momentsxsilence · 7 years
You are worth every word of love. Worth every good deed, worth every smile, every tear of joy. You are worth the suns rays and the warm air, you are worth the happiness and the laughter. You are worth everything good and beautiful. You are anything but worthless. Spread some love around.
i ?? dead ass cried?? like i don’t think you realize how much i needed this? thank you??????? i love you?????
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caitsnow · 7 years
alexdanvers-rp replied to your post: I managed to lose my goddamn login so I’ve now...
Just don’t lose your diary lol
Girl I knowwwwwww
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sunveiins-archive · 7 years
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It wasn’t everyday that he got some coffee with a friend so Winston was more than thrilled to meet up with Alex on a Tuesday morning. “Alex!” he exclaimed with a wide grin, standing up to give the woman a hug. “It’s been far too long, how are you?”
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marsdinarchive · 7 years
alexdanvers-rp replied to your post: why is the verification email taking so long
Have you checked your spam folder?
many times. no matter how many times i refresh it isn’t there
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp gets a plotted starter!
Charlie had been here for several months now, in National City. It wasn’t exactly planned, but so far she had been working on finding her place - she had a tiny little apartment of her own and was doing her best to find a good job, the best she had managed though was helping out in this small shop. It was nice enough, but it wasn’t exactly a steady job yet, barely covering her rent so far. But she was happy enough, quickly learning Coffee orders and smiling as she spoke to a few customers that she had come to learn the names of.
It had already been a bit of long day and it was a little hard to keep her chipper mood as she fought to not roll her eyes at one of her co-workers that was quite the flirt. She was a little distracted when she heard someone cry out - a Coffee Scald. Charlie moved quickly to help the poor woman - fighting not to show on her face - clearly it was a bad burn - no doubt Andrew had boiled the water a little too hot for drinking again.
“Are you okay?! Oh stupid question - of course you aren’t okay.” She held out a cloth, turning around to her co-worker as she called out for some ice, at this same time her hand moved - brushing against the woman's injured  hand, “I’m so sorry about this - you’d think he’d know the right temperature by now but clearly he doesn’t.” She was talking, not realizing what she had just done - her touch was light but her instincts kicked in - sensing the pain and acting without thought.
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momentsxsilence · 7 years
[ text: Maggie]: I think I’m going to retire and become a hermit. //im thinking from a hungover alex
some meme i think?
[ text : danvers ]: a hermit huh?[ text : danvers ]: not even gonna live in the house with me?
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chaosthxory · 7 years
[drunk text] Please don’t hate me I’m too tired and too dizzy to be hated
[text: AD] I don’t recall saying I hate you
[text: AD] are you drunk?
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uuonderuuoman-blog · 7 years
Do you want to build a snowman? Kara & Alex
“The Fortress of Solitude is not living up to its name,” Kara said with an exasperated sigh as she lifted the key from beneath the snow. Like most weather on Earth, the cold didn’t bother her much, but she could see each of Alex’s breaths. 
“Having the Evil Queen--” which was how she thought of Mon El’s mother “--break in was the last straw. I need help to make security better.” She knew Winn might’ve been a better companion for that mission, but she wasn’t really there about the security. Kara was there to be alone with her sister to stop hurting about losing Mon El. 
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sunveiins-archive · 7 years
“Hey Alex, come look at this,” she said to her fellow co-worker as her eyes widened at the sight of what was on her screen. Robyn was on moderating duty once more and it was proved to be a very boring job for nothing weird ever really popped up on the screen -- except for now. “I don’t think that desert has ever had high levels of radiation and just look at it now,” Robyn explained, her eyebrows furrowing. “The place looks like its a hot spot.”
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ofstardustandsteel · 7 years
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. | literally always accepting this meme. 
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alexdanvers-rp replied to your post: WHO IS NAMING THEIR CHILD PETAL I NEED TO KNOW
Honestly, I saw some one asking on the yahoo ask thing once if snowball rose was a good name, and I don’t think they were even trolling. So petal … is not so bad
SNOWBALL ROSE im ..... i just saw rosie posey presented as a possible name so i don’t even know what’s goin on rn
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momentsxsilence · 7 years
Thank you for existing. You make me smile. Send this to people who you think deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox. 💖
aw thank you darling !! this is really cute !! you make me smile too i love seeing you around !!
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counselorbennet · 7 years
☯ ☀ ✉ ✖
☯ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation? I’m pretty sure I tend to be peacekeeper in most situations because I do that wit my family irl so of course I do it online.
☀ What's your rp pet peeve? Anytime anyone doesn’t rp with OC’s or includes the word “Mary Sue” ANYWHERE in their rules page just because they don’t think any oc is good. Like, if you’ve had a bad experience with one I get it but just blanket hating oc’s for no reason is shitty.
✉ A fandom that you feel is open and accepting? The Star Trek fandom is the only fandom that I feel is MORE nice people than shitty people. Any other rp fandom tat I have been in on this site tends to be more the opposite. DO NOT go near the Supernatural rp fandom with a ten foot pole. Don’t fuckin do it. I also avoid the X-Men fandom as much as I can (I had a BAD experience), and Marvel can be toxic too.
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started? Okay listen up ya’ll. I started rp’ing on tumblr in the year 2k11 and hoooo boy we didn’t even have a proper NOTES SYSTEM. So really, all ya’ll have gotten so fucking extra with your themes and your fancy fuckin text like calm tf down and enjoy iiiit.
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lxna--lxthor-blog · 7 years
Maggie bounded into the shared apartment excitedly, the door shutting behind her as she fluttered the tickets in between her fingers. Independence Day was coming up soon and it was with enthusiasm that she bought tickets for a firework show on the lake nearest National City. Alex hadn’t mentioned any plans for her and Kara so Maggie had taken that as an unspoken okay in her schedule, baring any Supergirl emergencies of course. Tickets in hand, she set aside a time in her own schedule where she could spring the surprise on Alex. Coming home earlier than intended tonight, she found Alex in the kitchen making something. A grin sneaking onto her features, she grabbed the woman by the waist, sure that Alex knew it was her, and pressed a kiss in hello to the woman. “Hey, baby.” 
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sunveiins-archive · 7 years
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so ya girl just got photoshop back and spent half an hour making this!! i’m hype yall! also i did this instead of homework and im not even mad.
so i’ve had this blog for a really long time but i just recently felt actually good and comfortable writing on here and i’ve been able to interact with so many amazing people?? i’m honestly blessed?? i wanted to make a not-so little post about how much i appreciate everyone on this stupid site so thank you so much!! 
literal babes!! y’all are such lovelies 
@badlandswrites | um hi wow jas you literally keep me sane sometimes i love you and our bbies so much? eddie & sawyer please fuck me up? therapist!winston and arden are so funny?? i can’t wait to do more with you darling!! you are such a ray of sunshine and i think you forget that sometimes so please just know that i’m always here for you and you’re the best! i love you. 💛
@spacequeenwrites | nancy i’m so so glad that we still talk prp was my life for a hot few years and you were such a big part of it. you and your characters are so amazing and you are so cool?? what the heck?? anyways i love you i can’t wait to write more with you.
@hurricxnc | WHERE DO I EVEN START?? bella holy shit you are an absolute angel. you are honestly so funny and caring so thank you for brightening my day?? zoey & wyatt make me cry a lot and most of our conversations are us screaming about them and tbh i wouldn’t have it any other way.
@callmcmj | let me just start off by saying thank you?? dottie you are such a wonderful person and unapologetically amazing at everything you do. you are so passionate about mj and the well being of others and i just wish there were more people like you because we need that!! you’re awesome as hell and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. i’m shook. 
@emborn / @softlybruiised | KASEY I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH YOU DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND!! i was looking at the amount of threads we have rn and wow there are so many i’m honestly sorry but you’re a DOLL. our ships and broships give me a lot of feelings and i’m so excited to see where everything goes. you are talented and lovely and yes wow i love everything. 
@speedxandxnetflix | kayla the amount of appreciation and love i have for you is overwhelming!! you write such an awesome barry and all of our plots never cease to amaze me?? barry and robyn are my absolute bbies and so are you!!
@corriewrites | CORRIE!!! okay we’ve only been writing together for like a short amount of time but these kids are gonna be the fucking end of me i’m so excited. you are such a darling and yes it’s gonna be lit. 
more people that are the best in every way possible thank you for making my existence on this hellhole bearable. (even if we don’t write together too often (or at all) seeing you on my dash makes me happy tbh!) 💛💛💛
@spidcrboy | @fullofhcart | @petiteaile | @silkspidcr | @antagonistics | @sewngore | @missgwendolyne | @formidablesouls | @maraonlaidre | @alexdanvers-rp | @enneads | @souvexirs | @unforgettablc | @commedias | @100lcttcrs | @bellepens | @starletwrites | @allwehaveislcve
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