#akane x nene
hanako-san · 1 month
ch.117 made me shipper of these two for full (I thought about it before, I was still hesitant, and this chapter convinced me)
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They're so cute and silly
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sailormoonsailorstars · 2 months
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for the nene shippers….
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iamhereinthebg · 4 months
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。Anemoia 。
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valartsstuff · 6 months
I've come back to sail a ship🗣️
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rarastmblr · 9 months
“I'll wait. I'll always wait.”
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#Pairing? Teru Minamoto x FEM!Reader
#Sypnosis. Your boyfriend finds out you've been keeping a secret from him, how does he react?
#Tags. The overused trope of three (in this case, two) of the boy's fangirls bullying his girlfriend lmao, Akane Aoi and Aoi Akane is here‼️
—This post was requested by anon. Thank you for requesting! 💕 I don't think this is exactly how you wanted Teru to find out, so I apologize for that! 😅
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When you had confessed to Teru you thought you would be rejected too, just like the girls who had poured their hearts out when they wrote their love letters for him.
You expected to have your heart broken as you prepared for the words that would shatter your heart as if it was just a fragile plate.
Getting rejected by the handsome prince isn't the worst that you expect; it was the sheer embarrassment that you'd have to deal with as you walk down the halls of the school.
You could only wonder what had happened to the girls that had gotten rejected by him, were they able to quickly move on?
Unfortunately, unlike them, you surely aren't someone who is able to handle rejection lightly, especially if it's from him.
But— Thank the heavens! The result was much more fruitful than you thought it would be. Pushing the negative thoughts of what people would think aside, Teru accepted your confession.
The both of you had agreed to keep the relationship on the low because Teru had many fangirls— and you know what would possibly happen if they found out.
Teru is worried about what would happen to you. Some girls are driven by love to the point they take it too far if they heard news about their crush having a significant other.
That's what led to this — apparently, a certain someone found out about your relationship between Teru and spread the news to the girls, particularly the ones who were known to be obsessed over him.
“Are you seriously Minamoto-senpai's girlfriend?” Kyoko doubted, right after hitting you multiple times earlier along with her best friend Mayu.
“Oh gosh, he must've been out of his mind!” Mayu snorted. No, their parents must've been out of their minds for giving them names that contradicted their personalities. Though, you suppose it wasn't their parents fault their daughters grew up to be bitches a pain in the neck.
“Minamoto-senpai is too good for you, y'know? He's like a prince charming and you..” Right after finishing her sentence, Mayu grimaced: showing a face of disgust. “Don't let the rumours get into your head..”
Well, that's true.. No. You weren't going to be gullible with all the stanky comments Mayu and Kyoko were throwing at you. But it still does bring some tears into your eyes — not enough for them to roll down your face though.
Oh come on, Teru had just comforted you over your insecurities 2 days ago and just plain words from two girls were already melting down the wall of confidence that Teru built up.
“Augh, come on.. is the crybaby gonna cry again? This is just a routine now” Kyoko sneered, annoyed at the routine she herself made. If she thought bullying you was such a chore then why doesn't she just stop? She might as well just be sadistic.
Crybaby. That was the nickname they gave you when they started this mess; ever since they noticed that you were awfully close with Teru. Way before you and him started dating.
You stood up. Well, at least tried to. The bruises Kyoko and Mayu left on your legs didn't really do you any good. Mayu had already beat you into pushing you against the wall before you could stand up.
Just as the two girls were gonna start berrating you again, a cough was heard from behind. The two turned around to see the one and only Akane Aoi. The two froze in fright, wondering what she was going to do.
Her petite figure walked up to the three of you, her indigo hair tied up into two circle sections behind her head as usual. Aoi stared at you with an expression Kyoko and Mayu couldn't read.
Kyoko and Mayu's next move proved that they were idiots. “Akane-san! The princess of the school! Wanna join us over here?” Kyoko suggested, earning a confused look from the indigo-haired girl.
“This little minx sitting on the dirty floor over here is supposedly dating the one and only Teru Minamoto. Could you believe how absurd that rumour is!? Especially since you and Minamoto-kun dated before..” Mayu babbled. Where did she get that information from? As far as you knew, Teru and Aoi never felt any romantic feelings towards each other. Akane would fume at the thought of that.
“What are you talking about?” Aoi looked like she was gonna burst at any moment, well, at least she looked like she was in your perspective. Because of Kyoko and Mayu not being one of Aoi's close friends, the two bullies in front of you wouldn't be able to relate with you being able to read Aoi and her expressions.
“I heard—” “Whatever you're gonna babble next, just shut up. This bathroom is already reeking because of the stank you and Kyoko are emitting. It'd stink more if you open your mouth again.” Aoi shut Mayu up, already fed up with the two girls in front of her.
“It's best you leave (name)-chan alone, unless you want this audio tape sent to the supreme student council office, where Minamoto-senpai would hear it.”
Hearing Teru's name and seeing Aoi shoving a videotape into their faces — repeating everything they said to you, the two girls quickly dashed out of the area.
It was just you and Aoi now. You stared at her as if she hung up the stars, bowing and thanking her profusely again and again for saving you from them. Aoi only crouched down and helped you to stand up. She then put your arm around her shoulder, guiding you as you two walk together towards the nurse's office.
The nurse's office wasn't far. Lucky day for you. It wasn't like you were dreading the time you were walking with Aoi anyway, while you were walking earlier, she had wiped off your tears and helped bring back a smile on your face. She joked about how the two girls didn't have any room to talk to you even — they literally are in the lowest ranks in the class when it comes to intelligence, while you and Aoi are in the top 10.
The nurse was generous (she always is) to have you excused to any of last the classes you had, and with Aoi's help, the teacher agreed to just sign you as ‘excused’.
When it was time to go home, the bruises on your legs have already healed a lot more than you expected. You thanked the nurse and grabbed your back (that Aoi dropped off earlier) so that you can head back home.
Unexpectedly, Aoi was there just as you opened the door of the nurse's office to leave. She said that she'd walk with you on the way home, as the both of your houses were close to each other.
“Where's Nene-chan?” You asked her.
“Hmm.. I don't know either. She's been spending a lot of time in the bathroom lately, do you think my story about Hanako-san took a toll on her?” Aoi responded. The thought of a ghost in the girl's bathroom sent chills down your spine — At least Hanako-san is a girl though, well, rumoured to be.
“AO-CHAN~!!” Ah, you knew that voice. Turning around in sync with Aoi, Akane walked up to you guys with a smile on his face. Though you felt like you were third wheeling..
A conversation started with Akane and Aoi as the three of you were walking. Akane invited himself to walk the both of you home (by both he definitely just meant Aoi, you didn't really care though).
Aoi didn't see a way to escape from this, the three of your houses were close and there wasn't an excuse she could make up except for “We're gonna have a girl's night. Only girls are allowed” and Akane would just unknowingly counter her by saying “I'm only walking with you until you arrive at your house, it'll be fine!”
The walk back home ended with Akane trying to have a long conversation with Aoi, only for it to be a short conversation. He'd try over and over again while you are just there; observing the two of them. Sometimes you'd often see Aoi's eyes light up more than they usually do, so you didn't bother to include yourself into their conversations.
Though, you really did want to ask what Aoi was going to be doing tomorrow. Tomorrow's Saturday after all, meaning no school to stress about.
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*Audio file sent* ...What the hell?
Teru didn't know what to say or feel at the moment. He was just cooking for his siblings earlier right now and they are eating joyfully like a happy family. (Cue Kou excusing himself to go to the bathroom to barf)
A single audio file ruined his evening — even worse that what happened in the audio file had something to do with his girlfriend.
He messaged you, not to ask if the audio was real, he already had enough evidence. But to ask you if you were okay. You replied once he greeted you, but left him on read as soon as he typed the message: ‘Akane and Akane-san informed me about what happened to you today. Can we talk about it? Please?’ He spammed you with messages. He was worried.
After a while, his messages were left on sent. ‘..I'll be visiting you tomorrow.’ That was his last messaged before Teru had turned off his phone. As he looked up, expecting to see Kou and Tiara, he realized he was sthe only one sitting in the dinner table. Where did they go?
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You were nervous. It was the crack of dawn and you checked to see Teru's messages again, only to be left frightened because of the news that he'll be visiting you.
No. It wasn't like your parents had any issues with your boyfriend or anything, they loved him. What you were nervous about was the inevitable conversation that is going to happen today.
You weren't very much of a productive person during the weekdays, so you opted to take a bath later instead of right now in the early morning. Not like Teru would mind anyway.
It wasn't long before 7:47 AM, exactly the time Teru arrived at the doorstep of your home. Your mom, though surprised that your boyfriend unexpectedly visited so early, welcomed him warmly.
Before your mom could lead him to the living room so he could sit down while she goes to your room to call for you, he already saw you taking a sneak peak of him from the stairs. Immediately, as if in a emergency, Teru excused himself and hurriedly walked upstairs to your room almost tripping halfway.
“..Young love~” You mother sighed in happiness for her daughter.
“I don't know, it kind of looks like they're gonna break up.” Your father broke your mom from her dream of you getting married to Teru.
“Don't say that!” She hissed at him, grabbing her slipper—
“Please let me in sweetheart,” Teru begged in a soft tone, not wanting to overwhelm you with everything that was happening.
You cracked the door open slightly. You saw him smile reassuringly. You then opened it enough for Teru to walk in, as Teru is finally inside he waited for you to close your door. He knew you liked it best when conversations between you and him were in private.
“You could've just called.. you didn't have to come here.” You told him, only to be countered by his next words.
“I knew you wouldn't reply anyway when you hear my voice from the phone.” Teru responded, only to get a playful hit from you.
“So..” The room was silent as you locked your door for privacy, fearing that one of you're parents would possibly walk in.
“How long has this bullying been going on for?” Teru asked as he walked closer to you, holding your hand in his and rubbing his thumb across your knuckles.
“..Way before you and I started dating.” You answered truthfully, it was better to speed up this conversation than to slower it down and tell lies.
At that, Teru froze. “Why didn't you tell me?” Almost immediately, Teru used his other hand (the one not holding yours) to wipe away the tears that were starting to brim in your eyes.
Teru knew you like he knew his own mind. He knew that you were getting overwhelmed and we're crying because of it. He could almost predict every move that you were gonna do.
Teru smiled at you softly, then gently held the back of your head. Sobs that came out of your mouth turned muffled as he gently pushed your face into his t-shirt. You wrapped your arms around him, feeling a sense of comfort.
“If you don't want to talk about it now, then that's okay. There's no use dwelling on the past.” Teru muttered as he kissed the top of your head. “I'll deal with those girls at school. You won't have anything to worry about.”
Teru continues to comfort you through your muffled sobs, you hear a series of “shh” and words of encouragement throughout the whole ordeal.
Teru tilted your head up to meat his eyes and wiped away any tears still on your face. Also, he used his shirt to wipe of your snot too — much to your embarrassment.
After that he peppered your face with kisses, resulting into the two of you cuddling in your bed the rest of the morning. But your mom called the two of you down stairs when she noticed you haven't eaten breakfast yet.
The rest of the day ended with Teru hanging out with you and your family. Teru invited you to go on a date tomorrow — his treat ofcourse (nothing changed, he was always the one who pays). Tiara decided to come along that day, not that you minded.
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Sunday passed, and the walk to school with Aoi was peaceful if you just ignore Akane in the background. The bruises have healed, thanks to your mom and Teru. Dad was the one stressing over the many things he had to buy from the store and pharmacy.
“You look better now. Guessing the talk between you and Minamoto-senpai went well?” Aoi asked as the two of you were at the school gate. Akane got called by the other student council's to hurry up because of an urgent early meeting.
“It went very well.” I answered, giving her a thankful smile. “Thanks again, for protecting me that day..”
“No need.” The two of you walked towards the classroom. “Oh! Nene-chan is finally here!” Aoi chimed, delighted to see her friend. Her absence in classes made her seem like she went missing.
You followed Aoi as she went to converse with Nene. You also gave out some opinions and thoughts about the topic the three of you were conversing about, but only like once or six times since you really didn't know a lot about supernaturals.
The teacher finally arrived, students immediately went to go sit down on their seats. Akane was still busy with the student council meeting you suppose. But what was weird is Kyoko and Mayu not being there chattering, judging everyone in their field of view as if they had any room to talk.
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romihearts · 9 months
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married life ! ┊ft. nene, aoi, akane, teru
synopsis. married life with them.
content. fluff, gn reader, intended lowercase
her notes. can mokkes be used as a pillow
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— yashiro nene
married life would be quite calm and relaxing.
housework is split 50/50 but if you or her is very tired from work one of you would offer to do the other's chores for a bit
even the simplest things like the two of you cooking together makes your heart skip a beat !
the two of you have a pet hamster by nene's request :3
if the two of you aren't busy, she'd plan small dates around the town or city you reside in.
the dates would commonly consist of looking at cute appliances, furniture and whatnot.
grocery shopping is quite a hard thing because most of the time the two of you end up with a few of the things you planned to buy and the rest consist of junk food
either way, married life with her is really comforting : ) she'd always be there for you like you'd be there for her
the early morning light entered through your shared home, illuminating you and your beloved in bed, you awake while nene was still asleep.
you cherished moments like these, the warmth and comfort felt around made you feel so safe. even having her beside you is already enough for your heart. not to mention how cute she looks. despite her sayings that there are better people out there, she forgets that you chose her, and she chose you.
you felt so lucky to have her.
— akane aoi ; m
married life with him would be busy yet fun!
in terms of housework, it's 50/50 aswell on mosy occasions but he'd really prefer to do the job for you! especially if you're tired from work.
he'd be the type to wake up earlier than you to cook you breakfast :3 and i feel like he's not really a morning person but he feels better if it's you he's waking up for.
another hc is that he commonly listens to jazz or classical music, and when he plays it out loud while both of you are cleaning you two would end up dancing : )
for dates, he prefers them the typical way. a romantic dinner, a walk on the dock at night, etc. despite it being generic, he'll always enjoy any second he spends with his significant other.
if the two of you go shopping, he becomes very strict and acts like your babysitter TT he wouldn't allow any things that aren't planned to be bought. althoouugh,, if you bat your eyelashes at him, tilt your head, and ask in the most polite way, he reluctantly allow to let you buy something.
it was 8:57 pm, and the sound of water running and dishes clashing were the only thing to be heard at the moment. you and akane had just finished eating dinner and you offered to do the dishes considering he already ran the rest of the errands earlier.
until, akane caught you off guard by wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. it was uncommon for akane to do this, yet it still continues to surprise you. "kane, im doing the dishes, you can hug me later." you giggle out yet he just tightens his hold around you.
"but i want to hug you now." akane said nonchalantly. accepting it, you continue with the dishes while your beloved was embracing you.
— aoi akane ; f
married life with her would be fulfilling.
despite the fact that she's popular and whatnot, i feel she'd prefer a secluded and comforting life
for housework, she'd offer to do all of the chores but of course, you need to help aswell so she reluctantly lets you TT
she'd be the type to buy you flowers !! and with this, your house would probably be filled with flowers too
in the privacy of your home, she lets herself unwind and confide in you, without anyone else's expectation of her : )
she'd like cuddling too! just the two of you on the couch, close to eachother while simply watching a movie makes her happy
for dates, i feel like she'd enjoy on of those craft studios, specifically pottery making! even though its quite cliché, she likes it when you're behind her, helping her through the pottery process too >< oh and she'd definitely love dates to the zoo aswell !! especially if she's with you,she likes admiring the animals : )
she's kinda lenient with letting you put whatever you want in the shopping cart when you two are going grocery shopping, but she's the type to secretly put them back too 😭
"thank you for the date, [name]." aoi said, the two of your were walking around the zoo whilst talking about each other's day and jobs. "it's no problem aoi, i love being with you, really." you responded while aoi blushes a bit a your statement.
"well, for this date, i'd like to treat you to!" aoi beamed. "how about some ice cream? what flavor do you want?" she continued to ask despite you really insisting its fine. but, you faltered against her, seeing her focused face makes youe heart melt and you eventually let her treat you.
"thank you for the ice cream too, aoi" you said, while the both of you continued chatting with your ice creams.
— teru minamoto
married life with him would be chaotic but fun.
teru's good on almost all aspect of housework! except cooking.
he'd try to cook you breakfast but he fails at even cracking the eggs TT for some reason the eggs exploded when he tried cracking them???
another time, he tried baking and the cookies came out burnt and charred.. and incredibly salty too..
after those times, you forbid him from the kitchen.
he'd be clingy, super clingy. if he comes home exhausted from exorcist work, he'd only want to have you in his embrace and won't let you go until for a few hours.
he'd be super romantic when it comes to dates. literally giving you a bouquet full of roses and asking you out for dinner. with the tuxedo suit too.
grocery shopping with him is a 50/50. most of the times you get what you need and only that. but the other half, you two end up getting unnecessary things TT
a loud bang could be heard from the kitchen, it was early in the morning and you noticed your lover out of bed. you could have only guessed what happened. you immediately got out of bed and headed to your shared kitchen, seeing your husband's focused and beautiful face on.. charred eggs?
"ah, [name] you're finally awake!" teru said, his eyes lighting up once he saw you. "i made you breakfast, do you want some?" he asked as you stepped forward to him, taking a look at his work. it was, unidentifiable? you guessed that the beige colored whatever the shape was pancakes..? the look on his face and the food he made was really contradictory.
despite that, you offered to cook breakfast instead. even if your husband can't cook, that doesn't take away from the fact you love him.
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yu2ki · 2 months
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pararororurun · 8 months
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TBHK x reader
Summary : how'd they react to reader being similar to mitsuri.
Note : SOME (most) ARE PROBABLY OOC. SO. I'M SORH SORRY GUYS. Also I forgot to write some character oopsies that's my fault lolll but I'll do them some other time hopefully. ANYWAYSS PLEASE ENJOY AND BAIIII^_^!!!
• Hanako
> You're pretty fun to tease! (lol)
> but whenever he sees you fight in any
scenario he finds it interesting. Someone
who's usually all cheery and happy could
actually be this strong? Someone grab him a
notebook and a pen he needs to figure some
things out about you.
> as much as he treats you like a little kid he's
actually kiiinda deeply afraid of you!
Especially when you're a bit angry.
> tries to help you with your work as much as
he can! But unfortunately fails due to still
having the intelligence of a 13 year old.
• Nene
> honestly would love you with all her heart
and tries to protect you as best as she can.
> when she sees you in action she stares at
you in awe, flustered at how cool you looked.
Then after you finish she'll immediately run
up to you and hug you tightly.
> once she invited you to help her clean the
bathroom and she couldn't stop staring at
you. Talk about lovestruck..
> THE POINT IS. She love you with all her
heart and would do anything for you.
• Kou
> you are his inspiration. (After Teru)
> everything you do will make him interested
and he'll keep on praising at how cool you
were, and how you're always so kind and
smart, and
> head over heels. Oh it's not even subtle
anymore it's SOOOO OBVIOUS it's crazy.
Even tiara notices something off about him.
> tries to protect you. Everytime you're in
danger he gets in front of you and tries to
help you get away from the danger.
> please trust him, he wants to (always) be by
your side.
• Mitsuba
> would start by hanging around you first,
then dent that he was following you.
> everytime you mention someone else he
would always try to mention how he's a lot
more cuter.
> easily jealous, doesn't show it but it's
> would try to take some of the flowers from
the garden, then gives it to you. Saying
how it's just a show of gratitude and
nothing more.
> gets all giddy after.
• Teru
> at first he didn't trust you too much, he has
a little suspicion on you.
> would sometime let his guard down when
he's around you, but then remembers you
aren't quite human? So he keeps on
reminding himself.
> even if you weren't somehow human, he
would still try to help you when you get
> wishes you were human.
• Akane
> worst crisis ever.
> oh he likes Aoi but he also like you?!?!??!??
> walks around the council room in stress as
Teru stares him down, teasing him about
this new 'crush' of his.
> he tries to hit Teru with a bat.
> everytime he sees you he would go the
other way and try to avoid you. He's
> he would feel a little bit of joy but also
bitter whenever he talks to you.
• Aoi
> who knew letting out your feelings on
someone you trust dearly could be so
helpful? Huh?
> whenever you compliment her on
something she would go quiet and not say
anything else, then puts on a sour/pouty
> is actually really embarrassed by your
compliments. She would immediately go
red whenever you compliment her too
much, then she would ask you to stop.
> you are very dear to her. She just doesn't
know how to show it.
Note : happy Friday guys. Yay? I don't rly have much to say sooo
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raincandyy-u · 12 days
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Rin chan now!!!
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aoinene-ceo · 21 days
Would anyone be interested in hearing about my aoinene vampire au ?? It's got terukane and mitsukou in it a little ... (in hopes of actually getting traction lol)
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hanako-san · 6 months
I had to do Something with Daikon. So in the comic it turned into a what if, she had confessed to Akane like Wanted to in high school. And both started fake dating to make Aoi jealous but it turned into real thing.
These makes Nene not summon hanako and instead Aoi summons him
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(Short haired Daikon is better)
This is a really good idea! I'm in! They look cute together when I look at them in your fanart and they match each other. The comic will be really interesting!! I can't wait for the full version
In my version, of course, she is with Fuji, but as a terunene shipper, she will be with him. Daikon likes assholes and doesn't appreciate what she has, so I'll let her be with her narcissistic prince as she alaways wants. I think I have too much love for Akane to associate him with daikon.
akanene looks so cute! Go AHEAD make them as you wish I can't wait to know more ✨
now looking at daikon longer with short hair, I like her long hair, but with short hair she looks more like daikon, so I agree that this hair suits her better!
Your comic will be really beautiful. I'm sure! ✨
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Helloooo mutual✨
Since you sent me an ask in reference to the fandom ask thing we reblogged, I wanted to return the chance to rant. What are some of your favorite characters/ships for tbhk, and why?? Any particular headcanons you like for them??
I hope this isn’t too vague lol, I like hearing people’s preferences for things like this :3
Okay so I’m an AkaNene shipper and a lot of people don’t get that ship (they tend to think it’s a crack ship or a rare pair just made up for fun)
I personally came up with this huge adoration of the ship over one side comic and then the severance / red house arcs era (so around chapters 70-90’s)
The side comic I’m talking about is the one where Nene asked Aoi if Aoi really didn’t care about Akane’s crush on her and if she wouldn’t mind if Nene went out with him instead (it’s the one where Nene skips school for like a week because of it)
And the rest :D rubs my silly little hands together
During the severance Nene loses two very important people! One being Aoi, and the other being Hanako. And for Akane, it’s Aoi too.
I honestly think it’s really interesting to see how their relationship would blossom after chapter 72- the Terunene “date” chapter. Akane seems really angry in that chapter because Nene is indirectly why Aoi was gone. But, I think by the end of it he would be much more willing to hear Nene out.
I think they’d be each others support systems as we know Nene got depressed after the severance, and Akane probably wasn’t any better either (I’m looking at you watering can Akane official art)
They wouldn’t see each other as replacements for each others love interest- but they would see it as something to have in common and help each other over.
My hc’s for the severance period are pretty dark so if I had to think of fun AkaNene headcanons:
Whenever Nene’s really upset Akane will redirect her to watch something she really enjoys. I love the idea of Magical Girl enjoyer for Nene (projecting lol) but I think knowing her canon interests she’d be more interested in things like Madoka Magica rather than Magical Doremi/Precure/Sailor Moon 💭 Akane wouldn’t be super interested in that sort of thing but after watching it with Nene a few times he finds himself wrapped up in the lore and maybe even starts relating to Homura 😭 given the time loop based losing a crush stuff
Unlike Aoi- Nene loves rain and storms! She likes the adrenaline. As long as she’s warm and under a waterproof jacket she likes it. She’s the sort of person to lay in the grass and just let the water hit her face to me. So, sometimes if a storm starts she’ll shoot Akane a text that she’s coming over and then drags him outside to dance in the rain :D
Nene usually ends up freezing cold after this so Akane has to dry her hair off with a towel and get the space heater and blankets out. He sort of lectures her about how she needs to listen to him and be more careful, but it’s out of concern - not to be mean.
on this note of hair , Nene has thick curly hair! I like to hc that she flat irons it to try and fit in with Aoi and the others because curl care can be a night mare as someone who struggles with it. Her hair gets super frizzy sometimes and she finds it easier to just iron it. Akane tries to tell her that he likes her natural hair, and helps her comb tangles out gently. This ends up leading to her deciding to stop straightening it every day.
As we know from one of the side comics, Akane has a book shelf full of books that all have a character named Aoi in it. I think Nene would find that a little silly, but drag her interest so much that she ends up slowly reading all of them and then discussing them with Akane- like an Aoi book club 🔥
I also think that on her own Nene would probably read some crazy stuff that Akane wouldn’t exactly expect. She’d be scrolling through an e-book on her phone until Akane finally looks over and realizes she’s reading a detailed murder scene from American Psycho
Akane on the other hand would read old timey romances I think. Stuff with Princes/Knights and Princesses. I also think he’d start getting into the psych horror magical girl genre because of Nene. He’d really love watching Revolutionary Girl Utena :) I do love transfem Akane hc’s so he’d either relate to Utena because he sees himself in her and gender euphoria OR he would just see himself and Aoi in it… like having the right spirit despite it being the WLW of all time
Whenever Nene’s too busy or depressed to take care of her hamsters Akane will take over. He tells her that it’s a chore and he only does it because he loves her- but he’s secretly really attached to them and gives them silly nicknames because Nene’s given names are usually pretty extreme haha
Okay that’s a lot but I hope it’s good to read >:D I adore these two I wanna put Akane under a microscope and psychoanalyze him
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h0neygh0ul · 10 months
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Good Movie👍
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justafriendlyhuman · 1 year
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🧜‍♀️MERMAY 2023🌊 — Aoi and Nene :D
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tsukasalvr · 11 months
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Characters: Tsukasa Yugi, Teru Minamoto, Kou Minamoto, Nene Yashiro, Aoi Akane
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: hihi!!! And thank u so much!!! That’s very sweet and I hope u like these and sorry for the wait I was on a break<3
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa is in love with you and how adorable you are. Loves to cling on you like a koala and smother you with love and loves how you happily accept it
Loves to carry you when you shrink and show you off and say how cute you are. Also thinks that the bamboo in your mouth is the cutest thing ever and will sometimes pull it off just to see your sharp fangs
He knows you’re a demon so often offers to get you meat but is stopped by Sakura who has to tell him it really isn’t necessary since you only need to sleep, which he will happily cuddle you through
Loves it when you show off your powerful kicks and strength, and also likes it when you protect him. Can’t help but giggle when he sees how quickly you regenerate and says how freaky and cool it is
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Teru Minamoto
He didn’t like you at all at first, he wanted to get rid of you even if it meant bringing you to the sun to burn. You’re a demon which means you’re nothing but evil who eats humans
But when sensed no dark aura from you and only sensed kindness and innocence from you, he instead watched you from afar at first and when he confirmed that you were in fact different, he instead got close to you and you both eventually ended up in a relationship with you
Thinks the bamboo in your mouth makes you very adorable and will offer you a mask instead to make it less suspicious. Will have a comfortable sofa in the student council room just for you to sleep in and Akane loves to make fun of Teru for being so cheesy which never ends well for him
It’s when he let you meet Kou and Tiara when he found out about how protective you are when it comes to family and loves to watch how you interact with his siblings
Although he wouldn’t want you to, he lets you if you really wanted to help him exorcise ghosts and knows that you can defend yourself well with your strength alone
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Kou Minamoto
Wanted to get rid of you to prove that he can be strong enough to get rid of something, even a powerful demon
Kou sees the good in a lot of people so it didn’t take long to see that you had no ill intentions and you were just an innocent demon that wanted to protect instead
He wonders if the bamboo always in your mouth gets gross or unsanitary so he offers you new mouth pieces or more small bamboo sticks if you really wanted to stick with your bamboo look
He can’t exactly offer you meat but he will offer you raw animal meat instead which is still weird but he hopes it works the same. But when he sees sleeping works just as well, he offers you to use his lap as a pillow even if he gets flustered the whole time
He admires your strength and hopes to be as strong as you and will ask if you can help him train to be as physically as strong as you
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Nene Yashiro
She was skeptical of you from the way you always had your mouth covered and mostly spoke with sounds instead of talking but any skepticism is immediately gone when she saw how adorable and kind you actually were
Yashiro thought that you were adorable and although she was scared when she found out you were a demon, she didn’t care. She knew you didn’t want to eat anyone, you were different and wanted to protect you at all costs even if she wasn’t as physically strong as you, which still amazes her
Although she knows you can’t eat human food, she still offers you cooked meat in disguise when you’re both in public and hopes it gives you some energy.
Offers you her shoulder or lap to sleep on and looks at you in awe when you sleep and thinks you’re so adorable. Sometimes she ends up sleeping with you with her head leaning on top of yours which I was leaning on her shoulder
Loves to carry you when you’re small and sometimes has you stuffed in a backpack just so she can carry you around when the suns out
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Aoi Akane
She knew something was off when she met you but didn’t really have any thoughts about it and even when she found out, she didn’t really care
Aoi knew how she felt towards you and had no problem with you being a demon. Plus you being so cute takes part in her not minding at all, loves it when you shrink and pampers you with cute accessories and clothes as if you’re a doll
An immediate power couple when it comes to looks; speaking of clothes, the way you have your mouth covered is a very creative and cute way in her eyes. Decorated your bamboo stick or mouth mask with stickers even if it’ll most likely fall off or get ruined
She’ll gladly let you sleep on her or have you shrink to fit in her bag to let you sleep and will even cover the inside with a blanket and plushies so you can sleep more comfortably
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