#alice assigns wc names
raspberrysmoon · 2 months
i do not know what warrior cats are but could i maybe get a name? it's okay if you have too many though!
this is my greatest fear in an ask. this one is crazy long sorry 🫶 my vibes should be "light, gentle, flowers, sweet-sounding". heres the full list copy/pasted from my notes page
eveningshell? eveninglight? dawnshell? tulipdawn? tuliplight? tulipsun? tulipshine? tulipcloud? tulipblink? paleshine? softblink? softshine? paleblink? cloudblink? cottonsun? cottonlight? brightshine? brightblink? silverblink? silvercloud? tulipmist? tulipwish? petalblink? petalshine? petalsun? shellblink? cottonblink? silverpetal? silversun? cottonlight? brightpetal? cottonflower? flowermist? flowerwish? flowershine? flowerblink? gentlemist? softmist? quietshine? softblink? quietsun?
the tumblr poll is telling me cottonsun. but i think petalsun fits you better. i think. yes i think petalsun. do you like it
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homisexual11 · 8 months
Risk I’m Willing To Take (Jasper Hale X Alice Cullen X Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of blood… vampirism? Mostly fluff.
Summary: You’re new in Forks and become close with a couple… you find out what they are, fall in love, and… yeah.
Being a human in Forks was common; being a human in Forks who became friends with the Cullens… not as much. With the risks that everyone had to take, the Cullens and the humans alike would stay away. Well, the humans would if they understood. They would have stayed away from you if they could have, they really would have… but then Alice had a vision. She saw you. She saw you, someone they had never met before, coming into their lives. A human. She didn’t see you the same way she saw Bella originally, there was something different about you. She assumed it was just the fact that you weren’t going to be romantically involved with anyone, but she couldn’t have been more wrong.
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As they got closer to meeting you, she told Jasper all about you. All about what she would see. She saw you becoming best friends with her and Jasper specifically, even closer than Bella was to them. (Which wasn’t saying too much, but still…) Jasper could feel the excitement radiating off her, he could almost feel the same way about you just because of her. He had reservations, worried about becoming close with another human, so close after they met Bella, but when they saw you for the first time, it all felt better.
Your father was in the military and had been assigned to Fairchild AFB in the middle of the school year. It wasn’t particularly close to Forks, but your parents thought Forks was a good place to move and only thirty minutes away from the base. It was a small town, but you didn’t mind it. It was better than living on base. When you stepped in for Junior year on that first day, Alice almost exploded. She couldn’t believe she was finally seeing you, her new best friend… even if you didn’t know it yet. Jasper didn’t calm her down, even if he was almost overwhelmed with how happy she was. They were in three of your classes each, both were in English with you, but Jasper was in your Science and History, while Alice was in your Math and Art.
Jasper ended up meeting you first, not expecting when you walked into History at the beginning of the day. When he heard your name, his head shot up. Well, everyone did, but their reason was not expecting someone new. Then… he needed to get out of there. As if high school wasn’t hard enough for him, hundreds of beating hearts with blood pumping through them… that blood, no, YOUR blood was almost enough to drive him insane. He couldn’t walk out then, he couldn’t make a scene… he had to sit through the rest of that class, finally realizing what having a singer was like.
You weren’t nervous that whole day, but you were quiet. You kept to yourself, something Jasper could understand. You were an introvert, much like him. Edward could hear his thoughts, part of him being nervous about the logistics of being around someone who he wanted to drain more than anything else, the other part of him wondering exactly what your blood would taste like. Jasper could feel Edward being nervous about this, he had heard a little bit about you from Alice, but not nearly as much as the blonde. Jasper had been holding his breath the whole day, and he almost let something slip… he was eager for more of you, but he knew if he took a breath, he would lose it.
You got lucky enough to sit in the back, right next to Edward. You were going to become better friends than expected, even if he didn’t say anything to you yet. You had most of your classes with him, and although you were both quiet, you got along in the silence. History, science, math, and art. (I haven’t read Midnight Sun yet, I don’t know what classes he took but I feel like he would take art. I think every one of the Cullens would take art, but that’s probably just me) You got lucky, Edward was part of the reason Jasper didn’t find a way to drain you that first day. He got a smile from you as you sat down next to him, and immediately just paid attention to the lesson.
Your next class was English, poor Jasper couldn’t catch a break, but at least he had Alice with him. When Alice heard your name for the first time, she was going insane. Jasper held her hand under the table to keep her from running up to you and suffocating you in a hug. She knew so much about you already, and she was so happy to finally see you in person. There was a slight problem, though… the way your blood smelled. The vampire lovers had both managed to find their singer. Alice knew she could deal with it, even if it were hard… she would tell Jasper about it later at home, and everything would be fine.
You found that in English, you had a ton of free time, and the teacher was laid back enough to let people move around and do whatever they wanted after the lesson was finished. You would have been content to sit there on your own when one pixie-haired girl came up to you. “I’m Alice,” she said, giving you her hand to shake. Jasper was even surprised at her eagerness.
“Y/N,” you said, shaking her hand but feeling a little awkward about it. Her hand was freezing, but you knew better than to jump back or flinch.
“I know,” she said without thinking, then trying to fix it, “I heard it when our teacher introduced you, and I think my boyfriend is in your History class. His name is Jasper, I don’t know if you know him or not, but you’re the talk of the entire town. Hasn’t been like this since Bella moved here. Ooh! Have you met her? She’s actually really sweet, if a little awkward.”
She had immediately felt like your best friend, even if you didn’t understand it. Jasper subtly used his gift, something he didn’t think through very much, just to make you a little more comfortable. He wouldn’t normally do something like that, especially not to a human he barely knew… well, technically barely knew, but he didn’t want to have to watch Alice humiliate herself. You had no choice but to feel okay, and when he left he tried his best to take it away without you having a drop.
The rest of that day sped by, and your new friend… well, technically friends (they’re a package deal) ensured you had someone to be around all day. You didn’t mind their presence–even without Jasper using his gift on you, which he didn’t use for the rest of the day–and found it comforting. Alice told you about their family, and as she did you looked around. There was a blonde girl, you soon found out her name was Rosalie, who kept staring at you. She didn’t like you much, and Alice explained that she didn’t like many people and that she didn't mean anything by it. She was Jasper’s twin. You could see a little bit of resemblance, but nothing too crazy.
Weeks passed, leading to months, and you had grown close to almost all of the Cullens. Rosalie learned to accept you, despite her earlier reservations. You knew something was off about all of them, but you never brought it up. You were happy to have friends; you would never have discovered their secret if it weren’t for Bella Swan. She was in PE with you, and even though you rarely ever spoke, you were friends by association with the Cullens. You had both managed to roll your ankle on the same day, so you could sit out.
“You’re Edward’s girlfriend, right?” She asked you.
“Umm.. it’s complicated,” she says, tucking her hair behind her ear for what seemed like the millionth time in that class period alone. “But you know how things are with the vampires…”
“Vampires, huh?” You thought she was kidding at first, but when you saw the look of panic on her face everything clicked. She tried to come up with some bullshit excuse, but you weren’t for it. She begged you not to say anything, which further proved it. She was either crazy, or your best friends were vampires. Either one was very likely when you thought about it, and they honestly weren’t mutually exclusive.
As soon as you had that conversation, Alice had a vision. She hadn’t seen this one coming, it was out of the blue. She saw you coming to their house after school, and only one other thing was clear… vampire. It didn’t make much sense, but she figured it out. And if she was right… there was a problem. She looked over at Edward who seemed to understand. They both came up with a plan to leave class, and grab Jasper on the way out. Edward could just barely hear your thoughts as you ran into the bathroom, they weren’t the only ones who were making an excuse to leave.
You tried to tell yourself that you were being overdramatic; how could your best friends be vampires? You weren’t superstitious, and you didn’t believe in things like that. You decided to tell your teacher you had been sick and go home, once school was over you would sneak out and go to the Cullen’s. You didn’t think it was the smartest, but you needed some time to think.
Your plan worked, both of your parents were working so they couldn’t be home. Everything would work out, leaving you to spiral. As soon as it was 2:45, you got in your car and drove straight to the Cullens. You knocked on the door, Carlisle answering. “Hello, Y/N, may I ask what you’re here for?”
“I need to talk to Alice,” you said. You barely noticed yourself, but you were almost shaking.
“That eager, huh?” He notes. “Well, come in. I think she’s up in her room with Jasper, but I can go get them–”
“Dr. Cullen, I think it’s best if I go up to see them.”
“I’m sorry, but I promise, it’ll be fine. I’m sure they won’t mind, sir.”
He hesitantly let you inside, and you thanked him before running up and knocking on the door. “Come in,” you heard someone say.
You walked into the room and Alice immediately stood up. You both looked at each other, no one wanting to say the first thing. Jasper just stared his usual stare. After a minute of awkward silence, you could only get one word out. “Vampire?”
Out of the many things you wanted to say, all you could get out was one word. Everyone in the house heard it, yet no one said a word. Alice finally looked down. “Y/N…”
“I’m sorry, I… maybe Bella is just crazy, and I’m as crazy for believing her. This was stupid, I should have left this be–”
“Y/N,” Jasper spoke this time. As soon as he spoke you felt a little more calm. He knew he was going to regret anything he said, everyone in the house would… but dammit, if Bella already said something their only choice would be to tell you or leave you thinking you were insane and never speak to you again. “You’re not crazy.”
“No, Jasper, I’m–”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” Alice assured. “You aren’t crazy. Bella… that’s a different story.”
You laughed a little, but it didn’t last very long. Jasper looked over at Alice, and then Edward walked into the room unannounced. You thought it was because of the Bella comment, but he didn’t say anything about it. He nodded towards Alice, before walking right back out.
Alice walked up to you and touched your arm gently. “You can leave right now if you want to, but if you do that… we won’t talk to you again. Or, you can come downstairs with us and…” she sighs, looking over at Jasper. “Is this worth it?”
“I don’t know,” he says. He couldn’t look at you, even if he so desperately wanted to. “This is risky, telling her…”
“So I’m right,” you said.
“It would be impressive, had Bella not told you,” was Jasper’s response.
“So… you guys are vampires?”
Alice looked up at you. “Let’s go downstairs, I think everyone is already waiting…”
You didn’t know what was going on, but you let her lead you downstairs with Jasper following behind. Just as she said, every one of the Cullens was waiting, and Bella was right behind Edward. Alice kept a supporting hand on you the entire time as Jasper stood right next to her. “Another human?” Emmett asked. He seemed pleasantly surprised.
Alice nodded, and at that same time, her face went blank for at least fifteen seconds. Jasper put an arm on her, “What did you see, hon?”
“Nothing,” she says, it was a lie. She had seen something that put some things into perspective. She had seen all of you getting together, you, her, and Jasper. “It’s too far away, it wasn’t clear enough yet.”
Edward tensed but he didn’t say anything.
“Well,” Carlisle began. “I guess she deserves an idea of what’s going on right now.”
“You’re vampires?” You half-asked, half-said. You could see Rosalie glaring at Edward and Bella, only for Carlisle to speak again.
“Rosalie, it’s alright,” Carlisle tried to assure her.
“She would have found out anyways, Rose,” Edward told her. Ever the Bella defender, “Bella just sped up the process.”
“It was an accident,” Bella tried to say, but Edward gave her a look that told her not to speak.
“We’re not mad at you, Bella,” Esme smiled. She walked up to you and tucked your hair behind your ears. “We aren’t mad at you, either. I hope you know that.”
You didn’t exactly know what to say, so you nodded.
“Considering previous events, it goes unsaid that you know. Yet I still feel the need to say it, Y/N. We are vampires, yes. Now that you know this, there are some… conditions,” everyone seemed nervous as Carlisle spoke, Alice unintentionally tightened her grip on you just short of bruising. “You cannot tell anyone what you know, not your mother, not your father, not your closest friends. I wish you would have had a chance to back out rather than what is going on now, everything you know is at risk now.”
You nodded, so he continued. “It’s not all bad, though. Now there aren’t secrets around here anymore,” he was purposefully avoiding the elephant in the room. The fact that they needed blood. Edward read your thoughts.
“Carlisle,” he says, and the doctor sighed but forced a smile.
“You want to know about the… blood issue?” Jasper tensed, and Alice put her other arm on him.
“Blood issue, he calls it,” Emmett snickered, Rosalie smacked him in the gut to shut him up.
“We don’t drink human blood,” Carlisle explained. “I’d be happy to explain later, whenever you ask. For some of us…” he glances in your direction, with Jasper staring down at the floor. “It’s harder than with the others. You needn’t worry.”
“Do you just not want blood…?” You asked, it was a stupid question.
“No, not exactly,” he told you. “We all want it, but it’s easier the longer you’re around it. We live off animal blood, we’re what you could call… vegetarians. Just the vampire equivalent of it.”
You nodded. It was quiet for a moment, before you asked something again, “What… um.. Happened with Alice a second ago?”
“Some vampires are gifted,” Carlisle responds. “Technically, all of us are. Some of us are more obvious than others. Mine, for example, is on the more subtle side… compassion. I have a better ability to resist blood than some others, hence why I’m in the medical field. Edward is a mind reader, on the more apparent side. Alice can see the future, she has premonitions.”
You stayed quiet. “I’m sorry you have to know this,” Esme says quietly. “I wish, much like the rest of us, that you would have had a choice…”
“It’s okay, Alice told me I could’ve walked away…” you said when you thought about it and looked over at her and realized something. Whether it was just a feeling for the moment or something that would stay, you were in love.
“We wanted to give her a… level of a choice, even if it was just two extremes,” Jasper said. You looked at him and felt the same thing you felt towards Alice. You saw him tense up for a second before he pretended to be okay.
“I still don’t understand why we couldn’t have said that Bella was crazy and walked away,” Rosalie rolled her eyes. “All of this could have been avoided.”
“Rosalie,” Carlisle says. “Y/N is part of our family now, like Bella.”
“Why don’t we invite the whole town… better yet the whole state into our ‘family’ while we’re at it!” She says. She wasn’t yelling, more like stating in an aggressive and loud tone. Emmett grabbed her hand and they walked to their room together. Bella looked ashamed, but it wasn’t much different than the way she normally looked.
“I’m sorry if I’m causing turmoil,” you said.
“Don’t apologize, my love,” Esme says. “Like Carlisle says, you’re a part of our family now.”
Carlisle smiled. “Do you have any other questions?”
“Not yet… I don’t think,” you said.
“Well, I’ll let you go then. My door is always open if you need anything.” Carlisle went to his office, Esme kissed your cheek before going into the kitchen, and Edward and Bella both went to his room, leaving you and your best friends in the room together.
“I’m sorry,” Alice said. “But at least now there aren’t any secrets.”
“Right,” you forced a smile. “No secrets.”
You weren’t going to say anything yet; you would probably never say anything if you were being honest. Having feelings for a boy was one thing, it was another to have feelings for both that boy and his girlfriend. If you had found out what Jasper's gift was then, you would have run away and forgotten all about that, even if it could very well get you killed.
“This is such a risk,” Jasper says quietly.
“Jas, it’s a risk I’m willing to take,” you tell him. “Y’all have been my only friends since I moved here, and pretty much the best friends I’ve ever had.”
A couple of months passed, and you hoped that feeling would go away… but it didn’t. Every day you fell a bit more for your two best friends. Jasper could sense it, and Alice would get visions, but neither wanted to say anything until you did. They spoke to each other about it frequently and agreed to wait for you to say something. They would wait years if you needed, decades even. They started to fall for you too, not just the idea of you… but you in who you were. They fell for you, your flaws, and your perfections. It wasn’t conventional, but they didn’t care.
You never would have said anything, not until a certain conversation with Edward. You had grown close to him, which was weird to both of you. But he started to feel like an older brother to you, and so did Emmett. The topic of conversation had been how Alice and Jasper got together, leading to you finding out exactly what Jasper’s gift was. Manipulating and… feeling emotions. Your heart sank and you told him you needed to leave, but he knew exactly what was going on. He didn’t stop you.
This was exactly what Alice had envisioned when they were telling you about vampires. It somehow had managed to stay the same, only now, she had more of a view on your future as well.
How you had managed to be friends with them for as long as you had, and never found out what Jasper’s gift was… you don’t know. You debated, once again, leaving and running away. But… something told you not to. You needed to go see them, needed to talk to them. You slowly walked over there, knocking on the door. “Y/N!” She says, hugging you. “What’s up?”
You didn’t say anything, just walked in there. They didn’t mind, you were close enough. Jasper could sense your nervousness and… well, a bunch of other emotions that you couldn’t figure out. “Do you want to talk?” He asked gently, coming to sit down closer to you.
“You can feel emotions,” you said.
“Yes,” he said. “I can, in fact, feel emotions. What about it?”
“So you’ve…” you couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
He luckily understood. “You mean your personal feelings? Yes, I have.” You were embarrassed. “Don’t worry, it’s normal… I guess.”
“Does she know?” You asked, glancing over at Alice.
“She was the first one to know,” he told you. She nodded. “She knew before you knew. I found out as soon as you did, and so did Edward. He mentioned it once, and never again.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, playing with your fingers.
“Don’t apologize, it’s alright,” Alice said, smiling and taking one of your hands gently. She did stuff like that a lot, but this felt strangely intimate.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“We didn’t want to embarrass you, we know a lot has been going on recently,” Jasper tells you. “This is a complicated situation, we didn’t want to add to the stress.”
“But you’ve known,” you said. They nodded. “I can leave.”
“Please don’t,” Alice said. “Y/N… I’ve seen it. I’ve seen a future with all three of us, where we’re together. It’s in no way conventional, and obviously, there are some… issues, but we can make it work. I know we can. We both love each other so much, but we also love you.”
“If you’ll have us, darlin’,” Jasper says. “We want you to be ours.”
You were almost speechless. Was this really happening? Was this just a cruel dream? Jasper comes to kneel in front of you, Alice sitting beside you. “You mean it?” You ask.
“Yes,” Alice smiles.
“But you need to understand, this is even more a risk than just being friends with us. I don’t mean to worry you, but this is a big deal, Y/N,” Jasper tells you. “I can’t let you go on without you understanding it.”
“I know, Jasper. And… it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
He smiled, taking your hand and pressing a gentle kiss to it. The little gesture made you turn pink, and he smiled. That was about as far as he could go, he would need a break from humans for a minute after you left. He went to sit back down a little further away from you. He had grown close to you as a friend and was fine, but now there was more to it. But somehow... It felt like it was getting easier.
Alice looked at you, she could deal with a bit more than he could, but she didn’t know what you were ready for. She kissed your cheek softly, intertwining your fingers with the hand she was holding.
You knew that this wasn’t going to be easy; it would tear you apart every day. You didn’t complain though, even with the dangers. You loved them, and they loved you… and that made this a risk you were willing to take
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stellari-s · 8 months
if you wanna write about one of the idv girls.......... alice deross and a reader who's also a journalist, perhaps working together?
you can wait till she releases ofc!!
hi, sorry for it being so late, but sure yeah i'm open to writing idv girls! to be fully honest, i've never written for alice though (except for one occasion before her release...) but i can try for sure!
request; yes, by anon! requests are closed til i get my current requests taken care of but may open some comms?
wc; 730.
tags; default! journalist (alice deross), jounalist! gn! reader, work relationship, reader admires alice, canon-divergent, first person pov.
summary; an avid reader of alice's columns, you've wanted to be a journalist. and now that you are, for your first assignment, you are to work with alice deross...
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rumors spread like wildfire, and this agency was no exception.
i had gotten my dream job as a journalist - since i was still in school, i had always admired a certain writer named alice deross, who wrote articles with a striking amount of detail, as if she herself had experienced what she was writing firsthand (even if such wasn’t the case), while still keeping a certain veil of mystery. that’s why i worked hard to get recruited into the same agency as ms. deross, networking and honing my writing.
and, to say the least, my first day was, indeed, filled with rumors.
rumors about what? why, of course, the famed oletus manor. it’s become a famous place for novelists to center horror stories around, seeing as many strange events are said to have happened there, yet they all seem so wild it’s hard to believe. “participate in a game for a chance to have your wish, no matter its grandness, granted.” who would believe such a thing? was my first thought.
yet, alice deross allegedly was passionate about this very case - everyone else was either scared to enter the unknown or uncertain whether it even existed or if it was a reality warped to exaggeration by the people who spread the rumors.
ms. deross, however, insisted on taking this case.
only she had the resolve to delve into the unknown and only she held such strong beliefs with eyes that could light a fire.
“surely there is something from this manor i can glean. i had prior connections to the manor, so it’s hard to believe such liveliness could be overtaken by these dangerous games,” she had declared to the head editor.
it appeared she had other motivations than producing a good story.
supposedly, it took quite a bit of convincing, but it was only after ms. deross went out of her way to obtain a manor invitation, the reddish wax seal bearing an abstract floral imprint, that the head editor (reluctantly, and much to his chagrin) accepted; clearly, ms. deross was adamant about this case, so as long as she could make a good story, who was he to say “no”?
...must have been what he thought.
i was curious about her said “other motivations” that i was nothing less than certain she held close to her heart, so with the head editor’s approval, i ventured to oletus manor, shrouded in mystery, with ms. deross. my first impression of her was what her writing style conveyed: polite, clear-spoken yet slightly distant. as they say, “style is the man himself,” i suppose.
in fact, i distinctly remember her first question: “i have been curious why you insist on going with me to oletus manor,” she said while i drove through the forested area, “it will likely be a dangerous gig.”
“yes,” i replied back (perhaps my voice betrayed me, for ms. deross shot me a look with a gleam of worry), “i’m fully aware.”
her look of worry diffused then into a wry smile.
“i don’t know whether you are courageous or reckless.”
“maybe both.”
“...regardless, i should warn you: curiosity can kill the cat. i do respect it though, seeing as you even volunteered to come with me.”
those were her last words as i remember parking up at the manor. it was then ms. deross seemed to change her demeanor considerably to the point of tangibility - i could practically taste it.
what had transpired at the manor was already reflected in her eyes before we had even entered its premises.
its happenings are a story for another day. a whole article wouldn’t be enough.
ms. deross handed me an envelope. “remember, (y/n), it is never too late to withdraw. i have a personal matter to settle here, but your life is what should be most important to you.”
she handed me a camera, the black lens reflecting my own face, revealing nothing but the truth at that moment laid bare. when i looked up at ms. deross, meeting her eyes, i couldn’t help but notice a more soft look than usual.
perhaps she had resigned to the fact that, since we both made it this far, i would not turn back now.
“after all, dead men tell no tales.”
(that said, i am alive even now, so for the future, i still have a tale to tell.)
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Below is an in-depth timeline of Syd Ripley's life from birth (April 30, 1992) until now (beginning of August 2023).
Please be aware of trigger warnings under the cut.
TW // Transphobia, Crime, Drugs
BORN: April 30, 1992
Born in New Jersey to Carlos and Alice Jiminez. Assigned female at birth. (older brother Maverick Jiminez born 1990)
Played in little-league soccer teams and loved participating in team sports as a kid.
2007 - Made it onto his high school field hockey team, but was often made fun of for being a 'tomboy'.
February 2008 - Syd realizes he's trans, and comes out to a very close friend from English class.
August 2008 - Comes out to his parents. They refuse to understand it and encourage him not to go talking about it to people.
September 2008 - Junior year, Syd's grades suffer. He begins to come out to other friends and even trusted teachers at school.
Syd lives what feels like a double life, being comfortably Syd at school (with some teasing and bullying that he handles with his fists usually) and coming home to a family who refuse to acknowledge his new name and pronouns.
May 2010 - Syd graduates from high school and immediately packs up his old car and leaves home. He moves to NYC where some cousins lived, to start a new life. He lives out of his car until he finds a roommate. Changes his last name to 'Ripley'.
Early 2012 - Syd begins freelance camboy work to help pay bills.
2014 - Syd drives back home to see if his parents have had a change of heart. They haven't. The meeting is bittersweet and Syd goes back to NYC.
June 2018 - In and out of jobs, Syd begins a new job as a server at a seedy diner. He ends up sleeping with a customer (a Cartel member) who hires him as extra muscle for a 'gig'. No questions asked, $300 to carry some stuff. Less than an hour's work. He takes it. He starts taking other muscle jobs from them after this.
September 2018 - Syd starts testosterone!
January 2019 - Syd gets fired from his diner job after punching out a customer for being gross. The Cartel hires him to help run the laundromat.
March 2020 - Syd gets top surgery!
November 2021 - Syd tries fighting in The Arène. He does well, but is unsettled by it (mostly the wealthy men screaming and jeering around him). But he's paid handsomely.
Early 2022 - Syd goes back to fight in The Arène. This time he's beaten, and suffers pretty bad injuries. While nursing his wounds out in an alleyway, he meets someone who takes him home & takes care of him (WC).
Current - Syd still works at the laundromat, debates going back to The Arène, and continues doing muscle work for the Cartel.
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multiversxwhore · 2 years
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate it if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is pinned to my page if you wish to see more! ☽☽☽
pairings: Edward Cullen x black!oc
warning: please don’t expect much cannon, or original story plot. Lol if you’re a twi-hard and you love the books/movies the way they are…this isn’t for you. Expect some inaccuracies im so sorry
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Chapter 1
Imagine this, living a happy life with your family, going to school with all your friends, and having the hope that one day you grow up to live your dreams. Now, imagine everything that you’ve ever known, and loved being snatched away from you because your parents fucked up. That’s not even the worst part, moving to a whole new realm, in a small dimly lit city called Forks. Don’t worry, it’s more to this story than you think.
First day of Junior year
“Two new students in one day, what are the wonderful odds, and they’re both pretty.” A blonde haired boy named Mike perked up as Bella Swan, and I followed behind him wordlessly. A blank stare on my face, but she looked dramatically uncomfortable by the compliment. I don’t blame her. So far all of the boys we’ve met are just horny, ugly teens. Great. I really wish I could kill myself, and stay dead.
All their thoughts the same, wondering if so and so thought they were cute, stressing about grades, and rather or not if there will be meatloaf for lunch. Boring, insignificant, and jumbled thoughts. I have to hear nearly a thousand of them daily now, and I’ve learned how to turn others' minds off to my brain.
“Alright Eddie, here’s your first period, Biology.” My teeth clenched with annoyance at the nickname, I turned to him swiftly.
“Don’t call me that again, I hate nicknames.” I said coldly, a real part of myself slipping out, I tried to fix it with an awkward smile somewhat mimicking Bella. I turned to the chattering class, when I crossed the threshold, they all seemed to freeze as their eyes stuck to me. Though, there is someone’s stare that is burning through me hotter than all the others. Their thoughts are quiet, and slightly panicked.
She– she smells amazing, no better than that, like something I’ve never experienced before! Damn it I knew I should have went with Jasper and Alice last night
My eyes search the sea of students, all the way in the back of the class, my eyes zero in on a dramatically pale looking boy. His eyes are peculiarly dull, and dark. He bristled as if just now noticing I’m watching him, he must have the same abilities because I can feel him pushing within the corners of my mind. It’s more like a rough shove, my head unintentionally whips backward as if someone took their hand and pushed against my forehead. A subtle action to the mundane teens around me, I could feel my blood run hot, was that a challenge? Or was he having a hard time reading me?
“Okay, sorry it took me a minute to get you a packet together Ms. Eden Saxon. Unfortunately we only have one seat open, right next to Mr. Cullen, he’s very smart. You shouldn’t have a problem out of him.” The teacher said, I just nodded my head, and quietly made my way between the aisle of students. I think he’s realized my abilities, because now his thoughts are almost nonexistent.
…why is it always me? Was all he said, and even that came out as barely a whisper. The corner of my mouth turned upward ever so slightly, when I came to sit beside him his body stiffened significantly. He looked to be in pain, his hand covered his nose, and mouth. My lips pressed together firmly, this was going to be a long class period…
When it came time to do our actual assignment, Edward literally did not want to touch me. I just wanted to get my work done, but since it requires your lab partner I had no choice.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I snapped instantly, his eyes popped open with shock, obviously not expecting me to directly address him. I stared back waiting for a response, but he flat out ignored me, and turned back to the hand out, scribbling his answers down. What a jackass.
I’m talking to you! I shouted at him, my hand slamming down onto his wrist stopping his movements. Edward froze completely, so still you’d think he was a statue. Slowly his head turns to me, his eyes moving up my arm, and onto my face.
So you can read minds? And you can hear mine? Who are you? Being at the back of the class has its perks, no one noticed us yet.
“I’m trying to finish our work, so do me a favor, fix your attitude.” I ignored his questions briefly, and snatched his paper from underneath his hand. He just watched me, I think he was trying to figure me out. I knew from the look on his face that he was confused.
“Don’t hurt yourself Edward.” I mumbled finishing up my work in enough time for the bell. Quickly I gathered my things, and walked out the class turning my paper into the teacher. Unfortunately Bella’s, and I lockers are right next to each other. I turn to her, she quips her eyebrow upwards, but she doesn’t say anything.
I wonder if her day has been as shitty as mine? I chuckle lightly stuffing my books in the locker, and slamming it shut.
“Bad day already?” I leaned against the cold metal, my shoulder holding up my weight, and my arms folded.
“How’d you know?” She asked.
“Take a look around Bella, do we really fit in here?”
Absolutely not, she thought to herself, then she shrugged her shoulders, and pulled some textbooks out her locker.
“I’ve got a free period, I’ll see you later.” I was already turning away to go down the hall, Bella mumbled a quiet goodbye, and she too headed her own way. I stopped by the vending machines to get some snacks before heading into the library. Fordson High is a strangely large school, but that’s good for me, means more places to hide.
I take a deep breath going to sit by a window, another day, another rain storm in Forks. I took out my pen, and note book. I was starting to make notes when I heard hushed arguing.
Edward Cullen, and two other boys sitting at a table adjacent to me. Without looking up, he instantly stopped talking as if he could feel me before he saw me. It wasn’t until the other two noticed Edwards stillness did they stop muttering.
I could feel him searching my mind again, and instantly I got agitated. The guy sitting next to him with large honey colored eyes stared at me like a hawk. I could feel my mood shift, almost like someone was tugging at me; it temporarily distracted me from Edward.
Eden… his voice ghosted in my head, instantly I hit the emergency break shoving him out just as he did to me earlier. Though I was a bit rougher than him, my chin jutted outwards angrily, and Edward slid back in his seat. The wooden chair scraped harshly against the floor, some heads raised, but the few students scattered around didn’t care too much. I could still feel the tugging sensation, it was pulling harder, and I fought against the sensation of calmness. My eyes snapped towards the one with the honey eyes, and matching hair.
Edward got up from his seat, the other two moved along with him, so I stood as well. My fingers twitching, they weren’t crazy enough to cause a scene right here were they?
My eyes scanned for an adult, I’d hate to cop out like that, but that’s what a normal teen would do right?
“We just want to talk.” Edward mumbled, though I’m watching the biggest one in the end, he smirked at me arrogantly. If he thought this was going down smoothly because I’m smaller than him…boy he was wrong.
“Everyone please sit down, Eden isn’t a threat.” He was talking more so to the honey eyed one, he looked to be…on edge. As he should be, if he had abilities like Edward, it’s possible he felt intimidated.
“Not yet.” I chortled, the big one scoffed.
“You’re like ten pounds, cool it hot shot.”
“You’re not helping Emmet.” Edward scolded, but the cocky one wasn’t listening.
“Big muscles, tiny brain.” I mocked in a neanderthal voice, he cackled loudly, and took a seat at the table. Now that he’s squared away, I move onto the next one, and he wasn’t going to budge. I felt that tugging again, so it was him messing with my feelings.
“Stop that, I don’t like being controlled.” I snapped, my eyelids lowered, my hands balled into fist. Edward suddenly lurched forward like he was going to faint. That caught all of our attention, he caught himself right before he could tip over, and Emmet the burrowly one is quick to be at Edwards side.
“Quit it Jasper, it’s bothering him.” Emmet scolded him, Edward shooed the large one away, and sat down slowly.
“I’m fine Emmet, I'm not an old man.” Edward fussed, to which the big one coughed trying to hold in his laughter, his attempts were futile once Edward gave him a strange look. He was keeping his thoughts silenced, smart choice.
“Well technically—”
“Give it a rest already?” Edward begged him, his face contorted into one of deep annoyance. I assume Jasper felt at ease enough to take a seat as well, the three of them watched me as I remained standing.
“Edward.” My lips pressed together, I’m no longer amused by this exchange. I came here for some peace, but it looks like that’s not happening.
“Please sit down, I’m sorry if my brothers and I scared you.” Edward offered softly, I tilted my head to one side as I tried to figure out if he actually thought I was harmless.
“Babe my night terrors are scarier than you, I’m just trying to figure out what you want from me?” Emmet of course found that hilarious, he snorted which rolled into a deep chuckle.
“You have…abilities my Edward.” Jasper blurted out when I started to pack my things, I paused. I was trying to decide if I should continue to entertain this, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“What do you want from me? Quickly.” I snapped my fingers, my hand on my hip, and my foot tapping impatiently.
“Well—” Right as Edward was doing to answer the bell rang indicating classes, and our free time was over. I throw my stuff back in my bag, and throw it over my shoulder.
“Oops, times up.” I turn to leave, I barely make the first step when Edward quickly gets up from his seat, and is on the other side of the table. I chose to dismiss it as I wasn’t really paying attention to him enough to question it. But I didn't like how he tightly held onto my wrist.
It’s not personal, but I have to protect my family. Please tell me you’re not a threat.
He seemed desperate for my answer, he genuinely needed to know, my heart pounded violently. He smelled delicious, like a warm baked cookie…it was an odd scent, and everything in me told me to run. That Edward Cullen is dangerous, but I couldn’t put my finger on why. The answer was right there on the tip of my tongue, and I bet it has something to do with The Council erasing part of my memories.
“I’m not, I promise…I’m just here to get away from things back home.” That wasn’t a total lie, I wasn’t in Forks for them, and anyone who has eyes can tell that they're different. Whatever it is they’re hiding, I’m not here to expose it, I have my own secrets to keep buried. Edward let me go, but he didn’t move from his spot, the gap between us a sliver of space.
I want– I want to get to know you Eden, if you’ll allow me to.
I gave it some thought…at first he acted like he couldn’t stand the sight of me, and now he wants to be friends? That’s annoying.
“You were such an ass to me today, I think I’ll have to sleep on it.” I smoothly turned on my heel, and walked out of the silent library. As I made my way through the empty halls, I already made up my mind, because after today's encounter…I knew I’d be seeing more of the Cullens.
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pur-pled-aw-thor · 4 years
I'm Smarter
Young! Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader
Summary: Y/n and Remus are not in best of terms. Trying to outsmart each other or just annoy the hell out of them. But one sudden turn of events made them realize each other's importance to their lives.
A/n: they're in 5th year and Gryffindor btw🧙‍♀️ sorry if you ain't in Gryffindor, same hun.
Wc: 7.9k (biiish i-)
Warnings: slooo-hohoho-w burn, harassment, mention of a loved one passing away, not proofread properly, fluffy fluuuuff.
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Y/n is walking towards the Great Hall for lunch with her friends: Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon, and Alice Fortescue.
They became great friends since they were always assigned in the same room every year. They spent the mornings helping each other out with their hair and the whole night talking about boys and what happened around Hogwarts.
But boys are Marlene's specialty, that's why she kept giving Y/n and Lily options with whom they are cute to be paired with.
Even though there is magic with Marlene's skills, Y/n will still reject them. Y/n is very pretty, well, gorgeous actually. (A/n if you say you ain't, imma keep reminding you, you are gorgeous.)
She has (Y/h/c) and (Y/e/c) that makes the boys stare at her all day. Her wonderful curves and height added up with her looks.
But what attracts them the most, is her smarts and attitude. She wasn't a badass, but she's very nice and protective of the people she cares about. Her smarts made her stood out because she is also intelligent and that amazed the other students.
But there is a boy that can outsmart her by a small percentage especially with Defense Against the Dark Arts.
"Oi Y/l/n! Stop placing your arm over Lily dear! She's mine!" "Stop yelling at people when they touch Evans, Potter. Girls are not yellin' when you touch Black!" She exclaimed causing numerous people to laugh at Potter.
"You shouldn't yell, it makes you dumber." She heard one of them said causing them to laugh. She glared at the boy behind the book, she shoved the book down causing a few goblets to shake.
"What did you say, Lupin?" "I said 'you shouldn't yell, it makes you dumber.'" He said raising his head and their face is close enough that it caused tension between the two. Arms grabbed them both away from each other.
"You know you shouldn't be giving attention to Lupin. It'll only cause you trouble!" Lily exclaimed making Y/n sit down and eat lunch.
"You know you shouldn't be that cocky when you talk to her. It makes her feel like she deserves the attention." James whispered and Remus just read the book again.
Y/n looked over Remus and he was reading the stupid book again. She rolled her eyes and continued eating her lunch.
Remus moved his book a bit taking a glimpse of Y/n chatting with the girls. He furrowed his eyebrows and continued reading the book.
A few weeks after the incident, Y/n and Remus are still against each other and would continue to make the other feel dumber.
Insults are thrown here and there. Debates would occur out of nowhere causing numerous people to stop whatever they are doing. And fights rarely happen, but if it would, it would mean for their friends to take them to each side of the castle to stop it from happening.
"Valentine's day is happening next week. Any plans?" Marlene asked the girls and Y/n slid on her chair and hid her face with the book.
She doesn't hate the holiday. She just hates the way people celebrate it. Kissing, hugging, pink papers, confetti, gifts, and even the chocolates are shaped into hearts and placed inside a heart-shaped box.
She just doesn't get it.
She's not bitter, tons of boys would give her gifts and letters. But the only reason she accepts it is because of the chocolates. The normal ones though. Her admirers learned that when she gave Lily the heart-shaped chocolate, she received from a Hufflepuff.
They're staying at the library, trying to finish their homework for Potions. It started productively, but when Y/n and Lily finished, Marlene and Alice placed it aside and they'll just copy it later, hence the sudden topic of the said Holiday.
"Frank and I will be in Hogsmeade the whole afternoon," Alice stated and Marlene nodded, she then talked about how one of her suitors would take her to Hogsmeade too but they'll be there first thing in the morning.
With the two Gryffindor girls having a date, Y/n and Lily would be spending the whole day together in the Library or Common Room.
But she was wrong.
One of her suitors miraculously made Lily go with him on a date. When she said this, Y/n immediately felt left out. Well, why wouldn't she? All of her friends got a date and she doesn't. Even though she has a ton of boys at her doorstep, waiting for her to let one of them in.
"I'll be staying in the Common Room then. Waiting for you three while boys will start flooding me with gifts." She said not sitting up straight to face her friends, but she can feel the sympathetic looks from them.
"Why can't you just say 'yes' to one of them? Maybe just maybe, they'll be your soulmate." Alice stated causing Y/n to sigh.
"It's because they're a bunch of boys and I know the difference between a boy and a man." She said remembering what her father said to her.
"Remember Y/n, a boy makes promises and they never fulfill it, but a man will prove anything without even promising about it."
"And a man will treat you differently than a boy would. So, pick a man, not a boy. Don't waste love for a guy who wastes their saliva with phrases like 'I promise you.' 'I promise, it won't happen again.' and such."
Her father's word echoed in her head and she smiled because he taught her to be careful with whom she lets in her life.
They went to the Great Hall for dinner and Y/n noticed the silence at the other side of the table.
Normally, four unruly boys would be making a ruckus, but tonight it was very quiet. She looked at the four boys and the three talked quietly while one was submerged in a book.
'Why would they leave Lupin out of the talk?' she thought but then realized, she doesn't care.
Same with Remus, he doesn't care what the three are talking about. He knows they'll just make him go on a date with one of the girls that like him.
"You know, Remus. Going out to a date is good for you." James said trying to convince the sandy-haired boy.
He knows when they start to use First name basis, it’s either serious or very personal.
And he knows this isn’t a serious matter.
"Oh really? Why is that?" "Because you can relax and enjoy your time here at Hogwarts," Sirius said stealing Remus' book and holding it up.
"Give it back, Sirius!" He exclaimed causing a few students to look at them. Sirius stood up and still held it high, he knows he'll be able to reach the book because Remus was just an inch shorter than him.
So, what he did is he ran towards the girls and made Y/n hold on to it. "PLEASE TAKE IT!" Sirius exclaimed and Y/n took it, she is very oblivious to what is happening so she just took it and flipped through it.
"Sirius giv-" Remus reached the girls' side and he looked at Y/n, she looked at the book and realized it was Lupin's.
"DON'T GIVE IT BACK UNLESS REMUS GETS A DATE WITH SOMEONE!" James yelled and it caused the other girls to facepalm because he forgot they weren't the only ones there.
"No, she'll give it back. Won't you, Y/n?" Remus asked, reaching his hand out to take the book and Y/n looked at Black to Potter and Lily.
She sighed and stood up, placing the book inside her bag, and smiled at the people who were looking at her.
"Go get that date, Remus, then I'll give back your book." She said walking off and patted James on the back softly.
Her walk back towards the Common Room was very chaotic.
Well in her head at least.
'Why didn't you give it back?!' 'You wanker! Do you know what you just did?!' 'Were you proud of yourself? Because I'm not!' When she reached the common room, she immediately headed towards her room and that’s when she dropped her bag and laid face down on her bed.
She didn’t care if she couldn’t breathe properly, or her bag was a mess on the floor, what she cares about now is that she’s screwed.
Big time.
The next morning, she heard people talking outside their dorm. She looked around the room and saw that the girls are still asleep. It was Saturday and, normally, they slept in, but the commotion outside made it hard to sleep.
“What are they doing outside our door?” Lily asked groggily trying to rub the sleep away from her eyes. “I don’t know. I’m going to take a look.” Y/n said standing up from her bed and wearing her slippers.
“What in Merlin’s beard are you lot doing outside our door?!” She exclaimed causing people to squeal and walk away. But a few people pointed behind her and she saw an envelope taped up on the door and chocolates on the side of the frame.
“Students saw it earlier but no one saw who gave it.” One student said before leaving the scene.
Lily stood behind her and removed the letter while she took the chocolates inside, placing them beside the door and walking back again to her bed to continue sleeping.
“Just read the recipient and leave it, Lily.” She said covering herself with her duvet but Lily stood next to her with the letter, placing it on her table. “As you wish, darling,” Lily said and climbed back towards her bed. She sat up and took the letter in her hands.
To: Y/n Y/l/n
From: Your secret admirer, darling
Usually, she’ll just let Marlene read the letter and throw it inside her box filled with letters, but she has a feeling that she needs to be the one to read it.
Carefully opening the letter, she felt herself getting excited to read it. Unfolding the letter, there she saw a handwritten letter, a nice handwritten letter...
Dear Y/n
I’ve always admired you from afar, taking in every small detail from you. How you’d chew your bottom lip when you are concentrating, constantly tapping the end of your quill on the table when you can’t think of the answer, and how you let the sun rays hit your face every time you go outside for a walk.
No, I am not a stalker, but everywhere you go, we are also at the same place. And I would be there, trying to avoid your beauty and will fail miserably. You made me study harder for the sake of you getting to notice me. One day you will.
The chocolates are for you, I know you don’t fancy the heart-shaped ones, so I got you the normal ones from Honeydukes. I do hope you enjoy it, and yes, your friends can also enjoy some of it.
Have a nice day darling, hopes Merlin that I can have the courage to ask you out.
Your secret admirer.
She felt herself blushing, it was the first time she blushed at a letter from one of her suitors. She folded the letter and placed it back on the table. Standing up again because there’s no point sleeping now if she just felt giddy inside.
After taking a shower and finding comfortable clothes, she went to the Great Hall and ate breakfast by herself. Taking out a book and serving herself breakfast, a few minutes later, she felt someone sit in front of her, she placed her book down and rolled her eyes.
‘It’s too early for this.’ “What do you want, Lupin?” She asked annoyed at the boy in front of her. He smiled at her and she just finished her toast. “Can’t I just sit here with you?” He asked the Y/h/c haired girl and she just chuckled.
“Get lost.” She said looking him in the eyes. He sighed and looked at her seriously. “Just give me back my book and then I’ll leave.” He said taking a sip from his goblet and she shook her head.
“I can’t, you need to have a date,” She stated pouring herself water and taking a sip. “Besides, I don’t have it here.” She said looking at him and his face is just filled with hatred.
But his eyes beg to differ, she never noticed it though.
“You need to have a date before I can give you back the book, Lupin. I need to see you having fun with someone, or just a picture won’t hurt, good day.” She said standing up and taking her book with her.
Leaving the Great Hall, she passed by the three other Marauders and sat by Lupin. She continued walking until she reached the Library. She doesn’t have any work to do, giving her a free weekend.
She sat down at a table near the window and continued reading her book, taking a break from time to time and stare out of the window. A few first years were enjoying the sun and having fun, giving all of their energy from running around the yard. Continuing to stare outside, she felt a pair of eyes looking at the back of her head.
She turned around and saw a guy sitting a few tables away from her, trying to fix his posture like he wasn’t staring at her for a while. When she got back to her book, she saw in her peripheral vision the same guy moving on his seat like he was nervous. She saw him standing up and walking nearer.
“Hi, m-may I sit down?” She lowered her book and saw the guy, black hair that’s a bit messy, green eyes, and tanned skin. ‘And who might this be?’ “Sure.” She said sitting up straight and placing her bookmark on the page she was reading.
“I just want to ask if you received something earlier?” the guy asked and Y/n tilted her head slightly indicating she was a bit getting the gist.
“Yes, why?” ‘Don’t tell me he was the one that left those.’ “Well, I would like to ask if you liked the letter and chocolates. I was also going to put a bouquet but I don’t exactly know if you like roses or not.” He said like his nervousness was starting to decrease.
“Oh um-,” Y/n started blushing at the thought of this guy giving them gifts and writing the letter. “Thank you, and um I’m not a fan of bouquets. A single rose is fine.” She said paying attention to how the guy leaned forward on his seat and gave a laugh. “Well, I should give you one then.” Y/n didn’t understand and this caused the guy to smile at her, waiting for her reply.
“Oh, what was that?” “I would like to ask you out on a date this Valentine’s Day, around Hogsmeade or anywhere of course.” He said and Y/n thought carefully. “Okay, Mr.-?” “Mr. Hollis, Lerius Hollis.” He smiled at Y/n, she almost forgot what she was about to say when she saw him smiling.
“Mr. Hollis, I will go out with you. But if there are any tricks to this date, I will tear you into shreds.” She stated leaning in also. Her mind is all over the place, she can’t understand why she said yes, or why his cologne smells so good.
The guy stood up and gave a shy wave, “I must get going then, I’ll find you more presents!” He said but Y/n halted him and asked his house. “Slytherin.” He said smirking and waving goodbye again.
‘Oh boy.’
‘Slytherin house. Slytherin! And why did I say yes?!’ She scolded herself in her mind while walking back towards the common room. Two Second Years went out of the hole and she let herself in. Walking inside she heard the usual commotion of the three Marauders and students trying to converse.
She passed by behind the couch and someone called her, Lily. She turned around and went to the table near the couches where the Marauders started to eavesdrop on the two girls. Sitting down, she can feel the gazes of the three and just shook it off.
“What’s up?” She casually asked but Lily can feel a different aura from Y/n.
“Are you alright?” “W-what? Yes, of course. Why w-wouldn’t I b-be?” She said fidgeting the end of her top and her eyes darting from her hands to Lily’s green eyes.
“Well, for one you’re fidgeting, two, you’re lying, three, you were in a rush going upstairs, and four, you look like a tomato.” She whispered to Y/n and she shook her head. Lily gave her a ‘you’re not fooling me.’ Look and she sighed.
“Well for starters, I got a dahtesh-“ she accidentally lowered her voice and it caused Lily to get confused, “You got a what now?” “I GOT A DATE OKAY?!” Y/n exclaimed unintentionally and some of the students stared at her, but the stares that never took off her were from Lily and the Marauders.
“You actual-“ “Yes! I don’t know how, but yes I do have a date.” She exclaimed and just buried her head in her hands. “Well, who is he then?” She squealed at the new voice but then relaxed when she realizes it was just Black.
“Why do you care?” She asked raising an eyebrow at him. He flipped his hair and leaned in. “Because I want to hear some gossip from you.” He said acting like a girl, she looked at the other three and Remus is also listening.
Normally he wouldn’t care, but today was different.
“Well, his name is-“ “House?” James intervenes, Y/n looked confused but still answered James’ question. “Slytherin.” Once she said that questions started flying out of the lips of three Marauders and her best friend Lily.
“Don’t date him.” “Cancel it.” “Why’d you say yes?” “Are you serious?” “No, I’m Sirius.” “Not the point Black!” “How could you betray us?” “Where is he taking you?” “Does he have great hair like mine?” “Not the point Black/Padfoot!”
Once they were finished, Y/n was already crossing her arms and reclining in her chair looking at them confused.
“It’ll be just one date.” She said standing up and taking her book. “Besides, it’s Valentine’s Day. Might as well give it a go.” Walking towards the staircases, she can still feel their gazes and sighed.
Thursday, four days after the incident with the Marauders and Lily, she’s still busy with school works but Lerius continues to give her letters and sweets. Nearing Valentine’s Day, she was worried that he might not have anything more to give.
‘He’s a Slytherin for Merlin’s sake, he may be rich too.’ Y/n thought while staring at the board. They are having Transfiguration and Professor McGonagall is talking about Inanimatus Conjurus. She starts to doze off but the bell snapped her back awake.
“I would like to have essays about our lesson today on my desk before Tuesday next week, understood?” The professor asked before dismissing the students. There, she was met with a person handing out a single rose, Lerius.
“Hi! I just wanted to give you this before going to your next and last class for the day. I couldn’t wait until after class because I’m scared it’ll wilt.” He said looking at her and she blushed. They looked cute together, with being Lerius taller than her and all. A few students around hollered, and even some of Lerius’ friends.
“Okay, mo-move it!” They heard someone yelled behind Y/n, it was the Marauders. But only one of them yelled, Remus. Once Y/n moved an inch or two, Remus passed by and the three followed. “They were having a moment Moony!” Peter started following and whispering a sorry to Y/n.
“Yeah, well I don’t care.” Was heard and Y/n just rolled her eyes. She looked back at Lerius and he smiled at her and then waving goodbye. “See you after class, love.” He pecked her cheek and it caused Y/n to heat up more. He waved again and walked with his friends.
She stood there dreamily following him until a tug was felt at her right arm, pulling her away from the spot. “We need. To go. To. History. Of. Magic” Lily said in each tug. Y/n finally moved her feet and walked with the three.
“So, you finally got a date, this is amazing! Maybe we can do a double date!?” Marlene exclaimed and Lily disagreed. “It’s her first-ever date, let her have it. Maybe if things work out at this date, then you guys can do that.” She said taking a seat at the front.
“Yeah, and if things work out on your end too Lils, we can triple date!” Marlene said, excitement gushing out of her. “Quadruple if it is okay with Frank though,” Alice added and Marlene clapped like a little kid.
“Alright, if the date turns out okay,” Y/n said and Marlene side hugged her. She giggled and someone tapped her shoulder and looked behind her.
“So, you are going? Aren’t you hesitating even just a little bit?” Potter asked her and she shook her head, “I am not backing out just because four boys don’t want me to go.” “I don’t care,” Remus added and she looked at him, he was staring out the window.
“You know you should also get yourself a date so I can return your bloody book.” She said and Remus shrugged his shoulders. “Already have one.” He said and just in time, Professor Binns came out of nowhere, making the room quiet.
She turned towards the front and got ready for class. She heard faint whispers from behind, “You have a da-“ “Yes, Wormtail. Now shut up.” She giggled silently and focused on the lesson.
Saturday, she can’t sleep properly last night because of her excitement. She got up once she saw the clock ticked 6, getting a sweater and jeans from her trunk and pulling out her boots.
“Someone’s up early,” Alice asked the (y/h/c) haired girl. Y/n smiled and looked over the mirror to see if the clothes were a perfect match. When she got her match, she hopped in the shower and took her time.
Once she was almost inside for an hour, she got out and wrapped herself in her bathrobe. She sat down in front of her mirror and started applying make-up. She made sure it was very minimal because she doesn’t like make-up. She then proceeds to do her hair and got in her clothes.
It was already 8 am and the rest of the girls are awake. She couldn’t wait anymore so she got out of the room first. But when she got out, she almost slipped from a parcel.
She closed the door and stood outside, she removed the wrapping paper and there she saw a portrait of her, sitting under a tree outside. It was a beautiful painting, framed and all. There wasn’t any signature on the painting but there is a card attached behind the frame.
I’ve been keeping a picture the same as this portrait, so as a gift this Valentine’s I made someone paint the picture and they did a wonderful job. I would’ve painted it myself, but my roommates couldn’t shut up about it. I hope you like it because I love it.
And that was it, no name or anything. She smelled the wrapper and she smelled hazelnut and cocoa powder. ‘Chocolates.’ She thought and she smiled. She got back inside and placed the painting at her bedside and placed it on an angle.
“Who’s it from?” “I’m sure it’s from Lerius, he always gives me chocolates and that’s what I can smell in the wrapping paper.” She said leaving them again and she headed towards the Great Hall.
Finishing up breakfast, she headed towards the library again just to pass by time. “Y/n?” She lowered her book and there she saw Lerius. He was dashing as hell, he’s wearing a shirt and he has his coat on top, his hair looked like he tried combing it back but it became a bit messy, but she finds it attractive.
“Lerius! I thought we won’t be leaving until 11 am?” She asked and Lerius nodded, he drew his attention towards the seat in front of her and she nodded. Taking a seat, Lerius, placed a box down so he can remove his coat.
“I just wanted to stay here for a while, we still have half an hour before we leave.” He said and he knew she was eyeing the box, “Yes, that is for you, but I can’t give it to you now.” He said and he placed the box inside his coat.
She pouted and Lerius saw this. He chuckled and she pouted harder, “I can’t give it to you now, it’ll ruin the surprise.” He said caressing her cheek, she absentmindedly leaned on his touch. She gave him a small smile and he removed his hand.
Lerius stood up and sat beside Y/n, he gently held her head for her to lean on his shoulders and he placed his chin on top of her head.
They stayed like that until they heard the bell ring at 11 am. They stood up and left the library immediately, almost dropping books Madame Pince was carrying.
They got a carriage and sat together. Once they reached the place, Y/n’s mood immediately changed from the place’s comforting energy. She’s been to Hogsmeade before, a lot of times. But today she knew it was different. She absentmindedly pulled Lerius and walked around with him, going in from store to store.
“I think we should have lunch first, darling. We have the whole afternoon for us to stroll around.” Lerius said and Y/n pouted but gave up because she too is hungry. They went to Three Broomsticks and ate there, they are very lucky enough to have a table, especially with lunchtime nearing.
“There’s a sight back at Hogwarts that I like. Maybe before the sun sets, we can go there.” He said and Y/n just nodded. Continuing with their lunch, Lily and her date got inside the shack and saw Y/n with Lerius.
“Hey, Y/n!” Lily greeted the girl and she motioned them to come over. “Oh, this must be your date!” She stated and the three of them chuckled until Lerius coughed indicating that he is not fine with what is happening.
“Sorry to interrupt your date, we’ll be going to our table now,” Lily said giving Y/n a side hug and leaving them. Y/n and Lerius finished up and Y/n can feel something is wrong with her date.
“Lerius? Is there something wrong?” She asked sincerely and Lerius just shook his head. “Look, if something is bothering you, please tell me. I want this Valentine’s Day to work out.” She said and Lerius finally said something.
“I just didn’t like how your friend intervened with our lunch.” He said harshly and Y/n inhaled deeply and nodded, “I’m sure Lily didn’t mean to inter-“ “I don’t like it.” He said with his voice going deeper and Y/n felt a bit scared.
“I-I’ll talk to her later.” She said nodding ‘why am I letting this?’ She thought and Lerius stood up, handing out his hand for her to take and they left the shack. But Lerius’s grip was getting tighter and tighter the longer she held on. She tried to escape his grip but it wouldn’t budge.
They stopped in front of Honeydukes and Lerius leaned in to whisper at her. “You can buy anything you want in Honeydukes, as long as you promise to talk to the rest of your friends to not intervene with our date any longer.” And he turned her towards the figures of Alice and Marlene almost nearing up to her.
“Hi, Y/n!” Marlene greeted and Y/n waved at her, Lerius gripped her wrist and she almost winced at the pain, she just laughed it off and started to talk to the both of them.
“Umm, Marlene? You remembered what we all talked about not disturbing with my first ever real date?” She tried saying it as a way she was joking, but she was hoping one of them to save her.
“Oh yeah! Shoot almost forgot about that! See you around then, Y/n!” Marlene said and waved goodbye, Alice also gave a wave goodbye and they went the other way.
“Good girl, now,” Lerius whispered in her ear and he opened the door for her, “You can pick anything you want, darling.” He stated and Y/n tried to smile, but the smile she was wearing since she woke up, is almost gone now since she’s starting to get agitated.
A couple or so hours later after walking around Hogsmeade, they decided to go back because Y/n tried to make up excuses as her feet hurt or she’s starting to get tired. Which were lies, her boots are very comfortable and they are made for her. She got almost 9 hours of sleep because she promised to rest early.
But Lerius gave her what she wants, on their carriage ride back to the school, they ended up sharing with a couple from Gryffindor house. Because Y/n said she’s tired, she tried to act the part. Leaning on Lerius’ shoulder, fake yawning, hiding her hands inside her sleeves.
She knows if Lily was inside the carriage, she would raise suspicions on why she was faking it, and that’s what she needs right now, someone to take her away.
They reached the grounds and the couple got out first, and Lerius helped her out of the carriage. They noticed it was almost 4 o’clock and there are only a few students outside because the real festivities is inside the castle.
“I think we should also get inside als-“ “Oooor, we can go to my favourite spot and give you my gift?” Lerius interjected and gave Y/n a grin, the grin that has her saying yes to everything today, the grin that she never questioned, the grin that made her shut up.
“O-okay.” She whispered and Lerius pulled her away, bringing her towards a tree near the lake. He sat her down on a blanket. It was a beautiful sight and she smiled knowing this is too peaceful for anything to ruin it.
But she thought too soon.
“So, about this gift,” He started and Y/n moved to look at him, he took out the box and moved closer to Y/n. He opened it to reveal a ring, Y/n stood up and Lerius looked at her.
“Why what’s wrong?’ “I-I have to go.” She tried to speak up but her throat wouldn’t let her. “No, sit down here, darling.” “Please I-“ “SIT. DOWN.” It came out as a threat now. She was scared but she doesn’t want to stay anymore.
“Fine! I’ll stand up!” He exclaimed and acted like it was Y/n’s fault now. “Now, this ring, it was my mother’s. She gave it to me to give it to someone.” Y/n already know where this is going, “It’s a promise ring,” She started to feel upset and wanted to run, but she’s scared to pull a string on Lerius to make him angry.
“And I promise that I will love you, take care of you. As long as you stay with me.” He said removing the ring and grabbing Y/n’s hand. “N-no!” She exclaimed taking her hand back but Lerius’ grip is stronger. When he got the ring to her finger, he tried to kiss her. Holding both the sides of her face and leaning in. Y/n slapped Lerius and to her luck, it was strong enough for him to bring his hand up to his cheek to caress the impact. She tried to run but Lerius ran faster than her, he got a hold of her but before he could carry her back, a group of boys started to come after Lerius and a punch was thrown at his face.
She sat on the ground trying to get away from the scene, she heard Professor McGonagall screaming at the people and other boys from Gryffindor and Slytherin started to break them up.
“Black! Lupin! What in Merlin’s beard got you two just to punch Mr. Lerius here?!” She asked and Peter got out of the other’s hold to explain everything to the professor.
“He was forcing Y/n to do something she didn’t want!” He exclaimed and Lerius turned to the stout boy in fury, “I did no such thing! We were just flirting and you four imbeciles took the wrong message!” He exclaimed and his housemates held him back from attacking Peter.
“Just because you were beaten up, it means you are the real victim!” Sirius yelled back but Lerius laughed, “And why should anyone listen to you four, you weren’t even in the scene! You four came out of nowhere!” “Well, it’s better to ask the subject of this matter!” They all looked at Y/n and she is still shaken up by what happened.
Lily came to the scene and assisted her, Professor McGonagall dismissed the crowd and brought them all inside her office. She took out a kettle filled with tea and gave Y/n a cup to calm her nerves.
“What exactly happened, Y/n?” The professor asked and Y/n gripped the cup tighter, Lily brushed her hair trying to calm her down. “L-lerius t-“ “Tell them the truth, darl-“ “Oh shut up you fool, let her talk,” Potter said and Peter pulled him back.
“He t-tried to kiss m-me, f-forcing me to kiss h-him. Holding the s-sides of my face and he made m-me wear this stupid r-ring- AH! It hurts!” She exclaimed and immediately placed the cup down and pulled her finger out. It was tightening around her finger and she tried to pull it off.
“What did you do to her!?” Remus exclaimed and held Lerius by his collar, the three pulled him away because even if Lerius’ height is the same as his, he was incredibly strong to pull him up the ground.
“Mr. Hollis, remove the ring from Ms. Y/l/n’s finger at once!” Professor McGonagall exclaimed and Lerius moved far away. “Why would I do that? She’s my girlfriend after all.” “Well, she wouldn’t be hurt if she is, wouldn’t she?” Lily spoke up and she’s starting to get angry too, Lerius moved and held Y/n’s hand to remove the ring. Once he removed it, he kissed the back of her hand but she pulled it back, he gripped her wrist but Lily stopped him.
“Mr. Lerius, you will be meeting the Headmaster tomorrow morning with your Head of House and parents to talk about your expulsion from Hogwarts. We here do not support harassment of any sort.” She said writing on parchment for Lerius’ parents.
“This is not fair! I’m the one with the bloody nose!” “Yeah, well that’s not my department. Go to Madame Pomfrey so she can tend to it. And take a stroll, it may be, well, it will be your last stroll here in Hogwarts.” She said dismissing the Slytherin students while sipping her tea.
“And you four, I can say the bravery and courage from the actions you all did is quite impressive. But of course, you four will be having detention but it will only be a week.” She said writing it down and folding it up. “I think Y/n here also needs to be brought to the infirmary, she needs tending for her finger.” “No, I’m fine Professor, but thank you.” She said giving her best smile to reassure her and everyone.
“If that is what you say, then I don’t have anything against that. You lot can go to the Great Hall now to enjoy the rest of the day, Happy Valentine’s.” She said and dismissed the students.
Their walk consisted of Lily assisting Y/n and the Marauders staying close to make sure nothing will happen. They reached the decorated Great Hall and they took their seats, Lily and Y/n near the front, and the Marauders almost at the middle.
They gave her food but she didn’t take any, when they gave her, her favourite food, she turned it down and stood up. “Where are you going?” “Back to the common room, I guess.” She said and the three didn’t ask further, they already feel sorry for letting this happen, but Y/n is mostly mad at herself.
Walking out of the Great Hall, she can feel other people gazing at her because she was the only one doing the opposite. She walked and walked until she reached the astronomy tower, she sat near the railing and just stared up at the sky. She knew going to the common room would be a mistake because she will be welcomed by thousands of letters at the front of their door or on her bed.
She got cozy that she almost didn’t hear the footsteps approaching. Scared, she reached out for her wand and pointed it out, but she was surprised to see the last person she wanted to see today.
Remus Lupin.
Instead of giving him a remark, she just stood by the railing and exhaled. “I’m sorry.” Slipped out of her mouth and she started to feel weak and a tear slid down her cheek. Instead of kneeling because she can’t take it anymore, a pair of arms wrapped around her giving her a warm embrace. Instead of getting a flight response, she nuzzled more and Remus took this as a sign to hug her tighter.
“Don’t say sorry, you don’t have anything to say sorry for.” He said caressing her hair to soothe her, she shook her head and kept saying it was her fault.
“If I wasn’t a fool then this wouldn’t happen.” She started to sob, Remus kept soothing her to calm down and they stayed like that for almost five minutes. She smelled chocolates from his sweater, his signature smell, she then realized where the parcel was from, it was from him.
Once she stopped sobbing, she looked up and saw Remus resting his chin on the top of her head, his hair is a bit messy but it looked good on him. The scars on his face made him look older but in a good way. She can hear his heartbeat and it was a steady heartbeat, it made her feel relaxed and comfortable. She didn’t realize she was staring until his green orbs stared back at hers.
She bowed her head and she stepped back a bit and Remus lets go of the hug, even though Y/n wanted to stay like that forever, she needs to remember he’s still her rival. Or was he?
“I never liked Valentines.” She stated and Remus looked at her, “Because it was the day when the first guy I love the most, passed away. He had a huge impact on my life and seeing him just pass away, I couldn’t accept it.” She said looking at stars, Remus never said a word and just listened to her story.
“He always gave me a little gift before leaving, and he would take me to Diagon Alley to walk around. He’ll buy me ice cream and he’ll tell me about his day while we sit in front of the parlor shop.” She continued and she doesn’t care if she’s telling this to her rival, she just needs to tell someone right now.
“Well, you’re a lucky girl then? And I’m sorry for your loss. How old were you?” Remus asked and she gave a sad smile. “10, and he was 49, turning 50. But he wasn’t lucky.” She said and Remus looked at her, “Dad, wasn’t lucky.” She said tears brimming her eyes as she continued looking up, trying to fight her tears. Remus was in shock and he couldn’t form any words.
“When dad passed away, in the morning I woke up, thinking he already left and my gift was waiting at my bedside table. He did leave, me and my mom behind. Mom screamed from their room and I ran towards it, the elf was at the front of the door bowing down. When I saw dad’s hand hanging at the side of the bed with a little box in it, I dropped on my knees and let my tears flow down.” She said and sighed but continued the story anyway.
“Mom and I were left alone in the house, with the elf and her sister visiting weekly ever since I came here at Hogwarts. She continued her job but she still feels empty inside. And ever since that day, I never looked at Valentine's day the same way ever again. And I was thinking, 5 years ago today, that I might be happy because I know dad wants me to be happy. But it turns out, Valentine’s is just a normal day. And I tried to celebrate it with a lunatic.” She finished and Remus was still there, staring at her the whole time she was telling her story.
“I’m sorry If I gave you detention and maybe ruined your date today, Remus. But here is your book back.” She handed it out to him and he chuckled. “I didn’t have a date, and it’s fine if I have detention. I got used to it.” He said taking the book back.
“But, what was about th-“ “The other day? It was just to shut the three up about my dating life.” He said irritated and Y/n just laughed at it.
“But I do like someone, and she doesn’t know it because I’ve been acting like a rival to her since day one.” He said staring at her again but she can’t get the point. “Well, you should go get her then. There’s still a few hours before Valentine’s end.” She said smiling at him and he smiled at her also.
“Well, I’m already here with the girl that I like. Besides, she received the gift earlier this morning.” He said and she realized what he meant. “S-so, you l-like me?” “I fancy you, Y/n. Merlin’s beard no, I think I love you already.” He said still looking at her (Y/e/c) orbs, Y/n shifted her body and she’s now looking at the boy who’s been her rival since day one.
Since day one, they’ve been throwing at each other’s faces with who’s smarter. Since day one, they’ve been up in each other’s throats. Since day one, they’ve been making the other one feel dumb. Since day one, they’ve wanted each other’s attention.
In every class they have, they would continue with their rivalry but it was only because they loved the attention, they loved how they acted like they were the only ones in the room. They loved how they would stare at each other’s eyes just to prove a point.
Every mealtime, one will start giving a snarky remark just to continue the cycle. Just to have a laugh for everyone. Just to have the other one going up and interact with them, hands touching or their faces almost closing in.
She realized it now, why she continues to fight Remus off, why she continues to quarrel with him, why she continues to study harder. It was for his attention, all of his goddamn attention.
He also realized why Sirius gave her the book, why the boys kept listening to her stories, why they gave him the map earlier. It was for him to finally say something, say all of it to her.
“This sounds cliché, but yeah we fell for the ‘I hate you, you hate me’ relationship.” She said and this caused Remus to chuckle. “And did it turn to ‘I like you, you like me’ relationship?” He asked, hope in his eyes and she nodded, she can’t believe that this boy that she’s been fighting with is the boy she fell in love with.
He’s the reason she became a better version of herself, he became the reason for her constant studying, he became the reason to wake up even if it was Valentine’s day.
He never promised to love her fully, because he already did that. He never promised to stay even if she was a mess, he’s still there.
He never promised to take care of her, he did that almost an hour ago.
Without being in a relationship, he respected her in simple and unnoticeable ways. And damn, that made her happy. He fulfilled everything without even being his partner. And Remus is happy that he proved to her that he is different from any boy.
Y/n and Remus just stood there, staring at each other’s eyes, continued to smile from ear to ear. They walked closer until Y/n is looking up and Remus looking down.
She got on her tiptoes and Remus leaned in, closing the gap between them with a kiss. A kiss that made her wrap her arms around Remus’ neck because it made her legs feel like jelly and Remus held her waist.
Pulling apart, Remus smiled a dorky smile, the one she always saw when his friends would make a lame joke. But the cause of his smile is because the girl he’s been liking for a long time likes him back.
“So, Y/n Y/l/n. Would you loooove to be my girlfriend?” He asked rather excited because why wouldn’t he be. He just kissed the girl of his dreams and she kissed back. Holding both of her hands and kissed them both, she just giggled and nodded.
“Of course, you idiot, I wouldn’t be kissing you if I wouldn’t like it.” She said and he looked confused, “I’m not an idiot, I’m smarter than you and kissing? We’re not k-“ He got cut off by her lips attaching to his again. And this time, fireworks set off. They pulled apart and just stared at each other’s eyes, hugging her and she just smiled.
This is an unexpected turn of events from all of what happened the whole day, and she’s glad she ended it with the right person.
“Padfoot? Are you sure the fireworks should be facing this way?” James asked and Sirius nodded, “Yes, so they could see it.” He said crouching to see the angle of the fireworks. A rat ran towards them and James accidentally jumped at Sirius and the fireworks moved.
The rat transformed into Peter and he squeaked a sorry. “They are almost kissing again!” He exclaimed and the two immediately fixed the fireworks.
“No, it's this way, Prongs!” “No, this way!” “Don’t you start to ignite a fight, Prongs!” “Well, because it's this way, Padfoot!” “Don’t IGNITE it, Prongs!” “Wait, ignite it? Okie Dokie!” “Wait Wormtail don’t!”
“What?” Peter said but it was too late, the fireworks set off with the two boys still in its range. The two stood up and they are covered with dust and smoke.
“We said don’t!” “Well, Padfoot said it!” “I did not!” “Yes, YOU did!” “Hey, would you three shut up! My girlfriend and I are enjoying a moment here!”
They heard it from the tower and they shut up immediately.
“Thank you!” as they heard before James wiped a fake tear, “They grow up so fast.”
“Well, if it wasn’t for me and the stupid book, he wouldn’t get her.” Sirius said and James waved his hand, “No if it wasn’t for me giving him the map, he wouldn’t know.” “IF IT WASN’T FOR ME AND MY LOVE FOR HER, YOU THREE WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO PLAY WITH FIREWORKS, NOW SHUT UP OR I’LL BEAT YOU THREE UP!” They heard again and they immediately went inside to leave them be.
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
can you make a warriorcats name for me ?? :]] only if you want, ofc ! 🌱
yes !!! absolutely. mousecloud feels fitting. or perhaps heathercloud. curlcloud? cloud feels very you idk why. do any of these speak to you :]
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
hi!! can i please have a warrior cats name :)
omg,,, ok we dont talk ever if at all but .the Vibes are here and they are loud.
morningfrost. like. like the frost on the grass. its. do you get me. alternately, frostdawn. do you like either of them
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
What warrior cats name would you give me :3c
its crazy this list almost rivals the other one. my vibes for these should be "fire, light, loud, large, dark, strong"
timberglow? spiralrace? spiralflight? dewripple? fireglow? firerace? timberflare? spiralflare? fidgetglow? firedash? fidgetdash? spiralflash? fidgetblaze? bristleflame? bristleblaze? bristleglow? curledblaze? cottonflash? coalglow? coalblaze? crowflash? crowflame? ravenblaze? nightflash? duskflash? flamerunner? scorchrunner? scorchrace? coalrace? scorchdash? scorchglow?
im. i dont even know. ive stared at this for several hours. im leaning towards something with blaze or glow. i think.... coalblaze? or maybe fireglow. maybe both. i do need like seven of these for you so. idk do any of these speak to you? ive been at a loss for a few days
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
im curious. what warrior cat name would you suggest for me?
hmmmmm.... birds. bird feather swoop talon hawk flight call swipe claw bite catch chase. hm.
hawkchase? featherbite? how many birds am i using? kestrelcatch? rulebreaker .uhm.. hawkcall? birdcall? birdswoop? birdswipe? are any of these anything???
i took a break and i think i like birdswipe. mix of your name and a suffix that can signify strength, ability and leadership. i think. yeah. birdswipe. thoughts? :3
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
can I get a warrior cat name? 👀
is it too easy to use rat? because i actually dont care. ratchase. hm. maybe i dont like that hang on. ratflood? hm. i want -rat. quickrat. i like those i think. ratflood specifically :3 it feels large and quiet and also matches ur name ! if i thought longer im sure i could pick two more to match the others but unfortunately theyre human person names and those r hard lmao
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
can i ask what my warrior cat name would be............i i know nothing about the series but i'm curious
soooo.... you ahve two.. one for each name u go by.. flashblaze and poppysnap. and you didnt ask this part but my requirements for your name were "red/brown/black, pops out, a bit mean(?), large-sounding". i might switch poppysnap to something else bcs i want something darker/something that fits better next to guide, but!! :3
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
Do you mayhap have a warrior name for me? My ao3 name is notus_storm if that helps
ok i will give yog a warrior cat name i promise but. what the FUCK youre notus_storm and i didnt jnow. how does it feel to be the sole reason ictd fucking exists. how does it feel to be my favorite ao3 user in the world. ok cat name. uhm. ok focusing on the name and not the pure shock and delight i feel. wait did i know??? am i fuckkng stupid ???? name. do the name. jfc
the easy way out is mothstorm. but thats. actuakly mothstorm is kinda metal. not sure i can do better than that. i actually dont think i can. mothcry? stormsong? mothsong? mothcall? mothrain? mothstorm is still my winner i think. do you like it.
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
Hi :3 I know we don’t talk much but I’m curious. Uh theoretically, what would my warrior cat name be? :D
this one got beamed into my brain. bumbledream. i dont know why but i can also perfect envision how id draw you
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
OHHH those ARE speaking to me !!! I think copperstream fits best for how i look irl too idk. im ginger. Just a vibe . but i love them !!! :3 :3
YAY!!! im literally a genius im so glad you like it :DD copper just fits the vibe fr
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
im seeing people ask for warrior cat names can. Can i ask for one. Maybe
this ones gonna be nothing but my gut vibes. goldshiver. oakpool. copperstream. are any of these speaking to you. copperstream gives me similar vibes i think,,
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