#all for her to arrive at the conclusion that she is perfect and the world is flawed
no don’t like watching ultimate/savage raids for the mechs—it’s for the Music. It’s for the STORY
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amirasainz · 7 days
Hi! I love your blog!! Can I request a female driver x f1 grid, where she gets her first win and all the drivers are so happy for her as she’s the paddock princess, maybe when she’s doing her interviews many drivers come over to her and congratulate her and they talk highly of her in their interviews too? Thank u, keep up the amazing work!!💗
Ohh, that is such a sweet idea. This one made my heart melt.🫠❤️
Enjoy reading and send some requests!!!
The first victory
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The sun hung low over the track, painting the sky in hues of gold and orange as the final lap of the race came to a thrilling conclusion. The Aston Martin car, gleaming in its iconic green, roared down the straightaway with unmatched speed. All eyes were on Y/N, the team's rising star and the paddock's beloved princess. As she crossed the finish line, the world erupted with cheers.
"Y/N wins her first race!" the commentator's voice boomed over the loudspeakers. "What a sensational performance! Y/N takes her maiden victory, and it's Aston Martin on top!"
Inside her cockpit, Y/N could hardly believe it. She was overwhelmed with a rush of adrenaline, relief, and sheer joy. Her radio buzzed with the jubilant voice of her race engineer, Michaela.
"Y/N, you did it! You won! That was incredible! You are a race winner!"
Y/N couldn't contain her emotions. "Oh my god, we did it! We actually did it! Thank you so much, team! The car was perfect today. I can't believe this!" Her voice broke with happy tears as she crossed the finish line.
As she pulled into parc fermé, she could already see the sea of green uniforms waiting for her. The Aston Martin crew, usually composed and professional, was now a mass of cheering, fist-pumping celebration. She parked her car and clambered out, pulling off her helmet to reveal her beaming face. The noise was deafening; her team surrounded her, lifting her onto their shoulders as if she were royalty.
"Y/N! Y/N!" they chanted, their pride and admiration radiating.
Michaela, her race engineer, hugged her tightly. "You were flawless out there. Absolutely flawless."
Y/N, still catching her breath, grinned. "I couldn’t have done it without you guys. This one is for all of us!"
Before she could process what was happening, the other drivers began streaming in, each wanting to congratulate her on this monumental achievement. Lewis was the first to arrive, jogging over and giving her a massive hug.
"Well done, princess!" Lewis grinned, using the nickname the entire paddock had affectionately given her. "That was some of the best driving I’ve ever seen. You deserved this more than anyone."
Y/N laughed, playfully punching him on the shoulder. "Thank you, Lewis. That means a lot coming from you."
Max, who finished in third, made his way over next, pulling Y/N into a hug. "That was incredible, kid! I was pushing so hard to catch you, but you were just too fast. That last stint? Perfect."
Y/N’s smile widened. "Max, you kept me on my toes the whole race. I kept looking in my mirrors and thinking, ‘Please, not today!’" They both laughed, a shared camaraderie between rivals.
Charles joined the growing circle, clapping his hands before enveloping Y/N in a warm embrace. "You did it! You showed everyone today what you’re made of. I’m so proud of you, chéri."
Pierre Gasly chimed in, giving her a quick side hug. "You’re amazing, Y/N. It’s been a long time coming, and today was your day. You’re unstoppable."
Y/N was overwhelmed by the affection and admiration pouring in from all sides. Every driver in the paddock had a soft spot for her, and today, they all showed it without reservation.
Her interviews began shortly after, and as she spoke, drivers kept wandering over, interrupting to offer their congratulations. Daniel, always the joker, nudged her as he walked by, wearing a wide grin. "You know, if you keep driving like that, I’m going to have to start calling you Queen Y/N."
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, stop it, Danny. But thank you. That means a lot."
As she continued with her media duties, the praise didn’t stop. George in his own interview, couldn't help but beam when asked about her performance. "Y/N is not just a phenomenal driver; she’s an incredible person. She works so hard, and seeing her finally get that win... I think we’re all just so happy for her. She’s truly the paddock princess."
Checo added in his segment, "She’s shown time and time again that she’s got what it takes. To see her standing on the top step today, it’s special. She’s the pride of the paddock."
Especially Fernando, one of the most experienced drivers on the grid, was full of admiration. "She’s a star. I’ve said it from the beginning. She’s got the talent, the dedication, and today, she put it all together perfectly. This is just the start for her."
When it was finally Y/N’s turn to address the cameras, she tried to keep her composure, but the emotions were too overwhelming. "I just want to thank my team, my family, and every single person who’s supported me. It’s been a tough journey, but today… today made it all worth it."
As she spoke, Carlos and Lando popped into her interview, both grinning ear to ear.
Lando, ever the playful one, said, "Y/N, you’ve got to teach us how to drive like that. Seriously, we’re all just trying to catch up to you now."
Carlos nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we’re going to need some lessons. You’re the real deal, hermosa."
She laughed, shaking her head. "Stop it, you guys! But honestly, thank you. You all mean the world to me."
The drivers couldn’t hide their affection. They each gave her one last hug, congratulating her again before letting her continue. Even in their own interviews, her name was on everyone’s lips.
Lewis, when asked about Y/N’s victory, said, "She’s a trailblazer. There’s no other way to put it. The way she carries herself, her determination—she’s an inspiration, not just to women in motorsport but to all of us. She’s the paddock princess, and today, she proved why."
Max added, "She’s one of the most dedicated drivers out here. We all see how hard she works, and to see her win... it just feels right. We’re all proud of her."
The day was a celebration, not just for Aston Martin, but for the entire paddock. Y/N had earned every bit of praise, every hug, and every kind word. As the cameras clicked and the champagne flowed, she stood on the podium, looking out at the cheering crowd, her fellow drivers waving at her from below.
For once, the paddock princess had her crown. And everyone—drivers, teams, and fans alike—couldn't have been happier for her.
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maizylx · 5 months
Kafka x f!reader NSFW- minors dni
"I can 'lead' you"
Sub f!reader, fingering, strap riding, lingerie, tying and controlling you with her ability,
Words: 2000+
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You were having an absolute blast at the mall with your friends, thanks to Kafka generously providing some spending money. With the guilt of splurging your own funds lifted, you indulged in shopping for clothes and snacks without a care in the world. As you and your friends lounged on a bench in the middle of the mall, surrounded by a mountain of shopping bags and each clutching a refreshing bubble tea, your phone suddenly buzzed in your pocket, jolting you from your peaceful moment.
Curiosity piqued, you retrieved your phone and checked the notification.
It was a message from Kafka. Asking you to meet her in her apartment at 6 pm. How could you possibly refuse? You eagerly accepted the invitation, though a hint of nervousness fluttered in your stomach for no valid reason. After all, it wasn’t uncommon for Kafka to invite you over to her room almost every week for various activities behind closed doors. When Kafka mentioned she had a surprise in store for you, your curiosity was piqued even further.
Your friends couldn’t help but notice the flush creeping up your cheeks and seized the opportunity to tease you. “Is your boyfriend texting you?” they chimed in with amusement. You shook your head vehemently, hastily tucking your phone away. “I don’t even have a boyfriend!” you muttered, sitting up from the bench with an annoyed huff, taking a sip from your nearly empty bubble tea. As you made your way towards the trash can to discard the cup, your attention was suddenly captivated by an intriguing store-a lingerie shop to be exact.
With the idea of surprising Kafka with a thoughtful gift in mind, you made your way into the store, determined to find the perfect seductive undergarments that would surely bring a smile to her face. You knew she would appreciate the gesture, and the idea of showing up with something so alluring made you feel a rush of excitement.
Aware that your sudden disappearance might worry your friends, you quickly informed them of your intentions. “Guys, I’m just going to check out that store real quick,” you gestured towards a harmless-looking shop, ensuring they wouldn’t jump to any false conclusions. They nodded in understanding, allowing you the freedom to explore the store without their watchful eyes.
Browsing through the racks, you eventually stumbled upon a cute set of undergarments in a shade that perfectly matched Kafka’s hair color. It was both pretty and seductive, just as you had hoped. Securing the set in your grasp, you made sure no one could snatch it away from you before indulging your curiosity and exploring the rest of the store.
The store offered an array of enticing items, including stockings and elegant nightgowns, but you quickly dismissed the idea of adding anything else to your purchase. That would be pushing it a bit too far. Making your way to the cash register, you finalized your selection and discreetly tucked the purchase into one of your shopping bags for safekeeping. With the surprise safely hidden away, you couldn’t wait to see Kafka’s reaction.
Returning to your friends’ spot with the same number of bags raised a few eyebrows, prompting one of them to inquire if you’d found anything. You shook your head with a faux disappointed sigh. “Sadly no, but I’ve already spent enough for today, so it’s fine. Plus, it’s getting late, so I think I’ll head home,” you explained.
Your friends nodded in understanding, agreeing that it was indeed getting late and they too should probably call it a day. With a round of goodbyes, you parted ways, each heading in your own direction.
Checking the time as you walked, you realized it was nearly time for your 'meeting' with Kafka. Speeding up your pace, you knew you needed to change into your new outfit before meeting her. Arriving home, you swiftly set your shopping bags down, grabbed the undergarments, and changed into them in a hurry.
Glancing at the clock, panic surged within you. It was already five to six, and you knew how much Kafka despised being kept waiting. Your plain outfit would have to suffice for now. After all, you doubted it would stay on for long once you were with her.
Arriving at Kafka’s apartment door at 18:02, you hoped she wouldn’t be too upset about your slight tardiness. The doorbell rang, and Kafka soon appeared, greeting you with her usual smug smile. “Hm, you left me waiting,” she remarked, her voice dripping with sultry allure, though a hint of irritation lingered beneath the surface. Quick to apologize, you explained about having to take your shopping bags home. She simply smiled and tugged you inside by the arm. “I don’t need your apologies in words,” she teased, her tone laden with implications that left you feeling both excited and apprehensive.
Without much time to react, Kafka swiftly pinned you to her bed, leaving you feeling momentarily dizzy from the sudden movement. Your wrists were captured beside your head, held firmly in place as your back sank into the plush cushion of the mattress. Before you could utter a word, she silenced you with a deep, passionate kiss that stole your breath away, leaving your words trapped in your throat. The intensity of her kiss sent a jolt of excitement coursing through you, igniting a fire of desire within.
Breaking away from your lips, Kafka trailed her lips down to your neck sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin, eliciting a soft gasp from you. Her free hand slipped beneath your top, gliding over the smooth expanse of your stomach, sending shivers of anticipation down your spine. Your sweet reaction drew a chuckle from her lips and after a short while she had removed your top entirely, exposing your skin to the cool air of the room, the contrast with your heated body temperature sending tingles dancing across your skin.
Kafka’s fingers traced the delicate lace of your bra, her touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. “How gorgeous,” she purred, her voice dripping with sultry admiration. “I don’t recall you owning such a pretty bra.” With a mischievous grin, she tugged your bra further down so your nipples were visible, her intentions clear as desire smoldered in her eyes.
Her bruised lips trailed even further down to your breasts, and in a swift movement she captured your nipples between her plump lips. A moan escaped your lips, and your hand tangled itself in her wine red hair to pull her lips closer to your body. While her mouth was busy suckling your nipple, her free hand clawed your other breast and squeezed it roughly. Your sweet moans were music in her ears, and she wanted to make you scream even more for her, so she pulled away from your body to take off your bottom. A chuckle rang through her throat as she admired the way the lingerie looked on you.
"I see, someone wants to be fucked like a slut, hm?" Her words made you twitch slightly and you couldn't help but agree with her words. Your expression said everything she needed to know, so the tip of her finger was slowly entering your panties. Due her movements you expected her to take of your panties, but you thought wrong, Instead, she lifted the fabric of your lingerie and let it flick back against your skin playfully, causing a slight redness to bloom on the spot where it made contact.
Her actions were teasing and playful, adding an unexpected element of sensuality to the moment as she continued to watch your reactions with a mischievous glint in her eyes. You couldn't help but whine slightly at the unexpected pain, and she chuckled slightly "I'm sorry, my dear. I was just joking~"
her teasing antics caused your eyes to roll in annoyance and exactly in this moment she suddenly snapped your panties off your body "I don't like it when you roll your eyes in annoyance, I prefer when you roll your eyes in pleasure~" before you could say anything else she silenced you with her fingers brushing against the slit of your. The sensation caused you to shake, and let out a breathy moan. "Already wet, are we?" Kafka mumbled as she felt the dampness between your thighs while spreading your thighs apart.
The tip of her fingers teased your hole, and lightly stretched your tight walls with one finger for now, before adding a second one. Your body reacted on it's own as it started to shiver and clutching her fingers with your walls as if your hole was about to devour her fingers. Her fingers curled up at a sensitive spot of yours which instantly made you moan her name in desperation. You didn't want her to stop but she suddenly pulled her fingers out of you which left you feel empty.
"W-Why did you stop?" You murmured desperately, when she abruptly reached for your squishy little cheeks, cupping your face "Do you remember the 'surprise' i promised you?" You nodded, trying to recall the memories referenced in her messages, but confusion still lingered on your face as to what they had to do with the current situation.
The curious expression you wore prompted Kafka to chuckle softly as she pulled away from you completely. With purposeful strides, she made her way to a drawer, opening a shelf from which she pulled out something. Your eyes widen as she revealed a silicone dick with a strap. "Do you understand now?"
You gulped and now everything made a little more sense; the fingers were just there to stretch you for the following act. Kafka sauntered back to you with a sultry grin, while you sat up, slightly bemused by her antics. “Oh, please, I expected more enthusiasm,” she teased, her expression feigning disappointment, prompting a sigh from you at her playful demeanor. “What exactly do you want to do with it?” you inquired, unsure of her intentions.
Her face adopted a thoughtful expression as she tapped her chin in contemplation. "You could ride me" The suggestion she eventually proposed left you stunned, though a small hint of excitement flickered within you. “But I don’t know how that exactly works,” you admitted hesitantly, feeling a twinge of unease at the prospect of doing something wrong.
However, Kafka simply laughed, dismissing your concerns with a wave of her hand. “It seriously can’t be that hard. But if you’re really that nervous, I could ‘lead’ you,” she suggested with a playful tilt of her head, her implication not lost on you.
"Okay, fine, let’s try it out,” you agreed reluctantly, giving in to her enthusiasm. Kafka’s satisfied grin only served to heighten your curiosity as she sat down on the bed and clasped the strap around her waist, anticipation building between you as you came closer to her, when suddenly you had difficulties to move.
“Why are you looking like that? I thought you wanted me to lead you,” Kafka purred with a smug smile, her confidence palpable as she guided your body onto her body. With a swift movement, she manipulated the strange pink strings connected to her fingers, wrapping them around your body until you were completely enveloped by them. With another flick of her wrist, she effortlessly lifted your thighs into the air, making your clit kiss the tip of the silicone cock, and she was lowering you even further and further down on her strap.
You could feel the strap entering you and you let out a loud gasp at the sensation. As Kafka’s hand began to move, the strings followed suit, controlling your body’s movements in perfect synchronization. The sensation of being moved without exerting any effort yourself was both strange and exhilarating, and you found yourself enjoying the pleasure despite the initial surprise. With the strings doing all the work, you were able to relax and simply go along for the ride.
Kafka grinned in satisfaction as you moaned and threw your head back in pleasure. She sped the movement a little up and made your tight hole take all of her. Your walls clenched around the strap and your moans turned breathless and strained. Her gaze shifted between your flushed face and your jiggling breasts, and she just had to squeeze one of your pretty breast with her hand. The double stimulation made you whimper her name desperately And you felt yourself coming closer to the point. Kafka noticed that you were close so she tilted her head in curiosity
"Oh that soon already?" she cooed in amusement and made you move even faster up and down. The only thing you could do is nod as you were so full of pleasure to do anything else at this point and then suddenly you let yourself go. Your eyes rolled back, your whole body was trembling, you curled your nails in your palm. Your pussy was dripping with cum and the silicone cock was covered in your juices.
The hand on your breast was loosing up and after a time, the strings were finally removed, allowing you to move freely once again. You collapsed onto the bed next to Kafka with a soft thud, breathing heavily, your lips parted in exhilaration. “Did you have fun, my dear?” Kafka asked, her hand tenderly caressing your cheek as you could only nod in response, still reeling from the excitement of the experience.
"Maybe we should do this again some time~"
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mostmagical · 8 months
for @zodoods, I hope this lives up to expectations 🙏
Words: 4k Summary:
Marinette knew she tended to get tunnel vision when she was focused, but luckily her boyfriend Chat Noir was always there to watch her back as they fought Monarch. With their enemy having disappeared, however, they decided together that it was finally time to reveal themselves. In public. Face to face. It's a little silly to have to introduce yourself to your own boyfriend, but after all, it wasn’t Marinette’s fault that she never knew her boyfriend’s name. (Adrien has never been to school, and Marinette doesn't know him.)
Marinette hadn’t known her smile could be so wide. Staring at herself in the reflection, she couldn’t be bothered to worry about the awful dark circles under her eyes, or the frizzy mess of her hair. Everything could be covered or smoothed over, after all. None of that really mattered. Not when her whole world was about to change.
Today was the day.
“Today,” she breathed the word to herself. “Tikki, can you believe it’s today?” she asked, turning around to look towards her kwami.
Tikki giggled from where she sat atop the dresser. “You and Chat Noir have only been planning it forever,” she replied.
The smile was beginning to make Marinette’s cheeks ache. “We have.”
For months following the disappearance of Monarch, Ladybug and Chat Noir had been planning and mentally preparing to finally reveal their identities to one another, eventually coming to the conclusion that they were both ready for it just a week prior. She could still see Chat’s goofy smile in her mind’s eye, clear as day.
“So, we’re really doing this?” he had asked as they sat atop a rooftop together. “For real?”
“For real,” she had replied, excitedly nodding her head. Taking his hand in hers, she had pressed three rapid kisses to the back of it, trying to impress all of her enthusiasm and all of her love into his skin through the suit. “I can’t wait to meet you, mon Chaton,” she had promised him.
His face was rosy, with that big, beautiful smile of his stretching out his cheeks. “Neither can I, my Lady.”
Marinette let out a low squeal at the not-so-distant memory, pressing her hands against her hot cheeks.
She was going to meet her boyfriend. For the first time.
Well, not exactly the first time, but first enough.
They had plans to meet at a little café just a few blocks from the Grand Palais. He had surprisingly been a bit apprehensive at first, but she assured him everything would be okay. Marinette promised to wear the rose he had given her in her hair, and she was going to look for the boy wearing the scarf she had made him on his pretend birthday (and then he could tell her his real birthday!).
She couldn’t wait.
This day was a long time coming, and Marinette had plenty of fantasies to prove it. She wanted to hold her boyfriend’s hand in public, kiss him and go to the movies, all without a crowd of people taking photos of them. She wanted to goof off and be silly with him, all without worrying about being a hero, or acting like a good role model. She wanted to take him over to her house, and have him meet her parents, and stay for dinner without the threat of a supervillain interrupting the desert.
And after today, all that could finally be reality.
She got to work applying her makeup and wrangling her hair, not wanting to waste another second. Although she was notoriously late for most events, this was something she hoped to actually arrive early to. The ruby red dress she had laid out the previous night while she should have been sleeping was the last to slip over her head, perfectly matching the scarlet of Chat’s rose tucked behind her ear. The knee-length skirt fluttered to and fro as she took one last scrutinizing look in the mirror. Everything had to be perfect for her not-so-first impression.
Once she was finally satisfied, Marinette tossed her purse over her head. As soon as Tikki was settled and comfortable, she at last headed out.
There was a skip in her step the entirety of the walk, completely out of her control.
Although excitement was certainly at the forefront of her emotions, she would be lying if she didn’t acknowledge that little seed of nervousness. What if he didn’t like her? (He would.) What if he wasn’t as kind as she thought, and his personality was nothing more than a front? (Impossible.) What if his nerves got the best of him, and he didn’t show?
With her heart thundering in her chest, she turned the last corner to bring the café into view.
Her eyes zoned in on a mop of blond hair instantly. It was neat and combed back— completely at odds with the wild wind-blown look she was used to seeing on her boyfriend, but something in the way her stomach twisted and swooped inside of her told her that she may have spotted him. Taking slow steps closer, she traced the curve of his posture with her eyes as he sat hunched over the tiny café table, gasping slightly as she located the familiar shade of blue peeking from his collar.
It had to be him. It had to.
A chorus of giggles broke her concentration, drawing her eyes to a gaggle of girls a couple tables over. They were whispering excitedly and pointing in the direction of the same mop of blond hair, all with cell phones raised. A sudden wave of heat ran up Marinette’s spine as she realized they were ogling him.
She wasn’t surprised that girls were looking at him. Chat Noir was the cutest, most handsomest boy in the world, so of course they would. But that was her cutest and most handsomest boy in the world.
Her slow steps quickly evolved into a fast walk until she was right beside him, at which she practically threw herself onto the table, bodyblocking the girls’ view. The boy visibly jumped at her entrance. She glanced at his face for his reaction, but his eyes were covered by large sunglasses, effectively hiding any expression of recognition. Face feeling suddenly warm, Marinette stood back up straight and cleared her throat, casually drumming her fingers against the laminate surface.
“H-hi. I’m looking for my kitten,” she said, uttering the code phrase they had planned to use to confirm each other’s identities.
The boy smiled, instantly easing her worries. “I saw a little bug on the flyer.”
A grin spread across her cheeks before she could stop it, giddiness overflowing to the tips of her fingers. “I found you,” she murmured, just quiet enough to be just for him.
He stood from his seat, still smiling, and Marinette thought he was going in for a hug until he stepped around her. She was only confused for a second before he pulled out the chair on the other side of the table.
“Oh.” So the gentlemanly thing wasn’t an act after all. Accepting the gesture, Marinette turned to sit, feeling him push the chair in behind her as she did so. “Thank you.”
He simply hummed, before returning to his own seat across from her.
“So, um–” Not really sure where to start, (how does one introduce themselves to the boy they’ve been dating for two years?) Marinette figured the basics should go first. She almost wanted to laugh as she realized she was essentially on a blind date with her long-term boyfriend. “I’m Marinette,” she said, tugging at her bangs before pushing them behind her ear.
“Marinette,” he breathed. Breathed, as in he actually sighed her name when he said it. Marinette thought she might melt. “That’s a beautiful name.”
She wondered how dopey her smile must look to him. “Thank you,” she replied. “And you are?”
Thin blond eyebrows raised over the rims of the glasses, before dropping back down out of sight almost as quickly as they appeared. He laughed. “Okay,” he said between chuckles. “I’m Adrien.”
Marinette wasn’t quite sure what was so funny, but his laughter was just as contagious as always. With a giggle, she stuck out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Adrien.”
His returning smile was soft. “Nice to meet you, Marinette.” He took her hand, and turned it to rest atop his on the table, running smooth circles over the back of her palm with his thumb. The feeling of his warm skin on hers was foreign and exciting, setting off yet another flurry of butterflies in her stomach.
“You still wear your pigtails,” he stated.
Naturally, her free hand trailed to her hair. She smiled as her fingers brushed the velvet petals of the rose. “They’re kind of my armor,” she replied with a shrug. “All the better for you to recognize me.”
The corner of his lip twitched, but the soft smile remained unchanged. Part of her wondered if he was still nervous about meeting. Hoping to ease his worries, she grinned.
“And I’m glad to see you don’t wear whiskers,” she joked.
He laughed again, and that seemed to be enough to lower the tension in his shoulders, to Marinette’s relief. “You’re right, I don’t,” he said. “I have a clean public image to maintain, you know.”
Marinette furrowed her brows, trying and most likely failing to hide the confusion on her face. It was surprising; Chat Noir was definitely the type of person who would grow “whiskers” just to commit to the bit. To each their own she supposed. Mustaches did seem to be more supervillain-y than superhero-y, after all.
“I do have to ask, though, what’s with the glasses?” she asked, moving the conversation along. “They’re so big, they’re covering half your face. Any plans to take those off?”
“Well, I–” Adrien’s head turned minutely towards the girls at the table behind her, barely perceptible to anyone who wasn’t looking for it. “I don’t know.” His hand pulled at the scarf where it crossed over his black t-shirt.
“Please,” she insisted, putting on her best baby-doll eyes. “How unfair you get to see all of my face and I can’t see all of yours.” She held his hand tighter, imploring but hopefully he knew it was still light-hearted.
“Marinette, it’s just–”
She pulled out her secret weapon: the pout. His mouth instantly stopped moving.
“I’ve never really seen your eyes before,” she added. At his answering sigh, she felt a bout of pride swell in her chest. Victory.
Hesitantly, he removed the sunglasses and folded them on the table, all the while looking shyly up at her through golden lashes.
Marinette’s pulse quickened as she finally— really— met his eyes. Such strange feelings of déjà vu ran through her when she caught sight of how green they were. It was the first time she had seen his whole face, and yet it already felt so nostalgic and familiar. It was almost as if she had seen him before, and she supposed she had, in her dreams at the least.
“Gorgeous,” she sighed, unable to stop her tongue from embarrassing the rest of her.
All the regret she might have held drained out of her, however, when she saw how pink his cheeks went in response. His dropped jaw slowly curved into a small smile, and those pretty green eyes closed in half moons as he replied, “Thanks for the compliment.”
Was this really the same boy?
Marinette snorted. “What? No cheesy remark about how you knew I wouldn’t be able to resist you?”
“I’m just far too stunned by the beauty in front of me to think straight,” he said, mouth pulled sideways. “I daresay you could outshine me anyday.”
There he is.
She rolled her eyes in response, but she couldn’t deny the coils of warmth that spread across her skin. With a fond shake of her head, she brought one elbow to the top of the table to cradle her chin in her hand.
“You know, you’re taking this really well,” Adrien said, the smirk fading back to a humble smile. It was odd seeing him so reserved. “Better than I thought you would.”
“Taking what well?” she asked. Her heart squeezed in her chest as she recalled his apprehension from the night before. She attempted to keep things light, sliding into a teasing tone as she conspiratorially whispered, “Did you think I wouldn’t like you without the cat ears, mon Chaton?”
“Well, no, that’s not exactly—”
She cut him off, making sure to speak with all the sincerity she could muster, “Because there is no universe where I wouldn’t like you.” With a coy wink, she added, “Believe me. I checked.” She grinned with pride as her fingers squeezed his on the table, feeling as though she had one-upped him in cheesiness.
Again, his mouth hung open slightly as he processed her words, but soon morphed back into the soft smile. His head tilted to the side. “You always know what to say to make me happy, my–” The corners of his lips twitched, his intended endearment clear to both of them— “my Marinette,” he said instead, pulling their joined hands up to brush his lips against the back of her palm.
Dimly, Marinette registered the sound of a squeal from somewhere behind her.
“But, um, no.” His countenance took on a much more nervous expression, his free hand drifting back to play with the nape of his neck. “I meant more–” He paused, waving his hand awkwardly towards himself.
His brows furrowed, mouth open and clearly poised to explain himself, but he was interrupted by a waiter arriving to take their orders, and the moment was surreptitiously forgotten.
As the date went on, conversation flowed freely between them. Marinette learned so many of his favorite things, what he was studying in school, that he was an only child just like her, and of course, his birthday, time and year. So many things that she would normally have naturally learned over time, which was something that she took for granted in her other relationships with family and friends. It was odd, but wonderful that this absurd blind date was just another unique experience that they could share together.
She would have been more than happy to talk to him forever if she could, but a trill from Adrien’s phone stopped their conversation short.
His eyebrows turned down as he read the screen. “How did it get so late?” he pouted, just as cute as before when he wore cat ears on his head. “I’m sorry, Marinette, but I have to go.”
Her smile was sympathetic, barely holding herself back from mirroring his pout. “That’s okay,” she replied. “We’ll just have to have our next date sooner.”
The answering smile on his face made it all worth it.
Adrien’s fingers flew across his keyboard for a second, before another trill responded. “My bodyguard says he can take you home, though!” he announced happily. “So we can spend a little more time together.”
Marinette couldn’t stop the confused noise from escaping her mouth. “Your…bodyguard?” she repeated slowly.
“Yeah!” He looked up from his phone, lips softly quirked upwards. “And don’t worry; he may look mean but he’s the kindest man I’ve ever met.”
That certainly wasn’t something Marinette was worried about, but now she felt like she needed to be.
She tried to cross the appropriate wires in her head. Okay, so Chat Noir, famed superhero of Paris and wielder of the power of destruction, had a bodyguard in his everyday life. And that bodyguard apparently drove him places?
Perhaps she needed to collect more evidence.
Too busy thinking to come up with anything to say, Marinette mutely nodded her agreement.
Having already paid the bill— well, Adrien paid, despite her protests—, the two stood from their seats and headed down the sidewalk. Marinette followed Adrien closely, too busy sweeping her eyes across the busy street to spot this ‘mean-looking’ man to notice Adrien’s knuckles bumping into hers. She finally looked up at him when he laced their fingers together and squeezed. His green eyes almost seemed to shimmer as they looked into hers, and Marinette could feel all that wound-up tension melt away in response.
The spell between them was broken by a sudden honk.
Adrien was the first to break eye contact, turning back towards the street. “Oh! There he is.”
Marinette followed his gaze. Her eyes widened as they landed on the sleek sedan that had pulled up to the curb in front of them. She didn’t know much about cars, but she knew enough to identify the logo of a luxury brand. The car was well-washed and shiny, unlike most of the vehicles that parked along the dirty city streets.
A burly man emerged from the driver’s side door, and walked around the car. To Adrien’s credit, he did seem a bit scary, based on sheer size alone, but Marinette supposed her Papa was probably about the same size. She figured if the man smiled a bit more, he would come off much friendlier. He greeted the two of them with little more than a low grunt and a nod, before briskly opening the rear passenger side door.
Marinette froze in place as she waited for one of the others to move. She couldn’t for the life of her understand what was going on. Was Adrien going to drive and this man was graciously letting her have the front seat?
“Marinette?” Adrien cleared his throat. “Are you ready to go?”
She blinked a few times, looking back and forth between the open door and her boyfriend’s face. “Um, yes,” she replied nervously. “I’m ready.”
He bowed his head, gesturing with his free hand towards the open door. “Then, after you, my lady.”
The familiar name quelled the voices in her head long enough for her to step forward. “Thank you, my prince,” she teased in response.
Though she did step in first, she held fast to his hand, pulling him along with her. The inside of the sedan was just as clean as the outside. Small tablets nestled into the back of both front headrests, and a far fancier screen than Marinette had in any of her devices at home was centerstage on the dashboard. She could feel her eyes widening as she took it all in.
Chat Noir was rich.
Chloé Bourgeois rich, maybe.
That was… unexpected. Admittedly, she never imagined Chat to have a high-class upbringing (if she could even call Chloé’s that). She had always envisioned him as a rough and tumble sort of kid. He would take soda over wine any day. Canned tuna over caviar. He had never turned up his nose to fast food, or cheap nosebleed seats at a concert, or acted like he was any better than anyone else.
No, Chat– Adrien— was amiable, gracious, and an appreciator of the little things–
She whipped her head around to meet her boyfriend’s gaze, having been yanked from her thoughts. “Yes?”
Adrien seemed to be holding back a laugh, clearly having recognized her thinking face. “Your address?”
“Oh!” She leaned forward in her seat, directing her attention to the driver. “12 Rue Gotlib, if you’re sure you don’t mind.”
Adrien’s face lit up in the rearview mirror. “That’s just around the corner from us!”
“Really?” She was reminded of that flash of déjà vu she had felt upon seeing his face for the first time. Maybe they had met before. Most people who lived in the 21st arrondissement got their baked goods from her parents’ bakery, and Marinette often worked the front counter. They must have had at least one encounter before as their civilian selves.
It was almost a shame.
She would have loved to know that her favorite person was just around the corner.
He tightened his grip on her hand as she turned back to face him. “Almost too good to be true,” he said, echoing her thoughts.
All lamentations of lost time were forgotten at that, and she chose instead to be happy in the moment they had now. She smiled, squeezing his hand back.
They were content to spend the short ride in comfortable silence after having spent the majority of their time together with endless conversations. Adrien’s bodyguard didn’t ask any questions after Marinette gave her address, so she saw no reason to try chatting with him when she could cuddle into Adrien’s arm instead. The world was pink and fuzzy, and the only leather pressed against her skin was that of the car seats. Feeling the rise and fall of Chat Noir’s breaths through warm cotton was a wholly different, welcome experience.
The ride was too short, however, and before she knew it, they had pulled up in front of her family’s bakery.
Adrien’s short intake of breath pulled her eyes upwards, and she noticed him staring at the sign with eyes full of wonder. “Whoa, you live so close to the boulangerie,” he noted.
Marinette grinned. “Well, yeah, I live above it,” she said, delighted when his head whipped back to face her. “My parents own it.”
His eyes looked about ready to bulge out of their sockets. “You do?”
She pointed to the sign. “And I designed the logo. Tom and Sabine Boulangerie,” —she turned the finger towards herself— “Tom and Sabine daughter.”
Adrien’s face was painted with the most excitement she had seen from him all day. “That’s so cool! They have the best macarons— I’ve had some at events when we get catering— and I’ve asked Nathalie a few times, but, well–” His face was a bit pink as he paused. “You’re amazing, Marinette.”
“I’ll have to bring you some macarons next time I see you,” she giggled.
His eyebrows danced over his eyes. “Now I know why you’re so sweet.”
“Oh, hush.” She lightly shoved his shoulder. “Takes one to know one.”
Following some pointed clearings of the throat from the driver’s seat, they eventually got out of the car and Adrien walked her to her door. She left him with a quick kiss and a promise to text him later.
The remainder of the day went by in a blissful blur. Dinner, homework, and television with her parents faded into the background as she slipped lovingly into her daydreams. Adrien was too busy to talk, but he had sent her a few hearts and memes throughout the evening, and she looked over all of them with her chest fit to burst. Before she knew it, it was time for bed and they were texting each other good night.
It wasn’t until the next morning that Marinette realized the true shift the world had undergone.
The incessant buzzing of her phone was an unwanted wakeup call. Marinette blindly slapped her hand against the mattress until her fingers met the smooth plastic of her phone case. She slowly cracked her eyes open as the screen lit up again with notifications.
New Message - 🦊Alya🔥(32), Missed Call - 🦊Alya🔥 (2), New Message - Adrien ♥️🐈
Wondering what was so desperate for Alya to be blowing up her phone so early, Marinette quickly responded to Adrien’s “Good morning <3” in kind before opening the floodgates. She was immediately treated to a number of news articles, all caps messages, and photos. Photos of her and Adrien.
Her fingers flew through the slideshow of photographs: Adrien waiting alone with those ridiculous sunglasses, herself haphazardly draped over the table, Adrien kissing her hand, the both of them stepping into his car. She paused on one of the last photos. It was of the two of them, hand-in-hand as they waited for their ride. Adrien’s soft eyes that had mesmerized her up close were just as soft from a careful distance.
She blinked rapidly as she processed it all.
How did Alya get these?
Scrolling back up in her conversation history with Alya, she looked at the articles again, scanning over the headlines: “Adrien Agreste - Dating?” “Adrien Hits the Town with Mystery Girl!” “Who Caught the Eye of Adrien Agreste?” “Agreste Son is Growing Up!”
The conversation shot down to the bottom as another text from Alya came in: CANT BELIEVE YOU DIDNT TELL ME????
Faster than she could process, Marinette swiped away from her messages to plug “Adrien Agreste'' into her search engine. A shocking thousands of images popped up, all of her boyfriend in various poses and campaigns— including one with the bowler hat she had designed for a competition run by Gabriel Agreste.
A banner notification popped up at the top of her screen, Marinette’s finger tapping it automatically.
Adrien ♥️🐈: I have a photoshoot until around noon, but do you want to get ice cream after?
Marinette dropped the phone as everything suddenly became clear.
Perhaps maybe their civilian relationship wasn’t about to be quite as low-key as she thought.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Fluffcember Day 8 | Little River
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Pairing | Avenger!Fiancé!Loki Laufeyson x Avenger!Fiancée!Fem!Reader x Natasha Romanoff (Platonic)
Word count | 1.2K
Summary | You just found out you're having a baby, but since Loki is away on a long undercover mission you can't tell him about it just yet. Instead, you turn to your best friend, Natasha, to come up with the perfect way to tell Loki you're expecting. Once everything is in place and Loki is back home, you can't wait to reveal the news and see his reaction to your growing family.
Warning(s) | Established relationship ~ Fiancé/Fiancée, mentions of pregnancy, Loki getting the biggest surprise when he comes back from the mission.
A/n | This one-shot is written for day 8 of my Fluffcember 2023 Challenge. Writing for Loki is always a lot of fun for me (and I often wonder why I don't do it more...), so this was a hoot to write! I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this as well as helping me with the ideas, I'm happy to have you back! ❤️🎄
Events Masterlist | Sleepy back hugs | @buckys-wintersoldier
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Owner
Main Masterlist | Loki Laufeyson Masterlist
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You're sitting on the bathtub's edge with your head in your hands, waiting impatiently for the timer to go off. The box clearly said to wait five minutes for the results, but these same five minutes feel like absolute torture.
And to top it all off, you're currently going through this moment alone because your fiancé, Loki, is on an undercover mission with no way to reach him. The universe's timing couldn't possibly have been worse.
When the alarm finally goes off, you practically launch forward, grabbing the test and looking at the result. Your suspicions are immediately confirmed when the test shows two prominent red lines: you're pregnant.
You can't help but let a sob escape from your chest because while you're thrilled, you're also sad that you can't share this moment with the person you're dying to share this with.
The topic of children hasn't come up too often in your relationship, though the few times it did, you two always came to the same conclusion: as long as you're still Avenging, you won't bring a child into this world.
But this plan has a significant shift, and you might step away from the Avengers sooner than anticipated. It's not that you haven't thought about it, but now that you're officially pregnant, that idea might become a reality.
First things first, though, you'll find Natasha so you can talk things through with her. To make this task easier on yourself, ask the AI for help.
''FRIDAY? Please tell me where Ms. Romanoff is at this moment. I need to talk to her.''
''It appears that Ms. Romanoff is currently in the living room with Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes. Do you want me to notify her of your arrival?''
''No, thank you,'' you tell the AI before changing into comfortable clothes; you can't exactly go out there in your underwear.
You left the test in your bathroom for now, and you head towards the living room to find Steve and Bucky cuddling on one end of the couch and Nat sitting on the other side, her body turned to them.
They're in the middle of a discussion about the next movie night since it's Steve's turn to pick the movie. He always chooses the same film, and Nat tries to convince him to pick something else, but she might be losing this discussion.
''She'll agree with me, won't you?'' Nat asks as you walk into the living room, and your eyebrows instantly shoot up, seeing how you didn't know what was happening.
''I'm sure I will, but that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to borrow you for a while,'' you say as you point towards Natasha, who gladly gets up to come with you.
''So, what's up?'' she asks when you lead her to your bedroom, where the test is still lying. The closer you get, the more nervous you get, but if there's anyone you trust with this news, it's Nat.
''Well... I- I have some news to share with you,'' you tell her, unsure where to start. She stops you in the hallway and forces you to look at her.
''Are you and Loki doing okay? Did something happen between you two?'' she asks, her brows furrowed in concern, but you quickly assure her that's not the case.
''No, god no! We're okay, we're doing great, actually,'' you say with a big smile, which Nat immediately reciprocates. All her worries instantly melt away, and how she feels about you and Loki is visible.
''But... there will be something changing between us though, and I want to show you exactly what,'' you say, and before you know it, you're in your bedroom, showing her the still very positive pregnancy test.
''Oh my god, I'm going to be an Auntie?! I can't believe it!'' she asks, and you nod your head before he flings herself around your neck, squealing in pure excitement.
When the first excitement finally ebbed away for a bit, you sat down on your bed with the pregnancy test still in your hand, and then the realization came flooding back that you must also tell your fiancé.
''How should I tell him the good news? Because I don't just want to spring this onto him, it's our first baby, so I want to make it special; I want to make it something he will never forget,'' you say, and an idea instantly sparks in Nat's head.
''I have the perfect idea, and you don't need many things for it!'' she says, and that's how the idea of how you're going to tell Loki you're pregnant is formed.
Exactly one week later, Loki returned from his mission, and after his shower, he changed into something comfortable. Now you're cuddling on your shared bed, making up for lost time.
''I love you so much, you know that? I can't believe I had to miss my beautiful wife-to-be for nearly two months...'' he tells you as he places a soft kiss in your hair.
''I missed you too, but I have a little present for you now that you're back,'' you tell him, and you wiggle out of his grasp, ready to grab the gift box you've prepared with Nat over the last week.
You grab an emerald green box with a silver bow around it and hand it to your future husband as you sit cross-legged in front of him. You watch intently as he unwraps it, lifting the lid, and he watches the sides of the box fall open.
Inside are the positive pregnancy test, baby shoes, and your small letter. Loki picks up the pregnancy test, and you can see tears form at his waterline.
''Loki? Is everything-'' ''I'm going to be a Dad?'' he asks in a small voice, accidentally interrupting you mid-sentence.
''Well, how about you read the letter?'' you tell him, and he grabs it, folding it open.
Dear future husband,
When you read this, you already know I am officially three months pregnant with your baby. Our little River will be born around Easter, and I cannot wait to meet them.
I'm very grateful to see our family grow, and I am forever thankful that you have given me the wonderful gift of our bunny. Our family will officially be complete once they're here, and I hope they will be just like you. Perfect in every way.
I love you forever and always.
~ Your future wife
As he reads the letter, you can see a tear or two escaping, trickling down his pale white cheek onto the paper. He reads the letter three, four, maybe five times before putting it down and looking at you.
''I can't believe it, we're going to have a baby!'' he says excitedly, wiping the tears away with the back of his hand. He puts the present to the side so you can sit in his lap and cuddle him tightly.
That night, as you two are about to fall asleep, he pulls you with your back against his chest, and you let yourself melt into his touch. His large hand and long fingers are splayed over your belly, fiercely protecting it.
''I love you, hot mama,'' he tells you, and the new nickname has your cheeks heating up. And after exchanging a few more sweet nothings between you, you fall asleep in your future husband's arms.
You could not have wished for a better ending to this perfect day, and now all that's left to do is to wait for your little one to come into this world. But one thing is certain: River will be the perfect addition to your family.
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evans23 · 2 months
Cherished love
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Pairing : David Friedman x Reader OC
Summary : David had dived into his work to forget his loneliness. It was before you. With you in his life, he knows he could face everything, yet, he's afraid to lose you. Until you gift him with your innocence, making him understand that he was the one and you were his.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Smut. Age gap. @liviacarol88-blog ; @eccentricchick
A/N : Hello dear 😁 It took me a while, but here David's version of him and virgin reader. Enjoy and don't forget, requests are open ! =)
Lionel's version is here - Sinclair's version is here
Also read on AO3
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David was excited, even though he didn't let his joy shine off too much. After all, He was a grumpy and disillusioned man and you knew that and what you had to deal with when you chose to commit yourself into a relationship with him. And more than knowing that, you were in love with him for his greatest happiness, although he still couldn't figure out how a beautiful and smart girl like you could have fallen in love with him.
You had met him thanks to one of your friends who appeared to be his colleague. Of course, she wasn't a policewoman or a detective or anything like that, just the pretty and kind receptionist who knew all the precinct gossip and had the need to peddle the latest rumors while meddling in the business of others. 
Truth be told, David wasn't particularly keen on being his friend but Philippa, your friend, wasn't one to be deterred and the secrecy surrounding David had attracted her attention as soon as she started her job there. Or at least, the introverted character of the man because she learned very quickly how his ex-wife had cheated on him with one of his friends, Matty. 
Because Philippa couldn't bear such a betrayal, she made it her mission to cheer up the grumpy, sarcastic, and hard-working detective at all costs. 
David was monosyllable when he answered her intrusive questions and his dark looks when she pushed him too far in his entrenchment never succeeded in intimidating her. She was such a force of nature and she fathomed quite quickly David was too and what he utterly needed was a woman in his life. A good one, not one of those who couldn't stand a man with internal struggles but who also had a deep mind full of thought about life. He also needed someone who could understand his busy life, his hectic schedule and the fact he couldn't be at home each night for dinner. To top it off, the girl had to be able to cope with his sarcasm, his moody temper and overall, who would be able to take in immediately how the world in which he was living was dark and let him with images of horror that, during too long, had him pour his sorrow into alcohol. 
And she knew the perfect girl for that. You, of course ! You and your many contradictions, your own deep struggles, you were, like him, an introvert, your mind was sharp and also full of sarcasm but contrary to the detective, you were a kind, smiling person who tried her best to stand despite the curve balls life had thrown you and for Philippa, it meant a lot about the true you. No one could be as kind as you were without a great deal of wisdom. Or at least, a really big soft heart. 
Therefore, her second mission started immediately after she arrived to this conclusion that you were the perfect match for David. It was to convince you to meet him. She was surprised to realise how easy it had been. She was used to you refusing to meet anyone she desperately wanted you to go out with. Yet, the loneliness surrounding you had taken its toll on your morale and you trust Philippa enough to know she wouldn't introduce you to him if she wasn't sure you could have some good chemistry with David.
Her third mission was the most complicated one. To convince David. Of course, she didn't succeed but when she saw you eventually becoming dismissive at the idea of meeting a man who seemed not interested at all, she thought harder, faster, and finally came up with the perfect plan. The Police Ball. An annual party during which everyone working for the precinct was invited and with the permission to bring a plus one. 
Normally, David never participated in that kind of event, but he was... a little bit punished for having misbehaved towards his nemesis : Matty. In fact, both of them had fought over a random topic, but quickly the tone had risen between the both of them and they came to blows. To be true, just one blow. From David. But in his defense, it was after having dodged Matty's fist. So, in his opinion, it had just been a fair game to give the man a taste of his own medicine. If Matty wasn't able to avoid the punch wasn't the fault of David after all. 
As a matter of course, their boss didn't see things like that, therefore, Matty had to be there all alone to catch up on his late administrative work and David... well David just had to be there, his boss knew it was enough punishment for him as the man hated this stupid party thing and would normally be on patrol or pouring over a case in the Evidence Room. And actually, it was what he was doing when you first met him. He was sitting at his desk, working on a new case. 
You were the plus one of Philippa, but the girl was so occupied batting her eyelashes at a newbie who could have been her son that she had totally forgotten about you. And funny enough, you who were thinking about taking a French leave, you bumped into the detective who didn't want to be put on a blind date with you. He groaned an apologize, ready to pass by you without even acknowledging you telling him you were the one not looking where you were going, but when he looked up at you, he found himself, mesmerised by you. 
Not that you were a great beauty, even though you were a really pretty girl in his eyes, but something about you just drew him in you. Of course, David was a rational man who didn't believe in love at first sight. Neither were you. But both of you had to admit that something happened that day. After one hour, he asked you if you wanted to go out for dinner without caring about his boss wanting him to be there. Anyway, he wouldn't notice David's absence as all his pores were breathing alcohol and if he tried to threaten the scruffy detective, David would have shown him the pictures he had taken, which wouldn't be great for the reputation of the precinct. 
After that day, you met several times, first in public places and later in his place where he cooked for you. To your surprise, David was quite a good cook, which was great as the only thing you were able to prepare was pasta. Butter pasta. That was it. 
Six months later, frustrated to not have you around when he came back from work or just having someone to speak with and wind down after a tough day at work, he asked you to move in with him in his secluded house. You would always remember with a kind fondness how he tried hard to impede his smile from being too large when you said yes in the nick of a time without even thinking twice about it.
And here you were, unboxing your last items, a good bunch of books that you stored on the shelves David had built up for you, while he was desperately trying to make some more room in his wardrobe for your too many clothes.
"Do you really need so many dresses ? And what about all these pants ? I've never seen you wearing a pant since we are together," he grumbled, moving his shirts to another shelf. 
"Of course, I need all that stuff. If it wasn't the case, I wouldn't have brought it with me," you answered pragmatically. 
He muttered indistinctly something that could have been "Ah ! Women !" which made you smile. You knew that despite his moody exterior and his rough edges, inside David was a soft heart. At least for you, yet it was all that matters. You had waited for long enough to find the one you wanted to be with and you were grateful it was David as he had everything you were looking for in a man.
With him, you always felt protected, but at the same time, his presence wasn't overwhelming. He was possessive without being on your back all the time. You were free to go out without having to ask for his permission and he didn't mind when you were out with your girlfriends for the night. His possessiveness was directed towards the other men. You knew he's gone through a difficult time with alcohol but also his wife cheating on him when he was so low. You could understand his need to put a hand on your hips or a kiss on your cheeks, which was totally out of character for him when you were in public, each time a man was looking at you with too much eagerness. 
"Here we are," said happily David, "everything's done and dusted," he added proudly, showing you the room he managed to free for the rest of your clothes.
"You're the best," you said, pecking his check before moving towards the living room to grab another box full of clothes.
David looked at you with affection, his heart swelled with love for you while you were moving with ease in his house, your house, as if you had always lived here. "And it's the case now," thought David with a Cheshire smile. 
As the night settled down, you were leaning up in his arms, watching a movie. At least, David was watching a movie, your mind was too busy with something else to really focus on what was going on on the screen. Indeed, little did David know that you kept a secret. Nothing really terrible, yet, at almost 35, it was quite terrifying to admit it out loud. Should he really have to know ? You had weighed the pros and cons several times and yet again tonight. After all, you had read enough books to know what to do. And you've seen enough movies too. Wasn't Game of Thrones the best teacher in that matter ? 
You sensed David's hand playing with the hem of the shorts you wore for sleeping and you knew what he wanted. He had tried to initiate something once but you had come up with the excuse you had your period and he didn't insist. After that, you were afraid to have put a damper on your relationship, but the next time you saw him, he acted as usual. He tried another time, but for your relief, you had been interrupted by a call from David's office. He was on-call that day and had to leave. You had waited for him that day, promising yourself to tell him the truth, but he came back in the early morning while you were asleep in his bed and when you woke up, he was the one sleeping soundly.
After that, he tried again, but in a more subtle way. David was not stupid. He also was a detective and for God's sake a good one ! He had understood something was weighing on your mind each time he wanted to take the plunge of the intimate step. Also, a little joke from Matty, who had managed to avoid being knocked down this time, had made his wheel's mind turn at full speed during one of his shifts.
That day, David was in quite a mood. You were sick with the flu and weren't able to accompany him to another work party, another one he had to be because he normally was working as he had fallen behind on his administrative work. That little rascal of Matty had taken advantage of David's ex-wife absence who was in the loo to provoke the detective. Matty was a little bit drunk and if he had promised his ex-wife to make more effort to be at least cordial with her new husband, only out of a remain of kindness for her but also because after all, no matter her betrayal, she was still the mother of his only daughter and if he had to be honest, he was such a dick at the time she chose to cheat on him with his colleague and best friend, he couldn't bear hearing that stupid jerk talking about you.
It wasn't the first time he teased you by talking about you in a way David didn't like, but that night, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back. 
"Friedman, what a mood," he had said, clapping his hand on the back of David.
David had tried his best to ignore him. After all, he knew what it was to be too drunk to think correctly and Matty's mind was probably more hazy than usual that night. 
"You didn't get to fuck your little mouse yet ?"
David had got up so fast that his chair had fallen down with a resonating sound. There was no one around his cramped office and while he was deciding if it was worth throwing a blow to the total asshole in front of him, Matty's found it uproarious to add that with his partner they had bet that either you were playing with him or you were a virgin.
It's when David lashed out, but fortunately for him, he missed Matty who ducked his fit with agility before poking with no grace his head against David's desk. David had to suppress a laugh, even though he managed to blow a malicious and almost vile "It serves you right". 
However, Matty's words that night had taken a toll on David's mind. He never thought of you as the kind of woman who could deceive someone and after a few days of keeping a close eye on your behavior either with him or others, his detective instinct had arrived to the conclusion you weren't playing with him and his feelings. So, could that idiot of Matty be right ? 
The more time was passing, the more David was sure it was the case. He subtly asked you some questions to find out if it could be for religious purposes and for his biggest relief as he didn't want to get into another marriage, he discovered you weren't an extremist believer. He had seen you reading some shitty literature like 50 Nuances of Grey or After and when he had told you those books were nothing more than rubbish, you had surprised him by telling him to shut up and read his annoying thriller books while you were enjoying Christian and Anastasia getting laid. 
It's probably that day when you were reading without any shame your erotic book exclusively written for women that he was quite sure, for his greatest disappointment, that Matty was right. To think it was just a stupid joke from his nemesis who had only said that to annoy him made David's desire to make the man lose some teeth bigger. 
Yet, he had decided to be patient with you and let you come to him. However, things were becoming hotter and hotter between you that night and you didn't say anything yet. Your breath caught in your throat when he asked you if you wanted to move into the bedroom. You nodded with anticipation. It wouldn't be the first time you were to sleep with him but it would be your first time. You had decided that when you arrived this morning with all your stuff. You had also made up your mind to keep the silence. David didn't need to know. He probably wouldn't notice it and you were sure you could manage the pain. 
So, when he kissed you avidly, you answered back with pizazz, claiming his lips as well as his hands were claiming your hips. David threw you in one swift motion over his shoulders, making you giggle. When his hand found your ass, you felt a fire setting ablaze your whole body. You were ready for him and even him could feel it.
He gently threw you over the bed, skimming your face just to be sure. He wasn't sure if he should tell you he had some suspicions about your virginity. After all, if he was wrong, he would have looked quite stupid. Instead, he leaned over you, reveling in the sensation both of you were igniting in each other. His hand found your ass again while you took off his shirt. He deftly did the same with yours with one hand while the other one was patting your butt. 
When his hand tickled your hips, passing through the waistband of your underwear, he felt you stiffen. He momentarily stopped, waiting for you to say something, but you did as if it was nothing more than a shiver due to the sheer passion between us.
David leaned on his forearms, imprisoning you with his tall frame. He looked you in the eyes, seeing nothing but love and a glint of excitement. He kissed softly your lips and the tip of your nose, caressing your cheek with the tip of his fingers in an attempt to ease you a little bit.
"I know," he whispered.
You looked up at him with confusion.
"What ?" you asked with a frown.
"I know," he simply repeated. 
He kissed you tenderly, whereas you tried to figure out what he could know, but he didn't let you muster up too much about it as he told you without telling you that he knew you were still a pure little thing but he would take care of you in every sense of the word.
"Don't be afraid. Relax. I promise you to be gentle, love."
You closed your eyes, a bit ashamed that his detective's gut had sorted out your secret case. 
"Hey, don't be embarrassed," said David while you blushed profusely/
"But it is so embarrassing," you muttered. 
"Why ?" he genuinely asked.
"Because I'm so old !" you answered quite dramatically. 
David laughed, telling you that he was ten years older than you and, if you saw yourself as old, then he definitively was a grandfather. 
"Do you see me as your grandfather here ?" he asked, a bit concerned after his little joke. 
"Absolutely no, David ! I see you as my partner. My lover."
"Good. Then, now that we are on the same wavelength, tell me why you are so embarrassed ? Did you plan to not let me know at all ? Because I would have noticed it you know."
"Really ?" you asked as if it was your plan from the beginning, "because I thought you wouldn't be able to fathom it in any way."
"Oh love, you're so innocent sometimes."
In fact, on that matter you were, but you didn't say anything, not wanting to put a damper on the intimacy of the moment.
"Is it a disappointment for you ?" you asked coyly.
"A disappointment ?" asked David while his nose was stroking yours.
"Yes, you know... I'm not really experienced here except for what I read..."
"Yes, and your books won't be of any help as you are not able to read something really good on that topic," he cut you off to tease you.
You let out a little chuckle, reassured to see him take the whole thing as if it was nothing to worry about. Actually, it was nothing to worry about. You were the one to make a big thing of nothing. 
"To be totally honest with you, [Y/N], I find it... arousing."
"Really ?"
"Oh yes, you're always full of surprises but this one is one of your best."
You sighed, the fear of what you thought could pushed him away leaving your mind. 
"We will take it slowly. I must prepare you correctly. I'm sure even in your shitty book they talk about that," he said with a predatory smile.
In one swift motion, he yanked down your panties, and almost immediately, his nose came against your little bundle of nerves. You almost let out a cry when you felt his tongue playing between your folds, trying to find a way towards your entrance.
"Don't hold back, love," said David, "I want to hear that pretty mouth of yours moaning under my touch and I promise you that at the end of it, you will be screaming my name."
Your body bristled at his words, the promise of what the night would bring you making you eager to get more of him. Spurred by the little noises you emitted, David worked harder to pleasure you. His hooked nose was pushing deliciously on your clit while his tongue was now dancing inside you. With two more strokes, you purred his name, your hand in his hair, in a vain attempt to ground you while you reached your climax.
"Oh, my god," you said, still high.
"No, it's just David here," he said playfully, licking his lips which were drenched with your wetness.
He told you how tasty he thought you were, making you blush more while he genuinely laughed, a feeling of exhilaration coursing through his body at the sight of you, all vulnerable and shy, accepting to be in this position for him and only for him. 
"I love you," he said without really thinking about it.
You looked at him with surprise. David was so reserved that you didn't even imagine he would be the first to say the words. But here it was, the words were reasoning through your head and as you saw a flicker of anguish in David's eyes to have let it slip his mouth, you kissed him with hunger before whispering against his lips how much you were in love with him too.
"I've been waiting for you for so long David. Believe me when I said you're the one."
It wasn't difficult to believe for the detective as you were on the verge of gifting him your virginity. David wasn't a backward person and little did he pay attention to such a trivial thing, yet, he couldn't prevent himself from feeling honoured. And with that, a feeling of pride and happiness was mingling in him. Pride to be your first one and, as he was ready to do all of what was in his power to keep you beside him until death decides otherwise, he thrived even more at the idea of being your last one. 
You shot him a confused glance when he got up, but smiled at his thoughtfulness when you saw him grab a condom. You didn't take the pill as it wasn't recommended for you and David wasn't sure if you had taken the time to make an appointment with your gynecologist to obtain another contraception. 
"You still want it ?" he asked after having taken off his pants and put on the condom.
"Yes, David."
"If you need me to stop or anything else, tell me ok ? I cannot guess, you have to communicate with me."
You nodded but he ordered you to answer him verbally. 
"I must hear the words [Y/N], always. Your comfort is what matters the most here."
"Yes, David. I will communicate with you. I promise.
He smirked, pecking sweetly your lips while placing his cock in front of your entrance. You felt the tip of his dick teased you, yet David wasn't moving. 
"Do you want to help me ?" he proposed to you.
He wanted to involve you in the whole thing, to make you feel at ease, to help you to relax as he could feel the tension growing, even though it was mixed with the remanence of your first orgasm and the terrific happiness you were experiencing. 
"Doing what ?" you asked with confusion.
Apparently, your books didn't teach you everything. David delicately took your hand to pose it on his shaft. He moved your hand back and forth around his length, smirking as if you didn't dare to press your fingers around it, probably in fear of hurting him. He pressed his own fingers around yours to stroke it thrice before feeling ready. He released your hand with a kiss on the back of it, then he placed himself between your legs, surveying your eyes to see any signs of discomfort while he was approaching slowly to your entrance.
"Are you still sure ?" he asked, his eyes darkened with desire.
He didn't know what he would do if you said no, but fortunately for him, you told him you wanted him inside you more than anything, and it was enough to let him enter you in one swift motion. You were so wet that it had been easy. He still for a moment, letting you the time to adjust to his cock. You were so tight that he wasn't sure he could last for long. 
Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his hips, relishing in the warmth of him inside you. When he began to move, you couldn't prevent a soft hiss to escape your lips.
"Are you alright, love ?" he enquired with trepidation.
"Yes... yes," you managed to stutter, "continue," you urged him.
You were in a little pain but you didn't want him to stop. You knew it would ebb away, and indeed, when David carefully removed, then pushed back himself inside you, you felt something new, something you didn't know was there. You moaned softly when he hit your sensitive spot and quickly, you moved your hips in pace with David, meeting him with each thrust. 
Your tight walls contracted around his shaft, making him moan against your neck while your nails scratched his back. 
"[Y/N]," groaned David in a husky tone.
He wouldn't last long, he knew it, yet he was desperate to make you come before him. He left a trail of kisses along your throat until your breasts, then he started to gently bite one of your nipples, making you cry of pleasure.
"David, don't stop please," you begged him.
"[Y/N]... [Y/N]... Haaa... [Y/N]..."
David released inside you with a loud groan, your inside clenching deliciously around him. Breathless, he moved off of you which made you hiss with a mixture of pain and disappointment at the emptiness inside your cunt.
David gave you a lingering kiss, praising you and how well you did. But soon, a doubt came up in his mind.
"[Y/N]," he said while you cuddled up into his arms, "did you come ?"
You hesitated but chose not to lie to him.
"No," you admitted, "but I did the first time," you added quickly in a vain attempt to reassure him. 
"Sorry, love," he said genuinely, really contrite not to have been able to contain himself for a little bit more.  
"It's fine," you said with a sigh of contentment.
"Absolutely not !" he answered sharply, "I swear you would scream my name and you will !"
And with that, as if he was appointed with the highest mission, he hovered above you, kissing your face all over while his thumb found your clit. He delicately circled your little bud while his first finger aptly entered into you, making you moan. He added his middle finger, his thumb still stroking your clitoris and his mouth now sucking one of your nipples, then the other one. 
He scissored you with his fingers, careful to not hurt you after having been inside you. He didn't escape his sharp eyes that you had bled a little bit and again, the simple thought filled his ego with a sort of pride to having claimed you as his. 
Everything was new for both of you. You were discovering the pleasure of the flesh while David was learning how to please you in a new way. It was the first time he dealt with a virgin. Even his wife wasn't one when he started dating her. Therefore, besides being patient and thoughtful with you, he had to discover what excited you, what were your sensitive spots and how to finish you.
He remembered the lovely sound you made when his cock had hit a peculiar point while your inside rippled around him and he tried to find it again. He didn't have to try too hard before you moaned as you did before. 
"Faster... David, please, faster," you managed to say, your eyes closed.
"Open your eyes," he ordered you, "I want to see you when you come."
"David," you moaned again, obeying him.
His hazel eyes dived into your green one, his mouth working hard to leave some bruises on your neck, his fingers thrusting your inside faster, his thumb still playing with your bud of flesh.
"David," you said again, arching your back to push your hips towards his fingers.
"Yes love, let it go," he encouraged you, feeling you were almost done.
You unconsciously slid a tad to the side, permitting him to hit more easily that sensitive spot of yours and, with a more powerful thrust of his two fingers against it, you finally came hard around his fingers.
"DAVID !" you cried out loudly.
A smug on his face, David removed his fingers to hold you tightly against his chest while you slowly came down from your high.
He gently kissed your forehead, looking at you with love.
"How do you feel ?" he asked.
"I'm happy," you answered.
He smiled widely, a smile that no one before had witnessed on his face. 
"Are you sore ?" he asked with concern after he had finished to relish in the afterglow of your encounter. 
When no answer came from you, he looked down and his features softened at the sight of you asleep in his arms. He felt an urge of love, stronger than before, knowing that you felt safe enough to abandon yourself to him in the sheer of a passionate encounter and then to fall soundly asleep between his strong arms. 
With precautions, he moved you to let you lay comfortably against the cushions. He kissed a lingering kiss on your forehead before getting up to go in the bathroom. He cleaned himself with a wet towel, then he came back to you with another one and with precaution, he washed away your cum which had mingled with a bit of blood. 
"I fell asleep," you almost apologised.
"Indeed," David said with a chuckle, "sorry to have awoken you, but I thought you would be more comfortable if I cleaned you."
You gave him a shy smile, aware that as if to prove you hadn't deceived him, you had tainted his white sheets. 
"Do not worry about that," said David following your embarrassed gaze, "I don't care at all."
You smiled more confidently, relishing in the feeling of his callous hands taking care of your pained body.
"Are you hurt ?" asked David who felt you shiver against his touch when he inadvertently brushed the back of his hand against your swelled pussy.
"Yes. But in a good way, so to speak," you reassured him.
"Do you want us to take a hot bath ?"
"No. I just want to stay in your arms. I'm going to fall asleep again," you admitted.
You didn't have to ask twice for him to lay beside you. He pulled you against him, holding you firmly against his chest.
"Thank you, [Y/N]," he whispered against your hair.
"For what ?" you asked sleepily.
"For trusting me. For accepting me entirely. For being mine." 
You looked up at him from your spot, and your hand cupped his cheek. You brushed his light stubble before you straightened up to kiss him. 
"I love you, David."
You leaned back, your head against his chest and his heartbeat lulled you away. David, who suffered from insomnia, stayed awake a little bit longer, taking pleasure to have your sleepy form in his arms. 
For the first time in a long time, he felt more alive than ever. It's been a long time since he had something to lose in his life, but he knew it was what made life more beautiful. And you, definitely, were the most beautiful thing life could have offered to him. 
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updownlately · 10 months
it's been seven minutes (since i lost the girl of my dreams)
| leah williamson x reader | angst | a/n: got this idea earlier today but didn't get the chance to write till now (aka 3:30 am). inspired by 7 minutes by dean lewis (shocker)
It’s been ten months of you both dating before your world comes crashing down. You would've never predicted that a singular text would be the beginning of the end.
Driving to your girlfriend's house at nine pm on a Wednesday night was not in your plans for that day, but you didn't mind- you never minded when it came to Leah, you'd do anything for her.
You could've never predicted the eight words that suckered punched you in the chest soon after your arrival. Upon entering, you'd noticed the awkward tension in the foyer as you were greeted in, the always-confident blonde wringing her hands as she ushered you in, deftly avoiding giving you a greeting kiss. It was only as she brought you to the island, took a handful of deep breaths and started speaking did it all sink in. Unsuccessful in your attempt to swallow the lump in your throat, you felt the blood rush in your ears as the defender spoke, not meeting your eyes.
"I don’t think we were meant for forever"
It's been seven minutes since all your hopes and dreams for the future came tumbling down, ablaze, unable to be saved. Seven minutes since your tears started to silently fall, any attempt to wipe them futile as you tried to ignore Leah's sympathetic look.
Since then you'd been driving around aimlessly for the better part of six minutes- blurred vision, no idea where you were going, no care where you ended up, just as long as you were away from the blonde- far away from the one who just ripped your heart out of your chest and let it fall unceremoniously on the ground, ready to be stomped on.
Five days is how long it took before you even remotely start to feel human again. You’d been through heartbreaks before, of relationships that were much longer, but somehow nothing had ever hurt this bad, this much. None of them had meant anything remotely close to this. You'd finally thought you'd found the one- finally convinced that love did exist, only to be proven wrong, your innocent assumption blowing up in your face.
For you she was forever. You’d come to that conclusion a few months ago, when she had joined you as you sat on the grass, head tossed back, your music playing softly as you let the weight of life crash down upon you. You'd let yourself break in front of her, trusting that she'd catch you, and she did. She caught you, held on tight, picked you up, that is, until she let you fall the remaining way, all by yourself.
It had you silently wondering if she'd ever meant those three words when she'd whisper them to you late in the night. If her promise of I love you ever meant anything to her. Had the words always been as empty as what you felt now?
Two weeks pass before you see her again, your heart clenching in agony as you see her smiling shyly at her phone, a red hue coating her cheeks as one paints your vision. That used to be you, and now it wasn't, and you'd be lying if you said that your heart wasn't wrenching in pain, chest constricting so tight you feared you'd forget how to breathe. So caught up in your love, you'd never stepped back to see if it was reciprocated, and you couldn't help but feel like an idiot now.
It's why one month later you’re signing your papers for your transfer, the new year the perfect time for a new you, a fresh start.
If love wasn't meant for you, then so be it. If it's what the universe had planned for you, then you weren't going to let someone break your heart again. It's why zero was the number of times you'd let yourself love again, heart locked away for good, walls up higher than anyone could ever climb.
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veritas-scribblings · 4 months
coin - @bartylusmicrofic - words: 513
They were always together, even when they weren’t.
It was known, acknowledged without drawing attention to it, that Regulus was the only one Barty would listen to and that Barty was the only one who could be within arms reach of Regulus without losing a limb. Everyone knew to call Regulus when Barty was doing something he probably shouldn’t be doing. No-one called Barty when Regulus was doing something he shouldn’t be doing, though, because Barty was an enabler.
Pandora had always thought that they had some sort of intangible connection between them. 
Barty and Regulus could speak without words. They simply knew things about each other, and no one could ever work out how they’d arrived at the same conclusion, how they could predict what each other would say or do, had inside information without needing to check in with one another. 
It was beautiful, Pandora had thought. Barty was loud and extravagant where Regulus was quiet and reserved. Barty was passionate and creative and chaotic where Regulus was diligent and systematic and thorough. They were extensions of one another’s soul. Two sides of the same coin. They were both highly intelligent, both just a little bit dark, both rather damaged and missing parts of themselves that should have been filled in by loving families and loving homes. 
Barty and Regulus were made for one another, created and brought onto this Earth to be together. It was the only reason Pandora could ever think of as to why they just slotted so neatly against each other, reflecting one another in ways that had seemed so perfect. 
Call her naive. Call her foolish. Call her romantic. Everyone at Hogwarts did. Perhaps you just had to be there; one of the few people they would let into their little bubble. 
The switch in Barty and Regulus’s dynamic had happened slowly over time. Pandora had watched from the sidelines, knowing that it was happening long before they’d worked it out for themselves. It had been a painful time, as, for two highly intelligent people, they’d been so incredibly clueless that it was startling. A side effect, she had eventually decided, of the fact that they’d been always been so covertly physical and intimate with one another (a necessary protection from other students’ prejudices). So comfortable in one another’s personal space that they hadn’t seemed otherwise realise that their touches had started turning from platonic to…not quite so platonic. 
‘Leave them alone,’ Evan had said to her. Like any speculation on the matter was an invasion of their sacred space, and Evan was guarding dragon and protector. 
Pandora liked to think that Barty and Regulus eventually worked it out, that they’d realised they were more than friends. Perhaps even that they were more than lovers; they were something special. Evan would know. He had been there in the middle of it all when everything in their lives had gotten so very dark, and hopefully he had continued to guard the sacred space. 
In a perfect world, perhaps, they had it all and might have kept it all.
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ilguna · 12 days
☼ lovestruck, lovesick, lovelorn pt3 (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; it turns out finnick has a lot of pent up thoughts that he’s having a hard time showing properly. at first, it seems like he can’t get enough time with you, then he begins to retreat back to his original demeanor, the one you know the best.
warnings; swearing, death mention, torture and strangulation mention, prostitution mention.
wc; 4.5k
notes; highly requested!!
part one, part two.
While District Thirteen seemed to be perfect by the way it was described to you, it has got to be one of the more frustrating places you’ve had the displeasure of visiting. You understand their concept of total equality to ensure fairness, but with it being taken to this extreme—you’re being driven up a wall.
To start, there’s no such thing as individuality, it’s basically a crime to suggest it. And it’s becoming a difficult pill to swallow with each rejection. You come from a Career district, one that’s known for its diversity. As you were growing up, especially in your teenage years, you were taught how to stick out just enough to make heads turn.
You’ve been using it to your advantage for years now, mainly in the Capitol. You tend to tone it down at home, because there’s no reason to stir the pot and draw attention to yourself when you’d like peace and quiet. It’s almost crazy how quick people jump to conclusions when there’s nothing going on.
It’s almost the same here. With how secluded Thirteen is from the rest of the world, all it took was you and the three other victors arriving for conversation to begin. You can’t remember how many times you were stopped your first time out of the hospital by curious minds.
Anyway, in Thirteen, you’re not allowed to wear anything besides the grey jumpsuit they’ve provided. Unless, of course, you’re a patient in their hospital. Then, you get to wear one of their itchy white gowns you also can’t take off. It took hours of begging the nursing staff for them to finally relent on the rule. And the best they could do for you was the jumpsuit. 
At this point, you’d give anything for a simple outfit. As well as a meal that isn’t pre-portioned based on your age, height, weight and muscle mass. There’s been countless times where you’ve asked Greasy Sae to give you a bigger portion on your tray, only to be told that what you have is what you get.
It doesn’t matter who you talk to, everyone refuses to believe you when you tell them you’re still hungry. They’re so set on trying to take away free will, they forget you’re not used to living this way. It’s not normal to have your entire day’s schedule printed on your forearm for you to follow by the hour. It’s weird.
They didn’t have you start with a schedule as soon as you arrived, though. After being rescued from the Capitol alongside Johanna, Annie and Peeta, you were immediately taken into the care of the hospital. Almost a month later, they still haven’t fully released you from their custody.
It might have something to do with your adjusting period, and the fact they’re comparing you to the other three. With Annie, she was able to communicate they didn’t harm her, so she was given the option to leave the hospital first. As for Johanna, she’s the same person she’s always been, the aggression just threw them off, so they kept her for a week longer than they should’ve.
As for Peeta, he’s on the extreme end. Upon seeing Katniss, he tried to kill her, which put the doctors under the impression that not everything is what they seem. That’s why they insisted on keeping Johanna until Haymitch could confirm that’s just her personality.
When it comes to you, the bright lights of Thirteen’s hospital were almost identical to the ones in the Tribute Center. They had you strapped to a chair underneath a big light in the middle of the room. It was shining directly into your eyes, all hours of the day. The only time you got a break from it was when you’d pass out from the lack of oxygen.
It took some convincing, but eventually the doctors got through to you that you are safe in their care. All lights in your room were promptly changed from white to yellow, and then they were either dimmed heavily or off completely from then on. 
As soon as you started showing signs of normalcy, you were given the option to wander the hospital wing. And when they wanted to start implementing you into their way of life, they tried to give you one of those arm stamps. You followed it for… maybe the first three days before Katniss told you it’s a bunch of bullshit.
You didn’t care for it much after that.
Honestly, that might be one of the main reasons why they continue to keep you in the hospital, instead of moving you to one of their pods, like they did with Finnick and Katniss. Apparently, they were both kept here for a while following the arena rescue. Finnick couldn’t function properly from the shock, so he wasn’t in any shape to be making decisions about his care.
The same goes for Katniss, just worse. Haymitch caught you up on her behavior, because you were curious about how she was compared to Finnick. From the sounds of it, the weight of everything that had happened hit her hard. Including the fact Peeta was no longer around for her to fiercely protect, he was in the hands of the Capitol.
You can’t imagine how painful it was for her to get Peeta back, only for him to be unrecognizable. In the few times you’ve talked to him recently—because he doesn’t have a violent reaction when he sees you—you can tell by the way he holds himself that there is something severely broken in him. 
He does not have the same softness he used to. The Capitol was successful in breaking him. 
Peeta seems to be getting better over time, though. He’s not nearly as violent as he used to be when he talks about Katniss now, but it’s still nowhere near positive. It’s just tolerance. Plutarch has been working over calls with scientists in Three on ways they can reverse the hijacking.
Every time you sit in on a meeting in the Control room, he can’t help himself when he makes jabs at you when it comes to Beetee’s death. As if you were the one that missed blocking the knife, not Finnick. And you don’t say that to blame Finnick, you’re just confused on how that was your mistake, when you couldn’t have helped prevent it.
You never feel the need to defend yourself with Plutarch, he’s not worth your energy, you did everything they asked of you. Besides, if you’re sitting in on a meeting, so is Finnick. He’s jumped to your defense plenty of times, he has no issue shutting down Plutarch when he’s making shit up. 
Speaking of Finnick, it’s a weird adjustment with him, too. If you had told yourself last year that Finnick would be defending you to other people, instead of helping them tear you down, you might’ve peed yourself from laughing so hard. Finnick swore to you, and Mags and everyone else who would listen that he would never change his mind about you. It’s funny how things have worked out.
You’re really glad you two have been able to move on from that point. You’ve known Finnick for a long time—ten whole years. If he hadn’t been so set on making you an enemy after your Games, you’re sure that the two of you would’ve been best friends. It makes you curious on how the Capitol would’ve perceived you in that case, would it have made your situation with Snow worse?
Either way, your feelings about Finnick have been the same for a while, even years before the Quarter Quell. You’ll admit there were times where you lost your patience, and dropped down to his level of disrespect. Which definitely didn’t help with the way he decided to treat you, only justified it.
All it took was Mags telling him the truth about how you’ve allowed the Capitol to treat you, something you confessed to her ages ago. You can still remember the look of horror on her face when you got into the details, and the way it smoothed over when you said you’d made an offer to Snow to take more nights for Finnick. 
Mags was truly a sweetheart. Besides Finnick’s family, she was the only other person who was able to see things correctly. And she was incredibly wise when it came to important secrets. When you told her about the Capitol, you said she could do what she wanted with the information. You assumed she would go and tell Finnick when she got the chance, a part of you had hoped it would shake him.
Nothing came of it, of course, until a couple weeks ago when Finnick told you she’d finally told him your secret. You loathed Mags for at least a week, all you could think was, “A little too late, don’t you think?” But as soon as you had a conversion with Haymitch about it, he reminded you that she did it on purpose. 
Mags waited for the perfect time to tell him, and you suspect it had to be on the night of the interviews, before you all went to bed. It would make him hesitate in the arena, see your opinion from a different angle. It made him trust you, despite the years of hatred that had been leading him prior. 
What really sealed it for him was when you risked your life to make sure his family was safe in the Capitol. Finnick’s told you countless times since you started talking to him, that he’ll never be able to make it up to you. You don’t know how many times you’ve told him that you don’t want him to. 
He’s doing enough now. In fact, he’s doing more than you expected from him. At first, it started with the two of you hanging around each other, going around District Thirteen, getting lunch and dinner together. You thought you’d be friends at most, until the two of you got caught in your feelings.
Johanna’s been making fun of you ever since she found out.
She’s currently laying backward on her hospital bed, using the pillows to keep her legs elevated and feet pressed against the wall. The hospital is beginning to drive her crazy, especially the nurses. It doesn’t help that the doctor she was assigned refuses to discharge her. She’s stuck here, like you.
Johanna’s gently rubbing her head, a habit she picked up recently. It’s not that she necessarily misses her hair, she just claims that it helps her think. She hasn’t been talking as much as she first did when you got here. It’s probably because she was able to get all of her thoughts out when she was talking to you while you were unable to respond. Everything she had kept bottled inside was let out over the course of three weeks.
It was actually fairly interesting to get inside of her head. She has good advice when it’s not clouded by anger. You’ve been meaning to ask her some questions, regarding Finnick. You’ve already picked the brains of Katniss and Haymitch, and they gave you answers that weren’t exactly thrilling to hear.
Lately, Finnick hasn’t been acting like the person he’s grown to be in Thirteen. In fact, he’s starting to revert back to how he used to be. The mean, distrustful man that could barely stand your presence in a room. But he’s inconsistent about it. Sometimes he’ll brush you off and make snide remarks, and others he’ll be kind and loving.
Haymitch wasn’t helpful, asking you if you were sure he wasn’t getting closer to Annie, like he’d been before the Quarter Quell. You told him that it couldn’t be possible because Finnick has never had feelings for Annie. It has something to do with the fact that she was too focused on her health to consider a relationship with anybody. Let alone Finnick, who had a number of problems from the Capitol. Not to mention, her parents are strict about her life.
Annie is out of the question.
Katniss had a better idea, mostly because she’s going through a similar situation with Peeta right now.  She suggested that Finnick could be acting like that because he’s confused. He had a wave of euphoria when he saw you were okay, after sacrificing so much for him. He’s been given the opportunity to make things right, but now he’s confused because he’s not used to these types of feelings about you.
This could be why he’s acting out.
The only other person you want to hear from right now is Johanna. Finnick still talks to her as much as she talks to you, which is almost all hours of the day. You’re hoping he’s said something to her recently that might give you an idea of what’s going on in his head. Or even the answer entirely.
“Hey, Johanna?” You ask.
She hums, hand pausing. “(Y/n), if you try talking to me about breaking out of this place again, you better fall through with the plan this time.”
You roll your eyes. “In my defense, I asked Coin to clear us to go outside, but she said that only Katniss and Gale are allowed to go. They hunt.”
“Sure they do. I bet they think of ways to escape, too.”
“It’s Katniss.” You agree, playing with your shoe on the floor. 
Thirteen’s shoes are unsurprisingly uncomfortable. If it were allowed, you’d walk around in your socks. You tried once, and then you got sent back to the hospital to get them. You were escorted the entire way here to make sure you wouldn’t disobey. 
“What’s your question?” Johanna asks.
You press your lips together briefly. “Have you noticed that Finnick’s acting kinda weird lately?”
Johanna doesn’t move for a second. “Weird how?”
“I mean, he’s not acting like he normally does. I think…” Your face screws. “I think he’s going back to how he used to treat me.” You look up to see her. “Has he talked to you about how he feels at all?”
Johanna doesn’t respond, so you take this as her thinking.
“If it helps, Katniss said it could be because he’s confused.” You offer, shrugging. “Haymitch said it was Annie, but that can’t be true, right?”
She looks impressed, rubs her head once or twice, and then turns to look at you. “Of course brainless is smarter than the drunk.”
“Katniss is right?” You ask.
Johanna sighs, “No, she didn’t get it exactly.” She rolls her eyes. “Listen, I told Finnick that he’s being stupid about this, but he didn’t care. He’s caught up in his head.”
“What are you talking about?”
“(Y/n), he’s told me that he doesn’t think he deserves you after the way he treated you. He said that it’s clear that you’re the better person, and he’s nothing but an asshole.” She shakes her head. “He wants to end things with you.”
“What?” You ask, getting to your feet. “When did he tell you this?”
“Last week, I think.” Johanna stares blankly at the ceiling.
“Why didn’t you tell me? We see each other every day.”
“I thought he wasn’t going through with it. If he did, you’d bring it up to me.” She makes a face. “I’ve been trying to tell him to knock it off.”
“Johanna, what did he say exactly?” You sit back down on the stool, trying to calm down.
She sighs, closing her eyes. “He said it had something to do with your generosity. You know, the whole Capitol thing. He’s hearing a lot of good things about you from Haymitch, and I think that’s freaking him out.” She starts to pick at one of the scabs she refuses to let heal. “I think he said that he didn’t understand the way you worked, and now he feels stupid about it.”
“The way I worked?”
“Like your ulterior motives.” She explains. “How you do one thing and it benefits you later on, but it looks bad from the outside. Finnick said that you have a heart of gold and it took you getting tortured for him to feel that way. He feels selfish.”
Your eyes dart to the clock, wondering what time it is. The hospital’s curfew will go into effect in a couple of hours. They don’t like it when their patients are out past a certain time, they have a routine when it comes to gathering vitals.
“I’ve got to go.” You say suddenly, bending down to pull your shoes on.
“Where?” Johanna asks, twisting to sit up.
“I need to talk to Finnick, now.” You tell her, standing up. “I’ll see you later.”
You leave her room before she can stop you. You’re a few steps down the hall when you hear the automatic door swish shut. Finnick could be anywhere in the bunker, but he’s been hanging out in the Control Room a lot recently.
You go there first. Down the hospital hall, up six floors on the elevator, down a muggy hallway and up to the door. When you knock, no one answers. It isn’t until you’re pounding on the door, does it swing open, to a very irritated President Coin.
“Can I help you, miss (L/n)?” She asks, eyebrows turn down. “We’re in the middle of a meeting.”
“Is Finnick inside?” You ask. “It’s urgent.”
“No, I have not seen him. Try Heavensbee.” She goes to swing the door shut.
You place your foot in the crack before she can shut it entirely, and regret it almost instantly from how hard she was going to slam the door. Coin opens the door wider, lips pressed together.
“Where would I find him?” You ask.
“The basement. He was working in the weapons shop.”
She then kicks your foot out of the way, pulling the door shut. You roll your eyes at her behavior, she hasn’t been the kindest person to you since you arrived. You think Plutarch’s convinced her it’s your fault Beetee’s dead. One day you’ll give him a piece of your mind, but today won’t be it.
You leave the hallway, finding the elevator again. It’s old, which means it moves slowly. It takes almost fifteen minutes for it to go all the way down to the basement, because of the other people getting on and off. 
By the time you get there, Plutarch’s locking the doors. “Have you seen Finnick?”
He looks over his shoulder to see it’s you, and then goes back to fixing the lock. “I haven’t. I’ve been on a call with a scientist for the past hour working on weapon plans because we don’t have any experts here.”
You suck in a breath, reminding yourself not to react. “Do you have any idea who might’ve seen him? It’s important.”
“Did you try Haymitch?” He suggests lamely.
“Where would he be?” 
“The rehabilitation center. Where else?” He shakes his head.
You don’t say anything back to him, because all responses would be rude. You leave him there, heading back to the elevator. By the time you get it programmed for the rehab center, Plutarch is in sight. He holds out his hand to tell you to stop, but you press the button while looking away, pretending as if you didn’t see him. 
Maybe he should be nicer to you.
The rehab center is closer, and their curfew is stricter. If Finnick is here, then he’s only in the visiting area. It’s a shame that Haymitch is still required to stay here instead of a pod, but he really pissed off Coin. He was joking about smuggling alcohol from Greasy Sae, and she was having none of it.
When the elevator stops, you program it to go up a few floors before being allowed to go back down. Anything you can do to inconvenience Plutarch. When you get inside of the center, they have you sign a sheet, and then they put you in the waiting room while they call out the person. As soon as they have you sit down, you know Finnick isn’t here, either, because they would’ve just directed you to the visiting area.
Haymitch comes out, as messy looking as ever, with a beanie pulled to his eyebrows. “Hey, kid. Curfew’s soon.”
“I know. Hey, has Finnick been here?”
He shakes his head. “Peeta’s a good guess. Finnick’s been trying to do exposure therapy.”
“At the hospital?” You ask. “I would’ve seen him.”
Haymitch blows air out from his cheeks. “Katniss?”
“That’s a better idea.” You nod, “I should’ve tried her first instead of Coin. I’m sorry I can’t stay, the hospital’s curfew is in an hour.”
Haymitch waves his hand. “Good luck.”
You wave, leaving out the waiting room door. The lady at the office bids you a goodnight, and then promptly shuts off the office lights. There’s a click that fills the air from the locking system, making you let out a quiet laugh. What a passive-aggressive way to tell you that you were overstaying your welcome. 
On the elevator again, you take it up to where Katniss’s pod should be with her family. Just her, her mom, Primrose and their cat. When you get there, you knock on the door. It’s only a second before Katniss’s mother opens it with a warm smile. 
“Oh, hello (Y/n).”
“Hi.” You smile, “Is Katniss here?”
“No, I believe she’s down in the cafeteria with Gale and Finnick.” 
You hum, eyebrows drawing together. “Thank you.” You begin to back away. “Have a good night.”
“Is there a message you’d like to leave?”
“No, I’m actually looking for Finnick.” You shrug. 
She nods. “Have a good night.”
The door shuts, you turn around and get back to the elevator, where you’re forced to wait twenty minutes. The clock on the wall isn’t helping the rising anxiety in your stomach, you’ve only got enough time to check the cafeteria before you have to get back to the hospital. He better be down there. 
You guess you could try again tomorrow, but you want to have a conversation tonight. The longer you wait, the more it settles into his head. What if he spends the entire day dodging you?
The elevator arrives full of residents trying to get back home. You step on, and being the only one inside, you’re able to head straight down without any disruptions. It’s a quick trip down, but you have to go down the hallway to even get to the cafeteria. 
You push the swinging door open with your hip. The room is illuminated by the few tv’s on the pillars, they’re stuck on the Capitol logo. In the daytime, Thirteen usually will let the Capitol broadcasts play. The people here see them as a comedy.
Sure enough, Katniss and Gale are inside, and they turn at the sound of the door. There is no Finnick in sight, but that doesn’t mean he’s not nearby. 
“Hey, (Y/n).” Katniss adjusts her body to turn halfway so she doesn’t have to crane her neck. “Looking for Finnick?”
“Yes, actually.” You nod. “Have you seen him recently?”
“He just left and took the stairs up to the hospital to talk to Johanna before the curfew set.” 
Your face twists. “Johanna?”
“If you take the elevator, you might be able to catch him.” She says.
“Right.” You agree, “Sorry for interrupting.”
Gale opens his mouth, Katniss speaks first. “It wasn’t even important. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye.” You wave, leaving the doorway.
You jog back down the hall to get to the elevator quicker. As soon as you press the button, the doors peel apart, allowing you to get inside. You’re briefly hopeful this trip won’t take longer than a minute, except you run into the same problem as earlier, with people stepping on with every passing floor.
By the time you get to the hospital, it’s past curfew. Finnick always leaves on time.
A wild goose chase for nothing. It’s like Finnick knew you were coming, so he avoided you at all costs. You don’t want to go back to how things used to be between you two. It was painful, knowing there was nothing you could do to fix it. You just had to let it go, like you will now. Except, you’re stuck in this stupid bunker with him, meaning you’ll never get away. 
Tears appear in your eyes. You suck in a breath, holding it, tilting your head back to force the tears back to where they came. It doesn’t work, they slide down the sides of your eyes, traveling down your cheeks.
You let out the breath, and take in a shaky one. It isn’t long before the crying starts. You have to stop in the hallway before you enter the hospital wing, because if they see you upset, they’re going to put you on medical lockdown. This thought alone increases the hysteria.
You slide down the concrete wall, burying your face in your hands while you cry. Ten years you’ve waited just to be his friend, and he’s going to take it all away on the thought he’s not a good person? When it’s clearly not true? He’s sacrificed just as much as you have to get here.
You’ve told him this. Why won’t he listen?
“(Y/n)?” You whip your head up to see Finnick, a frown on his face. “Oh, honey.”
“You—” The word is strangled as another sob overcomes you at the sight of him, finally.
Finnick rushes over, coming to a crouch in front of you. You jerk forward, throwing your arms around him for a hug, squeezing him tightly. Finnick pulls you closer, placing a hand on the back of your head to keep your face in his chest.
“I’m so sorry.” He murmurs, shushing you gently. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not!” You protest through your tears. “You want to leave me!”
He doesn’t say anything, his grip only tightens.
“Finnick, I don’t care. I don’t care that you were mean to me in the past, because it didn’t bother me. I wouldn’t be talking to you if I didn’t want to be with you. How could you have known better if no one told you? It’s not your fault.”
“I should’ve seen the signs. If I had gotten to know you better, maybe I would’ve realized. I was so mean to you.”
“We were mean to each other.” You tell him, playing with his hair. “We did good things on our own time. You’re a good person, Finnick. You’re not bad for what’s happened between us in the past.”
You push him away from you to see his face, finding tears in his own eyes. You cup each side of his face, pulling him to your lips. Finnick’s hand slides its way to the back of your neck, holding you against him for a few seconds longer.
When you pull back, you wipe a tear from beneath his eye. “Let’s just focus on us right now, okay?”
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liquidstar · 7 months
wait speaking of getting isekia'd via truck, a couple weeks back me and a friend on were talking abt portal fantasy/isekai tropes (mostly bc i was infodumping abt rz again), and it made me think abt a fun concept for an ocverse. tho its possible similar things have been done obvs with just how inflated the genre is, just hear me out OK
story starts in the normal world, with a typical Nerdy Guy going about his daily life, expositing about how he feels bored and longs for adventure and magic, just like in all of his favorite media. as he's crossing the street, distracted by his mobile game, he doesn't notice The Truck(tm) coming straight towards him. except he's not hit by it- he's pushed out of the way in the last second, saved by a passing girl who gets hit in his place. this is who the story is about now.
mc gets sent to that sort of intermediary dimension that some isekai have, where she meets the Goddess Lady or whatever that was in charge of the whole isekai situation. goddess lady proceeds to freak out, because she nabbed the wrong person, and she's going to be in SO MUCH TROUBLE. she starts questioning the mc, only to find out that this kid has a good social life, does well in school, is in sports, and has barely ever played a video game. basically the opposite of the socially introverted, underachieving, repressed, genre-aware guy she was supposed to have reincarnated. for the sake of fulfilling somekinda hero prophesy or whatever. and the mc kinda bargains to be sent to the fantasy world anyway bc, well, its that or death i guess. so the two of them kinda have to team up to course-correct this mix-up.
mc is kinda given a list of tasks to do that basically mirror how a typical story like this Would Go, expected to fall in line with the tropes in order to achieve the ultimate goal, but kinda ends up failing at all of them... or not? failing backwards, maybe. doing it in a way different from how its meant to go- using the wrong formula, but somehow getting the right solution. while sort of continuing to question the insanity of the whole situation, and the nature of this whole fantasy world. just fucking up all the tropes.
but a layer i'd wanna add on top of all that is the fact that the hero prophesy (or whatever) called for a man. so upon arriving to this new world, the mc is basically put into a "gender swapped" body and... doesnt seem to mind. this isnt an uncommon isekai trope either, but i hardly see it tackled with much care to really explore whole Gender Thing beyond gags about the "mismatch" (which can be in poor taste) or the conclusion that "well because their Body is now this gender, their gender identity changes to match" which i feel is a pretty shallow and binary take-away to draw abt bodies and identity.
but i think there can be more to explore w the prospect if you actually wanna get into gender stuff. in this case, i'd particularly wanna get into the idea of imposter syndrome. the main character was not MEANT to be... the main character. seen as a phony fighting tooth and nail to meet expectations, and constantly fumbling. not a real hero, or a real man. but its meant to be an act anyway, so why does that bother her? it was like that back on earth too, trying as hard as possible to be the perfect girl. a good social life, does well in school, is in sports.... but that good girl thing always felt fake too. or desperate. what was she trying to prove? how long as this BEEN bothering her, actually? why does it feel easier to breathe in this body, despite everything? the way this whole act makes her happy is scary, because its fake isn't it? but wait, which part was fake? the before or after? is it all fake? isn't this all just a mistake?
was it really a mistake? who is more heroic; a guy too focused on a mobile game to pay attention to those around him, or the person who risked their life to save a stranger? but the hero prophesy was for a "man," right? what does that even mean?
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rivangel · 5 months
Bad Boy week Day 5
Theme: underground Prompt: stray cats/dogs
wc: 0.7k c/w: character study, angsty
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Levi wants to be one of them.
Swift. They can cover a distance twice or even thrice the length of their bodies in a single lunge. Even if he was snuck up on, he wants to look like nothing but thin air the next thing his attacker knows. Get away, get ahead.
Agile. Balanced, perfected. They—and he's seen it—can cross clotheslines suspended between roofs, allowing them to traverse the most cramped and most dangerous halls of the Underground gracefully. He would never fall, but in the nightmarish scenario that he did, it wouldn't mean a thing because he'd always land properly on his feet. That's how they all are.
He wants to be a warrior. Lethal, sharp. It's impossible to be infallible, but he'd make everyone think that of him. A hunter, with terrifying efficiency who'd never hesitate. He'd fell would-be threats before they even got the inkling they were being followed. His strength would be unassuming, and he wouldn't play pretend about his friendliness (of which there'd be none). Like them, small, but mighty.
Not for the thrill, though. To eat, he thinks, for comparison's sake...
He once witnessed it, as he was deliberating whether to smash a jar of corn kernels open or find a way to open it, because his hand was too small to grip the tin lid. A cat, crouched low at the top of some wood stairs. The mouse had lingered below. He watched, willing the skinny thing's focus to break.
It didn't. The cat fell upon it from fifteen feet. The next thing he (or the mouse) knew, it was trapped in its jaws. The mouse squeaked, how a person would scream then its neck cracked, and it died instantly.
He didn't look into the cat's vacant, expressionless dark eyes as it ripped into the mouse with razor-like teeth, and ate heartily.
He once saw a cat poke its head throw a jagged gap in a fence no wider than Levi's little finger, and slip the rest of its lanky body through.
He can fit into little cramped spaces, at least. The spaces between walls, and the crawlspaces underneath porches, inside covered wheelbarrows (if he needed to get someplace he shouldn't be seen). He can hide, at least.
But that's nothing. That's like being dead. For as silent as he could be, as much that he had to strain to hear himself take sips of air, sometimes a scream appeared in his chest, the way things disappear into your peripheral vision until you remember they're there do. It was fine in the beginning, but sometimes all he wants to do is breathe in everything terrible—all the air the Underground has—and explode his lungs. He's nervous about the day that might arrive in which screaming would be all he can do.
Hiding in silence... That's what he's doing now. Among spiderwebs and crusty wood-dust in darkness as encompassing as his spot is small: a tiny crevice between the top of a wall and where the slant of the roof begins.
He curls up as small as he can, tucked into a ball, thinking of them again despite the primal need to sleep muddying said thoughts.
Death would be easier, he knows that's an objective fact. So surviving... Why should he? Why does he?
The same conclusion never fails to infuse in him infallible strength.
Because Mama brought him into this world. And what strength that took... To be kind in a place that would rape and take that from you because it sees it inside of you. She was a shimmery ember in a cave of darkness, which to him shown like the light of a thousand suns. He doesn't need to see the sun to know that she was brighter.
Because of her it once, later on occurred to him that fighting and dancing are almost the same thing. He'd never stopped to wonder stupid things like that, but Mama sometimes swayed.
Who is he to be ungrateful to her sacrifices, or to Kenny's vehement efforts for that matter?
He wants to survive.
In an unfair advantage, cats have nine lives (or that's what he's heard). Humans only get one.
He'll become so strong that he might as well, too.
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nyctophiliq · 2 months
young agents in love:
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the first time you went over to deal business with solomon reed as the newest consultant of his and the fia, you came across a girl who seemed to be lost in her own world, or rather the network, judging by the netrunning chair she settled in during most of your visit. you were quick to learn however that she could push your buttons faster than any kind of higher-ranking agent who was trying to get through to you before forcing your hand and making you join the agency.
“reed will just take a moment.” you nodded at her words, one of the few times that the two of you actually exchanged words and you didn’t just stare at her like some freak. you stood to the side, letting her walk past you with ease and get back into her chair. but you couldn’t ignore how you didn’t hear the click of her gear so you turned back to face her and noticed she was staring at the box in your hand.
“what’s that?” it took her a second to build up the courage to ask, but sure enough she did and even a blind person could see that you were once an animal from dogtown with the way your chrome glowed with the neon streaks under the dim lights of the room. dead giveaway, you couldn’t even deny it.
you shrugged, “a gift, where i come from we don’t arrive without a little something.” yes, dogtown had its own little traditions, so to speak, that is to mention that most of the time the gifts back home were bombs or other lethal objects that were made to harm the receiver. everyone jumped to conclusions about what your intentions were when you stepped outside of dogtown, but in reality, they were all harmless.
you could bet she was thinking you were here by mistake, looking to score a deal with the wrong people, or a chrome up that you wanted to cheat the system to get. the look on her face told you though that she wasn’t satisfied with your answer at all, so you followed it up just to get her off your ass, “it’s a shard, something reed has been looking for and i got it for him.” she hummed after you explained then you heard the click and she was gone.
every time you visited you were interrogated by so mi (you also learned her name over the course of your many visits) about your ‘gifts’ and why you turned up in the hideout time and time again. you always told her, you were here because solomon reed asked you to be and little details about the shards and other kinds of gifts that you brought.
today was probably the last time you visited the hideout after months, getting wind of that the fia is sending solomon on his way to take on another mission. your only quest was to get enough information and maybe ‘bribe’ your contacts (as once you were thought by kurt hansen himself) for intel, telling them that you were still with the barghest but in reality, you were dropping the wire on how to infiltrate various points of interest.
“this is my last visit here, thought i would bring something for my favorite netrunner.” your walls slowly crumbled down, all assumptions getting lost in the fog of your mind and heart growing closer to the netrunner.
so mi was hesitant of accepting the wrapped gift from your offering hand. “trust me it wasn’t easy to shit something like this out, you wanna take it.” she didn’t have to know how hard it was to gather just one little shard with all the stuff she wished for, this is when you need to thank reed before never seeing him ever again for helping.
“i… um…” her voice shook with uncertainty, gazing at the shard between your fingers. “i don’t know what to say.” so mi breathed.
“then…” you start, biting your tongue to slow yourself down before muttering some nonsense. “what if i ask the big guy to let you out? for lunch or dinner, we could make it a date…” you made a mess of your feelings at the end there, slipped up but it could have ended a lot worse than it actually did.
“a date sounds perfect.” so mi said, not having too much luck with trying to hold back the smile that crept up on her face as she stepped up to you. her hands landed on your shoulders, tip-toeing up so your faces were right in front of each other, just inches away. too fast…
she quickly pulled away, muttering an apology for her sudden moves. you assured her she didn’t do anything wrong. “kid, come on inside.” you heard reed call out. you looked over your shoulder before looking back at so mi and leaning in to press a gentle kiss on her rosy cheek.
“something to make sure you won’t stand me up.” you turned on your heels, and now the composed and serious ex-barghest walked inside the office she knew very well. you could jump out of your skin over so mi saying yes to your date later, and work out some other details (like how you two are both agents and the guys on the eighth floor didn’t really find that a good idea) even after that.
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a/n: i always wanted to write something for songbird and now that I am easing into this blurb or drabble style I got going on right now I thought why not cook up something for the best netrunner in the world? i hope you guys liked it and thank you for reading !!!
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withacapitalp · 2 years
I won’t wish to be yours (or for you to be mine)
Read it on ao3
Second Part
Eddie was never going to be able to stay. 
Logically, Steve understood that. He understood it, and he agreed. No matter what the government tried to spin, no matter what Hopper told them, the people of Hawkins thought Eddie was a murderer. A boy like Eddie had been guilty since the first day he arrived, and this was the inevitable conclusion. 
Still, there was knowing he was eventually going to leave, and then there was watching Eddie put the last boxes in his van and cling on tight to his uncle.
July 14th. Eddie had stayed ten days past 4th of July. Just long enough to make sure they were all going to be okay on the first anniversary. It was kind. It was thoughtful. 
It made Steve wish he knew how to hate him. 
“Okay, so as long as you stick to your timetable, you should get to Chicago by tonight. You have a reservation at this hotel already, so try to get there around check in time, okay? They even have parking in the back,” Nancy rattled off, handing Eddie a thick folder of papers. 
When Eddie had told the five of them he was leaving, she had launched into research mode. It was the way she coped, and it was productive. In just one month she had managed to put together a full dossier of the exact route Eddie had to take to get to New York, even found him a few garages outside of the city in towns where no one would have ever heard his name. 
“Thanks, Drew,” Eddie said with a grin, patting Wayne twice on the shoulder and dragging Nancy into a hug, “Actually, thanks to all of you. You guys have been super helpful.” 
They had been. Nancy planned, Jonathan had started putting together an album of all the pictures he had taken, Argyle began cultivating the perfect stash for Eddie to bring with him, and Robin made about a dozen mixtapes of ‘real music’ for him to listen to. 
Steve had grieved. 
He hadn’t done a damn thing to help or make this process easier. Robin had done her best to try and make things better, she always did, but it didn't help that she was also leaving in less than a month. All of them were. Off to colleges all across the country, while Steve stayed here all by himself. 
He was supposed to at least be able to keep Eddie. But Steve never really got to keep good things, so he should have expected this. 
He turned away from the rest so they wouldn’t see the scowl on his face, kicking at some of the weeds stubbornly poking out from the gravel outside of Wayne’s trailer. The kids had already come by to say their goodbyes, leaving before they had to watch Eddie go. They had offered for Steve to come with them, and he should have taken it. It had felt wrong at the moment to be the only teen to not be there to wish Eddie farewell, but now Steve felt like his world was collapsing, and he just wanted to go home. 
Never mind that his home was standing about 20 feet away from him, laughing with the rest of his friends. Never mind that his home was leaving for good, never to return, and Steve was probably never going to see him again. 
“Hey, easy on the flowers,” Eddie said with a laugh, pulling away from the rest. He squatted low, picking the dandelion and examining it, “Still looks good,” 
Steve hummed, unable to make words come. 
“Make a wish,” Eddie whispered, holding the fuzzy flower up to Steve’s lips. He took a sharp breath in, hating the way his chest felt like it was about to cave in. 
I wish the people in this town would fuck off so you didn’t have to go. 
I wish everything would just stay exactly as it is. 
I wish you would stay. 
I wish I wasn’t so selfish. 
I wish I knew how to tell you I love you. 
Because he did. Steve loved Eddie in a way he thought he was never going to be able to love again. He loved Eddie so much it hurt, and he had started to think that Eddie might even love him right back, but then it had all broken down. 
Now Eddie was going, and Steve had missed his chance. 
Steve banished all of those stupid greedy thoughts, pulling away just enough to blow out a heavy short gust, watching the seeds dance away, merrily floating across the trailer park, unaware they carried no wishes with them. 
“What’d you wish for?” Eddie asked. 
Steve let himself look at Eddie. Really, honestly, look. He memorized the wave of Eddie’s curls, and the long slow slope of his nose. Steve mentally sketched out the sharp jawline, and the way his eyes sparkled. He committed it all to a place in his brain where Eddie could stay young and beautiful forever. 
That was the Eddie Steve could love forever, that was the Eddie that would stay. 
He could let this one go. 
“That you’d be happy, wherever you’re going,” He whispered, pulling Eddie into a far too tight hug. He rested his chin on Eddie’s shoulder and closed his eyes, dragging in a long breath and savoring the smell of Eddie’s cheap, terrible, 2-in-1 shampoo conditioner. 
Eddie held him back just as tight, his forehead nestled in Steve’s neck. 
“I’m gonna call. Every day,” He promised, and Steve forced down the scoff that wanted to come up. 
That’s what everyone always said. I’ll call, I’ll write, we won’t lose touch. It never happened. His own parents hadn’t even managed to keep calling, why would Eddie be any different? 
No, Steve knew the truth. They would call every day for a while, maybe even multiple times a day. Then they would slowly go to every other day, then once a week, once a month, just on birthdays and special occasions. And, eventually, Eddie would forget his name, or Steve would only be fond memories that lived in high school yearbooks and yellowed old photo albums. 
Eddie would forget that he had maybe started to love Steve. 
It was going to happen with Eddie, then Robin, then Jonathan, then Argyle, and finally Nancy. It would happen with the kids when they finally went off on their own, and Joyce and Hopper when there were no more people tying them down to Hawkins. Everyone would leave, because that’s what people did. 
They would leave, and Steve would stay, and he needed to learn how to be okay with that. He needed to figure out how to get over losing people. 
And he needed to be alone to learn how to do that. 
“Does that sound good, Stevie?” 
Oh. Right. Eddie was expecting a response. 
“Yeah. You better. I’ll be waiting by the phone,” Steve said, hating how much that was going to be true. Eddie laughed like it was a joke, but it was the god honest truth. Steve would wait by the phone every single day, and one day the phone wouldn’t ring again. 
He swallowed down the bitterness that was rising, untangling himself from Eddie’s arms and interlocking their fingers. This was the last time he was going to hold this hand, the last time he was going to feel those rings. He needed to savor it. 
They walked back to the others as one single unit. There was another round of hugs, a few well hidden tears, and then Eddie was getting into his van. For the first time there was an air of nervousness, and he glanced around the group, his eyes landing on Steve and staying there. 
Eddie wanted reassurance. He needed a patented Steve Pep Talk, a few words to tell him that he was making the right decision. 
Well, he was making the right decision for him, but Steve couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell Eddie it was okay to go. His heart was already breaking in two as it was, giving Eddie the last push he needed would shatter it completely. 
Then Robin’s hand was sneaking into his, and she was giving him a look, and Steve couldn’t be selfish anymore. 
“Don’t forget us when you get big and famous,” Steve said with a wave, all of them pretending his voice hadn’t cracked even a bit. Eddie gave him a beaming smile and a two fingered salute, starting up the van with the usual roar. He carefully backed out of the drive, leaving the trailer park with an obnoxiously long beep of his horn and a waving hand. 
And he was gone. 
He was actually gone. 
Steve didn’t bother to stick around and chat with the rest. He had given the last bit of his care away to Eddie, and now he just wanted to curl up in his bed. Steve had to learn to live with this pain, and the sooner he started, the better. 
Robin followed him without words, and he loved her for it. They had already discussed their plans. They were going to get rip roaring drunk, and Steve was going to have a good long cry, and then they would eat ice cream. It wasn’t enough, but it was better than being by himself before he had to be. 
“I’m sorry,” Robin said softly as they got into his Beemer. 
“Don’t be. He’ll be okay.” Steve replied automatically, starting the car and pulling out, going the same way as Eddie. A wild crazy part of him almost wanted to speed to catch up, cut Eddie off, tell him not to go. 
Steve kept the car below 30, barely crawling on a street he normally flew down. 
“He will be,” Robin said carefully. The unspoken ‘I’m worried you won’t be’ sat between them, heavy and oh so painful. 
“I will be,” Steve said stubbornly, ignoring the look Robin gave him. He put the radio on so they didn’t have to talk anymore, hating himself for wishing that he had wished for Eddie to stay. 
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angywritesstuff · 2 years
The one with the “Call her Daddy Podcast”
Summery: you are invited to partecipate to the “Call her daddy” podcast, and after a serious considerstion, you decide to accept and to be unfiltered
Pairings: Henry Cavill x reader (demisexual!reader)
Warnings: 18+(there is not smut, but there is mention of sex), bad english (ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO I’M SORRY IF THERE ARE ANY MISTAKES). This is not proofread, sorry!
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When you had been asked to partecipate to the “Call her daddy” podcast, the first thing that had come to your mind had been an HARD NO! There was no way you were going to let anyone convince you otherwise: you were a shy person, you felt uncomfortable when people asked you too much personal questions during interviews. This side of you was so well known that many of your costars were always ready to come to your help when you started to get too flustered about the questions you were asked during interviews.
So no, there was no way that you were to be a guest of a podcast during which you were going to be asked personal questions for sure. 
Your agent had asked you to think about it a little bit more before turning the invitation down, she had pointed out that even though you had been an actress for long people still didn’t know much about you, and even though there wasn’t nothing bad with being a private person, it would be good for your career if you would be able to open a little bit more, just a little bit so that your fan could know you and sympathize with you and your life. You had promised her to think about it, because she actually had had a point, even though you were sure that after giving a couple of more thoughts and after talking with your boyfriend, you would have still come to the same conclusion: you couldn’t do it.
Your boyfriend, like the goddman perfect man that he was, had told you that he couldn’t make the decsion for you, that it would be something huge for you, so that you had to really think  it through to understand if you could do it: it wouldn’t make any sense if you decided to go but in the end wouldn’t be able to be very honest and answer even some uncomfortable questions. He had also told that you could never know if your interview wouldn’t end up helping someone finding out new things about thmselves.
So yes you had decided to try in the end and here you were trying to sit comfortably on a sofa ready to do this.
“Y/n Y/sn, welcome to call her daddy. How did you decide what you wanted to wear today?”- the host, Alexandra Copper, asked
“Well I just wanted to be comfortable so there wasn’t much of a choice. For a moment I had thought to come in my sweatpants, but then I thought I should at least put a little bit of un affort, so yeah in the end it was a jeans and a sweater ”- you smiled, you hadn’t expected fot that first question, but it actually helped calm you a little bit.
“I mean, sweatpants would have still been a great choice but you look really cute and comfortable so that’s what matter. So Y/n you are a very well known actress and I saw when you arrived how many paps followed you, how do you deal with that?”- Alexandra asked
“Well first of all thank you for the’ very well known’… I mean it’s not ideal and it’s not my favorite thing about my career for sure, but I think what helps is that they mostly bother you when you are in LA, anywhere else they are few and far and they usually are more interested in me when I am with my boyfriend. If I am alone most of the time I manage with just a couple of photos you know, so they can say they did their job; but when my boyfriend Henry is with me they go bananas. So I get that the solution for me would be to change boyfriend”- you and Alexandra both laughed in the end, both knowing it was a joke.
“So let’s get into it, you are in a relationship with one of the most famous person in the world, Henry Cavill, Superman himself. What are the best parts?”- she asked
“Well for starters Henry is one of the best person, if not THE best person, i have ever met in my life, he is one of those people that always thinks about others, that always does his best to make people happy and comfortable. So yeah the very best part I think his Henry himself. We met in a very delicate moment of my life and, even before we started dating, he had always been there for me, to support me, he is like my rock you know, my best friend”- you said, hoping that you didn’t sound like a fangirl with her first crush
“You guys are really cute together and I think that the love you two share is so pure and authentic that a lot of people can see it, even from the outside, even just watching you talk with one another, I think that’s a reason why like almost everyone really love you together”
“Thank you, it’s really nice to know people are supportive of our relationship, not that people hate would change how we feel about each other, I mean he would still be my soulmate even if there was a lot of hate direct at us, but it’s nice”- you smiled and you really meant it because when Henry had asked you out the first time 6 years ago you had been very unsure: he was already very much famous and you had just started your career and the last thing you wanted was for people to even remotely think that you were just dating him to boost your career. And adding to that there was an age difference that didn’t make either of you uncomfortable but you knew that most people probably wouldn’t like that. It had taken you a little bit of time to let your fear of what people could think behind and just decide to do what your heart was telling you to do.
“How has you dating such a famous person impacted your identity?”
“That’s a good question, I think that dating Henry, as Henry not as famous person you know, has added to my identity a lot like any other relationship would. I was a lot younger and he was a little bit older than I am now when we first started dating so I actually grew up during the relationship so yeah it has changed me for the best I think. Dating him has for sure helped me become the woman I am now; I dont’ know if I am explaining myslef”- you laughed sure that you had made a mess
“No no I get it, every relationship teach you a lot you know, have you ever received hate at the beginning of your relationship because of the age gap?”
“I mean people can be judgimental and at the beginning of our relantioship it was a real fear of mine, not of Henry, he didn’t care, again he was more mature than me back then so he was like ‘I am not doing anything wrong, I’m not hurting anybody so fuck them’ you know. And in the end Henry’s attitude rubbed off on me and when the months went on and then years went on and we were still together and people couldn’t say that he was with me only for sex or I was with him only for his money or his fame, it all passed. So yeah, he never cared about the possible hate and I started to not care anymore after some time too.”
“I get it, you know haters gotta hate so the only thing you can do is be happy”- Alexandra said
“So this is a question that I hadn’t planned to ask so you can decide not to answear without any problem I swear, but it has been a curiosity of mine for so long that I have to.”
“You are scaring me”- you laughed trying to stay calm
“no no don’t be scared, I’ve watched your last film the other night, wonderful job by the way”
“Thank you”- you stopped her for a second
“So  there was a very intimate scene in the film and I have always wondered how are you able to play that scene, I mean I know you are an actor and of course it’s your job but isn’t it difficult to pretend?”-Alexandra finished her question
“Oh my god, you really scared me but I can answear that. It’s difficult, it really is, for me in particular it is more difficult to shoot an intimate scene than one where I am supposed to be sad or angry or whatever. It becomes easier with the experience of course but it wasn’t at the beginning. I still remember my first sex scene, it was such a flop because when you shoot an intimate scene it’s basically like you have to fake an orgasm and I really didn’t know how to”
“Oh come on every woman knows how to fake an orgasm because everyone has had to fake at least once”- alexandra argued
“I know it sounds difficult to believe but I haven’t, I have had my first sexual relationship, and can’t believe I’m actually saying it, with Henry and I haven’t ever needed to fake”
“Wait, leaving behind that you have never needed to fake with your boyfriend so lucky you, you didn’t date anyone before Henry?”- you thought a second before answering, you weren’t ashemed of who you were, of your experience but this was the first time you actually opened up about this side of yourself
“I had some dates before Henry but never a sexual partner before him. I am actually demisexual, I don’t feel sexual attraction if I don’t have an emotional connection first and a lot of people don’t have the patience to wait for me to get there. So I tried dating for a while but once I saw people getting impatient after the second or third date I actually stopped dating for a while. Beside I had just started my career and I knew I needed to be focused so I swore off dating, at least untill I met Henry, that is. And even then it was a while before I agreeded to a date but he is a very stubborn person”- you took a deep breath
“I didn’t know that”
“It’s ok, I don’t think anyone did other than my friend and family”- you smiled at her
“I’m really glad you decided to open up and now for the most difficult questions”- she started and you both laughed because you knew what was coming -”this is the part where we talk about your sex life if it’s ok”- Alexandra double checked even though you had already given the all clear before the interview began
“I’m ready”
“We need to give the fan what they want, to give them a little taste. So are you a morning sex or a night sex person?”- she asked
“I’m more like the morning sex kinda girl because it gives you a boost for the day you know. But both Henry and I, we work a lot and even though we try to make sure our work plan align as much as we can, it’s not always possible. So the real answear would be whenever we are together and have time.”- you could see the mirth in Alexandra’s eyes
“You gotta make it count right?”
“Right”- you nodded at her
“Has anyone ever tried to have a threesome with you and Henry?”
“If you mean if anyone ever have approached us in person, no, but a lot of people have asked on tweeter And the answer would be a no anyway, not only for me but even for Henry. He is not into sharing I’m afraid and not even I am. Sorry guys”- you laughed , yu were finding yourself to have actually fun… who would have thought
“Do you and Henry have the same favorite sex positions?”
“I think so”
“Can you give us one?”- Alexandra smiled trying to get more from you
“We like to change and experiment but my all time favorite would be cowgirl”- you answered in the end
“You heard it here, what is the sexiest think that Henry does that turns you on?”
“I mean you have seen my boyfriend, he can just look at me with those beautiful eyes of him and the love that I always find there is always enough to get me ready to go”- you laughed not even understanding how was possible for you to feel so comfortable to answear withouth any problem -”but one of the thing that turn me the most on is actually watching Henry work out”
“What is the sexiest thing that you do that turn Henry on?”
“wearing his clothes probably”
“Y/n Y/sn we are done, thank you for being here and thank you for being so open and honest, it was really nice to have you here”- Alexandra said at the end.
“Thank you for having me, I thought long and hard before agreeing to come because I knew of course the question would be really personal but I am actually gald I accepted to come”
And you meant it, you were glad in the end that you had changed your mind but you couldn’t wait to leave the building and go back to your boys.
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Henry Cavill and charachters taglist: @xxxkatxo @mansaaay @thorins-queen-of-erebor @maan24 @grounded-in-light @omgkatinka @xprettyqueenx @marytudorbrandon @kebabgirl67 @narnianaos 
All around taglist: @jwspiter​
I hope I didn’t forget to tag anyone if I did I’m sorry so please remember me, if you name id crossed id because I wasn’t able to tag you
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provecfy · 27 days
I love Nemona's SS Story Event
I love it because it kinda confirms my thoughts on a Future Nemona.
See, I alwayas thought of Nemona as a very present-oriented character on a game where a lot of characters are obsessed with the past or the future. Which is why I always considered the idea of a neat and clean concept for a Timeskip Nemona that has dedicated her life to one thing to be pretty ooc (in my opinion).
Which is why, when Masters has her doubt her future and arrive to the (fairly cliché tbf) conclusion of finding out as she goes, I find it perfect.
Because she would do that, she would live her future one present at a time.
Maybe she graduates the Academy and goes off to Hoenn to work as a Frontier Brain, fighting the best of the best and always going all out. Maybe she then goes to a newly opened battle-oriented academy (similar to Blueberry) in another region and raises a new generation of trainers there. Then she decides to leave for a while and just travel the world like she heard Red did, encountering the most fearsome pokemon out in the wild and waiting on some secret jungle to become the postgame secret boss of a future mc. After that, she goes back to Paldea, retakes the gym challenge, and represents Paldea in an international champion tournament. Maybe she works as a gym leader next, or visits another Battle Frontier as a challenger this time, or becomes reigning champion of another region, or helps the IP stop a group of evil-doers on a region she's just visiting.
Doesn't that feel so Nemona? To travel and connect with nature, to meet new cultures, to interact with every facet of being a trainer, to leave a positive impact everywhere she goes, to enjoy the moment, to keep growing stronger through it all.
It's kind of my ideal Timeskip!Nemona, a free-spirited trainer with far too much energy to stay on one place too long. And I think Nemona's SS story event kind of opens the door to such a future being a possibility in canon.
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Come back to bed darling |fluff
*Authors note~ wanted to try my hand at some pure fluff. It's currently half 3 in the morning when I’m writing this so if there's any grammar mistakes I apologise. This is from when i had only been writing a few days so please let me know any feedback so I can improve.*
Prompt~ person a wakes up to find person b not in bed and finds them in the kitchen nursing a drink. "Come back to bed darling" fluff ensured. I hope I can do this justice for you.
It had been an exhausting day at Nevermore. Wednesday was stubbornly set on discovering what was occurring in the town of Jericho and was not above breaking the rules to find the answers. You're heart broke for your lover as she came back to your shared quarters in an absolute state of exhaustion after dealing with yet another of Wednesday's theory's. You had to admit she was a clever young lady but still seeing your love this exhausted shattered your heart. Knowing that the tall beauty was neglecting her basic needs such as sleep is what led you to this moment of being able to wrap your delicate arms around the stunning principle. Gently pulling her flush to your body you both drifted into a peaceful slumber.
It was the lack of warmth on your right side that woke you. Now there's some cruel things in the world but the panic of waking up at 3:30 in the morning and not seeing your lover in her rightful place? That was the cruelest of them all. Blinking back the haze of the sleep you had previously enjoyed you give a quick glance around the room just hoping in your exhausted state you had missed sight of your lover. Your heart shattered when you had found no signs of her. Immediately you grabbed your robe and set off to find the women who had your heart in hopes to coax her back into the bed you shared. After eliminating the bedroom and the bathroom you made your way to the kitchen. The carpet muffled the sounds of your steps so it was no shock to you when you spotted Larissa completely oblivious by your arrival.
Your lover stood in her robe, seemingly transfixed by the trees outside the window swaying in the wind. You were quick to notice a glass of untouched water was sat on the counter top seemingly forgotten about. It wasn't hard to come to the conclusion that Larissa must have woken during the night and come out for some water but must have been distracted by her own thoughts which led you to the current situation.
As of you were a hunter stalking prey you made your way over to the stunningly gorgeous women who still didn't seem to know of your presence now joining her. Ever so carefully as not to spook the taller women you slipped your hands around the beautiful curves, effectively pulling her flush to your front. You rested your chin on her shoulder, hardly reaching even on tiptoes. It was times like these that your cursed your height.
It was this action that elicited a gasp from the older women before a smile settled across her face as she lent back into you. In the semi lit kitchen you stood holding her in your arms and you knew this was all you ever wanted. Larissa was all you ever wanted, dreamed of and needed in your life. She is absolutely perfect for you. The missing piece to your puzzle. Moments like these reminded you that you'd die to save her, that you'd do anything to make her smile and you'd protect her at all costs. Nothing means
more than she does.
The body in front of you shivered ever so slightly but you felt it. Only then did you realise she must be freezing. God knows how long she was stood out here alone. The thought made your heart clench. You never wanted Larissa to feel alone. Hell you would stay up all night just to make sure she was okay. You couldn't resist pressing feather light kisses to the exposed skin of her neck, trailing up to her ear where you mumbled "come back to bed darling." Sleep had caused a thickness to your voice which caused another shiver from the women in your arms. Without waiting for a reply you slowly ghosted your hands down her sides found your way to her hands. Interlocking them with a smile tugging at your lips you gently lead Larissa back to your room.
Settling into bed you gently pulled Larissa to face you. She looks so gorgeous in the pale moonlight that you can't help but pepper kisses all over her face neck and exposed shoulders. "Gods Larissa, your absolutely beautiful. I can't believe your mine." A content sigh escaped your lips when the other women's response was to shuffle closer laying her head in the crook of your neck and leaving a light lingering kiss there. Daft fingers found their way through her silvery curls that only you had the privilege to see and with a gently kiss to the crown of her head hands running up and down her spine, you whispered into the night "sleep baby, im right here."
It wasn't long before the soft breathes were tickling the little hairs on your neck, signalling to you that your companion had entered a slumber. Ever so carefully as not to wake her you shifted to get slightly more comfortable, you may not know what had woken Larissa yet and you made the mental note to ask her tomorrow but for now you wanted to enjoy the moment. Sleep overtook you once more as a slightly mumbled "good night Larissa" left your lips.
Word count~ 963
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