#aku is simping again
anccaku · 5 months
I have a crush on the actor who plays Illumi in Hunter x Hunter The Stage. Though… that might be because he’s playing Illumi. But he is just so good! His voice fits, his facial expression is like Illumi’s and he nailed his mannerism. Even at the end credits he’s just standing there like Illumi would. Sdjdhlgkjd.
Also him singing? Raising his voice?? *dies of feels*
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ma3mae · 1 year
No one likes syringes!
Summary : You gotta take your weekly syringe but you're afraid of needles so how can these mfs (Dazai, Kunikida, Atsushi, Aku, Chuuya) convince you to take it 🤷
Genre : bit cracky and fluff, prob lots of teasing bc u know who tf im talking about 💀
Warnings : heartattacks bc we all simp too hard for these men 🛐 maybe a bit of suggestive themes at the end
A/N : managed to inject myself for the first time (aint no drugs, need them bc HEALTH) and bro, my hands r still shaky bc fear 😭 how do ppl do this so easily 💀 also the syringe is like a pen (also for this story) but broo its still scary and i need some bsd character comforting me 😩✋✋
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Dazai Osamu
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Lets say yall live together and hes at work while u r home alone
cant bring yourself to do it alone bc bro syringes are scary (even if its just a pen bc NEEDLES BRO) 😩😭
So you text him and ask what hes doing and tell him if hes got time to come home asap bc we r nearly crying at this point
hes gonna be SO ANNOYING like "i was just waiting for a text from you~ dont worry, your knight in shining armor will save you"
BROO he prob knew that you gotta take them today and also knew that nothing would be going on at the agency so he couldve stayed at home but nah 😭😭 (sadistic a** fr fr)
but hes still hurrying nonetheless bc hes not that MEAN -right???-
arrives at home and finds you on the couch holding the pen with shaky hands and his heart does feel a TAD bit guilty bc fr he couldve stayed at home and u would have gotten this shit over asap
gon be all like "dw im here now, okay? Lets just get this over with and then we'll cuddle, how about that?"
homegirl is about to cry at this point bc just FREE HER from this misery
sits next down to you and takes the pen from your hands
If you do wanna try it out yourself, he'll gently guide you through it
He knows how afraid you are and teasing would just make you sob instantly bc the pressure is already too much to deal with YEAH U BETTER STFU U TEASE !! jk still love him
will try to change your mind tho by sayinf stuff like "Really? ~ i mean its brave and good of you to try it yourself but I really love helping you, you know. Want to do everything for you, darling." he knows EXACTLY what hes doing to us by saying that
Is prob gonna give us that look and whisper in our ear and shi im sorry im too down bad for this man at this point 😩
if you dont wanna do it yourself then, he'll tell you to look at him while hes pressing the pen onto your thigh or stomach
You still cant keep your eyes off of it? Sry girl, theres only one solution
He'll just click his tounge at you while having that fking smirk on his face as he says "still too distracted, I see? Well seems like theres only one way to help you"
gives you a kiss on the lips and just deepens it while looking STRAIGHT into your eyes got my knees weak for him fr
you only feel a tiny sting and as soon as a "click" is heard, he'll break the kiss and just grins at you as if he didnt trick you lol
but who are you to complain, he sees that you liked it and will def comment on that
"see, love? Wasn't so hard after all. But you still did well. Proud of you as always"
pecks you on the lips again before setting the pen onto the table and wraps his arms around your waist bc NO WAY in hell is he gonna let go after that
"i think i deserve a reward for that~" "you said you were waiting for a text so you KNEW i had to do it today, right?" ".... welp, not gonna apologize on that 🤷🤷🤷"
u can understand why kunikida has to SIGH all the time as soon as dazai opens his mouth but oh well, you're too whipped to care about at this point
wont let you go so guess you'll have to reward him 💅 no ones complaining LOL
if you tell him to help you next time before hes gone for work, he'll def do it bc he loves u but poor kunikida gotta expect him arrive at work late more often bc he wont leave home without rewards 🛐
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Kunikida Doppo
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You already know that he got the exact day, hour, minute and SECOND written down on when you gotta take your pen
You tell him that the day is enough and that the time doesnt matter but NOO 😤 YOU WILL take it at the exact time
If its at ungodly hours like 3am or smth, bro he'll wake you up like no mercy for his schedule 😭
If u complain to him tho then dw he will rearrange it for u bc he may love to stick to his plans but he wont ignore your needs and stuff either get urself a man who takes care of u like that 😤😤
will prefer to do it before work, so if you're not an early bird then he'll wake u up but dw you'll get a forehead kiss and bro's already fully dressed n' stuff BUT waking up to him looking at you with such a loving gaze will make u forget that its 5-6am or smth 😩
will first let you get up in peace and make u some calming tea bc he knows what will come next ✋
"Y/N, I know you don't like it but you have to take your pen today, okay?"
if we start a tanthrum then he already knows about it like bro's prepared for everything!!
"Kuni, do we really ha-" "Yes." "But you know I dont li-" "Yes and yes. I know you hate it but don't worry, I've already written everything down on how to do it and what to be aware of so its okay to feel afraid but don't worry because I'm here. Nothing will happen and I've already bought your favorite snacks so you'll feel better but dont eat too much of it when I'm gone. "
u already know he spent a night or smth just researching everything about it as soon as you told him
prob even went to a library and once came back home with multiple books in his hands, hes THAT dedicated UGH I LOVE HIM 💕
you could just sob rn bc how did the earth bless you with this man KUNIKIDA I NEED U 😭😭😭
If the pen is kept in a fridge then dw he already put that shit out for it to not be cold anymore (prob counted the minutes and seconds LOL)
he'll sit you down on the bed or couch, disinfect the place on where you'll take it (lol that sounds WRONG) and he'll give you a peck on your forehead before asking if you're alright and ready to go through with it bc no way in hell is he gonna do it while you're too shaken up for it
If you wanna try to do it alone then he'll take your hand into his as you're grabbing the pen, slowly guiding it while praising you for how brave you are for trying this and that hes proud of you IM SOBBING
will also tell you to look at him if you get more afraid by seeing it on your skin
Honestly even if you dont wanna do it yourself, he'll make sure to be there and will praise you every time you get through with it bc you KNOW he means it
Honestly makes you tear up everytime and u just wanna kiss this man fr
you thank him and tell him how glad you are to have him, he'll be smitten even more than he already is
Cup his face with your hands and kiss him bro's gonna find it really difficult to not stay at home and just be in your arms
at the end of the day, his love for you exceeds his ideals so he wouldnt mind arriving at work some minutes later if he gets to have you in his arms for a bit longer
Will arrive at work with such a good mood that hes prob gonna freak dazai out with it especially when he overlooks some dumb remarks from him the power of love YALL but who can blame him, his heart is thumping louder than dazai's rambling LOL
maybe yall will continue when hes back home, who knows 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
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Nakajima Atsushi
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when you told him about the pen for the first time, he was literally thrown off like "wait, so you have to.... stab yourself regularly with that?????"
hes just SO precious bc his heart's squeezing at you asking him if he could help u bc you just feel so comfortable and just knowing that makes him SWOON
But at the same time hes panicking bc HOW CAN HE DO THAT WITHOUT HURTING U
Ngl hes prob also afraid of needles and stuff 😭 is gonna look at u like the pic above LOL
will ask yosano or even recommend that she should do it but you're like "NO!! im sorry, tsushi but im too scared of her and i feel safe with u :(((("
you got him WHIPPED and DEDICATED bc he'll def research that shit through and through
Will ask his coworkers (prob kunikida) how to best handle the situation
has everything ready but will stumble and be kinda hastily about it at first bc hes prob even more nervous than you are 💀
either it implifies your fear more or its just so ridiculous that you're legit like "ily but im not gonna die or smth 🤨🤨🤨" you cant blame him tho 😤
hes gonna be all like "OKAY OKAY, we got this. No, I GOT this s-so no worries, okay?" bro, BREATHE. Hes just about to pass out at this point jk jk
if you decide to try it out alone, he'll be a bit saddened bc does this mean you dont want him to help you after all?? :(( was he not good enough of a choice to be of help :((( TSUSHI STFU ILY
dw just reassure him that you obviously appreciate his help and still need him to be there bc no way in hell can u do it alone without ur hubby
will tell you everything he had learned about the pen and how to use it with a bit of a tremble in his voice but he pulls through with it!!
You manage to do it and BOY get ready for a rant on how proud of you he is
will want to pamper you with kisses on ur face "tsushi, i know that look. Go ahead and do it, dont hold back" "really, y/n!!?" "😩 bro do it ok" will try to hold back with gluing himself onto you but how can he NOT
If u dont wanna do it urself then it will prob go like this:
its time for yk what and he sees the genuine fear in your eyes but dw he got you
hes prob gon be like "my s/o need me rn and i have to help them!!!" hes actually gonna remember everythinf he looked up and prob memorized for you bc hes AN ANGEL will put his forehead against yours and tell you to look at him "i wont let anything hurt you and happen to you. You're afraid and honestly im afraid too but you and i will get through this, okay?" gives you the most lovestruck smile ever before he looks down and counts to three
"breathe in, y/n. It will be okay" he ignores his slightly trembling hands and at the count of three inserts it. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER📸📸📸
as soon as yall hear a click, he quietly counts to three before pulling it out and BROO the relief is refreshing af
"WE DID IT, Y/N!!!" Is hella giddy bc how can he not be proud of the both of you!!!! You did it!!! will honestly pull you in a hug bc hes just so happy
prob gonna realise that he just did it without asking u and will be sheepish all like "o-oh sorry, i just got too excited" "no tsushi. We should be happy about this so dont let go!!" no need to say it twice bc hes gonna wrap his arms even tighter around you and nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck ILL GIVE U A KISS TSUSHI 🛐🛐
will he feel bad for arriving at work a bit later? Maybe but a scolding from kunikida wont hold him back from holding you for a tad bit longer
He'll be a bit less nervous for the next times and it will surely decrease with each time bc practice yk but will obviously still hold you until he made sure that you're feeling okay afterwards
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Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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Bro's nearly flabbergasted bc why are you making such a FUSS 🤨🤨 im sry dont sue me
"Calm down, you idiot. It's only a pen. You dont even SEE the needle."
dont ask him why hes staying with you if its JUST a needle then bc bro will prob just straight up get up and leave if you point it out 💀
will prob be the first to not even suggest but just TELL you to do it yourself aku im hurting over here 😩
will prob make an effort in atleast roughly skimming through a website about it prob smth weird like wikihow LMAO
If he does see you how afraid you really are of it, hes rly trying his best to ignore the small ache its giving his heart bc he takes no pleasure in witnessing u be so afraid✋ its still JUST a pen in his eyes at the end of the day lol
will just sigh and snatch that shit from your hands bc he cant bear to see you like this any longer are we looking that pitiful, probably LOL
But he'll be surprisingly soft with his touch, nearly just ghosting you with his hands is that even a term, nvm yall know what i mean
Hes just gonna be straightforward with it bc the faster its over the better. He wont admit that he just wants to help but cant convey it bc what even are feelings 🤷
He'll tilt your chin towards him and just say "Look at me, Y/N. Stop overthinking it. You won't get hurt from this stupid thing, okay? If smth does happen, I'll just destroy the factory thats making this."
You dont know if hes joking to lighten the mood or if hes serious bc its aku
But hes prob joking
anyway hes gonna ask you like smth rly random like "What do you wanna eat later" which will confuse you but you'll answer nonetheless bc hey hes initiating a convo!!
as you start to talk and he notices you're relaxed enough for him, welp yk whats happening
Actually makes you wince a bit bc it just caught you off guard
"Ryuu, what the f-?!" "Just bear with it." ok we have been silenced 🛐
yall hear the click of relief, he counts in his mind to three and quickly pulls that shit out
you're slightly trembling from relief from finally getting it over you and bro just clicks his tounge like "You're such a fool. Cant believe something insignificant like that makes you nearly shit your pants."
you lowkey glare at him for that bc BRO needles r spooky 😭 but dw before you even open your mouth to tell him off, he'll look to the side and say "... You did good for holding that out though... but its still stupid."
just give him a peck on the cheek or smth bc this boy is prob craving some praise after having helped you like that
"Thank you, Ryuu. I couldnt have done this without you. You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for"
Give him a tight hug, kiss and boom you got him around your finger
he'll take a second to wrap his arms around you and will just hide his face in the crook of ur neck like our other boy tsushi
"Of course, I'd help... I'll still blow up the factory for scaring you like that."
"NO!!" jk he wont if u tell him not to but hes just trying to say he doesnt like seeing u like that we know aku, dw 💕💕
if his coworkers ask why hes arriving a bit later at work, he'll just tell them to shut up and continue with their work
If you look closely you'll see his ears turn a bit pink as he keeps thinking of you and your words 💕💕😭
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Nakahara Chuuya
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Honestly its gonna be a mix of every reaction possible I think
Like if you tell him about the pen, hes first gonna feel a bit pressured like "O-Oh wait so you want ME to help with it??"
Like no offense hes obviously feeling pretty happy about that you are asking him for help especially for smth important as your health
But he knows hes not the most gentle person and does have his worries that he might accidentally hurt you or smth
wont ask anyone for advice bc its his love of his life can i be that pls that asked HIM so he'll do it at the end of the day!!
but if hes feeling rly unsure then he wont mind slipping a question about it when hes reporting to mori
which means being not subtle at all
"So was that all for today's report of the mission." "Yeah." "Then do you need something or why are you still standing there?" ".... *pulls out a picture of your pen* do you know how to use this?..."
you def know that chuuya's feeling so embarassed that hes asking his BOSS but its a sacrifice hes willing to pay
mori will have mercy on him and tell him what he should be careful of and summarise on how to use it
Will prob throw in a "good luck~" bc how can u not TEASE him
anyway our boy's done his research and now comes the hard part
dw as soon as he sees you trembling, he'll be softer than a marshmallow
a chuuya one
"Oi, look at me. I'll make sure nothing's gonna happen to you, alright? Will just sting a bit and thats it. Will take care of you after this so you'll forget this ever happened."
he'll even take off his gloves so you'll be more relaxed if you can feel his skin bro the gloves are giving off doctor vibes in this scenario, will make us panic more LOL
if you really cant keep your eyes off it then well....
"Damn it, love. Stop looking at it." will just press his lips onto you for a second before breaking it and inserting that shi*
"Ch-Chuuya!" "I know, i know. Dont worry, its gonna be over real soon."
And boom thr click is heard and yall are finally done
Honestly his shoulders are gonna relax instantly, boy was tensed up even more than you skskskks but who can blame him
"OMG chuuya we did it!!" "Yeah, you did it, doll." bro's gonna latch onto you again bc that kiss from earlier wasnt enough for the both of u 😩
is it riling yall up? Probably but welp you 're already either shirtless or pantless so only one clothing to pull off less work for yall
Mori's just gonna be like "I see, you managed to get through it" and chuuya just tiltd his fedora down so u cant see his face bc he REALLY wants to ignore that his boss knows whats been holding our boy up cant blame him 🤷🤷🤷
Lol that was WAY too long but honestly this was so good to write 😩 now im just gonna be sad that none of them r here to do it irl but oh welp, will just read more stuff about them ✋💅
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sol-is-the-reason · 1 year
bsd men (aku, chuu, atsushi and daz) and what they would like you to call them.
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[A/n: Hiii!! I think you mean as a nickname for them??? as in the relationship based ones? I'm sorry if this is not what your looking for as the request was quite vague. Also i did not include Dazai as I genuinely had no idea what to do in his part.]
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He isn't really the one for nicknames. So he just prefers to call you by your name. He just doesn't see the point in it.
But that doesn't mean that he stops you from doing the same. Infact he loves all the little things you call him from 'love' and 'sweetheart' to the sappy-er one's like 'pretty boy' and 'cupcake'.
Given you had to explain to him as to why you were calling something other than his first name
But the ones that sticks to him the most is being called 'dear'.
He knows it's a nickname but he takes it very literally.
He likes to think that he is a close person for you, someone dear to your heart and hearing you say that so sweetly, it makes his heart rate skyrocket.
The first time you called him dear he didn't understand it. He was just in a confused state and he wouldn't even have acknowledged that you were infact calling out him if there were someone else in the room.
It took him a minute to understand that yes it was him you were talking to and cue the confused questions and a long conversation explaining things
But after the next few times, as he was getting used it, he found out just how endearing it was.
His face would lit up in the prettiest shade of red and he'd slowly avert his eyes to look at anything but at you.
It was truly an adorable sight and it would just spur you on to keep on achieving that reaction from him.
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Ok. So. This man is such a romantic.
Every day would be a valentine's day for you both.
It's even more so if you share the same sense of romanticism with him.
Expect gifts, flowers, a well thought out date idea day after day. He would put so much effort for you it's really heartwarming.
So naturally it goes to calling you nicknames too. It doesn't matter how silly the name, he has called you that atleast once.
Seriously, he has called you every even a little romantic word in the book.
He would love it if you show the same enthusiasm for him too, but he would never push you.
If your not into all those things he'll try to tone it down as much as he can and would do anything to make you comfortable.
But if you like it, you two have a little compitition on who can come up with more sappy names.
But no matter how many there is only one that is on top of the list for him and that is–
Husband. We all know how loyal Chuuya is. Almost to a fault.
So he loves when you call him that. It's sort of a promise of a commitment for him.
And you could probably get away from most things if you coo it at him.
Most times, he would also lovingly call you his wife/husband in return, with a cute dopey smile on his face.
You'll spend rest of the night laughing and enjoying high class wine with him.
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Atsushi Nakajima
So uh this guy is a simp. Let me just say that again. Simp.
Like man would do anything for you. Doesn't matter what.
And it was after a tiring day at your job, that you realised all your groceries had been used up. Seeing you so tired yet willing to make dinner for the both of you (you make the dinner because let's be honest he will burn the kitchen down if he tries) he tasks himself to bring you new groceries. He knows you prefer a home cooked meal rather than take outs so he hurries away before you can say anything.
When he comes back you take the grocery back from him keeping it on the dining table and embrace him, kissing him softly on the forehead.
A quiet "thank you, my love." Escaped you in a murmur as you loosened your grip on him pecking his lips before starting to work on taking out the things in the bag.
It was only then you noticed he hadn't responded back or moved from his place.
You looked up to see a frozen, red-faced and wide-eyed Atsushi. You can't help the chuckle that left you. So maybe you did that on purpose
Whenever you called the white-haired man anything other than his first name,(which also needed a lot of getting used to) you would get that adorable reaction from him, that would just urge you to tease him more.
Normally you'd just call him Atsu or Sushi to fluster him but now this is also going in that ever-growing list most probably at the top too.
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My fav screenshots (and some thoughts) from the new episode (so spoilers):
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Seeing Bram with his body feels so wrong, like I couldn't recognise him at first. But yay, Aya got a full vampire dad now no backpack Bram anymore :(
Also he looks TALL (I mean Aku is 172 cm tall so-)
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Ranpo looks so tiny 😭😭
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Wow it's so weird to see this expression on Ranpo he looks good tho
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I'm so glad he's back, looking like an angry cat
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I like how both of their faces are :/
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AGAIN. SO WEIRD. Bram with legs scares me
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Cant believe Fyolai is finally canon!! look guys!! he's holding his boyfriend's hand 😍 I'm sorry
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I simp for a lot of characters and didn't expect Akutagawa to join the list but damn he's pretty
Also is he wearing bandages around his neck? Dazai style?
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ecargmura · 2 months
The Magical Girl And The Evil Lieutenant Used To Be Archenemies Episode 1 Review - Enemies To Lovers Magical Girl Romcom
Gosh, this is the longest anime title I’ve encountered so far—it’s even longer than Cherry Magic’s full title! For my sanity, I’ll be shortening the title as Maho Aku for future reviews. This anime is posthumously released after the author Cocoa Fujiwara’s death nine years ago. I’m glad that people were kind enough to let this become an anime.
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This is the least magical girl-esque show I’ve seen from the genre so far. That’s not a bad thing, honestly. The story is about Byakuya Mimori, a girl who works part time to make money but her main gig is a magical girl. When confronting with the evil lieutenant Mira, he falls for her at first sight. Since then, their encounters have always been cute with Mira giving her sweets and Byakuya eating them. It feels like a rom-com with a magical girl setting.
This anime is surprisingly short—it’s only 12 minutes long. However, I was too invested in watching the show that I didn’t even realize it was only 12 minutes until someone pointed it out. Despite that, it was well-animated! The colors are so pretty! The animation was really good! Byakuya’s transformation is really well-done. I really like the bottom-to-top sequence it does since magical girl transformation usually focuses on getting the main outfit on first before focusing on everywhere else. I also liked how the transformation had Byakuya’s name singing in the background; it reminded me of 90’s Sailor Moon transformation, specifically Sailor Venus’s.
While it does seem like Mira and his organization seem like the villains of the story, I feel like Byakuya’s cat familiar is more or less the villain as he was the one who sort of forced her to become a magical girl by punching her until she said yes. The way it was handled felt like a parody of Kyubey from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Now it makes me wonder where these familiars came from and why they’re forcing girls to become magical girls.
Byakuya is a girl who is delicate but very chill. Life is hard for her but she presses on. I do wonder how old she is. I do like that she doesn’t question Mira’s change in behavior towards her and just accepts his gifts. Mira, on the other hand, acts edgy due to his affiliation with the evil organization, but is a huge dork and a huge simp for Byakuya. I like that his crush on her stems from her being way too cute.
The voice acting is great! Byakuya is voiced by Mai Nakahara, who’s known for voicing characters like Juvia from Fairy Tail, Kashima from Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun and Estelle from Tales of Vesperia. Lately, she’s been voicing mom characters like the Yuzuki family’s mom from The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons, so it’s nice to see her voicing a young kid again. Her voice is really nice to listen to because it’s so soft. Mira is voiced by Yuuki Ono, who is known for voicing Kagami from Kuroko’s Basketball, Kunigami from Blue Lock and Hori from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. It’s hilarious how Kashima and Hori are reunited in a completely different genre. The cat familiar is voiced by Shinichiro Miki, which is a hilarious choice for a magical girl mascot, but I welcome it. I love the gap!
I do wonder what’s going to happen in future episodes. Will it be cute moments between Mira and Byakuya or will there be actual plot aside from the romcom? Honestly, I like what I’m seeing so far, so I want to see more. 
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italeean · 2 years
Hello! I always feel super awkward doing these so please don’t mind me and feel free to disregard, but I just wanted to say congratulations on 200 followers! That’s awesome! You deserve it. ☺️
If you are at all inclined, I would looove to see #10 with Shin Soukoku; I think it would be so cute for Aku to just get fed up with Atsushi and attack him with tickles (plus the idea of him calling him a “brat” instead of an “idiot” is so funny to me) 🤭
But please don’t feel pressured if you’re not interested! We all know I’m a little too obsessed with BSD atm so when I saw you were doing an event I was like *gasp* and wanted to at least give it a shot. 😅
Anyway I’m rambling now but yes - CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!! 🥳🥳🥳
A/N: AAAAAHHH A SHIN SOUKOKU PROMPT AJKSHHSBSBJ MY HEART- 😻 Anyway, hiii how are you doing? Thanks a lot for participating, è stata una piacevolissima sorpresa (it was a really pleasant surprise) 💚🤍❤️ I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to send or request something whenever you want to, I'd really appreciate it ^_^ Oh, and thanks for your congratulations <333
Drabble Event Day 9
The room fell silent. Akutagawa glared at his frenemy with a murderous look, that made the latter shake like a kitten. Atsushi didn't even dare to move, worried that even his breathing could anger the Port Mafia executive even more. He found his reaction quite overly dramatic, was being called 'Dazai-san's biggest simp' really that big of a deal?
Apparently it was to the dark-haired guy, who had already summoned Rashoumon and was already charging towards him. The weretiger squawked and tried to dodge him, but he failed to notice the shadow monster sneaking up behind him and he found himself pinned to the wall in no time.
That's it, he thought, but then Akutagawa did something he'd never expected. He dug his fingers in his ribcage and vibrated them. Atsushi's eyes widened, was he really going to use tickling? "You little brat! How do you like this?" The dark-haired guy asked teasingly.
"Mehehe aha brahahahahat? Sahays thehehe ohohone whoho's gehettihihihing sohoho wohorked uhuhup fohohor mehehe stahahahahating fahahahacts!" He knew he should've kept that comment to himself, but seeing Akutagawa's furious and embarrassed expression was totally worth it.
"Let's see if you'll be still sassy after a minute of this!" The taller guy yelled while moving to his ears, massaging both earlobes and quickly blowing on both of them every once in a while, knowing that it was a squeak-spot for the weretiger... thanks to Dazai.
"Nahaha EEK! Whohohoho tohoho- EEK! Whohoho tohohold yohou EEK! Ahahahabohout thihihis?! EEHEHEHEK!" The white-haired guy made a longer and more high-pitched squeal when his frenemy blew on his ear just a bit longer. "That wouldn't be the thing I'd be worried about, if I were you, Jinko." Akutagawa's evil smirk made the poor boy gulp.
The Port Mafia executive moved to his underarms, scribbling on the left one and poking the right one, making the feeling even more maddening for the detective. "Aaaaaahhhahahaha cohohohome ohohohon stohohohop ihihihit!!" The shorter boy whined while laughing his head off. "I'll consider it after you apologize calling me a simp." The Rashoumon holder set his conditions.
Atsushi knew it was his chance to break free from that embarrassing-yet-merciless assault, but maybe because of his pride or maybe because of his playfulness he decided to say the worst thing in that situation. "Neheheheveheheher!!"
"Fine, you asked for it!" The taller guy growled, probably a bit irritated by his opponent's stubbornness, and opened the lower buttons of the weretiger's button down shirt, exposing his stomach. "Huh? What are yAAAAAHAHHAHA WAHAHAHAHAIT PLEHEHEAHAHAHAHASEHEEE" The detective scream-laughed when Akutagawa wiggled a finger into his navel.
"Oh? Why are you screaming so much? It's only a finger." The Port Mafia executive grinned in content, knowing that he had hit the jackpot "If such a childish tactic can reduce you like that, imagine what will happen when I actually try to kill you." In another moment, Atsushi would've probably talked back, but he was already running out of stamina.
He didn't even last a minute, he was just too ticklish for his own good. And thanks to Dazai, his nemesis was aware of his big little weakness. "IHIHIHI'M SOHOHORRYEHEHE PLEHEHEAHASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP" He yielded, finally putting an end to the assault.
Akutagawa withdrew Rashoumon, watching the shorter guy sink to the floor, then he crouched down and asked "So, who's a simp for Dazai-san?"
"Nohohot you..." His frenemy replied, still giggling a bit. "Hmph!" The executive scoffed "And you better keep that in mind." He stated ominously before turning on his heels and leaving.
If only he had noticed Atsushi shifting into his tiger form and getting ready to pounce...
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rainiishowers · 2 years
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I posted 1,087 times in 2022
That's 1,085 more posts than 2021!
564 posts created (52%)
523 posts reblogged (48%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 992 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#omswd - 518 posts
#reblogs - 384 posts
#rainiianswers - 272 posts
#om! mc - 190 posts
#obey me shall we date - 181 posts
#om! mammon - 144 posts
#om! lucifer - 108 posts
#om! brothers - 107 posts
#anon asks - 96 posts
#om! asmodeus - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#lucifer is only slightly mad mc would declare such a thing since he thinks only he should have a month for him lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
How would the brothers react to someone else saving MC from another demon? Maybe it would be their friend from RAD or just a passer by who saw MC nearly get attacked and decided to step it.
Then after they finish fighting, they turn to MC and ask if they need to go to the hospital or want aku-donalds on the way since "Well, some humans crave hamburgers after an injury... I think..."
When he felt your fear through the pact, he immediately set off to save you
He felt the fear dissipate, which worried him more
That worry turned into confusion as he saw you casually talking to a demon, with another demon passed out on the floor, but clearly still alive.
You see Lucifer approaching and you wave at him.
"Hey Luci!"
The demon tensed up and turns to see Lucifer, having a risen eyebrow as he stares holes into them
"L-Lord Lucifer! I swear I wasn't hurting MC!"
The eldest looks at you, to which you nod.
"Relax. I'm not going harm you."
"You saved my.. reckless partner, you can go."
The person nods and quickly scurries off.
Lucifer proceeds to pick you up and set the demon who almost attacked you ablaze, carrying you home while blocking your view so you don’t see the demon being burned alive
It didn’t take him long to get where you were
It took a minute to process the situation but immediately interjects between you and the demon, getting right up to their face
“Shoo, leave us alone”
You huff and pull him away.
“Mammon, don’t be like that! They saved me from being attacked”
He looks at the demon passed out and looks back at the demon who saved you
He tsks before looking away.
He was suppose to be your guardian..
What if this nice demon wasn’t there? What if you got hurt or worse..?
You noticed Mammon shaking lightly and you thank the kind demon before walking off with Mams in tow.
“Hey.. Mams, you alright?”
He simply pulls you into a hug and held you tightly
He didn’t want to lose you again.. He didn’t want to see you in pain again..
See the full post
208 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
I have woke up today and choose angst. May I please ask for headcanons for the demon brothers reacting to MC saying this
Mc: You guys are the worst brothers I've ever seen. I don't know how Mammon puts up with all of you but I feel sorry, he should have never fallen with you guys and just stayed an angel. He would have a better life in Celestia without any of you, your all hypocrites and at least he never tried to kill me. He should have left you all to perish in the war
*Rubs hands together like an evil villain* Hehehe Oh I'm so glad you came to me
Short Story:
All week.
All week, MC has been hearing is constant insults directed at Mammon, and they were pissed. The fact that Mammon had come to them for comfort multiple times in a day this week just goes to show how much they have been treating Mammon like he was nothing but trash.
It was at dinner time that MC finally had enough. MC were hearing nothing but cruel jokes and insults, seeing Mammon try to defend himself every time, but quickly be shut up by Levi, Satan or Lucifer.
“You’re such a scum! I must’ve done something horrible to deserve a brother like you!”
The pact command was enough to shut everyone up, as they all looked surprised and bewildered. Lucifer gave MC a glare, one they simply ignore. They go to take Mammon to his room. Before they left, a look of anger and pity wash over their face, showing just how disappointed they were in the brothers.
“You guys are the worst brothers I've ever seen. I don't know how Mammon puts up with all of you but I feel sorry,” They spat. “He should have never fallen with you guys and just stayed an angel.” Ouch.. That got some reactions, even from Mammon himself.
“He would have a better life in the Celestial Realm without any of you, you are all hypocrites and at least he never tried to kill me. He should have left you all to perish in the war.”
With that last icy line, MC dissolves the pact command and leads Mammon to his room, leaving everyone in shock of what just happened.
He was beyond shocked
Wasn’t sure whether to punish MC or just apologize
Maybe apologizing was best
But he certainly wasn’t able to do it right now
..Would Mammon really ended up better in the Celestial Realm?
Perhaps he would, but it was his decision to follow Lucifer..
Mammon had himself to blame for all the things he’s done.. right?
He was just trying to process everything they said as he gets up and walks to his office, dismissing everyone from dinner.
The prideful part of himself blamed Mammon, not claiming the responsibility of fucking him up.
But a small part of him did feel bad..
The fact they reminded him of the multiple murder attempts..
He knew that choosing Mammon as their protector was the best choice.
“Ugh.. What to do..?”
See the full post
226 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Diavolo watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Mammon: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
237 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
May I please ask headcanons for the demon bros reacting to Mammon giving them a a paper and saying this:
"I'll be moving out soon I got permission form Lord Diavolo and also some papers for you all to not come near or talk to me unless it's an important event. In short, we're no longer family, this good for you you guys since this is what you all wanted for so long."
A/N: Sorry if it’s not on par with some of my other Mammon angst, I hope you enjoy it regardless 😅Warnings: Anxiety/panic attack(?), ooc in some aspects ---
Short Story
It was dinner time, and everyone except Mammon was at the table. Everyone was wondering where he could be, his credit card was taken and the brothers thought he had no money as of now. Beel frowns and stares at Mammon's empty seat. Before he could say anything, the door opens and in came Mammon, with a stack of paper. "Mammon where were you?" Lucifer stood up. "At the castle." Mammon says dryly, giving him the papers. "I'll be moving out soon. I got permission form Lord Diavolo and also some papers for you all to not come near or talk to me unless it's an important event. In short, we're no longer family, this is good for you guys since this is what you all wanted for so long."
Lucifer was impatiently tapping his foot as he waited for the second eldest to come home
Usually, he wouldn’t care as much, but Mammon has been going out lot lately and he couldn’t help but worry
When Mams does return, he tells Lucifer he was at the castle while handing him the documents
What Mammon said and what the papers read..
It was restraining orders and a few other important papers
He.. He was going to lose another sibling.. Just like that..
Lucifer should've expected this, he pushed Mammon too hard, he abused Mammon so much, he wasn't being a brother..
He could only watch as Mammon goes to his room, supposedly to pack his stuff up
As much as he wanted to convince Mammon to stay, he knew any attempt would end up being useless
He tensed and shook, spitefully gripping the papers he has been given
Lucifer failed as a brother..
Mammon being gone was normal for him
Maybe he has been dealing with witches for the past few days
The nervous looks his brothers were giving made him worry though
Everything is fine, Mammon is fine.. Right?
Levi perks up the minute Mammon came back
But what he said made him freeze with shock
Moving out..? Mammon was moving out?
And they are no longer family?!
After Mammon left, he shrunk in on himself
His vision blurred and his breathing became heavy
Levi was quick to excuse himself and go back to his room, grab a weighted blanket and just hope all of this is a bad nightmare..
See the full post
249 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Crows Habits | MC x Mammon?? |
A/N: I haven't been able to write a lot and overall I've just been really tired so have this because I was actually motivated today It's not so much "MC x Mammon" as I would of liked but oh well -------
You were in the human world, walking through the park with a bag of breadcrumbs as usual, hoping to find the crows that you usually fed when up here, surely enough they were on trees near the private bench area you chose to sit at. When you began dropping the breadcrumbs for the near crows, you're reminded of Mammon, crows were his animal after all, so it's hard not to be reminded of him. You hear a chirp beside you on the left side and looked down, noticing it was a crow with some shiny things, coins, rings and keys.  Picking the items up to investigate them, you remembered reading a book on crows habits and facts and realizing they were very much like the things Mammon did. "Crows understand the concept of gifts" A small smile snuck itself onto your lips, must be gifts for feeding them, even if you don't get the chance everyday since you're usually up in the Devildom. Like this crow, Mammon often gives you gifts even if you don't give something first, he's sometimes proud of the gift and other times he would just completely deny it while looking away. After admiring the things the crows gave you and giving a small thank you, you noticed there were a bunch of crows flocking near you to be fed, which you happily did as you remembered another crow fact that you read. "Crows remember who has been kind to them and tells other crows about the nice humans." Similar to Mammon, he often gets a chance to brag about what a nice human you are, even to the other brothers or exchange students. Of course that lead to other demons wanting to get to know you, either to take advantage of you or just genuinely get to know you, it became obvious after a while. You noticed after a while that different crows had different accents and dialect as you heard them cawing and making other sounds to communicate with other crows, once again reminding you of that accent Mammon has. "Feedin' crows, are ya?" You turn to look behind you and saw the shaggy white haired guy himself.  "What are you doing here?" "Somethin' through the pact told me ya were thinkin' about me" "Yes, I was, Mams" You kiss his cheek as you continue feeding the murder of crows, finding it a bit cute how much he flushed up from that unexpected kiss on the cheek. "Well uhm-" He clears his throat. "...I was thinkin' about you too.." He quietly admits. "Aww, really?" "Y-Yea.." "Well, do you want to help me feed the crows before you go back" "Sure, got nothin' better to do."
286 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fr0st-km · 3 years
Bestie I know that you’re a fucking SIMP for Jamil and anda CANNOT fool AKU👹
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So simple, make a yandere Jamil x reader, g*blok🗿
Basically, during Jamil’s overblot- anda remembers that sly MOTHERFUCKING snake YEETED da BOIS away, right right?
Jadi, here’s the fun 🤩 *insert cute girl’s EHE*
Jamil ended up not flinging MC away like a birb and kept her 🗿 Kamu bisa pikir apa yang terjadi next— 👀
“ MY JEWEL ” Jamil
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Female s/o . Yandere shit . Terima kasih dah request!
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The first time you had ever met Jamil was the time when you and Grim had to investigate the incident where students who were participating in magift tournament had gotten injured and Jamil was one of them.
At first glance, he seemed to be an ordinary student who wasn’t special. Though, once one spends most of their time with him more, they will soon understand that Jamil is indeed a special being.
And you did just that.
A few days after Leona’s overblot, you had bumped into Jamil along the way to your assigned classroom and surprisingly, he remembers you. The two of you had arranged schedules for when will you both spend time with each other again. Sometimes, Kalim will invite you to one of Jamil’s private tutoring and you did appreciate it very much, Jamil did as well but definitely did not like it when Kalim interrupts the two of you having a conversation together.
Each one of the hours you spent with Jamil just made your feelings for him bloom into a beautiful flower. However, you kept it in your heart, never once did you express your love for the Scarabia vice-dorm leader. However, you didn’t realize that Jamil was madly in-love with you, he always yearned for your touch and just wants to put a stop to him being a servant so that he can spend time with you more.
He puts on a disappointed expression on his face whenever he spots you talking to your dear friends, the A-Deuce combo and Grim. He wanted freedom, yet no one allowed him to receive his freedom at all. The amount jealousy he felt when he sees another man having a conversation with you, Jamil wished it was him. He loves your smile, your laugh, and basically everything about you.
He wanted to have you all to himself.
“My dear jewel…Where could you be hiding?”
You covered your mouth with both of your hands, breathing heavily as you felt a bead of sweat trailing down from your forehead to cheek while hiding behind a pillar. You felt…Scared. You had never expected Jamil to overblot, the thought never crossed your mind.
You witnessed your friends getting flung out from the Scarabia dorm to who knows where. You felt a wave of guilt wash over you, was it your fault that Jamil flung the others away? Is Jamil going to kill you? Questions drowned your mind, not realizing the footsteps that grew louder than before.
You quickly came back into your senses and froze, ‘Wh-Where did he go…?’ You thought before taking a small peek from the pillar hesitantly. You didn’t see anyone and sighed, is he finally gone now?
You thought that you were at peace but never realized the shadow looming over you.
You wanted to scream. I tried to scream
But no words came out from your mouth. but my head is underwater
Jamil chuckled at your trembling state, deep, black irises pierced into your figure. He placed a hand on your shoulder as you felt blot staining your blazer, you gripped your pants out of fear, scared that the male will hurt you.
Though instead, he whispered something in your ear, his tone was soft, but there was a mix of anger in it.
“Hide and seek’s over, my dear jewel.”
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xxxsoukokuxxx · 3 years
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Sapphire Moonlight
Character: Akutagawa x reader
Warnings: Might be some spelling/grammar errors
Notes: I am once again in the mood to write. I realize that I am writing for Aku more often now but that's because my blog kinda lacks content for him and I am finding myself simping for him more and more...anyway hope you enjoy and I highly recommend listening to Senorita by Camila Cabello & Shawn Mendes whilst reading this!
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You felt warm against him, a complete contrast to the icy breeze which belonged to midnight. He felt the light weight of your head resting on his shoulder as you both sat on the edge of a random rooftop of one of Yokohama's buildings.
It was comforting. With a soft sigh, Akutagawa rested his head upon yours and he reached to hold your hand in his. Ice! You were startled when he grabbed both your hands into his and started rubbing them with his own, with the seldom gust of hot air he blew from his mouth into the well created by your hands.
His eyes glided up to meet yours, "You really should wear gloves when it's this cold." he says. You let out a little laugh, "Why do that when I have you to keep me warm!"
The most I can say is that he was not amused and rolled his eyes whilst continuing to warm up your hands which felt like ice cubes at this point. But you both knew who the real ice cube was in this relationship.
Only by your warmth could he melt.
You got up which surprised him. Hands in your pockets, you decided to stare up at the sky. Whether you were admiring the glittering orbs in the sky or deep in thought he didn't know. So he decided to find out.
He took a few long strides towards you and came to a halt right in front of your form. Directing your attention from whatever had it before to his stern, iron gaze you tilted your head to the side which made you look innocent unintentionally.
Those bubbly eyes and innocent expression never failed to make his stoic self fall apart. A light blush crept across the apples of his pale cheeks. Damn he wished he didn't melt every time when with you.
He felt himself being enveloped by a hug from you. He looked down and saw you smiling playfully at him, were you intentionally making him flustered by your cuteness?
You felt his hand slither down to your waist and a tight grip which softened. Another hand taking a hold of your left hand and you felt yourself gliding across the cemented ground beneath you against his chest.
A look of surprise evident on your face, he smirks and rests his head upon yours. You giggle as he twirls his body around with yours in slow circles and such. "What?" he asks softly, voice slightly muffled by your hair.
"There's no music." you replied looking up to meet his gaze. His eyes looked as if they were in a dream, just a bit hazy. Maybe it was him losing himself in your love. Akutagawa noticed the way the moonlight danced across your features, highlighting all of your beauty.
"Then we just dance to the rhythm of our heartbeats." he says before burying his nose in your hair and placing your hand he was holding on his shoulder. You were content in his arms, face in the crook of his neck with eyes closed.
A soft and sweet sensation could be felt in his hands spreading throughout his body. It was almost ticklish and warm. A smile graced his lips and he leans down to kiss the spot just beneath your ear. He heard a little giggle emit from you, perhaps it felt ticklish or maybe it just made you feel happy.
Ah, how beautiful you were. The only warmth able to melt him.
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
Hi there, just wondering if I could put in a request for Ranpo, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Atsushi and Kunikida working with (and maybe even falling for???) someone who is super energetic and boisterous (reminiscent of bb nishinoya)?
I hope this makes sense 🥺 have a good day/night
❥ Bsd Characters working and falling for an energetic reader
Includes: Ranpo,Kunikida, Chuuya, Atsushi and Akutagawa
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ᴀ/ɴ: I hope you like this 🥺❤️ I hope you have a wonderful day/night as well dear! This will be fun since I am a Nishinoya kinnie 👀
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Ranpo Edogawa:
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This adorable bby
Chaotic duo
You guys are literally the sunshine’s of the Agency
He loves hanging out with you
You are the only person he shares his snacks with
Ranpo, yosano and you are a wonderful trio
Your missions together are always enjoyable and fun
Makes you laugh because he loves the sound of your laugh but you didn’t hear that from me
So yeah he would love working with you
It always brightens up his day
He literally subconsciously smiles when you enter
You guys like to buy candy and stroll the around the city together
Now falling for you
It will be a very fun rollercoaster for our dear detective
You can sometimes be unexpected even to him
Despite being an open book and being the most energetic and sunshine bby in the agency
Sometimes he gets surprised with stuff you do
If you hug him out of excitement then he will be normal in front of you and hug you
With a cute “YAY Y/N-CHAN HUGS!”
But after you turn your cute face away he wil be a blushing mess
And alone
He will be reconsidering his life choices and thank the heavens about blessing him with you
Let’s talk about when someone makes you sad
He will guilt trip them and ruin their self-esteem
“Are you stupid enough to make Y/N sad?”
He will give you his candy so your cute smile can be present again
Kunikida Doppo:
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opposites attract check ✨
Yes queen
However he finds you somewhat more tolerable than another bandage wasting machine
He does keep your hyper state at bay though
“Y/N calm down.”
Smile at him though and he will let you do anything you want
Except blowing up the city 🤡
Enjoys your company when you are calm
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t when you are energetic
He enjoys it nonetheless but likes calm conversations between you two
Likes to softly smack you on the head with his book of ideals
He doesn’t like people who hit innocent ladies
Smiles at you when he sees you happy
Behind your back tho
A fond soft smile
Soft kunikida yay <3
He is like your legal guardian
Speaking of “hehe” or giggling
He loves it
And when he falls for you, your personality would be a major reason
“She doesn’t meet 13 of my ideals...HOW DID I FALL FOR HER”
Cue you laughing and greeting him
“Oh yeah that’s why”
You balance out the serious or stern attitude of his with the bubbly and energetic attitude of yours
Ruffles your hair when he is proud
Is kunikda the type to wink?
Absolutely not
Unless ;)
Sometimes you prank our dear blonde here so yes he gets a little mischievous with you
You are buried in a lot of work?
Kunikida will pass by and wink at you
Yes that fine man is what got you the work
And that’s the only time you will find him winking at your perfect figure (yes you are perfect and if you dare oppose then I will hug you to death)
Kunikida winking pls 🤭
He will scold anyone who dares and make you sad
They don’t but he hates seeing you down
Chuuya Nakahara:
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You are his child that he will beat anyone that will touch or make sad
He sees you as this precious day of sunshine in the port mafia
That literally makes everyone smile
He protects you with his laifu cause you are a potential waifu
But we will talk about that later on
He enjoys working with you
You make the mission much lighter to deal with
If he is annoyed and can’t handle any noise around him
Then he will calmly ask you to calm down and tell you that he had a rough day before
He loves how you are understanding and nod smiling
Pets your head
Kouyou taught elegance for nothing 😔
He starts falling for your cute self
At a point chuuya will view your smile as a blessing
Specially if he is the one who causes it
Loves your personality and how you never fail to cheer him up
Soft smiles whenever you aren’t looking cause my man has a reputation to keep
He adores your hugs btw
“Thanks sunshine”
Yes that is his nickname for you even before getting together
You know how sometimes people run their knuckles onto someone’s head when mad?
He does that when you do something stupid
But he does it gently
When you are sad
Then all hell is let loose
At everyone but you 🥰
And Mori cause Chuuya isn’t fucked up in the mind so he can mess with that guy
Will let you hug him out
Tries and make you smile by telling you funny stories about dazai and how stupid he is
“You are my sunshine. My only sunshine.”
A line he had wrote in his diary while describing you
Yes I believe he has a diary but it will die with him
Atsushi Nakajima:
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He adores you
Like another bby that will protect you
You are like Kenji but more energetic
He can never say no to you
Gets beyond flustered when you hug him
Likes seeing you hyper
Watches over you in case shit goes down
He enjoys missions with you
They are so much fun :0
You guys even go around Yokohama and get whatever you want after you are done
These cutesy smiles whenever you are super excited over something
Will get you anything and everything
Will apologize on your behalf if someone gets harmed by whatever you did
Per example
You broke a vase in the blinds of being so excited for the mission
Atsu will put you behind him and apologize
The owner of the bar of course will forgive you cause
A cute innocent boy and a ball of sunshine standing in front of him
He can’t be a cruel little shit to you so he lets you go without anything
Probably gives you something as a souvenir 🤡
He will do anything so you don’t ever feel down
However if you do then he will be by your side trying to making you laugh
Comfort you
You name it
He treasures your smile dearly even before loving you romantically
But as bby fell for you
He payed attention to little things you do even more
If he isn’t working on something on the agency then he is staring at you with a smile and releases a dreamy sigh
He could be going through a shit of a day and he will be at his best when he sees you
You know how he got flustered over hugging him?
Yeah now he becomes a tomato and lays on the floor fanboying
Whenever you greet him then he will blush, rub the back of his neck and waves shyly
His crush on you is so obvious though
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
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It’s heaven and hell for him hen he works with you
You are a great duo
But that’s not the actual heaven part
So what’s good about it is that he finds your presence sort of comforting
He can’t handle it
Literally like tsukki to yams
“Y/N shut up”
“No :D”
Little glares when you are too loud
He doesn’t really care about anyone around him
It slightly bothers him when you are down
He is so used to your bubbly and energetic attitude so to see something opposite to that is
Annoying in a sense or another
Flicks your forehead
“Cheer up idiot, it’s weird when you are sad”
How considerate wow
And falling for you would be something that surprised him
Aside from Higuchi trying to kill you
Aku started to savor your energetic attitude or aura
Slowly liked it
He even smiles a really really smol smile when you are looking at something
Pats you on the shoulder when proud
Yes he is copying “DAZAiIIIiiiiIi-sAaAaAAaaN”
Also now he can’t say no to you
Keep jumping around while smiling and saying please
And akutagawa will go “tch”
And let you get whatever you want
Oh yeah now that he likes you
Anyone that makes you sad loses an arm 😽
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Hiii was wondering if you could write chuuya trying to find his s/o but finds her with Q and their just playing around even tho their very dangerous and can kill her so chuuya gets protective over her (you can choose dazai too!)
Or a part two of Akutugawas secret s/o but this time hichegui meeting her or dazai meeting her??
Thank you and take care!
C/n: I’ll choose the second option since I did Chuuya with Q already :). Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
It’s Her. (Akutagawa x Reader)
Higuchi stood by the entrance of the mall as she waited for her superior. Her foot taps the ground in anticipation as she wonders why he wanted to talk to her. “What if I pissed him off again? Oh man, Higuchi. Stupid.” She hits her head with her fist and closes her eyes.
Footsteps approach her and taps her head to capture her attention. Higuchi opens her eyes to see Akutagawa in front of her. “S-Sir!” She stutters and he nods. “Let’s go.” He walked past and Higuchi followed behind. She had no idea what he had planned but by the looks of it, he was going to a shop.
They came up to a cute coffee shop and stood outside. Akutagawa looked inside and Higuchi saw his lips pick up into a smile. She followed his gaze to see her. Y/n was behind the counter, talking to a customer with a smile on her face. “Let’s head inside.” Akutagawa says and walks in. He sat down at a vacant table and Higuchi sat across him. Akutagawa crossed his arms and sat quietly as Higuchi took a look around. A very nice interior with a homey atmosphere.
“Aku!” A cheery voice calls to him and he immediately turned to the person. He got up and smiled at his girl. “Hi, darling.” He says in the, perhaps sweetest voice Higuchi has ever heard coming from him. “Sorry. Did I keep you waiting?” Y/n asks and he shakes his head. “We just arrived actually.” He pulls open a chair for her and pushes it in as she sits down then goes back to his seat.
“Hello. Higuchi, right?” Y/n asks and sticks her hand out to her, “I’m Y/n L/n.” Higuchi nods and shakes her hand. “Nice to meet you, Y/n.”
“Likewise. So, Akutagawa tells me that you tried finding out who I am.” Y/n says and giggles at Higuchi’s embarrassed face. “It’s alright. I guess I would’ve done the same if my grumpy superior had a girlfriend he didn’t mention.”
“Hey.” Akutagawa buts in and Y/n cups his face. “Just kidding, babe. But it is true. You are a grump.” She moves a hair out of his face and he grumbles. “Y/n?” Higuchi calls and she looks at her. “I’m so sorry, Higuchi. Yes?”
“How long have you two..?” Higuchi motions between them. “Been together? I’d say about eight months?” “Nine months.” Akutagawa says and Y/n looks at him confused. “Nine? Oh! You’re counting that. Then yeah. Nine.” Y/n smiles at Higuchi who chuckles nervously.
The entire time there, Y/n told Higuchi about her and Akutagawa and Higuchi told her about him at work. She was so friendly and lovely to talk to. There was never a dull moment of silence between them. Akutagawa hardly spoke, except for here and there.
When the day ended, Higuchi stood far away as Akutagawa bid farewell to his love. Higuchi snuck a peak at the couple to see Akutagawa kissing her fingers and talking to her. Then Y/n kissed his cheek then he kisses her lips making Y/n blush and hide her face in his shoulder. But after a final kiss goodbye, Akutagawa walked to Higuchi to walk her home.
“Sir, you don’t really need to walk me home.” She says. “I promised Y/n I would.” He simply says and she nods. “What did you think of her, Higuchi?” He asks after a moment of silence. “She’s very nice, sir. You both are lovely together.” Higuchi smiles and Akutagawa nods. “Good. Whenever you’re out patrolling and such make sure to buy something from her coffee shop.”
“Oh! She owns it? The coffee tasted great.”
“Yes. She worked really hard to get that shop up and running. I remember insisting on just buying the store for her but she said no and that was our first and last big fight.” He shakes his head thinking about it. “Don’t worry, sir. I’ll make sure to buy something from her again.”
When Higuchi was home she thought about how happy her superior looked with her. How he looked at her when she didn’t know, how he played with hair and how he always had a hand on her. It made Higuchi happy that he was happy. Especially if it was her that made him happy.
“God I’m such a simp for him. I want to kiss him so badly. Sob.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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sonder-paradise · 3 years
I love your writing! Do you have any suggestions for some good overall funny/fluffy hcs/oneshots of any bsd characters?
Thank you!! I have so many I don't think I could fit my favorites in just one :D But here are my tops!
Osamu Dazai:
hugs and kisses by @/kittydripuwu
PM!Dazai [and Chuuya] cuddle and kisses headcannons! So cute and so soft <33
Lazy Cuddles (Don't let go!) by @/trashykawahq
Sweet and fluffy cuddling scenario with Dazai after a long mission~ Please drink water while reading :)
Reward System by @/trashykawahq
Another adorable scenario!! Good for my readers that are struggling with studies~
a domestic day off by @/starglow-xx
Dazai is a shit but he is your shit- Some lovely Steven Universe references as well!
Come See The Stars by @/kiyokoxd
PM!Dazai and stargazing is always the sweetest <33
Atsushi Nakajima:
Crushing on You by @/nameless-shrimp
jfiekam so freaking- please hug- I love-
"Tell Me Again" by @/whorefordazai
Another adorable one that makes me wanna hug the little Weretiger-
BSD Boys having a Crush by @/fashionablyfailing12
Includes Odasaku, Dazai, and Chuuya but I really enjoyed Atsushi's since it was so soft-
Relationship Headcanons by @/todorokichills
A lovely combo of crack and fluff~ In conclusion, Atsushi deserves goodness :)
Whatever you say by @/straycat-writes
Kitten and Atsushi. What more can I say? :D
Doppo Kunikida:
Recharge by @/kunikiiida-kuuun
I didn't know I could feel so soft and so indescribable at the same time-
Eternally Mine by @/greenshirtimagines
Marriage proposal scenarios with Atsushi and Sigma as well~ Tooth-rottenly fluffy if you love marriage proposals
A Moment to Breathe by @/trashykawahq
made me question if I was a Kunikida simp-
Jealousy on the Agenda by @/bsdparadise (yes shameless plugin)
no comment but I quite like the crack/fluff in it :)
Unfinished Letter by @/honeypirate
veikavnme holy shit it made me swoon and it was so delicate I loved the characterization of him
Chuuya Nakahara:
Matching onesies with him by @/hanazou
So freaking adorable and combined with some Dazai and Oda as well~ Please lemme wear a dino onesie with him-
Untitled by @/missrown
A sweet date with 15!Chuuya that makes my heart swell <3
Paradise by @/animatedarchives
I'm not about to spoil this for anyone but damn I'm reading it again for my bday <33
Househusband Chuuya by @/jadegreenimmortality
aaaaaaaa domestic fluff and crack?? sign me the heck up because this was so adorable!!
"Wanna dance?" by @/tender-rosiey
dancing with Chuuya istg this was the softest thing in the world please-
Ryunosuke Akutagawa:
kiss and tell by @/starglow-xx
please hug him because this was adorable~ Perfect blend of fluff and just more fluff
Cuddling the Silent Rabid Dog by @/spicyfoodboi
Some more Aku cuddling headcanons that made me wanna cuddle him until he understood how important he is T^T
companion by @/kingtsvmu
soft aku soft aku soft aku soft ak-
"I'll carry you if you're tired" by @/shadyteacup
just more soft aku that made me wanna cry from how badly I love him- Perfect for those wanting some physical attention~
Babying Rashoumon by @/discoten
We love some good Rashoumon shit but soft aku makes his return T^T
This took two billion years to search through my archives for but this is my rec list for these characters!! I hope you enjoy :D
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ma3mae · 1 year
Welcome to my page 💞
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Lmao nice, you found my page 🤡. Anyway I'm Mae and I've been here for quite some time tbh but with (sadly) plenty of hiatuses. Ppl originally came here for my story "Two worlds" (which im still working on, its just rly rly slow :((() but i started writing again bc ive finally caught up with bsd and it inspired me to start writing again in general! I'd love some requests but even if i dont get any, I'll still write some random hc's, stories and more bc i gotta use the motivation i have rn! Because of work i'll atleast try to upload smth every 2 days so yall in for smth (until my brain decides to shut off and not let me write again 💀) Anyway now onto my
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Bungou Stray Dogs
-No one likes syringes! (hc with dazai, atsushi, kunikida, aku and chuuya)
-No brain, just horny! (Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa) hc
-No brain, just horny! 2 (Chuuya, Akutagawa, Nikolai and a bit of fyodor) hc
- I feel like sleeping on the couch tonight! (hc and lowkey drabble with Fukuzawa, Ranpo and Tetchou)
- Don't be so annoyed, love! (hc Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo)
- Exams are a hassle! (Chuuya x Reader) oneshot
-In sickness and health (Chuuya x Reader) continuation of Exams are a hassle!
- Cherry Sweet Kiss! (Tetchou x Reader) oneshot
- Love has no bounds! (Knight! Tetchoux Princess! Reader) oneshot
- Don't be so antsy! (Tetchou x Reader) mix of hc and oneshot
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-how the characters would help you with an assignment! (caitlyn, jinx and vi)
- Arcane Story Masterlist "Two worlds"
-"Two worlds" moodboard
-short future story idea (jinx x reader)
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Bsd: Majority of charas (the kids only platonic, pls no smut or smth with them or ill put u to jail 📸) not reading the manga so just a heads up if you request for charas that havent been seen in the anime yet! Also wont be writing about mori bc i c why ppl simp for him but i cant 😩 fyodor's also a bit tricky but i can try 🛐
- Hubby gets some help (IL Dan Heng x Reader x Blade) Drabble
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Who I'll write for!
Demon Slayer: I still gotta watch season 2... Pls no nezuko romantically... I beg you 🛐
Arcane: everyone except heimerdinger and silco bc im not into yordles and... silco is silco..
Also some characters in from League of Legends in general but just ask which charas bc listing the ones i wont write for is just too long of a list 😐
Jjk: all charas but only from the anime bc.. im not reading the manga yet again...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: All jojo's and their respective gangs! Also other supporting charas but just ask and ill say if i write for them, lol
-still debating about dio bc i get why ppl simp for him but man's legit traumatised many generations of one family and prob hundreds of other ppl 💀
Naruto: main cast and akatsuki lol, u can request side charas too but im not gonna count every one of them bc yeaaaaaaah too long
Final fantasy 7 : all main casts from all ff7 games
Kingdom hearts: Organisation 13 and main cast!
Honkai Star Rail: all playable characters! (kid charas only platonic 💕)
still gotta think which other series but tbh my brain can only keep track of like some while ive consumed over 100 or smth and the ones that i like were streamed 6-7 years ago or smth 😭😭😭😭 but im currently in a bsd brainrot so give plenty of request for that rn if u want to LOL
Have fun on my page yall ✋💅
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Saya berhasil di sini!  Aku tahu, aku juga heran.  Saya harap Anda mendapatkan istirahat yang layak Anda dapatkan dan minum teh💙
As the social anxious person I am, I read this on the party😂 Dont worry, I danced a couple of times, but I was in a table with my sister, her boyfriend and my two cousins with 4 and 10 years of difference with me, and we don't really have a good relationship... Also they were just discussing their love lives and telling the dirtiest jokes that I was trying not to die laughing😂😂)
Anyway, I really will try to keep this short bc I love him so much and every single thing here made me love and laugh and jdhsjsus
He is finally at peace in Edom!!!! I stan.
Alec staying up until Max's cries and comforting him is the softest shit EVER💙💙
Ragnor sitting in the throne and reading magazines😎😎 also he remembered his birthday!!! Jsjsjsk
I mean I get warlocks are wary of these changes. It makes total sense
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Lilith is a mood😎
Rest in peace, hot and sexy beard😔
The intimacy of that scene, just them in their couch and watching TV... 🥺💙
“How do you feel about shipping Max off to the Cayman Islands?” Shut up, you love him fjjdjdjsj
The way they cant stay away from their kids for much jdjsjsisjs love them
Rafe and Max already knowing😂
✨Mavid and Rosewood✨
Anjali really is something else💙💙
“I will not be tolerating Nemo slander!”  Yeah dude!! Its a classic!!!
Game night is the best!!! Rosewood being competitive little shits and David being too good for this world jdjdjsj
Battle of the Consuls😂 and the teams omg
“Let’s destroy my beautiful family.” No one can do it like them
All the dirty jokes kill me, seriously. I'm in a table with my family I can't be laughing like this😂😂
Alec really said: We are going to flirt our way out of this one guys😏😎
I said it before and I'll say it again: They are just horny little shits!!!
“Evil hot people,”  and "chaotic gayness" 😂You can’t deny the facts :)
Malec flirting even after 15 years is literally everything that is right in my life💙💙
I bet Alec would like that tattoo😏
All of them. Really. Just them eating cake and celebrating. I love that whole family so fucking much💙💙
“I don’t need a tattoo,” Magnus said again. “I’ll remember you. Forever. I promise.” 🥺🥺
I need Rafe to organize my parties
The both look FINE AS HELL
Poor Max😂 stuck between two in love idiots💙
“Yes. Yes, it feels real to me too.” “Then that’s all that matters,” Alec kissed him between the eyebrows. (Bro. Dude. Man. They are the cutest)
Of course Max suggested suits😂😂
The fuck?!? they are ALL hot, badass BITCHES!!!
Cant blame David. With those looks, I also have a suit kink for everyone....
Yeah, no one can tell shit to them. They did worse... At least this is not hell, huh!!?!!
I could hack them all with that security😂
All of them>>>>>
“Do you trust me?” Alec asked, holding out a hand. Magnus took it in his hand and kissed the center of Alec’s palm. “With all my immortal heart.” 💙💙💙💙
Ok, I'm already home, so I'll just move quickly..
All of it. France. The ride. The landscape. Wow. I'm emo all over again jdjshsns
I'm really happy they discovered the power the seashells has and talked about it and about Max and Leviathan🥺 comunication wins again yall
Dvaid and Alec really be like: "I'm gonna love my inmortal partner so much and give him a chance to have someone else for forever even tho I'm their forever" and we STAN.
“You are my heart, Magnus Bane. I won’t let anything happen to it.” beautiful, beautiful parallels💜💙
YES HE IS HIS ALEXANDER!!!! And the fact he has always felt safe🥺🥺🥺
He really is a simp jdsjsjdbsos
Only Alec could throw a really powerful object like that smh 😂
This family I shit you not is fucking beautiful!!! And Max giving Magnus snow EXCUSE ME WHILE I LOVE THEM FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE
He didn’t dream FUCK YEAH. Thats so sexy😎 and more parallels👀
I could rant for 5 hours about how I loved this and love him forever and after, but I think you already know, because no one with some common sense can look at this man with anything but love and admiration💙💙💙
Moving on, its 4 a.m, I'm tired, a lil drunk and I look like a fucking zombie, so I think I'll get some rest and wake up at 1 p.m kdjdjdjsk
Aku akan pergi sekarang karena tubuhku memohon agar aku pergi tidur😂 Sampai jumpa!!
Reading fanfiction (or just reading) at a party is the sexiest shit ever good for you bebe keep being sexy!!
I'm so glad you liked this one. Your live blogs always makes me smile (and grin wildly)
Socialising is fucking exhausting. So, I hope you get some good rest <3
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inkantigen · 3 years
from one anonymous aku simp to another, lemme say that your acc is very very beautiful i love all of you’re posts they’re all fantastic and amazing and brilliant
Thank you so much, Anon-san. I enjoy drawing Aku and I'm happy to know that others like my art. I always appreciate the support.
Thank you again for this message!
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millimillimochi · 4 years
alright, anon time babey
@smpblr-hospi you just so happen to be a wonderful fuckin person whom i love with my entire heart. you were one of the first people i interacted with, and i never wanna lose that friendship. ty for being so wonderful
@smpblr-dino listen bitch, as much as i joke around, im so glad i got to know you, and im still glad i get to consider you my friend. im glad i get to fuck around with you. those stupid ass conversations will always be some of my fondest memories. i genuinely did cry when you "died" lmao. and im still proud of stealing your bones
@smpblr-heart LISTEN SIMP, ily lots man! seeing you being chaotic on my dash or in the anon server will always be one of my favorite things. even though you bully me for being short, thank you for quite literally bringing fun to my life.
@smpblr-dice the one and only mystery king! while i wasnt able to help with the mystery stuff as much as i wanted to, i was watching the mystery gang figure things out right up until the very end. it was a fun experience and im so glad i got to watch it happen
@smpblr-galaxy galaxy, you are literally the cutest anon ive gotten the pleasure of interacting with, and im always down to talk more. thank you for being so absolutely wonderful. you always seem to bring pure positivity to my dash or my inbox, and i love you for that
@smpblr-snail alright fucker. youre absolutely wonderful and sometimes i wonder where all that positivity came from. im sorry we dont talk as much, but i only have myself to blame for that one. thank you for being amazing
@sparkle-anon-aku yoo!!! the anon who inspired me to create my blog! thank you so much for being so, so sweet and caring about others so much. youre genuinely amazing, and i love you so damn much.
@smp-grape-nonnie wow! an amazing artist and the anon i figured out a little bit too slowly. i genuinely felt dumb when i finally figured you out lmao. but thank you for being as wonderful as you are, both on and off anon, youre someone i genuinely look up to as both an artist and a person. so again, thank you.
@smpblr-si yo! while i know you havent been active on your anon in awhile, id like to say this anyway. on anon, you can be genuinely scary, but seeing as youve dmed me about how awful english is, its a bit funny seeing that formal style and knowing that youre struggling with it lmao. but no matter what, youre always absolutely wonderful to talk to and im so glad i get to know you
alright, im gonna stop with the emoji anons because this post is already getting long as hell, and at this rate it would need a part two lmaoo
for the letter nons, i literally cannot tag all of you, but youre all absolutely amazing. thank you for being your chaotic selves, both on tumblr and in the anon server. yall always seem to have something going on when im not at my best, and that helps. all of you are cuties n ily lots!
so if i didnt tag you here, my apologies. im going off the top of my head and this post is long as hell already. but know that all of the anons hold a special place in my heart. im so glad that ive gotten to interact with the majority of you at one point or another. yall are the honest to god reason ive been happy and having fun the last few months. thank you for that
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