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お洒落なサイクリストに大人気のサングラス「ALBA OPTICS(アルバ オプティクス)」の取扱いを開始しました
ALBA OPTICS(アルバオプティクス)は、80年代~90年代にかけてレースで活躍した選手が使っていたレトロなサングラスをモチーフに、現代的な解釈でデザインする、新鋭のアイウェアブランドです。そのデザイン性の高さでファッションサイクリストを中心に一気に広まり、今では一部のプロ選手や女子チームへの供給もあるほど。ALL HAND MADE IN…

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Repost from • @mrtnwlfrm Full-Ninja-Mode 🥷🏼☃️ 📸 by @spotted.by.nele #iamspecialized #specializedtarmac #sworkstarmac #cyclingapparel #isadoreapparel #cyclinglife #riding #cycling #meinthüringen #thüringen_entdecken #thüringen #roadisthewayoflife #albaoptics #hammerheadrides #thankyoucycling #ridehereridenow #reels #maurten_official #winterwonderland #winter #hizokucycles Visit Hizokucycles.com for all kinds of cycling gear 🤘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkCcwquVle/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Repost: • @shadoweliteracing Keep an eye out next week as we get ready to release our 2021 Roster! Even with limited racing last year, we’ve remained headstrong and pushed forward-gaining some new sponsors and teammates. We have some great projects in the works and can’t wait to share them with all of you! Thanks for being a part of our journey, and regardless of whatever happens, we’ve still been riding, training, and having fun in different ways. 2021 is only going make our connections stronger, mentally and physically, and we’re ready for it! #shadoweliteracing #shadowelite #ridecannondale #cannondaletrack #xactnutrition #fuelyourgoals #albaoptics #templeproject #abususa #abushelmets #ciclovationbartape #ciclovation #girlrideyourbike #trackbike #fixedbike https://www.instagram.com/p/CLfW7rYpvj2/?igshid=1rrwyeglu3fdh
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While I might not want to embrace a FS Gravel bike i think it’s great that this exists. For some, this is going to a game changer, an exit to comfort and adventures. Just remember, just because it’s not for you doesn’t mean it’s not right for someone else.
• Posted @withregram • @george.nobleman Así se acaba después de 106 km por el Penedés…. calor y polvo!!
#gravelroutes #gravel #gravelpassion #gravelstyle #gravelaso #earthandmud #lovegravel #nature #mountains #photography #cyclingphotos #cyclingshots #gravelphoto #otherlife #otherculture #ridingwithstyle #pasnormalstudios #T.K.O #solitude #albaoptics #sweetprotection #beardbiker #beardman #ridecannondale #cannondaletopstone #topstonecarbonlefty1
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Thinking about these days of confinement/quarantine that we're going through, worldwide. What does this photo inspire you? . . . . . . #brazodehierro #cuoreofswiss #albaoptics #albaopticsstratos #cycling #cyclinglife #lifebehindbars #roadbike #roadcycling #roads #roadslikethese #bikesofinstagram #cyclingpics #igerscycling #canon #canonphotos #outsidestillfree #outsideisfree #terradets #pallars #pallarsjusa #serradelmontsec #stayhome #cyclingcatalunya (at Serra del Montsec) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fQpJDFGVW/?igshid=1ls1c7gz356id
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Been riding more bikes lately and it’s cool. #veletage #vienna #wien #cycling #velbagage #radfahren #rennrad #roadbike #wahoo #wahooligan #roadslikethese #rideprettyfast #sweetprotection #albaoptics (at Vienna, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3rDMPalDXn/?igshid=1xcr4wra6qvhp
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my heart is jumping when I see these new tastes of style in roadcycling and I very much like the harmony of the @hjcsports FURION helmet with the @albaoptics DELTA shades #pingoscolors #forthemoment #sunglasses #hjcsports #albaoptics #rideinstyle
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限量 PASSONI X ALBA Optics Stratos 聯名太陽眼鏡 來了 超輕量聚碳酸酯 搭配ALBA獨家的VZUM™ 技術 讓您不管在任何天氣或地形皆能有超清晰的視野 *特殊鼻墊設計,熱氣快速退去,有效減少眼鏡起霧 *鏡框部分有四種角度可調鏡框,更服貼 *附贈二深淺不同鏡片 接單預購中,請洽佰勁國際或就近車店 #Passoni_titanio #ALBA #SUNGLASSES #ALBAOPTICS #STRATOS #太陽眼鏡 #義大利手工 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_jxg6anjmx/?igshid=1ith5hywod13
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Repost: • @daziecrowns Track and FixedCrit racing is coming up super fast! I’ll be racing my first year of road with @shadoweliteracing as well, and I’m so exited for that, considering for the past several years of my life my road bike has just been for fun or training, and racing has alllll been fixed for me. Our team has worked really hard to get organized this year and will be at a bunch of different events, keep an eye out for us, if you can ;). @shadoweliteracing @ridecannondale #shadoweliteracing #ridecannondale #missioncrit #fixedcrit #albaoptics #rzdesigns #jakroousa #abushelmets #girlrideyourbike #weworkhard #weplayharder #womenwhoride #cheesysupplyco #cinelli #vigorelli https://www.instagram.com/p/B82rI4_prK4/?igshid=ub3jwdnu2qm3
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Riding with friends is the best . . Posted @withrepost • @cvjosh I got your fucking back, just like jansport. . . . . #veletage #vienna #wien #cycling #velbagage #radfahren #rennrad #roadbike #wahoo #wahooligan #roadslikethese #rideprettyfast #sweetprotection #albaoptics https://www.instagram.com/p/B31GEp3lds2kJNXQk-nHunoR00JIlDRqRBmDKI0/?igshid=ltk1fx3jsajf
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Dropping faster and looking like a ninja. Shot for @albaoptics . 🚴🏼♂️ @alexlebron13 . . . . . . #brazodehierro #albaoptics #cuoreofswiss #titicibike #llimiana #pallarssobira #cycling #cyclinglife #cyclingninja #cyclingcatalunya (at Llimiana, Cataluna, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0VGf-WoarZ/?igshid=7tth4g314wau
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Bikes am I right 🤷♂️ . . . . . . #veletage #vienna #wien #cycling #velbagage #radfahren #rennrad #roadbike #wahoo #wahooligan #roadslikethese #rideprettyfast #sweetprotection #albaoptics #roadslikethese #kookville #gravelkook #isthisreal #whatisgravellife #amicoolyet #outsideiskook https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iCGZTlFVw/?igshid=12vb0d3l6sk90
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Una virgola, non un punto. . #Earnedturns #WeLoveTurns #ingloriousplitboarders #splitboard #splitboarding #powder #snowboard #snowboarding #mountains #mountain #snow #winter #inverno #neve #outdoor #outdoors #nature #ecology #ecosophy #deepecology #montagna #montagne #exploreperfection #TheOutdoorManifesto . @patagonia @patagonia_snow @patagoniaeurope @ferrino_official @korua_shapes @birradelbosco @albaoptics @calzegm @corositalia @theoutdoormanifesto https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIgg3UDHqr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hoy lanzamos nuestra nueva cápsula del @rodagiralaserteam, y además el video recap de nuestra experiencia en el @redhookcrit Milán no.9 Podéis ver el vídeo entero en el link de nuestra bio. 😉 www.laser-bcn.com - @raquelfialho 📸 #rodagiralaserteam #bicirodagira #laserbarcelona #deluxecycles #hjcsports #forthemoment #chimpbars #russianraketa #albaoptics #arrueda #fixedgear (en Fondazione Prada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpP4AgYllfh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1aqr9skwzesnn
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