#◟they say pressure makes diamonds how the hell am i still coal | ↳ lucian scott ft. alejandra ruiz 001◝
willowswriting · 6 months
for @littlewrensx continued from here
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Lucian simply nodded when Wren admitted that she wasn't sure that she wanted to come either. He wouldn't have blamed her for leaving him. They hadn't spoken in years, he had had no right to call her yet she was the only one that he had wanted to call. He followed her out to her car, taking a moment to just sit in the seat. Despite the awkwardness that filled the air between them it was still so much better than sitting in a cell with an old drunk man who had pissed himself.
"Some guys mother never taught him manners so I decided to give him a lesson or two." Lucian shrugged as if it was no big deal. Everyone in the bar had been in unanimous agreement that the guy Lucian had pummeled had deserved it. "Bartender probably would have let the whole thing slide but an off duty deputy sitting three stools down from me wasn't so inclined."
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willowswriting · 6 months
for @missmvrder continued from here
He couldn't help the slight laugh that left his lips at the women's words. Years had passed since the last time the two had spoken and 'you look like shit' was the first sentence out of her mouth? He couldn't be to angry he supposed... he did look like shit and he was well aware of it. "Great, appropriately represents how I feel than." He spoke lowly. He didn't allow his eyes to meet hers.
"Thank you." He spoke, finally risking a glance at Valeria once he had gathered his things and started to head towards his ex's vehicle. "For coming and getting me I mean." He added onto the end as if it wasn't already self explanatory as to what he was thanking her for. He thought for a moment when she offered to drop him somewhere. He briefly thought about his truck in the bars parking lot but thought better of it, he was still to inebriated to drive anywhere. "I've got a place down on Plymouth Street... if it isn't to far out of your way"
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willowswriting · 5 months
for @gcldenhcurs continued from here.
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"I wouldn't have blamed you if you hadn't." Lucian admitted. He knew that his words held no real weight. If she hadn't showed up than she wouldn't have cared if he blamed her or not and since she had shown up there was no use in telling her that he wouldn't have. He ran his fingers through his hair just eyeing her for a moment. It was strange seeing her like this. It had been so long and if their paths did cross again one day this was the last place that he would have wanted it to be.
Lucian felt like a child who had just been picked up from the principles office the moment the two were sat in the women's car in silence. In fact Alejandra held the same exact expression that his mother had all those years ago. Then she asked the question, what exactly had he done to wind up in the holding cell at the police station. "Had a few to many drinks, completely misread a situation and wound up throwing some poor guy through the window." He spoked, keeping his eyes trained out the window so that he didn't have to see the disappointment in her eyes. "He didn't press charged though... they were only holding me because I was over the legal limit." he muttered.
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