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wolfs-head-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Today's tidy up play list consisted of #korn #marilynmanson #albdamned #uglykidjoe (at Leigh, Wigan, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bynbs_Rp0ap/?igshid=iqm2o6tdulpm
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albdamnednotphilosophein · 7 years ago
I am pretty sure that if what I fantasized was real I am pretty sure I would be extremely miserable. I am if that would make me a masochist for fantasizing in something I don’t actually want, a banality since I’m pretty sure I can’t think of anything better to escape to, which means my days are only going to be this or worse, or a pessimist because I am sure it will badly. Any which way I am sure to suffer, it’s my lot in life.
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rawrampmag · 7 years ago
FACEBARMAGEDDON #Facebarmageddon #Reading @FaceBarReading #Metal #Rock #Festival #Report
The biggest metal event ever to take place in Reading, Berkshire was held this weekend and we went along to witness the mental metalism of FACEBARMAGEDDON 2017
With almost 50 bands, on 2 stages, over 3 days, this was every metaholics dream come true…
Malevolent Amp?
The full-on, bad-ass, headbanging enormity of the undertaking hit home early on Friday evening when fans of seven bands squeezed…
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badlands75 · 5 years ago
Badlands75RT @ALBDamn: This is trash, not for the support of Kap, but because every time @peta has had an opportunity to stand against police brutality -in the moment- when the violence also involved dogs/pets, there were crickets.. total silence. They're the worst. https://t.co/JO3htgKAjU
This is trash, not for the support of Kap, but because every time @peta has had an opportunity to stand against police brutality -in the moment- when the violence also involved dogs/pets, there were crickets.. total silence. They're the worst. https://t.co/JO3htgKAjU
— Al B Abundant! (@ALBDamn) February 1, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Badlands75 January 31, 2020 at 08:34PM via IFTTT
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trumpfeed · 8 years ago
via Twitter
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albdamned · 8 years ago
When thinking about friends passing, I don’t believe in Heaven but I do hope they are in Heaven.
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albdamnednotart · 8 years ago
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albdamned · 8 years ago
its official, american politics has become a reality show.
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albdamnednotart · 8 years ago
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blackkissdying · 10 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8048CO2Y3M)
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wnq-writers · 11 years ago
"A compliment is infinitely more difficult to experience then a criticism"
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albdamnednotphilosophein · 9 years ago
The Existential Jack Skellington
The main character in the Nightmare Before Christmas is a poster child for existential philosophy. Jack Skellington’s journey throughout the film highlights all of the key and fundamental parts that make up existentialism. All of these parts are presented to the audience in a very approachable and believable experience. This in addition to the various other characters sharing similar experiences, The Nightmare Before Christmas would make an excellent material example of what Existentialism is. In order to make the most out of the least, this essay will review the key elements of Jack’s situation and actions in the film. There will be an explanation of the relevant existential philosophy at work. The story begins with the Halloween celebration in Halloween Town. The ghoulish town folk are dragging around a scarecrow on a cart to the town square. All ready there is a strong existential element, for that scarecrow is actually Jack’s “costume” for the celebration. A scarecrow is basically a lifeless object that scares people. Scaring people in Halloween Town is how everyone feels complete. Jack on the other hand, is experiencing no joy in scaring people and this leads him to doubt. This doubt in turns leads to Jack’s Lament. This Iconic scene has Jack wandering through a cemetery. He isn’t alone in the cemetery but besides first summoning Zero, his dog, he ignores or is unaware of anyone else. This song has a Shakespearian soliloquy feel to it. In it, he first explains how he is the apex of what a person should be. However, this brings him no joy and he desires for something more. This perfectly shows a person going through doubt. Jack has become the idealize form of a person but without satisfaction this position is meaningless. This meaninglessness has him go off on a night walk that turns into a sleep walk. When he woke up he saw something he hasn’t seen before, something new. In front of Jack laid a semi-circle of trees all with a door in front of him. Each of the doors were differently designed to resemble a iconic element of common American holidays. After examining all the doors, Jack grabbed on a doorknob and twisted. It was the door resembling a Christmas tree. As he opened the door he was sucked through the doorway. Inside was a vortex of snowflakes and swirling colors leading him to a place of wonder.  As Jack first saw Christmas Town he became obsessed with one single question, “what is this?” He stealthfully went around and examined the new world and procured a great deal of samples of Christmas as well as a snowmobile. Jack takes all of his new stuff back to Halloween Town and presents all of his findings to the town folk. While being fascinated, Jack can see that that the town folk are only trying to relate Christmas to Halloween rather then, as it’s own separate event. All the while the question, “what is this?” has dominated Jack’s mind with never ending vigor. He himself does not fully understand Christmas and he cannot handle that fact. This is Jack’s foray into angst.  This angst leads Jack into trying to understand Christmas by any means necessary. He delves into the Christmas storybooks but after a great deal of time he does not make any progress understanding what Christmas really is. Because of this, Jack decides to change his method of understanding. He does this and then takes out a book titled, “Scientific Method” and then proceeds from there. The Experiments are all ghastly, (not in any kind of Halloween Town kind of ghastly) with each one sacrificing a sample of Christmas each time. All of these experiments fail yield and kind of meaning to Jack. This returns Jack to doubt but with an added frustration of being doubts on both “worlds” he has known. It was in this desperation and misery that Jack made a leap of faith, bad faith. He had a vision of himself wearing a Santa outfit and thought that he should be running Christmas this year. This is an act of inauthenticity and is made all the more obvious in that he is idolizing a vision of himself, a vision of a picture of him. This idolization is basically the same as the scarecrow costume from the beginning of the film. The only difference now is that Jack thinks they are different and he actually wants to embrace it. Jack enlists the town folk of Halloween Town to help him make Christmas. During this time the folly of Jack’s plan comes to light. He is just as guilty of not understanding what Christmas is and ends up projecting a very twisted version of Halloween onto Christmas. The end result is a mockery of Christmas. Jack also has three trick-or-treaters kidnap Santa Claus. As Jack goes out on Christmas Eve the humans he interacts with react in a predictable horror. His Christmas is ended when he is literally shot out of the sky. Landing in a cemetery, Jack contemplates his situation and wonders what went wrong. He is immersed with angst at its worse but hasn’t given up. Jack’s Christmas was a failure on every account but Jack is not concerned with that. Jack finally realizes what he wanted to do instead of focusing what he wants to be. What he wanted to do was, to do his best. This is the break from his bad faith and complete realization of what it means to be a being. He accepts the absurd reality for what it is and is still able to make meaning in his life. He also is able to accomplish things he couldn’t or didn’t do before. He vanquished his foe, recognized his one true love and was able be happy. This could not be the end of Jack Skellington, however. After all he was the dead scarecrow at the beginning of the film and at the end of the film he shreds the false identity and embraces himself. It would be more appropriate to say that the film ends with the beginning of his life.
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freebroccoli · 11 years ago
I'd argue your position is objectivism. Property rights are determined by a society. Self ownership is dependent upon society then, just like a person. Since it's dependent on others the self is no wholly owned by the self. This is the foundation of the social contract laid out first by socrates. Simple volunteerism is what rand advocated for. I don't think my "friend" was misinformed, opinions vary even political blocs. He identifies as a libertarian and I see no reason to doubt it.
Objectivism is a very specific philosophy. While Objectivism does advocate for self-ownership, that doesn’t mean that anyone who does the same is Objectivist; I could just as well say that the belief in the virtue of work or reason makes you a Objectivist.
Since it’s dependent on others the self is no wholly owned by the self.
You’re going to have to explain that one, because the logical relationship between those statements isn’t obvious. The foundation of contract law is that both parties entering a contract must be doing so voluntarily. I cannot write a contract obligating you to, for example, pay me for a service unless you are there to consent as well. Likewise, society cannot rightfully obligate you to do anything on the grounds that you exist. Again, while it’s true that Rand supported these ideas, she did not do so exclusively, and lots of non-Objectivists hold the same views.
I’m not saying your friend isn’t a libertarian; I’m saying that he’s bad at arguing libertarian principles.
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albdamned · 8 years ago
Love and Money
I was rereading Diotima’s speech as recalled by socrates in the symposium and had a wicked thought, that love and money are synonymous according to Diotima’s Definition. They are both great intermediary’s, they both are used to try to possess beautiful things (preferably forever), they both would be lost if you possess the beautiful things, etc. I am going to write a paper on this subject and will post it later.
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albdamnednotart · 8 years ago
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The Nightmare Before Christmas
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albdamned · 8 years ago
lol I just saw a post titled “ASTROLOGY FACTS” like it’s a real thing. The only fact I can think of that has any bearing on reality are the birthdates.
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