#alexs-arcade rants
alexs-arcade · 6 hours
Why does being a fan of Eddie Munson have to be some sort of social crime? I cant wear a Hellfire shirt in public without being crazy or odd. No buying shit for bands and older versions of D&D that I didn’t really think about liking till the show reintroduced me to them cause it makes me a poser and a wanna be of someone.
No cosplays or quoting, no sharing my opinion on how I feel the season should have went, no mentioning his name in conversation, and definitely no being inspired by his character to embrace myself and interests.
It is oh so frustrating to know that not only in person in the small town I live in but online people STILL get backlash and hate for enjoying his character. Always grouped with the fans who made some pretty poor choices and that makes us all disgusting or what “ruined” a fandom like not every piece of media has that side. It has been since 2021 and it still doesn’t tire these people out!
Its a character who is shown as an outcast and OFCOURSE it will bring out the “weird” people to be themselves! Its not a crime and definitely doesn’t deserve your constant bullying. No one is hurting you and even then you deal with that one individual not treat everyone in the community the same way. Not knock down their works(art, writing, music, or otherwise) because you disagree! To not welcome people into the rest of the community or allow them to enjoy other pop culture attached is vile.
Interests are how people grow to become their own person! Especially teenagers and young adults whose mental development doesn’t stop till they are 25!!!! NEVER and I mean never treat people like shit because of something they like even as specific as a character! Its not your business or responsibility to make them feel the need to make you comfortable!
If you feel differently that is fine but I wont welcome it on my page especially when I already face the hardship of homophobia and transphobia here already!
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invisibleraven · 2 years
from the best friends to lovers prompts: "you're upset and disappear for a couple hours, and i'm the only one who knows where to find you (which is at the location we always hung out at as children)" for peterpatter please? ☺️
Warnings for implied/referenced homophobia
After years of friendship with Luke, Reggie is used to getting phone calls from him at all hours of the day. So he doesn't think much of it when his phone goes off almost on the wrong side of midnight one evening.
"Yo man, what's up?"
"Reginald, this Emily Patterson, is Luke with you?"
Reggie flushed and let out a little cough. "Oh, no. sorry Mrs. P, I haven't seen Luke all day."
Emily sighed. "Yes, neither have I. If he ends up with you, can you please let him know I'm worried? I just want to talk to him, make sure he's okay." Then she whispered, almost like it wasn't for Reggie's ears, "I just want to say sorry."
"I'll let him know ma'am." With that the call ended, and Reggie knew that he had to go find Luke. After fighting with his mom, he always got stubborn and his away, sneaking in and out for a few days until the argument was forgotten.
The problem was where to find Luke.
The studio was being fumigated, so that was out. Bobby was on a vacation with his lola, and none of them tried Alex's house anymore, not after how badly his coming out went.
Luke wasn't a fan of breaking and entering, so usual places like the arcade or the mall were no goes. Finally Reggie pulled on his leather jacket and looked out his window, pondering when he saw the light from the ancient treehouse in his backyard.
He and the guys had built the treehouse when he first moved to LA, and spent many a boisterous afternoon there until they discovered music and moved their hang outs to the garage. Alex had been relieved, not really trusting the carpentry skills of four ten year olds, always terrified the floor would collapse from under them. But here they were, almost eight years later, and the rickety thing was still standing.
Reggie shimmied out his window, thankful his parents were either asleep or too drunk to notice him slipping out in the middle of the night. The ladder to the treehouse gave an ominous creak as he started to scale it, but with a gulp, Reggie kept climbing.
"Was wondering how long it would take someone to find me," Luke commented when Reggie's head popped up through the hole. "Let me guess, my mom called and I'm in big trouble?"
Reggie pulled himself up into the small space, wondering if it always felt so cramped up here, if it had always groaned when his weight shifted, and if the light from Luke's little lantern made the ambience more spooky or intimate.
"She's worried man. Said something about being sorry?" Reggie offered.
"Huh," Luke said, after a moment. "Will wonders never cease? Didn't think she was capable of feeling that particular emotion."
"What was the fight about this time?"
"What is it ever about dude? Music, it always comes back to music. My grades are low because I'm too focused on playing. Chores aren't done, or they aren't good enough because I lost track of time writing. I come out, and it's rock and roll's corrupting influence," Luke ranted.
"You came out to your parents before telling any of us?" Reggie asked, mildly hurt. They told each other everything, first and foremost. Alex had a near panic attack telling them he was gay, but their reaction had bolstered him to tell his parents, despite their less than stellar reaction. Bobby had let them know he wasn't interested in anyone, and didn't think he ever would be, and they found a way to tell Celia together.
"It wasn't exactly planned," Luke grumbled. " They got on my case about taking some nice girl from church to some stupid social function, and I told them I was much more interested in dating... well not her. I told them I like everyone, regardless of gender, but right now my heart belonged to someone specific, and that someone was a guy. My mom didn't react well. So I ran."
Reggie blew out a breath, and opened his arms to Luke, who rushed into them, the two of them holding each other tight, and stilling when the treehouse groaned and creaked once more. "Shit, that sucks dude. I always thought your parents would be cool about it."
Luke sniffled at that. "So did I. Maybe if I had done it another way... now it's forever tainted. I dunno."
They sat there in silence for a moment, and Reggie smirked as Luke looked up at him. "So... who's the lucky guy? Is it Alex? Oooh, no, it's Sven from the Satellite isn't it? Or maybe that cute drummer from that band we opened for last month.... Lyle? Kyle? Whatever. Or maybe the silver fox who owned that club we tried to get coerced into playing for what amounted to our souls?"
Luke laughed at that, but sobered quickly, his gaze serious as he looked at Reggie. "No, none of them."
"Then who?"
Luke cocked his head to the side, "Reg... don't you know it's you?"
"Me?" Reggie squeaked. "B-but... you've never said anything!"
Luke shrugged at that. "I'm saying now. I like you Reggie. I want to be with you. Go on dates, kiss you goodnight, be the most epic duet together."
Reggie slumped his head into his hands at that. "Only you would confess to liking someone with a music analogy."
"So..." Luke trailed off, biting his lip and clenching his fists.
"Of course I like you too Luke! I've liked you for forever, but I didn't want to mess with the dynamic of the band, so I just shoved it down. I never thought... that you could ever like me back."
At that, Luke threw himself into Reggie's arms, knocking the two of them down into a giggling embrace. The treehouse gave the loudest groan yet, and the two of them shared a concerned look. "Okay, I vote we get out of here before this thing collapses with us inside of it," Reggie proposed. Luke nodded and the two of them scrambled down the ladder.
No sooner were they on the ground and half way back to Reggie's house when the treehouse creaked and with a shuddering BOOM, fell into pieces, littering the yard. Luke and Reggie watched the frame tumble to the ground with sober expressions.
"Well that's the end of an era," Luke commented.
Reggie reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers. "That's okay, we can always build a new one. New era, new treehouse."
"So what now?" Luke asked, swinging their hands between them.
"Well unless that woke up my folks, I say we go inside, and call your mom. And tomorrow, you take me out on our first date," Reggie suggested.
Luke grinned, and leaned in to press a chaste peck to Reggie's cheek, then started pulling him towards Reggie's window. Giddy for what was to come, even with their past in a crumbling mess behind them, Luke had nothing but hope for the future.
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buckthegrump · 5 years
Falling Slowly - 11
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Summary: A story of love
Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count: 1560
Warnings: Angst, people being assholes, and fluff
A/n: if you want to be tagged please send me an ask, Previous parts on my masterlist.
The next morning you checked your phone to see a text from Steve.
Steve: Let's do something today.
You: Like what?
Steve: As long as it’s not me sitting in my room dying of bored I don’t care.
You sat there and thought for a while of what could possibly be around that you could do.
You: There’s a bowling alley/arcade a mile or so from here.
Steve: I’m down.
You got dressed and went to find your mom only to find her on the phone. She looked at you and put her hand on the receiver.
“I’m going to the bowling alley with Steve unless you have something planned?”
“No peanut that’s fine have fun.” She told you and then you heard her whisper to phone. “Wanda, she and Steve are going on a date.”
Of course, she was on the phone with Wanda, those two gossip more white women at brunch.
“It is not a date!” You call and walk out the door.
You drove you and Steve there and you started out with a game of bowling but quickly realized that you were both terrible at bowling. So you decided to hit the arcade instead.
“C’mon Steve you can do better than that!” He was in the middle of a pretty hard game and you yelling at him probably wasn’t helping but you had a bet. You bet that you would be better at games overall and he bet that he would be. The prize was the biggest stuffed animal you could get with the tickets.
“It doesn’t help that you're yelling at me.” He was very concentrated on the screen. That’s when you saw the very last person you wanted to see.
“Shit, shit, shit, what the fuck is he doing here?” You said under breath and hid behind the game that Steve was playing.
“Y/n?” Steve looked around and you pulled him behind the game. “What is happening?”
“Brock is here.”
“He’s here?” He looked around. “I found him. I’m gonna go kick his ass.” You grabbed his arm to stop him.
“No. Lets just ignore him.” You walked out from behind the game with all the courage you could muster up at that moment.
“Well, well, well, look who it is.” That was not Brock’s voice. You turned only to come face to face with Alexander.
“Alexander.” You glared at him.
“You know my good friend Brock right?” He had a smug smile on his face. Brock suddenly appeared next to Alex and your breath got caught in your throat.
“Yeah we have a class together and once I realized it was you I just had to text Alex here and tell him that I was going to school with someone who he dated in high school.” Brock smiled at you, they paid no attention to Steve who was looking at you in concern.
“I wouldn’t call what we did dating.” You were forcing yourself to not kill both of them right then and there.
“Well, we did everything that people who date do. And then Brock said that you two were going on a date I reminded him of our history.” Now you were clenching every muscle in your body and trying to take deep breaths to calm you down.
“Well, it was good seeing both of you. We’re going.” You grab Steve to leave.
“Oh and look is this your boyfriend? Does he know about the sex tape that you tried to make without my knowing about?” Alexander asked.
“Judging by the shocked look on his face you failed to mention that. What kind of relationship do you expect to get if it’s built on lies.” Brock said and then he gave you a sinister smile.
You’d had enough so you turned around and punch brock in the face,  Brock doubled over in pain and it shocked Alex, for good measure you punched Alex in the face too.
You had been taking MMA classes for most of your life and taught some in the summer when you lived at home so if you were ready to fight them but before you could you felt an arm wrap around your waist and you were pulled away from those two men. Steve finally released you outside next to your car.
“What the hell dude I could have taken them.” The adrenaline was still pumping throughout your body.
“Yeah, I don’t doubt it. What the hell was that?”
“What?” You basically yelled still a little hyped up.
He looked worried and impressed. “Where the hell did you learn that?”
“I took MMA and now I teach it in the summer.”
“Remind me to never piss you off.” He said and that made you laugh. By now you had mostly calmed down from that almost fight. “Does anyone else know that you can probably kick everyone’s ass?”
“Why would they?” You asked him. “Besides, being able to kick someone’s ass is 70% physically being able to and 30% them not realizing that you can kick their ass.”
“Alright let's get out of here before some angry parent comes and yells at us.”
“Most of the kids in there take my summer class and have been begging to fight someone but where would you like to go? There’s not much to do here since they closed the skating rink.”
“Let’s just go watch Netflix or something.”
“Sounds perfect.” You said and got into your car and drove home. You sat on the couch at Steve’s house and fought over which movie to watch. You wanted to watch A Cinderella Story and he wanted to watch Supersize Me, you ended up winning. 
You’d only gotten to the part where the dad died when Steve shifted uncomfortably next to you. You looked over at him.
“What?” You asked.
“What did he mean ‘sex tape’?” Steve whispered.
You looked back to the TV, you’d been hoping that he’d forget about that but who forgets about a bomb like that. You paused the movie and took a deep breath.
“Senior prom we were going to have sex,” you started, “we didn’t. But when he thought we were going to, ya know, he needed proof so he set up a camera to get it.”
The silence that followed was deafening. You looked over to him to find him with his fists clenched and eyes closed.
“I -”
“You don’t have to worry about it, I’m over it.” It was kind of true, but you still kept it to yourself most of the time, so why was it so easy to tell things like this to Steve?
“I should go back to the arcade and finish beating him up.”
You snorted. “As much as I would love to see that, we’re in the middle of a modern-day classic.”
You played the movie but you knew Steve was gauging your reaction to tonight. After a while, though you told him to pay attention to the movie and he did.
“Why is he being stupid?” Steve asked right after the dance scene.
“What’d you mean?”
“Well, he can obviously see what her hair color is so why is he being an idiot and not trying to be smarter about this.” Steve ranted.
“One time I was wearing makeup and this guy who I had known for like two years didn’t recognize me for like 20 minutes and the only reason he did finally recognize me was because he saw my best friend.” You look at him. “Men are idiots Steve.”
“Ok fair enough.” He turned back to the movie and stayed quiet until it ended and you fought again over what to watch. This pattern continued until you decided it was time to go home.
“Are we hanging out again tomorrow?” Steve asked you at your door. Even though you literally lived right next door, he insisted on walking you home. 
“Hmm, maybe I’ll have to check my schedule, but it’s looking good.”
“Nice, I’ll see ya then.” He said and he looked like he had more to say but stayed quiet.
“Bye.” You walked into your house.
“Later dude.” He said as you shut the door. You walked down the hall to the kitchen.
“So how was your night?” You turned to see your mother and Sarah sitting at the table.
“How long have you been here?”
“We’ve been here since you two kiddos got to our house and wanted to give you some privacy. So Joe went to the bar and was going to bring up more wine but he’s not back yet.” Sarah said, which explained why there was no one in her house with you and Steve.
“Ok well, I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Oh peanut, wait we want to hear about your date with Steve.” You mother gave you puppy eyes.
“Mom it wasn’t a date and it was fine.”
“Oh really so you didn’t punch anyone in the face today?” She cocked an eyebrow.
“Which parent called you?”
“Martha Rumlow.” Of course, Brock told his mom.
“Yikes. What did you say back?”
“I told her to suck my ass and that her son was a little twat.”
“LINDA!” Sarah said overdramatically.
“Well, I’m not wrong.” She and Sarah started talking about the other boys who were no good in this town so you snuck off to bed.
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A Snowman's Tale ✰
y/n’s POV
I was over at the Alvarez's, again, hanging in Alex's room. We walked into the living room to find Lydia, Elena, and Penelope, trying yet failing to act like they weren't just talking about one of us.
"Am I in trouble?" We asked at the same time
"No. We're just....thinking." Penelope lied, looking between the both of us
"Well, when you're done thinking, can I have. $100?" Alex asked
"What?" Penelope laughed, looking at Alex in disbelief
"I don't know. I need money for tonight, because me and my friends are going bowling, or miniature golfing, or to the arcade. I don't know, just give me $100!" He begged
"First of all, you need a plan. Second of all, I need to approve the plan. Third of all, is y/n going. Fourth of all, 100 bucks? That was funny." Penelope said, continuing to laugh at the outrageous amount of money he was requesting
"Stupid Finn keeps changing his mind." I said, angry with Alex's indecisive friend
"First, he invites Joaquin. Then, he has to invite Jade because he invited Joaquin. Then, she wants to bring JuJu and Casey and Maddie." Alex said, ranting and beginning walk off from the living room
"I don't know any of these people! We need to talk more!" Penelope yelled, watching her son walk off
"Are you going on a date?" I asked, once I saw Alex was completely out of site
"How did you know?!" She asked
"Uh.. mustache thing." I said, nervously pointing to her freshly walked upper lip
She threw her hands up, as I ran off. I know I wasn't supposed to tell Alex, because the women in his family were scared of how he might react.
"Yeah, I'm not gonna see him again." Alex and I heard Penelope say as we walked back into the living room, later that night.
I tried to cover his ears but he quickly swatted my hands off, glaring at me for almost ruining his styled hair.
"See who?" Alex asked his mom, intrigued what she was discussing
"I tried" I mouthed to Penelope, after she gave me a distressed look
"You didn't wanna give me a heads up that he was here?" Penelope asked, upset that Alex had heard what she said
"Heads up, Alex is here." I said, with a apologetic smile
"Wait, why are you wearing Abuelita's lipstick?" Alex asked, pointing to his mom's face
"Why do you know that?" Penelope asked, covering her mouth
"It's Scarlet Sunrise. Duh. And why are you all dressed up?" Alex asked, still trying to put the puzzle pieces together
"Alright, everyone out, so I can talk to Alex." Penelope said, shooing everyone out
We all started to leave, until she stopped me by grabbing my hand and pulling me back over
"You stay. I need someone to hold him down if he tries to swing." She said
I sighed, before sitting on the couch, not really wanting to be apart of their sealed family conversation.
"What happened to your face?" Penelope asked, scanning Alex's bruised face
"What happened to your face?" He retorted
She glared at him, instantly making him regret what he had said.
"I'm sorry. I was hanging out with my friends. It's hard to turn it off." He apologized
"Finn pushed him into a bush and he got scratched." I lied, answering Penelope's earlier question for him
"Why do you like that kid again? Because he seems like a—" Penelope started
"Like a dick?" We both asked
"Yes, but that's not okay that you two said that. Anyway, I wanna be straight with you. Tonight, I had a date." Penelope said
Alex leaned back, so I held him down thinking he was about to get up and run
"What the heck are you doing?" He asked, trying to remove himself from my grip
"Your mom told me to hold you down so you don't run off. I thought you were about to." I shrugged
"I'm not going to run off." He said, smacking me off
"Can't say I didn't try." I said
Penelope laughed, before telling us the story of how she walked out the restaurant before her date even got there.
"You walked out?" We asked, interrupting her story
"I don't want those gossiping hens to hear. But, yes. No one has asked me what I wanted in a long time, and I realized what I wanted wasn't a date." Penelope finished, with a happy smile
"Then what did you want?" Alex asked
"A crappy chick flick by myself. And a fro yo with three too many toppings. The kind that I make you and y/n split." She said
"Aw, man!" I said, "Now I'm hungry."
"Anyway, I sent the guy a text apologizing, but I want Abuelita to think that I went out with him, so that next time I don't get the third degree." Penelope said
"Next time?" Alex asked, confused ar to what she meant
"Yeah, because I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a next time at some point. Are you okay with that?" She asked, genuinely afraid about how Alex may react
"Yeah, I mean, I figured you would. After all, women in their late 30s are in their sexual prime." Alex said
"How do you even know that?" I asked
"Stop talking to Elena." Penelope said, realizing she'd be the only person to know something like that
"Tell her to stop talking to me! Anyway, dating is super weird." Alex said
"I know! I know...Why do you know?" She asked
"My dumb friends have been trying to get me and this girl, Anna, together." Alex said
"Anna?" I asked, furrowing my brows, unaware to that situation
He nodded, as Penelope turned to look at me with a small smile
"Oh, I see." She said
"So, what happened tonight was Finn made a plan. Then, everybody bailed on purpose so Anna and I could be alone." He groaned
"I don't remember that." I said, trying to remember when it happened
"You were in the bathroom." He said, making me nod
"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I whispered to myself
"Okay." Penelope said, encouraging him to continue his story
"I mean, I like Anna, but I don't really want a girlfriend. It was like everyone had something to say about it, but me." He said
"He likes Anna?" I whispered to myself, again, unaware of my best friend's feelings for a girl
"That's exactly how I felt. And you're right, dating is super weird, until it's not." Penelope smiled
"Anything else you wanna talk to me about?" She asked, happy that he was finally opening up with her
"Well, I kinda lied to you." He said
"Oh God, what is it? Did you steal something? Did you damage something? Did you pee on something cause you were mad and then later you were, like, "I shouldn't have done that?" She asked
"No! Who does that?" He said
"These are just general examples. What did you do?" She interrogated
"I didn't hurt my self because Finn pushed me. I tried to shave." He, embarrassingly, admitted
"Really? Oh, my God. It's all happening. So, you don't want a girlfriend, but you did wanna look nice." She asked, trying to evaluate the situation
"I guess. I used one of your razors and cut myself. I have no idea what I'm doing." He groaned
"I think I know someone who can help you out." She said
Penelope had gone to the bathroom with Alex to teach him how to shave. So, I just waited in his room wondering I should go home or not.
After a while, Alex came back to his room so we could watch our tv show.
"So, Anna?" I asked as he turned on the TV
"It's not big deal." He smiled
"Of course it is. Why do you like her?" I asked, wanting to know more about my friend's interests
"She smart, funny, pretty. I've just never really seen all of that in a girl, you know?" He said, sitting next to me
What he said hit me in the gut, but I ignored it and answered his confession with a supportive smile.
"Yeah. You know what, I think I'm going to go home. I don't feel too good." I said, coming up with an excuse and rushing out of his room without saying goodbye.
I walked through the living room, on my way out, when Penelope stopped me.
"Where are you going? I thought you and Alex were going to watch Netflix." She asked
"I'm not in the mood." I said, reaching for the door knob
"I know what this is about. Come sit down." Penelope said, patting the spot next to her on the couch
I put my backpack on the ground, and sat next to her, waiting to be uncomfortable or relieved
"You're jealous." She said
"Jealous of what?" I asked
"Of Anna." She said smiling
"Why would I be jealous of her? According to Alex, she's pretty, smart, funny. Something he's never seen in another girl." I said, looking down at my feet and absently swinging them
"y/n, I know what's happening and I think you do too. You're just scared to admit it." She said, rubbing my shoulder in comfort
"You think you like Alex, don't you?" She asked, after I didn't answer
"I- I don't know. I just don't like the way he was talking about another girl." I said, confused to the way I was feeling
"You know, when we moved here I thought Alex was going to have a really hard time making friends. But the day we moved in, I remember this tiny little white girl waltzing into the apartment, helping Alex move boxes. I remember he ran up to me excited, telling me he'd just found his best friend. So, even if Alex doesn't realize yet how great you are, I do." She said, hugging me close to her
"Thanks." I said, smiling and hugging her back +
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restitutorandom · 4 years
Fortnite De Manera Todavía Más Directa?
Respawn Entertainment ha anunciado que los dueños de Nintendo Switch que esperan saltar a Apex Legends tendrán que esperar un tanto más, ya que el puerto se ha retrasado hasta dos mil veintiuno. Lanzado en el mes de febrero de dos mil diecinueve, Apex Legends es de los pocos juegos capaces de permanecer en el corriendo contra los colosos del género Battle Royale gracias a un juego de ritmo rápido y una serie constante de actualizaciones. El desarrollador descubrió anteriormente planes para lanzar su juego Battle Royale en Nintendo Switch y Steam en EA Play este año, con planes más grandiosos para el juego cruzado en las diferentes plataformas. El juego funcionará tanto en Xbox Series X como en PlayStation 5 en el lanzamiento gracias a la compatibilidad con versiones anteriores, pero nunca se lanzó en una plataforma de Nintendo.
El lanzamiento de Steam del juego fue una sorpresa tan grande como la posibilidad de jugarlo sobre la marcha en Nintendo Switch. EA ha protegido su biblioteca contra la plataforma de Valve a lo largo de años, eligiendo en cambio crear un servicio de suscripción en su propia aplicación Origin. Con Epic Games surgiendo en el mercado de ordenador, EA estaba más presta a hacer un trato con Valve para llevar sus juegos a los clientes del servicio de Steam, y Valve acordó albergar la subscripción de EA Play como una suerte de compromiso. Otra victoria para la competencia en el mercado.
Relacionado: Apex Legends Fight or Fright dos mil veinte añade Wallrunning inspirado en Titanfall No hay una fuerza externa que empuje a Respawn a lanzar su juego en Nintendo Switch, además del hecho de que Switch sigue siendo un sitio muy popular para jugar. Todavía así, debido a lo que el director del juego de Apex Legends, Chad Grenier, llama un año de "nuevos desafíos inesperados", el lanzamiento de Switch se ha retrasado hasta un punto no concretado en dos mil veintiuno. Grenier asegura que el equipo está trabajando duro en el puerto y desea hacerlo. la justicia del juego en el hardware más limitado de Nintendo. Cuando llegue el puerto, se favorecerá de exactamente los mismos eventos en el juego que otros lanzamientos y el juego multiplataforma para garantizar que siempre y en todo momento haya ciertos guerreros esperando en la Frontera.
Hoy nos gustaría compartir una actualización rápida sobre los lanzamientos de Steam y Switch: https://t.co/TEqQfFF0GE pic.twitter.com/aMWZ7xdZaV
En lo que se refiere al lanzamiento de Steam, esa versión del juego va a llegar muy pronto. Los jugadores podrán zambullirse el cuatro de noviembre, que coincide con el inicio de la temporada 7 de Apex Legends. Ese evento asimismo traerá un nuevo personaje que reta la gravedad y hay cotilleos de que el mapa del juego cambiará a un área absolutamente nueva. Para este lanzamiento del juego, los jugadores no solo podrán jugar con amigos en otras plataformas, sino aquellos que ya hayan amontonado desbloqueos en el lanzamiento de Origin podrán trasferirlos a Steam sin esfuerzo.
Conseguir cualquier juego en línea importante lanzado en los últimos tiempos en Nintendo Switch es un logro en el diseño de juegos, con lo que es bastante difícil inculpar a Respawn Entertainment por retrasar la nueva versión de Apex Legends unos meses más. El equipo todavía parece dedicado a lanzar en la plataforma, puesto que querría decir que los jugadores podrían jugar sin importar qué consola o hardware de ordenador tengan. Después de eso, ¿podría la próxima meseta ser un lanzamiento móvil para competir con Fortnite de manera todavía más directa? Parece una apuesta a que vale la pena hacer.
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Siguiente: Apex Legends Champion Edition viene con máscaras legendarias y todas las leyendas Apex Legends ya está disponible para PS4, Xbox One y ordenador, y se lanzará en Nintendo Switch en dos mil veintiuno.
Fuente: Respawn Entertainment Noticias de juegos nintendo apex legends
Alex Santa Maria es un escritor, editor y crítico establecido en Sunshine State. Criado con una dieta saludable de gacetas de juegos en un centro LAN de Xbox, Alex es un entusiasta que ama los shooters, roguelikes y los juegos de estilo arcade. Tiene una obsesión malsana con las malas películas, un amor por la década de 1980 y las habilidades para amontonar una puntuación alta en la mesa de pinball local. Cuando no esté cubriendo las últimas noticias en Screen Rant, puede encontrar su firma en un número creciente de zonas web, incluidas GameRevolution, TechRaptor, Mandatory y WrestleZone.
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infinitypool · 7 years
Chapter 2  -  Run-off "How's the arm tiger." Aidan woke to see Sarah's coy face looking back at him from beside his hospital bed. "Pretty good..." He said. The hospital bed was very high up and the height almost matched the window frame, so Aidan could see clearly outside of the window, Oahu was jolting with tourists as usual, markets, arcades and the thickly overly paved streets, the ancient cracks in between where cement should have been were filled with sand, he forgot how much he loved the quaint little town, you could see the wind bracing the palm trees outside as a pelican was somewhat firmly nested sitting on top of the tree, was woken from its slumber by some noise and flew away. His arm lay in a cast beside him , a marked cast, which someone had basically defaced with black stripes "Rick"... Aidan noticed his handwriting, luckily the two other petite signatures stretched across the top of his bandaged arm that were scribbled over it it were much more conservative and so he decided to let it go for the moment. "Its kind of early to see pelicans don't you think,"Alex said as she looked outside of the window, the fish migrations patterns aren't usually around here this time of year so that guy’s kind of far off from Kauai. "Well, Marlin the clownfish needs to find Nemo sometime dontcha think". Truman said with a bolt of surmise. Rick laughed as Alex paused. "What was the pelicans name again? Sarah asked. "I think it was George." Truman said unsurely. “And they were also in Australia Truman, that joke is geographically challenged.”Sarah said. "Oh really, well did you know this is actually Finding Nemo 3, they lost him again " Aidan laughed. "Well I thought jokes were supposed to have detailed complex layers." Sarah chimed."its reall- "EVERYBODY HUSH" Alex interrupted. "Were going to address why were all here." She said as she pointed at Aidan. Aidan stopped mid laugh. "Now I'm not going to tell him anything cause I already know why he was being an idiot so- "Wait a minute!, I have the right to defend my-” "No" Alexandra interrupted," You dont, you know why you hurt yourself, but i don't think you realize how important of a lesson this presents" And whats that lesson? "Always wear a para...OW" Sarah hit Truman before he could finish. Everybody else in the room remained silent looking at Aidan with a sort of guilt almost, dwelling in the obvious truth. "Well I'm still alive !,"he said with a bolt of passion. "Like it’s not the worse thing that could have happened... my bones will grow back. "Slowly." Alex said as she pried open the cable box. “Huh?” Aidan said "They'll grow back SLOWLY. " She said as she plugged in a computer board to the cable box and like magic, a cartoon slowly glimmered its way onto the television screen. Aidan flinched.. “Actually if someone hadn’t had been talking to me while I was cl… Alexandra quickly bolted a stare at him and he corrected himself. ..She caught me off guard. " She would have caught anyone off guard. Sarah scoffed. "...Anyone?" she said as she gleamed at Rick jealously. "I mean, not like that, its not like I find her... that attractive when it all comes down to it. Everyone sighed. "I mean in like summation,” he said. Everyone went along ignoring Ricks pleas. “Like in totality… you know" Alexandra chuckled. "Ok..ok..... She’s average at best ." "That's BULLSHIT!" Truman yelled. “We both know damn well y-"Suddenly curtains behind them were pulled back to show a disgruntled nurse. COULD YOU GUYS PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN ?! she beckoned, "this isn't your school yard, ok." Alex scoffed. "I don't get payed enough for this" she whispered to herself as she turned around to help the other patient. Truman scoffed. "Id pay to you fairly to let me suck on them ti-" Sarah quickly covered his mouth before he could finish. The nurse turned around furiously to see Aidan covering his mouth from the bubbling laughter. Rick did the same while he coughed into his shoulder and let out a chuckle. Alexandra glared at Truman with a look of disbelief. She angrily stomped out of the room, her face completely in remorse as she whispered to herself. "Fucking delinquents" Sarah slapped the shit out of Truman. “Ow! What!" Said Truman Be respectful" Sarah said as she recoiled her palm He did deserve that. Aidan thought. “Oh so I’m the rude one now?!” Truman refuted. Yes?! Alex said surely. Truman scoffed as they both revved up again and went on a rant to side. Rick walked across the other side of the room, to the adjoining hospital patient bed to see who it was and just stopped. "Well fuck." He said, as pulled the curtain in the middle of the room abruptly to the side. The group went silent. Everyone looked over to see Claire, in an adjoining hospital bed. “Well at least you have a swell roommate,” he said jokingly. Aidan eyed the following bed. She looked tired and muffled alone in her sleep as she turned over on her side of the bed, the covers crumpled up at the end of the bed. "Jesus" Alexandra exclaimed. Claire's bare ass cheeks had clapped into view together, bare and in glorious view as she lay still again... Everyone watched without a word. Aidan blushed. Rick stood in awe. Alexandra was flustered. "So how long are you staying here again?” Truman chimed Sarah slapped him again across the face. Aidan and Victor sat down at the table in the hospitals cafeteria. Wait so she doesn't have any parents? said Victor fretfully The cafeteria was dim, the smell of processed meat and bread overwhelmed the area and the cafeteria was quite mellow, lit by the sun shining through the swaying palm trees. "They died in a plane crash from Honolulu 3 months ago,” said Officer Deacons. I would probably have been an entirely different person if my parents had died so suddenly; hell I probably wouldn't even be able to think straight, let alone live. Aidan thought to himself. Claire did, so much as everyone does, found out one day and didn't even flinch, "She was already a foster child, and was living with her parents for a couple of years in Sakanawga, her foster parents had to tell her the news because they felt like she should've known. She's been wandering around the island ever since. We've gotten a lot of reports of her trespassing, and this marks the twelfth disturbance this week" Deacon said with a pitiful tone. " Sounds like one serious trend of delinquency " Victor coined "Still doesn't beat your kerfuffle with Mr. Colhem on the beach a while ago " Aidan remarked. Victor's mouth halted open as he slowly realized his own sense of hypocrisy. Officer Deacon cleared his throat and pressed on. "I'm well aware of your record Mr.Mcdaniels, this isn't even close to how pressing of a matter that was, just tedious ".With Claire it's just the same thing over and over again. Trespassing then loitering . I haven't arrested her yet because no one really has given any serious complaints about it or even gotten hurt, ... "until now." The officer raised his finger toward Aidan. Aidan looked at officer Deacon and quickly down to his signed cast.... It wasn't that bad.... he thought to himself Why though? Victor asked. "Well like I said no ones gotten hurt, so there's been no legitimate means to bring her in, just bring her home and tell her foster parents.." "No, I mean has she been diagnosed with anything? asked Victor I don't really know, she's been an enigma when it comes to any type of possible prognosis ; I would assume it's just her way of coping. Makes no type of sense to anyone down at the station. We drug test her every time and she's completely clean. Every time. Aidan chuckled. "You ever try moving her to another foster home?" Get her new foster parents? asked Victor "We could never get her to talk about anything about herself so we just decided it was easier to bring her home and wait for the next time" said the officer. But that is an interesting thought. Victor paused and thought for a moment. Aidan's eyes wandered across the room in a perplexed array of emotions. "She seemed to gravitate toward your pool after a long time of wandering though" Officer Deacon sighed. "and the thing is she actually did seem to be at an odd sort of peace before we started to drive away, relaxed actually. "And then it came to me,the thought, What if she stayed with you guys" Victor halted for a minute, and looked at Aidan, eager and clearly excited about the thought . "She could actually live in the guest house shed..." Aidan said posing the thought to himself. Officer Jenkins looked anxiously at Victor, "Would you want to?" he said. "She doesn't talk much, we had her in custody for a couple hours; and the entire time she kind just kept looking around like a lost puppy." If she doesn't talk that much, then why did she talk to me? Aidan thought. "She really is like a lost puppy though ... Aidan thought and then stopped. Actually wait she's more like a blithering fucking firecracker, I almost broke my arm, God knows what type of bad influence she might be if she lived across the pool from me." Aidan recoiled and looked at his father." Actually..." " Alright " Victor Interrupted. "Could you have her foster parents send over the paper work?. "Of Course," Mr. Deacon grinned hopefully, "I'm sure if I explained the situation to her foster parents they would gladly be open to it if Claire insisted on it." She's too much trouble to try to hammer down for that long anyway; and we have much more pressing matters to deal with this year you know, with the Festival coming up, and it would probably keep her out of our hands for a very long time. But before I leave I'm actually legally abided as an officer to ask if you're going to want press charges against her. Aidan paused "what?" "Do you want to press charges?" said Officer Jenkins Aidan thought about it for a second, and then looked at his father ...Victor looked back at him with a look that said all too well. "Let it go". Aidan looked out the window..... It really wasn't that bad , he wasn't playing any sports in high school so it wouldn't change that much,the doctor said it wasn't a serious fracture and would probably heal in couple of months... not to mention when his mother would come back eventually she would bring all types of hell down on him if he actually had brought any of it to court, especially over something so petty. The refurbished country club was almost finished and he knew that any type of drama that could be attached to it wouldn't be worth the trouble. So do you want to go through with it? the officer repeated Aidan turned back at the officer. "We're good" Aidan said with a smile. And from then on , I had always wondered if he had planned on getting rid of Claire as he quick as he possibly could have despite even knowing Victor personally for years , it was all such a weird phenomena to begin with.
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