#alejandra: 001.
berksozeri · 10 months
location: amélie's
status: closed for @alesolcno
Animals, nature, long days and even longer nights spent in absolute solitude— Berk was far more adept at handling those than he was engaging with other people. So it kind of begged the question: what the hell was he doing, poking his nose where it didn't necessarily belong?
Short answer? He didn’t know. 
The only reason he could think to explain this current deviation from his standard MO was that something about watching Alejandra move around town, worn photograph clutched in her hand, hit too close to home. Felt too much like his own search.
The one he'd mostly, supposedly, put to bed five years ago.
It was nearly impossible not to think about Deniz now, or the man who'd taken her from this world, but he tried. Every damn day he woke up and tried to ignore the justice demanded by her lingering ghost.
"Run it by me again?" This lead she'd stumbled upon so recently. Better to focus on that potential than his own fruitless thoughts and apparent lost cause. "What exactly did they say when you showed them Mari's picture?"
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dtorres · 10 months
》 with ( @alesolcno)at the burger joint
From the get-go, Daniel's day was nothing short of a shit show. He had an argument, with his father about his gambling habits, which left a foul taste in his mouth. To make matters worse his truck broke down. Left him stranded on the side of the road. After being dropped off as far as the tow truck driver would take him, a repair shop about five miles back, it seemed like all the Uber drivers in the area had gone to lunch at the exact same time.
A normal person would have called a friend and bummed a ride but Daniel wasn't one to ask anyone to inconvenience themselves for his sake. He'd been walking in the freezing cold for what seemed like forever when he finally spotted The Burger Joint, the greasy spoon type diner he'd been to at least a thousand times.
Now, stepping into the diner and almost immediately spotting Ale, he felt a glimmer of something positive in a day that had been a complete dumpster fire. "Hey Ale, what's been going on? It's been a hot minute, yea?" he said with a wry smile, waiting to see if she'd invite him to stay for a bite or send him off with an earful of curses for being ghost for the better part of two years.
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willowswriting · 5 months
for @gcldenhcurs continued from here.
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"I wouldn't have blamed you if you hadn't." Lucian admitted. He knew that his words held no real weight. If she hadn't showed up than she wouldn't have cared if he blamed her or not and since she had shown up there was no use in telling her that he wouldn't have. He ran his fingers through his hair just eyeing her for a moment. It was strange seeing her like this. It had been so long and if their paths did cross again one day this was the last place that he would have wanted it to be.
Lucian felt like a child who had just been picked up from the principles office the moment the two were sat in the women's car in silence. In fact Alejandra held the same exact expression that his mother had all those years ago. Then she asked the question, what exactly had he done to wind up in the holding cell at the police station. "Had a few to many drinks, completely misread a situation and wound up throwing some poor guy through the window." He spoked, keeping his eyes trained out the window so that he didn't have to see the disappointment in her eyes. "He didn't press charged though... they were only holding me because I was over the legal limit." he muttered.
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bookclub4m · 1 year
Episode 184 - Horror
This episode we’re discussing the fiction genre of Horror! We talk about fear, control, Goosebumps, bad dogs, horror-comedy, creepypasta, the apocalypse, lizard romance, and more! 
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
Things We Read (or tried to…)
Straight by Chuck Tingle
Mister Magic by Kiersten White, narrated by Rebecca Lowman
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea
The Wicked Unseen by Gigi Griffis
Mapping the Interior by Stephen Graham Jones
Leech by Hiron Ennes
The Best Horror of the Year, Volume Fourteen edited by Ellen Datlow
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Into the Pit: Fazbear Frights #1 by Scott Cawthon and Elley Cooper
Sadako at the End of the World by Koma Natsumi
The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service Omnibus, Book 3 by Eiji Otsuka and Yamazaki Housui
Things We Read (but didn’t talk about in this episode)
Be Very Afraid of Kanako Inuki! by Kanako Inuki
Résumé With Monsters by William Browning Spencer
Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes
Carmilla: The First Vampire by Amy Chu and Soo Lee
Hammers on Bone by Cassandra Khaw
A Song for the Quiet by Cassandra Khaw
The Helios Syndrome by Vivian Shaw
Helpmeet by Naben Ruthnum
Other Media (& Authors) We Mentioned
Captain Britain And MI13, Volume 3: Vampire State by Paul Cornell, Leonard Kirk, and Mike Collins
Stephen King
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Alien: Isolation (Wikipedia)
Dead Space (2008 video game) (Wikipedia)
R.L. Stine
Fear Street
Junji Ito
The Enigma of Amigara Fault - “T-this is my hole! It was made for me!”
Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon & Mu
Emily Carroll
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Smart Podcast Trashy Books: 579. Punk Rock Writing with Chuck Tingle
Candle Cove by Kris Straub
Candle Cove (Wikipedia)
SCP Foundation 
The SCP Foundation: Declassified (YouTube)
The Ring (2002 film) (Wikipedia)
We talked more about the novel The Ring in Episode 078 - Supernatural Thrillers
Crapshots Ep608 - The Old Ones (YouTube) 
Links, Articles, Etc.
Episode 176: Fantasy
Episode 123: Psychological Horror
Does the Dog Die?
Matthew’s spooky phone case is a variant of this one
Matthew did a “31 Spooky Manga” challenge a few years ago and read a different spooky manga every day in October.
The Midnight Library: Episode 001 - Halloween Poetry
Sound Effects
Big Thunder And Distant Thunder Rain Birds by morvei01
Dramatic Organ, A by InspectorJ
bats1 by sofie
Pigeons (St Stephens Green, Dublin) by iainmccurdy
31 Recent Horror Books by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
This list features horror fiction by BIPOC authors published within the last 3 years.
Jackal by Erin E. Adams
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas
The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro
The Spite House by Johnny Compton
The Reformatory by Tananarive Due
And Then She Fell by Alicia Elliott
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, translated by Megan McDowell
Piñata by Leopoldo Gout
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson
Bad Cree by Jessica Johns
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
Woman, Eating by Claire Kohda
Lone Women by Victor LaValle
Sisters of the Lost Nation by Nick Medina
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Morena-Garcia 
This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno
Green Fuse Burning by Tiffany Morris
Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror edited by Jordan Peele
Flowers for the Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn
Manmade Monsters by Andrea L. Rogers
Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea
Chlorine by Jade Song
Midnight Storm Moonless Sky: Indigenous Horror Stories by Alex Soop
There's No Way I'd Die First by Lisa Springer
She Is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran
Tell Me Pleasant Things about Immortality: Stories by Lindsay Wong
White Horse by Erika T. Wurth 
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, November 7th when we’ll be discussing the non-fiction genre of Crafts and Crafting!
Then on Tuesday, December 5th we’ll be talking about the genre of Suspense Fiction!
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lostlegacyfm · 11 months
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LOSTLEGACYFM  é um roleplay de ladrões inspirado em uncharted, tomb raider, indiana jones, ocean's 8, now you see me, this is a robbery. aqui, nossos anti heróis fazem parte de duas equipes rivais comandadas por ex namorados que são contratadas para recuperar um tesouro perdido em barcelona. eles vão dividir o mesmo teto, mas isso não significa que estejam prontos para jogarem limpo em uma disputa que envolve tempo e habilidades. quem é o melhor ladrão?
  #  001.     conheça o plot .
  #  002.     prepare a sua ficha .
  #  003.     navegação completa .
EVENTO / PLOT DROP ATUAL : nenhum. RESERVAS : nenhuma. FICHAS NO INBOX : hyo-jin kim (lee da hee, perita em estratégia e botânica/venenos, braço direito de arthur), jonathan "johnny" whitlock (jacob elordi, falsificação), alejandra ramirez zamorano (eiza gonzález, hera/líder)
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xavcaguilar · 2 years
a maioria dos plots abaixo estão abertos para qualquer gênero, exceto aqueles sinalizados com o contrário.
001. uma relação bastante fraternal. Xavier sabe e jamais colocaria alguém no lugar de seu irmão mais velho, mas o sentimento que tem para com muse, é tão próximo quanto. ⚡ GRAZIELLA
002. não há dúvidas que é Xavier quem influência muse a ser uma pessoa melhor e, em contraponto, o outro é quem incentiva Xavier a viver um pouco mais. ⚡ KRIS
003. os traumas de muse não são nada parecidos com os seus, mesmo assim ambos se entendem e buscam um ao outre nos piores momentos. Xavier sabe sempre com quem contar e vice-versa. ⚡ open
004. as vezes Xavier acha que é um milagre se dar tão bem com alguém como muse, já que são tão diferentes. mesmo assim, é incapaz de descrever o quanto ama o outre. ⚡ KABIR
005. não importa qual é a coisa que Xavier inventa de fazer, muse sempre topa, e vice-versa. não é muito comum se meterem em confusão, não porque não o façam, mas porque sempre escapam. ⚡ open
006. muse e Xavier tem uma conexão muito forte, ele é sempre a pessoa com quem Xavier pode contar, em todos os seus momentos, bons e ruins. E talvez seja por isso que ele é tão carinhoso com o outro. as vezes as pessoas acham que Xavier tem um crushzinho, mas é só um carinho mesmo. ⚡ THEODOSIA 
007. Xavier e muse são amigos de infância, suas famílias são amigas, e eles sempre tiveram uma boa convivência juntos… mas beijar nunca fez ninguém perder a amizade, não é mesmo? ambos são muito de boa com as ficadas casuais, e mantem exatamente desse modo, casual e secreto. pois a família de muse acha que eles deveriam namorar, mas não é o que eles querem. 😻CERYS
009. Xavier é carinhoso e um tanto íntimo demais e muse acabou confundindo as coisas. todo mundo sabe que elu tem crush nele, menos Xavier , que nunca percebeu e não acredita nos outros. 😻 ANNINOS
010. os namoricos da juventude são os primeiros, e talvez os mais inesquecíveis. ao menos foi assim entre Xavier e muse. muito reativos, ninguém levava desaforo para casa. eles eram o tipo de casal intenso, com beijos na chuva, brigas, uma verdadeira montanha-russa. até que foi melhor colocar um fim. Xavier até hoje é balançado por muse e evita contato, pois sabe que vai acabar tocando em assuntos do passado e deixar todos desconfortáveis. (inspo - the way i loved you - taylor swift)  😻 ORTEGA
016. ADD -  Xavier se apaixonou perdidamente por muse e se jogou de cabeça na relação, como sempre fez. Tudo era muito lindo, muito intenso, mas não era um relacionamento assumido por muse. Então sempre existia uma briga, ou conflito em cima disso. Eles terminaram e voltaram várias vezes. Até que uma delas a relação realmente acabou, e até hoje ele é meio baqueado por essa pessoa. A vê nos corredores e pega o sentido oposto, e por mais que ele queira, não consegue a evitar. Manda mensagem de madrugada, bebe e liga chorando, dentre outras coisas. (all too well + why you only call me when you high?)  😻 ALEJANDRA
011. Xavier nunca entendeu a implicância que muse tem com ele. não existe alguém que pegue tanto no seu pé, o que poderia ser incomodo para muitos, mas chega a ser engraçado para ele. ⚡ open
012. todo mundo sabe que ele perde a cabeça com qualquer coisa que muse faça. não sabe de onde vem tanta irritação, mas a verdade é que os dois não se suportam e estão sempre se provocando. ⚡ EUNJI
013. “we both recently broke up with our bf/gf on bad terms so we decided that we were gonna pretend that we’re dating to make them jealous, so we regularly get drunk together and make out at the parties they’re at too and one night we even end up fucking and we’re kinda starting to dig each other.” 😻 open
014. “of all the wrong numbers in the world, the nude i meant to send to my significant other wound up on your phone.” ⚡ open
015. “do you really think it’s a good idea to rest your hand on my thigh under the table while we’re on a meeting and expect me not to get all hot and bothered by it?” 😻 ANNINOS
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sharkeaten · 10 months
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#SHARKEATEN – an ind. private & highly selective mutuals only multi-fandom multi-muse. tortured by bambi. ♡ muses under the cut.
(001) carrd. (003) pinterest. (004) memes. 
annabeth chase, percy jackson & the olympians. leah sava jeffries/yandeh sallah. primary. (prev. hubrisheld)
ahsoka tano, star wars. laura harrier. secondary.
padme amidala, star wars. aslihan malbora. primary. (was also vict7r)
barbara “barbie” handler, barbie (2023) adapted into a superhero persona. sabrina carpenter/margot robbie. secondary. canon divergences here.
katherine anne “kitty” pryde, marvel. maude apatow. testing.
eloise “ellie” phimister, marvel. brianna hildebrand. testing.
jackie taylor, yellowjackets. ella purnell. tertiary.
taissa turner, yellowjackets. jasmin savoy brown/tawny cypress. tertiary.
luke riordan, gen v/the boys. patrick schwarzenegger. secondary.
grover underwood, percy jackson & the olympians. aryan simhadri/tbd. request.
gloss carter, the hunger games. hayden christensen. request.
cashmere carter, the hunger games. margot robbie. request.
marvel bardot, the hunger games. milo manheim. request.
finnick odair, the hunger games. sam claflin. request. (prev. youngestwon)
susie, deltarune. tbd. testing.
undyne, undertale. tbd. testing.
wade wilson, marvel. ryan reynolds. primary.
eleanor camacho, marvel. victoria moroles/melissa barrera. primary.
gwen poole, marvel. kiernan shipka. primary.
alejandra flores aka weathervane (she/her), twin to esmeralda, early twenties, superhero verses. typically tailored to gen v, but includes marvel, dc, and modern verse. primary. jenna ortega. bio.
esmeralda flores heroux (she/her), twin to alejandra, early twenties, fandomless. included in gen v/the boys, marvel, dc, & modern verse. primary. jenna ortega. bio.
minerva romero (she/her), early to late twenties, the hunger games. also has a modern verse and a pjo verse. secondary. isabela merced. bio.
eden evangelista (she/they), late teens to early twenties, superhero verses. typically tailored to gen v/the boys, but includes marvel, dc, and a supernatural verse. . secondary. amanda arcuri. bio.
pandora lightfoot (she/her), teens to early twenties, the hunger games. also has an active pjo verse and can be adapted to fit into superhero verses. request. bailey bass. bio.
ximena reyes (she/her), late teens to early twenties, the hunger games. also has a modern verse, a pjo verse, and a supernatural verse. primary. nailea devora. bio.
briar sutton (he/they), early twenties, fandomless but adapted to fit superhero verses (x-men specific). secondary. d’pharaoh woon-a-tai. bio.
flora, the green soul (she/her), late teens, undertale/deltarune. testing. ariana greenblatt/maia reficco/melissa barrera (i’m indecisive). bio.
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saintsandsiinners · 4 years
cont. from here. @rxdfeeling​
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how cornelia can compliment her so fluidly while remaining seemingly oblivious to her upset is beyond allie’s understanding. she loves (much more than in the platonic sense) her friend dearly, but allie wishes she didn’t have to pretend so much. she warms with embarrassment over her friend’s compliment because they both know, of the two of them, cornelia’s the beautiful one. she’s the face of allie’s lyrics - where alejandra gets little to no credit for the joint venture they’d started so many years ago. “it’s not that i don’t want to, lia,” allie answers, her chest tightening when cornelia uses that signature puppy eyed expression of hers on her. “i...” she can’t explain how she feels, doesn’t want to put her friend in an uncomfortable position. “fine. fine, i’ll go, but i draw the line at wearing six inch heels.” 
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curlsncynefin · 5 years
closed starter for ➤ @thekarass. plot ➤ Still friends, Alejandra and Jackie are at a club to celebrate one of their mutual friend’s birthday, when things get heated.
They had entered the club a few hours ago. Probably, more than two hours. After settling down, the shots began to pour and time got a little fuzzy after that. The last thing Jackie remembered, she had downed three Jägerbombs, back to back, and was singing the birthday song for their friend at the top of her lungs, with all her other friends.
So, she wasn’t sure when she’d moved away from her group, and landed on the dance floor. However, the cute blonde dancing with her distracted her enough to not bother with such thoughts. Their bodies close and brushing against one another as they danced, hands testing limits as they felt the other up. Once or twice their lips met, just so. Hopefully, she will be getting lucky tonight.
From the corner of her eye, a familiar face caught her attention. She could find that face in the densest of crowds. The raven hair, a river of silk, swaying as her body moved against another’s. Their eyes met, clashing with undeniable heat, and Jackie felt warmth pool in the pit of her stomach.
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ofparadice · 2 years
RAINBOW MESSAGES // Alejandra Ruiz & Azra Guray
Fremont Street @countcrfcit
The lights of the cars passing by blinded her as she waited for her Uber. The sweltering heat and the flickering neon lights above her head were getting to her. A small favor for another dancer who worked somewhere down on Fremont. All she wanted was to go home and whoever was going to drive her home was late. Rolling blackouts all throughout Vegas worried her and she was lucky enough to make it through her set without a power outage. Where is this fucking Uber, she thought to herself, looking around for the car.
A flash of headlights, her eyes squinted as she crossed the street to the car that beckoned her. Alejandra thought that there wasn’t any other cars, swore that she was alone but then the searing pain radiated through her body and suddenly she was face down on the fiery asphalt of the road as wheels squealed away. Then there was nothing but black, Vegas no longer the florescent beacon it always was. There was something broken, she could feel it in all the adrenaline as she looked for her bag, hoping she could find a cell phone before another car came assuring her fate. “Help,” she cried out into the silence fruitlessly.
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@cptnallen from here
Allen held his side tightly with his both hands, trying to stop the bleeding, but being unsuccessful at that. Vaguely hearing someone walk closer, he forced himself to turn and look up. “Hey, can you- fuck…” Taking a slow, pained breath, he tried again. “Can you call the ambulance?”
Her gun’s drawn - shots had been fired - and she’s not taking any chances as to what she might find at the end of the trail of blood.
Luckily for both of them - it’s him she finds. Cursing, she stashes her gun - closing the gap between them, kneeling next to him. “Jesus - what the fuck happened to you?” She asked, pulling a phone from her pocket, dialling one-handed, the other hand covering his - adding to the pressure on his wound.
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rominvs · 7 years
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- ̗̀  task 001: character sheet
Morena de grandes ojos, que lindo brillo tienen tus hombros, quisiera llevarte al mar, y nunca regresar a la ciudad 
Basic Information:
Full Name: romina alejandra garcia jimenez Nicknames: romi Gender: cis female Age: 31 Sexuality: homosexual
Character Appearance:
Hair: shoulder length, naturally dark brown but dyes it black Skin: white, a few freckles on her shoulders Eyes: blue Height: 5 ft 4 in Physical Features: thick eyebrows, perfect smile ?? have you seen those teeth
General Happiness: 9/10, overall a happy person. might not show it a lot but she is, finds happiness in small things like petting a dog, buying a new video game, going to music shops, etc. she’s sometimes lonely and misses her family and home country though. Social Level: 8/10, doesn’t like small talk but is pretty adaptable and can branch out if needed. when she’s drinking / partying it goes up to a 10 out of 10 though. Optimistic/Pessimistic: more pessimistic than optimistic Religion/Philosophy: raised as a catholic but doesn’t really believe in any of it. Likes: dogs, vinyls, quiet places, the puppy filter on snapchat, Favorite Foods: enchiladas, basically all mexican. japanese food. Favorite Drinks: pink lemonade, vodka, sparkling water Favorite Colors: every shade of blue, baby and silver pink Dislikes: loud kids, cultural appropriation, cinco de mayo, the big bang theory, zombies Hobbies: video games, likes to play tennis. doesn’t really have any other consistent hobbies.
General Character Info:
Relationship Status: single Place of residence: chicago, illinois Place of Birth: mexico city, mexico Occupation: software developer Wealth Status: middle class
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peachiree-archive · 7 years
overwatch go
Oh shitwhaddup
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Symmetra, Junkrat, Soldier: 76, Reaper, McCree, Zarya, Reinhardt - Lynx 17, Alejandra
Least Favorite character: Mmmmmm Doomfist
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): R76, McHanzo, McMetra, Mc76, Reapzo
Character I find most attractive: HOUU DON’T ASK ME THIS BUD. I GOT TOO MANY TO COUNT
Character I would marry: MMMM Mcboy or Gabriel Reyes
Character I would be best friends with: Sambra
a random thought: I really fucking love the sound of Widow’s heels.
An unpopular opinion: I actually think Pharah needs a buff.
my canon OTP: tracemily, obvs
most badass character: The Junkertown Queen
pairing I am not a fan of: [Whispers] /S/himada//cest//Amar//icest///
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): MERCY
favourite friendship: Roadrat
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Alejandra, or adopt me Mommy Junkerqueen.
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lithialetheia · 7 years
001 for Overwatch fandom
Hello, love!! Thank you for your questions!! (✿◠‿◠)
✦Favorite character:
Soldier 76/Jack Morrison ❤❤
✦Least Favorite character:
I don’t have any least favorite (?) character.
✦5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Mchanzo, Reaper76, Genyatta, Anahardt and Symmbra.
✦Character I find most attractive:
Soldier 76 and Hanzo.
✦Character I would marry:
✦Character I would be best friends with:
Soldier 76, one way or another. I really need to be his friend, okay??? Also, D.Va and Sombra. 
✦A random thought:
Why is Soldier76′s ass so flat??? Why??? Can somebody explain???
✦An unpopular opinion:
For me Junkrat and Roadhog are the cutest!! I love them!! Also, I like Alejandra a lot and I was very happy when I see her in the last comic. I’d like to know more about her.
✦my canon OTP:
Tracer x Emily ♡
✦Non-canon OTP:
✦Most badass character:
They are all badass!!
✦Pairing I am not a fan of:
Ana x Pharah :S
✦character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
All the characters are awesome.
✦favourite friendship:
This is too hard... I think Lucio and D.va’s friendship.
✦character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
I want to adopt Soldier 76. I’ll protect him with my life. But I also want to be adopted by him so he can be my... DADDY!!
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rmarcelozano · 7 years
50 innovaciones de la Economía Naranja de América Latina y el Caribe
50 innovaciones de la Economía Naranja de América Latina y el Caribe
Albert Einstein decía que no podemos resolver nuestros conflictos con el mismo pensamiento que usamos cuando los creamos, y en esta época convulsionada, en que muchos de los problemas que se abaten sobre nuestro mundo –y en especial sobre las poblaciones más vulnerables– parecerían no tener solución, sus palabras adquieren otra dimensión…
Prepárate para expandir los alcances de tu imaginación:…
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matrimonios 1826 by/por linda v.
1826 film #168421
001 OAH 2692 pt.2
002 168421
006 Joaquin Burgos & Leonarda Jimenez /Salinas
018 Francisco Guerra & Maria Josefa de Alba /Encarnacion
028 Juan Orosco & Maria Trinidad Gutierrez /Jalostotitlan *tree img #31
033 Mariano Ordaz & Maria Alejandra Jaime /Lagos
039 Alonso Bautista Flores & Vicenta Naranjo /Zapotlan *tree img #42
046 Nicolas Rojas & Maria del Rosario Topete /Ameca/Tequila *continues on img #71
051 Jose Mateo & Juana Josefa /Apango/Tapalpa
060 Cirilo Garcia & Juana Valdez /Aguascalientes *tree img #60
064 Nicolas Fernandez & Maria Merced Bravo y Fernandez /Arandas *tree desc #67
071 *part of image #46* Nicolas Rojas & Maria del Rosario Topete /Ameca/Tequila
072 Nepomuceno Hernandez & Teresa Gonzalez /Arandas *tree img #75
077 Jose de Jesus Garcia & Maria de la Cruz Navarro /Atotonilco
082 Manuel Ignacio Martin del Campo & Julia Romo de Vivan /Lagos *tree desc #83
088 Pedo Gayo & Maria Eufracia Alvarez /Tecameca/Jalostotitlan *trees img #91
095 Pedro Pascacio & Maria Josefa Ramos /Almoloyan
100 Rafael de Aro & Maria Andrea Marquez /Colotlan *tree img #105
107 Anselmo Torres & Bartola Gomez /Jalostotitlan *tree img #110
112 Martin Gonzalez & Maria Guadalupe Baez /Mezquital
126 Bacilio Jimenez & Vicenta Jimenez /Arandas *trees img #129
135 Francisco Gomez & Maria Dolores Gomez /Atoyac *tree img #138
142 Bacilio Gutierrez & Maria Ambrosia Jimenez /Atoyac/Teocuitatlan *tree img #145
147 Patricio Llanos & Maria Concepcion Lopez /Santa Maria del Oro
151 Antonio de Jesus Barragan & Maria Feliciana Barragan /Atoyac
158 Francisco de Anda & Josefa Munoz /Lagos
167 Candido Gonzalez Rubio & Maria de los Dolores Rubalcaba /Adobes *tree img #167
171 Ruperto Perez & Maria de la Cruz Perez /Asientos *tree img #173
174 Cipriano Escoto & Maria Mauela Gomez /Lagos *tree img #117
181 Agustin Bernal & Esmeregilda Plazola /Real de San Sebastian *tree img #182
184 Jose Mariano de Aguero & Manuela Zorrila /Zacatecas/Villanueva *tree img #191
194 Gregorio Calderon & Eligio Gutierrez & Timotea Rios Becerra /Tala
      *acusada de doble  matrimonio*
204 Jose Maria Martinez & Maria Salome de los Angeles Lozano /Durango/Tlaltenango
209 Monico Romero & Juana Galban /Salinas *trees img #213
215 Juan Lozano & Maria Encarnacion Jaurez y Lozano /Zapotlan/Tepatitlan *tree img #217
221 Francisco Lorenzo Topete & Maria Gertrudes Gomez de Topete /Ameca *tree img #224
227 Jose Manuel Anastacio & Maria Concepcion /Jesus Maria
233 Ramon Sanchez & Maria Martin /Nochistlan/Jalostotitlan *tree img #237
239 Nicolas Carrillo & Refugio Escobedo /Jerez *tree img #243
250 Jose Ramon Padilla & Maria Josefa Padilla /Lagos *tree img #253
256 Gregorio Aceves & Raaela Aceves /Tototlan/Tepatitlan *tree img #259
264 Gregorio Orosco & Maria Salome Vasquez /Adobes/Lagos *tree img #264
268 Juan Maria Gutierrez & Maria de la Asuncion Gutierrez /Jalostotitlan *trees img #272
275 Manuel Diaz & Maria de Jesus Alcaraz /Zapotlan *tree img #280
281 Jose Tomas Mojica & Maria Andrea Alcala /Jalpa/Jalostotitlan *tree img #285
287 Albino Aguirre & Maria Guadalupe Bustos /Arandas/Irapuato
295 Pedro Jose de la Cruz & Maria Feliciana Ruiz /Tlaltenango
313 Francisco Rivera & Juana Antonia Ortiz /Cocula *tree img #316
317 Jose Maria Perez & Juana Maria Sanchez /Guadalajara *habilitacion
322 Rosalio de la Torre & Maria Antonia Dominguez /Zapopan
329 Francisco Guzman & Guadalupe Merino /Real de San Sebastian/Mascota
333 Jose Maria Salome Gonzalez & Maria Josefa Raigoza /Huejucar
346 Jose Maria Quintero & Maria Josefa Gomez /Sayula
351 Jose Antonio Verduzco & Guadalupe Cacho /Michoacan *tree img #358
362 Luis Hernandez & Petronila Ordonez /Ixtlan/Mascota *tree img #364
370 Pedro Salcedo & Maria trinidad Anguiano /Zapotlan *tree img #372
373 Jose Maria Ventura Vera & Maria Crisostoma /Tepechitlan *tree img #377
378 Felix Villasenor & Maria Francisca de Acosta /Cienega de Romo
392 Narciso Izquierdo & Gertrudes Merino /Mascota
410 Maria Josefa Claudia de Egria & Luisa de Jesus Egria /Autlan *acreditacion de identidad
414 Francisco Jimenez & Maria Francisca Ramirez /Zapotlan *tree img #420
422 Miguel Navarro & Gertrudes Navarro /Atotonilco
429 Santos Pinedo & Maria Guadalupe Cangas /Valparaiso/Durango
432 Manuel Fernandez Carral & Maria Isabel de Echegoyan /Espana/Zacatecas
447 Marcos Martinez & Maria Victoriana de la Cruz /Sierra de Pinos *tree img #447
453 Magdaleno Esparza & Maria Manuela Esparza /Aguascalientes/Zacatecas *tree img #453
462 Eleuterio Aguilar & Petronila Aguilar /Teul *tree img #466 *negadas en 1819 & 1823
477 Manuel Ruiz & Antonia Lopez /Michoacan/Arandas
481 Cesareo Esparza & Josefa Simona Lopez /Mascota
488 Luis de la Rosa & Antonia de la Rosa /Aguascalientes/Zacatecas
493 Urbano Sanrroman & Mariana Carreno /Lagos/Zacatecas
500 Mariano Paredes Arrillaga & Josefa Cortez /Mexico/Guadalajara
506 Jose Marcelo Salazar y Guzman & Maria de los Angeles Castaneda y Guzman /Huejuquilla                      
511 Martin Lozano & Maria Rodriguez Reyes /Tepatitlan *tree img #516
518 Rosalio Garcia & Tomasa Cruz /Matehuala
522 Juan Manuel Hernandez & Josefa Hernandez /Arandas *trees img #528
531 Jose Trinidad Muro & Maria Tomasa Badillo /Ojocaliente *tree img #535
536 Antonio Navarro & Antonia Salcedo /Ocotlan *tree img #539
541 Juan Jose Mercado & Maria Felipa de Lomeli /Jalostotitlan *tree img #543
545 Marcelo Linares de Zarza & Octaviana del Hoyo /Andalucia/Tepetongo
558 Cayetano Solis & Maria Juliana de la Cruz /Mineral de los Catorce/Burgo de San Cosme
568 Jose Maria Castelan & Maria Magdalena Palma /Mexico
572 Felix Maneyro & Manuela Lenero /Espana/Mexicalzingo
576 Francisco Javier de Espeleta & Maria de Jesus Ynigo /Tepic/Sonora
588 Jose Antonio Brizuela & Maria Carlota Moran de la Bandera /Colima/Ahuacatlan
594 FIN
0 notes