#alija izetbegović
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ataykiri · 1 year ago
To prove the need for justice and fairness is either superfluous for those who have a heart or useless for those who do not.
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ieatarock · 29 days ago
im cold :(
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wormically · 29 days ago
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"There is no god but the One God: there is no chosen people, race, or class- all people are equal".
Day of Arafah. 9th Dhul Hijjah 1445
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movienized-com · 1 year ago
Dayton (Serie 2023) #LevendOktem #OkdayKorunan #SehsuvarAktas #BasakDasman #MehmetBilgeAslan Mehr auf:
Serie / Dejton / Dejtonski sporazum Jahr: 2023- Genre: Drama / History Hauptrollen: Levend Öktem, Okday Korunan, Şehsuvar Aktaşm, Başak Daşman, Mehmet Bilge Aslan … Serienbeschreibung: Alija Izetbegović, ein prominenter politischer Führer Bosnien-Herzegowinas, versucht, sein Land zusammenzuhalten, während er Verhandlungen über ein Abkommen führt, das das Ende des Krieges bedeuten…
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centrally-unplanned · 6 months ago
also on the subject of the balkans/yugoslav wars - despite my sympathy for the bosnian people it seems like alija izetbegović might have been kind of a fucking moron. curious if you have any takes on this
Only minorly so, though I plead I know less of Bosnio than Kosovo. In the end everyone breaking apart Yugoslavia was dumb, they would have all been better off as a democratic confederation. But that is a coordination problem - if the Croats and Serbs are being dumbass nationalists, then you kind of need to be one as well in order to not be on the losing end of things? So Alija's actions like abandoning the Zulfikarpašić–Karadžić agreement with the Serbs was "bad" in a certain sense, but in other sense Croatia was already up in arms and the government in Belgrade was radicalizing and fighting back against demands for local autonomy. He is one of the cast of dozens who put petty historical grievances over a functioning socio-economic order for the benefit of the citizenry, but by no means the biggest one.
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blunt-force-therapy · 5 days ago
They look nothing alike but I keep mistaking Jacques Chirac for Alija Izetbegović
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pathofpatience · 1 year ago
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„Moj um stalno se koleba i pita, ali moje srce je uvijek bilo i ostalo na strani vjere. Moji trenuci sreće su bili oni u kojima su se moj um i moje srce slagali.“
- Alija Izetbegović, rahimehullah
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shekyspeare · 2 years ago
"Jer zapamtimo: progres islama, kao i svaki drugi progres uostalom, neće doći od mirnih i pokornih, nego od hrabrih i buntovnih."
-Alija Izetbegović
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darkmaga-returns · 1 month ago
Lisbon Deal
In July 1991, Serb Democratic Party (SDS) leader Radovan Karadžić and Adil Zulfikarpašić from the Muslim Bosniak Organization (MBO) signed the Zulfikarpašić-Karadžić agreement which would have kept the union between Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. However, as mentioned above, Bosnian President Alija Izetbegović initially supported but then opposed the deal, killing it. This process repeated itself early the next year after the Badinter Commission, when, in February 1992, the Carrington-Cutileiro plan, or “Lisbon deal,” was struck by Portuguese Foreign Minister Jose Cutileiro between Bosnian Muslim, Croat and Serb representatives. The deal said that Bosnia-Herzegovina would remain united politically but would be divided into three ethno-religious cantons with a very weak central government in the capital city of Sarajevo. The supposedly intransigent Bosnian Serbs were represented at the meeting by Karadžić, who said, “Either we remain in Yugoslavia, or else we will get a sovereign state in Bosnia-Herzegovina which will form an alliance of states, that is a confederation, together with the other two states.” The Bosnian Serbs were willing to accept independence from Yugoslavia and reduce the proportion of land they controlled from approximately 60 percent to only 42.5 percent.
Said by the U.S. to be the aggressors in this part of the war, the Bosnian Serbs were satisfied with this compromise. Zimmermann says “Karadžić was ecstatic” over this deal, which would give the Bosnian Serbs plenty of autonomy in a new system “based on three constituent nations and joined by a common government and assembly.”
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radiogornjigrad · 9 months ago
Na slici: Scena iz kazališne predstave „Povratak F. L.“ Miroslava Krleže . HAKIJA MEHONJIĆ: „NAŠE ŽRTVE JE NEKO BOGATO NAPLATIO“ . „Na srebreničkoj krvi zaustavljen je rat u BiH. Srebrenica je prodata da bi Sarajevo bilo kanton. Bio sam u srebreničkoj delegaciji 1993. godine u Sarajevu kada nam je Alija Izetbegović predložio da se Srebrenica žrtvuje za Vogošću. To se, nažalost, desilo 1995.…
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ataykiri · 1 year ago
The greatest figure of Islam is the Shahid, who is a fighter in God’s way, a saint and a warrior in one person.
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65) Eh, nama anak-anak Presiden Jokowi itu seperti jarang Jawa tapi ternyata Bhs. Jawa. Ke dengarannya enak.
Gibran Rakabuming Raka
Kahyaning, eh, Kahiyang Ayu
Kaesang Pangarep
Jan Ethes Srinarenda, eh Srinarendra
La Lembah Manah
Sedah Mirah Nasution
Panembahan Al-Nahyan Nasution
Lagi senang belajar Kuna & Sanskrit
Kalau aku full Arab, Muhammad Aliya Imaduddin. Kata Bu Anny Aliya itu dari Alija Izetbegovic, eh Izetbegović. 1995 Perang di Bosnia berujung di Pembantaian Srebrenica, bacanya Srebrenitza, 11/7-31/7/1995.
Imaduddin dari Bang Imad ITB. Yang suka ceramah di TV dulu. Imaduddin Abdulrahim
Juga Imad al-Din Zengi, pemantik 2nd Crusade setelah menang di Siege of Edessa 1144. 28/11-24/12, eventnya juga tanda untuk bersatunya Jihad amir-amir yang bersebaran waktu itu.
Juga Imad al-Din Nasimi, eh, Seyid Ali Imadaddin Nasimi; Dia Hurufiyyah Hurufism, Gerakan Sufi yang berbasis Mistisisasi i.e. Tasawuf terhadap huruf. Native Azerbaijan.
Ibn Kathir, Abū al-Fiḍā’ ‘Imād ad-Dīn Ismā‘īl ibn ‘Umar ibn Kathīr al-Qurashī al-Damishqī, terkenal.
Ebussud, eh, Ebussuud Efendi, Shaykhul Islam Utsmaniyah di era Kanuni Sulaiman The Magnificent. Hidup pada 30/12/1490-23/8/1574. Dipanggil 'El-İmâdî' karena berasal dari desa İmâd, dekat kota İskilip.
Nama laqab saya: İmadudeen August-Sarva-Husayn.
Dari kecil Pak Halim & Bu Anny selalu punya 2 rencana tetap. Masing-masing Mahasiswa Kedokteran & Naik Haji. Kuatnya yang Haji tahun 2022 ALHAMDULILLAHIRABBIL 'ALAMIN, walau untung karena COVID kuota 1/4 utawi 3/8 dari normalnya 4/4 utawi 8/8. Tapi itu aja sudah rame dan ganas kalau buat saia.
Sama saya tiap lulus SD, MTs, SMA selalu Umrah. Jadi 3x Umrah + 1x Haji. Yang Umrah lulus SMA, dengan jual Pulsar 220F 2012 warna Grey/Silver.
Baru ahli nama Arab, semoga bisa dapat belajar Sanskrit.
Contoh nama Arab yang menurut saya bagus;
Layth, Ra'ad, Ghayth, Ghiath, Arwa, Faris, Zaila, Munira, Malak, Nihal, Zaigham.
Eh, nama marga yang tetap berjalan itu Soeharto ya? Kalau Soekarnoputri-Soekarnoputra apakah ndak?
Sebenarnya pengen buat surname marga gitu juga saya. Tapi entah kapan bisa. Hawong dulu sih, 2021-an. Yoh engko ndelok ah. Terangin-angin nak awak wes pinuk ro iso obah sek udu ngingu motoran dst.
Dulu revolusi Mustafa Kemal salah satunya yang aku setuju itu tentang Surname. Marga, ada nama panggilan dan nama keluarga. Tapi kalau aku napak tilas Ijazah dari TK ke S1, kira-kira dilayani nggak? Atau malah seperti biasanya nggak ada apa-apa?
Selain marga, alfabet latin setuju, tapi pakaian harus topi ala Haikal TV One dkk. bukan Fez nggak setuju. Lihat Vatanim Sensin, klambine elegan kabeh.
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thegazete24 · 1 year ago
Turkije herdenkt eerste leider Bosnië Alija Izetbegović: ‘De wijze koning’
Turkije heeft deze week stilgestaan bij de sterfdag van Alija Izetbegović, de eerste president van Bosnië en Herzegovina die het land naar de … Turkije herdenkt eerste leider Bosnië Alija Izetbegović: ‘De wijze koning’
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zpersonanongrata · 4 years ago
Bu dünyaya iyi ki bir Alija geldi. Bir fikir adamı olarak her daim anılman dileğiyle, sevgiler.
Ya sen olmasaydın Alija...
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manarkreet · 5 years ago
المذبحة التي تُنسى تتكرر.
-على عزت جوبيفشي
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