#all jokes we love dreamland over here
slicklike007 · 5 months
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Prized Shrimp (Floyd x GN!Reader)
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Note: Happy (early) Birthday to @floydleeches . I love you with all my heart <3 <3 <3 Thank you for making my life better than it's ever been before.
You honestly didn’t know what to expect. Volleyball wasn’t the most cutthroat sport - even so, you worried about the teams that made up the game. There were two in total, each student separated into one or the other via a sort of raffle. You supposed it was better to draw sticks than have everyone fight over who was on what team. Maybe Coach Vargas did have a good head on his shoulders…was that bad to say? It didn’t matter either way. It’s not like anyone could read your thoughts - well, you don’t think.
You brushed aside the troubling thought in favor of watching the game. As of now, the score was set at a tie. It was anyone’s game - it was so close a small audience had gathered to watch. Aside from a brief timeout due to a wayward strike thanks to Kalim - he almost hit a professor! - everything seemed to be going well. From behind you, you could hear several of your fellow classmates exchanging bets. You glanced to the side to see that even Lilia was getting in on the madol pool. Silver was too far into dreamland to stop his father, and Malleus was too preoccupied by his ice cream. 
“Would you like to place a bet, [y/n]?” Jade startled you a bit, having appeared beside you from nowhere. In his hand he held a silver platter, stacked high with madol. Though his smile was courteous, you spied a glimmer of mischief in his eye. 
“No thanks, I’m good,” you said with a shake of your head. “I’m just here to watch.” 
“Very well.” You were surprised Jade relented so quickly; perhaps he knew your answer from the very beginning, but a certain octopus insisted he offer. As he stood, Jade turned his attention to the game. “Out of curiosity, who do you think will win?”
“Mmm…I don’t know,” you admitted. You watched as Ace, who was stuck on Rook’s team, knocked the ball over the net. “It’s a pretty close game. I never knew Rook could lead a team so well.” 
“Like me, he is a vice housewarden,” Jade commented. “It is a staple for those in such a position, and higher, to have leadership skills. A level head is also required,” he chuckled as he glanced over to the left with a smirk, “though I’m afraid not everyone is perfect.” 
You followed the man’s gaze over to someone you didn’t expect to see: Idia. He sat next to Ortho on a large blanket laid out across the sand, the hood of his jacket pulled tightly over his head. His little brother’s eyes sparkled as he cheered for his fellow students - knowing him, he held no team preference. You supposed Jade referred to Idia, not Ortho, when he made that statement. I mean, Idia’s dorm hadn’t spiraled into chaos yet, so he must be doing a good job. …But how much of that was Ortho’s doing? You felt kinda bad for how little faith you held in Idia’s capabilities in that brief moment. 
“How many bets have we accumulated?” You looked over your shoulder to watch Azul approach the two of you. He wore a straw sunhat - it looked to be of high quality. So the head had gotten to him. Floyd wasn’t pulling your leg when he joked about it earlier. 
“Thirty,” Jade replied to his housewarden. “I just stopped to have a brief chat with our favorite prefect before I went to fetch more.” Should you be worried about being their favorite? Possibly. 
You witnessed the almost evil smirk that spread across Azul’s face. “Very good. Thank you, Jade.” Jade gave a small nod before he wandered off to collect more madol. He barely made it a few steps before he was stopped by a few first years, each adding some amount of madol to the silver platter. Well, you hoped it was worth it. Your attention was dragged back by Azul as he sighed. 
“Hot, isn’t it?” 
“Mhm,” you mumbled as you took a big sip from your water bottle. “I heard it’s supposed to be the hottest day of the week. I’m happy I bought that extra protective sunscreen the other day - I don’t want to end up like a lobster.” 
“I agree.” The housewarden suppressed a laugh as he added, “Like Riddle the weekend before.” 
You winced at the memory. You first heard it from Ace and Deuce, but their words did Riddle’s state no justice. The poor guy…you were glad he recovered the other day. You couldn’t imagine how painful that was. “Leave him alone,” you lightly scolded. “You’d be worse off if you were sunburned. Floyd told me about the time when you got sunburned when you were-” 
“And I’ll demand you stop there,” Azul hissed. He now glared daggers into Floyd, who paid him no mind as Leona served the ball and slapped it over to his side of the sand. “May I remind you we’re in public?” 
“Yeah, I know,” you retorted. “So just as Riddle wouldn’t want you laughing about him getting burned, you wouldn’t want me or Floyd telling everyone about that little incident from your childhood.” 
To blackmail the blackmailer was a tricky game - one you had mastered through trial and error. Thankfully you garnered a few pointers from a certain eel in the past to make the process easier. Azul nearly pouted as he crossed his arms and avoided your gaze. “Fine.” 
Before you could say another word, whether mock or further reprimand, you heard Rook yell out, “Floyd!” It was so odd to hear Rook refer to the second year by his name; it certainly caught not just yours, but everyone else’s attention. You focused back on the game just in time to watch the volleyball hurtle straight for Floyd. The eel grinned as he jumped up and spiked the ball, saving his team from a sure loss if the volleyball had hit the ground. The hit was so powerful it shot back over the neck with lightning speed. Though Leona, Deuce, Jack, and their other teammates tried to hit it back, it was no use. You watched in awe as the ball slammed into the sand over the drawn line of Leona’s side of the court. 
Vargas blew his whistle the moment the ball made contact. “That’s the game!” he announced. 
Before Vargas could even declare the obvious winner, Rook, Ace, Floyd, and their comrades erupted in victorious hollars. Though each teammate congratulated the other, it was clear who was the star of the celebration. Floyd received pats on the back, punches to the bicep and shoulder, and even a few side hugs. When Ace came up to give him a high-five, Floyd instead hoisted him up in his arms and spun him around like a ragdoll. Instant regret on the redhead’s part. You watched as he almost melted down to the sand once Floyd released him, lying face up on the ground as he tried to get his bearings again. No harm in going to help the poor guy out. 
“You okay,” you asked through a laugh as you stared down at Ace. 
“‘M fine,” he practically garbled. He blinked a few times - when he could see straight, he noticed the hand you offered out to him. He took it and you helped him up. He shook his head as he got back on his feet, mumbling, “Seven, I hate when he does that.” 
“He does that a lot?”
“Whenever we win a game in basketball, yeah.” Ace’s gaze flicked over to the left; as you followed it, you saw Deuce headed in your direction. That shit-eating grin that was so, well, Ace Trappola was back as he teased, “How’s it feel to be on the losing team?”
“Not that bad,” Deuce shrugged with a smile. Ace seemed a little disappointed by the answer. Aww, poor thing couldn’t rub it in Deuce’s face. What a shame. “You guys played really well!” 
Rook heard Deuce’s praise, he couldn’t help but turn in his direction and give a little bow. “Merci, Monsieur Spade! Your team played most beautifully as well. The way you dove to bounce back the ball at the beginning, how Roi des Lions lead your flock with such grace - and how mighty Fler-a-bras’s form throughout! Ah!” Rook swooned, one hand on his heart and the back of the other pressed to his sweaty forehead. “Ravissant!~ 
Ace leaned over to you to whisper, “I’m gonna vomit if he keeps going.” 
“Soooo, what’s our prize?” Your mind spun with how much your focus was being tossed to and fro. It was dizzying how many people were talking to you and around you all at once. Even so, you managed to direct your attention to Floyd, whose question was directed to Vargas. “We gotta get a prize, right?” A few of his other teammates perked up their ears - human, beastman, merman, and fae alike - at the mention of a reward for their hard work. They, including Ace, made a little huddle around Floyd, all eyes now on Vargas. 
“Of course!” the coach affirmed. “You all get a prize for your hard work.” Now even the losing team was paying attention. Leona stopped his stride away from the net (not everyone could be a good loser) to listen; Jack stalled in wiping the sweat from his nape. Vargas wasn’t really one to give out consolation prizes to the losers, so this was a rare treat indeed! “The prize is…” Vargas paused for effect - every head, from audience to teams, craned forward in anticipation. 
“The valuable bond you established with your teammates!” 
Fucking really?! 
That was the thought you shared with almost everyone in attendance. Even the staff who watched on the sidelines (minus Crowley - one could only guess where he was) gave Vargas a collective bombastic side eye. The coach seemed to not fathom why everyone was so disappointed. 
“That’s some bullshit, dude,” one student complained from within the large group of - now former - volleyball players. 
“Language!” At least half of those students, some even from the audience, collectively shrunk back at the sound of Trein’s commanding voice. 
“This was a team exercise,” Vargas said in his defense, hands on his hips. “I will be sure to give you all extra credit for your efforts once we return to campus.” 
“Laaaame,” Floyd groaned. “I want something better! You don’t have food or some cool sh-stuff or something?” Nice save, you thought. 
“If you mean give you junk food or some other thing to rot your muscles, that’s a no, Mr. Leech.” You were sure the term was ‘rot your brain’, but okay. Sure. 
Though Floyd seemed to relent, although reluctantly, other students continued to argue. Ace was among that throng; Rook and Jack seemed okay with the outcome, while Sebek busied himself with seeing if Lilia and Malleus needed anything. Leona was long gone to some other part of the beach, Deuce himself now collapsed on his own towel. You turned to see Jade passing out madol to those who won their bet, while Azul smiled gleefully as he explained again and again the terms of the bet to ruffled losers. Of course, you supposed Azul had betted on Floyd and was very happy to reap the spoils. If it were the other way around, he’d have turned the rules in his favor. You were honestly surprised Divus and Trein had nothing to say about the gambling. 
All this distraction around you caused you to miss the grin that creeped up Floyd’s lips. Sharp teeth glinted in the sun as his heterochromic eyes focused on one thing - one person. He glanced back at Vargas and asked, “Coach, if I find a prize I want, can I get it?” 
Ignoring the several students that still tried to plead their case, Vargas shrugged his shoulders. “I suppose so.” He jutted his finger in Floyd’s direction. “But if I catch you eating junk, you’re doing laps around the campus for a week!” 
“No problem~” Floyd crooned, no longer looking at the P.E teacher. He’d set his sights back on his chosen prize - his prey. “I’ve got juuuuust the thing I want.”
You were about to go and check on Deuce, who was currently pouring water over his head, when you were suddenly hoisted into the air. A shrill yelp ripped from your throat as your stomach flopped at the quick rise of your body. Two large hands held you up, gripped under your arms as you were held up like a dog - or a little beast you messed with sometimes. “My prize is Shrimpy!~” Floyd declared from behind you with glee. He paid no mind to the way you flailed once you realized just who had you in their grasp. “They’re not junk - not for me, anyway.” 
“Floyd, put me down!” you begged. 
“Nnnnope!” Floyd giggled as he turned you around to face him. “Look at you wigglin’ around. So cute! We’re gonna have lots of fun, Shrimpy~” Floyd peeked over your shoulder to make eye contact with Vargas. “Right, coach?” 
You strained your neck to look back at Vargas. Your eyes silently pleaded with him to tell Floyd to put you down. That was not what you got. “Mhn,” he shrugged again, “I’ll allow it.” 
No mercy for you, it seemed. Next thing you knew, you were tossed over Floyd’s shoulder, his arm wrapped around your waist as he began to carry you away. You looked about to try and find someone to help you. Rook wouldn’t - he’d be more likely to join in on the fun than anything. Ace was too preoccupied with trying to convince Vargas, more likely digging himself into his own set of laps. Deuce seemed to now be fast asleep, and Jack was nowhere to be seen. Jade and Azul would certainly be of no help, and the other teachers were too focused on keeping the rowdy losers - betters and players alike - under control. 
As you and Floyd began to pass a dark green towel, shielded by a humongous umbrella, you thought of your last hope of escape. Malleus! There was no other man willing to protect you. Your gaze soon beheld the tall fae, so already sat on his knees on the towel, looking ready to bolt up and take off after you. Your eyes met, chartreuse to [eye color], and you thanked the Seven that there was clear determination within those slitted orbs. But then you spied Lilia grab Malleus by the wrist, hold gentle yet firm. The older fae whispered something into the prince’s pointed ear - to your horror, he sat back on the towel. 
“Malleus??” you whisper-yelled. The only answer you received was the most pitiful apologetic look that ever graced his elegant features. Lilia, on the other hand, smiled gaily and wiggled his fingers in a goodbye. His expression was almost mischievous, in a way - like he knew something you didn’t. Silver just roused from sleep from behind him, and Sebek paid you no mind as he lectured the young man for his sleepiness. You realized it then: There was no help coming for you. You weren’t necessarily scared…nervous was a term, however. 
“What should we do first, huh, Shrimpy?” Floyd asked. Was he actually giving you options? “We could go eat, make sandcastles, do some diving, wrestle around,” he paused, and you could practically hear the smirk upon his face, “ooooorr we could go swimming~” 
“I-I’m actually kinda hungry.” As if to help your cause, your stomach growled just as the word ‘hungry’ left your lips. 
“Awww, is your tummy rumblin’?~” Floyd cooed. “Okay, we’ll go get something to eat!” Floyd abruptly turned in the direction of a food and drink stand at the edge of the beach. You were flung almost violently, becoming a little dizzy as you settled against his upper back again. “After that, we’ll go swimming!” 
“Sandcastles sounded nice though…” You were honestly just trying to stall the inevitable. 
“Yeah, but swimming’s more fun! We can even play hide and seek.” You glimpsed the razor teeth that made up Floyd cheerful, yet menacing smile. “I’ll be the seeker~” 
Of course he would be. Well, at least you’d get a last meal out of it. Better make it a good one. Hopefully it won’t be so bad…to have that time with your weird, longtime crush was nice.
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robsth0r · 1 year
Ears Of The Elven (Legolas x Human!Afab!Reader)
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A/N: So I had this idea... and I needed to write it out so here it is! I love the sensitive elf ear trope so I of course had to write one too. For the “Afab Reader” that is because there is no mention of gender other than the reader being born female so if you’re transmasc that would work too. Anyways hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Smut/Lemon (18+), Sex.
Word Count: 1089
Extra: There is some sindarin in this chapter so this is the translation of it; Meleth: Love. Meleth Nin: My Love
Legolas was laying in his bed peacefully slipping away into his dreamland. That was till his eyes snapped open as he felt a finger delicately run over the shell of his ear. A rush of pleasure went through his body and he let a shaky breath out.
"Aragorn wasn't joking." I said, in awe. Legolas and I had been dating for around a year or so and being in this position with me currently holding the most sensitive part of the elves body was something Legolas definitely hadn’t thought would happen. I was sitting next to him keeping a firm yet light grip on his ear.
"Quite sensitive?" I leaned down to whisper into his ear, my warm breath sending sparks up and down his spine causing him to shudder. Legolas raised his eyes to glare at me, his sharp gaze looking directly into my soul. My grin grew wider.
"Let… GO." He growled, trying hard to ignore the feather light finger strokes on his ear and how they were affecting him.
"Hmmm… No." I grinned again, reaching across his head to stroke his left ear. The result left Legolas squirming and breathless. The sight of the extremely horny elf next to me was enough for my heart to skip a couple beats. I wondered how it was to have such sensitive ears.
I continued teasing Legolas's ear lobe before leaning down to press gentle kisses all around his earlobe. Every time my lips touched Legolas's sensitive skin it tingled from head to toe, making goosebumps spread across his arms and legs. His heart rate increased dramatically as I moved lower down his body, kissing him along every inch of the way. When I reached the base of his neck Legolas arched into my touch, letting out a moan. I smiled against his throat and slowly began trailing kisses back up his jawline.
When I got there Legolas opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by another groan coming all the way from the back of his throat. I smirked against the side of his face before licking all the way up his long pointy ear, enjoying his gasps and moans.
"Y/n…" Legolas begged, his voice deeper than normally, taking shallow breaths from the pleasure. I hear the warning in his voice but that doesn't stop me. I swing my leg over his chest, securing him under me.
"Gotta say please, Lassy." I chuckled softly and ran my left hand down the side of his torso still keeping my other hand occupied at his ear. I knew the elves didn't like losing control over themselves as it is what elves pride themselves on.
I grinned darkly as my finger reached the tip of Legolas's ear, pinching it lightly earning myself a groan from Legolas. He felt his control snap... thread... by... thread. I hadn't made him lose control even once while we had been together. But if the stories Aragorn had told me about Arwen were anything to go by it could be an interesting night.
I took my hand off of his ear and trailed it down his chest, teasing his waistband. With a flick of my wrist my fingers unfastened it and pulled it over Legolas's hips before slipping his pants down. My hands found his shaft making him twitch. I lowered my head and licked along his length groaning against it and that was enough to make him explode right then and there.
He flung himself up and secured both my hands in a firm grip above my head, him leaning over me.
"If you do that one more time I'm gonna-" He was cut off by a loud moan escaping my throat as I arched my back letting the night shirt I had on fall exposing my breasts. His eyes darkened as his pupils dilated and he lustfully looked down at me.
Before I could react, he thrusted his cock into my warm core repeatedly, kissing and nippling the skin of my breasts. The pleasure was almost overwhelming but just barely, so I grabbed onto Legolas's shoulder to steady myself as I arched my back even more in pleasure. He grunted as he fucked me hard but with pure desire, my pussy fluttering around him.
He reached his hand down and circled my clit, letting small bits of pleasure seep through me. Legolas now kissed my neck, his tongue licking out over my pulse. Legolas’ fingers worked wonders over my clit as he throbbed within me. Legolas took a glance at me and he could see the pleasure trickling into my eyes as he rocked his cock into me.
“Legolas!” I moaned, my head falling back onto the bed. My cunt tightened and wetness flooded around Legolas’ cock.
“Legolas, oh, right there,” I moaned as he fucked into me a bit faster. His thrusts were rough and hard, his nails biting into my thighs gently as he grabbed my legs, spreading me wider so he could get deeper.
Legolas was bringing me so much pleasure that I couldn’t think of any words other than his name. I babbled it, along with a few expletives, about how much I wanted his cock, how I needed him, and eventually, how badly I needed to cum.
Legolas wasn’t far behind me. He wanted to sink himself so deeply into my body that he could never find the way out. Legolas released one of my thighs and pinched my clit. He rubbed it furiously, daring me to cum. His eyes were wild as he stared down at me, beautiful, throaty groans escaping his body.
“Cum for me, gorgeous. Show your prince how good you feel. Cum all over my cock, meleth.” Legolas grunted. He tapped my clit quickly, and with a shout of his name, I came all over him. My body writhed with pleasure as whiteness blinded me. His name fell from my lips, and as he heard me cry out for him, Legolas came inside of me. He filled me with his cum, pumping himself slowly inside of me.
I couldn't get enough of Legolas. I never wanted to leave him.
We both collapsed next to each other, panting heavily as our breathing calmed.
"I love you," Legolas groaned, rolling us around to make himself comfortable spooning me, "Please never leave me." The plea was laced with love and longing and I turned around in his arms. I kissed his forehead gently.
"Of course, meleth nin." I whispered, stroking his hair. "I'm never leaving you."
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 4 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 5.2
Notes: WOW I can’t believe I have like nothing to say for notes like usually I can’t shut up here okay. Anyway I’m working on that other secret series that I’m really not sure I’m even gonna publish but I kinda want to move to marvel again who KNOWS
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Chapter 2: Backpack, Backpack
Buck changes his screensaver immediately.
 Back to just a photo of all of them, because if Bobby sees that he’d probably skin him alive. He’d already all but threatened him to stay away from you. In a sweet, loving, dad-type way. 
“You go anywhere near her and I kill you” 
Okay, maybe he did threaten him. 
But it was probably just a joke, Buck would be the perfect son-in-law!
“It wasn’t a joke” 
How does Eddie always know what he’s thinking? 
“Does this mean I really have to stay away from her… because I can’t do that Eddie? I’m in love” 
They’re standing together holding a hose, it’s a pretty routine fire thank god it hasn’t gotten too big. Eddie moves over to the side and Buck follows him 
“First of all, you’re not in love, you’re infatuated. You’re not a Disney princess Buck, as much as you’d like to believe you are. It takes time to fall in love.” 
“It takes time to fall in love” Buck mocks him in a high-pitched voice, Eddie snickers knowing he’s absolutely right 
“What’s your second point, jerk.”
“Second of all, she’s Bobby’s niece. And he said to stay away from her” 
“Okay, but she's Athena’s niece!!”
“They’re married? And she calls him Uncle Bobby. Are you really getting all technical on my ass!” 
“I am giving the future Mrs. Y/N Buckley all the respect she deserves!” 
Eddie stops fully, turning to look at his delusional best friend. He doesn’t usually give em his last name. He must really be down bad for you 
“We really… need to talk about how you plan your entire life with someone after knowing them for all of six seconds” 
Buck gives him an incredulous look, like Eddie had never done that before. He kicks at him to turn back around. 
“I can hear the bells” Buck sings “well, do n'tcha hear em chime? Can't you feel my heartbeat keeping perfect time?” 
Eddie’s head falls back as he bursts out laughing, he nearly drops the hose as Buck sings the entire damn song in a silly voice, dramatically acting it out. 
He’s humming it all the way back to the station, he gets weird looks from everyone but he’s in too good of a mood to care. They tease him and try to get a rise out of him but he just shakes his head 
“Nothing you say will ever dampen my spirits, you're all just haters!” He sticks his tongue out at them 
“You’re usually this happy when you’ve got a date… so who is she?”Chim asks from the front seat and Buck stalls a little 
“Uh- no! No, it’s not a date it’s just… uh”
“Buck is talking to my cousin Alicia!” Eddie shrugs, as nonchalantly as possible “Yeah Alicia, he was Insta-stalking her so I just you know told him to…go for it”
“Long distance? That doesn’t sound like you” Bobby narrows his eyes and Buck looks at Eddie frantically 
“She’s coming here! Soon! To visit!” 
“Oh, that’ll be nice!” Bobby seems happy about that and Eddie immediately gets on his phone…he needs to send a text. 
Buck hears the rumble of your engine before he sees you and he’s already sneaking out to come greet you. Eddie notices him being shady and not finishing restocking the engine, so he follows him. 
Buck looks like he’s in dreamland, he watches you park your bike and take off your helmet, shaking out your long pink hair. The sun is shining just for you today he’s sure, the rays illuminating your glowing skin. And boy are you showing quite a bit of it. Your shorts are so tiny Buck isn’t even sure you’re wearing any underneath the sweatshirt you use for riding. You pull that off too and lay it across your seat. His eyes are glued to the orange cropped tank top and how cute it looks with your light blue shorts. He wonders if it’s difficult to drive with all your shoes, the white platform sneakers give you a little extra height but he still towers over you and that’s the way he likes it. 
“Hey, wifey,” Buck says sweetly, his voice soft and breathy. Eddie’s mouth drops open as he walks up to you both and Buck snaps out of it, his eyes wide as saucers as he puts his hands up
“No, god, no I mean… uh… hey wiffle ball??” 
“What” Eddie says under his breath, looking at Buck like he’s crazy. You bite your lip and shake your head trying to control your giggles as the boys lead you inside the station 
“Hey, volleyball?” 
“That’s… that’s not even the same category,” Eddie says, his face scrunched up as he puts his hands in his pockets 
“And you can do better?” You sass him, your hands on your hips. 
“Uh yeah. Pickle ball? Cricket? Dare I say, baseball?” 
“Wait, why cricket?” Buck asks 
“Because there’s a ball and a bat are you guys actually criticizing my thinking skills” 
“I’m just saying it’s kinda out there�� You poke at him 
“Yeah, what are we? British?” Buck scoffs and you giggle when Eddie kicks your shoe and flicks Bucks's arm in pure annoyance 
“Why are you even here?” He says through gritted teeth playfully and you laugh, side-bumping him.
“Athena asked me to deliver some paperwork Bobby forgot to fill out” 
“Oh doesn’t she usually do that?” Buck tilts his head and wow he looks cute when he does that. You blush a little and look at your shoes for a second 
“Yeah, but she said I might have more fun” 
“Uh I walked in on them last time” Eddie gags “I don’t think you’ll have more fun”
“I mean she could, I know a great closet” 
Buck just says it, it’s a good joke, a great joke. Your mouth falls open and Eddie slaps his hand over his mouth gleefully 
“Oh my god” 
Buck looks confused for a second “Wha…” His eyes widen and he puts his hands out “Wait no! No, I was kidding! Well, I mean if you-“ He smirks, running his hand through his hair 
“Buck!” Eddie shouts 
You’re all out laughing now as Buck turns a wonderful shade of red 
“I just- I mean it’s not off limits you know it- guys shut up!!! It was a joke!” 
“What was a joke?” Bobby comes over, confused as to why you’re here and why Buck is trying to find the nearest ax 
“Pickleball” Eddie blurts out and you nearly keel over, wheezing. His excuses were not his best today. 
“We uh we gotta go” Eddie grabs Buck, who is holding his head in his hands whining loudly, and drags him away 
“Bye Y/N! See you later!”
Bobby watches them run away, his eyebrow raised 
“You’re not talking to either of them are you?” He asks and you roll your eyes and wipe at the little tears 
“No… we’re just friends Bobby. And they’re nice! I like hanging out with them”
“You’ve gone out with them?” He crosses his arms over his chest and you blush lightly 
“Uh… yeah? J- just to hang out and get to know them. I don’t have any friends in L.A Bobby you know that”
“You have May! She’s a great girl! She can introduce you to all of her friends”
“Bobby, we barely know each other anymore. We haven’t done anything together since we were literal children. And you know, whilst she has offered to take me out next weekend and introduce me to her friends, she and I have already decided that I’m not sticking around that friend group unless it’s an occasional hangout. Those are her friends and her life. So until she and I get closer…neither of us are letting you and Athena force us together.”
Bobby looks at you, struggling for words. He puts his hands on his hips sassily
“You know. You two don’t have to make that much sense. Just- I love Buck and Eddie don’t get me wrong. They’re my kids! But promise me you’ll be careful. Because if someone asked me who I would let my kid date from the team I would absolutely say none of these people” 
You giggle and hand him the papers from Athena, standing on your toes you kiss his cheek and wave goodbye 
“I promise I’ll be careful! We’re all just friends!” 
You walk back outside, a little skip in your step as you walk up to your bike. Buck and Eddie are standing next to it 
“You wanna sit on it?” You call you and Buck fist pumps, eagerly climbing on 
“I was hoping you’d say that!” 
You strut over and stand in front of them as Buck leans forward, pretending to be driving. He makes little car noises and you laugh, your hands behind your back 
“Having fun?” You muse and he sits up 
“Uh- yes. What kind of question is that” he scoffs and you roll your eyes 
“You wanna take her for a spin?” You ask coyly and Buck’s mouth drops open 
“Wait seriously? You’d let me?” 
“Of course, I would! I trust you” 
He starts it up, groaning as it purrs for him. He pats the handlebars and you hand him your helmet 
“Hey,, Buck?” Eddie pokes at his shoulder and he looks up
“Yes, bestie”
“We’re literally in the middle of a shift” 
“I’m sorry I can’t understand your accent. It’s too Texasy” 
“I literally don’t-“
“Buck! Get off that thing! You’re at work” Bobby yells at him from the bay doors and he groans loudly, getting off and handing you back your helmet. You take it from him, giggling and shaking your head 
“Maybe some other time… like this weekend or something! Afterwards, we go bowling with Eddie!” 
Eddie looks between the two of you “We’re going bowling?” 
Bucks behind you, signaling him frantically to say no.
“Yeah! Didn’t Buck ask you?” 
Buck clasps his hands together silently begging Eddie
“Ohhh… uh.. yeah! Yeah, I just totally forgot. Um yeah, I can go bowling this weekend!” 
Buck's mouth drops open and he mimes choking Eddie, you spin around and his hands drop to his sides as he smiles at you sweetly 
“Okay cool!! Well, I’ll see you guys this weekend!” You hop on your bike and Buck helps you put your helmet on. He shyly leans in and kisses the top of it 
“Uh- drive safe! Text me when you know you get wherever you’re going. If you want to that is I mean you don’t have to… you’ll probably text like Athena or Bobby or something yeah yeah you don’t have to text me it’s cool”
He steps back from the bike and you shake your head and he knows you’re laughing at him again. You make a little heart with your hands and wave goodbye to them before driving off.
Buck watches you drive off, your sweatshirt fluttering in the wind. He watches until he can’t see you anymore with his hands in his pockets he turns to Eddie 
“I’ll give you a five-second head start”
“Buck. That’s childish can you just-“
“Buck, let me explain! When have I never not had a plan come on!”
“Buck you can’t be alone with her yet you-“
“Three-two-one!” He shouts and dives for Eddie. Eddie screams and runs towards the station with Buck hot on his heels. He runs around the truck and dodges Hen with a spin 
“That’s cheating and you know it!!”
“Cheating my ass!”
“What on god's green earth are the two of you doing?!” Bobby calls down from the balcony 
“Nothing!” They yell in unison as they run around the station. 
“That doesn’t look like nothing”
“It’s a new training exercise! Just working on stamina!” Eddie yells back, yelping when he feels Buck’s hand brush his belt 
“That the lamest excuse you’ve ever come up with” Hen mumbles as they run past her again 
“Don’t be a snitch” Buck pants and she puts her hands in the air, staying out of their mess
Eventually, Buck corners him, and they’re in the sleeping quarters 
“I’m-“ Buck's hands are on his knees “I’m gonna kick your ass-“ He wheezes “when I can breathe again”
Eddie slumps down in the corner, letting his head fall against the cool wall
“Not if we die first” He pants heavily, running his hands through his hair 
Okay, maybe Buck didn’t think this thing through how is he supposed to kill Eddie if he passes out from lack of oxygen? They take a good six or so minutes to breathe normally again 
“I said yes so that way she could say she was going with both of us not just one of us and then I’d cancel or show up and just say my arm or like back or whatever was hurting so I could just sit back and keep score.”
Buck is laid out on the floor, he looks over at Eddie, his nose scrunched up 
“Wait, why didn’t you just say that?”
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Buck has been staring at the picture you sent him for the last 20 minutes. You’re standing in the full-length mirror at Athena’s house, a little peace sign. You texted him as soon as you got home and after that picture boy does he wish he was better friends with May, he knows she’d “invite” him over. 
He knows it’s just… a little pervy, the way he stares at your thighs in the full-length mirror. He thinks that’s his favorite physical thing about you. Your full, plush thighs, especially in those mini skirts you just love to wear. And these shorts you’re wearing are absolutely no exception. They hug your body like they were tailored to fit you. Actually, he’s pretty sure they are tailored. 
He sighs dreamily hitting the favorites button
“Is that Y/N” 
He jumps so far out of his seat that he fumbles with his phone before slamming it awkwardly into the table 
“Did you just break your phone?!” Hen stares at him 
“I sure as hell hope not! What uh what can I do for you? Need somethin? A smoothie? You want a smoothie I’m gonna make you a smoothie” he runs over to the fridge and starts pulling things out. Hen picks up his phone, looking it over, and thank god it’s not cracked. 
“You didn’t answer my question,” She says, taking his seat and holding out his phone to him. 
“Uh, what question?” He turns on the blender, miming that he can’t hear and Hen crosses her arms over her chest, giving him a look. He smiles sheepishly once it shuts off and pours her smoothie 
“Y-yeah that was her.” He unlocks his phone and hands it over with the smoothie 
“I know!!” Buck squeals he’d joked about proudly showing you off to his coworkers and now he’s actually doing it. 
“She’s a nice girl… Cap knows you’re texting her?” 
“No and neither do you” Buck goes over to his “secret cabinet” pulls out one of his good mini chocolate bars and hands it to Hen. She takes it from him, opens it up, and takes a bite out. She groans softly and her eyes roll back. He always keeps those fully locked up 
“Right.” Hen gives him a double thumbs up and grabs her smoothie
After making sure Hen is gonna stay quiet Buck goes downstairs, there’s literally nothing to do, he’s checked off his entire list and even did the end of Eddie’s. If he’s this bored… Hopefully, someone else is.
“Hello?” You answer on the third ring and he gulps and then clears his throat 
“Uh hey! Hey Y/N it’s me, Buck” 
“I know” you giggle “What’s up?” 
“Oh…nothin just wanted to see if you were busy or anything…kinda boring around here”
“Did you call me just to talk?” You ask and his cheeks flush. Because yeah but like that sounds lame he could have just texted you. 
“…Maybe?” His voice is hesitant and cracks a little. Oh my god why was that happening so freaking much 
“That’s really cute” You laugh and he hears you rustling around for a minute. “Athena is sending me back out on an errand run with May… but we can text! If you wanted” 
“Yeah no! No texting is fine! I should have probably asked if you were busy first… I’m yeah no I’m sorry we can text”
“No it’s okay, I…like hearing your voice” You mutter shyly and he can hear May snickering in the background. His cheeks flush and he bites his lip 
“You do?” 
“Y-yeah I do” 
“Well good… I like hearing yours too, like, a lot” He admits, his heart is pounding in his chest 
“I have to go but, call me back tonight okay? Like…around midnight? When um-“
“When Bobby is asleep?” He says mischievously and it’s your turn to blush 
“Yeah… will you?” He can hear the hesitancy in your voice and it makes him weak, he just wants to kiss you breathless so badly. 
“It’s a date. I’ll talk to you later doll” 
“You better text me too, Bye Evan”
He hears May teasing you as you curse at her and hang up, he holds his phone to his chest, wilting into his seat and sighing sweetly. Midnight can’t come fast enough. 
The rest of the day drags and not just because he’s waiting to get off but because there’s literally nothing to do, which is the most surprising part. Really he supposes he should be glad nothing is happening, that means people are safe… besides 
It just gives him more time to talk to you. 
And boy does he, he starts slow with his memes, you have to kinda ease people into your insanity. But the second you send an Optimus Prime thirst trap on TikTok all decency and manners fly out the window and you’re both trying to send each other the worst things you’ve ever seen 
He’s falling faster and faster for you. Just call him Princess Buck. 
“What are you laughing at?” Eddie comes over, lifting Bucks legs up and plopping on the couch with him
“Um…nothin” he mumbles, distracted as he laughs into his fist at the Nick Fox thirst trap he’s sending you “don’t worry I’ve been sending them to you too”
“I already regret being your friend. Who else did you send them to?” He toys with Buck’s pant leg 
“Um… Y/N we’re just…talking” 
Eddie hears the click of a camera and he frowns, looking at Buck who shrugs and doesn’t look away from his phone 
“We’re also snapping” 
“Snapping? You sound like a teenager” He chuckles but puts his feet up on the coffee table and scrolls through his phone too 
“Teens use Instagram nowadays, old ass man. I asked for her snap just to see pictures of her, I just- god hold on” 
He pulls up the picture from earlier and hands his phone over. Eddie lets out a low whistle and Buck wriggles on the couch 
“God I know right! I don’t care if she suffocates me, I’d die happily” He says and Eddie laughs at him, his head falling back on the couch 
“Yeah. You know a closet” 
Buck groans and slaps his hands over his face 
“I can’t believe I said that to her” 
“She thought it was funny” 
“Okay but low-key? I wish she would have like said bet or something”
“I’m pretty sure you would have passed out” 
“Oh I know I would have and she could have given me mouth to mouth”
Eddie rolls his eyes, laughing at Buck again 
“You’ve got it bad my man” 
“Oh you have no damn idea” 
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It’s around 10pm when a call comes in, and Buck is always too distracted by the voice message you sent him to get his stuff on. Eddie swipes the phone from his hands and glares at him, He blushes and gets his stuff on almost faster than he ever has and snatches it back, patting Eddie on the cheek before they load into the truck 
“Apparently a bonfire in a kids backyard got a bit out of hand, everyone be ready to possibly have to cut line but there should already be another team there doing it. Be advised the house is on fire but it’s small for now”
Athena is already there, with a few drunk people in her backseat. She’s talking to someone quite animatedly, her voice is low. 
“Everything oka- May??” Bobby stops, looking between them. Athena stands back, her hands on her hips
“Where’s Y/N?” He asks immediately and May sighs loudly 
“I don’t know. I’ve tried to say it a million times I don’t know! The fire broke out and we got separated!” 
“I’ve tried contacting her but she isn’t answering” Athena looks like she’s ready to rip her hair out. Bobby puts his hands on her shoulders, his voice is full of worry as he kisses her forehead 
“Hey, we’re gonna find her okay? I promise” 
“She’s here for a couple days and I’ve already lost her.”
“You didn’t lose her mom, I did. I should have kept a better eye on her! But she said she’d be okay! And Crystal wanted to show me something and-“ She starts up and Athena sighs, hugging her
“It’s not your fault baby, Y/N is an adult. You were both right, she can take care of herself”
Bobby walks over to Eddie and Buck who are hosing down a section of the yard 
“You two have Y/N’s number right? Can you call her real quick?”
“Uh, yeah sure.” Buck shrugs and pulls out his phone, it takes a second with all his stuff on. 
Bobby takes the hose from him and stands behind Eddie
“Everything okay?” Eddie asks, looking back at him and he shrugs 
“Yeah… just uh. Just call, Buck” 
It rings six times which is the longest its ever taken you to answer 
“Hello?” Your voice is so small it takes him aback. 
“Uh hey, hey Y/N”
Bobby perks up, motioning to keep her talking 
“Where- where are you? You sound funny” He walks away a little, so he can hear you better 
“I’m-” you hesitate and Bucks anxiety skyrockets
“I’m a firefighter Y/N, you can tell me anything” He says soothingly, his voice dropping an octave 
“I’m in the house”
“Where in the house” He turns to it and starts running, the fire is slowing down but not nearly enough. He mutes his phone for a second and alerts everyone on the radios 
“It’s- it’s so stupid”
He stops, smashing the unmute button
“Y/N, please. Fuck, the house is on fire. You do realize that right?!” 
“It’s what?! I-I’m locked in a closet in the basement. N-nothings happening down here!”
“Alright, I’m coming to get you okay? I’m coming, baby” 
He doesn’t even have time to cringe at himself as he runs into the house, Hen and another couple of guys are already shutting doors and putting some of the smaller fires out but it’s definitely staying consistent 
“Where’s the basement?!” He asks you, panting slightly as he frantically looks around
“The kitchen, there’s a doorway” 
He hangs up the phone and shoves it in his pocket
“Y/N??” He yells for you, panic seeping through his veins 
“Have you found her?” Bobby radios him “do you need help?”
“Buck??? Buck, I’m in here!!” You’re pounding on the door as hard as you can to get his attention 
“I’ve got her! I found her!” He calls into the radio as he runs over to the door 
“Y/N? Is there anywhere you can stand to the left or right, away from the door?” 
“I think so?!” You back up into the corner as far as you can, pressing yourself against the wall
“Alright! What now?”
Buck readies his ax, holding it in his hands
“Now I channel my inner Jack Torrance!” 
You shriek as the ax breaks through the door and he begins to create an opening for you. He breaks into the door easily…if he’s being honest he probably could have kicked it in… but this was more fun. 
“Don’t you dare” you say as soon as there’s a clear small hole
“When am I ever going to be able to say it with someone who would actually laugh about it in a completely unprofessional way!!” 
You groan and duck down more as a few wood chips fly
Buck goes just a teeny bit crazy with the axe, most of the fire has been contained so he takes a little more time than necessary. He gleefully smashes the door down, laughing maniacally while screaming “Here’s Johnny!” 
You do laugh, because it’s stupid and it’s so Buck, and watching him enjoying himself is cute. As soon as the hole is big enough for you, you step through and he yanks you into his chest immediately, you let out a little squeak and hold onto him 
“What the hell were you doing in there? You could have died!” 
“I didn’t know! I tried calling May but she didn’t answer the phone and… and I didn’t want to call you and-“
“Wait, why didn’t you wanna call me??” Buck pushes you back a little just by your shoulders and you look down at your feet. He tilts your head up and that’s when he realizes your makeup is a bit ruined. He chalked it up to the heat…but you said there wasn’t any 
“Why didn’t you want to call me? Did something happen?” He asks a little calmer this time
“We should get out of here. The building could collapse” you quickly change the subject and try to pull away from him but he stops you. He bends down to your eye level and forces you to look him in the eyes 
“It’s structurally sound. Trust me. Y/N what happened.”  
You look down at your shoes, wringing your hands together and sighing 
“It’s… childish” 
“No it isn’t. Just tell me.” His voice is firm and he looks upset, you groan and let your head fall back before looking at him again 
“These girls asked me to go downstairs and get some extra buckets from the closet and then they pushed me in and locked the door. Apparently, I was chatting up one of their boyfriends, I didn’t know! I just- I saw his shoes and they were cool and then he told me they were custom from Etsy and I asked for the shop!! And he was so nice Buck, genuinely he was! He asked for my number just to send the link!” 
You unlock your phone and show it to him, the number isn’t even saved, just a link with a little smiley face and a “Demon Slayer shoes” and that’s it. 
“I…I tried calling May and she didn’t answer.. and I was locked in this stupid closet like I was a teenager again or something so I just…put my phone on silent and cried. And I didn’t want to call you because I would seem like such a baby. Like who still locks people in closets!” 
Buck listens to your story and he looks pissed. First of all, no one hurts his baby. Second of all… you could have died if you hadn’t picked up the phone when he called, and you almost didn’t. 
Buck does what any sensible man would do in this situation, he stands up tall, looks around for a moment 
And he kisses you. 
It’s sweet and lingering, he tilts your head up and presses his lips to yours gently. He watches the way your eyes close slowly and you kiss him back and he wishes he could just stay there forever but eventually you have to breathe and he makes you pull away, not him. 
“You want me to go find them?” He spins the ax in his hand and you snicker, shoving at his chest 
“Absolutely, let’s commit murder together!” 
“Sounds good to me sweetness” He winks and you roll your eyes, pulling away from him. He frowns a little at the loss of contact but shakes it off 
“We should probably get out of here, your family is going insane… May is really upset” 
He takes his helmet off and puts it on your head and you giggle while holding it down to tilt your head up 
“Yeah okay” 
He holds out his hand and you take it, he starts to lead you upstairs but you stop for a second, planting your feet 
“Whats wr-“
You let go of his hand and rush past him, going up a few steps and turning around to kiss him. It’s quicker this time, just a peck and he’s spiraling immediately, giggling deliriously as you jog up the stairs pulling him with you now 
The second you step out of the house, Athena is on you, frantically checking you over before crushing you in a hug, May is crying and promising she’ll never leave you alone again and you’re hugging her, trying to console her. Buck takes this time to step away and go find Eddie, you give him a little wave over May’s shoulder and he blushes, waving back. 
He nearly crashes into Eddie when he finally spots him, going running over. He’s standing in front of the truck securing the hoses 
“Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie” His voice is high pitched and his hands are shaking. He grabs Eddie’s shoulders and starts shaking him
“Buck calm down!” He’s laughing as he pushes him back a bit, he hands him a bottle of water and Buck takes it , chugging it before tossing it into the trash 
“I can’t, oh my god I can’t, guess what?!” He squeals and Eddie snorts, shaking his head 
“We kissed. We kissed, we kissed, we kissed!!!” He practically screams the last one and Eddie yanks him over to the other side of the truck shushing him 
“Okay- first of all, calm down. Because everyone is going to know who you kissed. What happened???”
Buck can hardly contain himself, he holds tightly onto Eddie’s arms just to keep himself from floating off into the clouds 
“Okay well she told me about these girls that bullied her and locked her in a closet. How freaking 90s teen movies is that!! And she didn’t want to call me because she thought that would make her seem like a baby but she’s not a baby Eddie she’s really not and she was starting to tear up and I couldn’t stand to see her cry so I just kissed her!!”
Buck is speaking at a million miles an hour and Eddie is nodding his head along just trying to follow his story 
“No she’s not a baby, but oh my god she could have died”
“That’s what I told her!!! And then guess what oh my god Eddie guess what”
“What?” Eddie chuckles a little at his enthusiasm, it’s endearing 
“I put my helmet on her to make her smile and it worked and I held her hand-“ His voice is becoming squeaky again “and then she let go of my hand and I was like-“ he gasps “what if I went too far??” 
“Because randomly kissing her wasn’t far but holding her hand was” Eddie says sarcastically 
“Exactly!!!” Buck points at him and he squints but goes along with it 
“She went up the stairs because you know she’s short as hell, and she kissed me again” 
Eddie’s mouth drops open and Buck literally starts jumping up and down, he does a little spin, dancing around before shaking Eddie 
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Rainy Days- B.Barnes
Summary: A rainy Monday spent between Bucky, his lover and Alpine.
Parings: Bucky x Fem!Reader, very brief mentions of Steve and Sam
Fic Warnings: Use of Y/N(only once), Fem!reader, soft!Bucky, Bucky dog-ears book pages, mention of the book A Little Life.
Author’s Note: There is dog-ear slander in this fic, I personally hate dog-earing book pages so it’s in here. Feedback is always welcomed and my asks are open if you want to ask me any questions. I am not taking requests at this time but I will definitely post if I ever open them.
My full Masterlist
Hope you enjoy! :)
Word Count: 970
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gif not mine
It was an early autumn morning on a mundane Monday in Brooklyn. Rush hour was just starting, the sounds of the cars passing by the apartment window as well as the gentle patter of the rain were relaxing. She didn’t want to get out of bed. It was warm, the mood was just right and she was wrapped in the arms of the man she loved. Bucky was still fast asleep beside her, mumbling incoherent phrases in his slumber, sometimes catching a few words that did make sense which made her quietly giggle. 
She knew that once his nose twitched, he was starting to wake. Letting out a soft hum, he pulled his lover closer to his chest and sighed contently once feeling the weight of her head close to his heart. He was awake but was refusing to open his eyes, clinging to sleep, hoping he could find his way back to dreamland. Of course that got interrupted by the incessant meowing at the foot of their warm and cozy bed. The couple broke out of their bubble in a fit of sleepy laughter.
“Poor girl, you feelin’ left out, Alpine?” Bucky chuckled, finally opening his eyes. He had opened his free hand out to the white ball of fur, who greedily started rubbing her head on his palm. Alpine had waltzed her way up the bed and planted herself right on his chest, her tail smacking Y/N in the face as it flitted around happily. Bucky let out another sleepy chuckle when he noticed that his girl was getting assaulted by the cat’s tail. “You’re smacking your mama in the face, come here,” He patted his empty shoulder which Alpine quickly and happily took over. Now it was Bucky getting smacked in the face with her tail but he didn’t seem to mind.
“Good morning, handsome,” She smiled up at him, her voice just as tired as his was.
“Good morning, gorgeous. You okay with staying in bed all day?” Before she could answer, he kissed her lips lovingly, not caring about morning breath, just her.
“Wouldn’t dream of anything else.” Alpine let out a loud meow in protest, obviously hungry. “Maybe after we feed this little gremlin,” She laughed softly before sitting up and slowly getting out of bed. As she left their bedroom, Alpine jumped right down and followed her out, Bucky sighing softly once more. He was thanking whoever sent this woman into his life. 
When she reentered the room, he took in her appearance. Her hair disheveled, the mascara that refused to come off now smudged under her eyes, her eyes bleary and still very much sleepy and her body practically drowning in his blue t-shirt. In her hands she held two cups of coffee, hers was in a mug with his face on it, which Steve had gotten her as a joke but now it was her favorite and his was in a mug with Sam’s EXO-7 wings on it, which Sam had given him as a housewarming gift, he would never admit it but it was his favorite mug.
He grunted as he sat up in bed, accepting the cup of coffee gratefully and pulling her back into his arms once she was sat down on the bed again. The two of them enjoyed the silence for a while, just listening to the rain and the cars passing by. Bucky started a quiet conversation that spiraled, the two of them talking for hours in bed, just enjoying each other’s company. Traffic was long gone, the rain coming to an end, their coffee cups empty, the music that Bucky turned on playing softly in the back. Of course it was 40s music because the man refused to listen to anything else, his guilty pleasure was Harry Styles but he never told a soul about that one.
“You wanna pick up where we left off last night?” Bucky asked her.
“Where were we?” She asked back. 
He pulled the book from his nightstand, a gently used copy of A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, and opened it to the page that held the bookmark. It was a bookmark that she had made for him when she learned about his horrible habit of dog-earing pages, the design simple but it was the thought she put behind it, the color she chose the same blue as his eyes; a daffodil pressed into the paper under the laminate, his birth flower which he had learned once it was gifted to him; and the handwritten words ‘I love you, James Barnes’ sat neatly on the bottom of the bookmark. Every time he saw it, he smiled.
“Looks like we left off with going into a little bit of Jude’s backstory. You ready?” When she nodded, he began reading aloud. Smiling even wider when she nestled herself under his vibranium arm, her head resting on his chest, right above his heart, her arms finding themselves around his waist. As they read on, the rain picked up again but they didn’t seem to notice. It felt like it was just the two of them in the whole world and of course Alpine. The further Bucky got into the book, the less he noticed around him, when he finally looked away from the page, he saw that she had fallen asleep again. Soft snores falling from her slightly parted lips, her arms hanging loosely around his waist, the neckline of her(his) shirt shifted to the right and there was nothing more perfect to him than this, than the love of his life fast asleep in his arms, dreaming of their future together. It didn’t take him long to follow after her, quickly finding himself in a peaceful slumber that he only seems to get with her in his arms.
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sleepiexx · 1 year
Pillow Talk
Carlos Oliveira x fem!Reader
Note: so sorry I haven’t been posting, I’ve been working a shit ton and I have like no motivation to write
Summary: (Y/N) and Carlos reminisce about the first time they met, in Raccoon City.
Warnings: reader is super insecure, thinks she isn’t worthy of Carlos, but that’s abt it
Word count: 868
(Y/N) woke up and stretched, moving to go into the kitchen and grab breakfast but she was ultimately stopped as Carlos unconsciously tightened his arms around her so tight it felt like the grip of a dead man. Her hopes of leaving or trying to fight his tense grasp were crushed instantly, she’d been here many times before, none of which could she escape Carlos’s impossibly strong hold. At least this time she didn’t have to pee.
She sighed in defeat, turning over and burying her face into Carlos’s chest. She quickly realized that the position was completely impractical and turned her head so one cheek rested on his left pec. His steady heartbeat thrummed in her ears, a calming noise. So calming, it almost lulled her straight back into dreamland if not for Carlos’s groggy morning voice cutting through the atmosphere.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He groaned, holding her even tighter if at all possible. He kissed the top of her head with adoration, making her melt.
“Good morning.” She whispered.
They made eye contact, both of their faces breaking into a wide grin.
“You have bed head.” Carlos teased, messing with her hair which was going every which direction.
She scoffed, reaching out a hand to further mess up his already messy hair. “So do you, dipshit.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and smiled, leaning into the palm of her hand still placed at the top of his head.
“I love you.” He muttered.
She pushed his head down into the pillow and straddled him, pressing a firm kiss to his lips.
“I love you too.” She whispered against them.
Carlos’s arms snaked their way back around her waist, pressing her body against his. He buried his head in the dip between her neck and her shoulder.
“I’m never getting out of this bed, am I?” She joked.
He shook his head, beard scratching her neck. “Nope, never.”
She settled down on top of him, resigning herself to her fate.
She sat, tracing shapes into Carlos’s chest, “Y’know, if you would’ve told me this would be my life back when everything in RC was happening, I would’ve laughed in your face.”
Carlos smiled and laughed, (Y/N) laughing along.
“Oh yeah?” He muttered.
She nodded, looking up at his face. “Yeah, of course, I bet you’d have done the same.”
“Not me.”
“Not you?”
“Nah, I knew from the moment I saw you that I’d make you mine.” He smiled like he’d figured out everything. Like some omnipotent knowledge had been bestowed upon him and he’d never had any doubt whatsoever.
(Y/N) buried her face into his chest in embarrassment at how much his sentiment had flustered her, “You’re so sweet I’m gonna die,” she remarked.
“I’m serious!” He said, “I had the biggest crush on you since the second I met you. Would’ve made it more obvious, but we were kind of fighting for our lives.”
She smiled, staring at him in awe. “That’s crazy,” she mumbled.
“Well now I’m curious,” Carlos began, “when did you start to crush on me?”
She laughed a little bit, thinking back.
“Y’know, now that I think about it, I had a little crush on you back then too. Just didn’t want to admit it because of the circumstances.” The room was quiet for a second before she added on, “I also definitely thought you were out of my league. Still do.”
The last part was said quietly but Carlos heard. He furrowed his eyebrows like what she said was truly unbelievable, sitting up against the headboard so he could get a better look at (Y/N)’s expressions, “Me? Out of your league? (Y/N), come on, there’s no way.”
She sat up too, trying to pull herself off of him, but his hands maintained a steady grip on her hips. “I mean, you’re very handsome, Carlos. And funny, and sweet, an overall catch. I just never felt like I deserved you, honestly I’m still debating it.” She tried to laugh it off, but Carlos’s lips were pressed into a pout.
He shook his head profusely, pulling her closer, “But you’re my everything.” He frowned deeply, “Baby, you mean so much to me. You make me so insanely happy, you make me laugh so hard my stomach starts to hurt, and as an added bonus, you’re absolutely gorgeous.”
“Fuck,” (Y/N) groaned, “you’re so nice to me.”
His deep brown eyes continued staring holes into her own, “I’m not being nice, baby, I’m being truthful. I love you so much and I really hope that one day you can see yourself the way I see you.”
“Yeah,” she whispered, nodding along solemnly, “yeah, I really hope so too.”
Carlos kissed the top of her head, content with that answer— for now.
“Why don’t I take you out today? We could have a nice day out on the town.” He suggested, trying to lighten the mood.
(Y/N) tilted her head, “But I thought you wanted to stay in?”
“Changed my mind, wanna show you off.” He flirted.
Her face felt all tingly and she was buzzing at the thought. She agreed with a small, giddy smile, “Okay.”
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wonijinjin · 1 year
falling for u
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author’s note: inspired by the song ‘falling for u’ by seventeen. this is the second part of my work ‘thinkin’ about you’. the first part of this fic can be found here.
synopsis: you drinking a little too much and calling joshua to take you home wasn’t the best idea, or was it?
word count: 1.6k | genre: fluff, mutual pining, a little bit of angst, close friends to lovers | pairing: joshua x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of alcohol and being drunk, the curse word ‘fuck’
joshua almost dozed off, but being the only one awake in the car with his thoughts gave him a reason to be on alert even though it was late in the evening. 15 minutes after parking the car he decided on waking you up so you could finally lay down in your bed, which would probably be more comfortable than a carseat. “wake up sleeping beauty, we are here.” he said, softly caressing your arm. you stirred and opened your eyes, trying to register where you were exactly. “huh? i fell asleep, didn’t i? i wasn’t gonna, you probably had a boring drive as i was not awake to entertain you with my fantastic jokes.” you giggled. “yeah, actually i let you sleep a bit more, you were knocked out bad for real.” he explained, opening the door to get you out. you managed to climb out of the vehicle and the two of you walked to your front door. you pulled out the keys and tried to open the door, failing miserably. “you know what? give me this, i will open it.” joshua said after a minute of you not being able to get the key in the hole. you laughed at this. “sorry shua.”
you got into the house, leaning on joshua as you felt dizzy from all the alcohol you had consumed through the night. “woah y/n be careful, i will have to carry you on my back or something if you continue to make this more difficult than it should be.” he lightly joked while manoeuvring your tired body towards the bedroom. “i wouldn’t mind that. my prince in shining armour coming to rescue me from the consequences of my poor decisions.” you chuckled, to which although you couldn’t see it, his cheeks grew bright red. “okay let’s just get going, you need to sleep, you are drunk.” he said in a hushed tone. while you changed into your pajamas he went to the kitchen and prepared a glass of water and a painkiller on your nightstand to take in the morning, because you would probably need them to soothe the hungover symptoms. “are you okay in there?” he asked, standing in front of the bathroom door. “of course silly, i am so perfectly okay, more than okay.” you shouted as the door burst open and you left the room. “well i can see that you still have energy, but too bad for you, i don’t, so come on, to bed you go.”
he tucked you into bed and was ready to leave when he felt a tug on his sleeve. “what? you know i know this place like the back of my hand, if you are worried that i won’t find my way out you don’t have to be-“ “joshua shut up, i know you can get out by yourself.” you slurred while looking up at him. he raised his brows at this. “then what do you want?” you grinned. “i want a goodnight kiss.” he froze at your words, eyes wide. “y/n you are not acting like yourself, you are saying nonsense right now.” he whispered in the dark, the moonlight from outside shining on his face, confusion all over it. “and what if i mean it?” you replied “what if when i say i love you i mean that too shua?” you mumbled to yourself, voice barely audible. you thought he didn’t even hear it, little did you know he did hear the last sentence too. his lips formed into a thin line “you don’t mean it y/n. i should really go, i will lock the door when i get outside, i have a spare key anyways.” he said, turning on his heels to walk to the door. “please shua.” you pleaded for the last time. he didn’t say a word, just stepped next to your bed, and crouched down beside it. “close your eyes and hurry to dreamland y/n. please.” you did as he told you, already regretting your request, even though you knew he thought you said this because you were still very drunk. you were embarrassed for sure, not wanting to look him in the eye ever again.
while you were lost in thought he hovered over your head, slowly bending down and giving a tender, soft kiss on your forehead. you gasped in surprise. when you felt his lips on your skin you didn’t want the moment to pass as quickly as it did, him standing up after a few seconds, leaving in a rush. “goodnight y/n, sleep well.” he whispered from the doorway.
the next morning when you woke up you found the medicine and the water joshua left for you and the events of the previous night flashed in your head, however you didn’t remember what happened after you fell asleep on the way home. you sat up in panic, and checked your phone. you saw a missed call from joshua with a text message saying you two needed to talk. you were scared to answer the text so you left him on seen thinking you could reply later, but as you were to get up your phone rang again, it was joshua of course. with shaking hands you picked it up. “i saw you saw my text. we need to talk y/n.” he sounded serious. you gulped. “about what? i am so sorry about last night i shouldn’t have drank that much at the club.” he sighed on the other end of the line. “you don’t need to apologise, but we need to discuss something, in person.” you were freaking out at this point, you didn’t say anything hurtful to him, did you? “did i say something that hurt you? i really hope not, gosh i cannot even remember how i got into bed and-“ “y/n, stop. i will be at your place in a few, okay?” you couldn’t say no to him because he hung up, so you just hoped it wasn’t something really serious that happened last night.
few minutes after the call your doorbell rang, which upon opening revealed a tired joshua; you could see bags under his eyes like he didn’t get a wink of sleep at night, hair messy, breathing heavy like he just ran the marathon.
“did you mean it?” he asked immediately as you opened the door fully. “meant what? shua come inside let’s talk there-“ “no y/n. i need to know. were you being serious? that you think about me a lot? that you love me? do you mean what you said, or were you just too drunk last night?” you stood there in shock, still in your pajamas, with messed up hair, looking like a zombie, not even fully awake to be ready to process this. your mouth went dry, already regretting everything you did and apparently said last night. “why? would you not want to be friends with me if you knew i loved you like a best friend shouldn’t? would it change how you view me? would you be disgusted by the fact that your best friend fell for you?” you questioned, tears welling up in your eyes. you were not ready to let him go, to let him avoid you because he knows about your feelings, but looks like it was already too late to back down. “yes, i meant it. every word. i love you joshua hong.” your cheeks were now wet, you didn’t realise that you were crying. you shut the door before he could answer, not wanting him to see you in this state, an emotional mess. “y/n open the door.” “i don’t want to hear it. now you know my secret, just go away. i know i messed up shua, i know. i shouldn’t have fallen for you, my best friend who clearly wouldn’t ever return these feelings.” there was a moment of silence, only your sobs could be heard. “who said i don’t return them?” you stopped crying for a moment. “look shua i don’t need your pity-“ “open the fucking door y/n. right now.” he said in a soft but still firm tone, and you did. he caught your form in his arms, cupping your cheeks. “you are such an idiot. i have loved you for so long y/n. you don’t know how many nights i spent thinking about you, everytime i see you i am falling for you even deeper. when you said you loved me before i left i couldn’t believe my ears. i have been so sure of the fact that you are not looking at me in the way i look at you that i thought it was just you being drunk. i love you y/n.” he held your hand. “i needed to make sure you were serious. to make sure you were mine and i wouldn’t have to let you go when you sobered up in the morning.” he whispered, looking into your eyes.
you had no words to say, you couldn’t form sentences correctly. so you let acts speak for you; you leaned in and kissed his lips. he kissed back, pulling you closer into him. it was a soft and quick kiss, but to you it had everything. all the love you had been holding for each other, you could sense it.
“y/n, will you let me take care of you the way you take care of me without even realizing it? will you be mine?” he asked when you managed to catch your breath, to which you replied with a peck on his lips, smiling when breaking apart. “is that a good enough answer for you, gentle sexy?”
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scaratastic · 2 years
My love.
in which how male genshin characters shows their love to you. ( might contain some grammatical error or even spelling mistakes idk i don't proofread cus we die like real men /j )
many people said that he's most likely to cheat on his s/o when in fact, it is quite impossible for him to do that.
man certainly has abandonment issues after losing both of his dads and his brother. sorry
i personally view him as the type to show you how much he loves you both by actions and words but slightly more to words (?) .
like he'd tease you about how beautiful you look, how gorgeous you truly are etc during times when he just feels like it but there's also time where he just wants to feel your body against his own, arms securing your body while inhaling your scent as you both cuddled before heading off to dreamland.
he'd certainly tease you during random times which will make you get all flustered. this man is full of surprises.
even if he's the type to always joke around and tease you nonstop, he'll always make sure that you know just how much he loves and cherish your existence in his life!
he's the type of guy who'd buy you random gifts or give you some flowers that has special meanings behind it.
dinner dates or any type of dates that you prefer. yes, he loves to spoil you.
list all the things that you want, he'll get them for you. even if it is impossible, he'll find a way.
"if you're happy, then i am happy."
he gives everything to you. his love, his trust, himself, literally everything.
he might be a man of a few words and very awkward during the early stage of your relationship but he'll warm up later.
waking up in the morning with him cuddling you hehe
i can actually see him being a bit clingy here, specially when he overworked himself for the past few days. he'll definitely not let you go even if you squirmed and whined, reminding him that he has to wake up or he'll be late for work.
overall a very caring, kind, polite and a bit clingy type of lover. so take care of him please 🙏
he would collect any pretty items on his adventures and give them to you as a suprise.
definitely brags about how you are literally so amazing and the best human to ever exist in teyvat to everyone.
"[Name] is just so amazing ! They can fight, they can cook, they can clean—" and so, the list of him praising you goes on.
adventures with him as a date. although he swore that the route that he chose for the both of you to walk through was literally clear a few hours ago, why there's so many monster there now ?
poor boy thinks that it's because of his bad luck. but hey, atleast he got the chance to admire your fighting skills while getting ready to brag about this cool moment of you to katheryne and his friends.
he's just smitten over you okay
he's clingy.
you can't blame him though, sometimes you just get so busy that you don't have time to visit him in Wolvendom.
he knows your scent and probably recognised the sound of your footsteps so whenever you came to visit, he's already waiting for you on the entrance of Wolvendom.
would escort you to a safe place before asking you to sit as he lays down with his head on top of your leg and buried his face to your stomach.
silently asks you to play with his hair because it's comforting.
okay but just imagine you both in that position beneath a tree, and then you read or tell him a story.
he would grow curious about it and asks questions from time to time. oh, and his reactions are priceless.
like he'd gasp, gets excited when the character from the story that you told him was about to have a good ending and probably huffs and groan when the story did not go well.
picnincs with him mhm. feed him and he's all red. would probably return the favor to you.
he probably doesn't allow you to visit him when he's in dragonspine too much because he's worried about you.
but when you do visit him though, he'd ask you to sit down on the chair he provided while lending youb a hot drink to warm yourself up.
this little visit would often turn into study dates. when he sees you curiously observed his movements, he would ask you to come to him as he lends you his notes and explains to you what is his goal and so on.
yes, he won't just leave his job for you. but he'll talk and try to start a conversation with you just so you won't feel lonely and such. what do you expect from a workaholic anyw
would make some things that he thinks you'd like from alchemy and gives it to you.
"it reminds me of you.. so please, take it."
a date in the tavern.
him flirting like crazy with you as you turned red and shamelessly flirt back. Diluc often kicks your drunk ass and your boyfriend out of the tavern because of this though.
if your're not the type to enjoy alcohol or doesn't like the idea of getting drunk with your boyfriend in the tavern as a date though, then don't worry ! this lil boyfriend of yours got it covered.
would probably try and convince you to sneak out and join him stargaze.
while you're both stargazing, he'd summon his lyre and plays with it while humming a soft tune that'll make the night much more comfortable and enjoyable.
you both would play around like kids afterwards, making some of the monsters notice your presence but venti would take care of them though ;)
during random times, he would just stare and admire you silently.
"have anyone told you that you look absolutely gorgeous ?"
throws random compliments during the most random time. like he'd literally say "you're very pretty you know." after you clear out a hilichurl camp and ofc you'd go like "what"
he's unpredictable. much like kaeya, he is full of surprises. so be prepared of whatever plan that he has in his mind.
njdndjdndjd i still have no scara and no primos i'm about to cry, but anyw should i do this for other characters as well ?
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autisticlalna · 6 months
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Something to Navigate By - a Navigator fanmix
[ listen on Spotify! ]
TRACKLIST: skye rocket - Sad Machine // i fight dragons - History Repeating // go! child - I.D. // pendulum - The Island, Pt, I (Dawn) | the queenstons - Just Hesitation (HES3 Edit) // fox stevenson - Dreamland // shirobon - On the Run // she - Nostalgic Vibes // tinlicker - Donderdag // USS - Hydrogenuine // fox stevenson - Radar // stacked like pancakes - Dreamcatcher // bastille - WHAT YOU GONNA DO??? // area 11 - ØCULIST // enter shikari - Redshift // everything everything - Don't Try - [Everything Everything Remix] // metric - Underline the Black // the mountain goats - Younger // enter shikari - Undercover Agents // porter robinson - Mirror // they might be giants - Let's Get This Over With
reasonings behind songs under the cut!
Sad Machine: "and though i know, since you awakened her again, she depends on you, she depends on you! she'll go alone, and never speak of this again, we depend on you, we depend on you [..] is anyone there? anyone else, anyone else, anyone else-" // this was the opening song on my Dominion Viking playlist! :D i will gladly take the opportunities to do musical callbacks.
History Repeating: "so then what to do when we know what's coming? stay and see it through, or start running? [..] over and over, i know i'm not alone here [..] don't say anything, i know where we've been, and i've got a feeling this is history repeating! when this crashes down i won't be around, 'cause i've got a feeling this is history repeating now!" // there's a time loop joke in here, obviously, what with "history repeating" being very literal. Navigator's involvement in all of this is... interesting? he's omniscient, he knows what's happening, but for once this isn't history repeating like it always has-- something has changed, and everyone needs to make a choice on what to do about it.
I.D.: "now everything inside of me is calling out "are you listening?" [..] i've been keeping this thought that if i spend all my time as what i'm not that i would find it in me to tell you to leave, but here you are and you won't [..] it hasn't been the same since you told me your name" // the way Navigator and Sapphire treat each other is. so much. i keep thinking about Nav telling Sapph he hates talking to them and that they won't speak again. theyre a mismatched pair that almost fit together, but not quite, and the more Sapphire spirals the less Navigator wants to do with her.
The Island / Just Hesitation (HES3 Edit): "what are you waiting for? as we go towards the light" // this is a weird one. Just Hesitation isn't on Spotify, so i had to sub in the song it samples from. which still works! but the intention is for it to be Just Hesitation. i wrote a whole ramble about it as a song and why it has Navigator vibes for me. thanks for coming to my ted talk
Dreamland: "does everybody live in a dreamland? is this dreamland all that we know? [..] i'm tired of feeling like i'll never serve a purpose! future killers, smoke and mirrors, yeah just be yourself! [..] searching the universe for something we can do, and living to fight another day! [..] I GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS WASTELAND, 'CAUSE THIS WASTELAND AIN'T HOME!" // i will readily admit that this is a targeted attack. this also is kinda pulling on my theory about where Navigator came from and what happened to him before TSMP.
On the Run: [instrumental] // this is a bop. also something something why are you running / what are you running from, although i guess right now we don't know if Navigator is running from (or to?) anything.
Nostalgic Vibes: "so many places i could be, sense of adventure got me beat, i've got it, you want me [..] mystery surrounds you, my love, don't just walk away! [..] let me recall for a while, you've got to set me free, yeah" // On the Run, Nostalgic Vibes, and Donderdag are in the segment i like to call "no thoughts just vibes". hope this helps.
Donderdag: [instrumental] // the thing with including instrumentals on these is it's really hard for me to explain why. there's no lyrics to point at and i'm not very articulate when it comes to explaining why instrumentals stand out to me. the vibes are there and it's a nice transition between Nostalgic Vibes and Hydrogenuine.
Hydrogenuine: "care to play a game? this experiment has chemically altered my brain! [..] 11 is the number i seem assigned to, inversions of an opposite truth aligns you, directions like the back of your hand will guide you, i am simply here to assist and remind you! i am simply here to assist and remind you!" // this was on the Viking & Ruby playlist for Navigator purposes and i'm bringing it back. the chorus is what really drives this for me and i cannot let it go. we need more Navigator and Ruby interactions please please please please please
Radar: "trouble on a radar, just gonna fly right under!" // this was a contender for a tViking song (before Navigator was even a thing) but got dropped from the playlist early on. i think it's fun to bring it back for Nav considering him being the warning sign and the thing with tViking going under the radar.
Dreamcatcher: "close my eyes and i'm predictable, i'm invincible, for you [..] i'm afraid i'm not enough. I'M NOT ENOUGH! [..] circles, cycles, why do you torture me? dreamcatcher, i'm falling but not asleep!" // shoutouts to Solar for saying the worlds "circles, cycles" in chat during a Sapphire lore scene and this entire song playing in my head at 2x speed.
WHAT YOU GONNA DO??? - "shiny on the surface, rotten on the inside [..] you got control, got my attention! make me tap and scroll, you got control, you got my attention! you got us listening, so what you gonna do, now what you gonna do with it? [..] so who am i, you decide, inside out you read my mind, what you gonna do with it?" // this is a general TSMP song and one that would've made it onto the Viking & Ruby playlist if i'd thought of it in time. the chorus and ending are peak Navigator vibes, though. "so who am i, you decide" is something i'm calling attention to as a fun meta thing, though, seeing as basically everything about Nav is speculation or in response to something.
ØCULIST: "white noise, i'm tied down from the first time i heard it! so, my sister static, hold on my hardened heart! [..] i can't help but can assist, see through you like an oculist, a universal hologram, these crimes will make you hollow, man!" // i love area 11 but trying to get me to explain how any of their songs relate to the blorbo of the hour is a losing battle.
Redshift: "we accelerate, we separate and fragment! we accelerate, through the estate of outer space! we accelerate! it appears that heaven's been abandoned [..] i climbed down from the wall where i sit and search for a source of light other than our dear sun, the lone star [..] a supergiant erupts into a supernova! the ultimate sacrifice, and we are the descendants!" // Aces asked me a while ago if Redshift is a Navigator song and it was on the "maybe" table for a while. then i went through like 5 different Enter Shikari songs for this playlist and it kept being not-quite-right until i pressed play on Redshift and it all clicked into place. hey, Navigator, how does it feel knowing you're the only one that knows about the missing piece? how does it feel subbing in for space himself? how does it feel being created because someone else is gone?
Don't Try - [Everything Everything Remix]: "the clock is ticking, meanwhile your life, your life is wasting [..] i know you mean a long time, saw your mask in the mirror, and you don't want to be here anymore [..] and yeah there's nothing alright, but you're here and you're glowing, so why you wanna keep it all inside? don't try to hide it!" // this is kinda where my characterization of Navigator starts to settle in, i think. he's tired but obligated to be who he is. plus, y'know, he's having to literally hide his existence, but that's going to fall apart no matter how hard he tries. note: the Spotify lyrics are wrong. there's two versions of this song with completely different lyrics.
Underline the Black: "how can i forget, what reason is left? when i looked at myself, i was somebody else [..] i just look, don't feel like myself at all, i'm just waiting for the axe to fall, and they're still waiting for their lives to start" // another case of "taking some lyrics literally" for the fun of it. tViking being an anomaly and also being the one Navigator is hijacking is a fun combination. there's also whatever Navigator might've been before, and what he's become to fill his role. is there still a way out or is this his life forever? everything's still at the beginning, but he's seen this play out so many times before.
Younger: "lie in wait by the gleaming city gate, try not to lose sight of the mission! [..] moment close at hand, half of you will never understand, and it doesn't really matter [..] it never hurts to give thanks to the navigator, even when he's spitting out random numbers." // another carry-over from the Viking and Ruby playlist, suggested by Charm! Naaaav what is your deaaaaaal
Undercover Agents: "i am currently under construction, thank you for your patience. we veneer, unveil, we present a cold disguise, we're all undercover agents [..] and i said if you want to go far and wide now, we've got to go together! [..] yeah i'm howling, can you hear us now? i was seeking another life and the moon was so bright! [..] it's only in our heads." // using this song in particular is weird for me because it's so heavily ingrained as another character. but that other character has some thematic overlap with Navigator, so it makes sense that the song clicks too.
Mirror: "yeah, do your worst all at once! i know what you want from me, from me, i know what you're thinking! [..] i'm tired of your questioning, you're cut down too easily, i don't know what's good for me, i can't decide [..] you're nearly there, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, it will all be okay in the end" // more Navigator and Sapphire struggling with each other. the ending is kind of their justifications to themselves: they need to keep going because there has to be a light at the end of this somewhere. they can both be free somehow. in the meantime, though, they're going to fight and they're going to tear each other down as much as they build each other up. "you and i are not going to talk again." "i missed talking to you."
Let's Get This Over With: "even when you're out of work, you still have a job to do! even when you don't know what it is, your job knows what it is. what it is, is it's coming to get you, i'm talking to myself even when i'm saying "you" [..] after all the spelling mistakes, after all the groping in the dark, can this page of strange gibberish get a final punctuation mark? [..] everybody knows how this goes, so let's get over it and let's get this over with! hurry up, and let's get this over with! you don't have to go home but you can't stay here!" // GESTURES. NAVIGATOR. BOTTOM TEXT.
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bright-and-burning · 6 months
tagged by @landoisokay and @bsaka7 to do my 9 favorite albums (with commentary. i had a lot to say...)
these are all relatively recent because i pick and choose older songs individually more than i listen to them as a single album. like i could pick at least an album’s worth of queen songs, but they’re not all off the same album, ya feel.
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in no particular order!! w some explainers below the cut:
dreamland (2020) - glass animals. i almost put how to be a human being but i’ve been listening to that album basically on repeat for the last three weeks so i needed to switch it up. such an experience of an album honestly?? where how to be a human being makes me feel like the main character in an over-saturated murderous movie set in miami, dreamland is like, over-saturated fast car movie set in tokyo (the like. hollywood idea of tokyo, to be clear). forever intertwined with midnight walks through empty cities during covid, driving too fast, the first time i hung out with people after getting to come back to college, neon lights on cinderblock walls and $12 plastic handles of liquor. fundamentally bittersweet as an album imo? but so full of bangers that you forget that it’s . really sad. tokyo drifting with denzel curry was my top song of 2020 and spotify helpfully informed me that i listened to it 30 times on my 19th birthday. lol. the “get loose, streetfighter” with the street fighter sound effect… oh yeah baby that’s art. it’s all so incredibly loud also a song of all time tbh. whole album is floaty and sharp all at once, insane production, the perfect sadness layered underneath, every song building into this brilliant crescendo… perfect album for 2020 eve for like so many reasons, i could wax on about this for AGES so if u want more drop an ask no joke it’ll make my week. still holds up soooo well
lemonade (2016) - beyonce. LOL. this album dropped right around when i was getting cheated on by my gf of. over a year. and then we broke up and i signed the papers to transfer schools the next day without telling anyone. so this album fr got me through uprooting my entire life to start over. (what timing, to get cheated on right as beyonce drops her got-cheated-on album). i knew beyonce belonged on here (too influential musically to me to Not) but i was stumped on what specific album to include (i had 4 on cd in my car in high school, for example, and homecoming: the live album felt like cheating) until i remembered how much play time this one got, and how much i leaned on the album and the visuals then (which. by the way. i bought on itunes bc it wasn’t available for streaming. used precious data bc school wifi wouldn’t let me download it. possibly the last album i bought on itunes??)
save rock and roll (2013) - fall out boy. oh man. 2015 me was on one bc i was a HUGE mcr/fob/atl/p!atd/green day girl but at the Exact same time. a 1d girlie. my shuffle would literally go from mama to up all night. ANYWAYS. was stuck between american beauty/american psycho and save rock and roll, but i think american beauty/american psycho didn’t hold my attention for long and only recently came back on my radar (has some very toxic inspiration won’t lie). the mighty fall ft big sean? life changing. big fan of rappers being dropped into songs that you aren’t expecting them to feature on. “i’m either fuckin or workin so the grind don’t stop” is a work of art. young volcanoes and save rock and roll were legitimately like. the most comforting songs of all time as a sad and lonely 14 year old
when we were friends (2019) - the backseat lovers. starts out so strong and keeps it going. what an album to listen to while absurdly into someone who then starts dating your roommate lol. just like, beautiful stuff. makes me yearn. crazy good to belt out in the car while driving
cleopatra (2016) - the lumineers. feels like home, and being dumb young and in love to me. i’ve been listening to them since ho hey played on our local membership supported radio station when i was . 11?? finally got to see them two summers ago and bawled my eyes out the entire time. this whole album no skips but also like. so overwhelmingly nostalgic and infused with feelings with nowhere to go that i can’t help but want to cry. i learned how to play ophelia on a piano in a basement of a dorm i’ll never see the inside of again lol. patience makes me insane and it’s literally just piano. the lumineers in general make a lot of music that makes me ache for times and places i can’t return to, but this album is pretty peak for it
lungs (deluxe edition) (2009) - florence + the machine. god florence just does not miss does she. dog days are over another local member supported radio station hit. i started listing all the perfect songs off and then had to stop because i was listing the entire track list. floaty and romantic with a heavy edge of morbidity and violence. remember when i said i love when rappers on songs you aren’t expecting? if you listen to anything from this post PLEASE listen to you’ve got the dirtee love ft dizzee rascal from this album. a long ass album that’s good the whole way through, i’ll truly never tire of it
ctrl (2017) - sza. i think SOS might be better and eventually take this slot but i’m trying not to let recency impact this too much. drew barrymore went quintuple platinum in my bedroom in high school. it really was the perfect album for insecure 16 year old me? speaks of growth that listening to this album doesn’t hit me where i live half as much as it used to, that instead of being like damn so real sza to things like . “im sorry im so clingy i dont mean to be a lot... lonely enough to let you treat me like this” im like. damn good song
hozier (expanded edition) (2014) - hozier. take me to church another song that member supported ad-free radio station introduced me to. what a fucking album my GOD. angel of small death and the codeine scene… jackie and wilson was literally like. the love song to me. still is can’t lie. need to be saved and have hands through my hair. every single song has lines that literally make my jaw drop, i feel like i discover something new on every listen through. “free and young and we can feel none of it”… foreigner’s god makes my chest ache. i can’t fucking believe this album is ten years old???
mt joy (2018) - mt joy. another album that reminds me of home; my whole family listened to this for months on end during covid. i’m your wreck is such an opener… “and whatever happens please remember all the laughter” like i’ll cry. my instagram bio is from this song lol. the bit where it shifts into what my family calls shoulder lean mode… anyways. ASTROVAN!!! A SONG ABOUT JESUS SMOKING WEED but like. also an emotional tale of assuring mom how music’ll work out even if they’re broke the whole time. whole album gives me Feelings. this might be the happiest album on this list and it’s. not really that happy. just a very specific kind of like. optimism. we move forward even when we look back. the world fails us but we build it better. idk. like the last song is a break up song, but it’s whole thing is “so if you worry, don’t worry bout me, i always wanted you to see the california coast-line on your own time.” so like yeah, love is burning out, but don’t worry about me. i told u. Feelings.
uhhhh no pressure tagging @mecachrome @freeuselandonorris @monacotrophywife and @oscarpiastriwdc
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
What r some of ur hcs about this ship?
Ok. I usually don’t spill the beans about what I plan to write (mainly bc I need to keep up the motivation), but this would be an exception bc I always make exception for rarepairs.
Anw. About Clovis and Nico.
I have many jumbling thoughts about them but Ig it all comes down to two things:
1/ Their stories
2/ Their powers, down to their very core.
When I say the stories, here’s the thing
Nico has a lot of history, whereas Clovis does not. Obviously. Nico has been around as the deuteragonist since book 3, whereas Clovis barely makes an appearance. The difference in their screen time is abyssal.
But look at it in the normal way. If Nico was to play a character, what does that make Clovis?
An observer.
Why? Because Clovis, as it turns out, has the potential to be the one who knows the most, seeing as the Hypnos’ cabin is literally the central station of the highway through which all dreams must pass through.
And dreams, essentially, are just fragments of one’s life stories.
So look at it this way. Nico is a character. Clovis is the observer, and from that, a story teller.
- He is frankly a stranger but he may know a lot more about Nico than a mere stranger would. Isn’t that romantic? (A little creepy but let’s not delve on that)
- Nico wouldn’t be alone. He might think he’s alone, but if we take in the assumption that Clovis knows about his struggles, he might offer silent help without prying too much.
Think of it this way. You’re struggling and you’re just so tired but every way you look at is a dead-end. And then suddenly someone comes and takes your hand and opens a new door and you just collapse in their arms crying as they tell you “It’s gonna by okay”
- Clovis is a son of the Underworld too. What does it mean? It means the “ppl don’t like children of hades” doesn’t mean shit. Clovis would be the exception to whatever Nico has had to deal with from CHB.
- Rick makes Nico an insomnia and I’m monopolizing it for Clovico bc not letting Clovis in this is obviously Clovis-erasure. The potential is hitting me in the face. I’m sending Nico off to Hynpos’ cabin at every chance I get.
- Sleep dates every night bc I SAID SO. Nico getting over his touch-fright thanks to piling up in pillows and blankets with the Hypnos children so much.
- Clovis falling asleep during meetings bc he has Nico relaying everything to him later. Bonus point if he is actually laying on Nico’s shoulders and everyone’s like “shouldn’t we address that” but Nico’s like “Shhh” 😭😭😭
- Brewing tea and warming milk for each other!
- Morning routine: opening eyes - “Do u feel like up and shining?” - “Nah” - proceeds to return to sleep until Austin comes rapping on the door
- “We have a date” and all ppl see them doing is just sleeping. JOKE’S ON THEM tho bc they’re having the best dates ever in the dreamland
Which brings us to the second point vvvv
Their powers overlap in one thing, and that is the dreams.
Throughout the series, we have been shown: Olympus, Erebus, Tartarus, Atlantis (idk ab that tho). You know what we haven’t touched?
The dreamscape.
No, not the misleading nightmares/ illusions of Epiales in TSATS. I mean the dreamscape. The land of one’s living mind.
It’s literally a new world right there.
And oh would you look at that. Who could enter this realm? Oh right! Children of Hades and Hypnos.
Nico and Clovis (and other children of Hypnos Morpheus ofc) have a whole world to themselves, no shit.
- Here’s a thing I like ab what Rick did in HOO: Through the dreams, Nico could connect with the Hypnos cabin in general and Clovis in specifics, thousands of miles away from them.
So what does this mean? It means that, no matter where Nico is, he can always find his way to Clovis.
Just fall asleep and then let his dream lead him.
Isn’t that romantic - that the one you love would always be there, behind your eyelids? 🫶🥰 And you can always see them just by closing your eyes?
Nico could be at the other side of the globe and they’d still be seeing, touching each other every day/night. Look me in the eyes and tell me another couple who could do it.
- The whole thing about death being a big, undisturbed sleep. But it’s 1:30 am i don’t have th willpower
- I have a whole thing which is Alice in Wonderland AU but again i have nothing
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fanartbyherd · 1 year
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What you going to say to your door man?
-Not a joke but not serious either.
Anyways poor attempts at humor aside we have some more Mundane Horror Au art.
I probably should call it something else but hay I don’t know.
So plot: Gerry and Michel Meet in uni, and eventually become friends and more. It’s mostly a slice of life story, with stuff happening in the background, until it affects them.
World wise I’ve mentioned that the powers are common knowledge, also that powers can either take over a person or they can become a part of a person. Also mentioned that there are other powers besides fear, and that they can affect places, animals and artifacts too.
Note: the other two powers are knowledge and “love”
This time around for my not trying to rant but probably will be a rant regardless: I will talk about that and how things come to be affected in the first place.
In regards to people, as it’s the easiest to explain, there are two ways to get the powers. The first and easiest is to be born with it. This occurs when one or more of your parents have a power themselves. This is the case for Gerry. So it’s always just kind of been in his life. The second way is having a power some way affect you embryonic. Though this is very rare, and more often than not just result in certain powers being more drawn too a person. Though you also get things like the “common twin thing” that occurs. (I’ll explain that in a bit)
The second and far more prevolent way of getting a power attached to yourself (being marked or touched by a power) is too somehow stumble across a source of power in the world, and either through repeated exposure or by a single extreme event having it leave a “mark” (marks are normally invisible though not always the case)
This is the method of how Michel got his alignment to start off with.
Sum.: you can either be born with it or you can get it later on in life.
Places and occurrences:
Places are often infected with a power or another, especially if a place is gaining and retaining the energy of a power. Other times one large tragic or extraordinary event seeped into the space itself. These places rarely become domains as they stay entirely on the surface, often fading away with time. These places are often the home of smaller phenomena. Like a house with a bad vibe or a door that leads to unexpected places, normally these places are called haunted and might have echos of past events replay or have people see strange things every now and again. This will fade and this explains why there are no (or at least very few ) places haunted by dinosaurs.
Domains are small pockets of space time that are claimed by one power or an other. How large and how active any individual domain is varies, domains are a bit like gardens. They’ll probably have a “gardener” who is a resident entity up keeping a domain. Most people will not notice when they pass through a domain. Only those with their own alignment are likely to notice, those who live in it will be aware of it, and those who somehow get trapped by its limbo version.
Domains are relatively rare, with the exception three domains all known as the otherworld.
The otherworld: also called the backspace, the dreamland, or limbo. These are all technically different versions of the same thing.
- backspace: the space of the spiral, consists of all that space between spaces. Liminal in nature, natural wild and ever changing if not formed into a maze by some entity or another. It’s basically the backrooms on steroids. Things will slip into this place all the time and with ever changing hallways and wild spaces it is difficult if not impossible to get out. Not to mention there are a lot of dangerous creatures that get stuck here. Or perhaps come from here. Distortions are the masterminds of mazes. Building new ones and abandoning old ones. Sometimes domains of other powers will form in abandoned mazes, allowing people to accidentally slip into them and become stuck.
-dream land: a land of the unconscious. It’s spectacular and in most way not real. That dose not mean it is not dangerous. It has a constantly shifting landscape. And the impression of dreams and those dreaming is found here. It’s a place a few people can enter at will, and also access people’s thoughts through in some ways. It is also a place rife for spawning monsters that make their ways into the mazes and mirror plane and sometimes jumping in to the real world. It’s a place guarded over by the dreamers, mare and sandmen and the land of dreams has a strange and close relationship with the power of the end. With a smaller more distant relationship to the beholder and the knower. The land of dreams is not just a place of dreams but also of nightmares.
The land of dreams are “deeper” than the backspaces, collecting and interlocking old mazes and domains connected them into a hellish underworld for the unconscious.
-limbo: a place where lost things go. The mirror world. A shrouded empty reflection to the real world. It is not entirely as physical a space as the backspace is but it’s not as intangible as the dreamland. It is filled with echoes and can often be infiltrated by other powers, echoing what they influence in the real world. It is primarily the realm of the lonely and the navigator (a knowledge domain) ghosts are it’s only true inhabitants (ghosts = lonely avatars) as the travelers from the navigator only use it to jump through (they also use backspace like this.) this is where earth bound domains reflect what their true form is and trap it’s fuel. A domain is hard to enter inside of limbo.
Outside of the domains there are Phenomena or Occurrences. These are things that occur on occasion. I would best compare it to the weather. The way most people are familiar with any kind of power is through these phenomenon. There are seasonal ones or ones that occure every few years or so. There is even a field of study tracking the movement patterns of the different phenomena so that people do not get caught up in them.
There are phenomena like the wild hunt, that is a combination of the hunt and the slaughter and you really do not want to get caught outside in. There are waking dreams that walk streets at night. So on and so forth.
Like In TMA proper human fears (love and knowing) are not the only things that affect the powers. But the other creatures become affected too. This can often result in monsters but just as often it dose not affect the normal life of animals.
It is worth noting that the majority of monsters are usually things that crawl out of the world of dreams or where once animals. Though generally it is from the former. Certain creatures have a very strong affinity for one power over an other and some powers are noticeable to be human exclusive (abstract thought and all of that)
Plants can also be affected by the powers.
Artifacts: now here is the most common kind of thing touched by power. Because unlike all the other things, that occurs naturally or by chance, (or by a very manipulative elderich boss) artifacts can be made.
Shure artifacts can also occur by accident, in a similar way a place gains a power. But making them with meaning only takes a good craftsman.
The most common kind of artifact are charms. They are made to keep away powers of certain kinds. Cultures all over the world make their own charms. But in order to do so they use a different power to do so. Dream catchers for example use the power of the web to keep the power of dreams and the dark away, trapping monsters or preventing them from forming in the first place. Evil eyes use the power of the beholder to keep others from knowing and keep envy and hatred away. It’s a sort of uno reverse card. And there’s a great number of talismans that seal or ward off things. Charm making is actually big business.
Other artifacts have more specific uses. A good deal of information on how to make some artifacts has been lost over the centuries, not to mention that most artifacts are made with somewhat strict regulations after the 1800s
Things like lithners are not unusual and certainly items will have certain properties. Though results are unpredictable.
Powerful entities can make artifacts. Either on purpose or by accident. in fact gerry makes one at one point, to his own distress. most of these items made by entities that are not the craftsmen, will often fly under the radar.
there are a lot of collectors of these sort of artifacts, bit of a black market for them, not always a black market. but these sort of items are a bit iffy. after all some of these can and will just kill you.
I did mention key charms in an earlier, they prevent a person from being taken while making their power stronger. it is temporary and sort of separates a person from their powers. keycharms are tenderly not accessible to the general public.
So most people don’t have them.
I guess if I had to categorize. The difference items I would diffienturate them between, what power(s) they belong too. how harmful they are (ie if they are safe or will mark a person), why they where made/who/what made them. and then how rare they are. I need to do some more work on this, but its fan fix so im kinda just going with the flow.
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merryfortune · 2 years
accidentally sleeping on her own feelings
Written for Femslash February 2023
Prompt: Asleep
Title: accidentally sleeping on her own feelings
Ship: Kokone/Ran/Yui
Fandom: Delicious Party Pretty Cure
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,314
Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Love Confessions
   “I’m so jealous of Yui, I wish I could fall asleep so quickly.” Kokone observed as she knelt beside Yui.
   Yui, meanwhile, who was all sprawled out, belly-up, on her mattress, both her shirt and her sheets askew over body. Kokone shook her head and she made sure to pull Yui’s bed shirt over her - as well as her blanket. She nattered happily, smiling in her sleep after Kokone’s nannying. That made Kokone happy, however, and even Ran almost went aww, though she was too busy talking aloud in reply to Kokone’s observation on Yui.
   “Yeah, me too,” Ran lamented with a sigh, “it's always so noisy and crazy at my house, it takes forever to get some peace and quiet so I can go to sleep.”
   “I just have too many thoughts in my head. It must be nice to be able to go out like a light at a moment’s notice.” Kokone said.
   “Mmhm.” Ran nodded her head vigorously in agreement.
   “We should finish up and go to bed as well, yes?” Kokone suggested.
   “Mmhm.” Ran continued to grunt and nod.
   “I’ll use the bathroom next, if you don’t mind then, to brush my teeth.” Kokone said.
   “Yeah, that’s fine, I’ll wait here with Yui.” Ran replied.
   Kokone got up gracefully and Ran stayed behind with Yui. Their sleepovers had a tendency to go this way. Yui would always fall asleep first, despite loudly announced intentions of making it to midnight for the express purpose of enjoying a midnight snack or two or three with both Kokone and Ran. However, come ten o’clock sharp, she was always the first to go to sleep. The lights didn’t even have to be turned off for it. She was just that blissful in her sense of self and routine, supposed Kokone and Ran.
   They didn’t mind, however. They found Yui’s ditziness endearing and a good reminder for themselves. It wasn’t good to stay up late. Even on a rare Saturday they were able to have a sleepover at all. 
   Ran yawned as she stretched. She heard Kokone very quietly brush her teeth in the conjoining ensuite. Now that Ran thought about it, she did feel kind of tired. She hoped she could sleep alright. These mattresses weren’t always the most comfortable thing, she thinks she would prefer a futon but for some reason, despite being attached to a Japanese style diner, they didn’t have spare futons at the Nagomi household. Weird but it was an amusing kind of weird.
   They always had their sleepovers at Yui’s house, considering everything else they did was at Yui’s house, it just made sense. Her Mother was a good host, as well, and had these thin pull-out mattresses that flopped on the floor for them to sleep on. And even though Yui lived here, duh, she always slept on the floor as well. Mostly to get in on the action of sharing popcorn and schoolyard gossip but partially to be polite, as well. Thus, her bed made for a great depository for the other girls’ sleepover gear like their overnight bags and such. 
   “I’m finished.” Kokone said as she returned from the bathroom’s threshold.
   “My turn.” Ran grinned. “Thanks.”
   Ran began to get up but something - or, more accurately, someone - stopped her. She blinked and even Kokone turned her head.
   “I’m not done…” Yui mumbled. “I’m not finished… eating.”
   Kokone giggled as politely as she could at Yui’s expense, from behind her hand, “I didn’t know Yui talked in her sleep.”
   “I think I did know that it would make total sense, personally, that she would dream about eating, however.” Ran joked.
   “Pwease… Mister Bunny Rabbit, can I have some more carrots?” Yui gurgled.
   Ran began to chuckle at Yui’s rambling as well but then she sharply turned over.
   “Mister Bunny Rabbit… How could you ask such a thing?” Yui murmured.
   “Oh? Controversy in dreamland, perhaps?” Kokone blinked.
   Sensing that this was a good time to record, Ran cautiously got her smart watch ready so she could videotape whatever it was that Yui was about to start talking about. In the meantime, she reached for one of her two pillows, the one not under her head but rather to her side, just underneath her bed as she always slept closest to it.
   “How could you… ask such a thing…” Yui repeated.
   Her repetition just made Kokone more eager to hear the next piece of this conversation. Assuming it didn’t change rapidly as dreams were prone to doing. Ran, meanwhile, had her tongue poked out in complete concentration as she continued to video Yui.
   “Yes… I have a crush.” Yui gurgled, burying her head in her pillow, only to roll the other way and become suddenly loud. “I have TWO crushes.”
   “Oh dear…” Kokone giggled.
   “Their names are… Koko-pi and Ran-Ran…” Yui murmured.
   “Oh dear is right.” Ran giggled.
   There was, indeed, a little issue with Yui’s crushes. Namely that she was already dating them both - and had fallen asleep on yet another of their sleepover dates. Their parents only sort of new and likely had the feelers out for their teenage daughter’s mutual feelings for one another but that was a different problem to the one that Yui appeared to be experiencing.
   “y-Yeah, Mister Bunny Rabbit, they are the coolest and prettiest and most reliable girls I know. I have a huuuuge crush on them both.” Yui murmured.
   Kokone blushed, “She has a lot of good to say about us both.”
   “Yup.” Ran said, “But we’d have a lot of good to say about her, too.”
   “I would… explode if either of them liked me back. I’d take my own Kilocalorie Punch to the face. They’re so cool…” Yui gurgled and her arm shot up, she was really getting into the movement of her dream.
   Kokone flinched as she was almost the one who actually took a Kilocalorie Punch to the face. Fortunately, Yui’s arm went back down as quickly as it had shot up. Then, she rolled the other way, perfectly framed for Ran’s smart watch to catch her serene and honestly, rather lovey-dovey expression.
   “I really like them both. Koko-pi. Ran-Ran. Sp-Spicy and… Yum-Yum.” Yui yawned part of the way through her little spiel.
   “Aww.” Kokone cooed.
   “She’s so cute. I really like you, too, Yui-pyon.” Ran complimented her and just as Yui seemed like she was fully asleep again, hands to herself and mouth closed, she had one last thing to say.
   “Th-There’s no way…. How could you have run out of carrots, Mister Bunny Rabbit? You’re so mean.” Yui cried.
   Ran laughed, “That’s more like the Yui-pyon we know and love.” 
   “Yup.” Kokone said.
   “Anyways, good luck sleeping next to her tonight.” Ran said as she ended the recording there as Yui seemed to finally, actually finally, be fully asleep again.
   “I think I’m going to need it.” Kokone replied.
   “I want to fall asleep super-duper fast now.” Ran said. “So morning comes quicker and we can show Yui-pyon this video of her.” 
   “Oh, Ran, don’t embarrass her.” Kokone pleaded.
   “I’m not embarrassing her, she just needs to see how cute she is when she’s sleep-talking.” Ran insisted as she got up so she could go brush her teeth in the bathroom. 
   Kokone pouted. She very much did not think Yui would appreciate seeing the video come morning but luckily, she was wrong. Yui did go very red in the face come the morning, Ran all but pouncing on her as soon as she woke up so she could show her the video but she still stood by what she had been going on about in her dream (that she didn’t even remember anymore).
   Kokone and Ran were very cool and very pretty and she did like them very much. She felt very lucky that they were both her girlfriends, not just her crushes.
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chirpq · 5 months
77+Good Night Brother Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Images
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Inspirational Good Night Messages for Brother
Bye, brother. I appreciate you being there for me. Sweet dreams and rest! My brother, I do not have enough words to express the gratitude in my heart. I greatly appreciate your help and suggestions. Sleep tight! You know, I love you so much. Good night, and a tight hug to my favourite brother. May your daydreams be as awesome as you are. See you tomorrow! Good Night Brother, you're just the most amazing. Thank you so much for the job. May your sleep be restful and peaceful. Sweet dreams! It was a lovely day, with you by my side. When night falls, just know that you will be in my heart. Go to sleep brother, see you in the morning! This day is over and the next day will be with thy true. I put a smile on my face every time I talk to you, that is all I wanted to say. Good night and sweet dreams. It's another warm hug. Dear brother, you are my every time sunshine with your smile. I'm really happy you're in my life. May you have a restful night and dream beautiful. It`s time, bro, time to call it a night! Thanks for being so relaxed, funny, and affectionate.Sweet dreams! Good night my best friend and brother, much love to you. May your rest be deep. Catch you smiling later on!
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Brother my, heartfelt wishes to you. Thank you very much for your warmth and understanding. Soundly sleep and a sugared dream. It is very good that you are my twin brother.
Good Night Text Messages for Brother from Sister
Have a good evening my bro, great to see you for a ride today. Good night, my love, and I'll see you again tomorrow! My big brother, the dearest of all who care about me, I think. Thank you for always staying at my side. Sleep well! Time for bed, honey. I'm just saying I love you and saying thank you for everything. Sweet dreams! Good night brother bear, may we all have sweet dreams. Thanks for being such a wonderful brother. Love you! This has been a great day with you by my side. As the night grows dark, know that you're a fabulous brother. Sleep tight! See Also: 110+Heartfelt Good Night Messages for Wife, Best Night Texts Goodnight bro, thanks for being here for me always. You're number one and I'm happy we are brothers. Sweet dreams! My dear friend, You are the being who completes my existence. I wish you a night full of peace. Love you bunches, catch you later. Goodnight, my love, and hug to my best companion. You are the perfect real-life bro. Sleep well! Sleepy bro night, just wanted to say thank u for all you do. Goodbye for now, and have sweet dreams till then! Dear brother, the world is you! Looking forward to the future together. May you have a good night's rest and pleasant dreams. Love you!
Good Night Messages for Brother Funny
Good night, bro. Don't allow the bedbugs to bite you. Or if you have to, so that you can get itchy and annoyed like you are always! See you tomorrow. Goodnight mate! I wish I had sweet dreams filled only with you being right about everything! Sleep tight. Good night, brother. Maybe I can sleep in and avoid hearing your voice till the morning. Just joking! Sleep well. Good night! Let them all be on your side of the room, may the bed bug germs dreadfully stay off you - bro! Haha, sweet dreams. See Also: 110+Heartfelt Good Night Messages for Wife, Best Night Texts Good night, sweet brother - but not too sweet, or you'll be overly cheerful and annoying tomorrow.Night! Good night bro., I hope you and Morpheus have a wonderful time - unless you remember all the pranks I have in store for you! Just kidding, sleep tight. To bed my dear brother, to sleep where no keys unlocked so you could get in and ruin my peaceful dreamland. Have a good rest.
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Goodnight my friend, so the bedbugs can attack someone else; I certainly would like some company more than you. Kidding, sleep well. Cheers brother, do not forget to sleep - and I better think of better ways to disturb your sleep than your mom's early alarm. Just joking, sleep tight. Good night, brother. I hope you'll have a nice sleep tonight - dreaming of how I’ll revenge for all the times you’ve irritated me today! Oh-oh, only kidding here, see you in the morning.
Long Good Night Messages for Brother
Dear bro, as the day ends and the darkness fills the sky, I want you to know how important you are to me. You have always been there for me from the moment i tasted joy or sorrow. I was thrilled to say, "I love you, and thank you so much for being a part of my life." Sleep well and hope for sweet dreams. Take care, I'll see you in the morning. Good night brother. I hope your dreams are as incredible as are. Your smile and kindness put some sparks in my life every new day. I realized you are wonderful to have you, my brother. So great, now get the sleep, I will call you tomorrow. Love you! Today I spent with you was a pretty nice day but I am also pleased that we got to know each other. I want to say thank you for always being there for me, that’s why I tuck myself in since I know you’ll always be there for me. You are a musician brother and I bet not everyone could be as good as you! Sleep easy, and let not your dreams be tarnished at all. Sweet dreams! See Also: 110+Heartfelt Good Night Messages for Wife, Best Night Texts Yet, today has ended and tomorrow will come all the same because you're in my life. I'm grateful we're relatives. Before I go to bed, I will remember all the happiness and laughter these last few days has brought tot us. Seriously you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Bye-bye bro, see you in the morning! To my dearest brother, remain protected and taken to wonderlands that dreams can never picture. You, as you are, have earned all the excitement and beauty the world can offer. Sleep well, knowing you have a special place in my heart. Good night! It's time to say good night but I didn't want to go to sleep without telling you how much you mean to me. You're the best brother anyone could ask for. Sweet dreams and I'll see your smiling face when the sun rises. Love you! The moon tonight is high in the sky. I want you all to know that I am sending you all my love and affection. Thank you so much for being a wonderful brother. I hope your sleep is peaceful and restoratively. Bye-bye, until next time. Sleep well!
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The day is ended and the time has come for our dreams. I'm so glad to have a bro like you who has always supported me. May your sleep journey be the funniest one. Good night and be back to the sunshine in the morning. Goodnight Bro, I am praying for sweet dreams as well. Thanks for the amazing job you do! Thank you for always being by my side, I don't know how I made it before you appeared. And now goodnight - I’ll see you when the sun rises with a smile. Nowadays at bedtime but before I close my eyes, I wanted to let you know I love you. To me you are the world. Have a good sweet dream brother, hope you have a perfect rest. ok. So we'll have to continue our conversation tomorrow.
Special Good Night Brother Messages
My dear bro, I pray your day is as fun as you are. I'll send sweet dreams and hopefully see you in the morning! Another day, my beloved brother. Glad to have you around. Here intend to say Good night, now close your eyelids, and sleep well. Have sweet dreams all night long. Goodnight bro! Good night bro, I can't be grateful enough for all that you do. You're my bestie and I love you. Oh sleep well and sweet dreams, best brother alive you lay down. Hey Brother, sleep tight, and may the morning find you well. Thanks for being there when nobody was there, you're the light of my world. See you in the morning, love you a lot, you're the best family! Good night. I love you, bro, can you be more mine? Every time I am with you you fill my heart full of happiness. Then close your eyes and rest your head, all the best in your dreams as you sleep on your bed!
Sweet Good Night Messages for Brother
Good night brother, sleep tight and have a lovely dream. Thanks for always being there for me, you are indeed the best little brother in the world. Good night, little bro, it's time to let your eyes rest now. I wish you the best night's sleep, and see you tomorrow morning! Sweet dreams. See Also: 110+Heartfelt Good Night Messages for Wife, Best Night Texts Dude, I know, this day has been hellish, so you can now shut your eyes. I am happy that I have got you as a brother, you always work hard. Get some good sleep, my friend, you defined the best.
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Big bro, you work hard, every day. All right, now you can make yourself comfortable and let yourself wander off. Shut your eyes without worry, your sister says she is delighted that you guys are together. Sweet dreams! Have a nice sleep, my friend, I am so grateful that you are close. You are my world, without you I'll be just lost in here. Now, close your eyes, no fear at all, your devoted sister will always be at your side. Sweet dreams!
Best Good Night Messages for Brother
Sleep tight, nobody wants zombies in my class. No mite to the bed! I'll see you later. Hi big bro, do good! See you around my dear. A brother as cool as you, moreover, is a treasure I have. Sleep well! Hey little bro, I pray that the sandman visits you to give you beautiful dreams tonight. Thanks for all the smiles today, you always find a way to put my mind at peace with yours. Sleep tight! Good night friend mate, I couldn’t be luckier to have you in my existence. You will always take my side and I will always be there for you. Ciao my sweet dreams, I'll visit you the next day! See Also: 99+Loving Good Evening Messages,Quotes,for someone special Goodnight bro, that’s another classic day we got together. I wish your dreams were as beautiful as you are. Asleep or awake, I'll wake you up to chat in the morning. Sweet dreams!
Good Night Message for My Brother
Sweet dreams, bro. Thank goodness you're my brother - you forever keep your back to me and you make every day an exciting trip. Sleep well! Goodnight and sleep well. Stay away from the bug and me, if I sneak there and get bitten! Just kidding. Take care, will meet tomorrow. Hi, my friend, I hope you have beautiful dreams. Thanks for being by my side all the time. You're the superb brother of all time. Sleep well!
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Night night brother bear. "Thanks for the fun of a lifetime. I just managed to find a great buddy like yourself. Sleep soundly, and I'll be back in the morning. Good night, bro. Just want to express my gratitude for everything you do. I think of you as much more than only my brother, I consider you as one of my best mates. So long and good night - I'll see you in the morning!
Good Night Wishes for Brother
Sweet dreams, bro. Good night and next time. Night! Good night and sleep tight, not let the pesky bed bugs at you! I am proud of you being my brother. Sweet dreams. Good night, little brother. You, girl, are the luckiest soul I know. Rest well tonight and see how tomorrow is spent, all in all. Love you! See Also: 99+Loving Good Evening Messages,Quotes,for someone special Night night, big guy. Thanks for being there for me always and all the time. Your act of support is world-class. Sleep tight - This is far from goodbyes, I'll see you soon when the sun rises! Hey bro, it's late! Now, you need to go to bed. Sweets dreams and till we meet later. Sleep tight, mate!
Good Night Message to A Brother
Goodnight buddy, try and have a good sleep. Thanks for being awesome! I'm lucky to have you as a brother. Scrutate la bysca! It was a hard day yet I'm happy that we spent our time together. Sleep well, big brother. Your little sister misses you so much! Hey man, for all the fun we had today. I feel lucky to have such a wonderful person as you in my life. Night night, sleep tight. Be sure to watch out for the bed bugs too! Hi, this is brother I just called to say goodbye to you and want you to know that I mean a lot to you. I believe you will have sweet dreams - keep up with me in the morning. Sweet dreams!
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Thank you for your unceasing care for me. You have always been a glass-half-full girl, and this I truly appreciate. Night bro, sleep tightly since we will chat tomorrow. Love you!
Beautiful Good Night SMS Greetings to Brother
Good night bro. May it be sweet dreams of all the exciting places we are going to. Sure, see you tomorrow! Are you ready big brother? Let's turn in for the night. You've always been there and looked after me, so that's why you're the greatest brother ever. Sleep well! Night night brother bear. Thanks for keeping me alive with the laughter. Watch your bed because the bed bugs are out tonight! Catch you in the morning. Good night, my very favorite sister. Our connection keeps me going – all the memories I make together with you when things are not so easy. Sweet dreams! It's not my night now dude. Thank you for everything you have done and that I have you by my side. Good night and I will see you on the following day. Sweet dreams! Good Night Quotes for Brother "Good night buddy, I'm sure all insects in the world would stay away from you. Talk to you tomorrow to start another day." "Good Night little bro, hope u dream of all the adventures we will have tomorrow, love u." "Good night and good luck to my dearest brother. Thank you for being there for me all the time - able to see you when the sun rises." "I'm closing my eyes now but when they open up again, you will be the first person on my mind. Sleep well, big brother!" "As the moon is coming up to brighten up the night sky, may my brother, who's always with me, sleep tight!" sweet dreams!
What is one sweet line for brother?
Here are a few sweet lines you could say to your brother: I'm glad I have you by my side in this world. Be your friend, it is the world to me. I want to say thank you for just that, you always show up whenever I need you to. You're every kid's dream of a big brother! From the time we played together as kids, you had my back. I love you and our connection to the bones. See Also: 99+Loving Good Evening Messages,Quotes,for someone special Brother, right from the beginning, you have been one of my greatest mentors. Thank you for the advice and help given.
What is the best good night message?
Here are some thoughtful good night messages you could send to wish someone sweet dreams: Go with the sweet dreams and get some sleep tonight. Let the peace of your heart be the same as your existence and when you sleep, your mind be cleaned and your spirit consoled. May your rest be peaceful and rewarding, luring you into the dawn of a novel day. Close your eyes and feel great because all worries are gone and blissful serenity seems to be everywhere. On the way home from the darkness of the evening, remember that the day comes with a blazing sun. But until you know the ship, you could temporarily close your eyes and let this dream move your imagination into a world with a fascinating nature until you wake up. Good night!
What is a good night quote?
Here is a thoughtful night quote that may inspire reflection: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - Martin Luther King Jr.
What is a positive quote for brother?
Here are a few positive brother quotes that came to mind: Brothers are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one." - Unknown "No matter how old we are or what we do, we are always brothers." - Unknown "Brothers are the best friends we have. No matter how much we fight, we always make up." - Unknown "My brother, you are part of me. Wherever you go, I go." - Unknown Read the full article
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ptergwen · 3 years
can i request one where reader falls asleep on peters lap after a mission and peter carrys her into the tower and just takes care of her? just a whole bunch of soft!boyfriend peter:)
better half
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w/c: 1.8k
warnings: a few little suggestive jokes
a/n: y’all know how i feel about this concept ugh i love peter to pieces :,)
“rough night?” happy muses as you and peter hop into his suv.
the two of you are fresh off a day of crime fighting, and he’s your ride home. although you’re grateful you didn’t have to go beyond the city limits this time, it doesn’t mean the workload was any less. your little dynamic duo took on quite the opponent — one with claws, lasers, all sorts of freaky gadgets.
it’s remarkable that such a specimen was tucked away in queens.
“if you think we look bad, you should see the other guy,” you lightheartedly retort to happy. peter waits for you climb in first, then plops down beside you. “you really should,” he agrees. “y/n had him on his knees by the end… it was awesome.”
happy shoots you a look via the front mirror, peter snaking a comforting arm around your shoulders. his lips pepper your hair in kisses.
“proud of you, baby. you were so good out there,” peter praises you quietly. you hug his torso with your head now resting against his strong arm. “couldn’t have done it without you, though,” you insist, now snuggled up to your loving boyfriend.
the material of his suit scratches your cheek, but you’re too tired to care.
“congrats on the mission, kids. i take it you two are gonna get all lovey-dovey on each other, so…” happy prefaces. “i’ll shut up and drive.”
he pushes a button that brings up the divider between your seats and his, which offers some much needed privacy for you to relax and unwind.
“thanks, happy,” peter chuckles back, feeling your weight on his arm become heavier. his fingers run up and down your shoulder knowingly. “you okay? must be exhausted,” he answers his own question. your response is a long hum, eyelids beginning to droop.
peter pats his thigh with a small smile. “we got a bit of a drive… you should lie down for a while.” you’re not opposed to that. you gaze up at him through squinted eyes. “hm… on you?” leaving a kiss to the side of your head, peter lets his smile grow. “where else?”
“good point,” you murmur and shift away from his arm. “no offense to tony, but leather seats aren’t very inviting.”
happy shouts an i heard that from the driver’s seat, to which you and peter lightly giggle at.
peter watches you settle on his leg, your head in his lap and body curled into itself to fit. either of his hands go to your back and your hair. his gloved fingers carefully begin to stroke your locks at the roots. you grin to yourself, cheek squished against peter’s thigh and arms wrapped around his knee.
he leans forward to give your exposed cheek a tender kiss. “get some rest, sweetheart. you earned it.” “so… so did you,” you almost inaudibly reply. you’re ready to pass out any second, further hiding your face in peter’s leg. “sleep, y/n/n,” peter encourages you once more.
you finally allow your eyes to close, the combination of peter rubbing your back and playing with your hair enough to lull you off to dreamland.
“here we are, home sweet home,” happy announces as you three pull up to avengers tower. he puts the car in park and rolls down the divider to see how you and peter are doing.
you’ve completely crashed, clinging to peter’s leg with your mouth slightly agape and eyebrows furrowed. peter tucks a strand of your hair back and grins at your peaceful form. he never let go of you the whole drive.
happy glances at peter over his shoulder. “she’s out cold, huh?” a smirk pulls at his lips. “let’s get her inside. boss is expecting a full report for the evening.”
peter honestly isn’t in the mood to deal with tony’s obscure and endless questions, and you definitely aren’t either.
“nah, i don’t wanna wake her,” peter decides, keeping his voice low. he brushes the pad of his thumb across your jawline. “could you tell mr. stark we’ll do it in the morning?”
“he’s not gonna like that,” happy warns peter and shrugs a shoulder. “but, what the hell? it’s late. i’ll take the heat for you, say we encountered some traffic.”
peter purses his lips in pleasant surprise. “aw, really? that would be perfect. thank you so much, happy.” happy tuts, spinning back around. “i’m doing it for y/n. come on, off to bed you go.” he pushes open his car door, peter taking the opportunity to roll his eyes.
peter gently eases you to sit up. one of his arms stays around your back, the other now under your thighs so he can carry you into the tower. happy heads over and opens up peter’s door, since both his hands are already full.
following behind happy inside, peter carries you bridal-style to the elevator. happy does the honors of hitting the buttons while peter holds you close.
he finds peter’s attentiveness to you kind of endearing, but he’ll never admit it.
most of the team has already turned in for the night when you reach the main floor. sam and bucky fell asleep watching the cheetah girls, steve is fixing himself a midnight protein shake, and natasha is finishing her weekly catch-up with yelena over facetime.
she yawns practically every other word.
“i got her from here,” peter informs happy, tightening his arms around you for emphasis. the two of them step out of the elevator. “alright. be up bright and early for your debriefing, or we’re all screwed,” happy reminds him and points a finger at your sleeping body.
peter waits until happy is gone to make his official exit. he carries you past the quadruplet of insomniacs and down the hall to your room, where he’ll try his best to help you into bed without disturbing your slumber.
that will be the hard part.
he opens up your door, letting out a sigh of relief that it doesn’t creak, and brings you to your thankfully plushy bed. gently, peter moves a hand up to support your head so he can lay you down.
you unconsciously cuddle your pillow once peter sets your head on it. peter clutches a hand over his heart at the sight.
“so freaking cute,” he whispers to himself, giving you a moment to adjust before he gets you changed.
you’re still in your suit, which happens to be made of skin-tight latex. there’s no way peter is letting you sleep in that.
he doesn’t want to undress you without your consent, so he’ll have to do what he was hoping to avoid and wake you up. you won’t be particularly thrilled.
“y/n?” peter calls your name softly, kneeling next to you on the floor. “y/n, i need you for a sec. c’mon, baby.”
he traces a finger across your eyebrows that stayed knitted together. your lips form a pout.
“i know, i know. it’ll only be for a minute, then you can go right back to sleep,” peter coos and pecks your cheek once again. “gimme one minute.” “no,” you whine, rolling onto your side so you aren’t facing peter. “‘m so tired… leave me alone.”
your arm drapes over your eyes to cover them. peter bites back a smile and sets a hand on your waist.
“i’m just gonna get you in pajamas really quick. is that okay?” he explains, moving you onto your back. you crack open an eye and look up at him in the darkness. “whatever. time starts now.”
peter squeezes your waist affirmatively before making his way to your dresser, where he digs through your pajama drawer with speed. he retrieves an oversized tee and sleep shorts because you can never go wrong with those. padding back over to your bed, peter places the clothes down by the edge.
“you wanna change into these, or do you want me to do it for you?” he checks, already having his guess on what you’re going to say. “you do it, pete,” you confirm and shut your eyes.
with your permission, peter starts to search for a zipper on your suit. he trails a hand along your side and back, but can’t find one. he frowns in confusion.
“how do you take this thing off?” peter wonders. you were about to knock out again, then he spoke. “button,” you say shortly. that only adds to his confusion. “button? what button? you never told me you have a-“
annoyed, you grab peter’s hand and bring it to your stomach. “here! right here.” it’s located on the special symbol your suit dons. peter always wondered what that was doing there.
“like true stark tech,” he remarks, pressing the button to release you from the constricting material.
you shimmy around to get yourself out of the suit, mostly to no avail. your efforts at least earn a laugh from peter. “hang on, baby. let me.”
he tugs the suit where it starts to pool, slowly but surely peeling it off your body at last. seeing it more convenient to sleep commando, you beam at peter and lay back on your pillow.
“mm, goodnight,” you mumble, peter seizing your shoulders to stop you. “wait, wait, wait…” he crouches next to you a second time. “don’t you want your jammies?”
“don’t say jammies,” you playfully chastise, forcing yourself to look at peter. “but, yes. i guess i want them.” “super,” peter nods and reaches for your pajamas. his fingers twist in one of your bra straps.
“can i take this off?” he asks you. you’d make a comment about how much of a gentleman he is, if you had the energy. “be my guest,” you comply. peter easily unhooks your bra and slides the straps down your arms. after you toss it aside, you lift your arms for your shirt.
“impressive,” you tease his skills, unable to resist. “don’t act so surprised,” peter quips, shaking the t-shirt over your head. your hair is a mess when your head emerges from the hole, prompting him to ruffle your disheveled coils.
“we’re almost done, i promise,” peter assures you and goes to gather your shorts. no strategic ways to get them on you come to his mind. “um, you might have to stand up for this.”
you swat them out of his hands instead. “forget the shorts, peter,” you reprimand. “i wanna sleep, and i want you to hold me.” peter stands up, offering you a lopsided smile. “ok, ok. fine. how could i say no?” “you can’t,” you deadpan, laying down for the last and final time. “not to me.”
you pull back the covers for you both to get under, peter slipping out of his suit. he joins you in his boxers and nothing else. you’re never mad about that.
“did so amazing today, y/n/n. ‘m so lucky you’re my partner in crime,” peter hums, you nuzzling your face against his bare chest. his arms hug your waist, lips meeting the top of your head and spreading into a wide grin. you loop your own arms around his middle.
“i feel the same, pete. you’re my better half.”
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shishirona · 2 years
I really enjoy your writing, its one of the ways I got back into Kirby the way I did heehee.
Anyways a prompt, maybe meta and dedede being dads to Kirby and Bandee? Its one of my favorite headcanons and I would like to see ur take on it <3
thank you so much for your kind words! I took some liberties with the prompt, but, Meta Knight and Dedede are good, sweet dads to Kirby and Bandana Dee
On all accounts, it sounded like a good idea—a trip away from Dreamland, just the four of them, out camping and exploring previously unexplored spots of Popstar. With Dreamland left in the capable hands of Dedede’s Waddle Dees, Kirby’s many friends, and Meta Knight’s���. Meta-Knights, they embarked on their weeklong journey with little to no worry on their minds. King Dedede and Kirby sang jollily out of tune as they made for a place Meta Knight had scouted out from the air for them to be an ideal camping spot, with Meta Knight himself and Bandana Waddle Dee covering the rear. 
Even as the sun began to set and they got their tent ready and roasted marshmallows over a fire Meta Knight and Bandana Dee made, things were well. Peaceful, even. So much so that Meta Knight removed his mask and allowed himself to bask in the feelings with a smile on his face. 
The atmosphere changed drastically when Kirby and Bandana Dee went to get some rest. A loud, panicked “Wanya!” had Meta Knight and Dedede rush into the tent, and find Kirby comforting an equally teary-eyed Bandana Dee from the nightmare he’d just woken up from.
Meta sighs, sharing a look with Dedede. 
“We are outside of Dreamland, after all… it was only inevitable.” 
“Yeah,” Dedede mutters, crouching down and pulling Bandana close, rubbing the Dee’s head. “No fountain here for us.” Kirby joins Bandana by Dedede’s side, demanding snuggles as well. Dedede chuckles wryly. “Sorry, you two. Guess we kinda… forgot about that, huh?” 
“I-It’s okay! I’ll protect Bandana from the bad dreams!” Kirby pipes up, but his voice trembles tellingly. Bandana Dee hadn’t been the only one to wake from a nightmare, then. 
“Kirby.” Meta Knight kneels by Kirby’s side, placing a hand on the pink puff’s head. “It is alright. King Dedede and I will protect you. Will we not, Dedede?” He turns to look at the king, whose face is mere inches away from Meta’s own. Oh, how tempting it is to lean against his love and cuddle together, but Meta Knight means to keep his promise to the shaken-up Kirby and Bandana Dee who both stare at him with a look of gratitude in their eyes.
“Thank you, Sir Meta Knight,” Bandana Dee says, mustering a happy face, his approximation of a smile. Meta Knight nods and offers a smile of his own, reaching over to give Bandana a pat on the head as well when Dedede retracts his. “And you too, your majesty.” 
“Aw, it’s nothin’! We adults gotta take care of ya, don’t we?” Dedede grins, pulling both Kirby and Bandana Dee in for a hug. “Now… oh! Why don’t Meta sing us a lullaby?”
“Oh!” Kirby’s eyes light up and he looks expectantly over at his mentor slash friend, wearing a bright smile as if the nightmare has already been driven from his mind. “Please, Meta? Pretty please?” 
“I—ahem—I do not know if that would be a good idea…” Meta mutters, pointedly averting his gaze. Dedede grins, gently nudging him. 
“C’mon now, ya said we’d protect ‘em, right? I’m sure that includes a night of good sleep, yeah? ‘M sure a lullaby from your nice voice’s gonna lull them into a happy sleep, won’t it? Chase away the bad dreams for them, ‘n all.” 
“Dedede…” Meta sighs, shifting a little. A lullaby from him would be more pleasing to the ears than the out-of-tune Dedede, but still… Meta isn’t particularly fond of singing, let alone for a group who’d never let them hear the end of it. But the looks they’re all giving him, especially Dedede… how could he resist? 
“If it sweetens the deal for ya, I could do an interpretive dance to go along with it,” Dedede jokes, making Kirby giggle. 
Meta shakes his head with a fond sigh. “That would defeat the purpose of lulling them to sleep, would it not? But… alright. Just this once. For their sakes.” 
“‘Course. Here, hold on, lemme tuck ‘em in.” Dedede picks up Bandana Dee and Kirby both, bringing them over to their shared sleeping space, consisting of an inflatable mattress and a few pillows Kirby convinced Meta to put in his pocket dimension. Dedede tucks them in as promised, making sure they’re warm and comfortable together. He crawls back over to join Meta by his side, pulling the knight against him in an open sign of affection, and nuzzles the top of Meta’s head. “Work yer magic.” 
“Right.” Meta clears his throat and closes his eyes, starting to hum softly. He’s not got a bad voice by any means, but it isn’t as if he sings often. He hums a repetitive melody, forgoing the use of lyrics, and keeps it up until he’s sure Bandana Dee and Kirby have fallen asleep, snuggled up together and quietly snoring. 
They’re not the only ones affected, though. Dedede leans more heavily on Meta’s body and snores far louder than the two others, having pulled Meta into a sideways hug. Meta smiles fondly and manages to extract himself from Dedede’s grasp, gently carrying the king over to their corner of the tent and tucking him in just as he did Bandana Dee and Kirby. 
“I promise to watch out for all of you,” he whispers, standing up and preparing to exit the tent. It seems to wake Dedede, who gives him a sleepy smile.
“‘M keepin’ watch tomorrow,” he mumbles, “Or we could together so that ya don’t have to do it alone…” he trails off, slurring his words. 
With Bandana Dee and Kirby fast asleep, it’s a tad easier for Meta to be open with his affections toward Dedede. He smiles again. “I will surely take you up on that offer. For now, please rest, my love. I will ensure all of you will sleep safely. I swear this on my honor as a knight.”
With a half-hearted mumble, Dedede turns around and almost immediately falls back asleep. Meta gives the three of them one last look and exits the tent, content to keep watch by the fire, so long as it makes them feel more comfortable sleeping out here and gives them a night of pleasant dreams. 
True to his word, Dedede joins him the next night, and they spend it cuddled up together, whispering words of affection to one another while entangled in the other’s arms. Every now and then they go to check on Kirby and Bandana Dee, ensuring that the two are sleeping safe and soundly. 
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