#all it took was my best friend going WATCH DR WHO WITH ME RN
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demonir · 4 months ago
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Guy who’s been avoiding watching Doctor Who his entire life finally succumbs to peer pressure by no one but himself and turns into his most annoying version possible and makes it everybody else’s problem now for the foreseeable future (exaggerated for dramatic effect)
Had to get these 2 out of my system somehow or I was going to explode
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laylasverse · 15 days ago
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ꪆৎ doing this shifting exercise by zaddizu for my better cr . this is a longer one so buckle up. i skipped some of the questions, sorry lol . . .
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✶ WHAT IS YOUR NAME ? my name is layla amelie mullis. my mother named me after the song "layla" by eric clapton. she knew from childhood that she wanted to name her daughter after the song. my biological father gave me my middle name & last name. "amelie" is after a girl he found pretty at the dmv.
✶ WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD ? this question is so difficult to answer because it changes all the time. and the answer is dependent on a lot of variables. anyway, right now i love yogurt parfaits with strawberries & granola.
✶ WHAT IS A SONG YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A PLACE FOR IN YOUR HEART ? mockingbird by eminem. i used to listen to it as a little girl and it reminds me of my biological father. ( we don't have time to get into this rn lol )
✶ FAVORITE COLOR, GO ! dark red, but i look best in green because of my hazel eyes so green too.
✶ WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MEMORY ? my favorite memory is every time i saw a movie with my sister and my step-dad. it isn't really a specific movie but the feeling over sitting in a movie theater with them. sharing popcorn, making stupid comments & jokes, complaining about plots, having the aux on the way home and so much more. i am forever grateful for those moments.
✶ IN A CROWED ROOM, WHO WOULD YOU LOOK FOR FIRST ? my little sister. i drag her along with me wherever i go so she's always there. she the first person i tell when something major happens so i always look for and to her.
✶ BEST MUSIC GENRE ? oh, definitely hip-hop. it has set the foundation for so many trends & norms.
✶ WHAT TOPIC WOULD YOU DEFEND WITH YOUR LIFE ? literally anything kendrick lamar does. like the imagery and storytelling in his works is just so amazing. my friends know not to say anything bad about him while i'm around because i will not stop defending him.
✶ WHO IS A CHARACTER YOU RELATE TO ? stiles stilinski, because i am also the funny best friend of the main character.
✶ PICTURE YOUR ROOM, IS IT ORGANIZED OR MESSY ? right now it's a combination of both. it's messy but i know where everything is. i should really just clean it out like an intense spring cleaning but i got other things to do ( this is me procrastinating if you couldn't tell ).
✶ GUN TO YOUR HEAD . . . ARE YOU FUNNY ? yes, i am. i know that may come across conceded but being funny has been my thing since childhood. i was not the prettiest girl growing up so i had to be funny for people to be my friend. i used to hate just being the "funny friend" but now it's just who i am. and i love making people laugh.
✶ FRUIT PLATTER OR CANDY PLATTER ? fruit platter, one thousand percent. fresh strawberries, pineapple, crunchy green grapes, raspberries, green apple slices, mandarin oranges, & kiwi. like give me five minutes and it's gone.
✶ SUGAR, SOUR OR SPICE ? spice. even though my mouth sometimes feels like it's literal lava afterwords, i love spicy food.
✶ WHAT'S YOUR AESTHETIC ? i don't even know how to put it into words so here's a little moodboard.
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✶ WHO IN YOUR DESIRED REALITY WOULD NOT SURPRISE YOU AS BEING A SHIFTER ? this might be an easy answer because she's a shifter here but my friend stevie. we both add each other to our drs and stuff so it would not surprise me if she gave me wink or whatever.
✶ WHAT'S YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE ? i was never a harry potter girlie. i tried to watch the movies a few years ago. they didn't really latch onto my brain though. my friend kennedy is really into harry potter and stuff so i took the quiz a few times & always got gryffindor.
✶ AMBIVERT, INTROVERT, OR EXTRAVERT ? ambivert. around my friends i am an extravert through and through. i enjoy making them laugh so i turn up my personality while i am around them. but at home or in front of people i don't know i am definitely an introvert. talking in front of crowds is the bane of my existence.
✶ BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT ? math because there's a definite answer for everything. or maybe history because it's already happened and i don't have to analyze some author's meaning. can you tell how much i hate my english classes?
✶ WHERE CAN SOMEONE FIND YOU WHEN YOU'RE SAD ? in my room, for sure. i love to be alone when im feeling "big" emotions. i just need like two hours to deal with it all on my own then i'm good.
✶ SOMEONE'S MUSIC YOU DON'T ENJOY ? it's not so much of a person than a type of music. i really don't like music without lyrics. it just doesn't make any sense to me. i can't focus on anything if there's like classical music playing.
✶ WHO WAS YOUR FIRST LOVE ? DO YOU REGRET IT ? okay, so... surprisingly jason was not my first love. i had a friend that i had an intense homoerotic friendship with from sixth grade to the middle of freshman year. i don't exactly regret it but if i could go back i wouldn't got through it again. she was just not someone I shouldn't have loved. when i confessed she acted like i was crazy even though literally everyone around us thought we were already together. so sick, awesome.
✶ HAS THERE EVER BEEN SOMEONE FAMOUS YOU DIDN'T LIKE ? oh, many many many people. usually when i meet someone i almost immediately get their vibe and most famous people give of strange ones. sorta like leeches or parasites. lmk if y'all want me to tell you who...
✶ DO YOU ENJOY YOUR FANBASE ? yes! well, most of the time. sometimes they get a little weird when i bring a non-youtuber friend into my videos because they become bloodhounds and have to find out everything about them. but other than that they're pretty chill. they make a bunch of compilations on youtube & i watch them with my friends stevie because she's in my videos often.
✶ WHAT ARE YOU FAMOUS FOR ? i'm famous for my elementary school vines & baking videos.
✶ LEAST FAVORITE INTERVIEW ? my least favorite interview i've done has got to be when i had chris evans on my "show". but only because he made me nervous a few times so i fumbled over my words. this is one of the few interviews of mine i literally won't watch back.
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IB : the amazing @rrezshifts & his post !!
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gigglebone6 · 11 months ago
ithink this is what tumblr would be like in the dogman universe: a simulator
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😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
can those villain asshats get control of those goddamn monsters i have lost literally every single fucking thing thanks to those brainless pieces of shits last week a fucking T-REX SKELETON destroyed my fucking HOUSE and everything around it
🪻 inmylane-1999
how are you able to say those words
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
what words?
🪻 inmylane-1999 the a word, f word, and s word
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
oh i see you're one of the Collardale inhabitants. screw the fuck off your town is a CURSE
🪻 inmylane-1999
what did i do? :(
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🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
hnstly i dont get y Daryl hangs arnd that pig guy hes rlly mean & bad
🐊 piethrowingboss
didnt u help us go after him when he ditched us after the mini jail broke 2 bits?
🪰 greenweirdthingwithteeth follow
yeh butt hes still rlly mean & i was a lil moar concerned 4 Daryl
🐊 piethrowingboss
ohhhh kk
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🐕 zupabuddiezthezenutz
zomg did u guyz watch that new mini-documentary w/ Petey The Cat n Zarah Hatoff??? that waz tragickk..
#holy shart i have so much moar respect 4 him now..
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🔄 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep reblogged
🌆 icareforyou follow
still dont know why people are supporting Petey Duckhat just because of that documentary, didn't he terrorize the city for more than a month or two?? ntm he quite literally MUTILATED Officer Knight and Greg The Dog's bodies bad enough with that bomb to where they had to become that sick and horrible abomination i have to stomach through seeing on the news every week.
😀 randomcivillian-956 follow
i know right?? like hes genuinely a horrible cat but people are supporting him for no other reason other than "oh hes a victim!!" like shut the fuck up and grow up.
op i wouldn't say DogMan is sick and horrible, he seems to be in great condition despite such an accident and hard surgery to conduct, and looks perfectly happy. while i don't support Petey Duckhat either, you took it a step further and suggested that DogMan is currently in conditions horrible enough to render him an "abomination".
🌆 icareforyou follow
dont you post tips for fucking evil monsters on your blog.
#LMAOOO dude was SLAUGHTERED so hard they deactivated #redogs
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🌭 24hotdogsatyourdoorstep
walking on the street with a small can of living spray in my pocket and the nearest cop explodes into blood guts and viscera
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🦷 bigmonsterinyourheart
okay i get that Dr. Scum is a real and kinda sucky person and all that but his labcoat kinda fucks!!
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✨ lookatthestars
Hot take or whatever but I don't think we should trust a guy who gets really distracted by squirrels and balls and a kitten who could easily get hurt to protect our city. Lightning Dude IS one of the better options as they ARE a highly durable and strong robot, but The Bark Knight and Cat Kid maybe aren't our best bets, they could get hurt easily and aren't exactly professionals.
Don't get me started on the Friendly Friends, I don't think we can trust two guys who JUST left the same exact trio that was responsible for that marshmallow factory's destruction (which left many injured, some DEAD), what if they're pretending? Also the bugs could easily get killed, they're small and fragile, the most work they can do without a high risk of getting smashed is spying on villains.
Commander Cupcake's a different story, as I'm pretty sure that guy only helped out, like, 3 times.
#anti-supa buddies #anti-friendly friends #twinkle twinkle little star
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🪁 lalalalala89
dude imagine if we were in a book rn and ppl were posting on tumblr abt us
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🎠 supastarr
remember, calico trans toms are perfectly valid! even cis toms can be calicos, and fur pattern doesn't determine exact gender, especially with fur dying technology nowadays! :)
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mastershifter666 · 1 month ago
Pls yap more on you pjo dr‼️
WOAH?? Surprising, but yeah ofc !!!
So me along with two other kids are the Misfits of camp since not only are we a step above demi gods in a sense, but we were created before the war in the last pjo book by three gods each ^_^ the prophecy about us is;
“Three new Children of the Old, Powers from not one but three who have come together before the War, All with shared purpose.
The first with power unable to control, Forever cursed with pain unable to heal Made from the Old Moon, Chaos, and The Stars Destined to either kill or save all, Though in the end, one life shall be lost anyways.
Another child of Advice, Prophecy, and the Dawn, There to forever aid the first at their side, To lose the trust will be the biggest mistake and will come back to haunt.
The last with haunting beauty of Darkness, Night, and Death, There to watch forever more, lurking and looking for the distant death to come.
All three made with one purpose, To destroy all, even themselves.”
But since this is like. Right after the war I kinda had to edit the story of HOO, so that happens a little bit after
I was made by Chaos, Selene, and Astrea, and that was a long time ago since everyone knows how Selene and Helios were faded away, so I’m the only half blood/descendent of Selene (main character vibes ong but its my reality 😣) me and Mallory were put in a foster home as soon as we were found together (not by half bloods, just normal mortals). Also in my pjo reality, due to my powers one of my legs are literally numb 24/7 so I can’t fucking walk without my walking aids (like this reality frfr 😭)
My little sibling Mallory (not biologically, though we are like siblings) is the child of Metis, Eos, and Phoebe and I took inspo from Nico and made it so that they were trapped in the Lotus Casino for like years (since my pjo reality takes place at around 2006, the war ending 2005, they’ve been trapped there ever since 1913 (so ever since they were born) and then was freed by Eos a year before the war)
The last kid is Apathes and he’s kinda like the protector and shit. Child of Erebus, Nxy, and Thanatos andnjsjs he’s based of my friends OC that I fell in love with during a roleplay (AHHH rlly though he is amazing!!) AND AND he actually was a child of Hypnos, but Hypnos gave him up to the other three in hopes of making a kid to destroy shit. Funny tho he has Somniphobia and can’t sleep unless he’s in the perfect spot (which changes everday,, gonna script that he ends up sleeping with me (not sexually, I’m an asexual king frfr) cause “it was the only spot that seemed best” (HE DEFINITELY SAID THAT CAUSE HE WANTS TO SLEEP WITH ME THOUGJ SJSJSJJSJSJS GOING CRAZYYY))
sigh I have shifted before, not for long, but I know that it’ll happened pretty soon : D I love life and my pjo reality <3
Thank you for letting me yap ong 🤭 srry if this doesn’t make sense, I’m just realllyyy happy that someone actually asked about my pjo reality skdkksjd shakinh fr rn 😭
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motherherbivore · 3 years ago
Hello I have no art to post rn but I do have some shit to say
I have a pretty one-sided relationship with the 2077 fandom these days but I do lurk and get bits and pieces of news. The current discourse as I understand it is a total no brainer—everyone just mind your own business and don’t look at shit you don’t like—but I’m more… adjectived about some of the names I’m seeing writing posts about how terrible it is that people would be so toxic and gatekeep-y in the fandom. I say adjectived because I have mixed feelings about it. It’s funny on some levels. It’s funny to see some of the people whose toxicity, gatekeeping, and cliqueishness destroyed a community and my mental health last year, now decrying toxicity, gatekeeping, and cliqueishness in the very same fandom. It’s absolutely hilarious that the person who edited my friends and I onto Arasaka agents being brutally killed by V and posted it over and over again in a Discord server, is saying not to harass and bully people. The funniest part is where they said it’s shallow to send your friends after someone you don’t like when they were sent after me and my friends by someone who didn’t like us. It’s really, really funny that these people took part in weeks of trolling, gaslighting, and witch hunting and now they’re being uplifted as voices of reason. It’s so funny because if it’s not I’ll have another breakdown!
Then it’s disheartening to see that people from one of the nicest 2077 communities I’ve ever been in supporting these people, even though I know they don’t know what happened. That’s why I do not participate in the community anymore, even though I miss it dearly--not because the nice people did anything bad, because they did not, but because I am not willing to allow even a possibility of being face to face with the people who DID hurt me, and I’m not willing to ask the good people to pick a side and cause even more strife. I haven’t spread the events of last summer because I didn’t want to divide communities, which is also very funny because that’s the exact opposite of what the other people wanted. It’s just upsetting to see them around, especially in this context. This is already long here’s a readmore
I mean, these are the same people who participated in “River is a domestic abuser and fucks his sister” rhetoric. Who gleefully swapped River with one of the Maelstrom guys during the Pick-up so they could watch his head get blown off and repeatedly posted the gif after being told to stop. Who supported one of the most attention-demanding, “my V is the correct V and what I say is canon,” egotistical women I’ve seen in this fandom.
Maybe those people have grown up. Maybe they regret what they did, or who they supported. Maybe if I unblocked some of them, they’d apologize. Maybe they’re saying all that while regretting what happened last summer. But I’m not going to give them that chance! They sure as hell didn’t give my friends that chance before labeling them doxxers, driving them to delete accounts, and harrassing their family members. 
Anyway, like I said, this isn’t really about the current discourse. I’m not saying they’re wrong in what they’re saying. I don’t even know exactly what’s happened (although it does sound like bullshit and people should stop bothering each other about their OCs). It’s just funny to me that they’ll get up in arms about bullying when they’re some of the worst bullies I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. Plus, part of me feels like I need to explain to the good people why I vanished without a word, and while this is a paltry explanation, it’s the best I can do at the moment.
I don’t expect any action from this post, nor do I really want any. I’m just talk talk talkin. I guess the TL;DR is that karma isn’t real and bad people still get to enjoy life, more often than the people they hurt, and most people are blissfully unaware
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punkscowardschampions · 3 years ago
Ruby & Cosmo
Ruby: Dying to know is every date colour coded? ❤️
Cosmo: Oh, God 😅 How unintentionally cringe
Cosmo: That sums up how well it went, sadly
Ruby: the quick reply had me thinking you were back early or answering in the middle of dinner
Cosmo: 🤫
Cosmo: I’d never!
Cosmo: It was a favour and I think that showed
Cosmo: She’s my cousin’s friend and just got dumped, sweet girl but perhaps not ready to be great company
Ruby: explains the 🌹
Cosmo: Not very personal or too basic?
Ruby: a nice try if it was your first date ever but I know it’s not
Cosmo: Thank God I didn’t get another bouquet 😏
Cosmo: They weren’t buy one get one free though, before you say
Ruby: they looked expensive
Ruby: she would’ve felt guilty throwing them back in your face
Cosmo: I told you I weren’t texting under the table, why would she need to?
Ruby: you told me why, they’re impersonal & basic
Ruby: & heartbreak makes you unhinged
Cosmo: I wouldn’t call her unhinged
Cosmo: at least not to her face, right
Ruby: 😅
Ruby: or your cousin’s
Ruby: Are you staying out in town or going home to change?
Cosmo: I don’t fancy showing up in the club in this
Cosmo: never mind hearing what my friends would have to say
Cosmo: What are you up to?
Ruby: the VIP area has seen worse, you don’t look like you raided the Gucci sale rail, eyes closed
Ruby: & your friends have worn worse, but I won’t say it to their faces
Ruby: I’m waiting for my own friends to be done making their own questionable outfit choices as usual
Cosmo: Careful, that was almost a compliment and not just a drag of the lads
Cosmo: not undeserved on their end but what did I do to make you decide to be nice to me?
Cosmo: besides entertain you with my dating woes whilst they redo their makeup, again
Ruby: You know how to dress, it’s a fact
Ruby: & I didn’t decide to be nice, it just happened
Cosmo: Not that you’re not usually nice in general
Cosmo: but here I am, feeling special, like 💖🤩
Cosmo: It’s also a fact, though not an impressive one, that I’m not lame enough to go in for that negging bullshit, so whatever I end up doing, calling you a bitch ain’t on the agenda
Ruby: there you were down in the dumps about your disaster date, I thought I’d try to help
Ruby: I wouldn’t, it only works for Mason when everyone’s too busy watching his feet move to care about his mouth & that’s not the audience you’ve got atm
Cosmo: I think I’ll survive
Cosmo: but I appreciate it
Cosmo: I’ve seen him get in trouble for his mouth plenty of times on the pitch
Cosmo: but referees aren’t ones to be sweet-talked so…
Ruby: your expensive roses are wasted on them 🥀
Cosmo: That is the real tragedy 💔
Cosmo: I reckon 🍷 could work on your dad though, whaddya think?
Ruby: aren’t we beyond bribes? I thought we were
Cosmo: You don’t have to go up for contract renewals
Cosmo: but I was joking, so don’t tell him he’s on a promise there
Ruby: oh yeah, it’s a joke you being worried you won’t get renewed
Ruby: he doesn’t shut up about you after a few 🍷’s with your dad
Cosmo: Sorry you’ve had to witness/hear that
Cosmo: can’t help my case
Ruby: it wouldn’t be realistic to entertain you or let you entertain me if he wasn’t on board
Cosmo: No?
Ruby: secrecy & sneaking around would be impossible unless we could both drop what we were doing at a moment’s notice, which we can’t
Cosmo: True
Cosmo: Neither of us has the time for that
Ruby: or the anonymity
Cosmo: You aren’t wrong
Ruby: 💖🤩 back at me?
Ruby: you’re being agreeable, above & beyond the Sunday roast standard you set when everyone was listening in
Cosmo: Agreeable from you I can take
Cosmo: I didn’t know any of you guys were going to be there, so if I wasn’t on top form
Cosmo: I’d love to have a second chance to do it better, of course
Cosmo: Somewhere more exciting than family dinner
Cosmo: and no impersonal and basic 🌹s
Ruby: I’d love to skip the club tonight, it stopped being exciting forever ago
Ruby: there’s your chance
Cosmo: Alright
Cosmo: I’ll make something happen and I’ll send you the place and the dress code
Ruby: pastel colours wash me out
Cosmo: What kind of place would be pastels only? 🤔
Ruby: [name drop somewhere boujee that you’ve been probably with your mum and godmother lol]
Ruby: you wasted the ❤️ on the wrong girl 💔
Cosmo: She wasn’t wearing red
Ruby: it was never going to work out
Cosmo: That might be for the best
Ruby: tbd
Ruby: but I’m not feeling like I’ll cry or talk about any of my exes so it’ll be better for you
Cosmo: And for you
Cosmo: not that you’re letting me be impressive with a bar that low but you know
Ruby: you’ll get over or under it if you want to
Cosmo: If I couldn’t rise to the occasion your dad definitely wouldn’t stand for it
Ruby: I won’t either
Cosmo: tbd
Cosmo: I heard
Ruby: another girl has beat me to denying you everything, I have no choice but to switch it up to keep things interesting
Cosmo: Has hard-to-get worked since the days of negging?
Cosmo: You’ve got all the choices, and no need to play any sort of game with me
Cosmo: Let’s have a good time
Ruby: it might have worked for people who want a different reputation than I do
Ruby: that’d wash me out too, the whole projection of intense cold bitch energy
Ruby: a good time is more doable
Cosmo: It wouldn’t get you very far, I understand
Cosmo: We all have to be some type of way to get to where we need to be
Ruby: yeah & talent has to be backed up with 😁✨
Cosmo: A winning personality, of course
Ruby: if I don’t have that both of my parents & coach are going to lose it, definitely
Cosmo: Well, you don’t need to worry about that, from my perspective
Ruby: from my POV neither of us will be worrying until the alarm wakes us early tomorrow & it’ll be too late to stress it by then
Ruby: the good time’ll have already happened
Cosmo: I’ll drink to that
Cosmo: [something that’s between the restaurant moment we just took Savannah to and the normal clubs they would go to, idk what that would look like, like a club that’s a bit sassier than the beyond standard ones footballers and WAGs would hang in]
Cosmo: but I won’t start without you, like
Ruby: not counting the 🍷 if the 🍝 soaked it up
Ruby: but what do you want me to wear? 🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎
Cosmo: ❤️ off the table then
Ruby: the bar hasn’t fallen through the floor, I’m not okaying you wearing the outfit you chose for her & me dressing to match it
Cosmo: 😅 I’ve gone home but alright
Cosmo: I want to see what you come up with, actually
Cosmo: I’ll show you I’ve got better than the jumper, don’t worry
Ruby: I’ll do better than a roast with the fam, talk about a low bar
Cosmo: I think you’re probably incapable of looking bad
Ruby: try keeping me up all night & you’ll see
Cosmo: I won’t be the first or the last to show up to practice feeling less than 💯 … are all the other ice skaters perfect 😇s?
Ruby: I’m not giving any details of who isn’t, you’re a date down tonight as is, I’m not getting ditched for someone even more 😈
Cosmo: About how that looks
Cosmo: ‘cos I know
Cosmo: We aren’t going to post anything are we?
Cosmo: I’m not looking to add to the poor girl’s 💔 and I know it’s a dick move to not even wait ‘til tomorrow
Ruby: 📵
Ruby: getting into a fight with your cousin over me is even more Romeo & Juliet than sneaking around behind my dad’s back, we all know how it ended
Ruby: drama in the routine is fine but off the ice it’s not cute
Cosmo: Drama on the pitch depends how you feel about diving
Cosmo: but I appreciate that
Ruby: how I feel about diving depends how much my brother has got to me & I want to get him back for it
Cosmo: 🟥 or 🟨 depending on the day
Ruby: 🟥 usually
Cosmo: I feel that
Cosmo: about my own, usually, not necessarily yours but I can see the how and why there too
Ruby: yours made an impression, not at all good
Cosmo: That’s his speciality
Ruby: 😬 brothers bring the mood down when they’re ours
Cosmo: Neither of them’s invited
Ruby: it’ll make a change not to see mine out
Cosmo: That’s unlucky
Ruby: but you’re on to a winner with the location, congrats
Cosmo: I had a good feeling
Ruby: I’ve got one too
Cosmo: 💖🤩
Ruby: a compliment to last until I get there
Cosmo: tbd 👋
Ruby: ❤️
Cosmo: [so obviously this night is gonna go better than the awkward date, though that’s not hard soz Savannah, but also a step above the standard club moment of every weekend hence we stay out longer than we usually do when we’ve got an early start tomorrow]
Ruby: [and equally as obviously if you found enough to talk about when you were around all your annoying relatives for that roast I’m not worried about you struggling for a convo tonight, you’re both cute and have things in common and there’s clearly a vibe]
Cosmo: [I don’t think anything needs to happen tonight but it’s obvious you like each other ‘cos you could both be bothered to show and do this]
Ruby: [agreed it feels legit to who you both are and your priorities to wanna take things a bit slower than that, like it’s clearly unlike her already to do this when you were literally on a date earlier and staying out later than planned is also something neither of you do a lot so]
Cosmo: [yes, we’re not that kind of boy, not saying you’ve never slept with anyone obvs lmao but we’re not a different gal every weekend energy at all]
Ruby: [likewise neither calling this gal a nun or a slag but I doubt she's been out with that many people cos of a) her busy schedule and b) the lowkey famous dad and brother thing that would make some lads wanna try it on for that reason]
Cosmo: [exactly dr phil, you wanna skip to the AM of it all?]
Ruby: [absolutely boo]
Cosmo: 🟥 or 🟨 for keeping you out past your bedtime then?
Ruby: Are you willing to take credit or am I blaming a messy friend’s man troubles?
Cosmo: That depends
Cosmo: we would have to find a friend we’d mutually not mind throwing under the bus and I’m not sure if my brain is capable rn
Ruby: it wouldn’t be taxing to mine to think up someone believable, if you’re keen to show up to my door with 💐 & fool my dad that it’s the first move you’ve made
Ruby: for rep’s sake
Cosmo: The 💔 is all around
Cosmo: a hangover will have you feeling that way
Cosmo: are YOU keen for me to show up at your door with 💐s, that’s the real question here
Ruby: I’ll start getting hangovers when I’m old, it’s a scare tactic before, not a real thing
Ruby: impressing my dad doesn’t necessarily impress me
Cosmo: 😂
Cosmo: That’s alright, I already have impressed him, so it’s definitely not my intention here
Ruby: let’s hear what your intentions are
Cosmo: Now you’re bragging about how un-hungover you are
Cosmo: How about you let me set up a second date and we can talk about it then?
Ruby: a brag would have a selfie attached, I was reassuring you I’m not suffering mild alcohol poisoning like most of our friends
Ruby: a second date for when?
Cosmo: I’m pleased to hear it
Cosmo: it doesn’t make for a pretty sight
Cosmo: [pisstakey shot of some of the lads dying in the changing room or wherever like ew lol]
Cosmo: Send me your calendar and I’ll see?
Ruby: 😬 lovely [but send him something similar of the girls obvs and then your calendar of course, I’m cackling because what if the only time they can both do is tonight so that looks really extra when you’re both not]
Cosmo: They’d kill us for that 😏
Cosmo: [we so could, lmao okay]
Cosmo: Well, it looks like either we double down and go for tonight or we give it a rain check and see in a couple weeks 🤔
Ruby: tonight works for me but it’s you who’d be doing the work to think of somewhere else with wow factor
Cosmo: Undefeated with two wins sounds a lot better than one
Ruby: yeah & I don’t want to talk about weeks on the bench
Cosmo: Be a bit of a dirty tactic to put the blame on you for not going out with me tonight if I get benched but
Cosmo: If it works I’m not above it
Cosmo: So, what kind of place are you looking to avoid tonight?
Ruby: do we need to avoid anywhere or flash photography? your cousin & the girl they forced you to date can’t stay mad forever
Cosmo: No, we don’t have to
Ruby: 💖🤩
Cosmo: Understood
Cosmo: I’ll get back to you
Ruby: 🚫🍷🥃🍸🍹 can be tonight’s rule if you need a break
Cosmo: I don’t
Cosmo: I just needed to know what you want to do, and now I do and I’m thinking
Ruby: I know you don’t need it to have or be fun, me either hopefully
Cosmo: I think you’re fun
Cosmo: and it’s definitely tragic if you have to rely on something like that, that’s not me
Ruby: it’s nobody I know or would count as worth knowing
Cosmo: Totally
Cosmo: Okay, I’m going on the pitch, send you deets later
Ruby: don’t mess up or I’m going to cancel tonight & I don’t want to so that’ll be us both in bad moods 😘
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years ago
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20 Doctors And Nurses Share The Creepiest Last Words Uttered By A Patient Before Dying
I work in a cardiac ICU. We had a patient who had a pulmonary artery rupture (a rare, but known complication of a Swan-Ganz catheter). One minute he was joking around with us and the next bright red blood was spewing out of his mouth. His last words before he died were “why is this happening to me?”
It still haunts me years later.
I’m an RT and had a vented trach patient in angio have the same thing happen. Vent waveforms got a little funky showing she needed suctioned. I walked up to her and saw bright red blood just start shooting up the vent circuit and immediately obstruct it.
I immediately said “she’s hemorrhaging” and the vascular surgeon said “no it’s just a little blood” thinking I was referring to his access site in her groin.
I popped her off of the vent and blood just started pouring out of her trach, mouth, and nose. She looked at me and said, “just let me die.”
The puddle of blood was about 6 feet in diameter on the floor within just a couple of minutes and I was covered from the chest down.
I’ve seen some shit, but that was the worst,
“But I don’t know how to get there…” Grandpa in hospice. Hadn’t spoken in days. Died about 2 hours later.
I’m a nurse and was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia/Alzheimer’s unit. My very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily so I was checking on him very frequently. We would have long chats and joke around with each other, but in the last two weeks of his life, he stopped talking completely and didn’t really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all.
I finished my medication rounds for the evening and went to see him before I left. I told him I was leaving for the night and that I’d see him the following day, and he looked me in the eyes and smiled SO genuinely and said, “You look like an angel.” I thought it was so sweet because he had not seemed lucid in weeks.
He died the next morning. It really messed with me.
I overheard an old lady whisper this to her old husband dying of kidney problems.
“You are going to beat this, you got away with murder, this is nothing”
Nurse here – had a patient come into the ER with shortness of breath. He started deteriorating in the ER, and then quite rapidly on the transport up the ICU. We got him wheeled into his room, replaced the ER lines and tubes with our own, and transferred him from the transport stretcher to his ICU bed.
He actually did most of the transfer himself. He didn’t say anything, but just before he died he pleasantly adjusted his own pillow, laid his head down, and then his eyes went blank. This man just made himself comfortable before laying down to die.
Dad had MS. He’d had it since he was 18. Diagnosed at 20, married my mom at 24, had me at 29, died 15 days short of 45. Six months before that, he was put on hospice. He and Mom were discussing funeral arrangements, and my mom jokingly said, “You know Tim, the best thing you could do would be to die on a Wednesday. That way we can have the body prepared on Thursday, the viewing on Friday, and the memorial on Saturday, so more people could come.
The morning we got the call that it was time, my mom, two sisters, and I were about five minutes too late. After we said our goodbyes, the nurse pulled my mom aside and asked if that day had any significance. It’s not even 6 am yet, so Mom doesn’t even know what day it IS much less if it’s important. The nurse tells her it’s May 21st. No… nothing is coming to mind.
The nurse told her that the previous day he kept asking what day it was and they’d tell him it was the 20th. He’d look irritated but accept it. That morning, he asked what day it was, and they said, “It’s Wednesday, May 21st.” He smiled, squeezed his favorite nurse’s hand, and was gone almost immediately.
It was Memorial Day weekend, and we did just as he and Mom had planned. And despite many friends being out of town for the holiday, we had over 250 people show up at the memorial service, overflowing the tiny church more than it had ever been filled. To his dying day, he was trying to make things easier for our family. I miss him.
My grandfather on his deathbed said “they have no eyes,” still give me chills.
“Get home safe, little one.” It wasn’t what he said – he said the same thing to me any time I had him as a patient for the evening. It was how he said it. He gave me this look and pause like he knew. The DNR’s in my experience, always know when it’s time. It’s creepy.
Checked in on a patient before the end of my shift and she was in good spirits, had been joking with me the whole time. Her condition was tenuous (new trach) but she had been positive throughout. I asked how she was doing and she replied by singing “The old gray mare ain’t what she used to be” and wished me a good night.
I came in the next morning and she had coded and died overnight.
Came into an early shift and was handed over a patient who’d been very anxious and had a panic attack overnight. He was anxious all morning but obs all fine, ecg fine and so I just asked someone to sit with him to keep an eye on him/reassure him for me. He gets worse, really panicky, heavy breathing, he’s on his side in the fetal position.
Drs will be in in 10 minutes so I tell him I’ll get them to him as soon as they come in but ask if he’ll lie on his back for me to help his breathing. He tells me he won’t make it until they get here and that he won’t face the other way. Obs still all fine at this point but he’s more agitated so again I suggest he move position for comfort and that’s when he says, ‘I won’t make it until the Drs get here. If I turn to face the other way I’ll die’. He repeated this a few times to me.
He arrested literally as the Drs walked in and he died on the side he’d been refusing to turn to. I’m convinced he knew.
I’m an apprentice funeral director. We went to a nursing home on a removal and as we were walking down the hall one of the patients got antsy and opened the door to his room and saw us walking with the stretcher.
“I’ll see you next week boys”
And guess who we had to pick up the next week.
I found one of my “comfort measures only” patients standing at the side of his bed. It surprised me because he had been mostly unresponsive during my shift. I helped him back into bed and he asked me why all these people were in his room.
He suddenly became quiet again and I noticed he wasn’t breathing. He was a DNR so there wasn’t anything to do to try to bring him back. Looking back he may have been talking about me and the CNA that was helping me get him back into bed, but who knows what or who he was seeing the last minutes of his life. Still creeps me out a little when I think about it.
I had a cousin that had cancer and died when he was a little kid. He once asked her mother why all these people visited and she said: “Because your cousins, aunts and uncles love you very much and want you to get better” and he answered, “I’m not talking about them, I’m talking about the ones that visit me at night.”
My first hospice case. She was on morphine and started mock smoking. She looked at me, took my hand and said “please” in the most pleading voice I’ve ever heard. I sat with her body until the corner arrived. She has no friends or family. Only her lawyer showed up. I’ve only done one hospice case since.
I’ve commented this somewhere before but it’s stayed with me! I’m an RN and while I was a student I was caring for a lady who had end stage renal failure, had a DNAR and was shutting down. We were having a little chat, well I was chatting away while helping her put on some lotion, when she stopped, looked over my shoulder and said, “Bill’s here love, I’ve got to go” and swiftly stopped breathing. Read her old notes and Bill was her deceased husband.
DNR patient was on comfort cares. Was on a high dose of morphine and hallucinating. She would alternate between grasping for things not there and trying to climb out of bed. She was too unsteady to walk so my job was to sit in the room and make sure she was safe. She tried to get up and I went to ask her what she needed. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down towards her face and said, very angrily, “kill me”. That one fucked with me for awhile.
Back when I was a CNA this one resident fell off a bike for exercise in pt and seized, they came to and became lucid and said, “I think I’m dying,” but everyone in the room assured her that wasn’t going to happen, she seized up and was dead within minutes.
Last year: my grandfather started desperately pleading for his life with his German captors from WWII
The doctor present was smart and said in German: “You are free, Herr Caticature. You are free.” And then he died.
I actually have 3 that stick out in my mind. An 83 year old woman that said “My mom’s here. Are we going?” She died a few minutes later.
Another older lady said “I think I’m going to die today…” we took vitals, everything seemed fine. She was stable. She had a heart attack a couple hours later. Not her last words, but the last she ever said to me.
The last one is definitely the creepiest. A nice old lady who told my CNA she wanted to wear all white. When asked why, she said “The man in black is here.”
She looked in the corner of the room. The CNA looked, but there was no one there. That’s when I came into the room. We asked her to describe what she was seeing and she said “he’s in all black, and he’s got a top hat on.” Then she whispered “and his eyes are red” while her eyes moved across the room to directly behind the CNA, like she was watching him move closer to us. She died later that night. But it was unexpected. That room creeped me out for a long time after that.
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the-omni-princess · 5 years ago
Frozen Heart [Epilogue]
Author: @the-omni-princess
Summary:  After the war against Hydra, King Bucky comes home to take what has been promised to him since he was young, you. But he is not the same person as the young boy that you grew up with. Can she break through his tough shell and bring back the young man she once fell in love with? Or will she be forced to marry the monster everyone thinks he’s become?
Word Count: 1.7K
Pairing: King!Bucky x Fem!Reader (Royalty Au!)
Warnings: teeth rotting fluff!
My beta @annaloveloki is literally the best and that's the t
working on a honeymoon drabble rn, but other than that, it’s the end of this series. My babies <3 lookout for another series, coming out eventually
[Series Masterlist]  [Series Playlist]  [My Masterlist]
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Growing up, summer was always one of your favorite times of the year. Waking up early to search for seashells with Steve and Bucky or sneaking ice cream into your rooms as you made pillow forts were some of your fondest childhood memories. Now, you spent the summers running the Kingdom, listening to the people, helping as many people as you could, and taking a few weeks off vacation in the South when possible. In the five years since you’ve come to the North, the kingdom has prospered. A good harvest led to a great harvest, and despite a few hiccups and arguments, Bucky was right, you were a great leader for the people. He also did an absolutely wonderful job, listening to the people to build more schools, lowering crime rates, and taxing the nobles more heavily than the lower classes. Some scholars theorized that the kingdom was in the beginning of a new golden age.
So today, like every first Monday of the month for the past few years, you sit on your throne, listening to every person who made the trek to ask for help or thank you. Some days were easy, such as the days where most residents thanked you for the new marketplace that brought jobs to their town. However, some days felt darker, like the day a mother begged for help for her dying son, help she didn’t have the funds to pay for back in her village. Not sparing a second thought, Bucky watched as you helped the boy into Dr. Cho’s arms. The boy miraculously lived, and in response, you had immediately put into place a new health policy in the kingdom. Tax revenues were split, and the extra funds made it possible for the lower class to have health services for a much lower rate, and in some cases free.
The particular woman who was speaking to you, was bringing up an argument between her and her neighbor. A petty fight, really, but you listened nonetheless, giving your opinion. Bucky was the one who answered the next inhabitant's problem.
Usually the kingdom didn’t give you too much trouble, it was mostly the advisors who defied you, never liking your ideas. Bucky, bless his heart, tended to shut them down pretty quickly, his warm voice turning into ice, the protective wolf in him lashing out. Such as the time you shot down an advisor’s idea, one that would only hurt the lower class. His anger exploded, criticizing Bucky when he tried to come to your defense. “Do you allow her to speak that way for you?” the advisor, one you truly didn’t care enough to even know his name had spoken to his king in a harsh way.
Bucky merely snarled back, “Yes, I do, this as well as in many other things, you’d be wise to remember that.” His voice was cold, the first words in his head being growled out at the man. You had placed your hand on top of Bucky’s calming him. You could practically see the steam rolling off his head, something you definitely teased him about later.
You had kept your voice calm, though the advisors that knew you better than that could hear the venom in your words. “Thank you for your concern, sir,” you emphasized his lower title, “but I do believe your King and Queen can handle the problems of the people, and I do not believe I asked for your opinion on this matter.” You quickly dismissed the rest of the meeting, before adding, “And sir, do remember, I am your Queen. You are not my equal, and you will address me as such.” Eyes wide he quickly bowed and rushed off before you could change your mind.
A small squeal from your right pulled you from your thoughts of the past, two small children rushed into the throne room, followed by two blurs of white and grey fur. You son made it to you first, scrambling to hide behind you just as you stood from the throne. You held him close, just out of reach from Aurora and Raine who yipped happily. Your daughter, however, jumped straight into Bucky’s arms, curling up into her clearly favorite parent.
“Brooklyn, what have we said about chasing your brother down the halls?” You chastised softly, still trying to calm the shaking boy wrapped around your leg.
“To plway in the garden instead,” the five-year-old responded dutifully. Bucky tucked her hair behind her ear, just as Natasha rushed in, cradling a small baby in her hands.
“Grant! Brooklyn! There you two are! You shouldn’t run away from me like that!” Brooklyn just buried herself deeper into her father’s protective arms, pouting. Natasha was most likely regretting telling Wanda it was alright to leave all three children in her care, so she could spend time with her new fiancé, the Head Chef, Vision.
“I’m sowwy auntie,” the little girl sniffled, looking up towards the two of you with tears already brimming her eyes. You knew it was just to gain your attention, so you simply did just that. You gently took the babe from Natasha’s arms, cradling the four-month-old into your chest as your son still buried his face into your long white gown.
Bucky sighed softly, gently prying his daughter’s face from his chest. “What do we say, little princess?” he encouraged, making sure she knew he wasn’t mad at her as both you and him gave her the attention she wanted.
Brooklyn sulked again but carefully pushed herself out of her father’s arms, standing in front of her twin brother. “I’m sowwy, bwutha.” She sniffled again, her tiara tilted vicariously in her hair, and Grant pouted as well. You always loved how they wore matching pouts and eyes to their father, as it reminded you of when you were a child. Brooklyn was a ball of energy, and many of her tutors said her main issue was how she could never sit still. You secretly encouraged it, knowing how much energy your future little queen would need. Grant was always the quieter one, reminding you of when Bucky first came back to you. Calculating, quiet, but eyes wide and always taking in new information. The twins knew each other perfectly, and with one sad ‘I’m sorry’ look from Brooklyn, Grant pushed forward and the two hugged each other. They curled up into each other, even when they were babies they always found a way to be close together. Two matching blue eyes looked up at you for approval, wondering silently if it was safe for them to go back to their games. You nodded, and both scrambled to the gardens to play, two adult wolves and one Natasha rushing after them.
You turned to the crowd, holding the baby closer just as she woke up from the noise. “If there aren’t any more life or death situations, I do think it is time to wrap up for today. Food will be served down the hall for anyone who did not bring their own, follow the guards if you have any trouble finding it.”
Bucky stepped closer to you, wrapping his arm around you. “And thank you all for coming,” he smiled warmly before turning his attention to you, pulling you into his arms. “And how is my little princess doing?” he coed at the babe in your arms, who simply squealed and squirmed in your arms.
“I’m doing fine, thanks for asking,” you teased, grinning up at him.
“Ha, ha, very funny, but you are my Queen, this little cutie is my little princess!” he went back to cooing at the babe, thoroughly enjoying her little shrieks of enjoyment. “My beautiful Celeste,” he kissed her nose, grinning at her responding wiggle, “And My Northern Star,” he whispered before kissing you decisively on the lips. Tender lips against yours, and not a care in the world as you held your baby close, and Bucky held you even closer.
Slowly pulling away as Celeste squirmed for attention, you both couldn’t stop the smiles on your faces.  A sudden spark in your mind made you smile even brighter. “Did you hear what Steve and Peggy are naming their child?” The two had gotten married not two years after your own marriage, and now (finally) were expecting their first child together.
“I suppose you’re bringing that up since you’re going to tell me, right?” He teased you back, his hands pressed against your hips, rubbing gentle circles into the fabric of your dress.
You nodded, biting back a smile, “Steve joked and said maybe they should name the baby James since you never have used the name anyway,” you paused, giggling as you saw Bucky’s face scrunch up, positively offended. “But, instead they wanted to name their child after Sam, since he says you stole his close friend and captain of the guard from him.”
Bucky gave you a small gasp, feigning a surprised look, ever the drama queen. “Me? Never!” He dropped the act in favor of smiling again. “Besides, he was the one who sent Sam in the first place, not my fault we became friends.” He shrugged, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“You absolute dorks,” you kissed his nose playfully.
“But I’m your dork, y/n/n,” he whispered softly.
You nodded solemnly, like it was a big burden to bare. “That you are. Now, let’s go, My Love, we still have to pack for our trip to the beach house in the South.” You tried tugging yourself from his arms, but with a baby in your arms it was pretty hard to do that.
“I know, I know, our yearly vacation. Maybe this time we can give Brooklyn and Grant a baby brother?” he teased, smirking at the implications despite the obvious joke.
“Oh no, mister, that’s how last year’s conversation started. I just had Celeste, I am not doing that again so soon.” You gave him a look and he simply chuckled, pulling you closer as the two of you walked side by side through the halls.
“I’m kidding, My Love. Besides, we can have plenty of practice,” you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips.
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too,” you nuzzled closer into his warm embrace.
“I love you even more, My Queen.” He kissed your head lightly and you realized how truly at peace you were. No more waiting, no more war. Simply two people in utterly in love, surrounded by their ever-growing family, having the time of your lives. Baby steps had become a literal phrase as the children grew up, and everything felt right in the world. Peaceful, content, full of happiness, your children’s laughter in the distance. You finally did it. The Northern Castle was finally a home again.
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beigejournals · 5 years ago
Season 5 Lucifer
welcome to my unsolicited thoughts about Season 5 of Lucifer.  
as an avid and veteran series binger AND a talker-while-watching-a-movie-or-series-but-does-not-want-to-spoil-anything-for-my-friends type of person, i have finally dedicated a space and found a good way to let all my thoughts out as i watch a movie or series when i am alone when i can’t bother a lot of people because (1) they don’t want to be bothered and (2) i don’t want to spoil things for them.
so here are my thoughts, and of course, SPOILERS AHEAD.
BTW, i LOVED all of Lucifer! but this season was a slow burn for me. 
drug scene at Lux; is Amenadiel mean now?
so is Lucifer himself in his own hell loop when he became the ruler of hell? his own guilt towards his father? idk (to be frank, i don’t remember the past episodes except for the fact that he is now back in hell)
the premise of the first episode is cute!
side note after the title card: i remember how much i loved the soundtrack for Lucifer!
Maze is still hot.
I love how Maze and Chloe’s relationship developed and how they don’t have to use words to communicate.
Amenadiel’s and the Psychologist’s house HAHAHAHA i love it.
is Charlie Jesus? His mom’s faith in front of Ella is like every mom plus every religious person ever haha
self-improvement is now a meme, huh?
Dan is me.
comment on drug scene: Amenadiel is still the same, haha!
Maze and the card, haha!
how was the guy in the mask face (did i just say mask face?) blurred but in the party, Los Angeles was in perfect accuracy. excuse me.
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coming out of the dead: “oh sorry, that’s so gross!” LORDT HAHA
love you, Charlie! hope you don’t feel like you have to perform because your mom expects a lot from you and that’s so ironic because she’s a psychologist!
Dan’s speeches about parenting: i get it tho, parents try to love their child, sometimes, they just don’t know how
also, i think it’s the sister but Chloe’s just a softie
lol Maze is jealous that Chloe got to talk to Lucifer and trying to say that they don’t need Lucifer.
i forgot about what happened with Eve.
the amount of projection as defense mechanism in this episode is too much it feels like it’s too on the nose.
but i do love the parallel between what’s happening on Earth and in hell.
the amount of layers in this question either it’s Lucifer’s or his or his sister’s (assuming it is his sister who was behind his murder)
ok apparently it’s not his sister.
me in law school:
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sana all kaya kang mahalin na babalik from hell. kilig aq.
also, after all these years, Lucifer’s house has been so clean!!! wala man lang alikabok
if she’ll be fine without him then who tf is that?
ok i read the synopsis for the next couple of episodes. i don’t like spoilers. don’t make the same mistake.
i’m Ella when it comes to my friends’ special people HAHA
also, i love the slight lean to one side to show us that this is not the real Lucifer.
why does he have to be naked???
it’s so funny for me how they have to reestablish him. LUCIFER NEVER LIES HAHAHAHAHA yes we can remember now after you repeated it 3x.
Oh Michael. Nice. Was he an archer? We love the American accent.
how can Amenadiel not know that was Michael? GANON KA IDENTICAL SIZ?
we love the unnecessary car chase just to  reinstate the fact that this is a crime show
that slomo with the wings!!!
also everything is so slow with this show!!! idk why but everything feels just a little bit slower (or maybe i just want lucifer and chloe to be together? idk)
gwapo ni lucifer nung nagmomol sila ni Maze pls
cringe ng elevator scene
ykw. i think it’s because i like the lucifer character that’s why i’m impatient. he hasn’t been appearing the way i want him to.
see. you don’t have to remind me so much about the show because i know he was supposed to say “what is it that you truly desire” not fear. I FEEL LIKE THIS SEASON IS DUMBING THE PEOPLE WHO LOVED THE SHOW FOR SO LONG. okay sige.
either she knows it’s not him or SHE’S REALLY THAT NICE AND POWERFUL OF A HUMAN BEING.
oh i’ve been questioning whether they had sex already and this episode answered my question
CRINGE coffee scene: the spoon???
random question: are angels virgins? so is Michael a virgin?
what kind of a person would just go deep on someone else’s pocket just because they ran out of money?
knew it Maze won’t do Chloe dirty like that!
thanks Chloe. u know better than that. (full disclosure: I THOUGHT SHE WAS ACTING BADLY APPARENTLY A GOOD ACTOR CAN ACT BADLY TO PROVE A POINT?)
literally just liked it and now there’s a new secret that was said too soon.
God baka naman pwede mo ko gawing Chloe Decker char.
AH so interesting. Lucifer = Desire. Michael = Fear. Too on the nose again but that time, i needed the guidance because i am a dumbass.
God ain’t raising his children right!
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yes explain everything to me it’s literally not like we have been binging this show for 2 hours straight
see, the Lucifer character is really endearing. i’m enjoying myself again hahaha. (well, i guess Lucifer when he’s with Chloe?)
can i just say that Tom Ellis was born for that role. he fits is so well that him acting as his own twin doesn’t sit well with me.
i just feel like this show was written by a psychologist who liked watching murder shows.
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it’s Lucifer, Chloe!!! siya yon.
love Lucifer-Chloe tandem!
we love how the actors can sing and the show gives them a chance...
one thought: is everyone going to play a double of who they are?
also is Maze the daughter of Lucifer?
i love how they’re transcending mediums, reminds me of Community with their random episodes.
there you go, Chloe’s doing the double acting too.
Now it’s Linda. (so maybe this is the episode i was asking about earlier).
Now it’s Ella.
omg is this why i loved fleabag, it took forever for the Priest and Fleabag to finally do it? no. i just love the Priest.
Charlotte’s back! and the distance from the table shows how not okay they are. okay.
green screen while driving i love it.
now, Daniel!
we love gender fluidity? i guess. i’m not sure how you call it but i appreciate.
Lilith’s dress for the second song. OMG.
there again to make us dumb. after we just watched the whole thing happen, they retell the whole story again. damn. they think we dumb.
literally this season is making every girl kiss Chloe.
why did she blow the ring? was that her life?
what’s that song in the end?
OH that was the reason why she was retelling everything.
damn celestial beings are the worst parents.
i wanna be Dr. Linda Martin please.
i appreciate Lucifer wearing the bracelet until now. (but i expected nothing less)
i’ve always loved how people reacted to Amenadiel. he always seemed nerdy but these are times where he truly shine and im so happy.
i forgot.  i think i was showering that time that Michael and Lucifer fought and theyre hella dumb. ok lets go toxic masculinity mixed with daddy issues.
i know they’re too on the nose ABOUT EVERYTHING but i do like the debate about free will and predestination
honestly i don’t know what’s Chloe’s issue is with being made by God probably just because i’m lazy and i just want to lay everything in His hands but coming from a very atheistic perspective where she comes from i kinda get it. i guess my only reasoning why i’m okay with God’s reason is with her is because of my fear of the unknown; my current fear with not knowing my true purpose. at least she got hers! what is she complaining about?
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oh i get it now, but that’s why there’s free will Chloe (or idk, idk how God works; there’s currently no electricity in my house rn. i don’t get how that works even if we pay for our electricity all the time, how am I suppose to know God’s plans?)
but aren’t well created for something else? looking at a selfish perspective, maybe He created all of us just because He wanted to.
wow. literally when the nun kissed Amenadiel, the lights in our house opened up. if that ain’t God. idk who that is.
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wow that’s so interesting.
“There are no shortcuts.” 🥺
he exposed himself i’m interested. what if i were the one to whom that was exposed to... how would i react?
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another sample of them explaining to us WHAT WE ALREADY CAN INFER FROM THE SHOW (the conversation actually continues to dumb it down for the audience) but i get it. it’s religion and fiction built together.
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oh i just cringed i almost vomited with this 
also can i just share these. these are the funniest thing Chloe said on the show.
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OOF what a horrifying way to start the episode (after the beach fiasco)
they’re holding us. that’s so adorable!!!
ugh. im still cringing.
yes jowa for ella yes pls. ELLA YOU SAID YOU WANT A NICE GUY!!! HE’S THERE!!! i’ll take him if you won’t!
Chloe if you don’t want Lucifer, i’ll take him too!
can i say how proud i am of Chloe and Dan’s relationship. it’s very healthy for what they are. add Lucifer and Dan to that too! we love men.
also the women in this show have bad taste in men. (except for who Linda married, i guess)
we love the seasonal girl’s night!
that whole charlie thing being amused by lucifer’s devil face is the best bit
was it Michael calling? and oh noooo ;(
ngl i could have waited for another season for them to have sex on season 6 episode 6 but sure have it at season 5.
we love a person who wakes up and is not pretty. princess anna who? (i mean she is wearing full on make up, but we’re okay with that snore)
Deckerstar!! they made a word for it
our mojo??? does it only work on lucifer or does it work when she does it to others as well, we shall find out.
oh no! Lucifer’s isn’t working at all HAHAHAHA
it’s currently 2:19 AM. i am tired and sleepy.
Dan talking to Charlotte 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Fucking Michael
oh he emphasized archangel Michael. with my limited knowledge being raised Catholic, i was going to ask earlier if he was an archer because he had crooked shoulders. AND I JUST CHECKED. ARCHANGEL MEANS HIGH RANKING ANGEL NOT AN ANGEL WHO’S A FUCKING ARCHER. me being raised Cathlolic means nothing. HAHAHH
now i’m realizing if i see an angel, maybe i won’t be in the situation where i’ll see Amenadiel but Michael
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i love this HAHAHAHAHA
knew it. called it! worked on lucifer ONLY. HOW CAN TWO PEOPLE BE THAT MADE FOR EACH OTHER. LORD BAKA NAMAN.
i’m ella shipping them.
what song was that? “When it hurts, just to breathe” same
The Shining reference no thank you pls
NAAAH i really can’t do horror things especially not with things i truly fear and when i don’t have a curtain on. No thanks.
14:54 and i’m watching again open the lights bro, it’s easier to find clues that way   also i do get that they’re closing it to ensure that the killer is not there but theyre also moving like the killer is not there anyway so better open up the lights! tho i really know nothing about crime solving (i just typed crime solving instead of solving crimes didn’t i)
we stan ella’s healthy relationship!!!
can i just say there was a time where i can’t even say serial killer out loud so this is really hard for me to watch alone
i know that he’s vulnerable around the detective. BUT SHE SAID HE CHOSE TO BE SO BY NOW HE SHOULDN’T BE AFFECTED BY WHAT HE DID.
Fucken Michael.
how attractive can you be that even in slow motion, you look great.
oh apparently he did not die.
you know that montage of people just studying and it’s now happening to chloe trying to solve a crime. that’s my cinematography goal HAHAHA. it’s been awhile since i’ve been invested in studying like that.
Lucifer can be just so immature some times
is KillShare based off of SkillShare?
also i’m thinking that Chloe was either taken by Michael or Dan or the SK.
that ring of Lucifer on Maze is probably the longest ring someone has waited for.
i love Maze’s eye make up! ALL THE TIME!
if the lady here is not detective and they’re relieved. that’s just fucked up, man. they were slightly relieved. that’s good acting HAHAHAHAHA.
his mojo is back, does that mean Chloe is gone? 😢
kamukha niya pa si Penn Badgley, nice.
AH NO. i think he genuinely likes her. except that she... you know found that he’s a fucking murderer
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right??? why does this show have to say everything out loud like don’t already know.
oh he just used her but then he liked her. idk. the way he speaks too, so nonchalant.
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preach, ELLA!!!! shout out to those who had crappy childhoods and are not serial killers! that’s the bare minimum i guess.
go, Ella!!! know your worth!
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lol made me love Pete, he’s funny.
ok my assumptions were right-ish.
HAHAHA, his american accent.
his choosing to be bot vulnerable around her anymore, Michael, i think is a way of him staying alive for Chloe but ofc Chloe will think that Lucifer would rather have his vulnerability than to be with her.
MICHAEL STOP. Michael the shit stirrer. we all have that one friend.
awa me kay Maze. she’s like a lost dog throughout the show.
does Michael want to be God?
skipped thru the speech. cringe.
what’s Amenadiel’s problem with his child having a normal cold? what’s wrong if he’s a mere mortal?
WHY IS EVERYONE IN THIS SHO’W SO INSECURE. i get so annoyed every time Chloe’s mad that Lucifer doesn’t get what he wants
it’s just that i resonate with Lucifer. it’s hard for me to say i love you and now i think Amenadiel stopped time.
oh. i thought Amenadiel’s fears about Charlie being mortal was superficial, i just realized that he was afraid that his child was going to die. but, he can take him to heaven like what he did with Charlotte, right?
oh Michael.
MAZE! MICHAEL IS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!!! you’re fine! i don’t have a soul either.
celestial beings and their daddy issues and inability to communicate with one another and the desire to fight it out as if that’s the solution
itong si God ngayon lang magpapakita anuna siz.
ep 8 should have been called blueballz tbh
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hey-hamlet · 5 years ago
BNHA AU Ideas: Don’t Praise the Almighty (Part 1)
Also on AO3
hold on to your hats everyone - this is part one. i was going to put them together, then i realised part two is 6000 words and thats just too long 
TW for: implied abuse of all kinds, straight-up physical and emotional child abuse, gaslighting, all might if he was a terrible person.
Things you must sacrifice to make a hero: Humanity, Empathy.
Things you must sacrifice to be a hero: Everything.
izuku wants to be a hero, imagine the first ep happens etc. yagi doesnt so much say "you can be a hero" as "ill make you a hero"
an aside: inko is an absent parent, to make ends meet and a poor way of coping with a missing Hisashi. Izuku grows up without any positive adults figures in his life.
yagi makes izuku train and train and train, the kid’s hands bleed and his legs ache but allmight makes him keep going. allmight says he's useless and pathetic and a crybaby and izuku believes him, because he's allmight
they spar and yagi just holds back enough to not let izuku get hurt too badly to train. even katsuki is disturbed bc quirkless deku is coming to school with black eyes and swollen wrists
when katsuki calls him pathetic izuku just nods
"ill get better though"
and katsuki feels so gross he doesnt try to fuck with izuku for weeks
and so izuku is so convinced this is normal because katsuki does it, and mum does it, and now allmight? thats just how you treat kids he thinks. or quirkless ones at least
hes still a big fan of allmight because he doesnt see whats wrong. hes just pathetic and useless but then he'll get a quirk and he'll be worth something for the first time in his life
he barely sleeps, barely eats, just trains and studies and trains some more. he collapses. all might stands there until izuku gets back up and makes him keep running
reasons all mights like this
he is 1, suffering from internalised quirk discrimination
2, nana's dead bc she wasn't "strong enough"
3, he thinks he can shape izuku into the perfect selfless hero, and better person than he ever was.
hes convinced this is for the greater good. hes a dick but hes so sure hes in the right here
by the time of the entrance exam izuku is,,, kinda fucked up
he passes with flying colours because he used his quirk for the first time, broke his arm, and immediately moved on to snaping finger after finger. the teachers watched on, horrified as this child mutilated himself to get points
all might smiled. because this is what he wanted.
he saves ochacco too
he gets in and allmight is pleased with him, even more pleased than the time izuku admitted he hadn't slept for 72 hours and still got a perfect score on his test
and izuku thinks this was all worth it to see his hero smile at him
izuku is in 1A
izuku actually listed that he feels less pain due to his quirk, which aizawa believes but hes still not sold on the idea of a hero that destroys themselves. he doesnt know if izuku heals better or faster, but he's sure that may broken bones cant be good
aizawa is convinced he's going to expel izuku during the quirk test. the look he sees on izuku’s face when he says he's expelling the lowest scorer makes his stomach churn
because all of the other kids look worried, nervous
izuku looks like hes going to throw up.
the kid is trembling and pale and aizawa watches as he turns to ochako, smiles brightly and says "let's do our best" while he holds back full body tremors the other kids don't see
he breaks toes and fingers and he cries but he doesn't flinch at the pain
the only time he flinches is when someone looks him in the eyes, if someone speaks too loud, and at the firecracker pops of katsuki's quirk
and aizawa feels sick
the ball toss, he just can't watch this kid break anymore, and he stops his quirk
for a second he freezes, because this kids quirk manages pain, he'll be feeling all of those broken bones, he'll obviously notice
but izuku doesnt notice his missing quirk until he throws the ball. he turns around, looking sick. aizawa feels so lost when he looks at him with pure relief
"oh, you're eraserhead"
izuku tears up for the first time in that class.
"please give me back my quirk"
aizawa feels so lost he blinks, and his quirk drops with it. there is something totally wrong about the utter relief the kid feels having this horrifically damaging quirk back, and there is something bothering aizawa about it, but he doesn't know what
"dont use your quirk for the rest of this test, kid. not unless you can use it without breaking something"
izuku nods but aizawa knows the kid will just try to hide it. he takes him by the shoulder when the others have moved on
"i mean it, midoriya. no quirk, or i'll expell you on the spot"
and izuku just looks so lost
"but, i have to? i'm-"
"you didn't flinch when i took your quirk. you can feel every broken bone, can't you?"
izuku just nods, like walking with broken toes is normal, like throwing a ball with broken fingers is easy. aizawa knows it's not
he just sighs.
"no quirk. we'll work on training it after. you're ahead enough not to fail the course, go to recovery girl now. you aren't expelled"
izuku just looks hurt
aizawa shoos him away and almost misses the thin form of all might slink out from behind the wall to follow izuku
he's worried, and confused. But he can't just, abandon a field of kids
he texts hizashi bc that's just who he texts when he's panicking, and he asks him to look out for smallmight and izuku, somewhere on the way to the infirmary. so present mic turns on the first movie he finds on his computer (an english language copy of rocky) yells "ENGLISH PRACTISE TIME" and runs out the door
1C is so lost
anyway, present mic can be quiet when he tries and when he hears the sound of allmight sternly talking to a student that's crying? he tries real fucking hard
he basically catches
"you're supposed to be stronger than this, why did he make you stop?"
"he saw my bones breaking-i couldnt-"
"and so you flinched? didn't we train?"
"i didnt flinch! he made me stop!"
allmight backhands him
"dont waste it. either get better at hiding it or learn to use your quirk without breaking bones quickly or ill find another successor. one that isn't useless."
present mic hears izuku agree and cry and he feels ill. he sneaks back a little further, then loudly walks down the hall. allmight smiles at him, and he wants to punch the man
izuku smiles at him too, tears in his eyes but like he's happy to see another hero. present mic cant understand why izuku is pressed so close to a man that hurt him, like he's more afraid of present mic than allmight
he walks with them to recovery girl, chatting like he was meant to be there. hes so grateful allmight is new, because he totally has a class he's meant to be teaching right now and that would be so suspicious if he knew his schedule 
he walks them all the way to the door, and he lingers. there is a touch of steel in his eyes when he tells allmight to take care because what he really means is "take care of yourself because i will not"
and hes halfway down the corridor before he freezes
why did izuku seem so comfortable with a man he shouldn't know
anyway present mic is having a quiet breakdown for 20 seconds before he sprints back to his class, pretends he never left, and panic texts aizawa
so aizawa, with a little great context, knows that that, particular, conversation wasn't as,,, unsavoury,,, as it could,,, be implied,,,
but like,,,,,, he's really lost on why izuku would know small might and he's very worried
bakugo is fuCKinG PisSed
izuku left?? and he wasn't expelled???
Any,,, unsavoury implications arent something I'm going to talk ab in this au bc it doesn't need to be worse,,, but it's very much intentional
so aizawa is having an actual moral crisis rn bc hizashi isn't a liar and he doesn't want to like, not believe when he saw. but really? the symbol of peace is terrible??? and hizashi doesn't want to believe it either. both of them as so sure they are just missing context or something
bakugo stalks up to recovery girls office after class bc wtf deku?? and he walks in to just see izuku blankly picking at new white scars
he actually perks up when katsuki enters
and there is this man standing over izuku. this man he's seen with izuku before, yelling at him, but someone izuku seems happy to be around. it's not deku’s dad, he knows that. and the guy is too blonde and tall to have literally any relation to him.
a lot of the fire in katsuki goes out when he sees how tired izuku looks, and the question he was going to yell becomes more of a mumble
"so, you have a quirk now? just like that?"
he looks up and he sees that man's hand on izuku's shoulder, curled like a claw, so tight it must hurt. but izuku doesn't flinch or shy away, he smiles softly
"i'm really lucky, huh kacchan?"
and as much as izuku looks like he believes it, katsuki has the strongest feeling that this is the worst possible thing that could have happened to his once-friend
he just leaves
and he almost runs straight into his new teacher. they lock eyes and even though katsuki doesn't know whats going on, aizawa doesn't know whats going on, they both just know something is happening
and its not good
but what can they do
hes the symbol of peace
recovery girl is 100% in denial bc she new baby toshi and he's a dork but he's a good boy
izuku gets knocked tf out by recovery girls heal and toshi carries him out of the school grounds and shes like "how cute"
honestly they get to they gate, he wakes izuku up and reminds him to run home to get in the extra cardio, and izuku does. all the way home.. not only bc yagi wanted him to, but that's a big bit but bc if he was late hed wouldn’t get dinner
so the battle trial
so aizawa is like,,, : | ab everything
so he attends the battle trial rather than take the nap he really fucking wanted
the kids come out in their costumes and something sits poorly about the way izuku positively preens at almighty compliments. so basically it goes like the show, but allmight doesnt try to stop Bakugo. aizawa doesn't have audio, but he sees what the kids see and rips the mic out of allmights hand to tell bakugo to stop
he doesnt have to, though
because izuku has already vanished from sight
bakugo looks lost, aizawa is worried, but allmight just looks smug because a second later, izuku drops from the ceiling where he swung up, and punches bakugo in the back of the head
allmight grins and it looks nasty
izuku gives bakugo a once-over to make sure hes ok, wraps his wrists, then puts him in the recovery position and scampers out of the room to ochako
aizawa is lost, because that is c l e a r l y combat training. from the back of the room, todoroki starts watching in earnest
with ochako, he grabs the bomb. they walk out of the exercise and all might congratulates them on winning and izuku looks so happy! but allmight isn't done
"young midoriya, why didn't you use your quirk?"
the only people that notice the way he pales are todoroki and aizawa
"sorry sir, i didn't want to disappoint mr aizawa"
allmight nods, and he smiles but aizawa doesnt like it
"thats ok my boy, we'll have to see about getting you some out of class quirk training, huh?"
izuku smiles. hes happy, but he looks panicked
he looks guilty about being afraid
aizawa silently tells his agency he needs the week off to investigate something personal, and they readily give him the time off
izuku mumbles happily to himself about the exercise, stilling when all might looks gazes with him. he stops, flushes, and apologises. allmight nods.
he begins again, but hes not mumbling anymore, hes speaking clearly and concisely with the other students, even though he doesnt want to talk to them, he just wants to think. but allmight says to talk clearly to everyone or to remain silent and he just wants so badly to talk about the exercise
todoroki looks between izuku and allmight and he wonders
USJ time baby
allmight uses up his time, like before
the difference is, when the nomu comes for aizawa? izuku doesnt hesitate to jump in. thats what allmight wanted. he wanted someone so selfless that "would i give my life for them" isn't even a question that would cross their mind, they would just move
izuku stalls. he's shivering and shaking, walking on broken toes but he stands between aizawa and the nomu and he smiles
shigiraki looks at izuku and doesn't see a hero in training. he sees someone like him, like his league. someone who has be stepped on and ruined and reborn
and he wants him
when he sees something he likes, he wants it. like his sensei and his quirks. shigiaki collects people like action figures to use how he likes
anyway, he sees this little 'hero' and for all his stubbornness he knows he won't get izuku today
so he does what his sensei did to him all those years ago
he shows kindness. just enough to break him
he looks izuku in the eyes and says
"hero society is so rotten they break children into weapons to fight other broken pieces. whats fair about that?"
and izuku looks stunned. he drops his smile.
"from one broken piece to another, i wont shatter you today."
kurogiri moves izuku and aizawa just outside of the usj
they cant get in, aizawa has no quirk to break through the walls and izuku is shell shocked
he takes a second to look at aizawa like his world is falling down and aizawa understands.
and then
allmight appears
and aizawa hates himself for how relieved he feels
allmight looks at izuku and izuku smiles so wide. and then he frowns
"they want to kill you"
"they aren't the first, my boy."
and izuku pauses
"they seem pretty sure they can, sir."
and allmights smile looks meaner
"what, you really think so little of this old man?"
and izuku shakes his head violently
"not at all! no, im sorry-"
allmight looks at his student and suddenly there isnt a wall anymore, blasted into tiny shards by allmight’s punch. izuku scrambles inside after him
aizawa tells him to stay outside, to stay safe. but allmight levels a glare at him that almost hurts to meet. aizawa cringes and rushes after them, cradling broken arms
the fight ends much the same, but upon seeing izuku in the way on his hand, shigiraki closes his fist
allmight doesn't miss that
and, with that the other teachers arrive. and again, present mic and aizawa wonder why izuku knows allmight small form
oh also just as a weird powerplay thing, allmight calls izuku by his first name in private while izuku calls him sir everywhere
aizawa has the worst of the injuries, but years of sleep deprivation mean he can pretty easily resist the call of sleep after recovery girls quirk. not that anyone knows that. so he hears the edges of a conversation between hero and student
he hears sobs and a slap and apologies from both parties. he hears a louder conversation on training after class to better use izuku’s quirk and aizawa decides he's going to force himself into this 'training' because he doesnt like the optics on any of this
allmights angry that the villains were fond of izuku, bc that means izuku was doing something wrong, right? and he's also angry izuku barely used his quirk, but he does kinda understand needing to be able to walk still
anyway in the training we get the joy of a creepy scene of yagi assessing the physique of a barely dressed izuku
aizawa isn't there yet and boy howdy does he feel ill when yagi walks out of the changing rooms a few minutes before izuku does
anyway so it doesn't take long for yagi and aizawa to get izuku using his quirk w/o achy breaky bones and izuku is proud, and so is aizawa
but yagi just kinda pipes in with "about time" and izukus face crumples
aizawa just says "better late than never" and izuku gives a watery smile
yagi scares enji but he just royally pisses off todoroki
bc todoroki just looks at the guy
"big strong me, what you gonna do, punch me? yeah right bastard and i'll go screaming to the press. I dont give a fuck what you think you dick of an old man!"
please izuku is totally convinced that this is just normal training, that yagi is doing his best and a teacher, is doing right by him. and shouto is just,,, he doesnt know the whole story. just knows that all might scares izuku and that all mights secretary has a connection to him
but he knows that yagi was creepy enough to make his old man have bad vibes and thats an achievement
Enji sat, reigning back a snarl as the green boy threw Shouto -his Shouto- from the ring, to land on his back in a graceless cloud of dust. Beside him, All Might’s secretary grinned. It wasn’t a nice grin, like the hero, but a nasty crawling one that made Enji feel cold even with his flames dancing around his face.
Enji had never liked the man, his instincts telling him there was something horrifically off about him. But the number one hero had resources he couldn’t dream of, so he kept his lips shut.
“Well done, my boy.”
There was no familial resemblance between the skeletal man beside him, and the boy who stood both victorious and broken where his son should have been. No resemblance to the hulking oaf of a hero either. But their quirks were markedly similar, as were their smiles, if the boy’s was a little kinder.
The man turned to him, all polite smiles and condolences for his son’s loss.
The smug aura around him so strong that Enji allowed himself, for just a second, to pity the boy in green.
Its just tenya and todoroki who know
and quickly bakugo too, bc he was there for shoutos tragic backstory reveal, which included izukus too
and like,,, mic and aizawa are in denial bc jesus christ its the number one hero and hes normally so nice
izuku v katsuki babey!
basically izuku starts to panic and bakugo stops the fight and grabs his hand
"pull yourself together deku. forget everyone else, this is just a fight between me and you, go it?"
and izuku gives a shakey smile, and nods. bakugo releases his hand
"lets start this again, huh izuku"
"sure thing kacc-. Katsuki"
and then fiGHT and its great and its a tie bc they are both so fucking exhausted. izuku and bakguo have to get hauled to their feet by midnight, but both of them are grinning
izuku has trouble w his hero name, like, a l o t bc everything he comes up with yagi says no
but yagi wont give him any ideas eventually izuku just ends up with his hero name being "nine" bc yagi liked that one
katsuki can just,,, tell izuku doesn't like it (bc it reduces him as a hero down to his quirk)
(he wants the name jackrabbit)
he has no supports in his costume bc "it makes you look weak" and no support gear either
ok so , his bones are less fucked than canon zuku but hes willing to break them fucking constantly
aizawa actually comes up to him before the sports festival and says "you break your bones, you get disqualified. no excuses"
yagi is p i s s e d but just nods politely to aizawa tells izuku hed better do as aizawa says, as stupid as a request it may be
also izuku really,, wants to paint his nails dumb glittery colours like ochako and mina do so they paint his nails for him! and then at lunch yagi scrubs the polish off with a dish scrubber
to make it worse, mina is sad izuku took it off, but she just
when she sees his fingers are almost bleeding
"midoriya, what happened?"
"oh haha funny thing, one of our teachers said i might get a uniform violation so i got a little enthusastic with scrubbing it off, sorry!"
aizawa just winces
one of the finals nails in the coffin is todoroki asking if "the tall thin blonde guy" is izukus dad
aizawa says no
todoroki says "good"
s t a i n a r c
so izuku finds iida and steps between iida and stain, starts fighting him, todoroki shows up, stain starts rambling about how allmight is the best hero and todoroki gives him a strange look
"i used to agree. but seeing allmight at school, i dont think hes the icon of morality everyone says"
izuku is spluttering, denying it, stain is just watching them. so stain isnt even fighting them, hes interested. bc this selfless kid is the one shigiraki wants
iida is lost too and he gets this,,, look in his eyes like he's starting to connect some dots
anyway, fight proceeds, they win the nomu tries to carry izuku off, stain stops the nomu and saves izuku and vaguely he realizes the way izuku just, sits in his arms, like he doesnt know how to react to being touched, and he pushes it aside
and he holds izuku close because all he knows is that this boy is kind and good and the world has hurt him and he says that this boy he is holding is the only hero hes ever worth met their salt
oh but after the hero killer thing, yagi storms into the office and hauls izuku out by his injured arm
and tenya and shouto just feel sick
"should, should we tell all might? about how his secretary treats midoriya?"
shouto just glares at the half-open door, quiet apologies drifting down the hall until they turn another corner
"i'm quite sure that man already knows."
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rynhaswritersblock · 5 years ago
tiktok famous (hc) - part four | p.p.
summary: episode four of tiktoks with y/n and peter ayooooo
warnings: cussing. what's new LOL
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- these are the imagines that i can pretty much just pump out because the plot line is like already layed out for me
- in conclusion i like writing these lol
- okay SO
THESE ARE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO GAVE IDEAS::: spideybparker starbabez mrose12623 elliedevotee lilcassipuff buckybigbutt
^^ if you've changed your username i'm so sorry whenever i get requests i write down the username and it's lowkey difficult to track who is who and if they've changed it ahhhhh
- aight
- lets get into it
- yuhhhhhh get into itttttttttt
- i'm gonna be saying yuh get into it so much in this imagine i apologize in advance
- like it's kinda bad
- oops
- so y'all know those audios that are like the fake calls
- it's like that man's voice he's like "hey whassup shorty your man around?"
- so naturally
- y'all know where this is going
- you and pete are just chilling (this is how all of them start. i feel like a broken record. help)
- you start recording
hey whassup shorty
- peter goes into FIGHT OR FLIGHT MODE
- he's just playing video games (fortnite aye) but the  S E C O N D  HE HEARS THAT RANDOM MAN'S VOICE
- huh wHAT NOW
- ????!!!!!!!!!!
- you fail at keeping a straight face cause the fucking AUDIO
your man around?
- a wheeze FLIES out of you mouth as peter SHOOTS UP FROM HIS CHAIR
- big "FUCK NO!" energy
- mans practically jumps on top of you
- he's like angry and confused at first but then he sees how hard you're laughing and just gets even more confused
"what was that?"
- his voice is all high cause it does that in tense situations
- puppy face is loud n clear!
- babey
- meanwhile you can't catch your breath for SHIT
- so you show him the video as you continue to literally die
- as soon as he realizes he just melts
- he's like laying on top of you and buries his face in the crook of your neck before bursting out into laughter and holding you tighter
"you can't do that!"
- god me thinking about that happening irl is giving me BUTTERFLIES
- sexc
- okay this one is another fake phone call
- just gonna jump into it it's pretty much the same situation
- in this one you two are over 18 btw
- for ~legal reasons~
- the audio starts playing with the ringtone and peter just glances over
- he's too busy watching b99
- naturally
hey this is dr. alvarez! we received your pregnancy test results
- peter has never jumped so hard in his LIFE
- tv is PAUSED even captain holt has the shocked expression (who am i kidding it's holt his facial expression is as dead as a brick)
- 🅱eter literally yells
- audio keeps going
is there a time next week you could come in and talk?
"y/n what"
- he runs over to you and you bust out laughing as he looks at your phone and realizes it's a tiktok
- an annoyed smile pulls at his lips and he groans and wraps his arms around you
"you had me there for a second"
- let's just say peter parker had family on his mind a LOT more since then
- wink wink
- k SO
- queso
- haha
- anyways
- y'all know that one sound
pussy so good i could save that shit for later
- welcome to straight tiktok!
- so y'all just chillin on his bed as best friends do
- on ur phones and shit
- and peter parker is a basic bitch so he has the led lights
- which i want SO BAD btw ugh my room would be such a vibe
- update i'm editing this and i just ordered some ayooooo
- anyways they're currently blue so like
- innocent
- chill
- but THEN
- the audio starts playing from peter's phone
pussy so good-
- you gAsp as the lights turn red
- ur like
- holy shit i didn't know parker could do that
- next thing you know peter's hand is on your chin/jaw (just about ur neck OOPS)
- his mouth is practically ON your ear
- you see him holding his arm out in front of you recording and you can't help but laugh
- but DAMN
his jawline is out and everything and he's fucking SMIRKINGGGG as he whispers the lyrics into your ear
- big mattia vibes (btw that man is NOT attractive i'm sorry)
- moving on
- i know i've written one of the ones where you kiss your best friend
- but time to turn the tables
- oh how the turn tables
- time for y/n to be a bad bitch cause WE MAKING THE FIRST MOVE!!
- hell yea!
- so it's late right
- like late late
- at least midnight (sleep schedule is MESSED from quarantine though so honestly late rn is like 2 or 3 in the morning yikes)
- and ur hella bored
- on tiktok
- the fuck else do you expect?
- and you start doing the thing where you start thinking about getting up and doing something and you think about it so much that you physically can NOT sit there any longer and must Move or Die
- i KNOW i am not the only one
- so that happens
- and you're like FUCK IT
- so you walk out of your room and into peter's next door
- oh to live at avengers headquarters and live next to peter parker
- you just fucking stroll in
- peter's fat ass just goes "hey thanks for knocking"
- meanwhile you can't even stand to look at him because you're afraid that if you do all of your confidence will VANISH
- so you set up the camera and start recording
- at this point peter's sitting up and just watching you cause he's so confused
- and
- it takes everything in you not to RUN OUT
- but you walk over to him
- wrap a hand around his neck
- tilt your head and lean down
- when peter realizes what's going on he's like OH MY GOD
- fight or flight response HITS except its JUST FLIGHT
- he fucking REELS back
- can't even process that his best friend and crush since EVER just tried to kiss him
- sdfjksdkfjsdfg
- you're like fuck! so you turn to start  r u n n i n g   a w a y
- but then his hands wrap around your waist
- you FLY backwards and laugh as the two of you flop into the bed
- and he kisses you
- mwah ha ha haaaaaa
- don't ask why the evil laugh just accept it
- i am tired yes it is only 8:43pm i am still tired
- so y'all know those povs where it's like you find out your soulmate's first words on your bday
- well
- ha
- you and peter are bored because ~ q u a r a n t i n e ~
- chilling at headquarters
- bored in da house and i'm in da house bored
- and peter's like "imma make a pov!"
- okay!
- so i'm just gonna lay it out for you HERE WE GO
- he has the generic countdown thing (text boxes saying 3...2..1! you know the deal) and then he looks at his wrist and it says "hey spider-boy!" and he gets so flustered - next clip it's him running into "you" (obviously you're not actually in it but he does the text box thingy) - you're asking about what it says and try to get a peek but he pulls away - next clip it's right before your bday - and then you find out your quote and it says "it's spider-MAN! cause i'm a man!" - and peter is just looking anxiously/happily at the camera
- i hope that was a good visual idk i tried
- and uhhhh yeah that one stays in the drafts bc he doesn't wanna expose himself
- moving right along by the way it's raining rn and i'm listening to my kind of woman by mac demarco and UGH this song makes me so...... jkdfhsdk
- but it's cute so
- fuck it
- y'all know it
i wanna put you in seven positions for seventy minutes babe
- mischievous as ✨hell✨
- oh my god i got another idea okay i'm writing that after this one
- anyways!
- you and peter are chilling
- note: i yell at myself every time i write that because the AMOUNT OF THESE THAT START THIS WAY GOD
- he's watching netflix or something idk
- fyi outer banks is overrated sorry not sorry
- yell at me if u want but
- it's riverdale for vsco girls
- you set up the camera and start recording
- audio starts playing and you climb into his lap and he's like WOAH
- you like put your hands on his cheeks/jaws lol and you start mouthing the lyrics
- but the THING IS (pt 1)
- homeboy catches on pretty quick
- and
- fuck
- you deadass have to take a second and reel back to catch your breathe
- but the THING IS (pt 2)
- kinda hot doe
- something for u to think about at night
- hey bitch this is a reminder to write about the fairy comments
- thanks past me
- SO
- hmm lemme think
- okay
- so
- okay yes
- so peter-man posts a tiktok of him doing flips n stuff
- like very generic white boy look at me doing things
- and it's very impressive
- but
- you decide to just GO AT IT IN THE COMMENTS
- i'm just gonna write some examples
- fuck me for writing this on a computer finding all these emojis on here is very difficult
- oh well
- here we go:
- oh my god a squirrel just climbed up the tree in my front yard and it caught me so off guard my heart skipped a beat
- wait okay irrelevant
- for real this time here we go:
you ate that 💕🧚‍♀️⚡🌟next time make it me instead 💖🧚‍♀️✨ omg peter you came on my fyp 🧚‍♀️💖✨but make it on me next 🧚‍♀️💕✨🦋 a necklace 💕✨🧚‍♀️⚡but make it your hands ✨💖🦋😌
- and so on
- lets just say when peter saw those
- his face got SO RED
"y/n what is this"
"uh fairy comments"
"but they're so-"
- you just stare at him and like
- shrug
- but knowingly
- okay i took a break to go sit in the rain and eat hawaiian rolls 10/10 experience def go do that next time it rains
- i think i wrote one like this but with the supalonely dance
- so this time
- we doing the savage dance
- first of all that song is a BANGER
- second, the dance is SO FUN
- so it's the same thing as last time
- you set up the camera but have it face peter instead of u sneaky sneaky
- and then u start doing the dance of course
- and obv peter is like yuhhhhhhhhh get into itttttttttt
- clapping along and smiling and whooping
- supportive bby
- but THEN
- OTHER HALF IS SAYING holy shit !
- once you finish you look at peter and he's just like 👁👄👁
- lol
- anyways
- you watch that video MULTIPLE TIMES afterwards
- okay in this one you and pete are 18+ because
- we like being legal 😌✋
- but it's one of those where you walk out in front of your boyfriend naked
- so peter just got home from patrol and climbs in through the window of y'alls shared apartment
- oh to live in an nyc apartment with peter parker UGH
"y/n? i'm home babe"
- the camera is shaking because you're laughing so hard and kinda nervy
- but you walk out of y'alls room and peter just turns to you
- nearly drops his fucking mask
- he's shocked for a second before he gets such a big smile on his face and throws you over his shoulder
- hehe
- okay last one i love this one sm this tiktok came up on my fyp and i immediately though THIS IS Y/N AND PETER
here it be::
god i hope that works and y'all can watch it lmk if u can't like if the link doesn't work or anything
- okay basically it's that tiktok but u and peter
- like that video EXACTLY everything about it is perfect
- that's it lol
- and i recommend watching her other tiktoks with her boyfriend bc their relationship is adorable and it's totally y/n and peter
- okay i think (hope to god) i've written all the ones that y'all requested
- i think i might only do just one more part of these???? idk i feel like if i just keep going on with them (cause obv trends keep coming) half this book would just be the tiktoks lol
- peace out homies i love each and every one of you
- be kind to urself and try to be productive
- i'm gonna go try and write some more so
- yes
- MWAH <3
+ + +
hi i hope you guys are doing well
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tfw-no-tennis · 5 years ago
hunter x hunter thotz so far
soooo ruth and i started watching hunter x hunter woohoo finally! we’re like 10 or so eps in so i decided to collect some thots below on what i think so far (i havent rlly been spoiled so im interested to look back on this once ive watched more)
first off i love gon sm, hes immediately so endearing...hes just a baby!!!! just a little baby boy!!!! hes just so cute and good, im so not ready for him to get put thru the wringer later on as ive vaguely heard happens
the first few episodes were really fast paced which i enjoyed and thought was for the best. the characters came thru really strongly and i feel like we heard juuuust enough about the setting, premise, and what a hunter is 
i wasnt expecting leorio and kurapika to show up in the FIRST EP lmao that surprised me. i love so much how the three of them like IMMEDIATELY became a family unit in like 3 eps lmaoooo it was like ok here are 2 parents and their son bam. also leorio and kurapika having a showdown on the boat (which didnt end up happening) was a wild ride 
i have like zero fucking idea what a hunter is and the more they attempt to explain the more confused i get. its honestly kind of hilarious how little sense it makes. to be clear this doesnt detract from my enjoyment of the show at all (if anything it adds to it)
oh my god fuckgin hisoka is the worst he hasnt done much but i hate him so much already. good villain writing/design so far, hes so hateable
ruth every time hisoka shows up: WE HATE UR PUSSY BIIIITCH 
the character design in this show is....a lot lmao. ruth and i decided its a cross between soul eater, jojo, and one piece in terms of aesthetic. the designs are certainly unique and so many of them are just so ugly hvbjafdbdskgs it reminds me of that post thats like ‘masterpost of jojo characters who look busted as shit’ lmao
i already love this show a lot tbh like the way its structured so far has been kinda atypical for a shounen, at least in terms of fights - we really havent seen a lot of fighting yet. also nen hasnt shown up yet and its reminding me of stands not becoming a thing in jojo until p3 lmao 
anyways in litrally ep1 i already loved the 3 main characters we saw...leorio is a wild dude, i love him sm, especially as a fellow medical binch who wants MONEY. like, thats literally me. and kurapika is also wild, like damn they rlly just dropped their backstory in ep 1 huh. like we rlly are jumping right into this 
also when leorio said he was a teenager i was like WHAT???? just like evryone else which YEA omfg. i cant believe hes that young lmao. kurapika too
so leorio is one of those 19 yr olds who looks 40 and kurapika is the type of teen who looks like a 12 yr old
and KILLUA i love him sm also....hes an adorable assassin catboy and hes perfect. i love how quickly he and gon hit it off (tiny bfs.....) and how hes just like, this extra as hell 12 yr old with a SKATEBOARD and ASSASSIN SKILLS and then he sees gon and is like guess im gonna fall in love 
i gotta talk abt gon again i just love him. hes so polite and cute and kind and good, i just love him...wht a good protag. his motivation is just wild too, hes like well my dad abandoned me to go off and be a hunter (which he isnt even mad abt, what a nice lad) so im gonna do that to see what the deal is
i love how gon (just like the audience) doesnt really know what a hunter does/is and just goes into the exam totally blind lmao. also the fact that his skills seem to include jumping good, being speedy, having the energy typical of a 12 yr old, being a weather sniffer, being nice, and having good instincts/constitution as a result of having eaten random grass and forest shit growing up...amazing. 
is this gonna turn out to be one of those things where its like, wow theyve been using nen this whole time without realizing! tht would honestly explain a lot lmao 
i really enjoy how like....semi-normal the power levels are rn? while also being all over the place and wack as fucks obvs (like hisoka dissolving that guys arms in his first appearance was A Lot, as well as all the card stuff hes done..). like the part wher that blue guys (evil franky one piece) punches the ground and it leaves a crater and everyones like !!!! wow wtf thats unnatural! that literally threw me off bc that kinda thing is so normal in anime lmaoooo. but i like that thats the starting point bc it leaves a lot of room for power escalation w/out it getting too out of hand 
specifially our protags are starting out pretty low on the Shounen Badass scale - especially gon (and leorio, tho i kinda predict he wont be as fight-y? what with him being premed)
i find it kinda hilarious how killua hasnt done too much (aside from murdering those 2 randos in like half a second) despite being so clearly skilled...like when they have to do the 5v5 fight thing in the tower, i wouldve thought hed be the first up cause hes so badass but nope
actually thats what i find interesting - i was expecting all 5 (or maybe 4, we’re in the middle of leorio’s ‘fight’) of the fights to be physical smackdowns but so far nope, theyve been very cerebral. that bodes well, w/how smart the fights have been, bc i doubt the fights will get stale tht way 
tho they might be kinda frustrating sometimes - there are times when u DO just wanna see a good ole fashioned shounen beatdown yknow. but we do get enough of that now (and im sure we’ll get plenty more) to satisfy (like kurapika decking fake-franky) 
oh also the opening. its so charming and cute and i love the song...its also so hilariously basic and classic - like one of those typical 2000s anime openings where theres stock run cycles of all the main characters and theres a little animation of all the characters fighting together (and that fight doesnt actually happen, its just for the op) 
also love that leorios the only one who doesnt fight in the OP, instead getting saved from death by gon lmao. im curious if he’ll end up fighting at all (i assume a little?) and if he’ll use nen (probably healing type nen?) 
also i already wanna fistfight ging for abandoning his perfect angel son. also leorio is literally gons dad already, they even look alike wow 
that guy hanzo has done basically 0 things so far but i rlly like him already, im curious if thatll change. also sorry for calling u ‘hanzo overwatch!?!?!?!’ upon first viewing my guy 
tonpa is str8 up so annoying pls leave u pathetic loser 
tho it cracked me up when he and Evil Mr Clean were facing off and starting getting all detailed/shaded and i was like o shit is he actually badass. are we abt to see like a nen battle or st. but no....lmaooo
i found it interesting that leorio didnt really admit to wanting to be a dr at first...hes such a good dude, he kinda just let kurapika think that his motives were superficial and greedy when in actuality theyre selfless
also wanting to be rich can be a rlly interesting character motivation and i love when its done right
oh my god i cant believe it took me this long to mention the hilariously edge ED....like holy shit, its so 2000s, the song sounds like its been re-recorded like 40000 times bc of how bad the audio quality is, or something, idk how to describe music but its hilariously specific in tone and its rlly funny to see shots of the main characters smiling while this screamo whatever plays in the bg....wow. 
also s/o to killua for being king of edgy with that ‘tear of blood’ shot
i rlly like how much of the plot, especially the early hunter exam stuff, is moved along simply by gon being a good kind polite boy. 
love the fact that he and leorio and kurapika (and later killua) all team up without even saying anything...i love that, most shounen would have them be like ‘che, i cant team up with anyone, i have to prove myself ALONE or my victory wont be EARNED’ or w/e idk. who knows that might happen later but rn i love how they all effortlessly work together (and how they all contribute - without each other they would have all failed at different points) 
oh man also killuas first appearence was so funny when he drank a bunch of tonpas poisoned drinks and was like [smirks] tch, loser, im immune to poison. get dunked on. [skateboard away] i love him so fuckgin much 
omfg that part where killua looks all shoujo/kawaii and is talking abt how hes gonna kill his family or w/e and gon is just like ^_^? i love they
HOOOOLY FUCK I ALMOST FORGOT, BUT 65% OF THE REASON I MADE THIS POST WAS TO MENTION HISOKAS THEME LMAOOOOO his music being like fuckgin, spanish guitar/traditional mexican type music is sooooo goddamn funny to me for some reason, like the first time it played i was like ok whats going ON with this spanish guitar lmao but then i figured out that its his theme and god thats so funny 
hisoka is also so fuckign jojo like he could so easily be in jojo. he and dio would be the fakest best friends ever and would constantly try to kill each other on the lowdown and shittalk each other constantly in private but be super sweet to each others faces. also they would hatefuck. no im not taking criticism bye 
i rlly love everyones backstories also, and i find it interesting that weve gotten to hear/see at least some of all 4 of the MCs backstories. theyre all compelling and interesting and i cant wait to dive in further 
also calling it now but kurapika is totally gonna get way too absorbed in revenge and get fucked up/disregard their own life (maybe in the style of robin in one piece?) we’ll see but i feel like it aint gonna end well. i could be wrong, i really havent been spoiled at all, thats just my guess 
hbahjfbshjf the ep that was called ‘hisoka x is x sneaky’ was SO funny that reads like a dora the explorer ep title 
also i had no idea the ep titles were formatted like that w/the x’s and thats rlly funny 
ok but the part where leorio - who seems to be pretty bad at fighting - tries to fight hisoka - whose literal first appearence involved him effortlessly dissolving a dudes arms - is so fucking funny. leorio rlly b a premed w/no brain cells....same bro. 
also i loved the Cutthroat Kitchen portion of the hunter exam and how not a single contestant was any good at it lmaoooo. do they not have the cooking channel in hxh-verse earth 
ok i love how the main characters are all intuitive in different ways depending on their own skills, like how killua can immediately guess that kurapika has never killed anyone before after they didnt kill evil-franky
kurapika joined killua in the Edgy Corner during that part also. like, they both have legit reasons to be edgy, but the shots of kurapika sitting in the darker tunnel part was kinda funny
also killua, a literal 12 yr old, calling out kurapika for being a murder virgin was pretty hilarious 
ok also i didnt know that madhouse animated hxh which is rlly funny but w/e i love the animation especially the occasional chibi parts and the facial expressions (like killuas ‘i love murder’ catboy expressions) 
oh also when killua murdered those 2 guys and his hand was all vein-y and his nails were pointy, his hands looked like hisokas do...i wonder if thats a legit connection or it hisoka just b getting his nails did 
kurapika talking abt how even seeing a regular spider makes them rlly angry was both very sad and kinda funny. kura u have so many issues god bless 
kurapikas smackdown on evil blue franky was fuckin dope tho. and the red eyes reveal was SPOICY 
rlly love how the individual fights highlights the characters strengths/morals/motivations/whatever....the writing is already really strong tbh 
ugh ok ive ranted enough this is a Lot lmao its so disorganized but w/e 
basically i love this series so far and im rlly curious whatll happen next. also everything seems pretty chill and upbeat so far (relatively) and i know this shit gets dark and im NOT FUCKING READY. 
til next timeeee
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comradesummers · 6 years ago
3, 17, 27?
Hi, thank you for asking!
Top 5 underrated TV shows
Idk what really qualifies as underrated, but I’ll try my best.
1. Legends of Tomorrow
Like, outside of the cult following, people don’t give it credit for being one of the most creative and batshit crazy shows on TV. I think what really gets missed in the conversation about Legends, even when the show is brought up, is that it’s not just a weird, kooky show. I genuinely believe LoT is doing something that no other show on TV is doing rn. Like it may be silly, and not take itself too seriously, but it’s actually super creative, it tries new things, it takes risks that shows that take themselves more seriously don’t have the luxury of taking. It’s out there doing something genuinely different from the regular serialized drama format that’s overtaking television, and that’s unique and important and we should appreciate it more.  
2. Every show for or about women that’s ever been referred to as a “guilty pleasure” by men, including but not limited to: BtVS, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Jane the Virgin, Sex and the City (I haven’t even seen it, but I know that it changed television as we know it, and men still dismiss it as meaningless fluff), Gilmore Girls, and too many other shows to list here. All of them are underrated by assholes who think they’re too good for girl things.
3. Blackadder
Y’know, the concept of something being underrated is super weird, because like the question becomes: underrated by who? I mean, if you’re in the know about British comedies or whatever, then of course you know that Blackadder is one of the funniest and most innovative shows ever. But with everyone else I’ve talked to in real life, I’ve had to explain that Mr. Bean and Dr. House dress up in period costumes, and hang out with different important historical figures in British history, and it’s really funny and great (except for maybe the first season).  
4. Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23
And then on the other hand, I’m pretty sure a lot of people on Tumblr know what this show is, and know it’s hilarious, but I would still probably consider it underrated and pretty unknown outside of certain circles.
5. Sense8
Again, I’m not sure it’s underrated on Tumblr but more people need to see it, so I’m counting it. I like Sense8 for the same reason I like Legends: it took risks, and did things other shows weren’t doing, albeit on a much larger and more unruly budget, which is probably why it got cancelled. But it really was a great, if short lived show, and I wish it had gone on for longer.
Top 5 “deserved better” characters
1. Kendra Young
Yeah, so I think there are two reasons that Kendra’s death makes me so angry. The first being just how much potential was wasted with her death. Yeah, they made her do a goofy accent, but she was still a really interesting character. Her worldview was completely entrenched in that of the Council. She was raised by them, and had never rebelled like Giles had. She would have made an amazing contrast to Buffy and the gang, but I also think there’s a really great story there about her coming to terms with just how exploited by those assholes she had been. Also, her dynamic with Buffy was already fascinating, and I think they had really good chemistry (I ship it).
The other reason her death makes me so angry is that she is the most obvious example of the horrendous treatment of people of color on BtVS. It really is unacceptable how white that show is, and once the writers finally did create an interesting and powerful (if admittedly pretty stereotypical) woman of color, they killed her off after three episodes. Kendra deserved better just like every other non-white character on BtVS deserved better.
2. Meg Manning and Paker Lee
(Yeah, I’m cheating, it’s a tie.) So one of the main issues that I have with Veronica Mars is that there just aren’t that many women on the show. With the exception of Veronica herself, most of the main characters are men, and most of Veronica’s important relationships, be they romantic, familial, or platonic, are with men.
The female characters we do have either have very little screentime, in spite of their considerable awesomeness (Mac and Jackie). Or, in the case of Meg and Parker, are used and disposed of according to the needs of the plot, often to create drama in Veronica’s love life. Meg surviving the bus crash, only to be killed off once she’d given birth, basically because she was no longer relevant to the Duncan/Veronica story is super icky and gross. And Parker getting dismissed as nothing more than road bump in LoVe’s story by both the show and the fandom drives me a little crazy, especially considering how she was introduced to the show.
Also, while we’re at it, every single ‘feminist’ character in season 3 deserved better from Rob Thomas.
3. Tara Maclay
She deserved to live, and we the viewers deserved better than Bury Your Gays.
4. Martha Jones
I mean, Martha Jones deserved better from the fandom more than anything else. And I’m adding her to the list because I’m one of the many people who owes Martha and Freema Agyeman an apology. I was like 12 when I watched Doctor Who for the first time, and I totally bought into the racist sexist bullshit (she’s boring, why is she in love with the Doctor, etc.). To be fair, I also bought into a lot of sexist bullshit when it came to Rose, so I hated her too, but obviously Martha got the shorter end of the stick, because of racism, and she deserved so, so much better.
5. Donna Noble
Fuck the amnesia bullshit and erasing her character development. Why did they have to do this to her? What possible purpose did it serve? Why not just give her a reason to leave and go home like every other companion? Wtf was the point? Was it just so that the doctor would have manpain about it?
Nevermind, I think I just answered my own question.
Top 5 brotps
Ok, not including any relationships I view as purely familial (Dawn and Buffy, Giles and Buffy, Tara and Dawn, Holt and anybody, etc.). Friendships only.
1. Buffy and Willow
Buffy and Willow love each other so much, and they hurt each other a lot too. This relationship isn’t simple and sweet, it starts out that way, but it becomes difficult, and they both do things to one another that I don’t think either one of them ever fully forgives the other for. But even still, at their worst, they love each other so deeply and so completely. This relationship is at the core of the show, I think. It’s arguably the first relationship the show establishes, and the one it spends most time on. The ups and downs are painful, but they feel real (even when they involve things like bringing someone back from the dead without their consent or whatever). And through it all, they never stop loving each other. As flawed as it may be, I think it’s also one of the most complex, interesting, and important relationships between two women ever on television. And that’s worth celebrating.
2. Jane and Petra
So I’ve been on a bit of a Jane the Virgin kick lately, and I’ll be honest, I can’t decide if this is a brotp or an otp. But I love Petramos too, so let’s go with brotp.
In any case, these two were pretty much my endgame for the show. I really didn’t care who Jane ended up with (unless it was Petra, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen), and I got sick of her love triangle real quick (to be fair, I just really can’t stand love triangles, which is why I didn’t give the show a shot for a long time). As for Petra, I just really wanted her to have a healthy relationship with someone, and Jane seemed to be the only person who seemed interested in having a healthy relationship with her.
Plus their dynamic is just amazing and hilarious. My favorite scenes in the show are always when they’re on screen together. The way they grudgingly grow to care about and love each other is genuinely sweet and well developed. And I love how even when they do become friends, their basic moral divide never changes. They still disagree very strongly about certain things, but they love each other regardless. And btw, the scene where they say “I love you” to each other for the first time might be my favorite “I love you” scene ever, platonic or otherwise.
I just love them so much.
3. Gurl Group (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
This is another show about romance where I’m far more invested in the female friendship than I am in any of the romances, but to be fair, I think CxG kind of wants you to do that anyway.
Regardless, I love everyone in this Gurl Group, individually and together. And their individual relationships are already fascinating. Like, Rebecca and Valencia’s frienship is pure enemies to lovers friends bliss and I love it. Rebecca and Paula’s relationship is the heart of the show, and like Buffy and Willow, this relationship is often difficult and complicated, but the love is always there. And we never had enough scenes of Heather and Valencia interacting. Every scene where they were together was pure comedic gold. And the group together as a whole was just so powerful and amazing to behold.
4. Amy and Rosa
They do not have enough scenes together. This relationship deserves the same amount of care and development as Jake and Charles get. Melissa and Stephanie have great chemistry. And like, their characters are so different, so the contrast is always so funny. But they also love each other, and support each other, and it’s so much fun to watch. I need 10000% more Amy/Rosa content.
5. Buffy and Veronica
This one’s probably also cheating because it’s a crossover and all, but I’m just kind of obsessed with the idea of them meeting, sparks flying, enemies to lovers friends, the works. They would just have such a fantastic dynamic. Like, think of all the verbal sparring that we would be blessed with. Think of all the drama and angst of them coming to understand and respect each other. If there is one crossover that I would will into existence if I could, it would definitely be this one.
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ambrvsel · 6 years ago
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hey there demons! it’s me, sam ( she / her, 22, est timezone ) aaaand here’s a fourth char, which i’ve never had here but we started accepting older muses and daniel sharman is one of my fave fcs ever so here we are. pls bear with me but ok let’s hop into this! character info under the cut and as always please message me here or @ellvie​​ if you’d like to plot!
╰☆╮ DANIEL SHARMAN ─ AMBROSE LANCASTER identifies as CIS MALE and uses HE/HIM pronouns. they’re a POET/ACTOR, and they’re only TWENTY-EIGHT ! they’re said to be INGENIOUS, but also BROODING. i guess that’s why they’re known as THE WORDSMITH in the tabloids. *mia's older brother wc!
so, this is...ambrosius cyril lancaster. we just don’t know why the lancaster parents gave him such a mouthful of a name and then looked at their second kid and went nah just one ( 1 ) syllable for this one, but it happened and now here we are! he tends to go by ambrose, which is just the simplified version of his actual name and takes less than five fuckin hours to say
anyway, as you might have guessed ambrose is mia’s older brother! they’re about seven years apart which is obviously a significant age gap, but it never really stopped them from being v close!
he was born and raised in los angeles, california where he experienced your typical upper middle class sort of lifestyle during his childhood. his parents divorced when he was a teenager, but it was amicable so he was able to kinda just accept it and move on with his life. he and mia lived with their mother most of the time, but both of their parents are cool and he really doesn’t have any issues with them or any serious childhood tragedies at all really
so growing up he was always kinda quiet and timid, but not painfully so. as his interests in the arts developed, his parents kinda nudged him into doing things like joining the drama club, which helped him to come out of his shell a bit
yes, he was a Theater Kid™ i’m so sorry everyone
he was...v v good at acting to the point where he wound up going to hollywood arts a special performing arts high school in hollywood on an acting scholarship. he starred in many of the school plays which usually had a lot of talent agents and casting directors and producers in the audience so he got noticed without really trying tbh
did a couple small tv appearances when he was 16 - 17 in all of the basic af teen drama shows of the time like pll & tvd & gossip girl. so, nothing special or groundbreaking buuuut it got him noticed by a lot of studios and hollywood people who were offering him much bigger roles in tv and film but he was like nah and went to college instead.
so he took a small break from acting in order to study poetry at columbia university in nyc, but he got bored bc it felt kinda easy to him oops. so he quickly went back to acting on the side while continuing his studies and got himself a steady recurring role on yet another basic teen drama to keep him entertained while he went through school.
he got his mfa in poetry from columbia a few years ago and he’s v proud of it aw i love that for him :’)
however after graduating he really didn’t do much with his writing bc he accidentally bit off more than he could chew by taking on a couple more acting roles bc he figured he’d be able to manage it and still work on his poetry but...nah. as a result his writing has kinda fallen by the wayside but he’s still really passionate about it!
was engaged to torrance keynes for a time and it wound up being v...Messy. she got pregnant more than once, but unfortunately miscarried each time. it was obvs difficult on both of them and it turned out to be too much and so they eventually broke things off. he’s still kind of a wreck over everything but like how could he not be? it’s still a very sore subject for him but like what are you gonna do! he basically just refuses to talk about it and pretends everything is fine haha yikes
he’s kinda been switching between la and nyc ever since he started college bc of school and work and going to see his fam ( especially mia! ) and he’s never really settled in one place or the other? but he’s really fallen in love with nyc and it’s where he spends most of his free time!
might have dipped to la for a little longer than usual after his last break up with torrance, buuuut he’s obvs returned and i think he’s planning to stay put for now
extra fun facts! probs a good thing to read if you’re looking for a tl;dr tbh
he’s probs on a tv show right now. think like american horror story or the walking dead or something? i feel like he gets typecast as a dark/brooding/sarcastic type of character in a lot of ~edgy~ type of shows. lmk if you’ve got any suggestions for a specific role bc rn i’ve got nothing
critics and management and even fans often complain that he’s wasting his immense acting talent on all of these smaller roles, but ambrose is happy with his career rn. he loves acting and he doesn’t want it to start feeling like a chore and he wants freedom and flexibility so that he can finally start focusing on his poetry.
“are you mad?” no that’s just his face
hobbies include boxing, throwing knives, surfing, taking walks, watching pretentious films, hanging out in record stores, and some dabbling in drawing.
loves to read, always carrying a book around and sticking his nose in it if he has a few minutes of free time & it’s not uncommon to see him with a new book every single day, or even more than one book in a single day
he’s kind of a hipster i’m sorry
also just kinda...slightly...a little...very Dramatic™
might do music on the side but like……...very far on the side. he’s probs a drummer?? in some arctic monkeys type of shitty indie rock band but he enjoys it so whatever
a total gentleman and a romantic, but also most likely a Disaster in the relationships department so...watch out for that too ig!
personality: ambrose is quiet, perceptive, intelligent, eloquent, creative, pensive, sarcastic, dramatic, tumultuous, and passionate. he can come across as standoffish but it’s just Resting Bitch Face and the fact that he’s an introvert working against him. just start talking about film or books or something and he’ll warm right up. he’s a v loyal and protective friend, nice and polite to strangers, but noticeably a bit closed off ( especially after the miscarriages and failed engagement ). basically - all you need to know about ambrose is that if someone told you that he was secretly a 500 year old british vampire who likes to surf in his spare time then you would probably believe them.
here are a few lame connection ideas that you should not feel limited by whatsoever!
best friend
former costars
romantic - exes, crushes, pr relationships maybe? & all that stuff
people he attended school with - either in la or at columbia
college roommates?
other members of his little side project indie band?
ok that’s it for now! feel free to message me if you’d like to plot and as always, i’m super excited to write with you all!
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myhauntedsalem · 5 years ago
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20 Doctors And Nurses Share The Creepiest Last Words Uttered By A Patient Before Dying
1. I work in a cardiac ICU. We had a patient who had a pulmonary artery rupture (a rare, but known complication of a Swan-Ganz catheter). One minute he was joking around with us and the next bright red blood was spewing out of his mouth. His last words before he died were “why is this happening to me?” It still haunts me years later. 2. I’m an RT and had a vented trach patient in angio have the same thing happen. Vent waveforms got a little funky showing she needed suctioned. I walked up to her and saw bright red blood just start shooting up the vent circuit and immediately obstruct it.
I immediately said “she’s hemorrhaging” and the vascular surgeon said “no it’s just a little blood” thinking I was referring to his access site in her groin. I popped her off of the vent and blood just started pouring out of her trach, mouth, and nose. She looked at me and said, “just let me die.”
The puddle of blood was about 6 feet in diameter on the floor within just a couple of minutes and I was covered from the chest down.
I’ve seen some shit, but that was the worst, 3. “But I don’t know how to get there…” Grandpa in hospice. Hadn’t spoken in days. Died about 2 hours later. 4. I’m a nurse and was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia/Alzheimer’s unit. My very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily so I was checking on him very frequently. We would have long chats and joke around with each other, but in the last two weeks of his life, he stopped talking completely and didn’t really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all. I finished my medication rounds for the evening and went to see him before I left. I told him I was leaving for the night and that I’d see him the following day, and he looked me in the eyes and smiled SO genuinely and said, “You look like an angel.” I thought it was so sweet because he had not seemed lucid in weeks. He died the next morning. It really messed with me. 5. I overheard an old lady whisper this to her old husband dying of kidney problems. “You are going to beat this, you got away with murder, this is nothing” 6. Nurse here – had a patient come into the ER with shortness of breath. He started deteriorating in the ER, and then quite rapidly on the transport up the ICU. We got him wheeled into his room, replaced the ER lines and tubes with our own, and transferred him from the transport stretcher to his ICU bed. He actually did most of the transfer himself. He didn’t say anything, but just before he died he pleasantly adjusted his own pillow, laid his head down, and then his eyes went blank. This man just made himself comfortable before laying down to die. 7. Dad had MS. He’d had it since he was 18. Diagnosed at 20, married my mom at 24, had me at 29, died 15 days short of 45. Six months before that, he was put on hospice. He and Mom were discussing funeral arrangements, and my mom jokingly said, “You know Tim, the best thing you could do would be to die on a Wednesday. That way we can have the body prepared on Thursday, the viewing on Friday, and the memorial on Saturday, so more people could come.
The morning we got the call that it was time, my mom, two sisters, and I were about five minutes too late. After we said our goodbyes, the nurse pulled my mom aside and asked if that day had any significance. It’s not even 6 am yet, so Mom doesn’t even know what day it IS much less if it’s important. The nurse tells her it’s May 21st. No… nothing is coming to mind.
The nurse told her that the previous day he kept asking what day it was and they’d tell him it was the 20th. He’d look irritated but accept it. That morning, he asked what day it was, and they said, “It’s Wednesday, May 21st.” He smiled, squeezed his favorite nurse’s hand, and was gone almost immediately. It was Memorial Day weekend, and we did just as he and Mom had planned. And despite many friends being out of town for the holiday, we had over 250 people show up at the memorial service, overflowing the tiny church more than it had ever been filled. To his dying day, he was trying to make things easier for our family. I miss him. 8. My grandfather on his deathbed said “they have no eyes,” still give me chills. 9. “Get home safe, little one.” It wasn’t what he said – he said the same thing to me any time I had him as a patient for the evening. It was how he said it. He gave me this look and pause like he knew. The DNR’s in my experience, always know when it’s time. It’s creepy. 10. Checked in on a patient before the end of my shift and she was in good spirits, had been joking with me the whole time. Her condition was tenuous (new trach) but she had been positive throughout. I asked how she was doing and she replied by singing “The old gray mare ain’t what she used to be” and wished me a good night.
I came in the next morning and she had coded and died overnight. 11. Came into an early shift and was handed over a patient who’d been very anxious and had a panic attack overnight. He was anxious all morning but obs all fine, ecg fine and so I just asked someone to sit with him to keep an eye on him/reassure him for me. He gets worse, really panicky, heavy breathing, he’s on his side in the foetal position.
Drs will be in in 10 minutes so I tell him I’ll get them to him as soon as they come in but ask if he’ll lie on his back for me to help his breathing. He tells me he won’t make it until they get here and that he won’t face the other way. Obs still all fine at this point but he’s more agitated so again I suggest he move position for comfort and that’s when he says, ‘I won’t make it until the Drs get here. If I turn to face the other way I’ll die’. He repeated this a few times to me.
He arrested literally as the Drs walked in and he died on the side he’d been refusing to turn to. I’m convinced he knew. 12. I’m an apprentice funeral director. We went to a nursing home on a removal and as we were walking down the hall one of the patients got antsy and opened the door to his room and saw us walking with the stretcher. “I’ll see you next week boys”
And guess who we had to pick up the next week. 13. I found one of my “comfort measures only” patients standing at the side of his bed. It surprised me because he had been mostly unresponsive during my shift. I helped him back into bed and he asked me why all these people were in his room.
He suddenly became quiet again and I noticed he wasn’t breathing. He was a DNR so there wasn’t anything to do to try to bring him back. Looking back he may have been talking about me and the CNA that was helping me get him back into bed, but who knows what or who he was seeing the last minutes of his life. Still creeps me out a little when I think about it. 14. I had a cousin that had cancer and died when he was a little kid. He once asked her mother why all these people visited and she said: “Because your cousins, aunts and uncles love you very much and want you to get better” and he answered, “I’m not talking about them, I’m talking about the ones that visit me at night.” 15. My first hospice case. She was on morphine and started mock smoking. She looked at me, took my hand and said “please” in the most pleading voice I’ve ever heard. I sat with her body until the corner arrived. She has no friends or family. Only her lawyer showed up. I’ve only done one hospice case since. 16. I’ve commented this somewhere before but it’s stayed with me! I’m an RN and while I was a student I was caring for a lady who had end stage renal failure, had a DNAR and was shutting down. We were having a little chat, well I was chatting away while helping her put on some lotion, when she stopped, looked over my shoulder and said, “Bill’s here love, I’ve got to go” and swiftly stopped breathing. Read her old notes and Bill was her deceased husband. 17. DNR patient was on comfort cares. Was on a high dose of morphine and hallucinating. She would alternate between grasping for things not there and trying to climb out of bed. She was too unsteady to walk so my job was to sit in the room and make sure she was safe. She tried to get up and I went to ask her what she needed. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down towards her face and said, very angrily, “kill me”. That one fucked with me for awhile. 18. Back when I was a CNA this one resident fell off a bike for exercise in pt and seized, they came to and became lucid and said, “I think I’m dying,” but everyone in the room assured her that wasn’t going to happen, she seized up and was dead within minutes. 19. Last year: my grandfather started desperately pleading for his life with his German captors from WWII
The doctor present was smart and said in German: “You are free, Herr Caticature. You are free.” And then he died. 20. I actually have 3 that stick out in my mind. An 83 year old woman that said “My mom’s here. Are we going?” She died a few minutes later.
Another older lady said “I think I’m going to die today…” we took vitals, everything seemed fine. She was stable. She had a heart attack a couple hours later. Not her last words, but the last she ever said to me.
The last one is definitely the creepiest. A nice old lady who told my CNA she wanted to wear all white. When asked why, she said “The man in black is here.” She looked in the corner of the room. The CNA looked, but there was no one there. That’s when I came into the room. We asked her to describe what she was seeing and she said “he’s in all black, and he’s got a top hat on.” Then she whispered “and his eyes are red” while her eyes moved across the room to directly behind the CNA, like she was watching him move closer to us. She died later that night. But it was unexpected. That room creeped me out for a long time after that.
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artisticallys · 5 years ago
              omg hey... what’s going awn  ?  i havent dont an intro in soooo long i dont even have anything fun or interesting to say about myself errrrrr my name is sam  !  i use they/them pronouns we big chillin.... im real bad at answering messages but i get to them eventually i schwear. yep that’s all if anyone wants to plot or whateva just lmk okie  ?  there’ll be a tl;dr at the bottom before plots if u dont wanna read all this it’s a lot-_____-  without further adieu may i present miss scout kang.... 
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﹤𝙺𝙸𝙼 𝙲𝙷𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙷𝙰, 𝚂𝙷𝙴/𝙷𝙴𝚁, 𝙲𝙸𝚂𝙵𝙴𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙴﹥; * - hello SCOUT KANG. long time no see. i know a lot about you. like how you're TWENTY TWO, how you're a GAME DEVELOPMENT major,  and in fact.. how you KILLED YOUR TWIN BROTHER AT HIS REQUEST AND LIED TO YOUR FAMILY ABOUT HIS PASSING AWAY TO STAY IN THEIR GOOD GRACES. would be a shame if it got out, wouldn't it ? so let's play a game. 𝚃𝚁𝚄𝚃𝙷 𝙾𝚁 𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙴 ?
ok so yeaaaaah her secret is kindve a lot ! we gone get there... but first i gotta discuss her childhood u kno ? set things up <3 scout was born to 2 vewy loving parents with a twin brother. there were complications in the pregnancy some medical shit i cba to research but basically her brother wasn’t getting all the nutrients he needed to develop with a good immune system. scout was born two minutes before him, he never let her forget it with his hag jokes and she never let him forget when it came to calling shotgun. 
as i said her brother was born with an auto immune deficiency it left him in a place to get sick very, very often. almost anytime he caught the flu he was hospitalized and generally his life was lived through a glass case from the outside world. and oddly enough it made scout feel trapped too as he was her twin flame, they were the best of friends and wherever he was she wanted to be. there came a time where his health plummeted drastically, doctors weren’t sure he’d make it and the pressure of it all finally cracked down on their father
not being able to watch his own flesh and blood rot away in a hospital bed he took his chance to get out while he still could and vanished into the night never to be seen again. scout remembers hearing an argument between her parents before pretending to be asleep when he came into her room and gave her a final kiss on the forehead and secured her blankets about her body.
it was a shock, really, when her brother pulled through and was somehow stronger than ever. an elaborate hoax was curated by their mother but scout knew, and deep down she thought her brother knew too. but it’s hard to give life to such a grievous monster and so it stayed in a grave.
life went on, doctor and hospital visits became routine and her brother never let things get in the way of living his life. in high school they were quite the pair. mostly it consisted of conversations about where they wanted to run off to after graduation, who their dream spouse was ( he always wanted to marry the student body president while scout had dreams of marrying some degenerate *her brothers words* ), things theywanted to do before dying. they wrote that stuff down on an old study guide scout was using to cheat off of for ap chemistry....
which was something she did often as early middle school days, her mother planted the seed of her going to medical school. to find a way to help people like her brother and at first it was a welcomed idea, do good for people like the one she loved more than life. time went on though and the pressure to have a 4.0 to get into a good premed school with tuition help was mounting. it made dreams that had been forced upon her to morph into something ugly but there was no hopes of standing up to her mother, not when she was already looking forward to such a future. but scout didn’t have the best work ethic when she wasn’t really invested in something, she was smart yeah but that just... wouldn’t cut it and she found that out real fast
her scenes changed quickly during the summer of junior year. her brother had fallen incomprehensibly ill, worse than she had ever seen him and the fear she had as a child slowly crept back, licked up her neck and nested on her shoulders making a home there. reports came back soon enough and he was diagnosed with leukemia. at first it was manageable, some chemo and radiation should do the trick, they said. then it became bone marrow transplants and blood transfusions and fluid drips. she was the first to volunteer, obviously as his twin, for marrow transplants, blood, any organs he might need. 
desperation came in the form of a crying mother after news that he wasn’t going to live past christmas came. it came to scout as her mother accused the doctors of knowing nothing and doing nothing for her son. and it lastly came to her brother when he had been going through these treatments for 2 years and he still could feel how his soul was rotting away. how he was just a carcass in a paper thin nightgown. 
it was then he proposed the idea they travel and cross things off their bucket list and scout both ready to escape greyed walls and sterile affections as well as their small town agreed, readily. took every penny she earned from working, even opened up a gofundme for this trip and was lucky. things went well, so well in fact, that the pair forgot that half of them had one foot in the grave already.
until one day his pain became unbearable, too much for him to handle anymore, and he asked scout as she was helping him into bed after an attempt at leaving the house that day. it was hushed, whispered in shame and fear. had what he just said really happened? was the summer sun getting to be too much? it wasn’t until he had cleared his throat and said it with his chest, “i want you to kill me.” 
call her wrong but she actually laughed. retracted from him with brows creased and a confused laugh slipping out. there’s no way he could be serious. but when he didn’t laugh too she knew he meant it and that’s when she knew she had a choice to make.
it took a week of pondering the thought before she came to the conclusion that she’d end her brothers suffering. they spent the next few days doing something that haunts scout to this day really: planning the best way for her to kill him. for her to end her twin flame. 
their last night together was something memorable, spirits were shared and tears were shed. he left her with only 2 promises to keep.   1. never reveal to anyone that she ended his suffering and 2. to stop letting their mother decide scout’s life and future
she didn’t go to his funeral. didn’t want to replace what she had left of him with what was in that coffin, spent the night drinking homemade sangria and watched star trek. his 2 favorite things. 
this obviously didnt go over well with her mother, went even worse when scout announced she had dropped from pre - med and planned on becoming a video game developer. she was called an embarrassment, a failure, and that she would end up nowhere. and for a while she believed it, still does. 
she got really lucky though when the streaming community got more recognition and now she plays video games for a living and attends classes to make good games. 
scout grew up w a really sick brother, their dad left, and scout basically became her brother’s keeper. was forced into studying shit she had no interest in and when her brother had enough suffering asked her to take his life, which she did. now she streams video games with hopes of making her own and somehow finding her mother’s love again. 
got the songs it’s you & bang bang stuck in my head rn maybe some romance shit off theeeees? dunno...
dudes... some people who knew her AND her brother growing up like maybe they went to hs together idk maybe they’re like girl what ever even happened...
ex’s yupppp gimme
her bestest friend(s) maybe even shares her world w them u kno? im in it...
maybe something unrequited or like some sort of clueless sheet who knows!
frenemies...? like enemies that actually just have some weird tension they gotta get through :kissing:
literally anything u think scout would be good to fill like if u got any wcs?
OMGGG wait last one. i really want someone who her brother was in love with or like had feelings for and shit got crazayyyy after he died we can discuss
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