#all i know is he's very fast and when him and vaporeon hang out they go fucking feral
kazumahashimoto · 5 years
one of these days i'm gonna say fuck it and just make my sylveon twins vocoids
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shari-berri · 4 years
Calem x reader
Your POV
I love my Pokémon and they love me. That is why they are willing to help me with anything and everything. Everything.
I told Calem I would meet him in the park to hang out so I am getting dressed.
"Raichu! Please come here and help me decide what to wear!" I call out.
Moments later my Raichu walks into my bedroom. He looks at my clothes and picks out a black dress with a white waist band stripe.
I take it out of his paws and tell him to wait outside.
I get dressed and exit the room. Going into the living room, I see all my Pokémon together.
Once they see me, they jump on me in a group hug. I smile and pat them all on the head.
"You guys ready to help me today, I'm feeling kinda lazy and sick." I say, nose stuffed. They nod and smile, ready to help any way they can.
I put all of them into their pokeballs.
Grabbing my house key, I go outside and lock my door.
Since the park is blocks away, I call out my Staraptor.
"Staraptor!" He calls proudly.
"Please take me to the park where I am meeting Calem." I say softly.
He nods and waits for me to get on his back.
Once I do he flaps his wings and lifts into the air, heading towards the park.
The city looks tiny from in the air and I can't help but marvel at the view.
I am snapped out of my trance when I hear Staraptor caw and land.
I thank him and get off of his back. I scratch his head and return him back into his pokeball.
As I put Staraptor's pokeball back on my belt, I grab another one.
Grabbing Cacturne's pokeball, I release it into the air and out comes my little scarecrow friend.
I take his hand and we walk hand in hand around the park looking for Calem. People are playing with their Pokémon but when they see Cacturne they get scared and move to shelter their Pokémon.
I look at my friend's face and see it looking down. I note that he is upset people are scared of him.
Giving him a hug, I rest my head on his shoulder, letting people know he isn't bad.
Spotting Calem, I sprint towards him and glomp him, bringing me to the ground with me on top of him. We lay there for a few moments before Cacturne gets overprotective and yanks me off of him, scowling at Calem.
Calem gets up and gives me a hug.
"Hey Y/N! I'm so glad you could make it!" He cheers happily.
I laugh.
"What's the plan genius?" I joke.
He grabs my hand and leads me to the fishing pond.
He pulls out two fishing rods and hands me one.
We sit on the dock and talk, waiting for a Pokémon to bite.
"This is taking too long, I'm bored and lazy. I'm going to cheat." I say casually, as if nothing was wrong.
Grabbing a ball off of my belt, I throw it into the air.
My Milotic lands in the water with a splash and looks at me gently, ready to help. Milotic has always loved me since I saved her as a Feebas from hunters.
"Milotic, please go and lure some Pokémon onto my hook." I say, laughing at Calem's face.
"There's no way your pokemon is going to help you cheat, Y/N." He trails off.
I just smirk and nod at Milotic. She gives me a look and with a swish of her tails and a splash, she swims off.
A few moments later, I feel my rod being pulled on. I yank my line up and a Luvdisc is pulled into the air.
I look over at Calem's face and fall to the ground, laughing hysterically.
His face is that of total and utter shock. Luvdisc just lands in the water and looks at me questionably. I point to Calem and it looks at him, only to start to laugh in its own way.
I see Milotic appear and direct it's gaze at Calem as well, getting the same reaction I had.
I finally recover and thank Luvdisc.
"Ready to return Milotic?" I ask, watching Calem slowly go back to normal out of t e corner of my eye.
Before I can return her though, a teenager about 18 spots my Milotic and tries to capture it.
"Hey! Stop that! What do you think you're doing?!" I screech angrily, Calem ready to back me up.
"What is your problem lady?" The teen spits back.
"The problem is that Milotic is mine!" I yell
"Sure it is lady!" The teen growls.
Smirking at the boy, I pull out Milotic's pokeball and return her, making the boy growl and demand a battle.
Shrugging my shoulders, I walk towards a grassy field.
He sends out his first Pokémon, a Skiddo, and the battle begins.
Grabbing my first pokeball from my belt, I send out my Blaziken.
"Blaziken, this guy tried to steal Milotic and harassed me, please hurry this up and give it your all." I say shrugging.
Blaziken's eyes snap to attention and the fire around his talons flame up at unbelievable heat.
"Let's just end this with blaze kick." I call, bored already.
Calem looks confident in me but afraid about what the boy will do if I lose.
Blaziken's leg goes up in flames and he launches at Skiddo, kicking it hard and making it faint.
The boy looks shocked that his Pokémon fainted after one hit.
"Did I forget to mention I am the champion of Hoenn?!" I call out, seeing the boy's face turn from shock to anger and then to determination.
He grabs his second pokeball and sends out a Vaporeon.
Calling Blaziken back, I send out Cacturne. The boy looks terrified by Cacturne and so does his Vaporeon. Cacturne and I grin wickedly in sync and creep the boy out more.
"This boy was mean to me, let's destroy him quickly Cacturne!" I explain, making Cacturne growl protectively.
"I forgot to also say my Pokémon are very protective of me!" I yell over at my opponent.
"Vaporeon use hydro pump!" The boy shakily commands.
"Dodge and use energy ball." I say looking at my fingernails.
Cacturne grins and dodges the water, releasing a green ball at Vaporeon and hitting it hard.
"Full power solar beam!" I scream.
Cacturne charges up almost immediately and releases a giant beam of light at Vaporeon, making it faint.
"This is my last pokemon and my best one! I will beat you!" The boy angrily yells, returning Vaporeon and throwing out a Hydreigon.
I return Cacturne and send out Florges.
The boy snickers.
"You're gonna beat me with a weak flower?" He laughs and taunts.
Florges glares at him with fire in her eyes and nods at me.
"While he is laughing, Quickly use moonblast!" I shout, Florges gaining energy from the moon and sending a powerful beam at Hydreigon.
It gets hit but doesn't faint.
"Use dragon pulse you stupid animal!@ the boy yells.
"Dodge it!" I say
Florges isn't fast enough and gets hit, flying back.
"Florges! Are you okay to continue!" I yell, concern in my voice.
She nods and waits for my next command.
"Full power dazzling gleam!" I scream.
Before Hydreigon can react, it is knocked out and faints.
The boy returns his Pokémon and charges at me, fists raised.
Florges uses protect around me and Calem and her just as he approaches us.
The boy bangs on the shield angrily.
"Use psychic and send this loser flying." I grunt.
Florges nods and picks him up with psychic, then throwing him into the distance.
Turning to Calem, I explain.
"It was nice seeing you but I'm tired now so I guess this is goodbye." I say, fatigue in my voice.
"How are you going to get home?" He asks
"My Pokémon." Is my only reply.
"Don't you think they have done enough for you? You are so lazy!" He screams at me.
Lazily looking at him, I return Florges and call out Staraptor.
"My Pokémon love helping me all the time. They love helping me because the love I give them and they want to repay me." I say, Staraptor squawking in agreement.
Calem looks conflicted and upset.
"That is slavery, Y/N!" He accuses angrily.
Shrugging my shoulders, I hop onto Staraptor and fly away.
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