#alexandria stone (oc)
queenofglassbeliever · 8 months
@emonydeborah and @leveragedlibrarians I created a character profile for Alexandria!
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Full name: Alexandria Stone.
Nicknames: Alex, Allie, "Pebbles", Andria
Relative(s): Jacob Stone (father), Athena (mother), Eve Baird ("aunt"/mother figure), Flynn Carsen ("uncle"), Ezekiel Jones ("uncle"), Jenkins ("grandfather"), Cassandra Cillian ("aunt"), Isaac Stone (grandfather), Unspecified number of paternal cousins.
Affiliation: The Library, The Librarians
Occupation: Librarian in Training, Sculptor, College student (online)
Status: Alive [Immortal]
First appearance: And the Brainchild
Portrayed by: Josephine Langford.
Alexandria Stone is the demigod daughter of Librarian, Jacob Stone, and the goddess Athena.
And the Spear of Athena. In the reset timeline, the Library is tethered and the Librarians have a moment of respite. Until the clipping book sends them on a quest to recover Athena's lost spear. Their success in the mission catches the eye of the goddess herself. Though it is Jake specifically who has Athena's affection.
And the Brainchild. Set between And the Steal of Fortune and And the Christmas Thief. The Librarians come into the Annex one morning to find a newborn baby girl wrapped in linen and wool in woven basket. There's a note, in Greek, addressed to Jake. The baby is a gift from Athena, concieved from her divine thoughts and Jake's ingenuity. Jake calls his new daughter Alexandria after the lost library of. After reaching physical maturity, around 20 or so, Alex became immortal.
Alexandria is a polymath with a IQ of 260. She spent most of her time in the Library, getting lost among the endless rows of bookshelves. Jake would often find Allie, sitting on top of the shelves which she used to climb up on when she was a child. She is incredibly stubborn and fearless.
Invulnerability. Alexandria is immune to all physical harm.
Genius level intellect. The daughter of a genius and the goddess of wisdom, Andria possess a mind that far surpasses that of a mortal. As a kid, she was bullied by her school peers because of her intelligence. The bullying became so bad that she was pulled from school and was instead homeschooled in the Library.
Skilled hand-to-hand combat/Martial artist. Starting at the age of 8, Alex was trained by Jake and Eve in self-defense and later in martial arts.
Telumkinesis. As a demigodess of war, Alex possess the magical ability to adapt to using any weapon.
Ley line weaving. Imagine that ley lines are composed of billions of "threads" of magical energy. Alexandria can weave those "threads" together to cast various spells.
Enhanced Physical Prowess. She has enhanced strength, durability, and swiftness
Craftsmanship. Alexandria is a very skilled sculptor and at pottery.
Jacob Stone. He is Alexandria's father. At the beginning, he was very unsure of his ability to be a good father. But he took it one day at a time. Jake and Allie are very close and have a loving relationship. Allie was given the nickname "Pebbles" because she "is a small Stone." She shares a lot of similarities with her father and looks very much like him. They disagree over her future at the Library. Alexandria has dreamt and prepared her entire life to be a Librarian. Jake isn't necessarily against it, but he does want her to half a normal life outside of the Library. At least for a time before she receives her letter. He wants her to go to university and have experiences.
Eve Baird. Affectionately called "Aunt Eve," she is seen as a mother figure by Alex. Aside from Jake, Eve had the biggest hand in raising Alex.
Jenkins. Considered to be Alexandria's honorary grandfather. He has been a teacher, a guide, and a friend to Alex all her life.
Flynn Carsen. Alex has always enjoyed Flynn's company and beating him at chest.
Ezekiel Jones. Though Flynn is the fun uncle, Ezekiel holds the position of favorite uncle. (Though Flynn doesn't know that, he believes he's the favorite). Alex has been Ezekiel's partner in mischief since before she could walk.
Cassandra Cillian. Their relationship had a rocky start due to Cassandra's dislike of babies. The noises and the smells were just too much for Cassandra's synesthesia. But thinks got better when Alex was around 3. Alexandria began showing strong mathematical abilities far above her age. Cassandra became a tutor of math and science. When Alexandria developed magical powers and felt that they were too much, too big, Cassandra became an understanding ear and mentor.
Athena. Alexandria's mother, whom she's never met. She has received gifts from Athena which she keeps locked in a chest at the foot of her bad.
Isaac Stone. Alex's paternal grandfather. She met him once and he insulted her father. So she threw him threw a wall. She was 15 at the time.
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51-queer-frogs · 6 months
SPIRIT ref sheet!
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Ho boy, they're done. Been doodling this for a few months now! not a ton has changed, tbh, but they're less of a rip-off now. design notes in tags!
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My dreams are always strange when I sleep full of the energy of psychic types. strange visions and words always fill my mind.
Liege of Flame and shadow
Heir of seas and bastards
A sovereign without a crown
Hierophant to many gods
It waits for you so far below
A weapon ? ,monster? , a Dragon?
A single eye watching
In a place of ruined, so Long forgotten .
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stormydark13 · 3 months
So I can’t draw. Just not one of my skills. That being said, I always see others share their young wizard OCs and I wanted to try something. So… I recreated them in Hero Forge. All 7 of them. Enjoy!
Storm Wizard: Cassandra WitchBlade
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Death Wizard: Sarai WitherHeart
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Life Wizard: Elizabeth Stone
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Balance Wizard: Alexandria Bane
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Myth Wizard: Deirdre StorySinger
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Fire Wizard: Vanessa AshCaller
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Ice Wizard: Willow SnowWarden
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fheythfully · 2 months
Do they lean more Tuliyollal or more Solution Nine?
Thank you for the ask! I'm excited to talk about this one. I'm going to answer it under a cut in case readers haven't made it that deep into MSQ yet.
(22 Dawntrail Inspired WoL/OC Questions)
Elle entirely leans more Tuliyollal than Solution Nine. There's the easy, obvious reasons for her: it's by the ocean, which she loves; it has a good variety of culinary options, especially spicy ones, which is great for a foodie like herself; there's sandy beaches and lovely cabanas to relax in and enjoy; there's bright flora everywhere, from the cracks in the pavement to growing out of the stone walls, and even at night the breeze smells sweet; and lastly, no one knows or recognizes her as the Warrior of Light, or any of her other titles. She can enjoy the city and be at ease in the anonymity granted to her.
Also, alpacas. They're adorable and she happily hires them to take her wherever she needs to go.
The more in-depth reasons as to why she prefers Tuliyollal all have to do with what she dislikes about Solution Nine, which in honesty, is everything. It's in a contained building where she can't see the sky, and the sheer size of the ninth floor alone - there's a network of air roads for flying cars, to get an idea for the scope! - unnerves her. The colors are bright and loud and there's advertisements everywhere she looks. The food has interesting new flavors, which she appreciates, but they all come in pills or liquids or little packets. It's great when you're on the go, but she misses the enjoyment of sitting down for a meal, alone or with others. The flora is all manicured perfectly into shape, color and size, which is pretty to look at at first glance but becomes uncanny when she realizes each tree and bush is identical to the one before. There's a lack of green spaces in general.
The people, while pleasant, have been contained in Everkeep for generation after generation after generation and their society has become so singularly focused on themselves that they have little care, curiosity or respect for anyone unlike themselves. While they don't know her as a hero or an idol like those in Eorzea and beyond do, they do treat her as something new and shiny that they watch and expect to do something strange so they can ooh and ahh over the new oddity in their midst.
Lastly, and the biggest point against Solution Nine for Elle, is that she absolutely abhors their culture of recycling souls. Being so intimately aware of the role souls play in the ecosystem of life and the Aetherial Sea as a whole, she is repulsed by their easy use of souls as energy sources. The casual disregard they have for the lives of other human beings outside of being a resource for their own lifespans sickens her.
She also can't fathom on an emotional or logical level being willing to forget the existence of a loved one the moment they die just to lift the burden of sorrow on yourself. How can you honor someone you love and treasure the time spent together when you forget them?
She has a difficult time dealing with anyone from Alexandria because their cultural differences stretch into the immoral and profane for her. So, Tuliyollal it is -- she can't bear to be in Solution Nine.
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biggerbetterbat · 4 months
Daryl Dixon x oc!Charlie
Summary: When Charlie is left with Judith and Carl, she makes new friends. Alexandria is under attack.
Warnings: panic attack, talking about mental health and death, language, idk if there’s more
Words: 3.898
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As Charlie walked with Judith, the weight of her decision to stay in Alexandria settled heavily on her shoulders. Guilt that she wasn't helping her family was the cause of heartache. But her thoughts were interrupted as the wheels of Judith's stroller became stuck on a small stone protruding from the ground. With a frustrated sigh, Charlie tried to maneuver the stroller free, but to no avail.
Just as she was beginning to grow exasperated, a voice spoke up from behind her. "Need a hand?"
Charlie turned to find a young boy that she saw in the infirmary standing before her, a friendly smile on his face. She hesitated for a moment, her instincts urging her to be cautious, but she knew it was a big too much with a baby. So she nodded in agreement.
With practiced ease, the boy knelt down beside the stroller and deftly maneuvered it free from its predicament. As he straightened up, Charlie couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for doubting him. After all, he had only been trying to help.
"Thanks," she said, her voice tinged with gratitude.
"No worries."
As Charlie resumed her walk with Judith, she heard more footsteps next to her. Glancing to her side, she saw the same boy walking beside her, his hands shoved casually into his pockets as he matched her stride.
"Uh, can I help you with something?" she asked, her voice laced with caution, brows furrowed.
The boy shrugged nonchalantly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just figured I'd keep you company," he replied casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Charlie's brow furrowed in confusion. "Why?" she pressed, her tone tinged with suspicion.
He flashed her a grin, his demeanor surprisingly relaxed. "Why not?" he countered, his tone playful. "I'm waking here alone everyday."
"And how has it been?"
"Since the beginning?" he answered. "Well...minus a week or two, I think..." he said a silence fell between them. "What's your name?"
Charlie hesitated for a moment, her mind racing as she weighed her options. She didn't know this boy, didn't know anything about him or his intentions, and yet here he was, shadowing her every move like a persistent stray dog.
"It's Charlie," she replied finally, keeping her responses short and to the point.
The boy nodded, seemingly unperturbed by her curt demeanor. "Nice to meet you, Charlie," he said cheerfully, his smile widening. "I'm Andy."
"So, Andy," she said after a moment. "You've been walking alone this whole time?" she pressed, her voice tinged with disbelief.
The boy shrugged, his expression unreadable. "For the most part," he admitted, his tone casual.
"And you don't want to go out?"
"Go out? Where?" he asked and looked at her, immediately knowing what she was thinking. "Oh, you mean out."
"Are you crazy?" he chuckled. "After what I saw back there? Nah, thanks. That's just...not gonna happen."
"World is different know. Peaceful," she said. "And it is waiting out there to be explored."
The boy shook his head adamantly, his expression one of staunch determination. "I'll take my chances in here, thanks," he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "At least I know what to expect."
"I think you know it the best," he said. "And Rick knows it. Isn't it why he's out fighting for this place?"
"Your thinking is dangerous," Charlie said. "Places like this makes you comfortable and weak. You forget about the dangers, because you have walls right? You laugh the dead in the eye from the comfort of your white house. But sooner or later, it falls. It always does. So what would you do when it will?"
"Maybe you're right," he shrugged. "But I saw what is happening with you after you went out."
Charlie's brow furrowed in confusion as the realization dawned on her. The boy walking beside her, the one who had seemed so friendly and helpful, was the same one who had been watching her all along. Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of it all, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach.
"You've been watching me," she said quietly, her voice tinged with accusation.
"I-I didn't mean to... I wasn't trying to spy on you or cause you any harm," he stammered, his voice tinged with desperation. "I just... I wanted to make sure you were okay. I heard about your group, about what you've been through, and... I just wanted to know if you were a threat."
His words spilled out in a rush, his hands trembling as he struggled to regain his composure. He knew he had crossed a line, had betrayed Charlie's trust in the worst possible way, and now he was paying the price for his indiscretion.
"But I know you're not a threat," he said. "I know you've been struggling."
Charlie stopped. "You know shit."
"I know more than you think."
"Yes, because you've been spying on me!"
"I know about your insomnia, panic attacks..."
"Stop it," she cut him off. "What do you want."
"I want to help!"
"There're people here, who can help you," Andy said, gesticulating. "They helped me!"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," she mumbled.
"Just..." he sighed, trying to reach her arm, but Charlie leaned back. "Just meet me later. There's a house at the very end of that street."
"And why would I want to meet you?"
"I think we have a lot in common."
"And you know it because you've been watching me."
"I know it sounds crazy," he continued, his tone pleading. "But I've been watching you because... because I think I can help. I know things, things that might be useful to you and your group. Please, just hear me out."
Charlie regarded him with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, her brow furrowing in thought as she weighed his words. She knew she should be angry, should demand answers for his actions, but there was something in his tone, in the earnestness of his plea, that gave her pause.
"I'll think about it."
With a last look, she walked away.
Charlie smiled warmly as she approached Carl, gently lifting Judith out of the stroller and cradling her in her arms. Judith cooed softly, her chubby cheeks flushed with warmth as she snuggled closer to Charlie.
"Hey, Carl," Charlie said softly, her voice filled with affection as she handed Judith over to him. "Guess who's ready for her next meal?"
Carl's face lit up with a smile as he took Judith from Charlie, his expression one of pure joy as he gazed down at his baby sister. "Thanks, Charlie," he said gratefully, his tone filled with appreciation. "You're the best."
Charlie chuckled, a sense of warmth flooding her heart at the sight of the siblings reunited. "Just doing my part," she replied modestly, her gaze softening as she watched Carl cradle Judith in his arms.
As Carl settled in to feed Judith, Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over her. She had spent so much time looking after Judith, helping to care for her and keep her safe, and seeing her in Carl's arms now filled her with a sense of satisfaction unlike anything she had ever felt before.
"Did she sleep okay?" Carl asked, breaking the silence as he glanced up at Charlie with a curious expression.
Charlie nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Like a little angel," she replied affectionately. "She's been so good today, haven't you, Judith?"
Judith gurgled happily in response, her tiny fingers reaching out to grab onto Carl's shirt as she cooed contentedly. Carl's smile widened at the sight, a sense of pride evident in his eyes as he held his baby sister close.
"But I could do it, you know?"
"Of course," she said. "But you're a teenager, who should do what teenagers do. So?"
"How's it going with the girl?"
Carl's smile faltered slightly at the question, his gaze flickering away as he shifted uncomfortably. "Uh, it's...not going," he replied vaguely, his voice lacking its usual confidence.
Carl sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's just... complicated."
"I think you're making it complicated."
"Thanks, Charlie," he said firmly. "But I'll deal with this on my own."
"Okay, Big Man," she said. "Whatever you say."
"And umm, Charlie," he said. Carl's voice became hesitant as he approached the topic. "So, uh, I talked to Gabriel earlier," he said tentatively, his eyes darting to Charlie for her reaction.
Charlie's expression darkened at the mention of Gabriel, her annoyance evident in the way her jaw clenched and her brows furrowed. She had little patience for the man who had once turned his back on their group.
"And that was your first mistake."
"He said he wants to be able to defend himself and the others," Carl answered. "I think, he understands now."
"Understands now, does he?" she muttered, her tone laced with skepticism. "After everything he's done?"
Carl shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, a sense of unease creeping into his demeanor. He knew Charlie had good reason to be wary of Gabriel, especially considering his past betrayals, but he couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps Gabriel was genuine in his desire to change.
"I know it's hard to believe," he admitted reluctantly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But maybe people can change, given the chance."
"It's your decision, and I will respect whatever you choose to do," Charlie placed her hand on his shoulder. "But I won't help him in anything."
"Of course," he nodded.
Charlie smiled at the boy, and suddenly her thoughts drifted back to her conversation with Andy earlier that day. She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at the boy.
"Could you watch Judith for the rest of the day?"
"Sure," he nodded. "But, where are you going?"
"I have somewhere I need to be," Charlie explained.
"Is it safe? The place where you're going?" he asked.
She smiled and felt a wave of warmth spreading down her body, at the sign of affection. "Yes. Don't worry."
Charlie stood outside Andy's door, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for him to answer. The more she waited, the more she was unsure whether her decision to come was bad or good. After what felt like an eternity, the door finally creaked open, revealing Andy standing on the other side.
Andy's surprise was evident in the way his eyes widened and his mouth fell open slightly as he registered Charlie's unexpected presence. He hadn't been expecting her to show up at his door.
"I..." he shook his head. "Didn't expect you to actually come."
"Should I go?"
"No!" he jumped. "I mean...No. Come in." Andy said, and he stepped aside to let her enter, his eyes never leaving her face as she crossed the threshold into his home.
Stepping inside Andy's house, she couldn't help but notice how empty it felt. The air seemed to hang heavy with silence, broken only by the soft creaking of floorboards beneath her feet. The walls were bare, devoid of any personal touches or decorations, giving the space an eerie sense of emptiness.
As she made her way further into the house, her eyes fell upon the scattered books strewn haphazardly across the floor.
"Sorry for the mess," he said sheepishly, his tone tinged with embarrassment. "We don't have many guests."
"We?" Charlie turned around to look at Andy, her curiosity piqued by his mention of "we." She noticed him rubbing his forehead, a gesture that seemed to betray a hint of discomfort or unease.
"I invited you here to introduce you to someone."
"Why this someone couldn't go out?" she raised her eyebrow.
Before Andy could respond, the door creaked open, and a man entered the room. He was tall and wiry, with a shaggy mane of dark hair and a weathered face that spoke of a life lived on the edge. His eyes held a glint of mischief, and there was a confident swagger to his step as he crossed the threshold.
"Charlie, meet Cass," Andy said, gesturing towards the newcomer. "He's a friend of mine. He basically created this place."
"I thought it was Reg?"
"Walls like this couldn't be raised by a one man," the man said. "Oh, and I don't like going out," he added, while squeezing her hand. "It's due to my condition."
"Cass... he's been through a lot," he began slowly, his voice tinged with sadness. "After...the walls had been raised. It's a constant struggle for him, and sometimes it's hard for him to leave the safety of his home."
"Like we all, right?" Cass said. "And it took a tool on us all."
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.
"Andy... he suffers from PTSD and anxiety," he explained softly, his eyes filled with empathy. "Insomnia. Eating disorder. He spends more time in the infirmary than here."
Charlie listened intently, her heart going out to Andy as she tried to imagine the daily battles he must face.
"What's up with you?" Cass asked, lowering glasses on his nose.
"There's nothing wrong with me," she said firmly, her voice tinged with certainty. In her mind, Charlie couldn't fathom the idea that she might have a mental condition. "I can assure you, I'm perfectly capable of handling myself."
"Then you're a medical miracle."
Charlie's anger simmered beneath the surface as she met Cass's cynical gaze. She could feel the heat rising in her chest, fueled by his dismissive demeanor. How dare he question her strength? How dare he doubt her abilities?
"I don't need your judgment," she snapped, her voice sharp with indignation. "I know myself better than anyone, and I don't appreciate you insinuating otherwise."
Cass held her gaze for a moment, his expression unreadable as he assessed her words. There was a flicker of surprise in his eyes, as if he hadn't expected her to push back so forcefully.
"I wasn't trying to judge you," he said finally, his tone calm but tinged with a hint of frustration. "I was just trying to offer support."
"Support?" she shook her head and then looked at Andy. "What the hell is..."
"What?" Andy asked.
Her heart skipped a beat as she watched in horror as a group of shadowy figures descended upon Alexandria, their faces obscured by masks and their movements swift and savage. A wave of panic washed over her as she realized what was happening. Those people were attacking them.
Andy's panic attack struck with full force. His breaths came in shallow gasps, his chest tightening with each passing moment. Charlie's heart clenched with worry as she watched him struggle, the weight of his anxiety palpable in the air.
"We need to hide. We need to hide," Cass started repeating it while walking around the room.
"Shouldn't we help him?"
"We need to hide."
"Andy, look at me," she urged gently, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of chaos surrounding them. "Focus on your breathing. Cass!"
Charlie's frustration boiled over as she watched him retreat further into his panic. With a steely resolve, she turned her attention back to Andy, determination burning in her eyes.
"You shouldn't have come," Andy said while shaking his head.
"You should stay with a boy and a baby," he said. "Now, they're going to die. We're going to die."
The chaos outside, Andy's panic attack, and Cass's insistence on hiding all converged into a tumultuous storm of fear and uncertainty. Charlie felt a surge of panic rising within her own chest. Her breaths came in short gasps, her heart pounding against her ribcage as she struggled to maintain her composure. She couldn't shake the nagging fear that something might happen to them, that they might be caught in the crossfire of the chaos engulfing Alexandria.
Charlie made her way to the kitchen, her footsteps echoing in the empty house. Her heart raced with urgency as she scanned the area, searching for the one thing that could help her protect Maggie, Carl and Judith: kitchen knives.
"Where the hell are all of your knives?!"
"Long gone," Cass said. "Just in case..." he looked at Andy, who was on the floor. "We must hide."
"I must protect my kids!" Charlie screamed.
"Not this time I'm afraid," he answered. "I hope there will be another time."
Her breaths came in short, ragged gasps, her chest tightening with each inhale as if an invisible hand were squeezing the air from her lungs. The room spun around her, the walls closing in as if to suffocate her with their oppressive presence. Images of violence and bloodshed flashed before her eyes, each more terrifying than the last, as her panic spiraled out of control. She sank to her knees, the weight of her fear pressing down on her like a leaden weight. Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision as she struggled to make sense of the chaos raging within her.
Then she felt a hit on the back of her head.
The air was thick with the musty scent of earth and concrete, and the walls were made of rough-hewn stone, giving the space the appearance of a bunker. Confusion washed over her as she struggled to piece together what had happened. The memories of her panic attack and the chaos outside flooded back to her in a jumbled rush, leaving her head spinning with disorientation.
Slowly, she pushed herself into a sitting position, her muscles protesting the movement after their ordeal. She glanced around the room, taking in her surroundings with wary eyes.
"You okay?" Andy asked.
He seemed strangely calm and composed, as if he were untouched by the chaos and confusion that surrounded them. As if he wasn't panicking not so long ago.
"I... I think so," she replied, her words coming out in a hoarse whisper. "Where're we?"
"It's...a special room, Cass created in case of situations like this," Andy said. Her attention turned to Cass, who sat in a corner of the room, his eyes fixed on some distant point in the distance.  "Don't worry about the kids. They're fine. The boy looks like a tough one."
"He is."
"Charlie," the boy said. "I didn't mean to freak you out. I just didn't want you to go through what I have been through."
"What happened?"
She couldn't help but notice a thoughtful expression flicker across his face, as if he were wrestling with some internal dilemma. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that she hadn't seen before, a hint of something hidden beneath the surface.
"I was studying in D.C. when everything broke down. I'm from California," he confessed. "I wanted to get back to my family. I had a younger brother and sister, but it was too crazy out there."
"Were you alone?"
"No...At the beginning, it was me and my roommate. A tough guy," he said. "Which meant nothing for the dead. I was watching him being torn apart and then I was alone for a moment. Until I found Denise and her brother, who...Then we found this place."
"And you never wanted to try to come back home?"
"That was a plan," Andy nodded. "But after seeing what happened to D.C and...everything, do you think there's any home left?"
She could sense the weight of his disappointment, the crushing realization that the world he once knew had been irrevocably changed by the horrors of the apocalypse.
"I'm sorry, Andy," she murmured.
"You feel sorry for me?" he chuckled. "I was out there for two months top. You and Rick, and all those people...You must have went through the hell and back."
"It was hard," she nodded. "Especially when the dead weren't the only one who wanted to kill us."
"You remember your first kill?"
"I do," Charlie nodded. "It was Lori, Carl's and Judith's mom."
Andy's expression became shocked but then softened, a look of sympathy crossing his features as he regarded her with understanding.
"She was giving birth to Judith, and it was either her dead or both of them."
"I'm sorry."
"Stop it," Charlie shook her head.
Charlie offered him a faint smile, grateful for his empathy in the face of her darkest memories.
"Charlie," Andy said. "Please, let us help you. Do this for those kids."
His words resonated with her, stirring up memories of the innocent faces of the children she had grown to care for. She couldn't continue to shoulder the burden alone, couldn't allow her pride and stubbornness to put those she cared about at risk. Nonetheless, she shook her head as if brushing away the thought.
With each step, Charlie pushed herself forward, her resolve growing stronger with every passing moment. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides, a sense of foreboding that refused to be ignored.
"Carl?" Charlie called out as she entered the house, her voice echoing through the empty rooms. She scanned the familiar surroundings, her heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. There was a sense of urgency in her voice, a need to find him quickly and ensure that he was safe.
Relief flooded through Charlie as Carl emerged from the shadows, Judith cradled safely in his arms. She hurried over to him, her heart pounding with gratitude and relief at the sight of them both unharmed. "Charlie?"
"Thank goodness you're okay," Charlie exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion as she reached out to take Judith into her own arms. Tears welled up in Charlie's eyes as she held Judith close, the weight of the day's events finally catching up to her. She buried her face in the little girl's soft hair, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs as she clung to her tightly.
"We're okay, Charlie," Carl said.
She nodded and sobbed, what echoed through the room as she wrapped her arms tightly around Carl, seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace. Carl's arms tightened around her, pulling her closer.
"We're fine," he repeated, rubbing her back.
When the gates opened, Charlie's heart sank as she watched Michonne enter Alexandria alone, her usual stoic demeanor tinged with weariness and sorrow. could see the fatigue etched into her features, the weight of her solitary journey evident in the slump of her shoulders.
"Michonne," Charlie called out, her voice tinged with concern as she hurried over to greet her friend. "Are you okay? Where's the others?"
Michonne's expression was grave, a flicker of sadness passing through her eyes.
"Michonne," Charlie said in a firm voice. "Where's Glenn?  Where's Daryl?"
"I... I don't know. We got separated..."
Panic surged through Charlie like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm her fragile composure. Her chest tightened, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as she struggled to make sense of the devastating news.
"No," she whispered hoarsely, her voice trembling with fear and disbelief. "They can't be... They have to be out there somewhere."
But even as she spoke the words, doubt gnawed at the edges of her mind, a cold, creeping fear that threatened to consume her.
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bizarrebazaar13 · 8 months
should probably list my oc/canon ships. we got
Vela/Furnace (more of a qpr thing going on but I think it fits the ask game)
Alexandria/Amelia (surprised Amelia isn’t an oc? me too honestly)
Amelia/Alexandria/Manager/King (no idea how this would really work tbh. I think if the individual relationships stand the test of time, we eventually end up here. but how exactly do we get here? who knows.)
Dexter/Manager (less of a ship and more homoerotic hatred)
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marrowwife · 2 years
Happy STS! 🥳💕 Question of the week is: An OC of your choice (or multiple OCs) empties their pockets and/or bag. What are they carrying? - Mae (@touchingmadness)
Thanks for asking! I'll try to do one oc from each...
Ridley opens her bag (a sturdy brown leather satchel) and the first thing you notice is that it smells very strongly of antique bookstore. She begins to carefully empty it's contents onto the desk in front of her, a well-loved leather-bound notebook, several black ink pens, an old copy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and curiously, a number of leather scroll cases with a stylised letter A embossed on each lid.
Willim turns out his inner pockets with a guilty smile. From the steady pile of supplies that begin to pile onto the snow before him, it is clear he was preparing for a hunt. Snares, a large hunting knife with a bone handle and a pristine leather scabbard, two carved dog whistles, wax wrappings that surely contain dried meats and winterberries, a full water skin, tinderbox and spare bowstrings. Reluctantly, Willim also reveals a small pouch of precious herbs used to ease pain.
Dot tumbles through the kitchen access to the courtyard, her skirts hiked up to carry something nestled in the basket she has made out of them. Carefully she sets the whole thing down on the kitchen counter, uncaring of her bared leggings. A large straw nest dirties the fine pattern of her clothing, six tiny eggs, fragile blue speckled things, peer up from the straw. As her sisters gather around to coo at her find, she slips a daisy into the hand of her twin, her brother, that had been hidden in her skirt pocket. Lord Farrier has had all flowers purged from the estate grounds since Dot and Edwin were eight years old. Either she found one before it could be excavated or she went beyond the estate. She does not specify.
- HOWL -
Robbie turns out his pockets in frustration, hunting for his perpetually elusive keys. Several items fall from his hoodie pockets to the soft landing of his bed, crumpled reciepts, many foil wrapped sticks of watermelon flavoured chewing gum, stones that he picked up on his way back from work and thought were cool looking, a tangled knot that was once earphones and his keys, attached to a keyring in the shape of a small vinyl record of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours. He does not notice them in the mess.
Flea has only three things in her pockets; a small notebook with many years of scrawled words in a bastardised latin language no mundane would recognise, a pin pulled from the lapel of her jacket as she has donned her mundane clothing, the pin is a silvered depiction of an outstretched hand with an eye on the palm. Lastly, Flea carries with her always a silver ring inlaid with a small ruby. It was her mother's.
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Hold on and stay safe ~Carl Grimes x OC~ pt 5
While grappling with the death of his brother in the Woodbury Vs Prison war. Gavin has to learn to live his new life with the people who killed his only living family member. Even once Gavin starts to feel like he was creating a home at the prison things go awry and he's forced to flee on foot while trying to keep a promise he made before it all went to hell. As Gavin wanders the woods and fields alone, he finds his way to a new safe haven, Alexandria. Where he is taken in and cared for, and while those around him try to tell him otherwise Gavin still holds on to hope that his group is still out there. That Carl is still out there.
I do not own any of the characters or plot points that are not my own creations, all credit for those goes to the owners and writers of The Walking Dead.
The story will also have Carl and all others around his age (ie. Enid and Ron) will be aged up slightly so that by the end all "kids" will be 18-19 years old.
Full story on Wattpad
My eyes snap open hearing a loud boom and feeling the prison shake. I fall out of bed and scramble to my feet. "Damn it, the one day I take a nap," I mutter under my breath, grabbing my knife and slipping on my boots with ease from how worn they were. I run out to the main part of the cell block. I see everyone running outside to see what happened. I quickly follow the crowd of people out only to see...the governor? He stood atop a tank, in front of a group of cars and trucks, everyone in sight had a gun of some kind. My eyes search the crowd inside the prison fence for Carl and the others. I see them all together standing by the fence. I ran up next to the group, clutching my fist, trying to keep my hand from shaking. Carl looks over and places his hand over my fist, trying to help calm my nerves. I look over at him, feeling the panic well up in my chest. I look over to see Glenn and Maggie standing together and reach out taking Glenn's hand as well. He looks over at me and squeezes my hand tightly, looking back to the Governor. I follow his eye line, back to the governor's army, I watch in horror as someone drags Hershal out, forcing him to his knees. My heart drops to my stomach like a stone and I instinctively take hold of Carl's hand, watching as Michonne was dragged out as well. My breaths become uneven as we all stand in waiting, watching Rick walk out to the main field. The others in the group began to split off, Glenn letting go of my hand only leaving mine in Carls. The group disperses to man different stations for when things inevitably get ugly. I look over to Carl, his eyes glued on his father. I squeeze his hand once to let him know I'm here. Carl pried his eyes away from his dad for a moment to look at me. I try to give a comforting smile, though not so deep down that I know how this will end. Carl squeezes my hand twice tightly, the silence heavy between us. After a moment I finally speak. "Go stand guard I'll try and round up all the kids and older folks okay? It's gonna be alright." I say, trying to keep my voice from shaking. I turn to walk away but feel Carl grip my hand tighter. "Gavin..." I look back at him, once more trying to keep my voice from stuttering. "What...?" I ask, squeezing his hand once more. "Stay safe..." Carl said, squeezing my hand twice once more before grabbing a pistol from his back and handing it to me. I hesitated for a moment before carefully taking the gun and turning the safety off. "You too..." I say before pulling away, going to round up as many people as I could. As I run back into the cell block I feel a pit sinking deeper and deeper into my stomach. I tried my best to ignore it as I went around, telling all the kids to grab their things and make their way to the bus. I quickly run to my room grabbing a dirty backpack from underneath my bed. In it were a few supplies I had kept in case something happened. In it, I had a few tins of food, two or three matches, and some string. I know I should have given everything I had when we moved over to the prison but I had this even back in Woodbury, It was Josh's idea. As I stood up I quickly grabbed a few other things from my room, nonessential like the book I was reading, a few pens, a notebook Glenn had found for me, and a change of clothes. After that I grabbed the few sentimental I had left, my brother's necklace we had taken off his body when we found him, a broken crossbow bolt given to me by Daryl after I broke it shooting the wall instead of a target, and Patrick's glasses, which were now cracked and had one lens popped out. I wrapped the glasses in a pair of socks and ran out of my cell. A few of the adults were doing a sweep of the prison to find out where all the kids were. They told me not to tell any other kids and to go outside and wait by the bus and that they would handle everything. I nodded and quickly made my way out the back of the cell heading to the bus, clutching the strap of my backpack tightly.
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I posted 3,072 times in 2022
381 posts created (12%)
2,691 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,920 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
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#nemo sketches - 260 posts
#my oc - 240 posts
#assassin's creed - 232 posts
#my art - 194 posts
#dorothea starrick - 183 posts
#jacob frye - 174 posts
#references - 146 posts
#assassin's creed syndicate - 136 posts
#dorothea vibes - 123 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#“grumpy emotionally constipated feral kitten will never admit that she loves the way her archnemesis is in love with and devoted to her”
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ubisoft really went for the heart, with that freaking papyrus and the Library of Alexandria, eh?
Swear to the Gods, if I wanted to keep Alexios and Kassandra safe and sound before, now Imma hid them away, snug in a blanket, where nothing will ever hurt them.
Not even the passing of time.
Because dear Gods, all I can imagine now is Alexios taking care of Barnabas in his final years, because Barnabas is just SO FREAKING STUBBORN and would follow him on the Adrestia even if he is too weak and weary to actually travel.
Or I can imagine Kassandra coming back to Greece, years after wandering around, and not recognizing the places she lived the majority of her mortal life. Like, the place is familiar, yet not the same. As if she were a tree whose roots had been cut off, and no matter how much she tries to reconnect to the places of her birth, they are not the same any longer.
They are just landscapes where only the ghosts of her memories live on.
And oh my heart, that made me so incredibly sad.
I am sorry, I will be busy crying my eyes out for the next few hours or so.
If you will excuse me.
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63 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My Gods, the Unity Cinematic Trailers is still SO FREAKING AWESOME after all these years.
Like, the choice of the song along with how the whole scene develop, the choice of having the Baguette Bois, in the end, standing over the parapet and overlooking Paris.
I cannot even start to say HOW MUCH this trailer fires me up, both in the good sense and in the worst sense.
Like, I get all excited by this story they are telling me in this trailer, about the characters and whatnot.
Like, I know I will probably be lynched for this, but I will say it anyway, because it's just an opinion, and have the right to express it.
I would have preferred LESS Arno/Elise content and MORE Baguette Bois content, because I do believe, in my heart of hearts, that we would have been able to see Arno for how Arno was, and not for how Arno was with Elise. (Much like we got to see more of his personality for how it was in the DLC, but again, this is still my opinion, take it as you want it).
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79 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Almost Kiss
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So with the fire still burning bright I wanna gaze into your light If I could see my fortune there You know how flames can hypnotize Do I even dare to speak out your name for fear It sounds like Like a lover
"Cradled in Love" - Poets of the Fall
I was so enamoured with the ask I got this morning by @miss--river, I was literally held hostage by my own brain all day, I HAD TO draw something sweet with Jacob and Dottie being, well...UTTERLY in love with each other (plus, I recently got new brushes for CSP that I was DYING to try, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone).
So here you have the results of me sketching on this warm-up sketch like a maniac. It took me only an hour, so please, be lenient with me in regards to the whole chaotic essence of it all. I went following my emotions and the love for them, rather than focusing on the details and the cleanliness of it all (because if I did, it would have taken me at least a whole day, and I don't have the time for that).
Let me tell you, these two have me in a chokehold, and they don't have any intention of letting me go!!
I just love them and their love, and it makes me SO IMMENSELY happy to portray them being so utterly in love with one another.
Also, I realized, this is the first time I drew an almost kiss for them, and it was ABOUT TIME (I need to draw them kissing fully tho. That needs to be done).
Well, I hope you will like this! <3
95 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
I Don't know if this has been done already, but after playing with AC Origins in the last few days, and after rewatching The Mummy, I FIRMLY believe that Ardeth Bay descends from Bayek of Siwa.
It's a fact.
This gorgeous, brave, kind man,
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descends from this gorgeous, brave, kind man
See the full post
99 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Word Counts: 5036
Warnings: None
SFW, Fluff
Pairing: JacobxDottie
See the full post
117 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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i was thinking about it earlier, and i think i want to do something relating to the phrase "curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back" and draw meaning from there. i feel like its a very mārīte-coded phrase,,,
maybe shes closely related to small children and the fact that they ask millions of questions a day and are always curious about literally everything. the world is big, and it sure as hell is her oyster cuz goddamn !!! so because of that, i feel like i gotta age her down and make it so she still acts more.. childishly? i think? cuz id feel bad for infantilizing her too,,,
OR... i could take it a different way and tie her to knowledge and/or wonder. so then her age group wouldnt matter. maybe instead shes always looking for crumbs of information and fun facts. maybe she lives in a library somewhere,, or at least in a densely populated area cuz. more people = more random fun facts for her to categorize and sort trough and commit to memory!!! youve heard of library of alexandria, now get ready for: library of mārīte.... ((yknow... ages ago i had an oc whos entire shtick was that it lived in the library of babel, but if it was turned into its own dimension. so. yknow... ((... the library of babel too, is something i am very normal about i prommy))))
ALSO OH FUCK an idea for sylvesters home realm struck me. have you heard of the proposed nuclear waste warning signs??? cuz. HEHEHE...... i am fucking obsessed with that topic, which is a very normal thing to obsess over,, anyways !!!!!!!! one of the proposed ways to warn future generations of humanity about the fact that nuclear waste is yknow. fucking dangerous, was to surround the dump-site with a seemingly endless field of spikes/thorns made from massive pieces of cement/stone to give off a sense of doom and danger.
anyways what im saying is that he should live at the very middle of it...
((and because. im very normal about this, heres the wiki page about it. its SO COOL........))
this has quickly devolved into me spitting information at you. because i know how to be neurotypical,,, mhm! yep. sure do,,,,,
I'm still enjoying it, so it's fine. It's so funny to me that God!Sylvester wants so badly to be left alone that he just... lives in a nuclear waste dumpsite.
I really like the thought of Goddess!Mārīte having her own library and God!Stone is staring at the library in wonder and awe of all of the things it contains. Let him love you and be your second father, Goddess!Mārīte.
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21-soul · 6 years
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Welcome to my Mansion
Jinx Macabre (c) my OC
If used a heart and a reblog would be awesome, credit anytime used is all I ask. You have permission to use without asking unless you want to post it somewhere else, then please ask. Watermark and my signature shouldn’t be removed, thank you.
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milariskanavasi · 2 years
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Haze & Hellfire - Eddie Munson x female oc
Summary: March 1986. Eight months after the Starcourt Mall burned down, the town of Hawkins is back on its feet. The smart, expressive leader of the D&D Hellfire Club, Eddie Munson, is determined that ‘86 will be his year, the year he finally graduates from Hawkins High and finally, maybe pluck up the courage to ask the most stone cold girl in Indiana, Dallas Haze, out. Meanwhile, Dallas Haze lives her life to the fullest by enduring the last three months of high school in the company of her cousin Chrissy, looking forward to her 18th birthday as well as planning a wicked road trip after graduation with her band, Dallas and The Velvet Haze, on the road to fame. Plus it wouldn’t be too bad if someone asked her to prom. When Eddie’s and Dallas’ paths cross in the most unexpected way, neither of them knows what lurks beneath Hawkins or what the future has planned for them.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] chapters (active)
Link to ao3
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Jersey on my mind - Daryl Dixon x female oc
Summary: When Daryl Dixon suddenly finds himself running back to Alexandria with a dying woman in his arms, he doesn’t know his reality is about to take a drastic turn. Who is this feisty, young lady who just saved his life, dying in his arms? Life has never been easy on Mila Sergeyevna. There's enough trauma in her backpack to last a lifetime and would made anyone else crack. Well, Mila isn't just anyone. When the whole world is about to perish, just as life finally seems to be getting better for her, it’s survival mode ‘on’. This time it’s permanent. As the walking dead roams the earth, Mila has to embrace her past demons and prove once and for all that she can do anything, whether it’s raising a disabled toddler on her own in the middle of an apocalypse or killing her fiancé, to save the both of them. When Mila stumbles upon, and saves a sulky, ungrateful archer from a trap, it’s more than ever a question of survival. It will change her entire life.
52 parts (active) [separate index] Link to ao3
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The Distance Between Us: 02. Welcome to Dauntless
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Summary: Alexandria Eaton is the youngest child of Marcus Eaton. What will happen when she defects from Abnegation and decides to follow in her older brother’s footsteps. Can she make it through Dauntless initiation with her secret or will she find herself in the factionless? And what will happen when the most cold-hearted leader takes an interest in her?
Post Date: 05.13.21
Word count: 2.3k
Pairing: Eric Coulter x OC
DBU Masterlist
Once the choosing ceremony was over, I was relieved knowing that I don’t have to see my father ever again. We started to leave the auditorium, I tried to avoid eye contact with my father knowing that he was disappointed in me, but somehow we made eye contact and I could see the menacing look on his face. Finally, we were back outside and the next thing I know the Dauntless-born start running. Beatrice and I followed closely behind trying to keep up. The next thing we noticed was them climbing up the supports of the train tracks. Beatrice and I stop below the train tracks to catch our breaths, we smile and look at each other before we start to climb along with the others.
When we made it up I felt like I was on top of the world. I was taking in the newfound freedom I had when a felt a rush of wind pass by me in the form of a train. I notice the transfers and Dauntless-born running and jumping on the train. I tap on Beatrice's shoulder to get her attention and we start to run towards the train. It takes a bit before we were able to make it on. I was the first and then I stuck my hand out to help Beatrice. I accidentally pull her into someone sitting on the floor of the train. I notice that we just barely make it into the last compartment as I see the platform we were running on, disappear. 
“You guys made it, I’m Christina,” a girl in white clothing said to us out of breath. She must have been Candor before she switched. 
“I’m Beatrice and this is Alexandria,” Beatrice says out of breath as well, pointing towards me. 
“Is it just me or are they trying to kill us?” I say to both of them. 
While we wait until we get to our destination, Beatrice, Christina, and I spend some time getting to know each other. “Beatrice and I used to climb onto the roofs of our houses back in Abnegation. I guess it only made sense for us to transfer here. You?” I say in response to Christina’s question about why we transferred.
“I just didn’t really want to stay in Candor. Plus the Dauntless lifestyle really spoke to me” she responds. 
“Get ready” we hear a woman say from the other side of the train. 
I moved from my spot to the opening of the train to see what was going on, Beatrice following me close behind. “They’re jumping,” she says, turning to Christina.
“What?!” Christina exclaims coming over to see. We watch as everyone else jumps from the compartments in front of us. Some barely make the gap between the building and the train while others have no problem. 
“Together?” I say looking at Beatrice and Christina. They both respond simultaneously. I move to the opening next to the one Beatrice and Christina are in and we all move to the other side of the train to allow us enough running space. 
“One, two, three,” we say together running on three. The next thing I know I’m rolling on top of the rocks of the roof, causing my body to tense up from the pain, but it doesn’t even bother me knowing that we all made it. I look at Beatrice and Christina as we all get up, laughing together at the insanity that Dauntless has put us through in less than an hour.
“Alright, listen up. I’m Eric. I’m one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in. And if you don’t have the guts to jump, then you don’t belong in Dauntless,” I see a tall yet attractive blonde man say, standing on the edge of the rooftop next to three other people facing us. I assume they’re leaders as well.
“Is there water at the bottom or something?” A boy from Erudite says to the right of us.  
“I guess you’ll find out. Or not” Eric says nonchalantly. 
Christina turns to us, “We just jumped and they want us to jump again?”  I just look at her and shrug. 
“Well someone’s gotta go first, who’s it gonna be?” Eric says scanning over the crowd. His icy blue eyes land my dark blue eyes for a moment before he continues to scan the crowd. 
Out of nowhere, I hear Beatrice say “Me,” Eric looks at me before looking at her with a cold look on his face as he hops down from the ledge. 
Beatrice walks forward as the crowd of kids makes way for her. She looks at the drop and then takes off her sweater. “Yeah stiff take it off” I hear a boy in Candor clothing say, as other people throughout the crowd laugh. “ Put it back on,” he says quieter, I just roll my eyes at his comment. I always hated the name stiff, it always made me feel lesser than the other factions. 
Beatrice climbs onto the ledge, she looks down. “Today, initiate,” Eric says, sounding impatient. A few moments later she steps off the ledge and disappears. 
“Next!” Eric says, gesturing to the ledge. No one says anything. I notice that no one is gonna speak up so I decide to.
“I’ll go,” I say from the back as the people make another path to me. 
“Two stiffs in a row, what a surprise,” Eric says as I furrow my face at his comment. 
Before I walk all the way up to the front, I take my own sweater off and throw it at the boy in Candor clothing. It slaps him in the face surprising him before he just throws it to the ground. I walk up to the front, I look into Eric’s eyes as I pass him. When I got up onto the ledge I could feel him staring at me, like he was trying to burn a hole in my back. 
I take a deep breath and then take a step off the ledge. I felt like I was just hovering in the air even though I was falling into a dark pit that I had no clue where it was leading. The next thing I know I’m bouncing on my back into a big net. I inhaled sharply as the impact didn’t do too much good for my back.
Soon enough I felt a tug from one side of the net and I rolled my body towards the slope. I feel two hands grip me under my armpits as they pull me off the net. I take a minute to stabilize myself on the ground before I look up to be greeted by my brother, Tobias. He looked at me with a stone-cold face but I could see in his eyes that he was relieved and happy to see me safe. I knew he had transferred here, but I wasn’t even sure if I would ever see him again, yet here he is, right in front of me.
 I opened my mouth to say something, when he interrupted me, “What’s your name?” He asks me, with a deeper voice than I remember. Taken back by the shock that my brother was in front of me, I didn’t respond. 
“You can pick a new one if you want, but make it good. You don’t get to pick again.” He says breaking the silence between us. 
“Ummmm…” I say thinking for a second. “Lexi,” I say, choosing the nickname he had given me when we were younger
“Second jumper! Lexi!” My brother says to everyone else around us. His voice booms throughout the echoey room. 
“Welcome to Dauntless,” Tobias says quieter and gives me a slight smile.
I walk over and stand next to Beatrice, “you pick a new name?” I whisper to her as we hear the next initiate screaming as they jump from the roof. 
“Tris.” She says back
“That fits you,” I say smiling and looking over at her.
“And Lexi fits you,” she says and chuckles. 
It takes longer than I expected for all the initiates to make it down here. After the last one named Molly, the leaders made their way down. The three other leaders make it down first and the last one being Eric. My brother tries to help him off the net but Eric refuses the help. I couldn’t help but notice the tension between them. 
“Dauntless-born, you go with Lauren, transfers stay with me. Go.” My brother says and the group of Dauntless-born follow the girl, Lauren.
“Most of the time I work in intelligence, but during your training, I’ll be your instructor. My name's Four,” He explains as I’m taken aback by his new name. I think to myself how hard it’s going to be to not call him Tobias. 
“Four like the number?” Christina questions from the other side of Tris. 
“Exactly like the number,” My brother says coldly staring at Christina.
“What happened? One through three were already taken?” She says back as I hear others laughing throughout the crowd. I scowled turning to her as she made fun of my brother, luckily no one noticed. 
“What’s your name?”
“Well, Christina, the first lesson you learn from me if you wanna survive here, is keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?” Four says stepping closer to Christina. I notice the confidence in his voice that I had never heard before.
“Yes,” Christina responds with a tint of fear in her voice. 
“Good. Follow me” He says as he walks behind the crowd. 
My brother leads us throughout the Dauntless compound showing us the off-limits places, the chasm, and the training room. “I can already tell I’m gonna get lost in these halls,” I say to Tris, commenting on the indistinguishable white walls throughout the compound. We arrive at a massive open space where music is playing and people are conversing I look up and down examining the height of the space, I never imagined being in a place this big, I look at Tris and Christina smiling.
“This is the Pit, the center of life here in Dauntless.” My brother says making me nervous that he was standing so close to the edge. I look over the edge watching all the members dancing and fighting.
My brother then led us to a big room with multiple beds. “You’re gonna be sleeping here for the next ten weeks.” He says turning towards us
“Girls or boys?” I ask looking at my brother.
“Both.” He says, looking sternly at me.
“That works” I hear a boy say from behind me
“If you like this you’re gonna love the bathroom” My brother fake exclaims walking towards another open space. I look around at the open toilet and shower areas.  I look over at Tris and Christina with “oh great” looks as other initiates complain.
“You should feel right at home, Candor. Everything out in the open. Get changed.” My brother says coldly as he bumps Tris and me in the shoulder while walking out. I just roll my eyes questioning why he’s being so distant.
We pick out our beds and start to get dressed. Tris, Christina and I, pick three beds along the wall and find our chests filled with our new Dauntless clothes. As Tris and I get undressed the boy from Candor, whose name I learned is Peter, commented on our bodies. I just sent a glare his way but he just returned it with a smirk. 
“I swear when I get the chance, I’m gonna beat the shit out of him,” I say turning to Tris, she gives me a small smile. I finished getting dressed before anyone else and felt uncomfortable just waiting before were called again, so I walked out into the hall.
As I made it into the hall, I notice a tall figure towards the end, I realize it’s my brother. He walks a bit further down and turns the corner, I follow him. I turn the corner a few moments after him but bump right into his chest not expecting him to be so close. I look up and gaze into his eyes, the next thing I know he pulls me into a tight hug, making me tighten up and wince.
“Thank god you’re ok, but you shouldn’t have come here.” He says still hugging me.
“I’m 18 now, I can make my own choices. And the day you left, I had already made my choice.” I say pulling away from his warm chest.
“I shouldn’t have left you. I should have stayed and protected you” He says looking at me with a sorry face.
“It’s ok, you made the right choice for yourself. Plus I was able to handle myself well enough” I say looking down.
“He got worse, didn’t he? After I left?” Tobias asks me, moving the jacket slightly off my arms, wanting to see the pain inflicted on me.
“I’m fine” I respond quietly while pulling up my jacket sleeve back up and crossing my arms, but he had already noticed the cuts and bruises. 
We stand in silence for a bit before Tobias says, “Look as much as I would like to spend quality time and catch up with my little sister. It’s best that we don’t tell anyone that we know each other, let alone brother and sister. I just don’t want people thinking you’re getting an advantage or hurt you because of it.” He says pulling my face up to look at him.
“You don’t need to protect me anymore, Tobias. I understand that I need to go through this process by myself. Do you promise that we’ll get to spend time together after though?” I responded, giving him a slight smile.
“Promise,” He says pulling me into another hug. “And it’s Four. Now get back into the dorms before people get suspicious of where you’ve gone off to. Someone will be back to get you guys soon.” I squeeze him a little harder before pulling away and walking back to the dorms. 
A/N: Welcome to Dauntless, everyone! Hope you’re enjoying the series so far. Thanks for reading!
🏷: @awkwardspontaneity​
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alcxandros · 3 years
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I wonder about something if Dagger end up having children would they be born as summoners? Would it somehow raise suspicion about Dagger not being the biological daughter of the previous king and queen?
that’s an interesting question. and i’m not going to pretend i know shit about genetics. truth is we have no idea what summoners have for dominate genes or what would be recessive. It’s possible, in theory, for children with a non summoner parent would still have a horn that isn’t any different in appearance or functionality than any other summoner. It’s also possible to have a reduced horn,  one without as strong a connection to eidolons - or it’s possible there may be no horn at all.
I’m more leaning that the more off-spring that are had with each generations, traits begin to die out - not get stronger like Dragon Ball Z Saiyan’s do for some reason ( it makes 0 sense but go on ). With Eiko and Garnet being the last known summoners ( it’d be interesting to see summoner OC’s ), I’m assuming it’s likely after a number generations that horns would be removed by just evolving that way from less and less of the summoner gene being passed on.
Do I think that the first generation of summoner and non-summoner parents would likely have children that would have summoner traits ie. the horn and thus the ability to summon? I do.
Do I think it would raise suspicion? Maybe to a more critical eye - but most people seem to think summoners don’t exist and history has forgotten them. Summoners migrated from what is known as the Mist Continent to the Outer Continent around the year 1300. That’s been roughly eight-hundred years from the start of the game, in 1800 - which is enough time that the Cleyran’s forgot the stone’s true origins that contact Alexander. Even Dr. Tot thinks summoners are a myth / legend than an existing people.. so I doubt once the summoners left they had anything to do with the Mist Continent. On top of that, this isn’t public information - I doubt everyone can read and write freely in this time-period. Historical information is likely for the privilaged, while everything else is passed down by word of mouth and tales generation past generation. 
With so many people unaware that summoners even exist anymore, which is my assumption, I doubt they’d point to Garnet as the cause of why her child has a horn or suspect that she isn’t a biological heir to a throne. Now, some conspiracy whackos’ might - possibly those who are unhappy with how she rules and just want her removed in favor for a different ruler.. but I can’t see Alexandria as a whole taking someone like that too seriously, nor do I think that public criticism of the ruler is a socially accepted norm in Alexandria. The horn may be seen as just a genetic mutation.
I think it would take a lot more than a conspiracy theory ( even if it’s right ) to convince people she isn’t the rightful heir to the Alexandrian throne. Though if it is discovered, I can see a faction of people who would want her removal in place of a rightful heir. Politics gets messy. Disagreements are everywhere among any community, much less an entire nation. 
( and honestly I’d love to see that lmao ; give me chaos )
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reachfolk · 3 years
🏡 💐 fooooooor Lexi and Ophelia!! I just………. I love tjem and I need to kno
💛 from @korvanjund
thank u sm for the ask sweetness ♥ i went off with the first one bc i have a Very Specific image of what their endgame lives are like lol
🏡 describe your ocs ideal house! give us a tour around! what’s their garden like? their bedroom? kitchen? where is it and how many people live there?
alexandria: ooo, this one's a little tough, because lexi kinda has a little bit of cognitive dissonance going on lol. she loves home and she always wants to be able to return to the reach, but she also is a very adventurous person and wants to explore the world! i think she has to strike somewhat of a balance between those two things (and she does eventually with the help of lucien). she does, ideally, want to have a home in markarth. it's kinda out-there, because before she can really do that, there's a LOT that has to go into rebuilding the rebellion, etc etc, but let's skip over that and say that things are all settled for the sake of the question. it's about idealism not realism lol.
she would want a pretty big house, not out of some materialistic thing but like !! she wants a big family (i talk abt children in this post), and she wants to be able to host big gatherings between all her friends, and she wants to have people stay with her when they visit. she wants a home that's just very open and welcoming and full of love, just like her. she would absolutely want to have a garden, as any alchemist would, and most of it grows ingredients like flowers, mushrooms, etc. she'd also like, cut off an arm and a leg if it means being able to plant as much jarrin root as she can, so that would def be there in her fantasy garden. and of course, she'd wanna have her alchemy lab right there for easy access.
for the bedroom, it's like entirely decked out in religious paraphernalia; hanging taproot, antlers, furs, spriggan heads, skulls and bones, and literally sooo many things like that. she has a habit of decorating any place she stays in more than a few days with at least a few of her religious touches, so if it's a permanent home? it's just one big shrine to namira and hircine. for her kitchen, i don't think she's that into cooking, but she'd have a modest kitchen. she mostly cooks to Not Starve, but she has a few recipes that she's very emotionally attached to (salmon stew and juniper berry pie to be specific), so she'd a nice oven to make it whenever she wants to give her family a little treat!
ophelia: filly is much more traditional than lexi; she was born in markarth, but hardly spent more than a year there before leaving. she grew up in the reach, travelling between different camps, and i think she really loved it. she's very fond of the karth river and would want easy and immediate access to it. so her #1 ideal place to live would be karthspire camp! an island right in the middle of the river?? sign her the fuck up. the city is stuffy, the homes are too quiet, and it's all far too dwarven for her taste. she doesn't like the carved stone; she's much more fond of the natural view of the mountains as they are, of living under the open sky, of hearing the rushing current of the karth at all hours of the day.
karthspire is a pretty large camp, so they definitely should have a decently sized garden to sustain themselves! there's a good bit of alchemy ingredients there, but most of it is probably food for the whole community. as for a kitchen, it's probably very big because it's all just one big, shared space. she probably does enjoy helping with the cooking, as they have to make large batches to make sure everyone's fed and so it's a process that takes quite a few people every time. she does rly enjoy it though!! she loves helping her community and it's always a fun social thing to cook together.
her bedroom though is the main thing she cares about cause like. she's a vaermina worshipper. she spends like 50% of her time sleeping lol, it's part of her job to the community. she usually only sleeps 12 hours a night, but there have been accounts of vaermina worshippers sleeping for days or weeks on end, so it's very important for her. that's part of why she likes living literally right on top of the river; the water acts as a great white noise to lull her to sleep. unless it's the dead of winter, she likes sleeping in the open tents, surrounded by fresh air and the creaking of the wooden planks as people walk back and forth while patrolling the area. she has a nice bed, not one of those stone atrocities you'd find in markarth, covered in nice furs and surrounded with lavender. she also definitely likes the staple hanging taproot!
💐 does your OC like flowers? what are their favourites? do they keep a garden of some sort? what flowers would they use in a flower crown?
alexandria: we all know lex, she LOVES flowers. like yes, they're pretty, but she's an alchemist, so she sees them as ingredients rather than decor lol. i feel like she probably ends up developing a little bit of a taste for 'em bc of her work so she ends up baking flowers into bread and pies sometimes.
i actually have a stupid anecdote about this! when she was around 19, she had a brief fling with this cute redguard boy who was staying at the inn for a few months. her brother, robin, gave him a little tip. "she loves flowers! you should bring her some when you see her :)" so he got his hands on some nice desert flowers and made a bouquet to give her when they met for a date. and lexi, who's never seen this type of flower, got super excited. the boy was like "ah yes i've successfully wooed her," but then she just. plucks one from the bouquet and eats it, and he just:
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it's dumb as hell LMAO, but anyway that's how he learned that alexi is a huge alchemy nerd. the gesture did fly tho, because the #1 way into an alchemist's heart is dope ingredients.
as for what her favorite flower is, she loves red mountain flowers! they're great for restoring and fortifying magicka, so she uses them a lot. but in terms of appearance, she definitely likes yellow mountain flowers best! yellow is her favorite color, it reminds her of markarth a lot ♥
ophelia: she also loves flowers! both as an alchemy thing and just because they're pretty lol. many of vaermina's followers are extremely good alchemists, so she appreciates flowers a lot for their uses. her favorites are lavender, because they help her sleep easily so she always keeps some on her and in her room. i don't think she's the sort to make flower crowns very much (she's more partial to using things like polished bone or antlers), but if she did, she'd probably like to loop nightshade flowers around the horns of her forsworn headdress !!
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