#all i'm saying is that actually watching a saw film would probably kill me
fortjester · 11 months
honestly, now that i've seen i twice, perry's death on fall of the house of usher has got to be one of the worst (to me!!)
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The thing that really annoys me about the conspiracy theories going around (especially the Izzy-centric ones and especially That One Meta, iykyk) is the complete and utter lack not only of genre awareness but any realistic understanding of how OFMD operates.
If you actually watch the show, you should understand two things.
This is a rom-com. The central romance between Ed and Stede and comedy are therefore the two most core parts of the show, with Ed and Stede's romance taking priority over everything else. That's not to say OFMD doesn't have dark themes, it absolutely does; it's to say that comedy is always important to how the show is written, acted, and filmed. If the most obvious explanation for "what is this line/scenario trying to tell us?" is "it's funny," then that's clearly why the scenario is in the show.
This is not a subtle show. That's not to say it's a simple one; one thing I love about OFMD is all the background details and gags you only pick up on a rewatch. It's amazingly layered and emotional responses by characters are often extremely complex. However, when the show is trying to tell you something, it's not subtle and it never tries to hide it. The closest it ever gets is Ed in the gravy basket, and even then it's written so we find out the instant Ed does and we've already had clues to suspect something from how the mutineers are acting. If you're watching OFMD and thinking "hmm I wonder what they're trying to tell me here," you're probably doing something wrong.
That's why I'm so completely baffled by conspiracies such as
"How much was Ed hallucinating/dreaming??" After he gets out of the gravy basket, none of it. Very obviously none of it. Why would you assume they had time to waste this season on trying to confuse us about what's actually happening?
"What if Ed actually killed Buttons?" Okay, putting aside that just not happening on screen and therefore the most reasonable assumption being that he didn't, what would that actually do for the story? Buttons turning into a seagull underscored season themes of change. Ed killing him would be confusing, weird, and extremely out of character.
"What if Ed was the one who killed Felix the cabin boy?" This one absolutely baffles me. That story is transparently there to show us what Hornigold was like as a captain and illustrate why Ed hates him. Ed doing that instead of Hornigold would be wildly out of character and inconsistent with everything Ed does.
And my favorite, the one that made the author of That One Meta instantly lose all credibility for me when I skimmed and saw it:
"What if Ed and Stede's new shack is stinky because they actually have Izzy's body in there and Ed's in denial of his death, etc. etc."
Well. Given my awareness of the show I'm watching. I feel pretty safe in saying that it's stinky in there because, and I can't stress this enough, this is a comedy and sometimes it is funny for things to be stinky.
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madlad-sadgal · 1 year
More things I noticed in Nimona because I got boredin.
Nimona Spoilers!
Diamonds seem to be a recurring form when it comes to the Institute, which we see most when in the Director's office. There's a line of diamonds that goes from the top to the bottom of her dress. The windows are diamonds. There's a diamond at the tip of her staff. There's a diamond sculpture thingy on her desk. There's a line of diamonds on the side of her desk. Ambrosius also has a a lot of diamonds on his armor. The button the Director presses to open the secret drawer is part of a line of diamonds. The Director's eye shine is a diamond, and so is Bal's when he's about to be knighted, about to become an official part of the Institute, only to have that taken away from him.
I hear a lot of people say that they don't understand why Bal didn't post the whole video, but we have to take in consideration here: When he and Nimona thought up that plan, in no way did they think that the Director would actually try to kill Ambrosius. And, also, Nimona-Ambrosius and Ambrosius both enter the office by saying the same thing "We need to talk". Bal probably spent hours telling them how Ambrosius acted just to fool the Director. Just imagine: you see someone who looks and acts exactly like the one you love get stabbed out of absolutely nowhere. You know it's not them, but there's still that small second of "What the fuck my lover is getting stabbed!" I doubt he was able to keep the camera still through all that. I saw another post talk about it, and I can't find it, but yeah.
Also, back to Ambrosius' armor, I was able to count three lion faces on it. One on the front of his chestplate, and one of each of his shoulder protector thingys (I don't know the name of it)
Sure, when Nimona-Ambrosius destroys everything in the Director's office, it's funny, but they also foreshadow one more thing; destroying the wall. Also, they remove Gloreth's statue at the same time, and, at the end, when Bal is looking over the kingdom, we don't see the statue in question anywhere, which could maybe insinuate that they actually did canonically took it down? I may be looking into this too much, but it's fun to think that's what it might mean.
The sight Bal uploads the video is called "TheCrier". Also, when he uploads it, on the screen behind the computer, you can see he was previously ordering a pizza.
Bal's username is BalliSTAR12 and honestly I'm surprised no one in the kingdom thought to question why this man even had a video of this. That is if they even realized that it was him because let's be honest, the people of the realm are oblivious to a lot of stuff throughout the movie.
For a brief second, you can see that the username of one of the people who commented is "Rising_Pho3nis_23" and that just makes me realize how much foreshadowing these people included throughout the whole movie.
We see at some point that the first riot at the Institute was filmed when, at 57:59, in the recommended videos someone is watching, the top one is "Rhino runs riot at the Institute"
"I just want to be your friend. Is it ever gonna be enough?" Those are the only lyrics I was able to catch from the dance sequence, but those hit hard when you realize that Nimona is really just looking for a friend. And also that even with Nimona and Bal's efforts to prove that the Institute is bad, there efforts weren't enough (because the Director just turns the blame on them again)
When Nimona-Director is on the other side of the door with the pizza, their eyes do the reflection thing with the lighting.
During the scene where we see the civilians gathered in front of the Institute and yelling things like "Liar" and holding up sign that say "Villain" and "Liar" we see the statue of Gloreth standing in front of all of them bathed in red light, and it's almost like all of those things are being yelled at her.
"Zombies are immortal eternal beings. There's no way to kill them." "But what if they come for us?" *Attacks the zombies* Funny how fear drives them attack first, just like fear drove the villagers to attack Nimona first.
When the Director tries to warn everyone of Nimona, the "monster", she accidentally puts everyone against everyone, and, as we see in the pub, everyone starts to mistrust the people around them.
I have a theory as to why Nimona was painted as child in the scroll: It was to serve as a warning. It was to show that this "monster" could try to manipulate you into thinking it was harmless by becoming something that doesn't pose much of a threat: a child.
Nimona saying "I have not slept like that in forever." Who else thinks it's because they used to always have their guard up and was always a light sleeper in case they needed to flee quickly? Like, they didn't want to put themselves in a vulnerable position too long so they got used to getting maybe one or two hours of sleep every now and then.
I'll stop there for now. Might make more if y'all like this!
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silk-and-web · 2 months
Watched Deadpool and Wolverine. My reactions:
Not as good as the first two but enjoyable enough. Better than I expected since I admittedly thought it'd be disappointing. It does what Quantumania did but better.
I appreciate how they responded to the complaint that they're ruining the ending of Logan by doubling down in the most Deadpool way possible.
Watching Deadpool viciously murder TVA agents was cathartic. It's the edge that the MCU painfully lacked, and a fuck you to the originator of the tired and underwhelming multiverse saga.
I'm glad we saw Deadpool's supporting cast and did not kill them off. I'm sad they had no role in the story, which I unfortunately expected. Same deal as Quantumania.
I don't know how Shatterstar is alive but I'm not complaining.
There were so many inside jokes that only hardcore fans who know what happened behind the scenes of Marvel, Fox, and even DC would understand. So naturally I laughed at them.
All the alternate Wolverines were fun. The Cavilvolerine was 10/10. We technically got a Hulk cameo.
I legitimately wondered if RDJ was going to cameo or not, but they lampshaded it as expected.
Chris Evans fuckin' got me. I thought they went all out for a Captain America variant. As soon as he said Flame On I lost it. I had a feeling he wouldn't be sticking around so I'm glad they admitted it was for budget reasons.
Xavier's sister was annoying af but she's the villain so I guess she did her job well
Every Deadpool and Wolverine fight was perfect. They basically fucked.
This movie had all the cameos people thought Multiverse of Madness was going to have. I did not expect nearly this many or who they brought in.
Blade was great and he's probably right we won't get another. Electra was so unexpected it's funny. Channing Tatum finally playing an extreme comic accurate Gambit was great. X-23 made me smile though I wish she had more to do in the film. I'm glad she was included in the ending so there's potential for her to appear again.
The two final acts were pretty predictable but entertaining enough. Not much else to say there.
Wolverine's suit is great though the mask was clearly CGI in a few shots.
The Deadpool Corps fell flat and had unclear motivations. They shouldn't have been included at all tbh.
Yeah Hugh Jackman is never going to stop being Wolverine lmao
Ultimately, it was an enjoyable but completely unnecessary movie that sadly lacks the heart of the previous films. Like Quantumania, it gets wrapped up in world ending threats at the cost of the supporting cast that made the previous movies great and meaningful.
Post credits scene was a good gag, made me laugh.
The credits clips and music made me emotional. It's the send-off to Fox X-Men (and F4) we never truly got. Can't believe how young Hugh Jackman was back then. Seeing Quicksilver got me bad, I love Peters' portrayal so much.
And the Thor scene is such a funny tease because I highly doubt there are any actual plans set in stone so Ryan Reynolds is just daring Feige to find a way to retroactively make that spoiler a spoiler.
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poisonedspider · 1 month
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HEAD CANON DROP because I think too much when talking to the SQUAD lol. This is going to seem all over the place because I'm trying to remember as I go along so. Also some of these might be repeats because my brain just goes oooo yeah that. And some of these pertain to other muses and you absolutely do NOT have to go along with them. If they go with other muses, it's up to that mun's discretion. This is just for if I'm NOT writing with that muse.
Anthony absolutely went to Catholic school. Italian New Yorker in the early 1900s? Come on. It's definitely also where he got a lot of his religious guilt from (see all my notes of his internalized homophobia). He didn't retain a lot of it because Henroin would pull him and Aracniss out of school consistently, most likely when Anthony was around 13 years old (that's a teenager and therefore an adult, right?) in order to train them in the mafia lifestyle. Molly continued with school and honestly that's probably a huge reason she got to Heaven (minus the fact she's a literal sweet fucking angel).
SPEAKING OF MOLLY. Because this is a huge part of my storyline with the squad. Molly is the MAIN reason that Angel wants to be redeemed. After seeing how the angels are, he really doesn't think Heaven is all that great (stfu I'm ignoring their finale about filling the hotel with sinners to be redeemed because if I saw Adam and his dick waffles coming to kill my friends I'd be like...fuck this Hell is better). He also still doesn't fully believe he CAN be redeemed (since Val owns his soul). But he wants to get to Heaven to see Molly. To at least apologize to her, because he knows his overdose impacted his twin and it was devastating for her to have to bury him when they were so close and for her to be left with their shitty dad and brother and he just...wants to own up to that.
Angel Dust does not want to be an Overlord. Ever. Period. I'll do a good Overlord AU (what can I say, he's hot like that), but in my canon timeline there's no way. Other than Husk (which I fucking hope we get Overlord Husk flashbacks or maybe it leads to some FEELINGS between them both because I know damn well Husker was a dick), Angel has never met a GOOD Overlord. He does not trust them. He does not want to be in that position of power. He does not want to own anyone's soul, because he's felt how awful it is to be on the receiving end. He did not ever actively choose to be in the mafia, so being the Mafia Overlord that everyone does in fanon just makes no sense to me. Angel has the MAKINGS of an Overlord. He is so much more powerful than he looks. But all he has ever wanted is to genuinely be able to be himself - power was never on his list.
Showers. Random head canon is random. But if Angel Dust showers with you, that means he has INTENSE trust for you. Because that boy hates his feet. He wears his boots everywhere, including while filming porn. BUT he is not wearing those in the shower (first off do you know what happens to pleather if it gets wet jfc). So he HAS to have his little spider feeties out. He doesn't allow ANYONE to see them, so consider yourself lucky if you do. This is also why I hc that he is super paranoid of Vox's cameras in his room and dressing room. Not only bc it means Vox gets to watch all his break downs (that asshole), but because it's when he's at his most vulnerable and has to actually strip fully (boots included) to change. Even in his own room he's still always wearing like knee high stockings or little fluffy sockies. Just in case.
Angel Dust has intense bits of mania. I'm throwing this in there as a psychologist. Honestly in that sort of lifestyle, it's hard NOT to have manic episodes. Elaborate spending habits. High drug addiction. Sexual rebellion. And then the crashes hit, which is when we see the extreme breaks in depression, the irritability, the tantrums. He will get fucking bouts of energizer bunny energy if he is in a panicked state and do the most chaotic fucking stuff that if he looked back on while he was stable he would probably be embarassed by.
Here's the whole DEPENDS ON THE MUN (I'm looking at you Plum lol) but my Angel Dust has purchased a lot of Valentino's guns for him. Maybe because he felt he needed to get even about Nuggets, idk. I love the fanon thought that Angel, who is incredibly skilled with guns, is who actually trained Val how to shoot. I think it would be a cute af bonding activity (back when they were an item not item). And that Angel would probably have bought him a gun once he thought Val knew how to handle it properly. (I'm going to debate if it was Money Shot specifically because I also agree with my bb Plum that Vox probably bought Val that but also like Val is incredibly protective/possessive over anything to do with Angel so....I could see both. Depending on my mood lol.)
Angel Dust doesn't eat pork. That's it, that's the post.
Angel Dust writes a lot of his own songs. I will forever and always HC that Poison was a legit song that played through Hell (maybe NOT including the last verse) because you can't tell me that black fit wasn't a music video. I also know Paranoid DJ is not remotely canon but Use Me Up is a fucking bop so. Angel writes a lot of his music, and uses it as a way to express himself and his feelings.
Angel learned a lot of his speaking patterns from Valentino. Notice that both Val and Angel have a 'voice' that they put on for the public (which sorry to both but is arguably fairly loud and obnoxious). But when they're being themselves, have pretty different voices. Not only does Val sound way different in the finale song, but we see how different he is when he's talking directly to Angel rather than his 'public persona'. Angel is the same. And I bet he learned that from Val, that a good celebrity is a complete act, voice included.
Angel Dust doesn't know how to read. I said what I said. Well, he does NOW, but he didn't when he first died. As mentioned, he went to Catholic school, which not only doesn't teach too much about reading directly, but he was pulled out constantly. I THOROUGHLY BELIEVE that he did not read the contract, not only because he trusted Valentino to protect him, but because he was unable to. Honestly Angel also strikes me as the type with undiagnosed dyslexia, so. He learned how to read over time, but he didn't fully know what he was signing. (And don't tell me it's because he is too dumb to sit and read that whole thing. He's an incredibly smart boy. He knows how to manipulate things. He wouldn't just sign his soul over without knowing what the fine print said).
Contrary to popular belief, I don't think Angel would initiate anything with Husk. He took the hint, he backed off. It's so obvious he's head over heels, but since their talk in Loser Baby, he hasn't really hit on him much by his standards. Kind of a ball is in his court thing. And then when they finally get together, Angel is so timid to initiate sex because he doesn't want to come off as 'fake' or just in it for that, so he just goes insane (see manic episode) until Husk feels ready.
If you disrespect the Italian language at all, he is so going to hit you in the face. This includes comparing Italian to other languages. He doesn't care how close it is to Spanish - they are different languages with different dialects and he gets fussy.
I've mentioned this before, but Angel is actually incredibly good at respecting boundaries. He pushes them, but he also knows when no means no. It's why we stop seeing him hitting on Alastor after Episode 1. As someone who has had his boundaries crossed and pummeled and consent taken away, he isn't going to do that to others. He knows when to back off.
Angel hates Travis. That's it, that's the post. We know per the pilot that Travis uses Angel off the clock (yes, per Angel's consent, but I'm getting there) for sex 'under the table.' You're telling me that fuckass works at the studio and hasn't tried to get with Angel multiple times? Thinks that because he works for Val that he also has access to Hell's hottest porn star? Yeah, fuck that guy.
Okay I thiiiiiiiiink that's all for now. Will more come up? I am guaranteed they will. But it's been awhile since I've done a good HC drop.
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bobbydagen24 · 3 months
tbh I'm still Hoping Chef will be Brought back in the next film as it could be Hella emotional and also further explore some Good old fashioned Branch angst which the Trolls writers seem to love 😭😭
I know I've talked about this before but eh I wanna talk about it some more lol as I'm in love with the story potential of Chef coming back.
have fans Done any fics or fanart of the idea? idk I'll have to go check once I'm Done writing this post lol.
but yeah I Hope this does happen cause there's so much potential here for an emotional story involving Branch and his Bros coming face to face with her.
in the first movie its always struck me as a little Disappointing that Chef being the one who killed Branch's Grandmother was never mentioned in present day
I know logically neither Chef or Branch himself would Remember since Branch was only a little kid who saw her for a split second and for Chef it was just a normal day at work.
but from a writing standpoint I Do find it Disappointing more wasn't done with this in the first movie.
I feel her coming back in the next film could work especially well if it takes place not too much time after TBT so the film could still explore some left over issues in the family
plus some more Branch angst that the writers love showing lol.
I'd probably have the movie open with something like Branch his Brothers and Grandma all sat around having Dinner happily chatting away and whatnot only for a hand to come crashing in Grabbing Grandma away
as Branch can only Helplessly watch and then his Bros all start blaming him saying why wasn't he more carful and why did he let it happen
with Floyd especially telling him that he promised him he would take care of her and then the Brothers all walk out for good while Chef's laughter can be heard in the background and Branch is just sat on his own and he looks down at his hand and sees he's turning Grey.
and then Chef's Hand comes back in and Grabs him and he's screaming for help only to see there's no one around that cares and
Branch struggles to try and break free but its Hopeless and Chef just laughs and is about to put Branch in her mouth.
only for him to then wake up in his Bed in a panicked sweat and we see him telling himself to breath feeling his chest and trying to calm himself down
making it clear this is far from the first time this has happened and he already knows what to do in these situations.
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FR I like the idea of the movie opening with an angsty nightmare scene for Branch showing his still lingering Trauma in present day.
Both over his perceived failure and guilt over what happened to Grandma not to mention his Brothers leaving again and of course a Fear of Chef herself
not only for killing Grandma but also how close she came to killing him in the first movie.
so opening the movie showing some still lingering Trauma that maybe he Refuses to open up to his Brothers about because he's afraid they may blame him for Grandma's death
like he did himself for all those years and maybe they'd leave again I feel would be neat way to start the film where Chef comes back imo.
especially if the whole movie or at the very least just the climax was about Poppy and the Brothers needing to save Branch
after he's captured maybe after a family argument and he goes off on his own only to get snatched by Chef.
as the whole family coming together to save him from Chef the source of his Greatest Trauma like come on that'd be emotional as Hell 😭😭😭😭
also I do just really wanna see Branch actually confront Chef over Grandma like maybe when he's captured he finally angrily confronts her over it only for Chef to casually Dismiss him
stating she doesn't Remember that day or her at all Hurting Branch at his core since that day obviously has stuck with him for his whole life and changed who he was
but for her it wasn't special it was just a Regular Tuesday.
and of course in the end it'd be satisfying and sweet to see Poppy and Brozone Rescuing Branch and maybe for Chef's comeuppance in the end
I kinda like the idea that Due to some chemicals or magic crap that she'd been messing around with as part of her Grander plan she ends up being shrunken down
to the point she's actually smaller than a Troll like lets say the size of Tiny Diamond so she's basically Rendered Harmless to the Trolls and she tries to attack the main characters
but Brozone just playfully pick her up and toss her back and fourth and in the end they just throw her in a cage with Branch somewhat smugly
Remarking something along the lines of him not being able to believe he was ever afraid of her
with Chef looking a little pissed off to say the least 😂😂😂😂
kinda well and truly confronting the source of his nightmares and feeling a little better about himself as a Result
and also I'd end the film with him finally sitting down with his Brothers and talking more about Grandma
as he finally feels more comfortable about opening up to them about these kinds of things now.
so yeah fingers crossed Chef comes back it wouldn't be too Hard to explain maybe she landed on the cooker inside the creature's Belly and used her knife kit to climb her way out or forced the creature to throw her up or something.
the why's and how's don't really matter too much to me I just think she'd be a perfect Returning Villain for a future film given the significance she has to Brozone as a family and Branch himself.
since she basically made him who he is.
also if Chef is Revealed to be alive in movie cannon then hey it'd be a perfect chance to Bring Creek back in movie cannon as well 😂😂😂😂
be it as a Villain or a Redeemed character who warns pop Village about Chef's plans after overhearing them
maybe he hid inside her Hair so he could hitch a Ride out of the mountain creature lol and afterwards he hides in their for a while and
overhears Chef recruit some henchmen maybe some Bergens who still believe in the old ways and want her to overthrow Gristle JR
and he hears her plans and after waiting for her to fall asleep he sneaks out and runs back to the Village tho he had no idea where they were so it takes him months and months to find his way back lol
which could be how our main characters find out she's alive and planning something and thus kicks off the whole story.
just an idea as Chef coming back does make it very easy to bring Creek back as well 😁😁😁😁
I was thinking that my only problem with this story idea is that it doesn't Really give much for Poppy in Terms of character Development in this story
but maybe if Creek did Return then Poppy's mini side arc could be her learning to give him another chance after being less than Receptive to him returning
and not wanting to give him another chance despite claiming he's sorry and clearly wanting a chance to make amends hence why he came to them with this info
but we see Poppy struggle more with her own ideals of believing people can change and giving out second chances when its someone who she was Emotionally Hurt by Personally
so yeah maybe that could be a mini arc for her if the film did bring Creek back as well.
what do you think about the idea of Chef and Creek Returning in future?
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jennilah · 4 months
What's your favourite saw movie? And how would you rank all of the saw movies?
I love saw 4 [I know alot of people hate it, but I adore Daniel rigg, therefore it's my comfort movie]
omg what a difficult question LOL but i have attempted to rank them for myself before..
funny, my ranking now is completely different from my first impressions
anyway get ready for another signature long, way overthought answer filled w series spoilers
disclaimer, being low on the list here doesn't mean i dislike the film, actually. there are none I truly dislike, its just I love the top ones so much that it simply pushes every other down
i was just gonna describe my top 3 and then vaguely rank the rest but i think ill describe all of them. so, in LOOSE order of fave to least fave (def not set in stone)
Saw VI: has my favorite scenes with my favorite character, the FBI plot is thrilling, William Easton's game is one of the best, every trap is memorable to iconic, technical things like the cinematography and lighting and set design is mwah chefs kiss. And, its one of the most satisfying films in terms of finally getting answers to mysteries that have been teased for 3 movies straight, and finally seeing Hoffman get his comeuppance. The last moments of that film are some of the hypest shit. I put this one on when I need to see my man and im craving peak soap opera vibes but in all the best ways
Saw X: As much as I love the investigation plotline, I love how this one takes a step back and you truly get to be with John and Amanda all movie, they got to really spend time on the emotion and heart of the film, and again, it has some of the most memorable and exciting sets and traps, as well as some of my favorite player characters. Cecelia, my queen. it also has i think one of my favorite finale scenes of all of them, where we get to see John in a trap himself!!! and the hello Zepp moment being just. perfection. 👌 I put this one on when I want my Saw-watching experience to feel like a sporting event from thrill and great subtle humor, but i also need to be in the mood for the emotional beats bc they hit pretty hard
Saw II: I will sing this film's praises whenever I can. Its a fantastic sequel and I will tell u why. Aside from Saw X this is practically the one other film where John actually gets a spotlight and he eats up every scene. This fuckin guy. One of the funniest films to rewatch after knowing the signature Saw twists- this dude drops so many foreshadowing comments its honestly impressive and comedic. The nerve gas house is also one of my favorite games, and I love seeing Amanda get a spotlight too. You also get a taste for what the franchise has in store when it comes to the camp and soap opera plotline, so as long as you're into that, its one of the most fun Saw films. I watch this one when I want a more lighthearted Saw experience where it really feels like John and Amanda are up to mischief
Saw V: A little on the slower side, I actually appreciate that this one is mostly about providing much-needed answers and backstory. If you hate Hoffman, I get why this one could be a slog, but I adore him so I'm fine. As for Strahm, this one really shocked me. I thought he was gonna be a one-movie type deal just be killed off at the very start, but he SHOCKED me. U get to watch someone survive a trap, a RIGGED one no less, and go from kind of a cocky asshole to the baddest bitch on the scene. He singlehandedly figured out Hoffman's deal and took it upon himself to stop him, procedure be damned. I was rooting for him so hard, man. I also really like the Fatal Five. And the Glass Coffin. Listen, it's pretty obvious why I'll put this one on.
Saw: The OG. What more is there to say. It's original, it's exciting, it redefined a genre whether you wish it did or not, it's got the craziest early 2000's flare, it's got mystery, it's got drama, it's got it all. I put this one on when I want to go back to our ✨roots✨
Saw IV: Initially this was probably my least favorite but now that I can tell Hoffman and Strahm apart, now that I adore both of those characters, now that I know the plot like the back of my hand so I'm not confused by the copious flashbacks and general lack of answers given and new questions asked, I love it just like the others. Rigg is also one of my favorite game-players, he's just so good and wants to save his friends, watching him mentally toil over everything is really exciting. The traps are also fun. And every Strahm scene. (also this movie is filled with really hot men and lots of fanservice for Jennas like me to enjoy, and enjoy even more with shipping goggles on)
Saw III: This one I love for the progression of Amanda and John's complicated dynamic and lore but I also can't rewatch it often because it's so damn sad, and gross. This one is probably the grossest one between the multiple vomit moments and pig vat. Ugh. But, every Amanda scene, my god. My precious girl. I want to scoop her into my arms. I love her so much. This one I've only watched twice, Im due for another stoned midnight rewatch soon.
Saw 3D: They can't make me hate you. I haven't rewatched this one yet, but I'll rewatch moments for a laugh. I like the potential- all the ideas they had, like the original film callbacks and bringing back Lawrence as an apprentice and finally showing someone dying in the damn RBT, and even the furthering of Hoffman's mental downfall which I'd argue started in 5, were intriguing on paper, but the execution was a bit awkward. I like Hoffman's rampage though. Hoffmanator, my problematic fave, really playing into my love for slashers there
Spiral: this was a Scream movie. but, I like Scream. ill rewatch it one day when im in a specific mood i think. maybe
Jigsaw: meh. dont hate it but i have no desire to rewatch. i do think Logan coming back would be the funniest shit ever
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dribs-and-drabbles · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 2
Let's goooooooo!
Documenting my observations and speculations because of the ongoing mystery. (small comments in brackets are things I've gone back to after the ep ended).
I do like this opening music. It sets the scene well for this being a spooky mystery but also speaks of the youthful innocence - and then the breaking of it - of the friend group.
I know not every character needs to be colour-coded but they all seem to have a distinctive style, so for my satisfaction here's my interpretation: White is either blue or has coloured edging to his t-shirt (or both); Tee is either tie-dyed or red (or both) (White and Tee are the only actual couple and we all know blue and red are a common pairing...and Tee's tie-dyed vests have had both of their colours so far); Fluke is purple (duh); Por is maybe green; Phee is maybe orange, Jin could be dark, Tan could be light, and Top is either embroidered shirts or yellow (or both). Let's see if this continues throughout the rest of the series.
Of course it was Tan in the background of the film, he was missing from the scene when they were recording the film.
I literally said White's line aloud before he did 😂
I wonder if someone is putting something hallucinogenic in their food or drink rather than some of these 'supernatural' things happening to/around them.
HELP! 😱 That mask is super creepy 😭 *pauses and breathes for ten seconds* Ok, focus on something else - it looks like the person in the mask is using a crutch on their left side, so maybe has an injury to their left leg, and has the axe in their right hand...let's remember that for later.
If the masked person wanted Top dead, he could have killed him there and then in the bathroom. So if the masked person is real, why didn't they? And if they're not real, then does Top really believe what he saw? Or is Top lying to instil fear in the rest?
And so I also need to wonder if Por is actually dying or if he's acting to stir up fear in the group. Make up and prosthetics can look very realistic... Hmmmm 🤔
One of my biggest questions is, are we as an audience being shown The Truth?
That was A Look from Fluke...was he not part of whatever it is that Tee, Top, and Jin did to Non? (It seemed in a later scene he does know so probably was...).
I'm leaning more into the theory that they're hallucinating, and the 'drug' is playing into their fears. White obviously cares about how he looks, with all his skincare products, and as soon as he's used something on his face (has that been tampered with? Or did he accidentally ingest something when he handled the 'drug' for the others if this is all his plan?) he sees blotches on his skin. Top is scared there's a ninth person in the house, so hallucinates the attack in the bathroom replicating the scene from Non's film. Let's see if there are any other instances which will back this up.
Floppy discs! 😂
Do they really have to add those squelchy sounds for Por's wound 🙉
Yes, definitely something to do with hallucinating and maybe Por is faking... Is the hallucinogenic drug airborne or absorbed through the skin?...
Something I can't work out...in the photo Top found earlier there were 6 people, so I assume Tee, Top, Jin, Fluke, and Non, but who is the 6th person? Should I have been able to see in the photo? Or will that be revealed later? (edit after watching ep 5: I realise I forgot to include Por, so that's the 6th)
Oh god it's That scene...not looking not looking not looking... Why are Top and Tee riding off the way the Uncle came, surely IF the wire was across the road it would still be there...so maybe it's not and maybe the uncle's head wasn't detached from his body...maybe it's more hallucinating...? Or if they're in the woods now then maybe they didn't go down the road at all...and the Uncle's death is real...
(I'll say this quietly because this is personal to me but I'm also having trouble watching because I don't think I like Jet's acting. It doesn't feel authentic and it takes me out of the story a bit because I don't feel like he's acting well. I don't believe him. And it's not like he's playing it so that the audience doesn't believe the character, I think it's Jet just not being as good as the others. It's like he's demonstrating that he's acting, if that makes sense, rather than just embodying the character of Top. It's a bit overdone for me. Sorry to Jet who I presume is working hard but it's just not landing for me).
Wow. I'm still hooked. I'm still side-eying Phee because I know he knows Non, and I'm loving that I feel like I can't believe anything that anyone says or does 😂 THEY'RE ALL STILL SUS. RIP Uncle Damn Dang though. The first real victim of this situation. If he really is dead.
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allmoshnobrain · 8 months
did you watch Saltburn? if so, I wanna know your full opinion plz
I've heard so many contradicting opinions and yours is very important to me
I did, love, I watched it last week! I only watched it once though, I want to watch it at least one more time so I can really absorb and process the whole thing
I'm not sure if you want my opinion on any specific aspects so I'm gonna ramble for a bit
This might get quite long though so, opinions under the cut!
(Please be aware this will have spoilers. Like, a lot.)
First of all THE AESTHETIC OF THIS MOVIE!!! Everything looked so beautiful and I just loved the way they chose to portray everything, I'm a bit of a design and arts nerd so the photography and lighting choices made me so so happy because it fit the movie's mood perfectly
Also, did you know that the title card was made in stop motion and it took like MONTHS to make it because every frame took forever to be hand drawn and animated?
I saw Emerald Fennel comment somewhere that the movie is all about a beauty that drives us mad and I am so not normal about this concept. Like please I just need more of this in my life
I had been spoiled about the "shocking" parts and honestly they were a lot more okay than I imagined based on what my friends were saying lol
I just love the whole unreliable narrator thing. The way the film starts with Oliver's narration and finishes with it - we only ever get to see his point of view of the whole thing and I think the main thing here is how he was drawn to Felix since the beginning. Maybe because Felix represented the life and status he wanted to have, maybe because he was just in love because, well, he says all the time I WASN'T IN LOVE WITH HIM but then we get all of this shots of him just LONGING over Felix and well, yes, I do think he was in love, at least with the idea of him.
I don't think he planned to murder the entire family from the start, I think he wanted to get closer to Felix in that mix of infatuation over him and over his status, I think he was very happy manipulating his family to like him and driving away anyone who could threaten that, like Farleigh. But things kind of get out of control when Felix figures out he's lying and I think also when Farleigh gives him the "you'll never belong here because it's a blood/family thing and you are nothing" speech.
And now he's drunk and heartbroken and angry and then no one even knows his name when they sing Happy Birthday to him and I think he realizes then that even if he gets Felix to forgive him he'll always be just a pet to these people. Their little "poor" friend who's a novelty to all of their rich aristocratic friends and families. I think that's then that he decides to murder Felix.
And there is all this Romeo and Juliet references/subtext, like they both swallow the poison but then Felix is left to die alone because Oliver refuses to drink the poison. I've seen some people saying he was planning to die with him and gave up last minute but I don't think that's what happened, I think he decided to kill Felix that night because he realized he was never gonna have him the way he wanted. I don't think he even wanted to kill anyone else at this point, I think he just kind of wanted to kill Felix and then take his place in the family, to sort of become him.
But then after when he talks to Venetia he realizes that plan's never gonna work because apparently Elspeth is the only one still under his spell. So he's never gonna have Felix, he's never gonna have Felix's place in this family and now Felix's sister and dad know how obsessive and manipulating he is, so he's probably gonna lose his spot in the family as Elspeth's darling real soon, so he kills Venetia as well. Now I don't think he actually kills her in her sleep or something, I think he just knew she was unstable as fuck and left the razors there knowing she would do the work. I think he would have planned something real quick though, had she not taken the bait.
And then there's the ending where he gets everything - Saltburn and probably the family fortune as well - and he finally gets to become and own the beautiful, beautiful things he longed for SO LONG. I've seen people saying Oliver is a genius and stuff, and I think yeah his plan worked for the most part, but only because he adapted and eliminated his prey swiftly. I think his original plan was to be with Felix, so when that couldn't happen he wanted to become Felix, but that went wrong as well, so he resorted to the last option - devouring everything Felix held dear. In the end, he was obsessed with Felix - he loved him, he admitted that himself.
And I do think he was in love as well lol
I think Oliver is such an interesting character - he's fascinating at times, but also repulsive. He's smart, sure, and he knows how to pull the right strings at the right time, but I think his original plan failed. He just let himself be driven mad by the fascination he felt for Felix and for how everything about him was so, so beautiful, and then devoured everything he could with no restraints. And that was sure a crazy ride to watch!
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cowboycannibalism · 11 months
i watched When Evil Lurks (2023) yesterday and I have thoughts! also this is literally just my letterboxd review copy and pasted with a bit more detail lol
spoilers!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
first of all, I am not the biggest possession horror fan. It's not my thing. But wow I was actually so into this movie I completely forgot about it being a possession movie! It was sort of a mix between zombie/disease and possession which was interesting. The very first Rotten we see is hard to look at, not normally a sight you think of when someone is possessed. Usually these movies tend to be more bone-cracking, spine breaking, unnatural bending and scary voices. Seeing the "demon"/evil manifest physically with bodily fluids and boils and rotting flesh made my stomach turn a bit which was awesome!
Secondly, I admit I'm very partial to sibling dynamics in movies, I love my siblings and I would die for them. The only people I would want to be in this apocalyptic-end-of-days situation with would be my siblings and my mom. I think the film did a great job bringing to life that tie between family, that you would do anything to protect them even if it means leaving your entire life behind including people who may be close but not willing to believe you (the ex wife and new husband). Also I couldn't help but compare them a bit to mario and luigi in my head but I blame that on me watching the Mario movie right before this 😅.
Jaime (Jimi) and Pedro are fun contrasting personalities in the scenario they get put into. Their priorities are different and even the belief they have is split, while pedro is more sure about the Rotten, Jaime is so doubtful he can't even admit if what they saw was real and that leads to problems with everyone else believing them. He's seen as the "good" brother so of course if he's saying he isn't sure of what they see, then all the other characters would believe him over Pedro, the "bad" brother with a troubled past. One of the things I loved about it was that Jaime never waivers in his faith in Pedro, he may not be sure of the Rotten/evil but he always trusts fully in his brother.
Pedro does get on my nerves with some of his choices but cmon would it be a horror movie if you weren't mad at some character for making stupid decisions? The desperation that seeps from the actor (Ezequiel Rodriguez) is so palpable that it brings out sympathy for him, he may be dumb but he's trying his best okay?
The whole story with the autistic son was a little weird and I know everyone's reviews of this say it's ableist but I saw it in a different light. The Cleaner says the demon can't figure out the minds of autistic people, get stuck in their bodies and that helps them from fully becoming possessed. To Me it feels like the opposite of what movies would usually do in where the son would be autistic BECAUSE of the demon, whereas in this movie he is "normal" when the demon takes over. It isn't a cure, it isn't saying autistic people have evil in them that needs to be fixed, but that is something that people have said for a long time and tbh its probably still a thing idiots believe in. it's interesting to see that his autism actually kept him safe for as long as it did.
Let's talk about the kills! When the wife of the landowner whacks into him with the axe, I was caught so off guard, same with the dog attack on the little girl. oh god, the throwing up of the hair and necklace by the son got to me, I probably shouldn't have been eating while watching this. This may sound weird but I LOVED the scene of the mom eating her son's brains as she's walking alongside the car Jimi is in.
The movie was so bleak and nihilistic that I felt the need to repent so this doesn't happen in real life. I wish it could have expanded a bit more on the universe, some of the characters and the disease/possession but for pacing reasons I think they did a solid job of dropping enough hints to fill in information. I love foreign horror movies and Argentina you are on my watchlist now, i enjoyed this and I think its definitely worth a watch!
Be warned there are animal and child deaths in this movie so know your triggers. It has English subtitles that aren't 100% accurate so it can get a little confusing sometimes, just pay close attention and if you want more insight the reddit threads on this movie are so great.
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tartrazeen · 6 months
You know what sucks?
DR2's case 3 gets so much guff from people for sucking (and it does lmao) when we were actually on the verge of an INCREDIBLE rebuttal from the killer:
Saying Hajime did it.
Let's go right up to the part where Mikan is about to slip up with that camera angle thing. But instead of saying that, she just breaks down into tears.
"You're a bully, Hajime," she sobs. "Worse than anyone I've ever met! Maybe Hiyoko was mean, maybe everyone I grew up with beat me up, but you! You're the one who turned the only friends I've ever had against me!
"And you were a bully from the very start. You never let me use any of my conversation starters. You used that embarrassing photo of me against Teruteru even when I begged you to forget about it. Now you have everyone convinced that I'm some sort of killer?!
"They all believe you, too. You're so nice, Hajime. Everyone likes having you around. They'll believe anything you say. I used to think you were nice too - that's why I felt safe enough to wake up with you in the morning. That's why I trusted you when you said I was your alibi!
"But I was wrong. We were all wrong. We should never have believed you. Not when you used that trust against me. That alibi was actually your plan to frame me, wasn't it? And you used that trust against everyone else, too.
"Tell me this, Ultimate Liar. Why were you the only one who saw this supposed video? Why should any of us believe it was even real?!"
Cut to Hajime trying to say that video was real, and Mikan demanding proof of it. The most he can say is that it's how he knew to go to the music venue.
The others try to ask why the conference room and music venue were made to look like each other.
"HA! Is that all you have to say? If you were the killer all along, of course you'd know to go to the music venue! The video simply gives you a convenient excuse."
"Isn't it obvious? That was his back-up plan. Just like Peko and her fake serial killer persona, Hajime had his fake suicide video! He set that up in advance knowing he could always blame the only other person who'd be in the hospital - me!
The others would start asking how Hajime would ever have the time or opportunity to set up such an elaborate alibi.
"In the end, I was once again the target of a big, mean, hateful bully!"
"You all think I had enough time, don't you? Weak, clumsy, dumb, pathetic Mikan, suddenly able to kill two people under all of your noses!
"Now it's too complicated?! Now it can't be Hajime?!
"I might be the Ultimate Nurse, but I had three patients to care for! Nobody else stayed to help me, and the hospital was empty! With Fuyuhiko back at his cottage and the others quarantined in the motel, why wouldn't Hajime have all the time he needs to dress up both rooms?
Assuming the class gets tangled up in this enough to realize Hajime has just as much opportunity as Mikan, right down to having the same alibi, it'd be up to Chiaki or Nagito (probably Chiaki) to mention Hiyoko's death. Even if Hajime knew Mikan was busy caring for three patients, and even if he volunteered just to watch how busy she was, and even if he used that information to plan a back-up alibi, there's no way Hajime would have been able to pull off the imitation murder. They've already discussed it: Hajime hadn't seen Monokuma's film until the investigation started, and it isn't like anyone told him what happened -
"And with Nagito in such critical condition, of course I couldn't leave his room! No one knew that better than Hajime, who volunteered to get in my way throughout the day!! Then spent the rest of the night framing me for a video that doesn't exist!!"
"Oh?! Oh oh oh oh oh? What's this I hear? More trust in Hajime, more doubt in Mikan?
Cue the surprise about that, and Hajime's immediate attempt to counter it by saying Ibuki couldn't have -
"'Nobody told him what happened' - is that all you have left? Empty guesses? Because I know someone who could have told Hajime everything about that film: Ibuki."
"Couldn't have told you? Oopsie, looks like someone forgot Monokuma's motive! Ibuki had the Gullible Disease, didn't she? That means you could have made her watch the film, then made her tell you what happened.
"When do you think that could have happened, Hajime? Right after you slashed Hiyoko's throat, but before you strangled Ibuki? Did you need one final alibi to clean up after your mess?"
The timing, as improbable as it is, still checks out. Hajime had all night to do this, according to Mikan. Who's to say he didn't stop in the middle of his murders to watch a horrible film for inspiration? After all, the real killer left Ibuki hanging there for who knew how long.
"The worst part is that you undid everything I tried to do to help. Ibuki was starting to recover, but you strangled her - and tried to blame me, with my weak little arms! You made the concert hall so hot that I couldn't perform a good enough autopsy! You told me to take a rest at the same time you conveniently saw this supposed video, and used that as proof that I had time to make it!"
Nobody else has their ticket (that's why Nagito told Hajime to keep his) and Monokuma isn't telling anyone who's seen anything. All Monokuma will say is that Hajime put on a biiiiig show of buying a sticker to not see a movie that he ended up watching anyway!
The doubt should really be falling onto Hajime as everyone starts to wonder if this is true. Mikan is just such a perfect victim, and with how busy she was caring for the others, could she have really had the time to set up anything so elaborate? It looks more and more like Hajime or Mikan could have equally been the killer, and it's all coming down to who they simply trust more.
This is when Nagito would actually step up. There'd be a long silence before he asks why Monokuma told them Hajime bought that sticker. Back at the movie theatre, Monokuma wouldn't tell Hajime or Nagito who bought that tote bag. That was because the killer bought it. Doesn't that mean Hajime isn't the killer?
Monokuma laments his big mouth, but says Nagito isn't going to deduce his way into another hint like he did with the body discovery announcement. The reason Monokuma told them who bought the sticker but not who bought the tote bag was obviously because the tote bag was more important to the killer's plan!
But from what Mikan is saying, the killer purposely attempting to prove they hadn't seen the film yet would have been a big part of the plan. Crucial, even, because up until then, everyone assumed Hajime had seen the movie! Who on earth would pay $1.5 million for such a cheap sticker to avoid it? And even if it hadn't been the killer's plan from the beginning, it would've certainly been at the core by the time of the trial. So why does telling them who bought the tote bag reveal the killer's identity, but not the sticker?
What I like about that is how it gives Monokuma more of a reason to stop the Monokuma Announcements in the next chapter. Right now, it's kind of arbitrary. But if he got 'tricked' into revealing even more hints because he kept blabbing during the trials and investigations - with even Monomi chiming in to say all his insults did this to himself - then I could easily see him being like, "You know what? Fine. For this Fun House, you're completely on your own. No hints, no announcements, nothing."
But I also like that it corners Monokuma into admitting that the sticker isn't important to the killer's plan in the same breath as affirming the tote bag is. So reasonably, you could write your way back to the same Panic Talk Action and keep "Theatre Bonus Prize" as the same answer. :)
Anyway, the real goal is to have a trial where you know you didn't do it, but it's genuinely your word over somebody else's. With a theme of this being that they don't 'really' know anything about each other, so they can't 'really' trust each other, it'd throw a lot of those character dynamics into the air. The very next chapter has Kazuichi believing Hajime's the traitor, and then Hajime finding out he doesn't actually have a talent while also holding back everything else Nagito learns about them. I wanted more stuff building towards that theme...
... and I wanted Mikan to use the rebuttal that was RIGHT!! THERE!!
She's taking care of three people and is super tired and the autopsy is ruined and she's so frazzled and no one else saw this video and Hajime had the same opportunities WHY DIDN'T SHE JUST ACCUSE HIM OF FRAMING HER?! He had nothing to defend himself with until she talked about the stupid camera angle! THAT'S SO LAME!!
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andrew3garfield · 1 year
i have this theory in which, very possibly, leigh isn't that happy that they brought amanda and john back . hear me out, in 2006 he deliberately killed both of them in such a harsh way and i think it was his way to say "okay guys let's just get over with these films and characters. love them but enough is enough". and probably thought that would be it. wrong. they literally brought john back right after (saw iv), dead, yes, but still making an appearance. and kept making appearances until jigsaw (2017). amanda however, only came back in saw vi - flashbacks. and now both are back in saw x, i haven't watched it so I can't truly speak about it but as far as I read they're both prominent especially in terms of their "relationship" and the film had more depth than the others, supposedly. now, if I were Leigh i would be pissed because saw x takes place between saw and saw ii and that's like a fvck you Leigh you should've written things differently.... like *crickets sound fr*. I'm by no means sayimg saw x is bad – i'm pretty sure it's good and a marvellous addition to the franchise but it's a slight punch in the stomach for all that we knew. not bad just probably different. especially taking into consideration that both characters have been dead for 17 years but are fans' favourites. and these films only completely work with them. it's like either they shouldn't have killed them or ended the franchise which i dont think they'll ever do because money speaks louder and louder and not to mention that saw x is critically acclaimed. anyways, i can't wait to watch it but also i just want to know how leigh actually feels about it. he probably doesn't give a single fvck
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kellykadesperate · 1 year
yes exactly!!!! i bought the book two weeks ago (it was on my list forever) and i'm pretty close to finishing it. i was planning on reading the book fully first and then watching the movie but then the movie happened and i just couldn't look away lmao 😭😭😭 listen i know this gets thrown around a lot but that whole 'a fell first but b fell harder' is like???? the way alex has to wrap his head around being into boys and then also having feelings for the boy he thought he despised for so long. but then, once gets there, he's All In. like with everything, if alex claremont diaz decided to go for something, he goes for it fully and without hesitation and it's so beautiful to see henry fox, who doesn't think he'll ever find or get to have the love he so desperately wants, get alex's unrestrained love and affection!!!!! i saw a gifset of that scene where zahra catches henry in alex's hotel room, and at the beginning when they're in bed, henry is dead asleep, looking so comfortable and rested, next to the man he probably already loves. and it hit me, 'world class imsomniac', the grief that hits him at times and there's nothing he can do but ride the wave, and then alex comes along and is able to give him a sense of peace and calm and he finally gets to rest.
i wanna cry. this is a book i think i'll read every few months or so.
oh 100% about alex being all in! he's like hm ok henry? really? him? well i do kind of like him and then he just starts tumbling down the hill so fast it's insane lmao. henry is literally like hm ok well maybe alex doesn't mind kissing me a bit and then alex is holding his hand is like hey i want to do this again and henry has to be like don't overreact don't get ahead of urself. he has to be the one that mentions they have to keep it casual because if alex won't say it, he's clearly forced to. but alex is like so loudly into him it's insane
oh my god it really is a sense of peace. absolute peace. he's literally like well alex is my happy calm place so yes i can sleep and i can feel safe and loved. the same with the party which literally is top3 scenes of the whole film. like henry is having a blast just sitting at a party talking to alex and you literally see him seize up when the girl is on alex's lap and alex goes off to dance. he literally looks so out of place again until alex drags him to dance and he's dancing around him before the girl drags alex again lmao
sidenote this bit in the book would have killed me in the film but it has such a different meaning considering we literally see henry watching alex the whole time:
“Here,” Alex says, moving his own hips, “watch me.” With a grave gulp of champagne, Henry says, “I am.”
honestly ofc the book has so much more nuance to it but i actually love how many more details and things are picked up on the film. seeing henry so utterly in love with alex at the party is insane because we don't see that pov in the book. the addition of henry looking heartbroken when alex is kissed by those random girls at midnight rather than nora actually took me tf out because you can tell henry is like 'i want to do that, i want to be able to do that' and then he gets to! and then he ghosts alex because he convinces himself that alex just saw that as another wild nye kiss thing. urgh naunce was added in a new and cool way
film adaptations which are true to the book but do things differently are just so so interesting to me!
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dbphantom · 5 months
Watched the first 2 episodes of the Fallout show and was pleasantly surprised. I have a few complaints but I actually did enjoy the first episode a lot and the 2nd was pretty decent too
I really really enjoyed the sets, especially the Vault. Really well done and the vibes are perfect. The scene in the farm where the film of the projector burns and looks like bombs going off around them during the raid was great. A touch cheesy but I appreciated it bc I am a cheesy media connoisseur
I really like Lucy and the ghoul (don't remember his name). Maximus is on thin ice cuz dude is... a bit unhinged in the first 2 episodes. But he was raised by the brotherhood so I'm wishing him the best character arc. I am hoping he realizes how shitty the brotherhood is and defects by the end of the season... I'm convinced that's what's going to happen, but we will see what they do.
One scene that made me roll my eyes was the raider husband coming back to life after Lucy cut his jugular so that the dad could get the kill on him. Like why not let that moment impact her more?? Why did the dad have to be the one to kill him? Was it supposed to foreshadow that the dad was a raider or something? Cuz honestly I'm mostly suspect due to the raiders taking him with them, it's classic to have the father be a criminal but he's reformed because of his dead wife and kid... Would be awesome if they twisted it so it's the mother who was the raider, but didn't they already say she was from this Vault and the dad was the one transferred over? Regardless, that totally ripped away a character moment for Lucy. That man stole her kill...
Another thing I didn't like was the appearance of the Brotherhood so soon in episode 1. They appear before the viewer even knows what the wasteland looks like for everyone else. You see the Prydwen before you see your first established settlement and that kind of ruins the idea imo. People are struggling to live, but the brotherhood is hoarding tech. Show the people struggling first, THEN have the Brotherhood appear.
Maybe they're doing it this way because you're supposed to be viewing things like Maximus (loosing his faith in the brotherhood as the season goes on because he was raised by them and was indoctrinated, please, it would be a nice parallel to Lucy), but it still makes the pacing feel off. The friend I watched it with (hi @bautistawithadrive) agreed w/ that and he isn't even a Fallout fanatic. It just feels weird. I get that pacing is gonna be wack cuz it's an 8 (?) episode season, but it just isn't working for me.
The ghoul is fine. His intro scene at the start was cute. I found it interesting the shot of the bombs going off around them, but I'm 90% sure it's canon in lore that the Fallout nukes are less powerful than ours so I have no real complaints. If it's not canon, then it's a widely accepted fanon. I was just confused why the little girl wasn't blinded by the flash because I'm pretty sure there are logs in the games of people who were blinded when they saw the flashes? I could be misremembering tho I don't have enough room for all the Fallout lore in my brain. Anyway it's an insignificant detail overall afaik, so I'm being fussy, I think.
I am kinda bummed the ghoul doesn't look worse tho. Weird complaint probably but I was hoping he'd be a bit more idk... Ragged? Given all the other gore in the show, I was interested to see how they'd do the makeup for the ghouls, but just like nexus modders, they took the cowards way out. He looks (and sounds, oof) like a generic bald dude with some liquid latex on his cheeks and a missing nose.
The best friend of Lucy is another fave, I really.enjoyed every time she was on screen. Good actress, I hope she either becomes a villain (that eyepatch in the end credits bit of ep 2 is throwing me haha) or follows Lucy out of the Vault (or both).
I'm also curious to see where the brother's character is going to go because they could do a lot with him since he was pretty bland at the start. He could follow Lucy out (maybe with the best friend) or start some kind of political change in the people of the Vault so it will cause conflict when (if) Lucy returns, or he could convince them all to leave the Vault. It'd be cool if he found what their specific Vault experiment was meant to be, then either put it in action or made sure no other Overseer would be able to continue it. Maybe I have too much hope for such a short season... But it would be a fun way to introduce Vault experiments to the audience.
One thing I am VERY nervous about is if they're going to make Lucy pregnannte. I could see them doing it bc that sex scene with the raider felt like a Chekov's gun situation (plus the BFF being like "I can't wait to raise our kids together!" which initially had me like 'wait what are they a lesbian couple forced to get with dudes to make babies? That'd be an awesome storyline!' but thinking abt it I'm wondering if it is foreshadowing for the bestie to also leave the Vault and track her down. Which I want to happen, I loved her character). Idk they could have just included a sex scene for the sake of having one... But I'm also thinking about all the morning sickness vs radiation sickness jokes they could be making, so if there is a scene of her puking in the next few episodes (beyond the gore-fest), I am SO calling it
But like to be clear I don't WANT it to happen, usually that kind of thing in shows makes me turn it off immediately because I'm so not interested in watching a character slowly become 2D for a wailing potato we're just supposed to like because it's a kid, so I hope they surprise me, but I also wouldn't be shocked if it did because all the set-up is there 😬
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chippdhearts · 6 months
top 5 carla gugino roles?
Strap in for the ride y'all... 1. Olivia Crain (thohh) this was the first thing I ever saw her in and is the reason i fell in love with her work. 2. Elektra Luxx (women in ecstacy triology) I went into these movies fully expecting to get like some basic ass ditsy blonde porn star cliche and instead I cried. These are like probably the movies I would most recommend to people of all her work. 3. Meg Harris (Jaded) Her performance in this is unmatched. Is it a great film? not really, like it's not groundbreaking cinema. Does it have an intersting story and a lot of heart? for sure! This is early career Carla at her finest really. 4. Shelli Anderson (Roadies) This is such a fun role for her and I'm bitter it got cancelled. It was a nice balance of light comedy with some drama. It's probably one of the easier watches out of her whole filmography 5. Nan St. George (The Buccaneers) This is another prime example of how she was killing it at such an early stage in her career. She carries this show so well, and truly explores so many layers. (so this turned more into like my fave performances rather than how much I liked the actual character. which is not to say I don't like all of these characters.)
Honarary mentions: Jessie Burlingame (Geralds Game) and Karen Sisco (Karen Sisco) ask me my top 5 anything!
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eyes-inthe-skies · 8 months
can u rank all the saw movies? or at least the ones u saw (pun intended)?
Thanks for my first asked and for being my #1 fan of all time!!
Luckily I actually just had a conversation with my friend Abt this that sees me prepared for this task I'm about to overcomplicate.
(Post Script: God I went on for a while strap in gang)n
1: Saw X (possibly the objectively Greatest Saw movie. Tobin Bell is fascinating to watch bring humanity to this murderer, Shawnee Smith is so beloved and I LOVE the kills in this one. Top teir)
2: Saw 2004 (Classic, what's to be said that hasn't already been said. Carey Elwes does a rly bad American accent, Shawnee Smith makes Amanda the single most iconic woman in fiction just by sitting there. This movie caused me a lot of distress as a child and that fascinated me so thoroughly that I think it may have been a defining moment of my horror fanatasism despite not watching the full film till a decade later. I could go on.)
3: Saw 6 (I don't know if this is controversial or not, but Saw 6 is genuinely a high point of the series to me. I love watching William Eastons trap plot, which is not something I can say for most other Saw films. And that fucking ending man! Saw 6 is very personal to me in that I too would love to stab the man who killed my father with hydrochloric acid filled needles and watch him melt from the outside. Very fun scenes with John, Hoffman getting his mouth ripped open is hot, etc etc)
4: Saw 3 ( only reason this isn't 3 Is because Jeff makes me chew through pencils I hate this guy. People are NOT JOKING ABOUT THE YURI. ITS ACTUALLY REAL. I love love lOVED Amanda in this movie, I don't think I blinked the entire time, I love seeing everything crash down around her and John until there's nothing left but blood and bones and flesh, and not a single soul went to heaven that night, etc etc.)
5: Saw 4 (I don't know why but I love saw 4 actually, I think Hoffman, strahm, Perez and Rigg were all rly fun to watch. I love the spy x spy ass soap opera plot. I LOVED seeing Eric Matthews head get exploded between two ice blocks. FUCK YES. Again this trap plot I actually really dig which helps with the watchability of the thing, plus Hoffman hot who said that)
6: Saw 2 (I know this is insane I know I wish I liked this movie more but the only good thing is setting up Amanda as jigsaws successor, some nice time with John kramer being a cunty old man, and also establishing I hate Donnie whalbergs stupid fucking face. Don't at me.)
7: Saw 5 (I literally don't remember what happened in saw v. I had to look it up. It's honestly not the worst, Hoffman and Strahm are pretty enjoyable once again, but it's completely unremarkable, I don't have anything to say Abt this movie.)
8: Jigsaw (Trap plot makes me want to rip my own eyes out. "Plot twist" is dumb and falls apart. Fucking. Jigsaws Nephew. Whatever man.)
9: Saw 3d (Probably one of the worst actual movies I've seen. I love Larry coming back don't get me wrong, he's very cunty, you know. But they literally barely use him till the end, which is a mistake. The fucking Bobby Dagan plot could've been interesting but it wasn't due to him being not at all helpful and the end is genuinely maddening. Also I HATE THE HOME DEPOT TRAP GRRR GRR DO YOU JESR ME GRRGRE)
Spiral- I have not seen spiral.
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