harrystyles, yourbestfriend and 401 100 others
yourinstagram my love in your heart...
view all 14 292 comments
yourbestfriend answer my calls, yn !!!
⤷ yourinstagram i won't tell you
harrystyles ...my heart in your palm
hArrysbtch PARENTS
harrysmoustache i love how we all know that this is harry but at the same time it doesn't have to be
⤷ hArrysbtch it better be! this post just cured all my mental problems
fallinloveinbooks the caption... is it the title?
⤷ user102 look at harry's comment, it might be a main thing in her next novel/short story collection
⤷ hArrysbtch the inspiration sparked and inspiration was harry. that's it. when it's published i can die happily
⤷ user102 decide, that or harry voicing Emrys
⤷ hArrybtch im chronically online, don't require any consistency from me
harryupdates vacation in a small irish town birthed some masterpiece, i just know it
a/n: i have part 2 made in my mind already. do we want more of them?
528 notes · View notes
honorarysimp · 10 months ago
This is the void. Call me what you may.
I’m just floating around, feel free to do the same. The Masterlist for all I write/will write is below. If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to talk, my inbox is always open.
(please preview summaries & warning tags before indulging: DO NOT read if any of these make you uncomfortable, you are responsible for the media you consume.)
Cairo Sweet x Fem!Reader
Wicked Games - upcoming
Lorraine Day x Reader
The Reckoning
Chapter 1: Between Villages
Chapter 2: None the Wiser
Chapter 3: Honeycomb
Chapter 4: Dangerous Hands
Hiatus Analepsis
Chapter 5: Black Magic
Chapter 6: Fool’s Gold
Chapter 7: Master of Disguise
Chapter 8: Nobody’s Soldier
you should’ve stayed away
Mabel (Finestkind) x Reader
Rumor Has It:
Chapter 1: Bite Me
Chapter 2: Mount Everest
Chapter 3: Focus
Chapter 4: Strangers in the Night
Chapter 5: Joyride
Chapter 6: At Your Worst
Epilogue: Heavy with Hoping
pt1 , pt2 , pt3 , pt4 , pt5
despite it all, it’s you
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Uncanny Distortion:
Author Suggestion: (start w/ ch.1, builds to prologue)
- Allegations
- Ramifications
Chapter 1: Another Case, Another Small Town
Chapter 2: Coffee is the Answer to Everything
Chapter 3: Dissection of the Urban Legend
Chapter 4: The Woods Don’t Contain Just Secrets
Chapter 5: The Bodies in the Water
Interlude: The Diner
Chapter 6: Dug Free with Bare Hands
Chapter 7: The Entity
Chapter 8: The Fall of Woodsboro
Chapter 9: Cold Soles, Lost Souls
Intermission: Harbinger Print
Chapter 10: Grievances
Epilogue: Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit
New York State of Mind
pt1 , pt2
- You can also find me here as per request -
- if you’d like to get to know me, check out #about ghost tag -
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itsnotmourn · 10 months ago
⟡ — i haven't seen one on tumblr yet so i figured it might be fun to make one! i tried my best to keep the overall energy positive :3 and sorry for all the "why" questions; i'm just nosey and curious. you're welcome to answer seriously or with silliness !! send a number to the user/reblogger (if they ask for it) for them to answer the question!
1. When did you start watching Spooky Month? Was it the same time you got into the fandom (e.g. interacting with the community, posting art) or was it different?
2. Who is currently your top three (3) favourite characters? Please feel free to explain why!
3. If you have any, share some headcanons of your most favourite character!
4. With any character of your choice, what is a song that you associate with them the most?
5. Is there a ship that you enjoy the most? Why?
6. Who do you think is an underrated character?
7. Who is your favourite villain/antagonist so far, and why?
8. What is currently your favourite episode?
9. What is your favourite shot and/or scene from the animated series?
10. Do you have a favourite background art from the animated series?
11. Do you have a favourite soundtrack/music from the animated series?
12. Which is your favourite end credit artwork so far?
13. What is your favourite official Spooky Month art (stuff that is posted outside of the episodes like posters, prints, doodles, etc.)?
14. Do you own any official merch? If not, what is one piece of existing merch that you wish you own? Is there anything that you wish it existed already?
15. From fanart or fanfiction, did someone's work made you think more positively of a character/ship? Free free to shout them out, whether if it's one person or multiple people!
16. Do you have any Spooky Month OCs you'd like to share and ramble about?
17. From the Tender Treats credit art, who would you eat and/or drink? Assume that it’s not the actual character, just regular food that looks like them.
18. Do you have any theories so far on either the lore or (any) character-specific development? It can be your own or someone else's theory.
19. What is your current prediction of Spooky Month’s ending? It can be as simple, brief or detailed as you want.
20. What do you hope will become a Spooky Short in the future (e.g. seeing character-specific lore, character interaction between x and y, etc.)?
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inkedwhisker · 2 months ago
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I recently finished the new Beaststars season!! It was rlly good!
This is up on my shop as an art print!
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bbanghiitomi · 1 year ago
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pairing: pham hanni x fem! reader
trope: strangers to lovers! fluff! slowburn!
the orientation hall is filled of students around your age, crowded and filled with chatters among students and classmates. you sat alone in the corner as you wait for the orientation to end, it's smart really, how you genuinely thought walking away from your classmates and picking a seat away from them was a good idea. good thing you brought a notebook and had the motivation to listen and list down notes of what was needed before the assigned work for students was announced.
the next thing after the announcement is the list of students at every department in the city hall, it could be anywhere, it was random and you could be grouped with people who you didn't know.
that wasn't the worst part, you were capable, it didn't matter what the people around you couldn't and could do; it only mattered to you that you are able to do a lot. the thing is this is a requirement to complete the school year, working on a department as a trainee to gain experience, spending hours to complete the given time and getting nothing in return but a certificate...
so you had no choice, it would have been nice to work on a tech company but you didn't want to spend 8 days in front of your computer and then 2 days of staring at the thin air and having to pay a lot of money just for the experience.
the easiest way was the hard way.
there are different departments around the city, it could be the department for the agriculture, department of the fire and safety management and more, but the worst of them all had to be the council for the children and the traffic department.
well, working on an office and taking care of kids isn't as bad as walking on mountains and rice fields or standing in the middle of the road while it's blazing hot.
you just weren't fond of kids.
being assigned for the council for the welfare of children leads you straight to a local kindergarten around the city and that means you'll have to teach and take care of kids.
you have nieces, yes; but you never took initiative to take care of them. you've been a sole hater of kids, at least that's what you claim to be. you didn't know how to work your way in it if you ever got assigned in that department.
on the other side of the orientation hall, is a girl who hopes to be assigned at the council for the welfare of children.
pham hanni.
she's excited, she looked forward for this new experience. yes, it's tough, it's going to be very hard but wouldn't it be worth it? she thinks so.
as the orientation continues, hanni made sure to list everything that was needed, no time to wait and just sit there, she needs to be assigned at the kindergarten department.
"is everything crystal clear students?" the principal asks, looking at the students ahead of him as he stands in front. in unison, the students answer: "yes, sir."
the screen in front of the hall shows lists of departments, the principal prepares to announce the group of students working together.
you expect that there would be 10 of you but no, as the third department was announced, you instantly freeze on your seat.
"council for the welfare of children, pham hanni and jeon y/n." the principal requires students to stand up when their names are mentioned, you immediately scramble to stand up, hearing snickers behind and just on the other side is another girl.
"okay who's pham hanni? raise your hand." the principal says, the short girl raises her hand with a huge smile on her face. you turn your head to look at her, you couldn't make out her face as she had her back facing you.
"how about jeon y/n." you raise your hand reluctantly, the principal nods and hanni turns to look at you, before you immediately sit down.
"so those are the people you'll work with, pham and jeon will be immediately deployed in the city's kindergarten to teach and help kids. remember to print out forms and checklists and place them in a brown envelope."
it wasn't supposed to be this bad, you stand in front of the school's office as the adviser allowed you to use the photocopy machine for the forms you'll need.
you didn't notice hanni behind you, approaching. "uhm hey." she says, you look behind and see her, holding two daily time records in her hands.
"uh, hi... can i do something for you..?" you ask her, she smiles and awkwardly looks around the office as she hands you a daily time record. "i had an extra one of this so, i was planning to give it to you." she says, you slowly take it from her and place it on the table, not really putting out that much of an expression as you nod.
"thanks..." you only say before busying yourself with the machine again. hanni sighs and laughs sheepishly, embarrassed by your lack of enthusiasm for her presence. "you're printing our forms already?" she asks, you nod and continue to face the printing machine.
"yes, ms. kim allowed me." hanni blinks her eyes and remembers that you two are required to get your parental consent signed by a law firm office for a notary and she decides if she can ask you to come with her,
"uh, you want to come with me? get the notary for our parental consent..." in all honesty, hanni was taking this whole work immersion requirement seriously, like she's actually getting a job. she wants to get to know you and get comfortable with each other even if the real work is just 5 days.
after that, you don't have to talk to her again.
yet you try to entertain her so she won't get her feelings hurt. "okay." you say as you face her and put the papers in the brown envelope with her and your name on it.
you both stand outside the law firm office, waiting for your papers to be signed by the lawyer. hanni peeks at your every now and then and regrets it when she sees you looking back at her.
but she can't help herself but just look at you, cautious whether you're bothered by her.
"hey, you're parental consent is ready." you tell her as she shoots up and looks at you. "w-what?" she asks, you stare at her, emotionless. "your paper is ready." you tell her, hanni immediately takes her pouch and grabs her money as she enters the office to pay for the notary service.
you follow next and take yours before making your way before her back to school to pass the paper to the adviser.
"aren't you excited?" hanni asks as she walks behind you, you look just a bit behind and back to the front. "not really." you answer her, hanni nods and figures you're probably not a big fan of school requirements.
you feel bad at your lack of enthusiasm, but it's just how you are. "how about you?" you ask, hanni's face lightens as she hears you ask about her. "yes! i really want to work at a daycare or kindergarten as a teacher, don't you think kids are great?" hanni says, you shrug at her question.
"not fond of them. but you do you, they'll probably like you a lot." you tell her as you stop walking to let hanni catch up. hanni looks at you as she smiles and nods her head. "i hope so." she says as she walks beside you.
first day.
the first day is as bad as you knew it is gonna be, you wake up early in the morning and forget to make lunch, you make your way to a local convenience store to buy a half-ass double cheese pepperoni sandwich and run to catch up to the bus on the daycare department.
entering the office, you look like you didn't get enough sleep. hanni watches as you walk inside and place your bag on the floor and immediately eat your sandwich with your brows furrowed and eyes still closed.
"y/n? are you okay?" she asks, you take deep breath and look up at her and sigh. "yeah, i'm okay." you tell her and even before she says something, she gets cut off by the supervisor who asks her to come see the kids.
meanwhile you're left in the office with a stack of paper to arrange and nametag designs to work at.
hanni's assigned job is simple, just entertain the kids... the supervisor and teachers obviously prefer her over you and they like the job she's doing. and here you are, dumped with papers to work at, with two hours of sleep catching up to school and no lunch packed.
hanni enters the office again as the kids are back to listening to their teacher, she sees your slumped figure, printing and designing nametags.
"it's lunch already, have you brought yours?" you sigh as you hear her voice and look at her. "no, i didn't pack anything. i'll buy after this." hanni grimaces when she sees the pile of paper in the desk and the time, you're not gonna make it on time with all the stack of paper they gave you.
"but lunch is about to finish, are you sure you can make it on time?" she asks. "yeah, i can if you give me some space." you tell her without even sparing her a glance, hanni looks away and sits at her assigned desk, watching you work.
hanni sees the door open and it's the supervisor. "oh pham! the kids are about to go home, what about saying goodbye to them?" they say as they look at hanni who smiles at them. "yeah i will! just waiting for the teacher to signal me." she says.
the supervisor looks at you and takes a peek at your work. "seems like you're not finished yet." they say and you try your best not to click your tongue in annoyance. "what do you say pham? we can eat lunch at the cafeteria." the supervisor offers but hanni shakes her head and looks at you. "i'm okay here." the supervisor nods and leaves the office.
it's clear you aren't in your best mood, about to finish as hanni waits.
"you can leave you know?" you tell her as you continue to arrange files. hanni shakes her head. "but, i want to eat lunch with you." you chuckle, not looking at her direction. "i can't i'm eating outside." you say, hanni watches as you finish and brush yourself and leaving the office.
hanni sighs as she looks at your now empty desk, and puts the lunch she made in your desk before going to the cafeteria to eat lunch with the supervisor. she knew it's a bit late now and you're probably not going to be allowed to eat outside so she leaves her lunch to your desk incase you come back.
turns out, hanni was right. you stand in the empty office, starving and your pride's about to wear down, now you feel guilty for pushing hanni away and you can't help but rub your temple before sitting down and sighing.
"why am i such an asshole..?" you mutter to yourself before eating the food and thanking hanni in the back of your mind.
after your shift with hanni was done, hanni checks up on you to see if the lunchbox is in your desk, it wasn't there and hanni has no idea where it went, she's starting to think someone else took it from your desk.
the day ends with hanni the backseat of their car, looking out to the window wondering where you are.
second day
hanni doesn't sense any difference on you as you sat on your desk and did your usual work, the kids' class hasn't started yet and hanni cannot find the courage to walk up to you and ask about your day, you seem occupied in your own little world.
hanni sighs as she leaves the office and proceeds to do the work assigned to her, leaving you alone in the office.
after a while, it's lunch again, your were able to finish half of your work in time and when hanni is about to leave and eat lunch in the cafeteria, you make your way to her desk with the lunchbox from yesterday, placing it on her desk.
"is that..?" hanni trails as she looks up at you from the chair she was sitting on, you take a deep breath as you nod. "yeah, it's your lunchbox." you mutter as you watch hanni take the lunchbox and notice that it has a significant weight on it, hanni watches as you make your way out of the office but before you open the door, she calls out to you.
"y/n! where are you going?" hanni asks, looking at the lunchbox in her hands. you look at hanni and raise your eyebrows. "canteen, i'll eat lunch." hanni walks up to you and smiles. "let's eat lunch together."
you can't understand why you feel this way, you sat across hanni on the table and stare at your lunch while hanni is eating hers, you've eaten a good amount of it and as you sat, you can't help letting your mind wander of until hanni notices.
"what's up y/n?" she asks, you look at her and blink your eyes before shaking your head. "nothing..." you mutter.
luckily, your assigned work was finished sooner than you expected and you got the chance to watch hanni help the teacher inside the classroom, being able to see hanni's mature and loving personality, you can't help but notice how well the kids get along with her, you can sense that they'd get attached to her really quick.
after hanni was finished, you agree to accompany her to the bus stop, wherein she'll be picked up by her dad and you'll take the bus.
"so... you made the lunch?" she asks, you stare at the road, seeing the vehicles pass by and you nod. "yes." you woke up early to cook the lunch, which you usually never do, it's a weird routine and you can't get yourself used to it.
hanni smiles as she shrugs. "it's good, i didn't know you could cook." she laugh and it brought you to smile as well. "rarely." you comment and hanni nods.
it was awkward until you see her father pulling up and hanni bids goodbye before getting inside the car.
third day
as hanni waits for your arrival, she can't help but think that you only have two days left with her, the day hasn't even started and she's already sad thinking she probably won't see you often after those five days.
it's an ordinary day, aside from the humid air, hanni can't help but notice your awfully cheerful behavior.
"uhm, good morning y/n!" hanni greets you and sees the smile in your face when you look at her, hanni feels her cheeks warm up and she tries her best to maintain eye contact as you nod your head. "hey, good morning." you tell her as you take a seat, hanni notices that you're bringing a lunchbox, you're own lunchbox.
hanni can't help but smile as the day went on.
it's the usual, there's nothing new as you sat on your desk and did office work while hanni is taking care of the kids and helping the teacher, she's made a name for herself amongst department employees. they all like her.
and you're just there. it's not like it matters to you, you're all cool doing your own thing in your own word. today is a good day, after a long time of waiting, you got your results for your college entrance the same time you arrived home yesterday.
hanni is so ready to ask about why you're so happy.
lunch came, you and hanni decide to go to the same place at the canteen where you are now bringing your own food you cooked yourself. hanni doesn't know how to not look at you, every second, she finds herself stealing glances or just staring.
you don't even notice until hanni speaks.
"uhm, hey you look so happy today... mind if i ask you why?" she says, you raise your brows at her and nod. "yeah." you shrug, it's weird. usually when someone asks you why you're like this, like that, you get annoyed but... with hanni it's different.
"you look so happy today, i mean it's not like you aren't everyday but you look extra bright." hanni laughs under her breath and looks at you, you continue to eat your food as you nod. "uh yeah, i passed my entrance exam and i'm getting my priority program." you tell her, hanni blinks her eyes and is in shock.
well you're smart but she didn't think you'd be able secure a slot before everyone does.
"where?" she asks.
"seoul national university." hanni opens her lips, she's surprised, amazed.
"you're smart, smart." she laughs. you shrug and smile, and hanni feels something funny inside her stomach. "thanks."
as hanni sits in the backseat of their car, she can't help but picture your smile, it's just... so nice to see. hanni sighs and puts her hands on her face before sighing deeply, causing her parents to check if she's fine.
fourth day
after three days, you manage to finish all the papers and work assigned to you, and you were left with nothing anymore. hanni watches as you sit on your desk, tweaking on your laptop and you look bored.
hanni still has to take care of kids and she wonders what you'll be doing in the next day, last day.
she sighs and walks out of the office and she's surprised to see no teacher in the desk, she looks around and walks back to the office to ask the supervisor. "uhm, where's ms. kim?" hanni asks with a smile, the supervisor looks around and sighs.
"oh i forgot to tell you, she's absent for today and tomorrow. sick leave." hanni nods and slowly turns away to look at you as you stare at the window of the office. hanni blinks her eyes and looks at the supervisor again.
"should me and y/n teach together?" she asks, the supervisor looks up from their phone and shrugs. "do as you please."
"ah! no... hanni, i can't teach." you mutter as hanni pulls you out of the office to the classroom and looks at you with a smile. "come on! it's okay, the kids need someone to teach them and it's going to be okay..." hanni looks at you with a smile, relaxing her shoulders.
both of you stand in front of the classroom and you look at the door before shifting your eyes to hanni and sighing. "alright." hanni cheers and hugs you, wrapping her arms around you as she rests her chin on your shoulder.
"uh..." you mutter as you tap her lower back, hanni lets go and laughs sheepishly. "sorry, i'm just so glad..." you nod and open the door for her.
hanni passes a lesson plan to you as she gives you a reassuring smile, making her way in front of the class and telling them to lower down their voice. "everyone! hey, ms. kim is not present today so... for the mean time me and my friend will teach you all today." hanni looks at you as she smiles brightly, you feel tense as every kid looks at you.
"uhm, good morning everyone." you awkwardly wave your hand at them, hanni walks over to you and takes your hand to the front and introduces you. "everyone, this is jeon y/n. she's my super smart friend and she's teaching us math today."
you nod and try to put out an awkward smile, which worked, miraculously.
during the time with the kids, everything felt natural, you slowly feel the tension inside you easing away as you talk to kids. it's weird, how hanni's presence not only comforts kids but you too, a girl the same age as her. you learn not to take things so seriously, finding the right way to talk to kids, it feels different, weird...
hanni packs up her things with a huge smile on her face, she can't even wipe it off even with you staring at her, you exit with her and to the entrance of the building, a storm shows up.
it's raging and violent, the rain is loud as it pours down the cold pavement.
you bring out an umbrella and notice the dark skies, you look at hanni as she stares at the skies, it's raining and she didn't bring any umbrella. you stare at your umbrella before offering it to her. "here, you can use mine." you tell her, hanni looks at you and shakes her head.
"no y/n, i can't just take it when you're gonna be stranded here." she tells you, you can't refute what she said, it's true, you're seriously gonna be stuck here if you insist in letting her go first.
so instead, you pull the umbrella out and reach for her hand. "let's go." hanni doesn't hesitate as she takes your hand and run off to the bus stop wherein her parents were waiting inside their car. hanni lets go of your hand and smiles at you before she offers you a ride home. "let's go, my dad can drive you to your house." you laugh and shake your head.
"it's okay, i'll wait for the bus." you notice the hesitance on hanni's face as her parents wait.
"seriously, it's okay... go now." you tell her as you give her a smile and hanni hears her mother calling out for her before she hurriedly got inside the car.
as the car accelerates, hanni peeks through the window of the backseat to see if you're doing okay.
without realizing, she comes home still thinking about you.
fifth day
"ugh... now i have to make my portfolio in less than a week, i have to catch up to lectures..." hanni sighs as she slumps on her desk, the door opens and you come in, carrying your lunch that you made. hanni looks up and notices the calm expression on your face, she can't but smile.
"uhm, hey." hanni calls out to you, you turn to look at her and smile. "hi, good morning." you simply mutter before turning to work on your portfolio, hanni smiles and leans on her palms, her elbows are propped on the surface of her desk.
hanni looks towards the door of the office and to you. "hey, are you ready to teach again?" she asks, you look at her and nod. "yeah, i think i'm ready." you answer as you close your laptop and look at hanni who smiles brightly stands up.
"okay? then let's go."
"ms. jeon!" you look at the kid who called your name and crouch to his level. you raise your brows at him. "hm? is there something you need help at?" you mutter, he looks at you and grins, you don't exactly know what's on his mind as he looks at hanni.
"do you call ms. pham hanni or honey?"
you stare at the kid as his other classmate snicker, with no idea what's so funny about it, you shrug... they both sound the same so, how will you know the difference?
hanni shakes her head as she laughs and leans on the kid's seat. "hey knock it off, ms. jeon is about to go back to the office." hanni says as she smiles at the kid, feeling her cheeks redden.
you look at her and speak. "they're the same thing." you tell the kid, causing his classmates to all shout in surprise, they were screaming and cheering. hanni looks at you with wide eyes and red face. you shrug as you pick up the kids' papers and leave hanni standing and flustered.
the kids are having their recess and they seem to be enjoying, you watch as one particular kid struggles to peel his oranges and walk up to him to help him peel his oranges but as you do so, hanni takes one of the oranges and only peels half of it before she gives it to the kid for him to peel the rest.
you look at her for a brief moment and she look back at you, there's an awkward silence as you peel off another orange and she stops you midway.
"uhm..." you look at her hand around you wrist and hanni smiles at your before letting you go.
"just leave half of it to peel himself, he'll learn." hanni shrugs and smiles at you, you do as she says and place the half peeled orange on top of the kid's lunch box and watch as he peels the one hanni peeled for him until there is no orange peeling left.
hanni looks at you and sees the way your eyes look at the kid. "when you give a man a fish, he has a meal for the day. if you teach a man how to fish, he gets a meal everyday. you get it?" hanni smiles at you and you can't help but smile back as you nod.
"i do." you mutter, hanni giggles and tucks strands of hair behind her ear.
hanni looks at her phone after she finished eating her lunch, five days in and she hasn't asked you about your socials, it's like she's totally missed out a lot even when you look like the type to have a dead social media account.
hanni looks up to see you eating and begins to wonder if she can ask for your number in order to contact you.
"uhm, y/n?" she asks as she sees you finishing up. you look up to hanni and raise your eyebrows at her.
"can i ask for your number?" she gives you an awkward smile, in return, you stare at her and take her phone as you type in your phone number.
hanni looks at your contact number and smile to herself, she looks up at you as she sees you standing up. "i'll message you later, just for you know? for the portfolio..." hanni mutters as she stands up and follows you to the office.
the kids all look sad finding out this will be the last day of hanni and you working together, hanni comforts the kids by promising to come back every now and them for the kids. she crouches to their level and says her goodbye, while you stand behind hanni and waving your hands lightly.
hanni slumps her shoulder when the classroom door closes and you look at her, knowing she's sadden that she won't come here again tomorrow. you walk up to her and place a hand on her shoulder.
"they really liked you, hanni." you say, from your observation by how sad the kids were knowing that hanni won't be back as soon as possible, hanni smiles at you.
"aren't they cute? i wish i can stay longer." she says, you nod and bring your hand down. "i know you do. let's go home." you tell her as you give her a small smile and walk towards the office, hanni nods and follows.
the walk to the bus stop is silent, hanni wishes she can be here for a little longer, talk to you about more stuff more than school, but she can't even find the perfect topic.
you see hanni in a trance, staring far away and you can't help but laugh. "hey, you know it's not the end of the world now, right?" you stop in front of the bus stop, her parents aren't here yet.
hanni looks at you and laughs, embarrassed by how emotional she can get.
"sorry, it's cause... i still want to do a lot more stuff." hanni says, she sighs. you nod and look ahead. "yeah, i know. it's not over yet, maybe next time let's talk about it and visit." hanni looks at you as you speak, she blushes and laughs.
"i guess you're right."
maybe it really isn't the end of everything, rather it was just the beginning, it's too early for her to slump and be sad about things that are just the start of everything, there's so many things to look forward for.
hanni is thankful that whatever sort of destiny brought her to you, maybe she's more than thankful that she can look back again and smile at the trivial things.
as hanni gets inside their car, she can't help but look back at you, seeing the way you look at the car as she waves her hand goodbye to you. the drive home feels like a path to hanni's realization that maybe she must have been in love or fallen in love, that has to be it.
she doesn't know where or when but she knows, surely, she knows to whom these feelings are for.
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it-was-too-cold-always · 1 year ago
Always Read the Fine Print Chapter 12
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Who actually reads all the terms and conditions? After mindlessly checking a box years ago, our Reader unintentionally agrees to be part of a scientific study to create super soldier babies. To make matters worse, her fellow test subject is the brooding and intimidating Bucky Barnes.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader struggles to accept this colder relationship with Bucky. Meanwhile's he's up to something...
Warnings: arranged marriage, forced proximity, lots of angst, violence, PTSD/nightmares, panic attacks, language, SMUT 18+ only, oral fem receiving, unprotected sex, size kink, let me know if I'm missing anything
a/n: Hi friends, I'm sorry it's been so long. My depression came at me like a b*tch. But I'm here now and will hopefully be posting more regularly 💕
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Every night, Bucky would hand you that stupid syringe. Your heart sunk a little each time he’d knock on the door. You were hoping he was coming to spend time with you, to tell you everything was going to be okay, to hold you. But instead, he would put the syringe in your hand, kiss your forehead, and leave the room. That was it. 
As if that wasn’t bad enough, he was spending all his time with Steve - almost every day. You could hear them talking downstairs. You could never actually make out what they were saying, but you could hear their serious tones murmuring through the thin walls. You considered standing at the top of the stairs so you could eavesdrop, but you knew better than to spy on two super soldiers. So instead you paced around the bedroom–the one that you were supposed to be sharing with Bucky–and waited for Steve to leave. Although no one outright said it, you got the feeling that you weren’t invited to their little chats. One time, you went downstairs with the excuse of needing a snack. They immediately shifted the topic to Steve’s recent mission. Steve, ever the gentleman, would greet you with a warm smile and invite you to sit with them. He’d ask you how you’re feeling, how your day was going, if you’ve read any good books lately. You appreciated his kindness but felt a little awkward – surely they were itching for you to leave so they could return to their conversation. Once the small talk became unbearable, you’d fake a headache and excuse yourself. You claimed you were going to go lie down, but they could hear your faint footsteps pacing on the hardwood above them.
Bucky was completely and utterly miserable. He was still fuming about the sensors they implanted in you. You were his wife, and he couldn’t protect you. It made him feel powerless. He couldn’t stop thinking about how panicked you were the last time you had sex. He could feel your anxiety. He couldn’t help but think he violated you in some way. This prevented him from giving you any affection; he was terrified of crossing a boundary with you. The forehead kisses were as far as he dared to go. Deep down, he knew he should sit down and have a conversation with you about it. But if he heard you say outright that you don’t want to be intimate with him anymore, he would be devastated. 
After three weeks of doing this ridiculous syringe routine, you couldn’t take it anymore. He handed you the syringe, kissed your forehead, and turned to leave. Just like every other night. But this time, you reached out to grab his hand.
“Please don’t go,” you whispered, tears already welling up in your eyes. You’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so desperate for his attention. 
“Oh, doll…” Bucky wasn’t sure what to say. His heart was breaking, seeing you like this. 
“Please, just stay the night. We don’t even have to talk. Just spend the night with me,” you begged, tears freely falling down your cheeks. “I miss you.” Your confession was all it took for Bucky to realize what an idiot he was. He was so desperate to protect you, he didn’t even occur to him that he might be hurting you. 
“Of course, sweetheart. I’m right here. I’m sorry I left you alone so much,” Bucky admitted, pulling you into a tight hug. “I was so scared I’d upset you, but I seriously screwed up.” He rubbed your back as you let all your tears fall. All those weeks of feeling so alone, but you finally had your Bucky back. You wanted to smack him and kiss him at the same time. 
He helped you with the syringe, which was oddly romantic. He was very gentle. Once that was over with, he pulled you into his chest, running his hands through your hair and down your back. You let out a long sigh – you had missed this so much. You forgot how your head felt resting on his toned muscles, how warm his chest was, how safe you felt. It was like a dream. A wonderful, euphoric dream.
“Do you trust me?” Bucky asked softly. The question caught you so off guard, your finger paused before it could finish tracing the scars on his chest. Propping yourself up, you looked at him quizzically. “Of course I do. What kind of question is that?” you replied. You were trying not to be offended that he would doubt you. 
“All I’ve wanted to do is protect you,” he began, sitting up to fully face you. He took your hands in his, mindlessly fidgeting with the diamond ring on your left hand. “But I’ve failed every time.”
“Bucky–“ you tried to cut him off, but he continued.
“No matter how hard I try, you end up getting hurt. I hope you can forgive me. Some days I can barely live with myself, knowing how much pain I’ve caused you.”
“Bucky, for Christ’s sake. This is NOT your fault!” you interjected, hating to see him beat himself up like this. 
“Doll, please just let me explain. It’s important,” he said, giving your hands a small squeeze. You nodded slowly and stayed silent, letting him continue. The urgency in his voice was scaring you. “You deserve better than to stay here and pay for my sins. I can’t stand to watch you suffer like this. Okay? I need you to understand.” His pleading eyes looked deep into yours. The more he talked, the more fearful you became. “I’ve told you some of the atrocities I’ve committed as HYDRA’s assassin. The things I’ve done to further their agenda, to get them in power,” he sighed deeply before continuing. “With the number of times they scrambled my brain, they assumed I couldn’t remember anything. That I wouldn’t recognize faces. But I do. I remember all of them.”
Your heart was breaking for the man in front of you. All those people he killed and all the ones that made him do it. They all take up space in his mind. No wonder he never sleeps. 
“The HYDRA members they arrested when I was freed…that was only a small fraction of them. HYRDRA is everywhere. If I break you out, there’s nowhere we could go that would be safe. I can’t rescue you until I dismantle HYDRA.” He paused and waited for your reaction. He wasn’t sure how you’d respond to all this. 
“Wait a second…are you saying HYDRA is behind all this? I mean that would make sense, this whole reproducing super soldiers thing is messed up, and they’re not exactly known for being ethical. But HYDRA working inside SHIELD? All this time? That’s…” You wanted to say impossible, but ever since your world got turned upside down, you don’t know what to expect anymore. You’ve completely lost sense of what’s normal. “So what do we do? If it’s as big as you say, there’s no way you can take them down alone.”
Bucky let out a deep sigh, looking around the room as if the words he’s trying to find will reveal themselves in the wallpaper. His gaze meets yours, but he won’t find the answer in your eyes either. He held your hands in his and took a deep breath.
“Steve and I have a plan. But we’re gonna need your help.”
Taglist 💛
@kandis-mom @learisa @pono-pura-vida @smile1318 @stinkerbelle007 @glitterydeputyshepherdwagon @wonderland2425 @lowkeysebby @cookiie-c @mrsevans90 @touchit-pcy @vicmc624 @mrsbarnes32557038 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @wonderland2425 @tsofo26 @missing-loki @aesthetic0cherryblossom @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @ladyvenera @buggy14 @emmsybucky @crist1216 @jessicaloons @vrittivsanghavi @avenirectioner @nancymcl @kenzs-world @reguluscrystals @cjand10 @coldheartedmar @browneyedgirl22  @globetrotter28 @abbyyourlocalmilf @danadinosaur3 @raven-red10 @angrykitsune01 @thebuckybarnesvault @castlesandarrows @literaryavenger @wintrsoldrluvr @fleureeee
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sansundertale14x1 · 1 year ago
why NauseAxe_404 loves your writing so much…
based on this silly tweet, I’m gonna use ‘Nick’ for this- for ease of writing (and for my poor poor hands.)
no pronouns but ‘you’- little post cuz I haven’t written in a while.- use of the in-game website: "Dumblr", no it's not a typo;-; Proshippers DNI
word count: 878
content warning: brief explanations of canon violence, creepy stalker-ish behavior (NOTHING SEXUAL ATTACHED), Nick being a weirdo honestly.
vvv that isn't my art, and this entire writing is a fanfic for a game " Monster x Mediator" made by HeadLocker! I really recommend playing the game or watching the gameplay, cuz it's really fantastic!
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Story under cut :3
Nick’s in love with your writing…(if you already couldn’t tell), but it’s difficult for you to understand why.
Usually, when you'd open up your laptop, it was after a tough shift at your crap job and you just wanted to do something to fill in the time after dinner and before bed. It was always on the shorter side, 100 words each, and was normally just a quick and crappy self-insert fic to satisfy your creative urges from doing a boring-ass job all day. You never really thought your tiny one-shots would attract any attention, but the man you've been staying with proves otherwise.
"NauseAxe_404" is what he called himself, but you've just been calling him 'Nick' for now. He had been reading your old Dumblr blog for who knows how long, and he's taken a major interest in your little shitposts...So much, so that he had taken the time to print out every single one of your posts and personal information pinned to his room's walls. It's extremely creepy...but also sort of charming?
For the last few days or so, you've been held in Nick's hotel room, practically glued to a desk with a typewriter...slowly making your way through a 100-paged fic that he specifically requested of you. Though you technically could stand up and leave...you'd really prefer for your skull to stay in one piece...and not have a bullet put through your temple.
Nick has been staring at you almost the entire time...which only certified in your mind that he is not human. Every time you turn to see if he's still there...like an unmoving fortress, he always is. It's been a solid 8+ hours of you sitting there and writing...and your stomach starts to emit loud sounds of hunger. You pray he didn't hear that, and continue to type away at the dated machine. However, to your dismay, his deep voice chimes in.
"...What page are you on...?"
Nick asks, seemingly trying to speak quietly for you, but his naturally booming voice isn't giving you any favors.
You take a moment to review what you have done...it doesn't look like much but it feels like it took AGES to write out...
"About...10? It's not a-"
"That's wonderful, Superstar!"
He cuts you off just as you begin to speak.
Of course, he's going to be ecstatic. You can't fathom why he seems to be so hopelessly in love with whatever you slap on the paper. You're curious..so you begin to speak.
"...uhm...Nick...why do you..take interest in my writing?"
You softly speak, trying to be careful with your words...you can't afford to overstimulate this man.
For a chatty guy...Nick was oddly silent at the ask of this question…or at least for a few seconds.
“I was trying to find a way to ease the boredom and loneliness of this fucking hotel, so…huff…I joined Dumblr and started to search for writing…that was…huff….purposeful…and that could fix me..”
No way in hell your crackfics could change this man...He must've come out of the womb like that. (or...however the hell he was made..)
"...I came across your first post years ago..huff...and fell in love with the way you wrote your love interest....huff...I knew you were talking about me when I wrote all those comments~"
You never looked at comments due to embarrassment...and you honestly didn't think anyone would even care to comment in the first place.
"....you weren't responding to me...huff...so I might've found everything about you in the meantime...huff...just so I could notice you in a crowd...I always will~"
Okay, now it's getting creepy. You hope that by just turning back around and continuing to write maybe he'd shut up...You guess it's sorta your fault for striking up a conversation with the creep.
"All the other writers don't know shit about writing...huff...1k word counts...huff...long and complicated stories that don't make any fucking sense..."
There goes the rambles. You stop typing for a moment to process what the hell he just said. He either is really balls-deep into this fantasy of you being a perfect human...or he's just trying to fluff you up so you'll continue writing for him. He's really delusional, that's it. It's seriously hard to believe your crap was life-changing for Nick.
“Simplicity is the most important part…huff…not describing some stupid walk sequence for 3 sentences…huff…it’s a waste of space..”
"....maybe you just like simpler writing...?"
You softly reply, yet again praying that you didn't accidentally strike a chord with this guy. He stares you down, and even if you aren't looking back at him, you can still feel the burning of his eyes on the back of your head.
"That's possible."
Oh, it's highly probable. He gets so emotional over the tiniest bit of anything, so...He just doesn't need too many words to evoke a reaction...It checks out because you also like to write a straight-to-the-point sorta piece.
"but don't let your mind wander for...huff...too long...my superstar...you've got at least 90+ pages to go~"
Shit, he was right...time to get back to work.
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erebusbabylon · 6 months ago
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Alexandra (she/her) I am an American living in China. I'm a trailing spouse to an international teacher which means I have a lot of free time. I spend my days writing fanfics and posting deranged shit on the internet. I am never beating the "does not spend her time wisely" allegations made by my 4th grade teacher.
Master List
I write for Rings of Power and Lord of the Rings. I also make phone wallpapers. Requests are open.
I will write for pretty much any Tolkien character, but I will not write graphic non-con, incest or minor/adult relationships. Please be patient with me when making requests! I will try my best to answer them as quickly as possible! I will close requests if I have too many piling up.
Below you will find my master list.
Rings of Power
Troll Hunting (Celebrimbor x F! Wife)
Calm Within the Chaos (Celebrimbor x F! Wife) One Shot
Accident at the Anvil (Celebrimbor x F! Reader) One Shot
My Heart (Celebrimbor x F! Reader) One Shot
NSFW Alphabet (Celebrimbor)
Threads of Fate Celebrimbor & Gil-galad x F! Reader) COMPLETE Chapters 1 and 2 - Chapters 3 and 4 - Chapters 5 and 6 - Chapters 7 and 8 - Chapters 9 and 10 - Chapters 11 and 12 - Chapters 13 and 14 - Chapters 15 and 16 - Chapters 17 and 18 - Chapters 19 and 20 - Chapters 21 and 22 - Chapters 23 and 24 - Chapters 25 and 26
Shadow of Mandos (Celebrimbor x F! Reader) Chapter 1
The Pain of Parting (Gil-galad x F! Reader) One Shot
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Links and wallpaper request instructions under the cut.
I take requests for wallpapers for several fandoms/actors. See links below for the style/aesthetic I use for my wallpapers. When requesting a wallpaper please let me know what color/theme you want!
Rings of Power Wallpapers
Annatar - One Bow to Rule Them All
Annatar - Celebrimbor's Tears
Celebrimbor - Holly
Celebrimbor - Red Robe Appreciation
Celebrimbor - Brimby in His Delulu Era
Vorohil - Lindon's True MVP
Gil-galad - Cookies and Cream Me Daddy
Gil-galad - Royally Disappointed
Arondir - Woodland Fairy Princess
Adar - Gothic Barbie
Adar - Kenough
Elrond - Fed up with Galadriel’s Shit
Charles Edwards Wallpapers
Michael Gregson (Downton Abbey) - Prints Charming
Charles Edwards as Benedick - Much Ado About Nothing
Charles Edwards as Benedick - Much Ado About Nothing (green)
Charles Edwards as Richard II - Golden Drama King
Louis Oakley - Piccadilly Willy
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