#al kaline
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coolthingsguyslike · 11 months ago
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 2 years ago
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Mercury Marquis Convertible, 1969. The second generation Marquis was expanded to a full range (it was launched as a 2-door hardtop). It is pictured with Al Kaline (nick-name Mr Tiger, 1934-2020) who was a Detroit Tigers right fielder and is a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame. He was also part of the Lincoln-Mercury Sports Panel, appearing at auto shows and autographing postcards.
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gummyartstradingcards · 2 months ago
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312cards · 2 months ago
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Al Kaline, 1954 Topps.
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corporateintel · 9 months ago
Staying Forever Young
May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay forever young Those lyrics were written by Bob Dylan around 1973. I was in the sixth grade when it was released, so hey, I fit the bill. If I could quote the entire song here without violating copyright, I wouldn’t have to write the rest of this blog post. There you go, blame the copyright laws for making me try to find…
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detroitsketch · 2 years ago
Al Kaline
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les1for1beans · 2 years ago
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baseballbybsmile · 2 months ago
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Boston Red Sox star Ted Williams & Detroit Tigers star Al Kaline happily pose together back in the day! (edit/color by BSmile)
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halfamask · 9 months ago
The boys and their drinks bc I’m planning a cocktail party and my mind is forever on 5Ds:
Jack: I think Jack is the easiest one bc he moved to New Domino to try to fit in and his habits still betray that. They have alcohol in the Satellite obviously when when he, Yusei, Crow, and Kalin were still together that usually involved whatever discarded low quality liquors they found and beers that their one hookup sold them without checking for ID. So once Jack moves to New Domino his tastes verge on things he thinks are expensive and fancy. He goes to cocktail bars but doesn’t really know many names other than an Old Fashioned so he gets that, also because it’s a stereotypically manly drink. My headcannon is that he becomes a wine snob, and prefers reds with lots of tannins. This also turns out to be great bc Yusei and Crow hate dry wines and will not take his stuff. He’s the kind of guy that’ll know exactly what brand, region, and year he’s looking for on a given day
Crow: drinks the least because he spent enough time taking care of kids alone that he stopped drinking for a while and now basically only drinks with Yusei and Jack. He’s the kind of guy to spend a Saturday afternoon making his way through a few beers as he works on his bike with classic rock playing and not realize he’s a walking talking stereotype. He also likes that your typical beer is an approachable drink; Yusei or Jack will walk up to see what he’s doing and absentmindedly grab his bottle and sip from it, which he thinks is super endearing, especially when Jack looks scandalized that he’s been enjoying a light beer for the last fifteen minutes. When he treats himself, which is rarely, he goes to a brewery to find locally made hazy IPAs with cool new flavors and insists on trying new things each time. He’d drink a whisky and coke to keep Jack company but very rarely.
Yusei: I also feel like he doesn’t drink a lot because he prides himself on his control and being able to help people when they need it, and drinking impairs both control and clear thinking. But he relaxes with his boys and also Aki because he knows they can take care of themselves. He’s probably the least picky about his drinks; he’ll accompany Crow to the brewery and then Jack to the wine bar but doesn’t drink either as bitter as the other two like it. He sticks to lighter ales and semisweet white wines when he drinks but he doesn’t love how fragile wine glasses look. He rarely indulges but loves to get wine drunk with his boys, loves how sleepy and happy they get as they sit on the tables and roll around in their beds and kiss because wine lowers every last damn inhibition he has. He likes going to cocktail bars with Aki because she’s upfront about liking sweet things and actually knows different drinks to order and try. They order one drink at a time and share every drink they have so they know what they like and after he drops her off at home he loves coming back to Jack and Crow with what he knows is a stupid little smile he can’t control on his face, seeing their own indulgent ones beaming back at him as they make room for him between them on the couch.
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warningsine · 11 months ago
ANKARA — Iraq National Security Council has banned the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has been waging an armed campaign against the Turkish forces for Kurdish self-rule inside Turkey.
The decision was disclosed on Thursday in joint Iraqi-Turkish statement issued after a high-level security meeting in Baghdad.  
“Turkey welcomes the Iraqi National Security Council’s decision to designate the PKK as a banned organization in Iraq,” said the statement shared on both the Turkish and Iraqi foreign ministries' websites. 
The PKK, which is listed as a terror outfit by Ankara, Washington and the European Union, is headquartered in northern Iraqi Kurdistan, where Turkey conducts routine airstrikes and holds hundreds of military outposts. 
Turkish foreign and defense ministers Hakan Fidan and Yasar Guler as well as intelligence chief Ibrahim Kalin on Thursday held counterterrorism talks with their counterparts in Baghdad. Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Mohammed Hussein, Defense Minister Thabet al-Abbasi and other high-level Iraqi officials along with Kurdistan Regional Government’s Interior Minister Rebar Ahmed joined the talks, according to the statement.
Fidan's chief advisor Nuh Yilmaz hailed the move as a "turning point."
Turkey and Iraq "decided for the first time to jointly fight against PKK terrorism," he wrote on X. "A decision that will mark a turning point! We will see the results gradually!"
The parties also decided to set up joint committees to “work exclusively in the fields of counterterrorism, trade, agriculture, energy, water, health, and transportation,” the statement said. 
Speaking earlier this week, Guler said his country offered to establish “a joint operation center” to strengthen the two countries' coordination in Turkey’s fight against the PKK but that the sides failed to achieve progress on the matter.
Ankara has long been pressing Baghdad to designate the armed group a terrorist organization. But the central Iraqi government has deemed Turkey’s operations against the group and its military outposts in the Iraqi territory as a violation of its sovereignty. 
Thursday's move indicates that the two countries’ positions on the issue are becoming more aligned as preparations are underway for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s upcoming visit to the country in April. The Turkish leader’s visit will mark the first of its kind for more than a decade. 
“The parties stressed the importance of Iraq’s political unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity,” Thursday’s statement said. “They have also stressed that the PKK constitutes a security threat for both Turkey and Iraq.”
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aestheticvoyage2023 · 1 year ago
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Day 271: Thursday September 28, 2023 - "Fantasy Winner"
I pulled off the side of the road in the Palouse 6 months ago to draft a team that would find its way to a back-to-back fantasy championship. Bragging rights my only consolation prize after Chad booted me from the money league last week. Matt's Acuña team was the strongest wire to wire and took home the bobblehead trophy this year for the Victorious Secret League. He was the only guy in that league to have more roster moves than me - which tells me that he loves the craft as much as I do, and I tip my hat (and the pot) to him. But back in the Penal league I've been supporting these past few years, I watched and cheered for the Yankees tonight as my Cy Young brought home the W for me, locking down my perfect pitching strategy. I didn't win by much, but I got everything I needed tonight on Thursday to start talking shit - challenging Joe to just not get skunked! With no more moves to make, I'd ride it out late Sunday afternoon sitting with my parents over pizza in Chicago when all the year's games we finally done and I was the champ again. Not the championship I wanted, but its the Championship I'll take - even if it required I cheer for the Yankees in late September.
I ended the regular season with a total record of 25-8-6, which I felt was incredible for an engaged Dad with a Toddler. In the playoffs, I split - even in those long 2 week faceoffs, baseball is always just a game of inches.
Some fun facts about the year: * Our Champ, Acuña Matata led the league with roster moves with 228. * Probably the craziest statistical anomaly for the league was that Acuña Mata led the league in both lowest ERA and most Innings Pitched. That combo rarely goes together in a league with so many streamers and day starts. * He also had the strongest bullpen all year with the most Saves+Holds. * The batting champ of the league was Al Kaline Trio (.271), which is ironic - of course Al Kaline had the best batting average right? Cory, a rocker, also wins the year for most creative team name. (read Alkaline Trio). * The Big Bopper of the Year was Team Act On Impulse - Jim digs the long ball. While his team led the way for Homers for the year with 253 team homers, Pete Alonso led his team with 46 dingers, but it left him just outside the postseason.
Song: Petey - The Freedom To Fuck Off
Quote: Do not leave your reputation to chance or gossip; it is your life's artwork, and you must craft it, hone it, and display it with the care of an artist. ~Robert Greene
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adlamu · 1 year ago
what cool punk names™ alan could have named himself, imo, as made up by me:
al kaline
al unnatural
al artificial
charlie caustic
charlie cynic
charlie cyanide
what alan chose to name himself for a bit (w/ apparently 0 workshopping):
alan normal
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xdominiklivakovicx · 2 years ago
Okej ovo je nastavak Vatrenih kao clanova obitelji zelim se zahvalit @livakovicu-dusa-nasa jer smo pokrenule taj headcannon tako da uzivajte 😂
Iva Olivari - mama, nema najdrazeg sina sve ih jednako voli
Marcelo Brozovic - ujak koji stalno gundja nesto jer su mu zivci kratki, al zivi od partijanja, svi ga zovu ujak Brozo, cesto plese kolo sa Pjacom, Rogom i Perisicem
Kristijan Jakic - onaj tip brata koji visi na kompu 24/7 i spizdi barem 30,000,000 kuna godisnje samo da stavi Luku kao veznog igraca u svom timu i Zlatko ga mora kaznjavat
Ivo Grbic - srednji brat i Livijev stariji brat kojeg Suba uvijek zaboravi kad god negdje odu
Prvi dan:
Suba: Ej Livi di ti je brat?
Livi: Vec zadnjih 10 minuta ti govorim da je osto u ducanu...
Drugi dan:
Suba: mislim da smo zaboravili nesto...
Kalinic: ako si nesto zaboravio to nije ni tolko bitno
Suba: a da u pravu si...
Grbic: -stoji u zatvorenoj trgovini i ne zna sta ce sa sobom-
Josip Sutalo - brat koji uvijek igra nogomet u kuci, sutne loptu i svaki put slucajno razbije prozor i uvijek krivi Grbica i Jakica, zato ga stalno svi zovu Sutalo
Beljo - Pasalicev prijatelj, takodjer je postao dio obitelji, njih dvojca uvijek prave probleme i obitelj ih mora vadit iz njih
Martin Erlic - brat koji je teski streber, ima sve petice u skoli i je Zlatkov najdrazi sin
Petar Musa - zajedno s Joskom i Livijem mladji brat koji pravi probleme sa Vlasicem, ali svejedno ih Zlatko kazni jer ne znaju lagat dobro kao Krama
Zlatko: dobro po koji put ste vas dvojca pojeli sve kolace koje sam radio za Bozic
Musa i Vlasic: mi to nikad ne bi napravili 🥺 to su vam Spikic i Jakic uradili
Zlatko: tko su ti
Musa i Vlasic: uh nasi prijatelji, pozvali smo ih 🥹
Luka Sucic - emo rodjak, cesto se druzi sa Lukom Modricem i stalno nosi crni dres uokolo i Livi mu mora farbat kosu u crno jer je najiskusniji u farbanju kose
Ante Rebic - buntovnik koji se morao selit jer mu je dopizdilo zbog brace, al ih svejedno sve voli i posjecuje ih skoro svaki vikend. Zivi u Milanu logicno
Ivica Ivusic - Livijev stariji brat koji Liviju dopusta da radi sta god oce jer je Livi dusa medena
Borna Barisic - Perisicev mladji brat, mora da kuha za obitelj jer se nikome neda da ista pravi, a ovi svi su izbirljivi, pa Perisic pocne vikat na njih sve
Gvardiol: moze meni riba
Livi: ja ocu svinjetinu
Jakic: de meni napravi riblju corbu
Modric: ja ocu kuhano povrce
Brozo: jel moze meni pizza samo sa sirom
Musa: ja ocu raznjice
Ivusic: de meni neki kuhani krompir
(Neda mi se nabrajat vise)
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gummyartstradingcards · 2 months ago
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312cards · 3 months ago
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Al Kaline, 1971 Topps.
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muntzerism-diggerism · 2 years ago
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Al Kaline
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