#akane sumire x reader
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years ago
Your favorite Toilet Bound characters as Yanderes with their Darling being a fairly powerful exorcist who can manipulate gravity
(If that is possible I can’t remember it’s been awhile sense I’ve read and watched the series)
Darling is a powerful exorsist
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Hanako, Tsukasa, Teru, Sumire ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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× Sumire is a character that had only been show in the manga so it could be taken as spoiler
My dear!! I love youuuuuu!! Thank u so much for requesting for JSHK!!! requesting yandere and a really interesting prompt! Love it! ❤️
Sorry, I didn't manage to put the part of controlling gravity 😔 still I hope you like it as much as I did
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Since the moment you got into the school Hanako noticed your presence, specially since you are just not anyone, you are an exorsist, and a really powerful one
Knowing that Hanako spend some time following you close (with you knowing it or not), watching over you from afar trying to know more about you to make sure you won't represent a problem for his plans (specially because he already has to deal with the Minamoto brothers), however, ass the time pass he can't help but get more and more interested on you, maybe it was that he finds you a funny person to be around, maybe you are, in reality, really caring, maybe even you had showed kindness to the weakest supernaturals (like the Mokkes), or maybe it was just everything about you that mesmerize him
Hanako can't help himself but want to be more and more close to you, reaching the point where he can't even hide well because he just wants to approach to you, that is why the moment you confront him (either by attacking him by surprise or just kindly asking him what the hell he wants) is like a reality check for him, he is startled by it for a moment but quickly tries to recover his charming and misterios facade, introducing himself as the honorable no. 7, leader of the seven mysteries (even if you already know who he is)
He doesn't want to let his guard down around you yet and still he can't help but wanting to spend all the time he can with you, it doesn't matter if you find him annoying or even if you want to exorcised him, Hanako just brush it off and even playfuly challenge you to do it (however provoke you isn't his smartest move since that one time you attacked him he barely made it alive)
Hanako wants to be careful, wants to focus on his work and help Yashiro with her wish, but he can't stop thinking about you, wanting to be around you, even if you don't really like him he wants to mess with you, and he can't stop himself from following his heart and just follow you around the school, clinging onto you and teasing you here and there. Somehow you two quickly become friends but Hanako wants more, he craves for more, for him it doesn't matter if you see him as annoying he can't just go away, it hurts his heart when he isn't with you even if you just send him angry glares (however if you are kind and even playful with him that just feed his obsession for you)
Hanako doesn't show it off much his obsession and dependence for you and just cover it up with his charming and clingy personality, when he is with you he can't just think straight, he just want to have fun with you! he want to see you smile! he wants for you to be happy with him! But when you aren't around he tend to overthink a lot, he is nothing but a mere ghost, and even worst, an assassin, how he dares to think that he deserve to be happy by your side? And you are an exorsist! You should hate him! you probably hate him (if you actually express that you want to exorcise him he laugh at it in front of you, but is something that hurt him a lot, in the moments when he feels specially down or anxious/insecure he actually thinks on letting you just exorcise him)
Hanako is really demanding, he is taking your attention from anyone and anything else all the time, specially when he is jealous (what happen constantly), clinging to you protectively and possessively even if you are the only one who can see him (he actually takes advantage of this), sometimes he lets you alone but not complety, if he actually manage to make you mad at him for how clingy he is he will let you and just watch you from afar (after scolding himself pretty harsh, the more angry you are the more harsh he is with himself)
Hanako finds both scary and incredibly attractive how stronge you are, he is completely mesmerize whenever he sees you use your powers, even if is against him (he barely make it of because he is too distracted being in lovestruck) and even when you are clearly more powerful than him that doesn't stop him for trying to help you and protect you from any danger (for what he sees as a danger), he wants to show you that he is more than a simple assassin, that what he had done in the past doesn't define him (he is actually scare that you don't see him as more, the thought of you seeing him just as a mere assassin or supernatural make him incredibly anxious, he fears it even if you don't see him that way)
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa doesn't have a great title like his brother, he is just in the school because he has a goal to achieve and because he wants to have fun, so for him you could easily go unnoticed for a while, it could be that Sakura notice that you are a powerful exorsist or that he sees you using your powers to exorcise a supernatural one day
Tsukasa doesn't really fear you so the moment you catch his attention he waste no time and just approach to you, he wants to tell you that what you did was amazing!! He wants to aks you how did you do that and where you learned to do that!!
Is probably that he scare or trigger you and you attack him out of instinct for how he appeared out of nowhere, he will try to avoid the hit at the best of his habilities and still is probably that you manage to hurt him, however he won't really take it bad, maybe just tells you that attacking him by surprise it wasn't fair or even asking you if that means that you want to play with him and attack you too, turning it into a fight. However, if you don't react bad or against him Tsukasa will be just making you a lot of questions (even some that doesn't have nothing to do with your powers and he almost doesn't gives you time to answer) and with every question he does he get closer to you, until the point where he is just inches away from your face
Once Tsukasa is interested in you his interest grows more and more with time, quickly becoming an obsesion! He can compare the feelings he has for you with the feelings he hold for Amane! The inmense loves he feels for you is your sentence, no matter how stronge you are Tsukasa isn't going to give up with you, the only way to get away from him is exorcising him, vanishing him from this world, and even if that happen he won't be sad for it, in his mind is an act out of love
Tsukasa isn't exactly delusional, but he firmly believes that you love him as much as he loves you even if you try to deny it he won't accept it
No matter how it happens your first met once you catch Tsukasa's attention there is no way that you will be able to get away from him, since that day Tsukasa follows you around whenever he has the time or just want to do it, either by following you from afar or directly by your side, if you ask him to go away he will ask you why innocently, if you ask kindly he may leave you alone for now but if not he probably just cling onto you to mess with you (he finds funny your annoyed expression)
Tsukasa knows you are stronge but he doesn't fear you, he has no problem with going full strength against you if you two end up fighting (as much as he doesn't has problems with killing other supernaturals he doesn't want to kill you, not when you are so funny to be around). Tsukasa finds really interesting and funny to see you doing your work as an exorsist so he sometimes ask Sakura to change the rumors to something really big and dangerous just for you to having to fight against them, and when it isn't that he himself mess with the most weak supernatural to try to create one big supernatural just for you to having to fight it (he is even proud about his creating and ask you how it was, if it was good and if you liked it)
Tsukasa quickly becomes demanding and pretty possessive, he doesn't understand and doesn't care that you go to that school to take classes and more than once he will make you skip classes just so you two could hang out or because he wants to show you something, even if you don't want he will drag you with him because Tsukasa isn't going to accept a no as response
Little by little Tsukasa start to completely monopolize you, for him it doesn't matter if he brings you problems in your personal life, he just want you to himself, also he has no problem with resorting to dirty tricks, like forcing you or scaring you to be with him, even if he has to attack you by surprise just to have all your attention for himself
Tsukasa doesn't see anything bad in his actions, not even when he is practically kidnapping you by locking you with him in the radio club or at the boundary of a mistery just so you two can spend time together, even when you can easily find you way out of there that doesn't stop him from doing it again and again
Tsukasa always act childish and playful with you, but he is totally willing to throw off whatever threat stand between the two of you, it doesn't matter if is a human or a supernatural, it doesn't even matter if that threat is you, if he has to make you change you mind and make you give up to him he is totally willing to do it, it doesn't matter if in the process hurts your body or your mind in his eyes is just part of the fun! he is just getting you ready for all the fun you two are going to have together!
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Teru Minamoto
The Minamoto Family has been engaged in exorcism for a long time and Teru, for being the firstborn of the next generation, he has been trained to be an exorsist since he was really young. Since you are an exorsist too that is the main reason why the two of you met in the first place, and probably you two know since a young age too
For being so stronge the two of you are the main people in charge of exorcising the supernaturals around the city and you two have been working together for a long time, and for that Teru is grateful, being an exorsist is a really rough job but having someone by his side it makes it more bearable
Since the start Teru felt atracted to you, maybe is that you are really stronge or maybe that you can understand how he feels for having to spend all his time in this job, even if you are more introvert or even shy he has no problem with being the one who start being the talktive one at first
The relasionship you two have together quickly grows for how much time you two spend together, even you two had spend some time training together too at some point. As well, his feelings slowly grows stronger and stronger with the time and still because of your job it could go unnoticed for a long time how clingy and possessive he grows with you, hidding it by his excitment to see you again and to work together (what he always express, specially if you get flustered, making you flustered just increase his ego)
Teru doesn't like much his job, having to spend all his live fighting with supernaturals isn't his ideal and you sharing the same fate with him is something that troubled him but at the same time make things a little better, he loves that thanks to being exorsist he can spend almost all your time together and monopolize you but in the other hand he hates that you give your life to fight supernaturals without other option
Sometimes, while things are a little more peaceful or you two are taking a break Teru likes to talk about what you two could do if you weren't busy all the time, jokinly telling you about dates he will like to take you in or even a future together without having to be exorcist with his usual charming smile, even if you take it as a joke or ask him to stop for being flustered he just softly laugh at your reaction but he actually mean what he said, and he isn't planing to let you go anytime soon (it irritated him a little if you take it as a joke but he is confident that with time you will see how serious he is being with this)
Your relasionship could be seem very calm since Teru is really good at hidding his possessiveness, however there is something that dangerously triggers him, he had been feeling like you two have an unbreakable bond, that you two are mean to be together and that nothing can separate you two, he feels like everything goes perfect between you two until he sees you outside your job, seeing you one day hanging out with others (or if you two go to the same school it trigger him seeing others being too close and touchy with you, however for being the school prince he has an advantage), even if they are just your friends is pretty shocking for him
Teru is really possessive, he does not own his own life and it isn't like has other option so you and your relationship is something that he feels that he can fully possessive and have control over it so seeing you be happy with others make him anxious, he may be too shocked and angry the moment he sees you so he will just confront you about it later (but still trying to seem calm). Also, thanks to this Teru grows a little more controlling, trying to lead you to go to the same school with him (even using the mysteries as an excuse) just for you two to spend more and more time together, and he being able do watch your interaction with other and rip off any possible threat
Most of the time Teru tries to keep his charming facade while talking to you but it could be that, since you know him for a long time you can tell that he isn't bring sincere, something is bothering him, still he will just cover it with saying that he is worried about you, but after this he is more and more possessive and a little more manipulative, trying to lull you to do what he wants, he doesn't trust in the people around you and he will try to make you distrust them too
Teru can go as far as training until he feels his body shatter and feeling short of breath every day to be able to become more and more strong until he finally surpass yourself in power so you could depend on him, as well to have an advantage over you
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Akane Sumire
Since a young age Sumire knew that her fate was to be sacrificed to the god to bring peace to the village, she hates it but she just accept it because in reallity she doesn't really have another option, however she never lost her smile
After the village lost the last exorsist of the Minamoto Clan Sumire started to train to be able to protect the village as the Kannagi, although it could be that you are part of Minamoto Clan as the next exorcist in training or that you came to the village one day and were welcome to take the place as the exorcist, in any case Sumire is really willing to meet you and excited to learn from you
Sumire isn't the type to fall in love immediatly, specialy with her position, so you two start as friends, quickly becoming close and despite all the hate and warnings of the villagers it become pretty common to see you, Sumire and Hakubo together around
Sumire always plays innocent with that smiles of her, but the moment she warms up with you she start to be more clingy and truly smiles at you. It doesn't take her long to notice that she feels a true happines with you, one that she only feels when she is with Hakubo or when she is healing wounded animals she have found, you don't treat her as the Kannagi but as a friend and that makes her extremely happy, being with you makes Sumire feel like everything is fine, heck it even make her forget what her fate is at times, she loves the feeling she has when she is with you and she isn't going to lose you
Sumire isn't always honest with her feelings with you, she tend to complain a lot about how bad temporary husband Hakubo and still, deep down in her heart, the only person she wants to be with is you, Sumire lies during training with you saying that she can't do it just for you to focus your completely attention in her a little longer to explain her how to do it again, even more just so you will touch her to explain her how to hold the weapons, Sumire lies and smiles like if she doesn't hate that place, like if she doesn't think that you and Hakubo are the only worthy people of protect in there, and Sumire isn't complety sincere when he tells you that she likes your company because in reality she wants you all for herself, she wants to trap you in her arms, she want for you to depend on her and NEED her as much as she does with you
Also, Sumire loves to play innocent with you, just like when she gets into more troubles just for you to came and stand up for her, defending her from the other villagers, just as she gets really aggresive towards who dare to say something bad about you or start questioning your relasionship
Little by little Sumire start to monopolize all your time with every excuse she can, acting like a perfect wife to you too, healing your injuries carefuly and with love, making you flowers crowns, physicaly clinging to you, acting all cute and innocent, anything she can do to make you fall in her trap to make you hers forever, Hakubo knows exactly what she is doing but he isn't going to say anything about it, he haven't been asked to do it after all
Sumire admire your strength, she truly find it amazing but it isn't really a threaten for her or her plans to be with you forever, it would be even an advantage since she is really smart and can easily lull you to do what she wants, and even if the manipulation doesn't work it doesn't matter, she has learned a lot from you and she can always ask Hakubo to force you or restrain you until you finally accept to be with her
Sumire can't forget about her position as the Kannagi, even if she tries Sumire is still fully aware of her fate, she had given up some time ago choosing to just enjoy the time she had and hoping for all the village to fall into hell after her dead, however now that you are in her live she wants to stay alive a little longer just to be with you, to have you, so some days before the ritual cames she talks to Hakubo about it, saying that it would be amazing for the three of you to just go away and start a new life, go somewhere where all of you can be together, finishing her speach by asking Hakubo to end with the village, make them live a hell in the earth just like she always wanted so the three of you could just leave and Hakubo can't say no when he is asked to do something, however this time he isn't doing it just because he had been ordered to do so
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seasasyan · 2 years ago
Hiii how about Mitsuba, Kou, Akane, Sumire, and maybe Yashiro (hopefully that’s not too much if so you don’t have to do her) with the Hanahaki disease and they’re too scared to confess to their crush (but does it anyways) you can choose how you want to end it
(Take your time and have a nice day/night ^^)
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hi yall im finally back to write , im sorry for these months of absence 😓 ty all again for 108 followers tho !!
!! : ANGST endings im sorry
the hanahaki disease
first , lets take a look at what the hanahaki disease is ... have you ever wondered what's that feeling of sadness you feel in your stomach when you can't seem to confess your love to the person you like , or even worse when they get together with someone else ? Flowers start to bloom in your heart and lungs, and when you start to throw them up , its when you know you need to get over that certain person , for you to continue to live.
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; yashiro : you have always seen her so busy these days ; you really loved her , you wished she could see herself with your eyes , so that she could know how you see her ; that's why you were always scared of confessing your love to her. Maybe she already found someone that could love her like you couldn't. And this was the truth unfortunately , she couldn't see how much you loved her , the more she passed time with Hanako , the more you knew you were losing her , though she was never yours in the first place. You always acted like you were fine , greeting her the morning , giving her a goodbye before she run to the bathrooms , doing god knows what ; you acted like you were fine while the flowers grew more till you couldn't breath anymore , because you didn't want her to feel guilty , because it was mever her fault , it was yours for not moving on from the one you truly loved ...
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; kou : the fact that kou was so dense was even worse , you could act all lovey dovey with him and he'd still call you a " good friend " or was it because he didn't want to say he didn't like you more than a friend ? Thats the question that tormented you , and your poor lungs , day and night ; you really wanted to confess instead of leaving signs , but what if he would've reject you and the situation between you two would've just turned out more embarassing ? Would've he accepted you confession if he knew what was happening inside you ?? You didn't want to force him being with you , even in your last days ...
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; mitsuba : oh how you despised that arrogant attitude he had everytime you tried to talk to him , you despised the fact that it was one of the many things you liked about him , you despised the fact that it was one of the reasons that took you where you are now , angry at yourself because you couldn't at least confess to him , before he passed away. It was just a silly crush , yet you couldn't get yourself to forget him , like many always did , it was so frustrating ... maybe in the other world , you'll have all the time to try and scold him for his attitude ...
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; akane aoi : everyone knew about the huge love akane always felt for aoi , he never tried to hide it .. so why you needed to fall for him ? It was basically impossible trying to win his heart , that was already possesed by the purple haired girl. You tried to get close to him just as a friend , but that just made the situation worse , everything he talked about was aoi that , aoi this , it was making you crazy , and sick .. but of course , no matter how much you prayed , you knew that he had always eyes for someone else , you hated her , you hated him , but most of all you hated yourself for loving him , making yourself fall in this suicidal situation ...
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; sumire : she was one of the akanes , how foolish of you thinking it could've ended better between you two. Her destiny was decided the day she was born , but that ' shinigami ' wasnt programmed as her caretaker .. if only the minamoto exorcist would've killed him , things could have gone differently , you would've taken his place , like it was said , and maybe , even if it was wrong , it would've been nice thinking about sumire seeing you as her husband / wife , until she aged till the final age , you don't know if she was really sacrificed to a god or not , you just hoped that this sickness would've taken you where she was
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isimpxiaoooooo · 2 years ago
Music Festivals (Tbhk x Reader)
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They would explore around and visit or listen to every genera of music there are! They are very adventurous and love spending time with you even if you do too! Would eat many different types of food and snacks as well even if the festival didn’t started they would sing their favorite song and go crazy or hyper. Very positive and out going person! Sometimes gets lost and spam calls through your phone just to find where you are. If you started to cry when someone sings a emotional song they would cry with you as well! Tsukasa, Natsuhiko, Hanako-kun, Mokkes. They would stick to jazz music which they thought was calm and perfect for this lovely evening~ And would always ask if everything was going to plan. Would even give you snacks to save for later when you get hungry during the day. Would do anything to make sure that you’re having a good day during the music festival. And would be happy as long as you are. Akane, Sakura, Kou, Hakubo Would stick to the rock music type. And they actually would show their crazy self. You would think they were a different person when going to the festival.
Would wear clothing that were kinda inappropriate..But when the festival is over..they would turn back into their angle version… And be innocent like nothing ever happen..
Aoi, Fox lady, Mitsuba, Sumire.
They would listen to whatever music you like! But their favorite would be pop or country. And would sing to the lyrics quietly so that no one hear them. But you saw as if they were become an idol!> They would be shy at first, but goes crazy when the festival starts..
Nene, Teru, Tsuchigomori , Mei-Chan
This is probably wrong but it’s in my opinion—
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incorrect-jshkxreader · 2 years ago
Sumire: When I eat alphabet soup, I only eat the vowels
(Y/N): Why?
Sumire: Sometimes.
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mguvmii · 3 years ago
(I did a little error in my request-)
Can you do headcanons of Mitsuba, Kou, Akane (male), and Sumire (Hopefully I’m not asking for too much characters-) have a S/O who is like Kanao from demon slayer.
(I hope you’re having a wonderful day ^-^)
Hello welcome to my page 🤩 hope you enjoy this piece. I love Kanao her character development is so nice ^^ have a wonderful day! Lots of love from Beth ♡!
Mitsuba , Kou , Akane(boy) & Sumire with an S/o like Kanao from Demon Slayer
Warnings ; none (?) , New character mention
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    𓏲࣪ 𓆤  ˒˒  ๑  mitsuba Sousuke ﹏  . 🥡 ੭
• The first time yall met , he made fun of you 💀
• " Why dont you talk? Are you a mute or something? Its because you're standing in front of such a cute apparition huh?"
• he'll get used to this behavior eventually, but he always pokes and makes comments in hopes youll talk to him.
• oddly enough, hes adapted to your quiet and calm nature. He finds it comforting even if you dont talk back. Dont worry he'll talk for you !
• the first time he sees you flip a coin , hes curious and weirded out. Who flips a coin to decide something??
• he'll ask you about it a lot.
• eventually he falls in love with you and now he's extra curious about what you sound like. He's also more shy but clingy.
• He'll constantly ask you about the coin and hug you
• You DO reveal your voice eventually! When Mitsuba heard it the first time he was shocked. Your voice was so soft and gentle! He loved it though he'd never tell you.
• he tries to compliment you , but it always comes out as an insult. Thank god you understand him and can decipher what hes saying.
• what he didnt know was how strong of a fighter you were! The first time you met Hanako, you floored him 💀 it was just because you thought he was a threat to Mitsuba. You're like his protecter.
• Mitsuba was kind of afraid to anger you now 😪 but he was also impressed. He was proud but didnt say it you could just tell.
• if you have Kanao's eye color, he'll like looking at them. They're just so pretty and calming.
• sometimes he'll snatch your coin and hide it so you'd play scavenger hunt. It makes Mitsuba chuckle.
• basically , Mitsuba thinks youre precious and admires you a lot. He'll tey his best to look after you from Tsukasa you're his precious s/o.
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    𓏲࣪ 𓆤  ˒˒  ๑  Kou Minamoto ﹏  . 🥡 ੭
- he finds you cute! Blushes a lot just because you look so sweet and gentle.
- your eyes (if you have Kanao's eye color) are his favorite thing to look at. He feels warm inside every time. Your gentleness radiates through you.
- he also doesn't mind your quietness and won't push you to talk. He'll be glad to hold the conversation for you. If other people talk to you , he'll be there to talk for you.
- he'll be extra protective over you... mostly from Hanako. The ghost is just too handsy and nobody is gonna touch Kou's s/o like that.
- when he sees you flip a coin to decide something , he'll find it unique. He'll also encourage you to think for yourself it's okay! Very gentle about it.
- Kou was as red as a tomato the first time he heard ypu speak. It was just too precious. He'll ask you to talk again just to hear you.
- affection and skinship? He'll do it, but he'll be shy about it. He loves to hold your hand or sleeve though. He'll also link pinkies with you. He'll give you hugs. If you give HIM a hug? He'll get flustered.
- the first time he saw you fight was when Teru tried to exorcise Hanako and injured Kou in the process. You didnt hesitate to go up against him. You moved so quick it was difficult to see clearly. It ended with Teru pinned to thr ground.
- Kou was in awe at your strength. He felt so proud, yet slightly guilty because his s/o beat up his brother.
- even though you can take care of yourself , Kou has already decided to be your protecter wherever you go. He's q good boyfriend.
- overall , he'll do anything to keep you safe , he loves you so much you're his beloved s/o. He's very loyal and caring.
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    𓏲࣪ 𓆤  ˒˒  ๑  Aoi Akane ﹏  . 🥡 ੭
- you're precious to him period. He finds you so cute and gentle.
- he wouldn't mind you not talking , though he's sad that you're not saying anything.
- blushy boy. He's always blushing around you and being shy. You're just too cute.
- simp. He'll simp for you a lot! Need something? He'll go get it. Want someone to carry your bag? He's on it. This boy will go beyond for you.
- constantly asking you out. Like with Aoi, he'll ask you to date and marry him 😪
- you never respond and instead smile warmly. It makes him even more determined to get a verbal response from you.
- he'll leave small things on your desk in hopes of winning you over, like snacks! He notices how you love butterflies so expect butterfly accessories!
- the first time he saw you flip a coin was when he asked you out again. He was very curious as to why you do it.
- he asks about it. You don't respond but he's smart enough to figure out that's how you decide things. It makes him love you even more.
- whne you FINALLY say yes to his constant courting , he cries 😭 like happy tears. He'll also simp over your voice. It's so sweet and gentle and kind! Please talk to him some more he loves your voice!
- protective x10 . Ain't no way someone like Hanako is coming near you , or Teru. He has nothing against Teru , but he doesn't want you falling for the prince.
- he'll constantly be touching you. This includes holding pinkies , holding hands , grabbing you sleeve , wrist shoulder. He's just a touchy person.
- if someone dares bully you for your quietness and coin flipping? He'll fight them. Square up right now.
- better yet , there was one time that someone made fun of Akane and you pretty much demolished that person 💀 got in trouble for physical fighting but it was worth it.
- Akane fell even more in love if that was possible 😭
- overall , he'll be the number one boyfriend! Lots or cuddles , clingyness , sweet flirting and gift giving. He's also your protecter.
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- another person that's kind. She'll think you're the best thing that's happened to her. She'll constantly hug you she judt can't get enough.
- head pats. I head canon she has 'cute aggression' where sometimes your cuteness is too much for her that she's a little too smothering. Hugs you too tight 😭 kisses your face A LOT . Please she's precious.
- your gentle and kind aura is addicting to her. She'll always be with you because you just have that warm aura she loves. It makes her happy.
- the first time she sees you flip a coin, she understands. she may not know the backstory , but she understands not being able to decide.
- She'll paint it for you! Or she'll buy a beautiful coin to replace yours. Only the best for you.
- she desperately wishes to hear your voice :( it makes her sad when you don't.
- When you do she blushes and her heart melts. Cue the cute aggression again TT talk to her a lot she'll love it.
- when you show her you can fight , she'll be in awe. She'll fall more in love with you! She'll lrt you protect her from anything and everything.
- you have a strong mind and spirit , one that she admires. Number six? Nah she'll marry you 😪 that's guaranteed.
- you're the best thing that's happened to her. She'll gift you butterfly accessories. Sometimes she'll capture REAL butterflies for you! The prettiest ones!
- Calls you her butterfly
- overall, she's perfect for you and vice versa.
A/n; hi! I hope you enjoyed this! I wrote this on the plane ride to my trip lol it was pretty long for two hours. Then again we packed a lot so we're slower 😥 its okay though have a good day!!
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hoshi-y · 2 years ago
WAIT I DIDNT KNOW YOU ADDED SUMIRE 🥹💖 I KNOW I MADE A REQUEST BUT IGNORE IT (so sorry 😭) Can I request Sumire, Kou, Mitsuba, and Yashiro (hopefully that’s not too much) with a S/O that’s like Power?
(Take your time and have a nice day/night ^^)
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S/O that acts like Power from Chainsaw Man
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Akane Sumire, Minamoto Kou, Mitsuba Sousuke, Yashiro Nene
TW : None
A/N : So sorry that it took me awhile to make your request, I tend to avoid things that are a bit difficult for me hehe, I could tell you really wanted me to do your request already so here it is
Just a bit of a warning, I can't guarantee that the personality and attitude will be the same but I'll try my best
I hope you enjoy 💗
Powers Personality :
Entirely self-motivated
Cares for a select of friends
Has severe PTSD (Afraid of being alone)
Feels that people should clean up after her
Often claims she is capable of doing things she cannot actually do
No problem with gossiping and talking about her friends behind their back
Compulsive habitual liar
That's all the info I can find about her personality
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Liar liar pants on fire
You were an absolute HANDFUL to watch over.
You'd sometimes run away creating minor trouble
I mean you blew up the science lab I don't know where minor came from.....
In your excuse, you thought you could do it—
After you met Kou, your life just turned a full 180
He would follow you everywhere
Making sure you don't get hurt
But mostly to keep you out of trouble
It was driving you nuts! You couldn't skip class to chase butterflies anymore
It was hard since both of you were in the same year
But you did found out something about him
He was very gullible.
You grumbled as Kou was pulling you back to his and his friends lair, it wasn't too bad around them, you just didn't wanna help clean up that stinky bathroom—
You had to escape. And fast
"Koouuu... I don't like it in theerree.." You whined, He didn't budge which made you click your tongue. And an idea came to mind.
"Kou, I just got a text from my mom saying that.. My dog died.." You put up your best sad acting in hopes he would fall for it, and he did. He stopped in his tracks as he looked back at you "What?! Toshiba died?!"
Kou absolutely LOVED your pet dog, he would use all types of excuses to swing by
You nodded your head sadly "Mom wants me back home so we can bury him.." Kou gently let go of your hand as he sighef softly "I'll swing by to say my goodbyes to Toshiba.." As soon as he gave your backpack back, you had a cheeky smile on your face
"Thanks!! Bye!!" You ran
You were too fast for Kou, eventually he just gave up. He has to stop being so gullible
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Ugh how dare you call me ugly!
Everyone envied you for your clear ang glowing skin
Anyone would need sunglasses it was that clear
Everyone wanted your secret but you didn't budge
Why? well you just wanted to be the only one with fair skin
Amongst those in tge ctowd wanting your skincare routine
A pink haired gentleman also wanted a grasp at your secret
I mean how can he keep being cute with such flaky skin?!
So he pulled you aside to ask but you were a bit too hard headed
Mitsuba groaned as he held on your arm "Come on! Just one product that you use and I won't bother you anymore!" He begged but you went silent pretending he wasn't there
You checked your phone time and continued to pretend he wasn't there. "What about this, I'll buy you WHATEVER you want, for just one product"
"Mud Mask?!" His face lightened up as he was probably the first you told your super secret fbi skincare
"Yeah, its good for the pigs skin after all"
Mitsuba gasped "How DARE you call me a pig! Look at yourself first skeleton!" He fired back
"Oh yeah Barbie?"
Mitsuba didn't wanna back down as he soat all sort of names at you
But you won, obviously
He pushed you out of their classroom as Kou, Satou and Yokoo witnessed the entire thing.
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We're you grown on soil?
When Yashiro first met you, her first impression of you was that you were pretty Childish
Not that she hated it, She absolutely adored it
For.... some odd reason....
The way you act and talk like a child
You were so cute in her eyes!
but of course we know that every child is super curious of things right?
Well you started asking a bunch of nonsense to Yashiro
Like, how do fish swim, how do cars work
"Does tinkerbell exist?" Stuff like that
She sometimes questions how you got in the Rank 3....
"Nene-chaann~" You cooed as she stopped shoveling and looked at you "Uwaahh [F/N]! I thought you went home already?" She dropped her shovel and took off her gloved and walked up to you
"I got you an Ice Pop!" You gave her the green colored one as you ate the purple one "Thanks [F/N]! I was needing something to cool me down"
You scanned the field and noticed a bunch if holes she was digging, what was she gonna do? was she gonna plant? look for worms? DIG TO ANOTHER COUNTRY?
Or... Is she gonna plant her legs?
"Nene-chan, are you gonna plant your legs in their?" Yashiro coughed as she almost dropped her ice pop "W-WHAT?! I-I'M NOT!!"
"Ehh?? Isn't that how you got your daikon legs?"
Yashiro crumbled on the spot as she looked like she was needing any god out there to take her
After that, Yashiro forced you to go home as you watched her sulk from afar
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I can do it see?! ahh.. Nevermind...
Sumire always enjoyed your company, and your help
Despite you fucking up every now and then she appriciates the company
Sometimes she'd tell you not to force yourself to do something you couldn't do but you never listen
Your excuse??
"I can do it don't worry! I'm a pro at this"
You ended almost burning the food, or knocking down something
So she just lets you stay back at home
You were one of Sumire's servants, although she didn't treat you like a servant
She treated you more like a friend now.
Sumire and Hakubo watched from a far as you messed up picking up flowers. You were pulling them by the stem and not digging to get the roots and ended up having a very withered out flower
"Are they dumb?..." Hakubo deadpanned as you continued to pluck withered out flowers, Sumire giggled as she placed down her tea cup and walked up to you to help
You saw her from the corner of your eyes walking up to you but you were signaling her not to come, but she did anyways. "Your flowers are withered now [L/N]"
You pouted "I said I could do it.."
"You clearly can not, here let me teach you how to harvest flowers" Sumire smiled at you
For the rest of the afternoon, she taught you how to pick up flowers, and make flower crowns. You've mastered them by now with the guidance of Sumire.
Now that she's gone, the only thing you could do without messing up
Was making flower crowns.
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I caved
IM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG 😭😭😭, I also apologize if I the personality does not match up, I really dunno who Power is LMWODHWUD
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yanderegoddess · 3 years ago
Yandere Simulator Blog
I actually hadn’t intended to be writing this at fucking 10:52 pm but here I am because insomnia is a pain in my ass. And what’s a better way to waste my time then write this out and write some Xreader stuff while im at it. Anyway enough of the side rant off to the real point.
Prompt list!
This is an Xreader Blog I do
X F!Reader
X GN!Reader
X M!Reader
Stuff I write about :
Types of content I write :
smut || the characters will be aged up if smut is requested ||
Characters I write for 202X :
Ayano Aishi
Osana Najimi
Amai Odayaka
Kizana Sunobu
Oka Ruto
Asu Rito
Muja Kina (( Teacher reader ONLY.
Osoro Shidesu
Hanako Yamada
Megami Saikou
Kokona Haruka
Kuroko Kamenaga
Akane Toriyasu
Aoi Ryugoku
Shiromi Torayoshi
Mutsumi Rokuda / Musume Ronshaku
Kashiko Murasaki
Hana Daidaiyama
Kokoro Momoiro
Hoshiko Mizudori
Uekiya Engeika
Genka Kunahito (( Teacher reader ONLY.
Raibaru Fumetsu
Supana Churu
Kokuma Jutsu
Mina Rai
Shima Shiya
Miyuji Shan
Gita Yamahato
Beshi Takamine
Dora Tamamoto
Kiba Kawaito
Meka Nikaru
Homu Kurusu
Inkyu Basu
Sakyu Basu
Sakura Hagiwara
Sumire Suzuki
Horuda Puresu
Male :
Umeji Kizuguchi
Hokuto Furukizu
Gaku Hikitsuri
Dairoku Surikizu
Hayanari Tsumeato
Yandere Kun / Ayato Aishi
Budo Masuta
Taro Yamada / Senpai
Male! Info-Kun
Shin Higaku
Chojo Tekina
Daku Atsu
Geiju Tsuka
Sho Kunin
Juku Ren
Kaga Kusha
Horo Guramu
Yaku Zaishi
Iruka Dorufino
Kencho Saikou
Hazu Kashibuchi
Male rivals :
Osano Nanjimi
Amao Odayaka
Kizano Sunobu
Oko Ruto
Aso Rito
Mujo Kina (( teacher reader ONLY.
Osoro Shidesu
Hanakō Yamada
Megamo Saikou
Characters I write for 1980’s :
Female :
Ryoba Aishi
Kaguya Wakaizumi
Moeko Rakuyona
Honami Hodoshima
Sumiko Tachibana
Ritsuko Chikanari
Ai Doruyashi
Teiko Nabatasai
Komako Funakoshi
Chigusa Busujima
Sonoko Sakanoue
Turi Sutoriku
Doremi Shinmahara
Murasaki Nobumoto
Akari Komiyaku
Raimu Ichijo
Sumire Saitozaki
Male :
Jokichi Yudasei
The Journalist
Saburo Meshino
Togo Atasuma Shichiro Kurosapu
Taichi Hiranaka
Seishiro Sadanaga
Reiichi Tanaami
Joze Shiuba
Ken Kyonashima
Daisaku Aragaki
Saisho Saikou
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under-the-cherrytree · 3 years ago
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun❣︎
Hanako-kun/Amane Yugi
Nene Yashiro
Kou Minamoto
Teru Minamoto
Tsukasa Yugi
Sousuke Mitsuba
Akane Aoi
Aoi Akane
Yamabuki Lemon
Nanameni Sakura
Natsuhiko Hyuuga
Ryuujirou Tsuchigomori
Shijima Mei
Shun Yakoo
Yomogi Satou
Sumire Akane
Number 6
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My tbhk series
A wish upon a shorting star (Amane Yugi x reader)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four…
The phantom of the opera (Hanako x reader x Tsukasa)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five…
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wishingforatypewriter · 5 years ago
If you don't mind, I'm still a little confused😅😅 but who does raiden actually end up with, Akane or Maria?
Thanks for the ask! At this point, the answer is probably Akane, but I’ve been intentionally ambiguous because I’m not totally sure yet. 
When I first started writing about these ocs, the endgame ships were supposed to be Raiden x Maria and Akane x Erik. Raiden was going to more or less abdicate the throne of Totsuki and live a relatively simple life with Maria in Tuscany, cooking and travelling and building a warm community around themselves. Meanwhile, Akane and Erik would have risen to the top of the Totsuki Network and been the power couple all the food writers in the world couldn’t stop talking about. She would preside over the academy and philanthropic branches while he focused on expanding Nakiri International and modernizing the tourism department. 
However, as I started writing, a lot of people preferred Raiden x Akane and Sumire x Erik as endgame ships and I was pretty convinced by the ideas and headcanons readers shared with me. I hadn’t even considered Erik and Sumire as a romantic pair before an anon wrote me an ask explaining why they were great together. Now I can see them as this posh, tech-savvy couple that always looked cool and aloof, but came home to a really warm family and spoiled their kids like crazy.  I also love the idea of Sumire, who never had a big family and lost her mom young, being enveloped into the Denmark Nakiris and having mother figures like Alice and Leonora to guide her through things like weddings and pregnancy. I also like the idea of Raiden forging his own path and pursuing all of his interests while guiding the Totsuki Network into a new golden age, something that he probably wouldn’t be able to do without someone as smart and driven as Akane by his side. Also, the concept of Erina and Hisako having grandchildren in common is too cute for words. 
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panta062 · 5 years ago
Danganronpa Next Gen
Basic Info on my DR Lovechildren for now. I will go in some details later for each of them :D
Class Hope
Hide Naegi - SHSL Psychologist - Makoto x Kyoko - Male - Straight (5′8)
Kokoro Maizono - SHSL Vocalist - Mukuro x Sayaka - Female - Straight (5′5)
Natsuo Ishimaru - SHSL Soccer Player - Kiyotaka x Leon - Male - Gay (5′9)
Hazuki Kuwata - SHSL Bassist - Kiyotaka x Leon - Female - Straight (5′4)
Setsuko Ishimaru - SHSL Conductor - Kiyotaka x Leon - Female - Straight (5′4)
Yoshiki Owada - SHSL Personal Trainer - Mondo x Chihiro - Male - Gay (6′0)
Mari Ludenberg - SHSL Playwright - Celestia x ??? - Female - Straight (5′2)
Taiyo Ogami - SHSL Lifeguard - Sakura x Aoi - Male - Straight (5′10)
Shiori Fukawa - SHSL Mangaka - Komaru x Toko - Female - Demi Bi (5′6) 
Mitsuru Togami - SHSL Entrepreneur - Byakuya x ??? - Male - Aro Ace (6′1)
Asuka Hagakure - SHSL Tarot Reader - Hiro x Kanon - Female - Lesbian (5′3)
Class Future
Ryuji Kuzuryu - SHSL Vigilante - Hajime x Fuyuhiko - Male - Bi (5′8)
Saki Nanami - SHSL Game Developer - Chiaki (adopt) - Female - Straight (5′2)
Erika Nevermind - SHSL Horse Rider - Sonia x Akane - Female - Straight (5′7)
Raiden Nidai - SHSL Animal Trainer - Nekomaru x Gundham - Male - Gay (6′2)
Junpei Soda - SHSL Cameraman - Kazuichi (adopt) - Male - Bi (5′6)
Hanae Koizumi - SHSL Journalist - Mahiru x Sato - Female - Lesbian (5′3)
Choko Tsumiki - SHSL Physician - Peko x Mikan - Female - Demi Ace (5′9)
Soma Mioda - SHSL Rockstar - Ibuki x ??? - Male - Pan (5′8)
Nozomi Komaeda - SHSL Theorist - Nagito (adopt) - Non-binary - Bi (5′7)
Class Truth
Noriaki Saihara - SHSL Criminalogist - Shuichi x Maki - Male - Pan (5′7)
Eiko Amami - SHSL Explorer - Rantaro x ??? - Female - Lesbian (5′5)
Kensuke Momota - SHSL Astronomer - Kaito x Kaede - Male - Bi (6′0)
Kanade Momota - SHSL Violonist - Kaito x Kaede - Female - Straight (5′6)
Hiroto Oma - SHSL Spy - Kokichi (adopted) - Male - Gay (5′6)
Ayana Shirogane - SHSL Stylist - Miu x Tsumugi - Female - Pan (’5′7)
Kaori Chabashira - SHSL Jujustu Practionner - Tenko x Himiko - Female - Lesbian (5′5)
Yuri Chabashira - SHSL Witchcraft Practionner - Tenko x Hmiko - Female - Straight (5’1)
Tadashi Tojo - SHSL Host - Ryoma x Kirumi - Male - Homo Ace (6′0)
Sumire Shinguji - SHSL Spiritualist - Korekiyo x Angie - Female - Bi (5′6)
Hotaru Gokuhara - SHSL Gardener - Gonta (adopt) - Male - Straight (6′3)
Important background/other characters
Kojiro Munakata - Academy Director
Rinko Izayoi - Academy Cook 
Chiyomi Kimura - Academy Doctor
Tomoki Nishikawa - Class Hope Homeroom Teacher
Kovit Singha - Tomoki’s husband and Main Gym Teacher
Kameko Hiragi - Class Future Homeroom Teacher
Hisami Ichinose - Class Truth Homeroom Teacher
Shiro Takano - Guidance Councelor 
Suzu Takano - Shiro’s sister and Librarian
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seiyuufreak · 7 years ago
[MASTERPOST] Magazine scans request!
Hellooo, it’s been awhile! 
Alright, in short, I currently own three magazines, which are 声優グランプリ July 2017 issue (Seiyuu Grandprix), 声優 JUNON vol. 6, November 2017 issue (Seiyuu JUNON), and Cool Voice vol. 25, March 2018 issue. And, I’m open for scan requests of these magazines! The only rule here: one person would only be able to request of maximal three titles! Just simply comment or PM me who you’d like to see the scans of, and I’d be glad to note your request down. I’ve done some bit of them (some of them are last year’s req killmeplz), they’ll be marked with  🆙 on their end, provided with its link if already posted. The ones in progress will be marked with ⏳ on their end.
Note: For the rest which I haven’t scanned, it will took a bit while for me to scan them, mainly because MY LAST YEAR EXAM WILL TAKE PLACE VERY SOON (Preparing my death rn gosh) -- but I’ll surely update here whenever I’m done with them! For now, the scans not yet done will be postponed until late April.
Here are the list of seiyuu included within the magazines, alongside with their respective interview / topic / corner titles.
006 梶 裕貴 ✕ 小野大輔「進撃の巨人 Season 2」(Kaji Yuuki x Ono Daisuke) 🆙 >>> 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 021 小野大輔「ROSA~Blue Ocean~」(Ono Daisuke) 🆙 027 福山 潤「OWL」(Fukuyama Jun) 🆙 032 宮野真守「MAMORU MIYANO LIVE TOUR 2016~MIXING!~」(Miyano Mamoru) 🆙 036 下野 紘「バ-スデ-ライヴイベント2017~Running High~」(Shimono Hiro) 038 寺島拓馬「LIVE TOUR 2017 3rd STAGE“REBOOT”」(Terashima Takuma) 041 小野賢章「小野賢章がゆく 旅友 第五弾~ゲスト:諏訪部順一篇~」(Ono Kensho) 043 斉籐壮馬「ソロデビュー1stシングル FISH STORY」(Saito Souma) 048 「ユ-リ!!!on STAGE」 051 山谷祥生&矢野奨吾&笠間淳「アイドルマスタ-SideM」(Yamaya Yoshitaka, Yano Shougo, Kasama Jun) 130 DearDream 1st LIVE「Real Dream」 133 畠中 祐 (Hatanaka Tasuku) 080 吉野裕行 声優養成所&専門学校特集「声優への道2017」前編 (Yoshino Hiroyuki)
> Serialization / corner
025 小野大輔 「もす。」(Ono Daisuke)  🆙 026 小野大輔 「ビストロ5pb.」(Ono Daisuke)  🆙 040 前野智昭 「まえののえま」(Maeno Tomoaki) 054 梅原裕一郎 「梅ごよみ」(Umehara Yuuichirou) 055 内田雄馬 「うちだっぷ!」(Uchida Yuuma) 108 コラムスクランブル 天崎晃平/渡辺紘 /DearDream/赤羽健治/西山宏太郎/畠中祐 (Amasaki Kouhei / Watanabe Hiroshi / DearDream / Akabane Kenji / Nishiyama Koutarou / Hatanaka Tasuku)
> PICK UP / gravure / interview
057 内田真礼「5thシングル INTERSECT+」(Uchida Maaya) 063 麻倉もも (Asakura Momo) 070 沼倉愛美「My LIVE」(Numakura Manami) 125 渡部優衣 (Watanabe Yui) 078 「ViVid PARTY」【ライブイベントレポ-ト】 127 山崎エリイ First Live 2017 「Teenage Symphony For You」(Yamazaki Erii)
> Serialization / corner
068 夏川椎菜 「夏川椎菜、なんとなく、くだらなく。」(Natsukawa Shiina) 069 雨宮 天 「雨宮天の有頂天」(Amamiya Sora) 074 水樹奈々 「奈々が行く!!」(Mizuki Nana) 075 水瀬いのり 「しあわせいのり日和」(Minase Inori) 076 小倉 唯 「ゆいコレ」(Ogura Yui) 077 上坂すみれ 「上坂すみれの同志諸君に告ぐ」(Uesaka Sumire) 097 超!A&G+NEWS!安済知佳 (Anzai Chika) 098 緒方恵美 「緒方恵美の晴天ヘキレキ!」ゲスト Ceui (Ogata Megumi, guest: Ceui) 100 松井恵理子 「松井恵理子のまつあに!!」(Matsui Eriko) 101 MUSIC LOUNGE 新谷良子/春奈るな/たぴみる (Shintani Ryouko / Haruna Runa / Tapimiru) 108 コラムスクランブル 諏訪彩花/藤田茜 (Suwa Ayaka / Fujita Akane) 113 豊崎愛生 「らくがき4コマ」(Toyosaki Aki) 121 小松未可子 「どこ行くの?小松さん『ちょっとそこまで』」(Komatsu Mikako) 122 竹達彩奈 「いしからはじめるものがたり」(Taketasu Ayaka) 123 悠��� 碧 「悠木碧のプラネタルミナスnova」(Yuuki Aoi) 124 寿 美菜子 「みなこめし」(Kotobuki Minako) 126 伊藤美来 「みく色さがし」(Itou Miku) 129 田所あずさ 「田所あずさのトラブルトラベル」(Tadokoro Azusa) 132 飯野美紗子/岩淵桃音/田中有紀 「NOW ON AIRの〇〇なう。」(Iino Misako / Iwabuchi Momone / Tanaka Yuki)
004 柿原徹也「君の夢は?」巻頭15P Special インタビュー (Kakihara Tetsuya) 019 下野 紘「知らない世界、知らなかった自分。」(Shimono Hiro) ⏳ 030 沢城千春「これが僕のやりたかったこと。」(Sawashiro Chiharu) 036 羽多野渉 ✕ 斉藤壮馬「選んできた道、選ぶ道。」(Hatano Wataru x Saito Souma)   048 浅沼晋太郎「IS HE AN ADULT?」(Asanuma Shintarou) ⏳ 060 堀江 瞬「甘いだけじゃない」(Horie Shun) 065 八代 拓「まっすぐな君が好き。」(Yashiro Taku) ⏳ 072 野上 翔「恩返しできる日まで。」(Nogami Sho) 077 大河元気「今日もしあわせだね」(Ookawa Genki)   084 梶 裕貴「“役者です”と胸を張れる人間に」(Kaji Yuuki)
Brand New Voice 057 鈴木崚汰 (Suzuki Ryouta) 058 笹 翼 (Sasa Tsubasa) 059 梶原岳人 (Kajiwara Gakuto)
096 Backstage Buzz & Present
Cool Voice
016 梶 裕貴&鈴木達央&福山 潤&高木裕平『七つの大罪 戒めの復活』(Kaji Yuuki, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Fukuyama Jun, Takagi Yuuhei) 048 前野智昭『覇穹 封神演義』(Maeno Tomoaki) 056 上村祐翔&梅原裕一郎『ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス』(Uemura Yuuto & Umehara Yuuichirou) 066 下野 紘 1stミニアルバム『Color of Life』(Shimono Hiro) 072 柿原徹也 6th Single『DIAMOND BEAT』(Kakihara Tetsuya) 077 沢城千春&田丸篤志『A3!』(Sawashiro Chiharu & Tamaru Atsushi) 082 増田俊樹 25th SPECIAL ISSUE VOICE FEATURE (Masuda Toshiki) 090 白井悠介 25th SPECIAL ISSUE VOICE FEATURE (Shirai Yuusuke) 097 Gift for readers & interviews’ secret story (behind the scene) 098 羽多野 渉��斉藤壮馬&佐藤拓也 『アイドリッシュセブン』TRIGGER (Hatano Wataru & Saitou Souma & Satou Takuya)
Repost of the scans is allowed, and saving / reediting them for personal use is also allowed. Credit is optional, but would be highly appreciated.  (use either seiyuufreak, alwayskaji, or invichan8)
Scans will be posted part per part, so please be patient! Some of the scans have more pages than the usual ones, so it would take awhile to scan and tidy them up. I think I even need to divide some titles to parts because of that. Don’t worry, those I’ve put  🆙 with will surely be posted. Just please wait!
Lastly... I’m still new with Japanese, seiyuu, scanning and such, so please forgive me if there are any smudgy / blurry scans and misspelled names or translations. Kindly message me for any feedback regarding these! 
Last but not least... ENJOY!
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incorrect-jshkxreader · 2 years ago
Modern AU!Sumire: I have an album on my phone with three meme cat pictures titled “The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit” (Y/N): I remember when you used to pray
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seasasyan · 2 years ago
OMG I HAVE SUCH A GOOD IDEA I USED TO DO THIS SO OKAY OKAY- How about Yashiro, Kou, Mitsuba, Sumire, and Mei goes apple picking with their S/O
(Take your time and have a nice day/night ✨)
me when my last request uwu
apple picking !!
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; yashiro :
it was easy convicing her to go with you
at first she wasn't really sure if she would have fun
her mind changed when she played for the first time
the game for her was a little hard but other than that she had a lot of fun
idk if you actually win something or not but if you do , she will try and win prize for you
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; kou :
he wss super excited when you invited him
he asked you if he could bring tiara along with you two
they both had a lot of fun
kou tried really hard but , between you and tiara , was the one who picked the lowest amount of apple
poor baby give him a hug for consolation
tiara as the girlboss that she is picked up a big amount of apple
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; mitsuba :
he didn't want to go
" i don't wanna play that lame ass game !! "
smack his head or give him the puppy eyes and he will come
he didn't really play with you but he did some photos to the surroundings ( and you )
all that mattered to him was seeing you having fun
if you buy him something he will consider to come again
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; sumire :
she was really intrigued by the game
she actually never heard of it
and trying new things is always good no ?
she told you that she liked the game
she didn't
yk in the akane family they are all good at lying
it wasn't her type of game
though she is really
happy that you had fun !!
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; shijima :
she was too intrigued by the game !!
she never really played game at all
she understood the game pretty fast
and surprisingly she was so good at it !
you love seeing her having fun after the life in the hospital
she will ask you to play the game again
i think my will of writing is coming again , finally , reqs are again open !!
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seasasyan · 2 years ago
fluff alphabet !!
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A : admiration ( what do they absolutely adore about you ? )
B : body ( what is their favourite part of your body ? )
C : cuddling ( how do they like to cuddle ? )
D : dates ( what does their ideal date with you look like ? )
E : emotions ( how do they express emotions around you ? )
F : family ( do they want to have one , when ? )
G : gifts ( how do they feel about gift giving. What are their habits when it comes to this ? )
H : holding hands ( when / how do they like to hold hands )
I : injury ( how would they act if you got hurt )
J : jokes ( do they like to joke with you or prank you , how ? )
K : kisses ( how do they like to kiss you ? )
L : love ( how do they love you ? )
M : memory ( favourite memory togheter ? )
N : nightmare ( what is their worst fear ? )
O : oddity ( what is one quirk they have ? )
P : pet names ( what do they like to call you ? )
Q : quality time ( how do they like to spend time with you ? )
R : rhythm ( what song reminds them of you )
S : secrets ( how open are they with you ? )
T : time ( how long did it take you to get togheter ? )
U : upset ( how do they act when you're upset ? )
V : vaunt ( what are they proud off ? Do they like to show you off ? )
W : warrior ( how do they feel about you fighting. Would they fight for you , besides you , etc ... ? )
X : x - ray ( how well are they able to read you ? )
Y : yes ( how would they propose to you ? )
Z : zen ( what makes them feel calm ? )
!! Please choose at least 3 letters for a maximum of 5 characters !!
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seasasyan · 2 years ago
Hi it’s me again sorry I just have another idea 😭 Can I request Sumire, Yashiro, Kou, Mitsuba, and Yokoo Doing the Pocky stick game?
(Take your time and have a nice day/night ^^)
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i actually searched on how you play this game 👁️👁️
pocky stick game
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; yashiro :
yashiro texted you she had a surprise and to meet her om the roof of the school
so you did
when she showed and saw you she sprinted screaming
" [name] LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT !!! "
she showed you a small box of pocky sticks
" u - uhm i was thinking that maybe , you know .. you wanted to play the pocky stick game with me ?? .. "
of course you agreed
she was blushing but also happy that you accepted
her goal was obviously to kiss but it was more difficult than it seemed
she was so nervous
she ended up getting the stick out of her mouth so many times
she was really sad because she couldn't kiss you
the pocky box finished
seeing her frustrated you grabbed her chin and began to kiss her all over the face
" if you wanted some kisses you could've just said so , nene ! "
" but it would've been more funnier with the pocky ... "
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; kou :
it was you who suggested to play this game
you like to see him flustered
and he likes to kiss you
so its a win - win
he thought he was easy
it wasn't.
he was so anxious that he lost one , two , three rounds
he was about to let the stick out of his mouth again when you held his chin , ate the pocky , and kissed him
seeing his reaction was so funny you started laughing
he was like in a little coma
after that his confidence had grown up and he won more rounds / kissed you many times
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; mitsuba :
it was always an idea of yours
he didn't know what this game was
at first he thought it was some kind of perverted game 😭
once you explained it he began to tease you
" oh so you just want to kiss my cute face huh ?? I mean who wouldn't "
shut him up putting a stick into his mouth please
all his teasing nature went over the window once you started playing
the air between you two was heated ( it's not true but mitsuba was literally sweating )
he wanted to win at least one time but he continued to lose
he gave up and kept giving you a pouty face
kiss him all over the face he just wanted to have some love without destroying is ego 🙏🏻
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; yokoo :
he came to you with the box of pocky sticks robbed from satou
he was so excited to play with you
he was giggling the whole time
though when you started
he just kep kissing you
he didn't care abou winning or losing
bro just wanted to kiss you and having fun togheter
he continued like that until the box finished
( satou was so pissed at him smh )
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; sumire :
at first she brought the pocky box just to eat them with you
then you gave her the idea to play
she was blushing at the thought but she couldn't help but to wanting to play the soon as possible
she was actually really good at it and didn't lost her concentration to the embarrassment
she won a couple of times
but you still wanted to kiss her
so , suddenly you moved your mouth ahead , ate the pocky and before she could react , you kissed her
it lasted a couple of seconds
" it's not fair [name] ! You didn't even gave me the time to react !! >:( "
obviously she secretly liked it
im really sorry if this took too long but on monday i have an important test and i need to study hard for it 🧍‍♂️
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hoshi-y · 2 years ago
Sumire x Hakubo if Hakubo saved her from being sacrificed and they ran away together?? 😩😭
"Stop the Wedding"
(Sumire x Hakubo)
genre : Fluff
Characters : Sumire Akane, Hakubo
TW : mentions of Murd3r
A/N : LOVE IT, I Imagine like Hakubo runs thru the crowd and stops the sacrifice as soon as she was about to jump off and then unalives everyone owshifhehx 💀
Also, some of their lines here I took from the manga, actions and some speeches might not be the same as in the manga, I don't intend to copy the whole book here
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No one.. is gonna come hurt you anymore..
Today was the day.
The day of the sacrifice, Everyone was really excited, happy even, Long tables with lots of food on it, lights all over the village, the elders having a wonderful drink together as the kids danced with joy
How can they be so happy at an event like this? is it because they are offering another sacrifice so the gods can protect their village?
Well lets get to know the sacrifice and how she became one hm?, The sacrifices name was Sumire Akane.
She was already meant to be a sacrifice ever since she was a little kid, how innocent, she thought she was getting married at an early age.
The Village chief and an Oni is seen walking along beside a house
"I'll leave the guarding to the next sacrifice to you." Hakubo's head perked up and started listening to the old man
"Just like in the past. If she ever tries to run away vreak her legs, if she doesn't listen vlind her eyes, dispose of anyone who tries to lead her away"
"Yes." Hakubo answer in a monotone voice
The old man halt into a stop making Hakubo also stop in his tracks.
He sighed "Only six years old, a child who understands nothing... Those Akane's giving her to us while she's still so young, it seems they don't want the kannagi to resent them" The old man looked back at Hakubo
"I don't suppose an Oni like you could handle a child well.. Well it doesn't matter as long as she doesn't die, do as you please." The old man opened the sliding door "Yes sir." Hakubo bowed and steped inside
He was greated with a little girl kneeling on the floor
"I'll be in your care for today, my name is Sumire, on this occasion I have been assigned, a highly honorable duty, It's a pleasure to meet you"
Hakubo stared at baffled "Um.. yes.."
The little girl who claimed herself to be Sumire rose up "So then.." She gave Hakubo the most cheerful and beaming smile "You must be Sumire's Husband!"
"Eh? you've got it all wrong.." Hakubo told her making her head tilt in confusion
"But Sumire heard that she was gonna be a bride.."
"You're gonna be gods bride, I'm just your caretaker. Do you understand?" Sumire nodded her head as Hakubo eased up a little from that
"Then you're Sumire's Informal Husband!!"
Strucked. Hakubod grabbed a skull of what looked like a deer and hid his face underneath
"You're absolutely delusional.."
Being the babysitter of a young child was how it was supposed to be, his job was to be a caretaker for a young kannagi until the day of her sacrifice, how bad could it be?
'How did it end up to be like this..' He deadpanned as he stared at the most delicious meal infront of him cooked by yours truly Sumire
Sumire grabbed the chopsticks and picked up some food for him and pointed it at his mouth
She giggled as she placed her hand on her cheek with imaginary flowers around her
"Here my husband! Say 'ahh~'"
Hakubo obeyed nonetheless and opened his mouth and let Sumire feed him. We all know his faced on that chapter screamed humiliation
"So how is it? I hope it is to your taste" She perked up as sge awaited for his response
"I dunno."
"My, how honest~"
After Hakubo finished eating he stood up and headed towards the door to get some work done but was stopped by Sumire
"Here a goodbyes kiss~" Hakubo deadpanned as he let Sumire kiss him on the cheek
'Dear god..'
When Hakubo was done with, whatever work he was assigned to
He went back to Sumire to check up on her
But he found her scrubbing the floors..
"Ah! You're home!" She stood up as Hakubo stared at her wide eyed as his eyes slowly travel down onto the sparkling floor
He could see his own reflection
Sumire wiped off the sweat on her forehead as she smiled and pointed to her cheek "Hey where's my "I'm Home" Kiss?"
Hakubo just ended up chucking his dear head onto his head as Sumire stood shocked
She pouted as she took off his.. 'hat' and pushed him into the bath "The bath is ready for you!" She said as she led him to the bath, at this point Hakubo just accepted his faith
Sumire turned around, was she not gonna get out? whatever.
After Hakubo stripped all his dirty clothes off, he hopped onto the batg and just relaxed
Sumire smiled as her husband looked really relaxed, her idea for a hot bath worked~
"Relax now it'll warm you up~"
After his bath he dressed up
served dinner as usual
Sumire threw a huge fit when she found him sleeping in another futon
so to make her shut up cause he had a long day he grabbed his pillow and layed down next to her
Hakubo stared at the ceiling as Sumire finally quiet downed.
She sighed a sigh of relief as she hugged his arm "goodnight~" patting his arm as she closed her eyes, He deadpanned.
He rose up making Sumire open one of her eyes
"Ain't this weird?"
"There's nothing weird about this, after all.." She smiled at him as she placed her hand on her cheek
"You're pretty useless when it comes to housework.." she sighed
"You skip doing the laundry, You can't cook meals and you can't run a warm bath. Honestly you can't be my caretaker! Not in a hundred years!" She pouted as Hakubo
He sighed, he just wanted to rest
"Hmp! If it bothers you so much you should play the role of being Sumire's husband!"
Hakubo crossed his arms as he looked down "Play the role of a Husband.. What exactly would that entail?"
"Oh! well in that case, let's go to the flower field tomorrow!"
And just like that, they slept pretty easy last night
well except Hakubo
the next day, he kept his promise and brought her to the flower field
as she ran wild and free, just like any child would do
Sumire's giggles were heard as she ran around the field as Hakubo kept a close eye on her "Wow dear look at all these pretty flowers!"
"uh, yup.."
"wrong! you were supposed to say Sumire was prettier than the flowers!"
Sumire hummed as she did her own thing, Hakubo sat on the ground observing her moves as it was disturb, hearing faint whispers in a distance.
He didn't turn around to not make it look like he was eavesdropping.
"Hey look thats the sacrifice.."
"Ah, the Kannagi and is that Minamoto-san's pet oni?"
"Geeze.. The kannagi is so carefree.. even thought they'll kill her before long." Hakubo perked his head up and looked at their direction
"It's just a brat and an Oni. They don't understand anything."
His silence was soon disturbed with someone placing a flower crown on his head, he looked back and saw a smiling child infront of him
'how are you not scared..'
Sumire smiled as she pointed at his flower crown "Now were matching! Although it doesn't suit you.." Hakubo just deadpanned
Sumire's fit of giggles was disturbed when she heard the sound of a crying bird in a distance, she moved some bushes away and gasped "Awh.. poor thing, Don't worry Sumire will take good care of you"
She picked up the injured bird and followed Hakubo back to their shared house (?)
days turned into weeks, turned into months and into years. Sumire was no longer the carefree little girl Hakubo was taking care of.
Not only Sumire grew up, But also Hakubo.
He walks back to where Sumire is with blood on his feet. He slides the door and shows Sumire treating another injured animal.
She pets the rabbit as she opened her eyes and saw Halubo, She smiled as she went back to petting the rabbit "Oh my, welcome home Dear."
Hakubo eyed the many injured animals around her "Yeah, please change out of your Kimono, Dinner will be ready soon."
Hakubo stepped inside and observed the surrounding area
Baskets and little tiny beds were beside Sumire containing either sick or injured animals "There's more of em again.."
He picked up the birds feather and looked back at Sumire who was combing the bunnies fur "Why do you still take care of em? some of em die and some survive...But Its not like you'll get anything from it"
Sumire listened to her dear 'husband' and giggled "I might not get anything from it, but there's a meaning to it.."
"I feel bad for the little one's they've gone through too much trauma. So they can't live on their own anymore." She looks at the little rabbit starring at her, picking the rabbit up she had a completely different aura.
"That means, I can take full control of them you see? Their lives, their minds, everything. Wether they live or die it is up to me to decide." Hakubo just stared at her as she treated his wounds.
The days passed by so quick.
He saved her from an angry group of villagers saying it was her fault for being alive for too long
Alot of nights.
Alot of days have passed
It was time.
For some odd reason, he didn't want her to go just yet.
He didn't wanna amdit it but, her company..
made him warm.. it made him feel an emotion he could not feel
Happiness? well thats a rare one.
"Finally! She's fonna be wedded to god! The supernaturals can finally stop harming us!" A woman shouted
"I can finally walk woth my children at night safetly!" Another cried out as she held her children close
Sumire walked emotionlessly to the edge of the cliff, Her kimono swaying with the wind as the cloth on her head moved slightly to show her emotionless gaze upon the torii gate that leads to the edge of the cliff
Hakubo stood amongst the crowd as he watched the very girl he saw grow up, and was within his care finally give her life up to god.
He looked around as everyone cheered, cried happy tears, and saying their thanks and grace to god, but why only the gods? why not to the countless Kannagi's he had to watch get sacrificed over and over again and not once did they say their thanks to them
We're they only sacrifices to their eyes?
"Hey, Dear" Sumire called out at Hakubo who was sitting outside looking at the sky, He turned around and giving her his full attention
Sumire smiled as she looked down at her pet rabbit "Thanks for looking after me"
He looked at her confused "Why are ya saying thanks?" She giggled "Silly Oni, did you forget?—
I'll be sacrificed tomorrow. "
Silence, Hakubo didn't show any emotion and just stared at her "Mhm"
"I want them.. to feel sad, when I'm gone. "
Sumire got closer and closer as she finally entered the torii gate.
"To weep.."
An uproar of cheers was heard throughout the cave as Sumire was nearing her destination
Hakubo couldn't.. he couldn't.. He had a job to do. And that was to watch over the Kannagi and be her caretaker until the day she gets wedded to god.
But why is that he was pushing himself through the crowd just to stop her from doing something reckless?
"And to be sad.. so sad they'll go crazy"
"Hey! What do you think your doing you Oni!" One of the elders spotted him trying to get in the way of Sumire's path to stop her sacrifice
"Hey, since this will be my last night with you, I want to ask you for one thing" Hakubo stopped patting her head as he looked at her for a moment
"Just one.."
Sumire rose up and got all happy "Well.. What is it?" he asked, Sumire had a faint blush on her cheeks "Well you see, For tonight, I wanna do something a married couple would do~ That's all~" Sumire giggled but got pinned down by Hakubo which caught her off guard
Hakubo leaned in closer, and closer until the foreheads touched, Sumire thought it was finally happening but suddenly Hakubo smacked his forehead with hers and immediately got up and left the room
"Go to sleep." He said as he closed the door
"J-jeez.." Sumire rubbed her forehead as she found a comfortable laying position and drifted off to sleep
Hakubo however, was lost in his own thoughts right outside the room
'Even if.. this is a lie, can't you say something like ' Save me' or 'I don't want to die', or atleast cry? ' He got off the wall and looked back at the door once more and left
'After all.. you weren't all that cute.'
Sumire felt a hand grab her by the arm right before she jumped off the cliff to be wedded to god, the cloth on her head fell as she looked back to see her caretaker.
What do you think your doing?!? You're RUINING the ceremony!" The elder chief said furiously as he grabbed his sword and tried to swing it at him but failed.
He fought ANYONE who tried to get in his way, once all was eliminated he looked back at Sumire and held her hand
"you know.. you aren't that cute.." He picked her up bridal style
Sumire giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck "Did you stop the ceremony just for you to say that to me?" Hakubo didn't answer and walked far away from the depths of hell she was about to jump off to.
Not like Sumire was gonna throw a huge fit. She was thankful he stopped the ceremony, she knew that she was gonna be wedded to god. And had to be the sacrifice to seal the supernaturals away from the mortal world.
But now, its not gonna be like that anymore, Because Hakubo and Sumire are gonna run away.
Far away.. where no one
Can ever hurt them again
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Im sorry it took so long, It was kind of rushed but I managed to pull it off
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