#alex danvers: babysitting
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“Wake up,” Lex snarled.
Kara’s eyelids were brutally heavy. She couldn’t force them open no matter how she tried, and everything sounded distant, as if she were listening from underwater. The loudest sound was the blood rushing in her own ears and the steady march of her pulse, like the distant rush of some animal moving across leaves.
“Whu?” she managed to choke out.
“Open. Your. Eyes.”
Kara finally managed to split them open, blinking away gummy eyelashes to take a blurred look around the room. She wasn’t sure where she was, only that they were underground. Her limbs felt leaden and her body ached. It was soon clear why.
The chunk of kryptonite in front of her glowed a paler green than normal. It was different somehow, hard to look at.
“What? What did you do?”
“I broadened my mind,” said Lex.
Kara managed to raise her head and look at him. He was stripped to the waist, a flabby early middle aged business executive, much softer than he would allow anyone to realize. He looked a little absurd, especially after all the effort he put into a public image of a physically fit, debonair, imposing man.”
“What is this?”
“That is a very special type of kryptonite. You wouldn’t believe what I had to give up to get it. It’ll be worth it in the end.”
“Where are we?”
“Oh this place,” Lex said, glancing around the stone walls, lit by flicker torches and glowing Edison lamps. “A castle, in Scotland. It was incredibly expensive, I assure you. The grounds are quite lovely, though you’ll never have a chance to see them.”
“Of course I won’t,” Kara rasped. “Can you finish your monologue without the dramatic pauses? I’m on the clock.”
Lex smirked at her.
“This castle was built on a conduit of energy- a ley line. Actually several, and they converge beneath our feet. That and the peculiar construction -sandwiched within these walls are layers of copper, cold-hammered silver, and pure selenium- make it perfect for my purposes.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Oh no no no,” Lex laughed, “not everything is about you, Supergirl. This is about Lena.”
Kara heard a muffled cry and looked around frantically.
“She’ll join us shortly,” said “Lex. I wasn’t finished.”
“You talk too much.”
“Oh indeed. You know, I’ve wondered what she sees in an alien freak like you. Why you’re so alluring to her. I’ve often wondered why you never made a move- I know you think about it. Fantasize about it.”
“Shut up,” said Kara.
“I’ve been watching, you know. Did you think I’d let you out of my sight?”
Lex walked to a table and began toying with a long dagger with a thin, blue-black blade, drawing the edge over his thumb with a wince. He let a thin bloppy stream of his blood trickle into a silver chalice on the table before staunching the bleeding with a towel.
He turned to Kara sharply, holding the dagger.
“Know what?”
“Your little secret? Or should I say, your big secret?”
“I haven’t told her.”
He stopped and regarded her with a smile.
“I don’t mean your real name, Kara,” Lex chuckled. “I mean the other secret, you moron. The one that made you switch from the skirt to pants.”
“What? No, of course not…”
“I know what you want to do with her,” Lex said, kneeling to look Kara in the eye as the heavy chains weighed her down.
“Fuck you,” Kara spat.
“Oh dear me no, I don’t play catcher. Anyway, as I was saying, I think I know what she sees in you. Turns out that rutting with inhuman monsters is in my half sister’s blood. On her mother’s side, obviously. Someone in the deep end of my dear sister’s gene pool interbred with one of the fair folk. The kindly ones. The fey.”
“The what?”
Lex lashed out with the knife and a hot red sting slashed Kara’s cheek. To her shock she felt blood running down her jawline and chin. Lex let it drop into the chalice, mingling with his own, then stood up.”
“Bring her!” he shouted. “Otis you oaf, bring her in.”
Kara’s attention snapped to the far end of the room. Otis Graves shoved Lena into the room. Kara knew it was her even with a black bag over her head. Lena was barefoot and bruised, her blazer and skirt torn from putting up a fight.
There was a thin chain of dark metal looped lazily around her neck.
“Once I learned about this, I did what I always do,” said Lex. “I decided to master my circumstances. I studied, I learned, I applied what I’d researched.”
He turned back to Kara, and as her vision cleared, she saw that Lex was drawn and haggard, thinner than she remembered.
“It took me almost two years to prepare this ritual. I have walked trails blazed by gods. I had to beg, borrow, and steal to piece together the forbidden lore I need. I even had to strike treaties with the pit.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” said Kara.
“Lex,” Lena panted through her mask. “Don’t do this. Let her go. Please.”
Lex barked out a sharp laugh. “Let her go? Come on, sis. That’s Kara’s line.”
Lena let out a sharp gasp, visibly tensing.
“It’s me, Lee.”
“Lee?” said Lex. “You hate that nickname.”
“Not from her,” Lena said softly.
“Lena, I don’t know what crazy nonsense he’s talking but I will get us out of this. He has some kind of-“
Kara was cut off as Lex kicked her hard in the belly, driving the toe of his shoe up under her ribs. The world exploded in pain and Kara doubled over, almost retching in agony.
“As much as I’d like to spend the rest of the day making you feel pain, we’re on the clock. I have power to acquire, a world to master, and a deal with a devil to weasel out of.”
“Lex,” said Lena. “You didn’t.”
“I did. Promised my immortal soul upon death, but alas, I’m never going to die. Otis, get her in place.
Kara strained at her chains as the big oaf wrenched Lena around and bound her hands behind her back with ancient looking iron manacles.
“The iron keeps her from trying any tricks,” Lex explained.
Kara was tired of his bullshit. The only thing that mattered was Lena’s shocked cry of agony when Otis forced her to her knees on the stone floor, followed by the whimper as he yanked the bag from her head. Her right eye was swollen almost shut and she had a split lip.
Incandescent rage boiled in Kara’s chest with the fury of a newborn star. If not for the strange kryptonite sapping her powers, Otis Graves would burn, screaming in agony in the terrible wrath of a Kryptonian’s gaze.
He hurt her. He hurt her Lena.
“You know how this is going to end, Lex.”
He was leafing through the pages of a heavy book on his work table.
“Out, Otis.”
Graves withdrew, smirking at Lena. She turned to Kara, eyes soft with emotion.
“Not often we get kidnapped together.”
“I’d rather have had a movie night.”
“Ugh, can you two please save the tearful love confession? I’m gagging.”
“Why didn’t you ever ask me out?” said Lena.
“I’m stupid,” Kara sighed. “I thought about it. I was scared. I thought… I don’t know.”
Lex rolled his eyes. “Danvers, are you really going to pretend you didn’t know that my sister is a rug muncher? It’s the worst kept secret in the Luthor family history. Throwing her into a girl’s boarding school was like throwing a pig in shit, but then Mother has always been a dolt.”
Kara ground her teeth. “Don’t talk about Lena like that.”
“Or?” said Lex. “Alright, look. I’d love to spend a bit longer taunting you, but I’m busy. The forms have been observed. I monologue, we taunt each other, I kill you.”
“No,” said Kara. “You try and fail and I drag you to jail.”
“Not this time,” said Lex.
“No, not this time,” said Kara. “This time I break my biggest rule.”
Lena stared at her across the room, eyes wide.
“I’m not going to let him hurt you anymore.”
“How noble,” Lex deadpanned. “Hold still, sis.”
He grabbed her by the chin, dabbing a thin paintbrush in the chalice, and began to paint lines and sworls on Lena’s face in their mingled blood. When Lena tried to turn, her let go and backhanded her across the face. Lena almost fell to the floor and let out a pained yelp.
Kara pulled hard at the chains but the held fast. She felt like she was weighed down by an invisible force, unseen hands digging spectral fingers into her arms and legs.
“It’s interesting,” said Lex. “Everyone assumes you have one weakness- Kryptonite. But you’re just as vulnerable to magic as anyone else.”
“What?” said Kara. “You’re insane.”
“I don’t think he is,” Lena said, wincing at her split lip. “When I was a girl, there were rumors that my mother was a witch, and she did some… some things I didn’t understand.”
Lex smirked.
He propped the book open on his forearm, making a final study of the markings he’d drawn on Lena’s face.
“You know the most annoying part?” said Lex. “It’s that you can’t just do magic. The power source, as it were, has to come from somewhere. The most common place to get it is from ancestor fucking a dragon or a god damned fairy or some other absurd thing. I don’t have the spark. But she does.”
He looked at Lena, a feral, hungry glint in his eye, and began to chant, reading from the book.
Kara flinched. The words sounded wrong, twisting and turning unnaturally as they fell from Lex’s mouth. The air grew heavy, as if a coat of soot and oil fell over everything, and a hideous stink of rotten eggs filled the room.
Lena cried out, eyes flying open in shock. She tried to say something but choked.
Kara lunged, desperate to free herself, to break the chains, to reach Lena and spirit her to safety the way she always did, but she was helpless. A terrible certainty of her own death fell over her like an ebon cloak, and she felt a distinct certainty of things, other presences in the room just out of sight.
“Lex,” Lena pleaded, “Stop. Please. You’re hurting me.”
Kara let out a sharp snarl, a ripping sound of threat from deep in her chest.
Lex briefly broke his chant. “Yes, the ritual will most likely kill you. No great loss. The world has enough degenerates and alien-fuckers as it is.”
He resumed his chanting, and Kara felt a sudden wave of agony through her body. She tried to scream but no sound came. It was as if a giant’s hands had shoved into her chest and begun crushing her lungs from the inside. She fell boneless to the floor, writhing in pain.
Lena lay on her side, tears streaming from her eyes, tears that tinged pink with blood as she jerked and convulsed, teeth clenched.
And Lex… Lex changed.
There was a soft crack and the rhythm of his chanting changed. He grew taller before Kara’s eyes. His arms swelled, corded with new muscle as his paunchy belly flattened and tightened into a washboard.
“That’s right,” he snarled. “Soon it all be mine. All your beautiful power mine. I will be powered by the sun! Lex Luthor will fly faster than a speeding bullet, bend steel in his bare hands! I will be a god, and when I am I will finally lead humanity into its glory! My glory! Lex Luthor, the Man of Tomorrow! Invincible! Immortal!”
Kara could feel herself fading, the world irising shut as death stalked her from below, a hungry predator always waiting just beyond the edges of her gaze. Her hands were pale, the flesh drawn so tight to the bone that they seemed barely more than skeletal. Her hands actually slipped free of her manacles, but she might as well be buried beneath a mountain for all the good it did. She had no strength to move.
Yet she could speak.
“Lena,” Kara rasped out, “Lena!”
Lena forced her eyes open.
“You have to fight him.”
“I can’t,” said Lena, her face shattering into a mask of agony. “It hurts so much, and I’m too weak.”
“You are not weak!” Kara spat, with all her remaining strength. “You’re beautiful and powerful and… magical. You’re my Lena.”
“Kara,” Lena gasped.
“I love you.”
“I love you, Lena. Please, I need you to know.”
“I know,” Lena choked out, pinching her eyes shut, tears of blood streaking her face as she clenched her jaw in tooth shattering pain. “Oh God I know, Kara. I love you too. I love you so much it hurts. I just wish we had more time. I…”
She went silent, and still. Kara stared at her for an awful endless moment of white hot pain as something ate her alive from the heart out, yet that pain paled next to the agony of watching Lena suffer. She was almost glad that death would take her first, but prayed to the god of a distant broken world that Lena wouldn’t have to see it. She felt a dim hope that somewhere past this, in fields beneath a crimson star there would be a place for them, that Rao would find a way to bring Lena home to Him, that He would not let her wander in the dark, forever lost.
Kara had fucking earned a little grace.
Then, Lena’s eyes shot open, ablaze with stunning, brilliant light. She wrenched from the floor with a sudden strength and arched her back, screaming.
Lex looked down at her as the iron manacles fell ruined from her wrists and she yanked the chain from her throat, her hands wreathed in otherworldly light as the links snapped.
Slowly she rose to her feet, eyes still blazing.
Lena screamed, a banshee wail that shook the walls around them, and her cry seemed to swallow Lex’s frantic chanting, opening vast shark-toothed jaws of music that gouged into his feeble warbling and bit down, devouring it.
He stumbled back, frantically turning pages in his book.
“Fuck you,” Lena snarled, and the words carried an intensity, a physical force just as Lex’s had, but where his sharp wrenching syllables turned the air somehow profane and tainted it with invisible filth, Lena’s burned, not as fire but as daylight burns, clear and bright to chase dark crawling things back into their hateful shadows.
With a soft cracking sound, the strange chunk of tainted kryptonite turned a dull gray.
It had become lead.
Kara planted her palms and pushed up to kneel. She could feel, see the vitality coming back to her. Her frame expanded from skeletal and deathly thin to its normal self, slabs of lithe muscle bunching beneath her colors and crest as she stood and watched Lex shrinking.
Lena sagged, suddenly winded, grabbing the table for support.
Lex silent and stunned, wasted no opportunity. He snatched the dagger from where it lay and raised it high to slam down into Lena’s back.
It clattered to the floor instead as Kara effortlessly grabbed his wrist, feeling her thumb drive between the bones of his forearm.
“I,” Kara said, “am tired of you hurting us.”
So she hurt him.
Lex screamed in agony as Kara closed her hand, pulling every bone in his forearm. She reached out and seized his throat, savoring the hate and terror in his eyes as red sun fire blazed in her own, savage loathing kindling a blaze in her chest. This ended now.
A soft hand fell on her shoulder.
“Kara,” said Lena. “Don’t.”
“Lena,” she rasped.
“Not for him. For you. He made his own grave. Let him lie in it.”
Kara turned and looked at her. There was still blood on her face- the mingled painted lines smeared with her own. She looked so small and fragile and soft and the furnace that burned in Kara was doused, and suddenly nothing mattered but making her safe.
Kara let the sniveling coward go and brought Lena into her embrace, sheltering her with all her might.
“We have to go. Now. Trust me.”
“Yes,” Lex gasped, “time to leave, take me to jail now.”
Kara looked down. Lena’s eyes hardened.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Kara raised her foot and brought out down, snapping Lex’s ankle in a single sharp motion. He screamed and collapsed, crawling for the door.
Kara heaved Lena into a bridal carry and walked past him.
“Supergirl!” Lex bellowed, “you can’t leave me here! You don’t know what’s coming.”
“I don’t care,” said Kara.
She shoved the door open with her foot, then turned to close it the same way. Lena clung to her, arms around her neck.
“Lock him in.”
Kara did more than that. A quick flicker of heat vision welded the heavy metal door closed. Lex screamed and pleaded from the other side.
Something was coming. Something ancient.
“Please. Get us out of here,” said Lena.
A crimson light blazed behind the door, bleeding through its edges. The stink of rotten eggs filled the corridor. Kara turned and carried Lena away.
“Wait!” Lex called. “Supergirl! You can’t leave me here!”
Kara ignored him and kept walking.
“No,” Lex was screaming, “no, wait, we can make another deal, a trade, there has to be something I can-“
“You tried to trick me,” something said in a voice like a hot knife dragged across a tombstone.
“What is that?” Kara whispered.
“I don’t know and I don’t want to,” said Lena. “Get us out of here. Take me home, Kara.”
Kara touched a soft kiss to her forehead, a promise of more and deeper to come. Once they were outside, Kara used the comm bead in her ear, and called Alex, told her what happened.
“Let’s go home, baby,” said Kara.
A year later, she flew back to the castle.
It was secluded, somehow forgotten, a tumbledown ruin. Heart thudding in her chest with uncharacteristic fear, she walked down the corridor into the underground and slammed the door open with her first.
No remains. No body. There was only one sign that Lex had been there at all. Scratches across the store floor, one with a fingernail still stuck in it.
As if he had been dragged.
Kara rocketed outside at supersonic speed, desperate to feel the sun and cleanse the oily, tainted feeling in that room. A cold, lingering dread welled inside her, twisting deep in her belly.
She had to be sure.
Part of her regretted what she did to the old ruin. It was history. Only part of her.
The rest of her flew fifth thousand feet up and came straight back down fast enough to destroy the stonework in massive shockwave that dug a crater where the building had stood seconds before. She then turned her heat vision on it, burning and melting. By the time she was done, by the time it no longer felt like she was being watched, as if she might be followed, there was nothing left but a smoldering, glassy crater. It looked like someone had dropped an atomic bomb.
It still felt like something slithered beneath, but whatever it was, it would not follow and that was all that mattered.
Kara flew. She had places to be. She’d already planned a date night with Lena.
Alex was watching their baby.
#supercorp#supergirl fanfiction#supergirl#supercorp fanfic#lena luthor#kara danvers#kara x lena#karlena#supergirl fanfic#ficlet#witch lena#warlock Lex#Lena does magic#love confession#yet another love confession#horror#Lex tries to outsmart a demon and it goes like you’d think really#Fey Lena Luthor#Lena has fey blood#Lena has a good heart#Lena saves Kara#protective Kara#Kara’s protective streak can be terrifying#don’t threaten Supergirl’s wife#Lex Luthor is a homophobe#Alex Babysitting the Supercorp Baby#the power of love is magic#kara daddy danvers
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“Are you sure about this? Because, if not, I can still cancel the reservation.”
Nia rolled her eyes. This must’ve been the third time Alex had asked her that same question since picking up the call. She shook her head, adjusting her phone against her ear. “No, no way Alex, you’ve been talking about this dinner with Kelly for weeks, you deserve this date. You need this date.” She drew in a breath, closing her eyes. “I can still take Esme for the night, it’s not a problem.”
“I just don’t want you to have to deal with any more stress. Not after—”
Nia winced. Well, there it was again, the big ol’ elephant in the room that Alex had deftly skirted around this whole conversation. Well, technically. She supposed the elephant wasn’t so much in the room with her than he was in the room over, committed to bedrest until further notice.
It wasn’t exactly ideal, but nothing ever ran according to plan when it came to the whole superhero life. Two weeks ago, Nia and Brainy would have been more than capable of taking on Esme for the night. Then, less than forty-eight hours ago, an alien with insane super strength had decided to ruin that by throwing Brainy through a cement wall and over a balcony.
To anyone else, it might have been dumb luck, except Brainy wasn’t anyone, and differential calculus usually kept him at least three steps ahead of an opponent. Nia hadn’t seen it coming either, and her dream instincts had only been getting stronger these last few months.
It was only after the alien had been formally logged onto the DEO database that they realised the species was capable of sending out otherwise undetectable frequencies that affected higher brain function.
Dumb luck indeed, although Nia wasn’t convinced. Neither was anyone else, which was why the DEO had been having a hell of a time drawing up possible tie-ins to recent criminal activity ever since. It was also why Alex was in desperate need of a night off.
And, as for Brainy? The only reason he’d stopped working was on account of the back trauma and three broken ribs.
Nia had to admit, the bruising was pretty gnarly. She’d seen it first while Alex had been bandaging him up, like a pale-yellow rash that stretched across his whole lower ribcage. Since then, the bruising had developed, darkening into the crevices of his broken ribs, spreading out and over his spine like a spilled paint jar. Alex had told him he was lucky he hadn’t punctured a lung, and though her tone had been light, Nia had seen the worry in her eyes.
Brainy had been signed off on medical leave that same day, and he wasn’t expected back until he’d made a full recovery.
The good news? Coluans healed fast, although even Brainy had to admit he couldn’t work through this sort of an injury. For starters, he was barely able to walk, and that was with the alien grade pain meds Alex had prescribed. He was in for a steady recovery at least, but Nia understood where Alex was coming from. Neither of them had expected this when they’d agreed to babysit and, like it or not, Brainy’s assistance tonight was way out of the question.
“It’s fine,” Nia assured her for what felt like the millionth time. “He’s fine. Besides—he’s resting, so actually, I could really use the company.”
“You’re sure?” Alex didn’t sound convinced.
“Totally. Nothing wakes him up in the restorative cycle, so unless Esme comes home with earthquake powers--”
“I mean, that is a real possibility,” Alex warned, although her voice had started to soften, “but I get your point.” She sighed. “Okay look, if you’re really sure, then fine. I’ll drop her off at five-thirty, which still gives you both plenty of time to change your minds if--”
Nia rolled her eyes. “I’ll see you at five-thirty,” she said flatly, hanging up before Alex could argue otherwise.
Nia leant heavily against the breakfast bar, snapping her phone against the cold surface, lowering her head.
She’d meant what she’d said about wanting the company. With Brainy out of commission, the apartment was uncharacteristically quiet. Keeping herself busy was never this difficult when Brainy was out of town or off-planet, but with him so close-by, Nia couldn’t help but gravitate towards the bedroom whenever she didn’t have something else to occupy her time. Aside from bathroom breaks and mealtimes, Brainy didn’t need anything from her - his restorative cycle took care of that - but that didn’t stop the persistent itch underneath Nia’s skin, driving her to do something, anything that could help.
At least having Esme there would give her just that.
In the meantime, Nia found herself back at the bedroom door, hovering just outside. It was dumb, and even though she knew she wouldn’t wake him, she still felt like an intruder when she shouldered open the door. She kept it open just a crack, enough to spy Brainy’s face in the dim light, exactly where he had been that same morning.
He was curled in protectively on his side, one pillow propping him up with another clutched tightly to his chest. His free arm cushioned his head as he slept, the muffled glow of his life projectors casting long shadows over his closed lids.
Brainy’s life projectors always shone a little brighter when he was locked in a restorative cycle - something about his consciousness retreating that bit deeper into his AI core – but whenever he was sick or hurt, Nia noticed that the glow was especially potent. Like right now; even beneath layers of bandages and bedsheets, they shone as fiercely as ever, burning away like tiny suns.
The restorative state couldn’t disguise everything though, and Nia knew that Brainy was still in a lot of pain. There was a sallowness to his green skin, and his blond hair was tufted to his brow, odd ends clinging to his face by a sheen of cold sweat. The meds were helping where they could, but they couldn’t take away all of his discomfort, which was why Nia was relieved he’d managed to slip into the restorative cycle at all. Usually, it only triggered on his back, but the bruising on his spine made that position pretty impossible right now. Thankfully, his body had compensated, making the necessary adjustments to give him the best opportunity to heal.
It didn’t make it easier to look at, and Nia could still hear the impact Brainy’s body had made with the ground every time she so much as closed her eyes.
She only wished she’d been dreaming of it before, not after. Guess she had their alien prisoner to thank for that.
He looked peaceful at least, and she knew the longer he stayed in the restorative state, the faster he would heal. This was a win - she had to remind herself of that. Besides, Brainy had been the one to assure her that Esme was still welcome to stay over. As crappy as things had turned out, he was of the same mind as her: Alex and Kelly needed this.
It wasn’t like Nia had any hang-ups about babysitting solo, she’d done it plenty of times before. Esme was a good kid and as much of a handful as a young Dyralian could no doubt be, Nia knew she had nothing to worry about.
And yet, that nagging dream sense wouldn’t leave her alone. The one that called out to her at her lowest, that liked to whisper what if, what if, what if…
She ignored it. Bad vibes didn’t mean bad visions. She was just working herself up over nothing.
Brainy hadn’t stirred once by the time Alex arrived with her overactive payload. The second Nia opened the door, Esme beamed up at her, wrapping her arms around her waist. “Auntie Nia!”
Nia laughed, hoisting Esme up just enough to spin her once before letting her loose into the apartment. “Hey, gremlin, how’ve you been?”
Alex and Nia both watched on fondly as Esme shrugged her overnight bag onto the stool by the breakfast bar, scoping out the apartment as she went. She had a keen eye, instantly marking out the box of toys Nia had left out for her.
“Thanks again for this, Nia, you really are a life saver here,” Alex said earnestly once Esme was out of earshot. She leaned forward conspiratorially. “We’re trying to get her down by eight or nine at the latest.”
Nia offered a mock salute. “Got it.”
Alex’s face creased sympathetically. “I mean it though, Nia, if Brainy needs some peace and quiet or if she gets to be too much of a handful, you can call me, and I’ll be right—"
Nia raised her hand, effectively cutting her off. “Don’t worry about that.” She winked, shooing her off. “Now, go and enjoy your date! You look amazing by the way.”
Alex laughed, nodding sheepishly before finally heeding Nia’s instructions.
Once Nia had closed the door, she turned back to Esme. “Okay, now your mom is finally gone, what d’you wanna do tonight?”
Normally, that would’ve elicited a squeal from Esme, and about a dozen and a half activities she had primed and ready on the tip of her tongue.
Tonight, though, her attention seemed to be elsewhere.
Esme padded quietly across the apartment, exaggerating her steps like she might come across a stray Lego. She stopped at the sofa’s arm, leaning her whole body into it, balancing with one foot in the air as she peered curiously towards the hallway.
She pointed suddenly. “Is that where Uncle Brainy is?”
Nia’s stomach clenched. Clearly, the kid didn’t miss a beat.
She smiled tightly, folding her arms. “Uh-huh,” she said, trying to keep her tone light. “I’m uh- guessing your mom told you about that?”
Esme nodded reservedly, her attention aimed solely at the hallway. “She said I need to be on my best behaviour.” She scowled, pushing herself up from the sofa so that she could place her little hands squarely on her hips. “I told her that I’m always on my best behaviour!”
Nia chuckled, ruffling Esme’s hair as she crossed by. “I know you are, kiddo, and that’s very sweet of you to think of Uncle Brainy.” She perched herself on the edge of the sofa, meeting Esme’s eye at her own level. “He’s, well, he’s resting right now, but you don’t have to worry. Coluans have a cool trick they can do when they have to sleep real deep, so you don’t have to walk on eggshells while you’re here, I promise.” She ushered Esme over, pulling her up onto the sofa with her, meeting little resistance. Nia pressed her chin into Esme’s hair, squeezing her against her chest. “We can watch a movie if you want?”
Esme nodded, although she was still a little on the quiet side.
They settled for an old classic: The Wizard of Oz. Kara had kind of managed to get Esme hooked on it the last time she’d babysat. Ever since, Esme treated it as a comfort movie, especially when she was missing her family. With Kara and J’onn currently off-world on Mars, Nia suspected she hadn’t seen much of her family in the last few weeks.
Esme retreated to her own side of the couch once Dorothy had crossed into Oz, her eyes fixed on the screen. At least it had her attention, although Nia couldn’t help but feel like she had something else on her mind.
Her thoughts were confirmed a little after the Tin Man showed up. “Want anything to eat?” Nia prodded.
Esme shook her head, not looking up from the TV.
Nia frowned, nudging Esme with her foot. “Everything alright?”
Esme nodded.
“Hey, I know!” Nia announced, sitting up. “Wanna play the bubble game?”
Nia’s frown deepened. Esme never passed up the bubble game, it was one of her favourites. Now, Nia knew something was really up with her. She pursed her lips, crossing her legs beneath her. “Esme, hey, what’s wrong?”
“I can’t feel him.”
Of all her abilities, super hearing was not one of them. Nia scooched forward, unsure if she’d heard her right. “What do you mean?”
Esme’s nose scrunched at that, as though she was frustrated. She clenched her hands, twisting them against her lap. “Uncle Brainy,” she said, her voice trailing off like a sigh. She shifted, biting her cheek. “My moms told me that my powers are tele-phony.”
“Telepathic,” Nia corrected gently, taking her shoulder.
Esme nodded emphatically. “Uh-huh. Normally—I feel powers when they’re nearby. Yours.” She pointed suddenly to Nia’s centre. “That’s right there. But I can’t feel Uncle Brainy’s. And I always feel his.” She worried her lip, for the first time letting her eyes wander away from the TV. She looked up at Nia, her expression so open and forlorn. “Is it—is it because he’s hurt?”
Nia’s stomach sank. “Oh, honey, no, no, it’s alright. He’s alright.” Nia squeezed Esme’s shoulder, pulling her back up onto her lap. She could feel her little heart drilling an anxious rhythm into her chest. She ran her hand idly through Esme’s hair, folding odd curls behind her ears. “I should’ve explained, that’s my fault, okay? It’s just—that super cool trick I told you about? It’s sorta… a psychic blocker. When Uncle Brainy’s that deeply asleep, nothing can get to him, not even psychic powers. Like… like my dream powers. Or yours, Esme. Even Grandpa J’onn wouldn’t be able to connect to his mind.”
“That sounds scary,” Esme said softly, her hand curling around Nia’s arm.
“It is a little scary sounding from the outside,” Nia admitted, “but for Brainy, it’s kinda the opposite. Like the deepest, most peaceful sleep someone can have. It helps his body heal from just about anything.”
“Is he hurt real bad?”
“Not really, really, but I bet you get sleepy too when you’re not feeling great, right?”
Esme nodded reluctantly.
“Same.” Nia smiled down at her. “Although, I’m sleepy all the time.” She splayed her hand out in front of Esme’s face, a burst of dream energy erupting from her bracelet, springing across every finger.
Esme did crack a smile at that, her eyes wide and full of wonder as she watched the energy dance. Nia grinned, shaking out her hand. “It’s the same for Coluans, too, just, they have a special sleep state for it, that’s all.”
Nia pressed a kiss into Esme’s hair. “Now, do you want a snack?”
This time, Esme nodded.
Nia smirked. Progress.
She stood up with a stretch, heading over to the kitchen. “Cool, did mom pack anything for you, or d’you think we can get away with ice cream?”
“Ice cream! Ice cream!”
Nia’s smirk grew into a grin. She was sure Alex wouldn’t mind her indulging Esme’s sweet tooth for just one night. After all, she was a life saver.
Before Nia could dish out the first scoop, Esme launched herself from the sofa, trotting over towards the kitchen and her overnight bag. “Wait!”
At first, Nia assumed there was a snack in there she really wanted. That was until Esme produced a different sort of container from her backpack. It was a clear plastic box, with something that rattled furiously inside.
It looked like some kind of craft kit. Nia raised a brow. “Oh, that’s cute. What is it, Esme?”
“Beads and string,” Esme announced proudly, sliding it onto the breakfast bar. “To make bracelets!”
“Oh, you wanna make one while you eat?”
Nia grinned, helping lift Esme the last stretch onto the stool so that she could order out her beads with keen focus. As she pulled the lid off, Nia got her first good look at what was inside.
They were… beautiful. Not your average store-bought bead kit, that was for sure. They came in a variety of colours, most of which had a transparent crystalline centre that wrapped around the whole length. Some had little letters engraved on them, but none from a language that Nia recognised.
“Those are some pretty cool beads,” Nia said, sliding Esme’s ice cream over to her. She leant her elbows on the counter, fishing a bead from the container curiously. It was a little heavier than she had expected, like the density of a tiny pebble on the palm of her hand. “Where’d you get them from?”
“Friend from school,” Esme said around a mouthful of ice cream. She pushed the bowl to the side, pulling out a piece of string. “Her dads are from a planet real far away. They brought lots of stuff with them. Rocks and crystals. To make beads.”
Nia’s eyes popped wide open. “So, wait, these are alien rocks?”
Esme shrugged. “Think so.”
“That’s really cool.”
“My friend told me they have protective hor-hor-uhs”
“Oh, auras?” Nia nodded along. “Yeah, lots of planets have special rocks that can do a ton of things.”
Esme took a handful of beads, evening them out across the table. “She told me these ones protect,” she explained. “So, I made some for my moms, and for Auntie Kara and Grandpa J’onn. And-and I can make one for you, too! And then, I can make one for Uncle Brainy.” She nodded seriously to herself. “Maybe-maybe that’d make him feel better.”
Nia’s lips crumpled into a smile. “Oh, that’s a really good idea,” she told her gently. “Here, I can make my own, why don’t you focus on Uncle Brainy’s?”
Esme agreed, poking out her tongue as she lined her first bead up with her piece of string, threading it into place.
They both neglected their ice cream in favour of bracelet making. Nia had to admit, she may have gotten a little carried away. The beads were gorgeous, and she was even able to find a set with a blue crystal centre that was nearly identical to the shade of her super suit. Needless to say, she could totally see herself accessorising these with all sorts of outfits, which would make Esme very happy.
Although, she did wonder if what Esme had been told held any merit. While the beads were different from anything Nia had ever seen before, she wasn’t so sure they could offer any real protection. Although, as she’d learned, alien rocks could do just about anything, and it would’ve been nice if one could do some good for a change. Most of the time they were out to get people, especially Kryptonians.
Suddenly, Esme tugged on Nia’s sleeve, declaring she was finished.
The second she saw Esme’s design, Nia couldn’t help but grin. “Oh yeah,” she said. “He’ll love that.”
Esme had decorated her bracelet with little green and purple beads, in a sort of three-by-three pattern that mimicked the dot formation on Brainy’s chest, especially when it was pinched in at the sides.
Esme bounced eagerly on her stool. “Can I give it to him?”
“Oh, now?” Nia deflated slightly, glancing towards the bedroom, then at her watch. It wasn’t Esme’s bedtime yet, but time really had flown. Brainy hadn’t surfaced though, which she took as a good sign. As much as she knew the restorative cycle wasn’t going to lift on account of their presence, she was reluctant to put any sort of barrier between Brainy’s most necessary healing function.
Nia deliberated for a moment. “We can leave it at his bedside, how about that?”
Esme slipped off her stool with a wobble, running ahead to the hallway, beads in tow.
“Wait for me, wait for me!” Nia called out, taking Esme’s hand to still her as she pushed the bedroom door open.
The room was darker since the sun’s decline, the only light issuing in from the steady thrum of Brainy’s life projectors, their intense radiance a sure sign he was still well and truly asleep. Nia bit her lip before letting Esme run ahead.
The glow from Brainy’s light cores illuminated a path straight to his nightstand. Esme followed it dutifully, reaching out her arm to place her gift at his bedside.
At the last second, she stopped herself, spinning towards the bed. “I feel him again!” she announced excitedly.
Nia winced – that was definitely not the indoor voice they’d been practicing. A second later, the mound of blankets shifted as Brainy stirred, his life projectors dulling to a soft white as he lifted his head. Esme must have sensed the end of his restorative state before he’d even begun to wake. Nia couldn’t help but feel a little impressed.
Brainy propped himself up against his pillow, rubbing a hand over his eyes in the low light. “Greetings, Esme,” he croaked, his voice still a little mechanised from sleep.
Esme beamed up at him, holding out her arms. “Uncle Brainy!”
Nia took that as her cue. She rushed over, holding Esme back with a gentle hand. “Steady. He’s just woken up.”
Esme frowned. “Uh-oh, is he grumpy?”
Nia smirked. “The grumpiest.”
“I take offence to that assumption,” Brainy mumbled, a touch of humour in his voice. It was already starting to strengthen, though Nia could detect the strain behind his words. He was still diverting too much energy to his injury.
“How are you feeling?” Nia asked seriously, an arm placed strategically across Esme’s front.
“Improved,” Brainy managed, cradling his chest. He tried to sit up, only to gasp out when the movement aggravated his ribs. “Although not fully… myself. I think I need more time to recuperate.”
Nia watched him carefully. “Can I get you anything while you’re up?”
“I’m fine, just, I should hydrate.” He glanced over to his empty water glass, shifting again beneath the sheets, as though preparing to stand.
Nia spoke up before he could give himself another excuse to exacerbate his injury. “I’ll get you some water,” she said, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. Before he could say anything against her, she turned on her heel, throwing her voice over her shoulder. “Esme, make sure our patient here doesn’t move! Your mom gave him very strict bedrest orders, understand?”
“Okay!” Esme agreed happily, a little too eager to be a nuisance. Nia grinned as she ducked around the corner, confident Brainy would stay put - if only for Esme’s benefit.
Once she was back with the water, she found Esme sat up on the bed at Brainy’s side, half the covers tucked beneath her feet. She watched intently as Brainy took the water from Nia, popping his next round of pills into his mouth before swallowing them down. Nia counted out the hours in her head as he drank, realising belatedly that he must’ve woken himself the second his next dose was due.
When Brainy put the glass down, Esme shuffled closer, nearly knocking her elbow with his. “I made this for you,” she announced, unfurling her fist so that the bracelet dangled from her fingers.
“Impressive,” Brainy observed, making a quick study of the design. His eyes widened. “Those beads,” he said, “they’re from Alteria?”
“My friend gave them to me,” Esme said proudly. “They’re meant to protect you.”
Brainy lowered his head in earnest, taking the bracelet from Esme as though it was as delicate as a pressed flower. “Then I shall wear it with pride,” he said, slipping it onto his wrist. Nia smothered a smile with her hand. It was adorable watching the exchange, especially while Brainy was trying to accessorise in his pyjamas. “Thank you, Esme Olsen-Danvers,” he continued softly, “this gift will be very useful… and fashionable.”
Esme giggled at that, throwing her arms around Brainy’s waist before Nia had a chance to stop her.
Brainy gritted his teeth, but managed to return the hug before Esme pulled away, eyes wide. “Sorry! I’m sorry! Are you okay, Uncle Brainy?”
Brainy nodded, breathing out a quiet reassurance. He’d paled considerably though, his lips pinched with pain.
Nia swallowed around the sudden lump in her throat, taking Esme’s shoulder. “Okay, I think that’s enough excitement for tonight. Uncle Brainy needs to rest.”
“Can I stay and rest too?” Esme asked.
Nia eyed her suspiciously. “What? Am I boring you to sleep, because that’s not how my powers work.”
Esme giggled. “No, silly! But, I wanna stay here with Uncle Brainy. We all should!” Esme held out her wrist, pulling up her sleeve to reveal a bracelet of her own. “Then all our bracelets can protect him, so he won’t get hurt anymore!”
Nia stared at the bracelet for a long moment, not sure what to say. Her heart squeezed sympathetically. “Oh, Esme, honey, I’m not sure that’s-“
“It’s fine,” Brainy said quickly. A little colour had returned to his cheeks, deepening the natural green of his complexion. He was still washed out, and the bruising beneath his eyes really spoke for itself, but he still managed to turn back to Esme, tilting his head in consideration. “That’s… a very logical mindset to have at your age.”
Esme puffed out her chest. “I’m nearly seven!”
Brainy softened. “My error,” he said with wink. “Then you are developing at an expected rate.”
Nia rolled her shoulders out, trying to dispel some of the nervous energy still clinging to her heart. She clapped her hands together. “Alright, Esme, shall we get you in your jammies?”
“Okay, let’s go.”
Once Nia had ushered Esme into the bathroom with her change of clothes, she headed back to the bedroom to wait for her, peeking in through the door to make sure Brainy was still awake.
He was.
“Sorry about this,” Nia said softly, climbing up onto the bed. She drew her knees towards her chin, pushing her back against the headboard. “How’s your--?”
Brainy wound an arm around his chest, smiling tightly. “Delicate,” he admitted. “The pills will manage that soon enough.”
“I didn’t realise she was gonna jump at you like that.” Nia snorted, tipping her head back. “I probably should’ve, she’s been thinking about you all night. She made it her mission to make that bracelet for you.” She nodded towards Brainy’s wrist, brows drawn. “Any truth to that?”
Brainy ran a hand around the beads thoughtfully, lowering his chin. “Like many cultures across the universe, faith plays a large part in what precious materials can and cannot do. To the Alteri, their telepathy enables a very real connection to their environment and so yes, I suspect that these beads could to a degree protect those who wear them. Especially if someone with a psychic affinity put them together.”
“Like Esme,” Nia said.
“Or, like you, Nia Nal,” Brainy murmured, leaning towards her. His lips skimmed hers and Nia closed her eyes, sighing softly into his mouth.
When they parted, Nia smiled, glancing down at her own bracelet, comparing it to Brainy’s in the low light. “Well, maybe Esme’s right,” she said. “Maybe three are better than one.”
Once Esme had brushed her teeth, Nia hoisted her into the bed so that she could nestle between them both. Although she had self-appointed herself Brainy’s personal ward for the night, it surprised no one when she fell asleep first, her head tucked towards Brainy’s chest.
Brainy lay still in the dark for so long, Nia thought he might have already fallen back into his restorative state, although his life projectors were still muted. She used that soft light to her advantage, studying every inch of her bracelet, the small carvings on the beads she’d selected without knowing which letters they denoted.
After a while, she let a spark of her dreamlight creep up across her wrist, illuminating areas she might have otherwise missed. The crystals appeared to glow under that ethereal swirl, each bead holding within itself a microscopic pulse, a thrum of something more. Magic felt like a silly word for it, but after everything Lena had shown her, Nia was certainly willing to believe it. Maybe it was just a science this world hadn’t discovered yet, or a whole new meaning to the term… life.
Whatever it was, Esme had sought it out just for them. All because…
“Nia?” Brainy mumbled, his voice half smothered by his pillow. “You okay?”
“Huh?” Nia looked up, closing off her dreamlight with a snap of her wrist. “Yeah… fine.” She cleared her throat, flexing her hand out in front of her. “I guess I was just thinking… about…” She glanced down to the young Dyralian bundled between them, her thumb tucked beneath her two front teeth. Nia sighed, folding in on herself with a shrug. “It just can’t be easy when not just your moms, but every adult in your life are superheroes. All this time, Esme’s believed that her family were the safest they ever could be, because they’re the most powerful, y’know? But she’s never seen any of us get hurt before.”
Brainy shifted uncomfortably. “Ah,” he murmured. “Until now.”
Nia picked at her bracelet idly. “You know she made one of these for every single one of us? And yours—she was determined to get it to you the second she was finished making it. She wants to protect us, just like we protect her.”
“It is a noble thing to do,” Brainy mused. His dark eyes flickered to her when he noticed her hesitation. “You have concerns?”
Nia shrugged again. “I dunno, she’s just a kid! She shouldn’t have to worry about that stuff.”
Brainy frowned, pushing up from his pillow. “Nia, no matter how hard we try, she will discover these things organically. That knowledge will help her better understand this life as well as her own abilities. That, too, will protect her.”
“I hope you’re right.” Nia sighed, finding her gaze once again trailing back down to Esme. At how peaceful she was. How perfect. She swallowed, that same dream sense from earlier twisting her stomach into knots. “I guess I never thought about it before, but… Alex and Kelly are the first of us to start a family. Every time I see Esme struggle with something like this, I think… what if— when we—you know—eventually—”
Brainy kissed her again, and Nia’s eyes fluttered, welcoming his warmth. She felt his knuckles against her jaw, working their way beneath her chin. When Brainy broke away, he held her gaze firmly, his breath a buzzing reassurance against her lips. “Then I suspect our child will be the most loved and adept of us all.”
A bubble caught in Nia’s throat and she laughed, nuzzling her nose against Brainy’s. In response, Brainy’s lips continued their path along her jaw, trailing lazy kisses towards her ear. “Esme will fair just fine,” he breathed, a smile curving against her cheek. “After all, she’s already found ways to look out for us, even if she doesn’t understand the power she carries quite yet.”
Nia kept her head inclined towards Brainy even as they settled back onto their respective pillows, careful not to jostle Esme in the process. “She’s strong, that’s for sure,” Nia admitted, stroking a few stray hairs away from Esme’s nose. “In more ways than one.” She reached out her hand for Brainy to take, his pulse a grounding presence on her palm. “Thanks.”
Brainy squeezed her fingers, his lashes fluttering to a close. He was more tired than he would have ever admitted with Esme in earshot, Nia could see it written all over him. She kept her fingers threaded through his, their hands joined on the pillow above Esme’s head.
When Brainy’s projectors intensified as the restorative cycle successfully took hold for the second time that day, Nia let herself relax, allowing the dreams teasing the edges of her subconscious to finally flood through.
One thing was for certain: Alex and Kelly definitely didn’t need to worry about cutting their date short tonight.-
#supergirl#supergirl fanfiction#brainia#nia nal#brainiac 5#alex danvers#dansen#esme#esme olsen danvers#brainy#querl dox#my writing#this idea just randomly came to me and i had the dialogue down before i realised maybe i could make it into a proper lil fic#also gave me a chance to expand on random headcanons i have for brainy's sleep states#and some brainia babysitting adventures because we deserved that i think#also. this is embarrassing. but i don't actually remember if esme's age was ever stated in the show.#so.. i made it up.#that and the planet. i wanted to try and use a dc-canon one that might work in this context but alas. that's made up too.#enjoy!
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The moment Kara heard Sam was coming to town she knew there would be trouble.
Not that she had anything against the woman, quite the opposite, she absolutely adored Sam. But her visits tend to be a bit… chaotic.
It started not long after Ruby turned old enough to babysit Esme by herself. Sam would fly to National city for a weekend, leaving Ruby at the Danvers-Olsen house for a paid sleepover with Esme, and dragged the superfriends to the nearest Bar to get them all shitfaced drunk.
Kara would not easily forget waking up on the roof of a ferris wheel once, wearing a clown outfit and hugging a pogo stick. She did forget the events leading up to that point due to the large amount of alcohol she consumed the night before.
Kara briefly toyed with the idea to visit her parents on Argo for the duration of Sam's visit, or at the very least her first night. But she hasn't seen her in so long, and with Kara's very busy schedule she decided it's a good opportunity as any to take some time off and enjoy a night out with her friends. She just hoped there would be no stumbling drunkenly into any more theme parks.
That's why she was very surprised to learn that Sam's new adventurous plan was a simple game night at Kara’s apartment.
With alcohol, of course.
Kara kept her drinking at a minimum, just enough to get some nice buzz out of it, but a far cry from a complete black out. She wasn't the only one, most participants had seemingly decided to avoid a similar fate. Much to Sam's disappointment, Kara assumed, since she kept asking them to do shots.
After a few tame games of Settlers of Catan and a round of pictionary, Sam decided to spice things up a bit. They started with a game of 'would you rather' that slowly evolved into an open question format where everyone answered the same questions.
"Favourite… type of apple?" It was Nia's turn to ask, she spent almost 5 minutes struggling to find a question before settling on one.
"Really? That's the best you got?" Sam asked disappointed.
"I was panicking! That's the only thing I could think of!" Nia said defensively, her arms raising in the air in surrender. "Do you have anything better?"
"You know it," Sam said with a sly smile.
"Go ahead then."
"Alright," Sam clapped her hands, moving her gaze from one person to the next slowly before she continued. "Not including your actual partner, who would you marry out of the people in this room?"
"And I can't choose Nia?" Brainy asked, his hands deep in Nia's hair, drunkenly caressing her hair between his fingers. He may have gotten slightly drunker than most by trying to be nice and accepting most of Sam's shots.
"That would be against the rules." Sam smiled and twisted the wine glass in her hand.
"That's preposterous!" He exclaimed. Nia's head recoiled with a small groan of pain as Brainy accidentally hit her head. "There is no possibility in the multiverse I would pick anyone but her!" He announced, Nia remembered to move her head in time to avoid the second hit.
"You're no fun," Sam rolled her eyes. "Nia?" She smirked.
"Only Brainy, of course." She proclaimed loudly. Brainy rewarded her with a kiss on the forehead while she mouthed 'Kelly' under her breath.
Sam winked to her in return, while the rest tried to hide their chuckle.
"Kelly, you're next for no particular reason," Sam turned to her with a smile.
"Nia," Kelly replied with a matching smile. "For no particular reason."
"Alex?" Sam changed the topic before Brainy could interject.
"You know, I think we could've worked out," she weaved her hand towards Sam's direction.
"Yeah, we could've had some fun," Sam smirked back at her. "Alright, Kara, what about you?" She turned to face her.
"Lena," Kara answered without much thinking.
"Well, she is rich, it makes sense," Sam said under the rim of her glass.
"Rich wife is very convenient," Alex nodded in agreement.
"I'm not choosing her because of her money." The idea of reducing Lena to her finance, a walking wallet if you will, infuriated her. She was so much more than that. Kara put down her empty glass and stood up a bit faster than she intended.
"Then why her?" Sam challenged with a raised eyebrow.
Kara blinked in surprise, was it not obvious? "Because she is amazing! She's brilliant, smart, kind and… pretty," she added with a small blush creeping up her neck. "Also a great listener and problem solver, which is important in a relationship. And-"
"Yeah okay, we got it," Alex cut her off.
Kara gave her a mocking look in response, eyebrows squinted and tongue sticking out as she walked up to the kitchen to refill her glass.
"Lena, who is your pick?" Sam continued with the game.
"Kara, of course." The way she said it, as if there were no other options, filled Kara with warmth she was not expecting. She also wasn't sure why it made her smile so much, but it did. Then again they were best friends, it would be awkward if they were not to pick each other, right?
"Hey Kara, can you get me a beer?" Alex called out.
Kara studied her for a second. "No, you were being annoying."
"Wha- Kara!" Alex whined.
"Get one yourself," Kara shrugged, and poured herself a glass of white wine.
"Kara, can you give me a glass of red, please?" Lena asked. Her voice was so soft, it sent shivers down her spine.
"Of course," Kara quickly pulled another wine glass from the upper cupboard and placed it on her kitchen island.
"Hey, I asked you first," Alex shouted in retaliation, as she finished filling the second glass. "So you're getting Lena's drink and not mine?"
"Yes," Kara answered with a smile, walking back to the living room while maintaining eye contact with her sister, knowing it would annoy her more.
"Why?" Alex challenged, squinting her eyes while maintaining the eye contact.
"Wife privileges," Kara shrugged and took her place next to Lena, shifting a bit closer to her this time before she placed her glass on the table.
Kara almost forgot about the whole thing, until a week later when Lena brought it up. They were sitting in Lena's new office, talking about her new conjoined plan for both her foundation and the newly reformed L-Corp for a new source of green energy. A top secret plan, but Lena was talking about it with so much enthusiasm that Kara couldn't help herself, asking more and more questions, eager to learn more about it. Soon after, Kara found herself in the halls of the foundation's labs, Lena excitedly telling her about the project in detail.
"This sounds amazing, Lena! But I thought this was top secret, not that I'm complaining. I love seeing you this enthusiastic, but how come I get to hear about it?" Kara asked eventually.
Lena was quiet for a moment, before she answered "wife privileges," with a shrug, her cheeks slightly pink.
Kara brought it up next, when she forced Lena to leave the office at a reasonable time. Claiming 'wife privileges' as the reason Lena has to follow her home and relax for a bit.
Lena later used it as an excuse to steal a fry off of Kara’s plate, even though she insisted she only wanted a salad. When she met Kara raised brow she simply shrugged and claimed “wife privileges.”
It quickly became an inside joke for them, a reason for them to do a nice thing for each other or an excuse to get away with stuff; like buying lunch, stealing clothes or bringing surprise pastries. Things they were already doing anyway, they just had a better excuse to do it more often.
"Hey, it's been a month since that game night," Kara said, raising her very fancy wine glass to her lips. Lena invited her to a fancy Italian place that opened recently. It was right after Kara mentioned a craving for pasta the day before.
"Are you suggesting it's our anniversary?" Lena smirked, leaning back on her chair. She didn't need to be specific, she knew Lena knew what she was talking about.
"Happy anniversary." Kara raised her wine glass and smiled. She loved how quick Lena could understand her.
"Happy anniversary." Lena raised her own glass to toss it with hers, smiling her wide smile with the dimples that made Kara all warm inside. She was so captivated by the smile that it took Kara a few moments to realise the waiter was standing right beside them.
The meal was, of course, amazing, not only because of the quality Italian cuisine, but her fantastic company. Kara always felt most like herself when she was with Lena, she wasn't sure why but she made her feel at peace.
They finished their meal, still deep in conversation, sipping the remaining of their wine when the waiter appeared. Presenting them with a complementary tiramisu with a candle and two spoons, wishing them a happy anniversary.
Kara was about to correct him when Lena thanked him with a nod and gestured for Kara to dig in. She couldn't help the goofy smile that spread on her face. Out of all the inside jokes so far, she had the feeling that that was their best one yet.
Read the rest in AO3
#so excited to publish this little fic#been sitting on that one for a while#kara danvers#lena luthor#supergirl#supercorp#supercorp fic#my art#my fic
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A Christmas Miracle-Chapter 2
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers, Ruby Arias, Santa Claus, Streaky the cat, Lillian Luthor, Alex Danvers
Summary: After her last two breakups, Lena doesn't think there is love out there for her. However, will Ruby's wish to Santa make Lena a believer in miracles?
Chapter 1
Lena pulled up to her step mother’s house. She stared at the front door and sighed. She didn’t really want to trouble her stepmother but for all Lex’s faults, he wouldn’t dare attack her at his mother’s house. She got out of the car and went to the back seat to get Ruby out of her carseat. Once freed, Ruby sprinted towards the house screaming “Grandma!” Lena sighed and rushed after her.
By the time she caught up with her, Ruby had rung the doorbell 12 times. Lena quickly scooped her up, held her and said, “You don’t have to keep ringing the doorbell.”
Ruby pouted and said, “I wanted to see grandma faster.”
Lena chuckled and said, “Don’t pout. I need you to put on that smile that grandma likes. We need to keep her blood pressure down while we tell her about today.”
Ruby beamed and exclaimed, “I will do my best!”
Suddenly, the door opened to a flustered Lillian whose face quickly changed to happiness once she realized who was at the door.
“Girls! I didn’t expect to see you this weekend. Come in,” beamed Lillian as she ushered the girls inside.
Lena and Ruby quickly came into the house. Once Lena placed Ruby down, she instantly made a beeline for Lillian and exclaimed, “Grandma!” Lillian kneeled down to Ruby’s level and Ruby jumped into her arms for a big hug.
As Lillian squeezed her tight, she exclaimed, “I can’t believe how big you have gotten.”
Ruby smiled and said, “Mommy says that I’m a growing weed.”
Lillian chuckled and said, “I think you are growing like a pretty rose that I can’t wait to see what you bloom into.”
Lillian kissed her forehead as Ruby hugged her tighter. Lena smiled at the display. Sam and Ruby weren’t related to Lillian at all but she embraced them as family when they met almost six years ago. Lena had just started working at L-Corp. She was initially filling in for Lillian since she was recovering from having a knee replacement surgery at Lena’s penthouse and Lex was serving time for his umpteenth attempt at Superman’s life. Sam was an intern accountant at the time and brought to her attention that money was being funneled out of the company into a shell account.
Lena was initially surprised that none of the accounts found this sooner but began to realize that the majority of the department was corrupt and was being pay-rolled by Lex even though he was still in prison. Lena quickly got rid of most of the accounting department and replaced it with people that she trusted and placed Sam as the head of the department. They quickly became friends which is when she noticed that Sam and her three month old have been living out of her car for a couple of months. Sam’s boyfriend kicked her out of their apartment and she had been on her own ever since. Lena offered Sam and Ruby to stay with her and Lillian. It ended up being the best thing for everyone. Lillian had been bored being stuck in the house all day. She was used to being on the move and independent. However, having a baby in the house brighten Lillians perspective. She thought that Ruby was the cutest baby in the world and constantly volunteered to babysit her. When she got well enough, she would constantly take Ruby shopping for matching outfits. Ruby was the only baby she new that had designer baby clothes. Sam thought it was too much, but Lillian just smiled and said, “Well, grandmas are always supposed to spoil their grandchildren.”
Sam was so touched by this because her own mother rejected her when she found out that Sam got pregnant without being married. Lillian and Sam bonded after that and now Sam is like a second daughter to Lillian.
Lillian looked up to Lena smiling and said, “What bring you guys by today?”
Lena rubbed the back of her neck nervously. She didn’t want to blurt out the real reason they were here. She wanted to ease them into it. Luckily she smelled something that could help her stall.
Lena sniffed and said, “Whatever that is smells delicious.”
Lillian smiled and said, “Oh, I had made lunch for me and the bridge club. We had roast beef sandwiches and potato wedges along with cupcakes. I actually have some left over if you guys haven’t eaten anything yet.”
“Oh, cupcakes!” Ruby exclaimed as she raced for the kitchen.
Lillian chuckled and said, “I am kind of a little hurt that she stopped hugging me once cupcakes became involved. “
Lena linked her arms in Lillians, smiled, and said, “You know that she will be cuddling with you before you know it asking you to read her favorite book.”
Lillian smiled and said, “Well, I have perfected the character’s voices after all.”
Lena rolled her eyes as she and Lillian headed to the kitchen.
Lena watched as Ruby tried to go for a second cupcake. Lena sighed and said, “Ruby, you already have one. You don’t need another one.”
Ruby turned to Lillian with huge round eyes and a quivering pout.
“Grandma, can I please have another cupcake?”
Lillian chuckled and said, “Of course dear. Anything for my favorite granddaughter.”
“Yeah!” exclaimed Ruby as she grabbed another cupcake.
Lena shook her head and said, “Mom, you shouldn’t have given her the extra cupcake. She is now going to be bouncing with energy until she goes to bed.”
Lillian smiled and said, “That is not so bad. Besides, who could say no to that adorable face?”
Lillian patted Ruby on the head which caused her to smile as she bit into her cupcake. Lena smiled at the display of affection between the two. Lillian looked so peaceful and she didn’t want to ruin it.
Lena sighed as she went to get another cupcake for herself.
As she took a bite, Lillian said, “It seems like you have a lot on your mind. Did something happen before coming here?”
Lena sighed while putting down the cupcake.
Here we go.
She looked up at her mom with a passive look on her face and said, “Well, an incident did occur before coming here.”
Lillian looked up frowning and said, “Oh. I hope it was something too troubling.”
Read the rest on AO3
#dc comics#dc universe#supergirl#kara danvers#lena luthor#supercorp#kara danvers x lena luthor#supergirl fanfiction#supercorp fanfiction#supergirl fanfic#Supercorp fanfiction#kara x lena#fanfiction#fanfifc#ruby arias#streaky the supercat#santa claus#miracles#christmas miracle#christmas wishes#cat food#cat#lost pet#cat stuck in tree#attempted murder#home invasion#true love#promptcember#alex danvers#lillian luthor
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The Babysitting Trap
by Serievore12
What happened when Kelly and Alex need a babysitter? They ask Esme's aunt.
Which one you ask? Well, both of them of course!
Words: 5139, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Esme (Supergirl TV 2015)
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Self-Doubt, Self-Esteem Issues
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/PwVcxX2 via IFTTT https://ift.tt/PwVcxX2
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#supergirledit#karadanversedit#alexdanversedit#supergirl#alex danvers#kara danvers#danvers sisters#dont remind me that my little sister is getting older#and soon im gonna have to be alex#babysitting drunk toddlers#mine*
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A Luthor and a Super babysit deleted/Alt scene
Spoilers (I guess) for the fic
So this was an alternate way I was going to do the pregnancy reveal in chapter 3. If you’ve read the original you’ll be able to see the same bones in it so it’s not really new. But I’ve heard some of y’all might enjoy the deleted bits from my stories. - Ten minutes into game night and Alex cracked. Someone had to say it and no one else seemed brave enough to. “Okay please explain to me why Lena is currently devouring fries with a speed and grace that is normally reserved for… well you? And why is she drowning them in lemon?” Alex asked looking at Kara. Lena looked up from the almost empty bowl of fries in front of her to glare at Kara. “Yes Kara, please explain to your sister why I’m currently eating these. And then get me more because I am starving. Also more lemon.” Kara slid her own chips over and handed Lena another lemon with a smile. Alex’s eyes widened but she stayed silent looking between the two of them. Everyone was watching now. Brainy seemed like he wanted to speak but Nia’s hand kept him quiet. “Okay so uh… we have some news,” Kara said sinking in her chair a little with a smile. Alex narrowed her eyes. “It’s good news,” Kara said quickly. “So uh, I’ll just come out and say it… okay um… well you all know how we’ve been dating…” Kara fiddled with her fingers looking around at her friends. Kelly gave her a friendly smile, Nia nodded and Brainy looked like he still wanted to say something but wasn’t sure if it was allowed. Her gaze returned to her increasingly suspicious sister. “I’m moving in with Lena next weekend and we’re getting married next month. Your invitations are on the table.” Kara wrapped her arms around Lena who paused in her eating to give her a kiss. Lena looked away from Kara for a moment to see their friends still staring at them in various stages of shock. “Congratulations!” Kelly said quickly. Nia followed her lead and then Brainy did as well. Alex however had her eyes narrowed as she looked at Kara. “After dating three months?” Alex asked. “And then only one month lead up to the wedding?” Lena smiled at Alex and nodded. “We thought it best in the circumstances,” Lena said with a smile. Kara shot her a look. Lena smiled back unrepentant. “What circumstances?” Alex asked. “Okay so…” Kara hesitated looking at Lena. “You know maybe let’s just focus on the wedding tonight the other-” Alex narrowed her eyes further. “So uh, funny story… Well I say funny but really it’s more-” “Kara just tell us what it is,” Alex said using her most serious big sister voice. Kara caved immediately. Lena was surprised she’d lasted this long. “You’re going to be an Auntie!” Kara said smiling brightly Alex’s jaw dropped. “Oh my God Kara!” Alex leapt up hugging Kara as everyone else gave their congratulations again. Only Kelly stayed seated her eyes on Lena who was still eating. “Congratulations! How far along are you?” Alex asked staring down at her sister’s flat stomach. “Lena’s three months along,” Kara explained. Alex blinked and then Kara saw the gears turning and the questions starting as everyone else sat down again. “What do you mean Lena’s- Who’s the father?” Alex asked. “Yeah so that’s the funny part…” Kara said fidgeting with her hands again. “I am.” Alex went very still and then she looked at Lena who was in the process of squeezing the second lemon over the remains of Kara’s chips. Some gears clicked into place, others not so much. “Kara, correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t have a penis. So explain to me how you managed to magically grow one and get Lena pregnant!” Alex’s voice steadily increased in volume as she spoke and Kara sucked in a breath as everyone continued to stare at them. “Yeah… so,” Kara said wincing. Alex glared at her. “Uh Lena, honey… can you explain this one?” Lena looked at her for a moment then at their friends all staring at them. She sighed. “So you know how Kara has access to Kryptonian technology in the fortress of solitude…” Alex’s attention snapped to Lena and held. “Well there’s this piece of old Kryptonian technology that was a part of their matrix. Kelex put it together with stuff from Earth. And well… it was theoretically possible that it could be adapted to be used with humans.” Alex didn’t seem to be breathing as she looked at Lena. “So we were drunk, four hours into our first date, talking about how nice it was babysitting Jonathon, and how cute babies are and how to have them…” Alex was breathing again, very shallowly. “Then Kara mentioned the tech she had and then she went and got it. And we were discussing the various theoretical applications and well, like I said we were drunk and it was all theoretical at the time and well it’s a little hazy after that, but the theoretical has now been tested and is now not so theoretical. Once I work out how we did it L Corp will engage in more… structured research and hopefully be putting a new patent forward in the next year or two.” You could hear a pin drop in the apartment as everyone stared at them. Alex took a deep breath and turned to glare at her sister. “So just to make sure I have this right. You two got drunk on your first date! Then got your hands on untested alien technology, and again, while drunk, used said untested alien technology to get Lena pregnant with your baby, all without any medical supervision or assistance. And then didn’t tell me for three months!” No one spoke or moved except for Lena who having said her piece went right back to eating. Kara made a face looking at her sister. “Well it sounds kinda bad when you put it like that,” Kara mumbled. “And you’re incorrect,” Lena added. “Here we go,” Kara muttered rolling her eyes. “We got drunk on our first date and used untested alien technology to get Kara pregnant, but someone screwed up three lines of instructions.” Kara sighed. “You’re never getting over that are you?” Kara muttered. “No Kara I’m not!” “I was drunk! It’s a miracle it worked as well as it did.” “You messed up three lines of instructions! Three!” Kara muttered something under her breath. “Not an excuse,” Lena said pointing a chip at her. “Now I have to take goddamn maternity leave and you know they’re gonna use that as an excuse to drop L Corp’s stock price and then I’m going to get to hear bitching about it for a whole goddamn year.” “What happened?” Alex asked cutting off what was evidentially a well worn argument. “We did rock paper scissors to see who would get pregnant,” Lena said. “Because drunk. I won so she was supposed to be the pregnant one, but then she messed up the order in the instructions and well…” Lena indicated the mostly eaten bowl of chips in front of her. Alex looked from the bowl to Lena and back again. Alex sat down on shaking legs. Kara did as well pretending not to be hyper aware of their friends still staring at them. “You okay?” Lena asked. “Why didn’t you tell me immediately after?” Alex demanded. “Honestly we weren’t sure it had worked for a month and then we weren’t sure if it would actually stick because again, theoretical untested alien tech. But now it’s three months and so we’re pretty sure it’s happening,” Kara said. “And we did see a doctor,” Lena said. “Well I saw a doctor. My gynaecologist was very excited. We’re doing an ultrasound next week.” Alex took several deep breaths and looked around at their friends. Then she looked at Kara who gave her a tentative smile. “So uh, how are you feeling about all this?” Kara asked nervously. “I’m amazed you two managed it honestly. You’re three months in and there’s no complications?” Alex asked turning back to Lena. “None, seems like a normal pregnancy all things considered. Morning sickness sucks. There are a few small things that are outside the norm but that’s probably just because the baby is half Kryptonian. Lois experienced very similar issues.” “Oh my God,” Alex whispered as the enormity of what they’d done sunk in. Lena kept eating and Alex turned to look at Kara. “I’m gonna be an Aunt,” she whispered. Kara nodded smiling wider. The sisters shared a moment. “So how long until this technology is potentially available to everyone?” Kelly asked. “Within five years, depending on the regulations,” Lena said shrugging. “Like it worked for us but we don’t really remember everything and we’re not entirely sure if it was just a fluke this time. Also we don’t know what the side effects are from the technology vs Kryptonian. The only other test case we have is Jonathon.” “You’re having her baby,” Alex said slowly. Lena nodded still eating. The chips were almost gone at this point. Brainy slowly gave Lena his and another lemon. Lena beamed at him and immediately started eating them. Alex watched her silently for a moment. “How hungry are you?” Alex asked. “Starving,” Lena replied. “I now need six thousand calories a day minimum and it’s scaring Jess.” “I think we can assume that’s not going to be a thing for everyone else,” Nia said with a small chuckle. Lena smiled back. Brainy made a noise and smiled seeming proud of himself. “I remember now, the Supertwins!” Brainy said happily. “The first of your children. They are most impressive offspring, you will be very proud.” There was a moment of silence as everyone looked at him the words sinking in. Alex made a choked off noise and Kelly stared at Lena her mouth open in shock. Kara turned to Lena. The two of them looked at her stomach which had recently developed a small bump. They looked back at each other with identical expressions of terror. “Twins?” Nia asked still looking at the smiling Brainy.
#supercorp#deleted scene#fanfic#alternate scene#A Luthor and a Super babysit#kara danvers#lena luthor#alex danvers#kelly olsen#nia nal#brainy#supertwins
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Serious question…

Who watches Esme when the Super Friends go out?
They literally have no other friends (aside from William) who could babysit her. And honestly, I feel like Esme would be the one who’s always having to babysit them.
I just imagine her asking her babysitter if she can call to check on her moms because it’s been 5 minutes since the last time she’s heard from them. 😂
#let’s be honest Esme is probably the most responsible out of all of them lol#but really though who’s gonna babysit her?#esme#dansen#supergirl#kelly olsen#alex danvers#lena luthor#kara danvers#nia nal#dansen family
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Can you write a fic where Alex and Kelly’s kid curses for the first time? Bonus points if Kelly is the one that finds it funny and Alex is mortified, which is the exact opposite of what most would predict lol
Oh how I love these types of fics. Thank you for the prompt!!! Dansen, featuring their two kids that I give them sometimes.
Even when Luke, their oldest, had been a baby, Alex and Kelly had established a “no swearing” rule. Was he too young to learn those kinds of words? Yes. But frankly, they both needed practice in not swearing. Both of them broke the rule plenty of times. After a long day at work, or when the baby woke them up at 2am, it happened. But they tried. They really did.
It almost seemed like they had dodged a bullet when Luke turned six and he still hadn’t sworn yet. With their daughter, Emily, at age four, they knew they still had a couple of years before they were totally in the clear. They’d heard stories from other parents in Luke’s class and even from some of their friends about incidents of other kids saying swear words in public. They definitely didn’t want to experience that.
Unfortunately, they were so caught up in making sure that Luke didn’t swear while he was at school, that little Emily didn’t cross their minds. She was at home with them still, so they figured that they didn’t have to worry about her saying things like that in public. Until she did.
It happened one afternoon while the four of them were at the park. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon, it seemed like the perfect place to be. Alex and Kelly sat on a bench, watching Luke and Emily chase butterflies and birds across the grass.
“They’re so cute, aren’t they?” Kelly smiled softly.
“They are. And look at Luke, showing his sister everything. That’s so sweet. He’s such a good big brother.” Alex agreed. Their kids really did have a wonderful dynamic, always helping each other and playing together.
Everything was going perfectly, until Emily tried to catch a butterfly and it dodged her hands, flying away quickly.
“FUCK!” The little girl screamed in frustration. Luke immediately looked to his parents, hoping they hadn’t heard his sister’s outburst. They had.
Alex’s eyes were wide with mortification, especially as other parents looked over disapprovingly. She looked over at her wife, who was doubled over with laughter.
“Babe, didn’t you hear what she just said?” Alex said quietly. Kelly nodded, still giggling.
“It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard! Oh my god... her tiny little kid voice screaming a swear word.” Kelly grinned. Alex smiled slightly. It was kinda funny, but she didn’t like the way the other moms were staring at them, expecting them to do something.
“Shouldn’t we...?” Alex murmured. Once Kelly calmed down a little, she nodded.
“Right, right. Let’s go tell her not to say that again.” Kelly agreed. She was fighting giggles the whole time they had a talk with Emily. It was still funny.
#alex danvers#kelly olsen#dansen#al-damnvers-blog dansen#based in part on something that happened while i was babysitting once
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Super Babysitters: Winn
Summary: Winn visits the DEO, taking a few gifts from the future with him.
Notes: I miss Winn and got excited to have him back for Season 5.
“We have an unexpected visitor today, director. Guess who?”
Brainy asked, having a hard time trying to hide his snicker.
“Tell me it’s not Haley. She shouldn’t know that I snuck in a contraband today.” Alex sighed absentmindedly as they marched along the hallway. She had a hard time trying not to smile back and ignore the unusually awkward, wide-smiled salutes from other agents inside the DEO headquarters while she adeptly holds a 15-month old Elly Danvers against her waist, who did nothing but smile and giggle at every single person that greeted him.
“Oh, no. Colonel Haley doesn’t have any interest in collecting space dirt.”
Alex came to a sudden halt and turned to Brainy with her brows furrowed and eyes wide, not entirely sure if she heard him correctly. “Winn?!”
“Uhh…ding! Ding! Ding!”
#supergirl fanfic#winn schott fanfic#alex danvers fanfic#elly danvers#baby danvers#baby luthor#Alex Danvers as a mom#alex danvers#space dad#kara danvers#superfriends babysitting#malotofv#ao3#super babysitters#director danvers#agent vasquez#supergirl
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Y/N danvers feels like a burden to her sisters so she packs her stuff out of the apartment she is living with Alex and goes away. There is a big search for her until Lena finds her and talks to her.
You were tired of sitting on the shoulders of your sisters, they had enough to handle and create in their lives than to babysit you so you decided to put an end to it and leave.
The most important things already packed in a suitcase, you stood at the door of the shared apartment of your eldest sister and you looked around one last time. The times in which you had spent on the couch and watched caustic movies that the redhead really wanted to see, your bedroom that you both designed the way you always wanted it to be before you moved in and all the chaotic moments where the color of the walls landed on your faces instead of on the wall.
You do think that all the laughter that had accumulated over the years was still in the walls, you could still hear them so clearly with every single memory. All these and many other wonderful moments went through all the synapses of your brain before you decided to close the door one last time without ever opening it again.
Exhausted and completely drained from the working day, the DEO agent was happy to be home again and to enjoy a nice rest of the evening with you. But as soon as she walked through the door, she was gripped by an uncomfortable cold and terrible silence she didn't knew.
It felt weird.
The living room she was looking at was swept empty; small personal things of you that always flew around here, pictures with you together that were on the dressers were gone.
Like you've been erased from her life.
An uneasy feeling in her stomach area and the panic that rose in her, let her jacket and her purse, which hung over her arm, fall on the ground. Several times she called your name but when there was no answer to her question just an echo, she walked the last few steps to your room and threw the door wide open. There wasn't a single thing to find that made you stand out - just insignificant stuff.
Panicked, the redhead ran through every single room of the apartment to find a clue about where you were and what had led you to just vanish. While she had also searched the bathroom for you in vain, she walked into the kitchen with her cell phone to her ear. "Come on, Kara. Damn it."
Leaning out of breath against the kitchen counter and nervously tapping the marble area with her index, middle and ring finger at irregular intervals, she listened to the annoying beeping stopping before it turned into her sister´s bright voice. "Alex, what is it? I have an important meeting coming up."
"Y/n is gone."
The agent heard the blonde shift in her chair, concerned about the choice of words, while she cleared her throat to give herself time for a moment´s thought. "What do you mean she's gone? Maybe she's down at the coffee shop doing her-" but Kara did not get the chance to finish her sentence. Alex had interrupted her, knowing what her sister was about to say.
"No Kara. Her things.." Alex hit the counter with her balled fist. Her pent-up energy from work and the growing concern for the youngest Danvers drained through her. "They´re all gone. As if she never lived here."
Kara´s jaw dropped. She got up from her seat at the desk in no time and quickly left the office to fly to the scene where her troubled sister was already waiting for her. Before the blondes feet hit the floor, words started to nervously spill out of the redheads mouth. "Look, all her things.. Gone."
Kara bit her lip and adjusted her glasses. Alex had not brought her here unnecessarily, the apartment was completely empty from your stuff and there was no sign of you.
"This note is the only thing that´s left." the eldest whispered in a low voice and pointed to the place where it was laying. Kara´s worried gaze shifted from Alex to the dresser she was standing a few inches away from. She walked towards it, took the red envelope in her hands and moved towards the couch where she sat on the armrest.
Looking at the envelope and reading her name and that of her sister in block letters, she opened it with shaky hands, took out the piece of paper and began to read it. And all of a sudden it went really quiet in the room. You could hear a pin drop in the silence.
Kara looked up from the paper in her hand to the redhead who had now sat down on the floor and had her legs pulled tight to her chest. Both of them had tears running down their cheeks and both could not believe that you just left like that. Alone without saying goodbye.
Haven´t you three always been a team?
Shivering from the cold and huddled up to escape the wind, you crouched down by the water near a tree, trying no to stand out or make a sound.
It was relatively quiet in your favorite spot and while it was not safe for you to sit here alone in the dark, the water lapping at the shore brought a soothing sound and calmed the unknown within you.
Lost in your own thoughts, you did not notice the figure slowly creeping up at you, not before the dark, familiar voice spoke your name out loud and it´s shadow grew steadily beside your form. You startled and immediately jumped to your feet. You were ready to run and not look back, your fight or flight mode kicking in, but you calmed down relatively quickly when you understood who exactly was standing in front of you. "Your siblings are worried sick."
"How did you find me?" you whispered and slumped your shoulders in frustration.
Lena stood in front of you. Tall and broad-shouldered, her hands buried in the pockets of her black coat-full of strength yet graceful and charming. Her long, dark hair lay loose over her shoulders, her ears keeping the strands from falling over her face in the wind. Her clothes were simple and not elegant as usual; jeans, a blouse, cuddly ankle boots and a flowing, long coat.
"Remember when you told me that you found a place here in National City that at night looks like the water reflects the whole galaxy?" her voice was deep and warm but had a subtle rasp in it. She looked at you, her emerald green eyes shining in the moonlight and a small smile occupying her lips.
You said nothing and turned your back to her to avoid seeing the disappointment in her eyes. Slowly, you sat down in the spot by the tree you had left in terror and leaned your knees against your chest while throwing flat rocks into the water; starting to hit more waves into it. "Talk to me, honey."
You exhaled deeply and smiled painfully. Crouched, legs drawn up, you just sat there with your arms wrapped tightly around your stomach. You struggled with your thoughts, trying to tell her everything. Words would not make your feelings better, you learned that the hard way. "There is nothing to talk about."
"You know lying won´t work in my presence, honey," the head of L-Corp stepped closer to you and sat down on the cold floor next to you. Wrapping her coat tightly around her body, she cleared her throat before speaking again. "No matter what you tell me, it stays with me. I promise."
"Alex and Kara are so busy with the DEO, Supergirl and CatCo," you swallowed hard and bit your lip anxiously. Your eyes were focused on the water, surveying every wave that hit the shore while tears started to well up in your eyes. "I feel like a burden on top."
Lena looked at you with her head tilted to the left, considering your statement for a moment and sighed heavily. She had already figured out the reason for your disappearance when she got Kara´s desperate call for help and now she had confirmation of her suspicion.
"You know that is not the case. They both love you more than anything on this planet."
"Sometimes I think it would be better for both of them if I was not here." you replied in a whisper. You found it difficult to say and talk about it but it was the truth after all. For weeks you have been imagining whether Alex and Kara would have a happier an much simpler life if you were not here with your illnesses to care for. "I am just annoying. They worry about me when they work and take care of me when they get home. They do not have time for themselves or for love because they are busy with me. Doctor visits, hospitalizations, administration of painkillers.."
The black-haired did not say anything and listened to you carefully. Her hand wandered between your shoulder blades, drawing soothing circles on your back before her hand finally came to rest on your shoulder and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Do not say that, please." she took the word as it got pretty quiet between both of you; the only sound there could be heard were cars in the background. "Your sisters are so lucky to have you and would not trade you for anything in the world, would not want to change a single trait in you. You are perfect the way you are. For all of us."
In her voice, you could recognize the seriousness of her words and your tears almost pushed to the surface. You did not want her to have an outburst of emotion, it was bad enough that you did even drawn attention to yourself again.
You scratched your arm nervously and looked down at your knees. "But.." you felt a huge lump in your throat and your voice broke. She shook her head frantically and pulled you even closer as she watched the tears run down your face.
You quickly hid your face in your hands. She gently brushed her hand a few tangled stands from the sides of your face and she leaned over your bend form to rest her head on your back, giving you to the maximum of support and affection she could offer you.
"I do like you to know that I am always here, if you ever want to talk" she whispered to you as you let out your thawed emotions in her arms. "But please do not ever run from us ever again."
#supergirl cw#supergirl fanfiction#supergirl fanfic#supergirl#superfriends#supergirl imagine#supergirlimagine#kara danvers x baby danvers#babydanvers#baby danvers x lena luthor#baby danvers#baby danvers imagine#baby danvers x supergirl#baby danvers x danvers sisters#kara danvers x reader#kara danvers imagine#karadanvers#kara danvers#kara zor el#kara danvers x danvers sisters#kara danvers x you#alex danvers x reader#alex danvers#alex danvers imagines#alex danvers x you#alex danvers imagine#alex danvers x baby danvers#lena luthor x you#lena luthor imagine#lenaluthor
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Supercorptober 2022 Day 12: Evening
The lovely @sheltereredturtle and I decided to collaborate on this prompt so she drew this wonderful piece of art and I wrote a fic based on it.
ao3 fic link. series link.
Lena keeps glancing at her phone, not that Kara blames her, she’s nervous too.
“Darling, it’s going to be fine,” Kara says, reaching across the table to lay her hand over Lena’s, where it was halfway to checking her phone again.
“You know Alex will call if she needs anything,” Kara cuts in.
Lena sighs. “I’m sorry, I know.” She flips her hand under Kara’s, tangles their fingers together. “No more worrying, okay?”
They both know that Alex has got everything under control, and it’s not like they don’t know how Alex is doing, she’s sending them updates every half an hour. The last update was that Alex was about to give Lizzie a bath, and the update before was a photo of their daughter, covered in food, clearly enjoying dinner.
Kara smiles. “No more worrying, let’s just enjoy the fact that there’s no crying baby that needs our attention.”
Kara loves their daughter more than anything, but it is nice to have a night out where they can relax, and not have to worry about anything.
Or worry too much, that is.
“Do you want to go and get ice-cream?”
“We’ve just had dessert, and you want ice-cream?” Kara asks.
And it wasn’t just any dessert, they’d had dinner at Kara’s favourite diner because they both wanted a low-key night, so they’d had burgers for dinner, followed by the biggest chocolate sundae you can get in the city (Kara knows, she’s checked).
“Are you, Kara Danvers-Luthor, questioning getting ice-cream?” Lena reaches out, lays the back of her hand against Kara’s forehead. “Are you okay?”
Kara swats the hand away, but catches it before it can fall, threading her fingers through Lena’s.
“I’m not saying I don’t want ice-cream, I just thought you’d want to get home to see Lizzie.”
“I do. But this is our first evening out since she was born, and I’m enjoying spending the alone time with my wife.”
Kara lifts their joined hands, presses a kiss to the back of Lena’s. “I’m not going to argue with that.”
Lena gets strawberry, which Kara doesn’t understand, why would you get a fruit-flavoured ice cream when chocolate is right there?
Which is why, when Kara asks for a taste of Lena’s, Lena looks confused. But she says yes, because she can never say no to Kara.
Lena holds out her ice cream, but Kara bypasses it completely, instead, leaning over to press her mouth to Lena’s.
Lena laughs into the kiss, she tastes like strawberry and she’s warm and it’s perfect.
“I’m still not a fan of strawberry but I am a fan of this,” Kara says, going in for another quick kiss.
Or it was meant to be quick, but then Lena leans close and Kara is hopeless to do anything but kiss her back.
“If you drop your ice cream, I’m not buying you another,” Lena mumbles into the kiss, and it’s enough to get Kara to finally pull away, only because her ice cream really is good.
By the time they make their way to the waterfront, their ice creams are gone and Alex has sent them a text saying she’s going to bed but they should stay out as late as they want.
“Can we walk home?” Lena asks. “I know we’re too old and have to be up too early tomorrow to stay out that late but I’m still not quite ready for tonight to end just yet.”
They’re quite far from home and Kara’s sure she’ll end up carrying Lena on her back if they do walk home, because she’ll be tired, but Kara’s still not going to say no to that.
Lena looks gorgeous, illuminated by the street lights as they walk, and it really has been too long since the two of them have had a date night. Kara is going to make sure they have nights like this more often, she knows her sister won’t mind babysitting and Kara really does miss just spending time with her wife.
“What are you looking at?”
Evidentially, Lena’s noticed the staring.
“You. You’re beautiful.”
Lena blushes under the compliment and it only makes Kara smile more.
“And you’re still a flirt.”
Kara tugs Lena to a stop by their still joined hands. “When I have the most beautiful wife in the world, how can you expect me not to stare?”
Lena doesn’t answer, instead she just tugs Kara forward and kisses her. This time, Lena doesn’t taste like strawberries, but there’s no ice cream in their hands restricting them so Kara pulls Lena close by her waist instead.
It’s the perfect end to a perfect night and Kara is already planning the next date night, but next time she’ll buy Lena flowers and take her to a nice restaurant and spoil her, like she deserves.
(Kara does have to piggyback Lena the last few blocks to their apartment. And then she carries her on the elevator and up to their apartment too, just because Lena keeps giggling in her ear and Kara doesn’t want it to end.
They both sneak into their daughter’s bedroom when they get home just to see her and say goodnight. Kara wraps her arms around Lena’s waist and rests her chin on Lena’s shoulder as they watch their daughter sleep.
Kara’s never been happier).
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Supercorp + Hogwarts AU + meet messy + "is that the best you can do?"
“Hey, do you guys want to see a muggle magic trick?”
Kara doesn’t have to look up to know Alex and Kelly are exchanging glances over Nia’s head. Nia is the best witch in the fifth year hands-down, but her grasp of muggle illusions leave a lot to be desired.
“Sure…” Kelly agrees, politely but unsurely, while Alex shakes her head.
“If this is that stupid coin trick again, Nia—” she starts, but Nia is already squeezing between them on the grass, unfolding a pack of muggle playing cards.
“It is not,” Nia says. “Prepare to be amazed! Yvette says I’m really good at this one.”
“Oh, joy,” Alex mutters under her breath, which turns into a pained yelp when Kelly elbows her in the ribs.
Kara finally raises her gaze from the newspaper she’s been half-reading, fully prepared to commit to Nia’s trick, but then she catches a glimpse of dark hair and a brisk pace. It’s Lena Luthor, notorious loner, actually sitting outside by the black lake with her books.
It’s odd—Lena never sits outside. People talk; Lena doesn’t have many friends (someone even started a rumor that Lillian Luthor pays Jess, another sixth year, to hang out with Lena). In fact, the only time anyone really sees Lena is in class, or in the Slytherin common room when Jess is also there. Kara sees her even less (only when Slytherin and Gryffindor share classrooms), but that doesn’t make the hopeless crush she’s fostered on her since they were eleven any less potent.
Kelly starts clapping suddenly, reluctantly dragging Kara’s eyes from Lena (who is reading a book; Kara is wondering just what kind of book it is). “Aw, Nia, that was good!” she says. “Do it again!”
Even Alex is curiously lifting up the cards one by one, as if trying to determine the trick herself. “Did you use actual magic for this?” she asks.
“I’m just that good,” Nia brags, though the way she tries to expertly shuffle the cards right back into their box suggests otherwise; half of them spill onto the grass. “Oh man!”
“I’ve got this,” Kara says, absentmindedly reaching for her wand. “Accio—”
“Kara, no!”
Oh, that’s right, Kara thinks belatedly. My wand is broken. It had been an unfortunate event on the Quidditch pitch involving an overzealous Hufflepuff seeker (Winn is still very apologetic about it, but it can’t be helped now). Unfortunately, Kara never seems to quite remember that magic is off-limits until it can be fixed.
And even more unfortunate is the fact that her mind and her words have begun to converge; she’s thinking about the book Lena is reading while glancing at the cards, and her mouth is forming silent words, and really it’s not a surprise at all when said book rockets out of Lena’s hands and aims right for Nia’s head.
No one dies, though, nor do they have to make the unpleasant trudge to the infirmary—Kelly is far quicker than any of Kara’s botched magic, and the book explodes into nothing when she mutters a firm, “Evanesco.”
“Kelly!” Kara forgets, for a second, about the whole Nia-about-to-break-her-face thing; her heart drops to the pit of her stomach at the thought that something of Lena Luthor’s has been reduced to figurative dust. What if that book was personal? What if it was special? What if it was—
“Excuse me,” says a quiet, sudden voice, and Kara just about falls over in the grass at the sight of Lena Luthor standing there. “I think you summoned my book.”
Kelly winces. “Oh, actually—”
“I destroyed it,” Kara blurts out, because really, this is her fault and Nia still has a face so the least Kara can do is take a fall for a friend. “I’m sorry. My wand is broken, and I was trying to summon some cards, but I was looking at you and thinking about your book and it just…I’m sorry. Again. I can pay for it?” She immediately begins digging into the pockets of her robes, but all she manages to scrounge up is a broken sugar quill and a drawing on a torn sheet of paper that depicts Professor Grant as a dragon.
For a moment, all Lena does is stare down at Kara in a peculiarly quizzical way. She doesn’t seem mad or anything, just perplexed. A second later she says, “You were thinking about ‘Voyages with Vampires’ strongly enough to summon it? I don’t really enjoy Gilderoy Lockhart books myself.”
“To be fair,” Kara’s quick to defend herself, “I couldn’t read the title from this far.”
“Right. You decided you wanted to snatch my book from me because it was mine.” And just like that, the curious expression on Lena’s face drops entirely, twists into something resigned and exhausted. “Is that the best you can do? Petty little child games?”
“What? No, I would never—”
“Because last week Eve Tessmacher hit me with a furnunculus curse that was far more clever than this,” Lena all but sneers. “It’s always the pig-headed Gryffindors that aim out of their league.”
“You wanna say that again?” Alex is jumping up, her wand brandished out, and Lena glances from her to Kara to Kelly to Nia, as if just realizing how potentially outnumbered she could be.
Except, well, that’s so not the issue. Kara hastens to stand between Alex’s wand and Lena’s body, nearly knocking her sister over in the process. “No! No, I didn’t do that as a prank, I—” She pauses, feels her cheeks go hot, and then rushes out, “Ijustthinkyou’rereallypretty!”
Alex lowers her wand; Kara can tell, because Alex uses it to jab her in the ribs. “Oh, bloody hell,” Alex grumbles, and she nudges Kelly to join her. “I think that’s our cue. I’d rather study for Potions than watch this.”
Kelly obligingly drags Nia along, who looks like she wants to protest, but eventually Nia caves in—though not without trying to wink conspiringly at Kara, which doesn’t work because Nia “winks” with both eyes.
“But—” Kara watches as her friends scatter, and then she is left with the heavy, accusatory gaze of Lena Luthor. She tries to smile, but imagines her attempt is more of a wince than anything. “Did I mention that I’m sorry?”
Lena takes a step forward. She raises her chin in the air, no less guarded, but her eyes convey a tiny bit of that earlier curiosity all the same. “You’ve already had your fun, Kara Danvers,” she says. “But I will give you credit, no one has played the ‘I have a crush on you’ prank yet.”
Kara frowns. “Do people really play pranks on you so much?”
“I am the weird little sister of a boy who tried to blow up Hogwarts,” Lena all but deadpans. “What do you think?”
“I think you’re way more than Lex Luthor’s sister, and that’s just...really mean,” Kara says, words bursting out before she even pauses to rein them in. “I mean, you are so smart! Last year you saved a bunch of first years who wandered into the Forbidden Forest. A-and you never tried out for Quidditch, but sometimes you fly with Jess on the pitch and you’re so fast you could easily run circles around anyone on the Slytherin team. You’re the coolest person ever. Even when you were eleven, you—” Finally, her brain starts to catch up with her mouth, and Kara flushes hotter than she ever thought possible. “Oh, gosh. I’m sorry. I swear, I didn’t mean for that to sound…stalker-y. I only know about the first year thing because Professor Grant’s son was new that year and I was supposed to be babysitting him. And then the flying, well, sometimes I go to the pitch with Winn whenever he wants to practice—”
“Kara. You can breathe any time you want,” Lena prompts, and Kara pauses to do exactly that.
“Sorry,” Kara adds, again, after she’s let her lungs rest a bit. Her whole body feels shivery from head to toe, like she is seconds away from fainting, and honestly? She just might. “Anyway. Um. I can replace that book if you want. Or I can give you the money and you can pick out a better one, since you said you weren’t a fan? Whatever you want.”
Lena is quiet for a beat. “What were you going to say before? About when I was eleven?”
Kara bites her lip so hard she knows she will inevitably have to ask Kelly to heal it later. “Oh, that,” she says evasively. “I meant, when you were eleven, and I walked face-first into the wrong wall trying to get to platform nine and three quarters, and you didn’t even laugh at me. You just...helped me up, and promised you would walk with me to the train until I found my family again.”
“I remember,” Lena says, and her voice is softening, as is her expression. “You somehow got lost between platforms seven and eight. Your sister was furious when she caught up with us.”
“Yeah.” And Kara finds herself smiling at that memory; this time it’s a real smile, and she couldn’t stop it if she tried. “That was really nice.” She wants to mention more—how even when Lillian Luthor scowled at Kara’s hand-me-downs, Lena complimented her right away on the shirt that had once been Alex’s—but all Kara does right now is step back. “I’ve bothered you enough, I think. Will you…let me know? About the book?”
“I don’t care about the book,” Lena says, and she swallows, loud enough that Kara can hear it. “Do you mean it?”
“That you’re...nice?”
“Yes.” Lena’s cheeks are a faint pink color, and Kara’s entire mouth goes dry.
“Well, yeah,” Kara says, and in that moment—with Lena blushing, and Kara’s chest tightening—they both know that she’s confessing to so much more than thinking Lena is nice. “So. Um.” She squares her shoulders, and prepares to be brave enough to live up to the Gryffindor name: “Can I buy you something that’s not a book? Sometime? Maybe on our next trip to Hogsmeade?”
“Like a date?” Lena asks, so impossibly soft, and Kara nods.
“Exactly like a date,” Kara says, and honestly, she should demand ten points to Gryffindor herself because her voice does not waver once.
And Lena Luthor smiles, just cautious enough to show how unsure she is, but still warm enough that Kara’s heart skips a beat. “Okay,” she says. “But on one condition: I’ll handle any magic until then.”
“Deal,” Kara agrees, and it’s official; breaking her wand might have been the best thing that has ever happened to her, ever.
#took some liberties w/the meet messy hope thats ok!!!#supercorp#supergirl#i need a fic tag#i went as vague as possible w/the hp setting :///#hope its not too glaringly obvious how little i know about hp#now to tackle the other 5 hp aus in my inbox....yall want to see me suffer so bad#(jk i love all the prompts in my inbox ur all too sweet)#🥺❤️
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Life After the Reveal
Fandom: Supergirl Compilation: Moments in the Life of Superfam A/N: Set after the show ends. You'll have to endure some original characters, but then it's all Danvers women all the time.
Midvale University
Sofia Zuniga makes a detour to the break room.
With the faculty meeting starting in less than five minutes, she has just enough time to make a cup of tea. At nearly 6 PM PST, chamomile should be a nice caffeine-free option that will keep her going through the meeting. Faculty meetings typically occur in the morning at the start of normal work hours, but today unusual circumstances have prompted a late emergency meeting.
Someone has left the television on, but the sound is barely audible. She doesn’t give it more than a second’s glance.
Terry Martin races into the kitchen a minute later, not quite disheveled, but it’s obvious their run started from their lab two buildings away. They exchange hellos. Sofia adds more water to the boiler. Being a young enterprising Assistant Professor seeking tenure, Terry grabs a packet of coffee. They're clearly anticipating working well into the night.
“So, what’d you think of the surprise news?” Terry asks.
The surprise news: Eliza Danvers going on sabbatical. The reason for their emergency faculty meeting.
Finding people to fulfill all of Eliza's duties is a non-trivial matter. And really if anyone in their department should’ve seen it coming, it was Sofia, right? Eliza’s best friend since grad school and still a close collaborator.
“I didn’t expect it, but goodness knows she deserves it,” Sofia says lightly.
She tries to think back to the last time Eliza had taken a sabbatical. The Danvers had regularly done so at the start of their careers, flying off to Japan and the like, taking Alex along. After Eliza and Jeremiah adopted Kara, that had changed. And Sofia had understood. Or at least, she'd thought she did. Kara had needed help. Of course, the Danvers would spend whatever time they could with her.
But Kara is an adult now, so why wouldn't Eliza go on sabbatical? If only the abruptness of it didn't make the whole affair so mysterious.
“Ah, we’re talking about Eliza?” Sangjin Cho says as he steps into the kitchenette. He doesn’t seem to have come in for any reason other than to socialize.
Terry dumps an alarming amount of cream and sugar into their coffee, stirring as they speculate, “Her daughter just got married, right? And adopted a child? Maybe Dr. Danvers is babysitting while they go off on their honeymoon. Hard to start off a marriage properly with a new kid crimping your style.” They wink suggestively.
Sofia grimaces. “Please don’t. I’ve known Alex since before she was born. I don’t ever want to think about her like that.”
Sangjin frowns. “Can you know someone before they were born?”
Sofia can't help but laugh as memories flood back to her. “You should’ve seen some of the cravings Eliza had when she was pregnant. That kid has a strong personality, and she imposed it early.”
“Speaking of Eliza,” says Terry, whose attention has shifted to the television. A teaser of the upcoming CatCo exclusive plays, the promo announcer speaking over background clips of Cat Grant and Kara Danvers. “Her other daughter.” Then they check their phone. “That means we’re going to be late.”
Sofia turns the volume up. “We can be a little late.”
Terry is still new and eager to impress, but Sofia is well-established in the department. She was even a mentor to the current department chair once upon a time. She wants to hear more from Eliza’s younger daughter, and she figures she'll be afforded some wiggle room. Terry and Sangjin stay with her. They're curious too, and if they arrive late with Sofia, then maybe there's safety in numbers.
The CatCo exclusive is a live event, starting its broadcast at 9 PM (i.e., primetime) on the East Coast to reach the largest possible audience. Even for an exclusive, little has been shared with the public beforehand.
“Hello, National City," Cat Grant greets her resident city, despite the national broadcast. Perhaps it's a powerplay to show where the center of attention should be. "You know her as Kara Danvers, CatCo’s ace reporter and new editor-in-chief. But tonight, it is my great honor to introduce to you… Supergirl.”
The camera zooms in on Kara, who somehow looks like neither Kara Danvers nor Supergirl but someone in between.
“What the actual fu...?” Terry’s jaw drops with the last word and stays down.
“Did you know?” Sangjin asks because, again, Eliza and Sofia, best friends.
“No,” Sofia says simply. There’s nothing more to say. She’s as surprised by the news as everyone else, but she’s not surprised Eliza never told her. It was Kara's secret to share.
Sofia leans forward.
Terry's phone lights up with notifications, and then they're typing furiously. Sangjin checks his phone, and then he's doing the same.
Sofia’s own phone starts vibrating, but she silences it. She keeps her eyes glued to the television screen.
Eliza’s sudden sabbatical is starting to make a lot more sense. Sofia is sure that most of her new messages are from fellow friends and colleagues of Eliza--how did none of us know?--but she's also sure that some enterprising journalists are biting for their own exclusives. Anyone and everyone who knows where Eliza lives and works is sure to be a target.
And Alex. Oh, dear. Alex is going to hate this.
Sofia hopes the other Danvers have managed to find some place on Earth where they can’t be found.
Kara's holographic form fidgets uncomfortably.
“Alex heard from Sofia,” she says. "Your department's still, umm... They're trying to handle all correspondence requests as best they can, but you're still going to have a ginormous pile in your inbox when you get back."
Eliza is grateful that they had repaired this holographic, interplanetary mode of live communication before her trip. Seeing her daughter still alive and well is an invaluable relief. They had been so cautious with Kara's identity throughout her childhood for good reason. Her being an adult and having revealed her identity on her own accord have done little to ease Eliza's anxiety on this front.
But Eliza shoves her anxiety to the back-burner because each and every one of Kara's features spells out G-U-I-L-T.
Her Grimace, formed by
the Upside down curve of her mouth and
the Indented crinkle between her brows.
Her Laced hands, clasped tightly and carrying down
the Tension from her shoulders.
Eliza knows that any reassurance, though heartfelt, will do little to ease that guilt. What Kara needs is for the ripple effects of her decision to fade, and though time may not heal all wounds, it may serve as the most apropos treatment here.
The best Eliza can do in the interim is to make every conversation with Kara as enjoyable as possible.
She says, "Yes, well, that is a problem for future-me, as my students say. I'm having a wonderful time here."
That seems to do the trick. Kara's posture eases, and her head perks up. "Yeah?"
Eliza tells Kara all about her time on Argo. Her sabbatical may officially pertain to the experiments she and Zor-El conduct in his lab, but the true treasure comes in the form of stories of Kara's childhood. She reminds Kara of some of them, and perhaps enjoys a little too much the blush spreading across her cheeks.
For the followup salve, she mentions the Kryptonian dishes she's tried. Their ensuing discussion about Kryptonian recipes and potential ways to recreate them on Earth (and vice versa for the Earth dishes on Krypton) truly brings Kara to life. Eliza takes in Kara's grin and wishes she could keep Kara in this state of bliss forever.
But eventually, her communication device pings with a reminder.
"I'm sorry, sweetie," she says. "I need to pick up Esme soon."
Alex and Kelly had stayed on Earth to support Kara through the reveal, but they hadn't wanted to risk putting Esme in the cross-hairs again. That, more than anything, had been the reason for this Argo trip. Bonding with her granddaughter, learning about her daughter's culture, picking up Kryptonian STEM lessons, and avoiding Earth's media outlets had all been side bonuses.
Guilt creeps back into Kara's expression. "How's she doing?"
"Very well," Eliza reassures her. "She's picking up Kryptonese very quickly, and she's excited to talk to you about all the things she's learning in school with the other kids. Maybe next time we can pick a time to chat after school, so she can join."
Kara glows. "I'd love that."
CatCo Media Headquarters
There are times when Ms. Grant's name feels entirely too appropriate.
Throughout this entire interview, she has exuded the very satisfied and expectant energy of a cat about to eat the canary. An exclusive interview with the Danvers sisters? It's every media outlet's dream.
Only in this case, the canary is Alex, who appears ready, nay eager, to peck her way through Ms. Grant's throat from the inside out.
Kara finds the whole dynamic rather unsettling.
Fortunately, the interview has been uneventful thus far. Ms. Grant started with questions about their childhood: how they adjusted from only children to sisters and how Alex helped Kara adjust to Earth.
"Were you ever intimidated?" Ms. Grant asks Alex about Kara's superpowers.
"Oh yeah," Alex drawls, tone laden with sarcasm. Her expression remains completely unimpressed. "But luckily, I had my secret weapon, the popcorn machine, to defend myself."
She doesn't explain the reference, and to prevent Ms. Grant from asking, Kara offers, "I was more intimidated of Alex than vice versa."
Alex shrugs, softening for Kara and Kara only. "Older sister privilege."
The shift seems to satisfy some unspoken criteria for Ms. Grant, and she moves on. They meander through the timeline of their lives until they land on the theme of identity.
"Your sister has spoken about all the reasons she kept her identity a secret in the past," Ms. Grant says to Alex. "How do you feel about your family's safety, about your safety, now that everything is out in the open?"
And there it is. The only reason why Alex agreed to this interview in the first place.
Alex leans forward a little, a predatory glint flashes in her eyes. Her voice lowering, she warns, "If you come after our family, I'm your problem."
Alex's energy feeds Ms. Grant's. She nearly leans in as well. "A bold statement."
"You can call it whatever you want," Alex says dismissively. "It's the truth. I've been kidnapped before to get at Supergirl. Want to know what happened to the Hellgrammite that took me hostage and tried to kill me? I stabbed it with its own spikes. If anyone comes after someone else in our family, I will do so much worse to make sure they regret it."
"Alex," Kara sighs. They probably shouldn't be promoting violence. "That's not--"
"True?" Ms. Grant cuts in shrewdly.
Kara wishes Ms. Grant was a little less fearless sometimes.
"What? No," Kara says quickly before Alex can respond. "I was going to say 'necessary'. All of it's true."
"As a superhero, Kara has morals," Alex says. "As her sister, I will do whatever it takes to protect this family. If you mess with us, I will mess you up."
Well, at least Alex didn't say that she would kill them outright. The thought of dealing with Alex on a rampage is infinitely more tiring than dealing with any villain.
She doesn't keep that tiredness out of her voice as she says, "Yes, to all the supervillains out there, please don't come after our family because then Alex will come after you, and I will have to save you from Alex."
Ms. Grant seems absolutely delighted.
Trending on Twitter: #supersister
if my superpowered sibling kept trying to take my food, i too would get over superpowers real quick #donttouchmyfood #supersister
@adventuredoc84 may be a badass doctor with Médecins Sans Frontières, but she will forever be my baby sister, and I would do anything to protect her, so y'know #relatable #supersister
listen im no evil mastermind but if i was i'd be tempted to go after the sister. way too cocky. ugh
>> looking forward to seeing #supersister make sure you rest in pieces
>> supergirl would save him
>> should she though?
Haha, I like how Supergirl has superpowers, and she still recoils whenever Alex glares at her #supersister
>> If my (25M, 6'0") older sister (32F, 5'1") gave me a look like that, I'm running, and I'm in an officer in the Air Force #supersister
i know we're all reacting to the #supersister interview but can we just give a shoutout to their #supermom for raising them right
The Tower (National City)
"Hi, Mom," Alex and Kara say together as the holographic image of their mother appears in front of them.
"How are my favorite girls?" Eliza asks, smiling fondly.
Alex finds that smile somehow lifts some of the weight from her shoulders.
Kara beams. "Alex is trending. Hashtag supersister."
Alex groans. She doesn't know how Kara can stand getting this much attention. "Send me to Argo."
Eliza laughs lightly. "Esme and I would be delighted to have you here. Alura is bringing her. She should be here soon."
"How is she?" Alex asks. Sending her daughter away hadn't been easy, but with all the attention that their family, and even she herself, was now getting, it had seemed prudent. At least it won't be forever. Alex is counting down the days.
"Good," Eliza says. "She has so much to tell you."
Oh, right. With Esme arriving soon, she should probably take this precious time to catch up with her mom. Alex makes sure to ask about Eliza's experiments in Zor-El's lab, provides updates on Kelly and other family and friends, and encourages Kara to share all the progress she's been making as CatCo's new editor-in-chief.
It's reassuring to know that in the perpetual whirlwind of their lives, they'll always have this.
#supergirl#kara danvers#eliza danvers#alex danvers#moments in the life of superfam#i forgot uhhh most of canon so please excuse me and just go with the flow
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Esme the Matchmaker
by GamineHoyden
Esme has the flu. Lena and Kara are babysitting. And doing everything that Esme tells the to do, including playing house.
Words: 1453, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Esme (Supergirl TV 2015), Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Alex Danvers
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Fluff, Supercorp Forever, One Shot, Happy Ending, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/LeTtlvU via IFTTT https://ift.tt/LeTtlvU
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Extraneous Variable 3
Error: n3
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Kelly Olsen x Niece!Reader
Word Count: 3120.
“What the actual fuck!”
“LANGUAGE!” Kara scolds Alex, pointing at you. “My kid is here!”
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but WE ARE KIDS TOO!” Alex runs to the front of the mirror, and you get out of her way. “This can’t be true! I’m gonna kill Brainy!”
She marches to the door looking like she will absolutely kill him. You wonder if you should do something, but Brainy can protect himself, besides you’re not a superhero anymore. You look at your moms. Kara and Lena are staring at each other, so shocked, nothing leaves their mouths.
Kara seems to be the first one to come down from her shock. “I’m you! I’m about your age!”
“Yep! We’re one in the same.” You agree with a big smile. Alex is close by, yelling at Brainy to reverse this mess. You try to ignore her.
“That’s so cool!” Kara holds Lena’s hand, who still hasn’t said a word. “Love, I’ve always wanted to know you as a teen. Hey, now we can say that we have! And, YAY, I’m going to kiss you as a teen.” Kara’s face goes towards Lena’s, who sleekly moves away. “Lena!”
“Nope.” Your mom finally lets out. “You’re her. I’m not doing that, it’s weird.” She points at both of you and sits on the chair that is closest by. Her hands cover her face, and she lets out an exasperated sigh. “I told you not to mess with alien tech. Look what you've done.”
“I didn’t do this! It was Brainy.” You defend yourself, pointing at him instead.
“In my defense, I’m just trying to undo the mess you made.” He also ignores Alex for the sake of defending himself.
“Well, you’ve made more messes than I have now.”
“Only if we look at this numerically.”
“How else would we look at it?”
“You star-”
“STOP IT!” Lena yells, making everyone in the room flinch at the sound of her teen voice coming out so loud. “Both of you, stop it! I have a damn company to run and how the hell am I supposed to do that looking like a teenage girl?”
Kara opens her mouth, but before she has a chance to speak, Lena snaps at her again.
“Kara, I swear to GOD if you say ‘language’ right now, I’m going to curse in five different languages!”
“Someone’s a moody teenager.” Alex mutters and you hold your laugh, biting your lip, knowing damn well not to add into Lena’s moodiness.
“I think I can-” Brainy starts.
“NO!” Alex slaps his hand away from the piece of tech. “Do not touch that again.”
“But-” He tries.
“NO!” Kara yells protecting the tech with her own body. “I’m scared you might turn someone into a zombie next and they’ll come for me.”
“In that case, you don’t have to worry. Zombies eat brains, so you’re safe.” Alex looks at Kara and you look to the other side trying to hide your laughter again. Aunt Alex as a teen is way too funny.
“Hey!” Kara interjects.
“I just have to-” Brainy starts again.
“NO!” It’s Lena who says it this time. “You heard them! Step away from the alien tech. Actually, can we all get out of here and leave it for the kid to figure this out?”
“You know, you can’t call me ‘kid’ anymore. I think I’m actually older than you are, right now.”
“And I am actually still your mother, so you better find a way to reverse this, or you will be in deep-deep trouble, young lady.” Lena says and you drop your head low. Why is she still so scary even looking younger than you?
“But if the 12th-level intellect can’t find the solution, what chance do I have?”
“Well, you have the motivation.” Lena smiles at you, blinking her big green eyes at you. “Find the solution, don’t get grounded for messing with alien tech when I specifically told you not to.”
“But how is this even possible?” Kara says, counting something on her fingers. She looks around confused. “We’re not all the same age, yet-”
“I have neither the time, nor the crayons to explain this to you.” Alex says and this time you can’t hold your laugh anymore. You wheeze out a laughter and Kara furrows her brows at you in response.
“You don’t know, do you?” She asks Alex, who denies with her head.
“No idea.”
“Ok, that’s it. Everyone out of this lab. Let’s all wait upstairs.” Lena points outside and you watch Brainy, Alex and Kara leaving with their heads hanging low.
“But I need help.” You mumble, but are left unanswered. You don’t know if they didn’t hear you or are just choosing to ignore you for the sake of Lena not yelling at them.
“So, we’re not gonna kiss?” It’s the last thing you hear before the door closes behind them.
“KARA!” Actually, that’s the last thing before you find yourself all alone in your lab with the alien tech in front of you.
It’s not that you’re scared of it, but yeah, being a baby and then a boy wasn’t the best experience in your life. Now your moms and aunt are teens. One is moody, the other is a sarcastic queen, and the other one is… Just… Kara.
You: Need help. Brainy turned our moms into teenagers.
Jamie: WHAT! OUR moms? This is gold!
You: Yeah, well, Lena is still scary as a teen, so I need a solution ASAP. Help. Please?
Jamie: Don’t know how I can help, but yeah. Sure. On my way now.
Jamie shows up some time later. You try to fill her in on what’s going on. She can’t stop laughing. Seriously. She can’t be stopped.
“I’m serious!” You roll your eyes at her reaction. “This is bad! Really bad.”
“I know. I wish we had popcorn.” She jokes, grabbing her phone in her pocket and going to the lab door. “Come on, I gotta see this with my own eyes.”
“Jamie.” You try. She ignores you, still going to the elevator.
“You said they’re at Lena’s office, right?” She’s already inside the elevator when you decide to follow her. She smiles satisfied when she sees you. “Relax.” She says pushing the button for Lena’s floor. “We’ll say we need to assess the situation, or like, whatever.”
“Fine. Just be aware, your mom is a savage.”
“Oh, I’m counting on it. I’m going to film the whole thing. Whenever I say something she doesn’t like, I’ll use this video as proof I’m not as bad as she was.”
You two sneak into the top floor, but there’s no need. Your mom’s assistant was sent home. Lena probably didn’t want to explain how she was turned back into a teenager. You open a little crack on the door and Jamie sneaks in her phone so she can film them.
Brainy is no longer with them, so right now only the three of them are in the office. Lena’s on her chair, still doing some work even as a teen. Alex is on the couch and Kara is impatiently walking from one side to the other.
“Seriously Alex, what do you think? I could wear Superkid’s suit, and no one would know.” She asks, looking at Alex waiting for a response. It doesn’t come. “Alex?”
“There’s no need to repeat yourself, I ignored you just fine the first time.” It’s what Alex says. You and Jamie try not to laugh out loud.
“Rao, you’re the worst teenager ever!” Kara complains, throwing herself in the chair in front of Lena. “Lena. Hey.” No response. “Lenaaaaaa, do you have any snacks?”
“Kara, I’m trying to work.” Lena shots her down, making Kara roll her eyes.
“Why? We’re teens. We’re not supposed to work. Besides, it’s not like anyone can hear your voice or see your face right now. Am I right, Alex?”
“I stopped listening, so why don’t you stop talking?” It’s what Alex answers. You seriously have to cover your mouth not to make any sound.
“You’re not funny. Just very cruel.”
“Yes, well. It keeps me young.” She winks at Kara. You and Jamie laugh so loud, Kara stands up in one motion, grabbing Jamie’s wrist -the one with the phone still filming- and you watch your cousin being lifted over Kara’s head. She struggles trying to put her feet back on the ground.
“It looks like we have company.” Kara says finally putting Jamie back on her feet, and you get up from the floor and go inside the office too.
“I thought I told you to reverse this!” Lena says, looking at you. You shrug.
“Well, I needed to see how you’re all thinking.” You lie, trying to justify yourself. “Momma doesn’t seem to have changed at all and you’re still working, but aunt Alex seems to have turned into a teen completely.”
“I have not.” She stands up, crossing her arms. “It’s just nice to annoy Kara. Now, I would very much like to return to my old body.”
“Me too! Lena doesn’t even want to make out with me anymore.”
“Oh, dear God.” Lena gets up, going to her cocktail bar and pouring herself a glass of whiskey.
“What are you doing? You can’t drink! You’re not old enough!” You tell her and she looks at you with wide eyes.
“Yes, I am! I’m a forty-six woman in a teenage girl’s body!”
“Well.” You take the glass of whiskey out of her hands. “When I was a sixteen-year-old girl in a baby’s body you fed me baby food, so I guess we’re respecting that rule. That means no drinking for you.” You look at Kara. “And no, you cannot use my super suit and go save the world, because, like I told you, Superkid doesn’t exist anymore. Now, be nice and go buy us some snacks.” Then, you turn to Alex. “And you, stop giving Kara a hard time or I’ll call your wife and have her come and babysit all of you. Now, if you can excuse us, the older ones must figure out a way out of this mess.”
“She’s your daughter alright.” Kara mumbles, looking at Lena and you shoot her a warning look.
Kara follows you and Jamie out of the office and into the elevator. Jamie looks at both of you with a weird expression.
“I thought one was more than enough.” Then she agrees with her head, looking away. “I was right.”
“And you’re Alex’s daughter alright.” Kara steps out of the elevator when it gets on the ground floor and you hear Aly talking to her.
“Hello, Miss Luthor-Danvers! It’s good to see you.”
“Oh, um, yeah! It’s me!” Kara says and you look at Jamie rolling your eyes.
“You know what? The sooner we finish this, the better.” You push the button for the underground level, and it doesn’t take long for you and Jamie -kind of- start working.
You absolutely hate the fact that you started messing with alien technology in the first place. You should’ve listened to Lena when she told you not to touch it. Kara comes in and out with food, Jamie takes several naps next to you, but you keep working.
“Ok, honestly. That’s enough.” Jamie gets up, holding your arm. “We’re going home. They’re not going to die being teens for a day. I mean, you didn’t die being a boy, so they’re cool.”
“Lena told me to find the solution.”
“Yes, well. She said, ‘find the solution’ not ‘find it today’. So, we’re leaving.” Jamie sighs, tired. You look at the clock and agree with your head. “Let’s take our teens home.”
And despite protests, you all go home. It’s funny that none of them can drive, so Jamie is the one left driving all of you around in Lena’s fancy car. You can tell Lena is not enjoying the ride, but there’s not much she can do about it.
“And here we are.” Jamie says, stopping in front of your house.
“Why are our lives so goddamn weird?” It’s how Alex says goodbye, and you look at Jamie raising an eyebrow.
“Good luck with her.” You slip out of the car and follow your moms into the house.
“Well, I’ll go watch TV.” You hear Kara’s voice, and she makes her way to the living room. You look at Lena who just shrugs.
“Meh, guess I’ll do that too.”
“Ok, no.” You follow Kara and turn off the TV. She interjects, but you ignore. “You’re going to take a shower, and Lena is going to help me with dinner.”
“I don’t wanna.” Lena says, throwing herself on the couch and you breathe deep.
“Ok, come on. You guys are not actually teens. Stop being annoying!” You take the control out of Kara’s hand again, when she motions turning the TV back on.
“And you’re not our mom, so stop bossing us.” Kara complains. You breathe deep one more time.
“I wouldn’t have to boss you, if you would just act your age, young lady!” You hear yourself saying that and your eyes widen. “Look at what you’re making me say! My God, I hate myself right now.” You toss the control back at her. “Do whatever you want, I don’t care.”
You still go to the kitchen and get started on dinner. How dare they make you be the responsible adult in the house? They only look young. They’re not actually young. Right?
Jamie: Why does my mom keep acting like a young brat? Isn’t she supposed to be like 50 but look younger?
You: Maybe? My moms are also being immature right now.
Jamie: Do you think their minds are catching up to their body?
You: Maybe???
“Mom!” You call but hear no answer. “Lena!”
“Ugh, what? Can you just leave me alone for like a second?” Lena’s voice comes a while later.
You run to where they are. They’re sitting on the same couch holding hands.
“What’s going on here?” You ask and receive rolling eyes as an answer. Those little weasels!
“God, you’re so annoying for a teen. Are you sure you’re not a 60-year-old woman?” Lena says and you bite your tongue not to answer her. “We’re holding hands, ‘cause this one apparently needs human contact to survive.”
“Well, aren’t you a ray of pitch-black as a teen?” You go back to the kitchen and finish the dinner. But they’re awfully quiet in the living room, so you make your way there in silence to see what’s going on. “Wow, that’s a big kiss!”
You interrupt them, like Kara once has done to you and Maya. They are breathless and flushed and are now shooting daggers at you.
“Dinner is ready.” You say but none of them move. They’re really starting to annoy you. “Did you listen?”
“We’re choosing to ignore you.” Lena says and you close your eyes, breathing deep a few times. Come on, you’re not that annoying as a teen. She’s the worst.
“Get up, come on.” You make your way towards them, hold Kara’s arms and make her stand. “Come eat, and then we’re going to sleep. I can’t stand you both anymore. Go on, Kara. Don’t make me say it twice.”
At that she obeys. Lena still rolls her eyes at you once more, before getting up and going to the kitchen table. You thought it would be a lot more fun having your moms being your own age. You felt like they would understand you, but instead they’re so self-centered it is impossible to hold a conversation. There’s no doubt, their minds are catching up to their bodies for sure.
“Hey, hey, hey.” You stop them, before they run out of the kitchen. “You two are not sleeping together. And you still have to do the dishes and clean the kitchen.” You smile, actually excited you get to say that to them. “Go on.”
You don’t even care about the rolling eyes, and the mumbles under their breaths. You’re sitting while they do all the work. You get now why Lena likes bossing you so much. It is fun!
You don’t let them sleep together. You already saw way too much when you went to the living room earlier. So Kara’s stuck sleeping with you, and the moody teen gets to sleep alone in the other bedroom.
It’s early when you wake up. Jamie, Kelly and teen Alex show up at your house sooner than you’d like.
“Ok, I’m going to the lab, you stay here and try to wake my moms up.” You tell Kelly and look at Jamie who grabs the car keys at your signal. “You might have to hire an exorcist for Lena.”
“Can’t be worse than this one.” Kelly points at Alex with her head, who rolls her eyes in response. You fight the urge to roll your eyes at Alex and leave with Jamie.
“Do we roll our eyes that much?” You ask her and she agrees with her head.
“Not anymore. My God, that shit’s annoying!”
You go back to the lab, and surprise! You can’t do it alone. But since Lena’s not around – physically or mentally – you call Brainy, and he shows up a while later to help you.
“Ok, this time, I think we actually got it.” He says and you agree with your head.
“After we undo this thing, I swear to Rao I’m breaking this machine into a thousand pieces.” You look at Jamie. “Ok, call your mami. Time to bring them back.”
It’s not long until Kelly shows up with three moody teenagers fighting behind her. She looks as done as you imagine you would with their bullshit. You pray to Rao this works. You’re done with this tech, and this nonsense all together.
You shove them inside your lab. Show Kara which button to press – she’s the less annoying one – and the rest of you wait outside.
“You did it!” Kara says, opening the lab door, excitedly. You look at them looking normal again and breathe relieved.
“Thank Rao.” You hug both of your moms, while Kelly and Jamie hug Alex. “You two were terrible teenagers.”
“Well, you handled us very well, babygirl.” Lena kisses your forehead. “I love you guys. But, um, I have to go to work.”
Lena leaves in a hurry. Kara, Alex and Brainy also excuse themselves running out of your lab back to their jobs, and you find yourself alone with Jamie.
“Hey. Help me with this?” You give her a piece of wood and point at the alien tech. She nods with a big smile.
Bye, bye weird situations alien tech put you through. Hello, weird situations your life puts you through.
Once again thanks @oncemoonie for this fun prompt. I had too much fun with this series.
#supergirl#kara danvers#supercorp#supercorpfamily#lena luthor#supercorp daughter#kara x lena#kara x reader#supercorp fanfic#lena x reader#alex danvers#kelly olsen#reader insert
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