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amarevia · 11 months ago
7, 8, 14, and 30 for the FE3H asks?
7. Which side quest / paralogue was your favorite? I remember Marianne's paralogue was challenging at first. I had trouble trying to keep her alive. But once I figured out I just had to find the road, it became easier. I also liked the one map where your units are cornered in a forest with all the wyvern riders coming at them, but I don't know if that was a paralogue or just a random auxiliary battle.
8. What storyline threads should have had more development / been further explored? Claude's backstory of course. We barely know anything about Almyra and his family. Also, TWSID. The writers didn't really go beyond "generic villain" level with them. And there is no explanation behind the body stealing thing. If they can do it with powerful people like Cornelia and Arundel, they should have just taken Byleth and/or the house leaders and bam they win, the end. 14. If you’ve posted your own fanart or fanfic, post a link to the piece you are most proud of. I've done so much Claude art I don't even remember them all, lol. But I worked on this sketchdump for several months and really liked how they turned out: https://amarevia.tumblr.com/post/731245960811937792/slightly-revised-version-of-my-very-first-claude
30. What characters should have more support options and who should have been their support options? Claude and Sylvain support chain? I think those two are two highly intelligent characters who could be ridiculously stupid together. Also, Edelgard and Hubert should have had more supports outside their own house. Just because.
Thank you so much for the ask! 🥰
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ramyeonguksu · 2 years ago
8, 9, and 13 please!
Refer to Questions for people with FE3H oc's, in no particular order:
Gonna answer for both Hillevi and Callahan since it wasn't specific which one!
8) If at the monastery at the time, would they take part in the fishing tournament, and how well would they do?
Answered here for Hillevi!
As for Callahan, I think he would rather watch in the beginning so he could take the opportunity to write and sketch how a person approaches fishing but eventually he'll want to try it on his own because first-hand experience is always valuable! Would he do well though? No LMAO
9) Do they have any sentimental keepsakes they carry with them?
If you read my Hillevi fic so far then you would know that Hillevi has a wyvern tooth necklace! It was a secret keepsake she's kept from a mercenary that escorted her and her father from a past. It kindled her interest in wanting to visit other nations and experience other cultures (said mercenary got it from Almyra). She wears it under her shirt so you wouldn't really see it. (It's also one of her lost items)
As for Callahan, he has a bookmark that his older brother Liam Alicio Deschamps crafted just for him! Despite Callahan's parents neglecting him in favor of his older brother, Liam made sure to look after him and care for him. Knowing that Callahan was an avid reader, Liam handmade a bookmark for Callahan to use and remember him by whenever he was out doing his duties. (This is also a lost item)
13) If they're a mounted unit what would they name their mount?
Hillevi names her mount Altena! It wouldn't really be mentioned in game like how Marianne's horse is Dorte (unless I somehow find a way to weave in wyverns into a support conversation) but I took inspiration from how the wyverns in Awakening and Fates were named after previous wyvern riders. For those who don't know Altena is a wyvern rider from FE4!
Callahan isn't a mounted unit, he's a warlock!
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ashes-of-ailell · 2 years ago
2, 14, 16, and 19 please!
Hey hey!! Sorry this took a little bit, my sleep schedule has been off - meant to answer this a bit earlier but I kept falling asleep haha. Thank you for asking! :3
(Under cut because this got long)
2 - Do their table manners live up to Lorenz's standards?
While all of them have good table manners, but Lorenz has rather lofty expectations haha.
Lucien was raised in a noble house, so his table manners are probably the best of the group due to expectations and stuff that was drilled into him. That said, Lucien doesn't really. like Lorenz. So I can absolutely see him messing around and letting "standards slip" purely to annoy him.
Tyler and Max's table manners are decent, but Xander wasn't too strict about that stuff with them. I reckon Lorenz probably wouldn't be too offended by them - both would absolutely offer him food much like Raphael did in their C Support so that may change things.
Lunaris has good table manners for the most part, it's more that he just doesn't really care. If he wants to eat with his hands then he's going to go for it, regardless of the company. I can't imagine Lorenz will be too pleased with that lol.
14 - Do they prefer form or function?
In terms of clothes and weapons:
Max and Tyler prefer function over form for both. As far as they're concerned they can make whatever it is look pretty later.
Lucien values function for weapons, but form for clothes.
Lunaris prefers function. That said, he has sacrificed some function in his timeskip outfit to make it look cooler (namely the dangly bits attached to his belt and the lack of boots).
I may have misunderstood the question somewhat but this is what I think it's asking?? Sorry if it's not.
16 - Who could they win an arm wrestle against? A chess match? A round of darts?
Tyler enjoys having the occasional arm wrestling match with Petra and Caspar. She hopes one day to be strong enough to where she can go up against Raphael with confidence.
Max enjoys arm wrestling too, but his main area is darts. Little guy has great precision. I honestly think he'd have a few rounds with Claude and put up a good fight. He can beat everyone in his own group though.
Lucien loves playing chess. He and Yuri go head to head sometimes, and he plans to ask Claude for a match too. I'd say they're about evenly matched though.
Lunaris is enjoying being taught about these things and has had a friendly arm wrestle with Max. Max won, but Luna doesn't plan on losing so easily next time.
19 - Sweet or savoury?
Max and Lunaris have a serious sweet tooth, which may explain why the two of them constantly seem to be baking treats together. Lucien has a preference for sweet things too.
Tyler, however, prefers savoury food.
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nerdnag · 2 years ago
Today marks six years since I started my first real job. Six years since I arrived at an office full of tech nerds from a sister company, hella shy and without knowing a damn shit about the world. Six years since I realized I would need to start drinking coffee to survive 8-hour work days. Six years since my boss sent me a link to the GDPR in its entirety and said, "here, write a summary of this".
A lot has happened in six years.
Cheers to that.
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cherrypikkins · 7 months ago
Shez for the monochrome please? Either or since they're both great
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sure thing! have a porple gorl this time! :3
thankies for the request!
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17carat1997 · 1 year ago
I just wanted to thanks the people who help me reached 1000 Boop for the black paw. I really wanted it to represent my 2 Cats a Tuxedo male named Homer and a black female Luna ! Here's pictures of the 2.
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First of all special mention to @yurigang, who I'm pretty sure sent me half of what I needed ! Definitely MVP !
And thank you to : @403tarot @finerafin @moonymcfly @mellowthorn @svkhky @summertimemaxness @alienducky @ryostorm @dreamingdragonkin @opaque-cinnamon @justrandomwholockstuff @railroadlesbian @eternaldalmations @havenshereagain @falsefauxfox @ricesoupremacy @wastingmytimehere @nobobys @chunkula3 @glurbo @come-chaos @diesel-punk @himbobaggins
You all get a Homer Boop !
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wild-moss-art · 3 hours ago
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Yellowflowers for @alienducky 💛💛💛
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years ago
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Thank you very much for your commission @alienducky
Im so happy as well seeing the cuteness between them!
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lindleart · 10 months ago
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Detailed colour comm for @alienducky of Claude from Fire Emblem: Three Houses!
Love how this one came out.
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nerdnag-makes-art · 1 year ago
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In honor of @fe-oc-week, I drew my friends' OC's 💕
@wherefore-whinnies @wild-moss-art @alienducky
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amarevia · 1 year ago
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A little Claude drawing for @alienducky. Thank you so much for your support! ☕
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lemon-grey · 1 year ago
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@alienducky @reticentsunrise
(sorry I had to put three in one, tumblr got mad at me for posting so many images earlier)
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Three! Perfect! Girls!
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jarl-deathwolf · 6 months ago
Ask Game
Been a while since I've been tagged in one of these! Thanks, @clareguilty
Last song played: I believe A Past and Future Secret by Blind Guardian, which plays into the current obsession.
Favorite color: Either light blue or a dark green, either is my jam
Favorite dish: I dunno if I have a specific favorite dish... 🤔 Maybe my breakfast burritos with fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, onions, sometimes mushrooms, corn, and bell pepper when I can get it
Current favorite characters: Another tricky one. I'm a bit inbetween character obsessions. If just going by my favorite characters from my current obsession, then Leliana and Cassandra (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Currently watching: Game Grumps playing Danganronpa v3. And halfway through a My Dress Up Darling rewatch, my favorite anime that I can practically never recommend to people.
Last film I watched: Truly could not tell you, I don't generally watch movies, least of all by myself. Maybe Fear Street?
Current Obsession: Split between Arthurian legend which is research fuel for the next book, and Dragon Age Inquisition which has consumed me entirely for the last week or so. I stopped playing it for like 14 months and then returned to immediately spent hours and hours a day blasting through it.
Last thing I googled: Might and Magic 6 skill trainers. Been going on a nostalgia bend recently. I can never remember where the goddang expert repair item guy is
Tagging @alienducky @marimbles and @noirandchocolate
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nerdnag · 2 years ago
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cherrypikkins · 7 months ago
OC Patron Saint Quiz
was tagged by @omgkalyppso to take this here Quiz for an OC
@sakurabunnie @milesmilse @dazzlerazz @peachiehambo @edns @alienducky @givemeallyourpenny @wild-moss-art and literally anyone who sees this!!!
kitt: patron saint of blood
patron saint of the life that flows through our bodies. patron saint of violence. patron saint of love. something that does not watch over but exists within: not for protection but for vitality. there is no passion without a beating heart at its core. when that heart breaks open, someone has to be responsible for what it bleeds.
juni: patron saint of horror
you're the patron saint of the dawning moment of realization. the patron saint of comprehension, maybe. the patron saint of understanding. the patron saint of knowing exactly what's going to happen. of seeing clearly. of not being able to look away.
pixy: patron saint of creation
patron saint of explosions. patron saint of More. patron saint of something new entirely, something unfamiliar, something you can't recognize. was frankenstein's monster an abomination or had his like just never been seen before? you're the patron saint of all those new, beautiful things. you're the patron saint of the monsters, too.
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thelastpilot · 2 years ago
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My most recent round of commissions! In order we have an Amaura for @alienducky, a D&D character commission for @sectorv2, and a character reference sheet for @zero-aurion!
My commissions are still open and I'm working pretty quick! if you have something you would like hit me up!
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