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Valentine's Day Gifts for Book Lovers
Valentine's Day Gifts for Book Lovers
Hi readers! Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and I thought today I’d come up with some cute ideas for gifts for the book lovers in your life.
Source – Choc on Choc
Aren’t these miniature chocolate books so adorable? I don’t think I could eat them!
Source – AlanaPhoenixandCo on Etsy
I’m not sure how I feel about using books for papercraft…but this is just simply beautiful. This…
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And it doesn’t stop with the single stems... vintage Beano comic book buttonholes too. #comicbooklover #beano #vintagethemewedding #comicbooks #childhoodfavourite #buttonhole #boutonniere #alternativeweddingflowers #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/B2xDNEklKFw/?igshid=xs3kwm80v1ch
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Good morning guys! This giant teal wall flower is among the products in my 25% off S A L E Head on over to my sample in my stories on both Instagram and Facebook pages for the next few hours. After that time any products left will appear on my Facebook page. #samplesale #paperflowers #giantpaperflowers #wallflower #teal #statementwallart #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/B3_bjz4l0tD/?igshid=s4ol3g1xtc16
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For the love of Alice... I’ve finally received a restock of ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ books and just in time as I used the last pages of the 3 preloved books I had in stock at the beginning of the month to create this stem which is now on its way to Sweden. It’s all about Alice this October. #aliceinwonderland #aliceinwonderlandwedding #itsallaboutalice #childhoodfavourite #favouritechildhoodbook #bookpages #oldbookpages #bookpageart #bookpageflowers #madefrombooks #favouritebook #booklovergift #bookworm #handmadewithlove #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/B36RdsilXeU/?igshid=1tnz8ofdsrfqr
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It’s been exactly one calendar month since I last posted on social media... I’m still here! Where has that month gone?? Well, I have been in my studio up to my neck in paper cuttings. You guys have been keeping me super super busy and I just want to say how thankful I am to each and every one of you for your orders and support. Without you I wouldn’t be able to do what I love xx #thankful #ihavethebestcustomers #nothingwithoutyou #handmadeflower #peony #paperblooms #giftinspo #papernotpicked #paperpeony #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/ByhPzJaFB6G/?igshid=qmnzaiu5y1z1
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First up on the cutting mat this morning... daisies. It’s the one flower that screams summertime to me #sunshine #summerflowers #daisies #daisy #paperflowers #shelfie #summerdays #teachersthankyougift #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfDZf3FKNc/?igshid=i21vfos2rss5
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I love the rainbow of pastel colours of this world map paper rose, just stunning. #worldmap #paperflowers #maps #travel #travellover #explore #cartography #anniversarygift #pastels #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/BzSIcB2lkhz/?igshid=178bi7sr9nx7d
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I absolutely love working with vintage papers, this time it’s vintage map paper for a trio bouquet. #maps #roadmap #vintagepaper #travelbouquet #travellover #travelthemedwedding #paperflowers #weddingplanning #roses #handmadeinbritain #oxfordshire #paperbouquet #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/BzKd38oFm6G/?igshid=1vflz2k0dy2dz
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My travels around the world continue in the form of buttonholes... #travelthemedwedding #travellover #traveller #exploretheworld #maps #mapflowers #paperflowers #etsy #paperflorist #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/By4aZoNF5Dc/?igshid=3xuaornxxka0
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Map paper roses are top of the most wanted list this month. 1st Wedding Anniversary gifts made from honeymoon locations seems to be the popular theme. It’s like I’m travelling around the world one order at a time 🌍 #honeymoon #1stweddinganniversary #paperanniversary #maps #travelgift #anniversarygifts #travellover #explorer #alanaphoenixandco #paperflorist https://www.instagram.com/p/By129JGlytW/?igshid=1ajrxvex9u7vj
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I’ll just leave this here... #christmasiscoming #lastorderdates #closingforchristmas #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/BqAndfsFwuy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11rjcllpckyzj
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Keep an eye on our Facebook page alanaphoenixandco at 10am today... completely unrelated to this cute little Beano boutonnière #blastfromthepast #beano #comicbooks #1990s #comicbookflowers #paperflowers #weddings #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/BpbPpdzFGpi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=47f8au5bspsf
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White wall flowers have been a popular choice in recent weeks. Receiving such lovely feedback from customers makes this small business owner do a little happy dance. It makes all the hard work and time taken to finalise designs so worth it. Happy customers, happy me. Made my day. Xx #happycustomers #lovelyfeedback #smallbusinesshappydance #etsyshop #whiteflower #wallflower #giantflower #bigblooms #lovemyjob #ihavethebestcustomers #whiteroses #greyandwhitedecor #whitehomedecor #prettythings #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/CGDWSTAFPh8/?igshid=ezpb8hktjdot
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Another weekend mostly filled with work but I feel I’ve achieved lots of ‘madmin’ jobs from my majorly neglected to-do list. You’ll find a few new products scattered across my website and Etsy shops. For the Bronte fans out there you’ll find newly listed flowers made from preloved pages of Jane Eyre. #workingweekend #todolist #madmin #paperflowers #bookpageflowers #janeeyre #bronte #newproduct #prelovedbooks #booklovergift #alanaphoenixandco (at Oxfordshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFppFuSlIUj/?igshid=1pfmy4cga5ojf
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Hey guys. Another whirlwind week that disappeared far too quickly. Something exciting did happen though... I finally took delivery of something you guys have been asking for, more info to follow shortly once I’ve had time to take pics. Have a lovely weekend x #comingsoon #excitingnews #paperflower #alicesadventuresinwonderland #aliceinwonderland #paperrose #sayitwithflowers #nowaterrequired #aliceflower #bookloversgift #alanaphoenixandco https://www.instagram.com/p/CFCJrVQlOOQ/?igshid=1957240w34tnz
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Good morning guys! It’s been a while so I thought I’d pop by to say ‘Hi’ and ‘Thank you’. I’m still here just super busy, it’s been non stop at AP HQ for the last few months. Thank you to everyone ordering and supporting my small business during this time, it really means the world. I hope everyone is managing to adjust to our new normal. With my youngest now back at school for the first time in 6 months I’m hoping to have a little more time for SM and to keep you updated with all things AP. Here’s a pic of a gorgeous ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’ bouquet that headed to the US while we were in lockdown. I’m a firm believer in the saying ‘a Sunday well spent brings a week of content’ - I hope you all have a lovely Sunday x #itsbeenawhile #paperbouquetsuk #winniethepooh #paperflower #papernotpicked #weddingflowersinspiration #smallbusinessowner #thankyouforyoursupport #repurposedbooks #weddingbouquets #alanaphoenixandco #flowersmadefrompaper #bookpageflowers (at Oxfordshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEyRy8QlYuB/?igshid=ob5lh7zawt89
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