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evolutionsvoid · 3 months ago
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For Vidalia, being alone in the kitchen felt like the only time she was happy. She was a shy one for sure, but life hadn't exactly granted her the confidence to be around others. It started when she was young, and it remained the same for many years. Her body was different from the others, and had its own strange conditions. Her skin was prone to drying out and peeling, causing her form to be a patchwork of flaking rind and sensitive flesh. She practically had to bathe in moisturizer every day to keep it at bay, but sooner or later it was bound to start peeling off again. Thankfully, it didn't hurt, but the flecks it left behind and the image it produced always made others look at her weird. Then of course there was the smell, as her body naturally released a rather pungent odor. It was a bit sweet, but rather sharp, and there was no way anyone wouldn't notice the moment she walked into the room. She did her best to cover it up, but no amount of bathing would stop it and fragrances would only last so long. And last but not least, she was prone to tearing up, eyes getting all watery. It often made her look like she was crying, which was fitting since with her condition she was often driven to tears.
She was an outcast in school and frequently teased by the other saplings when she was young. Her skin and smell made her an obvious target, and she could tell that even the adults shot unpleasant glances at her. People were uncomfortable around her, even if they didn't say it. The fact that the seating spaces around her would quickly become vacant said plenty, and seeing people silently steer away from her in public made the sentiment deafening. Things were only made worse with her constantly tearing up, which made folk assume she was crying. Which then of course got her labeled as a "crybaby," a "weeping willow" and comments about how she was "too sensitive." She didn't mean for this stuff to happen! She had no control over it! Yet, she was frequently seen as a gross, stinky whiner that folk kept their distance from. She hated it, but she couldn't do anything about it. She tried so many things to fix it, but they just wouldn't stick. And it also didn't feel great having to go through an arduous regiment of preparation and treatment just to be accepted by the public. Everyone else could stroll about without a care, but apparently she was the only who had to jump through hoops just to make sure no one was uncomfortable with her existence.
This was why she enjoyed the solitude of a kitchen, where she could lose herself in cooking and baking. There was no one around to give her dirty looks or make subtly rude comments. When the oven was going and the food was roasting, the smells blended in with her own, filling the whole place with a wonderful fragrance. And the completed dishes were like little pieces of art, which could be enjoyed by her and others. It felt good to make food that people loved, as it seemed like the only way she could get approval. That was why she got into cooking, and why she got a job working at a small eatery in town. Dryads were not fans of fire, but Vidalia learned to get used to it when she realized it was crucial to so many culinary wonders. At least its presence kept other dryads away! And so she worked that cramped little kitchen for years, whipping up dishes to be sent out to hungry customers. With her visage hidden, the folk had no idea who was behind their latest meal, and thus couldn't make the usual judgements. They would eat it and sing praises about her work, unknowing that the chef behind it all was someone they wouldn't normally give the time of day to. So she kept herself in this little sanctuary, receiving the "compliments to the chef" and relishing in them. These small praises combined with her love for cooking seemed like all she would ever need.
Her desires in life got a sudden change the day she saw Alicin. Another dryad that seemed just like her. Peeling rind, strong smell and constantly getting stares and nasty looks from others. But unlike Vidalia, Alicin didn't give the naysayers any mind, she went about her life as she saw fit. She was bold and brash, a flavor you couldn't hide. Sure didn't feel like someone who would want to deal with a sad sack like her. Vidalia wanted so badly to make a friend, but was terrified of the possibility of rejection. As the saying goes, "the worst they can say is no," which is correct because sometimes a strong "no" hurts really bad. It seemed like a lost cause, as who could enjoy being around someone like her? A crying coward! But as the weeks went by of watching and wishing, Vidalia eventually forced herself to get it together. There was more to her than the tears and fears! She had sweetness to her and a unique personality! She was complicated, she had layers! If she remained a mopey scared mess, then that was what she would forever be! So if you want a friend, Vidalia, you got to go out there and take a chance!
She had never been more happy in a decision before, as it didn't take long after finally mustering the courage to talk to Alicin that the two hit it off. There was bonding over their similarities and all the rubbish they had to deal with through their life, but even as conversation moved past that, there seemed to be a strong connection. Alicin's bold and blunt attitude hid a sweetness of its own once she warmed up, and Vidalia practically melted every time she offered a comforting hug. Their friendship grew strong, but things really started to heat up when Alicin took an interest in cooking. Vidalia nearly passed out from excitement when Alicin asked to learn her ways! There was also a boost of pride when Alicin said that Vidalia was brave for dealing with fire so much! Her! Brave! That praise gave her the confidence to readily accept the role of teacher and begin cooking lessons immediately. To both of their surprise, Alicin was a natural at it and soaked up all this knowledge like a sponge. As Alicin practiced and Vidalia taught, the two grew even closer together. Some would say that it was the benefit of a cramped kitchen, where the two were in close contact with each other. It certainly had its positives, but sometimes it would wind up in a few burned meals due to both of them getting distracted. As their usual excuse for these scorched foods would go, things got a little too hot in the kitchen.
When Vidalia started teaching Alicin the ropes of cooking, she thought she was getting an apprentice out of the deal. But when it was all done, what she wound up with was a wife. Alicin proposed one day, and it was pretty much an endless shower of joyous tears from then until the wedding. Thankfully, it is socially acceptable to cry during a wedding, but Vidalia was sure she really tested the limits of that that day. From then on, life had been a dream. The two would eventually open up their own restaurant together, and be the famed chef couple. Their recipes were adored and their reviews amongst the greats. Suddenly the two were very much accepted and invited to countless events. Their appearance that disgusted others was now iconic, and their aroma was practically a calling card. Vidalia never expected there to be a time in her life when she was seen as such a beloved icon. It felt good, but not nearly as good as whenever her and Alicin were together in the kitchen. Those lovely nights of them trying out new recipes, figuring out the theme for a catering job, or just quietly baking each other little treats. It was a flavor Vidalia never expected in her life, but once she got a taste, she couldn't get enough of it.
Of course, after being married for years and running a successful business, people wonder when the two are going to start a family. With plenty already on their plate, both are in agreement that they aren't ready for such a thing. They are perfectly happy with the way things are now. However, Vidalia can't help but think, that if they did have a sapling together, Shallette would be a wonderful name...
"Vidalia and Alicin"
You thought you could escape! Fools! Behold the ultimate flavor combination! In dryad form!
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leveloneandup · 11 months ago
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Jennifer Siebel Newsom, First Partner of California, honorees Tobin Heath, Bethann Hardison, J. Smith-Cameron, Judy Waxman, Christen Press and Alicin Reidy Williamson, Chief Diversity and Culture Officer at Yahoo & President of MAKERS attend the Honors Ceremony during The MAKERS Conference 2024 at The Beverly Hilton on February 27, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photos by Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images for The 2024 MAKERS Conference)
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birdbrain-npts · 4 months ago
Epic: The Musical ID Pack
Pt; Epic: The Musical ID Pack /end pt
Name: Aeolus, Akakios, Alicinous, Anticlea, Aphrodite, Ares, Arete, Athena, Calypso, Circe, Epics, Eurylochus, Helios, Hephaestus, Hera, Homer, Nobody, Odysseus, Odyssey, Penelope, Poet, Polyphemeus, Poseidon, Scylla, Telemachus, Zeus
Pronouns: cyclops/cyclopses, divine/divines, epic/epics, general/generals, immortal/immortals, king/kings, music/musical, music/musics, musical/musicals, no/body, nobody/nobodys, ocean/oceans, revenge/revenges, story/storys, thunder/thunders, under/world, underworld/underworlds, wisdom/wisdoms, wise/wises, ⚔️/⚔️s, ⚡/⚡s, ���/⛵s, 🌊/🌊s, 🌐/🌐s, 🎸/🎸s, 📜/📜s, 🗡️/🗡️s, 🗺️/🗺️s, 🛡️/🛡️s
Titles: prn who became king / general, prn who is favored by Athena, prn who is hated by Poseidon, prn who is part of a musical, prn who sailed the globe, prn who survived the impossible, prn who survived the odyssey, prn with the blood of gods, the author, the epic writer / reader, the guitarist, the musician, the poet, the reader, the trapped one, the writer
Genders: Heavinemesta, Writerpresentic, Writerandrogynous, Writerfeminine, Writerneutral, Writermasculine, Puppeteersongic, Monstersongic, Poetpresentic, Poetancient, Novismalia, Classicvelic, Poetren, Deusgenus
Other ids: Writingroleic, Writerplurid, Alittlewolfcorum, Fittlewolftum, Audislittlewolf, Child of Athena, Child of Poseidon
Text in bold is: Name, Pronouns, Titles, Genders, and Other ids respectively
All term names are links
Requested by Anon
Tagging @id-pack-archive
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lots-of-lesbeans-2 · 5 months ago
do you want an alicin in wonderland pocket watch
i would kill a man for an alice in wonderland pocket watch :3
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eulchu · 2 years ago
Have you ever watched the alicin and the chipmunks cartoon kids show?? Dream would be like Dave as a father I think
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defnekalbim96 · 2 years ago
Beqlavayi alicin
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kercovanet · 11 days ago
Nga Altin Joka: Preshi, mrekullia e dimrit..!
E ka origjinen nga Azia Vogel.Preshi I perket te njejtes familje si #qepa dhe hudhra. #Preshi ka 95%uje. Pjesa e bardhe e preshit ka sheqerna natyral , pjesa jeshile e tij ka me shume vitamina.Pra pjesa jeshile ose si e njohim ne “bishtat” kane dhe vlera #antikancerogjene sepse preshi permban ALICIN e cila prodhon ACID SULFENIC e cila ben , qe te neutralizoje radikalet e lira me shpejt se cdo…
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hlas-slobody · 20 days ago
ALLATRA podporuje globálnu spoluprácu na záchranu planéty
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COP16 v Saudskej Arábii: ako ALLATRA podporuje globálnu spoluprácu na záchranu planéty
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Na 16. zasadnutí konferencie zmluvných strán Dohovoru OSN o boji proti dezertifikácii (COP16), ktoré sa konalo v Rijáde a na ktorom sa zišli delegáti z viac ako 200 krajín, bola kľúčovou udalosťou aktívna účasť Medzinárodného sociálneho hnutia ALLATRA. Členovia hnutia nadviazali spoluprácu s globálnymi odborníkmi a delegáciami a predstavili jedinečné iniciatívy, ktoré môžu zmeniť ekologickú budúcnosť planéty.
„Allatra posilňuje globálnu spoluprácu na záchranu planéty
Technologické riešenia na záchranu miliónov
„ALLATRA“ predviedla inovatívne možnosti generátorov atmosférickej vody (AWG), ktoré môžu ľudstvu poskytnúť čistú pitnú vodu a pomôcť vyčistiť svetové oceány od plastového odpadu. Tieto technológie vyvolali široký záujem a potvrdili dôležitosť zavádzania moderných riešení na stabilizáciu klímy.
„ALLATRA posilňuje globálnu spoluprácu na záchranu planéty
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Iniciatívy mladých ľudí na celosvetovej úrovni
Osobitnú pozornosť vzbudila 17-ročná vynálezkyňa zo Saudskej Arábie Alice Loei, keď predstavila cenovo dostupnú obdobu AGV, ktorá dokáže vyrobiť až 10 litrov vody denne. Jej vynález bol žiarivým príkladom prínosu mládeže k riešeniu globálnych environmentálnych problémov. Dobrovoľníci ALLATRA vyrozprávali Alicin príbeh v exkluzívnom rozhovore a zdôraznili význam podpory takýchto iniciatív.
Allatra posilňuje globálnu spoluprácu na záchranu planéty
Dialóg pre udržateľnú budúcnosť
Počas COP16 sa zástupcovia ALLATRA stretli s delegáciami z Mongolska, SAE, Maroka a ďalších krajín, aby diskutovali o kľúčových otázkach, ako je degradácia pôdy a nedostatok vody.
COP16 ukázala, že nejde len o medzinárodnú konferenciu, ale o platformu na spájanie myšlienok a vytváranie spojenectiev, ktoré môžu zmeniť osud miliárd ľudí. Účasť hnutia ALLATRA bola príkladom toho, ako môžu osobné iniciatívy zmeniť globálnu spoluprácu.
Viac informácií o nej nájdete na stránke ALLATRA International Public Movement.
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electaksv · 4 months ago
Što su bakterijske infekcije i kako se oporaviti od njih?
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Bakterijske infekcije nastaju kada štetne bakterije napadnu tijelo, što može dovesti do bolesti poput upale grla, infekcija mokraćnog sustava (IMU) ili bakterijske upale pluća. Za razliku od virusa, bakterije su živi organizmi koji se mogu razmnožavati samostalno. Dok su mnoge bakterije bezopasne ili korisne, neke mogu uzrokovati bolesti. Tradicionalni tretmani za bakterijske infekcije često uključuju antibiotike, no prekomjerna upotreba dovela je do otpornosti na antibiotike. Zbog toga mnogi ljudi traže prirodne lijekove koji pomažu u borbi protiv infekcija i jačanju imunološkog sustava. Iako ovi lijekovi mogu dopuniti medicinski tretman, ne bi trebali zamijeniti stručni savjet.
Češnjak – Poznat po svojim snažnim antibakterijskim svojstvima, češnjak sadrži alicin koji može boriti protiv različitih sojeva bakterija. Konzumiranje sirovog češnjaka ili dodavanje u prehranu može pomoći u borbi protiv infekcija.
Med – Med, osobito Manuka med, prirodni je antibakterijski agens. Njegova primjena na ranama ili konzumacija može pomoći u liječenju bakterijskih infekcija u tijelu.
Ulje origana – Bogato karvakrolom i timolom, ulje origana učinkovito je protiv određenih sojeva bakterija. Može se uzimati u obliku kapsula ili razrijeđeno u vodi.
Probiotici – Hrana poput jogurta, kefira i kiselog kupusa sadrži korisne bakterije koje jačaju vašu crijevnu mikrofloru, poboljšavajući vašu imunološku reakciju.
Đumbir – Poznat po svojim protuupalnim svojstvima, đumbir može podržati vaš imunološki sustav i pomoći u borbi protiv infekcija.
Uvijek se posavjetujte s zdravstvenim stručnjakom prije korištenja prirodnih lijekova za ozbiljne bakterijske infekcije.
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sesetoto · 5 months ago
Kandungan Bawang Putih Yang Bagus Untuk Tubuh
Mendengar nama bawang putih pastinya anda sudah tidak asing lagi, Sayuran yang selalu dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk bumbu di dapur. Bawang putih jenis AMAVI5D ini sangat mudah sekali di temukan di Indonesia sebab negara Indonesia kaya akan dengan hasil bumi dan juga rempah rempah. Berbicara tentang bawang putih juga bukan hanya sebagai bumbu di dapur saja, tetapi bawang putih jenis AMAVI5D juga sangat bagus untuk Kesehatan di tubuh manusia. Bawang putih memiliki enzim yang Bernama alicin yang bersifat antioksidan, antibakteri, antinflamasi, dan juga antikanker. Mengunyah bawang putih mentah juga bagus untuk tubuh dapat sebagai obat bagi penderita tekanan darah tinggi, karena bawang putih melancarkan sirkulasi darah sehingga dapat menurunkan hipertensi. Bawang putih juga dapat mengurangi kolestrol jahat dalam darah.
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Lalu apa sajakah manfaat nya bawang putih jenis AMAVI5D yang bagus untuk tubuh, berikut informasinya :
Sebagai obat antibiotic Jika perut sedang kosong memakan bawang putih mentah adalah salah satu sumber antibiotic bagi tubuh, karena bawang putih mentah dapat membunuh bakteri dalam perut sebelum anda mencerna makanan.
Dapat membantu membuang racun di dalam tubuh Bawang putih juga bermanfaat untuk membantu membuang racuan yang ada di dalam tubuh. Dengan bantuan bawang putih proses detoks pada tubuh anda dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Bawang putih juga dapat membunuh cacing dan bakteri yang masuk ke tubuh.
Mengontrol tekanan darah dalam tubuh Bawang putih juga berkhasiat untuk mengontrol tekanan darah dalam tubuh anda, bawang putih ini bisa menjadi obat alami yang dapat mengobati anda dari resiko hipertensi. Bawang putih ini sangat bagus di konsumsi sebagai obat bagi penderita hipertensi karena sudah terbukti khasiatnya.
Mengobati jerawat yang membandel Jerawat adalah masalah kulit yang paling menganggu penampilan seseorang, itulah sebabnya banyak orang yang mencari berbagai cara untuk menghilangkannya. Oleh karena itu menggunakan bawang putih sebagai obat paling ampuh untuk membantu menghilangkan jerawat di dalam wajah anda karena di dalam bawang putih itu terdapat kandungan antibakteri.
Membantu mengatasi rambut rontok Bawang putih sebagai Solusi yang tepat bagi anda yang memiliki masalah rambut rontok yang menyebabkan kebotakan. Bawang putih mengandung zat sulfut dengan kandungan keratin yang tinggi di dalamnya.
Itu lah beberapa manfaat dari bawang putih yang berguna untuk tubuh, walau sering di sepelekan karena bau dari bawang putih ini sangat menyengat dan juga rasa pedas nya itu, namun bawang putih jenis AMAVI5D sangat banyak sekali manfaat yang bagus untuk tubuh.
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korkutkalkan · 10 months ago
Ankara’nın Kızılcahamam ilçesinde bulunan Alicin Jeositi yıllara meydana okuyor. Trabzon’daki Sümela Manastırı'na benzerliği ile dikkati çeken jeositi, hakkında çok fazla bilgi bulunmadığından gizemini koruyor.Turizme kazandırılmayı bekliyorTarihi zenginlikleriyle tüm dünyanın ilgisini çeken Sümela Manastırı'ndan daha eski bir tarihe sahip olduğu düşünülen Alicin Jeositi, başkentin yanı başında turizme kazandırılmayı bekliyor.Anadolu'nun keşfedilmemiş tarihi hazinelerinden olan, Alicin Jeositi, yok olma tehlikesiyle de karşı karşıya.Geçmişi hakkında net bilgi yokKanyonun içerisindeki dik bir yamaç üzerine inşa edilen bu manastır görünümlü jeositi, geçmişi hakkında net bilgi bulunmuyor.Ancak tırmanarak ulaşılabilen manastır, yolu kanyondan geçen herkesin ilgisini çekiyor.İbadethane olarak kullanılıyorduUzmanlara göre bu manastır, insanların ibadetlerini yapmak için kullandığı bir mekandı.Bu görüşü kuvvetlendiren ise manastırların, vadi ve dere yataklarına yapılıyor olması.Bir diğer görüşe göre burası bir savunma hattıydı. Çünkü diğer manastırlar gibi içerisine resmedilen dini bir figür ve bölümlere ayrılmış odalar yok.Çevredeki tarihi kaleler ve surların varlığı ise söz konusu görüşü destekliyor. 
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kurenafujio · 1 year ago
Alicine | Reignite the Past The premiere is over but you can still watch the process on YouTube!
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dinhthang · 2 years ago
Đặc tính:
Tỏi là một lo���i củ có tên khoa học là Alliman Stivum, được dùng làm thuốc và thức ăn.
Tỏi và tinh dầu bay hơi có chứa 33 hợp chất lưu huỳnh, 17 acid amin, magiê, canxi, đồng, sắt, selen, kẽm và các vitamin A, B, C. Thành phần chính của tinh dầu tỏi là những hợp chất lưu huỳnh, đặc biệt là alicin, chalid, dialyd strisulfid, được coi là những thành phần hoạt tính chủ yếu của tỏi.
Dược liệu có vị cay, hôi, màu trắng, tính nóng, chống hàn, có tác dụng mạnh với một số bệnh về tim mạch.
Công dụng: Tỏi có tác dụng giảm độc trong máu, làm giảm hàm lượng cholesterol tỉ trọng thấp giữ được cholesterol tỉ trong cao. Trong y học cổ truyền tỏi chữa cảm sốt, các triệu chứng có bệnh ho, cúm, viêm tai, viêm phế quản, hơi thở ngắn, viêm xoang, nhức đầu, đau dạ dày, tăng huyết áp. xơ vữa động mạch, tiêu chảy, chống phong, thấp khớp, ho gà, viêm loét. Đặc biệt có tác dụng với các chứng bệnh sau: bệnh về tim mạch. khớp, huyết áp, bệnh đường hô hấp, rối loạn tiêu hoá. bệnh trĩ, tiểu đường. Lấy tôi bóc vỏ 50g, ngâm với 500ml rượu càng lâu càng tốt. Hàng ngày, trước mỗi bữa ăn dùng 25 - 35ml.
nguyênliệulàmthuốc #ChữaBệnhTimMạch #ChữaKếtLỵ #GiảiĐộc #HạCholesterol
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kibrisolay · 2 years ago
Alıç Nedir, Alıçın Faydaları Nelerdir? Alıç Ağacı Ve Çiçeği Neye İyi Gelir?
Alıç Nedir, Alıçın Faydaları Nelerdir? Alıç Ağacı Ve Çiçeği Neye İyi Gelir? - https://olaykibris.com/alic-nedir-alicin-faydalari-nelerdir-alic-agaci-ve-cicegi-neye-iyi-gelir/ #kıbrıs #kktc #haber #türkiye #dünya
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bigassbowlingballhead · 2 years ago
i threw in what garlic i had left (two cloves, just smashed for that alicin) [shout out to it's alive]
AND IT TURNED BLUE? The food network shows never prepared me for that.
Turns out, that's a normal thing garlic does when exposed to high acid and is perfectly safe to consume
pickling red onions for the first time ever
I'm very excited about them, I already tasted one that just sat in the brine for a minute and it was goooood
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marchinopower-blog · 6 years ago
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Stiamo degustando per Voi 🥂 #conoscereilterritorio #people #quality #island #salina #hauner #carlohauner #iancura #hierà #wine #vulcano #marchinogoodfoodgoodwine #brescia #wineporn #viatrieste36a #alici #alicine #freschezza #libidinoso #sicilia #sicily #food #foodporn #italy #aperitivo #emozioni #lingua #malvasia #igers #igersitalia #vista #see (presso Lingua, Sicilia, Italy)
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