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fixiegirls · 7 years ago
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Repost from @cuetosara Con la mirada puesta 👀 en nuevos objetivos 🎯 . 📸 Irene Morales . #criteriumvalencia #nestawheels #nestahelmet #fabricbikes #arrueda #energyfig #objetivo #lucha
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shethirtysix · 5 years ago
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We have last two of this jersey made @arrueda (and also some caps and patches) on SALE 🎀 Check them out in our online shop or pick up in Berlin (DM). Patches are also available in @schweinhundbikes @goldsprint @bikehangar Have a stressless and mindful xmas shopping ya‘ll 🎄 #she36 #cyclingjersey #lasercut 
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laserbarcelona · 6 years ago
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Hoy lanzamos nuestra nueva cápsula del @rodagiralaserteam, y además el video recap de nuestra experiencia en el @redhookcrit Milán no.9 Podéis ver el vídeo entero en el link de nuestra bio. 😉 www.laser-bcn.com - @raquelfialho 📸 #rodagiralaserteam #bicirodagira #laserbarcelona #deluxecycles #hjcsports #forthemoment #chimpbars #russianraketa #albaoptics #arrueda #fixedgear (en Fondazione Prada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpP4AgYllfh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1aqr9skwzesnn
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apisonadora60 · 6 years ago
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via Arrueda
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studiocw · 8 years ago
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Bang Boom
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infraxolotl · 7 years ago
Escarabajo pelotero
Mi país opera en principio físico de acción mínima: mis huevos primero y nada para los demás. Como escarabajo pelotero y territorio nacional: lleno de excremento. -No uso mis alas porque no sé pa’ dónde volar-
La esfera de estiércol gira y (se ar)rueda y gira
Cederé el territorio para defender la patria (como Sant’Anna): El país (los otros, los sindinero) pa' defender al país (nosotros, los condenados y egoístas) -Nadie volverá a pisotearnos- Cuando todos seamos gringos, nadie lo será.
La esfera de estiércol gira y (se ar)rueda y gira
De escarabajo pelotero (ya) sólo tengo la chamba: manejo la mierda recolectando más mierda con mierda -Si pudiera, privatizaba hasta a mi mamá- Debo alimentar a mis larvas con mierda.
La esfera de estiércol gira y (se ar)rueda y gira
No todos hacemos lo mismo/somos igual: -No necesito la ayuda de nadie, la verdad- Yo entierro mis provisiones bajo la masa principal pero escondo a mis muertos en la esfera de estiércol y la esfera de estiércol gira y rueda y se arrueda y gira (y delimita el terreno).
La esfera de estiércol gira y (se ar)rueda y gira porque nuestro principio físico de acción mínima mexa no necesitar la ayuda de nadie pa’l territorio nacional, la verdad.
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lasucianeuronadehspada · 9 years ago
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@yhonatan_andura ... equipado! Pontevedra 2016 #hspadaphotography #36douscentos #36douscentosysusphotos #arrueda #fixedgear #criteriumpontevedra #8bar
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fixiegirls · 8 years ago
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Repost from @chelseabicycleco I am officially stoked for tomorrow, the day we've all been waiting for! Just did some openers on my very new, very beautiful and very smooth #stratos #rodagiralaserteam frame. Paired with the @rinpochbicycle crankset and @scattareggi_ amazing #canecreek wheels, I am ready to go, couldn't have asked for a better steed. Riding this bike feels like home. Also, this #rodagiralaserteam skinsuit made by the awesome folks at @arrueda fits like a glove!!! Thank you so much to all my sponsors and supporters. And a HUGE thank you to @treadbikeshop for building my bike and making sure everything was 100% ready for tomorrow. I love you guys so much! Words can not explain my gratitude. ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Here we go #rhcbk10 !!!!!!!! ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ #bicirodagira #laserbcn #kask #fixiegirls #stuntsohard #here4thestoke #arrueda ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ 📸: @scattareggi_
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laserbarcelona · 6 years ago
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Our @rodagiralaserteam reppin in @redhookcrit Milan💥 - @raquelfialho 📸 #rodagiralaserteam #bicirodagira #laserbarcelona #deluxecycles #hjcsports #forthemoment #chimpbars #russianraketa #albaoptics #arrueda #fixedgear #rhcm9 (en Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bov0XOilyZU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e2mye8ggnonl
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llesba · 7 years ago
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Ayer tocó #copaespañacxloterias en Llodio. Poco que contar. Mal dia en el que principalmente la cabeza no funcionó como debía. _______ #llesbacycleworks #crossishere #raceday #cyclocross #cyclinglife #shareyourkask #arrueda #sramroad #sramforce1 #nestawheels #challengetires (en Llodio, Pais Vasco, Spain)
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apisonadora60 · 8 years ago
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Arrueda  · SUMMER COLLECTION Foto: Quique Bueno 
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hizokucycles · 7 years ago
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from @constantinebikes - 📷 by @danielxmateus: "Remember when you used to dream about things you wanted? Now I got the opportunity to be the test rider for this amazing prototype carbon rims @velocidadcomponents 🔥 First race was amazing as it felt really responsive and stiff as hell. Lets see what happen in the next few weeks where I will be pushing it on crits all around 👊👌💪 Remember those who believed in you since day 1 🙏" . . Obrigado a nossa familia: @constantinebikes @velocidadcomponents @catlikehelmets @daemoncycling @arrueda @pacificandco @sirokotech @santafixie @bocagrande @cafedefinca.es @velodrombarcelona @carlaminutricionista @renovatiobikes @mbp_bcn #favelaframa #constantinebikes #catlikehelmets #cafedefinca #siroko #daemoncycling #velodrombarcelona #rhc #radrace #fixedgear #trackbikes #fxdbra #sãopaulo #barcelona #favelavive #familyfirst #hizokucycles HizokuCycles.com
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studiocw · 8 years ago
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fixiegirls · 6 years ago
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Repost: @gomarrun 6days to go 🔥 . @van_cau . . @santafixie_blb_team @santafixie @bricklanebikes @abus2ruedas @arrueda @abus_cycling @spinonthese @ride100percent @rideabikes @spraybike #bike #trackbike #fixedgear #igerscycling #bikelovers #cycling #cyclinglife #roadlikethese #cyclingpics #sportpicture #road #bikeride #rideyourbike #santafixie #santafixieblbteam #abushelmets #cyclingshot #fixierider #strava #stravacyling #stravabike #girlwhoride #collagedegommettes #bikelife #fixie #fixed https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTr6m6Jxpc/?igshid=clohgfbtfdty
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laserbarcelona · 6 years ago
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New @rodagiralaserteam dad hats available really soon! @raquelfialho 📸 - #rodagiralaserteam #bicirodagira #laserbarcelona #deluxecycles #hjcsports #forthemoment #chimpbars #russianraketa #albaoptics #arrueda #fixedgear #rhcm9 (en Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bowj4HJFq9b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tuv7yumsfa8o
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laserbarcelona · 7 years ago
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New season look for our @rodagiralaserteam, follow them in all their trips & races around the world! - #rodagiralaserteam #bicirodagira #laserbarcelona #deluxecycles #hjcsports #forthemoment #chimpbars #russianraketa #albaoptics #arrueda #fixedgear (en RAD RACE)
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