#alfie solomons x adopted daughter!reader
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years ago
Silver Linings: Part 1
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
A/N: Excuse any of my terrible math skills and if this seems rushed. This is the best I could come up with lol, I hope you all like it though!
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Slight Fighting, Descriptions of Drug Use, Drinking, Familial Drama, Fluff, Mentions of Adoption, etc.
Word Count: 3,972
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Adopted Daughter!Reader + Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Summary: After growing tired of hiding, Y/N decides to venture out from the back of her fathers shop, not knowing she’d quite literally fall for one of her father’s enemies who happened to be lurking around the corner. But with tensions growing between the two families, one decision could change the course of their lives as they know it, for better and for worse.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | *Part 4* | Part 5
“Alright Y/N, now when you aim you gotta line yer eyes up with the sight. Take a deep breath, and on that exhale of yours yer gonna pull that little trigger right there.” Alfie said, the teenage girl only coming up to around his chest, her hands shaking slightly as she aimed the small hand gun for one of the flour sacks in the back of the shop. With a small exhale she fired, the bullet whirling through the air and into the target she’d helped draw on it the day before.
“See that’s not so hard innit?” He asked, smiling at the new light in his life.
Y/N heard her father calling for her upstairs, bringing her out of her daydreams from years ago. That was during the first week she’d lived with him after he adopted her from the nearby orphanage. She had no adoptive mother, and no other friends except their dog Cyril, seeing as she had to be practically hidden away on a daily basis. The only time she really went out was to work in her fathers shop, where she’d do her best to avoid being spotted by her fathers business partners-some of which who had strained relationships with him and his men.
Shaking the memory from her brain, she hesitantly walked up the stairs, the creaking of the wood announcing her arrival.
“There you are love. Listen...I’m having Mr. Shelby come by soon so you’ll have to work in the back alright? I know you’ll get me for it later but I’ll make up for it mmkay?” He said, looking his now 21 year old daughter in the eyes. People often found him intimidating, but over the years she grew used to him, knowing deep down he was a sweet person. With every interaction she observed, she could see the pain in his eyes over not being able to really introduce her, knowing it would put her at risk. But deep down there was a mutual understanding between them that it was going to be inevitable that someone would find out, but neither of them thought it would be so soon.
With a sigh, she reluctantly walked towards the back where the other “bakers” worked the ovens and inspected shipments. While she organized bricks of cocaine for shipment, she felt her stomach drop as she realized she’d left her gloves in the front of the shop. She often hated the texture of the bricks as she packed them away, the fabric gloves being her only solace when she was given the task.
Swallowing hard, she nervously crept around the corner, eyeing Thomas Shelby and some of the other blinders in her fathers office as she continued, not noticing the man she collided with as she stumbled back slightly.
“Oi! I’m so sorry sir...wasn’t even fuckin’ looking.” She said, brushing a stray hair from her face and tightening her apron around her waist.
“No problem love, you alright?” He asked, looking concerned as he adjusted his well tailored suit.
“Y-yeah. Just looking for my gloves. I have to go.” She said, knowing she wasn’t supposed to be out for long while the blinders were there, yet trying to not look the dashing man in the eyes.
As she walked away, his eyes followed her to her station where she usually rolled dough and decorated pastries, grabbing her gloves which were tinted white from the previous cocaine shipment she handled earlier in the morning.
“Hey...miss? Before you go...what’s your name?” He asked, a crooked smile spreading across his features as she neared him.
“Uhm...it’s Y/N. What’s yours? You don’t look like you’re from ‘round here.” She said.
“I’m Michael, Michael Gray. I’m with the blinders.” He said.
“Oh....um, well I have to get going. It was nice meeting you...Michael.” She said, awkwardly putting on the gloves as he recognized the powder falling off them.
“What do you around here anyway? I know that’s not flour on those gloves.” He said with a smirk. She swallowed hard before answering, her eyes flicking to the window of her fathers office.
“Um...I bake, and...I organize things. Listen...I really do have to go. I’ll see you ‘round sometime, yeah?” She asked. He followed her gaze to the window, noticing the nervous look on her face.
“Alright. See you around, Y/N.” He said with a wink, walking back to his lookout spot in the corner.
She smirked slightly as she passed him, reluctantly heading straight to the back, the other workers paying her no mind as she resumed packing the bricks.
As she worked, she could hear shouts coming from her fathers office, her stomach tightening in knots at the tension she could see forming in the room. Thomas and him standing close to each other, most likely mumbling threats under their breaths. A few moments later, she saw the men exit the tattered room, putting their razored caps on and storming out the door. Michael ultimately leaving with them, but catching her staring as he looked back towards the room she was in. She smiled lightly as he smirked, shutting the door behind him.
She shook her head as she turned back, getting the rest of her packing done while shaking away the thought of someone like him ever taking an interest. She knew her father dealt in dangerous business, so she wasn’t afraid of the blinders and her father doing business necessarily, but she couldn’t deny that them feuding terrified her, knowing even one slip-up could put her or her father at risk. Blowing their years-long cover.
As she was lost in thought, Alfie walked down after they left, smiling as he grabbed a bottle of rum from one of the crates and locking it back.
“You don’t have to organize all those love. How about we go call it a day aye? I know you’re probably wanting summing’ because your old man made ya work back ‘ere all day.” He said. His words annoying to her ears as of late as she grew bored of her life at the shop and at home. One question forever buzzing in the back of her mind as she continued her monotonous tasks.
“I was wondering something....” She said, taking her gloves off and turning towards him.
“Yeah? Wondering about work or what? I’m all ears now you know.” He said, taking a swig from the bottle in his hand.
Her stomach tightened again as she looked her loving, yet over-protective father in the eyes.
“I was uh...wondering how you would feel if I moved out?” She asked, the thought barely working its way through her anxious mind before spewing out of her mouth.
“What?” He asked, his eyes squinting as he cocked his head to the side.
“I-I just think since I’m an adult now, I’d like to have a place of my own. That way I won’t come between ya and the business as much. I’m tired of hiding, dad.” She said, throwing the gloves on the table as she sat next to him.
“What devils gotten into your bones? Have you been sniffing the snow or drinking me rum?” He asked.
“No dad....I just...I just want to be more independent that’s all.” She said.
“I’ll tell ya what...if you pack the snow for the next month I’ll up your pay so you can get you a place. I’ll chip in some too but getting it on your own will be good for ya. I taught you to shoot but I didn’t teach ya about life aye?” He said.
“No not really. But spare me the lectures. Let’s get home. I’m starving.” She said.
“Alright. Let’s get on with it then.” He said, walking with his cane as they made their way to the car.
As the next few weeks passed, she found herself going into work with a smile. Knowing she’d get to work towards her own place, and for the chance to see the dapper blinder who’d been making regular appearances lately, and to her surprise, for more than business reasons.
He’d been sent by Thomas to crunch numbers and talk bets with Alfie, knowing that he was sent to handle more of the legitimate business than the illegal stuff.
But if Y/N learned anything throughout her years, it was knowing when to make herself known.
She waited until Alfie closed his office door, watching Michael walk down the creaky steps as she did a small whistle.
He turned around and grinned, walking towards her, as was becoming their habit recently.
“Y/N, didn’t think you were here, love. Must’ve been in the back again aye?” He asked, quietly. She nodded and led him to one of the women’s lavatories.
“W-why are we in here? I haven’t even taken you on a date.” He asked, a mischievous grin on his lips.
“Shh. There’s no other place right now for us to go. I haven’t told him.” She said.
“Told who?” He asked.
“My-my father. Alfie.” She said, nervously biting her lip as she removed her hand from his. Crossing her arms over her chest.
“Wait...your father is Alfie fucking Solomons?” He asked, his face hardening at the fact. His usual happy demeanor fading.
“Well, adoptive father. He uh adopted me when I was 16 from an orphanage ’round here. He wanted to protect me...from uh...people like you. I guess he’s had some bad history with the blinders and other groups so I’ve been most my life, just working here to pass the time.” She said.
“People like me? What...are you afraid of me?” He asked.
“What? No! I’ve been around dangerous men all my life. I’m just saying that your blinder cousins may not take a liking to me and neither will my father to you. I just have a bad feeling about it.” She said.
“So...what are we to do? Fucking talk in the bathroom every week or what?” He asked, a small smirk playing at his lips.
“We’ll do what I do best. We’ll have to hide.” She said. He looked at her with a confused expression as he put his hand on her hips.
“I get off at 4pm and my father won’t be home until late at night. I usually go straight home, but meet me at the warehouse later around 7pm, yeah?” She asked, seeing him smirk.
“Michael I’m deadly serious. If Thomas or my father finds out we’re as good as dead.” She said.
“Fine...I’ll meet you, but I want you to bring some of the snow. Can you sneak it out?” He asked.
“Yeah. Alright, now go, the workers are coming down the hall.” She said, hearing the plethora of Alfie’s men stomping down the dark hall, making it easier for Michael to slip out un-noticed.
“See you then, Y/N.” He said, pecking her cheek before he left.
She rubbed the spot, her cheeks flushing at the brief contact.
“Y/N?” Alfie’s voice rang from the hall, making her heart race as she thought of all the reasons he could be asking for her, internally praying that it wasn’t because he caught Michael leaving.
“Yeah dad?” She asked, quickly stepping out of the restroom.
“Thought ya ran off love. I was just gonna remind ya I’m working late again.” He said.
“Alright, how many nights are you working late?” She asked.
“Well, probably every day for this month. Thomas and the rest of his blinders are damn near making me lose me mind.” He said.
“Oh...ok. Well I’ll keep an eye on Cyril then. Is it ok if I go out to the shops later? Been wanting to stock up for the new place, for whenever I get it.” She said.
“I mean I’m not going to be there so I can’t stop ya can’t I? You can but remember your gun and that knife. You remember how to use it aye?” He asked.
“Yes dad, I can’t really forget stabbing a man for you, nor can I forget putting a bullet through his head.” She said, shivering slightly at the memory of when things got tense at the shop with a disgruntled employee. Alfie had beaten the man unconscious and dragged the man to the back, telling her that it would be good practice. And it was, but after it was done, she vowed to herself that she’d never use such weapons unless she had to.
“Right, well I have to go deal with some business. I’ll let you off at 4 like usual alright?” He asked.
“Okay, thanks dad. I’ll see you...I guess tomorrow depending on how late you get in.” She said giving him a hug before walking back to her station.
The last few hours dragged on as she reminisced over the past couple of weeks. Her heart skipped a beat thinking about how they’d secretly talk and make out behind the shop where her dad couldn’t see, and how on days like today she had to drag him into the restroom as her heart beat out of her chest at the rebelliousness of it all. It was nothing compared to what she planned to get away with tonight, and for hopefully weeks to come, but it was a small step towards her independence, even if they had to hide their relationship from the world.
As the clock struck 4 she headed towards the back of the building, snagging a bottle of rum from an opened crate and replacing it with one that had just came off the line for the night. Shoving the bottle in her purse as she grabbed a rather small brick of cocaine, it being one of the various runts in the pile they’d received that day.
With quick steps, she went out the door and down to the car that was waiting for her. The purse growing slightly heavy as she continued on. Her father didn’t want her walking home alone of course, and so he arranged for one of his men to routinely take her home, ultimately becoming a blessing and a curse for her independence she was so desperately trying to achieve.
“Hello Tim, I have an odd request today.” She said, counting the huge wad of cash in her purse she’d managed to save up well before asking about apartments
“What’s that Ms.Solomons?” He asked, hid old face wrinkling with a smile.
“Can we stop by the housing department? I’ve had my eye on an apartment for a few weeks. Don’t worry though, I’ve already gotten my fathers approval.” She said, pulling off her biggest lie yet.
“Alright, after that do you wish to go home? He asked.
“Yes please.” She said, watching as the streets zipped by.
Once at the housing department, she told the landlord where she’d like to stay and she followed her to the requested location. Her eyes lit up as she saw the rather grand place. It was just close enough that her father needn’t worry too much while also being just enough of a distance away from the shops she loved going to. It was a rather safe area given the town and her fathers plethora of men protecting her, but she enjoyed the new sense of independence as she gave the woman a cash deposit, along with enough for the years rent.
The woman’s eyes lit up as she saw the amount of cash, Y/N rather un-phased given her fathers business.
“Are you sure Ms.? This is so much in advance.” She said.
“Yes. When shall I move in?” She asked. Checking her watch and seeing it was just after 5pm.
“Oh I’d say ‘round any time next week. Here’s your key, just drop by before you begin moving in.” She said with a smile as she got in her car and left.
“Alright Tim, I’m ready to go home.” She said, a satisfied smile on her face.
“I’m impressed. You got this place yourself? Alfie must be proud.” He said.
“Mhmm.” Y/N said, nervously fidgeting with her hands as she remembered the lie. He’d have her neck if he knew she’d already bought the place earlier than he would’ve liked. But what could it hurt?
The minutes passed rather quickly as she was dropped off at her house, walking inside to see Cyril’s tail wagging as she came through the front door. The house was dimly lit and quiet, just as she’d left it that morning. She played with him and made sure his water bowl was filled, seeing as the maid would help feed him later, but she still loved helping wherever she could.
“Ms. Y/N, I have your dress ready. I’ll feed the dog later and make sure the house is kept before leaving. I hope you enjoy your date.” The older woman said, a genuine smile on her face.
“Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me these last few weeks. Here.” She said, giving her a few slips of cash from her purse.
“Just as a thank you. I’ll be moving in next week to my apartment. Dad doesn’t know though so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell him.” She said.
The maids eyes widened at the cash in her hand, agreeing with a small smile and a quick nod before returning to her duties. As much as she loved this house, she wanted to do things on her own terms. She wanted to meet people on her own terms, and finally not hide herself. To make more friends than just the maid. To start actually living.
With an excited smile she ran up the stairs, putting the casual dress on and doing her makeup, deciding to leave her hair as-is, then anxiously making her way outside. The purses weight tugging at her shoulder as she walked down the quiet streets, her gun in her purse and her small knife in hand.
Once she neared the warehouse, she sat around the back, taking a swig of the rum before Michael got there to calm her nerves.
She watched the sun set over Camden Town, the birds songs ending as the insects buzzed about, the air turning a bit colder as she looked at her watch. It was just after 7pm, her heart sinking in her chest as she thought he’d stood her up. But after a few moments, she heard footsteps, making her panic slightly not knowing who was behind them. She carefully drew her gun, aiming at the man as he walked closer, his hands soon up in surrender.
“Y/N? It’s me. Michael.” He said, a smirk on his face, lowering his hands.
“I figured you were ‘round back, didn’t think you’d try to shoot me though.” He said.
“Sorry. You never know out here.” She said, putting her gun away and retrieving the cocaine and rum.
“You carried all that here? I’m impressed.” He said, inspecting the cocaine as she opened the bottle, taking another swig from it. She cringed internally as the liquid burned her throat. She’d only drank a few times, not to any huge extent, but now that she was older and more capable, she figured she at least could drink how she pleased.
“How’d you score this rum?” He asked, taking a swig from the bottle as well.
“I stole it from my dads stash in the back. And that coke is one of the runts of the batch, it was too small to pack in the big crates. Figured I’d bring the whole thing since you seemed to know about it a couple weeks ago.” She said, smirking at the memory of their first awkward meeting.
“Have you tried it?” He asked, leaning back against the wall of the warehouse.
“No.” She said turning away from his gaze as she nervously brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
“It’s easy. Watch.” He said, unwrapping it and shaving off a sliver of the white substance with her knife. He sat it on top of the brick and made sure it was all crushed, forming it in a straight line.
He handed her the brick carefully as she held it up towards his face, him inhaling the powder through his nose in one fell swoop.
“You want me to shove that shit up my nose? Are you mad?” She asked, giggling as she took another swig from the rum.
“Yeah. Can’t hide from everything love.” He said, his words hitting home probably more than he realized.
“Alright, if I die, my fathers gonna have your head on a spike.” She said.
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take.” He said, preparing a smaller amount of the drug and holding it up to where she could inhale it through her nose. Her nostril burned as she did so, the foreign particles lacing their way through her system.
She laughed and shook her head, wiping her nose of any excess powder as she looked up at Michael who was chuckling slightly.
“That was so odd. I’m not doing that again. Not right now anyway.” She said, handing him the bottle of rum as she curled up next to him. It had only been about a month since they’d met, but even then, their interactions became more frequent.
Over the next few weeks, it was as if they’d known each other for years the way they got on. His aunt Polly eventually seeing a spark in his eye that wasn’t there before, and the same went for Alfie.
“You’ve met someone. I can tell.” Polly said one night, catching him coming in drunk on more than one occasion.
“Yeah I did. Tommy can’t do anything about it. It’s not his concern so don’t go telling him.” He said as he stumbled into the house.
As Michael grappled with the weight of seeing an adversaries daughter, Y/N had gradually moved things into her apartment with the help of her driver, all under her fathers nose. But she knew that once her room was more vacant, he’d catch on. Knowing if the blinders didn’t anger him enough, her leaving suddenly surely would.
One night after a drunken date with her mystery boyfriend, Alfie confronted her. Holding the small brick they’d chipped away at over the previous weeks.
“Oi! You wanna explain this? No daughter of mine is going to be sneaking drugs in me house. Do you really think I’m dumb? Cuz I guarantee you I’m not. This can’t happen. Not under my roof.” He said, lighting his cigar.
“Well if you didn’t want to pack it anyway I thought I might as well put it to good use. But uh, I’ll be sneaking it under me own roof from now on. I’ve bought a place if you couldn’t already tell from barging in my room to find that.” She said, folding her arms like she often did when she was frustrated.
Alfie stepped closer to her, his eyes not leaving hers as she barely flinched.
“I’ll find out who you’re doing all this for. Once I do, you’ll wish ya never stole a thing.” He said, walking towards his chair he usually sat on in their grand living room.
Y/N shook her head and chuckled to herself, stomping off towards her room. Her mind raced as she thought about what to do, grabbing what was left of her clothes and hurling them into her suitcases, deciding to leave the house for good in the morning.
Alfie sighed and sat back in his chair as he heard Y/N rummaging around upstairs. The sweet girl he helped raise all of a sudden wanting to leave the nest. 
It seemed like everything was fine in their lives until the peaky fucking blinders waltzed into his shop. Not caring who they destroyed as long as they got their money, their rum, or their drugs.
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zablife · 3 years ago
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Jack Nelson 
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A Wrench in Our Plans 💀
Break Up
Fragile Things
Give Me a Hand 🔞
"How dare you!"
Jack Nelson x female reader x Tatiana Petrovna
Jack Admits He Wants a Child with You
Jack Horny in Church 🔞
Lingerie 🔞
Placing a Hand on the Other's Neck 💀
Sing It
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Gina Tries to Break up Jack's Relationship
Jack Nelson Headcanons (includes 🔞)
Jack Lays His Claim 🔞
Jack on Holiday
Jack Pining for His S/O
Jack's Wife is Jealous of his Female Business Partner + Jack Learns the Truth
Jack's Wife is Taken and He Goes Feral
Prequel to Salvation 💀
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A Simple Life - Jack Nelson x wife reader
Jack Nelson's domestic situation is complicated.
Baby Fever- 🔞- Jack Nelson x wife reader
You and Jack try to conceive a child. 
Camping - Jack Nelson & family
Jack Nelson’s four children are playing one hot, summer day and decide to cool off in their father’s office, pretending to camp out under his large desk. What will happen when their father returns home unexpectedly?
Corruption-🔞💀 Jack Nelson x female reader
You never thought of gaining anything more than a bit of real world experience when you applied for an internship with local police, assisting on the case of Jack Nelson. Instead you gain an obsession with a dangerous, but seductive criminal.
Go Home-Jack Nelson x wife reader
Jack has brought his wife across the Atlantic with him to do business with Thomas Shelby and Oswald Mosley, but he is rarely around and you begin to wonder if you've been forgotten.
Heatwave -🔞 Jack Nelson x wife reader
Jack and his wife find creative ways to survive a heatwave.
Homecoming-Jack Nelson x wife reader
Your perfectly planned evening for the return of your husband goes awry, but you have still have big news to share.
Jealous of Your Love- Jack Nelson x wife reader
Jack becomes possessive over his wife after Sir Oswald Mosley flirts with her during a business meeting. He is unaware that his wife has unresolved jealousy issues of her own.
Mara - Jack Nelson & OC (Mara Solomons)
When the Irish mob orders Alfie Solomons' death, Jack Nelson carries out the execution. Afterwards, Jack realizes Alfie’s daughter is now an orphan. In a moment of humanity he decides to adopt her.
My Best Girl -Jack Nelson & OC (Katie Nelson)
Jack's oldest daughter, Katie, is the apple of his eye and the feeling is mutual. However, a chance encounter forever changes her opinion of her father.
Off Limits - Jack Nelson x OC (Vera Solomons)
What happens when Alfie’s alluring new wife accompanies him to a meeting with the legendary Jack Nelson?
Pink Venom - Jack x OC (Kathleen "Kit") x Gina Gray
Newly engaged Jack and Kathleen seem like the perfect couple until Gina arrives and begins to make trouble. Will her plan to win Kathleen work?
Salvation💀-Luca x female reader x Jack Nelson
When Jack discovers you've made a life with someone else, he vows to take revenge on the man who came between you and make you his once and for all. 
Shelby Magic-Jack Nelson x Shelby sister reader
Jack Nelson falls for the youngest Shelby sister. Despite Tommy’s protectiveness, Jack pursues you relentlessly getting under Tommy’s skin.
Shelby Magic (Missing Scene) 🔞-Jack Nelson x Shelby sister reader
Jack Nelson and Y/n Shelby have been dating for a few weeks before your loyalty is questioned.
Shut Up - Jack Nelson x gf reader
You were meant to be Jack's arm candy at a meeting with Tommy Shelby. What happens when you open your mouth?
Smile Like You Mean It -🔞 -Jack Nelson x wife reader x fem lover
After a boring evening at a society function, Jack arranges a naughty surprise to see you smile. 
Tell Me the Truth-Jack Nelson x Gina Gray
Gina goes to Jack after her encounter with Oswald Mosley. The conversation they have opens a wound from the past.
The Letter - 🔞-Jack Nelson x female reader
When Jack says you've made an error in his correspondence, you have to correct your mistake to his satisfaction.
The Orphan - Jack Nelson
In 1929 Jack proposes to his Italian girlfriend, excited for the birth of their child. When her brother interferes in their relationship, whisking her away to give birth in secret, it alters the course of his life forever.
Thinking Jack is Leaving You
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Boston Meets Birmingham 🔞-Jack Nelson x Shelby sister reader
Masterlist Parts 1&2 completed
Jack has proposed to the youngest Shelby sister without Tommy’s permission. The time has come for your wedding weekend and everyone is on edge.
His Angel-Jack Nelson x innocent wife reader
Masterlist Parts 1-4 completed
Never willing to listen to anything negative about your man, you live a sheltered life, which is exactly the way Jack likes it.
Little Harlot 🔞-Jack Nelson x OC (Scarlett Shelby)
Masterlist Parts 1-11 completed
In a bid to curb her disastrous thrill-seeking, Tommy sends his younger sister to Boston to keep her out of trouble and handle legitimate business. Tommy’s plan backfires when she meets rival gangster, Jack Nelson.
On the Brink of Greatness 🔞-Jack Nelson x reader
Part 1, Part 2 discontinued
(Modern AU) You have a summer job near Boston as a caterer. Despite the dull work, you get a little excitement in your life when you’re hired by a wealthy, but demanding family and meet an interesting man.
Wedlock-Jack x female reader
Masterlist Parts 1-7 completed
When your father’s business begins to suffer he makes an agreement to marry you to Jack Nelson in a bid to combine wealth and power. 
White Picket Chemtrails 🔞-Jack x OC (Louise) x OC (Elizabeth Nelson)
Masterlist Parts 1-4 completed
Jack Nelson is married to the perfect society wife with two sons to carry on his legacy, but when Jack’s young mistress falls pregnant he can’t let her go. Who will he choose?
231 notes · View notes
padfootdaredmetoo · 3 years ago
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***Requests are open!***
Heyo! My name is Jamie and this is my fic master list! Thanks for stopping by XO
My main blog is @the-january The current icon is a picture of Polly Gray. If I comment or follow back from there please don't be alarmed! It's me! <3
Current Fic Line up! - What's being posted next
Support me on Kofi
When requesting an idea please mention if you want it to be explicit or not. I'm into writing NSFW but I don't want to add it in if the person isn't into it!
This is my space to write what I like and what other people request. Everything sexual is in its own category below, and stories are labeled properly. If you are not legal or not into stuff like that, please do not interact. I work really hard to write theses stories, I enjoy doing my thing on here and I would be heartbroken if I got in trouble as my stories are not always appropriate for all ages. Please be respectful - Thanks.
All Stories Below
Peaky Blinders:
Smut - Explicit
Comfortable - Tommy Shelby X Reader - Explicit, confession of feelings, descriptive sex scenes, good after care, enemies-ish to lovers. Part 1 Part 2
Tommy Shelby X Reader Request Tommy gets Jealous- Jealous / no smutt / but feeling confessions Part 2: All smut Request - Explicit, loss of virginity, good after care
Tommy Shelby X Younger family friend Request (She's legal) - Mature content, non descriptive sex scenes / family drama/ Tommy Shelby can smile, fluff and smut
Tommy Shelby X Tipsy Reader Request - Tommy Teases her when she's tipsy - Explicit - Hurt comfort, fluff & Smut
Tommy Shelby x Italian Spy Reader Request - Explicit, Smut, undercover reader, falling in love with your employer, badass reader, Murder.
Tommy Shelby X Bloody Reader Request - Explicit. Murder, badass reader, dirty smut, blood.
Tommy X Reader X Alfie Request - Explicit -Possessive Tommy & Alfie Solomons. Threesome, fluff & Smut Part 2
Tommy Shelby X Innocent Bubbly Reader Request- Super smart reader, struggles of being very pretty and anxiety, Falling for your boss. Fluff, smut.
Tommy Shelby X Depressed Younger Reader Fix it fic - sex, fighting, depression, drinking, drug use, un healthy weight loss, Esme & Polly to the rescue, Tommy fixes it. Hurt / comfort, Fix it fic,
Tommy Shelby X Arranged Marriage Reader Request - Sex, loss of virginity, slow burn, falling in love, fluff and smut
Tommy Shelby X Reader - Wedding night Smut Request - Sex, loss of virginity, fluff, cuteness, rough sex, reader gets a little bruised but she'd happy about it
Prima Ballerina Series: Master Post Tommy Shelby X Prima Ballerina Reader - Sex, hurt comfort, falling in love, Shelby family drama, happy ending, hurt comfort
Shelby Kids
Tommy Shelby & Ruby Shelby Request - Ruby sneaks off to a party and needs Tommy's help - Hurt / Comfort / Father daughter feels / coming of age
Tommy & Sad Ruby Shelby Request - Little Ruby has had enough of Tommy's BS - Hurt / Comfort - Father daughter feels / fix it/ happy ending
Tommy Shelby & Sick Ruby Shelby Request - Ruby is on deaths door, Tommy and family try to nurse her back to health.
Tommy Shelby & Teddy Shelby- The Kid's first words & Tommy's reaction - Super Fluff
Tommy Shelby & Adopted Reader Daughter - Reader is adopted when Tommy discovers that she had been working for him as a maid at 15 years old. Extreme fluff & hurt comfort. Hugs. Non descriptive mentions of assault and beatings. Part two - Reader's first day at school:
Tommy Shelby X Reader - Tommy needs to step up as a father, when his wife is pregnant again and put on bedrest a vacation is in order. Tommy takes them to stay in Cornwall and the reader watches everyone change for the better.
A day at the fair - A Finn Shelby Story - The boys promise him a day at the fair and it doesn't go as planned - featuring lots of Tommy and Lizzy, plus Arthur and John
Fluff, Romance & Hurt /Comfort
Tommy Shelby X Reader & Jealousy Request - Jealous / no smut / but feeling confessions * Part 2: All smut Request - Explicit, loss of virginity, good after care
Tommy Shelby x Kidnaped Reader Request - Reader gets taken and Tommy does everything he can to get her back - kidnapping, torture / hurt /comfort confession of feelings Part 2: Tommy Selby x Reader - Pregnancy - Hurt comfort
Arthur Shelby X OC Joey Request - Catching feelings / hurt / comfort
Tommy Shelby X Falling Pregnant Wife Reader Request - She falls off the horse - Rated G, Cute fluffiness, Worried Tommy
Tommy Shelby X Reader Dating Request - Proper courting, Rated G, Tommy falls for reader at a party
Tommy Shelby X Domestic Wife Request - Cooking, Baking, Slight hurt comfort, Tommy being a good dad, kids being little, just lots of fluffy goodness
Tommy Shelby X Self Defense Reader Request - He defends her but she can defend herself - Teen for violence Hurt / Comfort
Tommy Shelby X Wife that almost dies Request - Rated Teen+ - Attempted Murder, mild description of attempted sexual assault, Murder, Tommy Comforts reader, Hurt / Comfort
Tommy Shelby x X-Men Reader Request - Rated Teen for extreme heart break, time travel, romance, X-Men themes
Tommy Shelby X Reader who takes Charlie and leaves Request -Hurt and pain. Charlie gets kidnapped and Reader has to make a difficult choice
Tommy X Wife Reader Request - She's beaten by Campbell and eventually talks - Mature content - Reader is beaten badly and miscarries. Tommy comforts her. Part Two - Explicit content - drug use, orgasms, and recovery
Tommy X Wife Reader Request - He doesn't want her to work while pregnant.
Tommy Shelby X Reader Request - She just got broken up with - Fluff, Comfort Tommy.
Tommy Shelby X reader - Marauder Era Crossover - Reader gets attacked, falling in love, pre war, then post war follow up
Tommy Shelby X Saves Pregnant wife - When someone breaks into the house Tommy has to protect what's his - violence, shock / panic is described. Fluff at the end & kissing
Tommy Shelby X Scarlet Witch Reader - She has kept her powers hidden but Tommy and the family find out! Reader saves the day with her magical abilities.
Tommy Shelby x Reader with daughter - Reader gets sold to Tommy Shelby by her fiancé. Her and her baby have to adjust to arrow house
Tommy Shelby POV X Reader - Tommy realises that asking Grace to the races as apart of his attack on Billy Kimber had unexpected consequences. The repercussions of which leave him at your door step.
Tommy Shelby X Reader that works at the animal shelter- When Tommy gets Charlie a dog from the pound he doesn't expect to take the bubbly worker home as well. Part two: Reader Mothering Charlie
Tommy Shelby & The Woman that almost got away - Tommy and the reader play hard to get until Polly puts and end to things. Drama, trust issues, happy ending, Polly to the rescue.
Shelby Sister X Alfie Solomons The reader is underappreciated so she leaves and begins her own life. After becoming a doctor she falls back to her family and finds out that not all things are lost. Mending her heart she also finds her way back to a long lost love.....
Wade Wilson:
Smut - Explicit
Sleepover - Wade Wilson X Reader - Explicit / confession of feelings /getting together for the first time / so much fluff Part 2: More smut & fluff
Wade Wilson x Pro Thief Reader Request - Explicit, feelings confession
Fluff & Romance
Tired - Wade Wilson X Girlfriend Reader - Hurt / comfort
Trusted - Wade Wilson X Reader - Hurt / comfort , Face reveal
Wade Wilson Playlist - Spotify
Deadpool X Spiderman - Spideypool
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boys - Explicit / University AU / cute dorks / bff's to lovers / So much Hurt comfort / Wade Wilson is the best boyfriend change my mind & So much fluff. like so so so much fluff / back ground prof Cherik cuteness & Tony/Steve
Wade Wilson X Peter Parker - Non powered AU - Request - Peter is in an unhealthy relationship with Harry, once he meets Wade things only get more complicated - friends to lovers
X - Men
Tommy Shelby x X-Men Reader Request- Rated Teen for extreme heart break, time travel, romance, X-Men themes
Marauders Era
Marauders Head Cannons - Requests
Tommy Shelby X reader - Marauder Era Crossover - Reader gets attacked, falling in love, pre war, then post war follow up
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livingmybestfakelife · 3 years ago
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
[last updated: 7-11-2022]
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Tommy Shelby
Modern Biker AU:
Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Next Generation:
Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader/Grace Burgess x Reader
You and Grace are long time friends and became a couple during your adult years, her plans to purpose to you comes to a halt when Tommy, who is pining for you, unexpectedly pops up during your holiday together
Untitled Songboard/Moodboard:
Dark!Tommy Shelby
Welcome Home Lady Shelby:
After five days in the hospital, the new addition to the Shelby family is finally brought home
90s AU:
Heart Don’t Stand a Chance:
Tommy gives you a traditional family gift after your wedding
Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground:
Tommy finds an abandoned baby at a camp ground
Little Rabbit:
Cowboy AU
A Gangster and a Gentleman:
Joseph Blake has a thing for Tommy’s wife, but he soon hears how it’s not a good idea to make it too obvious
Nowhere, Elsewhere:
Tommy’s adopted daughter attempts to look for her birth parents
60s AU:
St. James Infirmary:
Grace is jealous of the love that Tommy still holds for his deceased wife
The Crown’s Jewels:
The Shelby Brothers pull off a robbery during your birthday party
Items in Your Purse
You and Tommy reminisce about your childhood while camping
Tommy Decides to Keep Cyril
Gospel Truth:
You finally break Tommy after showing your true colors
Wholesome Tommy During Christmas
It’s A Mad House:
The family pulls a Halloween prank on Tommy
Tommy calls up the woman he’s having an affair with
Candy Girl:
Tommy is not pleased with the supposed career choice his female friend has chosen
Tommy’s Old Money Wife
Office Hours:
Tommy learns that he’s not on an secret list
Tommy Being His Old Self in Front of His Nephew
Edwardian Era Cowboy AU
[Untitled] Elderly Tommy:
You’re a private nurse for an elderly man named Thomas Shelby, and you hold a strong resemblance to his deceased wife.
Modern Shelby’s During Quarantine
Tommy Can’t Help But Find Amusement In How You Past the Time at a Posh Party
[Untitled] 70s Tommy
The Favorite Series [unfinished]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Mother to All, Wife to None
Grace Burgess
Love At First Sight
The Next Generation:
You and Grace are long time friends and became a couple during your adult years, her plans to purpose to you comes to a halt when Tommy, who is pining for you, unexpectedly pops up during your holiday together
Arthur Shelby
From The Heart:
Arthur gives a best man speech that isn’t as cringy has Tommy expected
Arthur Gets Back Into Drawing
Michael Gray
The First Time Like The Last Time:
Michael reunites with a childhood friend
The Man With The White Horse:
There were many situations that split mother and son apart, but this might be something that just might separate them forever
Original Characters
Tommy and His Daughter Get Ready For a Father Daughter Dance
Baby Tulip Shelby During a Picnic
Alfie Solomons
Cyril Is Going To Be a Father
Duke Shelby
My Mother’s Keeper
Duke avenges his mother after learning about her haunting past
Duke brings a new pet home
Jack Nelson
Jack’s Daughter Drabble
Mother to All, Wife to None
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years ago
Silver Linings:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
A/N: This is long but I felt it needed a decent backstory of sorts. I apologize in advance for my terrible math skills with ages and times, this show is especially confusing in these respects in general so I hope it’s not too hard to follow lol. For the sake of the request, it worked best as a whirl-wind romance type of thing, so it may seem rushed at certain points, but nevertheless I hope you all enjoy!
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Fighting, Familial Drama, Descriptions of Death, Violence, Adoption, Over-Protective Parents(?), Blood, oh yeah and some **Slight Smut,** (Explicit/18+ Content: If you’re a minor, please scroll past the italicized portion in Part 4, thank you).
Word Count: 10K+
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Adopted Daughter!Reader + Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Requested: Yes, by the lovely @sh4desofsadness​. I hope you like it!
Request: “...An angsty fic where the reader is the adopted daughter of Alfie and he trained her to protect herself and keeps her a secret from everyone. Turns out Michael meets the girl and they start to like each other and they start to sneak around, knowing Tommy and Alfie wouldn’t approve. But later someone finds out and tells, leading them to sending Michael away to New York (maybe this is one of the reasons Tommy sent him away?) so Michael panics and runs through the rain to look for her, leading them to spending the night together before he’s forced to leave.”
Summary: After growing tired of hiding, Y/N decides to venture out from the back of her fathers shop, not knowing she’d quite literally fall for one of her father’s enemies who happened to be lurking around the corner. But with tensions growing between the two families, one decision could change the course of their lives as they know it, for better and for worse.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | *Part 4* | Part 5
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years ago
Silver Linings: Part 2
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: (a terrible pun, RIP John) Descriptions of Death, Violence, Angst, Familial Drama.
Word Count: 376, short but sad.
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Adopted Daughter!Reader + Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | *Part 4* | Part 5
The next morning, Alfie said a short goodbye to Y/N as she waved him off and continued to pack the rest of her things. Deciding to take the whole day off to move, even if she had to do it all herself.
Unbeknownst to her, Alfie had spent most of his night pondering over who she’d been seeing, because he knew she didn’t walk around smiling for no reason. The other thing that piqued his interest though was why she wanted to leave, although since she was an adult, he surrendered to the thought that maybe she got tired of living in the old grandiose house with no one but him and Cyril. Knowing unfortunately well that this was bound to happen. But the former is what kept him from sleeping, knowing someone knew about her besides himself. Knowing someone out there could harm her if she got mixed up in the wrong crowd. She was precious to him, helping him through a dark time that before only Cyril could help manage. And now the light of his life was gone, or at least not at his beck and call.
With a loud bang, shots rang out at Michael’s cousins house, where he’d been sent that morning to warn against the mafia that was after them. Knowing he was once again putting his life on the line for the Shelby family. With a quick glance, he shoved his cousin’s wife Esme aside, leaving him and John out in the open. The bullets from their machine guns ripping through John, killing him instantly. Meanwhile, the others tore through Michael’s chest, mere inches from his heart. As he laid there, bleeding profusely, he began to think about things differently. Thinking about how if only he could’ve ran off with his mum like he’d planned, if only he could’ve met Y/N before this, even though they’d just started dating, maybe he would’ve made more time for her, or would’ve tried to help her out of the house she’d been in for so long, knowing wholeheartedly what it was like. But as the pain in his chest grew with each shallow breath, he knew he may not get to see her again. His vision ever so slowly fading to black.
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years ago
Silver Linings: Part 3
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts 
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Swearing.
Word Count: 1,931
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Adopted Daughter!Reader + Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | *Part 4* | Part 5
As Y/N put the last of her furniture in the living room, she heard the new phone ring. Running over and picking it up with an exhausted hello.
“I know we got off on a bad foot love, but I’m gonna need you to be careful. That blinder Michael, ya know the one I’ve been meeting for the last month? He’s been shot.” Alfie said, nonchalantly.
“No....” She said, tears welling up in her eyes as she sniffled lightly. The feeling of a lump forming in her throat as she tried to swallow the news.
“Are you crying? You don’t know the lad anyways right? He’s in surgery that’s all I know. Got shot by that damn mafia who’s been causing us problems.” He said.
“I do know him....Where is he? Where’s the rest of Mr. Shelby’s men?” She asked, frantically wiping the tears away.
“Fuck. Y/N is he the one? Is he the one you’ve been with? You could’ve been killed!” He said angrily.
“I know dad, please just tell me where he is....I-I know you’re upset and I know the blinders will be too. I should’ve never came out from the back when they stopped by but god damn it I was trying to do my job and trying to live for myself for once. If you had a shred of decency you’d understand that...now where is he?!” She yelled back, her voice echoing through her rather empty apartment.
“At that hospital in London. I’ll take ya.” He said, she could hear the commotion in the background of his shop as he spoke.
“Okay. Please don’t make this worse than it is. You have a way of doing that.” She said harshly, hanging up the phone and grabbing another bottle of rum she’d stolen from work.
She took a long swig and sat in one of the chairs she’d bought, thinking about the man she just started seeing, hoping he’d be alright. The thoughts of all the worst-case scenarios running through her mind as she downed another sip, the large clock on the wall near her reading nearly 5pm. Her nerves were frazzled from all the moving and the waiting. Her eyes flickering from the phone to the clock every 5 minutes. Yet a loud honking noise soon ripped her from her thoughts as she saw it was her father. She knew he’d find her address eventually. Not knowing he’d find it that quick, unless he threatened her poor driver.
Despite their arguing, Alfie still opened the door for her to get in, silently driving them through the busy streets as she gazed out the window. Tears slowly falling down her cheeks as she watched the sky grow darker as they drove on.
“Look, I don’t know what will happen after they meet ya but make sure you have your gun on ya. You have it don’t you?” He asked after a long silence, his words the opposite of comforting.
“Always, dad.” She said, wiping her tears away.
“If they don’t decide to kill us for hiding ya all these years, they’ll probably try to because you were a risk to that Michael fellow. Beautiful girl such as yourself is always a risk.” He said.
“That why I don’t have a mum? You’re too scared of taking risks?” She remarked, not really caring anymore if the blinders knew of her or not.
“Nah, I think you know well enough that I’ve got a mean mug no one would take two glances at. Besides, me last love got killed. But life goes on I suppose.” He said, looking on as his lit cigar slowly burnt away.
“You’ll find someone. Maybe it’ll be a blinder lady.” She said with a smirk, finally feeling like they were back to their normal banter for a moment.
“If I do ever fall for one of them, do me a favor and dig my hole will ya?” He asked, chuckling.
“Sure will.” She said, her smile slowly fading as they neared the hospital.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want it to make you angry...and didn’t want you to fight them.” She said.
“Love, we fight no matter the situation. If there’s ever a day I’m not yelling at Thomas fucking Shelby then assume that’s the day the world is ending.” He said, getting out of the car with his cane in hand.
As they walked in, they heard Esme crying and running out of the morgue, the blood still fresh on her hands as she ran out past them.
Thomas came out with a lit cigarette in his mouth, an angry-yet saddened look to his eyes.
“Alfie...why are you here aye? Just lost John. Now I’m waiting to hear if I lost Michael.” He said, not taking much notice to the younger girl near her large-framed father.
“I came here to check on the lad. Actually, she came here to check on him.” He said, motioning towards her.
Y/N nervously looked at the man, his blue eyes piercing hers as he examined her like a wolf stalking it’s prey.
“Aye well who are you Ms.? Some whore he fucked?” He asked bluntly.
“Well, actually mate...that’s my fucking daughter. Her names Y/N. Now...she’s actually a lovely woman and she wanted to be here for him cuz they’ve been dating for uh how long?” He asked turning to her.
“About a month so far.” She said crossing her arms and staring the rude gang leader down.
“As she said, about a month. They’ve been dating right under both our fucking noses now what do you think of that aye? Young love never ceases to amaze me I tell ya.” He said, a slightly crazed look in his eye as he towered over Thomas.
“How long have you had a daughter Alfie? You weren’t going to tell me aye?” He asked.
“My brain’s not what is used to be since ya shot me in the face, but uh I’d say ‘round 5 years now. Adopted her from that orphanage near Camden Town. What...you don’t think I’m good at hiding stuff? I’ve had her working in the shops and all that for years and ya never fucking knew.” He said, adjusting his tallit which was draped over his shoulders.
“And bruva, I never fucking told you because I knew one day she’d get hurt if she ever knew ya. And here we are.” He said, flicking his cigar on the ground and stomping it out. Thomas clenched his jaw and looked away, his eyes focusing back on the girl.
“How’d you meet Michael? It surely wasn’t when any of us were around.” Thomas asked, gesturing vaguely. Y/N took a deep breath before speaking, trying to think of the best response to the rude gang leader.
“It was when everyone was around. None of you had the sense to see it though. When you first came in I saw him as I snuck through the shop. We exchanged names, ya know, like what normal people do. And now we’re here of all fucking places.” She said, looking down the hall at the operating room.
“Did you know they were after him? Did he act suspicious?” He asked.
“Jesus christ, why am I being interrogated? You do business with my father not me.” She said.
“Anyone who knows my family is of my concern. That now includes you. He’s been seeing you whenever he’s not with us. What has he told you?” He asked.
“Nothing. He hasn’t really talked about anything. I just know he’s with you lot and that’s it. I swear.” She said, giving him an annoyed look. She wanted to run off, not liking the man within a few seconds of meeting him.
“Mr. Shelby?” A nurse asked from the hall, cutting the tension that filled the room.
“Yeah?” He asked, turning around to face the nurse.
“He’s out of surgery, you...and your guests can see him now.” She said, walking back to her desk.
“We’re your guests? It’s a fucking honor mate. Let’s go shall we?” Alfie asked, never ceasing to pull Thomas’ leg.
All three of them walked in, Michael lying there with his chest bandaged along with his arm where another bullet hit. His face pale and tired as he sat up.
“You made it another day Michael....would you like to tell me what exactly happened?” Thomas asked, his cousins eyes slowly resting on his.
“I did as you asked, warned John and Esme...then his mafia men pulled up in hay covered cars. I shoved Esme inside and John got his shotgun ready...” He said, wincing through breaths.
“Then they shot through him with machine guns. The bullets that hit him, hit me, and a few others flew by. That’s all I remember.” He said, not noticing Y/N in the room nor her father in the corner as his grogginess wore off.
“Alright, well I’ll leave you two be. Alfie let’s have a talk shall we?” He said, going outside to the waiting area. Alfie sighed and followed him, closing the door in the process.
“Y/N...?” He said, rubbing his eyes to see more clearly, thinking he was dreaming.
“Hey...” She said, sitting next to him and holding his hand which was cut up from hitting the ground so hard.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be here.” He said, wincing.
“Well, my dad and I kind of got in an argument earlier. He offered to take me to see you. I couldn’t sit in my new place thinking you were gone.” She said.
“Thank you for seeing me. I didn’t think I’d make it. I uh....I wanted to see you once more. Just to tell you things.” He said.
“What did you want to tell me? Now that you’ve made it I think there couldn’t be a better time.” She said smiling.
“I uh....” He started to say before he sucked in a sharp breath.
“I probably shouldn’t talk much right now but I can show you.” He said. A pained smile forming on his face.
“What are talking about-“ She began, feeling his hand caressing her cheek as he pulled her closer to him. Their lips softly connecting in a long kiss. Y/N’s heart beating rapidly as she deepened the kiss, being mindful of his injuries.
As they broke away, Michael smiled weakly as she felt her face heat up.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you that I wanted to go out...officially. If you’d want to. This just sort of got in the way though aye?” He said gesturing to the bandages.
She nodded and wiped a tear from her cheek as she clutched his hand once more.
“Yeah, I uhm...I would like that. Once you’re better though alright?” She said, her eyes serious despite the tears still falling. He reached up and wiped them away, her leaning her cheek into his palm as he did so.
“Speaking of that though, I had to tell my father and Thomas about us. I’m hoping they haven’t killed each other though.” She said, nervously looking towards the door.
“They can deal with that then, that’s not our concern. They can’t ruin everything.” He said, a slight smirk on his face.
“You sure? I mean can you see where we bloody are right now? If my father can cause your family so much stress I can only imagine what that deviled cousin of yours is planning for us.” She said, not knowing the extent the two hard-headed gang leaders would go to protect their families, even if it meant hurting the ones they loved.
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years ago
Silver Linings: Part 4
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
A/N: Gif is not peaky related but it damn sure made my heart break.
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Arguing, **Slight Smut,** (Explicit/18+ Content: if you’re a minor plz skip the italicized portion).
Word Count: 1,914
Characters: Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | *Part 4* | Part 5
It was a bleak afternoon when they both found out what Thomas and Alfie had planned. Three weeks after Michael got out of the hospital, Alfie had told Thomas about some business in New York, tipping Thomas off on where to send him if need be, seeing as he had a sneaking suspicion about his blinder cousin. It turned out that during his healing, Michael had been confronted by Luca Changretta, the infamous mafia leader from the states. Who had ties to the Italians who also were a pain in both families sides, knowing if they didn’t act fast, both their families could be at risk. But what Thomas didn’t know was that Polly decided on a plan, ultimately getting Michael to side with her to protect her, undermining Thomas in the process. After all, she was his mother and what else could he do? He couldn’t betray his mum by giving Thomas a heads up. And so when Thomas finally got wind of everything, he agreed one night when Michael and Y/N were out that it would be best to send him to New York where he could manage the more legitimate business, taking the target off of Y/N’s back while showing Michael the consequences of betraying the family. Thomas and Alfie had many a screaming match over the two, knowing they would be hurting them in the process, but whatever Thomas wanted, he got.
That afternoon, Michael had gotten home to a tension filled household where they held a short family meeting.
“What’s all this?” He asked, his lungs still aching as he stood there.
“You’re moving to New York tomorrow. We have a ticket for you and the time to board for America. You’ll be taking care of the legitimate business there.” Polly said, a sad look in her eyes.
“Like hell I’m going. Give me a reason why I should go? I have a life here.” He said, clenching his fists.
“You can’t betray us from all the way over there. And it’ll save Y/N.” Thomas said snidely, lighting his cigarette.
“I’m not going, I’m not leaving her. She has no part in this anyway. They can’t hurt her.” He said, doubt creeping into his mind.
“Anyone who’s associated with us is in danger now. Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you fell for Alfie fucking Solomons’ daughter.” Thomas said.
“I don’t care whose daughter she is. You can’t do this.” He said angrily.
“I can and I will. You better get going. You have an early start tomorrow.” He said, looking at Polly’s pained face as she hugged her son goodbye. The door slamming loudly behind him as he took off towards Y/N’s apartment.
As he ran, his lungs burned and ached with every breath, the rain coming down furiously as he made his way there. His mind racing almost as fast as his heart as he tried to figure out what to do.
With a loud knock, Michael slumped against the doorframe, waiting for the woman he loved to answer. His tears mixing with the rain drops as he watched them fall to the cold ground.
“My god....Michael what are you doing here you’re-“ She started to say before he kissed her. The kiss wasn’t as tender as before. It was more rushed, and panicked like it was the last time he’d ever feel her lips on his. She took hold of his jacket and slowly guided him back into the house, Michael moving her to the wall and shutting the door with a shaky breath. Without talking he kissed her again, desperately, them both gasping for air as he moved down to her neck, sucking small bruises onto her skin.
“Michael...wait.” She said taking his face in her hands and looking into his eyes. She saw his eyes brimmed red as tears fell down his face, his hair dripping wet as he stood there.
“They’re making me move to America, Y/N.” He said, looking down at the ground.
“What? Who’s making you? Why?” She said her own eyes filling with tears.
“Your father. And my family. They said it was to keep you safe. The mafia is still after us and so he’ll be after you too. I uh, I guess I betrayed Tom so he’s sending me off. Wants me to take care of the business over in New York.” He said, shivering.
“Christ you’re freezing. Did you run here?” She asked taking off his coat and leading him to her bathroom where she started a warm shower.
“Yeah...” he said, the scars on his chest visible as she undid his shirt. She gently ran her fingers over them as tears ran down her face.
“They can’t do this...I won’t let them.” She said, not knowing how she’d even stop her father, let alone Thomas.
“They’ve already set it up. I have to.” He said.
Without thinking she kissed him frantically, her nerves frazzled and stomach in knots as she grasped at his shirt. He didn’t resist as he let her pull it off, his lips leaving hers for a moment as he undid his belt. Pulling her close as she undid the rest of his clothes, him doing the same, reaching for the ties on her dress she loved to wear.
**Slight Smut/18+/Explicit Content: If you’re a minor please scroll to the non-italicized portion, thank you).**
“I’ll go with you.” She said between kisses, both of them mutually admiring each other as they stepped into the shower.
“I can’t let you. You have a life here, hell you have everything here.” He said.
“No...I don’t. I don’t have a life here if it’s not with you.” She said, hugging him close as she rested her head on his bare chest.
He didn’t say anything as he held her close, kissing the top of her head as the hot water fell on their skin. With a light touch, Y/N reached up and kissed him, knowing in her heart he had to go no matter what.
Michael deepened the kiss as they caressed each other, moving ever-so-carefully so they wouldn’t fall.
“Are you warm?” She asked, wanting to continue but not wanting to hurt him more by fucking in a shower of all places.
He nodded and smirked as he pulled her closer, her heart melting at the fact she’d probably never see him smile again.
“Let’s take this somewhere else, I don’t want you hurting more.” She said drying them off. As she finished wringing her hair, Michael threw his towel over her head, picking her up as a giggle escaped her lips as he led them to her bedroom.
Their hearts hurt as they continued, moans escaping Y/N’s lips as his trailed down her body. Michael taking in every last part of her as he furthered his movements well into the night, making sure he didn’t hurt her. Although, nothing hurt worse than leaving the one he felt he truly loved.
Later as they laid there tangled in each other’s embrace, Y/N had about a thousand questions running through her mind. All of her plans seemingly too wild to ever work. She could move out, and risk wasting all the money she’d put in this place. Or she could stay here and hope he’d come back, writing letters back and forth until then. Or he could stay and live with her, defying both families orders and putting them both at risk.
Either way, since she was associated with the dashing young blinder, she knew she’d be in danger no matter where he went, and so she made up her mind, feeling that even though she knew him for a short time, she felt in her bones that they had something special.
“You’re thinking about something, what is it?” He asked, his fingers tracing over her curves.
“I’m thinking about what I’m going to do.” She said, looking up at him.
“I have to go, I can’t change it now.” He said, sighing.
“I know. But I just have one question.” She said, her heart racing.
“Can you see a future? With me?” She asked, her stomach in knots as he thought about his answer.
“Yeah...I wouldn’t have ran here if I didn’t. Why’d you ask?” He said, a sullen look on his face.
“Just wondering. I wouldn’t want you to forget me in New York. You know I could probably still get us new tickets.” She said.
“That won’t work love. It’ll only make things worse. The less you have to do with me the better, at least you being here could mean you’re safe. If you went to New York you’d have no protection except me.” He said. The truth of it all hurt more than anything, but deep down she knew he was right.
She shook her head and smiled a painful smile, her heart sinking as the daylight crept through the window, knowing their time was running out. She knew her plan wouldn’t work, and if it did, it would probably end with them 6 feet under.
“I love you, Y/N.” He said after a long moment of silence, looking into her eyes as his heart raced at the sudden declaration. Hoping she’d say the same, so at least he could leave knowing he’d have her to come back to, if she’d wait for him.
Tears fell down her cheeks as she pulled him in for a kiss, the world stopping for just a moment.
“I love you too, Michael.” She said, leaning into him as he held her in his arms. The birds singing their songs outside as the rest of the world woke up, meanwhile they had barely slept a wink.
“Will you write to me?” She asked, getting up from the bed reluctantly as she put on a nightgown and robe.
“Of course.” He said, putting his clothes on and walking up behind her. Wrapping his arms securely around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.
“Will you wait for me?” He asked, his heart dropping as he realized the odds of someone actually waiting up for someone no matter how long they were gone.
“Of course.” She said, knowing he could meet any other woman and go off with her, knowing she’d never be able to come close to them.
“What’s wrong love?” He asked, seeing her sullen expression as she turned around.
“I’m just worried the distance will tear us apart. You could have any girl out there but ya chose me.” She said, crossing her arms.
“I chose you because you’re nice, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re so many things Y/N. I’ll write you every week alright? And you know I’ll be a phone call away.” He said kissing her forehead as they heard the horn beeping, knowing it was Thomas and the rest of them there to pick him up.
She nodded as he caressed her face with his palm. The scars still there from weeks past. He kissed her for one last time and enveloped her in a long hug before Thomas knocked at the door.
“I have to go, love. I’ll call you when I get there, and every day after that. Wait for me.” He said, letting go of her hand and walking out the door with his lone suitcase, taking one last glance at her before getting into the car.
Y/N stood on her doorstep in the frigid morning air, waving goodbye to him as tears streamed down her face, not yet realizing the hardest part of her life was about to begin.
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moral-turpitudes · 5 years ago
// Prompt List //
(**) Indicates Smut (18+ Content)
Made: 9/12/2020
Updated: 7/14/2021
Do not repost my work.
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Peaky Prompts Requests:
Thomas Shelby:
“There it is...that smile.” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
** “Lost Senses” **  ~  Based off fluff prompt 8. Dom!Tom xSub!Fem Reader
“Whatever Works” ~ Based off fluff prompt 11 and angst prompt 15. Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Bets & Beatings”  ~ Based off angst prompts 8 & 16. Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“I’m Not Letting You Walk Home Alone.” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“You Owe Me One.” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader  
“Mistakes” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Golden Ring” ~  Part 1 | Part 2  Thomas Shelby x Reader
“Borrowed Time” ~ Based off angst prompts 4 and 17. Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Sister Reader
“Caps & Crowns” ~ Based off humor prompt 6. Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Terrible Two’s” ~ Based off humor prompt 15. Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“I’ll Follow You Into The Dark” ~ Based off fluff prompt 1. Thomas Shelby x Reader (they/them)
John Shelby:
“Stay” ~ Based off fluff prompt 6. John Shelby x F!Reader
Finn Shelby:
“Horsing Around” ~ Based on off humor prompt 14. Finn Shelby x Reader (they/them)
Michael Gray:
“Revenge” ~ Based off angst prompts 2 & 3. Michael Gray x F!Reader
Alfie Solomons:
“Wakeup Call” ~ Based off angst prompt 15 and humor prompt 4. Alfie Solomons x Reader (they/them)
Bonnie Gold:
“The Fair” ~ Based off fluff prompt 10. Bonnie Gold x Reader
Imagine/Oneshot Requests:
Thomas Shelby:
“Drowning” ~ Thomas Shelby x Sister!Reader (OC: Evelyn Shelby)
“Piece by Piece” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Roses” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader, Finn Shelby x F!Reader
“What Friends Are For” ~ Thomas Shelby x Best Friend!/F!Reader
“For The Family” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Reap What You Sow” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Little White Lies” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“The Proposal” ~ Thomas Shelby x Reader (they/them)
Ada Thorne:
“Key to My Heart” ~ Ada Thorne x F!Reader
Bonnie Gold:
“North Star” ~ Bonnie Gold x F!Reader
Johnny Dogs:
“A Secret Life” ~ Johnny Dogs x F!Reader
“New Beginnings” ~ Johnny Dogs x F!Reader
Arthur Shelby:
“Mending Hearts” ~ Arthur Shelby x F!Reader
John Shelby:
“Cookies, Tea, & Ass-Grabs” ~ John Shelby x Esme (Lee) Shelby
Isiah Jesus:
“Out of All People” ~ Isiah Jesus x Shelby!Sister
Shelby Family:
“A Sister’s Intuition” ~ Shelby Family x Shelby!Sister Reader
Requested Fics & Original Works:
Thomas Shelby:
** “Deal with the Devil” ** ~ Multi-part Series ~ Thomas Shelby x Isla Maxwell (OC)
“Unfinished Business” ~  Part 1 | Part 2  Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Tea Party” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Just Business” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“House Calls” ~ Part 1 | Part 2  ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“To the Moon” ~ Part 1 | Part 2 ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader (Part 1) - Thomas Shelby x Anna Shelby (OC/Daughter) (Part 2)
** “The Day-Shift” ** ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Swan Lake” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
** “London Affairs” ** ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Burnt Toast” ~ Polly Gray/The Shelby’s x Shelby!Sister Reader
“Trouble Maker” ~ Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Sister Reader 
Finn Shelby:
“Trust Issues” ~ Finn Shelby x F!Reader
Bonnie Gold:
“Whiskey Glasses” ~ Bonnie Gold x F!Reader
“Butterflies 🦋 “ ~ Part 1 | Part 2 ~ Bonnie Gold x F!Reader
Michael Gray:
“Letting Go” ~ Michael Gray x Reader
“The Mask” ~ Michael Gray x F!Reader
** “Silver Linings” ** ~ Alfie Solomons x Adopted Daughter!Reader + Michael Gray x Alfie’s Adopted Daughter!Reader
Tatiana Petrovna:
“Russian Roulette”  ~ Tatiana Petrovna x Thomas Shelby
Holiday & Other Headcanons:
“Friends & Foes”  ~ Arthur Shelby x Johnny Dogs
“Ring Leader” ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
“Costumes” (Halloween Headcanons) ~ Peaky Blinders x Reader
“College Headcanons: Modern!Peaky Blinders Edition” ~ Part 1 | Part 2
“College Headcanons: Modern!Alfie Solomons Ask”
Holiday Mood Boards & Blurbs/Drabbles:
“Father Christmas” ~ John & Esme Shelby
“Under The Mistletoe” ~ John & Esme Shelby
** “Christmas Vacation” ** ~ Thomas Shelby x F!Reader
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