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When addiction hits life takes an unseen turn:
With a lot of new stress-causing issues and the on-going stressful pandemic, things have been quite tough to handle. A lot of job crisis, financial crunches, family life disturbances and so many life losses with this current virus-causing pandemic have made a lot of impact on lives of people suffering this. Among those, addiction has been another heightening reason behind stress in young adults as well as teens. Not only, one specific category of the society, irrespective of genders addiction is equally dominant among women, men and teens of the society, says addiction rehab for women San Antonio. Addiction can be any type, where you get cravings for some activity and do not care about the cons side of the activity, and are unable to control that urge.
Among a lot of such activities, alcoholism, drug-ism and unhindered consumption of tobacco and harmful opioids are some dreadful addiction, that is causing detrimental health and mental repercussions to the society. So our rehab centre is solely dedicated to help those triggered individuals come out from that vicious habit in a more approachable manner.
Start with listing the triggering reasons promoting addiction:
This is illogic to point out addicts and make critic reviews on their lifestyle and their activities because of their addictions. Rather, we feel it is much important to find out the triggering results behind their intense involvement in addiction, with this our rehab team of substance abuse addiction recovery Quarryville is able to help every individual by working on their intricate details and also, we suggest best possible ways to get rid of their habits.
Before proceeding, let us look at the list of reasons: When a person is with a particular group or circle or some specific individual for a longer time, then there is a high probability that the person will accept a lot of habits of the group and among those some can be healthy and some can be unhealthy. So being picky while choosing a company could keep you a bit from some awful practices. Ongoing situation has brought up a lot of stress, depression, anxiety among people that they mandatorily need treatment to come out of it. Exam stress, career tension, relationship dilemma, traumatic pasts make people restless with no sleep, no normal lifestyle and finally they end up with a mental health expert. To ease the stress, the doctor may recommend some opioid with drug content, that relaxes our mind and brings us a state of happiness with good sleep, no headache, etc. But the problem arrives when you use those opioids all the time to deal with your mental strains and run from the actual reason of your sickness. It finally becomes an addiction and those opioids in this case becomes the substance of addiction. So, it is not only alcohol or specialized drugs that hamper your health, some drug-composed opioids taken frequently could be parts of the addiction, says substance abuse addiction recovery TX. In this, you really require some expert intervention, where you can speak your stress out. How about a therapist? In some families, toddlers and teens grow up seeing some unseeable things that change their concept totally. Like, if you see a culture going in your environment then you take it as a legitimate culture. Similarly, seeing family members indulged in an abusive substance, gives the upcoming generation the courage to have it. Hence, we say that a family should stick to some restrictions in their home, for the wellness of their kids.  
When there are many such reasons triggering addiction among teens and young adults, the afore-mentioned are some we need to know to detect if a person is moving towards any addiction or not. By this we can help that person with appropriate rehab options.
What we do at the Best Christian rehabs?
We are a team of self-healed experts and experienced healers at Best Christian Rehabs and our mission is to better the society by bettering the young generation by removing their weaknesses. Giving a home-like environment, we channelize healthy habits with the right coping mechanism so that they become examples of beautiful lives to others requiring rehab. With drug rehab for teen Quarryville, we give end-to-end rehabilitation support to all our inhabitants. Talk to us for more details! For more details visit us @ https://bestchristianrehabs.org/
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ellie-pennick · 8 years
Drugs and Sadness in Glasgow's High-Rise Ghettos
The Barracks is one of the most deprived estates in the UK – but it wasn't always so miserable.
Glasgow's Wyndford estate
"There is a tendency for alcoholics and junkies to find each other," says Sean Damer, a Glasgow sociologist. "They bring in their homeless pals and know where they can get legless at 10 o’clock in the morning." The Wyndford estate, known as the Barracks, is one of those places – "an exemplar of everything going wrong with social housing in Britain today," according to Sean. "The Daily Mail and the Sun love to demonise places like this, but this is people’s lives. They have no choice but to make the best of it."
In the 1960s, this was a very different housing scheme. People remember it as a place defined by aspiration and community spirit, a place where you could leave your doors open and families looked out for each other. New residents felt they had “died and gone to heaven”. When many of Glasgow's other tenement blocks were demolished in the 70s, people fought to be allocated a flat on the Wyndford estate. Three references were required – one from the police – before a person was even considered.
Then came the 80s. Estates were sold off and Thatcherite housing legislation, particularly the Tenants Rights Act, seriously limited the powers that housing associations had to evict antisocial tenants. Where once a potential resident's connection to the local area was an important factor in their bid to secure a flat, the Tories' right-to-buy scheme placed a new emphasis on the power of private markets.
In the years since, long-term residents of the Barracks have seen a dramatic change in their surroundings. Now, half the adult population are unemployed and it is in the top 2 percent of the most deprived estates in the UK. The problems are concentrated in four tower blocks on the edge of the Barracks, each standing 26-storeys tall, in which substance abuse is rife – most popular are cocaine, heroin and downers, like diazepam.
"You could ask for drugs right now and they’d be with you in a second," says David, 47, whose balcony overlooks the part of the estate where scenes from Trainspotting were filmed. "There are druggies everywhere. Some of them don’t even live here – people sleep on the landings. I’ve lived in Manchester, Liverpool, Dublin and London and the so-called 'hard men' in these places don’t know they’re born.”
Local man Stephen Cafolla, 44.
This is by no means a problem that is confined to the Barracks. Areas of Glasgow suffer a depth of poverty that is rarely encountered in other parts of the UK. Recent figures released by the Office of National Statistics show that this is the ninth consecutive year that Glasgow has been in the top five workless areas in the UK. In some parts, almost 9 out of 10 male adults are on benefits, while children brought up in social housing now have far fewer life chances than they did half a century ago. They are also more likely to suffer from mental health problems.
Shockingly, life expectancy for men is 54 – almost 20 years less than in the city's more affluent districts just a few miles away. It’s pretty grim and across the board Glaswegian men die young. In the absence of any concrete explanation, researchers and theorists have pointed to an ambiguous "Glasgow effect" – a kind of intrinsic despair that has been passed down through generations since the Industrial revolution and that manifests itself in drug abuse, heavy drinking, a poor diet, ill health and suicide. You could argue that it's also a handy metaphor for a government that is dealing with a problem it has no idea how to fix. With the bedroom tax and other austerity cuts cleaving more than £250m from the Glasgow economy, it's likely that the 36,000 children in Glasgow already living below the poverty line will be soon be joined by others.
Miss Simpson, a resident of 13 years, says, “I just keep my head down, I don’t want to notice it.”
On the Barracks, all the flats in the 26-storey blocks are bedsits that were originally designed for pensioners. However, most of them died in the 80s and 90s and since then, the imperative of the private housing association has been to accept anyone to secure a rent.
Alex, 84, has lived here for 47 years. “When it was first opened there was a queue to get in. Now, they let in everybody. It’s a huge shame, people don’t know each other any more.” Miss Simpson, a resident of 13 years, agrees. “I just keep my head down, I don’t want to notice it.” Another man is picking up litter as part of a community payback scheme. He used to live on the estate and has recently been released from prison. He says, “It was always good, but then it just went crazy."
Sociologist Damer, who's written a feasibility study on the future of the Barracks, talked to me about the problem of drug abuse on the estate. “If people are off their faces, they don’t look after themselves. They are so busy feeding their habit they are not concerned with cleaning the landing or caring for their flat. In the high-density multi-storey flats, for instance, refuse is a big problem. If you are out of your face, dead dogs and whatnot go down the chutes. That happens.”
Jim, 50, who has lived on the 14th floor of one block since 1965, says, "I’ve had a family with a heroin habit across the landing and before them, it was my neighbour from childhood, the contrast was enormous. The addicts wrecked the place. Windows got smashed; there was graffiti and threats. There’s no support. When the caretakers leave at three, we fly alone.”
Every Friday afternoon, a charity bus gives out food and offers a rehab service. Michael Sturrock, coordinator for the Teen Challenge service, says, “We target deprived areas, areas with a high rate of addiction. It became apparent in the last six months that there was a real need on this estate. Each week, the bus is packed. There isn't enough being done to help these people.”
William, 33, has lived in the estate for three years. “It was happy, but it’s not any more. People are getting drunk and taking drugs on the stairs. It gets worse every day. There are too many drugs coming in."
Some of the other tall concrete slabs in the city are due to be demolished by 2017. Many think that this is an option for the Barracks, so far has the estate fallen since its halcyon days. “The bedsit flats are not suitable. Either they must come down or they must be reconfigured," says Patricia Ferguson, Labour MSP for Glasgow Maryhill. "They need investment and they need to be made into decent housing in which people want to live." Ferguson thinks that the coalition is guilty of social neglect: “I don’t think the government understands the area and I suspect it cares even less.”
Others feel differently. David MacKenzie, from local housing authority Cube, says, “We have confidence in the estate – we know it has a long-term future. It has its share of poverty and unemployment like many parts of Glasgow, but it’s definitely an area on the up.” After decades of little or no investment since the 80s, they say a regeneration project is now underway.
Unlike London, for residents on Glasgow estates, regeneration isn’t about middle-class outsiders moving in to force out native working-class populations. For people here, this is about making life less nightmarish. It’s about new heating systems to combat dampness and fuel poverty, money advisors to help tenants on the breadline and janitor schemes for young locals who can’t find work. The police have increased their patrols in the area and extended the CCTV systems.
However, it is too much for them to kick in every door in the hope of finding drugs. For many residents in the high-rise blocks, this is too little, too late. Comments range from, “I need outta here, this is the absolute gutter, pure shite,” and, "You wouldn’t put your dog in it,” to, “They're cleaning it up, but it’s a hard, unforgiving place." Whatever the view, for now, for many on the Barracks and other estates in Scotland, the hope of finding a job and a better future remains a distant one.
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jessicakehoe · 6 years
Can You Spot the Royal Protocol Meghan Markle Broke at the British Fashion Awards?
Prince Harry has always been a royal renegade. When he was 17, the red-headed prince was taken to a rehab centre after he admitted he had smoked marijuana and illegally drank alcoholic beverages. When he was 27, TMZ released naked pictures of the royal, who was reportedly playing strip billiards in a Las Vegas hotel suite. For over two decades, Harry has been rewriting the royal rule book — and in the process, became known to the world as the fun and charming prince. (No offence, Will.)
And now, Harry has found the perfect partner-in-crime. With American-actress Meghan Markle on his arm, the British Monarchy is receiving the modern treatment it so desperately needs. From pantyhose to PDA, we have an ongoing list tracking every time that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stray from royal protocol:
Meghan paints her nails burgundy
On our roundup of weird royal facts, it’s listed that Queen Elizabeth has been wearing the same $8 nail polish for nearly 30 years. It’s a nearly-sheer, light pink polish — Essie’s “Ballet Slippers” to be exact — and according to the brand’s website, in 1989 Queen Elizabeth’s hairdresser sent the company a letter requesting a bottle of “the only colour Her Majesty would wear.”
It’s not just the only colour she’ll wear—it’s the only colour she’ll tolerate in Buckingham Palace. According to OK! magazine, there is a rule in place stating that coloured nail polish does not meet royal standards and is considered “vulgar.”
Photography via Twitter/@kensingtonroyal
When Meghan Markle made a surprise appearance at the British Fashion Awards to present her wedding dress designer, Clare Waight Keller, the British Womenswear Designer of the Year award, all eyes were on her pregnancy glow. As she cupped the growing royal baby in her black Givenchy gown, royal rule followers were quick to question: is that… dark nail polish on the Duchess of Sussex’s fingers? Maybe the burgundy hue is an act of royal rebellion, maybe it’s some mystical lighting mishap, or maybe, she just thought it was a seasonally appropriate winter nail colour. Either way, we plan on copping the look this Christmas.
Meghan closes her own door
When Meghan Markle arrived at London’s Royal Academy for her first solo engagement as Duchess of Sussex, she made a small gesture of independence that shook the Internet. Without her prince on her arm, Markle rolled up in a fancy black car in a fancy black Givenchy dress. And then, she did a thing that (apparently) few royals have done before: she shut the car door.
Video: #duchessofsussex arrives at the RA. A princess who still takes the time to shut her car door. Well done Meghan! pic.twitter.com/kJZXctr8AH
— Emily Andrews (@byEmilyAndrews) September 25, 2018
Doesn’t really seem worthy of a headline, does it. But according to Twitter—where this earth-shattering news was the top trending story—it’s almost totally unheard of for an on-duty royal to nudge a car door closed. Is this further evidence that she is a down-the-earth princess? Because if is, Kate Middleton deserves some props too.
Meghan has an opinion about abortion
Great to chat with Meghan Markle, Duchess Of Sussex, about Repeal and the importance of her feminist activism. So important to have people in her position championing women’s rights. Total sounder! pic.twitter.com/Vjdquo45CP
— Una Mullally (@UnaMullally) July 10, 2018
It’s totally okay for royals to have political opinions—as long as they don’t publicly share them. As part of their offical royal tour of England, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attended a fancy garden party in Dublin. At the event, Markle struck up conversation with a few pro-choice activists and politicians who supported Ireland’s recent abortion referendum.
One feminist journalist tweeted about her positive interaction with the feminist Duchess, while senator Catherine Noone tweeted: “The Duchess and I had a chat about the recent referendum result — she watched with interest and was pleased to see the result.” The Irish politician realized the epic mistake she’d made, and quickly deleted the tweet, sending out instead: “I should say she seemed pleased — she was interested and very measured, not political at all.” She later deleted the second tweet too.
Markle is a vocal feminist, so we probably could’ve predicted her stance on women’s reproductive rights. (And secretly, we hope this is a rule she keeps on breaking.)
Meghan wears a sleeveless dress to her first Trooping the Colour
Photography via Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
Meghan Markle made her Buckingham balcony debut on June 9 in celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s birthday. The of-the-shoulder silhouette of her pale pink, princess-worthy outfit from designer Carolina Herrera was, in fact, not so princess worthy after all. Tabloids were quick to call out the Duchess of Sussex’s dress as a break from unspoken royal protocol, with Page Six claiming: “fashion tradition usually dictates that Royal women do not wear off-shoulder or other more revealing styles.”
For the past seven years, Kate Middleton has worn dresses with sleeves that reach past the elbow, People notes, as did Princess Diana when she attended the festivities. But let’s not get our pantyhose—which Meghan Markle is wearing now!— in a twist, fashion rules were made to be broken.
Meghan’s coat of arms does not include her family name
With the tiara and the title also comes other cool royal perks, like your very own emblem. Now that she’s officially a member of the British monarchy, the Duchess of Sussex has received a personalized coat of arms. Traditionally, the symbolic gift goes to the father of the bride ahead of the royal wedding—Kate Middleton’s coat of arms not only reflects the Middleton family, but also her mother Carole’s maiden name (Goldsmith). With the newest addition to the family, however, the palace has decided to bestow the honour on only Markle herself.
A Coat of Arms has been created for The Duchess of Sussex: https://t.co/mJb3mqZfaZ pic.twitter.com/0EgbiS29Rb
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 25, 2018
The coat of arms, however, does pay homage to Markle’s roots. The custom design includes a blue background (the Pacific Ocean) and two golden rays (sunshine), which Kensington Palace says is representative of the Duchess’ home state of California.
A two ring royal wedding ceremony
Usually, royal men don’t sport wedding bands after they marry. Harry’s grandfather, father and brother have all opted to follow this tradition by not wearing a ring after they wed their respective wives. However, Markle and Harry have chosen to break this tradition, exchanging rings in the ceremony that they will continue to wear. This signifies equality in the marriage and is a modern step for the monarchy.
      Meghan wore a crossbody bag
The princess-to-be arrived at Edinburgh Castle on February 13, 2018 wearing an appropriately chic and seemingly inoffensive outfit: Burberry coat, Veronica Beard pants, Birks rings and a Strathberry bag. But it’s not what Markle was wearing that broke protocol, per se, it was how she was wearing it.
Photography via Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
GASP! A crossbody! What a shockingly common and un-royal — AKA comfortable and practical — way to carry one’s lipgloss and cellphone.
According to royal expert William Hanson, royals always carry a clutch as a means to avoid shaking hands. “It is protocol that you do not extend your hand to any member of the royal family (blood royal or those who have married into the family) unless their hand extends first,” Hanson told the Daily Mail. “The Duchess of Cambridge may well prefer not to shake hands with certain people—but there are other ways to achieve this, as used by the Queen and other members of the royal family, [rather] than opting for a clutch over a bag with a strap.”
  Christmas with the Queen
After weeks of rumours, Kensington Palace officially confirmed last December what we all were wishing for: an un-wed Meghan Markle would be spending Christmas with her prince. Markle’s invitation was, of course, a break from royal tradition, with Markle being not yet being married into the monarchy. But it seems with Prince Harry, rules don’t apply, because a palace spokesperson told AP that “you can expect to see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry and Ms. Markle at Sandringham on Christmas Day.”
Meghan ignored the pantyhose policy
The royal family has an unspoken policy about wearing pantyhose in public. It’s not a style-code that’s set in stone, per say, but it’s a tradition that’s long been upheld by Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton and the ruling ladies that came before them.
Photography by Samir Hussein/Samir Hussein/WireImage
Until now! When Meghan Markle stepped out with Prince Harry for their official engagement photocall, the world ogled every inch of the American actress’ outfit. The Internet went wild for Markle’s snow white overcoat by LINE the Label and her opal earrings from Birks, but royal watchers were quick to note the one thing she wasn’t wearing: pantyhose.
They’re tied the knot in May
There’s nothing better than a spring wedding, right? WRONG. It turns out, a marriage in May would not have been approved by the Prince’s great-great-great granny, Queen Victoria. The late, great monarch believed it was unlucky to marry in the fifth month of the calendar year, buying into the superstitious rhyme: “Marry in May, and rue the day.”
Meghan’s been married before
Before hooking up with Harry, Meghan was in a long-term relationship with producer Trevor Engelson. They Hollywood powercouple married in 2011, after seven years of dating, and divorced in August of 2013. Now, Engelson is making a show about a man who has to share custody of his child after his ex-wife marries into the British monarchy. According to Deadline, this is the plot: “Divorce is hard. Sharing custody is harder. Sharing custody with the British Royal family when your wife marries a prince, in the unforgiving spotlight of London’s tabloid media, is next level.” GROSS.
Photography by Amanda Edwards/Getty Images
Previously, members of the Royal Family have not been allowed to marry divorcees. As you may recall — from history books, or from season one of The Crown — Princess Margaret had to break off her relationship with Peter Townsend because he was divorced, and Edward VIII abdicated from the throne in order to marry American socialite Wallis Simpson. But it’s not that big of a deal anymore: Prince Harry and Prince William’s father, Prince Charles, married fellow divorcee Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, in a civil ceremony in 2005.
This means that Prince Harry will be the first royal family member to have a church wedding with a divorcee. In 2002, the Church of England agreed that divorced people could remarry in church — with the discretion of the priest, of course. After all, it’s only 2017.
Meghan isn’t Anglican
For centuries, it was forbidden for royals to marry a Roman Catholic. However in 2015, an amendment to the Act of Settlement of 1701 made that allowed British royals to have an interfaith marriage. Markle has never *actually* discussed her religious affiliations openly, though it has been widely reported that her father is Jewish and she attended an all-girls Catholic high school in Los Angeles.
Before her Windsor Castle wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan will be baptized and confirmed in the Church of England. By completing these religious sacraments, Markle honours Queen Elizabeth, who, as the sovereign, holds the title of “Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.”
They’re all about the PDA
Okay, so calling a hand-holding PDA is a little extreme. But hey, *technically* it is a public display of affection!
Photography by Chris Jackson/Getty Images
There are no specific anti-PDA rules, but public displays of affection have previously been avoided by the royal family at official events, due to their position as working representatives of the British monarchy. For example: Prince William and Kate Middleton have been photographed holding hands less than a dozen times in the past 10 years (!!!).
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have ignored this unspoken rule at pretty much every opportunity. When they made their first public appearance, the couple shared a smooch. During their joint appearance at Toronto’s Invictus Games, they were photographed holding hands. Even when they stepped out together as an engaged couple, Markle and Harry couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Not that we’re complaining or anything…more PDA-filled moments please!
Meghan’s Vanity Fair cover
In Vanity Fair’s October cover story, @MeghanMarkle opens up about living in the spotlight, starring on @Suits_USA, and her whirlwind royal romance: “I think it’s really simple. We’re two people who are really happy and in love.” Photograph by @therealpeterlindbergh.
A post shared by Vanity Fair (@vanityfair) on Sep 5, 2017 at 4:00am PDT
It’s not unprecedented for a royal to grace a magazine cover (after all, Kate Middleton was in British Vogue), but to open up about her private life with Harry pre-engagement was a big shock for royal watchers. Here’s the major takeaway: Prince Harry and Markle are madly in love and they’re not afraid to share it with the world.
“We’re two people who are really happy and in love,” she said. “We were very quietly dating for about six months before it became news, and I was working during that whole time, and the only thing that changed was people’s perception. Nothing about me changed. I’m still the same person that I am, and I’ve never defined myself by my relationship.”
The post Can You Spot the Royal Protocol Meghan Markle Broke at the British Fashion Awards? appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Can You Spot the Royal Protocol Meghan Markle Broke at the British Fashion Awards? published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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lindyhunt · 6 years
Meghan Markle’s Abortion Opinion Breaks Royal Protocol
Prince Harry has always been a royal renegade. When he was 17, the red-headed prince was taken to a rehab centre after he admitted he had smoked marijuana and illegally drank alcoholic beverages. When he was 27, TMZ released naked pictures of the royal, who was reportedly playing strip billiards in a Las Vegas hotel suite. For over two decades, Harry has been rewriting the royal rule book — and in the process, became known to the world as the fun and charming prince. (No offence, Will.)
And now, Harry has found the perfect partner-in-crime. With American-actress Meghan Markle on his arm, the British Monarchy is receiving the modern treatment it so desperately needs. From pantyhose to PDA, here are all the times that Prince Harry and the future Her Royal Highness Meghan Markle broke royal protocol:
Meghan has an opinion about abortion
Great to chat with Meghan Markle, Duchess Of Sussex, about Repeal and the importance of her feminist activism. So important to have people in her position championing women’s rights. Total sounder! pic.twitter.com/Vjdquo45CP
— Una Mullally (@UnaMullally) July 10, 2018
It’s totally okay for royals to have political opinions—as long as they don’t publicly share them. As part of their offical royal tour of England, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attended a fancy garden party in Dublin. At the event, Markle struck up conversation with a few pro-choice activists and politicians who supported Ireland’s recent abortion referendum.
One feminist journalist tweeted about her positive interaction with the feminist Duchess, while senator Catherine Noone tweeted: “The Duchess and I had a chat about the recent referendum result — she watched with interest and was pleased to see the result.” The Irish politician realized the epic mistake she’d made, and quickly deleted the tweet, sending out instead: “I should say she seemed pleased — she was interested and very measured, not political at all.” She later deleted the second tweet too.
Markle is a vocal feminist, so we probably could’ve predicted her stance on women’s reproductive rights. (And secretly, we hope this is a rule she keeps on breaking.)
Meghan wears a sleeveless dress to her first Trooping the Colour
Photography via Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
Meghan Markle made her Buckingham balcony debut this past weekend in celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s birthday. The of-the-shoulder silhouette of her pale pink, princess-worthy outfit from designer Carolina Herrera was, in fact, not so princess worthy after all. Tabloids were quick to call out the Duchess of Sussex’s dress as a break from unspoken royal protocol, with Page Six claiming: “fashion tradition usually dictates that Royal women do not wear off-shoulder or other more revealing styles.”
For the past seven years, Kate Middleton has worn dresses with sleeves that reach past the elbow, People notes, as did Princess Diana when she attended the festivities. But let’s not get our pantyhose—which Meghan Markle is wearing now!— in a twist, fashion rules were made to be broken.
Meghan’s coat of arms does not include her family name
With the tiara and the title also comes other cool royal perks, like your very own emblem. Now that’s she’s officially a member of the British monarchy, the Duchess of Sussex has received a personalized coat of arms. Traditionally, the symbolic gift usually goes to the father of the bride ahead of the royal wedding—Kate Middleton’s coat of arms not only reflects the Middleton family, but also her mother Carole’s maiden name (Goldsmith). With the newest addition to the family, however, the palace has decided to bestow the honour on only Markle herself.
A Coat of Arms has been created for The Duchess of Sussex: https://t.co/mJb3mqZfaZ pic.twitter.com/0EgbiS29Rb
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 25, 2018
The coat of arms, however, does pay homage to Markle’s roots. The custom design includes a blue background (the Pacific Ocean) and two golden rays (sunshine), which Kensington Palace says is representative of the Duchess’ home state of California.
A two ring royal wedding ceremony
Usually, royal men don’t sport wedding bands after they marry. Harry’s grandfather, father and brother have all opted to follow this tradition by not wearing a ring after they wed their respective wives. However, Markle and Harry have chosen to break this tradition, exchanging rings in the ceremony that they will continue to wear. This signifies equality in the marriage and is a modern step for the monarchy.
Meghan started her bridal procession alone
With the world watching, Meghan Markle will make a striking feminist statement as she walks down the aisle of St. George Chapel. Markle has chosen to walk solo for the beginning portion of her bridal procession, becoming the first royal bride in UK history to walk into their wedding ceremony without a father-figure on their arm.
When she reaches the Quire, she will be joined by Prince Charles, who stepped in to escort his future daughter-in-law after her own father, Thomas Markle, fell ill.
The plan for Markle to begin her wedding walk alone, however, was in place even when her father was scheduled to give her away at the alter. The plan is said to be her own, and the decision shows that she is ready to assert herself as an independent woman prepared to shake up royal norms.
They served lemon elderflower cake at their wedding
The reason why this is a big deal is because they’re forgoing the ‘traditional’ royal wedding cake in order to have this tart, buttercream-covered confection on their big day. What’s the customary royal cake, you ask? Alison McGill, editor in chief of Weddingbells tells us it’s apparently fruitcake.
“Queen Victoria and Prince Albert served the traditional British wedding cake, as have countless royals through the years including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, as well as Prince William and Kate Middleton, whose elaborate eight-layer cake was filled with fruitcake!”
Fruitcake has been the cake of choice for upperclass and aristocratic British families for generations, Chris Dodd, pastry chef at London’s Dalloway Terrace, explained to Vogue.
“A fruitcake was originally a symbol of wealth and prosperity because of its precious ingredients such as dried fruits, alcohol, and spices. Furthermore, the cake, in a way, represented the vastness of the British empire, using ingredients from far-flung corners of the globe.”
It may be a royal tradition for various reasons, but if there’s one thing we know about the royal couple, it’s that they don’t shy away from unconventional choices. And who’s the person helping them flout tradition this time? It’s California-born, London-based pastry chef Claire Ptak, who owns a bakery in East London, and has been featured on Markle’s now-defunct lifestyle blog The Tig. Ptak shared the news on her bakery’s Instagram page, adding that she and the couple “share so many of the same values regarding food provenance, sustainability, seasonality and of course, flavour!”
Kensington Palace gave us a few more details, stating on Instagram that “The couple have asked Claire to create a lemon elderflower cake that will incorporate the bright flavours of spring. It will be covered with buttercream and decorated with fresh flowers.” We’ll take that over a fruitcake, any day of the week.
For their wedding cake Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle have chosen pastry chef Claire Ptak, owner of the London-based bakery @violetcakeslondon. The couple have asked Claire to create a lemon elderflower cake that will incorporate the bright flavours of spring. It will be covered with buttercream and decorated with fresh flowers🍰 Claire Ptak, who was raised in California, focuses on using seasonal and organic ingredients in her cakes. Ms. Markle previously interviewed Chef Ptak for her lifestyle website The Tig. Prince Harry and Ms. Markle are looking forward to sharing the cake with guests at their wedding at Windsor Castle on May 19th. 📸PA
A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Mar 20, 2018 at 3:35am PDT
Meghan gets political
As a rule, members of the royal family aren’t supposed to make political statements. (This, we can only assume, is why Kate Middleton opted for a green dress for this year’s BAFTAs, rather than wearing a black gown in solidarity with the Time’s Up movement.)
When Markle joined Prince William, Kate Middleton and her fiancé Prince Harry for the first-ever Royal Foundation Forum, she may have broken this protocol by sharing her opinions on the subject of female empowerment.
“I hear a lot of people speaking about girls’ empowerment and women’s empowerment; you will hear people saying they are helping women find their voices. I fundamentally disagree with that because women don’t need to find their voices, they need to be empowered to use it and people need to be urged to listen.” She specifically referenced the current #MeToo and Time’s Up movements as well: “Right now, with so many campaigns like #MeToo and Time’s Up, there’s no better time to continue to shine a light on women feeling empowered and people supporting them.”
Meghan wore a crossbody bag
The princess-to-be arrived at Edinburgh Castle wearing an appropriately chic and seemingly inoffensive outfit: Burberry coat, Veronica Beard pants, Birks rings and a Strathberry bag. But it’s not what Markle was wearing that broke protocol, per se, it was how she was wearing it.
Photography via Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
GASP! A crossbody! What a shockingly common and un-royal — AKA comfortable and practical — way to carry one’s lipgloss and cellphone.
According to royal expert William Hanson, royals always carry a clutch as a means to avoid shaking hands. “It is protocol that you do not extend your hand to any member of the royal family (blood royal or those who have married into the family) unless their hand extends first,” Hanson told the Daily Mail. “The Duchess of Cambridge may well prefer not to shake hands with certain people—but there are other ways to achieve this, as used by the Queen and other members of the royal family, [rather] than opting for a clutch over a bag with a strap.”
Meghan gave her own wedding speech
In the distinguished realm of royal weddings, it’s relatively uncommon for the bride to deliver a speech. The honour of lifting a glass and sharing your thoughts has long been reserved for the groom, the father of the bride, and the best man (AKA, all of the important men in the room.)
But Meghan Markle has never been one to shy away from using her voice. According to The Sunday Times, Markle will be giving a toast at her wedding reception this May, with a source saying that Meghan will pay an “affectionate” tribute to new husband Prince Harry and say thank you to Queen Elizabeth, who is so graciously hosting the celebration at her castle. Harry, of course, gives his full support.
Christmas with the Queen
After weeks of rumours, Kensington Palace has officially confirmed what we all were wishing for: Meghan Markle will be spending Christmas with her prince. Markle’s invitation is, of course, a break from royal tradition, with Markle being not yet being married into the monarchy. But it seems with Prince Harry, rules don’t apply, because a palace spokesperson told AP that “you can expect to see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry and Ms. Markle at Sandringham on Christmas Day.”
Here’s what’s expected to go down: Markle will attend church with the Windsor family Christmas morning, then she will join the royal’s holiday lunch and and will participate in the family-wide gift exchange. Does this mean Markle has to buy the Queen a present? Will she have to bring a pie for the holiday feast? We have so many questions… And on a side, but very important, note: this is the first time we can expect to see Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle together! (Cue the paparazzi pics.)
Meghan ignored the pantyhose policy
The royal family has an unspoken policy about wearing pantyhose in public. It’s not a style-code that’s set in stone, per say, but it’s a tradition that’s long been upheld by Queen Elizabeth, Kate Middleton and the ruling ladies that came before them.
Photography by Samir Hussein/Samir Hussein/WireImage
Until now! When Meghan Markle stepped out with Prince Harry for their official engagement photocall, the world ogled every inch of the American actress’ outfit. The Internet went wild for Markle’s snow white overcoat by LINE the Label and her opal earrings from Birks, but royal watchers were quick to note the one thing she wasn’t wearing: pantyhose.
They’re tying the knot in May
There’s nothing better than a spring wedding, right? WRONG. It turns out, a marriage in May would not have been approved by the Prince’s great-great-great granny, Queen Victoria. The late, great monarch believed it was unlucky to marry in the fifth month of the calendar year, buying into the superstitious rhyme: “Marry in May, and rue the day.”
Meghan’s been married before
Before hooking up with Harry, Meghan was in a long-term relationship with producer Trevor Engelson. They Hollywood powercouple married in 2011, after seven years of dating, and divorced in August of 2013. Now, Engelson is making a show about a man who has to share custody of his child after his ex-wife marries into the British monarchy. According to Deadline, this is the plot: “Divorce is hard. Sharing custody is harder. Sharing custody with the British Royal family when your wife marries a prince, in the unforgiving spotlight of London’s tabloid media, is next level.” GROSS.
Photography by Amanda Edwards/Getty Images
Previously, members of the Royal Family have not been allowed to marry divorcees. As you may recall — from history books, or from season one of The Crown — Princess Margaret had to break off her relationship with Peter Townsend because he was divorced, and Edward VIII abdicated from the throne in order to marry American socialite Wallis Simpson. But it’s not that big of a deal anymore: Prince Harry and Prince William’s father, Prince Charles, married fellow divorcee Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, in a civil ceremony in 2005.
This means that Prince Harry will be the first royal family member to have a church wedding with a divorcee. In 2002, the Church of England agreed that divorced people could remarry in church — with the discretion of the priest, of course. After all, it’s only 2017.
Meghan isn’t Anglican
For centuries, it was forbidden for royals to marry a Roman Catholic. However in 2015, an amendment to the Act of Settlement of 1701 made that allowed British royals to have an interfaith marriage. Markle has never *actually* discussed her religious affiliations openly, though it has been widely reported that her father is Jewish and she attended an all-girls Catholic high school in Los Angeles.
Before her Windsor Castle wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan will be baptized and confirmed in the Church of England. By completing these religious sacraments, Markle honours Queen Elizabeth, who, as the sovereign, holds the title of “Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.”
They’re all about the PDA
Okay, so calling a hand-holding PDA is a little extreme. But hey, *technically* it is a public display of affection!
Photography by Chris Jackson/Getty Images
There are no specific anti-PDA rules, but public displays of affection have previously been avoided by the royal family at official events, due to their position as working representatives of the British monarchy. For example: Prince William and Kate Middleton have been photographed holding hands less than a dozen times in the past 10 years (!!!).
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have ignored this unspoken rule at pretty much every opportunity. When they made their first public appearance, the couple shared a smooch. During their joint appearance at Toronto’s Invictus Games, they were photographed holding hands. Even when they stepped out together as an engaged couple, Markle and Harry couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Not that we’re complaining or anything…more PDA-filled moments please!
Meghan’s Vanity Fair cover
In Vanity Fair’s October cover story, @MeghanMarkle opens up about living in the spotlight, starring on @Suits_USA, and her whirlwind royal romance: “I think it’s really simple. We’re two people who are really happy and in love.” Photograph by @therealpeterlindbergh.
A post shared by Vanity Fair (@vanityfair) on Sep 5, 2017 at 4:00am PDT
It’s not unprecedented for a royal to grace a magazine cover (after all, Kate Middleton was in British Vogue), but to open up about her private life with Harry pre-engagement was a big shock for royal watchers. Here’s the major takeaway: Prince Harry and Markle are madly in love and they’re not afraid to share it with the world.
“We’re two people who are really happy and in love,” she said. “We were very quietly dating for about six months before it became news, and I was working during that whole time, and the only thing that changed was people’s perception. Nothing about me changed. I’m still the same person that I am, and I’ve never defined myself by my relationship.”
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drug rehab for teen Pennsylvania: Rehab is the one-stop-solution to all the addictions
Addiction: An ever-disturbing stress to humanity:
When everywhere we are struggling with the harsh repercussions of the fitful pandemic, the stress of some dreadful habits has raised to a peak dragging humanity to a different-cum-danger zone. Among all such habits, addiction is the most vulnerable activity, being visible in humans, especially in young adults and teens. When everyone is standing up with their own ways to tackle this widespread addiction issues, Christian rehab for teen Quarryville has decided to help the teens to come out of this everlasting stress. We realise your concern about your kids and their futures, so do we have a solution to the issues your kids are facing.
Our motto is to bring your teens back into their beautiful life where they are born to do amazing, not spoil their priceless lives. Demolishing an entire family, addiction invites all the unseen troubles to a family as its post-effect.
Teenage is a weaker and tender stage in our life:
Well, though we consider teenage life to be the most beautiful phase of our lives, we also have to understand that this is the most sensitive stage we all have to go through. So, the only thing matters is how we handle those innocent-cum-sudden teenage gestures. Where addiction can be of anything practiced beyond the limit, Christian rehab for teen Quarryville feels that we need to work on the reasons that bring the instinct among teens to indulge in addiction.
Let’s focus on some popular reasons: Being in the wrong friend groups: Of course, when teens enter in their high schools, colleges, etc, they try to make new friends with whom they can share their cup of coffees, go on movies, chill in parties, etc. When parents nowadays are giving utmost freedom to their kids, they need to be attentive about their kid’s companies too. Many teens opt for addiction as an additional perk with a wrong peer circle. Exam stresses can be handled appropriately: These days, depression, stress, anxiety are no more unread mental issues among everyone, rather schools have started implementing mandatory mental health awareness programs to help parents understand their teens from a different angle. But many teens do not understand how to deal with such circumstances and they find alcohol, drugs will give them a way of escape, rather it will push them into an unpredictable addiction. Watch your kids and try motivating their state of mind frequently! They imitate what they see: Ever realised that your kid’s activities are nothing but mirror images of your activities? Yes, they usually imitate you, their elders, their parents and try to walk on the same path as well. Hence make sure you keep your home environment clean and away from abusive substance habits. As drug rehab for teens, Quarryville says that many of the teens assume addiction as a family culture because they see their elders doing the same at home. Our team at the Best Christian Rehabs has in-depth knowledge and experience at tackling with teen addiction issues in a pragmatic approach. We understand their root of habit and try working on solving that, also we channelize lively healthy habits, where they forget the need of escapism. Our mission is to shape the future, shaping the teens. Talk to our expert healers to learn more about us! For more details visit us @ https://bestchristianrehabs.org/
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alcohol rehab for young men wy: Addictions is a realtime social disease
Addiction destroys an entire family:
Disturbing a lot of people and their homes, the epidemic-like addiction has become an unresolved issue in today’s age. When the pandemic hit us hardly, addiction has been another distraught social scar, which we all want to eradicate. Not only habits of abusive substances but also some repetitive actions turn into awful addictions disturbing a lot of innocent lives. Addiction Rehab for teen Elizabethville in the United States is helping individuals coming from different locations in transforming their lives. The team here is not only assisting in alcohol rehabilitation but also in drug addiction recovery. As we know, addiction is a serious trouble to society so our responsibility is to help the addicts find a way out of the trouble.
Promoting reasons behind addiction:
It is hard to ignore the reasons behind addiction, as those reasons will help us understand more about the addict, like where it started and how it became a habit for the person. And knowing the promoting reasons behind addiction of teens is extremely helpful when we wish to see our teens future completely sorted and secured. Hence, adult and teen challenge Pennsylvania came up with these following reasons:
Effect of friends you are hanging out with: This is undoubtedly the most popular reason for a person to opt for a new habit. In schools, colleges, teens start hanging out with new friends. So, we must watch our teens and their companies, like with whom they are passing most of their time. You like or not, they will start imitating each other and addiction can be one among those habits.
Dealing with mental sickness: When everyone around us is buzzing a lot about mental health and its priority, then we want to show another side of this mental illness. Exam tension, job stress, relationship instability, past life trauma, etc bring mental anxiety and long run depression, where people cannot handle a situation with sanity and addiction gives them ways to forget their tensions, which is not a right treatment. As per alcohol rehab for teen Elizabethtown, seeking a specialist in this case would be much appreciable.
Some learn addiction from family: As family is the first learning-place of a person, then it is deadly necessary that a family should maintain utmost sanity to be a moral to rest of the family. Many teens see their elders being involved in several addiction and they presume that their addiction is not a wrong practice. So, alcohol rehab for teen Elizabethville mentions that to guide your teen you need to focus on his or her surroundings and that you can start from your family.
Several such reasons are there to motivate a non-addict to become an addict and so we need to be aware of them so that we can extend help the needy ones whenever required. In such scenario, our rehab center suggest addicts to go for a core level treatment that is a proper rehabilitation program. Here at drug rehab for men Dublin, we encourage inhabitants to opt for productive and healthy habits leaving unhealthy ones. Besides we generate a home-like ambience to them so that they will feel the rehab like their home. And many more things to know about us, so make us a quick call! For more details visit us @ https://bestchristianrehabs.org/
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For people with dual disorders (also known as “dual diagnosis”), the attempt to obtain … and clashing philosophies of the mental health and addiction treatment systems. For example, internal problems such as frustration, denial, or …
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Those who struggle with dual diagnosis face enormous challenges in receiving effective care and drug treatment. First, diagnosis can be extremely difficult, as addiction can mimic mental illness. Second, mental health centers are often ill …
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Kat Lotti struggles with what are called "co-occurring disorders," meaning both a mental health and substance use disorder. (Courtesy Rhonda Lotti) All of the substance use treatment programs … seeking a bed at a dual …
The programs feature progress monitoring while the patient is in treatment; court- and state-required drug screening; and educational services for those who do not require full treatment. Dual diagnosis program: When patients have mental illness in addition to alcoholism or drug addiction, our dual diagnosis program …
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Dual diagnosis or persons with co-occuring disorders, pregnant or postpartum women, women, beds for children of the client, and men are supported for this Oregon drug treatment center. Medicaid, medicare, private health insurance, and self payment is accepted with sliding fee scales. Includes ASL or other assistance for …
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Options Contents Have the option Needed what was not available She … there’s not Choose the right dual- diagnosis Offers long-term dual Beachside Recovery Center is truly committed to taking addiction treatment to the next level. Their network of providers … Dual Diagnosis Treatment. If you have a dual diagnosis then you will need to be
Browse through our comprehensive directory of dual diagnosis drug treatment centers in OR.
Are There Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers in Oregon? The answer to that question is yes. Dual diagnosis treatment centers are becoming more and more common, but even so, not everyone understands their importance.
33 Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Portland OR Below is a list of 33 Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs in Portland, OR. This is a list of all Co-Occuring – Dual Diagnosis Treatment services in Portland.
Marc Pacheco, D-Taunton, will seek to address both overcrowded emergency …
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