#alcatraz vs. the evil librarians
yourfaveisfriendshaped · 11 months
The baby Alivened from Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians
Ya know what I’ll post a picture hang on
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The baby Alivened is friend-shaped!
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libralita · 2 years
Your DnD Alignment based on your Brandon Sanderson starting point
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Lawful Good – Tress of the Emerald Sea, You took Brandon at his word when he said that the Kickstarter books would be good starting point for the Cosmere.
Lawful Neutral – Wheel of Time, you found Brandon when he finished Wheel of Time and decided to give his own books a shot.
Lawful Evil – Rithmatist, this is your villain origin story tbh
Neutral Good – Elantris, you’ve been a fan for a long time,
True Neutral – Mistborn, you started where everyone recommends
Neutral Evil – Warbreaker, get it?
Chaotic Good – Alcatraz/Skyward, wild children of the fandom
Chaotic Neutral – The Way of Kings, despite everyone and their mother telling you to not start here, you do it anyways
Chaotic Evil – Alloy of Law, despite this being in Mistborn ERA 2 and the FOURTH Mistborn book, you still start here.
Reckoners, you like superheroes? Idk
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lisascomplicated · 2 months
so I'm rereading Alcatraz Vs. the Evil Librarians (I last read this pre-covid) and I forgot how *funny* it is. Especially compared to, like, you know, the cosmere. It's like-
BrandoSandwitch writing the Cosmere: I will write an interconnected universe that is *so meticulous*
Branderson the Sanderson writing Alcatraz: so anyway, they opened the door to see small British dinosaurs about to be executed for being on the continent and failing to pretend to be beached fish.
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Round 1
She awoke to a boxcar full of corpses, which was damn lucky, because it meant she now had a one-way train ticket to exactly where she wanted to go.
-Amber Skies, @cryptotheism
So, there I was, tied to an altar made from outdated encyclopedias, about to get sacrificed to the dark powers by a cult of evil Librarians.
-Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians, Brandon Sanderson
Everything starts somewhere, although many physicists disagree.
-Hogfather, Terry Pratchett
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book--brackets · 9 months
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Alcatraz/Bastille Propaganda: none
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threemoonwatchers · 5 months
If i had a nickel for every time the main character in a series I liked had one parent who abandoned them “for the greater good” and another parent who’s… trying… but like. They’re evil and at the end of the day parent and child are on opposite sides, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
Ninjago fans this is your sign to read Alcatraz vs the evil librarians
And AVTEL fandom vice versa lol
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Love your Alcatraz drawings, I’ve just never seen the ladybug show lol. Maybe if u aren’t busy u could draw a scene from one of the AVTEL books? Just a thought- like Bastille whacking Al or maybe Al hissing at the curators 😂
Yeah of course!! I’ve actually been meaning to sketch some scenes, but never had the motivation lol
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deadmountaindaughter · 2 months
brandon sanderson is great because i don't know of any other author who has written something where the phrase "tactical marriage" makes sense. no i do not mean "political advantage" tactical, i mean "battlefield strategies" tactical. yes this post is about alcatraz.
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the-lunatenebris · 3 months
. . .
I wrote it and it’s called Calm In A Storm if anyone cares
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Prelims round 1, poll 18
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The Archives, The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss
I swear I've wanted to get here as much as Kvothe
There's a huge door in there and we have no idea what's behind them. Also one dude just lives in there
Death's library, The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
Death’s library contains the life stories of every person, living or dead. They write themselves.
The Royal Academy Library, Ascendance of a Bookworm series by Miya Kazuki and You Shiina
It has cute magical rabbit library assistants that help the librarians/patrons with finding books, working circ desk, reshelving, securing the library, etc. On the surface, it's a school library focusing on materials for Royal Academy students and archives of research/curriculum material from its professors. Some other neat magical aspects of this library include automatic humidity management (to prevent moisture damage to documents), time-stopping shelves (to prevent old documents from rotting away), sunlight protection magic (keep natural lighting from large windows while protecting documents from light damage), magical lighting (will start showering down multi-colored lights to let students realise the time if they're too engrossed in reading), sound-dampening carpets, and instant floor cleaning. The protagonist is also helping invent new magic tools for the library including a function where books automatically teleport to their spot on the shelves. Explaining fully how amazing and critically important this library is to their world would be spoilers. There's a lot going on in certain hidden/forgotten about parts of this library. Let's just say when the symbol of a true king is possessing a certain divine magical book that acts as the keys to the country, knowledge is power. The author and protagonist are both extreme bookworms, so a lot of love went into the design and description of this magical library.
They have magic bunny robots that get books for you. Also it’s a low fantasy story about a librarian who dies and decides to reinvent the printing press in the medical world she lives in. There’s also political intrigue I guess.
It’s a series all about books and libraries, and told from the pov of a librarian who died and decided to reinvent free public libraries and printing presses and books in a fantasy world
Highbrary aka Library of Congress, Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson
It’s just the library of congress like from real life except secretly it’s the central stronghold of the network of evil librarians that rules the world as we measly humans know it to be. It’s funny. The book is good. That is all thank you and goodnight
The library of congress is the home base for the librarians in the book series. It not only is the normal library of congress building, but there is also a tunnel system underneath that houses the more magical items that normal people are not allowed to use.
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thesmileystudio · 4 months
Author: *Doesn't mention anything about a character or a backstory*
Fandom: It's time to take the matter into our own hands
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espiricalesper · 12 days
Hello :3
I saw that you are a fan of both AVTEL and Crk so I got some questions:
What is your HCS about both of these fandoms?
hiiii! yes I would love to talk about my head canons but can u be a tad more specific? like specific character, ships, or like wdym
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Brandon Sanderson Character Showdown!
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ties will be handled by them both entering the next round
propaganda is encouraged!
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Link! Is closed! See you at the bracket announcement!
inspired by: @onlycosmere @ladymistweaver @kelsierfortnite @ultimate-sword-showdown and all the other tournament blogs flying around
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