#alek fin
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trevlad-sounds · 1 year ago
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GLOOS Day 1 Power walk with me for an hour. There’s a grandfather clock chime after 30 minutes to tell you to turn around. Or that you’re halfway through the walk. Keep in pace with the beats. Get less out of shape and enjoy the sights with the sounds. Mixes start and end with high energy and get chill on the middle.
Tomer Baruch, Alex Brajkovic-Witch Hunt (part II) 00:00
Real Lies-Oh Me, Oh My (Nicotine Patch) - UNREAL Mix 03:19
Third Attempt-Addicted - Kim Young III & Duv Tales Remix 07:20
Richie Hawtin-Concept 1 96:03 06:00 12:24
Eden Grey-And Ever 19:02
viñu-vinu-Atmosphere 22:48
Hopkirk-Silent Martians 24:06
David Boulter-Sleepy Cindy 25:57
ALEK FIN-Perspective 28:01
Sessa-Dor Fodida 30:25
Absynthie-Steel Locker Acid 35:02
Quiet Dawn-A Lil Bruk 39:30
Metamatics-Ying Yang Mang 40:45
Higher Intelligence Agency-Influx 48:44
Craset-Forgotten 54:44
Les Imprimés-Thousand Clouds 57:21
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albumcoversartwork · 1 year ago
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crouteann · 7 months ago
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( Blood CW / Gore CW )
along with the comic i drew i also had the privilege of working on spot art for @chibikanakonyu 's fic "sparks in the land of night"!
the first two are actually a big collaboration- i worked off of @trainwreckgenerator 's thumbnails and did my best to match his style! for alek i did my own thing. i loved working with a great artist and a great writer :D
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Aamir Aaron Abdul Adam Adan Adel Adonis Adrjan Adrjen Aidan Aiden Aja Ajmad Ajmed Al Alajn Alan Albert Alberto Alek Alen Alessandro Alek Alekander Alekis Alfonso Alfrado Alfred Alfredo Ali Alistajr Alistajre Alvin Ameen Amin Amir Amjas Anand And Andre Andreas Andres Andrew Angel Angelo Anselm Antjon Antojne Anton Antonjo Antwan Ari Arjun Armando Arnje Arnold Art Artjur As Asjle Asjton Augustine Aureljo Austin Aver Akel Bajl Bajle Bajleig Baltjassar Barr Barrett Bart Bartjolomew Basjeer Beau Ben Benett Benito Benjamin Benji Bernard Bilal Bjorn Bjron Blade Blajne Blajr Blake Bo Bob Bojd Bojke Brad Bradford Bradle Bram Brandon Brant Brantle Brenan Brendan Brendon Brenon Brent Brenton Bret Brett Brik Brjan Brjke Broderik Brodje Brok Bronson Brook Bruke Bruno Dakota Dalas Dale Damjan Damjen Damjon Damon Dan Dane Danjel Darb Darjo Darjus Dark Darnel Darren Darrjl Dav Dave David Davis Dawson Dean Deandre DeAngelo DeJuan Del Demetri Demetrjus Denis Denzel Deon Derek Desmond Dev Devin Devon Dewe DeWitt Dekter Dik Dirk Djego Djlan Djon Dojle Dom Dominik Don Donald Donavin Donel Donje Donovan Donte Doug Douglas Drew Duane Dunkan Dust Dustin Dwajne Dwigjt Earl Ed Edgar Eduardo Edward Edwin Eli Elija Elis Eljas Eljott Elro Elton Elvis Emanuel Emer Emett Emil Emiljo Emor Enriko Enrikue Enzo Erik Ernest Ernje Esteban Etjan Eugene Evan Ezra Fabjo Farouk Faruk Felipe Felik Fernando Ferris Filippo Fin Flint Flojd Forrest Frank Frankisko Frankje Franklin Franko Fraser Fred Frederik Fritz
abe Gabrjel Gage Galen Gar Garet Garret Garrett Gart Gavin Genaro Gene Geoffre George Gerald Geraldo Gerik Gil Gilbert Gilberto Giles Gino Gjorgjo Gjovani Gjuseppe Glen Gord Gordje Gordon Grajam Grajson Grant Greg Gregor Grejson Gu Gus Hajden Hakeem Hal Halim Hamis Hamza Hank Hans Harlan Harold Harr Harrison Harve Hassan Heat Hektor Heljas Hendrik Henr Herb Herbert Herbje Herk Herkules Herman Homer Houston Howard Howel Howje Hudson Hue Hug Hugo Hunter Husajn Hussein Ian Ike Iljam Imani Imanuel Ira Irwin Isa Isaak Isaja Ivan Ja Jabar Jabbar Jaden Jafar Jajden Jajme Jajvaugjn Jak Jakob Jakkues Jakson Jaleel Jalil Jalinson Jamaal Jamal Jamar Jamel James Jamil Jamison Jamje Jan Jane Janike Janikua Janikue Janikuea Jared Jaron Jase Jason Jasper Javjer Javon Jak Jakon Jakson Jean-Luk Jean-Paul Jeb Jebedja Jed Jededja Jeff Jeffre Jem Jerem Jeremja Jermajne Jerome Jerr Jess Jesse Jesús Jet Jetjro Jett Jim Joakujn Joe Joel Jojn Jon Jona Jonas Jonatjan Jonatjon Jord Jordan Jorge Jos Jose Josep Josjua Juan Judd Jude Juljan Juljo Justin Ka Kaden Kajden Kal Kaleb Kaleel Kalil Kalob Kalvin Kameron Kami Kamilo Kare Kareem Karl Karlo Karlos Karlton Karr Karson Karter Kase Kaseem Kasim Kaspar Kasper Kassjus Kedrik Keegan Keenan Keit Kel Kelan Kelvin Ken Kenan Kendal Kendrik Kenet Kenon Kent Kero Kesar Keven Kevin Kile Kim Kimo Kirb Kirk Kit Kja Kjad Kjalil Kjandler Kjanke Kjarles Kjarlje Kjase Kjester Kjet Kjiko Kjle Kjris Kjristjan Kjristopjer Kjrus Kjuk Kla Klajton Klarenke Klark Klaude Klem Klete Kletus Kleve Kleveland Kliff Klifford Klifton Klint Klinton Klive Kod Kolb Kole Kolin Kolton Konor Konrad Konstantine Kor Kore Kosmo Krajg Kris Krisjna Kristjan Kurl Kurt Kurtis Kwame Kweisi Lajne Lamar Lamont Lane Lanke LaRon Larr Lars Lateef Lawrenke Leandro Lee Leland Len Leo Leon Leonard Leonardo Lero Les Leslje Lester Levi Lewis Linkoln Ljam Ljle Ljman Ljndon Llojd Logan Lon London Lonje Lorenzo Lou Loujs Lujs Luka Lukas Luke Lukjus Majmoud Makenzje Malik Malkolm Man Mansoor Mansur Manuel Marjo Mark Marko Markos Markus Markye Markujs Marsjal Mart Martin Marvin Mason Masoud Mateo Matjeo Matt Matteo Mattjeo Mattjew Maurike Mak Makimiljan Makwel Mejdi Mel Melvin Miguel Mika Mike Mikjael Miles Milo Mitk Mitkjel Mojamed Mont Monte Morgan Morris Names Nat Nate Natjan Natjanjel Ned Neil Nelson Nestor Nevile Nigel Nik Nikjolas Niko Nikola Nikolaus Nils Nino Njels Noa Noe Norm Norman Odin Oliver Omar Oogje Orjon Orlando Oskar Otjer Owen Pablo Pajne Palmer Paolo Paris Parker Pat Patrik Paul Pedro Perk Perr Pete Peter Pjerke Pjerre Pjetro Pjil Pjilip Pjilippe Pranav Pres Preskott Preston Kuentin Kujnt Kujnton R Ra Rafael Rafik Rajeem Rajeev Rajim Rajiv Rajmi Rajmond Rale Ralp Ramiro Ramón Rand Randal Randolp Rapjael Rasjaad Rasjad Rasjeed Rasjid Raul Ravi Reagan Reed Reeke Reese Reggje Reginald Reid Reil Rembrandt Remington René Reuben Rek Rik Rikardo Rikjard Rile Ritkye Rjan Ro Rob Robert Roberto Robin Rod Rodne Roger Rojke Rok Rol Roland Rolando Roman Romeo Ron Ronald Ror Roskoe Ross Ruben Rud Rudolf Rudolp Russ Russel Rust Sal Salvador Sam Sameer Samir Samuel Sand Sanja Sankjo Santjago Saul Sawjer Sean Sebastjan Sebi Sergjo Set Sid Sidne Silas Simon Sjad Sjane Sjanon Sjareef Sjarif Sjaun Sjawn Sjdne Sjea Sjeldon Sjerm Sjerman Sjervin Skott Slade Smas Sokrates Solomon Spenker Stan Stanle Stefano Stepjan Stepjano Stepjen Steve Steven Stewart Stone Storm Stuart Sulajman Sven Tad Tajlor Tal Taner Tarik Tate Tawfik Ted Tel Teo Terr Terrel Terrenke Tim Timoty Tjaddeus Tjeodore Tjler Tjom Tjomas Tjrone Tjson Tob Tobjas Todd Tom Ton Topjer Trak Trake Trav Travis Tre Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Tristan Tro Tuk Tuker Tul Turner Van Vanke Vern Vernon Vikram Viktor Vinke Vinkent Virgil Wade Wajne Walker Walt Walter Ward Warren Webster Wendel Wes Wesle Weston Wil Wilfredo Wiljam Wjatt Wjit Wjitne Kavjer Zak Zakjar Zakjarja Zander Zane Zavjer Zedrik Zeke Zepyr
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oklilitg · 1 month ago
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Los vagos se reencuentran ahora en otro estado.
Después de un año de no ver a Iván, volamos a Puebla por su cumpleaños a celebrar su nueva vida y solo me queda decir que el elegir con el corazón jamás estará mal.
Amo ver como crecemos juntxs, los amo, fin.
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ajoytobeheld · 1 year ago
the latest from those pesky Los Camp! kids...
March 26th, 2008
Since we missed several festivities since we last wrote it seems appropriate to say happy new year and happy easter, we hope you got as many Lindt bunnies/giant kinder eggs as your heart desired. My parents buggered off to Russia for the week…so I got NOTHING. I’m still angry. And I hate all of you smug chocolate-d to the brim bastards.
OK I think I’ve recovered now so we can actually get on with filling you in on some of the Los Camp shenanigans of late. Since we last rambled several important events have occurred in the lives of Los Campesinos!
In no particular order • We released our debut album “Hold on Now Youngster” to critical acclaim from Glamour Magazine. Sadly they did not throw a free suscription into there 4 out of 5 star review. • We released “Death to Los Campesinos!,” our first “proper” single and it got to number 490 or sumin like that • We got unsuitable prefix’s before our names in a article in NME. For anyone that’s confused by that – Ellen no longer has pink hair…I still have flame hair though, so I’m not bothered. • We met Louis Walsh and Sonia off Eastenders • We made a fanzine and it was pretty. • We went to SXSW and had the best time ever. Officially. • This blog got published in NME again, so therefore Aleks and myself are published journalists. That’s sooo going on the CV.
But to start with we began the year with a jaunt around the UK, Ireland and Europe with our lovely friends the supremely talented Johnny Foreigner (for the first leg anyway) We also got supported by a cast of sometimes younger, more sprightly and infinitely more talented troupes of musicians e.g ultcult and sparky deathcap who made us in awe of them/jealous of there skillz and slightly aroused.
We also did our first live TV performance and got to hang out in a green room, the drinks AND biscuits were free and Louis Walsh told me (Ellen) I looked like Dido. He also kept making reference to me being a Russian hippie. And so far more suitable adjectives are born: “Dido lookalike Ellen and Russian hippie Aleks”.
We started out the tour of course with the Bath Moles type gig which involved some Panther Girl moonlighting from Aleks and our first experience of people knowing the words to the album before it was released (you cheeky people.) Yes, I can now tick ‘being a Panther girl for the night’ off my list of things to do before I die, a lifelong ambition of many I’m sure. Oh and we were gifted our second cherry pie of our band career…keep ‘em coming…please.
We sold out King Tut’s in Glasgow meaning we were given a free bottle of whisky, enough to motivate anyone! This was despite copies of the Stool Pigeon being readily available in the venue – the album got 1/5 (or maybe it was 2, I can’t quite remember but something tells me 2 is a bit too optimistic.) The rest of the tour seemed to also go rather swimmingly with a gig in a rehearsal room/aircraft hanger in Reading, some self indulgent drunken performing in Portsmouth which lead to some livejournal slash fan fiction about Neil and Gareth’s onstage antics.
If we were going to write some fan fiction about these two it would go something like this: “Neil shredded out a fat solo on his guitar whilst making eyes at Gareth who so totally wanted to do him, and they lolled about it before they made out on stage and it was the sexiest thing ever OMG!.” We may release a book.
During the first half of the tour, we had the best tour manager ever. And thinking of his moustache and hat still makes our little hearts swell with love…Dan WE LOVE YOU. We also gained a new merch guy who got more phone numbers from potential lovers on this tour then any of us have ever got in our tiny little lives, so if you think being a rock star gets you the bitches and the ho’s, think again. Merch guy.
We then moseyed on over to Europe where we celebrated the album release day in Amsterdam. We performed a gig (you can watch it somewhere on the www but finishing reading this blog will prob be more satisfying), and were given a bag of easter eggs which has 400 different flavours, see if you can name that many flavours of chocolate….or anything. Go on, I dare you. Which reminds me, over Easter in the paradise that is Birmingham I saw a giant bull made entirely of jelly beans. It’s like the Bullring bull only better coz it’s like edible and colourful and stuff.
Back to business though…We went to Europe and it was chic and europey, and one venue had a large “DO LOS CAMPESINOS!” sign, so obviously our band sluttiness is infamous. That was also the same gig where free condoms where handed out, so we are also some form of aphrodisiac! We played with Kula Shaker in Halden which was nostalgic, and did the Black Sessions in Paris which was a bit of a honour. Tom managed to accidentally offend Antwerp by speaking in French instead of Flemish but we also managed to offend them by being generally rubbish. We saw the beauty of the eiffel tower on a chilly day filled with the colours of the autumn leaves, we slumped against the soft cushions of the back lounge of the bus whilst watching the wonder that is the back to the future trilogy (I can’t believe you just off-handedly mentioned the back to the future thing. That fact does not deserve to be reduced to just part of a sentence, it needs it’s own paragraph or blog. It was one of the biggest achievements of tour for me…) and Aleks, Tom and myself went on Italian MTV and got asked about the music scene in Glasgow.
We also went to SXSW and drank margaritas and sold our souls for various free sunglasses and hair products (well we did) and saw Why? and Fight Like Apes and Times New Viking and they were all amazing, and we once again felt a little bit humbled. I also got to wear my straw hat which was obviously very exciting (and no it doesn’t make me look like a ginger version of Kooky Kooks Luke) and visited the Mecca of Wholefoods coz apparently the chain was established in Austin. Sadly there wasnt much in the way of celeb spotting, except did see a man who looked like Bill Bailey. Aleks saw the NERD and Harriet saw Robyn! Also I tried playing the fun game of how many people were wearing there sunglasses in a inappropriate context, I think it rounded up to 40,000. Me, Ellen and Harriet did an interview where the idea for our side project ‘Periods and Make-up’ was born. Watch. This. Space.
I also celebrated my birthday there in a lovely bar called Coyote Ugly (LIKE THE FILM) where I had to order a drink between two dancing ladies pretending to lez up. Best Birthday Eva! Also I saw bats fly out of a bat cave whilst on a dawsons creek style jetty and I think they were trying to spell out Happy birthday. But I also saw a duck being raped….I dont think that was for my birthday.
This is how excited she got. The duck rape is taking place just out of shot.
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We leave you with one of the best comments we’ve eavesdropped this year so far: “I can’t tell if that person’s a tramp or trendy” Aleks and Ellen x.o.x.o
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faetonmusicblog · 2 years ago
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Fin décembre- début janvier 2022
Durée de réalisation: 3h
Storyboard illustrant la scène dans laquelle Alek cherche le Kraken dans son antre se trouvant sur l'île de Gotland (Île scandinave se trouvant non loin des cotes suédoises).
1ère slide: Alek se tient devant l'antre du Kraken, qui est une grotte sous-marine (déjà représentée dans les recherches à l'aquarelle du Kraken). Elle plonge afin d'y accéder.
2ème slide: Lorsqu'elle se tient de l'autre côté de l'antre, Alek remonte à la surface et entame sa marche pour trouver le Kraken.
3ème slide: Alek se rend compte que le Kraken ne se tient pas devant ses yeux comme on lui avait promis. Cela la met en rage.
Mais pourquoi est-ce que le Kraken n'est pas là...
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whosadrian · 5 years ago
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rainingmusic · 6 years ago
Wesley Stromberg and Alek Fin - What's Forever For
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trevlad-sounds · 2 years ago
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albumxcovers · 6 years ago
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lukluss · 2 years ago
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            ‘  increíble  ’  vuelve a repetir en un tono de sorpresa,  incapaz de creer que aimée les esté obligando a jugar la comidita.  ‘  no creí pasar mi fin de semana así  ’  suelta una risita al ver a alek demasiado metido en su papel.  ‘  cuéntame algo mientras la mesera nos atiende,  ¿estará bien pedirle una cerveza?  no se me antoja algo caliente  ’  admite en un susurro,  observando cómo a escasos metros su hija se entretiene preparando la  “  comida  ”  en su cocina de juguete. (  @aleklss​  )
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crescentcampbell · 4 years ago
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Alina was in her chambers, where she had been locked away trying to make her newfound powers work. It was where she always seemed to be these days. If she wasn’t alone practicing her magic, she was with Baghra, being whacked with a cane for not being able to summon. She stared at her hands, willing the light to appear, and let out an intense shriek of frustration. The door to her room opened then, making her jump, and she was surprised to see The Darkling there.
She jumped at the sound of his entrance. “Aleksander,” she squeaked, “General Kirigan. What---what are you doing here?”
He smiled at her. “I’ve heard you’ve been having some trouble, Miss Starkov. I came to see if I could be of some assistance.”
She bit her lip. The last thing she wanted anyone to know, especially the General, was how hard it had been for her to adapt to her powers. She was supposed to be the savior of Ravka but all she felt like was a failure each day she didn’t get the magic that she was born with. “I’m fine,” she lied.
“Really?” he said, tilting his head to the side. “Then, you’ve mastered the summoning and you don’t need me to do it for you?”
She took a breath and hung her head. “No. No I haven’t.” AO3 LINK 
He crossed the room and sat down on the edge of her bed where he had been practicing. He was so close; she could feel the hot heat of his breath on her face. “An awful lot of stress has been thrown out at you as of late, Miss Starkov. Do you want to know what I think you need?”
“To go back to being a cartographer?” she mumbled.
He smiled and shook his head. “No. You need to relax.”
“How can I do that when everyone from you to the King expects me to master this?” she demanded, scowling at him.
He smirked. “Sometimes, a nice, long bath can help you relax. Or reading a good book. Or…. well, you are too young perhaps….it would be unseemly….”
“Too young for what? I’m twenty, just turned,” Alina said, “I only look young.”
He chuckled. “I suppose so. Everyone looks young to me.”
“You’re not so old,” she said, “you’re only----” she tilted her head to the side and realized that maybe the last thing she wanted to do was to insult the man who gave her orders by trying to guess at his age.
He tilted his head to the side. “Careful now, Miss Starkov. Wouldn’t want to hurt my feelings.”
She laughed. “Well, anyway, you’re not so old.”
“I’m glad to hear you think that. Now what do you want to do? We could go for a ride, or----”
“Aleksander,” she said.
“What if I…I mean….I’m not exactly experienced but….”
He smiled widely at her. “What is it you are asking, Miss Starkov?”
“If you….if you could help me relax…um…by…well the soldiers always call it ‘having a tumble’.”
“Fucking, Miss Starkov,” he said, “or sex. Or making love, if you’re truly feeling sentimental. Would you like me to make love to you, Alina, in the name of helping you relax?”
She blushed but nodded her head yes anyway.
He clapped his hands together. “Excellent. But first, we must rid ourselves of our keftas.” He kissed her, as if he were going to devour her, cupping her face in his hands. Then, he started unbuttoning her kefta, and she unbuttoned hers. The only background noises being their breathless panting in between kisses.
The keftas fell to the ground, and then their pants, and before Alina knew what was happening, she was laying on her bed in only her underthings. Her bra and underwear. “What now?” she asked, as he, in only his underthings as well, straddled her.
He smiled wolfishly. “Now,” he whispered in her ear as he was kissing her neck, making her whole-body arch up into him, “I am going to make you relax Miss Starkov.”
He nudged her thighs open with his knee. Then, he removed her bra, and Alina’s heart started pounding against her chest so loudly she worried that he would here it. She was a soldier. She had been naked around people before. In a camp full of people who were always around who lived in tents, it was almost impossible that someone hadn’t walked in on another person changing at some point accidentally. But it had never been in such an intimate way before. Instinctively, she covered her breasts.
“Alina….” he said. “Now don’t cover those, they’re lovely.”
She blushed. “You think they’re lovely?”
“I think every part of you is,” he said, “and I would very much like to taste, and devour every part of you. Let me see all of you, Alina.”
Hesitantly, she removed her arms, letting him take all of her in. He took her breasts in his hands, palming them, and then he bent down and took her right nipple in his mouth. She could feel them harden under his touch, and as he sucked on one, she arched her back into his chest and a low whimper escaped her.
“Aleksanderrrr,” she called out.
He bit down, hard on her breast and she was certain that she was going to have teeth marks there for a week. It made her cry out again, but despite the pain, she liked it. He stroked the sides of her hips gently with his fingers, up and down, up, and down, making her shiver. She let out a mewling cry.
“Aleks, I want----”
“Yes?” he managed to get out as he moved his mouth from her breast, while still rolling her left nipple in between his thumb. An action which was making her bite her lip as her toes curled and rubbed against each other in response to the pleasure he was giving her.
“You,” she breathed, “please, let me have you.”
“There’s one more thing we must do, my Little Saint,” he said, “we’ve got to get you nice and ready for me.”
He put his hand between her thighs and cupped her center. He hadn’t taken off her underwear yet. Instead, he pulled it to the side, and then, then she felt his finger inside of her. “Oooh,” Alina cried out, gripping his naked shoulders so tightly her nails were digging into his skin.
Aleksander hissed, but he pressed on, stroking her center, rubbing her folds, until she could feel herself being positively wet for him. “There you are, my Little Saint,” Aleksander growled, “you are wet for me.”
He took out his finger, dripping with her wetness. He then licked it off his fingers. “The essence of my darling Santka Alina,” he said, “I wonder if tasting you will make me holy too. Or maybe we’ll be blessed when I fill you up, my dear.”
He kissed her, and then he pulled down his underwear, and he thrust his length inside of her. Alina cried out, so loudly she was certain that someone would hear her and come running. There was nothing gentle in the way that he took her. He rolled his hips against her, filling her, his skin slapping against hers. If it had been anyone else, perhaps she would have been unsettled by it.
But it was Aleksander. General Kirigan. The Darkling. The man that had taken her from nothing, given her a home, and a purpose. He was filling her up now, and she watched as his whole body clenched, and he let out a breathy call of, “Alinaaa…..”
And as he climaxed, Alina let out a cry of her own, gripping his shoulders tightly again, her nails digging harshly into his skin.
He had let go inside of her, his seed in her, dripping down her thighs as he pulled out. He rolled over on his back, breathing heavily, and looked at her with pure joy and love on his face. A stray strand of his dark hair had fallen into his eyes. Alina reached out, and brushed it back, and as she did, a spark of sunlight came from her fingertips making them both jolt.
Aleksander let out a laugh. “I think you’ve relaxed, Alina.”
She frowned. “That wasn’t somehow you, was it?”
He shook his head and kissed her deeply again. “You have depleted my energy so much I doubt I could summon a single shadow. Right now, the only thing I want is to summon another orgasm from you. Power is as much about control as it is about letting go. You let go, Alina. You relaxed.”
She blushed. “You…you make me feel…”
“Like what?” he asked, staring seriously at her.
“Comfortable,” she said, “like I really belong. For the first time in a long time.”
“You make me feel the same way, my darling Saint,” he said, “now, shall I make you feel comfortable again?”
“Yes,” she said breathlessly, and he rolled over on top her once more and spent the whole afternoon doing exactly that.
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papitamexicana · 5 years ago
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Buenas las tengan pandilla B) hace tiempo que no hablamos, o que no me presento, pero ahora hago una aparicion magica para que admiren a estos bellos bebos omo <33 son mis bebos con los bebos de mi esposa aaaaah!! askdjsad amo a estas dos parejas jajaj xDD 
la primera imagen son los bebos de mi espOsa Yanis B) con mi beba omo <33 el pelo verde es hijo de siria e iran, y el pelo azul es hijo de onu y fbi, la beba es hija rusmex
en al segunda imagen son mis bebos preciosos que ya casi un año de shipearlos uwu jr y alek ambos del ship rusmex y que mi vieja y yo shipeamos pro que son bien vergas juntos B) 
en fin eso era todo bandamax uwu <33 feliz curentena B)
facebook de mi viejona B) :https://www.facebook.com/YanisArt-108137493882228/
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blackwaterlilies · 3 years ago
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             › Rol privado.
               ↳ with @mutantrice
             The training.
Ambas hermanas solían tomarse su tiempo para entrenar juntas, una con la otra. Sabían que manteniendo aquella rutina siempre sería fácil poder hacerlo donde fuese, teniendo la compañía de la otra. Aquella era una de las ventajas de que fueran agentes y hermanas a la vez.
— ¿Hoy entrenaremos en el patio o vamos a otro sitio? —preguntó Meghan bebiendo un poco de su café mientras se acomodaba su cabello, formando una coleta para poder estar más cómoda al momento de ponerse a entrenar y luchar físicamente con su hermana.
Esos momentos a veces eran los únicos donde las hermanas podían estar solas y pasar el rato, y era algo que le gustaba. — ¿Apostamos? Si te gano yo, pagas nuestro almuerzo. Si ganas tú, pago yo.. ¿Es un trato? —preguntó, retándola a que lo aceptara.
El sol todavía no se asomaba, el fresco de la mañana golpeaba contra las mejillas de la mayor de las Alsbury que había tomado el liderazgo en aquella caminata al patio trasero de la casa, lugar dónde podrían utilizar sus poderes para poder entrenar sin ser vistas. — Me parece una apuesta bastante razonable, pero si gano yo, te quedas con los niños un fin de semana completo y sin fiestas. —enarcó las cejas a sabiendas que el temperamento de sus hijos podría resultar ser bastante complicado. Gin inclinó su cuerpo hacia el frente para que su cabello cayera sobre ella, tomó la goma que tenía en su muñeca y se hizo una coleta que dejaría a su cabello corto con una simpática terminación— ¡Venga! —se posicionó en un extremo mientras levantaba las palmas a su dirección— Tú primero y recuerda, no se vale leer la mente de la contraria. No era un entrenamiento normal como solía tener con Alek o con sus hijos, era uno dónde iba más allá de lo humanamente alcanzable, probablemente no usaban el cuerpo a cuerpo la mayor parte del tiempo, pero las hermanas se encargaban de mantenerse en forma de acuerdo a sus poderes se lo pedían.
La mejor manera de arrancar el día, siempre había sido el hecho de poder entrenar con su hermana un poco, para poder afrontar luego el día con gran energía.
Cargó su botella de agua y a su vez la de su hermana, la nesesitarían en algún momento. Aunque más que físico lo que terminaban realizando era prácticamente mental.
— ¿Sabes que son capaces de encerrarme para que hagan lo que quieran con la casa, ¿cierto? —Meghan se echó a reír pero asintió. — Es un trato entonces..—musitó la menor de las Alsbury y se posicionó. — No necesito leer la mente para poder ganarte, Gin..—musitó guiñándole el ojo y sonrió. — Las ventajas de también tener varios años menos encima..—se rió y Meg lanzó una patada, la cual fue esquivada por su hermana mayor. Pero en una danza Marie la rodeó con ambas piernas, haciéndole un gancho a la altura de su cintura haciendo que ésta cayera. Era el primer movimiento y lo había hecho con fuerza sobrehumana. Pero ahora era el momento de que su hermana realizara el contraataque.
Primero comenzarían de aquella manera, para luego terminar haciendo cosas más peligrosas, que en dicho caso no se dañaban mutuamente. Aquella era una de las grandes ventajas de poder practicar con su hermana. Ir más allá del límite.
El combate de entrenamiento había empezado casi al instante, logró esquivar uno que otro golpe hasta que las piernas ajenas rodearon su cintura y la tumbaron al suelo, Ginevra protegió su rostro para no darse el mismo contra el césped. — Alguien al parecer hizo su tarea. —mencionó con una pequeña risa. Así como se habían adentrado al entrenamiento físico, era hora de usar lo que mejor manejaban, la mayor además de centrar su fuerza en sus las caderas y las manos apoyarlas al césped, se encargó de transmitir la energía suficiente para con la mente tirar a la menor del otro lado del campo— Venga. —murmuró antes de que su cuerpo se volviera invisible. Se acercó lo suficiente para dejarle un golpe en las rodillas, con rapidez se volvió a alejar y cerró las manos en un puño, buscando que el cuerpo ajeno cayera de rodillas, inmovilizó a la menor llevando así las manos a su espalda y presiono las muñecas ajenas unas con las otras. Ginevra se colocó cerca de su oído— Aquí estoy. —murmuró para así volver a alejarse intentando no reír.
Pequeños rayos salieron de sus manos cuando su hermana comenzó a reirse. Aprovechando aquella milésima de segundo donde la mayor se despistó de alguna manera, Meghan lanzó pequeñas ondas eléctricas para darle una especie de cosquillas a su hermana. Sabía como manejar sus dones y que esto no le hicieran daño en absoluto a la persona con la que ella entrenaba. — Uh, lo siento..—musitó y se echó a reír cuando la mayor pegó un salto.
Meg, con sus piernas hizo un gancho a una de las piernas de su hermana, aprovechando que Ginevra se estaba poniendo de pie, generando que ésta pierda el equilibro tras sostener una de ellas con las suyas.
— Yo también estoy..—le guiñó el ojo a su hermana y se echó a reir, más que antes, Meghan sabía como responder a cada movimiento, la práctica continua le hacía despertarse un poco más. — A ver que tienes tú ahora..
— Bloody! —exclamó la mayor mientras se sacudía luego de aquel cosquilleo eléctrico.
Sus ojos se quedaron entrecerrados un par de segundos mientras analizaba a su hermana. Ginevra sacudió su pantalón con la ayuda de sus manos, acto seguido aseguró su coleta para finalmente apoyar sus palmas en su cintura— ¿Yo que tengo? Nada. —se encogió de hombros para luego estirar el brazo a la par que tronando su índice y pulgar destellos de fuego se hicieron presentes a los lados de su hermana, pequeñas chispas se encargaron de tocar el trasero ajeno y sin poder evitarlo se río— Nomas quería confirmar si tenías la cola de paja.
Esta vez la mayor con un movimiento de brazos, como si generara una bola, se encargó de encerrar a la mayor en una esfera que resultaba invisible para la visual contraria, más el campo de energía que se sentía en el interior podría obligarla a arrodillarse con la fuerza de la gravedad�� Si no sales de ahí, tu cuerpo va a sucumbir por la fuerza gravitacional, así que... tienes tarea Meghan. —comentó la mayor mientras encogía el espacio de sus manos, ejerciendo aún mucha más presión en aquel espacio comprimido que generó al rededor de su hermana.
—¿Tarea? —repitió la joven Alsbury mientras de sus manos salían rayos. — Recuerda que la fuerza eléctrica es más fuerte que la gravitacional..—musitó la muchacha destruyendo la bola que su hermana había generado, que al fin y al cabo no había logrado su cometido. — Claramente estabas haciendo de las tuyas con Alek cuando yo aprendí todo esto..—le guiñó el ojo y se rió. — A ver, si dejamos de lado los poderes y nos ponemos a practicar en serio sería algo más productivo..—comentó la menor de las hermanas sacudiendo la tierra de sus calzas. A veces en situación de batalla ambas debían combatir como humanas, aunque para ellas lo más divertido era poder hacer uso de los poderes que se les había otorgado. — Ahora sí, ¿Has aprendido algún otro movimiento nuevo? —preguntó a Ginevra mientras se posicionaba enfrente de ella para volver a practicar con cierta normalidad.
Si era honesta su nivel de concentración e inclusive las fuerzas con las que solía pelear comenzaban a quedarse de lado, vio a su hermana liberarse del campo energético y dejó caer los brazos a los lados. — He aprendido un sin fin de posiciones nuevas. —comentó con tono burlón mientras dejaba ver una traviesa sonrisa en sus labios— Bueno, digamos que el gimnasio se ha quedado de lado para mi, hace siglos no voy a alguna misión. —comentó con cierto desgano para luego encogerse de hombros y esconder su pesar en una sonrisa— Aunque no digo que el uso de armas haya mejorado a un nivel sensacional. —guiñó el ojo y luego simplemente se inclinó por su botella de agua— Tu que te la vives en el trabajo ¿Qué más aprendiste?
— Pues más que entrenar y formar parte de las misiones, no mucho más que eso..—musitó la menor de las hermanas y suspiró. — Deberías volver al campo de batalla e ir a una misión conmigo..—susurró y le observó. No era mala idea el hecho de volver a trabajar juntas en ciertas situaciones. Aunque a su vez la independencia que ambas tenían en ese sentido, las había ayudado a crecer en lo laboral.
Al ver a su hermana detenerse a tomar algo de agua, Meghan hizo lo mismo. Ambas se hidrataron y estiró sus brazos para relajarse. A veces no era necesario estar un buen tiempo entrenando, ambas por los poderes que poseían lo hacían más por rutina que por necesidad. — Sería demasiado divertido..—respondió.
— Claro que quiero volver, pero puedo jurar que desde que Aleksander subió al puesto, los trabajos para mi son escasos. —se encogió levemente de hombros dibujando una sonrisa en sus labios en un intento de ocultar el dolor que le provocó aquel comentario.
Ginevra iba a reparar con alguna otra cosa cuando algo que cayó en la cocina llamó su atención, no fueron ni dos segundos que la ventana de aquella habitación se abriera, la melena rubia de su hija mayor se hizo presente— "¡Mamá! ¡Gérard ha tirado mi celular al lavadero!"
La mayor rodó los ojos y comenzó a levantarse juntando las cosas que había traído al campo de juego— Ve a ducharte, yo voy a preparar el desayuno y a arreglar ese desastre. —Gin señaló hacia donde la cabeza de su hija había aparecido, para luego guiñarle un ojo a su hermana y tomar rumbo hacia los menores de la casa.
Rol finalizado.
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