#algebra is both my favourite class and the class that i am scared of the most
immamapletreekid · 2 years
everyday i wake up and ask myself how im at this school and. not failing yet
#yet another round of admissions has begun and i dont wish to be reminded#theres so many smart and skilled people here istg#u have kids finishing the fucking cs midterm in 20 minutes and leaving#ok actually no the cs midterm was simple bc its designed so that even ppl with no prior#programming experience can get through it smoothly#THERE ARE PEOPLE FINISHING THE FUCKING ALGEBRA ASSIGNMENTS IN UNDER AN HOUR#I CANT EVEN WRITE ONE PROOF IN AN HOUR#algebra is both my favourite class and the class that i am scared of the most#bc proofs are. hard#hhhhhhhhhwhy ami here#howdidi get i n hhow#i fooled the admission team into thinkijg im actually capable#imagien having imposter syndrome over having imposter sydnrome#iiimagiengoing to. the school thats just that obsessed with math to open the only math faculty ever on your fucking continent#I THIUGHT IT WAS COUNTRY BUT NOPE ITS THE FUCKIJG CONTINENT#fbfndbjgkhsk programs with a reputation are scary. bc then ppl expect u who is in that program to be#not only passionate bc you chose to compete fir a positon in that program#theyexpect u to kniwo whay youre doijg#and i do not#ok identity crisis time over iits time to be functional and cram for calculus#OHMYGUCKIJG GOD I FORGOT#MY FUCKING ALGEBRA PROFIESSOR IS THE ONE#RESPPJSIBLE FOR MAKING ME LOSE SLEEP AND HEALTH FOR A GOOD HALF A YEAR IN SENIOR YEAT#BC THE FUCKING MATH CONTESY MY SHCOOL HOSTS WITH ITS NOTORIOUSLY DIFFICULT LAST QUESTION#HES THE GUY WHO MAKES UP TJOSE QUESTIONS EACH YEAR#AND IM LESRNING ALGEBRA FROM HIM AND THE OTHER DAY HE SAW ME WITH BOBA#AND SAIF TO ME i dont like boba#HES THE FUNNIESY GUY I LOBE HIS CLASS ITS SO ENTERTSINIGN#but also wow ive now met the perosn responibke for so mucb ofm y s ttress#rambling about stuff
0 notes
maliby · 4 years
Dare | Johnny Suh (+18)
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↬ Pairing: Johnny x F. Reader
↬ Story Genre: smut, fluff
↬ Warnings: mature language, explicit sex scene
↬ Word count: 5.6K
↬ Summary:  You and your friend Johnny have this ongoing string of wild dares. There’s just one thing: you’re never allowed to say no.
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“Good morning class, today we’re going to start learning all about the matrix!” Your Algebra professor happily announced, completely unaware of the horror that swept over his students.
“Wait, is he talking about the movies?” Your friend Taeyong leaned in as soon as Professor Weaver turned his back to write on the board. The rest of the class groaned, having heard tales of horror from their seniors about the subject.
“No, you dufus! Remember last year when Taeil was having a mental breakdown?”
“Oh,” realization dawned over his beautiful face, his big eyes widening even more.
You had had a crush on Taeyong from the first moment you had seen him (just like everybody in your year), but that soon went away as you got to know him and found that you connected better as friends.
“Yup. Matrices…” You sighed in terror while you rested your chin on the palm of your hand. “Maybe Taeil has some notes he can give us-” At that moment, the phone in the back pocket of your jeans buzzed, breaking you out of your conversation. You fished the device from your pocket and looked at the shiny notification bar - it was a message from your roommate, Johnny Suh. 
You looked to your left where said roommate was, sat just a few tables from you, and felt a feeling of dread creep up on you at the sight of his stupid grin. You didn’t have to read the message, you already knew what he wanted.
“Is it Johnny?” Taeyong asked as his eyes followed yours straight to the roommate you both had in common.
“Yes…” you mumbled through gritted teeth, quickly placing your finger on your phone’s Touch ID to unlock it and read the message.
Heeere’s Johnny 🔪 (10:35 AM): dare u to scream “fuck” as loud as you can
“Motherfucker…” you muttered with your eyes closed.
“What did he dare you to do this time?” You turned your phone to him as you noticed him trying to take a peek at it. “Oh no…”
It all started this one night at a frat house party. Back then, you were still crushing over Taeyong and, in a game of truth or dare, Johnny dared you to pick your nose and eat your own booger. Of course, any sane person would have said ‘no’ but, the tequila shots you had downed half an hour earlier made you anything but that. After that, not only did you not look at Taeyong for 2 weeks straight, but also dared Johnny to pick his crush’s nose. You thought he would never agree to it, but as soon as you saw the deed being performed right in the middle of the cafeteria, you knew you had just entered a game with no end.
“Y/N, you can’t do this! You’ll be in trouble!” Taeyong tried to reason with you, already knowing his words would fall on deaf ears.
“More trouble than I was in when I had to write a love poem to Professor Stevens on one of the questions of the Calculus exam?” You flinched as you remembered the talk down you got when Professor Stevens thought you were trying to have sex with him to get a better grade.
“Yeah...that was bad. But still-”
The buzzing of your phone interrupted Taeyong. You looked down at it and read Johnny’s second message out loud to your friend.
Heeere’s Johnny 🔪 (10:38 AM): are u scared? 🐔
You looked back at the sender of the message and felt annoyance grow as you saw him flap his arms around like a chicken and laugh straight in your face.
5 seconds. That was how long it took for you to completely lose your cool, flip Johnny off and yell from the back of the class: “Fuck!” 
You were expecting a couple of things to happen, but nothing could prepare you for the general reaction you got: laughter. Everyone was laughing, from your classmates to your professor. Everyone except Johnny, that is.
“Don’t worry Miss Y/L/N,” Mr Weaver said from the front of the class, breaking your stare down with Johnny. “Matrices aren’t as scary as they seem,” Mr Weaver fondly smiled at you before turning back to the board to write something down, leaving you completely perplexed.
You looked back at Johnny who had his face in a frown and stuck your tongue out to him - it felt good to see his evil plans backfire.
“That was lucky,” Taeyong commented with a little chuckle.
“Tell me about it, feels like the Universe has finally compensated me for all the stupid shit Johnny has made me do.”
“You’ve made Johnny do some pretty stupid shit too.”
“Shhh,” you turned to your friend with your finger in front of your lips, making the universal gesture for silence. “Let’s not talk about that,” you patted him in the back and picked up your pen to start taking notes.
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“I’m back!” You announced as put your keys on the glass bowl right by the entrance of your shared apartment. 
“Taeyong, they were all out of your favourite yoghurt.” You heard noise coming from the kitchen so you moved your way there, but as you went inside you crossed paths with Johnny who was just leaving the kitchen. He was on the phone, and by the expression on his face, you figured that something bad must have happened. 
“What happened?” You asked Taeyong who was leaning on the balcony eating the last of his yoghurt.
“I don’t know, it’s his mother.” 
“Oh no, are his parents fighting again?” 
Taeyong nodded as he licked his spoon and threw the yoghurt cup in the trash.
It was then that you both jumped up at the noise of the door slamming shut - Johnny had stormed out of the house.
Both you and Taeyong had called him loads of times but Johnny never answered, worry consuming you and your best friend. Eventually, you both decided to split up and go looking for him - Taeyong on his scooter and you on your bicycle. 
After half an hour of looking for Johnny in the most obvious places, you started to get desperate. You were starting to run low on ideas of where he could be, but as you passed by a bus stop and saw an ad for a sunscreen with a girl on the beach you suddenly remembered something: Johnny once had told you that when he was feeling down he liked to go to the beach and listen to the waves because it really calmed him down. 
“Why didn’t I think of that earlier?” You questioned yourself (earning a few weird looks from the people at the bus stop) before you changed directions and started to peddle your way to the beach.
The beach was mostly deserted (being that it was December and it was cold), but a brown-haired guy could be seen sitting alone in the sand. 
You parked your bike in the empty bicycle spot, locked it and walked straight to the lonely boy. As you got closer to him and confirmed his identity you couldn’t help but sigh in relief - he sure as hell didn’t look good mentally, but at least he was physically okay. You fished your phone from the pocket of your jacket and sent a quick text to Taeyong before sitting right down beside one of your best friends.
“It’s a little cold for a swim, don’t you think?”
He smiled at you, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. 
“My parents are getting a divorce,” he deadpanned before looking back at the sea, your instant reaction being to hug him.
“I’m so sorry Johnny.”
“I begged them to just talk it over. I begged them to try but...they won’t.”
“Johnny…” you started in a warning tone. You wanted to tell him that his parents have the right to be happy, but you completely understood where he was coming from - nobody wants their parents to split up. You just wish you could take away this bad feeling from him.
“I know, I know…” he answered, picking up what you were about to tell him. “It’s just...hard.”
You studied his face for a while and noticed his eyes were puffy from crying and your heart completely broke. You and Johnny liked to tease each other a lot, but the truth was that you really cared about each other, more than you’d probably like to admit.
You placed your hand on his back and started rubbing soothing circles. He probably could barely feel them over his bulky black leather jacket, but you couldn’t help but do it. “We’re here for you. Me and Taeyong. You know that, don’t you?”
Johnny turned to look at you and for a brief moment, his eyes held an emotion you had never seen on him. Something you were sure you had misunderstood. Something that, weirdly, made your heart pound.
“I know.” 
Johnny kissed the top of your head and wrapped his long arm around you, snuggling you closer to him and his body heat. You placed your head on his shoulder and just sat there, hearing a mix of his breathing and the waves.
Suddenly your heart started pounding again - something about this felt way too intimate. Replaying the last few minutes in your head made you realize that all of this, somehow, felt like more than a friendship, and that, scared the crap out of you. 
Your own body acted on its own, and when you came to it, you were already backing away from him and saying something to deflect the situation.
“You know there’s a frat party tonight don’t you?”
“Y/N... I’m not in the mood.”
“Johnny Suh, you are going to that damn party, and you are going to have a good time!” You knew he was stubborn and that you probably had no chance of convincing him but then, something crossed your mind; something that would dead sure make him go. “...I dare you!”
He chuckled. “That’s a low blow, using the dares against me.”
“Isn’t that the purpose of a dare though?” You smiled mischievously, making him smile in return.
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“Woo-hoo! Look at you!” Taeyong whistled as soon as you left your room, all dolled up and ready to go party. “Who are you trying to bang?”
You sneakily took a peek at Johnny who was sitting on the couch and felt a shiver run up your spine as you saw his eyes completely locked on your form. “Mmm, no one,” you lied in a playful tone. 
The truth was you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that little moment with Johnny on the beach and, as you looked through all your clothes when deciding on what to wear, you couldn’t help but pick your most revealing dress with his reaction in mind.
“Yeah, I don’t believe you,” Taeyong said.
“Well tough luck! Now come on guys, the cab is waiting downstairs.”
When you were grabbing your bag to make your way out the door you felt a tall presence right behind you. He placed his big hand on the small of your back and whispered to your hair: “damn Y/N, didn’t know you cleaned up like that.”
You smiled to yourself and then turned to look at him. “Well, obviously you haven’t been paying attention.” You winked at him and turned back around, leaving to follow Taeyong to the cab while being fully aware of Johnny’s eyes on your back.
When both you and Johnny arrived downstairs, Taeyong had already sat in the front, making you both sit in the back.
The ride was a short one - only 10 to 15 minutes - but, nonetheless, it was full of tension. Taeyong was on his phone the whole time, and the driver kept quiet so, if it wasn’t for the radio the silence would be a deafening one. 
Both you and Johnny didn’t take out your phones, as it would be usual. He just leaned his head on the window and watched the city lights pass by, probably still thinking about his parents. You felt bad. You didn’t want him to feel this way. You wanted him to be his usual funny self and dare you to do stupid shit, but seeing him like this just broke your heart. 
You couldn’t help but stare at his side profile - he was handsome. Of course, you knew he was handsome, you were not blind, but this was the first time his handsomeness was affecting you. You couldn’t help but stare: stare at the way his styled hair brushed upon his eyes, stare at his straight nose and stare at his perky lips. 
Suddenly, an undeniable urge to lean in and kiss him emerged within you. An urge so immense that you caught yourself actually moving towards him, only to be stopped by him turning to look back at you with a charged expression. 
You shared a look for a few seconds. A look that made your insides tingle and your legs press harder against each other. What was happening to you?
Johnny’s hand was reaching over to yours, which was pressed on the seat between the both of you, and you could feel your heart start to beat faster. Suddenly, it felt like time had slowed down and all your focus was on that one hand. That hand that looked strong and delicate at the same time. That hand that looked like it had the power to not only be rough but also gentle. That hand that could grope you, touch you and fuck you so good until you cried for more. That hand that was so close that made you gasp in anticipation.
“We’re here,” the cab driver announced, breaking you from whatever spell Johnny had you on.
“Thanks. Keep the change.” Taeyong paid the driver and left the cab, immediately moving to open up your door.
“Milady,” he bowed, acting as your personal chauffeur.
“Why thank you,” you awkwardly bowed back, still feeling shaken up by the events of the car.
“Okay, let’s move!” Your group started walking towards the house as soon as Johnny joined both of you from the other side of the cab, Taeyong still completely unaware of what had just happened. “I promised Yuta we’d play beer pong with him.” 
“But Taeyong, you know I suck at beer pong!” You protested.
“I do. And that’s why you’re not on my team.”
“What?! That means I’m stuck with her!” Johnny whined from right next to you, making you turn and hit him in his chest, his hard pecks not going unnoticed by you.
“Shut up Suh, you know as well as I do that you could use a drink,” Taeyong said before he spotted his friend near the entrance. “Yuta ma’ man! What’s up?”
“TY! I was beginning to wonder if you’ve gotten lost!”
“Sorry, Miss Y/N here took 3 hours to get ready,” he pointed back at you, making you hit him in his shoulder.
“Shut up Taeyong!”
“Come on man, did you get a good look at her? I’d wait an eternity if it meant I could look at an angel like her,” he winked at you before getting a sip out of his red plastic cup.
It was public knowledge that you and Yuta had fucked a couple of times. He was pretty hot, and the things he could make you feel with that tongue piercing of his were out of this fucking world. But tonight, you weren’t feeling him all that much - the tiny voice in your head telling you that that’s because you wanted to be railed by Johnny instead.
“Do you really think those cheesy lines are going to work?” Johnny asked out of nowhere with a hint of annoyance to his voice.
Johnny and Yuta were friends and him, more than anyone, knew that Yuta was a nice guy. Sure, he really liked to flirt, but he was also very respectful. So, his reaction made you wonder if he perhaps was feeling jealous. Secretly, you hoped he was. 
“It already did man,” Yuta winked at you once again, catching you a little off-guard. 
“Now, TY told me we’re not going to be on the same team for the beer pong. I’m usually a perfect gentleman, but I’m sorry angel, I can’t let you win.” Yuta came one step closer and picked up your hand and you swore you felt Johnny tense up beside you. “Maybe afterwards you could save me a dance?” He kissed the back of your hand and gave you a look that left little to no imagination of his true intentions - he wanted sex.
“Dream on, Nakamoto,” Johnny interrupted, coming right between you two and breaking your contact. “Stop stalling and let’s go.”
Johnny grabbed your arm and pulled you inside and away from Yuta and his advances. The look of bewilderment on your other roommate’s face didn’t go by unnoticed by you, but you forcibly chose to act like you hadn’t seen it. You didn’t know what it was, but you were liking this jealous side of Johnny and you were certainly curious for more.
“Alright, game on,” you heard Yuta comment before the loud music from inside overwhelmed you and your ears.
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The game went on for a while. You lost, just as Taeyong had predicted. You didn’t mind, really. You just wanted to have a good time and the alcohol from the game was helping you do just that: you were currently in the middle of the dance floor dancing by yourself without a care in the world. You had lost your friends when you went to the bathroom and decided to go to the dancefloor when WAP started playing.
You were enjoying yourself. You were at that fine line where you were feeling the effects of the alcohol but you could still make your own decisions and you loved it.
Suddenly, as you were shaking your ass, you felt a pair of hands on your hips and a crotch on your ass. You wished it was Johnny, but as you opened your eyes and saw him sitting on a couch not far from you, you felt your fantasy crumbling. You turned around to see who you had just ground on and weren’t surprised when your eyes landed on Yuta.
“Hello angel, I’ve been looking for you.”
“Really?” You tried to put a little distance between you, but Yuta just pulled you right back in, your bodies now in full contact with each other.
“The way you look tonight...you’re driving me fucking crazy. I can’t stop thinking about you,” he confessed in your ear, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the small of your back. “All I wanted to do, was ditch Taeyong and the game and do that thing with my tongue that you like so much.”
Usually, that would be enough to make you lose your shit and pull him to the closest available bedroom, but tonight your mind was elsewhere. “Yuta...I’m sorry but tonight I’m not feeling it.”
His face fell in disappointment and he looked like a lost puppy, which partially made you feel bad for rejecting him, but you had to be honest. 
“You sure?” He asked you.
“Alright, I’m sorry then...”
He was about to let you go; you could feel his grip loosening when someone yanked him back and away from you, leaving you confused.
“Leave her alone Nakamoto,” Johnny’s voice sounded right from beside you, making your heart jump.
“What the-? What is wrong with you Johnny? Why are you acting so- Oh…” Yuta looked back at you and you could literally see him putting all the puzzle pieces together in his mind. “I get it now.”
“Get what?” Johnny asked.
“Nothing,” you intercepted Yuta before he could say anything. “Yuta, don’t you have to go meet up with that girl?” 
You made some weird faces at Yuta so he could understand what you were doing and, thankfully, he did. 
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Have fun!” He winked at you and turned to leave, making you sigh in relief that that whole situation was over.
“That was weird,” your roommate commented. “Was he bothering you? I know he sometimes can be a little...persistent.”
You felt a warmth spread throughout your chest. You knew Yuta could never harm you, but the fact that Johnny was so worried about you made you swoon. Then a thought popped in your head that made the warm fuzzy feeling turn sour: was he worried because he liked you or just as a friend?
“No, it’s okay. He did nothing wrong. Thank you…”
“You’re welcome…”
The mood got awkward for a minute, with none of you saying a word until Johnny broke your shared silence. “I’m gonna go.”
“Yeah...I’m sorry, I’m just not really feeling it.”
He looked mentally down and you felt bad for him. Johnny was always the one cracking up a joke - wherever there was laughter, he was always present. He loved to dance and to have a good time, and it broke you to see him like this.
“Hey, come on, dance with me.”
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’m really not feeling it…”
“Come oooon…” You didn’t know how you could convince him, but then an idea popped in your head. “I dare you.”
He chuckled and you couldn’t help but smile at the thought of at least making him laugh. “Playing dirty again Y/N?”
“Well, you aren’t giving me much of a choice now are you Johnny?”
“I don’t know…”
Before he could continue you started imitating a chicken, just like he had done to you in the Algebra class and you couldn’t help but smile at his laughter once again.
“Alright, alright!”
“Yes!” You chanted in victory, promptly grabbing his hands and making him dance with you.
The dance started out friendly, with a few spins here and there, but it wasn’t long before tension started rising up and his hands were on your hips, just where Yuta’s had been. In your head, you couldn’t help but compare the feeling of the 2. Yuta had nice hands, that had certainly made you feel good before, but Johnny’s somehow felt better. His hands felt like he cared for you on a much deeper level. Like they could hold you and never let go. Like they could protect you from anything and completely destroy you at the same time.
As your inner voice went on an entire monologue about the wonder of Johnny’s hands, you found yourself looking him dead in the eyes. The way he was looking at you was making you think wild things, and with the buzz from the alcohol, you couldn’t help but want to act on those thoughts.
Without an ounce of self-control, you let your head move forward and your mouth whisper in his ear: “I dare you to grab my ass.”
Without a second of hesitation, his hands were on your ass and you were exhaling on his ear. The way his big hands were fully grabbing you and massaging you was turning you on so much that you could feel yourself get wet. You wanted nothing more than to have him lift up your dress and finger you in the middle of everyone.
Johnny moved his head near your neck and you thought for a second he was about to kiss you there, but you were surprised when he spoke in your ear. “I dare you to grind that sexy ass of yours on my cock.”
Just as he had done with your dare, you promptly complied, turning around and rubbing yourself on his semi. You both were walking on some dangerous paths, but you didn’t think any one of you could go back now.
As you moved your ass to the music and felt him grow harder and harder you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to fuck him. You wanted him to end you. You wanted him to fill you up so good that he’d ruin any other man for you. You wanted his hands all over your body. You wanted him to grab your tits and play with your nipples. Fuck.
You reached your head back and whispered your next dare to him: “I dare you to play with my boobs.”
And then those big hands that were previously on your ass were now caressing your breasts and you felt like you were completely done. 
“Mmmh…” you moaned, not sure if he could hear you over the loud music.
The way he was pinching your nipples over your dress made you feel glad you decided on  not wearing a bra tonight. He was making you feel so good just with his fingers on your nipples and his clothed cock on your ass that your mind once again thought about what it would feel like to have the real deal.
“I dare you to kiss me.”
The dare had caught you off guard. You had been so in a trance by the grinding that your mind went straight to the fucking and skipped the kissing, but now that he had requested it you couldn’t stop thinking about it. So, consumed by desire, you turned around and glued your lips to his. 
You wrapped your right leg around his hip (his hand once again coming to the rescue and grabbing your thigh) and felt his cock rubbing you straight on your clit. The feeling was so pleasurable that you felt like you couldn’t take it anymore, you had to have him now. So you pulled back from the kiss and plead for the last dare: “I dare you to fuck me.”
Johnny didn’t waste any more seconds, he grabbed you by your hand and lead you up the stairs to the first spare bedroom he could find. He then pushed you to the bed, making you fall right on the mattress.
“When I saw you with Yuta I went fucking crazy.”
The way he was towering over you and looking down on you as he confessed his feelings to you was slowly driving you mad. You never imagined you would be where you were right now, but now that you were you could confidently say that you wanted nothing more than this.
“I turned him down because of you,” you also confessed, now suddenly feeling shy and not being able to look him in the eye.
He chuckled.
Suddenly the mattress dipped between your legs as he joined you on the bed, right on top of you. 
“How the fuck did we end up here Y/N?” His fingers gently placed a misplaced lock of your hair behind your ear, catching your breath at his tenderness.
“I don’t know...but I think I don’t want to go back.”
“Good. ‘Cause me neither.”
His lips were back on yours and although the kiss felt different this time, it quickly evolved to something more. His hands ran down your body and went between your legs, his fingers rubbing you over your drenched panties.
“You’re so wet baby. Is this all from grinding against my cock?” His fingers slid under your underwear and easily entered you, making you moan.
“Fuck, yes. I can’t stop thinking about your cock, it’s driving me crazy. I want to fuck you so badly.”
“I want that too.” Something dark took over his eyes. Something that, in combination with his low and breathy voice was making your desire for him grow to even bigger levels. 
“Lately I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” His free hand pulled down the upper part of your dress, exposing your breaths to his hungry mouth, as his other hand picked up its pace. “I lay awake at night just thinking about you: your smell, your hair, your smile, your eyes, your lips, your body…”
“Johnny…” you moaned his name as you felt that sweet pleasure building up from within you.
“Fuck, that sounded better than I imagined. Do that again, baby.”
Johnny’s other hand joined the one between your legs and began its assault on your little bundle of nerves, intensifying the amount of pleasure you were feeling. “Fuck Johnny, I can’t take it much longer…”
“Cum for me baby,” he instructed as he tried to alleviate himself by rubbing his cock against your leg.
“Ohshit-” you incoherently mumbled at the arrival of your orgasm, your walls spasming around his long fingers.
“You’re so beautiful,” Johnny mumbled against the skin of your belly as he pressed soothing kisses on it.
You smiled and took in a few more breaths so you could talk. 
“Since when are you this romantic Suh?” You asked as you finger-combed his now messy hair.
“Since always. I just only show it to special girls.”
You looked away, suddenly feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks. Damn Johnny Suh and his smooth ass talking.
He chuckled before moving closer to your face and kissing you across your jaw. “Since when are you this shy Y/L/N?”
“Since-” You opened your mouth to answer him but came up short, ending up getting frustrated instead. “Shut up and take your clothes off!”
Your roommate laughed at your annoyance and immediately complied, removing his shirt and working on his pants. You couldn’t help but stare at his buff body: his bulging biceps, his washboard abs and his juicy pecks. You were so lost in desire that you didn’t even notice that Johnny was eyeing you up.
“Enjoying the view?” He teased, the stupid grin on his face driving you mad.
“Shut up,” you said once more, not enjoying the power he had over you.
“Take off your dress baby, I wanna see you too,” he requested as his hand caressed your naked thigh, sending shivers up your spine.
You obliged, quickly removing all your clothes and exposing your naked body to his hungry eyes.
Johnny didn’t say anything, but you could tell by the way his cock twitched that he was affected. So affected, in fact, that within seconds he was on top of you devouring your lips.
Both your hands wandered on each other’s body as he dry humped you between your legs.
“Do you have a condom?” You asked between ragged breaths.
“Fuck, no. But wait a minute,” Johnny reached for the bedside table and opened the first drawer, finding exactly what he was looking for. “Jackpot.”
“Did you know that was there?” 
“No, but I figured. After all, this is a frat house,” he explained as he opened up the package and rolled down the latex condom on his cock.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“Fuck, yes. Just put it in.”
Johnny didn’t wait a second longer. He grabbed his cock, ran it up and down your slit a couple of times and slowly entered you, the feeling of fullness being completely indescribable.
“Oh Johnny, you feel so good.”
“Fuck, tell me when I can move.” Johnny was nuzzled up in your neck, leaving tiny love bites as you adjusted to his cock.
“You can go.”
He started moving slowly at first, a string of moans spilling out from both your mouths, but, soon after, his hips started thrusting faster and harder and you found yourself clawing at his back. 
“Shit,” he hissed before glueing his lips back on yours.
For a moment you both lay there on your own little pleasure bubble, just fucking and swirling your tongues together, with moans and cusses being spilt left and right as you enjoyed each others’ bodies. For a moment, nothing else mattered - just you and Johnny.
“Baby, you’re taking me so well. You are so perfect,” he confessed as he kissed you all over, his words almost making your heart jump out of your chest.
“Johnny, baby, I’m so close.”
“Me too, fuck.”
Johnny was drilling into you so hard that the sound of skin slapping on skin was drowning out the music coming from outside. You were almost there, and as you felt that sweet feeling building up in your core you took a chance to really look at Johnny: the way he bit his lip, the way his brows frowned in pleasure, his dishevelled locks and the way his veins popped on his arms as he held himself up so as not to crush you. He was so fucking hot you couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed it sooner.
“Johnny, I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, beautiful. I’m right there.”
That was all you needed. Just like that, you were crashing and burning around the man you had considered as ‘just a friend’ for years, your walls milking him dry and making him spill everything inside the borrowed condom.
You didn’t move for several minutes. Johnny fell right to your side and just lay there right beside you, your chests rising and falling in tandem.
What do you say in these situations? What were you supposed to say right after one of your best friends, and roommate, fucked the shit out of you? You had no idea, but thankfully, he took the lead.
“I dare you to fuck me again.”
The dare caught you completely off-guard, just like yours had caught him and you couldn’t help but laugh. For a good minute, that’s all you both did: laugh.
“Alright,” you reached for the drawer and grabbed another condom from the owner of the room. “But this time, I’m on top.”
© maliby, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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ageofevermore · 4 years
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
it’s a dual sliding door, so usually one sides open. but preferably, both doors are closed. 
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
sometimes in the summer, not often though. 
(3) Can You Whistle?
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
well for some reason there’s a guy on my TV singing God Bless The USA
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
(6) Relationship Status.
single because my favorite omegle guy won’t answer me 
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
48F / 9C
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
i woke up wishing i was still asleep
(9) How Many Followers?
(10) Zodiac Sign.
Sun: Capricorn, Rising: Aries, Moon: Aquarius 
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
brown / hazel 
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
obviously, i’m not completely insane
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
whatever fucking book my english class assigned...
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
i literally only have a text book by me and opening it is triggering
(16) Favourite Anime?
i don’t watch anime
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
my mom...about greys anatomy...but still my mom about christmas and my birthday. i cry alot, but i like REALLY cried about those two topics
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
chapstick, trauma, candles 
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
it’s only 10am and i haven’t even thought about breakfast 
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
yes, and then my mom yells at me because i do nothing “subtly” and the entire car shakes
(21) Favourite Animal?
white siberian tigers, snow leopards, dolphins, and now elephants
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
unfortunately. i love gymnastics, but like, i’m not trying to watch men in toboggans and swim caps 
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
anywhere between 12pm and 3am
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
no, i never wear makeup because it makes me look more ugly
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
besides my friends i don’t really have a favorite blog, i stick to my circle and don’t venture very far 
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
(28) What Makes You Happy?
i couldn’t tell you...
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
Tumblr media
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
without, but i always start with it on. it never lasts more then two songs.
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
a shade of purple from the crayola 200 pack
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
hell mothering fucking year i do baby, lets take that train to hogwarts 
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
its a friends pj crop, so black and white stripped with the central perks logo
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
save money 
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
my cup 
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
stranger things ig
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
no, those assholes scare me, but i’ve grown + released them 
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
um chile, i would follow my best friend off a cliff with no hesitation
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
all the fucking time 
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
the hannah montana movie
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
one direction 
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
yes, but it takes me forever to fall asleep 
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
yea, depends on the day and the level of scardy bitch i feel like being 
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
i love both 
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
hell yeah, let me feel the beat in my kidneys 
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
carve pumpkins 
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
no tears left to cry by ag
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
a churro + peppermint mocha frap
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
Tumblr media
(58) What Is Your Gender?
female (she/her)
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
iced coffee / sweet tea
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
yeah, i have environmental homework and US I homework and Algebra II homework
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
bruh, idk 
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
no, that shit’s never made 
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
(64) Favourite Social Media?
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
they’re okay
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
no. i don’t miss thins very easily, i’m away from home for a week and i have no doubt that i could spend the rest of my life without going back. 
(67) Are You A Virgin?
yes sir
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
idk, some really thick and heavy in hydration set 
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
sleep in my car, though both options scare me 
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
i have a strained relationship with my bio dad, but unfortunately i still have to associate myself with him a few times a year 
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
black widow or spiderman 3, but i’m willing to see anything just take me back! 
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
i’ve never had an ex, but i do wish krystian would stop ignoring me. stupid scotland boys 
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
“friends dont lie”
(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
green / brown 
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
i loved swinging, but a few years ago it started making me dizzy so i don’t swing very often anymore. but tire swings especially are my shit 
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
chicken flavored ramen 
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
yeah...because they’re dying and if i have the skills to save them...why wouldn’t i?
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
honey, i do full virtual high school. we stan a pandemic (we don’t)
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
social media stalker is my middle name. not anymore though, i haven’t been asked to find a boy in a while 
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
no. i hate it. anxiety city man. 
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
i don’t wear rings, but i really want to.
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
woke up, watched stranger things, made ramen 
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
whatever i fall asleep in. 
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
are beauty and skincare the same? because i don’t own much makeup. 
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
i used to be a night person. but this pandemic has hit hard with depression and i’ve become a stay in bed all day person
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
2048 balls, among us, ball sort puzzle, bubble shooter, bubble sort, color roll 3D, drag n merge, fit and squeeze, hole.io, mario kart, match 3D, nonogram.com, paint the cube, roof rails, solitare, spit, stacky dash, stair run, timber run...
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
After my moms fiance died, I had a dream that he was able to come see my fifth grade play (he died just before it happened) and when we were walking out he got into the white car from fast and furious (we watched the movies together) and said he would see me again soon, then he drove off...like talk about weird 
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
i like a good clicking sound 
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
sweats everyday all day 
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
like a fucking wreck 
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
i want a bunch of little symbols, and i think it would be cute if i got a T for my mom, but i can’t tell her that because she might think i’m going soft and exploit my show of affection (jfc why am i like this lmao)
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
colleen ballinger 
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nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
Bold Survey
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck.
I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach Snapple iced tea is the best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more now than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit. My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last makeup I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend husband is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone.
My brother’s name starts with a D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. day or night bed or couch or floor boots or converse or flip flops UK or US paper book or e-book facebook or twitter or tumblr TV or music sunrise or sunset groups or one/two people or alone concerts or watching on TV or CD sci-fi or horror or rom com computer or pen and paper fiction or non sun or rain or wind big spoon or little spoon or both gold or silver or bronze heavy metal or country coffee or tea or hot chocolate hug or kiss car or motorbike or bicycle liquor or wine cop or robber fly or swim or run disney or marvel burial or cremation or viking cold or warm new or old long hair or short hair or no hair You don’t eat dairy. You work best at night time. You take a selfie almost every day. You laugh at the end of your sentences. You wink at people. You hate being tickled. You want to travel the world in a boat. You want to travel the world in a hippie wagon. Your hair is fluffy sometimes. Your hair is sleek. Your hair is an artificial colour. You get takeout at least once per week. You dislike the general public. You have been caught sleepwalking. You sleep with a plushie. You have eaten an entire block of cheese in one sitting. You have eaten a red hot chilli pepper. You draw hearts on top of your i’s. You have watched an episode of My Little Pony. You have a crush on someone who knows you. You keep plants in your room. You collect music CDs. You take vitamin supplements. You read mostly non-fiction. You go on Tumblr every day without fail. You have published a YouTube video. You have a fandom blog. You have eaten Pocky. You can play the cello. You can play the harp. You prefer vampires to zombies. You prefer zombies to vampires. You have been described as naive. You have been described as suspicious. You have had a stalker. You like going to school. You have a pear-shaped body. You have an apple-shaped body. You have sensitive teeth. You like your job. You have a slow internet connection. Your phone is not a touch phone. You are the dominant one in the relationship. You like watercolour painting. You like playing the drums. You are scared of loud noises. You eat food in your bed. You are shy but not quiet. You are quiet but not shy. You plan a lot of parties. You have an alter ego. You are good with money. You are afraid of intimacy. You normally have dinner after 8pm. You normally wear high heels. You have been grounded more than once. You have never seen Shrek. You have won a trophy. Your favourite ice cream flavour is mint. Your favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Your favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. You are good at sports. You have a skin care routine. You are a D-cup or larger. You have long legs and arms. You add ketchup to everything. You have an anime figurine. You have danced and not cared who saw it. You want to go into outer space. You want to rule the world. You constantly hurt somewhere. You are scared of mice. You are scared of horses. You are scared of butterflies. You have one or more moles on your face. You are good with children. You drink at least 7 pints of water per day. You want to be a singer in a band. You have bought a frame for a special picture. Your favourite Disney Princess isn’t Belle, Ariel or Rapunzel. You prefer to watch than participate. You have dark skin. You have dated 5 or more people. You have been told you are a cool person. You have been told you are a scary person. You are doing this post because you are bored.
Emotional bolding. Anger/Irritability/Frustration :
You get irritable quite often. When you get frustrated, you’d rather be alone. You’ve been so angry you’ve blacked out. You break things when you’re angry. You’ve hit someone when you were angry. You’ve actually punched someone before. People in general make you angry. It takes a lot to calm you down when you’re mad. You get irritable when you PMS. You get irritable when you’re tired or over tired. You wake up grumpy all the time. You bottle your anger up inside. If someone pisses you off, you don’t care who they are, you’ll let them know, in some way, that they made you angry.
Happiness/Excitement :
Sometimes you’re happy for no reason at all. You are generally a happy, optimistic person. The small things in life make you happy. There are many people in your life that make you happy. You know exactly how to make yourself happy. You can turn (almost) any negative situation into a positive one. You get complimented on your smile a lot. You laugh very, very often. When you’re happy, it doesn’t take a lot to make you mad/upset/sad again. Sometimes you get so happy that that you actually feel lighter (physically.) You try your hardest to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. Out of every bad thing in life comes something good. You cry “tears of joy” fairly often. It doesn’t take a lot to get you excited. People have told you your entire face lightens up when you smile.
Sadness/Depression/Loneliness :
You’ve been diagnosed with depression (this includes in the past). When you get depressed, you often feel drained and exhausted. You like to be alone when you’re sad. You cry a lot when you’re sad. When you are down, you like others to cheer you up. Thinking of the future gives you a sort of depressing feeling at times. When you’re sad, you like to cheer yourself up. You want to help other people going through depression, because you know how it feels. When you’re depressed, you have trouble looking forward to/enjoying anything. You went through depression in the past, but you still have those days. You know how to control your depression now. You hate when others act like they’re depressed and hurting just for the attention. You know someone who intentionally hurt themselves just for attention. You have anxiety. You don’t have anxiety, but you know what it is. You have more than one legitimate phobia. You’ve had more than one severe panic attack before. You are sort of afraid to develop an anxiety disorder. You have actually physically hurt yourself (by accident) somehow, while you were having a panic attack. Anxiety sometimes disrupts your sleeping habits. You have social anxiety. You have generalized anxiety disorder. You sometimes enjoy the thrill of adrenaline. People don’t always understand your disorder. Not a lot of people know you have anxiety. You know more than five people (personally) that have anxiety. Someone you know has tried to say they have anxiety when you knew for a fact they didn’t. Even though you don’t have panic attacks, you feel the beginning effects of them daily, or almost daily. Sometimes your anxiety makes you feel like you’re slightly “crazy”, so you have trouble talking about it/explaining it to people.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck.
I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach Snapple iced tea is the best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more now than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit. My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last makeup I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone.
My brother’s name starts with a D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. day or night bed or couch or floor boots or converse or flip flops UK or US paper book or e-book facebook or twitter or tumblr TV or music sunrise or sunset groups or one/two people or alone concerts or watching on TV or CD sci-fi or horror or rom com computer or pen and paper fiction or non sun or rain or wind big spoon or little spoon or both gold or silver or bronze heavy metal or country coffee or tea or hot chocolate hug or kiss car or motorbike or bicycle liquor or wine cop or robber fly or swim or run ant or dec disney or marvel burial or cremation or viking chess or draughts cold or warm new or old long hair or short hair or no hair You don’t eat dairy. You work best at night time. You take a selfie almost every day. You laugh at the end of your sentences. You wink at people. You hate being tickled. You want to travel the world in a boat. You want to travel the world in a hippie wagon. Your hair is fluffy sometimes. Your hair is sleek. Your hair is an artificial colour. You get takeout at least once per week. You dislike the general public. You have been caught sleepwalking. You sleep with a plushie. You have eaten an entire block of cheese in one sitting. You have eaten a red hot chilli pepper. You draw hearts on top of your i’s. You have watched an episode of My Little Pony. You have a crush on someone who knows you. You keep plants in your room. You collect music CDs. You take vitamin supplements. You read mostly non-fiction. You go on Tumblr every day without fail. You have published a YouTube video. You have a fandom blog. You have eaten Pocky. You can play the cello. You can play the harp. You prefer vampires to zombies. You prefer zombies to vampires. You have been described as naive. You have been described as suspicious. You have had a stalker. You like going to school. You have a pear-shaped body. You have an apple-shaped body. You have sensitive teeth. You like your job. You have a slow internet connection. Your phone is not a touch phone. You are the dominant one in the relationship. You like watercolour painting. You like playing the drums. You are scared of loud noises. You eat food in your bed. You are shy but not quiet. You are quiet but not shy. You plan a lot of parties. You have an alter ego. You are good with money. You are afraid of intimacy. You normally have dinner after 8pm. You normally wear high heels. You have been grounded more than once. You have never seen Shrek. You have won a trophy. Your favourite ice cream flavour is mint. Your favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Your favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. You are good at sports. You have a skin care routine. You are a D-cup or larger. You have long legs and arms. You add ketchup to everything. You have an anime figurine. You have danced and not cared who saw it. You want to go into outer space. You want to rule the world. You constantly hurt somewhere. You are scared of mice. You are scared of horses. You are scared of butterflies. You have one or more moles on your face. You are good with children. You drink at least 7 pints of water per day. You want to be a singer in a band. You have bought a frame for a special picture. Your favourite Disney Princess isn’t Belle, Ariel or Rapunzel.  You prefer to watch than participate. You have dark skin. You have dated 5 or more people. You have been told you are a cool person. You have been told you are a scary person.  You are doing this post because you are bored.
Emotional bolding. Anger/Irritability/Frustration :
You get irritable quite often. When you get frustrated, you’d rather be alone. You’ve been so angry you’ve blacked out. You break things when you’re angry. You’ve hit someone when you were angry. You’ve actually punched someone before. People in general make you angry. It takes a lot to calm you down when you’re mad. You get irritable when you PMS. You get irritable when you’re tired or over tired. You wake up grumpy all the time. You bottle your anger up inside. If someone pisses you off, you don’t care who they are, you’ll let them know, in some way, that they made you angry.
Happiness/Excitement :
Sometimes you’re happy for no reason at all. You are generally a happy, optimistic person. The small things in life make you happy. There are many people in your life that make you happy. You know exactly how to make yourself happy. You can turn (almost) any negative situation into a positive one. You get complimented on your smile a lot. You laugh very, very often. When you’re happy, it doesn’t take a lot to make you mad/upset/sad again. Sometimes you get so happy that that you actually feel lighter (physically.) You try your hardest to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. Out of every bad thing in life comes something good. You cry “tears of joy” fairly often. It doesn’t take a lot to get you excited. People have told you your entire face lightens up when you smile.
Sadness/Depression/Loneliness :
You’ve been diagnosed with depression (this includes in the past). When you get depressed, you often feel drained and exhausted. You like to be alone when you’re sad. You cry a lot when you’re sad. When you are down, you like others to cheer you up. Thinking of the future gives you a sort of depressing feeling at times. When you’re sad, you like to cheer yourself up. You want to help other people going through depression, because you know how it feels. When you’re depressed, you have trouble looking forward to/enjoying anything. You went through depression in the past, but you still have those days. You know how to control your depression now. You hate when others act like they’re depressed and hurting just for the attention. You know someone who intentionally hurt themselves just for attention. You have anxiety. You don’t have anxiety, but you know what it is. You have more than one legitimate phobia. You’ve had more than one severe panic attack before. You are sort of afraid to develop an anxiety disorder. You have actually physically hurt yourself (by accident) somehow, while you were having a panic attack. Anxiety sometimes disrupts your sleeping habits. You have social anxiety. You have generalized anxiety disorder. You sometimes enjoy the thrill of adrenaline. People don’t always understand your disorder. Not a lot of people know you have anxiety. You know more than five people (personally) that have anxiety. Someone you know has tried to say they have anxiety when you knew for a fact they didn’t. Even though you don’t have panic attacks, you feel the beginning effects of them daily, or almost daily. Sometimes your anxiety makes you feel like you’re slightly “crazy”, so you have trouble talking about it/explaining it to people.
2 notes · View notes
surveystodestressme · 7 years
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck.
I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach Snapple iced tea is the best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more now than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit. My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last makeup I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone.
My brother’s name starts with a D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. day or night bed or couch or floor boots or converse or flip flops UK or US paper book or e-book facebook or twitter or tumblr TV or music sunrise or sunset groups or one/two people or alone concerts or watching on TV or CD sci-fi or horror or rom com computer or pen and paper fiction or non sun or rain or wind big spoon or little spoon or both gold or silver or bronze heavy metal or country coffee or tea or hot chocolate hug or kiss car or motorbike or bicycle liquor or wine cop or robber fly or swim or run ant or dec (i don’t know what this means) disney or marvel burial or cremation or viking chess or draughts cold or warm new or old long hair or short hair or no hair You don’t eat dairy. You work best at night time. You take a selfie almost every day. You laugh at the end of your sentences. You wink at people. You hate being tickled. You want to travel the world in a boat. You want to travel the world in a hippie wagon. Your hair is fluffy sometimes. Your hair is sleek. Your hair is an artificial colour. You get takeout at least once per week. You dislike the general public. You have been caught sleepwalking. You sleep with a plushie. You have eaten an entire block of cheese in one sitting. You have eaten a red hot chilli pepper. You draw hearts on top of your i’s. You have watched an episode of My Little Pony. You have a crush on someone who knows you. You keep plants in your room. You collect music CDs. You take vitamin supplements. You read mostly non-fiction. You go on Tumblr every day without fail. You have published a YouTube video. You have a fandom blog. You have eaten Pocky. You can play the cello. You can play the harp. You prefer vampires to zombies. You prefer zombies to vampires. You have been described as naive. You have been described as suspicious. You have had a stalker. You like going to school. You have a pear-shaped body. You have an apple-shaped body. You have sensitive teeth. You like your job. You have a slow internet connection. Your phone is not a touch phone. You are the dominant one in the relationship. You like watercolour painting. You like playing the drums. You are scared of loud noises. You eat food in your bed. You are shy but not quiet. You are quiet but not shy. You plan a lot of parties. You have an alter ego. You are good with money. You are afraid of intimacy. You normally have dinner after 8pm. You normally wear high heels. You have been grounded more than once. You have never seen Shrek. You have won a trophy. Your favourite ice cream flavour is mint. Your favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Your favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. You are good at sports. You have a skin care routine. You are a D-cup or larger. You have long legs and arms. You add ketchup to everything. You have an anime figurine. You have danced and not cared who saw it. You want to go into outer space. You want to rule the world. You constantly hurt somewhere. You are scared of mice. You are scared of horses. You are scared of butterflies. You have one or more moles on your face. You are good with children. You drink at least 7 pints of water per day. You want to be a singer in a band. You have bought a frame for a special picture. Your favourite Disney Princess isn’t Belle, Ariel or Rapunzel. You prefer to watch than participate. You have dark skin. You have dated 5 or more people. You have been told you are a cool person. You have been told you are a scary person. You are doing this post because you are bored.
Emotional bolding. Anger/Irritability/Frustration :
You get irritable quite often. When you get frustrated, you’d rather be alone. You’ve been so angry you’ve blacked out. You break things when you’re angry. You’ve hit someone when you were angry. You’ve actually punched someone before. People in general make you angry. It takes a lot to calm you down when you’re mad. You get irritable when you PMS. You get irritable when you’re tired or over tired. You wake up grumpy all the time. You bottle your anger up inside. If someone pisses you off, you don’t care who they are, you’ll let them know, in some way, that they made you angry.
Happiness/Excitement :
Sometimes you’re happy for no reason at all. You are generally a happy, optimistic person. The small things in life make you happy. There are many people in your life that make you happy. You know exactly how to make yourself happy. You can turn (almost) any negative situation into a positive one. You get complimented on your smile a lot. You laugh very, very often. When you’re happy, it doesn’t take a lot to make you mad/upset/sad again. Sometimes you get so happy that that you actually feel lighter (physically.) You try your hardest to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. Out of every bad thing in life comes something good. You cry “tears of joy” fairly often. It doesn’t take a lot to get you excited. People have told you your entire face lightens up when you smile.
Sadness/Depression/Loneliness :
You’ve been diagnosed with depression (this includes in the past). When you get depressed, you often feel drained and exhausted. You like to be alone when you’re sad. You cry a lot when you’re sad. When you are down, you like others to cheer you up. Thinking of the future gives you a sort of depressing feeling at times. When you’re sad, you like to cheer yourself up. You want to help other people going through depression, because you know how it feels. When you’re depressed, you have trouble looking forward to/enjoying anything. You went through depression in the past, but you still have those days. You know how to control your depression now. You hate when others act like they’re depressed and hurting just for the attention. You know someone who intentionally hurt themselves just for attention. You have anxiety. You don’t have anxiety, but you know what it is. You have more than one legitimate phobia. You’ve had more than one severe panic attack before. You are sort of afraid to develop an anxiety disorder. You have actually physically hurt yourself (by accident) somehow, while you were having a panic attack. Anxiety sometimes disrupts your sleeping habits. You have social anxiety. You have generalized anxiety disorder. You sometimes enjoy the thrill of adrenaline. People don’t always understand your disorder. Not a lot of people know you have anxiety. You know more than five people (personally) that have anxiety. Someone you know has tried to say they have anxiety when you knew for a fact they didn’t. Even though you don’t have panic attacks, you feel the beginning effects of them daily, or almost daily. Sometimes your anxiety makes you feel like you’re slightly “crazy”, so you have trouble talking about it/explaining it to people.
0 notes
m0rgansux · 7 years
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck. I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach Snapple iced tea is the best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more now than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit. My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last makeup I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone.
My brother’s name starts with a D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. (I mean....they’re married.... do u mean other than that) I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit.  My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. (my twitter bf flirted with another girl does that count) I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. day or night bed or couch or floor boots or converse or flip flops UK or US paper book or e-book facebook or twitter or tumblr TV or music sunrise or sunset groups or one/two people or alone  concerts or watching on TV or CD sci-fi or horror or rom com computer or pen and paper fiction or non sun or rain or wind big spoon or little spoon or both  gold or silver or bronze heavy metal or country coffee or tea or hot chocolate hug or kiss car or motorbike or bicycle liquor or wine cop or robber fly or swim or run ant or dec disney or marvel burial or cremation or viking chess or draughts cold or warm new or old  long hair or short hair or no hair You don’t eat dairy. You work best at night time. You take a selfie almost every day. You laugh at the end of your sentences. You wink at people. You hate being tickled. You want to travel the world in a boat. You want to travel the world in a hippie wagon. Your hair is fluffy sometimes. Your hair is sleek. Your hair is an artificial colour. You get takeout at least once per week. You dislike the general public. You have been caught sleepwalking. You sleep with a plushie. You have eaten an entire block of cheese in one sitting. You have eaten a red hot chilli pepper. You draw hearts on top of your i’s. You have watched an episode of My Little Pony.  You have a crush on someone who knows you. You keep plants in your room. You collect music CDs. You take vitamin supplements. You read mostly non-fiction. You go on Tumblr every day without fail. You have published a YouTube video. You have a fandom blog. You have eaten Pocky. You can play the cello. You can play the harp. You prefer vampires to zombies. You prefer zombies to vampires. You have been described as naive. You have been described as suspicious. You have had a stalker. You like going to school. You have a pear-shaped body. You have an apple-shaped body. You have sensitive teeth. You like your job. You have a slow internet connection. Your phone is not a touch phone. You are the dominant one in the relationship. You like watercolour painting. You like playing the drums. You are scared of loud noises. You eat food in your bed. You are shy but not quiet. You are quiet but not shy. You plan a lot of parties. You have an alter ego. You are good with money. You are afraid of intimacy. You normally have dinner after 8pm. You normally wear high heels. You have been grounded more than once. You have never seen Shrek. You have won a trophy. Your favourite ice cream flavour is mint. Your favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Your favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. You are good at sports. You have a skin care routine. You are a D-cup or larger. You have long legs and arms. You add ketchup to everything. You have an anime figurine. You have danced and not cared who saw it. You want to go into outer space. You want to rule the world. You constantly hurt somewhere.
You are scared of mice. You are scared of horses. You are scared of butterflies. You have one or more moles on your face. You are good with children. You have learning difficulties. You drink at least 7 pints of water per day. You want to be a singer in a band. You have bought a frame for a special picture. Your favourite Disney Princess isn’t Belle, Ariel or Rapunzel. You prefer to watch than participate. You have dark skin. You have dated 5 or more people. You have been told you are a cool person. You have been told you are a scary person. You are doing this post because you are bored.
Emotional bolding. Anger/Irritability/Frustration :
You get irritable quite often.
When you get frustrated, you’d rather be alone.
You’ve been so angry you’ve blacked out.
You break things when you’re angry.
You’ve hit someone when you were angry.
You’ve actually punched someone before.
People in general make you angry.
It takes a lot to calm you down when you’re mad.
You get irritable when you PMS.
You get irritable when you’re tired or over tired.
You wake up grumpy all the time.
You bottle your anger up inside.
If someone pisses you off, you don’t care who they are, you’ll let them know, in some way, that they made you angry.
Happiness/Excitement :
Sometimes you’re happy for no reason at all.
You are generally a happy, optimistic person.
The small things in life make you happy. There are many people in your life that make you happy. You know exactly how to make yourself happy.
You can turn (almost) any negative situation into a positive one.
You get complimented on your smile a lot.
You laugh very, very often.
When you’re happy, it doesn’t take a lot to make you mad/upset/sad again.
Sometimes you get so happy that that you actually feel lighter (physically.)
You try your hardest to be happy, no matter what life throws at you.
Out of every bad thing in life comes something good.
You cry “tears of joy” fairly often.
It doesn’t take a lot to get you excited.
People have told you your entire face lightens up when you smile.
Sadness/Depression/Loneliness :
You’ve been diagnosed with depression (this includes in the past).
When you get depressed, you often feel drained and exhausted.
You like to be alone when you’re sad.
You cry a lot when you’re sad.
When you are down, you like others to cheer you up.
Thinking of the future gives you a sort of depressing feeling at times.
When you’re sad, you like to cheer yourself up.
You want to help other people going through depression, because you know how it feels.
When you’re depressed, you have trouble looking forward to/enjoying anything.
You went through depression in the past, but you still have those days.
You know how to control your depression now.
You hate when others act like they’re depressed and hurting just for the attention.
You know someone who intentionally hurt themselves just for attention.
You have anxiety.
You don’t have anxiety, but you know what it is.
You have more than one legitimate phobia.
You’ve had more than one severe panic attack before.
You are sort of afraid to develop an anxiety disorder.
You have actually physically hurt yourself (by accident) somehow, while you were having a panic attack.
Anxiety sometimes disrupts your sleeping habits.
You have social anxiety.
You have generalized anxiety disorder.
You sometimes enjoy the thrill of adrenaline.
People don’t always understand your disorder.
Not a lot of people know you have anxiety. You know more than five people (personally) that have anxiety.
Someone you know has tried to say they have anxiety when you knew for a fact they didn’t.
Even though you don’t have panic attacks, you feel the beginning effects of them daily, or almost daily. Sometimes your anxiety makes you feel like you’re slightly “crazy”, so you have trouble talking about it/explaining it to people.
0 notes
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. (maybe) I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck. I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. (only for Harry Potter World) Peach Snapple iced tea is the best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more now than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit. My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last makeup I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone.
My brother’s name starts with a D.
Neither of my grandfathers are alive.
I look more like my mother than my father.
Both my parents are in a serious relationship.
I am the youngest of three children.
I am the only girl.
My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother.
I don’t really like my cousins.
I have less than five cousins.
I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian.
But I’m no longer a Christian.
I believe in God.
But I think the Bible is bullshit.
My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me.
My dad is religious.
My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church.
I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough.
I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating.
Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic.
I only eat Cains mayonnaise.
I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli.
I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers.
I’ve gone a day or more without eating.
I crave chocolate on my period. (I just crave it always)
Pizza Hut has the best pizza around.
Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head.
A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me.
I’ve never been cheated on.
I had my first kiss when I was fifteen.
I lost my virginity in the woods.
My best friend lost her virginity a week after me.
In the same place I did.
I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex.
I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire.
I love country.
I love old school rap.
I love alternative.
I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal.
And I love it.
I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums.
I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0.
I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th.
I’ve passed a class with a D-.
I don’t do my homework at home.
I prefer mechanical pencils.
I always do projects the night before they’re due.
I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself.
I text in school.
I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often
On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out.
My only make-up necessity is mascara.
I like to wing my eyeliner.
I’d rather take a shower than a bath.
I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth.
My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses.
I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes.
I’ve gotten drunk within the past month.
I’ve smoked weed when by myself.
The first time I got high was on a holiday.
Marijuana should be legalized.
I have never and would never drink and drive.
I hate light beer.
My lighter is purple.
My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush.
I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now.
Going to bed at midnight is very early for me.
I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh.
I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now.
I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there.
Purple is my favorite color.
There is no such thing as an ugly color.
I need more pens.
day or night bed or couch or floor boots or converse or flip flops UK or US paper book or e-book facebook or twitter or tumblr TV or music sunrise or sunset groups or one/two people or alone concerts or watching on TV or CD sci-fi or horror or rom com (sci-fi books but rom-com movies) computer or pen and paper fiction or non sun or rain or wind big spoon or little spoon or both gold or silver or bronze heavy metal or country coffee or tea or hot chocolate hug or kiss car or motorbike or bicycle alcopop or spirit or wine cop or robber fly or swim or run ant or dec (what?) disney or marvel burial or cremation or viking chess or draughts cold or warm new or old long hair or short hair or no hair
You don’t eat dairy. You work best at night time. You take a selfie almost every day. You laugh at the end of your sentences. You wink at people. You hate being tickled. You want to travel the world in a boat. You want to travel the world in a hippie wagon. Your hair is fluffy sometimes. Your hair is sleek. Your hair is an artificial colour. You get takeout at least once per week. You dislike the general public. You have been caught sleepwalking. You sleep with a plushie. You have eaten an entire block of cheese in one sitting. You have eaten a red hot chilli pepper. You draw hearts on top of your i’s. You have watched an episode of My Little Pony. You have a crush on someone who knows you. You keep plants in your room. You collect music CDs. You take vitamin supplements. You read mostly non-fiction. You go on Tumblr every day without fail. You have published a YouTube video. You have a fandom blog. You have eaten Pocky. You can play the cello. You can play the harp. You prefer vampires to zombies. You prefer zombies to vampires. You have been described as naive. You have been described as suspicious. You have had a stalker. You like going to school. You have a pear-shaped body. You have an apple-shaped body. You have sensitive teeth. You like your job. You have a slow internet connection. Your phone is not a touch phone. You are the dominant one in the relationship. You like watercolour painting. You like playing the drums. You are scared of loud noises. You eat food in your bed. You are shy but not quiet. You are quiet but not shy. You plan a lot of parties. You have an alter ego. You are good with money. You are afraid of intimacy. You normally have dinner after 8pm. You normally wear high heels. You have been grounded more than once. You have never seen Shrek. You have won a trophy. Your favourite ice cream flavour is mint. Your favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Your favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. You are good at sports. You have a skin care routine. You are a D-cup or larger. You have long legs and arms. You add ketchup to everything. You have an anime figurine. You have danced and not cared who saw it. You want to go into outer space. You want to rule the world. You constantly hurt somewhere. You are scared of mice. You are scared of horses. You are scared of butterflies. You have one or more moles on your face. You are good with children. You have learning difficulties. You drink at least 7 pints of water per day. You want to be a singer in a band. You have bought a frame for a special picture. Your favourite Disney Princess isn’t Belle, Ariel or Rapunzel. You prefer to watch than participate. You have dark skin. You have dated 5 or more people. You have been told you are a cool person. You have been told you are a scary person. You are doing this post because you are bored.
Emotional bolding. Anger/Irritability/Frustration :
You get irritable quite often.
When you get frustrated, you’d rather be alone.
You’ve been so angry you’ve blacked out.
You break things when you’re angry. (only occasionally. Mostly I slam or throw things that I know won’t break)
You’ve hit someone when you were angry.
You’ve actually punched someone before.
People in general make you angry.
It takes a lot to calm you down when you’re mad.
You get irritable when you PMS.
You get irritable when you’re tired or over tired.
You wake up grumpy all the time.
You bottle your anger up inside.
If someone pisses you off, you don’t care who they are, you’ll let them know, in some way, that they made you angry.
Happiness/Excitement :
Sometimes you’re happy for no reason at all.
You are generally a happy, optimistic person.
The small things in life make you happy. There are many people in your life that make you happy. You know exactly how to make yourself happy.
You can turn (almost) any negative situation into a positive one.
You get complimented on your smile a lot.
You laugh very, very often.
When you’re happy, it doesn’t take a lot to make you mad/upset/sad again.
Sometimes you get so happy that that you actually feel lighter (physically.)
You try your hardest to be happy, no matter what life throws at you.
Out of every bad thing in life comes something good.
You cry “tears of joy” fairly often.
It doesn’t take a lot to get you excited.
People have told you your entire face lightens up when you smile.
Sadness/Depression/Loneliness :
You’ve been diagnosed with depression (this includes in the past).
When you get depressed, you often feel drained and exhausted.
You like to be alone when you’re sad.
You cry a lot when you’re sad.
When you are down, you like others to cheer you up.
Thinking of the future gives you a sort of depressing feeling at times.
When you’re sad, you like to cheer yourself up.
You want to help other people going through depression, because you know how it feels.
When you’re depressed, you have trouble looking forward to/enjoying anything.
You went through depression in the past, but you still have those days.
You know how to control your depression now.
You hate when others act like they’re depressed and hurting just for the attention.
You know someone who intentionally hurt themselves just for attention.
You have anxiety.
You don’t have anxiety, but you know what it is.
You have more than one legitimate phobia.
You’ve had more than one severe panic attack before.
You are sort of afraid to develop an anxiety disorder.
You have actually physically hurt yourself (by accident) somehow, while you were having a panic attack.
Anxiety sometimes disrupts your sleeping habits.
You have social anxiety.
You have generalized anxiety disorder.
You sometimes enjoy the thrill of adrenaline.
People don’t always understand your disorder.
Not a lot of people know you have anxiety. You know more than five people (personally) that have anxiety.
Someone you know has tried to say they have anxiety when you knew for a fact they didn’t.
Even though you don’t have panic attacks, you feel the beginning effects of them daily, or almost daily. Sometimes your anxiety makes you feel like you’re slightly “crazy”, so you have trouble talking about it/explaining it to people.
0 notes
nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
Bold survey
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck. I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach Snapple iced tea is the best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more now than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit. My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last makeup I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone.
My brother’s name starts with a D.
Neither of my grandfathers are alive.
I look more like my mother than my father.
Both my parents are in a serious relationship.
I am the youngest of three children.
I am the only girl.
My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother.
I don’t really like my cousins.
I have less than five cousins.
I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian.
But I’m no longer a Christian.
I believe in God.
But I think the Bible is bullshit.
My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me.
My dad is religious.
My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church.
I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough.
I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating.
Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic.
I only eat Cains mayonnaise.
I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli.
I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers.
I’ve gone a day or more without eating.
I crave chocolate on my period.
Pizza Hut has the best pizza around.
Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head.
A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me.
I’ve never been cheated on.
I had my first kiss when I was fifteen.
I lost my virginity in the woods.
My best friend lost her virginity a week after me.
In the same place I did.
I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex.
I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire.
I love country.
I love old school rap.
I love alternative.
I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal.
And I love it.
I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums.
I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0.
I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th.
I’ve passed a class with a D-.
I don’t do my homework at home.
I prefer mechanical pencils.
I always do projects the night before they’re due.
I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself.
I text in school.
I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often.
On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out.
My only make-up necessity is mascara.
I like to wing my eyeliner.
I’d rather take a shower than a bath.
I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth.
My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses.
I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes.
I’ve gotten drunk within the past month.
I’ve smoked weed when by myself.
The first time I got high was on a holiday.
Marijuana should be legalized.
I have never and would never drink and drive.
I hate light beer.
My lighter is purple.
My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush.
I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now.
Going to bed at midnight is very early for me.
I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh.
I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now.
I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there.
Purple is my favorite color.
There is no such thing as an ugly color.
I need more pens.
day or night bed or couch or floor boots or converse or flip flops UK or US paper book or e-book facebook or twitter or tumblr TV or music sunrise or sunset groups or one/two people or alone concerts or watching on TV or CD sci-fi or horror or rom com computer or pen and paper fiction or non sun or rain or wind big spoon or little spoon or both gold or silver or bronze heavy metal or country coffee or tea or hot chocolate hug or kiss car or motorbike or bicycle alcopop or spirit or wine cop or robber fly or swim or run ant or dec disney or marvel burial or cremation or viking chess or draughts cold or warm new or old long hair or short hair or no hair
You don’t eat dairy. You work best at night time. You take a selfie almost every day. You laugh at the end of your sentences. You wink at people. You hate being tickled. You want to travel the world in a boat. You want to travel the world in a hippie wagon. Your hair is fluffy sometimes. Your hair is sleek. Your hair is an artificial colour. You get takeout at least once per week. You dislike the general public. You have been caught sleepwalking. You sleep with a plushie. You have eaten an entire block of cheese in one sitting. You have eaten a red hot chilli pepper. You draw hearts on top of your i’s. You have watched an episode of My Little Pony. You have a crush on someone who knows you. You keep plants in your room. You collect music CDs. You take vitamin supplements. You read mostly non-fiction. You go on Tumblr every day without fail. You have published a YouTube video. You have a fandom blog. You have eaten Pocky. You can play the cello. You can play the harp. You prefer vampires to zombies. You prefer zombies to vampires. You have been described as naive. You have been described as suspicious. You have had a stalker. You like going to school. You have a pear-shaped body. You have an apple-shaped body. You have sensitive teeth. You like your job. You have a slow internet connection. Your phone is not a touch phone. You are the dominant one in the relationship. You like watercolour painting. You like playing the drums. You are scared of loud noises. You eat food in your bed. You are shy but not quiet. You are quiet but not shy. You plan a lot of parties. You have an alter ego. You are good with money. You are afraid of intimacy. You normally have dinner after 8pm. You normally wear high heels. You have been grounded more than once. You have never seen Shrek. You have won a trophy. Your favourite ice cream flavour is mint. Your favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Your favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. You are good at sports. You have a skin care routine. You are a D-cup or larger. You have long legs and arms. You add ketchup to everything. You have an anime figurine. You have danced and not cared who saw it. You want to go into outer space. You want to rule the world. You constantly hurt somewhere. You are scared of mice. You are scared of horses. You are scared of butterflies. You have one or more moles on your face. You are good with children. You have learning difficulties. You drink at least 7 pints of water per day. You want to be a singer in a band. (i am ) You have bought a frame for a special picture. Your favourite Disney Princess isn’t Belle, Ariel or Rapunzel. You prefer to watch than participate. You have dark skin. You have dated 5 or more people. You have been told you are a cool person. You have been told you are a scary person. You are doing this post because you are bored.
Emotional bolding. Anger/Irritability/Frustration :
You get irritable quite often.
When you get frustrated, you’d rather be alone.
You’ve been so angry you’ve blacked out.
You break things when you’re angry.
You’ve hit someone when you were angry.
You’ve actually punched someone before.
People in general make you angry.
It takes a lot to calm you down when you’re mad.
You get irritable when you PMS.
You get irritable when you’re tired or over tired.
You wake up grumpy all the time.
You bottle your anger up inside.
If someone pisses you off, you don’t care who they are, you’ll let them know, in some way, that they made you angry.
Happiness/Excitement :
Sometimes you’re happy for no reason at all.
You are generally a happy, optimistic person.
The small things in life make you happy. There are many people in your life that make you happy. You know exactly how to make yourself happy.
You can turn (almost) any negative situation into a positive one.
You get complimented on your smile a lot.
You laugh very, very often.
When you’re happy, it doesn’t take a lot to make you mad/upset/sad again.
Sometimes you get so happy that that you actually feel lighter (physically.)
You try your hardest to be happy, no matter what life throws at you.
Out of every bad thing in life comes something good.
You cry “tears of joy” fairly often.
It doesn’t take a lot to get you excited.
People have told you your entire face lightens up when you smile.
Sadness/Depression/Loneliness :
You’ve been diagnosed with depression (this includes in the past).
When you get depressed, you often feel drained and exhausted.
You like to be alone when you’re sad.
You cry a lot when you’re sad.
When you are down, you like others to cheer you up.
Thinking of the future gives you a sort of depressing feeling at times.
When you’re sad, you like to cheer yourself up.
You want to help other people going through depression, because you know how it feels.
When you’re depressed, you have trouble looking forward to/enjoying anything.
You went through depression in the past, but you still have those days.
You know how to control your depression now.
You hate when others act like they’re depressed and hurting just for the attention.
You know someone who intentionally hurt themselves just for attention.
You have anxiety.
You don’t have anxiety, but you know what it is.
You have more than one legitimate phobia.
You’ve had more than one severe panic attack before.
You are sort of afraid to develop an anxiety disorder.
You have actually physically hurt yourself (by accident) somehow, while you were having a panic attack.
Anxiety sometimes disrupts your sleeping habits.
You have social anxiety.
You have generalized anxiety disorder.
You sometimes enjoy the thrill of adrenaline.
People don’t always understand your disorder.
Not a lot of people know you have anxiety. You know more than five people (personally) that have anxiety.
Someone you know has tried to say they have anxiety when you knew for a fact they didn’t.
Even though you don’t have panic attacks, you feel the beginning effects of them daily, or almost daily. Sometimes your anxiety makes you feel like you’re slightly “crazy”, so you have trouble talking about it/explaining it to people.
0 notes