#alex stopping his little dance to hug jack ;-;
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halojalex ¡ 7 months ago
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it’s their world and we’re just living in it
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ashironie ¡ 11 months ago
spoilers for tmagp ep 12. im making this on tuesday then relistening and adding more thursday.
i’ll be doing 2 in front of every thought i had on my second listen
Alex doing the title card? maybe a norris case? mayhaps?
2 Is getting of in relation to the bonzo lap dance turned dismemberment?
oh god.. first ep without a transcript… what the actual fuck are they saying
2 Oh thank god i have the transcript… sam actually got some rizz
celia and sam in the off room? i assume that’s why it’s so FUCKING ECHOY
2 Panting? man this guy is out of shape
2 awwww i kinda heard this part my first listen through </3. Alice unrequitedly loves Sam and Sam unrequitedly love Celia who unrequitedly loves Lena who unrequitedly loves Gwen who unrequitedly loves Alice (i don’t ship half these but it is funny to joke about imo)
2 SAM IS SUCH A CHARMER I NO LONGER WANT HIM TO DIE FIRST (sorry colin, looks like your up, and so is your time)
awwww, celam fans are gonna eat good with this one
my headphones are also broke so i can’t hear jack
2 something about alice makes tmagp 10x more understandable
aw but you love him for it :7
he is so not over the institute, sam and alice are alike like that, he’s not over tmi she’s not over him
awwww alice stop being such a pessimist! like please do say it, i want sam to get out of this bullshit alive as much as you but like… yk
norris sounds so robotic, i think i even heard him skip a bit. it’s either jonny is too much of a theater kid, or this is actually important to the lore. norris being less human, sounding less emotive, maybe a bit sad? hm? maybe a bit lonely?
2 the skip is on the words “Policy Number: 548651-656” and on “2024” or more specifically the numbers, which isn’t important in don’t think, but really does remind me of tts
fraud?? ooooooOooooOOOOooooo
ha “acting in good faith”
2 love the way Alex says dickheads, it’s so specific and so pointed
hey i know what a stag is!! i watch a british bitch give one to a 70yo! (its a bachelor(ette) party, im pretty sure)
2 don’t you DARE insult my dear dear comic sans
wait why does lena want him murdered?
wait cheer?
ew, i hate bonzo
ohhhhh it looks not bad
2 “Just then the googly eyes turned to me,” im sorry but that will never not be funny. i am both disgusted by bonzo and think everything he does is hilarious.
oh god
WHY ARE THEY LAUGHING? oh they didn’t know
wow dude i feel like that’s overkill bonbon
dut do
why is this SO visiral?
2 ugghhh i love the voice acting
His teeth are not soft
alex saying “bonzo…? bonzo bonzo?” is absolutely hilarious (although i don’t think it can top jonny’s “baaaaa”)
“none of us were left whole” WOW DUDE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKIN HAND?
awww gwen getting her hopes up that alice isn’t fucking with her, so cute
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soapppp ¡ 2 years ago
Soap loves feeling pretty. When he was younger and would play with make up and his sisters dance tutus, people whispered that he was probably going to be trans or some kind of cross dresser. Soap cared little for these people and their words, using his pocket money to buy himself more feminine things with his sisters and mother giving him supporting smiles everytime. When he joined the military he stopped completely, not wanting to be belittled or possibly targeted because of his self expression. Gaz was the first person to know about his love of dressing up and looking good after seeing how excited he got when he got a package from his family that held some blush and bright pink lipstick from a brand he apparently loved. Gaz said nothing but later got him some fake eyelashes after asking his queer brother how he could show his support. Soap hugged him so tightly he almost broke a rib. Price found out next after walking in on the two of them doing face routines and noticed Soap had more make up and beauty products then he even knew existed. He just sigh deeply and told them to be ready for a meeting and to not break protocol. Despite that, when they went out of pub crawls together or spent days off in the small Rex room they had, Price would complement or subtly ignore when Soap wore a hit or even a lot of make up. As long as it didn’t interfere with his work, Price was happy to let him emit himself. Alex and Nikolai didn’t bat and eye at him when they came to visit and he was wearing a frilly blue skirt with butterfly themed make up. It was when Alejandro, Rudy and Ghost came to enjoy Price’s birthday dinner that they found out. Soap wore black platform heels with red and blue love hearts and a short black skirt with an obvious red thong and a cropped jumper with the Union Jack flag on it. His make up was simple with big eyeliner and little white lovehearts and blood red lipstick. Rudy told him he looked beautiful, Alejandro gave him a slap on the ass and told him he could make the most beautiful woman in Mexico jealous, and as for Ghost… some took his silence as judgment and gave protective looks at Soap, some took it as him not caring and those who were smart (Price) knew that he was having a crisis as he fell even more in love with his Johnny and probably gave himself some kind of heart attack with how quickly his blood went south. Soap, as always, was keenly aware of how good he looked yet completely obvious to how it affect his LT. Price found it all very amusing.
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hen-of-letters ¡ 4 years ago
@spnprideweek day one: flags
This little ficlet for #spnprideweek is brought to you by my big, non-binary bisexual love for this beautiful fandom, and my desire to fix that moment in 'Baby' when Cas indulges Dean by saying "werepire", but Dean doesn't hear him and Cas doesn't know. It ended up getting a bit long, so there's more under the cut or over on AO3. Thanks!
Dean's at Pride, and feeling a rising level of discomfort.
It's not the fact that he's wearing eyeliner in public for the first time in his forty-two years. Hell, he'd been wanting to do that ever since he was a kid, dreaming of being a rock star. The covers of music magazines in gas station racks had been windows on a world free from the brutally narrow definition of what his Dad meant when he told him to "be a man". Gradually, though, he'd learned what is gloriously apparent today under the hot June sun: that there are as many ways of being a man as there are men.
It's not because the sleeveless white t-shirt he's wearing is somewhat snug. (The heat had made him shed his pink, purple and blue plaid shirt - the one he'd worn today because Claire always called it his 'bi flannel' - and tie it around his waist.) He and Cas are both wearing a little of their contentment on their waistlines these days, and he believes Cas when he says that he adores his body because he means it when he says the same to Cas.
It's not the big, heart-shaped sticker slapped on his chest, which is striped in the colours of the bisexual pride flag in a way that's much less subtle than the flannel. Dean's always known that he wasn't only into chicks, but putting a name to it is new. Dean's had jobs and Dean's had roles, but having an identity had always seemed like a luxury well beyond Dean's means. Now he's not constantly running for his life, though, he has the breathing room to figure himself out. And he's good with this part of himself. More than good.
It's not the two flags that are padding the pockets of his jeans. One, he'd bought for Cas: it's striped in pale pink, pale blue and white. Earlier, he'd gone with Cas when he'd met up with some friends he'd met online (having managed to get past all the cats this time). The ex-angel had found that discussing their experiences of being trans had helped him feel happy in the body that had become his own. Dean could only feel immense gratitude for the way Cas' face had lit up afterwards when he'd talked about how he was creating himself, becoming himself, and embracing the human condition of change.
Dean hopes that the gift of the trans pride flag will show Cas that Dean understands and loves him, and the same is true for the other flag, which he'd picked up for Jack. It's yellow, white, purple and black. Dean had had to do a little research when Jack had used the term non-binary - it's amazing how the world can move on while you're living in an underground bunker. He'd kept on researching, too, after he'd learned the basics. Maybe he was still figuring himself out. Maybe there was more to discover about himself, and wasn't that fantastic?
Jack is wandering around somewhere with Claire and Kaia. Jody and Donna are here, too, with Alex and Patience. Adam and Michael have probably partied their way through fifty international pride parades by now, but they should be meeting up with everyone else later. Sam and Eileen are not far away. Eileen was the one who's slapped the bi pride sticker on Dean's chest - with unnecessary force, if you asked Dean. She'd grinned at him, showed off the identical sticker on her own chest, and said, with a suitably cheesy wink, "we need to stick together". He remembered the moment he'd nervously asked her the sign for 'bisexual', and when she'd shown him - the letter signs for 'b' and 'i' - she'd added, "me too," and Dean had scooped her up into a crushing hug.His love for his family is endless, and them all being here is definitely not why he's uncomfortable.
And it's not the body glitter freckling his cheeks and his shoulders with gold, although his feelings might change by the time he tries to remove it tonight. He'd been gilded with it when he'd been dancing up a storm with a group of drag queens. They'd admired his eyeliner - a deep brown shot through with gold along his upper lashes - but winked and said it was "a little subtle for Pride". As soon as Dean had seen the tube of glitter, he'd yelled "hell yes!" and even managed to hold still long enough to be coated in the stuff before moving his body to the beat again. Although he's sure his feet will be aching later, so far his favourite cowboy boots are not the source of his discomfort.
It's not the bright pink feather boa, either, which he'd acquired from the same source as the glitter, when he'd been sent off with a kiss to the cheek and the words "be bold, honey!" He'd expected the boa to tickle or irritate, but for some bizarre reason the sensation of feathers around his shoulders and the back of his neck feels incredibly comforting and reassuring. He feels warm and safe and oh. Oh.
As that particular realisation sweeps over him, Dean tightens his hold on Cas. He's standing behind him with his right hand on Cas' hip, and his left arm is up over his shoulder and wrapped around his chest. His hand is splayed out, at once putting his silver wedding band on display and somehow attempting to conceal Cas from the eyes of his many admirers (and, well, good luck with that. Cas is incredibly beefy these days).
Which brings us to the source of Dean's discomfort; to the thing that's deepening the furrow in his brow and the dimples beside his pursed lips: namely, the sheer number of guys hitting on Cas.
It's not like Dean can blame them. Cas' muscular frame is wrapped in black jeans and a tight black t-shirt bearing the Led Zeppelin 1975 tour logo. The short sleeves show off the floral tattoos trailing down his left arm. Cas is wearing a rainbow-coloured enamel belt buckle and, because he's determined to be the death of Dean, black cowboy boots. Before they'd left, Dean hadn't been able to resist grabbing a black kohl pencil and smudging a little along Cas' upper and lower lashes. And, okay, maybe Cas' wide-eyed bewilderment every time he's flirted with is vaguely amusing. But when Dean is right here? Not cool.
Right on cue, here's another one. From over his husband's shoulder, Dean levels his very best glare at the guy. It's a look that can stop a demon dead in its tracks. A vampire would tremble. A werewolf would wet itself. But one young gay guy with a few drinks in him? Totally unaffected. Like the others, he's all smiles and understanding when Cas politely, if awkwardly, waves him away. (Literally. With a final dorky little wave goodbye.)
Dean realises that he's moved his right arm around Cas' waist, so now Dean is wrapped around Cas like some kind of koala/octopus hybrid. An octoala? A koctopus? Definitely koctopus. Heh.
Dean snorts at the thought, which is somewhat unfortunate, given that his face is right next to Cas' ear. Cas flinches and turns his head around to fix him in a squinty glare.
"Koctopus?" Dean says, apologetically.
Cas narrows his eyes further and tilts his head to the side.
"Um, the way I was wrapped around you. I was like a cross between a koala and an octopus."
Dean nudges Cas. "So what does that make me? C'mon, you know you wanna say it."
Cas just tilts his head a bit further to the side, either in confusion or outright despair. Dean has untangled himself from Cas and stepped back, and looks down at the ground, suddenly self-conscious.
Dean feels Cas' hand on his shoulder, and then it smooths over his back, finding the back of his neck underneath the boa. Whatever his shape, Cas' touch has the exact same effect on Dean. He looks up into the impossibly blue eyes of his husband.
"You're a very glittery," Cas begins, softly, "and very beautiful," one corner of his mouth lifts, and then he purses his lips together, trying to hold back the smile, "koctopus."
The corners of his eyes are crinkled. He's not amused by the joke, Dean knows, just absurdly pleased to be saying something he knows will make Dean happy. Of course Dean knows that Cas loves him, knows the whole cosmic-realm-crossing magnitude of it, but in little moments like this, he's floored by it. Dean can't help his sudden exhale or the massive grin that breaks across his face. He wraps his husband up in hug that they hold for a good long moment, before Dean leans back to kiss Cas.
No one had ever explained to Dean how difficult it is to kiss someone when you can't stop smiling. He'd never had that problem before Cas, but now it's practically a daily occurrence. It's a menace because kissing Cas is one of Dean's favourite pastimes. Now, they trade little pecks between wide, toothy grins, until passion takes over and the kisses become heavier.
It takes someone wolf-whistling for them to part, and then they're back to grinning and staring into each others' eyes, until Dean spots something on Cas' face. And something else. And something else. In fact, there's something all over Cas, and that something is gold glitter. It's on his face, his hands, his Zeppelin shirt, and even in his hair. Dean runs his fingers through the unruly curls - Cas has been wearing his hair longer lately - in an attempt to shake it out, but only deposits more glitter into Cas' locks.
"Oops," Dean says, "I kinda glitter bombed you there. It's all over your shirt, too. Sorry, Sunshine."
He doesn't sound terribly sorry.
"This is your shirt, Dean."
"Aw, man."
He does sound a little sorry now, but his future laundry woes are forgotten when Cas presses another kiss to his pouting lips. They're forgotten again when something across the crowd catches Dean's eye.
"Oooh," Dean exclaims as he drags Cas towards the stall he's spotted.
It's selling cowboy hats in every configuration of colour imaginable, and Dean is practically jumping on the spot excitement. Cas looks his husband up and down, slowly.
"You think your outfit's lacking accessories?" he deadpans.
"Yup," is Dean's gleeful reply, "and so's yours."
Cas' groan is lost to the noise of the crowd and the beat of the music, so no-one will ever know if it was one of protest or defeat. He does, in fact, end up wearing a black cowboy hat with a rainbow band, so if it was protest then it was highly ineffective. Dean's has a pink crown, purple band and blue brim, and he's carrying another black one with a band in the non-binary flag colours for Jack. Cas admits that Jack's going to love it.
"Damn, this is awesome," Dean says as they head back to meet up with the rest of their family.
Walking hand in hand with Cas, Dean's thoughts wander. Dean could kick his younger self for every time he'd called someone gay or a girl as a way of saying they were weak. Because all he can see in the people around him is strength. He grins again, giddy with the atmosphere of defiant joy. All around him is everything he'd spent his life fighting to protect: freedom, family, and love. Holding his husband's hand a little tighter, he's grateful that in the end he gets to have both: freedom and peace.
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0ri0nmvns0n ¡ 4 years ago
The Venue
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They definitely had a barn wedding.
The Suits
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Dean would wear a green suit with a blue tie as a nod to Cas’ signature look. Cas would wear a navy blue suit with a green tie as a nod to Dean’s eyes and the green utility jacket he wears a lot. Green is definitely Dean’s color
The Rings
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Cas would get a ring that utilizes wood from a whiskey barrel and would 1000% find a way to put the smallest amount of his grace in the ring so Dean could have a bit of Cas with him at all times
Dean would get a bee/honey related ring for obvious reasons
The Vows
Cas’ Vows
“From the moment I saw your soul in Hell all those years ago, I knew you were worth saving. I saw all of the good in you. You’re the most selfless, loving person I’ve ever known. Everything you’ve ever done was for love. I want you to know Dean, that you are loved by everyone that is with us today. You are a righteous man and I promise I will give you all of my love now and forever. As long as our souls exist together, I will love every aspect of you with all that I have.”
The Reception
The Venue
Harvelle’s Roadhouse
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The Music
They would have their first dance to Love Story by Taylor Swift followed by Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis (To those of y’all that have read Twist & Shout , I’m sorry)
Mary is invited to the wedding (even though I hate her, Dean would want her there) and they have a mother-son dance to Simple Man (Jensen’s cover, of course)
Dean would absolutely give it his all and sing Old Time Rock & Roll karaoke style at the reception
Dean DEFINITELY put all the Led Zeppelin love songs on the wedding playlist. Fool In the Rain would be a slow dance to start, but once it gets going, everyone is dancing and having the time of their lives
LOTS of karaoke and dancing.
Dean would give Sam a shot of whiskey and let him sing Night Moves to try and serenade Eileen, because you KNOW they’re are getting married next.
Absolute CHAOS would ensue when Don’t Stop Believing starts playing. Everyone is holding a bottle or glass of their drink of choice and singing along, not giving a fuck if it’s slightly off key.
✨Other Headcanons I Have✨
•John didn’t get invited to the ceremony but got invited to the reception JUST so Dean and Cas could kick him out
•Cas, Benny and Crowley would 1000% try to fight John outside of Harvelle’s
•All three of them are gone for like 45 minutes trying to beat the shit out of John for how he treated Dean throughout his childhood, if you could even call it that.
•Mary would notice that both of Dean’s ex lovers and his husband are gone and goes outside. She finds all three of them ready to throw a punch or two and intervenes before shit could hit the fan. She tells them to go back inside and enjoy themselves while staying outside to have a STERN discussion with John about how he treated Dean and Sam when they were growing up.
•Kevin managed to sneak some weed into his suit pockets, so Kevin along with Claire, Kaia and Alex head to the bathroom and get high. They essentially camp out there and the only time any of them leave the bathroom is to periodically get some food.
•Dean and Cas have mutually decided to have a father(s)-daughter dance with Claire. That’s when Dean realizes that Claire has been gone for over an hour and one of the first places he goes to look for her is in the bathroom, where he finds Kevin, Claire and Kaia passing a joint around.
•Jody and Donna are sitting at the bar with Jo, Charlie, Ellen and Rowena, each with their drink of choice in hand and talking about Dean and Cas’ relationship through the years
•Crowley is sitting in the corner and sulking while drinking a bottle of Scotch like it’s water
✨back to the bathroom✨
Claire, Alex and Kaia eventually leave the bathroom and go find Jack, who is sitting with Mary, Sam and Eileen and listening to Sam tell some lighthearted and entertaining stories about when he and Dean were kids. Kevin stays in the bathroom for a little while longer before going to look for the three girls since they hadn’t come back in over an hour. When the girls find the Nephilim, Claire, Kaia and Alex are shushed by Jack because they start asking where he’s been but accidentally interrupted Sam’s story in the process. Claire is slightly annoyed but decides to listen to the rest of Sam’s story anyway. They spend the next hour and a half listening to Sam tell stories and the weed was beginning to wear off.
•Dean finds Claire and the rest of his ‘kids’ with Sam, Eileen and Mary and pulls her aside once Sam finishes telling them about the time Dean dressed up as Superman and jumped off the roof of a shed when he was 9. Claire laughed and gave Dean a bear hug, telling him how happy she was for him and Cas. Dean returned the hug and lead her to the dance floor where Cas was waiting for them. Thank You by Led Zeppelin starts playing and Dean dances with Claire first. Halfway through the song, Dean lets Cas dance with her as he stands off to the side and watches them with a smile on his face.
His husband, his son, his daughter, his mother, his brother, all of the surrogate parental figures he’s had throughout his life (including Sonny) the older kids he’s helped on hunts and became a father figure to. His best friends and even a few of his old hunting buddies are here to support him.
Every person he’s ever loved or cared about are gathered in one place to celebrate his marriage to Castiel.
This is all he’s ever wanted his entire life.
It’s one of the happiest days of his life and he’ll never, ever forget it
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creator-of-calm-queer-chaos ¡ 3 years ago
New chapter of Destiel raising Jack!
Can be read on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39429702/chapters/99988866#workskin
Previous chapter: https://some-weird-queer-writer.tumblr.com/post/686145549107363840/new-series-what-if-destiel-raised-jack 
That first night, Sam was twenty minutes into the drive when he remembered that Jack wasn’t legally alive. He pulled over and twisted around in his seat. Dean turned to look at him nervously, careful to not wake the sleeping baby or Cas, who was dozing with his son.
“Sammy? What’s wrong?” Dean asked, looking behind them to check if something was following them.
“We need to go to the hospital and declare everything,” he whispered. “Declare him alive, birth certificates, everything.”
“Dammit,” Dean muttered. “How do we do that when… uh, none of us gave birth to him?”
“We have to tell them that people were chasing us, so we hid in the house and Kelly went into labor, she verbally told us that you and Cas were to raise him. She died in labor and we had to run to take him to the hospital,” he improvised.
“Damn, Sammy, you’re a little scary sometimes, you know that?” Dean smiled, giving Cas a kiss to wake him. “Dear? We need to head to the hospital,” he said, then explained the plan.
They pulled up to the parking lot (Dean was not about to do valet parking) and climbed out of the Impala. Cas hugged Jack close to his chest and readjusted his blankets.
“You ready?” Dean asked, putting an arm around his shoulder.
“Ready or otherwise, this needs to be done,” Cas said, leaning into him.
“Come on, you two,” Sam grinned, getting out identifications and a recording of Kelly he forged at a pit stop. “Let’s do this.”
They were almost out of the parking lot when Dean stopped dead. “Sammy,” he gasped, horrified.
“What? What is it?” Sam responded, turning around in frantic circles, looking for a threat.
“No, no, it’s just,” he paused, looking to Castiel. “Will they let us be the dads? Even though we’re… uh, both guys?”
“I don’t know about on the birth certificate,” Sam said after a pause, “but let’s find out about the adoption form if not.”
And the three of them walked into the hospital.
“How can I help you?” the man at the front desk asked, before looking up. “Oh my goodness, is that a newborn? Where’s the mother?”
“Uh-” Dean started, suddenly overwhelmed. Cas half-hid behind him, still holding Jack.
Sam stepped up.
“Yes, a newborn. The mother is dead - she died in childbirth and told us to get out of the area, we were being attacked,” he said. “I can give you more details but he’s not even an hour old, what do we need to do?”
“We got a newborn in ER bay 1,” the man said into his overcomm. “Let’s get you to the NICU, unless he’s full term?”
“Uh… Cas, is he full-term?” Sam asked, turning to him. Cas was looking around, fearful of the hospital. “Cas? I know you’re scared but you gotta help me out here buddy, for Jack.”
At his son’s name, he snapped to attention. “Huh? Uh, yes, he’s full term.”
“Uh, I guess let’s get you to a peds emergency room then.”
A minute later, Sam was awkwardly sitting in a chair in a hospital room, Dean was pacing the room, and Castiel was sitting on the bed with Jack in his arms.
Knock, knock , went the door. A woman walked in. She was wearing a colorful outfit and had a pixie cut, with amber eyes.
“Kline-Winchester?” she asked, and they nodded. “Wonderful! I’m Dr. Lesbas, but everyone calls me Alex. Could you tell me what’s going on? And how you’re all related?”
Alex pulled around a chair and sat down backwards, facing them. Her outfit was jungle-themed, and she had a blue lanyard with her ID, a ‘she/her’ pronoun pin, a rainbow pin, several stars, and a pin of two people holding pinkies.
Dean nervously looked at Sam and Cas, who nodded encouragingly and worried his lip, respectivly.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he started hesitantly. “My name is Dean Winchester, this is Castiel, uh, Winchester, my, uh, life partner-”
“Just three gays in a room,” she said goofily, doing a little dance.
“Four,” Sam put in, releasing an evident sigh of relief.
“Maybe five,” Cas added, smiling again, waving Jack’s arm.
Alex laughed and waved before nodding for Dean to continue.  
“Uh, so Cas is my boyfriend, and this is Sam, my brother. And, this is Jack,” he finished uncertainly.
“Wonderful! So, if it’s okay for me to ask, who gave birth to Jack?” Alex asked kindly.
“A woman named Kelly Kline, Cas’s, um, sister, did. We don’t know who the father was. She said that Cas and I were to raise him,” Dean said, trying to make it seem true. It wasn’t that far off, in all honesty. “Kelly, uh, she… she died in labor, barely a few minutes after birth. There were people chasing us and we had to get away - we tried to stay-” his voice broke suddenly and the enorminity of what was happening hit him like a truck.
“It’s okay,” Alex said, patting his shoulder. “I understand. Well, I need to do a few tests on the baby, and give a few vaccines that are required, but all those can be done right here, if that’s okay?”
Cas nodded.
“Great! To simulate just after birth, we recommend that one of you take off your shirts and hold him against your bare chest, if you feel comfortable. I’ll be right back with the tests and things,” she said, smiling and leaving the room, covering the window for privacy.
“Here, let me help you,” Dean said, sitting next to Cas on the bed. He gently took his son in his arms and looked down into his eyes. They were a soft brown. Castiel slowly took off his trenchcoat, jacket, tie and shirt. He held out his arms and Dean sat down with him, passing Jack to him. They held him together, cuddling. “Jack Kline-Winchester.”
“Alright, so we have the date and rough time of birth, full name, father 1, Castiel Winchester, and father 2, Dean Winchester,” Alex said a bit later. She had helped swaddle Jack and had taken his vitals and given him a few shots given at birth. “To confirm, the legal guardian, should something happen to both the fathers, is Sam Winchester?”
“Correct,” Dean said, and Cas and Sam nodded.
“Wonderful! I’ll get everything needed printed and then you’ll be free to go. Oh, and here are a few pamphlets we give to all parents going home,” Alex finished, putting down the papers and heading out again.
“So, you ready to break the news to everyone?” Sam grinned, flipping through the pamphlets. “It says here to not expose the newborn to too many people at once, but we should let people know.”
“Aww, Bobby’s gonna be a grandpa!” Dean laughed. “And Ellen a grandma!”
“He’s gonna be spoiled rotten,” Sam grinned.
“He cannot spoil, he is a human and therefore his cells regenerate,” Cas said blankly. Dean chuckled and kissed him.
“True, he’s gonna live a nice long life,” he smiled.
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missmitchieg ¡ 4 years ago
Saving Nick - Ch 1
Julie grinned as she put down the lip gloss she just applied to her lips, laughing as she looked back to see the guys hyper wrestling on the couch. “Guys, remember we’re on in, like, seven minutes.“ She reminded them, standing from her stool when the stage manager knocked, saying Flynn was there. “Come in!“ She said, bracing herself for the inevitable over-excited-Flynn-sprint-and-tackle-hug.
Julie and the guys looked up with matching smiles when Flynn strutted into their dressing room, looking fabulous as ever in her scarlet leather jacket, white crop top, black skinny jeans, scarlet ankle boots and dazzling smile, running to hug Julie.
“Julie, my girl!“ She said excitedly and giggled. “I just took a selfie with Jack and Alex from All Time Low! And they complimented my outfit!“ She said pointing to her jacket. “Jack said I’m super cool!“
“Good for you. I’ve been watching the guys hyper wrestle while getting ready for the show.“ Julie giggled, snorting when she saw Luke fall off the table, bringing Alex and Reggie down with him.
“And you look amazing!“ Flynn told her, and Julie smiled and twirled, showing off her iridescent purple dress and white knee high boots.
“Thanks, Flynn. The guys all said hi, by the way.“ Julie said after the guys stopped their wrestling and got up, stampeding toward the girls and saying excited “hi”’s to Flynn, Alex complimenting her outfit.
“Hey, guys!“ Flynn waved at them with a grin, flipping her hair back.
“Alex says he likes that jacket.“ Julie said for Alex. “I agree.“
“Thanks, Alex!“ Flynn smiled toward the direction of thin air Julie pointed at and struck a cute pose before noticing the bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos sitting on the table, taking it for herself. She sat down on the orange sofa, crossing her ankles as she watched Julie talk to the guys.
She looked up when the stage manager knocked and reminded her it was five minutes to stage and took a deep, nervous breath, smiling when Luke walked toward her, clad in a white sleeveless muscle tee with a black leather vest over it, black jeans and sneakers.
“What’cha looking so nervous for, superstar? You know you’re gonna kill it out there. You’re gonna slay.” He said with a smile and tucked a curl behind her ear, cupping her cheek in his hand.
Julie let out a little giggle at that and placed her hand over Luke’s, shy butterflies joining the anxious butterflies fluttering all around her stomach. “I just have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something’s wrong. I don’t know what it is. I can‘t explain it.“ She complained, placing her other hand over her stomach.
“You worry too much, Jules. You’re gonna stress yourself sick again.��� Flynn told her and shook her head fondly, biting into a cheeto. “You need to focus on the fact that you and the guys are about to rock the socks off your biggest crowd yet!“ She grinned.
“Yeah, what Flynn said. I’m sure everything is fine, Jules. It’s just nerves.” Reggie said, trying to reassure her. “It’ll go away once we’re on stage." He grinned, ever the happy-go-lucky, positive little puppy with an infectious smile and a sparkle in his eyes.
“Reggie’s right. I get the nerves really bad, too, no matter how many times we go out there and kill it.” Alex told her, walking up behind her to check his hair in the mirror. “I’m a nervous mess right now. That’s probably what’s messing with you.“ He suggested, giving her an apologetic smile.
It made sense, when Julie thought about it. She and the guys had seemed to develop a sort of emotional osmosis with each other in the time they had gotten to know and grown to love each other like family. If she was excited, the guys were excited and almost vibrating with energy. If Reggie was sad, she was upset until they all went to the studio to mess around on their instruments and just have a good time. If Alex was anxious, she was a mess, pacing a hole in the floor until Carlos complained that she was freaking him out. If Luke was angry, she was seething until the problem had been fixed or forgotten.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s probably fine.“ Julie nodded and opened her water bottle to take a sip. “Don’t worry about it, Lexi. We’ll both get over it once we start playing.“ She said and fixed her curls, smiling at her reflection when Luke and Alex placed their heads on her shoulders. “I love you guys.“
“We love you, too.“ Reggie grinned, standing on Alex’s other side. “You know we do.“
“You ready to slay out there, Boss?“ Luke grinned when they were told it was time to go on stage, making Julie’s smile widen.
“Yeah. I’m ready, boys.” She nodded.
“Good. Now let’s go out there and rock that stage.“ Reggie grinned and pulled his best friends into a band circle and put a hand in.
Julie grinned and put her hand over his, Luke and Alex’s hands joining quickly.
Julie grinned as the boys followed her and the stage manager to the stage, excited grins on their faces. She stepped toward her keyboard, as the guys watched her with matching grins. She shook away her nerves and turned her attention to the audience, giving a quick hello and a speech about staying yourself and standing tall.
She started to play the opening to Edge Of Great, singing the lyrics as a few fans sang along with her. She smiled and gave a slight nod at a girl in the crowd she knew from school, almost letting out a giggle when she saw the Julie And The Phantoms t shirt she was wearing. Definitely Flynn’s doing. She’d have to remember to get a picture and hug her later.
She turned her attention to the guys as they poofed in when she reached the chorus, trying not to let too much amusement show when the audience gasped in surprise and cheered as they saw the guys pop up in front of them. She grabbed a hold of her microphone and stood from the keyboard, dancing around the stage. She was careful not to bump into Luke or Reggie since they were corporeal, or at least they were to her, now, since they were still going with the hologram fib.
Julie grinned and twirled a curl around her finger, dancing with Reggie and grinning at Alex. She laughed fondly as Reggie stuck his tongue out at her like an annoying brother, turning to skip toward Luke for his solo. She smiled and mouthed along to his verse as he grinned cheekily at her, making her shake her head and laugh. She blushed as his smile turned more sincere and sang with him, scrunching her nose.
Luke scrunched his nose back at Julie and winked at her, keeping his eyes on her as they sang another chorus. He bounced a little excitedly as a fan threw a Pride flag on stage and Julie scurried to grab it, content to just watch her wave the flag around as she belted out lyrics they wrote together about letting your colors shine and being who you are. He glanced back at Alex with a grin, laughing softly at the elated look on his face. He smiled as he and Julie locked eyes again for the outro of the song, singing softly to each other as the fans erupted in applause.
Julie smiled as the crowd started to chant “Bright, Bright, Bright” loudly, putting her hands on her hips as she looked around at the guys from her spot at the keyboard, everyone nodding at the suggestion of playing Bright. She nodded and started to play the intro to Bright, smiling as she felt the guys’ eyes on her. She turned to smile at them as she sang about fighting through the dark to make it home, because in a way, the guys were her home and she knew they felt the same about her. They had told her as much recently, in the middle of a band cuddle when Julie felt like everyone could use a break from rehearsal to relax.
She grinned and giggled a little as she sang the chorus and gripped her microphone in her hand, walking toward Luke much like she did the first time they performed the song together. She pointed to Luke and herself as she sang ‘you and I‘, scrunching her nose fondly again when Luke blushed at the gesture. When she remembered they weren’t alone, she looked up and felt her smile falter as she spotted Nick in the front row of the crowd, just sort of standing there.
She frowned a little at the- Displeased? Bothered? Angry? Whatever the look was on his face, before getting through the rest of the song. She shook it off and sang through the rest of their set, hoping it wasn’t too obvious to the crowd that she was suddenly anxious. But she knew the guys could tell. She knew they’d worry about it and ask about it. She would just have to cross that bridge when she got to it. She met and took pictures with a few fans after the show, smiling and hugging everyone who expressed gratitude for her waving Pride flags and singing about acceptance and love. After many, many hugs and pictures, Julie and Carlos sat in the back of the car while Ray drove home, scream-singing their favorite songs all the way.
"Ok, ok. Drive's over. We're home." Ray announced as the car slowed to a stop. "I don't feel like cooking.” He said honestly and laughed. “Who's up for pizza?" Julie and Carlos both raised a hand immediately, making Ray chuckle and nod. "Pizza it is." Everyone piled out of the car, still buzzing with the excitement and high from performing and watching Julie perform.
"Hey, I'll be inside in a minute, papi. I just need to talk to the guys. I'll be really fast." She said and ran straight to the studio, yanking the doors open. "Guys. We have a problem." She said as she walked in to see the light switched on already. She twiddled her fingers as she watched Alex pace, her anxiety only growing as she watched Luke's knee bounce at a million miles an hour and Reggie stare into space with his arms crossed.
“Julie?“ Luke looked up and frowned, getting up from the couch. “What’s going on? Is everything ok? Are you ok?“ He asked in a slightly frantic voice as he walked toward her and the guys followed closely.
She tilted her head as she watched them and was a little torn between feeling bad for worrying them and feeling touched that they cared so much for her. She bit her lip and took a breath, nodding quickly. "I'm fine, but I think something’s wrong with Nick.“
24 notes ¡ View notes
Evocations: XVI
The Chief District Attorney drafts an over-eager redhead with too much to prove, to replace Alexandra within just a few weeks. Liv allows the natural rhythm of the work to sweep her along, pouring herself into it in order to keep the loneliness and the mourning at bay.
Darcie and Alexander check in regularly enough, even after the sale of the apartment is settled, two months after being on the market. She is genuinely touched that they call, but dreads it, too - being forced to sit in her sadness for that brief period every few weeks.
Elliot checks in too, in his own way. For the first couple months he pretends that he is being subtle about it: asking her if she's eaten, glancing at her fridge every time he stops by her apartment, making sure she is the first to nap in the cribs if they have a lull. As Christmas approached, he suggested drinks or pizza outside of work more often. He made it clear Olivia was welcome to celebrate Christmas with his family.
But Liv didn't want company. She didn't want Christmas. All she wanted was her life back, and if she couldn't have that, she wanted to work. So, she put her head down and plodded forward.
It was late in January when the phone call came. Olivia grabbed the phone on the first ring, assuming it was a case about to break. On the other end of the line, though, was Alexander's voice. Immediately, a chill snaked down Liv's spine. The Cabots never called her at work.
"Olivia," Alex's father said quietly, and the knot of tears in his throat was audible, "we lost Darcie."
Liv went stiff in her wheeled chair, fixing her eyes on a pile of paperwork in front of her. She listened to Alexander's soft voice telling her the basic details, all the while thinking of how he believed he had lost his entire family, when Alex was somewhere still alive.
She assures him she will call when she arranges her flight, and ends the call, walking straight into Cragen's office where she tells him she needs time off.
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Alex has never been so sick of a winter as she is of that first Winter in Wisconsin. She has three layers to strip out of as she comes through the door at the end of the day, and Sky impatiently dances circles as she does so, waiting for her dinner.
Her job now is at an insurance firm. Not selling it, thank God, mostly just auditing and reviewing applications. Like everything else she has undertaken, the job is easy and she excels. Her skills are painfully underused in the position, and she is already exhausted with it by January.
Tina, her 'sister,' continues to see her regularly. Behind closed doors, they are acquaintances at best; any hope of having a close friend in the woman had sailed very early-on. Alex is, in fact, surrounded by acquaintances - in co-workers, at the stores she frequents, in her neighborhood. But nobody gets close.
Close isn't an option any more. Every time she forgets to respond for a beat to 'Emily,' every time she sees someone new, Alex is chilled through, wondering if she has been found out. She worries about people asking the wrong questions, about strangers who look at her a moment too long.
Is this the day? she has asked herself a thousand times, Is today the day I die?
In the bathroom mirror, she runs her fingers over the scar from her bullet wound, and tries to convince her reflection that she is Emily now. She practices it like daily affirmations, trying to accept her isolation, her loneliness, her confusion.
Once Sky is fed, Alex reheats some chicken soup for herself (she has refused to cook anything but hot meals since the first snowfall), and takes it to the spot where she has set up her desk and PC. She has gotten into the habit of keeping up with the news in New York, and in Dallas where her parents are; in her email are dozens of newspaper subscriptions she uses to keep on top of SVU cases and other tidbits.
A foot rubs Sky absently under the desk as Alex eats her soup and reads. Outside the doors to her back patio, the snow swirls and flutters with no end in sight to the frozen dairyland's stasis. This is when she sees it.
It rolls up on the screen of her digital copy of The Dallas Morning News:
Beloved Wife of Prominent Local Attorney Passes, Community Mourns
Below it, she reads her parents' names . . . her own name, words that she knows are a part of her real life, but at first she can't make them feel real. Again and again, she reads the blurb about the death of her mother, and the recent death of herself.
My mother is dead.
Mom has died.
Alex repeats the fact, continues to paraphrase it, until she rises from the computer and walks back to the kitchen with her half-eaten soup. Laying the bowl in the sink, she stares blankly into the receptacle until she feels the burn of her fingernails cutting into her palm.
When she looks up from her bleeding hands, her eyes land on the telephone, and she briefly considers calling Jack Hammond and demanding that he give her back her old life. To attend her mother's funeral, to be held by Olivia, to feel something again.
In the end, Alex takes Sky to bed under a thick pile of blankets, and her sleep is filled with nightmares where snow falls in Dallas, and she wanders the streets, screaming for her mother, who cannot hear her call.
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Olivia has never been to Texas, and cannot think of a worse reason for her first trip there as she touches down in Dallas and embraces Alexander Cabot, who seems diminished without the two blondes who have always bookended him.
She moves into mothering mode quickly, encouraging Al to eat and sleep. She keeps a wary eye on his drinking, and makes sure that he is working through any paperwork Darcie left behind. As parents most often do, the Cabots had originally arranged to leave everything to Alexandra. After the cartel case, some reshuffling had occured, and Olivia is touched and conflicted when she finds out that some of it was shuffled to her.
When he falls into a fitful sleep the night before the funeral, Olivia slips silently, curiously into Alex's teenage bedroom. It is mostly intact: the walls showcase 80s movie posters alongside Feminist icons and clippings of political milestones of the decade.
Liv breathes deep of the ghost of her lover in the space, fingers reverently gliding over academic awards and dusty photos where Alex's smile beams out at her. On the bookshelf, she reads titles one after the other - Rubyfruit Jungle nestled right up next to Little Women . . . Jane Rule, Roald Dahl, Beckett, a gathering of strange bedfellows that brings a wisp of a grin to Olivia's face.
Finally she sits down on the narrow, creaking bed and picks up the tattered stuffed penguin at the pillow. The sigh that pitches from her is swollen with melancholy.
"His name is Shivers," Al tells her from the doorway, and Liv jumps at the sound. He fills the doorframe with his height and heavy sense of his grief.
"Of course it is," Liv sniffs with amusement, giving the flightless bird another once-over.
"You should have him," Alexander furthers.
The amount of restraint that Olivia has to employ to keep from confessing that the man's daughter is still alive is utterly monumental in that moment. She binds it, snuffs it, locks it away again and again. No confession comes, just a smile for Alex's father, and a nod.
The morning following the funeral, Liv flies out of Dallas with Shivers in her suitcase, leaving behind her a dozen yellow roses on Darcie's grave.
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In mid-April in Wittenberg, much to Alexandra's dismay, the ground remains frozen. Most of the snow slowly melts, however every now and then, a light dusting of fresh flakes comes down in the morning or overnight, then melts with the climb of the sun.
She has lost weight through the winter months, and the sharp planes of her face in the mirror are painful to acknowledge. No proper mourning of her mother had come to pass; Alex had simply filed the knowledge away as a part of the life she lost, and continued the monotonous plod forward in the strange play she now acted in each day.
Before April gave way to the slightly warmer thaw of May, the insurance firm where she was working threw a social mixer - to break up the long change of seasons, they explained. Tina, who was concerned about Alex's weight loss and isolation, had pushed hard for her to attend, even if it was just to get out of the house for something other than work and errands.
So, on the evening of the mixer, Alexandra found herself at a local drink lounge called Doubles, quietly sipping a Shirley Temple. Her co workers were made up mostly of the usual office-job types: clad in off-the-rack suits, soft-spoken and nerdy, often shy, and unfortunately not very interesting. Alex stayed hugged to the bar, drinking and trying to decide how long she had to stay in order for her escape to be considered polite rather than asocial.
"Mind if I join you?"
The man that belonged to the voice was from the Claims Adjustment department of the firm. Alex had seen him around now and then, perhaps even passed polite words with him - but she couldn't recall his name. She waved her hand in the direction of the stool next to her in reply, and he settled in.
"You don't remember me, do you?" he chuckled, watching for the bar tender to free up so he could order a drink.
"I'm not so great with names," Alex told him apologetically.
"Well, I remember your name - Emily." He had a great smile, and he flashed it at her. "Mine is Greg."
"Thanks for reminding me."
He called to the bartender for a rum and coke, then checked if she wanted a refill, which she declined. "Where were you before Wittenberg?" he asked.
"Tulsa, Oklahoma," Alex told him, pulling from the pool of lies and backstory that she had been taught in October.
"Ah," his green eyes twinkled with amusement, "That explains it then."
"Explains what?"
"Why you seem to disdain Wisconsin winter so much."
"I didn't realize it was so obvious," Alex smirked.
He laughed, wrapping both hands around his highball glass. "Were you in insurance there?"
"No. No, this has been a big change for me," she admitted softly.
"Do you miss it?"
Alex startled. "Oklahoma?"
"Whatever it is you left behind."
The blonde paused, her blue eyes locked on the liquor in her glass. "Yes," she confessed, "I do."
They stayed at the bar, drinking slowly, while Greg asked her innocuous questions that were neither boring nor bothersome. Alexandra could feel herself relaxing, loosing herself from the lonely exile she had been prescribed. Before the evening was over, she even caught herself smiling at him, wanting to laugh at his simple jokes.
When the event began to empty out, she declined his offer for a ride home, and was genuinely surprised when he accepted it without pushing back. Neither did he ask her for her number, or to see him again. Alex wondered on her taxi ride home if perhaps she had misinterpreted a man's intentions for the first time since adolescence.
Her worry was quashed, however, when Greg reappeared at the office beginning of the week, and asked her if she would like to have lunch together. She agreed, and it slowly became a regular thing.
By the time he finally asked her on what could be considered an actual date, Alexandra was anxious at the idea of going back to being alone.
She considered the long winter, in which she hadn't put up a tree or celebrated the holidays. Considered the death of her mother, and the nightmares that had followed, leaving her breathless and shaking. Alex even considered the ring, somewhere back in New York, that might never find its way onto the finger of the love she had been forced to abandon.
Facing down the idea of that isolation for the rest of her life was too much to bear.
Alex said yes.
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wayward-wlw ¡ 4 years ago
A Day in the Sun
I hope I haven’t missed the deadline on wedding posting! Here’s a Claire-centric wedding fic :) 
AO3 Link 
They aren’t her dads.
Claire’s pretty insistent about that, because she had a dad. Sure, she has issues with Jimmy. She still feels a little abandoned, still thinks he was an idiot, sometimes she’s pinned with a rage so sharp and bright it scares her, just because she thought about the choice he made when she was just a kid.
But the rage passes, and she remembers that he was her dad, and for the first nine years of her life, he did okay at that.
(Now that she’s a hunter, she’s learned that having an okay dad for nine whole years is an anomaly in this business, something to be grateful for.)
Jimmy was her dad, so Dean and Cas are just Dean and Cas.
Except once at Cas’s bachelor party.
She’d had a bit to drink. She’d actually had a lot to drink, snuck carefully whenever everyone was too busy toasting Cas or dancing to notice what was in her glass. The world had gotten round and had started to spin just enough to make it seem more fun. She’d started dancing, clinging to Kaia with sweaty palms and swinging her around with abandon, her head thrown back while she laughs.
After a while they’d both sat down to watch the festivities, and Kaia had slumped over, her head in Claire’s lap, and Claire had stroked her hair and smiled at Jody and Cas dancing, making up for their complete lack of skill with sheer enthusiasm. 
The word had been like a bucket of ice poured over her head, launching her into something closer to sobriety. 
After a while even she had started to doze off, and that’s when Cas had come over, shaking her awake to help her back to the motel room.
She remembers swatting at his hand when he’d tried to help her stand. “’M fine, dad.” 
Cas froze, his hand an inch from her arm. “Claire—” 
She hadn’t known whether to try to laugh it off, or to pretend it hadn’t happened, but she’d been drinking, and suddenly that word had seemed so big and so important and so distant that there were tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to ruin the makeup she’d worked so hard to make look this careless. 
Carefully, Cas stepped closer and put a hand on her shoulder, giving her plenty of time and space to pull away. 
Cas didn’t smell like Jimmy, didn’t even really look like him anymore. He moves differently and talks differently, and when she leaned into him in that moment, he hadn’t hugged her the same way she remembered Jimmy hugging. 
And that, strangely, was okay. 
When she’d stepped away from Cas, still a little teary, Jody had stepped in, and then Alex had crushed in on her other side, and Patience, her extra senses dulled with alcohol, hadn’t even noticed Claire’s little misspeak, so she shouted “Group hug!” 
And suddenly Claire was surrounded on all sides, and Cas is crushed against her, the button on his stupid coat pushing into her cheek hard enough that she thinks it’ll leave a mark. 
Now all laughing, Claire’s mistake and outburst forgotten, everyone had filed out and back towards the motel while Donna began a joyfully off-key rendition of Piano Man that should have gotten them all arrested. 
When she wakes up, it all comes flooding back to her, and Claire is left with the very firm reminder that they are not her dads. 
She leaves the crowd and the noise of wedding preparations to sit on the impala. As long as Dean doesn’t need to go anywhere, she’ll be left alone here, which is exactly what she wants. 
She looks up, afraid she’d somehow called him because she’d been thinking about him, even though he said it didn’t work like that anymore. “Cas.” 
She needs to think, get her head sorted out before she goes back in among the guests and the joy and the excitement.
“Are you… alright?” 
“You were drinking last night—” 
Claire rolls her eyes. “You going to lecture me?” 
He shakes his head, his eyes crinkling up at the edges. “No. How��s your head? I’m told sometimes there are headaches.” 
“Fine,” She says, without bothering to tell him about the ibuprofen she’d already taken and would need to take again soon. 
They’re silent for a minute, and a bird starts singing shrilly from a nearby tree. 
“Last night—”
“Sorry about—” 
They both stop and look at each other, but Cas gestures for her to go on.
“Uh, sorry about what I said last night,” She says, scuffing her foot in the dirt, refusing to look at him. Jimmy’s face, Cas’s face. Dad’s face.
He seems surprised, from what she can tell without looking at his face.
“I wanted to apologize to you,” He says slowly, as if he’d had a speech prepared, but she’d already gone off-script.
“Why?” She asks.
“I… I’m not your father.”
Claire laughs a little raggedly. “I know, dumbass.”
He frowns at her language. “Really, Claire. I’m sure this must be… difficult for you.”
She laughs again, but this time there’s no humor in it at all. “That’s the problem,” She admits. “It’s not that difficult at all.”
He tilts his head, the funny, curious puppy dog look he probably should have stopped doing a long time ago. “I don’t understand.” 
She shrugs, chewing on her nail. “I don’t know, I guess… you fill the void, or something.” 
“Last night… I didn’t call you dad because you look like Jimmy,” She admits, looking away, trying to find the bird in the tree so that she doesn’t have to see his reaction to her confession.
Cas nods slowly. “Family doesn’t end with blood,” He says, and it sounds like he’s quoting someone. 
“Sounds like something Dean would say.” 
“Something someone said to him.” 
Cas leans into her arm, bumping against it just hard enough for her to know it was intentional, and waits for her to look at him. 
When she finally does, he smiles. “I’m very glad you’re here. I don’t—I don’t have a lot of family left, and what I had wasn’t… ideal.” 
“No one’s family is ideal,” Claire says, then has to pause to wonder if he’s seen the breakfast club, and if she needs to add that to the family movie night list. 
“Mine might have been a little bit messier than most,” He says. “But… I want you to know that I’m very honored that you’ve let me be your family, Claire. It’s—” 
“If you say some stupid bullshit about not deserving it, I’ll punch you,” Claire says, softening her words with a smile. 
“For what?” 
He puts his hands up, conceding the point. “Truly, thank you, Claire.”
She flushes, looking away and swallowing a sudden lump in her throat. “Yeah, uh, thank you, too.” 
She shrugs, digging the toe of her sneaker into the dirt. “You came back.”
Carefully, Cas puts his arm around her, and she goes willingly, leaning against his chest.
“Sometimes I hate him, you know,” Claire admits.
She doesn’t let him try to take the blame for Jimmy’s choice. “I hated him for leaving, but… if he hadn’t done it, if you hadn’t picked him… I never would have become a hunter. I never would have met Kaia or Jody or Alex or Patience or Dean or Sam. They’re my family too. I wouldn’t trade any of it.” 
Cas nods. “Half the people at our wedding have tried to kill us. Dean and I have tried to kill each other. Love is very complicated sometimes.” 
She laughs. She’s heard the stories, but it’s still hard to picture Dean and Cas fighting, aside from their snippy little arguments. They love each other; it’s clear as day. She can’t really make herself believe they’d ever hurt each other, even though she knows they have.
Not that it really matters. All’s well and all that.
“So…” She smiles hesitantly. “You’re getting married tomorrow.”
The smile that splits Cas’s face is so wide it seems to involve his entire body. The sun gets brighter, as if he’s turned up the saturation on the whole world.
“Yes, I am.”
“Nervous?” She asks.
He shakes his head. “Why would I be?”
“People usually are, I think.” Claire hasn’t been to a wedding since she was a kid, when she’d been a flower girl in her mom’s friend’s wedding, and this doesn’t feel anything like that.
Cas shrugs. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. I love Dean, and he loves me.” He smiles, like the idea of that is still new and incredible. 
“Are you ready?” He asks.
“Glad you two finally figured that one out, it was getting a little embarrassing.”
Cas rolls his eyes, and Claire smiles.
“Your speech at the rehearsal dinner tonight.”
“Yeah,” She lies. “Absolutely. I have it all worked out.”
“It’s all ready,” She assures Cas. “But, uh, I should go practice.”
Later, she will run to Jody, with Kaia’s hand gripped in hers, and force them both to sit down and work out a speech with her. (“How do I start?”
“Start with a funny story about him, or like, when you met or something.”
“Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today to celebrate the guy who possessed my dad, and the man who didn’t think that was weird.”
“Okay, maybe not that.”)
He smiles and hugs her quickly. “I should go find Dean.”
“Isn’t it bad luck or something to see him?”
“We’ve already had all our bad luck.”
It takes about four hours of work for her, Jody, and Kaia to get something usable onto the notecard. Claire isn’t sure that it’s perfect, but she thinks it’s as close as it’ll be, so when Kaia squeezes her hand as the rehearsal dinner is starting and asks, “Are you ready?” Claire smiles and says yes.
She steps up and takes the microphone from Jack, whose speech was his usual blend of baffling and adorable. He gives her n enthusiastic thumbs up, and she smiles back, taking a deep breath before she turns to face the crowd.
“Someone told me once that family doesn’t end with blood.” 
Dean’s mouth drops open, and his eyes go glassy as he reaches for Cas’s hand. Claire has to fight around a lump in her throat to keep going.
“We can’t let it, in this job, because a lot of us lose our blood family.” Claire thinks about Jimmy and her mom, and family dinners that always started with a prayer.  “And sometimes we’re mad about it. Sometimes we try to get revenge.”
She locks eyes with Sam and Dean. She knows their story, knows how it started.
Then she looks at Cas. “But sometimes it’s easier to let go of being angry and just… live. I’m glad I picked the other, because if I decided to get revenge on the angel that possessed my dad—” There’s an uncomfortable ripple of laughter through the crowd “—I would have missed out on the best backup family I could have found.”
She raises her glass to Dean and Cas. “You guys aren’t my dads, but whatever you are, I love you, and I’m happy for you. Congratulations.”
She manages to sit down and hide her face in a sip of champagne before the first tear breaks free.
16 notes ¡ View notes
coureirsix ¡ 4 years ago
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supernatural season 16 episode 4 - “lifeline” |  ao3 link
it's roughly 11 PM on january 23rd when dean gets a call from eileen. he'd been out of the bunker with jack and cas for nearly three days; they'd taken jack to an amusement park. something about never seeing one before which reminded dean the last time he'd ever been to one, he was three years old and didn't remember a thing. which was fine, except that jack had wanted to go to six flags. he'd said something about finding old commercials with a dancing old man and the closest one was in kentucky. naturally, this wasn't an issue with dean. he'd driven farther for less, but on the way back he'd begun to realize that as he got older, the drives took more out of him. 
they'd gotten back earlier that afternoon and had spent most of the day lounging around until the exhaustion got the better of them at around nine. well, except jack. who could have just driven back to kentucky if he wanted to. cas made sure he didn't want to. so, it's saturday night, cas is breathing deeply beside him, completely asleep, jack is probably watching TV in the dean-cave, and dean has been drifting in and out of sleep for the past 20 minutes when his phone buzzes to the tune of the Call Me Maybe song. it's the tone he'd set up for eileen because, well, she never calls. so, when she does call, it's usually an emergency flare that's followed up with an explanatory text.
dean's eyes shoot awake and he watches the call miss as he waits a second for eileen's message to come in. 
dean, sam broke the tub. he can't get the hot water to stop running. SOS. please, my hair is disgustingly humid. his too. 
and dean laughs. it was an emergency, but the kind that didn't have him spiraling into a depression. that was... almost nice, he thinks. they have normal people problems now. he leans over to where cas is asleep beside him and cas' trained as well as dean is. he stirs awake with the movement and opens his eyes in a half-awake gesture.
“sam’s in trouble,” dean says with a smile. cas’ eyes shoot open, but dean’s demeanour doesn’t change, instead he follows up with, “he.. broke his bathtub somehow.”
cas squints. dean laughs some more and gets himself out of bed. he’s gotta find the little duffel bag that they’d dedicated to tools that didn’t include weapons of mass destruction. it shouldn’t be too hard to find. the last time they’d used it was when sam actually broke a door off its hinges. 
“i’m going back to sleep,” cas says, turning over as dean redresses. and dean laughs again. cas was grumpy when he was exhausted. it was endearing. 
it doesn’t take him too long to get ready to leave the bunker. he finds the duffel bag underneath the bathroom sink and before he knows it, he’s pulling out of the bunker’s vicinity in the impala and headed toward sam and eileen’s place. the issue with them is they live roughly 45 minutes away. he texts eileen back, letting her know he’s on his way. 
and dean thinks, as he drives over. that it’s his birthday tomorrow. well- he checks his phone, it’s basically his birthday. sunday january 24th, 2021. he didn’t think he’d live this long. he was the answer to the universe now, technically. 42. he looks down at his hands on the wheel. they’re worn. they’re the hands of a tired man who fought multiple apocalypses, multiple archangels, god himself. and won.
he takes a deep breath and thinks about sam. he loves his little brother more than he can ever explain. it’s unhealthy, probably, how much he’d done to save sam from everything. death, despair, sam himself that time he lost his soul. dean was there and willing to bleed for whatever sam needed. and he knew sam would always do the same. it was comforting. and even moreso now that they’d decided to take some time to really asses what was best for either of them. sam let himself want his apple pie life again. and it was the happiest day of dean’s life to see his little brother decorating the house he’d leased with eileen.
dean doesn’t hunt fulltime anymore. he’ll do an odd ghost job here and there, but mostly he mans the phones. he’s now FBI Supervisor Agent Harkness, police chief Richard Grayson, at cas’ request Texas Ranger Dean Swift, and at jack’s request Marlo Bridgers.it’s a living, he thinks. he still helps out other hunters and he passes off the bigger jobs to the younger people that’ve unfortunately ended up in the hunting life. 
mostly, though, he and cas have been making up for lost time. they go out on dates. dates, like embarrassing 15 year olds. he’s taken cas to the movies, they’ve gone for walks at the mall. dean held cas’ hand under a tree and it was the most incredible thing in the world. 
it’s embarrassing, it’s enough to make himself blush at the memory of it, but it’s also nice in that same breath. it brings him a sense of peace like he’s never fully properly known. because it’s about trust. and not trust in cas, not trust in himself, hell, the trust has nothing to do with either of them. it has to do with the fact that dean has finally let himself trust that things are going to be okay. that no matter what happens, he’s going to be okay.
and that’s what he thinks about when he’s sitting across from cas at the baskin robbins. that they’re safe. that things are okay. because they are, dean’s earned that much through his own tears and blood.
the sound of wind hitting the impala as he drives down the highway closer to sam and eileen is the melody to the memories of his life as it has been since they got rid of chuck and jack put god’s power back into the universe.
he pulls into the driveway of sam’s cookie cutter house. he’s in the middle of the driveway but dean doesn’t care and he knows neither sam nor eileen would care either. besides, the impala outshines the two normal cars they drive. he grabs the duffel bag and heads for the door, waiting for a second before the door clicks and he sees eileen in a crack in the door. he smiles at her.
“dean!” she says, visibly excited. dean keeps his smile on his face and waves, unsure why she’d be so excited that he’s here at practically midnight to fix her bathtub. she reaches out to grab his wrist and pull him into the house. she leads him through dark down the little hall that dean knows leads into the bathroom. dean notices there is no humidity in the house.
“eileen? is everything-” dean starts to ask when the lights flick on, blinding dean for a second before it clicks that it’s a party. it’s a party at midnight for him. 
he sees jody, donna, alex, claire and kaia. sam and bobby among several other hunters dean had come to know. it’s a full house, yet dean notices the lack of jack and cas. there’s a stack of presents in a corner behind the kitchen, a cake with a single candle on the table. claire is approaching him with a party hat in her hands and an evil look on her face. dean glances over at eileen, who’s beaming at him. she knows what she did. led zeppelin comes through a little speaker in the corner, not too loud, but loud enough that its ambiance music now. 
dean lets himself get wrapped in a hug from claire and then lets her put the hat on him before sam approaches him.
“this your idea?” dean asks. sam grins, but shakes his head.
“no, actually. i wanted to do it tomorrow morning. show up at the bunker with everyone, but, i know someone with worse intentions than me who said that tricking you into coming here at the moment of your birthday would be something you couldn’t see coming,” sam opens his arms and dean lets himself fall in. he hugs his little brother back and the emotions from earlier come back. he and sam were alive. dean’s greatest achievement in life was keeping sam alive and now here he was, reaping the benefits.
he goes through similar motions with everyone. jody gives him a hug and then leans up to kiss him on the temple. donna squeezes him so hard he swears his insides are flattened. 
after a few moments of getting caught up with everyone, sam sits him down at the table where the cake is. dean rubs his hands, ready to light the candle in it when sam makes this “uh-uh” sound. dean looks up at him in confusion when eileen brings over a pie with those large novelty number candles set into it. 42 sure was a year. 
dean sits there in the obligatory hot seat as everyone gathers around and sings him happy birthday. it’s awkward, it makes him blush and tears well up in his eyes, although nobody can really see it through the dimmed lights. and he looks around and his smile saddens a bit. he should have told cas to come with him. did sam not think to text jack?
he goes through the motions and cuts the first slice of the pie for himself and passes off the pastry to sam and eileen who take care of passing out the rest of it and the cake that’d been there. dean looks around, hoping cas and jack had been right behind him as sam brings him over a whiskey. it goes down ridiculously smooth. sam mentions he ran one last credit card scam for $3,000 whiskey for this. dean laughs and asks for another.
the night winds down fairly quickly, given it’s nearly three in the morning by the time everyone’s settled down into a less partying mood. dean ends up sitting outside with sam in some lawn chairs from walmart in sam’s cookie cutter back yard. eileen’s gone to bed and most everyone has gone home by then.
“you ever think we’d live this long?” sam asks.
“nope,” dean says without hesitation, “sammy, you died when you were twenty two. i died at twenty seven? twenty eight? god, i don’t even remember.”
“and those were just the first times,” sam says with an incredulous laugh.
“shit,” dean laughs with him, “yeah.”
“and we got out,” sam says. there’s a satisfaction in his voice that makes every single time dean died or did anything stupid for sam worth it. it’s a tone that dean knows means sam is happy. and that’s it, that was dean’s goal.
“we did,” dean agrees, taking another sip of the whiskey, “we beat hell, we beat heaven, we beat purgatory, we beat god.”
“kicked god’s ass,” sam affirms, “we get to choose what we want to do now. we write our own destiny now.”
dean reaches over and outstretches his glass. sam meets him halfway and they toast to that. dean watches sam pull his phone out and send off a quick text message. probably eileen telling him to go to bed.
they sit in silence for a while. and sam’s phone vibrates. dean watches him check it and not respond. trouble in paradise? he doubts it, but he doesn’t really know every single thing about sam anymore.
“i know you’re gonna tell me to shut up, but i do have to say, dean. thank you,” sam looks over at him.
“for?” dean asks.
“for everything, man,” sam has this look on his face like he’s going to cry, “you raised me. you were always there for me. im thirty eight, nearly sixteen years overdue if you hadn’t sold your soul to save me. i’m who i am because of you, and i like to think i’m in pretty good shape. and you, dean. i’m so proud of you. you’re the strongest person i’ve ever met. and i love you, and i’m happy that it was you that i got to have be my big brother.”
dean actually cries, but he turns around so that sam can’t see it. he composes himself in a second and turns back. he doesn’t have it in him to fight sam on the emotional distress this is causing him. instead he says, “thanks, sam. i’m glad i got to be your big brother, too.”
sam’s phone buzzes again. he checks it again and this time does respond. he sighs and looks over at dean again, “i gotta go. eileen says the bed is too cold.”
dean huffs a laugh and nods, “go fix that.”
sam nods and gets up. dean hears the door that leads back into the house slide open and then slide shut. and dean is left with himself at the end of it all. he sighs. he’s happy, he thinks.
and then he hears an unmistakable flutter. 
“dean!” he hears jack yell. it’s louder given it’s three in the morning and most people in this neighbourhood are asleep.
“i’m so sorry,” jack says, rushing up to dean’s side, “we were planning to be there for the cake but it wasn’t ready and we kept trying to fix things-”
“fix what?” dean asks, curiously. he’s not mad.
“the-” jack stops short, looking behind dean. and dean realizes the missing piece of his birthday puzzle has to be behind him.
and he is. the angel castiel is standing behind dean on the cement part of the patio a few feet back, wearing one of dean’s old band tshirts under his trench coat. and there’s a book in his hands. 
“happy birthday, dean,” cas says, a little smile on his face.
dean gets up. his foot nearly kicks the whiskey glass he set down with the speed he gets up at. and he doesn’t waste any time in grabbing the sides of cas’ face and pressing the most heartfelt, loving, tender kiss dean has ever given anyone in his life. there’s a warmth that always seems to be radiating from cas and dean wants to stick to it like a leech.
when he pulls back, cas keeps the little smile on his face and hands dean the book. it’s a photo album, he realizes, once he takes it and opens it. there’s- there’s baby pictures of him there. things that were surely lost in the fire in lawrence. as he flips through the album, he finds pictures of him and sam growing up. things nobody had ever photographed before, he’s pretty sure. at one point he finds a picture of him at age twelve, lying on roof of the impala.
“cas,” dean asks, in completely disbelief, “where did you get these?”
“i did!” jack says coming from behind dean in an awkward hug from behind, “i can still tap into the power of god if i want to. it wasn’t hard to pop into different points of your life and just take a picture.”
dean turns back and pulls jack forward to pull him into a better hug as he laughs. that’s somehow the craziest thing he’s ever heard. 
“happy birthday, dad,” jack says. and he tenses against dean.
“did you just call me dad?” dean asks.
“no,” jack lies. 
“right,” dean says, a grin on his face that he looks up and notices that cas shares.
“well, it’s kinda creepy that you existed for a second at different points in my life, but i love it, jack. a walk down memory lane, shit and all. i love it, thank you, son” and he leans down to press a kiss against the top of jack’s head.
“this what kept you?” dean asks cas as jack lets go and says he’s heading inside.
cas nods and he says with a little shrug, “it seemed like a kind gesture. i sort of gave him points to land on. that way he didn’t land in the middle of a hunt or something. i’m sorry, dean.”
dean shakes his head and goes to set the book down on the chair he’d been sitting in and he walks back over to cas. where cas is standing, there’s a cement step between the cement patio area and the grass that dean and sam had been sitting in. it makes it so cas is a few inches taller than dean. 
dean finds himself turning around so that cas can come around him, head coming to rest on dean’s shoulder and his arms coming around dean’s middle.
“thought you were supposed to be sleeping,” dean says with a mocking tone.
“and miss your forty-second birthday?” cas asks, turning to press a kiss to the side of dean’s face. they look up at the sky and dean wonders how exactly he got there. there’s a feeling in his chest that he doesn’t understand, but he knows what it is. it’s peace, it’s happiness. 
“i have a speech prepared for you,” cas says softly. his hands tap at dean’s stomach and dean brings up his own hands to cover them.
“right, right. something about how my eyes glitter like the moon?” dean asks, his tone is still jokey.
“something like that,” cas says, “and moreso how you’ve been the world’s lifeline and how i’m so happy you’re finally thinking of yourself.”
dean’s heart sinks a little as cas continues.
“you know sam loves you, you know your friends love you. you know that i love you with the wrath of heaven behind me. and somehow that doesn’t compare to the happiness i feel now that i know that you finally love you.”
dean’s face goes completely red. the warmth is different from the warmth of the next kiss that cas places against his cheek again. 
“thank you,” he chokes out, voice breaking because he’s started crying again, “i... i don’t have heaven. but i love you with the power of a guy who fought god.”
cas laughs, “and won,” he adds.
dean’s blush comes down a little and he leans back just a little, so he can turn and meet cas full on in another kiss before turning back to look out at the normal neighbourhood sam’s found himself in. 
“do you think we could do something like this? cookie cutter house. you me and the kid?” dean asks.
“if you think you’re prepared to let the bunker go, i don’t see why not,” cas responds. 
the thought of turning the bunker’s lights out for good makes dean feel a certain kind of way. still, though. now it’s a thought that’s popped into his head. who knows. 
for now, he’s content to stand there with his angel, looking out at the other backyards, at the stars while their respective kids sleep in the house. 
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itsjuliak5 ¡ 4 years ago
I watched episodes 2-5 of “Julie and The Phantoms” and did a little review because I couldn’t help myself.
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This is the review I did for Episode 1. Also these are just a streamline of my thoughts as I was watching. It’s not professional or anything, just for fun!
* SPOILERS for Episodes 2-5 of “Julie and The Phantoms” below *
Episode 2
- “Julie needs a hug!” ~ OMG SOFT😭
- “You can’t handle it when other people cry” ~ I mean me neither.
- I love Flynn.
- Double Trouble like from X Factor? ~ Enjoy this hilariously awkward clip from “X Factor.”
- “What made you play again?” Ghosts
- Julie just tell Flynn about the boys. I hate this stupid trope of main characters not telling their bffs secrets like this right away. It’s not realistic.
- He’s shirtless!!!
- This is lowkey uncomfy...
- Aw Luke!!
- Yes, it is wrong! Please stop listening!
- Oh right there was a fourth guy lol.
- I’m loving the representation.
- Ok Luke looks like an adult Jack Dylan Grazer.
- I’m only calling Reggie, Reginald, from now on.
- “What’s in the box?” ~ “My mom.”
- Alex, I love you.
- I love this family talk. It is really nice and healthy. We love good communication.
- The special effects are actually pretty good.
- F L I R T
- Me too, Flynn. Me too.
- So that’s obviously lip-synced. Don’t speak on Freddie’s name like that.
- Drop the pig’s blood!
- Queen!! Shine bright like a diamond! I love this.
- Ew, if they try setting up a love triangle with Julie, Luke, and Nick I’m going to vomit.
- They can see the phantoms??
Overall: 9.8/10 - I’m saving my 10.
Episode 3
- Ok Ms. Stuffy. Wait never mind she’s kinda cool.
- JULIE JUST TELL FLYNN THE TRUTH!!! Real best friends in real life talk about this stuff. Especially considering what Julie and Flynn have been through like tell the truth.
- .I don’t like this blonde fool (Nick). It’s the vibes, they’re off.
- Ooooh dramatic backstory!
- Instructions? Like the handbook for the recently deceased?
- I’m going ghost!
- BOOBOO!!! (I had Twilight on mute in the background)
- Just kiss already.
- The Australian School of Music is too specific to not come back later.
- Omg are they gonna crossover in the final episode. RIP to me.
- I clapped so hard omg! Thank you for telling the truth and not dragging this out.
- His name is Reginald not Reggie and I love Flynn.
- It’s called maladaptive daydreaming, Flynn.
- Oh no is this not gonna work? - OK no, it did, good!
- Oh no Flynn’s freaked out. Flynn hates it? Wait no, okay she likes it.
- This is so cute!!
- Luke is catching feeeeels!
Overall: 9.4/10
Episode 4
- I don’t like these butt shots on the “high schoolers.”
- I don’t trust this white tux boy. (I keep forgetting his name.)
- Flynn! Get it queen!
- High School Musical wishes it was this good.
- “Luke and I wrote-” I can’t ship Julie with a dead guy, I can’t.
- And I’m calling it now, Carrie is gonna steal one of Julie’s songs and perform it.
- They’re holding hands!!
- What was that look Willie? I saw that!
- Now kiss! Kiss! Do it!
- Carlos is like the first little bro in a show/movie that doesn’t absolutely piss me off.
- Considering I know there’s an episode called “Unsaid Emily” I’m ready for the angst.
- Bobby is Carrie’s dad? b r u h
- “Mama needs her eye candy.” I LOVE Flynn so much.
- I don’t like Nick.
- Oh god, they’re gonna bomb this dance gig.
- Willie said ACAB.
- Oh no, the dance is at 9. They’re gonna miss it....
- Booboo looks hot as hell in this outfit.
- The big bad ghost is named Caleb?
Overall: 8/10
Episode 5
I watched this episode with my friend, so I didn’t take notes or anything like I did for the previous episodes.
- So basically this episode was just one giant anxiety attack. My friend and I kept repeating: “Omg omg omg!” and “I hate this! OH No!!!” over and over again. Along with: “They’re gonna miss the dance! Shut up and get to the dance!” My friend fell off the couch at one point. 
- The musical numbers were pretty great.
- Reggie’s face when Alex thought Caleb was asking about the magic between him and Willie was priceless. I loved how supportive Luke and Reggie are of Alex, especially Luke, it’s so cute!
- I’m scared of what the stamps mean.
- Fun Fact: They kept mentioning unfinished business so my friend and I were joking about this being like “Casper” so I looked up when the movie “Casper” came out and it was released in 1995, which is the same year that the boys in the show died in.
Overall: 8.2/10
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fratboyvivimatthews ¡ 6 years ago
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old town roads - ntdp boys
summary: @imtheseventhchicken had this ask and i was told to write it
warnings: @fratboyvesey and i are obsessed with this song so
word count: [2,26five]
“You haven’t said more than two words since we got here,” Jack stated looking down at you to Cole and Alex, “what could be so important on your phone that you’re ignoring your best friends?” Looking up from your phone you gave the three boys a guilty smile.
“Sorry?” You asked closing your phone and putting it on the rolling table, “It’s just I’ve been so bored that I got into looking at Tik Toks.”
The three boys shared a surprised look finding it hard to believe that you of all people had started to look at the videos. “Are they giving you the right meds Y/n/n? Because you don’t seem like yourself,” Cole said taking a seat on the couch next to your bed. You raised your eyebrows challenging him to keep going with his thought.
“I might have just had surgery Caufield, but I can still kick your ass.” All of you burst into laughter before you quickly stopped to cradle your lower right abdomen. The three hockey players faces soon morphed into ones of concern. “I’m okay, I promise it’s just the stitches - hurts to laugh, that’s all.”  
Jack’s hand was quick to find your free one and give it a tight squeeze. “I guess that means you can’t hang out with us for awhile huh?” Alex asked wearing a smug smile. “It’s always a good time with us.”
Your e/c eyes rolled before you squeezed Jack’s hand in return. “No Alex, it means I have to stay away from Luke, you guys aren’t that funny.” Jack pulled his hand away from yours looking hurt. Cole and Alex wore the same looks and you scoffed. “You guys can’t be serious right now, I’m kidding. You know I think you’re all hilarious.”
Cole’s mouth opened to snap back at you only the song Old Town Road started to play and your cheeks flushed red: busted. “Well boys looks like we’re only funny if we dress up like cowboys,” Jack announced smirking at his two best friends. “Isn’t that right babe?”
You were quick to hide your face in your hands as Jack passed your phone around so they could see just what you had been watching before they came to visit you. “Stop please,” you begged only their laughs bounced off the fall as you slowly died from embarrassment. “Fine if you’re trying to kill me, just please don’t tell any of the other guys, please.”
All three turned away from the huddle to look at your pouting face. “Sure thing princess, it’ll be our little secret, “Jack repsoned voice as smooth as honey but the look in his eye told you otherwise.
“We promise,” Cole and Alex added in sync the same devious smile resting on their faces.
Just as you were about to fight back one of your nurses came in.”Sorry boys but it’s time to go, Y/n’s has to get some rest.” All four of you started to frown at the news, “Don’t worry you can come back tomorrow.”
They all nodded slowly padding over to you. Cole and Alex both kissed your cheek before exiting the room letting you have a minute alone with Jack. “Here’s your phone back princess,” he started with a smile, “call me when you wake up okay? I’ll bring you dinner.” Humming you leaned into his hug, “I love you Y/n.”
“I love you too J, just please don’t tell any of the guys, especially not Trevor.”
“We won’t, don’t worry babygirl nobody’s gonna find out,” he whispered against your forehead. A quick kiss was pressed against it before he pulled away and walked to the door. “I’ll see you later babe, I love you.” With that Jack disappeared from the room leaving you with your nurse.
She was still smiling looking down at you. “He’s a keeper that one,” Laura started to say as she went to check your stitches. Seeing your confusion she was quick to answer. “He was in the waiting room the whole time with your parents.”
It brought a smile to your face then you remembered who you were dealing with. “Yeah well he’s only a keeper if his hockey team doesn’t find out about the Tik Toks I was watching.” It was Laura’s turn to give you a confused look but thought nothing else of it.
You should’ve known Jack, Alex, and Cole would tell the boys about it, but with pain meds you were on you didn’t, and that was a mistake. 
“Mom why aren’t we at home?” You asked noticing the fact you pulled into a too familiar driveway. One that was a block away from your own house. “I’m supposed to go home and rest,” you reminded her trying to get an answer as of why you were at the Hughes’ house and not your own.
Turning her head she smiled over at you, “Ellen wanted to see you, and so did Jack since I wouldn’t let him take you home. Plus I knew you’d wanna rest here with him.” The smug smile told you one story compared to her words. Sighing you didn’t argue and carefully got out of the car only now noticing the cars that belonged to the boys. “The boys wanted to see you too, Jack had them all worried about you Y/n/n,” your mother spoke reading your mind perfectly.
The front door was thrown open revealing the women who wore a warm smile. “Oh Y/n, sweetie it’s so good to see you out of that hospital.” She was quick to wrap you up in a hug, careful not to hurt you in anyway. “I’m so happy everything went okay, Jack was so worried,” she gushed holding you at arms length away to look you over.
“So I’ve heard,” you answered with a wide smile, “well at least we know he isn’t all about hockey.” Ellen laughed at your insight knowing that it was true, that boy was caught up in this own little world, and very few things ran around his head other than hockey. “Speaking of J, where is he. I can’t believed he hasn’t mobbed me yet,” you joked looking around Ellen into the house. The only other Hughes that you saw was Luke.
He smiled at you before pushing past his mother to throw himself at you. “Y/n/n,” he sighed causing to laugh a little, “‘m sorry I couldn’t come see you but hockey, and ‘m happy you’re okay.” You wrapped your arms around the youngest Hughes happy to finally see him again.
“It’s okay Luke I know. Your mom gave me the card and bag of Red Vines you got me,” you explained pulling away to see him smile up at you. “I love you lil dude, you know that right?” He was quick to nod before muttering he loved you too.
“Why don’t we get Y/n inside,” Ellen stated and that’s when you saw her smile. It was teasing like there was something going on, but you didn’t know it yet. “The boys are in the basement waiting for you. Me and M/n are gonna start making lunch.”
You and Luke both nodded showing you agreed with her, before he started leading you down to the basement. The walk was slow, and quiet. Way too quiet, you’d never heard it this quiet when the boys were over before. Normally the house would be full of music, or the sounds of a hockey game playing off the Tv, but nothing. “Luke what’s going on? Why’s the house so quiet, Jack and the boys are never this quiet.” His shoulders shrugged as you slowly made your way down the stairs not wanting to strain your abdomen.
“Where the fuck is the furniture?” You asked looking over at a smirking Luke. “Luke Hughes I know something is going on, so tell me right now what it is.” Again his shoulders only shrugged his shoulders watching you roll your eyes. “This is ridiculous, why the fu-”
Then you heard it, and your face fell. “No,” you whispered frowning, “no, no, no, no. ‘M gonna kill Jack, Cole, and Alex.” Old Town Road had started to play over the speakers of the Hughes basement and you felt your cheeks burn red.
You were waiting for the boys to rush out and make fun of you but it didn’t happen. They were still nowhere to be found. “Yeah, I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road. I’m gonna ride ‘til I can’t no more,” Jack, Alex, and Cole all sang together slowly making their way towards you.
Your eyes went wide as you stared at them in cowboy boots, hats, jeans, and flannel shirts. They all had matching belts to top the outfit all off. “I hate you guys,” you cried through laughter. Soon all the boys relieved themselves dressed to match your three best friends.
“I think you love us Y/n/n,” Alex teased Cole nodding to agree with him.
“Come on babe, you gotta admit this is pretty funny,” Jack added with a million dollar smile, “and I did it all for you.” Those seven words caused your cheeks to flush, and your heart to race feeling as if it was going to jump out of your chest.
“Plus you haven’t even seen the best part!” Cole exclaimed stepping towards you, “Hit it Trev.”
And just like that the song was starting over as Trevor smirked over at you. “I can’t believe you listen to this of all people.” You gave the wannabe frat boy a weak smile, “You’re never, ever gonna live this down Y/n/n, I hope you know that.”
“Hey leave my girl alone,” Jack called arms crossing over his chest. He then turned back to face you and Luke who now had a chair for you to sit in. “Please enjoy the show love.”
Sitting next to Luke you watched as the boys got in formation to do what looked like a line dance to you. As the song continued on Alex dropped on to the ground, and Cole stood over him as if he was riding a horse.
Your laughter could be heard throughout the whole house as you watched the boys try to prove they could dance. And god the smile Jack was giving you the whole time - you were sure you were melting into the chair. His eyes were on you the whole time not caring about anything else.
“Luke make it stop,” you wheezed clutching your abdomen. “Make it stop,” you begged watching as they all tipped their hats off to you and the song came to an end. “Thank god it’s over, you guys cannot dance.”
All of them frowned at you as you stood from your seat. “Well everyone expect for Spencer, you were surprisingly good at that Spence.” The blondes shoulders shrugged as he smiled back at you.
“Hey I’m the boyfriend, I should be getting the compliments,” Jack cut in arms still crossed over his chest. His pout turned to a smile as you pressed your lips against his cheek. “That works for me too.”
“But seriously thank you guys, all of you. It means a lot that you would do this for me,” you said as you walked over to hug Cole and Alex. “Even if you know my secret, I’m fine with it.”
“Group hug!” Cole yelled making sure to pull your closer to him. Soon the whole team was piling up trying to hug you close to them. Somehow, even Luke got roped into the hug.
It didn’t last long before you told them you needed to sit down. “Well now that we’re done here, can we get lunch?” Trevor whined.
“Yes Trev, we can get lunch now,” Alex answered with a sour look. As soon as he dashed up the stairs Alex was shaking his head, “Yes, the only way we could get Trevor in on this was with food.”
You rolled your eyes not surprised by that fact, “Of course it was, but he does have a point. Jack carry me?” He nodded his head quickly before sweeping you up off your feet. “Well howdy cowboy, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
He tried biting his lip to stop laughing but he failed, and couldn’t hide the smile that you were forcing him to have. “Howdy to you too ma’am, the pleasures all mine.” His lips were placed on yours, and you could feel your cheeks beating up with all the boys watching you two.
“Mm, if you say so J,” with that you pulled the hat from off his head and placed it on your own. “Wanna take me down to the old town road?” You then whispered into his ear.
Jack’s cheeks burned red - his skin almost the same color as a lobster, “I - uh, that was inappropriate,” he mumbled setting you down on kitchen tile. You smirked up at him, “But - ‘m not opposed to that idea.”
Your mouth dropped open as you stared at him in disbelief. “I was joking you know,” you muttered grabbing a plate. Jack gave you a pointed look causing you to cave, “Yeah so I wasn’t joking, but I didn’t think you were gonna answer like that.”
“Obviously I meant after you get your stitches removed, if that what’s you mean,” he explained sliding up next to you. “But hey, a cowboys never one to disappoint a lady.”
And he didn’t disappoint that’s for sure.
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astralshipper ¡ 5 years ago
I’m not great with wedding stuff. I’ve been to one wedding ceremony that I fully remember, and that was a very.... southern kind of wedding that I don’t think Sam and Astrael would rlly enjoy.... so here’s some after wedding stuff!! 
Pairing: Sam x Astrael
The song used is Grow As We Go by Ben Platt, which I always say is the sam/astrael song!! it’s rlly good and makes me SOB so go listen to it if u don’t know what it is!!
Astra ducked out the back door of the building, leaving the bustling reception behind with a relieved sigh. It’s not that she wasn’t grateful for her friends and family coming to support her, it was more an issue of just wanting some alone time. The cool night air caressed her skin as she made her way to the balcony’s railing. She leaned against the concrete half wall and allowed her eyes to flutter shut. The fabric of her dress ruffled against the wind around her legs. 
The sounds behind her grew louder momentarily as the door opened, only to lower back down with the click of the door closing. Astra didn’t even have to turn to know who had just joined her. Within seconds, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and her head tucked underneath his chin. A wave of relief crashed over her as soon as the familiar scent hit her nose. Though he had clearly gone all out tonight with the aromatic scent of cologne dusting his suit, the classic smell of Sam still lie just beneath. She could still pick up on the hints of coffee and old books that clung to his skin and lulled her to a relaxed state each night as she curled up in his embrace.
His grip on her tightened as she melted into his hold. The tension in her shoulders dropped and she exhaled a long breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding. Her hands moved to rest atop Sam’s arms around her waist. Her head turned on instinct to nuzzle her nose into the fabric of his shirt. 
Sam bent a bit so he could press a soft kiss to Astrael’s temple. His lips lingered in that place for a few seconds, just letting the moment wash over the pair of them. This was the kind of calm they wish they could feel every day, the kind of contentment they longed for in the midst of the constant chaos that they called life.
Astra twisted in her newly wed husband’s grip so they could face one another. Her hands pressed against his chest as she peered up at him, hazel meeting hazel in a moment of pure adoration. “I’m in love with you, Sam,” she whispered into the night. Her voice was just barely audible as the wind carried the cadence to his ears. A soft smile spread across his face, one that caused the dimples Astrael loved so much to deepen. 
He leaned down once more, and this time he pressed their lips together in a true kiss. Astra’s arms looped around his neck in an attempt to tug him impossibly closer. Even after the pair pulled away, they remained against each other as much as possible.
Astra took a moment to take in the sight of Sam after a day of being pampered and complimented. The smile on his face seemed brighter than ever. His eyes sparkled with a contented glint he did not often get to bear. His tuxedo jacket had long since been discarded, likely laying over the back of one of the chairs back in the reception room. His bow tie hung undone around his neck, one side reaching down just a bit more than the other. The top few buttons of his shirt were also unbuttoned and allowed the edges of his anti-possession tattoo to peek out from beneath the fabric. Before the movement could even register in her mind, Astrael’s fingertips were already carefully tracing over the ink with a feather light touch. She raised up on her toes just a bit so she could press her lips to the flame design surrounding the pentagram. 
The pair held each other in silence for a brief moment before the speakers inside switched to the next song. The familiar guitar finger picking seeped out from underneath the door and between the cracks, allowing the hunter and the fallen angel to pick up on the melody. By the time the words kicked in, Astrael had already tilted her head up to give Sam a small smile.
You say there’s so much you don’t know You need to go and find yourself You say you’d rather be alone ‘Cause you think you won’t find it tied to someone else
Sam returned her expression and took a step back, holding one arm behind his back and the other out towards her. He bent over in a bow. “Mind if I have this dance?”
Astra gladly placed her hand in his own. “No one I’d rather dance with.”
The hunter stands to his full height once more and loops his free arm around her waist. Astra places her hand on his chest, fingers curling over the top of his shoulder in a steady grip. Sam recognized her insistence to stand on the tips of her toes, and let out a low chuckle. 
“Stand on my feet,” he invited. Astra’s brows furrowed.
“Are you crazy? No! I’ll hurt you!”
Sam raised a brow in a challenging manner. “Angel, with the shit I’ve dealt with, having you stand on my feet so we can dance is basically a spa day.”
The mumbled words that came from Astra’s mouth were inaudible, but she decided to take his offer anyways and stepped up onto his feet. She waited for him to flinch, wince, shift with discomfort, anything. He simply smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead.
He pulled her carefully into his chest, the arm around her waist trailing up to rest against the back of her head. Her head lay on his chest, eyes fluttering shut with utter contentment. Never before had she felt safer or happier than in that moment, tucked under the chin of the love of her life, swaying softly to their song. Sam’s eyes shut of the same accord, his jaw clenched in an effort to fight back the tears he had only let spill twice tonight. Once again the burning sensation pricked at his eyes and nose. 
You don’t ever have to leave, if to change is what you need You can change right next to me When you’re high I’ll take the lows You can ebb and I can flow And we’ll take it slow And grow as we go
All the time they’d spent together, the years they’d fought side by side, the losses they’d faced hand in hand, all of it built up to this moment. And now, all of it seemed worth it. Astra’s grip on his dress shirt tightened as her hand balled into a fist. She pressed ever closer to him, as if possibly they could form one being and she would never have to let him go.
Feeling this shift, Sam took in a shaky breath and tightened his hold as well. He tilted his head down so he could bury his face in her hair, which had long since fallen out of the intricate up do that Claire, Jo, and Alex had all worked on together, looked over by Jody who had to step in quite a few times. Sam’s lips pressed against the crown of her head, where only mere hours ago there sat a veil that resembled an angel’s halo, raised just above her head by about half an inch to give the effect of it hovering on its own. But that wasn’t necessary to remind him of her celestial background. Also unnecessary for this were the lace designs depicting angel wings sewn into the back of her wedding dress. Both were small, cute little additions that Astra was head over heels excited about, but they weren’t what was important to him.
He knew she was an angel every day. That’s why he called her that so often. After the fall, Astra began telling him that she wasn’t really an angel anymore, that she was useless and shouldn’t have that term of endearment anymore. Sam refused every single time. It wasn’t her grace that made her an angel, it wasn’t her wings or her abilities, it was just her. 
The woman in his arms turned her head so she could nuzzle her nose into his neck. Once again, she felt herself drift off in the smell of Sam. All she could feel was calm. This was the one place she felt like she could fit in, this was her home. Not Heaven, not the bunker, not the Impala, but Sam. She didn’t need her wings or her grace, she didn’t need a huge house with a white picket fence. All she really needed was her family around her. Sam, Dean, Cas, Jack.... that’s it. 
The song drifted out as the final note was struck, but the couple made no immediate moves to separate. It seemed that in that moment, the reality of the day just came crashing down upon them. Astrael didn’t realize the tears making their way down her own cheeks until she felt Sam’s tears soaking into the hair atop her head.
They finally pulled back just enough to look each other in the eye. Streaks of tears lined both of their faces and their eyes were red rimmed, but their bright smiles were more genuine than ever. Sam’s hands shifted so he was cupping her face in both hands. Astra’s moved to grip at the front of his shirt.
He leaned down towards her, only to stop just a hair’s width away from her lips. “I love you, Mrs. Winchester,” he whispered against her skin.
Astra’s breath hitched at the name, only to be exhaled in a shaky sigh. Her nerves set alight with him so close, yet so far, and the fire in her stomach from his words pushed a small squeak from between her lips. Her neck extended as far as she could in an attempt to connect their lips, but Sam simply moved backwards with her to keep them just barely apart.
Her finger’s fidgeted with the fabric between them. “I love you too, Mr. Winchester,” she managed to reply, voice wobbly and cracking with emotion. A flash of a pearly white smile preceded the final push forward, and Sam finally allowed their lips to connect. Astra’s arms flew up around his neck as his wound around her waist, picking her up just slightly to bring her closer to him. 
A little over an hour later, people would begin exchanging goodbyes. Hugs and tears would be shared, congratulations given, and promises to visit soon agreed to under very insistent pointed fingers. The reception room would fall silent and all that would be left was the same five people that there always was. The newly wed couple remains as close as possible all night. The brother in-law pokes fun at the pair ceaselessly, though his pride for his little brother shines bright in his eyes. The raven haired angel, who for this one day caved in and arrived to the ceremony sans his trademark trench coat, wears a soft smile as he helps the rest of the team to clean up what’s been left behind. The young nephilim beams consistently, practically bouncing on his heels as he dashes to and from the newly weds to ask endless questions. He also wanted everyone to know that he was very excited to be able to wear a full suit for something where he got to tell the truth, though he wasn’t a huge fan of the bow tie. Astra had removed it from around his neck shortly after the ceremony finished after realizing how much the boy tugged at it with discomfort.
The lights would be shut off and the doors locked back up, the room left idle until the next reservation it has planned. Now clad in their normal, every day clothing, the family of five would make their way out to the ‘67 Chevy waiting for them in the parking lot. They’d pile into the car, chatting and laughing and poking fun at each other. Dean might toss his head back in a laugh at something Cas says in misunderstanding, and Sam might reach forward from the back seat to deliver a swift smack to the back of his brother’s head. The old cassette collection will probably make an appearance as the conversation comes to a close and the moon inches its way across the sky. Astra might lay her head down on Sam’s chest halfway through the ride back home, and Sam might begin running his fingers through her hair in a way he knows always works to put her to sleep. Her soft breathing might even out, much like the young nephilim also sleeping on the bench seat beside her.
At this point, Dean might look back in the rear view mirror. If he did, he would see his little brother holding to his chest his new wife, a soft smile on his face that Dean has never seen him bear in any other situation. That’s Astra’s smile, he realized long ago. That’s just for her. The corners of his lips might quirk upwards and maybe, just maybe, he’ll speak softly into the night.
“I’m happy for you, baby brother.”
Sam might blink up at him in the mirror, a look of utter awe on his face. He might trail his fingers through her hair once more as he gives his brother a nod of recognition, and the sound of classic rock overtakes the car once again.
If all of that happens, and if Sam and Astra fall asleep together that night and wake up the next morning, limbs tangled together under the sheets and fingers intertwined, it would mean one thing: Astra finally found her home. After millennia of searching, trying, and failing to find where she fits in, she finally found it in this little patchwork family settled in an old bunker in the middle of no where, Kansas. A sleepy kiss from Sam that morning is truly the cherry on top of it all.
And that’s enough.
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casseythebee ¡ 5 years ago
Crown of Roses
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Bingo Spot: Fourth of July
Summary: After a long debate you and Sam finally set on a date for your wedding and the day has finally come. 
Pairing: Sam x reader
Words: 1.7k-ish
Warning: pregnancy, a tiny bit of smut (it is literally just kissing in underwear), language  
[Y/N’s POV] 
“Dean calm down, it’s going to be okay,” you say to him holding your hands up in a defensive position. 
“How are we going to be able to take care of triplets?” he bellows. “Wait a minute how long have you known and not told me?” 
You and Sam make eye contact but look away quickly, avoiding Dean’s glare. “Well-” Sam starts but you cut him off with a death stare of your own. “We have to tell him at some point.” 
You shake your head. “He is going to be pissed.” 
“Cas,��� Sam says, “had his suspicions early on but was not confirmed until after about 3 weeks give or take a few days.” 
“You didn’t tell me for 13 weeks!”
“We didn’t want to tell you until we were absolutely sure that the babies would survive,” you admit. You have read that the risk of miscarriage is low after at least 10 weeks and that most women come out and say it after the first trimester. But you were scared. Sometimes multiple pregnancies don’t always survive, more so back in the day but you just wanted to stay safe. “It is a set of twin girls and a boy.” 
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“Cas! Why did you change it?” Charlie screeches. “I love that song!” 
“By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do!” you and Charlie scream-sing in unison. 
Cas is driving, Charlie is upfront and you are sprawled out in the back. You are 12 hours into a 13 and a half-hour drive down to Padre Island, Texas. You and Sam chose the Fourth of July and the island for your wedding. 
“And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding!” you two sing again. 
Charlie is wiggling around in her seat dancing to the best of her ability in the cramped truck. “Come on Cassey! Sing along with us!” 
“Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me!” he sings in his deep voice. 
“You're my wonderwall!” you yell. 
Cas and Charlie are going to be your bridesmaids while Jack and Dean are going to be Sam’s groomsmen. Your bridesmaids helped you pick out your dress and you got to pick out their outfits. You wanted a red-themed wedding with roses because roses have always been your thing. You and Sam rented the honeymoon suite for the week while the rest of the gang is only staying the night. 
You decided to keep the wedding small not a lot of people just your closest friends. 
“Like a river flows surely to the sea!” Charlie screams. 
“Wait! Wait! Wait!” you yell over the loud music. “I want this to be the song to be our wedding song! But the Tyler Joseph version!” 
“Yes, that would be adorable!” Charlie gushes. “Now I want to listen to them.” 
You guys spend the next hour and a half screaming along to the lyrics of Twenty One Pilots and rapping to the best of your ability. 
“We are here. Look at the view,” Cas says. It is a beautiful beach with bright blue water and golden sand, the people are starting to thin out leaving the beach practically empty. 
You all pull up to a nice hotel and all pile out to rush the hotel to check-in. It is only 6 o’clock so after you all drop off your stuff in your rooms and head out to get dinner and explore. 
“Sammy my feet and back hurt,” you wine giving him puppy dog eyes. 
He leans over and places a kiss on your forehead. “We are almost there, love. It’s right there.” 
Dean found a pub that is walking distance to the hotel that you are all going to eat at. Once again you eat way too much for dinner and Dean drinks a lot and you guys are out of there by 8. 
“I can’t walk around anymore, you guys go out and explore I’ll go back to the hotel,” you tell them turning to go. 
Sam grabs on to your arm and says, “I’ll go with.” 
You two head up to your room and finally get a look around. On the wall opposite the door is a big king-sized bed. In a crevice in the are a heart-shaped hot tub and a spacious bathroom with a large double shower. Across from the bed is a huge flat screen tv. 
“So… what do you want to do?” you ask looking up at him. 
He leans over and starts kissing you. His tongue runs over your bottom lip asking for permission to enter, which you oblige to happily. He starts backing the two of you back towards the bed until the back of your knees hit the edge. 
“Lay down,” Sam growls. 
You turn around and crawl towards the headboard before turning back and settling down. When you look back at Sam he is in nothing but his boxers so you start to strip down to your underwear. He kisses a trail up your legs, your chest, and finally stopping at your mouth. 
You sigh into his mouth before pulling away and laying a hand on his chest. “I am so tired after that car ride that I just need to relax, I’m sorry.” 
“No, you are totally fine.” 
You both settle in under the covers and put on a Marvel movie, Winter Soldier to be exact. About halfway through the movie, you doze off and Sam soon follows suit. But only a few minutes later you are yanked awake when Charlie, Dean, Cas, and Jack barge into the room. 
“Woah, woah, woah, there is no sleeping together now! You guys have to get ready!” Dean says coming over. “Wait a minute please tell me you guys didn’t… you know, do it.” 
“No, I promise,” You yawn and rub your eyes, “I know that is bad luck. What time is it anyway?” 
“Almost 9 and we need to get you ready. Dean, Jack, Sam you go to the other room and get ready. Set up the beach we meet you down there, okay?” Charlie says looking at each of them. “Now go!” 
When they are finally gone she grabs your dress out of the closet along with her’s and Cas’ suit. “You are going to look positively gorgeous in this.” 
“Oh stop it, you’re too kind,” Cas jokes. 
You all giggle and start to get ready. Charlie helps you get into the dress and do your makeup. When you are all done you look into the full-length mirror in the closet. Long whitish-pinkish lace hugs your frame and pools at your feet creating a train behind you. A sweetheart shaped neckline accentuates your breasts and makes them look full. The off the shoulder, full, sheer straps pull the dress together nicely. You decided to go natural for makeup, with nothing but sparkly lipgloss and mascara. Cas actually did your hair in large ringlets cascading down your shoulders and back with a crown of roses atop your head. 
Next Charlie slips into her dress. It has the same sweetheart neckline and is a candy apple red fit and flare dress, with tank top straps. You french braid a couple of pieces of her hair and pull them back before weaving baby’s breath into it. She slips into plain black flats before looking into the mirror. 
“Oh my god! I didn’t even realize this dress had pockets!” Charlie yells in excitement. “You did a great job making me look pretty. Thank you.” She turns and hugs you, making sure she doesn’t squish your baby belly. 
“Cas you have to get ready as well,” you say turning to him. “You are not allowed to wear that dirt trench coat to my wedding.” 
“It’s fine.” He snaps his fingers and the suit you picked out for him magically appears on him, and his old clothes are neatly folded on the bed. 
“Show off,” you say and Charlie rolls her eyes. 
Cas is wearing a black suit with a white button-down, a red vest underneath, and a red and black striped tie. 
“Looks like you forgot something smart ass,” you scold him and reach into his suit bag to grab the red pocket square before folding it and tucking it in. 
“You look gorgeous, sweetheart,” Cas admires stooping down to place a kiss on top of your head. 
You whisper a quiet thank you to him as you feel your face heat up. “Wait where are my shoes?” 
“Shit did Dean forget to grab them?” Charlie rips through everything trying to find them before you lay a hand on her arm. 
You lightly say to her, “It’s okay. It will be kind of fun to go barefoot, I can dig my toes in the sand. Besides, the shoes will hurt my feet anyways.” 
Cas helps you walk to the car because your feet still hurt, and you notice Dean left Baby for your guys to arrive in style. 
Cas drives agonizingly slow to the beach but lucky for you the view is amazing. It is a clear night and the sky looks amazing, the stars and moon lighting up the night. 
A gasp escapes you when you see what the boys set up for you. There is a long and wide trail of roses and rose petals leading from the foot of the stairs to the arch, which is decorated with vines of roses. Along the path are lit candles. On each side of the path, there are five chairs arranged neatly, each of them filled with other hunters dressed up in their finest clothes. Among the crowd are Claire, Alex, and the witch twins. Underneath the arch, Jody stands in the middle with Sam to your right and behind him are Dean and Jack- in that order. 
Cas gets out of the car and offers you his arm. “My lady,” he says with a smirk and wink. 
You grab his arm and he helps you out of the car and starts walking you down the stairs. Charlie grabs the train behind you to keep it from dragging and you all walk down together. 
When you all get to the end Charlie walks off to stand in her spot and Cas brushes a kiss against your cheek. “Be good to her, or else,” Cas warns Sam. 
“Ready?” Sam asks grabbing your hands. 
“Ready is most definitely my middle name.” 
Fireworks go off a little way down the beach as well as your heart. 
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malcolmbrights-a ¡ 6 years ago
amy x matt
- name: jack matthew murdock (named after his grandpa)
- likes / dislikes: 
likes: humming 90s top 40 (since matt listened to it when the bab was little), iced coffee, classical music, instruments of any kind, resting his head on his sister or mother’s shoulders and falling asleep, strawberry jam, the scent of lavender, strawberries, boys ksjdhfsdf, board games, watching hours upon hours of television, playing handclap games, hugs
dislikes: fighting of any kind. he refuses to do it, when his dad bugs him about school, stormy nights (thunder scares the shit out of him since he has heightened senses. but unlike matt he isn’t blind so they drive him nuts a majority of the time and meditation doesn’t work like it does with matt), loud noises, screaming, peanut butter, blood, whenever someone is upset
first word: mommy. amy was feeding him and he just said it out of nowhere. 
appearance: brown hair like both his parents (amy is natural brown, right?) | brown eyes | he tends to dress a little flamboyantly and likes stuff that really makes him easy to spot in a crowd | his shoes aren’t designer since they can’t afford designer stuff but it’s all still nice | sometimes he’ll put on eyeshadow cause YOLO. you’d think matt would care but he doesn’t give a fuck
which parent they look more like: matt. 
- which parent they like more: amy. he is such a goddamn mamas boy. he fucking loves amy so damn much. all amy has to do is smile at him and his day is made. when he was a baby he used to sob when anyone would hold him, and then amy did and he stopped crying. 
- height once fully grown:  5’8”
- job ambition: librarian 
- faceclaim: t/om holland
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sam x robbie
- name: cynthia alejandra miller
- likes / dislikes:
likes:  frida kahlo, poems, the smell of dust after rain, beauty marks, flaws, things that stand out, earrings, her parents, dancing, singing god awful karaoke, crappy romance movies and classic romance movies, scary stories, painting, learning about art, taking naps in the canopy outside, gay rights
dislikes: anyone saying anything negative about her parents, art snobs, movie snobs, pedejos who can’t take a hint, judgemental people, origami, celebrities of any kid or capitalism, homophobes, billionaires
first word: dada. uhm the ultimate robbie fan. can i get a hell yah? cause uhm, hell yah, dis girls loves her dad
appearance: long brown hair that curls like her mothers | big brown eyes | tan skin | pink lips | she’s always wearing a cross around her neck for the aesthetic| dresses like an art hoe
which parent they look more like: sam. those eyes, that hair - all sam. though her personality, a lot like robbie’s
- which parent they like more: robbie. she loves sam but again she is like the ultimate robbie stan. he has always been there for her throughout her life and she goes to him for any and everything ever. like he is one of the most important people in her life and she loves him so fucking much dude
- height once fully grown:  5’4”
fc: adria arjona (i cant find bb fcs)
- job ambition: artist
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claudia x alex
- name: jason alec reeves
- likes / dislikes: 
likes:  trashy reality television and crappy horror films, eating ice cream from the carton, archery, throwing hands and having verbal arguments (lol him mom), tiktocs, animals of any kind, video games, science, sneaking out behind his dad’s back w his mom to eat mcdonalds, books, rubix cubes, stupid af jokes jdhsjkfsd and sarcastic comments, anything mint tasting,  nice clothes
dislikes: being told what to do, losing arguments, being manipulated (dont try it or ur mcfucked lol) bad books, offensive jokes,  people who talk too loud, going to his grandmas events, being anxious, the unknown, ugly clothes
first word: “no, thank you mama” lol idek why. it was just a sentence cause he didn’t talk til he was 2
appearance: dark brown hair | brown eyes like his mom’s | messy, curly hair | freckles | very tall | is always kept together minus his hair and tends to always wear designer wear. (like he can’t wear ugly clothes lol) 
which parent they look more like: claudia. those brown eyes & his eyebrows...mamas!
- which parent they like more: it’s a tie. he likes alex for certain reasons and likes claudia for others. like he goes to claudia if he wants affection and to goof off. goes to alex if he wants deep conversation or if he wants to just observe him work. 
- height once fully grown:  5’8”
- job ambition: comedian 
- faceclaim: as a smol f/inn wolfhard (or alex fitzalan for older) idk both?
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zoeykaytesmom ¡ 6 years ago
What is Life? (Chapter 9)
@lyssa1385​ @sweetsummertime99​ @esparza-army​ @thatesparzacrush​ @gibbs274 @tropes-and-tales​ @xemopeachx​ @jramirezblogs​ @eclecticdeersuit​ @barbafan69​ 
December 1995
“Another semester behind us,” Krystal laughed as she and Izzy got ready to go to start their Christmas vacation. Krystal was going to spend the first week in New York since she had never been.
“Only three more to go.”
“You still thinking of applying to law school?”
“Not sure. I mean I know my brother is but we don’t have to do all the same stuff.”
“Speaking of, is he single?”
“He was seeing some girl at Brown. Why?”
“Just wondering,” she shrugged. “Is he off limits?”
“He’s grown and so are you,” she said throwing her hands up.
“So, what are we going to do when we get to New York?”
“First thing you’re gonna want to do is sleep. We won’t land until 8:00. I’m sure my mother is making something ‘special’ for dinner. After that, you’ll want sleep, trust me.”
“Okay, then what about tomorrow?”
“I might be nice and take you to Rockefeller Center but we have to get there early.”
“I’m so excited,” Krystal clapped as she jumped and down.
“And you were only on the drill team?”
“Come on, we need to get to the airport.”
Izzy was right. Stella had made at least three homemade Italian dishes, salad, bread, and a dessert.
“Ma, you didn’t have to do all of this,” Izzy chuckled as they hugged.
“When was the last time either of you had a decent meal?”
“TGI Friday’s the other night.”
“Elizabeth Machelle.”
“I had ribs, a salad, and a baked potato.”
“You mean you had sour cream with a little potato underneath.”
“Pretty much.
“Junior will you take Krystal’s stuff up to the guestroom so these two can eat, please?”
“No problem,” he said as he smiled at Krystal before heading upstairs.
“Well, come on, you two. Go eat.”
The girls did as they were told and Krystal found out Izzy was right. All she wanted was a shower and to go to sleep after the long flight and all the food she had eaten. Back home, she lived on things like Arby’s, McDonalds, Jack-in-the-Box, Domino’s, Wendy’s, etc. Her parents worked late hours and she rather had family dinners, unless she went to her grandparents.
“So, what do the two of you have planned for Krystal’s first trip to New York?” Tony asked as he sat on his sister’s bed.
“I’m hoping to take her to Rockefeller Center in the morning. She asked about you.”
“Really?” He said with a smirk.
“What? I can’t have some fun while we’re home?”
“I just don’t want to hear about it. You can come with us tomorrow if you want.”
“I might meet you there. Did Ma tell you I’m registered to take my LSATs this Spring?”
“No. Already?”
“The sooner the better. I’ve done good on the practice exams.”
“Good for you.”
“Have you given any thought…”
“Not yet. We still have a year and a half.”
“Don’t wait until the last minute.”
“I know. Anyways, I want to get on New York time.”
“I’ll take that as a hint,” he laughed. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Krystal, Izzy, and Erin were sitting by the rink after a few rounds, having a cup of hot chocolate, watching the couples and families skate passed them.
“I can’t believe y’all live in New York and you’re not here every Christmas.”
“It gets old after a while,” Erin chuckled.
“I get it. After working at a theme park for most of high school, I would prefer to only stop on Disney property from now on. I mean, that makes Six Flags look like the state fair.”
“You need to bring her back at Spring Break and we could take her to Coney Island.”
“That’s a good idea, Erin. You think your parents would go for it?”
“I can always ask.”
“Can we join you ladies?” Izzy heard her brother’s voice from behind them and Erin whisper, “oh shit”.
Izzy turned to see her brother standing with Rafael.
“Uh…” Izzy couldn’t answer quick enough before her brother and Rafael sat down at their table.
“Hey, Izz,” he said quietly.
“Hey,” she replied without taking her eyes off of her cup.
“You okay?” Erin whispered.
She just slightly nodded.
“Rafael this is my sister’s roommate, Krystal.”
“Nice to meet you,” he told her.
“You girls ready to go back out?” Erin asked.
“Sure,” Izzy said as she stood up. “Come on, Krystal. Let’s see if you can stay up this time.”
The girls left, leaving the guys at the table.
“I told you, Tony,” Rafael said as he shook his head.
“I’m doing my best but if I had told her you were coming, she would’ve changed her plans without telling me.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s been two years.”
“Every letter still been sent back?”
“Birthday card, too. I just…if nothing else I’d like to start over with her.”
“Stay here,” Tony said as he got up and met his sister on the ice.
“You actually brought Rafael here?”
“I bumped into him. He’s supposed to be meeting Eddie and they’re to a Knicks game or something. Will you just talk to him?”
“What could he possibly say…”
“If you weren’t so bullheaded and sent back every letter he’s written you, maybe you’d know what he wants to say.”
“You do know what happened…”
“And I didn’t touch him because you asked me not to. I’ve been pissed off at him, too. Do you not know what happened last spring break?”
“Yelina had been cheating on him with Alex.”
“What?” She was so caught off guard, she tripped and fell on the ice, twisting her ankle in the process.
“Oh my god, are you okay?”
Her ankle was killing her.
“Come on, we gotta get this skate off of you,” her brother said as he helped her up.
“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.”
He helped her sit down and put her leg on the bench seat, next to Rafael. Without thinking, Rafael started untying her skate.
She jerked her leg back really quick. Huge mistake on her end.
“Will you just let me help you?” He hissed.
“Okay,” she relented.
A paramedic came over and looked at her ankle. “You guys need to get an x-ray on this. Could be a sprain, could be worse. It’s swelling pretty fast.”
“Do you have your car, Izz?”
“Uh no, Junior. It’s still back in God’s etch-a-sketch.”
“Let Rafael get a cab and take you to Mercy. I’ll get a hold of Mom and Dad and. I’ll make sure Erin and Krystal get back to Brooklyn, too.”
“Yeah, okay.” She was in too much pain to argue.
“Well, Miss Rossetti, it’s definitely not broken but you do have a severe sprain.”
“Great,” she said as she rolled her eyes.
“I’m gonna give you a prescription for Darvocet, we’ll wrap your ankle, and give you these nice crutches…”
“Crutches? I play basketball for USC.”
“You have a grade two sprain. If you don’t let this heal, you could end up tearing something.”
“Just do what he says, Izz.”
“You’re being awfully bossy for someone…”
“Not here,” he told her sternly.
“As I was saying,” the doctor continued. “You’ll want to keep it elevated and ice on it when possible.”
“Thank you.”
Her ankle was wrapped, Rafael took the prescription from the doctor. He held her rainbow sock and purple Nike as he helped her off the table.
The cab ride back to Bensonhurst was quiet. Half of her wanted to scream, cry, and even punch him for what had happened between them. Then part of her just kept playing Oasis’ song “Don’t Look Back in Anger” in her head. She had almost worn out her CD because of that song in particular back at school.
Stella met them to pay the cab driver and helped her daughter out when they got to their house. She handed Rafael some more money and asked him to go get the Darvocet filled and pick up a few other things for Izzy if he didn’t mind.
“Sure, Stella,” he smiled before closing the cab door and telling him where to go.
Anthony was in the process of bringing Izzy’s stuff down into the den, which was basically his man cave, so she wouldn’t have to try and go upstairs for anything. He had pulled the bed out of the sofa in there, piling the pillows on it and her favorite pink and purple sheet set.
Stella had thrown together a plate of leftovers from the night before and put it in the microwave while she waited on Rafael to return with the small list she had made.
She helped Izzy get into her white pajamas with rainbow polka dots all over them. Sure, they weren’t sexy at all but they were cute and comfortable at least.
About 30 minutes later, he came back and rang the doorbell.
“Since when do you ring my doorbell,” Stella laughed as she opened the door for him.
“Well, I haven’t been around in a while so I…”
“Come in. Thank you so much for doing this for me.”
“Not a problem at all, Stella.”
“Can you do me one last favor?”
“Take this tray to Izzy in Anthony’s den so she can eat before she takes her pain medicine. Stuff like this always makes her nauseous if she doesn’t eat.”
“Uh…yeah,” he smiled as he picked up the tray and headed in there.
“Your mom wants you to eat before you take your pain meds,” he  told her as he sat the tray on the folding table.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Yeah, thanks? That’s all you have to say to me?”
“What do you want me to say, Rafael?”
“I didn’t get a thank you for taking you to the emergency room, making sure you got home, going and getting your meds…”
“You honestly think that I’m going to fall over myself after what you did?!”
“You know what…forget it. I am done chasing after ungrateful women. I do everything I can and it’s never good enough.”
“Doing everything you can include taking my virginity and going back to Yelina?”
“I never meant…I wanted to be with you. I told you I loved you. Like Yelina, you didn’t want me until I was with someone else.”
“That’s such bullshit and you know it! I wanted you since the freshman dance.”
“You sure proved that by fixing me up with Lauren and then getting with Antonio!”
“You said you liked her! If you didn’t like me, I at least wanted you to be happy and away from Yelina!”
“Do you know how hard it was for me to tell you I couldn’t talk to you anymore? I wasn’t just losing the person that I loved but my best friend in doing that.”
“You know what? It’s been two years. I’m over it.”
“Yeah, you seem like it.”
“You green-eyed, Cuban prick!”
“We’re gonna go there, you brown-eyed Italian brat!”
“Get out!!!”
“I’m leaving! Don’t worry about sending back another letter or birthday card because I’m done wasting anymore of my time or money.”
“Good! You finally got the fucking hint.”
“You’re just as bad Yelina.”
“I said get out!”
She had gotten off the sofa bed in some more sort of futile attempt to “chase” him out of her house.
“I’m leaving!”
“Have a nice life!”
Before she could think, her face was in his hands, his lips pressed to hers. She melted instantly, her crutches falling to the floor but she didn’t care as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up as he continued kissing her as he laid her back on the sofa bed.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered after he broke away from her.
“Me, too.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. It was me. I was being stupid. You were 3,000 miles away and that killed me as it was. Yelina played to that. I’m sorry I said you were just like her. You’ve never been anything like her. You’ve made me laugh, you’ve taken care of me when I’ve needed it. You’ve listened to me.”
“I’ve missed that,” he smiled. “What is it, cariño?”
“Kiss me again?”
“Of course.”
“Are you two okay? I heard yelling…oops!!” Stella said, slightly embarrassed.
“Sorry, Ma.”
“I’ll just leave you two alone. Here’s an ice pack for you, Izz.”
“Thanks,” she told her mother with a beet red face.
“Rafael would you add another pillow under her ankle, please?”
“Are you hungry?”
“No, ma’am, I’m fine. Thank you.”
“Okay. If you change your mind, you know where everything is,” she told him as she slid the doors back shut.
“I’m sorry I sent back all your letters and cards. What did they say?”
“Just ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again basically,” he kind of laughed quietly.
“One of those was pretty thick.”
“It’s not important anymore. Eat and take your medicine.”
“Okay. Hey?”
“Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?”
“Yeah,” he smiled the crooked smile she had first fell for. “You want me to put a movie in?”
“I think Dad brought my tapes of ‘Welcome Back, Kotter’ down here.”
“Are you for real?”
“You know I love that show and it took me forever to record those.”
“So, tape one then?”
He popped the VHS in the VCR and grabbed the remote. He kicked off his shoes and laid next to her.
“Thank you for taking care of me today. Not a lot of guys would’ve done that.”
“Well, I have a confession to make.”
“What’s that?”
“Your brother kind of planned for me to come and ‘bump’ into you today. He wanted us to talk.”
“Did he plan on me getting hurt, too?”
“That was just an added bonus,” he teased. “I would’ve help you no matter what. You know me better than that.”
“Sorry to interrupt again but Rafael, I think these pajama bottoms are yours that you left here a few years ago,” Stella said handing him the plaid pants.
“I wondered what happened to these,” he laughed as he took them from her.
“They’ve been in the guestroom dresser since the last time you stayed here. Thought you might want to get comfortable if you’re gonna hang out for a little bit.”
“I’ll close my eyes.”
“You’ve seen me with less than my boxers, Izz,” he laughed as he took off the gray Polo shirt we was wearing leaving only white undershirt. He took off his jeans, pulled on the plaid cotton pants before crawling up next to her again. “I never regretted that, you know.”
“You told me.”
“I want you to really know that. You were the one I wanted to do that with. No one else. Why are you laughing?”
“What is with your socks?”
“You with the rainbow toe socks from the 70s are laughing about my white socks with blue polka dots?”
“Sorry, I might be getting a little high.”
“Trying to have a serious moment and you have to ruin it.”
“I never regretted it either.”
“Even after…”
“Well, maybe a few times but when it comes down to it, no…never. You want the rest of my lasagna? I can’t finish all this.”
“As if you had to ask. Look, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I just want to spend time with you while we’re on break. So, can we be friends again?”
“Do you kiss all your friends like that?”
“I’m glad you said something. I better make sure I give Tony his when he gets back.”
The Darvocet she had taken made her laugh harder than she probably should’ve but it was funny.
“Just you,” he smiled once he stopped laughing. “We don’t have to though…”
“Let’s just see how things go. I mean, I’m gonna be laid up for most of Christmas break. Yay for me.”
“Fair enough. Now, give me that plate.”
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