#alfredo binda
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fabriziosbardella · 6 months ago
Domenica 8 settembre in caso di pioggia a Cittiglio, se le condizioni meteo non consentiranno la corsa si terrà comunque un “Incontro con i campioni”  #cittiglio #giuseppesaronni #alfredobinda #incasodipioggia #cicloturismo #sport #ciclismo #fabriziosbardella #eventi #pedalata #primopiano, #inevidenza
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famousborntoday · 7 months ago
Alfredo Binda was an Italian road cyclist of the 1920s and 1930s. He was the first to win five editions of the Giro d'Italia, and a three-time world champion. I...
Link: Alfredo Binda
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1337wtfomgbbq · 1 year ago
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Fausto Coppi and Alfredo Binda.
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mayolfederico · 1 year ago
Anghiari ~ Geno Pampaloni
Francesco Morandini detto il Poppi (?), Tavola Doria (1563?; olio su tavola, 86 x 115 cm; Firenze, Gallerie degli Uffizi) E sino da allora oscuramente intuivo che la letteratura non si subordina a niente, non ha scopi pratici, specie se vi si insinua un filo di insincerità Anghiari – Miti e presagi di anni molto lontani  Alla carissima memoria della zia Santina, e dei cugini Cristina e…
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stuyfssportverhalen · 1 year ago
De paden waar Fausto Coppi over koerste zijn plat getreden. Van de voormalige Campionissimo is dan ook een boekenkast vol geschreven. Deze blog waagt zich daar ook niet aan of het moet deze krabbel in de kantlijn van het wielrennen zijn. Om z’n levenswijze én z’n palmares is de man een cultheld geworden.  Ook voor deze blogger die een aantal jaar geleden tijdens een roadtrip door Noord-Italië…
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womensworldtour · 1 year ago
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Elisa Balsamo (Lidl-Trek) wins Trofeo Alfredo Binda by a bike length over Lotte Kopecky (SD Worx) and Puck Pieterse (Fenix-Deceuninck). Balsamo had managed to stay with the top group over the last climb, and her teammate (and last year's winner) Shirin van Androoij buried herself to catch the breakaway riders and give Balsamo the go-ahead sprint, which she took in commanding fashion. The teamwork that Lidl-Trek displayed is *exactly* how to win a race, and what the other teams are starting to deploy to give a super-team like SD Worx-Protime some real competition.
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Van Androoij and Balsamo celebrate after the finish—this duo has been one of the most effective in this season so far.
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pro-cycling-primers · 2 months ago
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🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️ So, you're interested in starting watching cycling in 2025 (I hope), but have no idea where to start? 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️
Before the start of the road cycling season this year, I thought I'd post some information for people completely new to the sport. You might have seen some Tumblr posts going crazy about men and women in tight lycra, or watched a bit of the Tour de France on TV once, or maybe this post found you some other way! Let's get to it.
When does it happen?
Cycling doesn't have a set timetable nor are races only at weekends. It's mostly the same each year, but there have been some changes over the hundred-plus years professional cycling has been around.
The WorldTour (highest level of pro cycling, more about that in a later post) season lasts officially from January until October, with the full women's calendar for 2025 looking like this:
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And the men's like this:
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Don't try to watch all of them. Or do, I'm just a Tumblr blogger hoping more people get interested in this great sport 🤷
Okay then, which races should I watch?
The answers to this are many and varied; every list of 'best races to watch' will have at least one cycling fan clamouring 'But HOW could you ignore [x]!?'
In terms of basic introduction to the sport, I think this would give a solid season-wide grounding:
Five one-day races have mostly arbitrarily been declared The Monuments: Milano-Sanremo, Paris-Roubaix, de Ronde van Vlaanderen, Liège-Bastogne-Liège, and Il Lombardia. (A more detailed post about these will be coming later in the season). All but Lombardia have men's and women's versions, with Milano-Sanremo Donne running for the first time in 2025, though Trofeo Alfredo Binda is a more well-established women's race in a similar region at a similar time.
Each has its own quirks, history, and favour different kinds of riders. The big names (except the pure stage racers) will be there.
I'd also recommend one of the early-season one-week stage races, Paris-Nice or Tirreno-Adriatico. They run at the same time, for one week in March, and present the first opportunity for the top stage racers to stretch their legs (another post about different types of riders will come). On the women's side, Itzulia Women or Tour de Suisse.
One of the Grand Tours is in my view, essential: Giro d'Italia, Vuelta a España, or the big one, the Tour de France
If you want, you can disregard this entire section and just watch the Tour. It's the biggest race there is, the most-covered, and teams bring their best riders in their best shape. It's a massive cultural event. If you take nothing from this post other than following a little closer in July, then it has been a success in my book.
How can I watch cycling?
Cycling has a serious lack of easily accessible coverage. Every race organiser has different TV rights arrangements, varying MASSIVELY from country to country, with some having free-to-air coverage of most races on national television but some having no option other than the paid services Discovery+ and Eurosport.
For an international suggestion there is a lovely site: tiz [dash] cycling [dot] io has free (!) livestreams of every race you could feasibly ever want to watch, and a back catalogue covering most of the last decade +
5-15 minute highlight videos from YouTube channels such as Eurosport, FloBikes etc. are also available a few hours after a race finishes! The Tour de France has its own channel with decent highlights and interviews.
See you later in the season!
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oneminutefiftysixseconds · 2 months ago
ooo ✅ and ❌ for the ask game
✅ If you could decide the result of one particular race in 2025, which race would it be and who would you give the win to?
hmmmm..... pog wins MSR but only so in future seasons he focuses on roubaix? puck takes trofeo alfredo binda? romain bardet miraculously wins the overall of his final dauphiné? <- i'd settle for a stage win there. there's too many to choose :(
so instead: european time trial champion stefan küng 🇪🇺🇪🇺
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defietssite · 1 month ago
De wielerwereld is in rouw na het tragische overlijden van Sara Piffer, een 19-jarige Italiaanse renster. Ze kwam om het leven na een aanrijding tijdens een training in haar thuisstreek Trentino. De jonge wielrenster, die bekend stond om haar veelbelovende talent, laat een diepe indruk achter op zowel haar lokale gemeenschap als de internationale wielerwereld. Sara Piffer overleden na aanrijding is een tragische gebeurtenis Sara Piffer was vrijdagochtend samen met haar broer Christian aan het trainen in Trentino, Italië. Tijdens hun rit werden ze aangereden door een auto die een ander voertuig aan het inhalen was. Sara raakte daarbij zwaar gewond, terwijl haar broer er met lichte verwondingen vanaf kwam. Ondanks de snelle komst van hulpdiensten en pogingen tot reanimatie, overleed Sara ter plaatse aan haar verwondingen. Beloftevol talent met een grote toekomst Sara Piffer maakte deel uit van het Italiaanse Team Mendelspeck, een continentaal team dat jonge talenten begeleidt en ondersteunt in hun wielercarrière. Ze was zowel op de weg als op de baan actief en had al indrukwekkende prestaties geleverd in haar korte carrière. Hoogtepunten uit Sara’s wielercarrière - 4e plaats op het Nationaal Kampioenschap Tijdrijden in oktober 2024. - Deelnames aan prestigieuze wedstrijden zoals de Strade Bianche Donne en de Trofeo Alfredo Binda in 2024. - Een veelbelovende carrière die op tragische wijze werd onderbroken. Haar prestaties en potentie maakten haar tot een opkomend talent in het Italiaanse wielrennen, met een toekomst die er veelbelovend uitzag. Reacties vanuit de wielerwereld over Sara Piffer overleden na aanrijding De lokale gemeenschap en de wielerwereld reageren geschokt en verdrietig op het overlijden van Sara Piffer. Medewerkers en teamgenoten van Team Mendelspeck herinneren haar als een toegewijde, getalenteerde renster met een sterke wil en een grote passie voor de sport. Verschillende wielerorganisaties en collega-renners uit binnen- en buitenland hebben hun medeleven betuigd. "Dit is een tragisch verlies voor de wielersport en voor iedereen die Sara kende," aldus een woordvoerder van de Italiaanse wielerbond. Veiligheid op de weg: een terugkerend probleem Sara’s tragische dood werpt opnieuw een schaduw over de veiligheid van wielrenners op de weg. Inhaalmanoeuvres en onoplettendheid van automobilisten blijven een groot gevaar voor fietsers, vooral in landelijke gebieden waar snelheid en ruimte vaak een rol spelen. Dit incident onderstreept de dringende noodzaak om de verkeersveiligheid voor wielrenners te verbeteren. Meer aandacht voor veilige trainingsroutes en het bewust maken van automobilisten kunnen bijdragen aan het voorkomen van dergelijke tragische ongevallen. Het gemis van een jonge belofte Met het verlies van Sara Piffer verliest de wielerwereld niet alleen een groot talent, maar ook een jonge vrouw met een passie voor haar sport en een veelbelovende toekomst. Haar familie, vrienden en teamgenoten blijven achter met een groot verdriet, maar ook met herinneringen aan haar vastberadenheid en prestaties. Haar broer Christian, die bij het ongeluk slechts lichte verwondingen opliep, sprak namens de familie: "Sara was een inspiratie voor velen. Ze had grote dromen en een nog groter hart. We zullen haar ontzettend missen." Read the full article
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lustigefahrt · 2 months ago
Alfredo Binda gewann fünfmal den Giro d'Italia
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Jedes Jahr finden nacheinander die drei größten Radsportveranstaltungen der Welt statt: Der Giro d'Italia, die Vuelta a España und die Tour de France. Alle Fahrer hoffen auf gute Ergebnisse.
Das Trikot des Gesamtführenden des Giro d'Italia ist das Rosa radsportbekleidung günstig, das seit dem Giro d'Italia 1931 verwendet wird. In der Geschichte des Giro gab es viele legendäre Fahrer und klassische Etappen. Der legendäre italienische Fahrer Alfredo Binda hat den Giro d'Italia fünfmal gewonnen und hält diesen Rekord zusammen mit Fausto Coppi und Eddy Merckx. Die Veranstaltung findet schon seit so vielen Jahren statt und alle Fahrer in Giro d'Italia Fahrradtrikot träumen davon, auf dieser Straße Ehre zu erringen. Radfahren ist nicht nur eine sportliche Wettkampfaktivität, sondern auch ein Schaufenster für die italienische Kultur und Landschaft und hat sich zu einem Sportereignis entwickelt, das weltweite Aufmerksamkeit erregt hat. Die Radsportveranstaltung voller Herausforderungen und Charme war Zeuge des Aufstiegs unzähliger Fahrer und der Geburt von Legenden und zeigte der Welt auch die Schönheit und Leidenschaft Italiens.
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elen-000 · 6 months ago
Katarzyna Niewiadoma: A Journey Through Cycling's Elite Ranks
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The Rise of Katarzyna Niewiadoma: A Cycling Star's Journey Katarzyna Niewiadoma, born on September 29, 1994, is a standout Polish racing cyclist currently riding for the UCI Women's WorldTeam Canyon–SRAM. With an impressive tally of eighteen professional wins, her career has been nothing short of remarkable. Highlights include her victories at the 2024 Tour de France Femmes and La Flèche Wallonne, as well as earlier wins at the 2019 Amstel Gold Race, the 2018 Trofeo Alfredo Binda-Comune di Cittiglio, and the 2017 Women’s Tour. Niewiadoma also claimed the Queen of the Mountains jersey in 2023 and added the title of UCI Gravel World Champion to her accolades. Early Days and Rise to Prominence Hailing from Limanowa, Poland, Niewiadoma began her cycling journey with the local club WLKS Krakus BBC Czaja before making waves with TKK Pacific Toruń. By 2013, she had already garnered attention with two national Under-23 titles and strong performances at the European Road Championships. Her promising talent led to an opportunity with the professional team Rabobank–Liv Giant, where she began as a stagiaire in September 2013. Niewiadoma impressed with a 10th place finish at the Holland Ladies Tour and a win in the young rider classification. She also represented Poland at the UCI Road World Championships, although she did not finish the race. Professional Triumphs Rabo–Liv (2014–2017) Niewiadoma signed with Rabo–Liv in October 2013, marking the start of her professional career in February 2014. Her debut season was highlighted by a victory at the GP du Canton d'Argovie in Switzerland. She also made a mark at the Giro d'Italia Femminile, helping Marianne Vos to a final victory on the mountain stages and finishing 11th overall herself, along with 3rd in the young rider classification. Katarzyna Niewiadoma's journey from a local Polish club to becoming a world-class cyclist is a testament to her incredible talent and dedication. Her achievements continue to inspire and make waves in the cycling world.
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fabriziosbardella · 6 months ago
La prossima domenica 8 settembra a Cittiglio si svolgerà la terza edizione dell’evento cicloturistico “Pedala con Giuseppe Saronni”  #cittiglio #giuseppesaronni #alfredobinda #cicloturismo #sport #ciclismo #fabriziosbardella #eventi #pedalata #primopiano #inevidenza
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Ciclismo: al Lombardia storico tris di Pogacar, come Coppi e Binda 
Tadej Pogacar ha chiuso una stagione colma di successi con una storica vittoria nel Giro di Lombardia, imponendosi per il terzo anno di fila nella classica d’autunno, un’impresa che finora era riuscita solo a due fuoriclasse come Alfredo Binda, quasi un secolo fa (1925, 1926 e 1927), e Fausto Coppi, che piazzò addirittura un poker tra il 1946 e il 1949. Lo sloveno delle Uae Emirates ha staccato…
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 1 year ago
Storia del Ciclismo Italiano: Una Passione Che Pedala nel Tempo
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Il ciclismo italiano ha una storia ricca e affascinante che abbraccia più di un secolo di competizioni, eroi e momenti memorabili. L'Italia è stata una delle nazioni dominanti in questo sport, contribuendo a definire il ciclismo come lo conosciamo oggi. In questo articolo, esploreremo la storia del ciclismo italiano, dalle sue radici agli iconici ciclisti e alle competizioni che hanno segnato il panorama ciclistico. Le Radici del Ciclismo Italiano Le prime biciclette furono introdotte in Italia verso la fine del XIX secolo, e subito catturarono l'immaginazione del pubblico. Nel 1885, l'italiano Luigi Vittoria vinse la prima gara ciclistica su strada a Milano. Questo evento segnò l'inizio del ciclismo competitivo in Italia. La Gazzetta dello Sport e il Giro d'Italia Nel 1909, La Gazzetta dello Sport, un giornale sportivo italiano, organizzò la prima edizione del Giro d'Italia. Questa gara a tappe è diventata rapidamente una delle competizioni ciclistiche più prestigiose al mondo. Il Giro d'Italia ha sfidato i ciclisti con percorsi epici attraverso le montagne italiane, il che lo ha reso una sfida temuta e ammirata. Ciclisti italiani come Fausto Coppi, Gino Bartali e Felice Gimondi hanno dominato la competizione, guadagnando il rispetto e l'ammirazione di fan di tutto il mondo. La Rivalità tra Coppi e Bartali La rivalità tra Fausto Coppi e Gino Bartali è una delle storie più leggendarie nella storia del ciclismo italiano. Questi due ciclisti hanno dominato il ciclismo negli anni '40 e '50 e rappresentano due diverse personalità e stili di guida. Coppi era noto per la sua eleganza sulle montagne, mentre Bartali era un uomo di fede profonda, famoso per aver nascosto documenti falsi nella sua bicicletta durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale per aiutare gli ebrei a sfuggire alla persecuzione nazista. La loro rivalità ha catturato l'immaginazione del pubblico e ha reso il ciclismo un evento seguito con passione in tutta Italia. Il Campionato del Mondo Il Campionato del Mondo di ciclismo su strada è un'altra importante tappa nella storia del ciclismo italiano. L'Italia ha ospitato il Campionato del Mondo diverse volte e i ciclisti italiani hanno conquistato numerosi titoli mondiali. Campioni come Alfredo Binda, Fiorenzo Magni, Gianni Bugno e Paolo Bettini hanno portato l'onore italiano in questa prestigiosa competizione. Il Ciclismo Contemporaneo L'Italia continua a essere una forza importante nel ciclismo contemporaneo. Il ciclista Vincenzo Nibali, noto come "Lo Squalo dello Stretto," ha vinto il Giro d'Italia, il Tour de France e la Vuelta a España, dimostrando la versatilità e il talento degli atleti italiani. Inoltre, il ciclismo su strada italiano ha una forte tradizione nelle classiche delle Ardenne e nelle gare di un giorno come la Milano-Sanremo. Il Futuro del Ciclismo Italiano Il ciclismo italiano continua a prosperare e ad attrarre nuovi talenti. Le squadre italiane sono ben rappresentate nelle competizioni internazionali, e il paese rimane una delle destinazioni più popolari per gli allenamenti e le gare ciclistiche. L'Italia ha anche una forte tradizione nel ciclismo su pista e nel ciclocross. In conclusione, la storia del ciclismo italiano è una storia di passione, talento e dedizione. Le leggende del passato e gli eroi contemporanei hanno contribuito a definire il ciclismo come uno sport di prestigio in Italia e nel mondo. Con una base di fan appassionata e ciclisti talentuosi, il futuro del ciclismo italiano sembra essere promettente, con ulteriori successi e vittorie in attesa di essere scritte sulla strada. Foto di Rudy and Peter Skitterians da Pixabay Read the full article
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worldbicycleday · 2 years ago
Milan-Sanremo — March 18; 2023.
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The first of cycling’s five Monuments, Milan-Sanremo (294km) is the longest one-day race on the calendar. And thanks to the fact that the outcome is almost always decided in the final 10K, the riders say it’s the easiest race to finish, but the hardest race to win.
We love Milan-Sanremo’s slow build to the finish as the riders head south from Milan toward the coast, then wind their way along the sea toward the climbs that make-up the Monument’s traditional finale—especially the Poggio, a short, punchy ascent just a few kilometers from the finish line whose treacherous descent often creates more gaps than the climb itself. Case in point: Slovenia’s Matej Mohorič (Bahrain Victorious) used a dropper post to leave the rest behind on the descent, laying it all on the line to take the biggest win of his career.
And while there’s no women’s Milan-Sanremo, the Trofeo Alfredo Binda, a major stop on the women’s WorldTour and a pillar of the former women’s World Cup series, takes the place the next day—and can be streamed live via GCN. Italy’s Elisa Balsamo (Trek-Segafredo) won last year’s race, outsprinting her compatriots Sofia Bertizzolo (UAE Team ADQ) and Soraya Paladin (Canyon-SRAM) to take the victory.
How to Watch: GCN+
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apsny-news · 2 years ago
Forum ANSA, il ciclismo e i valori della maglia azzurra - Sport
 La maglia azzurra simbolo dello sport italiano è un’icona di tradizione e successi anche nel ciclismo, legata alla storia di una disciplina che ha avuto un ruolo nella crescita sociale del Paese. Da Alfredo Binda a Filippo Ganna, tanti campioni e campionesse l’hanno indossata e la indossano con lo stesso orgoglio e senso di appartenenza. A parlare dei valori, ma anche del valore, che la maglia…
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