pupunu · 5 months
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amazoniaonline · 1 year
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sarenhale · 1 year
Pyry told me it's gonna be between 4° to -4° in Helsinki in november my dudes I think the country is gonna have to handle an italian corpse
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mthevlamister · 10 months
Listen, my dinner is great today (oat protein drink, karelian pie, falafel wrap), but why do we do wraps with veggies up front and protein at the end :(
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mbari-blog · 2 months
That one time we spotted a jellyfish with googly eyes 👀
This egg-yolk jelly, Phacellophora camtschatica, is playing host to a couple of barnacles growing on its bell. These slow-moving jellies can grow up to two feet (61 centimeters) in diameter and have hundreds of tentacles that extend over 20 feet (six meters) in length. This species often plays host to other animals like the medusa fish, Icichthys lockingtoni.
Our researchers observed this individual at 826 meters (2,700 feet) deep in Monterey Bay. ⁠These barnacles are most likely Alepas pacifica, known to be a symbiont of jellyfish.
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kinuskikakku · 1 year
K-Market on ainoa kauppa jonka olen kuullut mainostavan olevansa kiusaamisvapaa vyöhyke.
Joten kaikissa muissa kaupoissa kiusaaminen on sallittua? Joissain ehkä jopa kannustettua kukaties?
Voi pikku-Aapo toivottavasti kotimatkasi ainoa tielle osuva kauppa ei ole Alepa tai Lidl tai Prisma tai jotain.
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iltalintu · 5 months
if you're going and queueing to KÄÄRIJÄ BÖLE GIG and dont know the area. here's a map to a FREE WC ( it's a shitty toilet, but better than nothing).
It's in pasilan asema or it's other name is Tripla (railway station pasila) böle arena queue is at Messukuja.
look the pictures. about 9 min walk or 600m
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then go in these doors. next to the doors is Alepa store 24/7 and the toilet is about behind the
R-kioski on the left ( it's a metal door inva wc)
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oodlenoodleroodle · 8 days
BDS liike pyytää ihmisiä boikotoimaam ranskalaista Carrefouria, joka toimii Palestiinan laittomasti miehitetyllä alueella Israelin hyväksi.
Linkki BDS:n boikottipyyntöön.
BDS:n artikkeli Carrefourin toiminnasta.
Jos käytätte S-ryhmän kauppoja (Sale, Alepa, S-Market, Prisma, jne) niin olkaa tarkkoja, koska S-Ryhmällä on Carrefourin kanssa jonkulainen diili. S-Kaupat nettisivuilta hakemalla sanalla Carrefour löytyy yli 90 tuotetta laajasti eri tuoteryhmistä.
Carrefourin tuotteet S-kaupat nettisivuilla. (Hakutulos haulle Carrefour)
S-Ryhmän uutinen yhteistyöstä Carrefourin kanssa.
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erilainennuori · 1 year
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mitamicah · 2 months
Some other trinkets from my Finland tour that didn't fit with the gig reports:
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Moomin bottle and fruity beads from Käärijä Prisma
Danish letter beads from @teal-skull
Lid of Käärijä Oddly Good youghurt from Alepa
3D printed moomin and mixtape from @fornowimwinter
Pirkka shoes from K-Supermarket
Sticker from Ellen Arianna (the tattoo artist that did our matching tattoos)
Posankka merch from Turku
Cha Cha Cha beer can and embalache from Anna (not on tumblr)
and then the story of why there's three kaksin Ananas Lonkero here x'D
I had wanted to get one (!) Ananas Lonkero can although I wouldn't drink the alcohol. Telling this to Matteo from Croatia in the Backas queue he ended up gifting me an empty can. The next day I found a can in the local park when we where hanging out. Saturday the twin would bring an Ananas Lonkero can close to me twice while waiting on @jaarijani to arrive. Then I found #5 walking to the campsite and #6 walking to the festival spot the day after.
Ending up my goblin post I have to mention
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If you've read my Backas gig repport you already know about the shirt if not this was the big, white shirt I wore to the Restaurant Backas gig on july 3 2024. I would walk around before and after the gig asking people to write stupid stuff on me. Amongst the peeps writing on me I ended up getting Häärijä (picture 5), Jesse (pitcure 6) and Tiia Öhman (blue mid back). I also took it with me to Allas and got a few messages from the queue added to the shirt as well <3
Other than the three people already mentioned here's a few people I know where included (and there a lot more that I either didn't get the name of or have forgotten their url :'3)
Matteo and Monika from Croatia (not sure about tumblr)
Anna (not on tumblr)
Susanna (Missy's friend, not sure if she has tumblr)
Mom and daughter duo that at one point won a dinner with Käärijä (as you do)
@teal-skull @carpblu @formulalakana @smimon @pianist-chan
@jaarijani @tuherrus @clovermoonspell @bisonaari @omppupiiras
If you know you have written on the shirt but I haven't tagged you feel free to let me know and I'll add you :3
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indescriptequilibrium · 5 months
the guy at my local alepa always checks my ID n always looks from the ID where i hve long hair n a giiiiiiiiiirl's naaaaaaame back at me n back at the ID n back at me like an anthropomorphic question mark it's rly funny it's a lil game we play. i should start carryin the actual ID card instead of my driver's license cuz ID card has that little "F" (faggot) on it too n at this point i'm halfway convinced he would refuse to sell my beer to me cuz of that lmao
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amazoniaonline · 1 year
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where-did-gourmand-go · 10 months
could you have Gourmand and Saint leaving a grocery store of some sort?
the brothers went shopping :)
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They went to alepa
@saint-get-outta-there we went shopping
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miehimys · 10 months
Good morning alepa coffee! Good morning lady in the library reading to kids! Good morning pigeons!!
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reibelem · 2 years
Captação de imagens e edição de vídeo
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"Ali najviše od svega volio sam njezin smijeh. Smijala se kao da ćemo živjeti zauvijek."
- Christy Lefteri, Pčelar iz Alepa
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