#akira nishikyama
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vermiformish · 6 months ago
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Akira Nishikiyama (Nishikinyama?) how I missed thee
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Kiryu Kazuma, 17-06-1968.
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tekitothemagpie · 1 year ago
I do love that line tho
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yakuzacanons · 1 year ago
hiiii!!! I think I read your posts pretty much everyday and am loving absolutely everything you write!!
This one thought has been bothering me for a while: what would our boys think of their s/o being a foreigner? I guess some of them would pay no mind, some of them would be bothered at first, maybe some of them would even use their s/o as a token! What do you think?
Good question! Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Last post of the night kiddos, see y'all tomorrow eve.
Kazuma Kiryu
Doesn't mind and doesn't care. People are people. He likes you because he likes you. It's that shrimple. Seriously though, it never phased him. He doesn't ask questions about it either. Feel free to share exactly as much or as little about your culture as you'd like.
Majima Goro
Similar mindset as Kiryu but he would ask some questions. Somewhat interested in cultural differences, like the fact that Americans don't take off their shoes before going inside. It's not always aimed at YOUR culture specifically, he's just curious.
Saejima Taiga
He's a little resistant at first. Saejima's a little more old school and likely always saw himself with a more traditionally Japanese spouse. Mildly confused at some of your cultural differences but gets used to them. His affections towards you are more powerful than his confusion. Besides, he's easily confused anyways by a lot of things.
Akiyama Shun
Thinks that it's really cool that you're a foreigner. Might even think that's what makes you so interesting in the first place, at least when you first meet. Tries to learn words in your language but never pronounces them well.
Tanimura Masayoshi
As a mixed race guy, he kind of relates to you. He's pretty respectful of your culture and enjoys sharing his with you but he would never pressure you to do the same. Mostly just accepts it as is, no questions asked.
Ryuji Goda
Like Akiyama, he likely finds your cultural differences enticing when he first meets you. Finds himself actually caring about your cultural and is pretty respectful of it. Goes out of his way to try to remember important holiday events from your culture. Would punch anyone who makes fun of you.
Nishikyama Akira
Generally prefers an Asian spouse but he's open to other possibilities. Kind of guy to dumbly ask "Why" or "Huh" when you do certain things that relate to your culture. Little bit dumb about it all. Doesn't exactly judge you though but he can be openly confused at times.
Daigo Dojima
Honestly he has never thought about dating a foreigner and probably thinks it's expected of him to have a Japanese spouse but doesn't let that stop him. Daigo's a big sweetheart when in love so where you're from or what culture you partake in doesn't bother him none. Genuinely supportive and loving all the way.
Mine Yoshitaka
Might be a little guilty of fetishizing your culture or using it as a token point of interest. What can I say, Mine really does want to look cool in front of everyone, even more than Nishiki. If you tell him, he'll immediately knock it off. He likely just didn't realize that it bothered you or offended you.
Tatsuo Shinada
Also guilty of making your culture or foreigner status into a token subject, but more so in the way he just asks a LOT of questions. He doesn't realize it makes you feel like you're a zoo animal or like a science project. His intentions are well placed though, he just doesn't know when to stop asking.
Ichiban Kasuga
He'll just be like "Okay, cool!" with a thumbs up. That's how much you being a foreigner affects him. Bless his gentle heart, he could never fathom how anyone could judge you or treat you differently just because you're a foreigner.
Tianyou Zhao
Sympathizes with your struggles and is really understanding. Would be down to share cultural foods or holidays with you, either from his culture or yours. He's just generally really chill about it.
Joon-Gi Han
Similar vibe as Zhao but would whoop the ass of anyone who made fun of you. He knows all too well what it's like to be outcast just because of who you are and how much that hurts and he'll be damned if you ever feel bad for being yourself.
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atanxdoesstuff · 2 years ago
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simple illustration of the babygirl! felt the need to draw him and i was determined to achieve something decent in digital again so here we are!
yo idk why nishiki leads to so severe brainrot but he moved into my head and he's not leaving (and i dont want him to <3). like he only appears in two games (excluding flashbacks and characters not named 'nishikyama akira') yet HE IS MY BABYGIRL
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bucketofcowboys · 4 years ago
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More of my ATLA X Yakuza au ft. The kyodais!
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bignosedlegend · 3 years ago
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some bby 0 nishikis 
more rgg art 
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marinebluehato · 2 years ago
Koi boy <3
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reubyarty · 2 years ago
feelin that nishiki vibe,, shoot me some requests!!!!
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theclampdown · 5 years ago
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kayayeteae · 4 years ago
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vermiformish · 2 years ago
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Familiar voice
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years ago
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yakuzacanons · 1 year ago
I hope your trip went well and you had lots of fun!!! If it's okay to request, could I ask for the boys comforting their S/O if they have to get an IV? I had to get one and it bruised the heck out of my arm :(
Hi hi sorry it took so long to get back to you, the answer is yes you sure can. These will be fairly short but the list of boys has grown quite a bit so hopefully there's a good amount of content to go around and all that. Thanks again for your patience!
Kazuma Kiryu
Type of guy to be like "There, there". Pretty good at soothing you, will happily stroke your hair to comfort you. Helps you take your mind off things by talking to you about things you like.
Majima Goro
Calm on the outside, panicking inside. Hates seeing you in any amount of pain, even if it's just a papercut, so this situation makes him nervous. Still, he'll give his cheeriest "Ya got this!" all while sweating nervously.
Saejima Taiga
Feels bad he can't do much to comfort you in a literal physical sense but will go out of his way to ask if he can do anything or get you anything to make you feel better about this. Totally will pat you on the head with his big ol' hands.
Akiyama Shun
Just as uncomfortable as you are honestly, which can be kind of comforting. He's all like "Ahh, this sucks, I'm sorry you have to go through this". You're gonna get a big kiss on the cheek for your bravery though, so there's that to look forward to.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He ain't scared of no blood. Will have his arm around you as much as he can to comfort you and hold you. Has your favorite drink or snack ready as a surprise treat to distract you from what just happened.
Ryuji Goda
Honestly, the person in the room who's most scared is the doctor or nurse because Ryuji just gives off this vibe of "Ya better do this IV thing right or I'm yer getting a swift kick in the ass". He doesn't mean to, but that's just the aura he gives off. In reality, he's just very serious about making sure you're okay. Once the IV is in, he'll give a heartfelt albeit quite loud "I knew ya could do it".
Nishikyama Akira
Like Akiyama, he's just as unhappy about the whole situation as you are. He's not squeamish about blood though so he won't like close his eyes or look away or anything like that. Once the IV is in, he'll kind of sigh and be like "That wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be". Not sure what he expected to happen honestly.
Daigo Dojima
Calm as hell, calmer than Kiryu even. He's pretty trusting of doctors. He also knows a few really good ones personally so he knows you're in good hands. He's just there to hold your hand, rub your shoulders, or whatever else you may require. He might not be best at giving words of comfort but if you need anything, just say the word.
Mine Yoshitaka
You're getting a nice little kiss on the forehead or on top of your head for being so brave. Mine's not fond of having to get an IV put in either, in fact hospitals and the like kind of make him restless as he doesn't like to be out of commission. Does his best to make the space as comfortable for you as possible by making sure you have enough pillows, that the tempurature is good, that the TV isn't too loud, etc.
Tatsuo Shinada
Kind of clenching his teeth nervously. Has no idea how an IV works and honestly would rather not know the details but sure hopes it's not super painful. Once it's done, he kind of just nods to himself like he's saying "Okay, hard part's over". Actually kind of avoids physically comforting you as he's worried he might accidentally nudge the IV. At least he's aware he can be kind of clumsy.
Ichiban Kasuga
Won't show it on his face but he does watch intensely as it all goes down. Sits right by your bedside and I mean right next to it, he's as close as he can be the whole time. Kind of just talks to you casually afterwards to take your mind off things, all while resting his head on his arms on your bedside.
Tianyou Zhao
Bless his food oriented brain but his first thought when it comes to comforting you is getting you some lunch or dinner as a treat. Unfortunately that may mean him leaving the room for a bit to go grab whatever he's going to grab but he'll be back with food, your favorite drink or dessert, maybe even a plushie that he saw while he was out that made him think of you.
Joon-Gi Han
Not great at using his words to comfort you so he just sits and holds your hand very gently, maybe running his thumb over the top of your hand. Regularly asks how you're feeling or if you need anything but mostly lets you lead the conversation, if you even want to have one.
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nishikiyma-blog · 6 years ago
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“ what’s the difference between killing one man or two ? yeah ... that’s right ... my path was set in stone the day i killed dojima and abandoned kiryu. i’ll show them ... i’ll make it to the top. and to do that, i’ll kill as many people as it takes ! ” ––––– AKIRA NISHIKYAMA , REBIRTH .
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bignosedlegend · 3 years ago
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i joked that data and nishiki have the same hairline and one thing let to another 
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