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The one who cures bodies is the physician, and the one who cures souls is the statesman; and he is also called the king.
Alfarabi, Political Writings
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One of the most beautiful words
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Study MBBS at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Kazakhstan.
MBBS Admission 2023-24. Best Students Services at the Lowest Package.
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Gatut Susanta bersama Agustian Syah dan Sapta Bela Alfaraby Resmi Menjadi Dewan Pengawas Perumda Pasar Pakuan Jaya Bogor
RASIOO.id – Setelah melalui berbagai tahapan seleksi, Panitia Seleksi Calon Dewan Pengawas Perusahaan Umum Daerah atau Perumda Pasar Pakuan Jaya (PPJ) Kota Bogor akhirnya menetapkan Agustian Syah, S.STP, dan Sapta Bela Alfaraby sebagai anggota Dewan Pengawas Perumda PPJ Bogor untuk periode 2024-2028. Keputusan tersebut dituangkan dalam Surat Penetapan Hasil Wawancara Akhir dengan nomor…
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Ikut Bursa Dewas Perumda PPJ, Sapta Bela Didukung Koperasi Pasar Kebon Kembang
BOGOR – Jelang penutupan pendaftaran calon anggota Dewan Pengawas Perumda Pasar Pakuan Jaya, Selasa (8/10/2024), tercatat ada 6 orang yang mendaftar seleksi calon anggota Dewas Perumda PPJ. Enam orang nama tersebut diantaranya, Sapta Bela Alfaraby, Yus Ruswandi, Irvan Djanuar, Roy Prawira Jayanegara, Mulyana Jaya Sumpena, dan Syafrial Firdaus. Sapta Bela Alfrabi yang juga Ketua DPD KNPI Kota…
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Kalau kisah Mas Kavi lain lagi. Dia tekun belajar membaca baik iqro dan Bahasa Indonesia. Dia juga mulai rajin menulis. Begitu juga belajar gerakan sholat. Kami sering bilang ini salah satu dampak doa dalam namanya yang meminjam nama pembelajar ulung, Alfarabi. Teruskan belajar hal-hal baiknya ya, Dek?
Wien, Juli 2024
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MBBS in Kazakhstan
Study MBBS in Kazakhstan for Indian Students
Kazakhstan means "land of the wanderers". It had one of the world's oldest nomadic tribes. It is a beautiful country that has some of the oldest and best medical universities in the world. MBBS in Kazakhstan for Indian students has lately gained popularity as an MBBS destination. WHO and NMC have approved medical universities in Kazakhstan.
Quick Overview of MBBS inKazakhstan
Here are some facts about studying MBBS in Kazakhstan for Indian students:
Degree Awarded
MD (Physician) equivalent to MBBS in India
6 years
Medium of Instruction
English Medium
50% (Gen),40% (SC/ST) in
PCB / + NEET Qualified
NEET Requirement Yes, qualifying NEET is mandatory
Not Required
NMC and WHO approved
Type of Medical Universities Government
Tuition Fee Structure Between USD 5,000 – 7500 per year
Living Cost
250 - 300 USD / Month
MBBS in Kazakhstan Fee Structure
Here is the list of the best top universities in Kazakhstan with the latest fee structure.
Tuition Fee per Year
Total Fee
(Ist to 6th Year)
Semey Medical University
Astana Medical University
Kazakh National Medical University
Alfarabi Kazakh
National University
Hostel Fee per Year 700 - 800 USD Insurance Charges per Year 100 USD
INR Amount is calculated as per the exchange rate of Tenge (1 Tenge =
0.18 INR)
For Latest Fee Structure Contact to Vidyaedify. MBBS Admission Process in Kazakhstan
Contact Us today for a Free consultation about the admission process.
Eligibility to Study MBBS inKazakhstan
The candidate should be of 17 years and above (minimum)
List of Requisite Documents for admission to MBBS admission in Kazakhstan:
Contact Us today for assistance with your admission application.
Detail – Eligibility & Documents – Click Here Benefits of Studying MBBS inKazakhstan
Following are the benefits of studying MBBS in Kazakhstan:
English Medium Education
English is the medium of instruction.
Economical Fees
The fee structure for MBBS in Kazakhstan is very much affordable.
Easy Admission Process
Hassle-free admission procedure for international students.
Internationally Recognised Degree
Studying MBBS in Kazakhstan will give international recognition and work opportunities.
Infrastructure & Facilities
World-class infrastructure and medical amenities.
No additional tests required
There is no requirement for IELTS and TOEFL scores.
No Entrance Exam
No entrance exams required.
Merit Based Admission
No donations for admission required as it is completely based on merit.
About Kazakhstan
Key Facts
Geographic Location
A Central Asian Country
1.91 Crores
Kazakhstani Tenge
Calling Code
Main Religion
Major Cities
Almaty, Baikonur, Aktau
Top Sights to visit
• Altyn Emel National Park
• Kaindy
• Palace of Peace and Reconciliation
Kazakhstan, located in Central Asia is officially known as The Republic of Kazakhstan. It is surrounded by Russia to the north, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan to the south, China to the east, and the Caspian Sea to the west. Nur-Sultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is a bi-lingual country, Russian and Kazakh are widely spoken languages. The currency used is the Kazakhstani tenge.
Education System in Kazakhstan
From being a land of nomads to the country having the highest quality of infrastructure,
Kazakhstan has come a long way. Currently, Indian students are keen to study MBBS
in Kazakhstan as the fee structure of medical colleges and universities in Kazakhstan is relatively low as compared to western countries.
The Indian student community pursuing MBBS inKazakhstan is also growing. The teaching staff for MBBS are experts in their specialization. The education system is one of the finest in the world.
The MBBS duration in Kazakhstan is six years, five years of theoretical study, and one year of practical internship. English is the mode of teaching.
The following subjects shall be covered in the curriculum:
Fundamentals of Psychology, Human Anatomy, Pharmacology, Paediatrics, Oncology, Internal Medicine, Bioorganic chemistry, Histology, Internal Medicine (to name a few).
After completing MBBS in Kazakhstan, you will have to qualify for FMGE to receive a license and practice in a professional capacity in India.
India - Kazakhstan Relations
There is a flourishing exchange of goods, services, and business between both countries via its citizens. Kazakhstan has eased many visa restrictions for Indian visitors. This has simplified the visa procedure. Kazakis are welcoming and encouraging Indian students to take up studying MBBS in their universities and colleges. Currently, the Indian community is 7000 plus with more than 50% belonging to the students' category. There are ample opportunities after completing a degree of MBBS in Kazakhstan, making it the best decision.
Still not sure which is the right destination for you to study MBBS abroad? Call our Pro Counselors today for assistance.
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Irjen Pol Helmy Santika Terima Audiensi BPN Provinsi Lampung

Kapolda Lampung Irjen Pol Helmy Santika menerima audiensi dari Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) Provinsi Lampung di ruang kerja Kapolda Lampung Kamis (20/07/2023). Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Kapolda Lampung didampingi oleh Karo Logistik Polda Lampung diwakili AKBP Joko Anggoro, Dir Reskrimsus Polda Lampung,Kombes Pol Donny Arief Praptomo, Kabidkum Polda Lampung diwakili AKBP Ambar, serta dihadiri oleh Kalvyn Andar Sembiring Kepala BPN Provinsi Lampung, Andi Dermawan Lubis Kepala Bidang Survey dan Pemetaan, Alfarabi Kabid Penetapan Hak dan Pendaftaran. Kapolda Lampung melalui Kabid Humas Polda Lampung Kombes Pol Umi Fadilah Astuti menyampaikan, audiensi ini bertujuan untuk menjalin hubungan tali silaturahim dan memperkuat sinergitas dalam membangun Provinsi Lampung. “Semoga dengan adanya silahturahmi dan sinergitas yang berjalan dengan baik antara BPN dan Polda Lampung dapat menciptakan situasi yang aman kondusif dalam menyelesaikan segala masalah pertahanan serta memberantas mafia tanah di Provinsi Lampung,” ujarnya. Read the full article
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‘MY SONG’ — A Journey of a Thousand Years. . 🎥 https://youtu.be/GPcZb7AQDnk 🎧 https://sy.lnk.to/mysong (link in bio) . #samiyusuf #mysong #spiritique #tradition #legacy #music #worldmusic #sufimusic #qawali #arabia #persia #india #turkey #maghreb #morocco #andalucia #alfarabi #alkindi #rumi #mevlana #musician #hijrinewyear #love #relaxation #happiness #jummahmubarak #aşk #aşksözleri #geleneksel #الله https://www.instagram.com/p/BnrBnpCFMtJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cjr9ar3pj0xn
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Just as the health of the body is an equilibrium of its temperament and its sickness is a deviation from equilibrium, so, too, are the health of the city and its uprightness an equilibrium of the moral habits of its inhabitants and its sickness a disparity found in their moral habits. When the body deviates from equilibrium in its temperament, the one who brings it back to equilibrium and preserves it there is the physician. So, too, when the city deviates from equilibrium with respect to the moral habits of its inhabitants, the one who brings it back to uprightness and preserves it there is the statesman.
Alfarabi, Political Writings
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Study MBBS at Astana Medical University, Kazakhstan.
Top Ranked Medical University abroad under your budget.
Hurry Up! Limited Seats Available for September'23 Intake. Book Your Seat Now!
Contact Our Experts: 📞 93597 01733, 82877 45047 🌐 www.orisoverseas.com
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Program Polresta Bogor Kota Layak Jadi Percontohan Nasional
BOGOR – Ketua DPD KNPI Kota Bogor, Sapta Bela Alfaraby mengapresiasi langkah Polresta Bogor Kota bina para mantan pelajar yang terlibat tawuran. “Model penanganan pelajar yang pernah terlibat aksi tawuran sehingga mereka tidak lagi turun ke jalan seperti ini baru kami jumpai di Kota Bogor. Artinya, sangat layak menjadi percontohan di nasional,” kata Sapta Bela, Rabu (10/07/2024). Menurutnya,…
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Mazhab Pemikiran Al-Farabi Penulis: Ian Richard Netton Penerjemah: Muhammad Muhibbuddin Penerbit: Cantrik Pustaka ISBN: 978-602-0708-42-3 Dimensi: 14 x 20 cm cm | Soft Cover Tebal: 172 hlm | Bookpaper Tahun: 2019 Original Harga Rp65.000 diskon 15% Rp55.250 Sinopsis Abu Nasr al-Farabi (870-950)—yang dijuluki Guru Kedua setelah Aristoteles, dan mereka yang mengikuti dan mengembangkan ajaran pemikirannya—adalah salah satu capaian intelektual tertinggi di dalam seluruh rentang perkembangan pemikiran Islam Abad Pertengahan. Era itu, meminjam istilah Ibrahim Madkour, disebut sebagai “Era Farabisme”: dengan batasan waktu mulai dari lahirnya Al-Farabi pada 870 sampai meninggalnya Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi sekitar 1023. Bentang rentang antara 870-1023, jika memang hendak dibuat, menyediakan khazanah yang kaya untuk menelusuri jejak-jejak kebesaran Farabisme. Ditambah lagi empat pemikir besar lainnya yang pernah berinteraksi dengan, atau malah terpengaruh oleh, pemikiran Guru Kedua ini. Keempat pemikir tersebut adalah (1) Yahya b. Adi (893/4-974); (2) Abu Sulayman al-Sijistani (wafat 987/8); (3) Abul Hasan al-Amiri (wafat 992); dan (4) Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi (wafat 1023). Kajian terhadap gagasan-gagasan empat pemikir itulah yang, ditambah tentu saja pemikiran epistemologis Al-Farabi, merupakan persoalan pokok yang disajikan secara ringkas namun padat di dalam buku ini. #alfarabi #akal #ngajifilsafat #fahruddinfaiz #sufi #filsafatislam #filsafat #ustadzfahruddinfaiz #masjidjendralsudirmanyk #semar #see_udin #punokawan #islam #muslim #indonesia #tasawuf #gurukedua #filosofmuslim #filsufmuslim #ekstetika #agama #moralitas #akhlak #attitude #harmoni #dinamisme #animisme #monoteis #shymkent #казахстан https://www.instagram.com/p/CCx6S8vJ-tf/?igshid=c8snybith01a
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Pendampingan Model Kurikulum Mutsallatsah dalam Optimalisasi Program Magrib Mengaji di Kabupaten Pangandaran
Pendampingan Model Kurikulum Mutsallatsah dalam Optimalisasi Program Magrib Mengaji di Kabupaten Pangandaran
Oleh: Yanti Nurdiyanti, S. Pd., I. M. M. Pendidikan karakter menjadi salahsatu hal yang fundamental dalam capaian tujuan pendidikan, salahsatunya melalui pendidikan agama. Pendidikan agama yang dibangun baik di lingkungan sekolah formal non formal maupun di keluarga dan masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk pendidikan agama di masyarakat adanya tradisi magrib mengaji, yang akhir-akhir ini tradisi…

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‘My Song’ is a piece I composed earlier this year as a tribute to the enduring legacy of traditional art. It’s also my gift to you all in celebration of the Hijri New Year. With love and prayers. _sy. (link in bio). #samiyusuf #mysong #spiritique #tradition #legacy #music #worldmusic #sufimusic #qawali #arabia #persia #india #turkey #maghreb #morocco #andalucia #alfarabi #rumi #mevlana #hijri #hijrinewyear #love #aşk #aşksözleri #geleneksel #الله https://www.instagram.com/p/BnoWhNQhR_u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zhk4397t2dfx
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The ruler-prophet or the ruler-philosopher is the human being who offers the solution to the question of the realization of the best regime, and the functions of the ruler-prophet and of the ruler-philosopher appear in this respect to be identical… as rulers who are the link between the divine beings above and the citizens who do not have direct access to knowledge of these beings. He is the teacher and guide who makes known to the citizens what happiness is, who arouses in them the determination to do the things necessary for attaining it, and who does not need to be ruled by a human in anything at all.
Alfarabi, Political Regime
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