#alexa play bad idea right! by olivia rodrigo
jester-step · 5 months
12 episodes into fantasy high and i NEED fabian and aelwyn toxic situationship content
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bobsfic · 2 months
The new fic sounds amazing!! Please share a sneak peek
Thank you SO much 🥹🥹 i truly appreciate that! Here's another (unedited) sneak peek from a bit further into the fic:
She licks at her lips, pleasure rushing through her at the contact of their hips. Her body moves unconsciously, and they both groan. “This is a bad idea, right?”
He nods, his eyes flickering open and refocusing on her. “Oh, for sure,” he readily agrees.
But he doesn’t let her go, holding her gaze, and they’re in a kind of stalemate, both of them hovering on the edge of something but not sure about taking the leap.
Then again, she’s never been someone who didn’t do things because she was uncertain. She’s always been the type of person to jump in headfirst, determined to experience all that life has to offer, whether it’s scary or not. A polar bear dip in the Arctic, getting up close and personal with wildlife on a safari in Africa, bungee jumping in Australia, leaving everything familiar behind to explore the world while trying to heal her broken heart – she’s done loads of things that were terrifying to even consider at first. 
And being with JJ isn’t scary, but she can’t help but feel like there’s a line drawn in the sand right now. One night was just that—cut and dry, just sex, a good time that simply happened because they ended up in the same place at the same time.
But sleeping together more than once? That’s a whole other thing. 
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curemoonliite · 2 months
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@hot topic: fuck you for releasing this right when i'm feeling nostalgic about the mlp fic i wrote ten years ago
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start writing a new fic while i still haven't updated my current fic seems a very logical thing to do right now
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mydemonsyourangels · 11 months
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alexa play bad idea right? by olivia rodrigo
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userlando · 10 months
Alexa! Play *bad idea, right* by Olivia Rodrigo. Me *screaming with my lungs* My brain goes, "AAAAhh" ... Can't hear my thoughts! Like blah-blah-blah. Well, hmm, let me explain : Zara...Zara...Lando, i swear...Lando, Lando with black shirt, white pants...and his fucking curls, and he's all tanned, opened shirt.... I want my fingers all over his chest and then i'll do a tequila shot on him. Tongue straight to his skin and lick him...from his chest to his damn neck. Lick him and bite him like a fucking vampire.... Like FERAL THOUGHTS, i need help...
this ask is wild i love it ksjfksjdfjks you're so real for this 👀
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atomiqueen · 1 month
Alexa, play bad idea right by Olivia Rodrigo
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Christine, going back to Erik during Beneath A Moonless Sky:
“Alexa play bad idea right by Olivia Rodrigo”
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mctoews · 7 months
alexa play it’s a bad idea, right? by olivia rodrigo
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