keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
“It’s cool.” Alex said, referring to the object that had been levitating moments before. “As long as you’re not throwing an cars around, we’re good here.” The longer Alex spent with Charlie, the less she felt that she was any kind of threat. She started to think that maybe she should leave her to get on with her day, and choose to forget that she had witnessed anything out of the ordinary. She certainly didn’t feel like arresting her, taking her into the DEO, when she hadn’t done anything wrong but be different.
“Metahuman is a word that we sometimes use. It basically just means that your genetics are slightly altered to those of a regular human. I haven’t been able to research the metagene thoroughly enough to have a full grasp of the matter, but I do have some basic understanding.” Alex smiled, hoping that her knowledge and understanding would be somewhat reassuring.
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A slight chuckle, a hint of a laugh was the reaction that came to the comment about throwing cars around, “Honestly I’m not even sure if I could do that - it is something curious though. Maybe one day I will find out if I can actually do that.” She gave a small smile, a shrug of her shoulders as she tucked the object away again. It was almost funny that her day had ended up with her here, it had been years since she had allowed someone to know this side of her - this secret that she kept hidden about herself. Such a large and important part of who she is. 
Charlie nodded, interested in hearing about what Alex was saying, “That makes sense. From what I know at least. Which isn’t much actually - I mean, I could tell you about what I can do and how I control it - how it feels, but what causes it - what makes it happen.. that I’m not sure about.”
 It was reassuring really, that there were others like her - that people, that there were people who knew more - who didn’t actually want to use her or hurt her. “Do you know others? Others like.. me? That can do what I can do?” She was curious now - her fear having dimmed to almost non-existent now.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
“Right.” Alex gave a nod of  her head, having understood everything that Charlie had told her.  She looked at the ground briefly,  as Charlie’s words all but confirmed that her impulsive decision to take chase had caused Charlie to lose control. “Alex.”  She said, bringing her glance back up to Charlie. She motioned a hand towards herself as she told Charlie her name, as though it wasn’t already obvious what she had meant. It was the least she could offer Charlie, her name in exchange for her own. Her eyes flitted towards the object that Charlie was floating, but said nothing, only frowning slightly. Part of her wondered if it was meant as some kind of threat, to remind Alex of the power that she held. However, since Charlie didn’t appear to be showing any signs of aggression, Alex decided that wasn’t the case and did her best to ignore it. “I know a great deal about aliens, yes. Metahumans? Not so much.”
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It was a strange thing, to feel like it was almost okay to actually speak these things out loud. Since the moment she got away from her father - she had hid. Hid what she could do, hid who she was from the world. As if she herself was meant to remain a secret. The hint of a smile curls at her lips as the other woman introduces herself. Having a name to go with this new face, it was far more calming than just knowing her as a complete stranger - even if there was still little she knew about her.
“Its.. a comfort.” She nodded to her hand, “Usually I can only do this at home. No one.. no one really knows what I can do. If it bothers you, I can stop.” Her hand moves to stop the object, not wanting to make Alex uncomfortable. But it was the words that were spoken after that grabbed Charlie’s attention.
A look of confusion flooded her face, the small object stopping and dropping back into her palm as she speaks up softly, “Metahuman... is that what I am?” It was almost innocent, a push of curiosity. She had never been referred to by that name before - always called something else. Gifted, special.... unique. But never truly knowing why or having an actual name that others would use. If there were others like her.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
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You don’t have to be jealous anymore.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
“Not an alien?” There was a sharpness to Alex’s question. Aliens she knew about, or could at least usually find information about. Metahumans, though, were a whole other kettle of fish. The only other true metahuman that Alex had come across was Livewire, and she had proven a very difficult woman to contain. Although Charlie appeared to be passive, Alex didn’t quite trust her. Trusting people was dangerous, and something that Alex never did without good reason. “You can relax. I’m not working for anyone that wishes you harm. Technically speaking, I only followed you out of curiosity. I shouldn’t have done that, and I can only apologise. As for the healing,” Alex held up her previously injured hand, inspecting it, looking for any signs of injury but failing to see any, still a little in awe of what Charlie had been able to do. “Thanks. That scald hurt like hell. The Telekinesis?” She took a breath, then spoke tentatively,  “You’re gonna have to try and work on that.”
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Charlie shook her head slightly, “No.. I’m not an alien.” She heard the sharpness in the other womans voice, it made her unsure on if she should continue talking. In all honesty she probably could easily get away and disappear without much trouble on her part. But running, running meant leaving everything she had built - it meant never returning to National City. The place that was now more or less a home - she even had a few tentative friends here, something she hadn’t had since she was very young. 
“I.. I’m Charlie.” She spoke her name quietly, this woman - she already knew her biggest secret, giving a name was a simple thing and if she was going to talk about her secret with her, well at least knowing her name would make it a little less awkward. Still she was obviously worried, and her worries showed even as she gave a small smile when Alex explained why she had followed her, “I.. I understand I guess. But to be honest - usually my telekinesis is under better control - I haven’t had a loss of control like that in years, not since I...", she paused before shaking her head quickly once more, “Not since I left - home.” the word was a struggle to push out, it hadn’t been a home - not really, but when she was younger - it was what she had. 
“The.. healing, that I don’t always have control over. Its complicated, but its almost like my subconscious senses someones pain and the tiniest brush of contact - it seeks out the pain and tries to fix it.” She understood her abilities, and she knew her reason for the loss of control with her telekinesis was partly from a bit of a panic attack - the thought that this woman worked for her father had caused her emotions to lose control and panic to set in. But she was calmer now, even as she glanced around the alley before green eyes settled back on the woman, “I was born with these abilities. Not everyone who has known have been... accepting.. of how I am.” It probably wasn’t the best word, or the most accurate - but it was the closest she had that she wished to speak of. 
  As she spoke, she pulled her hand from her pocket, in her grasp was a small object - without thinking about it, she turned it over several times before letting it float above her palm, lightly playing with the object no larger than a small ball, “You seem to be more aware than others of... differences, such as mine.” Her voice was more curious, while she was wary - she was also aware that she should know more about who this woman was - she knew of aliens in more than just being aware of them and the rules in place. It wasn’t something Charlie had come across before.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
Alex did follow Charlie into the alleyway. Her concern was  apparent. The young  woman had    the  ability  to heal, but Alex had just witnessed that she also had an ability that could potentially harm; an ability that she didn’t appear to have good control over. Alex realised that she  perhaps shouldn’t have followed in the first place and that in doing so she may have aggravated the situation. She also felt, that after witnessing telekinesis she had no choice but to pursue - she had to know that no one was in danger.    “Are you registered?” Alex kept some distance from Charlie, aware that she was in a dangerous predicament. She held her ground, though, as she didn’t get the impression that there was any hostility in Charlie’s actions. Her hands were clasping her hips, a pose that had becoming something of a habit. At first, when she had been taught that the post was an authoritative one, the action had been a conscious one. Being a woman, she had had to fight hard to prove so many men wrong. She had fought to prove that she was worth her salt. She’d had to prove it to herself as well as others. Now, though, it was second nature because she knew that she was a force to be reckoned with. She was in charge. She took control. It was who she had become. Sometimes she faked it. She got scared, just like everyone else. At that moment she wasn’t scared, just nervous as she was dealing with an unknown, unpredictable entity. She didn’t show those nerves though.        “You don’t need to be living in hiding. The Alien Amnesty Act …” Alex stopped talking, narrowed her eyes slightly. Her following words became nothing but a heavy breath; a breath full of frustration  as she realised that she should know better than anyone that the Alien Amnesty Act hadn’t protected anyone, only causing more aliens to be on the national registry - a registry that her father had stolen and used to help Cadmus try to deport aliens. “I’m sorry you feel the need to hide.” She said gently. “But I need to know that you’re in control.” Her head tilted back a little, tin jutting out - making her look more confident than she actually felt. “Until I know for sure you’re not a danger to anyone, I’m not letting you out of my sight.” There was no anger in her tone. She was merely stating a fact.
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Charlie quickly moved, leaning back against a wall as she tried to focus her mind. Her thoughts were everywhere - her worries and fears running rampant as she tried to calm herself, breathing slowly as her hands clenched into fists, resting against her legs. She hadn’t lost control over this in so long, not since she got away from her father - then again, she hadn’t ended up with someone witnessing what she could do either. She shook her head slowly, looking up as she tried to make sense of what the other woman had just said. 
She was calming now, while the woman clearly was standing her ground - she didn’t appear to want to cause her harm. Still - Charlie would remain on guard as she stood back up, confusion on her face as she stared back at the woman, trying to make sense with everything. Alien. It hit her quickly, and her face showed her realization  - this woman thought she was an alien. But she wasn’t - at least not that she was aware of - then again. She had been treated much like one when she was younger, by her own fathers hands no less.
The thought of her father, made green eyes quickly close - forcing herself to keep calm. Before she looked back up, her voice soft - much calmer now when she spoke.
“I.. I’m not an Alien..but I am hiding. There is... someone I am hiding from though or.. maybe more than just one person. I’m not sure anymore... ” She waved her hand lightly, glad to feel herself in control again as she spoke - her back still pressed against the cool wall as she spoke. “It.. Its why I got upset. I’ve been hiding for so long from them.. I .. I thought you might be working for him - its why I lost control back there. Honestly.. I’m usually pretty in control of my Telekinesis - the healing.. not as much though - obviously.” She gestured lightly to the others now healed hand with a faint twitch of her lips.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
talk 2 me about characters learning how to be cared about
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
The second that Charlie made to get away, Alex’s suspicions were aroused. In her experience people who weren’t up to no good didn’t try to run away. People who had nothing more to hide weren’t evasive. She wondered what more Charlie could possibly have to hide.  Added to curiosity she decided to pursuit the young woman.  Alex moved quickly, despite having to maneuver her way around other customers.
Alex halted as she exited, scanning the horizon for Charlie, soon sighting her and catching up, sprinting easily. Alex was fast. She had to be in her line of work to stay alive. She had to be fastest of course. Faster than most of her colleagues. She still haboured a constant desire to be the best at everything she did. There was still a small part of her, though it didn’t happen often, that felt kind of smug whenever she was able to best her sister at anything. Of course, whenever she beat anyone who wasn’t Kara, she didn’t even try to quell that smugness.
“You’re fast.” She said, slightly out of breath, as she caught up with Charlie, moving alongside her. “But I’m faster. Agent Danvers, Secret Service.” She said, not bothering to show her identification. “You’re not in any trouble. Thank you, by the way. Honestly, I’m just curious.” Alex admitted, knowing she didn’t actual have any grounds on which to take Charlie in. She hadn’t done anything wrong.
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It had been a long time since she had run. At least running from her problems - but this was different. It was her life - the life she had built was crumbling, at least that was how her mind was seeing it. She had been hidden for several years now, hiding her abilities - and now here she was slipping up stupidly. For all she knew this woman might know her father or someone just as messed up as he was. She was in a panic. Her mind a blur or worries and fears. 
But she wasn’t as fast. And before she had time to try and calm herself down - there she was. That same woman she had helped - that she had revealed herself to without even thinking about it. Green eyes widened as her eyes as she spoke - her own mouth opening and then closing again, there was a hint of fear in her own eyes. Her hands shaking slightly as she took a few steps away from her.
“I.. I’m glad I helped you but.. I shouldn’t have done that. I really shouldn’t have.” She spoke differently now - no longer as carefree, not teasing and certainly far more afraid than she had back in the coffee shop, “Look... I’m not sure who you work for exactly... but you..” a pause - she could say she couldn’t tell - but that wasn’t the truth, she could very well tell people but god Charlie hoped that she wouldn’t.. “Just please don’t tell anyone about me.” 
She was afraid. There was no hiding it, she was down right terrified but not for the reasons most people would think. Charlie was scared for her own reasons, and being scared - well, that caused problems of there own. Her eyes widened as she saw a car parked nearby begin to shake and the tiers lifted off the ground. “Oh no...Shit. Shit.” The word came out again as she clenched her hands into fists, her body tensing as green eyes dart around before she jolted back, stepping into an alleyway - almost certain the woman would follow.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
im obsessed w physical closeness, romantically….not even sexually just if u date me it’s all hugging all the time we are gonna lay in bed and im gonna cuddle w u, we will stand in the kitchen and i will stand hip to hip w u, u will sit on the couch and i will stroke your hair and kiss your forehead….it’s so intoxicating as a concept
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
“ It’s fine. It’s not your fault. But, maybe if he spent less time flirting and more time doing his job.” There was a slight edge to Alex’s voice, caused more by trying to ignore the pain than any real anger. She didn’t really care if the barista who had served her heard, sure that if he had of been concentrating, rather than staring into her eyes, the accident would never have occurred. Alex wasn’t one to be angered by accidents, when there was so many people in the world purposefully causing harm. An accident she could usually brush off. However the scalded area, already red and starting to blister, hurt. Even now, it felt as though someone was holding a hot poker to the area. Such a small patch, yet the pain was searing. It made Alex’s eyes water. Which was ridiculous really, considering she had made it through much worse injuries. Already tired, Alex had no time for men attempting to charm her, and the scald had just been the icing on top of the cake. 
As Charlie’s fingers brushed against the scald, Alex instinctively winced, inhaling sharply, as she expected more pain. It didn’t hurt, though. The touch felt cooling, soothing even. Alex glanced down at the wound, then her eyes lifted back up to Charlie’s face once she saw the scalded skin was completely healed. “That’s something I’ve never seen before.” Alex sounded a little impressed - awestruck, even. She tried to think of an alien race that had healing powers, but none would come to mind. She felt a little excited, as she wondered if she was face to face with a race of alien not yet known to Earth.
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Charlie shook her head, she couldn’t believe that Andrew still even had a job here - the amount of times the guy flirted with not just customers but Charlie herself, it drove her crazy that he didn’t ever seem to take a hint when someone wasn’t interested - and now, well it wasn’t the first time he had caused an injury, but this was the first time it was to a customer. The poor woman was clearly in pain, and she didn’t even realize what she had done at first, busy as she was trying to apologize on behalf of her useless co-worker.
“That would be Andrew - he seems to think his charm will get him everywhere, he flirts with anyone with breasts.” her words although calm were clearly filled with frustration as she shot another glare over to where her co-worker was already flirting with another poor woman just trying to get her coffee - it seemed no one else was interested in trying to help the injured woman except for Charlie herself.
It was the words that were next spoken that drew her attention back, only to see the woman staring at her - quickly green eyes darted down to where her hand was still touching the now - formerly blistering one, now completely clear of any sign of the fact that mere moments before it had been scalded by an overly hot coffee and on its way towards a blistering burn. 
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” The word tumbled from her mouth, her eyes wide as she moved to back away, it had been a long time since this had happened. A silent vow to herself to not heal a stranger unless it was utterly needed - and never when someone could realize it was her who had done it - but then again. Her other abilities she had better control over, her healing was harder as her body seemed to want to fix pain - she often could feel someone elses pain and instinct well - this incident was a perfect example of what happened. 
Her body sensed the pain and without her thinking of it, she had taken the pain away. And now - now she felt a rush of fear, memories of her father and how he tried to control her - to use her abilities flashed in her mind. “I.. I gotta go.” She wasn’t thinking as she quickly removed her apron, ignoring as Andrew yelled out to her asking where she was going - she was already out the door, not even stopping to grab her bag from behind the counter.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
@alexdanvers-rp gets a plotted starter!
Charlie had been here for several months now, in National City. It wasn’t exactly planned, but so far she had been working on finding her place - she had a tiny little apartment of her own and was doing her best to find a good job, the best she had managed though was helping out in this small shop. It was nice enough, but it wasn’t exactly a steady job yet, barely covering her rent so far. But she was happy enough, quickly learning Coffee orders and smiling as she spoke to a few customers that she had come to learn the names of.
It had already been a bit of long day and it was a little hard to keep her chipper mood as she fought to not roll her eyes at one of her co-workers that was quite the flirt. She was a little distracted when she heard someone cry out - a Coffee Scald. Charlie moved quickly to help the poor woman - fighting not to show on her face - clearly it was a bad burn - no doubt Andrew had boiled the water a little too hot for drinking again.
“Are you okay?! Oh stupid question - of course you aren’t okay.” She held out a cloth, turning around to her co-worker as she called out for some ice, at this same time her hand moved - brushing against the woman's injured  hand, “I’m so sorry about this - you’d think he’d know the right temperature by now but clearly he doesn’t.” She was talking, not realizing what she had just done - her touch was light but her instincts kicked in - sensing the pain and acting without thought.
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keptsecrcts-blog · 7 years
Person A being held hostage in a fortress and Person B violently leaving a mess of carnage in their wake in order to get to them. Covered in blood and questionable pieces of enemy remains, Person B finally makes it to Person A in the center of the wreckage and gives them a gentle peck on the forehead before apologizing for the wait.
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