#alfred alfer
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lackablazeical · 7 months ago
Call this reclaiming media for my own agenda (a gay one)
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slowlyshamelesscolor · 6 months ago
Alfred's Playhouse Fan And Kin Userboxes
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nixsucks · 6 months ago
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School girl Alfie + Georgette ✨
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aphcoolalters · 5 months ago
Alfred's ALTERS :DD
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As everyone knows, Alfred suffers from DID, in this blog 7 Alters will be presented, 8 with Alfred, whom you can ask
Dictator Pickles: Dictator Pickles was the first alter to manifest within Alfred, Created as a defense against abuse and abandonment, Although he appears cruel, his thirst for power and revenge hides a fragile ego and great insecurity, Behind his sarcastic and ruthless attitude In reality, he's just an idiot who hides his own weaknesses
School girl Alfie/ Alfie: Alfie was created so that Alfred could feel better and reaffirm that he deserves the compassion of others. However, when that compassion doesn't come through, Alfie gives it to herself. She inflicts pain on herself in order to provoke pity in those around her, although, curiously, she always seems to be happy and smiling, she is very kind to all the Alters, although deep down they make her a little uncomfortable
Lucifer: Lucifer is a deranged lover of corpses, he is crazy, do not take everything he says seriously because if it is not to annoy, he surely has a plan prepared for later, for that reason most Alters (not all) have Lucifer on the blacklist, not to say that they want to throw him off the 5th floor
Alfem: Alfem is the kindest, cutest, most tender and dumbest Alter of all, she doesn't worry about complex things, she just wants to be happy, she believes in true love, the magic of friendship, and all those stupid clichés, let's say that Alfem represents what Alfred will be like if he had been born a girl, but with everything multiplied x2
Alfred Christ: Another self-centered fool, but this time not unpleasant to others, Alfred Christ has so much in mind that he is the messiah who will free everyone from perdition that it is impossible for him to escape from his role. The others, especially Pickles and Lucifer, try to get on his nerves, why? because it's fucking fun
Dominatrix: Dominatrix is ​​often called a whore, yes she is, but it also doesn't need to be said. Curiously, she is the strongest Alter, which gives her a lot of advantage when fighting with someone, most of the time she is quite aggressive, if you are lucky you will find her distracted by something else that makes her calm, like singing, wow, she really sings well, ALL the female alters sing great, but Dominatrix thinks Alfie and Alfem are just stupid girls, even though she doesn't want to tell them that
Alfred Pim: This guy is a simpleton, he wants with all his might to find a pretty woman and stay with her, but he doesn't even know how to talk to one, he always ends up doing something stupid that makes him look ridiculous. But it's only like that when he tries to flirt with a woman. By this I mean that if you try to insult him, don't think that he will stand idly by
Dictator Pickles: dictador Pickles fue el primer alter que se manifestó dentro de Alfred, creado como una defensa contra el abuso y el abandono. Aunque parece cruel, su sed de poder y venganza esconde un ego frágil y una gran inseguridad, detrás de su actitud sarcástica y despiadada. En realidad, él es simplemente un idiota que esconde sus propias debilidades
School girl Alfie/ Alfie: Alfie fue creada para que Alfred pudiera sentirse mejor y reafirmar que merece la compasión de los demás. Sin embargo, cuando esa compasión no se manifiesta, Alfie se la da a sí misma. Se inflige dolor a sí misma para provocar lástima en quienes la rodean, siempre parece estar feliz y sonriente, es muy amable con todos los Alters, aunque en el fondo la incomodan un poco
Lucifer: Lucifer es un trastornado amante de los cadáveres, está loco, no te tomes en serio todo lo que dice porque si no es para molestar, seguramente tiene un plan preparado para más adelante, por eso la mayoría de Alters (no todos) tienen a Lucifer en la lista negra, por no decir que lo quieren tirar de un 5to piso
Alfem: Alfem es la Alter más amable, linda, tierna y silly de todas, no se preocupa por cosas complejas, solo quiere ser feliz, cree en el amor verdadero, la magia de la amistad y todos esos clichés estúpidos, digamos que Alfem representa cómo sería Alfred si hubiera nacido niña, pero con todo multiplicado x2
Alfred Christ: Otro tonto egocéntrico, pero esta vez no desagradable para los demás, Alfred Christ tiene tanto en mente ser el mesías que liberará a todos de la perdición que le resulta imposible escapar de su papel. Los demás, especialmente Pickles y Lucifer, intentan sacarlo de sus casillas, ¿por qué? porque es jodidamente divertido
Dominatrix: A Dominatrix a menudo la llaman puta, sí lo es, pero tampoco hace falta decirlo. Curiosamente ella es la Alter más fuerte, lo que le da mucha ventaja a la hora de pelear con alguien, la mayoría de las veces es bastante agresiva, si tienes suerte la encontrarás distraída en algo más que la tranquilice, como cantar, wow. , ella realmente canta bien, TODAS las alters femeninas cantan muy bien, pero Dominatrix piensa que Alfie y Alfem son solo chicas estúpidas, aunque no quiere decirles eso.
Alfred Pim: Este tipo es un simp, quiere con todas sus fuerzas encontrar una mujer bonita y quedarse con ella, pero ni siquiera sabe hablar con una, siempre termina haciendo alguna estupidez que lo deja en ridículo. Pero sólo es así cuando intenta coquetear con una mujer. Con esto quiero decir que si intentas insultarlo no creas que se quedará de brazos cruzados.
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biohazardigrade · 2 months ago
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My guilty pleasure (I don't like emily youpiss ofc)
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sunhowler-art · 8 months ago
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fuck it i'll post these. i drew them for my alters so i'd appreciate if nobody uses them as icons or anything like that lol
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necro-acid · 1 year ago
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yayyy look at their happy smiles
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dallas-l-s · 7 months ago
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Did a painting of Aldred alfer ecausw I like Alfred!
I don't support Emily Youcis' stupid "which way white woman" bullshit I only put her in the picture because I think her funny old hijinks before she turned into a redpilled nutjob (like the one at furfest and the one on the very inspiring "Emily Youcis Show") were endearing
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beepbopmop6 · 4 months ago
Alfred Alfeer, woah-oh
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zomb1ev1rus · 1 year ago
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chezzdog · 28 days ago
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connerhellhouse · 6 months ago
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Dictator pickles 🤑
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slowlyshamelesscolor · 8 months ago
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nixsucks · 8 months ago
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aphcoolalters · 4 months ago
Hey Pickles, sense Alfred don’t really remember what happened between him and Phat Dawg do you know what happened? (Sense you keep all of Alfred’s bad memories)
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You assholes have been asking all these days about the guy who is more of an asshole than you, I can't take it anymore, I'll tell you so you can stop fucking around
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So, it all started when Alfred escaped from the house where everything happened to him. Like the crybaby he is, he went to talk to Phat Dawg and begged him to let him live in his apartment
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And just to set things straight, no, Alfred didn’t tell Phat Dawg anything about what happened. He’s way too childish and ridiculously naive to do that. Anyway, the guy gave him a small spot in his apartment, but now Alfred had to get a job to pay his share of the rent. Obviously, he wasn’t going to live there for free
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Surprisingly, that little bitch managed to get a job at a "Burrito Bell." I admit, he was actually very good at his job, so much so that he was quickly promoted to manager
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But I guess the power was too much for him HAHAHA! Just as quickly as he got promoted, he spiraled into madness. He claims it was my fault, but I don’t agree with that. All I did was give him the little push he needed to finally get something right for once in his miserable life
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Alfred didn’t come back for… I think 2 or 3 days, so I took his place during that time
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And… I don’t really know how to explain this part, but one day Phat just showed up with a newspaper and started yelling at me and insulting me like a freaking lunatic
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He called me a psychopath and a bunch of other things I don’t even remember because they weren’t worth remembering. One thing that always cracked me up is that Phat Dawg never even knew me, so he kept calling me "Alfred" the whole time, and even said he couldn’t believe how much I had changed and that he missed the old me Hahaha!
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That son of a bitch pushed me, and after days, Alfred thought it was a good idea to show up right at that moment. I’m serious when I say that if that hadn’t happened, Phat Dawg would be dead right now
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But anyway, Alfred was really scared. He didn’t understand why Phat kept telling him over and over to leave his apartment and that he never wanted to see him again
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He quickly started crying and, well… Phat forced him to leave without even packing his bags or anything. That bastard ended up telling him that he really cared about him, that he always tried to be there so he knew he wasn’t alone, and that if there was anyone in the world who truly cared about him, it was him. But apparently, Alfred always finds a way to push everyone away. He told him he deserved to be alone and…
fuck, i wanna punch phat dawg so hard right now
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thecoltist · 25 days ago
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