#aka an au where i Put Wally Through It
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it occurred to me that i haven't actually said what the Lights Out au is despite posting about it a whopping three times!
essentially: unknown to the puppets, the WH puppet show was canceled. to them (bar Frank & Wally), their last day was just like any other - until the lights abruptly went out. everyone assumed that the day simply got away from them, and bid each other goodnight.
Home is the only one who wakes up. Wally waits, and waits, but the next day doesn't come, and the neighborhood remains asleep. and lonely, desperate, & losing his mind, Wally learns just how dangerous the endless dark can be
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crazykuroneko · 1 year
Hannigram Fanfiction Recommendations
So, I caved in, and this is a list of Hannigram fanfictions that I really like that I still remember the main plot after years. A lot of them are very long and very good to get lost in, because that's the best feeling ever when reading fanfics really.
Again, they are all complete. All of them featuring killer!Hannibal no matter how AU it is. All of them has a bunch of important tags you should read before reading it. For my complete Hannigram bookmarks, they are here.
Paragon by BloodyWar2411
When Hannibal met Will Graham (the man who had, three years prior, been mistaken for the Chesapeake Ripper), he expected amusement. What he got was his first taste of obsession. Dark and bitter in the back of his throat but achingly sweet on the tongue. He knew at once that this feeling, this Man, would consume him. And Hannibal would consume Will right back
This fic is so delicious; it's so dark and kinky. I think it has any kinks you wish for in it. Basically a found family trope, but what if all of us are serial killers. This fic says fuck to power imbalance hater and turns it into a game. God knows how many Hannibal fics I've read, and this has the best Abigail. Anyway, 🤌 through and through.
One, Two, Three by Severus_divides_into_H
An excellent Hunger Games AU. I love how Hannigram are slowly coming together. The ending is unexpected yet made me went aww.
Five Times Hannibal Visits Will and One Time He's Already Home (or: Coffee Cake) by bones_2_be
When Will tells Hannibal to leave at the end of Digestivo, he goes. And then, a few years later, he shows back up. They have long conversations, drink a lot of wine, at the end of it all they find something that works.
This is very intimate with stuck-in-a-cabin feel to it. I remember how I love reading it at night, it's fitting.
Through The Aftermath by heartandthehead
Following their descent down the precipice, Will is more than eager to explore his newly realized capacity for righteous violence. So when he catches a whiff of a string of seemingly unrelated homicides, he and Hannibal have no choice but to follow through the hunt.
An adventurous fic where Will is trying to embrace his newfound blood lust by hunting bad men. Featuring a team work with Freddy Lounds, which I think should happen more 😌
54609 by claritylore
In a world where criminals are reconditioned with painful electrical and surgical therapies and then put into service catching other criminals. A convicted murderer from the Baltimore State Home for the Reformed Criminal Element is sent to the FBI to assist on the Minnesota Shrike case. Stripped of any knowledge of his former life, without so much as a name, 54609 has little choice but to use his unique empathy skills to help the FBI crack the case.
Along the way, he encounters the FBI consultant psychiatrist who got him brought in on the case, and slowly he comes to realise that Dr Hannibal Lecter's interest in him goes far beyond a professional curiosity. Can he find his lost memories and discover who he once was and, more importantly, who Dr Lecter really is?
A clever dystopian-ish AU with a great twist 🤌
Losing You Terrifies Me by A_David
Basically Will got amnesia after the fall and he keeps trying to kill Hannibal when he relapses. The story matches the title very well; it's so heartbreaking and frustrating. Featuring Morgan (Alana and Margot's son) and Wally (Molly's son) bonding with each other. They're supporting characters but are written so well. The sequel has just started, but the first one is complete enough to read.
The Chesapeake Bay by HigherMagic
Aka thee classic Hannigram reality TV AU. So, they put Hannibal cast in isolated house where each of them is hiding something. Love love this. A lot of murders. It has classic thriller movies feel to it.
Held in the Highest Regard by (again) HigherMagic
What happens when a group of serial killers pick the absolute worst targets? A The Strangers (2008) AU with hints of comedy because Hannigram being the most dramatic couple of the century.
Dread and Hunger by LiaS0
Where Will Graham is a lot greener, still a university student, and keeps getting poetry from the most famous serial killer. A lot of stalking, gaslighting, and age difference 🤌
Hitchhiker's Guide to Murder by bokunojinsei
LOVE this series. So, Will is a serial killer who poses as hitchhiker to find his victims but one day Hannibal gave him a ride. They're basically falling in love watching the other killing others. The second story is set during Mardi Gras where they ofc try to kill more people.
The Estate by (again) bokunojinsei
Or: What if Hannibal hadn't tried to eat Will after he drugged him in Florence? What if he'd decided to run away with him instead?
In contrast with the previous title, this one is very calm, very therapeutic, a character study, with a mind game ofc.
Mark me not a Savage by KatherineKrawl
An iconic a/b/o fic (no mpreg) where Hannigram do mind games with other casts to get out of the prison. I remember there's a scene between Hannibal and Molly I love so much. The author also played a lot with what being true mates mean.
The Sacrificial Lamb by princesskay
Five years after Hannibal and Will disappeared, they are located in Spain, where all evidence points to Hannibal holding Will as his prisoner. Circumstantial evidence isn't enough to prove whether or not Will was complicit in Hannibal's crimes. It's up to Alana and Jack to figure out if Will is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or if his attachment to his accused abuser is true love. It's up to Hannibal to once more find a way out of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
An icon and a must-read tbqh. The prose is so beautiful and it really brings you into a journey.
Pioneer to the Falls by eonism
Another icon. The ultimate Lecter-Graham child fic (not mpreg). The second title, Child of Wolf, is one of the best Silence of the Lambs adaptation ever. And as always, fuck Jack Crawford
The Mongoose and the Mouse by Hiding Now (HidingNow)
What if Hannibal suggested Will to go to Disney Land (with him ofc lol) as part of his therapy? It's cute, it's fluffy, Hannibal is still serial killer. Serious research on DisneyLand attractions. Best crack treated seriously ever.
their beaks not yet turned red by chaparral_crown
Will stares at the bird. The bird stares back. In its beak, a very finely embroidered cloth, and in that, the tiniest of soft fists pushing forward from a folded corner.
“Don’t you dare,” Will says, crouching, hand that is not currently cradling an overly large pour of whiskey pointed at the bird to ward it off.
After Hannibal is arrested and the trial dates are set, the stork visits Will Graham. With it, it brings a baby, a legally binding birth certificate, and a hope chest full of gifts for her. Nobody except Will thinks this is weird.
this is my last fic before I was caught by IWTV. it's so funny, the magical realism is amusing.
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The Clone (Wayne Bro!Reader x Clark Kent)
I'm gonna start by saying that I've only recently actually begun to read the comics properly and so the Conner in this story is going to be based on Young Justice Conner though it won't be the same. I've changed things to fit this story best.
If you wanna see something specific from this au or just wanna request something my requests are open!
Wayne Bro!Reader Masterpost
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Confused. That's what Clark was when he got the call from Bruce. Apparently Dick and his friends Wally AKA Kid Flash and Aqualad found something of interest during a mission to CADMUS Labs. They found a clone of Superman. "Where is it now?" Clark asked and Bruce told him the clone -who was apparently force grown to the age of 17 over only a few months- was at the League's new Watchtower till they'd decide what to do with him.
"You need to come up to the Watchtower. We're calling an emergency meeting of the League." Bruce said from the other end of the line and Clark nodded.
"I'll get there as soon as I can, I'm actually in the middle of dinner but I'll cut it short" Your husband said and with that he hung up and came back to the table you were sitting at. Because not only did this clone situation interrupt dinner, it interrupted date night dinner.
"There's an emergency at work, I have to go" He said and you sighed. "Which work?" You asked, you were let down and you knew only one of Clark's careers would warrant putting an end to your dinner date but you liked teasing him.
"Bruce just called, Dick and his friends found something of note. They're calling an emergency meeting" He explained and flagged a waiter down, asking for the check.
"I'm sorry honey" He said and you looked at him suspiciously.
"What did they find?" You asked and a part of you wished you hadn't because two hours later you and Clark were on the Watchtower.
You looked out at the earth from the window. It was beautiful and yet terrifying. This was your first time on the Watchtower, you didn't particularly like inserting yourself into your family's heroics business and even though you funded it being in space kind of scared you. After all you weren't like Clark, if something went wrong you would die.
When you zeta'd onto the space station Bruce came up to meet you and even though you couldn't see his face through the cowl you knew he was scowling.
"Why is Y/N here?" He questioned and you rolled your eyes.
"You interrupted date night" You simply said, patted Bruce on the shoulder and walked deeper into the Watchtower.
Bruce looked at Clark and he didn't have to use his x-ray vision to know that Bruce was mad.
"You brought him to a flying space station where we have a kryptonian clone? Are you out of your mind?" Bruce questioned and Clark shook his head.
"He insisted on coming, I told him what Dick and the boys found and he deserves to be here" Clark simply stated and followed after you. You walked through the halls of the Watchtower not quite sure where you were going. Eventually, as if by fate you found yourself outside of the medbay. You stood in front of a window and looked through. Dick and his friend Wally sat around a boy on a cot. He had black hair and you had to admit he looked like Clark. The boy looked about Dick's age and he seemed calm. He felt comfortable around his friends.
Clark's hand reached around to your waist.
"It's a one way mirror, they can't see us" He said and laid his head on your shoulder.
"He looks so normal" You said and Clark didn't respond, he just took you in his arms and kept his head in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry this had to ruin dinner, it's been so long since we got some time to ourselves and I'm sorry you have to deal with this" He muttered and you pet his hair and smiled.
"I knew what I signed up for love, besides stranger things have happened to us" You said and you held his cheek in your hand so that he looked at you. You were about to give him a sweet reassuring kiss when someone cleared their throat.
You both turned to see who was there and you found Hal Jordan and Barry Allen more commonly known as Green Lantern and the Flash.
"Sorry to interrupt you love birds-" Hal said only for Barry to elbow him in the ribs.
"Everyone's here" Barry said and looked at Clark. A subtle sign that it was time to go.
"Stay with the boys, this place is big and it's easy to get lost" Clark said then kissed your cheek and left. You sighed.
"Go out with Superman they said, he's sweet they said" You grumbled as you turned back to watch the boys.
"I paid for this stupid space station... Hmm get lost, I won't get lost" You muttered and turned your attention back to the closed off room in the medbay. They boy was a clone but he looked so human. He looked like a boy, so lost and confused, your heart ached for him. He had no one.
"Are you okay Y/N?" A voice asked and you jumped slightly. Tim walked up to you, the little 13 year old in the bright colors sure knew how to sneak up on you.
"I'm fine Tim, thanks for asking" You told the boy and turned back to look at the boy in the cot.
"Where's Jon?" Tim asked, he was talkative but you were still warming up to him. It was just so soon after Jason's death, it was all too fresh what happened to your nephew when he wore that suit.
"He's with a babysitter back home. I had to ask her to stay a bit later than expected because of all this" You told Tim and you saw him nod in your peripheral vision.
"Must be hard finding someone willing to babysit a super powered baby" he joked and you sighed. You really weren't in the mood for this.
"We asked Cassie, so far she's done great. We really wouldn't be able to do much without her" You said in the same serious slightly sombre tone you maintained since Tim started the conversation.
"Right" The preteen rubbed the back of his neck.
"I know you don't really support me as Robin but I was hoping-" Tim started and you finally turned to him.
"I really don't want to talk about this right now Tim. Don't you have somewhere else to be?" You asked and even though it sounded much harsher than you intended it had to be said. You had other things to think about right now besides what you thought of Tim taking Jason's place as Robin.
"Sorry, Bruce kicked me out of the meeting, something about Justice League only. I thought I'd keep you company" He said and you sighed.
"Thank you Tim but I think I'd like to be alone. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to call Cassie" You said and walked past the boy to find a private place to see how things are going with Jon. He should be fast asleep but he's had some trouble with that lately. Soon after you left. There was no particular reason for you to stay on the Watchtower, especially since the meeting wasn't over yet.
A few hours later in the early morning you and Clark were at home. Clark was working on something on his laptop and you had Jon on your hip. You looked at your son and then at your husband. Clark had been off since this whole Clone discovery was made. "So something happened when you talked to Kara" You stated and he sighed.
"Clones weren't exactly looked upon fondly on Krypton" He said and you adjusted the little bundle on your hip as he cooed.
"And this isn't Krypton Clark. We can't just leave him to his own devices" You said and he finally shut the computer.
"He'll be with the Titans, they'll help him" He said and you scowled.
"He's your clone" You told him. You two have been putting this conversation off since you got back from the Watchtower. Clark didn't want too much to do with this clone of his and it was decided that he would join the Titans and stay with them in San Francisco.
"I didn't create him, hell I didn't ask anyone to create him" Clark said. Your husband didn't get angry often, he wasn't an angry person but you heard the frustration begin to slip into his voice.
"He's still related to you Clark. Not to Kara, not to Zod, not to anyone else" You reminded him and he stood up to meet you.
"What would you have me do? Invite him to live with us? We don't know anything about him. He could be dangerous" Clark explained and you noticed Jon looking at his pa. This was probably the first time he heard Clark talk like that.
"He needs guidance Clark. Meet with him, talk to him" You explained and you tried to keep any judgment from your voice but it was difficult. You didn't want this teenager living with you, no, but he deserved a mentor of some sort.
"You sound like Bruce, besides just because he shares my DNA doesn't mean we're family. You know that." He said and you rolled your eyes.
"Clark-" You said but he cut you off.
"I don't wanna talk about this anymore, I just... I'm going to the fortress" He said and walked off.
You looked down at the baby in your arms.
"You better not react like that when you grow up" You told him and he giggled.
The way things were going you were going to have to take things into your own hands. You took your phone and called Dick. After three rings he picked up.
"Hey Y/N, what's up?" He asked and you adjusted your hold on Jon.
"I'm okay, I'm actually calling about your clone friend" You began to explain but he cut you off.
"He goes by Conner" Dick said and you nodded.
"Okay, I'm calling about Conner. Do you think you two and honestly Wally's welcome too- do you think you could come to Metropolis for a little visit?" You asked and You could practically feel Dick's mood shift.
"Actually he- Clark made his stance on Conner very clear at the Watchtower." Dick explained in a much more serious and sombre tone and you had to sigh. if you had a free hand you would have face palmed. Of course your husband made a scene after you left.
"I'm sorry about whatever it is he said to your friend Dick but I want to meet him. Clark just left for the fortress, he's not here" You explained and you heard some quiet whispers before Dick's voice spoke.
"Okay, we'll be there soon. Your apartment?" He asked and you hummed.
"Yeah, I'll see you all soon".
Half an hour later you put Jon to sleep just in time for a knock to sound from the front door.
You opened the door and smiled at the teens. Dick, Wally and the clone or Conner were all dressed in casual civilian clothes. Dick smiled at you, Wally did too but you noticed his posture was more awkward. Meanwhile Conner was very blatant about his discomfort. He looked anywhere but you and almost hid behind Wally and Dick.
"Come on in boys, I just put Jon to sleep so just keep your voices down okay?" You said as you stepped aside and gestured for the boys to come in. Dick strode in confidently, he's been here plenty of times before, it was like his third home (after the manor and Titans Tower). Wally and Conner awkwardly followed after him and they all sat down in the living room.
"Would you like anything to drink? Tea maybe?" You asked and Dick shook his head.
"No thanks Y/N" He said and you looked at Wally.
"Wally? I know you speedsters need to eat a lot", do you want something?" You asked and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
"I mean, if you're offering, yes please" He said and you smiled. getting some snacks for him and the others before sitting down on the opposite sofa.
"I actually asked you all here because I wanted to meet you Conner" You said, turning to face your husband's clone.
"I'm not sure if you know me-" You began but he cut you off.
"I know who you are, yeah, your superman's spouse" He said though he still didn't look at you. In fact he looked ready for you to yell at him about how much you despised him.
"I wanted to apologize for whatever it is that Clark said. He can be sensitive about biological connections like this. I wanted to meet you because I know this must be hard for you and I wanted you to know that we're here for you" You explained and Conner scoffed, finally looking at you.
"That wasn't the impression Superman gave me yesterday" He said and you nodded.
"I'm sorry about that. This is a lot for him just like it must be for you. But that doesn't justify whatever it is he said" You told him and you took a deep breath.
"It will probably take him some time to come around. He's not sure how to respond in this situation but I've been through it before with Dick and then Jason and Tim to some extent. He-" You found yourself looking at a photo from one of your visits to the Kent Farm.
"Kal has always been an outsider. He grew up in the middle of nowhere and was the only being like him on earth. He was sure he was the only one in the galaxy any more" You explained and Conner looked at you and nodded, calming down a bit.
"Because Krypton blew up" He supplied and you nodded.
"Then when he was a young adult and he found out about everything, how he wasn't human, the destruction of his planet- It's a lot for anyone. Then Kara- his cousin arrived on earth after years lost in space and he finally had someone who he was truly related to, someone who understood his struggles-" You continued but he cut you off.
"And then I showed up and Kryptonians don't like clones" He said with anger and you shook your head.
"He has to process this too. And it's going to hurt a lot more before it gets better but even if he isn't, I am here for you. No one should be alone" You told him and you noticed a small nod even as he looked away.
"Thanks" He said and shifted in his seat.
Just then, as you sat in the somewhat comfortable silence a loud cry rocked the apartment and you held your head and rubbed your temples. You already felt a headache coming on.
"Jon must have woken up" You explained and went to check on your baby. Conner and Wally looked at Dick and the boy shrugged.
"Babies are weird" He simply said and you came back, rocking an eight month old baby in your arms.
Dick immediately brightened when he saw his cousin. You smiled at him.
"Wanna take him?" You asked and he nodded, carefully taking the little bundle in the batman onesie into his arms and cooing.
"Batman? Supes must hate that" Wally joked and you chuckled.
"A bit of a pissing match between him and the Bat" You explained and he laughed. You noticed Conner looking curiously at your son and you realized, this might be the first baby that he's ever seen.
"Do you want to hold him?" You asked, sitting down next to Conner. He looked at you hopeful but worried.
"I don't want to break it" He said and you laughed.
"Jon's half kryptonian, he's durable as far as babies go" You joked and Dick (having gotten the message) passed Jon to Conner. You carefully showed him how to hold the baby and you smiled as Conner looked down at Jon curiously. The fact that they were about the same age seemed to conflict with reality but your son was eight months old and Conner was also force grown in only a few months. Neither were even a year old yet. You managed to sneak a photo of the scene Before you heard the rustling wind of Clark coming home. You leant over and took Jon carefully. "I think he likes you" You told Conner and you noticed a tiny smile on the boy's face.
"You two could be friends, I mean you're basically the same age" Wally joked and Conner looked at you for confirmation.
"I mean, basically" You laughed but straightened slightly when you heard the door open.
"Y/N?" Clark asked and you looked at Dick. He was more than a little worried.
"I'm in the living room! And we have guests" You called in the direction of the front door and the only sound came from Clark's footsteps and Jon's occasional babbling.
"Who's here?" Clark asked but the sight in front of him answered it for him.
"Clark, these are Wally West and Conner" You introduced, and Clark looked at you.
"What are they doing here?" He asked, you could tell the difference in his tone but you had to call Ma Kent later and thank her for instilling manners in her son. You knew those were the only things keeping him as calm as he was.
"I invited them over to talk" You explained but Conner took matters into his own hands.
"But we can tell when we're not wanted" He said and got up, walking off. He was quickly followed by Wally and Dick came to give you a hug and whisper a "good luck" before leaving with his friends.
"You invited him over?" Clark asked and you nodded.
"And he's a lovely boy. He just needs someone to be there for him Clark. I thought if it isn't you it'll be me" You explained.
"So you put yourself and Jon in danger? you didn't know what he would do? We don't know anything about him" Clark retorted and you put Jon in a play pen by the TV before going up to your husband.
"Clark, I have met many people under many suspicious situations. Three orphans have come through my family home. I've watched from the side while you and Bruce go about your crime fighting and for years I did my best not to intervene or judge but I have always put my foot down when it comes to children. Conner is a child. He is Jon's age, force grown in a lab for who knows what purpose. He has no one. You might not know how that feels because you always had your parents who supported you but that night when my parents died in that alley and I felt completely alone because the two people I could rely on were dead. All I wanted that night was someone who would watch over me so don't pretend this is about anything but your own internal crisis about being cloned because I know that if Conner wasn't a clone you'd agree with me." You told him coldly and stuck your finger into his chest accusingly.
"And I know I married a man more empathetic than this so start working through your hangups like an adult so we can stop fighting about this" You told him and walked into the kitchen to make food for Jon. This was and will stay one of the biggest fights you've had with Clark and it'll take a long time for him to accept Conner but he will.
Conner AKA Superboy stayed with Clark's parents at the Kent farm for a bit and quickly became part of the family. Legally he was Conner Kent, Clark's younger brother. When you moved to a house on the outskirts of Metropolis he had a bedroom in your house and he appeared in many photos in the many albums you kept. It in fact did take a while but Clark did come around.
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cryptocism · 3 years
ok yall in order to make this au ive now read all thirty-something appearances Thad has made in comics just so i can figure out how to make it as canon compliant as possible. theres a google doc of notes, and im in too deep to stop now.
some highlights:
-Thad refers to Bart as his brother no less than four times, which is hilarious because after their first encounter Bart's attitude towards Thad basically amounts to "ugh, this guy? again?" Thad trying very hard to establish himself as a brother/twin aka equal rather than a derivative copy/clone while Bart could not give less of a shit is never not going to be a combination of very funny and very sad.
-CRAYDL has a Technical Mode for when Thad just wants information, a Silent Running mode for when Thad wants quiet, and a Conversation Mode for talking informally. CRAYDL doesn't have to follow these modes tho and often interrupts their own information spiel to give needless commentary I love them
-Iris wrote a book about the flashes and mentions Thad in it, when Thad meets her he quotes the part about himself and?? how weird would it be to read a book about yourself being this evil villainous figure in someones life before youve even actually done anything
-Thad brings CRAYDL Pink Floyd and Rolling Stones CDs from the past just because CRAYDL likes their music
-technoplasm is actually the coolest weirdest technology that ever gets introduced and its literally never mentioned after Impulse 1995 this is a travesty
-Thad CAN actually phase through objects i was tricked by his prime earth wiki page that says he cant? which is weird bc even in his singular rebirth appearance its never mentioned what his powers actually are at that point
-Thad's evil plans always fail spectacularly, but he constantly reframes it like "pretending to fail" was his plan all along and its amazing. Idk if it was supposed to be part of his character or the writers trying to make him more intimidating, but it results in Thad looking like the worlds sorest loser to the point where he's so in denial about it that he convinces himself he's actually won. It's perfect.
-Thad's first canon appearance after disappearing into the speed force is in Flash #217 standing in the background at captain boomerangs funeral like? out of all the places to be???
-the Very Extreme tonal shift from Thad's appearances in Impulse versus Thad's appearances in Teen Titans 2003 is never more apparent than when Bart straight up breaks Thad's legs in order to keep him from running for a few minutes in issue #46
-Thad's teleportation hoop gets retconned into being called a teleportal which is the cowards way out. t-hoop or nothing.
-one of Thad's evil schemes involves strapping a bomb to Barts girlfriend and making it so that if Bart deactivates the bomb a plasma canon will automatically go off and vaporize him. to solve this problem Bart just? deactivates the bomb, sets off the canon, and then just runs around the circumference of the earth to make the canon blow itself up. ok??????
-Thad is inexplicably in a relationship with Sungirl for like two issues (#43-45) of teen titans and this is never mentioned or brought up again
-at some point after Thad is frozen and put in the Flash museum by Wally, the Flash museum gets set on fire in Flash #241 and Wally has to be like "Oh wait I left a boy in there" and takes the time to contemplate just killing Thad before finally carting his frozen body outta there like Wally?? Are you good buddy?
-final crisis rogues revenge is also very funny because it steps on the gas so hard trying to make you hate Thad so very much. which is fair he sucks so bad in it, but weirdly enough his body count was actually at 0 pre rogues revenge. he racks it up to 11 by the end with 10 security guards and one literal infant.
-actually rogues revenge is weird to read right after flash:FMA because its made pretty clear in FMA that the rogues really do want to kill flash. they werent tricked or coerced or anything, Thad went "I can make it so you can kill the Flash" and all the Rogues said "sign me up". there was no subterfuge in the "killing flash" thing. they all simultaneously shoot bart with ice and fire and lightning, and sure it was in a panicked "i dont wanna go back to prison" thing but WOW does rogues revenge want to make you think Thad did everything including pulling the trigger.
-in Teen Titans #98-100 a new Inertia shows up, clearly different from the last one, and with no knowledge of what the previous Thad did to Bart, and after Bart beats him unconscious they straight up Never Mention him again. the main fight is about Superboy Prime, so the rest of the issue is taken up with that. So I'm sat there like: is he. is he just lying there? did he escape? where did he go? does nobody have any interest in why he was there is the first place?
-the questions continue when New Thad is dissing the costume "they" gave him. like what? who is "they"?? is it Superboy Prime?? who are you and where did you come from sir???
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aeligsido · 3 years
🌗 💕 🌍 🎤 for the ask <3 <3
🌗 fluff or angst?
why it is always fluff or angst but never hurt/comfort????? i want my hurt/comfort guys that's all i ask,
💕 favorite ship to write?
iorhfui honestly i don't think I have a favorite ship to write?? like, in general i like writing ship and i find them all interesting to write odifh it depends how much i like this particular ship i guess????
🌍fave type of au to write?
uuuuuh... any au? no but really, they all can be interesting as long as i have the ideas to go with it odfih
BUT in general i like modern au/no capes au (depending on the fandom), i also like fantasy au veeery much. I recently discovered my love for some fairy tales au (wait, not so recently actually now that i think about that)... like all of that is so much fun to write. AND!!! the worldbuilding!!! i love the worldbuilding!!
so, yeah. i'm staying with these one!
... except if canon divergence works..... i do like writing about it....
🎤fave line in a fic you wrote?
oh seriously i had to go find a fic and a line odufhu
“So,” said Ashley, swallowing hardly on her breath. “You have two moms, and a dad. It's nice.” Not what she expected, but not unheard of.
“Five,” corrected Lian.
“... Five?”
“Yes. Five dads.”
I just really like this one bc it's very funny to me. It's from one of my WIP called "titans' babies vs the world", and in this one you have Lian talking about her parents lmao. Talking about that, here's Bobby talking about their parents as well:
“Yeah. The one who was with dad before, the dad who's Mar'i's dad dad and kind of mom's twin – or, well, they tell everyone they are even if they aren't really, I don't know, it's complicated – and now mom is with mom and they love each other very much. Like dad love mom and mom but in another way, you know?”
If it's extra confusing, it's the point LMAO. I just love these kids so much.
Stephanie flourishes on the road, cheeks reds from the wind and smiling, hands calloused under the work, her bag still light on her hips. This curse is turning into a blessing, even if she doesn’t say it out loud, even if she barely allow herself the thought.
But, for the first time since her mother’s death and what she feels is forever, Stephanie is truly happy.
This one is from another WIP!! A Fairy Tale AU with Steph as the main character :D idk, i just really like the way it flows, maybe it's just me lmao
Dick led the way toward the gardens, keeping Kori’s hand in his. The moon reflected on Kori’s hair in a bright, eerie way. He loved it.
It wasn’t too warm outside despite the summer night; a light breeze was creeping around and chilling the air in a pleasant way. The stars were shining.
Dick still had a ring in his pocket.
listen i'm a romantic at heart... i just really like this part. AND YES it's also for another one of my WIP. Well technically not WIP since it's finished but on its way to be betaed lmao
The last time Tim had seen him was years ago, when Jason was still Robin and Tim a stalker following the Batman and his allies. In his death, he somehow managed to grow up to be tall and bulky, towering close to Bruce’s height - and weight. All in all, Jason was terrifying, extremely competent, and there was no way for Tim to beat him in a fight.
After all, Tim knew that fighting wasn’t his strong suit, despite - or in spite - of all the training he had been put through. But, well, everyone said he had one thing for himself, and it was his brain. Or making wonderful plans on the spot, just like Kon told him two hours ago during their tag game. (That they won, for the record.)
Now was the perfect time to discover if Tim Drake could outsmart Jason Todd.
i just love it because it screams that Tim is about to do something very stupid lmao. AND!! this one is actually from a published fic, aka Checkmate :fingerguns:
“Because you’re Robin.” [...] “And Robin was me. My family colors. My name. I created it to honor my family - and by putting on this costume, you became a part of my family. You became mine, Jase. Not Bruce’s. Not anyone else’s. And you still are, will always be. Robins are a family, and Bruce has no say in that.”
Jason - Jason’s heart was breaking and healing at the same time, full of tiny shards of glass and soft bandages.
Jason never realized the consequences of being Robin, but this - being part of Dick’s family - was probably the best of all. It was worth it - worth everything else.
listen i'm extremely emotional about Jason and Dick and especially this fic. Anyway, it's from A Nest of Love and Robins, this one is posted too!
Wally missed it, sometimes. Missed the thrill of being Kid Flash, of being a Titan, of fighting and having movie nights with his best friends. When he looked at Bart, at Conner, at Cassie, at Cissie, at Tim – Wally wondered whose legacy they're carrying on. Of course, people automatically thought it was the Justice League's ; but Wally watched them and remembered and thought, 'Maybe they got it from us, maybe they're our legacy'. And that was a weird thought – because the Titans had never been about having a legacy or being one, but always been about being a group of friends and becoming a family in between two punches and a slice of pizza.
this one make me emotional too. I honestly don't have anything better to say, i just... really love the whole things. It comes from Watch Your Past!
Okay now last one but i'm really in love with this whole fic and yes i know i'm the one who wrote it and????
But- It was nice, too, in it's own way. They grew up together, faced death and life together. They knew each other so much they couldn't really hide anything, and sometimes it felt like they were an extension of his own soul.
He had thought, once upon a time, that maybe he was a tiny bit in love with his best friends. He loved them more than anything, after all; that didn't really change, he just added more people to this category. Their children. His siblings.
It hadn't been true, though – not entirely. Because if his interest in them wasn't romantic, it didn't mean he couldn't be in love with them. There are a lot of ways to be in love with people. Maybe it was just another one.
It didn't really matter, in the end, as long as they could stay together – in this life and the next.
They laughed, loud and clear – like all those years ago in Titans Tower or in the middle of a fight or standing proud against their enemies, mentors, whoever would try to go against them. They laughed, freely and with not a care for the world around them, like they still owned it after all these years. They laughed like they were young and innocent, ancient and tired, alive and free.
They laughed, loud and clear, in the same heartbeat and soul.
(Maybe they were all a little tiny bit in love, in the end.)
idk it's kind of poetic and full of feelz for me, so, yeah. It's from the fic home is where the heart settle, about the Fab Five!
AND THAT'S IT. Thanks again for the ask, ask list here!
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greenninjagal-blog · 5 years
Even If it Kills Us (but it wont hopefully) pt8
hey, Hey, HEy, HEY! Sanders Sides mafia au! That erased itself four times and made me cry twice. :) Sorry for the long wait, I rage quit for a few weeks.
Part Seven is here for those who need a refresher (aka me) and Part One is here for anyone new around! Summary: Virgil is a normal college student, who is also the heir to a mafia he didn’t know existed, and he’s currently being arrested for it. At least he knows to wear a seat belt.
TW: knives, tasers, poisons, 
Quick Taglist: @a-she-monster @average--human @calvindientesblancos @crysthefangirl4ever @deathshadowrules @dierotenixe @drmephistofaust  @emo-nithtmare @enderperson43 @fandomobsessed-nerd @fireflysinmystomach @ilovemygaydad @iolanomsgranola @itsrandompostime @jadeace115  @just-another-rainbowblog  @kindly-falling  @laragazzadellluna @lefaystrent @levy-the-b00kw0rm @logicality-vs-prinxiety @meep-by-boredom @mirror2thespirit @my-analogical-romance @ninja-wizard101 @oodlemydoodle @pattons-cookies @punsterterry  @reeama-the-slytherin @sanders-sides-rebloger @seaspider10 @skittlesun  @skullfire2004 @spookilyfingergunsoutofexistence @superwholocked-for-life @sylveon-lover-crazyfangirl1415 @that-ghost-in-the-corner @the-anti-virgil @the-parentheticals  @theradicalrainbow @chelsvans @felicianoromano @jemthebookworm @holliberries @stricken-with-clairvoyancy @treasureofpriam
(lmk if you want to be added!)
“I am Logan Ackroyd, Undercover FBI,” Logan says, one hand-- his non shot hand-- casually fixing his tie, “And I’ll be taking these two into custody.”
Virgil thinks of all the times he’s previously been arrested.
There are none.
Instead he’s stuck with all his limbs unresponsive like a computer that’s been disconnected, his head worrying with a faint buzzing from where he’d head hit the ground after Logan shoved him away (hand on Virgil’s bare collarbone, cold and heavy slipped past his shirt collar and his jacket), and his mouth overwhelmingly tasting like burnt popcorn.
Virgil’s knowledge of police procedures come completely from the stolen few minutes of Criminal Minds he caught on TV occasionally as a child 
(before his mother caught him, before she yelled and tore at his hair and told him never to let the police get near him)
And really, what more had he needed to know? 
Don’t do illegal things! That was easy enough!
Virgil thinks, as his rights are read to him, and his hands are cuffed behind his back, and he’s loaded into the back of a police car in front of a crowd of bypassers coming to the diner for a midday brunch, he failed, majorly.
He doesn’t even know what crime he was being arrested for.
Was it the suspicious activity of people shooting at him in the movie theater? Was it the reckless speeding through town that he had been a passenger in? Was it the murder of two assumed police officers in the diner five minutes ago?
All three?
“Wow, the real deal!” A local police officer says from somewhere Virgil can’t see
(which is pretty much everywhere, considering the only thing he can see is a black ant scuttling through the grass inches from his nose and getting closer)
“Hey, Wally, check these guys out! They’re real FBI!” The officer says again.
“Wouldja look at that! A real FBI badge!”
Virgil wonders if they knew the difference between a real one and a fake one. He has his doubts concerning the two officers who tried to apprehend them inside the dinner.
“Yes,” Logan’s voice says coolly, coldly, icily, “I am a real FBI agent with real paperwork to complete and this mess to take care of.” 
Virgil is really not a fan of how he says “mess”. 
Like Virgil is month old take out that started to reproduce, like the sticky mess of spilled energy drinks that Virgil carelessly left across his desk which ended up gluing the entire back cover of his Western Civ textbook to the wooden surface, like the aftermath of an execution and the blood had spilled into the grout.
“Remus,” Logan’s voice calls out, “Time to go.”
Then someone picks up Virgil by his shoulder and another by his feet and all Virgil can think is people touching him, hands on his body, and he cant move. 
He wants to scream, but the effects of the taser are long lasting (apparently) and he can’t even get his tongue to unstick from the top of his mouth, much less open his jaw at all. 
The idea of forcing air out of his already uncomfortably compressed lungs?
forget it.
He’s vaguely aware that on other side of him, Dee was carefully loaded in, completely useless, completely unconscious.
Virgil gets the feeling he’s just a passenger in his own body. Part of him wants to feel humiliated by the way the he’d been manhandled into a police car in front of a dozen families and two news crews.
Part of him wants to revoke Dee’s kneecap privileges for being so fucking dense that he hadn’t even noticed anything was weird about the dinning experience.
Part of him wants to lunge forward and wrap his arms around Logan’s throat, and strangle him between the links of his handcuffs and the headrest. (not that Virgil would act on that one; there’s clearly a metal mesh between the backseat and where Logan has slipped into the driver’s seat to prevent that exact scenario from occurring)
Because really, he was FBI?! He was undercover?! He had been playing each of them in oh so many ways-- How long had he been fooling Roman? What had he done to Roman and Patton when Virgil had left? What was his actual goal here?
And did it involve Virgil being alive at the end of it?
(Virgil wants to think so. Logan wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to keep him alive just to kill him--)
Logan’s partner slaps a hand on the window, inches from where Virgil’s head had fallen, and grins at him as he opens his own door and slips into the seat in front of Virgil.
The look Virgil gets is brief.
And also terrifying.
Virgil knows that face.
Knows that face as well as he can, the partial of it seared into his brain as the moment Virgil’s life ended and this twisted nightmare began.
Its the face of the gunman that had tried to shoot him in the face at the movies, the gunman who Logan had tackled to first save his life, the gunman who Virgil hadn’t spared a second thought about because since his appearance, it had been run and duck and please don’t let me die. 
“Oh! He’s pretty cute back there!” The partner says, “I love when they’re all tied up like cute little piggies!”
Logan’s head shakes in a way that suggests he’s rolling his eyes.
The car hums to life, and Logan breezes by the crowd the second the police line widens enough for them to escape. Once they leave the public eye, Logan’s partner’s seatbelt comes off and his feet go up on the dashboard with something dancing between his fingers causally.
“FBI!” The partner laughs, “I can’t believe they really bought those fake badges of yours!”
“Remus, seatbelt.” Logan says without looking away from the road. “And they are real.”
Remus laughs. He makes no move to reattach the belt.
Virgil’s eyes flick to the side mirror in front of them, just in time to catch sight of the butterfly knife the man is expertly twisting around his index and middle finger. Remus catches his gaze in the mirror and blows him a kiss with a wink.
Virgil wishes he was in control of his body, enough to shudder, enough to snarl, enough to throw himself from the car and the oncoming traffic hits him just right--
“What a kid,” Remus sighs, perhaps dreamily, “Do you think I can keep his head for my mantle?”
“You don’t have a mantle.” Logan says, “You don’t have a house.”
“Yeah,” Remus agrees. “But also he’s a kid.”
Logan uses turn signals, Virgil notices, faintly. He feels very faint.
Like a balloon that’s floating away.  And one day he’ll reach the upper atmospheres where the decreasing air pressure will cause his insides to expand until he explodes into a 
that Logan will have to clean up.
The air in the car is tense. Virgil can’t breathe
It might also have to do with the fact he can’t move and there’s a murderer in front of him talking about killing him and-- and--
“Interesting,” Logan says, using one of his turn signals to switch lanes, “I wasn’t aware you got metaphoric cold feet over assassinations.”
The knife flips in the air. Virgil squeezes his eyes closed, forcing his chest to move. 
“You’re telling me you don’t have any qualms about killing a college brat? Any at all, Mr. Undercover FBI?”
“I’m not paid to have morals, Remus.”
Logan sounds cold, colder than ice. The vibrations of his tone wash over Virgil like a ocean, and suddenly he’s drowning.
He’s drowning on dry land and Remus is laughing.
“Surely if you want to-- how they say, “flake out”, you’re welcome to open your door and take a walk.” 
Virgil’s pretty sure Logan speeds up as he talks; the white line on the edge of the road blurs, Virgil’s head’s rumbles against the window until he’s sure he’ll never be able to see straight again.
“Aw Specs!” Remus laughs. Logan’s head twitches at the nickname, the same nickname that Roman had called him oh-so-long ago. “No way I’m gonna let you handle all the juicy stuff yourself! You already got all the credit for Roman Prince’s!”
All the energy in the car turns to white noise.
Virgil’s chest,
in the middle of a breath.
and he can’t think
because that’s not right
can’t be right.
Roman-- Roman trusted Logan.
Logan had taken a bullet for him.
why did--
how did--
Logan fixes his rear view mirror with his non shot hand. Perfectly fluid.
Virgil can see it in his mind’s eye suddenly: the memory of Logan throwing himself into Roman and taking that bullet and bleeding and getting close to Roman, being right next to Roman, demanding that Roman equip him with another gun despite his dominant hand being out of commission. 
He can see it suddenly: the second that Virgil had stormed out, Logan had put two in Roman’s distracted gut. While Virgil had been racing the in the purple car, Roman had been bleeding out on his own kitchen floor, and Patton must have joined him. While Virgil was arguing with Dee, Logan was getting paid for the murder of two people who trusted him.
Logan was ambidextrous.
Virgil doesn’t know where the strength comes from.
All he knows is he threw himself forward battering against the metal mesh with an angry ferocity that made Logan’s injured hand lose hold of the steering wheel. The whole car shakes as Logan swaps hands and curses.
It’s barely a breathe between his tense jaw and his thick tongue and numb lips. The word itself feels like a dagger in his own chest just to say.
“Interesting,” Logan says again, this time with his eyes in the rear view, and they stare directly at Virgil. A scientist’s gaze. “The box jellyfish poison should have shut down most bodily functions but it appears that it is wearing off faster than I anticipated.”
(Hand on Virgil’s bare collarbone, cold and heavy, slipped past his shirt collar, and leaving the skin numbed. The poison sinking into Virgil’s skin while the taser had him immobile)
“It’s a good question!” Remus!! Says!! excitedly!! He turns in his seat, flipping the knife close with one hand and wiggling his fingers through the mesh with the other, like a taunt. 
“Why did the straight and narrow, hard working FBI agent Logan Ackroyd, decided to throw it all away so suddenly?” Remus sings. Virgil can see something left in his mustache, a something red like jam.
Logan switches lanes again.
“If you must know,” He says his fingers curling on the top of the steering wheel. “The pay is more suitable to my tastes.” 
Which is a fancy way of saying Logan had managed to put a price tag on people.
That Logan looked at Roman and actively thought, “I could kill this annoying man for X amount of dollars in cash”
That Logan looked at Virgil and saw dollar signs rather than the terrified kid he was.
“Oh, you nerdy little dork!” Remus hums, “You’re speaking my language now!”
“Of course I am. English is both our first--”
“Dork means whale penis. Basically, I called you a whale penis!”
Virgil wonders if Logan was being paid enough for this; by the way the car speeds up, he doubts it.
Virgil clings to the anger in his chest. He squeezes his eyes closed, thinking of the past twenty four hours, of Roman in his house, of Roman talking about his cars, of Roman speeding down the street and laughing, with those stupid sunglasses in his glossy mused hair. He thinks of the feel the gravel under his knees, of the sound of his best friends voice, of Patton’s elbow on his hooked and swinging and even if it was all a lie and Virgil was just an assignment Patton had completed--
Virgil thinks of the boy he was closest too, and thinks of how the feel of his broken glasses under Virgil’s knuckles and the look of shock on his freckled face. 
And of the hollowed hours since where Virgil swore to himself he didn’t want Patton by his side.
Where Virgil lied because he wants Patton here very badly even if hes mad even if they’re fighting even if he can’t ever forgive Patton.
Where Virgil was busy being angry and upset and his best friend was being killed by the cold hearted, side switching, asshole in the seat in front of him without a seconds hesitation.
 Virgil clings to that, clings to the anger that explodes in his chest, and the thudding of his heart that breaks his own ear drums. He reaches out of his limbs--
Because he was not going to just sit here and let that bastard take kill him for money, kill his friends for paper and coins and get away with it.
For once, Virgil breathes a thanks to his mother for telling him all the ways to kill a person, a bedtime story that Virgil felt for the first time he was willing to actually implement. 
And if he can get angry enough, his limbs will move, because that’s what always happens in those movies.
He thinks his heavy numb fingers manage to twitch when Remus speaks again.
“I don’t know if I’m alright with the split we agreed on.”
Logan’s head tilts ever-so-much. The car pulls on to a single lane road. The trees come next, covering them in the flickers of shadow and sun.
“I want seventy percent.”
Logan scoffs.
“It just seems that I deserve more than you!” Remus says, “In fact, I think I’ll take it all.”
Virgil blinks and the butterfly knife is at Logan’s throat.
“Let’s talk math, kid genius.”
the car swerves as Logan’s eyes leave the road for a second to look at the death at his throat. Virgil feels as his foot comes off the pedal, slowing down in the middle of a forest that looks like private property.
“Keep driving.” Remus hisses delightedly.
Logan presses down the gas pedal and the trees begin to blur by. Virgil has a hard time watching.
It has nothing to do with the stirring that suddenly comes to his attention next to him.
“Isn’t this fun?” Remus asks, “You’re going to drive to the clearing and park the car. I’m going to kill you, and the little emo in the backseat--”
“You said we were going to talk.” Logan says indifferently, “I’m afraid I have some bad news in regards to that course of action.” 
“Remus?” A voice speaks up groggily. 
“Oh hey, Dee!” 
“Wha--” Virgil thinks its a weird to see the other heir so disorientated, and he’s only known the other heir for a maximum of three hours.”What are you doing--?”
“Me and Logan were having a chat about how we’re going to divide the reward for the death of Virgil Sanders!”
“Yes, and unfortunately, Roman Prince informs me I’m a terrible conversationalist.” Logan says, and then slams on the breaks of the car and sends seat-beltless Remus straight through the front windshield.
Part Nine
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
DTRH!AU Masterpost
Moving into a new post since I’ve got stuff actually organized!!! It’ll likely get an update from time to time. Apologies to those whom the read more breaks for ‘^^
Everything to do with this au will be tagged #dtrh!au or #down the rabbit hole au Individual characters are tagged with #dtrh![name] 
Here’s an AU PMV for starters! 
Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?
Putting this up here so it doesn’t get super buried- Here’s the fic(s) set in this AU! All Moving Pictures End 
The AU crash course: The premise behind the au is that everything takes place in a pocket dimension controlled by a black magic script. Joey Drew is the one who’s writing/editing this script, and his rewrites affect the world and the characters within it. His constant reshaping eventually twists the world from a sitcom genre to a horror film- hence the horror esque setting, creatures, and plot. The characters didn’t escape the rewrites’ effects either. They’re warped into corrupted versions of themselves. However, these characters end up becoming sentient after awhile. The first one of these to become entirely sentient is Henry. He’s currently the only one who’s all the way out of alignment. A toon gone rogue, if you will. He still goes along with Joey’s “plot,” but it’s more so he can try to reach the other characters than to keep Joey happy or unaware of his actions. His goal is to basically “wake up” the other characters, so they can all stop living in a hellish nightmare studio and actually try and make something nice out of their home. He’s extremely dedicated to his goal. 
Character time!!! toon trio refs / corrupted refs  butcher gang refs / corrupted refs  toon henry ref  toon sammy ref / corrupted sammy ref  toon susie ref / corrupted susie ref  toon allison and tom refs / corrupted allison and tom refs  joey ref / toon joey ref  toon norman ref / corrupted ref  toon bertrum ref / corrupted ref  toon and corrupted grant refs  toon jack ref / corrupted jack ref  toon wally ref / corrupted wally ref  toon and corrupted lacie refs  toon and corrupted shawn refs 
Character relationships/orientations 
Concept art, anyone? toon trio concept work (w/ bonus corrupted bendy n alice) corrupted boris/alice concept work (ft bonus hen) butcher gang concept work (w/ corrupted forms) henry concept work sammy concept work (and more henry) susie concept work joey concept work corrupted norman concept work toon norman concept work  throwing around lost ones ideas 
Misc stuff Henry, but Goop™  Susie and Studio Tea™  Hey Henry, how do u feel about Joey?  Yo hold up, hen and polk are a thing???  Henry’s glasses saga  Regular studio shenanigans 
How many of the employees are gonna show up? Hopefully all the named ones in the game! Once they’ve got a design, they’re guaranteed to show up somewhere.
Are they really carbon copies of the employees? Is there nothing different about them and their irl counterparts? They started as carbon copies! Latching onto their old traits and their old selves does help them come to their senses. However, different character development happens in script than IRL, so they end up different. Henry, for example, takes up the last name “Ross” when he wakes up (instead of his IRL counterpart’s “Stien”) to differentiate himself :0
So is everyone corrupted on purpose? Yes and no. Yes, because Joey chose to rewrite the script so much that it mangled characters, but no, because he didn’t intend to mangle them in the first place. It just kinda happened.
What makes them corrupted? Corruption is what happens when you can’t hold onto the core of what your character is, and get dragged into what the new script is telling you. It’s when you lose sight of who you are among all the chaos. People who are drawn farther away from their actual selves end up more monstrous. Susie (aka “alice” angel) is a great example of this. Bendy is too! Far be it from his real nature to be a murderous monster.
So can the toons be uncorrupted? Yup! Henry’s our model citizen this time. He looks more like a toon than a normal person, sure, but there’s nothing monstrous about him. That’s because he’s latched onto what makes him Henry. He’s not letting the instability of the world around him shake him up. Otherwise he’d be a goopy mess of ink.
Why’d Joey write everyone so differently that they corrupted? He’s actually very out of touch with people once he starts rewriting the script. Since his memories are getting foggy, he fixates on details that he can remember, and exaggerates them as needed. In fact, he’s hidden tape recorders around the script studio as built in reminders of these character traits.
How’d Henry wake up? And how does he plan on waking everyone else up? Ok… this is a longer answer. It all comes together, i promise. Jus hang with me. Whenever henry dies, he gets sent back to a sort of “first draft” stage. In order to get back to the world he’s supposed to exist in, he has to get through all the layers of ink Joey put down to get to his current script. As one can imagine… there’s a lot. So much so that Henry has to essentially swim to the surface. As he passes through all this ink, he can hear whispers of previous scripts. The deeper he is, the closer these whispers are to what the world used to be like. Seeing as Henry is the protagonist, he ended up dying… a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Joey had a lot of snags in the script to work out. All these times sent into the draft-y ink soup made made Henry slowly realize what was going on. He wasn’t mindless anymore. He knew what was up. After realizing that the world wasn’t right, it didn’t take him long to push for the rest of his consciousness. He plans on using what whispers and memories he can gather to bring everyone else back. He’s not dying on purpose, mind you, but he gathers as much information as he can to help everyone else realize that they’re not who they’re supposed to be.
Wait, memories? Does Henry remember the past scripts now? Not quite? He’s got a good enough memory stockpile to keep himself centered, but he doesn’t always know what’s up ahead as he heads through another studio loop. If Joey happens to rewrite or change around the script, those patches of Henry’s memory blip out of existence. Or at least get hazy. Hen can often tell if Joey’s changed something by how many holes he has in his memories.
Can anyone in the pocket dimension get out? Henry’s the only one who can get out! Joey literally wrote him a back door to the script. It used to be so he could talk to Henry whenever the “story” was over, but nowadays it’s just to judge how fast plot goes via how quickly Hen gets back. All Henry can manage to do is walk around and stare silently. And he can’t even stay out very long. Ink’s unstable in the real world. Gotta go back in n start the horror show over if u wanna live :/
Can Joey go in? Nope! Since he’s not made of ink, he can’t go in. He can watch tho!!! He does so via writing POV shifts into the script, and watches through whatever character it shifted to. Who needs cameras when u got the eyes of black magic toons n inky monsters ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Does Joey know Henry is sentient now? Nnnnot quite? He thinks the magic is being screwy with him. He can’t switch POV to Henry anymore, since the toon’s taken control of himself, and that’s real confusing since the writer doesn’t know what’s up. Plus, like mentioned above, Hen can’t exactly give Joey a sign once he gets out of the studio. Bummer :/
Is Joey gonna majorly rewrite the script any time soon? Nope. He’s to attached to his current plot to change the genre or anythin, so it’s gonna stay as is. With some changes here and there. One musn’t underestimate how many times u can change the order of scenes, or improve dialogue... 
AU Background:
((this is long as shiz, so get some popcorn slfkjs))
Y’all probably wanna know how this whole horror show started. I’ve got two words for ya: Joey Drew. Unsurprising! But he’s our starting point nonetheless. Joey Drew is the retired owner of Joey Drew Studios, a cartoon studio that ran itself into the ground after a decade or two of fantastical cartoons. Money problems aren’t kind to the entertainment industries. However, the studio was still his pride and joy! As are the friends who stuck by him or met him during the time it was open. He kept up with all of them through the years. They were like a little family. Unfortunately, time has a way of changing things. With his friends drifting away, living their own lives, getting up in years, or a combination of the three, Joey wasn’t doing too well. He was lonely. Feeling washed up. Missing the glory days, where he helped work on cartoon scripts instead of submitting horror and mystery shorts to local magazines. Not all that surprising that he turned to something else to cope. This thing being none other than occult magic. Because… of course it is. It’s a habit he’s had for years. Nothing like some demonic rituals to spice up the life of the creative mind behind kids’ cartoons! Especially fun when you’re a man with poor impulse control and a wild imagination. In any case, Joey summons the three main characters of his beloved cartoon series. Bendy, Alice, and Boris! (I refer to these three as the “toon trio.”) He was just as happy that he’d managed to bring them to life as he was to have them around the house. It was like having slightly unruly grandkids with toony superpowers. In other words, they were absolutely delightful!!! He took care of them and admired their antics. It was a great time. … until. Well. It wasn’t. Turns out things that don’t belong in this world get rejected eventually. After a few months, things started go go wayward. The toon trio had difficulties maintaining their forms, moving, engaging in tropes, and a ton of other things. They were miserable. Joey was understandably heartbroken to see this happen to his poor toons. So, like any good person, he tried to do the right thing: put them back on the paper they came from. It didn’t end up working exactly how he’d expected. Everything comes with a price when you mess with demonic ink. The magic not only created a stack of paper instead of a series of drawings, but latched onto an old fountain pen and Joey’s closet. If the closet thing seems odd, it is. But it’s a convenient place to hide ritual pentagrams! So, closet it is. Upon frantic examination of the papers, Joey discovered it was a script. A black magic infused script. Three names up top told him the toon trio were the only characters. A bit of experimentation led him to discover that the magic-infused pen was the only thing that could interact with the script properly. Further experimentation showed him that the script had made his closet into a pocket dimension. The contents? Whatever was in his new script. This is where the real fun begins. The new magic script practically floored Joey with awe. He had a world he could shape however he wished! He could run all those scripts he’d never gotten to put in production! He could watch his toons frolick! He could even use it to play with ideas he’d never gotten to explore. The possibilities were endless! 
((Of course, you might be wondering if Joey… y’know. Knew the toons were still alive. Because they were, they were just living in a pocket dimension now. In short? No. He didn’t. He carefully tested a few things with the script, just to make sure. All the toons did was what he wrote down. They moved like they were alive, but didn’t act that way. Plus, the dimension made them blank slates. They didn’t have any characterization in there to make them truly alive. So! For all intents and purposes? He saw them as you would any other character you write. A visual extension of his imagination. Ok mini rant over, back to the story--))
Playing with the toons was amazing. Joey hadn’t had fun like that in years! It was his little secret world, populated by his cherished toons. He could make believe whatever he wished. Eventually, though, loneliness started to catch back up to the old man. His friends… his family… life… it all went on. He just felt left behind. And what does Joey do when he doesn’t feel good? Not cope healthily, that’s for sure. Onwards to more occult magic! Only this time, he tries something… different. The toons were lonely. They deserved company. They deserved someone to take care of them. A familiar face. Maybe someone who helped Joey create them in the first place. Someone who’d just sent Mr. Drew an old letter and a card, since he hadn’t seen him in awhile… … someone like Henry. Using the magic pen, Joey traced over Henry’s note. Far from ruining the precious letter, it transferred “Henry” into the script. It’s not the real one! Basically a carbon copy, fresh from the time period that Hen first wrote the note in. Seeing as Henry’s letter came from around the time the cartoon studio was going strong, it’s an old version of him. But it was still Joey’s old friend. Just… toony. Toon Henry reacted just as his living friend would. If he wrote dialogue? He spoke it like Henry would. If he wrote some action? The toon put a classic Henry twist on it. Delighted, Joey returned to his script with renewed vigor. Toon Henry got to spend plenty of quality with the toon trio as the days went on. Thus began a trend of toonification. Missing one of his old friends? All Joey had to do was grab something with their old handwriting on it, and trace them into the script! There’s a carbon copy that acts just like the real deal! A fine compromise, right? … Right? Not exactly. It was fine at first. Joey made what could probably qualify as a sitcom-style story for the toony world to run on. His friends, at this point, all populated the studio. The premise was that the toons (now including the butcher gang!) had been summoned while he was still running the studio, and got up to hijinks with the rest of the employees. A hefty dose of actual studio drama- turned comedic, of course- kept the whole thing almost real. Joey even featured himself once or twice, but only in allusions, or a disembodied voice. He wasn’t about to let a carbon copy of himself have all the fun. It made him feel less lonely. More included. A fantasy world of never ending fun and heartwarming moments. How unfortunate it is that life doesn’t follow this pattern. Morality is a hard thing to come to terms with. So is sickness. Especially that of a friend. … it was just one rewrite at first. One alteration on a bad day. After all, using writing to cope is perfectly acceptable. One bad episode in the midst of sunshine doesn’t discount it all. One uncanny occurrence, though, doesn’t usually stay singular. It didn’t take long for the solitary rewrite to become two rewrites. Then three. Four. Six. Ten. Twenty. Fifty. More and more and more. Until the happy honey colored studio slipped into sinister sepia. This wasn’t the old script anymore. Not by a long shot.
The setting? A studio of shattered dreams.   Your protagonist? Henry. His goal? Survive long enough to escape.
~It’s quite th͝e̵͞͏ ͠M̕a͘sţe̛̕r͘p̕i̵͝e̡ḉe̡̨͜~̡̛
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Hi! I'm new to your blog but found a few posts that were about a JayTom ship, and I was wondering who Tom was? And also you've mentioned in a couple of posts the idea of Jason having a lineup of Titans in his age range and you talked about the Ray and Damage in one. Do you have a whole lineup in mind for them and if so, is there a post on that somewhere?
LOL man, I really need to start pulling all my posts about JayTom and Jay’s lineup of Titans together for some kind of a masterlist, so thanks for the reminder haha. Like, I saw this ask and thought of various posts to point you towards but ugh, I don’t know where any of them are.
Anyway, so. The Tom of JayTom. Aka my ideal ship for Robin!Jason in the series of one-shots about an AU where Jason doesn’t go to Ethiopia in ADITF and thus never dies, that’s kinda grown out of that of a one-shot I started as a writing commission a couple months ago, if anyone else remembers that….the one that was like ‘what if Jason called Dick after the Garzonas incident and Dick sided with Jason’…that one. 
Which then snowballed into ‘well, then I could give Jason his own lineup of Titans who are in the same age range as like a younger gen learning from Dick’s generations of Titans but still older than Tim’s generation of YJ and then eventual Titans.’
Sigh. Oh, me. Right! So! Anyway! Tom in JayTom is Thomas Bronson, the son of JSA member Ted Grant, aka Wildcat. 
Tom and Jason have never ever interacted in canon as far as I know, as I don’t think Tom’s ever appeared outside of JSA and Jason never appeared in that book either before or after his death. BUT by the magic of winging it and Canon Has Not Definitively Contradicted Me, I think the two of them are feasibly in the same age range, so I’m going with them both being fifteen when they meet here.
Tom’s a scrappy, street smart, attitude throwing teenager with daddy issues of his own, lol, thanks to Ted’s general non-existence in his life, for most of it….and he’s also tiny, like, 5′6″ and 135 lbs even at the end of his teenage years. LMAO, I honestly don’t remember, but I think that might be the whole basis of this ship for me, or where it originated. Like, I happened across Tom’s stats as listed on one of the DC wiki sites, and was like, lol oh, he and Robin!Jason could be pint-sized punks together! And then from there, I had the inevitable thought “okay but now make them gay” and then from there I fell into my usual trap of “oh no, it was supposed to be a joke but now I’m taking it seriously and seriously pondering how it could seriously work.”
And then from there it consumed my brain and devoured my life. I swear, it was Dick/Kyle all over again. Ugh, my brain is so problematic.
So anyway, this is Tom:
Tumblr media
He’s a werepanther, he can shapeshift into a panther form to fight, which brings up an interesting facet of his character and something I think could be really fun to play off Jason and his own issues…because Tom hates fighting. HATES it. Will run from a fight at any given opportunity rather than engage….but its not because he’s a coward, or doesn’t have heroic instincts of his own, and its not even because he’s not GOOD at fighting.
Its that he’s scared of himself, and scared of hurting whoever he’s fighting…at least more than he means to. Because he has trouble controlling his shift when in fights. His panther form just comes out in response to his own amped up levels of aggression. The fight or flight response for him is actually more like “flight or turn into a raging whirlwind of clawed and fanged fury that can’t stop won’t stop until he’s definitively won his fight….which by extension, usually means his opponent is currently bleeding out on the ground from a few dozen deep claw marks because Panther!Tom’s claws and fangs are SHARP.”
Now pair this fear of his own power with Tom’s natural belligerence and problems with authority at certain points in his life, AND his desire to follow in his hero father’s footsteps as well as his resentment and giving himself grief every time he realizes he even has that desire, because he doesn’t owe his deadbeat dad shit and can’t stand that he nevertheless admires him in a lot of ways and still feels a desire to prove himself to him…
Then pair him up with Jason during his Robin years, going through similar issues and emotions as well as a comparable dynamic with Bruce as him not dying in Ethiopia nevertheless changes nothing about the two of them likely clashing more and more over their views on how to deal with criminals and the appropriate levels of aggression when dealing with them….
And that right there, IMO, is super strong potential for a dynamic couple with a lot in common and yet occasional clashes of their own due to different opinions on which direction to go in so as to address those shared issues…but who likely would never hesitate for a second before backing each other up and presenting a united front against anyone else who tried to give one or the other shit for any reason whatsoever.
Also, I have vastly amused myself with the thought (and the occasional post here and there) of Ted and Bruce continually glowering at each other and blaming each other’s son for being a bad influence on their son, who has never done anything wrong in their life ever, CLEARLY (even if Bruce had actually just grounded Jason the day before. Whatever. Ted doesn’t need to know that).
Anyway, so that’s the JayTom I reference now and then. I’ve always maintained that Jason could really benefit from having a stronger support system of friends distinct to him and not sharing similar dynamics with any of his siblings, so then I was like, well if Jay doesn’t die, and I have him and Dick closer in this AU than they’re usually written as being, plausibly Jason would spend a lot of time at the Tower to get away from Bruce and his own fights with him. 
With Dick being more than able to relate to trouble dealing with Bruce and thus happy to lend a sympathetic ear….and eventually maybe express to Bruce that it might do them both some good for Jason to make more friends his own age and have some normal routines that took him out of the house and Gotham enough that he and Bruce don’t constantly feel like they’re breathing down each other’s necks and keeping tension a constant thing between them. A little space now and then could benefit them both, give them chances to cool off after their fights and actually MISS each other before readdressing the issues.
So then I could see the Titans kinda sending out invitations/recruiting various teen heroes around Jason’s age that they’d all maybe had their eyes on for awhile as kids who could benefit from the same kind of team unity/group support that helped them so much when they were that age just a few years ago themselves.
Which leads me to where I am now which is….I still haven’t settled on a solid lineup, because I came up with too many choices, lol. Basically, my parameters were I wanted characters who could feasibly be said to be in the same age range as Jason and Tom, and didn’t have super strong associations with any other characters that would create any kind of conflict with them being on a Titans team at this point in the timeline instead. And because I’m all about my thematics, I wanted them all to have certain root issues in common that they could all bond over and actually, y’know, support each other with and through. 
(The same way I think Dick’s generation of Titans actually has certain distinct themes and issues that almost all of them share and can relate to in varying ways, which I think has a lot to do with how quickly and fully they all bonded and why they created such lasting friendships and teams between them. But that’s a whole other post, lol.)
So the central shared issues I decided to focus on for Jason’s age group of Titans were: teen/young heroes from abusive homes or runaways, ones with issues and fears stemming from and regarding their own powers or tempers, etc, and misfits who were regarded warily by other or older heroes and considered potentially able to end up on either side of the hero/villain line in the sand.
Which Dick’s generation of Titans, which of course includes Raven, Kory, etc, would not be in agreement with that last part, and thus be all the more likely to recruit these specific teen heroes and be like nyah, nyah, watch how with our help and oh yeah, SUPPORT, they all become the best damn heroes that ever did heroically hero. Suck it, JLA-holes!
(And then Donna would be like, not you Diana, you know we’re cool, its just I gotta do the team solidarity thing and Dick, Garth and Roy are still being Displeased with their mentors/dads at the moment, and also we’re all kinda ticked you guys stole Wally. Btw, we’re stealing the new Green Lantern kid, because Revenge and stuff. He’s ours now, you snooze, you lose).
 So, Jason’s lineup of Titans will consist of some of the following, I’m just not 100% sure which yet, because I have to whittle down the list.
1) Jason (nominally mentored by Dick, but the latter just calls it an excuse for brother bonding time and neither of them make much reference ever to having any kind of actual mentor/protégé relationship like I see the rest of Jay’s lineup having. Plus, Jason unique from the rest already has a mentor in Bruce anyway, so his situation and reasons for being part of this team aren’t quite the same from the others, especially as one of my reasons for this AU was always addressing the issues I have with Bruce’s parenting before the canon event point of Jason’s death, and like…..so like, Bruce does get better once Dick calls out some of his shit with Jason based on his own experiences with Bruce and then later Jason returns the favor by calling out Bruce for taking Dick for granted and no longer putting in the same effort connecting with his eldest and being an actual PARENT to him like he used to).
2) Tom Bronson/Tomcat (who else would act as his personal mentor other than Gar aka Beast Boy aka Changeling, the shapeshifter extraordinaire?)
3) Grant Emerson/Damage (recruited by Roy and his personal protégéand likely BFFs with Jason IMO, as I think their temperaments are complete opposites but Grant’s the kind of kid who would roll his eyes and dolefully follow his troublemaking best friend Jay into likely danger, because his power to blow things up really comes in handy with the kind of scrapes Jason gets himself into and this in turn is a really handy thing to point out in the aftermath of pulling Jason’s butt out of a scrape and then gloating but in the totally mature and “I’m much too nice to actually be gloating, you must be mistaken about what’s happening here” manner in which I see that going down. And in terms of the parameters I mentioned, Grant grew up bounced around abusive foster homes, is watched like a hawk by various groups and heroes because of the huge catastrophic potential of his powers, which he has his own fears about, and also he has no idea who his parents are either, and I imagine him and Jason going on a ‘find out who our real parents are roadtrip’ after graduation or something).
4) Ray Terrill/The Ray (potentially recruited by Kory and her personal protégé. He was briefly a member of Tim’s Young Justice team, but part of the reason he was never that close with the other members was he was a little bit older, just a couple years or so, but enough to put him squarely in Jason’s age range. Also comes from an abusive home, and spent the majority of his childhood living in complete darkness because his asshole uncle told him he had the same powers as his father which meant sunlight would be harmful to him and make him dangerous to be around. When in reality, like his dad, Ray’s powers are fueled by sunlight and he’s like a living solar battery, keeping him afraid to leave the dark was just meant to keep him passive and powerless. Even knowing his uncle lied now, Ray still has long had fears about his own powers, unable to totally shake the fears his uncle instilled in him).
5) Todd Rice/Obsidian (potentially recruited by Raven and her personal protégé. He and his twin sister Jenny-Lynn Hayden are probably a bit older than the rest of this team, but their ages aren’t definitively linked to any points in the DC timeline, so there’s no real conflict between handwaving them as aged down to be right around the same ages as the others. Todd and Jenny-Lynn are the twin children of original Green Lantern Alan Scott aka Sentinel, and the DC villainness Thorn. They grew up in separate foster homes though with Alan unaware of their existence for most of their childhoods. Todd’s childhood was notoriously rough, with him having several abusive foster parents. He’s canonically gay and mentally ill/neurodivergent, which several of his foster homes targeted him for. In addition, his shadow powers are tied to a dark dimension that’s said to prey on his mental state and led to occasional times where he’s been a villain briefly, and at all times his powers are regarded fearfully by most people and with him shunned and avoided because of them. All of which I think makes Raven an ideal mentor for him).
6) Jenny-Lynn Hayden/Jade (Todd’s twin sister, even though they didn’t grow up together for the most part. Honestly, she doesn’t share in a lot of the issues the rest of the team prospects do, and had a relatively good childhood before her powers developed and she found her brother and they started operating as heroes together. But upon learning who her brother and dad are, she’s always been committed to growing closer with them, so I think anywhere Todd goes in this AU, she’d definitely follow, and its not like the team can’t benefit from a heavy hitter like her, let alone more girls. Not totally sure who I picture as most mentoring her in specific, probably because I don’t see her as being recruited per se, so much as just going with Todd when recruited….but I’m thinking maybe Garth, actually. Garth has a lot of range and versatility with his powers and magic, which makes him ideal for mentoring someone who not only has the same powers as a Green Lantern, limited only by her imagination…..but who also might benefit from being mentored by someone who ISN’T a Green Lantern because she doesn’t share their traditional weaknesses and thus she’d be best off training with someone whose own techniques and instincts aren’t geared around weaknesses that are literally irrelevant to her powerset).
7) Courtney Mason/Anima (A metahuman runaway who was almost sacrificed by a cult before her powers kicked in….she’s also right in the same age range as Ray, Grant and Jason, and has briefly been a member of a couple Titans lineups but never for long and usually only for big event stories. But she fits the runaway/rough home environment parameter as well as fear of her own powers….she absorbs life energy from people and animals and can potentially kill them by draining too much. She also has a separate power that’s basically a connection to an other-dimensional spirit called the Animus that she can summon forth and unleash on her enemies. I’m thinking she’d make a good recruit/protégé for Jericho actually, for a number of reasons).
8) Cynthia Reynolds/Fantasia (? Maybe? Not sure yet. Not her actual codename, but her actual codename is a slur, so I’m def gonna make up a new one, I just haven’t 100% settled on what it is yet. Suck it, DC. She’s most known for being a member of Justice League Detroit along with Steel, Vibe and the Ray, but she’s the right age range to end up recruited to be a Titan here instead, like Ray. Also is a runaway from an abusive home, and often deals with mistrust and suspicion due to her illusion powers. Perfect recruit/protégé for Lilith, IMO).
9) Cisco Ramone/Vibe (Also created as a teenage hero to be part of the Justice League Detroit lineup, which makes him the right age range and he’s another runaway. The nature of his powers makes him a good fit to be a recruit/protégéof Mal Duncan/Herald).
10) Amy Allen/Bombshell (Totally self-indulgent on my part given that I basically would ignore the vast majority of her storylines and writing, which I think suck. She was in the Titans stories revolving around Tim’s generation of the team, but she was always stated to be a few years older than the rest, like in her late teens when the majority were probably sixteen, so I think she’s a good fit for this age range. Also had a crappy home life and parents, and her powers are hugely destructive in certain applications…she basically has the same powerset as Captain Atom, though she’s never had any kind of official mentor or sidekick relationship with him. Also, I think Captain Atom is an asshat and a dillhole and he sucks, but I do like his powers, so reinterpreting Amy as a character who doesn’t suck and playing around with her powers instead is solid decision making on my part and renders Captain Atom irrelevant now. I think I shall kill him. Because I can do that. Anyway, I think she doesn’t need him as a mentor but could make a good recruit/protégé for Leonid/Red Star).
11) Carla Moretti/Cinder (Odd choice, given that she’s only ever really been used as a villainous member of Deathstroke’s anti-Titans team and was easily in her twenties at the time. Pyrokinetic who happily makes bonfires out of her enemies but written with zero attempts at nuance, like a total one note villain framed as having long since abandoned her own humanity….which bugged the crap out of me, as she was given a super angsty backstory of childhood sexual abuse and that’s just ‘why she’s like this’ and I have a deep seeded loathing for asshole writers writing survivors as villains and just blaming their casual homicidal ways on their abuse while serving up said villains to just be punching bags or dominoes for the heroes to knock down on their way to the Boss Fight. So I do have inclinations towards making an actual Titan out of her, like with Amy, because surprise surprise, both these characters being written shittily and one note was the work of the same writer, shocking. So I’d just handwave her down to the right age range and have her recruited/mentored by Donna, probably…more due to me thinking Donna would be the best person to help her deal with stuff because she’s mastered the art of avoiding avoidance via having Dick Grayson as a BFF. So with them its not really because Carla needs mentoring with her powers specifically. Idk, Carla anyway you slice it I think has a lot of rage, and Donna knows what to do with that. Written right, Donna’s not a character who judges or shames a victim or survivor for being angry…she gets angry with them, and helps them find options for what to do with that now.) 
12) Hero Cruz (Lesser known Titan, has a device called the Dial H device that lets him turn into a different hero with different powers depending on the setting he puts it on. Basically Ben 10, but Hero came first. Doesn’t really fit most of the parameters, other than being around the right age range, and not even sure who would make a good mentor for him though I wanna say Vic, but not totally decided yet. Mostly I just like him and think he’s underused, so whatever).
There’s also a few other candidates that I have mostly ruled out but not totally. I thought about using the aged up version of Chris Kent, and just introduce him earlier than he showed up in canon. And then Kara/Supergirl could be his mentor because I kinda handwave her into Dick’s generation of Titans anyway, even though it was the alien Matrix version of Linda Danvers that was the only Supergirl ever on the team. Whatever. She should have been a Titan all along anyway. But also Chris would fit the team well as he had an abusive childhood as well, at his dad General Zod’s hands, and again, I just like the character. 
Thought of including Virgil Hawkins/Static too, even though I think he’s closer to Tim’s age range. And again, just another character I’m a fan of and think is underused, but he would definitely be an odd man out in this group because like….he comes from a happy, healthy, loving home and family, and he loves his powers. So he would constantly be just like nodding his head along while his teammates talk and like ugh that sucks, but 10/10 absolutely can not relate, my parents are awesome.  Same with Natasha Irons/Steel, who really would have to be handwaved to even be in the right age range, and again has a happy loving home environment and a superhero uncle of her own so its not like she needs a Titan mentor…..but I kinda wanna see Karen Beecher/Bumblebee take her under her wing anyway, and have them be science nerds together.
Also pretty much the only reason I ruled out Connor Hawke too, as he doesn’t really match the rest of the team in any of the parameters except for feasibly being right at the upper edge of the same age range. But again, I just love the character. 
So I’m probably gonna end up throwing at least one of these other characters in there anyway, lol. I do know myself).
Anyway. So that’s Jason’s lineup of Titans, or at least the candidates as they exist bouncing around in my head now. Also, they’re pretty much Team “Everyone is Gay Except For When They’re Bi.” Which, granted, is basically how I view Dick’s generation of Titans, but with them I have to be like Make It So, in my brain, whereas with this group like….canon’s actually done the work for me for the most part lol. Ray is gay, Todd Rice is gay, Courtney is bi, Hero is gay. And I can’t actually find anything confirmed Tom was stated to be gay somewhere in canon, but I SWEAR he was, like, ugh this is bugging me.
But anyway. That’s that about all of that.
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raywritesthings · 5 years
What Have They Lost? 3/?
My Writing Fandom: Arrow, The Flash Characters: Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, Connor Hawke, Ted Grant, Barry Allen, Iris West, Barbara Gordon, Wally West, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Joe West Pairings: Barry Allen/Iris West, Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel Summary: “I can definitely tell you that there’s a way we’re going to bring [Laurel] back and she’s going to be alive and well. And Flashpoint might have a little bit to do with that.“ -Wendy Mericle AKA: The AU where that wasn’t a blatant lie, and Flashpoint has bigger repercussions for Barry’s friends and allies than he first realized. Notes: Much thanks to @colorofmymindposts for beta-ing as well as to the Lauriver discord server for helping with world-building and character histories. Anyone interested in joining the server should follow this link: https://discord.gg/gp9ANVr  *Also can be read on my AO3*
He hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Damn age getting to him.
As it was, Ted woke on his couch to the sound of a key trying to find the lock and muttered curses. He got to his feet just as Dinah pushed through the door and slammed it behind her, glancing back through the window.
“Alright, we expecting company?”
She looked at him. “Ted, it happened again.”
He sighed. “Okay.”
“I don’t know what it is,” she burst out. “I mean I do, but — I mean, why me, right? Babs is fine, Helena’s fine, and Pam—” she drew up short. “Well, nobody’s really sure what’s wrong with her. But at least it’s consistent.”
“Not getting worse?”
Dinah chewed her lip. “Harley says they’ve had to up her dosage again, or that rash keeps coming back. If that stupid explosion hadn’t knocked her back into that ivy…”
“Or hit you when you were holding the mic?”
“Yeah.” Dinah looked down and sighed. “I just need to, I don’t know, take a breather or something.”
“Stuff’s in your room.”
“Thanks, Ted.” She touched his shoulder distractedly as she made her way down the hall into the spare room she used whenever they stopped here. A few minutes later, he could hear sounds of a familiar melody on the guitar. Ted shook his head.
It wasn’t any wonder she’d gotten worked up and that this whatever-it-was had activated again. Dealing with that washed up excuse for a father, being back here…
He found his phone on the coffee table and went through the recent contacts. His call was picked up after a single ring.
“Hey, Ted.”
“Barbara. You got any time?”
“Yeah. Dad’s got another night shift. He won’t be back for hours.” He could hear fingers clacking away at a computer’s keys rather than a keyboard’s. “What’s up?”
“Dinah’s had another accident. She’s a bit shaken up.”
“Put her on. I’m switching over to video.”
Ted went down the hall and knocked on the door. It wasn’t completely shut, so it swung in a few inches.
“I tried to look for you in the dark water, but I got lost along the way,” Dinah was half-singing, half-saying under her breath. She really wasn’t giving that one up, was she?
“Hey, it’s Barbara.”
Dinah smiled up at him and set the guitar aside. “Thanks, Ted.”
She took the phone and set it up so she and Barbara could each see each other’s faces.
“So what happened?” Barbara never was one to mince words. Probably got it from the old commissioner.
“There were some creeps trying to force a woman into having their sick idea of fun. I didn’t like the look of it, so I said something.”
“And then screamed something, huh?”
“He was running at me. It was, I don’t know, instinct. Something like that.” Dinah dragged a hand back through her hair. “I thought for a second somebody else saw — but nobody was there. I must be getting paranoid.”
“Well, we do need to talk about what to do going forward, Dinah. This clearly isn’t something you can ignore or force to stop happening.”
“I know. But what do you want me to do, announce to the world I’m a metahuman? The Flash would just zip up onto the stage and have me in handcuffs,” Dinah remarked, the humor in her tone only barely masking contempt.
“Who says you have to tell people you’re the metahuman?” Ted asked. Dinah turned towards him and it was clear that Barbara was listening as well. “Nobody knows who the Flash is. That’s why he isn’t in prison.”
Dinah looked back at the phone screen. “What do you think, Babs? You’re the masked crusader expert.”
“Don’t remind me,” Barbara replied with a grimace. “But I do think you need to find a way to separate your identity from the woman who can knock down walls with her voice. If only so the latter can do some good.”
Dinah stood, her arms crossing over her chest. “You sound like dad. He was just reminding me tonight how I used to want to do something for the world with my life.”
“Well, don’t you?”
Ted held his breath, watching and waiting.
“I can barely do enough for myself,” Dinah said. “I’m not some hero, Babs, or even a guy in a bat suit with an ax to grind. I just got dealt a bad hand.”
“And why let that stop you?” Ted asked. “You climbed out of poverty with your music, Dinah. You got yourself out of the foster care system. You’d be free of the abuse if you’d cut the old man off.”
She scoffed.
“I know you feel you haven’t done what you set out to do,” he continued, placing his hands on her shoulders. “But don’t you think you might find out more about yourself if you look to the future instead of the past?”
“I can’t stop looking, Ted,” Dinah said, her eyes wide and pleading.
“And you won’t. But tell me, where did that little girl who snuck into my gym ‘cause she kept getting into scrapes go? Where’d that young lady who kicked guys in the head for harassing women in the crowd go?”
“You know I’d be out there if the answer had come back different,” Barbara offered.
Dinah scowled. “Who cares if Batman said no? You could still do it.”
“Maybe now that I have some money behind me,” Barbara allowed. “But I don’t have the kind of power that accelerator gave you, Dinah.”
“I could hurt someone,” Dinah stated. It was the fear first and foremost in her mind ever since they’d learned what she could do, after all the months of worrying that the accident had stolen her voice. Maybe it had in a way; it was making her hold herself back.
“With the right kind of training, I don’t think so,” Barbara countered. “But that’s gonna take practice, the same as all our other lessons.”
“So where am I supposed to practice? I don’t exactly have my own city lying around somewhere unless you two are surprising me this Christmas.”
“Well, you are home,” Barbara said.
Dinah raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t Star already have a guy?”
Babs shrugged. “Just Green Arrow. Batman never took him that seriously. Thought he liked to make speeches more than get anything done.”
“Forgive me if I don’t hold Batman’s opinion that highly,” Dinah said with a cool tone, “considering he clearly doesn’t know talent when it knocks on his door.”
“Things might have been different,” Barbara said not for the first or probably the last time. “Just my dad being the GCPD liaison with him...it complicates things.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that involved of a discussion with Batman would necessitate you knowing who you were talking to,” Ted remarked.
“Nope, not falling for it, Ted.”
He grinned. “Worth a shot. I really am starting to wonder if I should make the rounds and get these new boys into shape.”
“Yeah right,” Dinah said, some of her old bite back in her voice. “You like us too much to go over to that boys’ club.”
“All the more reason to get you out there, Dinah.”
She sighed, looking down at her guitar. “Just...let me think it over, okay?”
“Sure thing.” He retrieved his phone and headed for the door.
“It’s not that I don’t want to help,” Dinah said before he had quite left. “It just feels like every time I try...someone gets hurt.”
“That’s just the growing pains. But I think you’re ready to fly now, Dinah.”
She nodded once, and Ted shut the door behind him as he left.
“You think I might have pushed too hard?” He asked Barbara, who had stayed on the line.
“She doesn’t think she’s the right person to be a hero,” Barbara said. “But that’s exactly why she is.”
“Right you are, Babs. Think I’ll go air out the old gym here. We might be needing it soon. You feel like joining in?”
“Give me two weeks. I promised my father we’d spend some time together.” Barbara gestured around the empty apartment she currently sat in. “You can see how that’s going.”
“Well, you hang in there. We’re gonna get you your chance, too.”
“Thanks, Ted.”
He hung up and smiled to himself. Much as he liked his role with the band, he was looking forward to being a teacher again.
Combing through the old family papers was easier said than done. Back when he’d first returned from the island, he had found out that they’d all been boxed up and stored in a warehouse. Walter had been meticulous about the organization of it all, but Oliver had just gotten out what was necessary to declare himself alive again and then looked for a new place to live. Even if the old Manor hadn’t been sold, he couldn’t have gone back there. Too many empty rooms.
Now, he was looking for something entirely unrelated to him, something among his mother’s things. He had to stop every now and then, smiling with watery eyes at her handwriting or an old photo. She’d kept every one of his school pictures, notating them on the back: Oliver, 6th grade.
God, why’d she let him have that hair?
Eventually, he came across an old lock box. Walter must not have touched it beyond moving it here, though he clearly hadn’t found the key.
Oliver looked up at the ceiling. “Sorry, mom.” He broke the lock.
Inside were a number of yellowing papers, some looked to be about financial matters while others were of a more personal nature.
There was also a checkbook tied to an account number Oliver didn’t recognize, nor was it from their family bank. It recorded monthly payments to one of the local orphanages, up until the last month before they all got on the Gambit.
Heart thumping in his ears, Oliver reached a birth certificate at the bottom of the stack of papers. Mia Dearden, was the name given to the child, born January 21st, 1995. She was ten years younger than him. He had a kid sister?
There was a photo paper-clipped to the back of a tiny baby sleeping in a nursery. It was irrational, maybe, but he felt a fierce longing for this tiny life he’d never known.
But he should have. How had his parents kept this from him?
The birth certificate was from a hospital whose name he didn’t recognize. A quick search on his phone showed that it was out of state. He tried to remember that year. Had his mother been away on a trip? Had she hidden the pregnancy that way? His father’s name wasn’t on the certificate. Did that mean…?
There was nothing to indicate if his father had known, or what he had thought if he had. But there had to be some reason Mia Dearden hadn’t been raised alongside him in their home. Never mind that his mother must have purposefully brought her back to the city and kept up payments that must have seen the orphanage well outfitted. At least until 2007.
She would have been twelve, or around that age, Oliver realized. What had happened to her after? Would the orphanage know? Had she found another family, someone to provide the love and care his parents had either been unwilling or unable to give?
Oliver looked up from his desk, spotting Connor in the shadows by the door. It had gotten late, and the single lamp he had on was the only source of light in the room.
“Hey. Sorry. I got, uh, caught up with all this. You eat yet?”
“Did you?”
Fair enough question. Oliver set the birth certificate and the photo of his baby sister aside, standing up. “Okay, what do we want? Chicken? Chicken tacos? Think we still have some wraps.”
“We could order a pizza,” Connor suggested. “You look tired.”
Oliver looked down. His son was probably right; he’d been at this for three days now, only stopping for meals or to go out on patrol.
“Okay. You pick the toppings.”
They settled out in the main room to wait after Oliver called the order in. He looked Connor over during the silence. He had failed to be the father this boy should have had for the first several years of his life, and now he was finding that was an all too common mistake of his when it came to family. Even if he really had been a kid in the case of Mia Dearden.
“So,” Connor began, “what did you find out?”
Oliver grimaced. “Uncle Barry was right. Sort of, anyway.”
Connor’s eyes were wide, in excitement or worry he couldn’t tell. “So there is a Thea Queen?”
“I don’t know about her, but my mother had a daughter she never told me about. Her name’s Mia,” Oliver said, his voice cracking slightly on the name. He cleared his throat. “Mia Dearden. She has mom’s maiden name.”
“How come your mom never told you?”
“Well, if I had to guess...my parents were partners in the business sense. They built the old company together, as equals. But in their relationship, it wasn’t exactly like that.”
Connor nodded sagely. “She had an affair.”
“Seems that way. Not exactly the best example us Queens are setting for you. Don’t get any ideas,” Oliver quipped when Connor made a face. He was definitely glad that his son still seemed uninterested in the dating scene, and prayed it would last at least a little longer.
“What are you gonna do about Mia?”
That was a question he hadn’t let himself contemplate yet. “She’s a young woman now. Probably out on her own. I don’t know how happy she’d be to learn the truth now.”
“But you wanna meet her.”
It was remarkable how well the kid could read him.
“It’s hard not to wonder. How different would things have been, you know? The way Barry was talking...it sounded like he thought she’d be here.”
What would it have been like to return after those five years to family, to someone he knew had missed him and cared about him? Someone who could’ve been the listening ear he’d needed when Connor had first arrived, who could’ve helped him.
“You know, she’s not the only one Uncle Barry thought should be around.” Connor’s voice pulled him out of that wondering, and when he looked up his son was grinning. “How are you supposed to know the lead singer of one of the hottest bands in the country?”
Oliver shook his head. “That’s maybe the one thing hardest to buy.”
He’d been vaguely aware of his parents’ infidelity. The idea that one of them had had a child in that context was not unthinkable. But where would his path have met up with someone like Dinah?
Barry had said something about the team. “Laurel’s still — I mean, Dinah. Dinah’s still…”
Still what? Singing? Way out of Oliver’s league? Barry had been worried about Thea’s — or Mia’s — existence. Had something about Dinah not been right? And who was Laurel?
A knock at the door interrupted them, and Oliver got up to get their food and tip the delivery man. When he came back over to the couch, Connor held up his phone. It was displaying a social media page of some sort. He could never keep the sites straight.
“Think this could be our Mia Dearden?”
The profile picture was of a young woman with short brown hair and delicate features, almost like a pixie if he had to put a word to it. But her eyes...those were his mother’s eyes.
“Says she’s a bartender on 4th and Wells in the Glades,” Connor continued. “We could go check it out?”
A part of Oliver wanted to throw his coat on and take the elevator down to the lobby right now. But he looked down at Connor.
“Are you sure? I still feel like you and I are figuring out how we work together now, and this would be a lot. I don’t want you to feel like you’re being pushed aside in favor of the next surprise relative I have.”
Connor put his phone away. “I came to Starling to get to know my family. All of it. If this lady is your sister, then that makes her my aunt. I’ve never had one of those.”
Oliver felt himself smile. Trust his kid to look on the bright side.
“And anyway, it’s not like you’d just forget about me,” Connor joked half-heartedly. There was only the slightest hint of vulnerability there, but it was enough for Oliver to read.
He dropped a knee onto the couch and wrapped his son in a hug. “No. Never.”
They settled back in to enjoy their pizza, another night as father and son. Maybe in a week or so, they might have more company. Oliver eyed the armchair across from the couch, trying to imagine the small girl in the photo sitting there. Would she be happy to join them?
Barry had been right about his sister. Could he really be right again about Dinah? Oliver sent Connor to bed and went back to his office, shifting his mother’s old things aside to unearth his computer keyboard. He scrolled through articles and photos alike.
No one knew the woman’s full name. It was likely she came from Gotham, as the rest of her bandmates had. And Gotham was hardly his territory.
But the more he stared at her photo, he thought he should know her. Was it the old paranoia, the placebo effect resulting from Barry’s words, or was there something more than wishful thinking to his wondering if those lips had smiled up at him once before?
Barry sat on the information he had about Dinah for a few days, nervously turning it over in his head. The trouble was, he didn’t really know who to go to.
If he alerted the police, they wouldn’t really be prepared for the kind of power that sonic scream held. If he went to Oliver and his team, he wasn’t sure what they would think. He’d already probably said way too much to Oliver in his distress.
Truthfully, Barry wasn’t sure what to make of this new version of his friend. Oliver wasn’t as different as some of the others had been in the Flashpoint timeline, but there seemed to be a subtle sort of change to him hard to pin down. And Barry just didn’t know if he should trust this Oliver to handle something like a Black Siren. If that was even what they were dealing with.
It was up to his team, as Iris kept nudging him into realizing over the week. They knew how to manage a metahuman, even if the weapon they’d used against Siren wouldn’t work against a Laurel of this Earth. But he needed Cisco and Caitlin’s help if he was going to brainstorm a backup.
With some trepidation, Barry entered the lab that afternoon to the now-familiar sounds of Laurel’s voice on the speakers. Since learning Barry had next to no knowledge of Birds of Prey, Cisco had taken it upon himself to play the band’s entire discography, along with anything and everything he could find with Dinah’s vocals attached. This particular song didn’t even sound like rock at all, come to think of it.
“Uh, dude?”
Cisco swiveled around in his chair and seemed to understand Barry’s confused point up towards the ceiling at the music.
“Oh, hey. Yeah, this was released a year or so after the accident, all studio-recorded. She did an album of the Great American songbook sort of stuff, sort of for the slower crowd, you know? People still went nuts over it.” Cisco’s sigh had a dreamy quality to it as he added, “She could sing the phone book.”
“Is everything alright, Barry?” Caitlin asked, watching him carefully. He must not have hidden his nerves as well as he hoped.
Joe came through into the cortex, followed by Wally, and he knew it was now or never. He was going to need his team behind him for this, however willing they were to be.
“Okay. Guys, um, I really hate to bring this up again, but we’ve got to talk about Flashpoint.”
Immediately Cisco’s shoulders hunched, and Caitlin grimaced. Joe shifted a bit on his feet. Wally alone seemed ready to talk.
“Alright, what about it?”
“It’s not really to do with anything here,” Barry was quick to reassure. “Not exactly. It’s...it’s the Arrow Team.”
The others looked at each other. “They’ve been affected? How?” Caitlin asked.
“Well,” Barry hesitated, looking to Iris for support. She gave him an encouraging nod. “It’s about Dinah from Birds of Prey,” he admitted.
“Oh no, what did you do to her?” Cisco immediately said.
“I — nothing! I mean, it’s confusing, but she is different because of the timeline changing, yeah,” Barry admitted. “I tracked her down the other night and saw her knock a guy down with sonic waves. From her mouth.”
There was a long beat of silence as the others digested that bit of news. As before, Cisco was first to react.
“Dinah from Birds of Prey is a meta? Barry, this is the best news you’ve given us in forever!”
“No, not great news. Because we’ve already met a Laurel — I mean Dinah — who was a meta, and she was evil. Does nobody remember Black Siren from Earth-2?” Barry looked around but received mostly quizzical looks from the group. He should’ve expected it; Cisco would’ve said something if the rockstar he idolized had a double he’d met.
“So, you’re worried that this timeline’s Dinah is also evil,” Joe surmised.
“I don’t know,” Barry admitted. “I mean, when I saw her use her powers, it was to help this other woman. But then what’s her goal long-term? I’ve seen her powers in action when Siren used them. They’re powerful.”
“Tell them about Laurel,” Iris spoke up unexpectedly. “The one you knew, Barry.”
“Who’s Laurel?” Caitlin asked. “And why do you keep correcting yourself by calling her Dinah?”
“Because that’s how I knew her before. How we all knew her. As Laurel.” Barry looked around the room, watching their intrigued but otherwise blank faces. Not for the first time, he wished somehow he had the power to show them what they had once lived along with him rather than just tell them. But he couldn’t.
“Dinah Laurel Lance was the ADA of Star City, and at night she was part of the Arrow Team as a vigilante called the Black Canary.”
“That’s her real name? Dinah Lance?” Wally asked.
“Uh, yeah.” Barry blinked, though it occurred to him a moment later that in this timeline he’d had yet to hear anyone else use her full name. Thea — or Mia — had even been surprised to learn who Laurel’s father was. What was Dinah’s story, really? What could’ve had such an effect on her past?
“She- she died last spring. Before Flashpoint. There was a sorcerer they were fighting, and he killed her. But now none of that ever happened.” Barry was aware he was pacing, but he couldn’t really stop himself. “She’s a singer instead of a lawyer, Oliver and the others don’t know her, Oliver’s son showed up a whole year early and is Connor—”
“Whoa, what’s wrong with my man Connor?” Cisco demanded.
“Nothing, just, you know, he’s different! Oliver had a whole different kid named William who apparently doesn’t exist anymore!”
“Oh, Barry,” Caitlin sighed, disapproval inlaid in every syllable.
“I know,” he ground out. “This is not good. I just don’t know how to fix it.”
The single word came from Cisco, and Barry blinked in surprise. “Don’t?”
“Yeah. Trying to ‘fix’ things was what caused you to mess everything up in the first place. So just live with it like the rest of us.” His friend stood and walked out of the cortex, likely heading for his workroom.
“Cisco’s right, Barry,” Caitlin added. “Your time travel never seems to put anything back fully the way it was. It’s better for you to just leave it alone.” She, too, turned away. He could tell by the look on Joe’s face that he was thinking something similar, even if he’d probably say it in a gentler way.
Barry looked to Iris. “We still need to be prepared to deal with- with Dinah if she’s more like her Earth-2 counterpart was.”
“Give the others some time, Bear,” was her advice. “You’ve just dumped a lot of information on them. It’s going to take some time to process.”
“We’ll be ready when it counts,” Wally added with a confidence Barry wished he felt. “And hey, maybe she is on our side.”
“Maybe.” Barry sunk down into Cisco’s abandoned chair and felt Iris walk up behind him, her hands massaging at his shoulders.
“We could start with some recon,” Wally was suggesting, using Joe as a sounding board just as much as he was using Barry and Iris. “Most of the band’s from Gotham.” Wally snapped his fingers. “Maybe Batman knows her!”
Barry’s head lifted sharply in bewilderment. “Bat-who?”
At the same time, Joe gave a sharp shake of the head. “Oh, hell no. Not that nut job.”
For someone extremely used to the feeling of deja vu, Barry seemed destined to find himself unaccountably lost.
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The Ink Demonth Day 30
For Day 30-Stories made me remember an headcanon/mini AU I did for ask-joeydrewstudios before it ended. It was basically Wally making a comic book where he and Bendy are heroes and the rest of the studio members we’re villains. Now that the blog has ended I didn’t have the chance to work on this till now. Not sure if it takes place in the AJDS AU or not, but just any nothing bad happens at JDS at all AU would fit!
Work ended an hour ago, but Wally was still in the studio drawing on some blank pieces of paper. Being a janitor was hard work, but for Wally during his break and after work he was able to work on a story he was writing. It was nothing to pitch to Joey and Henry, but just for fun to clear his mind from all the studio work he had to go through.
“There we go!” Wally beamed. “Book 1 complete!”
“Wally?” Alice Angel asked. Wally turned to see his best friend and partner, Shawn along with Alice Angel. “What were you working on?” She asked. Wally got nervous and held the comic close to his chest.
“N-nothing. Just some doodles, nothing too serious!” Wally lied holding his work closer to him. Shawn and Alice looked at one another agreeing that Wally was in fact hiding something. “Come on bud, let us see.” Shawn begged. Wally looked at his comic and back up at his friends whose eyes pleaded with him to share his story. Wally groaned and turned away shoving the comic towards them. Shawn smiled taking the comic and turned it to page 1.
Alice read the story, “It was a calm, cool night in New Toon City. Nothing was stirring in the noisy city it was a normal night. Until…”
In the comic like it was written it was a calming night, nothing out of place. That was until the alarms at the bank went off and two masked figures ran out of the bank holding sacks of cash. The two figures laughed escaping from the bank heading towards a getaway car. The villains of the story were Sammy and Susie wearing masks and their main clothes only in black and grey in color.
“Drive away Lyricist!” Villain Sammy aka The Silencer yelled. The Lyricist, aka Jack Fain put his foot on the breaks and started to drive off. The villains laughed flaunting the wealth they stole until something stopped their car. The Lyricist and Operetta aka Susie’s villain persona looked back at what was stopping the car.
“What the-“ She commented. That is when two people stood on the car making the villains look up. The two were heroes one was Bendy dressed in a black and white costume while Wally’s was in red and black along with a pair of wolf ears. The villains gasped seeing the heroic duo.
“Looks like your time is up, Trio Disharmony!” Hero Bendy yelled. “Now give back the stolen cash.” The villains looked at each other with a smirk.
“Alright Ink Kid. You win.” Operetta said. “When pigs fly!” She cackled before putting the car in reverse causing Ink Kid and Wally’s hero persona, Outer Ink, to stumble back and fall off the car before it started to drive off. Ink Boy and Outer Ink got up and glared at the trio driving off with the cash.
“After them!” Outer Ink yelled. Outer Ink and Ink Kid whistled giving them their Inkcycle. Outer Ink jumped on with Ink Kid seated right behind him before speeding off in pursuit of the thieves. The Silencer was relaxing in the car knowing the dorky duo was off their tail, but once he took a peek through the side view mirrors he saw the heroes chasing after them again.
The Silencer growled and leaned over the Lyricist. “Drive faster! They’re gaining on us!” He yelled.
The Lyricist growled. “For someone whose main power is silencing everyone, your pretty loud.” He replied. Lyricist stepped on the gas and went sonic speed. Outer Ink growled and speed up in their car. Outer Ink growled and stepped on the gas as well catching up to the villains.
Operetta looked back at the heroes and faced her comrades, “They’re gaining on us!” Operetta reminded them.
“Not for long.” The Lyricist and The Silencer said at the same time. They pressed a button and the trunk of the car released an axe. The axe was ready to chop the heroes to bits. Outer Ink screamed and tried to doge the axe from hutting him and his sidekick. The Lyricist growled and pushed another button, which removed the axe and started to shoot lasers at the heroes.
The villains laughed as Outer Ink and Ink Kid desperately dodged and defended themselves from the shots. Outer Ink pressed the blue button on the Inkcycle and an ink gun came out spraying ink all over the road and the car. Soon, the Lyricist started to loose control of the car making it do spins around the street causing the villains to be dizzy till it crashed into a light pole.
The villains were dizzy and passed out from the spins. Outer Ink and Ink Kid jumped off their Inkcycle and Ink Kid used his Ink Rope to tie up the Trio Disharmony up.  The Silencer opened his eyes and tried to escape from the inky ropes.
“Your time is up, The Silencer! Now tell us where Boss Drew is, and you’ll be headed to Downtown.” Outer Ink mocked. The Silencer didn’t respond just gave an evil smile before laughing. Outer Ink and Ink Kid were confused, but the small ink imp walked up to the villain and gave him a slap on the face.
“Quit your laughter!” Ink Kid snapped. “Where is Boss Drew?” The Silencer didn’t need to respond as a smoke bomb appeared from the sky blinding the two heroes. The heroes coughed as they tried to brush away the smoke. Outer Ink looked up and saw Boss Drew’s helicopter with the Trio Disharmony escaping without the cash. They can steal the bank again another day.
“See ya ink zeroes!” Operetta mocked before she and her comrades laughed as they escaped with the help of Boss Drew. Outer Ink and Ink Kid glared at their nemesis, while they did get the cash back, the villains escaped as their laughs echoed throughout the city.  
“And so Outer Ink and Ink Kid save New Toon City once again, but the villains working for Boss Drew plan to strike another night.” Alice read.
“To be continued…” Shawn finished. Shawn and Alice looked at each other and back at Wally who covered his face with his hat.
“I know it’s dorky! Horrible! Sammy would kill me if he read this!” Wally whined. Shawn gave a smile handing the book to Alice before walking towards his best friend, rubbing his back. Wally peeked out of his hat looking at Shawn straight in the eye.
Shawn smiled. “I think your story is great! It’s not dorky.” Shawn explained.
Wally sniffled giving a smile. “Its not? You like it?” He asked. Shawn nodded cheering the janitor up. Wally wiped the stray tears from his eyes and gave a smile. “Thanks Shawn, and you too Alice.” Alice smiled and gave Wally and Shawn a hug. Wally smiled and hugged his friends back. He was happy that two people enjoyed his story lifting the fear and nervous of sharing his weird comic with his studio family.
Alice let go of the hug and had a question in mind for the janitor. “Wally, if you don’t mind. Can I be in the comic too?” She asked.
“Yeah can your best pal be in the story too?” Shawn asked.
Wally chuckled. “Everyone is in the story, I just haven’t came up with how to introduce you guys yet.” He explained. This led to Shawn and Alice dropping ideas on how they would want to be introduced giving Wally a laugh.
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laughingpinecone · 7 years
Yuletide letter
I am laughingpineapple on AO3
Aw yeah, Yuletide time again, here we go! I love all these characters and canons and, barring DNWs, I'm interested in any story about them you might already have in mind. Here's a list of ideas if you prefer to start from a prompt.
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (doubly so if the event the fic focuses on is canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and the likes, bonding and emotional support/intimacy (platonic too!!), loyalty, casefic, surrealism, established relationships, future fic, hurt/comfort or just comfort from the ample canon hurt, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional friendships/relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic where applicable, dreams and memories and identities, and did I mention worldbuilding
Cool with: what-ifs, AUs, any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, IF, nerdy canon references, unrequested characters popping up
DNW: bleak endings, rape, PWP, non-canonical children, unrequested ships, canon retellings
Ghost Trick: Jowd, Cabanela
The fandom that got me into Yuletide to begin with! I love the whole cast and their intricate connections, but Jowd and Cabs are my forever faves. I ship them dearly, and I ship them dearly with Alma when she's alive, but I'm also always interested in gen about them as long as the bond between them is central in the fic. I didn't request her because if you're down for, say, case fic with or without Sissel's help, I didn't want to make any additional characters necessary. I just want the fic to star Jowd and Cabanela but also feel free to use the whole extended family aka her, Sissel, Pigeon Man, Kamila, Lynne and/or Missile at will! Or Emma or whatever.
Cabanela has Jowd as his whole motivation, and while Jowd's family comes first for him, we know they were close and he cares for his BF(F) in his own way. I love Cabanela with his endless energy and confidence and Jowd's fatalism, their occasional role reversals (who'd have pegged Cabanela for the hard-working guy and Jowd for the one who'd swoop in and get all the merit!), their banter and trust and tacit understanding, how after five years of not talking to each other and thinking Cabanela hated him, Jowd got that watch and understood what it meant and came through for his friend. I love their tragedy and the prospect of a happier life in the new timeline, with Sissel watching over them (and chasing Cabanela's scarf which is clearly a fantastic cat toy). I love their design, their clothes and the shapes and details of their bodies, so if you ever want to indulge in physical details, not necessarily in a sexual context, stuff like a very soft hug with a majestic ticklish beard, either of their hair getting in their eyes when wet, or Jowd stepping on the damn scarf while Cabanela is hopping downstairs, please do indulge to your heart's content.
I think the game implies that Jowd, Sissel, Yomiel and Missile have their memories of the old timeline, while everyone else does not, so I'm always interested in stories set in the new present that use this imbalance – maybe Cabanela eventually gets briefed on what happened, but it's still not the same as remembering.
A story could be focused on those weird presents they reportedly gave each other – surprise me, or maybe in the new timeline Jowd gifts the framed gun to Cabanela, that missing piece of evidence that would've proven his innocence, now that Cabs doesn't need it and doesn't even know what it's for?
Or maybe it could explore a what-if scenario where Yomiel is stopped and redeemed on the Yonoa, but there is no timeline reset, and Jowd and Cabanela are left to mend what's left of their lives.
Or any slice of life plot in and around Jowd's household is always welcome. Cabanela with his unwavering loyalty and enthusiasm, and that absolute confidence that can be charming or off-putting depending on the person and situation, and Jowd and Alma allowing themselves to be on the receiving end of that much affection, and giving him a place to rest. And at least Jowd has a personality that’s sturdy enough that Cabs can bounce off it, a charismatic presence of his own with his rough humor, physical prowess, brittle emotional sphere and occasional stonewalling.
Obduction: Caroline Farley
I was sure I'd fall in love with the puzzles, I wasn't sure this brand new world would captivate me as much as D'ni ever did, and yet here I am. There's so much to explore about Hunrath's unique setup, with people coming in from more than two centuries, adapting, sharing their memories of Earth. The tree and all the questions and philosophical views that come with it, the seeds and that starry expanse at the heart of it all... and then Soria and then Maray and Kaptar, which we know so little about.
I'd like to see it all filtered through Farley's eyes because she's my fave, and also because I think her background is pretty interesting in and by itself, having been pinecone'd away from Earth when she was three years old. It makes for an interesting counterpoint to the born-and-bred Earthlings like CW with his nostalgia (for the record, I'd read platonic banter between these two for days), but she's no Hunrath native either. And the way her house got swapped into such a central position and became a hub for the community... cool stuff. And what about the mysterious deceased John Farley, who can't be her blood brother because we're told the only relative who came with her was her grandmother, who is highly unlikely to be her husband because of the way “Farley” seems to be used as her maiden name (the house she was swapped with is “Farley's house”...) and who is buried next to a man? An adopted brother maybe? What made her end her stint as a mayor so suddenly? What's a meditation with the Arai feel like, how does it change her outlook on her daily life? What weird thing happened on Hunrath one day? What’s daily routine over there? What required a team-up with dear Josef and did she think a little higher of him afterwards (I'll love Josef if Cyan won't, he wasn't the right mayor during those trying times but the man has his merits damn it)? I nominated the three main characters because they’re the only ones who get fleshed out properly but feel free to include any of the other people we see mentioned!
Twin Peaks: Albert Rosenfield [TWIN PEAKS THE RETURN SPOILERS. Final Dossier prompts to be added asap, I'd like Mark Frost to know that dropping new canon right after signups two years in a row is highly yuletidephobic)
Ships: Albert/Dale, Albert/Harry and Albert/Dale/Harry.
DNWs, mostly in the sense of topics fraught with complicated fandom opinions I wouldn't risk in an exchange: Albert/Constance and hell God baby damn no we ain't talkin about Judy.
So the story ends (or, ahem, artistically cliffhangers, as it does) with the fiery pacifist locked behind a tired, stoic mask, shooting a friend with shaky hands and taking pride in it, and not being even greeted by the man he set out to find before the asshole disappeared again. Cheers to the FBI. Needless to say, I'd like to see my favorite character find himself again, on his own or with the aid of any combination of characters of your choosing. It's never too late to shovel yourself out of the shit, Albert!
I could see him resigning on the spot (especially if Gordon and Diane also disappeared?) and staying in town to heal. Does he go to Harry, does he end up adopted by the Trumans, does he find some of his fire back by shouting at Doris and bonding with her that way, to remarkable mutual benefit? Does Frank, in all earnest and from personal experience, recommend him a hat to cover the hair loss? Or does he end up bonding with Hawk, how would their snark and general judgeyness complement each other? Does he make it to Bookhouse Boy eventually, and what kind of adventures or simple late night chats at the Bookhouse could take place then?
In a year or two or five, does Hawk find Coop like Margaret predicted, under the moon on Blue Pine mountain? How do they reconnect after so long? Do they fall in love again, as changed, tired men? I find it an interesting Albert/Harry and eventually Albert/Harry/Dale scenario, filled with bittersweet possibilities. An Albert/Dale option could be that Albert does not stay in town and Coop goes to find him, and they start again wherever Albert lives now.
Whether he resigns or not, does he keep in touch with Constance? Do they exchange punny second opinions and gallows humor in general over Skype?
He and Denise are on a first name basis, how did they bond, what's their average night out like, or what happened in the Philly office back when Gordon was still their boss that Gordon could absolutely never find out about?
Ditto Diane, it's so easy to picture them smoking together and presenting a united “fuck this and fuck you” front in the office, so what was their friendship like, how did it continue after Diane [got tulpa'd and] resigned? Onto even more painful territory, if Diane didn't disappear in pt17 or if she eventually comes back on her own, how would they rebuild their friendship? Do they come to terms with that horrible day when he shot her? Does she remember those 20 years of their friendship and therefore also dying by his hand, or does she not remember, and so he did kill 'a' Diane along with all their time together, and found another one he didn't even know he'd lost so long ago?
Tammy is pretty much his padawan, what's her apprenticeship like? I love how she's technically Gordon's protege but he's the one who takes time to talk to her and /know/ her (like the fact that she gets carsick). Does she ever get to make him talk about himself? About what this search for Coop means to him?
Did he... did he ever run into Wally by accident in any random corner of the country, and how'd that go down? Like, ignoring the Andy and Lucy connection (although I do adore Andy and Lucy), just Wally as his own very peculiar person, bumping into Albert or being involved in a case or whatever.
Ditto Jade – she's got her brand of pragmatism and of managing to come out unscathed and unflapped by supernatural nonsense, it'd be fun to bounce her off another rare sensible soul like Albert who could easily turn up in Vegas working on a blue rose case.
Much to Albert's chagrin, feel free to double down on the canon-appropriate weirdness! But also on the canon-appropriate cheese...
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sroloc--elbisivni · 7 years
Self rec challenge
“Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.” 
tagged by @goodluckdetective​
five favorite fics, in no particular order.
A Thousand Days Later (Young Justice, Gen, post-canon au)
Summary: that one time travel fic where Wally doesn’t die and the Team becomes the Justice Lords.
Why I love it: ...aka That One Fucking Fic I occasionally reference in tags. With an ongoing sequel, this is still my biggest fandom project ever, and it’s probably one of the most coherent, complicated ones I’ve done. I did an enormous amount of worldbuilding and delving into obscure comics to write this and I’m honestly proud of that. Also this is the fic that introduced me to Steph so that was cool!
made of starstuff (want it to mean something) (Voltron, Gen, genderfluid Pidge Holt character study)
Summary: The name you are born into is Robert Neil Holt and when you are five years old you go to your parents and tell them it doesn’t fit.
Why I love it: ohhhhhhhhhh boy. oh boy. okay, so this right here is probably the single most personal thing I’ve posted online and it’s not even about me. I used to have a vague idea about writing this someday and then I had an enormously personal and cathartic conversation with my dad about gender and poured this out in three hours. Probably the best part of writing it has been getting comments from people that are like “oh my god this is exactly it exactly you put it into words” which is. just the most incredible thing ever. I should maybe talk about this fic more I have so many feelings behind it.
Unit Cohesion (Red vs. Blue, Gen, Canon-divergence Allison Lives au)
Summary: Allison lives. Allison becomes the military liaison to Project Freelancer. What follows is a better version of history. (aka: Beta is never created, Alpha isn't split into fragments, and everyone argues a lot)
Why I love it: well, for one, it was my first fic for RvB. So, you know, special place in my heart. For another, it was really, really fun to write. I love AUs, I love the idea of things actually going right for once, and I wanted to give Allison her due, dammit.
empty your sadness (Young Justice, Gen, Sense8 fusion au)
Summary: Or, eight times a member of the cluster told a member of their family their secret.
Why I love it: I’m Young Justice trash this shouldn’t be surprising to anyone at all. This is one of the most coherent results of any of my au worldbuilding sprees, and I ended up with something told around the edges of a main story through an outsider POV, which was fun and also provided a really unique tone. This has some of my favorite character work I’ve ever done in anything.
tread our little arcs upon our star (Red vs. Blue, Yorkimbalina, post-s13 AU where York lives)
Summary: Even with Hargrove on the run and a war ostensibly over, Vanessa Kimball has a lot of work left to do on Chorus. Luckily, the final battle brought along with it Agent York, who serves as both leader of the planet's revived intelligence network and an unwitting reminder that Vanessa's crush on Caro--on AGENT Carolina is absolutely hopeless. That isn't a problem, though, because she is going to be polite and professional and very much in control of the situation. That, of course, would all be much easier if York hadn't decided to go and be charming.
Why I love it: hahahahah i’m a month behind updating this whoops ANYWAYS this was my fic for the Big Bang, which was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done, and it’s opened up so much Chorus worldbuilding and space politics shenanigans that I never even knew I had emotions about, so that was fun. Also this ship is my leaky canoe that I will spend my life duct taping together if necessary. ALSO also apparently I really like slowburn. a lot. and letting characters go off on tangents. 
I tag...uh, @deadcatwithaflamethrower, @rishi-the-spinda, @kscinewt @arirashkae and @thefreelancerdivision if you haven’t already done this and want to! Also, anyone else who wants to do this, go ahead and say I tagged you because I’d love to see what you post!
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