#akihiro takahashi
green-thots · 10 months
That Fucking Compression Shirt - Ran Takahashi x Reader
A/N - I’ll be honest this took absolutely forever but my absolute obsession with Ran Takahashi overpowered my writer’s block. Also I’m pissed that Tumblr gets rid of my indents every time I take a story from my docs and I’m too lazy to go back I and add it again.
Warnings - 18+ content, smut, reader is thirsty, lowkey choking, use of “good girl”, brat taming, & edging (if I missed any please tell me)
WC - 2782
I used to hate co-ed practice. The gym would always smell like ass and if it weren’t for the combination of my defense and our libero’s, we never would come close to winning a scrimmage.
But, dating a member of the opposite team makes practice just a bit more fun, especially when he decides to wear that oh-so-slutty compression shirt that he knows drives me crazy.
I’m convinced he only started wearing that to co-ed practice because on our first date, after a few too many drinks, I admitted that I would 100% jump on his dick if he ever wore his practice compression shirt around me ever again.
We’ve been practicing hitting lines for the past fifteen minutes and with the coaches on our ass after the last match, there’s no end in sight. My only saving grace is getting to watch sweaty Ran smack the ball about as hard as I’d like him to smack my ass, but he already knows that.
His shorts are shorter and tighter than usual, allowing me the wonderful view of his quads as he jumps into the air to reach the top of the net. But somehow, my view just gets better. His long sleeves make his biceps look large enough to choke me, which they are, and his abs tight enough to ride. I’ve seen his high school pictures, he definitely grew out of his twink look alike phase.
“I can smell the thirst from here,” Yuji mutters, snapping me out of my trance-like state. He’s standing with his hands on his hips with that self assured smirk on his face.
I turn to him with a glare, “I’m not thirsting over him, he just looks good.”
“Oh, you’re definitely thirsting over him. You’ve been eye-fucking him for practically the entire practice.” Yamauchi chimes in, popping into line behind Yuji and I.
“You two are absolutely insufferable,” I grumble, turning back around to the front of the line.
They both let out a laugh before Yuji spits out, “We’re just simply stating what’s true.” Earning an eye roll from me.
“Alright everybody, we’re switching to digs for a bit,” Coach yells, clapping her hands to get everyone’s attention, “y/n, you’re up first.”
Goddamnit, this woman is going to be the death of me. It’s almost like she knows my head is as far away from volleyball right now as physically possible.
I walk into the middle of the court as Ishikawa is getting ready to spike at me.
Ran just so happens to be directly left of me so I bend a little lower than I normally would for a dig just to give him a better view of the ass he’s left his mark on. I smirk at him and his brows furrow, a dangerous glint in his eyes. To an outsider, he looks pissed, but I know that he’s just worked up and I’m more than happy to let him take his anger out on me once we get home.
Ishikawa approaches, swings, and slams the ball down toward the ground. Ishikawa is good, but I’ve been perfecting my digs for years. Just in time, I get my arms under the ball, popping it up into the setters box. The impact stings like a bitch but you get used to it when you’ve been practicing with Olympic level players for almost two years.
I walk back over next to Ran, Yuji taking his place next for digs.
“Stop being a brat,” he mutters in my ear. He side eyes me with a smirk on his lips.
“But it’s just so much fun watching you get all worked up,” I reply, narrowing my eyes at him. He glares at me, adjusting his shorts. Yeah, I knew you couldn’t resist me.
“You won’t be having this much fun when we get home,” he bites out, careful to not let anyone else hear our conversation.
After a brutal practice, filled with many more lust filled glares from my lovely boyfriend, I’m shaking in anticipation as I take my gear off and get ready to go home.
Ran walks over to my place on the floor, duffle bag in hand, “Let’s get out of here.”
I nod my head, pulling on my crocs and using his outstretched hand to pull me up off the ground.
“We should all go out for sushi,” Ogawa exclaims, murmurs of agreement sounding off around the gym.
Ran begins to pull me toward the gym doors, “we can’t, we already have plans for the night.” Ogawa pouts in disappointment, he’s always been pretty close with Ran.
As Ran and I walk out the door, Yuji shouts loud enough for the entire gym to hear, “try not to leave any visible marks this time!” He really never has any shame, even at the expense of me, his self-titled ‘best friend.’
Ran muffles a snort with his other hand. I throw up a middle finger behind me as I walk out the door.
Yuji knows Ran heavily enjoys marking, since after our last team beach trip, I had forgotten about the copious amount of hickies on my thighs until Yuji started cackling hysterically.
“I’m gonna kill him for that,” I say as we step out of the elevator into the parking garage.
I barely even get a second to kick off my shoes and drop my bag before I’m being slammed up against the wall, Ran’s lips on mine. His kisses are hungry and devouring.
Pulling away from my lips just barely an inch, he mutters, “why do you always make me pop a boner whenever we’re around friends?”
Although it’s most likely a rhetorical question and he’s not really expecting an answer, I tease, “Because I know you’ll punish me as soon as we get home and we both know I enjoy your punishments much more than I hate them.”
He gives me a knowing look then presses his lips back on mine, biting slightly on my lower lip. “You’ve got such a dirty little mouth on you,” he says against my lips.
I smile, playing with the hem of his shirt, starting to ride it up over his stomach. I drag his shirt up slowly. Over the entirety of his abs, up to his chest, and over his shoulders, pulling it over his head and outstretched arms, throwing it somewhere across the room. Usually, he wouldn’t even let me get this far. He would pin my hands to the wall before I could even touch him and stop any seductive plan I had my mind set on.
He moves his hands to fondle my ass through my shorts, his lips traveling down onto the sweet spot where my jaw connects with my neck. I throw my head back and let out a whimper. It’s almost like he knows my body as well as he knows his own.
I run my hands through the roots of his thick waves, tugging slightly when I reach the crown of his head. He lets out a low growl, continuing his assault on my neck that is sure to leave marks but looking up at me in warning.
I know I’m beginning to tug at the ends of the already short leash he’s letting me have, but it’s just so much fun when he gets mad.
“Jump,” he growls, his face still buried in my neck. Not wanting to push my limits, I oblige. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist, his hands still planted firmly on my ass, holding me in place.
He quickly moves us out of the entryway, up the stairs, and into our bedroom without much hassle. He throws me down onto the bed and lurks over me. I think this might just be my favorite version of Ran. His hair fluffy and wild from my hands just moments ago. He’s breathing heavily and his abs are glistening with the still-lingering sweat from practice. And to put the cherry on top, there is a very obvious tent in his pants, as if the gray sweats didn’t already leave more than enough to the imagination. He’s a heavenly sight. I would even go as far to say he’s god-like in my eyes.
He leans down even closer to me and swipes off my shirt and sports bra in one smooth motion. My nipples harden at the sudden rush of cold air from the constant use of the air conditioner.
Softly but so demanding at the same time, Ran puts one large hand around my throat. He doesn’t apply much pressure, but he uses my neck to push me down flat onto the bed, chiming, “You’re so naughty, aren’t ya’ babe?”
I try to nod with what little motion of my head his hand allows. If I wasn’t dripping while staring at him during practice then I sure am now.
He glides the hand around my throat down to fondle my chest, using his other hand to prop himself up over me.
“I know how much you love it when I feel you up,” He purrs, his breath hot over my stomach, “but I don’t think you deserve that.”
“You’re just gonna keep torturing me all night?” I whine, threading my fingers through his hair once again.
“Maybe,” he says, pausing to leave a kiss right above the waistband of my spandex, “I guess that will depend on how good you are for the remainder of the night.”
With the hand he was using on my chest, he pushes my legs apart. He starts to rub my inner thigh, so close enough to where he knows I want him but so far it’s frustrating the hell out of me. I huff in annoyance and he lets out a short, raspy laugh.
“Well I’m very happy my pain brings you amusement,” I snark, pulling his hair enough to make him jolt a bit.
His eyes are glazed when he looks up at me from in between my legs, “Based on the way your pussy is soaking through your shorts, I know you’re enjoying this.”
Okay, maybe he does have a point.
He grasps the waistband of my shorts and panties, letting his fingers brush against my bikini line. I lift my hips up off the bed, giving Ran the chance to tug them off.
“Motherfucker,” he mutters, just barely loud enough for me to hear, “you must be really worked up.” He runs a finger through the slick that has already gathered at my entrance, a devilish smirk on his face. The sadistic side of him enjoys how much he affects me when in reality he is doing so little.
He leans closer and closer until his nose brushes my clit. He licks a painfully slow stripe up my cunt pulling a moan of both pleasure and annoyance from my lips. He hums in response to my noises, his voice vibrating my pussy in the best way. At an almost torturously slow pace, he circles my clit with his tongue.
“Please,” I beg, “just go faster.”
“Only good girls get to feel good,” Ran hums against me, his words barely even register in my head as he slides a long finger inside of me. He takes it slow but finds my g-spot with the tip of his finger almost immediately.
He thrusts his finger into me, slow enough to tease, but fast enough to keep me from complaining. He slips in a second finger and then a third, keeping pace by upping the speed of the circles around my clit.
I arch my hips closer to him, pressing his face harder into my pussy and trying to get his fingers to go as deep as they can.
With all the anticipation from the day and the yearning from not getting the chance to fuck in almost two weeks, I’m already on the edge.
“Oh my- Fuck,” I moan, squeezing my eyes shut, “I think I’m gonna cum.” Immediately, he stops everything. He stands up, pulling his fingers out of me. They’re slick and nearly dripping. He makes a show out of slowly licking them clean, his glazed over eyes staring so deeply that I’m sure at that moment he knew exactly what I was thinking.
“Now why’d you have to go and stop? We were just getting to the fun part,” I pout, throwing my arms over my head. God, being a brat really is my favorite.
He’s stepping out of his sweats and boxers, “Didn’t I tell you that you weren’t going to cum unless you prove you can be good?” Ran shoots back with a hint of humor in his voice. His cock is rock hard, resting against his thigh and the tip is beginning to drip with precum. I just know he must be itching to fuck me into next week right here, right now but he’s holding back all for the sake of teaching me a lesson when we both know I’ll be right back to being a brat within a few days.
He strokes his cock slowly, letting the tip drag up and down my pussy. He uses his other hand to squeeze my thigh, surely leaving bruises that will be hard to cover up during tomorrow’s practice.
“I promise I’ll be good, babe, just please fuck me,” I give him my best puppy dog eyes as I beg. We both know I’m full of shit but Ran takes immense pleasure in watching me beg for just an ounce of pleasure from him.
He lets out a laugh that I truly believe rivals the epitome of happiness and finally slips the tip of his cock into my cunt, “Lucky for you I might cum in my pants if I don’t, but I haven’t decided if you deserve to cum yet.” He’s fucking cruel but I love it.
He slides all seven inches to the hilt, filling me up so good. Although we’ve been fucking like rabbits almost daily since we started dating nearly two years ago, I’ll never get tired of the way he makes me feel so whole. He starts thrusting slowly, his cock head nearly bruising my cervix with every thrust. His hands now rest on my hips, his fingertips digging into my skin, leaving red marks that are sure to turn black and blue eventually.
A mix of my own moans and Ran’s echo around the room as he picks up the speed of his thrusts. His head is thrown back and his eyes are pressed shut. In turn, I’m gazing at the beautiful sight of Ran in pure bliss before me, which enhances my own pleasure tenfold.
“Fuck, y/n,” he moans, his eyes now open and looking down at where our bodies are connected, “god you feel so good.” By now, he’s pounding me so hard I might just struggle to walk in the morning. He has the mix of fast and deep that we both enjoy perfected to the point where I’m at the edge again after only a few minutes.
“I’m gonna cum,” I stutter out, feeling so much pleasure that it takes too much brain power to form just one coherent sentence.
He’s gazing into my eyes now, “I’m nearly there, just wait for me.” If it was even possible to go faster, then he’s picking up his pace to that point, fucking me so fast that my body is vibrating at a frequency that I didn’t even know was possible until now.
“Ran, please, I’ve been so good” I beg, tears in my eyes from pleasure so intense it’s borderline painful. He grunts, his jaw clenched as he reaches to rub my clit with one hand.
“Come on now then, sweets,” he says. I can feel his cock pulsating inside of me telling me that he won’t last much longer either.
With one more thrust, the stimulation becomes too much, pushing me over the edge. I cum with a moan so loud the neighbors two floors down are sure to file a noise complaint again.
Within seconds, Ran is cumming, too, spilling so deeply inside me. He slows to a stop, his cock still buried inside my pussy. His breathing is heavy and the way he’s looking at me can only be described as love in its highest form.
“Maybe you should start being a brat more often if it’s going to result in some of the most mind-blowing sex I’ve ever had,” He jokes, pulling out of me to rest on the bed next to me.
“Well then maybe you should start wearing that compression shirt around me more often if you wanna get lucky.”
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hell0stu-p-i-d · 1 month
These boys, this team, this sport all have a special place in my heart. I am sad that I won’t get to see this particular team play live as two of them retired from the national team but regardless of that I will continue to support all of them no matter what. Tokyo Olympics is when I heard of them, only learnt three of the members then and it was the three I saw everywhere. Yuyuran aka Yuki Ishikawa, Yuji Nishida and Ran Takahashi.
Finally learnt the rest of the team this year and supported them through the Paris Olympics but was really sad with the end results. I know they played their best in that last match and I was still so so proud of them from putting up the fight they did against Italy.
I hope that one day I will get to see them play volleyball live and not just on a screen, if not all of them then some of them 🫶🏽
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erricdraven · 3 days
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Yamauchi Akihiro, Takahashi Kentaro, Sekita Masahiro, Onodera Taishi, and Nishida Yuji 🇯🇵
(aka 5 Fast 5 Furious)
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sinclarify · 1 month
mental health issues within my fanclass :
akihiro kanda : generalised anxiety disorder
ami takahashi : depression & anorexia & borderline personality disorder
kaori izumi : ginger 🙏
tatsuya fujiwara: post traumatic stress disorder & avoidant personality disorder
kozue kaneko : lactose intolerant 🤢
natsu shimada: gay 😣😣😣
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declanisms · 2 months
I’m so sad blain is leaving and nishida is taking a break and kentaro is retiring from the national team and yamauchi and sekita might too
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silvadour · 1 year
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One Piece Ep. 1061 - "The Strike of an Ifrit! Sanji vs. Queen" Episode/Animation Director: Ryota Nakamura (中村 亮太) Key Animator(s): Tomoyuki Takahashi and Akihiro Ota (太田 晃博)
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ng-scanlations · 4 months
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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers 30th Anniversary Art Book (2021) P83 - P103
Interview with the directors of the show, Masashi Ikeda (#1–19) & Mamoru Hamatsu (#20–39), screenwriter Ryosuke Takahashi, key animator/armor/character designers Akihiro Kanayama & Hideo Okamoto, planner Koichi Inoue, and toy developer Hitoki Makino.
A translation of the interview by The URWWS can be found on the YSTRW wiki here & here
Check out the rest of the pages of the interview from the artbook here.
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Title: Howl's Moving Castle
Rating: PG
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Cast: Chieko Baisho, Takuya Kimura, Akihiro Miwa, Tatsuya Gashûin, Ryunosuke Kamiki, Mitsunori Isaki, Yo Oizumi, Akio Otsuka, Daijirô Harada, Haruko Katō, Makoto Yasumura, Manabu Muraji, Keiko Tsukamoto, Yayoi Kazuki, Seiji Sasaki, Hiroshi Takahashi
Release year: 2004
Genres: fantasy, adventure, romance
Blurb: When shy young Sophie is cursed with an old body by a spiteful witch, her only chance of breaking the spell lies with a self-indulgent yet insecure young wizard and his companions in his walking castle.
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joaoista · 11 months
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Bom dia! ✨ I'm Joaoista, but you can call me Joa or Momo ^^
I like sports, writing stuff for my fandoms and make new friends. Sometimes I make fanarts too when I'm not being consumed by life. I'm a RPF enjoyer and write about RPF, so keep that in mind! Oh, and fyi I'm the same age like Oscar Piastri, Santi Giménez or Ran Takahashi (but I'm not as handsome as them, pipipi TT)
Football, volleyball, formula one & cycling = ♡
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The loves of my life: Marco Reus, Akihiro Yamauchi, Oscar Piastri & Jasper Philipsen (kudos to Ran, EO31 & Pogi too)
⚽️♡ = FC Barcelona, Borussia Dortmund (NT: Germany, Costa Rica, Japan, Croatia, Portugal, Poland & my own NT)
🏐♡ = Panasonic Panthers (NT: my dear Ryuujin Nippon/Japan)
🏎♡ = Alpine, Ferrari, McLaren (I will go down with Alpine, periodt)
🚲♡ = Alpecin, UAE
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Currently brainrot: João Félix x Kepa Arrizabalaga (I mentioned that I LOVE crack ships? No? Ouh)
💘 = Götzeus, Lewavi, Otsuran, Pierresteban, Landoscar, Charlos, Pogagaard & more
My last work: 🎃
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My social media!
AO3 — and that's it, I think
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# — MY TAGS:
#joaoista al habla — for asks
#storytime with jo — for random posts
#joaoista can write — for my fics
#joaoista can draw — for my fanarts (if I make one)
#joaoista can edit — for my edits
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mokarosenoire · 1 year
À partir du 6 juillet 2018, la diffusion d'émissions télévisées commencera sur AT-X, TOKYO MX, KBS Kyoto, TV Aichi, Sun TV, TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting, BS 11
【Diffusion de l'information】 AT-X: tous les vendredis de 20h30 à 21h00 à partir du 6 juillet Broadcasting Diffusion répétée disponible TOKYO MX: tous les vendredis du 6 juillet 22h30-23h00 KBS Kyoto: tous les vendredis de 24h30 à 25h00 à partir du 6 juillet TV Aichi: Tous les vendredis du 6 juillet 27: 05 - 27: 35 Sun TV: tous les vendredis de 23h30 à minuit tous les vendredis du 6 juillet TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting: Du 7 juillet tous les samedis 26: 25 ~ 26: 55 BS 11: Tous les vendredis du 6 juillet de 27h00 à 27h30 ※ Il est possible que la date et l'heure de la diffusion soient modifiées sans préavis.
【Introduction】 Une jeune fille, Rachel, qui s'est réveillée au plus bas niveau dans le sous-sol du bâtiment. Elle a perdu la mémoire et ne pouvait pas comprendre pourquoi elle était là. En montant les étage, apparaîtra devant elle dans le bâtiment du meurtrier connu sous le nom de Zack muni d'une Faux comme un shinigami, son visage couver avec des bandage. "S'il vous plaît exaucez mon souhait ... s'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, tuez-moi" "Si nous sortons d'ici ensemble, je te tuerais." Leurs liens étranges approfondissent leurs "serments". Où suis-je censé être? Dans quel but? Quel destin les attendent? Deux couloirs de la mort pour échapper à un bâtiment scellé a commencé ... ...! 【Le personnel】 Original: Makoto Sanada (Magazine du jeu) Directeur: Kentaro Suzuki Composition de la série: Fujioka Bikkyo Design de personnage · directeur de dessin total: Matsumoto Miki Directeur artistique: Wei 斯 曼 (Studio Chulip) Couleur: Kana Tanabe Directeur de la photographie: Akihiro Takahashi Edit: Yuji Kondo (REAL-T) Directeur Acoustique: Miwa Iwami Effet acoustique: Kayama Oyama Musique: Eiki Sakamoto (Cape bruyante) Production musicale: Lantis Production d'animation: J.C.STAFF Production: Comité de production "Angel of Slay"
OP Thème Song: "Vital" Masaaki Endo Chanson thème ED: "Pray" Rachel (CV Chikasa Haruka) 【Cast】 Rachel CV: Haruka Chisuga Zack CV: Nobuhiko Okamoto Danny CV: Takahiro Sakurai Eddie CV: Natsumi Fujiwara Cathy CV: Mariya Ise CV Gray: Yoshitada Otsuka 【アニメ公式サイト】satsuriku.com 【公式Twitter】@strk_tenshi ゲームマガジン 好評配信中 対応機種:Windows ジャンル:サイコホラーADV https://gamemaga.denfaminicogamer.jp/satsuriku/ Application pour smartphone uniquement diffusée Système d'exploitation pris en charge: iOS 10.1 ou version ultérieure, Android 6.0.1 ou version ultérieure terminal compatible: iPhone 5s ou version ultérieure https://gamemaga.denfaminicogamer.jp/satsuriku/lp.html © 2018 Makoto Sanada / Vaka · DWANGO · KADOKAWA / Comité de production «Ange du Slay»
-Haruka Chisuga : n'a fait aucun perso que je connais, mais vous en connaîtrais surement vous!
-Nobuhiko Okamoto : a fais, musashi de shugo chara - Narunosuke de Bleach - Ryo Takiguchi de Durarara!! - Takumi Usui de Maid Sama! - Dagger de Black Butler: Book of Circus - Yuu Nishinoya de Haikyū!! - Karma Akabane de Assassination Classroom - Katsuki Bakugo de Boku no hero académie - Gladion de Pokemon lune et soleil et  Rei Ogami de Code:Breaker
-Takahiro Sakurai : a fais, Claude Faustus de Black butler - Izuru Kira de Bleach - Kururugi Suzaku de Code Geass - Sting Eucliffe de Fairy tail - Izumo Kusanagi de K project et Sasori de Naruto Shippuden
-Natsumi Fujiwara : a fais Emiru Niikura, Ariel, Kōki Hatori, l'un des enfant dragon de Mahou tsukai no yome - Tooru Mutsuki de Tokyo Ghoul:re
-Mariya Ise : a fais, Riku de eyeshield 21 - Sora Egami de La Fille des enfers - Levy Macgarden, Roméo Combolto de Fairy Tail - Mika Harima de Durarara!! - Kirua de Hunter × Hunter - Legu de Made in Abyss et Antarcticite de L'Ère des Cristaux
-Yoshitada Otsuka : a fais, Kikuji Banchō, Shōichirō Hitomi, Takehiko Hitomi, Katsuo Nabeshima de Détective Conan - Narrateur de Durarara!! - Abuto de Gintama - Jiraya de Naruto - Little Ogre de Soul Eater - montblanc norland de one piece - Tenkei Iwafune de K project
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imasallstars · 1 year
 Episode 03 “What is something that doesn’t get wet, even if it sinks into the sea”
The members of the 3rd Entertainment Division are starting to grow impatient of the Producer since all they’ve been doing so far is back-to-back lessons. Just then, he comes across “SUGA-MIN☆TV”, a popular streaming channel run by the same productions’, Shin Sato and Nana Abe, and starts thinking up a plan. And that plan was for Shin to teach the others how to shoot a video!
Miria’s over the moon at the thought and, while Shin is rather reluctant, she starts the stream anyways...!?
Script: Maoki Murayama
Storyboard: Masanori Takahashi
Direction: Masanori Takahashi
Animation Director: Akihiro Sueta, Satoshi Koike, Hiroya Sasaki
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monstersummongenre · 2 years
What Came First: The Pokémon or the Digi-Egg?
As a kid who grew up loving Pokémon, I often collided with the likes of Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh. And in those collisions was often met with questions of which was better and what was copying what. Now as an adult doing a genre study, I was required to do a dive into the history of the genre and found that despite Pokémon being the first to arrive, Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh were not far behind and had completely different origins from it and each other. So where did these series come from?
Inspired by his love of collecting bugs as a child, the increased urbanization of Japan leading to many kids not taking up the hobby, and many of the other interests, Satoshi Taijiri, first pitched the idea of Pokémon to Nintendo in 1990. Because the project was new and ambitious, it took six years to make. It officially released February 1996. And with it a pillar of the Monster Summon Genre was placed.
To explore the origins of Digimon, let's first explore the origin of Tamagotchi. In June 1995, inspired by a commercial he’d seen of a young boy trying to take his pet turtle on a trip, Akihiro Yokoi pitched the virtual pet Tamagotchi to Bandai. Tamagotchi debuted November 1996 (the same year as Pokémon, but a few months later). A year later, Digimon was launched as a virtually pet aimed at boys. And thus another pillar of this genre was established.
As for Yu-Gi-Oh, it had a unique path all its own, but a path still connected to games. When Kazuki Takahashi set out to make Yu-Gi-Oh, he first set out to make a horror manga. Then he set out to make a fight series, but wanted an original idea. Eventually, he came up with a concept of games as the battles. When Yu-Gi-Oh launched in September 1996, the card game wasn’t actually supposed to be a huge part of it, but the audience responded to it well, so Takahashi ran with it. And thus our final pillar is placed.
So these three properties that have no doubt inspired several entries into the genre all came into creation separately of each other and debuted quite close together. And in an interesting case of development, each of the properties is still around today. That means that we not only get to peek into the origins of the genre, but also how it has evolved overtime within itself. This ought to be a fun little adventure.
Read more about Taijiri and Pokémon in this interview
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goalhofer · 13 days
2024 olympics Japan roster
Nakanishi Junya (Okayama)
Saito Fumiya (Gifu Ichi)
Furukawa Takaharu (Aomari Ichi)
Noda Satsuki (Kitakyushu)
Higashida Akihiro (Nara)
Ota Tomoki (Hamamatsu)
Kasai Jun (Aichi)
Ogawa Daiki (Shizuoka)
Koyama Naoki (Saitama Ichi)
Hamanishi Ryo (Osaka)
Koga Yuta (Fukuoka)
Yamamoto Shouma (Osaka)
Nishi Yudai (Tokyo)
Yoshizu Takuho (Tokyo)
Takahashi Kazuki (Iwate)
Abdul Sani-Brown (Sakado)
Sakai Ryūichirō (Toyonaka)
Uzawa Towa (Miyagi)
Iizuka Shōta (Omaezaki)
Ueyama Koki (Matsusaka)
Satō Fūga (Tokyo)
Satō Kentarō (Tokorazawa)
Nakajika Yuki (Tokyo)
Izumiya Shunsuke (Yokohama)
Rachid Muratake (Matsuda)
Takayama Shun'ya (Hiroshima)
Tsutsue Kaito (Kumamoto)
Toyoda Ken (Tokyo)
Miura Ryūji (Hamada)
Aoki Ryōma (Kuki)
Akasaki Akira (Ōzu)
Ōsako Suguru (Machida)
Ikeda Kōki (Hamamatsu)
Kiryū Yoshihide (Hikone)
Yanagita Hiroki (Tokyo)
Kawabata Kaitō (Matsusaka)
Kawano Masatora (Hyūga)
Akamatsu Ryōichi (Gifu Ichi)
Shinno Tomohiro (Hiroshima)
Hashioka Yūki (Saitama)
Roderick Dean (Kobe)
Goshima Rino (Kanazawa)
Kokai Haruka (Myoko)
Morimoto Mariko (Osaka)
Tanaka Nozomi (Ono)
Goto Yume (Kakogawa)
Yamamoto Yuma (Nagoya)
Kabasawa Wakana (Maebashi)
Takashima Yuka (Hōfu)
Fukube Mako (Hiroshima)
Tanaka Yumi (Osaka)
Ichiyama Mao (Izumi)
Suzuki Yuka (Daisen)
Fujii Nanako (Nakagawa)
Okada Kumiko (Ageo)
Yanai Ayane (Fukuoka)
Hata Sumire (Yao)
Kitaguchi Haruka (Asahikawa)
Saitō Marina (Mito)
Ueda Momone (Itoshima)
Kōdai Naraoka (Aomori Ichi)
Nishimoto Kenta (Ise)
Hoki Takurō (Yamaguchi Ichi)
Kobayashi Yūgo (Sendai)
Watanabe Yūta (Suginami)
Yamaguchi Akane (Katsuyama)
Ōhori Aya (Aizuwakamatsu)
Matsuyama Nami (Kitakyushu)
Shida Chiharu (Hachirōgata)
Matsumoto Mayu (Sapporo)
Nagahara Wakana (Akita Ichi)
Higashino Arisa (Iwamizawa)
Yoshii Hirotaka (Osaka)
Togashi Yūki (Shibita)
Tajon Jacobs (Los Angeles, California)
Kawamura Yuki (Yanai)
Hiejima Makoto (Fukuoka)
Kai Toews (Kobe)
Hachimura Rui (Sendai)
Watanabe Yūta (Miki)
Yūdai Baba (Toyama Ichi)
Josh Hawkinson (Shoreline, Washington)
Keisei Tominaga (Tokyo)
Hugh Hogland-Watanabe (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Stephanie Mawuli (Nagoya)
Evelyn Mawuli (Nagoya)
Takada Maki (Toyohashi)
Yoshida Asami (Tokyo)
Machida Rui (Asahikawa)
Motohashi Nako (Asaka)
Yamamoto Mai (Hiroshima)
Hayashi Saki (Itoshima)
Miyazaki Saori (Saitama)
Miyazaki Yuki (Yokohama)
Todo Nanaka (Sapporo)
Akaho Himawari (Kanazawa)
Harada Shudai (Tokyo)
Sewon Mensah-Okazawa (Kanoya)
Ono Hiroto (Tokyo)
Nakarai Shigeyuki (Sapporo)
Yuasa Ami (Kawaguchi)
Fukushima Ayumi (Kyoto)
Tanaka Yuuki (Tokyo)
Haneda Takuya (Toyota)
Okazaki Haruka (Tokyo)
Yazawa Aki (Iida)
Narasaki Tomoa (Utsunomiya)
Anraku Sorato (Yachiyo)
Mori Ai (Mito)
Nonaka Mihō (Tokyo)
Arashiro Yukiya (Ishigaki)
Ōta Kaiya (Okayama)
Obara Yuta (Hashikami)
Nakano Shinji (Hanamaki)
Nagasako Yoshitaku (Kasaoka)
Imamura Shunsuke (Ukiha)
Hashimoto Eiya (Gifu Ichi)
Kuboki Kazushige (Furudono)
Nakamura Rimu (Kyoto)
Kawaguchi Urara (Hyogo)
Yonamine Eri (Osaka)
Sato Mina (Chigasaki)
Ōhta Riyu (Ageo)
Kakita Maho (Kitakyushu)
Ikeda Mizuki (Ōnojō)
Uchino Tsuyaka (Fukuoka)
Kajihara Yūmi (Saitama Ichi)
Hatakeyama Sae (Yokohama)
Shō Sakai (Sagamihara)
Tamai Rikuto (Takarazuka)
Mikami Sayaka (Yonaga)
Enomoto Haruka (Utsunomiya)
Arai Matsuri (Itami)
Kawai Mike (Valkenswaard, The Netherlands)
Ōiwa Yoshiaki (Münsingen, Germany)
Tomoto Kazuma (Motosu)
Kitajima Ryūzō (Kobe)
Tanaka Toshiyuki (Fukuoka)
Shibayama Haase-Takashi (Kobe)
Satō Eiken (Ogawa)
Sugitani Taizō (Izumi)
Kanō Kōki (Ama)
Minobe Kazuyasu (Echizen)
Yamada Masaru (Toba)
Iimura Kazuki (Kyoto)
Matsuyama Kyōsuke (Tokyo)
Shikine Takahiro (Ōita Ichi)
Nagano Yūdai (Ibaraki)
Yoshida Kento (Morioka)
Yoshimura Miho (Tokyo)
Azuma Sera (Wakayama Ichi)
Miyawaki Karin (Tokyo)
Ueno Yūka (Hita)
Emura Misaki (Ōita Ichi)
Fukushima Shihomi (Munakata)
Takashima Risa (Ōmuta)
Ozaki Seri (Sapporo)
Field hockey
Nakamura Eika (Tochigi)
Asai Yū (Hiroshima)
Suzuki Miyu (Gifu Ichi)
Nagai Yuri (Kakamigahara)
Nagai Hazuki (Kakamigahara)
Oikawa Shihori (Tokyo)
Kozuka Miki (Nikko)
Kobayakawa Shiho (Matsue)
Mori Kanon (Hiroshima)
Toriyama Mai (Tokyo)
Tanaka Saki (Morika)
Urata Kana (Osaka)
Shimada Amiru (Ōtsu)
Omoto Sakurako (Iwakuni)
Hasegawa Miyu (Matsue)
Ogawa Rika (Gifu Ichi)
Matsuyama Hideki (Sendai)
Nakajima Keita (Saitama Ichi)
Yamashita Miyū (Neyagawa)
Sasō Yūka (San Ildefonso, The Philippines)
Hashimoto Daiki (Chiba Ichi)
Kazuma Kaya (Funabashi)
Oka Shinnosuke (Kamakura Ichi)
Sugino Takaaki (Kamakura Ichi)
Tanigawa Wataru (Funabashi)
Nishioka Ryusei (Higashiosaka)
Kishi Rina (Toda)
Nakamura Haruka (Osaka)
Okamura Mana (Yokkaichi)
Ushioku Kohane (Nagoya)
Mori Hikaru (Tokyo)
Nakamura Takumi (Fukuoka Ichi)
Yasuhira Kosuke (Takaoka)
Sakurai Tomoya (Mito)
Okomoto Daisuke (Yamaguchi)
Fujisaka Naoki (Fukui)
Takano Sota (Tokyo)
Sugioka Naoki (Kariya)
Yoshida Shūichi (Wakayama Ichi)
Adam Baig (Fukuoka Ichi)
Tokuda Shinnosuke (Iwakuni)
Watanabe Jin (Ōita)
Motoki Shida (Mito)
Tamakawa Hiroyasu (Tokyo)
Yoshino Tatsuki (Misato)
Nagayama Ryuju (Bibai)
Abe Hifumi (Kobe)
Hashimoto Soichi (Tokyo)
Nagase Takanori (Mito)
Murao Sanshirō (Tokyo)
Aaron Wolf (Tokyo)
Saito Tatsuru (Osaka)
Tsunoda Natsumi (Yachiyo)
Abe Uta (Kobe)
Funakobu Haruka (Fujiyoshida)
Tashiro Takaichi (Tokyo)
Niizoe Saki (Kashihara)
Takayama Rika (Tokyo)
Sone Akira (Kurume)
Satō Taishū (Aomori Ichi)
Uchida Misaki (Kumagaya)
Furutu Naoki (Tottori)
Miyaura Masayuki (Mito)
Arakawa Ryūta (Yokohama)
Hirouchi Emi (Kyoto)
Ōishi Ayama (Nagoya)
Ishida Taiga (Kumamoto)
Ishida Kippei (Amagasaki)
Tsuoka Shotaro (Fukuoka Ichi)
Matsumoto Junya (Kagoshima)
Josua Kerevi (Viseisei, Fiji)
Fukushi Moeki (Hyogo)
Taninaka Kippei (Hyogo)
Noguchi Yoshihiro (Tokyo)
Ueda Kazuma (Hyogo)
Maruo Takamasa (Tokyo)
Okudaira Yu (Hyogo)
Koga Yoshiyuki (Tokyo)
Yoshizawa Taichi (Tokyo)
Utsumi Hanako (Yokohama)
Ōtani Mei (Kyoto)
Kajiki Marin (Fukuoka Ichi)
Saegusa Chiaki (Sapporo)
Tanaka Emii (Uozu Ichi)
Tsutsumi Honoka (Ureshino)
Nakamura Chiharu (Yokohama)
Nishi Arisa (Tokyo)
Hara Wakaba (Niigata Ichi)
Hirano Yume (Tokyo)
Matsuda Rinka (Fuchu)
Mizutani Sakura (Mie)
Tomizawa Makoto (Kashiwazaki)
Okada Keiju (Kitakyushu)
Iitsuka Shibuki (Yokohama)
Tanaka Misaki (Higashiura)
Nagamatsu Sera (Ōita Ichi)
Oura Nishida-Capiglia (Mie)
Yoshioka Miho (Fujisawa)
Okada Naoya (Tsuyama)
Yoshioka Dai (Kyoto)
Nobata Misaki (Ōita Ichi)
Nagahara Yuro (Hakuba)
Onodero Gin'u (Yokohama)
Shirai Sora (Sagamihara)
Horigome Yūto (Tokyo)
Hiraki Kokona (Tomakomai)
Yosozumi Sakura (Iwade)
Kusaki Hinano (Tsukuba)
Yoshizawa Koko (Sagamihara)
Akama Rizu (Sendai)
Nakayama Fūna (Toyama Ichi)
Leo Kokuba (Chiba Ichi)
Suzuki Kaito (Shizuoka Ichi)
Nishio Ryūya (Osaka)
Sekine Hiroki (Shizuoka Ichi)
Kimura Seiji (Chiba Ichi)
Kawasaki Sota (Kōfu)
Yamamoto Rihito (Yokohama)
Joel Chima-Fujita (Tokyo)
Fujio Shota (Osaka)
Saitō Kōki (Tokyo)
Hosoya Mao (Ushiku)
Nozawa Taishi (Naha)
Araki Ryotaro (Kumamoto Ichi)
Mito Shunsuke (Yamaguchi Ichi)
Takai Kota (Yokohama)
Ōhata Ayumu (Fukuoka Ichi)
Hirakawa Yu (Kashima)
Keiji Sato (Tokyo)
Uenaka Asahi (Fukuoka Ichi)
Yamada Fuki (Minakuchi)
Uchino Takashi (Chiba Ichi)
Yamashita Ayaka (Tokyo)
Hirao Chika (Matsudo)
Shimizu Risa (Kobe)
Minami Moeka (Yoshikawa)
Kumagai Saki (Sapporo)
Takahashi Hana (Kawaguchi)
Tōko Koga (Osaka)
Kitagawa Hikaru (Kanazawa)
Hasegawa Yui (Sendai)
Miyazawa Hinata (Minamiashigara)
Seike Kiko (Tokyo)
Nagano Fūka (Tokyo)
Momoko Tanikawa (Nagoya)
Fujino Aoba (Machida)
Hayashi Honoka (Uji)
Ueki Riko (Kawasaki)
Tanaka Mina (Kawasaki)
Hamano Maika (Takaishi)
Shū Ohba (Fujisawa)
Moriya Miyabi (Nara Ichi)
Ishikawa Rion (Akita Ichi)
Chiba Remina (Tsukuba)
Inaba Reo (Ichinomiya)
Connor O'Leary (Cronulla, Australia)
Kanoa Igrashi (Huntington Beach, California)
Matsuda Shino (Yokohama)
Matsuyama Riku (Saitama Ichi)
Takehara Hidekazu (Munekata)
Taniguchi Taku (Hyogo)
Terakado Genki (Mito)
Murasa Tatsuya (Nagoya)
Mano Hidenari (Yokohama)
Matsumoto Riku (Tokyo)
Minamide Taishin (Kainan)
Matsumoto Katsuhiro (Iwaki)
Watanabe Ippei (Tsukumi)
Hanaguruma Yu (Sakaide)
Mizunuma Naoki (Moka)
Honda Tomoru (Yokohama)
Seto Daiya (Moroyama)
Matsushita Tomoyuki (Utsonomiya)
Kanagimoto Kōnosuke (Imari)
Higa Moe (Hiroshima)
Kobayashi Uta (Nagano)
Shimada Ayano (Mie)
Wada Ami (Nagano)
Yasunaga Mashiro (Tochigi)
Sato Tomoka (Tsukuba)
Kijima Moeka (Hakusan)
Yoshida Megumu (Nagoya)
Ebina Airi (Sapporo)
Matsumoto Shiho (Shizuoka Ichi)
Hirai Mizuki (Kariya)
Ikee Rikako (Tokyo)
Suzuki Satomi (Onga)
Aoki Reona (Tokyo)
Tanigawa Ageha (Osaka)
Narita Mio (Tokyo)
Kobori Waka (Nara Ichi)
Mitsui Airi (Yokohama)
Makino Hiroko (Tokyo)
Ōhashi Yui (Hikone)
Igarashi Chihiro (Yokohama)
Shirai Rio (Takarazuka)
Ikemoto Nagisa (Nara Ichi)
Masuda Aoi (Kurashiki)
Table tennis
Shinozuka Hiroto (Nagoya)
Harimoto Tomokazu (Sendai)
Togami Shunsuke (Tsu)
Hayata Hina (Kitakyushu)
Hirano Miu (Numazu)
Harimoto Miwa (Sendai)
Nishikori Kei (Bradenton, Florida)
Taro Daniel (Bradenton, Florida)
Naomi Osaka (Los Angeles, California)
Uchijima Moyuka (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Aoyama Shūko (Osaka)
Ena Shibahara (Rancho Palos Verdes, California)
Kenji Nener (Perth, Australia)
Odakura Makoto (Tokyo)
Takahashi Yūko (Mitaka)
Nishida Yūji (Inabe)
Ōnodera Taishi (Natori Ichi)
Fukatsu Akihiro (Hiroshima)
Miyaura Kento (Kumamoto Ichi)
Ōtsuka Tatsunori (Osaka)
Yamauchi Akihiro (Aichi Ichi)
Sekita Masahiro (Tokyo)
Takahashi Kentarō (Yamagata)
Takahashi Ran (Kyoto)
Yūki Ishikawa (Okazaki)
Kai Masato (Tokyo)
Yamamoto Tomohiro (Ebetsu)
Uchida Akiko (Tokyo)
Ishii Miki (Fujisawa)
Kojima Manami (Sendai)
Fukudome Satomi (Tokyo)
Araki Ayaka (Tokyo)
Wada Yukiko (Tokyo)
Tominaga Koyomi (Komae)
Hayashi Kotona (Osaka)
Sarina Koga (Saga Ichi)
Mayu Ishikawa (Okazaki)
Nanami Seki (Funabashi)
Inoue Arisa (Maizuru)
Nichika Yamada (Nagoya)
Miyabe Airi (Kobe)
Water polo
Watanabe Taiyo (Kyoto)
Ogihara Daichi (Kagoshima)
Kai Inoue (Los Angeles, California)
Date Kiyomu (Osaka)
Nitta Ikkei (Kanazawa)
Nishimura Towa (Kyoto)
Tanamura Katsuyuki (Ishigaki)
Adachi Seiya (Kakamigahara)
Suzuki Toi (Yamagata)
Takata Mitsuru (Hiroshima)
Inaba Yūsuke (Toyama)
Ōkawa Keigo (Tsuchiura)
Araki Kenta (Fukuoka Ichi)
Miyamoto Masanori (Naha)
Murakami Eishiro (Toyama Ichi)
Suzuki Rira (Shiroi)
Sogabe Kyotaro (Matsuyama)
Higuchi Rei (Ibaraki Ichi)
Kiyooka Kotaro (Kōchi Ichi)
Takatani Daichi (Kyōtango)
Ishiguru Hayato (Tokyo)
Fumita Ken'ichirō (Kōfu)
Kusaka Nao (Takamatsu)
Susaki Yui (Matsudo)
Fujinami Akari (Yokkaichi)
Sakurai Tsugumi (Kōchi Ichi)
Motoki Sakura (Saitama Ichi)
Ozaki Nonoka (Tokyo)
Kagami Yuka (Yamagata Ichi)
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keykite · 7 months
do you have any archived info about rtcd? like any info about the characters, art done, potential plot ect?
hey anon! at this moment i dont (sadly i didnt get around to archiving all of the spotify playlists before they were taken down) but i do remember some info. the main character (i dont remember his name) was a lesbian that used he/him and cat/catself i believe ... and kitsune's ex was going to be an antagonist? the one who took advantage of them prior to wtcd i believe. there was a genderfae character and a hijabi who needed hearing aids/was deaf i believe. also i think ntombi's sibling wouldve been in it. i do believe ... actually. hang on. we do have a cast list and at one point we HAD icons ..... ahhhhgh. okay i'm gonna draft this for now and come back after i do some digging..
okay! im back from my adventure! i found the spotify playlists.
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and let me copy out the cast list for you, anon. incase you missed it;
delilah zielinski, ultimate librarian, genderfae, she/they
sekai ndlovu, ultimate racecar driver, she/her, aromantic
farah ali, ultimate mini golfer, she/her, lesbian
rin takeda, ultimate game show host, he/zi/they, (presumably) mlm, kitsune's ex
anne-marie viverette, ultimate arsonist, he/cat, lesbian(? if my memory serves), would have been the protagonist
amari adeyemi, ultimate ornithologist, they/them, aromantic (and presumably under the nonbinary umbrella), ntombi's sibling
anah elbaum, ultimate paranormal investigator, she/fae/they, lesbian
garmal ahmad, ultimate lifeguard, he/him, bisexual
katsumi fukei, ultimate performer, she/her, (presumably) wlw
akemi masashi, ultimate prince, he/him (no recorded image of his design or flags)
hayato fujioka, ultimate barista, he/they/fae (no recorded images of their design or flags)
sumiko takahashi, ultimate sailor, he/him (no recorded images of his design or flags)
meiko kutsuki, ultimate poet, they/them (no recorded images of their design or flags)
yuko kamiya, ultimate exorcist, he/it (no recorded images of its design or flags, but it had a playlist at one point)
yoichi sasaki, ultimate escape artist, any except for she/her (no recorded images of xeir design or flags)
aiko hamasaki, ultimate matchmaker, he/him (no recorded images of his design or flags)
also one plot point i totally forgot that was teased, but i was VERY upset about for a good while - angel (main character) and katsumi (akihiro's girlfriend) were implied to be a ship that was going to be canon in wtcd2. for obvious reasons .... this really isnt a good thing. i'm just gonna let my past self explain this one -
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sorry this answer got a bit long anon!
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sinclarify · 1 month
I FOUND THUS IMM GOING TO EXPLODE ohhh how i love creating relationship dynamics hehe
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pkspade · 2 years
Here is Akihiro Takahashi the ultimate Streamer
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