gmanwhore · 2 years
“Care about”
He is my beloved brother Akitaki
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My beloved brother Akitaki is emo now
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Yoooooooooooo, what? :0
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asinoeiv · 4 years
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it’s on redbubble
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kazimortem · 4 years
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violatakizawaqueen · 4 years
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All done! My Valentines Day fanart of my relationship with Seidou Takizawa and Akira Mado! I'm running away from loser ex who hates anime, treated me poorly, and ruined Holidays few times in the past. I found my relationship with Seidou Takizawa and Akira Mado. 
Akira: "You deserve so much better. You don't have to put up with Elias shit by letting him ruin Holidays, drain you down, or criticize you for enjoying the things you love. You can wear black clothes whatever the hell you want. You can color your hair whatever the hell you want. You can go out and travel to see your friends and family. You can say 'NO' to anyone, you shouldn't have to do favors for anyone. Don't feel guilty for saying NO, you have the right to put yourself first. It's not your problem. They want to be your friend just because you have a car, apartment, or your money. Some people just want to control your time and energy because you have nice things which its called manipulation and jealousy. Don't let anyone drain you down emotionally and mentally. It's not up to them. They can't control you. You did not deserve to be treated poorly or used in that kind of way. You deserved to feel loved and safe. Come home with us."
Seidou: "Who needs those damn flying monkeys. Elias has tiny dick energy because he's ignorant and he has no respect. He's done nothing but made you feel trapped. You don't need to put up with his abuse. You have me and Akira. You know how much we love and care about you. You've been through enough terrible events in your life. You are safe with us. You are coming home with us. You can cuddle/sleep with us in the same bed, long as you bring us extra blankets and pillows to share. If anyone hurts you, Mado and I will kill them." 
*hugging both of them and crying on their shoulders* I feel loved by Seidou and Akira.
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linkspooky · 5 years
What makes you ship seiaki?
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Edit by @inumaqi 
I ship Seiaki because from the start they have always been the center of each other’s eyes. There is no one else who is closer to Akira, no one else who regards her as a person outside of her role in the CCG, and as the daughter of Mado to the same extent that Seidou does. 
Sieou and Akira actively humanize one another. Which is the reason why they both harm each other so deeply. They have left the deepest wound’s on one another and are each other’s deepest comfort. I’ll put the rest of my opinion under the cut. Remember this is an opinion about a ship so it’s highly personal. 
1. Mado’s Daughter
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The CCG as an establishment has always been a dehumanizing force. Seidou and Akira as characters are both actively dehumanized by it. Not just in the fact that Seidou loses his own humanity as becomes a ghoul hybrid, but also within the constraints of the CCG, Akira is never allowed to be seen as her own individual person. She is always an extension of her father and mother’s success. Akira cannot achieve anything on her own because she is the daughter of two ghoul investigators. Akira cannot want anything for herself because she is always living up to the crushing expectations of who her parents are. 
This is literally how we are introduced to Akira in the manga. She appears in front of Mado’s grave, and the first thing she says is that she is his dauhter. For Akira’s identity first and foremost it has always been about who her parents are. Akira is never enough for anybody around her, because what they see is not her, but rather her father. 
She lives her life continually trying to please a mother she has never met, and a father who is already dead and cannot give her his approval even if she lives her entire life exactly as she wanted to. Akira’s not just lonely, she’s actively isolated by the environment around her that encourages her not to live for herself but for the sake of her parents. 
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Even the relationship between Amon and Akira the other man she’s the closest to after Seidou, is entirely based around their mutual mourning of Akira’s father. Amon never onces sees Akira as herself, he always sees her as an extension of who her father was. I say this with confidence because every single time the two of them have a moment alone together Amon mentions Mado. The site of their first meeting, their almost kiss, is at his grave. 
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When Amon and Akira are not talking about work, they have no personal connection other than in a work capacity. Amon only wants to invite Akira drinking because that is how Shinohara advised him that a good superior treats his subordinate. Amon escehews any personal talk beyond that because he does not function as a person outside of the framework of the CCG at all. 
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The only time Amon shows any attachment at all is when he becomes incredibly violent and angry over his personal want to protect her. Which once again is something Amon does in the name of her father, because Amon sees himself as someone who has failed to protect her father. 
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Amon gets close to her out of guilt for letting her father die. His feelings towards her are either based entirely around her father, or reside within the structure of the CCG. She is his subordinate and he has to take care of her. Amon himself never once lets himself see Akira for who she really is. 
Every single moment they are together and they confide in one another, Akira talks about her parents. She talks about her father with Amon around because Amon is the one who most reminds her of her father, and he also reinforces what Akira thinks she has to do which is to live by her father’s wishes. 
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Amon never once sees that being seen as Mado’s daughter is what isolates her. Instead he thinks it’s a good thing that she wants to live entirely for her father’s sake. Amon never questions the role or the dehumanizing aspect of the CCG his goal is to conform to it as much as possible. He never sees how much constantly stifling her emotions to live by her father’s wishes is damaging Akira, because Amon himself does the same thing. 
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Even after they get closer, every personal moment they share Amon thinks about her father in some capacity, or Akira is reminded about her father in some way. When she pranks him as a sign that they’e gotten closer after the night drinking together Amon immediately jumps to Mado. 
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When Amon buys her a present, she mentions it’s the first time that anyone besides her father has offered her a present. 
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In front of her father’s, Akira says this and then tries to kiss him. Akira hates the way Amon looks at her and sees someone else, she’s desperate to get him to acknowledge her. Her clumsy attempt at a kiss is just her wanting him to look at her as Akira Mado and no one else. 
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2. Seidou and Akira Humanize Each Other
We learn later in the manga that Akira trying to pour her heart out and live as an investigator for her father and Houji’s sake isn’t a sign of her determination, it’s something that utterly destroys her and makes her heartless. Amon encourages her worst habits by being yet another person who sees her as Mado’s daughter. 
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She even confides in front of him that she believes it was wrong for her father to take care of her rather than try to ascend the ranks of the CCG. That she believes she was selfish, for being a child that demanded too much attention of her father, and that the only way she can make up for this is being exactly what her father wants her to be and living entirely for his sake. Akira is always about to break over this, but Amon does not even notice it. 
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Akira is desperate for someone to look at her. She wants to look in their eyes and see herself reflecting back, not anybody else. 
Seidou and Akira bother each other, because they’re both constantly forced to acknowledge each other. Neither of them can ever look away when they’re around the other person, which leads to their constant fighting. 
Yes, Seidou projects on her a fair amount to. However, rather than Amon who never addresses these feelings, not only is Seidou constantly called out for them but also entirely on his own he conquers his resentment for her. He projects on her, but he also admires her strength. 
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Akira is Seidou’s one sided rival, and Seidou is just an eyesore to Seidou but the point of this is both of them are constantly forced to acknowledge each other. The feelings are obviously not completely one-sided on Seidou’s part because Akira always argues back in a way that breaks her facade of always being composed and coolheaded. 
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Seidou is an eyesore to her, someone she cannot look away from him. The reason is because the person that Seidou is competing with is Akira Mado. Not her parents, not her role in the CCG. Seidou is the only person who knows Akira from her younger days, and has some connection with her outside of the CCG, and he’s the only one who never once thought that her talent was the result of having two parents in the CCG. This is something directly shown to us in a flashback, somebody calls her a purebred investigator while Seidou himself acknowledges her talents. 
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Seidou’s feelings are heavily misguided and based towards an unfair inferiority complex around her, but we also see Takizawa himself improve upon those feelings. We also learn that Seidou wanting to be as strong as Akira is based around good intentions underneath all of his inferiority. 
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He wanted to be a hero.He wanted to be a hero for her.
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Seidou comes to realize his feelings towards her are not just as a rival, but just as a person he likes, and we see him come to terms with those feelings all on his own. That he loves Akira as a person, and not a rival in the CCG.
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Seidou at first vents all of his inferiority on Akira, but as he grows not only does he admit that he admires a lot about her, but he also learns to trust her. His final act of growth in the original manga is to do something entirely for Akira’s sake.
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He comes to realize his feelings for her entirely on his own, and does his best to make it up to her by finding the person he thinks will make Akira happy. He also admits that he was the one in the wrong and he only saw her from the side all along. 
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What Seidou and Akira want most, is to always be within the center of each other’s eyes.The last thing we see is Akira at the center of seidou’s eyes.
Just like many other couples in the manga. 
Seidou and Akira cannot live with each other, they cannot live without each other. 
One common misconception about the pairing is that Seidou is a bad person, and Akira is a good one who just has to put up with Seidou’s inferiority complex towards her and his constant picking of fights. The fandom perception of Akira as a strong indepenedent women as a whole is entirely off. Akira is needy and selfish in the exact same way that Seidou is.
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When Seidou saves her from Tatara, she returns the favor by telling him to die because he’s nothing more than a murderous ghoul even though it’s obvious how much of a victim is. (She never said the same thing to Amon). She’s cruel to Seidou, because Seidou reminds her so much of herself.
Seidou humanizes her by bringing all of her flaws to her face, and Akira is constantly, desperately trying to suppress herself in order to live as what her father wanted. 
The torture that Seidou went through, Akira does that to ghouls in the cochlea all the time to make better quinques for her. Seidou himself is a walking quinque manufactured by Aogiri, and Akira takes sadistic delight in tearing apart ghouls for quinques and then using those quinques to slaughter other ghouls. 
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Akira herself is an incredibly selfish person who does not want to change, and therefore continually finds new people to cling to. She says some horribly cutting things on purpose to the people in front of her to keep them at a distance, while at the same time always returning to cling to them when she feels emotionally weak. She is someone incapable of living on her own, or even facing herself, which is why she always buries herself in either her duties, or the other people around her. She is as needy, as desperate for affirmation as Seidou is. And also she can get as violent as he can get, and never once shows any clear remorse for what she has done to ghouls. Not only that she leaves the conflict for the fight for ghouls entirely to run away.
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Akira tells Haise his name does not matter, and then she later actively destroys his sense of identity by saying his name does matter after all. Even though Akira is responsible for not only manipulating Kaneki by acting like a mother figure on purpose, but also for continually forcing him to kill ghouls and keeping Haise in the dark about all of his identity issues. She took part in mental manipulation and abuse, and never once took any responsibility for any of that. 
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Akira herself also never says that she thought killing ghouls was wrong. The only thing Touka persuades her about is the fact that she wanted her father to be with her, not be at the CCG. We see she does not regret it because she goes right back to the CCG, and then uses Hinami’s dead parents as a quinque immediately after this. 
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Akira is a selfish person continually running away from herself, which is why Seidou forces herself to confront the person she is more than anybody else.
Akira is someone who actively dehumanizes Seidou, even after she knows he’s gone through unbearable torture and trauma. She wants to destroy him because of the vulnerability she feels around him. Seidou as her foil feels exactly the same way, he runs away from Akira and hides his face because he does not want to be seen by her like this. He’ll stop being a ghoul and become human again.Just hearing his name from her is enough to bring all of his pain back, and reopen his heart. 
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Yet at the same time she cannot let him ever die because Seidou is the one person who sees her real self.
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When Akira protects him the first thing they do is say each other’s names, as both of them are forced to recognize each other once more. Seidou is no longer a ghoul, and Akira is no longer a ghoul investigator, Seidou is forced to be human. We see both of them appearing in each other’s eyes.
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For each other, they are both the one person they will always be human in front of. All they need to do is be at the center of the other’s eyes and they can feel seen. And that is why I ship Seidou and Akira. 
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nitsu-chi11 · 5 years
What my taki taki wants, yeah, my taki taki gets, uh.
🎂 Happy Birthday 🎂 Seidou Takizawa
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crazynightowl · 6 years
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My beautiful children fight together!!  o(>ω<)o   (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ This is the end of their storyline, I like it a lot more than in manga.
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mizurei · 3 years
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And I will try to fix you ♡
Happy (belated) birthday my dear Aki! ପ(꒪ˊ꒳ˋ꒪)ଓ @tanchirou
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Got hit with akitaki feels out of nowhere reading a meta and now I'm sitting in bed randomly crying over this ship
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sedat3dmaiden · 7 years
I know AkiraMon is pretty much canon at this point, but god, I will NEVER get over my SeiAki feels. EVER. Similar to how I won't give up on EreAni. Or JeanKasa. Lol
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shuperlove-blog · 7 years
Don't tag hate/mention hate ships in your hate posts.. I'm so done with finding so much hate in a ship tag omg please. Use. Slashes.
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thyandrawrites · 7 years
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Just a normal 1 am conversation between me and @yusa-arima 
Some of these ideas need to be turned into an AU
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kazimortem · 4 years
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rounoyma · 5 years
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quinns a dumbass v30
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nitsu-chi11 · 6 years
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Finally! . . . my fanwebtoon is done *coughs* starring my fav ship SeiAki this was base on a k-drama though I added some changes here, you can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXmXEtBKofI
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