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Sean bienvenidos japonsistasarqueológicos, a una nueva entrega cultural en esta ocasión os voy comentar la festividad, del día del niño que se celebra cada 5 de Mayo que se llama Kodomo no Hi y se escribiríaこどもの日 una vez dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - ¿Cuándo surgió el día del niño?La festividad, surge en el siglo VIII d.c en lo que respondería al periodo Heian, posiblemente tendría influencia de china al respecto ya que se basó en Tango no Sekku. El Sekku se basa en los puntos de inflexión de las estaciones y se basa en la teoría de los cinco elementos del yin y el yang en China. - La forma tradicional de celebrarlo es ofrecer ofrendas estacionales a los dioses, rezar y comer juntos los productos de segunda mano.En el período Kamakura, en pleno auge de los samurais, se convirtió en un evento importante para orar por el crecimiento y la salud de los niños y la prosperidad de la familia, con adornos como armaduras, cascos, serpentinas de carpa y muñecos festivos. - Ahora a continuación mencionaré algunos dulces de los que se suelen comer el 5 de Mayo: Kashiwa mochi,Chimaki, beko mochi, akumaki , pastel no koi. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones y que pasen un feliz día del niño.
今回は、毎年5月5日に行われる「こども��日」というお祭りについてお話しします。「こどもの日」とは、「こどもの日」と書いて「こどもの日」と読みます。 - こどもの日」の起源は、紀元8世紀の平安時代にさかのぼりますが、「端午の節句」が元になっていることから、中国の影響を受けている可能性があります。節句とは、季節の変わり目を表すもので、中国の陰陽五行説に基づくものです。 - 季節のお供え物を神に捧げ、祈り、中古品をみんなで食べるのが伝統的な祝い方です。 武士ブーム真っ只中の鎌倉時代には、甲冑や兜、こいのぼり、祝い人形などを飾り、子供の成長や健康、家族の繁栄を祈る大切な行事となりました。 - 柏餅、ちまき、べこ餅、あくまき、こいのぼりのお菓子です。 - 気に入っていただけたなら幸いです。今後の記事でお会いしましょう。そして、楽しい子供の日をお過ごしください。
Welcome to a new cultural delivery in this occasion I am going to comment on the festivity, the day of the child that is celebrated every 5th of May that is called Kodomo no Hi and it would be writtenこどもの日 once said this make yourselves comfortable that we begin. - When did Children's Day come about? The holiday, which dates back to the 8th century AD in what would be the Heian period, was possibly influenced by Chinese in this respect as it was based on Tango no Sekku. Sekku is based on the turning points of the seasons and is based on the five element theory of yin and yang in China. - The traditional way to celebrate it is to offer seasonal offerings to the gods, pray and eat second-hand goods together. In the Kamakura period, at the height of the samurai boom, it became an important event to pray for the growth and health of children and the prosperity of the family, with decorations such as armour, helmets, carp streamers and festive dolls. - Now here are some of the sweets usually eaten on May 5th: Kashiwa mochi, Chimaki, beko mochi, akumaki, no koi cake. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts and have a happy children's day.
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Name: Alexis, nicknames Alex or Lexi (only by Raihan) Age: 25 (when arriving in Galar) Occupation: Trainer & Coordinator, later Gym Leader Hometown: Lavaridge Town Favored Types: Fire, Dark and Fight Main Team: Hitori (Blaziken ♂️), Katanube (Gallade ♂️), Tsunero (Swampert ♂️), Anami (Delcatty ♀️), Akumaki (Froslass ♀️) and Dokura (Roserade ♀️)
Alexis is the adoptive daughter of Wes (who’s alias is now Daisuke, since he is in hiding from Team Cipher) and was raised in Lavaridge Town. Her childhood idol was Flanery and she dreams to become the Gym Leader of Lavaridge Town. (only in her youth) Her two first Pokemon, Hitori and Katanube, are brothers, children of her foster-father’s Pokemon and hatched when she was 10 years old. The two see their trainer also as an older sister.
When Alexis was 15 years old she started her journey, mostly as coordinator at first. (In my Pokeverse, you aren’t allowed to receive badges under the age of 16, but you are allowed to take part in contests with 14)
She took part in the Hoenn League three times, before she finally manages to become champion. While she holds the title of Champion, she never actively is in the position, only coming to battles when Steven (acting-Champion of Hoenn) is defeated and she has to defend the title. She was 20 at that point. Five years later, after she had travelled to several regions and participated in the Pokemon Leagues there, she got invited to Galar to participate in the Gym Challenge. There she gets to know Raihan and by the end of the challenge has fallen in love with him. After she went for a last trip to another region she returned and became a Gym Leader together with Raihan
(This is a very short and undramatic summary of her story)
Lineart (c) Riza23 (deviantART) Colors & Char (c) @pikuna/Me
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南九州で食べられている「あくまき」です。帰省した際に買っていてちょっと小腹が空いたので温めて食べてみました。昔懐かしい味でまた帰省した際に買って食べてみたいと思います。 It is "Akumaki" that is eaten in Southern Kyushu. I bought it when I went home and was a little hungry so I warmed it up and tried it. I would like to buy and eat it when I go home again with a nostalgic taste. #あくまき #南九州 #懐かしい味 #素朴 #宮崎 https://www.instagram.com/p/CesJlW1JLO0oB43jc-Q7w-RqluC1bpsCr93Jwg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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In! Kagoshima! Part 1
2018/6/16 22:43
First time in Kagoshima----!
Who thought there would be an eruption!!
There was typhoon too!?
A dramatic Kagoshima fan meeting’s opening!
I took a picture of the Sakura Island that just erupted!!
The clouds on the right aren’t clouds but volcanic ash!
It’s amazing to be seeing this with my own eyes!
I wonder how the fan meeting will go tomorrow!?
Thank you for the comments!
Fried Donuts!
There are a lot of delicious sounding food, right!?!?
There’s a great scene in HeroAca today as well, right!?
I wish I could perform the recording of that episode somewhere!
It was a passionate scene!!!!!
To those who came to Kagoshima!
This is mentioned in the comments as well but wear your masks for safety from the volcanic ash!!
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宮崎で買っていた「あくまき」を朝ご飯で食べてます。昔ばあさんの家でよく食べていたのですが今は手間がかかるのと灰汁があまりないので作って無く久しぶりに食べれたので良かったです。たまには昔を思い出す食べ物も良いですね。 I'm eating "Akumaki" that I bought in Miyazaki for breakfast. I used to eat it at my grandmother's house, but now it's a lot of work and I don't have much lye, so I'm glad I could eat it for the first time in a while. Sometimes food that reminds me of the past is also good. (Hiroshima) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKIfRTXA-102LOVyqjU1CGXrJqyQUNeZ5x_KF00/?igshid=apovflfqgl34
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あくまき (Akumaki)
Akumaki is a wagashi made during the Boy's Festival. A skin of bamboo soaked in lye overnight is used to wrap glutinous rice soaked in the same way. It has no taste in itself and is typically eaten with a lot of sugar and toasted soybean flour with a little salt or is soaked in honey.
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