faircoarchives · 8 years
RP: Stretch and Carry
Starring: BlueSky, Nights & Raziel
After a mage tries to fly, backup is called to assess the damage
The large crash of glass shattering echoes through the open halls of the castle and all Nights can do is sigh and go back to work. It seems it happens at least once a week, so she has stopped bothering to go out and look. She simply goes back to the book she is reading as she lounges on one of the couches in the sitting room.
Several minutes pass without any further disturbances, as though nothing had happened. Then distantly, a voice calls out.
[BlueSky] Niiights!
It calls out again, louder, as though the source is getting closer very rapidly.
[BlueSky] Niiiiiiiiiiiiiights!
Nights groans as she closes her book with a soft thump and puts it down. She sits up and stretches before looking down from the platform she’s sitting on. [Nights] Over here!
Blue dashes into the sitting room, sliding to a stop on the wooden floorboards, looking somewhat panicked with her ears pricked and fur ruffled.
[BlueSky] I think the newbie is broken!
Nights calmly makes her way from platform to platform, then down the stairs to where blue stands panicked. [Nights] Raziel? What do you mean ‘broken’?
[BlueSky] Well… something went ‘crack’ and I’m pretty sure humans aren’t supposed to go ‘crack’. I think.
Nights sort of looks both confused and concerned at the same time as she describes the ‘crack’ noise.
[Nights] Uhhh…. No. No, they should not make that noise. Where is he?
[BlueSky] After he ran into a wall we went to the forest. He then ran into a tree and didn’t seem to want to move much.
She starts to hop back towards to door, keen to get back to him.
[Nights] Why did he run into a tree?!
Nights briskly walks behind Blue, trying to keep up with her, all the while imagining every scenario in which someone would choose to run into a tree.
[BlueSky] I don’t think that was part of his plan. He was trying to slow down but doesn’t seem to have quite nailed how to land properly. I mean fair’s fair, it’s not the easiest thing to master.
They walk through the courtyard, Shattered glass litters the grass and roots. Nights looks up, seeing Raziel's window utterly shattered. There is no blood but there is bark missing from the large oak as they pass. They quickly walk out the large doors and make their way down the bridge over toward the sacred forest. There, in the distance, is Raziel, standing perfectly still with his hand on his back amongst the bright trees.
Blue bounds ahead to check how he is doing. She paces around him, ears back, still nervous about touching him.
Raziel grins awkwardly at the sudden return of Blue, he starts to walk slowly in circles, rubbing his back. The pain has reduced in amount but he still feels rigid from the impact against the tree. Upon spotting Nights he waves.
[Raziel] Morning Boss! Lovely weather this evening, don’t you agree?
[Nights] Blue said you were … uhm… broken? *She shouts out before she starts to jog toward him, her coat jangling with all the things in it as she goes.*
[Raziel] Broken? Well I’m not sure about broken but I am... *He goes to approach Nights before grimacing in pain from attempting to move.* In a considerable amount of pain! *He continues to rub his back.* I may or may not have decided to do another magic experiment that made me pick a fight with gravity... and a tree….
[Nights] So… it hurts to move but it only hurts in your back I hope? *She says in concern while she reaches into the inner pocket of her jacket to produce a shining flask with intricate carvings on it.*
[Raziel] Yeah that's right, I used a spell to try and reduce the damage,  but I guess I crashed a bit too hard… Although if you think I look a state you should see the other guy *He points to the human shaped dent in a nearby tree, pieces of bark lay scattered about the landing zone with the giant cracks now going up the makeshift safety net*
*Nights mutters something about that she’d have to be in the accipiter to make that kind of dent, before opening the flask and offering it to Raziel. The liquid inside is dark and foul smelling, like a strong chemical that’s not been ventilated properly.*
*Blue backs away and pulls a face as the strong scent meets her sensitive nose.* [Nights] Here, take a sip of this. Uhm… only a sip though.
[Raziel] Huh, I always did wonder what you kept in that, I always assumed whiskey or something... *He politely takes the flask off Nights, taking a moment to smell the liquid inside* smells like Jägerin...well, to your health Boss! *He takes a small swig of the flask's contents, coughing for a brief moment as his body reacts to the drink* Definitely not Jägerin! I almost had deja vu of Dante’s homemade rum... what actually is that?
[Nights] Give it a moment and you should be able to move back to the castle on your own. You just pulled a muscle, nothing major. *She says this ignoring his question rather quietly. She steps beside him and encourages him to stand up strait.*
[Raziel] Well that’s a relief, I think I’ve broken enough bones this year to say the least... *A very sudden wave of relief flows through Raziel as Night’s concoction starts taking effect*...aaand that’s way more powerful than I thought that stuff would be, power of science, never ceases to amaze me! *He laughs as he stretches his back, testing himself by bouncing up and down on the spot*
Nights cringes watching him, knowing when it wears off it will be all that much more sore. [Nights] You should try not to stress it more… it is still injured, you just can not feel it. Come now, we should go, and you should lay down.
[Raziel] That! Is a fantastic idea...let us be off! *He giggles as he turns towards the castle, somewhat stumbling as he walks onwards, quickly turns around in confusion* Oh! Blue! You're here too?
[BlueSky] Hi. *She deflates as it seems all her worry was for no reason.*
Nights looks over in concern, she didn't think this batch had that much of a stimulant mixed in. Then she realized he didn’t listen and mutters a few curse words under her breath.
[Nights] For bolts sake, you took more than a sip! *She says scowling at him* Now I gotta watch you…. *she sighs rather annoyed.*
[Raziel] *He smiles sheepishly, raising his hands in a surrender like pose* Sorry Boss! I honestly thought it was something a lot weaker and that I could handle it…
[Nights] Well we better get back to the castle before you pass out…. I have half a mind to make you bring it back up.
[Raziel] No need, I should be able to survive the journey..Now...*He points towards the castle* Onwards!
[Nights] He is gonna crash soon. *She says while rolling her eyes and trudging behind him toward the open back gates.*
[BlueSky] Well, don’t they say third time’s a charm? *Blue responded, carefully watching Raz walk.*
They walk along the long bridge and up the flagstone path to the castle, Raziel seems to slowly lose energy as they walk up hill and Nights gently encourages him forward. The large castle flag flaps lethargically in the wind above as they enter the back gates. Nights turns Raziel in the right direction with a hand as she heads toward the West tower library. They step onto the levitator and move up toward the warm cozy library, the whole time with Blue anxiously following, not sure how she could help but wanting to be there if needed.
As they enter she climbs to one of the elevated platforms with a series of large leaps, and settles down to peer over the edge at the two. Many books line the shelves sitting on the floors and a fire forever goes in the corner in the fireplace. The couches sit against the windows and large lounge chairs sit around the coffee tables in front of the couches. Nights points to a couch and and orders Raziel to lay down as she empties a trash can in the corner, filled with random scrap paper, and places it next to the couch.
Raziel flops onto the nearby couch in the library, the warmth of the room not helping his now already drowsy state. He struggles to keep himself awake, starting to wish now that he had actually paid head to Nights advice and had less of the concoction.
[Raziel] *He sighs and yawns* From zero to one hundred in less than five minutes... that truly is an interesting medicine you have there Boss.
[Nights] It does not do that in proper dosages. *She says as she settles into a chair after picking out a random booking that interested her. She's taken off her jacket in the warm room, laying it  down in a pile next to her as she settles herself in the chair.*
[Raziel] Duly noted..*He rubs his eyes, propping himself up to have a proper look at the collection of books on the library shelves*...Hey Nights, on a different note, don’t suppose you have any books on flying do you? Magic or otherwise?
[Nights] Many. As well as many notebooks on the subject. Perhaps when you feel better I will show you. *She could feel the blue eyes staring at them, but didn’t look up.*
[Raziel] Damn, I was hoping to start now *He yawns again,sliding back down onto the sofa* But okay, sounds like a...plan...thanks again…
The concoction finally takes it toll and Raziel falls asleep, it's less than a minute before he starts snoring.
Nights snorts in disbelief as she crosses her legs and settles into her book.
After a while, Blue stands and silently heads to the aviary.
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angelkaja · 9 years
RP: A Debt To Ask
In which Nights considers bringing another into the fold
Starring: Nights, Raziel
[note: still before the Ball]
*The sun passes over at its peak in the sky. Nights wakes to Blue’s wet nose against her hand, nudging her gently. Nights just groans and pulls the covers over her head as she cracks open an eye to see what or who was poking her awake. It was simple enough for Blue to wake her once she grabbed the bottom of the thick dark blankets by the mouth and pulled them off. Nights protested as the light streams into her room and Feno flies in to his stand on the bedside table. Nights curls up around herself, muttering that the sun was still up, but Blue informed her that the new person wished to meet with her and she begrudgingly sat up and looked around for her goggles. It took her a little bit to wake, moving to the kitchen first to grab a cup of tea to warm her hands then back to her room to dress properly. She was far too used to sleeping now, she thought, the strange sensation of being relaxed and comfortable in a place was odd. It was nice though, no wonder others insisted she try to do it more….*
*On the other side of the castle Raziel waits for the woman in black to arrive. What appears an hour after Blue disappears does not look like the same woman. Instead of imposing and intimidating the woman has her shoulders hunched with her jacket simply draped over her shoulders and both hands wrapped around a mug. The sound of her boots are crisp on the floor however, swift and commanding attention even if the rest of her looked half asleep as she enters the doorway of the room.*
[Nights] I was told you wished to speak with me right away. Have you need of medical attention again?
* Raziel shakes his head* No no, nothing medical, not this time at least. I apologise if my request woke you, but I hoped we might be able to talk about my current situation and my place in this castle? *He looks around the room and towards the window as he finishes his sentence*
*Nights steps in. For a woman who doesn’t show her mouth she looks strangely at home with the mug. She sits down on a stool next to the bed and looks up at him.*
[Nights] Alright then. I’m listening.
*Raziel nods before taking a seat on the bed, he looks down in concentration, clearly trying to find the right words to explain. He sits in silence briefly before coughing and returning his attention to Nights*
[Raziel] If what you said when we first met was true and I am no longer in my world, then I truly am lost without a way to return or a set goal. The reason I went through that portal in the first place was to warn my people of an upcoming invasion. With the portal sending me to this new land and with no chance of returning in the immediate future, it's safe to say I can’t do that and that my land is, no better choice of words “on its own.”
*Raziel grimaces as he adjusts his posture on the bed, trying his best not to lean back or too far forward* [Raziel] But there is one thing I can still do, and would like to if you don’t mind?
*Nights watches him from the stool still, icy blue eyes continuing to examine him over the dark mask. She raises her eyebrow in a questioning look as if to ask him to keep going.*
[Raziel] The people of Caelem believe highly in honour and repaying their debts. You saved my life, Nights, a debt I might not be able to completely repay, but as I said I’d like to try. Until a chance arrives for me to return home, I’d like to stay here at Castle Oakheart and offer my assistance or services where possible to the castle and its residents. Would that be possible?
[Nights] You wish to become one of the Crew members? *She shifts. It had been a while since she had brought someone new into the family.* That would be acceptable if you wished. You would need to be introduced to the other members… I would have to see what you can do, see if we have space for your studies… *She starts to think aloud to herself.*
*A wave of relief hits Raziel as Nights speaks, and he smiles.*  I would be more than happy to show you my study if you wish? I have everything I need in my satchel actually *He points to the leather satchel in the corner, sitting against the wall near his armour and folded clothes*
[Nights] As long as it does not physically strain you. You are still not recovered from the void.
* Raziel  presses his hand to his heart*  I promise I won’t do anything to extreme.
*Nights rolls her eyes, standing  back to lean on the wall instead, muttering about mages not knowing what extreme is.*
* Raziel slowly lifts himself off the bed before gently walking over and grabbing his satchel. He rummages through the bag, muttering to himself each thing that falls into his hand as he continues to search for a particular item. After a short while he finally steps away from the satchel and walks to the centre of the room. there he presents what he grabbed to Nights, a finely cut sapphire, its blue a very similar colour to the coat he wears*
[Raziel] I’ll try to explain this without dragging on for too long. My title and study is that of a Gemmage. We harness and manipulate the magical energy within a crystal or gemstone and then unleash through motions or incantations depending on what we want to do….
*The sapphire begins to glow an even brighter blue as Raziel touches the gem. He stretches out one hand and the glow travels out of the crystal and towards the open palm, the energy gently floating in mid air*
[Raziel] Different sizes and colours of gems mean different elements, effects and spells. For example this sapphire is meant for water and ice magic, like so…
*Raziel pushes his hands together slowly and the energy forms into a sphere, he mutters a word and the energy suddenly changes into a floating sphere of clear water. After presenting the ball of water to Nights he quickly whispers a word. The water returns to its energy form and returns to the crystal*
*Nights watches quietly. It was similar to the aspect moving Krauzer was able to do but made the air feel different. It was distinct but similar, clearly from another world.*
[Nights] Hmm I see. You should speak with Krauzer. He is head of thaumaturgy here. It seems your magic is similar.
*Raziel raises an eyebrow at the unfamiliar word* errr, Thauma- what now?
[Nights] The study of thaumcraft. A more scientific way of looking at magic I feel.
[Raziel] Sorry to ask a possibly dumb question *he looks away awkwardly* but what’s scientific?
*Nights’ brows knit together. She makes a small noise as if about to speak but then doesn’t then tries again.*
[Nights] Science is… the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. *She sounds as if she is quoting a book she has memorized.*
*Raziel scratches his head and grimaces as he tries to break down and understand what Nights just said*
[Raziel] Sounds interesting… and difficult… Is Science the kind of magic you study?
[Nights] I suppose you could say that. I will explain this world better to you later though. There is much that you might not know.
* Raziel smiles and bows towards Nights, trying his best not to go to far as to hurt himself again* I’d appreciate that, thank you Nights.
[Nights] Tomorrow I will show you to a guest room so you do not have to stay here for long.
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bordermachinists · 9 years
In which Corus and Will meet an old face but a new friend
Staring: Myles Woodrow, Corus, Will Heggers
[21:41:40] - It is evening, and the lowering sun casts amber shadows over rust, sand, and the jagged, leaning jumbles of stripped chassises and bent metal. [21:44:10] - The Border village is illumed by the channels of cracked magma, seamed, solidifying. [21:44:40] - In the workshop, there is the constant rhythm of tools, and the sound of voices raised over the breath and hiss of the furnace. [21:45:44] <Will> Hey Corus! Watch where you strike with that hammer [21:45:56] <Corus> You told me to hit there! [21:46:12] <Will> One wrong whack and we'll have to start from scratch [21:46:31] <Will> Yeah! Hit THERE! Not there [21:46:48] <Corus> *Under her breath* Maybe if you were more specific in the first place... [21:46:57] <Will> What was that? [21:47:55] * Will sighs to himself [21:47:59] <Corus> Nothing, just show me where to hit the damn thing [21:48:18] <Will> Right! Here! [21:48:28] * Will strikes with his own hammer narrowly missing this thumb [21:49:41] * Corus strikes where Will indicates, muttering unintelligably [21:50:27] <Will> Less of the attitude... Lennart wanted us to finish this before he got back [21:51:27] <Corus> Fine, sorry, let's just get this done before we both get slaps on the wrists, huh? [21:52:51] <Myles> - They continue, with the noise of their hammering echoing into the windless evening. [21:53:33] <Myles> - And drawn by the sound, a ragged, ash-streaked, bespectacled figure approaches the workshop [21:54:05] * Myles leans on the doorframe unsteadily, and adjusts his glasses, once, twice. [21:58:48] * Corus rolls her eyes at Will, and then turns slightly for no reason in particular, noticing a dark [21:58:58] <Corus> -form standing in the doorway. [21:59:17] <Corus> Uh.. Thyme? You need something? [22:00:17] * Will looks up [22:00:30] <Will> Huh? You need your eyes checked Corus [22:00:33] <Will> That's Dickie [22:01:35] * Myles stiffens, and angrily pushes up his spectacles [22:02:23] <Myles> Do I LOOK like a Dickie, to YOU?! [22:02:49] * Will turns to Corus [22:02:58]  <Corus> .. Is that a trick question? [22:03:17] <Will> Yeah... Kinda... What are you playing at?
[22:03:51] * Myles enters the workshop and steps toward them. He raises his finger. [22:04:45] <Myles> It's FACILITATOR WOODROW to you - you - metalworkers! [22:05:41] * Corus raises an eyebrow and fully turns to glare at the stranger, hand on hip [22:06:41] <Corus> "Metalworkers"? Have you look around, we're engineers [22:06:55] <Corus> .. Mostly [22:07:36] <Will> More's the point... What facility? [22:08:20] * Myles's brow furrows. He jabs at Will's shoulder with his finger. [22:08:51] <Myles> It's MR. Woodrow then - you overgrown BRUTE! [22:10:00] <Myles> My Facility is - IT WAS STOLEN! [22:10:29] <Will> Did you hit your head? [22:10:36] <Corus> How can somebody steal a facility? Aren't they like... *she makes vagye gestures* [22:11:00] * Myles pushes his spectacles up, and holds his forehead, growing furious [22:11:55] * Myles turns, walks a step away, and rounds on them, red with rage [22:12:30] <Myles> LAURENCE! [22:12:55] <Will> Nope... I'm Will and she [22:13:02] * Will thumbs to the Corus [22:13:04] <Will> Is Corus [22:14:47] <Myles> Yes, yes. [22:15:39] <Myles> The issue at HAND, however, is that something very IMPORTANT has been taken from me. [22:16:33] <Myles> So perhaps if you could VERY KINDLY lower your tools and stop THUMPING METAL for ONE MINUTE [22:17:41] <Myles> I could explain. [22:17:50] <Myles> Does that sound REASONABLE to you? [22:19:08] * Corus glances over to Will and jerks her head towards Myles subtly, holding back a grin as she puts her hammer down* Sure [22:19:40] * Will subtly nods his head [22:20:38] <Myles> Stop daydreaming and listen very closely. [22:20:49] <Will> Alright... what do you need? [22:20:57] * Myles looks at them both, in turn [22:21:36] <Myles> The last thing I remember - clearly - is that INFERNAL HELICOPTER! [22:22:41] <Myles> I could have had a helicopter for my Facility, but do you know why I didn't? [22:22:53] <Myles> Because it's a RIDICULOUS EXTRAVAGANCE! [22:23:34] <Will> Yeah... sure... [22:23:40] <Myles> And I happen to know that it was heavily subsidised, but that's beside the point [22:24:10] <Myles> Power had been off and on, and off and on, for WEEKS [22:24:48] <Myles> And don't try asking those slack-jawed oafs in the field to look at the generators [22:25:18] <Myles> Because you WON'T get an adequate RESPONSE. Do you understand? [22:25:34] * Will starts nodding then decides against it and shakes his head [22:26:13] * Corus goes to sarcastically put her thumbs up, but follows Will' double take [22:26:23] <Myles> Well, then I had a phonecall, on the INTERFAC. [22:26:36] <Myles> And guess who it was. GO ON, BLOODY GUESS! [22:26:59] <Will> erm... Larry? [22:27:10] <Myles> YES! That damnable SHARK! THAT'S WHO! [22:27:34] * Will whispers to Corus "I'm not sure he's listening..." [22:28:11] <Myles> And the next thing I knew. [22:29:04] <Myles> Helicopter. In my garden. Oh, the pear walk was RUINED. NO CONSIDERATION! [22:29:18] * Myles grips his forehead [22:29:52] <Will> Oh I know... [22:30:25] <Myles> Now. [22:30:51] <Myles> You two 'Engineers' are going to make yourselves useful. [22:31:41] <Myles> Because I saw that VERY SAME helicopter fly over this - settlement, moments ago. [22:31:59] <Myles> You're going to find a clear bit of land. [22:33:16] <Myles> And you are going to spell, in the BIGGEST LETTERS you can make... [22:33:24] <Myles> DIE L.F! [22:33:38] <Myles> That'll show him! AND THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING! [22:33:49] <Myles> Do you understand? [22:34:34] <Corus> Um.. yes? [22:34:46] <Will> Sure? [22:35:10] * Myles smiles crookedly and adjusts his spectacles. [22:35:33] <Myles> Good good. [22:35:50] <Myles> Well. Get to it. I have a headache. DON'T. [22:36:00] <Myles> Make any noise. [22:36:36] * Will shouts "SURE THING!" [22:37:03] * Myles is slightly taken aback [22:37:18] <Myles> Ah - yes. Get to work. [22:37:40] * Myles turns, and leaves the workshop, heading for the Foreman's house [22:38:03] * Corus splutters out a half-laugh and whips back around to her work, stifling her laughter [22:38:08] * Will turns to Corus [22:38:25] <Corus> Will.. you're so gonna get yourself.. told off loudly. [22:38:43] <Will> Bah [22:38:52] <Corus> So what does DIAL F mean exactly? [22:40:17] * Will shrugs [22:40:32] <Will> He told us to spell it... Let's just do what he says for now
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eggplantwitch · 9 years
RP: The Same But Different
In which the Katton forests yield yet more surprises.
Starring: Telepher, Egg
[16:15:49] * Egg is wandering through the cherry blossom woods on a familiar route, enjoying the warm weather [16:16:34] * Egg has her enchanted bow in one hand, and upon hearing the snap of a twig grips it tighter [16:18:57] * Adrian Telepher stumbles through the bushes, lowly muttering and cursing to himself [16:21:16] * Egg identifies the noise to be of human origin, and proceeds towards the source cautiously [16:22:25] <Egg> Hello? [16:23:15] * Adrian Telepher pushes aside a bush and -half stepping, half falling- emerges into the open [16:23:37] <Adrian Telepher> Aha! Finally another human being in these forsaken wilds! [16:24:00] <Egg> Oh, um, hello - M-Mister Telepher?! [16:24:24] * Adrian Telepher jerks his head upwards, looking at Egg directly [16:24:39] <Adrian Telepher> YOU?! [16:25:58] * Adrian Telepher stares in rage and disbelief, and suddenly laughs with a humourless tone [16:26:38] <Adrian Telepher> Hah! What an irony! I- I must be hallucinating from this terrible journey through the forest [16:27:19] <Adrian Telepher> And who do I see, having ran so far to escape? The very person who- who CAUSED it ALL! [16:28:31] * Adrian Telepher narrows his eyes at the figure in front of him [16:28:57] * Egg shrinks back [16:29:35] <Adrian Telepher> But, wait- no, no, it's not her at all! The other one was broader, sturdier- [16:29:50] <Adrian Telepher> But how could you look so alike? [16:31:04] <Adrian Telepher> This must be some sort of badly humoured coincidence- Ugh, I don't even know... [16:32:12] * Egg looks nervously at him, too stunned to speak, before her eyes settle on his metal fingers [16:32:33] <Egg> You... you know m-my counterpart. [16:32:58] <Egg> I think. You, you are Mister Telepher, aren't you? [16:33:52] * Adrian Telepher studies the person in front of him [16:34:02] <Adrian Telepher> Yes, yes I am... but how do you know? [16:34:25] <Adrian Telepher> Do you have a twin sister, girl? One who lives a long way from here? [16:34:37] <Adrian Telepher> But that'd be ridiculous... [16:35:27] <Egg> It'd m-make more sense than the, um, the actual explanation. [16:36:28] * Adrian Telepher brushes dirt off his jacket- not that it helps, as his attire is in extremely dilapidated [16:36:39] <Adrian Telepher> How do you mean, actual [16:37:51] <Egg> It's... complicated. I'm from a d-different world. You had a counterpart there, too. [16:38:03] <Egg> Only he, he had all of his fingers... [16:38:57] * Adrian Telepher wrings his hand around his metal fingers, and looks confusedly at Egg, his hair in a mess [16:39:30] <Adrian Telepher> A different world? What are you TALKING about? [16:40:12] <Egg> I told you. Um, do you know anything about th-the Void...? [16:40:39] <Egg> It's how we got here. [16:40:48] <Adrian Telepher> The- the Void? [16:44:03] <Adrian Telepher> Yes- I think I know something about that [16:44:21] <Adrian Telepher> Black abyss, yes? [16:44:36] * Egg nods [16:44:50] <Egg> Me and, and some others fell through it and ended up here [16:44:57] <Adrian Telepher> Where- where I was before I came here, there was a machine [16:45:13] <Adrian Telepher> A gateway, of some kind [16:45:39] <Egg> Did you come from the Silo?! [16:45:57] <Adrian Telepher> Yes. Yes, that's where I was- [16:46:06] * Adrian Telepher's thoughts race [16:46:17] <Adrian Telepher> -where I was imprisoned [16:47:46] * Egg eases a little [16:48:06] <Egg> I was a p-prisoner there once, too. [16:48:08] <Adrian Telepher> They had a Void gate there, that's what they called it [16:48:37] <Adrian Telepher> I think it may have even been more than one [16:48:43] <Adrian Telepher> But I'm not sure [16:49:05] <Adrian Telepher> My- my thoughts are quite in disarray [16:49:26] * Adrian Telepher shakes his head, as if shaking off his confusion [16:49:56] <Egg> Oh! Y-yes, of course. You should come into Katton. [16:50:13] <Adrian Telepher> ...Katton? [16:50:37] <Egg> It's where I, where I live. It's only a few minutes away. [16:53:13] <Adrian Telepher> Very well...do you live here in this forest? Katton, is that a kind of tree hut? [16:53:59] <Egg> We p-planted the forest around us! We live on, um, river islands. It's nice here. [16:54:15] * Adrian Telepher looks around [16:54:18] <Adrian Telepher> WE? [16:54:59] <Egg> Some other people live here. M-my friends, and the mayor, and Lorelei and Crez... [16:55:25] <Adrian Telepher> In these wilds? Hah, what, is there an entire village hidden under a bush here?! [16:56:04] <Egg> I can show you, it's j-just over to the south. [16:56:27] * Adrian Telepher barks with laughter, in disbelief [16:56:29] <Egg> If you've escaped from the Silo then I'm sure the, um, mayor would let you stay here a while. [16:57:43] <Adrian Telepher> Well what do you know...well, fine then- take me to this mayor of yours, girl [16:58:28] <Egg> Well, I d-don't know if she's around right now but, um, this way... [16:59:02] * Egg gestures towards the south west, taking a few steps [16:59:39] * Adrian Telepher joins Egg as they walk in the direction of Katton, dragging himself along in his weary suit
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castle-crew · 10 years
RP: It was only nearly an accident
In which Krauzer teaches Blue some magic
Starring: Blue, Krauzer
[19:52:32] * Krauzer is out back in his thaum lab, sitting on the grass leaning against a tree  an empty essentia jar is laying on the floor next to him. He opens his note book and starts to scribble down some notes. [19:57:41] * Blue heads down from her garden towards the lab, jumping between the branches of the trees. She stops in the tree above Krauzer, perching on a branch looking down at him* [20:01:23] <BlueSky> Hellooooo~ [20:02:00] * Krauzer looks up from the note book to see the blue wolf sitting in the tree above him. [20:02:13] <Krauzer> Hi Blue, having fun up there? [20:05:42] * Blue bounces on the branch, showering him in blue leaves "Of course!" [20:09:27] * Krauzer jumps up, dropping his notebook face down on the floor. He brushes some leaves off his robes. [20:09:31] <Krauzer> Do you mind? [20:09:44] <Krauzer> Trying to work down here. [20:12:21] * Blue slips down to hang from the branch [20:12:32] <BlueSky> Watcha doin? [20:13:28] <Krauzer> Why don't you come see for yourself? [20:13:40] * Krauzer points at the base of the tree in front of him. [20:15:08] * Blue drops down, landing lightly on the grass [20:18:43] * Krauzer looks from Blue, to the base of the tree which is currently wrapped in alien like tendrils. [20:18:46] <Krauzer> So.. [20:18:50] <Krauzer> What do you think? [20:24:53] * Blue steps back, looking at the tendrils with a look of horror and disgust [20:26:44] <BlueSky> Ew, what are they, what are they doing? [20:27:15] <Krauzer> Well you know that jar of Alienis Essentia we had? [20:27:27] * Krauzer nudges the empty jar next to him. [20:28:42] <Krauzer> And to answer the 2nd question, they are currently constricting around the tree's trunk. [20:29:04] <Krauzer> Pushing its structural integrity to it's limits. [20:30:35] <Krauzer> I think.. think.. that if i tried I could bring the tree down.. [20:32:47] <BlueSky> Don't do that! Make them stop! [20:36:28] * Krauzer looks at the tree intently, he clenches his fist and the tendrils tighten around the trunk causing the bark to crack under their pressure. [20:41:24] <BlueSky> Stop it! [20:41:51] * Blue grabs one of the tendrils, trying to pull it off [20:46:18] * Krauzer holds out his hand in shock "Blue stop!". The tendril starts to branch off, curling around Blue's arm, constricting. Krauzer unclenches his fist, releasing the tendrils from Blue and the tree. They seem to melt back into their raw essentia form and fall to the floor. [20:54:06] * Blue pulled back as the tendril latched on her arm. She staggers back as it releases and rubs her- [20:54:16] * Blue arm with a frightened expression [20:54:23] * Krauzer runs over to Blue with the empty jar, he scoops the inanimate essentia back into it. [20:56:08] <Krauzer> Blue! You need to be more careful! You should not have touched that.. [21:00:10] <BlueSky> I don't understand, what was it? [21:05:01] <Krauzer> What was it? Essentia, basically. Something I have been working on. [21:10:40] <BlueSky> I saw stacks of pages on your desk, but I didn't read em. So this is what you've been busy with [21:14:43] <Krauzer> Yeah, been doing lots of research. I am still in the early stages... [21:16:22] <BlueSky> Essesntia. So all those jars we keep, how did you describe em again? [21:19:14] <Krauzer> Well you remember everything in the world has certain aspects? Essentia is the raw liquid form [21:19:19] <Krauzer> of those aspects. [21:21:56] <BlueSky> Riiiiight... and this one was? [21:22:29] * Krauzer points at the label on the jar and raises an eyebrow. " Remember this one? " [21:24:35] * Blue looks at the jar for a minuet, then bites her lip looking back at him [21:27:17] <Krauzer> Alienis Blue.. [21:28:05] * Blue blinks at him [21:29:13] <Krauzer> But I have researched similar things with other essentia types. [21:29:27] * Krauzer kneels down and picks up his note book. [21:30:16] <Krauzer> Here take a look. [21:30:30] * Krauzer opens the notebook and passes it to Blue. [21:33:33] * Blue looks down at the writings with a frown [21:34:57] <BlueSky> What does asphyxiate mean? [21:37:58] <Krauzer> Asphyxiate Umm, maybe we should leave that one for later maybe look at a different page. [21:39:28] <BlueSky> Okaaay... [21:39:43] * Blue flicks through a few pages [21:40:46] <BlueSky> What's Vinculum again? [21:42:04] <Krauzer> Oh Vinculum, it is to do with traps. [21:42:54] <BlueSky> Some of these sound kinda dangerous [21:44:07] <Krauzer> Well, magic is dangerous Blue, you know this.. [21:46:29] <BlueSky> Yeah, but it can be used for good too. Like this page here "Sano" [21:50:06] <Krauzer> Well yes, that one needs some practice though. Not one of the ones I have researched too much. [21:50:33] <Krauzer> Have only practiced that on myself a little.. [21:51:00] <Krauzer> A few burns you know, from some of the other...tests.... [21:52:21] * Blue gives him a withering look [21:52:25] <BlueSky> Uh-huh [21:53:57] * Krauzer frowns at Blue. [21:54:04] <Krauzer> Don't look at me like that.. [21:58:12] * Blue passes the book back to him. [22:00:07] <BlueSky> I don't really get this but I can try and help I guess. [22:00:24] <BlueSky> Provide tea. [22:03:10] <Krauzer> Tea, yes. Come on then, let's get a pot on and we can go into this further. [22:03:35] * Krauzer turns and walks back into the lab. [22:07:10] * Blue follows after him
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zeekubeast · 10 years
RP: Broken Dolls
A conversation overheard from somewhere that shouldn't be.
warnings: mention of severed limbs/gore
My guts ache as the raft calmly glides into the shore. There's an old wound there but it feels like it's getting worse every day, like a tightening fist around my insides.  I pick up the package from my makeshift transport, wrapped in old leather so I don't have to touch it, but as can still feel it moving as I carry it and the pain spikes with it.  Time moves strangely here. I don't get it. I'm a soldier, mostly, and finding my targets by tracking a blood trail flowing downstream that never seemed to stop until I found it was never part of any training I had. I ignore my pain and enter the building, passing through the large stone archways towards the room where I know the priest will be. He is standing over the table as I throw the package to him. "I found another one."  He raises his shaggy head, looking at me - at least I assume he is looking, I can never see his eyes behind the long white and gray hair. He lifts a trembling hand to unfold the leather, delicately, as if unwrapping some long-awaited gift. The fingers on the hand twitch, and a little more blood oozes from the stump of a wrist.  "Well found," He says in that hoarse whisper of a voice. He takes the hand between his own - if you could call them hands - and aligns it with the other bloodied parts lain on the long stone table.  The collection pulses, despite most of them being disconnected from a heart. As if the pieces had forgotten the fact that death generally followed dismemberment. The priest seems to smile faintly at his grim jigsaw puzzle. "I wouldn't hold out much hope for the other arm," I say, tearing my gaze away from the flesh. I knew the truth of where it was but didn't see the need to say more than that.  It was beyond our reach, that was the imprtant thing.  The priest nods his head, bringing thread and needle to the severed skin. "It is a fortune that the remains are this intact at all..." He murmurs. The suturing makes a horrible, squishy sound that echoes in the stone-walled room. "And a miracle that he is still breathing." I shake my head at this with a snort. An involuntary movement and I regret casting doubt over the procedure at hand, but the pain inside me has spread and my temper is flaring.  "A miracle is right. I've seen a lot of things but this... this..."  My fist hits the stone work to the side of me and I put my weight on it.  The priest raises his head to look at me again. His tongue runs over his fangs. I doubt I will ever get entirely used to his monstrous appearance. He is just as gruesome and unnerving as the rest of this forsaken place. "How is your wound, my child?" He asks gently, hands stilling their sickening stitching. I put my back to the wall and slide down until my knees are bent in front of me. My head bowed. I shouldn't lash out, she would have called it 'Counterproductive', if she were here. It had been a while since I had really lost myself and I didn't want it to happen again. Not in this wasteland. "It's fine" I lie, poorly.  "I'm not sure it's even really a wound, not really. I've had a lot of em over the years and this just feels..." I sag. "Different." The priest makes a low rumbling noise in the back of his throat, which I've heard enough by now to recognize as more of a purr than a growl. He gestures about the halls with a slow sweep of an arm.  "This place is not like what you are used to. There are forces greater than you or I at work. It can be harsh to adjust..." His breath rattles as he sighs. "Be mindful of the pain... I do not wish to see you depart when you have only arrived amongst us so soon." "Us?"  I gesture to the table.  "I'm not sure he counts, is he even alive?" "There are others who reside here," the priest says gently. "The six sisters... You should join us for sermon." He bares his teeth at me in something that might be approximating a smile. "We would be glad for your presence." I had forgetten about the sisters, I'd mostly been keeping to myself between my little missions for the priest. The haggard, mostly silent women seemed to avoid me but I could occasionally hear the sharp whispering among themselves or low prayers in some foreign tongue. Something about them raised my hackles in a way the priest did not, despite his appearence. I shake my head again. "No offense Father, but I'm not what you'd call a religous man."  I thought back to when I was a kid, drinking rainwater and looking up at the stars from the bottom of a dirty gulley. I had learned early in life not to count on being saved by some external force, which was ironic considering the way things had panned out. "A pity," He says softly, returning his gaze to the unfinished work. "For all of us here, the scripture is our light in the darkness. It... soothes the agitation of the soul." I shake my head again and the pain throbs as I get to my feet and head towards the door.  "Very well. You may take your leave, my son." He gestures to me with a tremble in his arm. "But if your wound causes you suffering, do not hesitate to see me. There is not much, but perhaps I can find you something to dull the pain." As I walk the coiling snake of agony twists inside my gut and the part of me that had been resisting finally breaks down. I may not have been the best judge of character in the past but I felt I could trust the beast dressed in monk's robes.. I turn my head and speak through gritted teeth. My gaze flicking over to the table where the twitching form of my former comrade lay and then back to the priest. "Okay Mr Preacher-Man, what've ya got?" He smiles at me.
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42nights · 10 years
You're a marked man
4_2 Goes to get supplies and finds a very bright surprise.
note: This happened before "FOXTROT ALPHA CHARLIE NINE ONE"
staring: Lartin and 4_2
*It approaches dusk as 42 nears the crash site once more, her head on a swivel she continues to check the area as she approaches the tree line*
Lartin: *crouches down trying to dig up some mud to cover his skin to hide the vibrant colour*
Lartin: Damnit grounds too cold. *He huffs in frustration*
4_2: *tilts her head slightly and hides behind a tree spotting the brightly colours man crouched down, she quickly looks around then climbs the tree with ease. She sits in its branches watching quietly*
Lartin: *stands up looking for supplies that might be useful to the deserters*
4_2: *silently draws her knife from its sheath, however in the cold her hands shake and it drops to the ground with a dull /Thud/, disappearing into the snow underneath her.* shit....*she whispers to herself and stays perfectly still hoping the man did not notice her*
Lartin: *spins round hearing a noise and starts to walk over to where the knife landed, still unaware of 4_2 hiding above*
4_2: *holds her breath watching him walk underneath her, readying herself to drop down in attack*
Lartin: *picks up the knife and looks up trying to find the origin*
4_2: *the shrouded figure that is 42 stares down at him, the moon slowly rising causing dark shadows to cross over her*
Lartin: Oh it's you.
Lartin: *smiles*
4_2: .... You... I did not know it was... *she sounds mildly confused but remains perched on the branch*  You where ... marked?
Lartin: Yes, I was a bad dog.
4_2: *stifles a laugh* I have only.. only heard rumors, tales to scare the assets into behaving.
4_2: *she shifts her position and with a sudden movement swoops down and lands cleanly in the snow next to lartin*
Lartin: Well they're true.
Lartin: So, out looking for supplies again?
4_2: *attempts to snatch the knife from lartins grip* I told you to stay away.
Lartin: Sorry.
Lartin: *hands over knife hilt first*
4_2: scoffs and takes it*
4_2: You... glow...* she starts to circle him with interest, looking over every inch of  the man before her, the soft glow produced by him hits the snow and illuminates the near by tree somewhat*
Lartin: Yes, not great but still makes reading in the dark easier.
4_2: *she rolls her eyes but when she reaches his side she reaches out toward his neck* hmm
Lartin: Interested?
4_2: It... is fascinating *she makes contact, her fingers brushing over the needle marks in his neck, she squints at then as if to think of what made them*
Lartin: *shudders as he remembers the needle piercing his skin*
4_2: It still pains you?
Lartin: No just ... memories of it happening.
4_2: *she pauses for a moment, taking her hand away and slips it under her own mask, letting the steam pour out before she pulls her hand away from it*
4_2: You look like a glow worm...
Lartin: Hey, I didn't ask for this you know.
4_2: You are a deserter... *something clicks in her thoughts* Who did this? Is there another Fac?
Lartin: *sits down by the tree pulling out some food before saying* sit down, and my boss did. As far as I'm aware there isn't another FAC.
4_2: *she eyes the food before sitting, exhausted from the hike and the darkness being a comforting environment* You are a citizen, why where you marked?
Lartin: Misbehaving, I made mistakes and this is my punishment.
Lartin: *he notices her looking at the food* You want some?
4_2: it is yours...
Lartin: Yup caught and cooked myself, do you want the meat? You look a little starved if you don't mind me saying.
4_2: *she still watches him curiously but breaks the gaze to look at the food again*
4_2: Food is something I lack, I am use to such things though...
Lartin: *puts the meat in her lap* Take it.
4_2: *flinches slightly as he draws closer but then takes the meat gratefully*
4_2: My facilitator... The asset always get less... rationed of course.
4_2: *she starts to shred the meat carefully with her fingers, slipping a few pieces under her mask as she does*
Lartin: So Nights, what's with the mask?
4_2: *freezes at the the word and looks up sharply*
4_2: What did you just call me?
Lartin: Nights, or do you only answer to 4_2 now?
4_2: You have no right to call me such things, who has told you?
Lartin: Someone who used to know you. So then... 4_2 what's with the mask?
4_2: None of your concern deserter... *she starts to slip another piece under her mask now avoiding eye contact with him*
Lartin: Sorry if I upset you I was just curious, not often you find out an asset has another name.
4_2: You are a citizen, of course you would not know *she sneered suddenly a sting of anger in her voice*
Lartin: Was a citizen, when I ran I left all that behind.
4_2: *she looks back up at him, frowning slightly in both concentration and annoyance*
Lartin: *pulls out a bottle of water and starts to drink* S_K said this stuff goes quicker if I drink more.
4_2: It will *her expression shifts ever so slightly* You system needs to to filter it, diluting it will help...
4_2: Mr.Cora I wish to ask you something.
Lartin: *turns to her*
4_2: *she looks down at the snow and shakes her head* Never mind
4_2: *she stands after finishing the last piece of meat and brushes off the snow from her coat*
Lartin: You know you don't have to go back there.
4_2: I must, and I must collect supplies.
4_2: There is so much here, I could do so much with...
Lartin: Then Stay, continue working here.
4_2: *she looks back to the sparkling ice and burned and twisted steel of the wreckage* If only I could dive in, and stay forever in the starry lake of ice...
Lartin: You don't deserve to be an asset.
4_2: *she steps out under the moonlight and onto the ice once again*  That was not my choice to make.
  Extra from 42 [ X ]
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faircoarchives · 8 years
RP: So That’s A Thing
Jangles goes out to greet a newest addition to the settlement… He isn’t entirely who Jangles believed him to be.
Starring: Bolframmon and Jangles
Warning: Slight use of threats
Not all of which he'd allowed, a few had taken their leave over it — something he didn't particularly mind. No need to conform to rules they couldn't abide by nor would he put the comfort or safety of his own crew in jeopardy over a single entity.
As of that morning he'd put his mind to those who'd figured they could lose themselves into the crowd, dissolve without ever being known or simply those used to a different type of settlement. It didn't matter, he'd learn each individual by face, name and capabilities eventually and he would seek them out if they wouldn't come before him.
It's one such individual that had brought him before one of the tents. Jangles enters without much ceremony, the flap of fabric thrust to the side as he steps inside.
There is a lantern mere inches from his face that makes him recoil briefly, an unnatural greenish light twirls almost invisibly behind the foggy glass. One of his metal fingers taps against the crystal, the light flares. Deep-set eyes narrow before he ducks under it, continuing his way towards the counter.
There doesn't seem to be a salesman, either hidden behind wares, some other compartment of the tent or simply just out of his line of sight.
[Jangles] Y'surely got wares.
Bolframmon appears from out the corner of the tent, his gear and collection scattered about the place and certain spells and barriers have not been set up, bar the dangling lantern of an unusual flame you could be convinced it is just another tent. He is surprised to have a visitor so soon as he has not even put up a sign saying what this place is. He studies the man briefly, clearly seeing from his attire he’s a Dreglander and must be one of the few running this new town. Either that or he’s just a really nosey one who came to see what was about.
[Bolframmon] *he coughs to announce his presence before approaching* I do indeed have wares, sir! Although I must apologise for the state of the place, I was not expecting customer or company anytime soon.
The sound catches Jangles' attention, he turns from the multitude of odd looking wares over to the owner of the place. The Dreglander doesn't hide his brief inspection, his eyes flicking from head to toes and back. He cocks his head briefly, his brow raises just enough to light up his eyes by the reflection of the flame, they flick over to the rest of the tent, his mouth purses slightly making a 'not-bad'-expression.
[Jangles] Tidiness ain't a thing y'gotta fear with me about. Y'do yer business as y'see it.
He steps away from the counter, turning more towards Bolframmon, the glint of the lantern showing his shabby outfit consisting out of a sleeveless vest and a pair of slacks. They might be a desert-camo, though it's difficult to determine whether the plethora of stains is a design choice or the result of wear-and-tear.
[Jangles] It's Jangles, by the way. Ain't here for y'wares. Got nothin' missin' from m'life. Nothing that y'can find in a random tent anyway. Real reason I'm here's t'see if y'got anything missin' on yer own end. Is my job t'see everyone happy an' dandy an' fantastic. Ain't gonna have a sit down and a sob, tho. Just lookin' t'see if yer needin' a supply-a-power or water, really.
Bolf’s faced changes to a surprised expression at Jangles’ offer, he wasn’t too sure what to expect here but the offer of help certainly wasn’t on that list. He smiles as he extends his hand towards Jangles.
[Bolframmon] A pleasure to meet you Jangles, my name is Bolframmon. I appreciate the offer for power and water, but I will be quite fine, I’ve come prepared already. *He looks about his tent again.* Although once this mess is organised and the rest of the tent is set up, I think a drink might be desperately needed.
[Jangles] Basically Bolf then.
He eyes the hand that's inching towards him, he raises his corresponding hand, the metal glinting in the low light of a few lanterns. There is a hesitance in his action as he extends his, a split-second of doubt before he allows the other man to take it.
[Jangles] Ain't a scam that I'm runnin'. Won't mess with y'things and only askin' what's fair in 'xchange. But if y'got it down all's the better for it, 'suppose. Just lettin' y'know it's on the table. We've also got decent tradin' routes outside adda settlement so if yer needin' fer something specific y'can let me settle up arrangements.
A sly grin snakes onto his face as he hears Bolf, his body language becomes a bit more open, stiff muscles in a defensive posture slacking ever so slightly. A satisfied grin ending in a gentle chuckle.
[Jangles] Ain't that what anyone's needin'? We've got a nice diner 'round here somewhere. Good prices, great patron. Or else I'm sure y'can find someone willin' t'trade a decent bottle fer onna y'wares. Just outta curiosities sake… Whadda y'dealin' anyway?
[Bolframmon] A diner? Well, I could use a good meal too, I’ll go have a nose later. As to your other question…
He steps away and gestures towards the various items scattered about, upon looking books of various sizes can be seen, necklaces and earrings are gently hanging of a stand, and some sort of weapon can also be seen sticking out of a barrel.
[Bolframmon] Without the long winded explanation, you can call me a merchant who specialises in magical wares. Relics, spellbooks, enchantments and potions etc. Basically if you need something magic based or need something removed, I’m your man.
Jangles' mouth twitches, like he'd just bitten down on a lemon or set his teeth into something rotten. His hand is quick to retreat to his body, fingers coiling back into his icy palm.
[Jangles]  Fuckin' Benign ain't guidin' shit today! Haddan inkling, yeah.
The curse dies off into a weak sigh. It's a weak lie, an attempt to save face if only for himself. He'd been suspicious of Bolf but for the same reason he is suspicious of anyone not from the Dreglanders. Anyone he couldn't pinpoint with one look.
His gaze goes over the tent and the wares on display again, as if he could see the corruption dripping off of it now, he couldn't. Boxes don't act suspicious when they're different. They might glow or groan but installing a few LEDs or throwing your voice could give you the same effects. Pretend magic was more common in the Dreglands, pretend magic was a niceness, an escape… Real magic was something people would escape from.
[Jangles] Cannai ask y'the keep this on the down-low? Ain't lookin' t'make a big deal outta this… But y'chose a peculiar place t'set up shop. Dreglanders ain't fonda things that ain't… regular. Gotta bad history. If y'gotta sell dancin' candles or self-readin' books don't put them out on the curb 't catch attention. We've gotta rule that keeps us happy: If it don't have t'magic it shouldn't. I don't givva shit what y'do behind these here curtains. I givva shit that my people ain't comfortable. Y'do yer business behind this here cloth and we're all happy an' dandy. That business bleeds out onto the streets and I end up comfortin' a sweet thing and explainin' that there ain't corruption nibbling at their home our bussiness-relations might end up a tad strained. I tend t'snap when I'm put under strain…
Bolframmon raises an eyebrow at the sudden reaction and request, was he afraid of magic? It had been a long time since Bolframmon had been in the west but he swears that they handled the realisation of the arcane better than this. But this man has been polite and he has no intention of causing any trouble yet.
[Bolframmon] *raises his hands in a mock surrender pose smiling at Jangles.* You have my word, sir. My business will only take place in this tent! Your people need not fear me and my wares and it will never get out... Unless you guys want a magic show? I still have the top hat and magic wand somewhere…
[Jangles] Good.
There is a timbre to his voice, a low growl akin to a threatened animal. A defence installed in him from a young age. Something feral that many of his countrymen share with him. His arms twitch, the loose bolts rattle against the metal rods. If he'd still have skin he would have goosebumps by now, how fortunate that metal has difficulties displaying the more minute details of interactions.
[Jangles] No need ferra sharp, condescending tongue. Things don't need 't get hostile neither. Just a word-a-warning… real friendly-like. Things get… uncomfortable when y've only gotta blade and y'know opposite you's a guy that can melt ya with the flick of his eyes. It's better not to let the general people think 'bout such things. Fear tends t'breed stupidity… Ain't nobody served with stupidity.
A deadpan look, almost serious haunts Jangles' face for a brief moment, his eyes crawl up from a point of nowhere and back to Bolf. Upon seeing the man's face his familiar grin places itself on his face once more.
[Jangles] Don't mean drinks're off the table… Might just not let ya get 'm fer me.
At that final sentence Bolframmon does a mock gasp and puts his hand on his heart, but behind the act the gears turn in his mind as he puts together what kind of situation he’s now in.
In short these folk aren’t the biggest fan of magic and sound prone to turn into an angry mob at a moments notice, for now he’ll have to bite his tongue and play nice with the other children.
[Bolframmon] *still on mock gasp stance* Why Jangles! We’ve only met and yet your words hurt me so, *He grins and chuckles.* but your rules and advice are accepted and heard loud and clear, if anyone should ask about me just tell them I sell remedies and random antiques. Would that make you easier, my friend?
Bolframmon's words roll around in Jangles’ head for a brief moment.
[Jangles] I can be a right bastard without even tryin', Bolf.
His grin stands fast on his face, faltering slightly as the topic switches.
[Jangles] Can live with that. I'm sure there's mora yer type skulkin' 'round. These typa places tend t' attract 'em. Y'can deal with 'em, no problem. Y'can sell old shit to Dreglanders if they're into it but if y'know it's magic and they don't… I'm gonna trust y'not to sell it t'them. I don't wanna stick my arm in another wasp nest knownin' 't can be avoided. Dreggies point 'emselves out. If I know of others like yerself I'll let 'em know yer a good one t'interact with.
There is a pause, Jangles fills it the only way he knows how; making odd noises with his arms or clearing his throat. He still feels the dread creep around him, what few and short hairs he has on the back of his neck stand upright.
[Jangles] Gonna wish ya good luck with yer wares then… Suppose I came to say what I hadta… If ya got more questions y'can find me at the general store… The little tent with the hairy elephant in front of it. Y'll find either me or Roan there. Roan always knows where I am.
[Bolframmon] *He bows politely* Thank you, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind, no doubt I’ll be around soon to invite you for a drink. *He starts to head back to the far corner of the tent before turning back and smiling at Jangles* And thank you for your warm welcome.
Jangles sets a foot back, his other is quick to follow.
[Jangles] I ain't goin' nowhere. I'll be seein' y'round.
He turns on his heels, arms clenched to his sides as he makes his way out of the tent which is quickly giving him a whole different feeling than the drab apathy of this morning. Perhaps a kindness that the man was as quick to tell him the truth, a cruel type of kindness which now has involved him in a game he hadn't anticipated when starting this settlement.
0 notes
angelkaja · 9 years
RP: Wake Up To The Window
In which Raziel makes it out of bed.
Starring: Raziel, Bluesky
[note: pre-Blue Moon ball]
* The afternoon sun floats through the blue sky, filling the hospital room with warmth and light as Raziel rests, his back pressed against the wall and his eyes closed. He smiles as the increased heat floats through him.
*  After going on a tour around his new findings the night before he had decided to stick around this castle. His saviour, Nights, had mentioned that he was no longer in his own world and beyond all the despair and fear at what had happened, a curiosity was buried deep within him. He wanted to know all he could of this new world.
* But priorities came first and Raziel knew he had a debt to repay to the people of this castle. He propped himself up and thought deeply about what he could do or offer to say thanks*
*  BlueSky basks on one of the castle roofs, a splash of blue and white on the black tiles soaking up the sun’s warmth. A few of the castles crows have elected to join her, many preening themselves or murmuring at each other.*
* Raziel looks towards the window when he notices an irregularity in the roof’s colours, he stands up from his bed to investigate. He opens the window to see some sort of blue animal sunbathing on the roof, surrounded by crows. He mind quickly jumps back to entering this world and he remembers that this is the creature that saved him from the lake*
* Raziel shouts*  Good Afternoon!
* BlueSky leaps up from her half-doze in surprise. The crows take off in alarm at her sudden start, many cawing. They fly off in various directions, some heading to various trees in the grounds, other to the aviary. Blue herself looks around for the unfamiliar voice that called out.*
* Raziel stifles a laugh from the image of chaos that just happened, composing himself before trying to get the animal's attention*
[Raziel] Sorry about that! Down here, near the window! * He waves as he shouts, hoping either his voice or his movement would get her attention*
* BlueSky spots the young man waving from the window below. She’s mildly confused for a moment before recognition dawns. She ruffles her feathers and gives a small stretch before navigating her way over the various rooftops through a series of leaps and bounds.
* BlueSky vanishes from a view a few times, apparently following a path only she knew, but generally heading down, before eventually making a jump for one of the smaller trees close the ground. She made the jump. The tree didn’t. Thankfully it was a relatively small drop from the broken branch to the floor. There’s a low grumbling and growling, the words unclear.*
* Raziel grimaces at the sound of a thud as she and branch hit the floor, it didn’t sound like a large drop but no doubt it might have a hurt a little. He opens the window a little further and leans over the edge, his head now sticking out to investigate what had just happened*
* Shaking her head and removing a few leaves, Blue dusts herself off and walks over to address the open window and talk to man she had pulled out of the lake.*
[BlueSky] Hi!
[Raziel] Hello there! Glad to see you’re not too hurt!
[BlueSky] Don’t worry, it happens a lot! I’ve had worse anyway! How are you feeling?
* Raziel raises an eyebrow at the comment “I’ve had worse” before shaking his head and returning to the conversation*
[Raziel] I feel like I’ve been kicked down a mountain! But I’m alive thanks to you!
* Raziel looks around outside briefly and realises he’s being quite loud*
[Raziel] Is there a fast way for you to get up here? Probably a bit strange for us to be shouting at each other outside
* BlueSky looks back at the tree she just fell out of, the snapped branch dangling down. She decides against it.*
[BlueSky] I’ll come inside, stay there! * She heads around to an entrance, before pausing and going back to the tree. She climbs a little up the trunk, enough the reach the snapped branch. She lifts the branch into it’s former position for a moment, then releases it, the branch re-attached. She slides down the trunk, lightly pats it, then continues inside again.
* Raziel’s eyes shoot open at what had just happened. It was magic clearly, but not a type he’d ever seen or read about in the library. His curiosity in this world increased again. After realising he has been staring at the restored tree branch for a while now, he recollects himself, turns and leans back against the window sill, waiting for his guest to arrive.
* Blue’s paws pad silently over the floor as she makes her way to the med bay. Her nose leads her to the correct door and she pokes her head in*
[BlueSky] Hi! * she says again*
[Raziel] Nice to meet you!...Again! * He smiles at the Blue*  I don’t think I got your name last time we spoke? Although that probably has something to do with HOW we met…. You are?
[BlueSky] Hehe, yeah. BlueSky, most use Blue!
[Raziel] Well a pleasure to meet you Blue, I’m Raziel.
[BlueSky] Thanks! It’s always nice to meet someone friendly. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a guest. Hope you’re feeling ok, interdimensional travel can take it out of you. * she says this like one may comment on a long walk*
[Raziel] Agreed, it’s nice to see a friendly face on the other side of…. well whatever I actually came through to get here. But needless to say where I am is much better than where I was. * He looks outside the window briefly, focusing on the mountains and giant tree’s, a peaceful smile slides onto his face*
[Raziel] Seems like a nice place, would love a chance to explore when I’m back to full strength
[BlueSky] That'd be nice! I could go with you if you want. I like explore myself, good thing too, else I might not have been there to pull you out of that lake.
* Raziel smiles at Blue*  Indeed, I’m a lucky man that you happened to be there at such a time. And that idea sounds great, no doubt the fresh air will do me some good after I’ve recovered as well. But will I have to ask your master's permission before I take the dog for a walk?
*  Blue stops smiling and her perked up ears slowly lower and flatten.*
[BlueSky] Wolf. * She says flatly.*
[Raziel] Oh…. * he laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his head* ...err... My bad?
* BlueSky lets out a sigh.*
[BlueSky] Why… do humans find it so hard to tell the difference?
* Raziel raises hands*  In my defense, wolves in my world are twice your size and usually try to kill people
* Images flash in Blue’s mind, but she pushes them away, not letting her mind stray onto that topic. She stared at him. A wolf's stare can be quite worrying.
[Raziel] Aaaaand I’m not really helping this situation am I? * Raziel sighs*  Sorry Blue, still kinda new to this world and such, I meant no offense.
[BlueSky] Fine. I was much the same, and still am sometimes. And by the way, Nights is not my “master”, she is our leader. There’s a difference.
[Raziel] I see, very well then I must have a word with Nights when I can, I have a debt to repay after all…
* Raziel looks towards the door briefly before returning to Blue*
[Raziel] Am I free to leave this room to go to her? Or would it be best for me to wait here?
[BlueSky] I could always go get her if you’re unsure.
[Raziel] Please, I’d appreciate that very much.
[BlueSky] Alright, wait here then. * Blue exits the room, muttering under her breath*  “Walk the dog” indeed…
[Raziel] * Waits for Blue to leave the room before sighing and dropping his shoulders*  First day here and I’ve already offended someone….this is going to go so well….
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bordermachinists · 9 years
Breaking the Rocks
In which Thyme and Will formerly introduce themselves to each other
Staring: Thyme, Will
[22:05:19] *In the dimly lit cave Thyme slowly inspects the surrounding area, deciding where to start her next mining expedition, the only noises she hears is the light noise of water dropping in a lower cave and the coolness of the rock and solitude of the area brings her back to a better time. She fiddles with her pickaxe as she mumbles to herself* [22:07:22] <Thyme> Dang, this place is an accident waiting to happen.. [22:08:04] * Will descends the mineshaft whistling to himself [22:08:35] * Will pauses on Thyme's level [22:08:38] <Will> This looks like a good spot to find some more metals [22:09:14] * Thyme jumps from the sudden voice entering the level [22:09:26] * Will cracks his knuckles and readies his pickaxe [22:09:36] <Thyme> Jesus.. Well it is so long as you don't fall into a poison trap.. [22:09:54] * Will looks around for the source of the voice [22:09:59] <Will> Who's there? [22:10:22] <Thyme> *Thyme steps out behind a corner of the cave* [22:10:31] <Thyme> Oh hey, it's just me [22:10:44] <Will> Ah yes, er... Rosemary was it? [22:10:55] <Thyme> ...Close [22:11:17] <Thyme> Thyme, if you will. [22:11:31] <Will> You got it Parsley [22:11:35] <Thyme> oh right, you're Will aren't you. [22:11:45] <Thyme> watch it Willy boy. [22:11:52] * Will spins his pickaxe in his hands [22:11:58] <Will> The one and only [22:12:03] <Thyme> I haven't seen anyone else down here at all recently. [22:12:12] <Thyme> Or at all for that matter.. [22:12:34] * Will shrugs [22:12:54] <Will> Everyone has been busy I guess [22:13:28] <Will> Only reason I'm down here is because I need more metal to teach Corus with [22:13:42] <Thyme> oh? [22:14:09] <Thyme> haha good luck with that, I could never teach someone [22:14:23] <Will> She asked me to mentor... Turns out until boss man finds some work I've nothing but spare time [22:14:55] <Thyme> Oh my he dumped someone else on me the other week [22:15:09] <Will> uh huh [22:15:13] * Will hefts his pick into the wall [22:15:19] <Thyme> He let the visitor stay in my quarters, Nights I believe? [22:15:27] * Will pauses and stiffens at the name [22:15:32] <Will> Oh [22:16:06] <Thyme> yeah only saw them for a moment or so [22:16:23] <Thyme> Crazy robotics set up, it was impressive [22:16:41] <Will> I'm sure... [22:16:54] <Thyme> You know of them? [22:17:27] <Will> We're acquainted... [22:17:50] <Will> used to be colleagues... of a sort [22:18:12] <Thyme> Huh, neat. I'm not well acquainted with most people in this area at all. You have a leg up over me then. *Thyme lazily picks out some aluminium ore from a vein* [22:18:45] <Will> Trust me... There are some you are better off not knowing [22:18:52] <Will> So what's your story then? [22:19:05] * Will rests against the tunnel wall [22:19:24] <Thyme> Ha not one of much excitement really.. *Thyme trails off in thought* [22:19:49] <Thyme> ..I lived outside of this area, to the north. And I'm just looking for someone is all [22:20:34] <Will> Oh? Who? I've been around here for what feels like far too long. [22:20:39] <Will> I might have met them [22:22:19] <Thyme> He was my mentor, A guy who specialised in robotics are there many of those around here? [22:22:53] <Will> There used to be one... But I haven't heard from them in a while. Doubt it was your sage though [22:23:04] <Will> They weren't keen on taking on apprentices [22:23:50] <Will> Also... they weren't from around here like myself [22:24:05] <Will> Sorry. I'm drawing a blank [22:24:16] <Thyme> .. Probably not, My mentor wasn't the most keen on sharing their personal life with me [22:24:32] <Thyme> I'm sort of going off of memory right now. [22:24:44] <Will> I'm sure you'll find him eventually [22:24:52] <Thyme> thank you though. *thyme turns back to mining [22:24:55] <Will> More chance of that they my returning home anyhow [22:25:05] <Thyme> Yeah I hope so.. [22:25:15] <Thyme> Is that what Lennart promised you? [22:25:42] <Will> Kinda, truth be told I know he can't fulfill that promise [22:25:48] <Will> I'm just here because I've nowhere else to be [22:26:02] <Thyme> Then why hold onto that wish? [22:26:34] * Will shrugs [22:26:38] <Will> Got to hold onto something [22:27:21] <Thyme> That's very true. *Thyme turns to the elevator, prepping to go up* [22:27:38] <Thyme> well hey, it's not a bad thing to hold onto. [22:28:54] <Will> doesn't look like what I need is on this level [22:29:00] * Will changing the subject quickly [22:29:23] <Thyme> Well be careful if you go any further down, I'll see you around? [22:29:55] <Will> Sure. You'll find me on the Rust Bucket most evenings [22:30:29] <Thyme> Alright, see you around. [22:30:46] <Thyme> *thyme tilts her head in goodbye* [22:31:14] * Will tips and imaginary hat and knocks himself with his pick
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eggplantwitch · 10 years
RP: It's Too Early For This
In which Egg discovers TYBALT, and TYBALT discovers cake
Starring: Cain, Egg, TYBALT
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alternatecyborg · 10 years
RP: You Wanna Go?
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castle-crew · 10 years
RP: The Flight of the Thief
In which Krauzer gets an unwelcome visitor and magical fighting ensues.
Starring: Krauzer, Unndis, Nights
[20:25:51] * Unndis looks around the abandoned building, not noticing a soul in sight. She made her way to the alembic she had spotted on an earlier visit she had made when she first saw the village when flying over and investigated the contents. Now alone, she stuffs the machine with redstone and kneels in front of it, digging around in a bag for phials to fill up for her harness* [20:29:43] <Unndis> too much flying and you forget the fuel, idiot Unndis *she mumbles to herself* [20:33:18] * Krauzer wanders out of his house, carrying a bundle of scrolls. It is late but he was unable to sleep. He heads into his lab, walking through the main room heading to the alchemy room. As he walks in he see's Unndis scurrying around messing with phials of essentia* [20:36:56] <Krauzer> WHO THE HELL!? [20:37:31] * Unndis fumbles with the phials in her hands, spilling what essentia she had gathered already [20:37:41] * Krauzer throws his scrolls to the floor, reaching for the nearest jar to him which happens to be Ignis. [20:38:36] * Krauzer rips open the jar, he waves his hand and the essentia pours out towards Unndis. [20:39:24] * Unndis dives out of the way of the flow* "whoas whoa lets be safe!" [20:39:52] <Krauzer> *the essentia collides with the wall, making a loud explosion, smashing other nearby jars.* [20:40:05] <Krauzer> How did you get in here?! [20:40:17] * Krauzer readies his hand over the jar, preparing to attack again.* [20:40:59] * Unndis looks at her staff and looks at the wall "made a door. Nothing got broke!" [20:41:40] <Krauzer> Nothing got broke, yet! [20:42:03] * Krauzer waves his hand once more, the essentia forms a ball of flame in his hand.* [20:42:16] <Unndis> well it got broke now, with you willy nilly throwing things around! [20:42:59] * Unndis clutches her hand tight, bright magical sparks forming across her arm [20:43:51] * Krauzer scowls at Unndis, he takes aim and throws the ball of essentia straight at her. [20:45:04] * The sound of heavy boots running though the building can be heard* [20:45:15] * Unndis throws out her arm, the magic flying from her hand and catching the ball and whips it to the floor at Krauzer's feet* [20:46:19] <Nights> KRAUZER! *Yelling from a room over, the footsteps getting ever closer* [20:46:21] * Krauzer dives out of the way of the ball as it explodes to the floor. [20:46:50] * Krauzer looks up at Unndis with a bewildered look. "How on earth.." [20:47:17] * Nights she walks into the door frame yelling at him not seeing the other* [20:47:37] * Krauzer throws the Ignis jar aside, grabbing a new one one, Alienis. [20:47:42] <Nights> Krauzer I swear to mother I will tie you up if you make another no....Who the nether is this?! [20:48:01] <Krauzer> Stand back Nights! [20:48:34] * Nights quickly draws her hunting knife but takes a step back to be shielded by the door frame* [20:48:49] * Krauzer opens up the new jar, waving his hand and the purple essentia starts to form spirals around his around his hand.* [20:49:35] * Unndis lets her magic flow up her own arms again, like before, readying for another attack [20:50:05] * Krauzer Shoots the essentia towards Unndis like before. This time it forms tendrils, trying to constrict his opponents movement.* [20:51:25] * Unndis is able to bat one of the tendrils away, but misses another one winding around her other arm and one foot. She snarls several colourful curses in something not English at him* [20:52:44] <Krauzer> Got'ya now... [20:53:04] * Nights steps in, darting toward the now tangled Mage, her knife in one hand* [20:53:06] * Krauzer clicks his fingers and the tendrils constrict around her limbs.* [20:54:43] * Unndis tries tearing at them in a attempt to loosen them enough to escape but to no avail. [20:54:49] * Nights stops short (and very out of breath) with the knife under the mages throat* [20:55:05] <Unndis> Let go! Get off me! [20:55:29] <Nights> Can you *huff* explain *huff* this!? [20:55:41] * Krauzer draws more essentia from the jar, letting it spiral around his arm, prepared incase of escape.* [20:56:17] <Krauzer> I found her, sneaking around the lab. [20:56:41] * Unndis waves her free are towards the alchemy machine "I just was filling phials for fuel. Is all I do" [20:58:03] * Nights motions toward Unndis* Kneel if you can *she looks sternly at Krauzer* [20:59:09] * Unndis drops to her knees, glaring at Krauzer all the while [21:00:34] <Nights> Hand, Head now. *she barks the others half barking a cough at the same time* [21:01:33] * Unndis does so, linking her fingers together atop her head* [21:01:58] * Nights relaxes slightly* [21:02:17] * Nights Glares at Krauzer* [21:03:04] * Krauzer sighs and nods slowly, he lets the essentia flow back into the jar, he places it back on the shelf behind him.* [21:04:06] <Nights> Now, *she turns back to unndis* Who are you, Why did you think it alright to steal. [21:04:21] <Nights> Answer quickly, I have a hammering headache. [21:04:39] * Nights she sounds rather angry, the knife does not help that feeling* [21:05:24] <Unndis> I was NOT STEALING. My Redstone! My PHIALS! Just....using machine not mine. Wasn't taking it with me [21:07:54] * Unndis rubs her head with her hands agitatedly .* IT WAS SIMPLE really. [21:08:25] <Nights> Name. [21:08:57] <Unndis> Unndis! Hello. [21:09:43] <Nights> Krauzer, kindly tell me why their was an explosion that woke me? [21:10:31] <Krauzer> I saw the intruder, I attacked, testing out something new I have been working on. [21:10:54] * Krauzer gestures at the jar next to him labeled 'Ignis'.* [21:11:53] * Nights sighs, she pulls the knife away from Unndis' throat, and walking over to stand beside Krauzer* [21:12:05] <Krauzer> So, what shall we do with her? [21:13:28] * Nights looks the mage on their knees up and down, she quietly leans slightly on Krauzer as well* [21:13:48] <Nights> If Unndis... mmm ... Unndis... [21:13:53] <Nights> Cee... [21:14:40] * Nights frowns thinking* [21:14:56] * Krauzer looks at Nights inquisitively. "what is it..?" [21:15:24] * Unndis gets to one foot "yes Cee! My friend!" [21:15:48] * Nights shoots them a look, a clear `stay down`* [21:16:23] * Unndis goes back down with a frown* [21:16:38] <Nights> Cee, the other from the stars stayed and was crew for a while. [21:17:00] <Nights> If I recall I offered you much the same, but you refused. [21:18:22] <Unndis> Yeah you did but I am fine. Just...a little ways away from home now [21:19:09] * Nights looks up at Krauzer* What would you do with *motions to Unndis with a lazy hand gesture* [21:19:58] * Unndis glares at Krauzer "Don't give him choice he's a jackass! [21:20:22] * Nights glares at her* Hush now, you are making my headache worse. [21:20:27] * Krauzer scratches the back of his head and smiles. "Well if you are giving me the choice.." [21:20:40] <Nights> I am asking you your opinion. [21:20:55] <Krauzer> A living subject for some of my tests would be useful, especially one with magical abilities also. [21:21:17] <Krauzer> But knowing you, that would be forbidden.. [21:21:29] <Nights> You know how it is frowned upon. Testificates are one thing, this is another. [21:22:25] <Krauzer> In that case, I say we kick her out of the main gate, and I up my defenses. [21:22:54] <Nights> And what do you say to this Unndis? [21:23:36] <Unndis> Um...I say... [21:25:14] * Unndis grabs her staff quickly getting to her feet, and blast a hole through the wall and runs out [21:25:46] * Unndis activates her harness and takes to the sky with the little fuel she has left [21:25:55] * Krauzer raises a hand towards Unndis and shouts, "HEY STOP!", but it is too late. [21:25:55] * Nights quickly throws her knife with deadly force toward the mage* [21:26:37] * Unndis shouts down to them "BUH BYE. LETS BE NICE NEXT TIMES" [21:27:00] * Nights growls and leans back on the wall freeing Krauzer* [21:27:03] <Nights> After her! [21:27:22] <Krauzer> On it! [21:27:59] * Krauzer runs out the door, scooping up a staff and a spare harness. He flies off after her.* [21:31:06] * Krauzer flies around up and around the nearby mountain, looking for any sign of the mage.* [21:32:00] <Krauzer> *He hears a whirring sound from his harness as it starts to run out of fuel, he curses and returns to the lab, throwing the harness down to floor, he walks back into the alchemy room, still cursing* [21:33:47] <Krauzer> She got away, damn it! [21:33:52] * Nights sits among the jars, looking up when she hears him come back* [21:34:01] <Nights> shhhsshhhh [21:34:26] * Krauzer sighs to himself. [21:34:43] <Krauzer> Sorry about waking you, I did have it under control, sort of. [21:35:17] <Nights> Next time, we will know. [21:35:41] <Nights> It is *she frowns realizing he just apologized to her* it is alright. [21:36:31] <Krauzer> You should head back to bed, I will clean up this mess. [21:36:39] * Nights nods* [21:36:43] <Nights> Thanks you. [21:36:49] <Nights> Be careful [21:37:15] * Krauzer looks over the room at the smashed jars, frowning, he starts cleaning up.*
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curls101 · 10 years
RP: A Sprig of Lavender
In which Curls talks to the returned Blue
Starring: Blue, Curls
Blue is fast asleep on a pile of pillows and blankets. She has one blanket resting on top of her, but her tail, nose and wings poke out from each side. She occasionally makes a small noise
  Curls carefully elbows the door open, carrying a tray with two cups and a teapot carefully balanced on it, which is tricky with a cat on her shoulders. Seeing the snoring wolf, she sits down nearby and places the tray down on the floor. Curls knew better than to wake her, but she would sit here for a while at least. Brendon hops down from her shoulders and bounds over to his friend, nuzzling her exposed nose
  Blue lifts her head up slightly, causing the blanket to slide off her face. She blinks sleepily at the cat "Brrrrppp, furrrrrp" She yawns and pushes herself upright stretching
The cat tilts his head to the hide and makes a similar, yet slightly more confused noise in return. Curls watches them, forever amused by these strange, intangible conversations the two had.
"Good morning, Fluff."
  Blue jumps, her wings automatically raises. She makes a pained noise and quickly closes them. She rubs behind her shoulder wincing before looking at Curls and replying sleepily "Hi. You made me jump."
  Curls: She chuckles slightly, taking a sip of her tea.
"Sorry. I didn't want to wake you-" she hesitates, but then decides not to be shy about this, "I know you'll need rest after something like that.."
Curls pushes the other mug of tea forwards toward her, inviting her.
  Blue frowns slightly, suddenly more awake, but gladly takes the mug. She silently take a sip, watching her
  Curls takes a long sip of her drink. How was she going to do this again? She'd known what to say before she came in here.. Brendon wanders over, nudges Blue's leg before curling up next to her.
Curls: "You want to talk about it?"
Blue absent mindedly stroke Brendon, still looking at Curls
Blue: I ugh... I mean it might help, only I can't really remember what happened...
Curls nods solemnly,
"It would help, if you want to try and clarify anything. I'm the one of the Crew who won't be silly about it..." She takes another sip. Brendon, as if having a sudden realisation, darts off through the door.
"Besides, I..have been through /that/ enough to understand."
  Blue leaves the makeshift bed to sit closer to Curls
Blue: “Well... do /you/ want to talk about it?”
  Curls seems to pause, kinda shocked.
"Me? No, I'm here for you this time, Fluffball."
  Blue: “I'm glad to hear that. It's just there honestly isn't much I can say about it... it's all a blank”
  Blue looks sad. Everyone's so upset over what happened. I've stirred everything up and I can't even remember what happened
  Curls: “Tensions were already high around here. It comes without having someone in charge who can keep people calm…”
Curls goes to sip tea, but realises she's drunk the whole thing already
  Blue: “Yeah... I wish things could go back to how they were before...Let face it, we don't really know what to do, do we?”
  Curls grins slightly, but it's a hollow one.
Curls: “Not the faintest. I always relied on Nights to sort things around here, but now she's go- stuck in the Silo.”
Curls groans
Curls: “I need to start helping the situation-”
  Blue looks at her questioningly
Blue: “You mean like... lead?”
  Curls: “I'm...not sure I could but…”
Curls shrugs
  Blue thinks
Blue: “I think you could”
  Curls:” You think, do ya Fluff?”
Curls leans back on her hands, looking up a little
  Blue looks up at the translucent ceiling too
Blue: “I guess... you seemed to be alright at keeping us mages in check, huh?”
  Curls chuckles, "Thank you for the bought of confidence, Fluff..."
Curls: “I don't know. I am so very tired of us fighting each other... Next time, maybe I'll intervene..”
  Blue: “I'll help if I can... but it has been pointed out that I'm not exactly aggressive”
Curls: “Heh, that's good! Need someone sane around here.”
Curls laughs and shakes her head
Blue chuckles too
  Blue: "Most everyone's mad here"
  Curls suddenly looks around, slightly confused
Curls: “Where did Brendon go?”
Blue looks over the ledge down to the lower floor
Blue: “Down there. He must've gone outside”
Curls gathers up the tea stuff
Curls mumbles "I should probably make sure no one has blown anything up overnight if you're feeling okay..."
  Blue: “As good as I can be all things considered.”
Blue flexes her wings slightly "It hasn't been this bad in years... they must have done something..."
  Curls hesitates slightly before replying
Curls: "I have painkillers, if you need them? Some of them aren't too strong so will just take the edge off until they settle?"
  Blue: I'll manage. I've managed before and- ugh, Curls? Brendon just brought me a flower?
Blue take the sprig of lavender from the cat smiling.
Blue: “Ahh yes, very fragrant”
Curls: “Brendon...bought you flowers?”
Curls seems incredibly sad for just a moment.
Curls: That's...something I haven't seen since-
What a strange cat...
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42nights · 10 years
To explain the in between from meeting Lartin to getting back to the silo. I have a lot of rps to do getting the supplies and flaunting that she had a bath in front of Breyos (cause man does everyone in the silo smell by now).
So here is it, a quick and dirty (not in that way -.- ) solo RP/Fic
She awoke to the smell of burned down embers and the thick scent of pine needles in her face. She thought what had happened was a dream, that such stray thoughts of the man where only her imagination. She pressed her hands down into the pine needle bed she had made and pushed herself upright, shaking the snow off that had covered her. Her fingers felt stiff and her limbs ached from sleeping in the snow.
She looks around once more, so much could be salvaged from the still burning O-Warp station, she could see it all in clear detail.
Her mind turned back to the man, and seeing the fire he had built for her confirmed it was no illusion. He WAS real… but why would he help her?
She shook her head as if to shake off the thought as if it were snow. She stood and stretched, listening to the sound of ice off her coat crack and fall around her feet. This was her type of weather, cold and grey, it felt like home. She took up the sled she had gathered and quickly tied bundles of cables into a harness of herself. With a heave of effort she started to pull it forward through the snow, though the mud, back toward the silo.
She picked berries as she went, using small amounts of wire and metal to set animal traps to check on her second trip back. She wished not to starve any longer, and a rabbit or some sort of rodent would solve that for a little while. She stuffed her pockets with pine needles allowing the scent to cleanse her foul odor and when she came to a stream she bathed herself. Such small things she had missed while inside the silo where, for her, a luxury she would take advantage of. She picked many flowers along the way and by the time she came to the barley fields the flowers were scattered amongst the metal and scrap on the sled, not a gift for the facilitator, though some would go to her, but a gift for the physician for she knew some could be ground into more natural medicines.
She kept pulling, through the barely and the mud until she was back. She took one last look back to where she had encountered the man, where she had slept under the stars once more, then turned and headed in.
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faircoarchives · 8 years
RP: Calling cards
After leaving R_V tied to a tree, the remaining MM (and reclamation AGRI team) reach the Silo.  They find more than they expected, in the form of an entrepreneurial figure with a rather unStately way of conducting himself.
Starring: C_K, S_R, Lennart.
Warnings: None
The landscape around ADEF-FAC is more visibly modified than the area around Fair-co.  Metal-specked concrete blisters jut out of the earth around the sullen dome of the main building, crowned with dead lamps and the angles of communication relays, all dark.  Patterns of abandoned fields are still visible, spread out around the more obvious buildings; fallow now, with scrub already rising into new woodland at the edges, where the once-rigid treeline is bleeding out across the old margins.  The actual structures stand firm but their edges are beginning to soften, worn down by the gradual entropy of wind and rain pitted against old engineering.
The more violent scars in the landscape’s recent history are also showing signs of succumbing to inevitability.  Impact craters and the mouldering remains of old testing rigs, crumpled outbuildings and broken crates, all wrapped in fresh tendrils of bellbind and colonising moss.  Weedy opportunists, but green and alive, in contrast to the slime-blacked mess of the rotten barley fields that ring the Silo.  Even the great, shock-sharp crater in front of the main door has yielded a little.  Some of the alien smoothness to the sides has given: split stones have dislodged, rolled to the bottom in small piles of scree amongst muddy pools; animal tracks and burrows trace new pathways into the earth, between patches of dandelions sprung up alongside the still-trickling streams, fed by the open mouths of severed pipes.
But it is not only nature that has been busy, in Mother’s absence.
The – unusual – residents of the mouldering husk in the hillside have been gone for months now, and the last legitimate ones long before that.  Yet the building is no longer empty; the door standing forced-ajar, and there is the faint sound of distant music crackling in the air.
* The specific effects of time and neglect on the scene do little to catch S_R’s attention.  The damn place was a wreck when they left it, and it’s more of a wreck now.  Big deal.  He has other things to focus on - and the idle chattering of the AGRI mob behind him isn’t helping.  They have come to the edge of the treeline, just north of the FAC, and there is only unsettlingly-open ground between them and the building now.
*He turns to the hulking idiots in tow, and snaps his fingers a few times to get their attention.
[S_R] Right.  We - *he jabs a sharp gesture towards C_K* - are going to scout this out.  You lot.  Stay.  Here.  ...what?
*He stops, irritated, as an AGRI near the front raises one callous-mangled hand cautiously.
[Sage] Y’mean, like right here, or…?
[S_R] I mean don’t fucking waltz off and get yourselves killed.  Stay in cover, don’t go attracting attention.  Pick flowers.  Scratch your ass.  I don’t care.
[S_R] You’ve got the radio.  Don’t move until you hear from us.  Clear?
*A mumbled chorus of ‘yes’ follows, as the two remaining Mothermen spread out, dropping down to lower their profiles as they head out into the open space.
It wasn’t that C_K wasn’t listening to his Captain, more that he was paying more attention to the world around them. A tension between his shoulderblades, his head cocked slightly to one side and gaze turned away from S_R and the gathered AGRI Wards. Listening.
Listening to the faint sound of music filtering through air much fresher than he was used to. The rush of wind through the cracks in crumbling walls. The tiny sounds of creatures scurrying unseen. Waiting for something to come along that wasn’t as harmless as rats and insects. As always his primary objective was watching his Captain’s back. And then waiting for orders.
As soon as S_R was on the move, C_K fell into step behind him. Ever on guard and silent on his feet. Not needing an order to hunker down and make himself smaller, less visible to the naked eye. He knew the ropes better than most and as a unit, the two men were like a well oiled machine. Despite the bickering.
[C_K] Nice pep talk there, Captain. I think they’re really starting to warm to you.
[S_R] Imagine how much I care.
*There are a few rusting remains of old boobytraps still scattered around the barley, but the rotting stalks do little to hide them now, and they are easily avoided.  As the two men get closer to the Silo doors, skirting the edge of the crater, the sound of music is even more obvious to intently-listening ears.  S_R crouches down, batting with disgust at a few insects that buzz idly up from the disturbed flowers, and peers across at the wedged-open doorway.
[S_R] We closed that, didn’t we?
*Not much passed by C_K’s notice. Never really had done and it was something that he clung to. Not quite a photographic memory, but close. And they certainly had closed that door. But it was the tracks surrounding the silo that he had noticed first. Nothing that animals could have done. And it was from someone who wasn’t trying to hide. Who didn’t think that anyone else would be coming this way.*
[C_K] Made double sure we did.
*S_R nods, slightly.  He’s pretty sure - very sure, and it isn’t like he’s a man especially prone to self-doubt - but it is… reassuring, to have C_K’s assessment match his own.  He’s willing to admit to himself at least that the little prat’s tracking skills are rather above his own.  Which is fine.  That’s what delegation is for.
*The Mothermen make their way down the side of the crater - carefully, just about managing not to slip on the mud and rocks - and after a few more checks for new boobytraps, or ambushes, slip in through the opened doors.  The inside of the building certainly hasn’t improved since they were last here, and indeed the upper room looks even more of a wreck than before.  Not just from degradation of the previous damage, either.  Someone has been doing some serious scavenging, and S_R’s narrowed gaze tracks along the torn scars in the walls, where panels have been wrenched free and the empty shells of wiring insulation hang limp.
Music is floating up the stairs.  The two Wards spread out again, checking the room as they rotated around the stairwell; C_K’s fingers twitching; S_R’s pistol drawn.  Positioned in an opened pincer - they wait.
*A large segment of panelling joins them from the corridor, clattering against the grated floor. After a brief pause, a tall gentleman in a somewhat travel-worn green suit enters the room, swigging from a rather old-looking bottle of whiskey; some archaic brand. A freshly-torn bundle of cabling sits crammed into one of his suit pockets. He pauses, mid-step, then licks his lips clean of the strong alcohol. His lips break into a wide smile.
[Lennart] : Good morning, friends! Quite a day for endeavouring spirits such as ourselves, mm? What an opportunity, left to fester in the dirt~
*Lennart tilts the bottle-neck towards them meaningfully, looking around the cavernous space of the Silo’s entrance hall.
*Both Wards start slightly at the sudden clang, and for a few heartbeats the sharp poise in their movements gives out, as identical expressions of abrupt confusion staple across both bearded faces.  C_K recovers first.
[C_K] I… Fuck… What?
*Not his most eloquent moment. The Ward visibly shook himself and stood straighter, rolling his shoulders back and cocking his head slightly to one side. Green eyes narrowed on the taller man, annoyed by how he had to tilt his head back slightly to take him all in. A breath. Held. Let out slowly. The man was not like any he’d seen before, but he was absolutely certain his Captain would know what to do. And the slight glance to the man at his side along with an eyebrow raise said as much.*
*S_R takes a bit longer to react.  Considering the tangle of concerns, half-suspicions and paranoia that had wrapped around this trip in his mind - this isn’t what he was expecting.  Some overgrown idiot dressed like a bush and swigging something that smelled like solvent even from here.  When he does react, it’s closer to instinct, and the gun swings out in that familiar action, pointed at the new grinning face.
[S_R] Who. The hell. Are you?
*The stranger gives a broad, (not literally) disarming smile
[Lennart] : Lennart Pengersen, my friend! Here, I do remember…
*He gives an apologetic grin, patting himself down, rummaging in pockets and hidden compartments of the tailored suit.
[Lennart] : Ah, yes! Here we go! It has been some time since I’ve had to use one of these!
*The businessman presents a small card, stamped with a monochrome gear design and embossed with flourishing font, because of course it is. It reads ‘Lennart Pengersen - Businessman and Champion of Blessed Opportunity’. He holds it between the two Statesmen, making no real effort to move closer but taking an exceptionally real swig of the whiskey once more.
* S_R doesn’t move for another second or so, other than his eyebrows, which are making a break for his hairline.  Finally he nods C_K towards the card, not moving his aim from the big man.  Who seems annoyingly disinterested in having a gun pointed at him.
*His own eyebrows finally lower and after a quick scan for any weapons that might be about the man’s person, C_K reached out and took the card. Eyes quickly scanning it before letting out a little huff of disbelief.*
[C_K] Yeah… It really does say that…
*The card was turned over and over in gloved hands but it didn’t make sense from any angle.*
[C_K] He’s… Got his name on a bit of card…
[S_R] ...in case you fucking forget?
*Lennart looks between them, finds straight faces, and begins to laugh. His large chest heaves with mirth as he shakes his head, finishing the whiskey bottle and sitting down on a piece of debris (formerly a storage container, contents 26 x Can of Mushroom Soup).
[Lennart] : Oh, it has been such a long time since I have dealt with Mother’s Boys, forgive me!
*He sets the bottle down on the floor between them.
[Lennart] : Say we meet at a business gathering, and it is a very cordial affair, with much exchanging of information between businessfolk such as ourselves. Very useful! But in two months time, perhaps when you require my services, how will you recall it all? Surely it is much more… efficient to have all of the vital statistics kept before you in attractive font, yes?
[S_R] If I couldn’t remember, you clearly didn’t make much of an impression.
*The Captain is starting to unfreeze from his initial confusion.  Still has the gun raised, but his expression is settling back into a more habitual scowl, as his gaze tracks across the man in front of him.
[S_R] Alright, card-boy.  We’ve got your name.  Now - what are you doing?  Bearing in mind this is a State Facility, and you’ve sure as shit recognised what we are.
*Lennart smirks, leaning back against the wall.
[Lennart] Is it? It doesn’t look much like one, my friend. Why, usually one of your lovely little FACs has plenty more people, no? Some electricity, even? Maybe an AI?
*He examines the back of one of his gloves, thick and brown. Durable. He doesn’t actually remember buying them…
[Lennart] Seems more like a ruin to me, although I’m not an expert…
*S_R’s eyes narrow a little further.
[S_R] This A-D-E-F-Facility is under the purview of FAIR-CO, and the - * it isn’t a hesitation, not quite, but there is a flicker of fresh scorn somewhere under his voice that isn’t entirely aimed at Lennart* - ‘Mothermen’ Security Extraction Force.  All property, resource, personnel and anything nailed down or not: Is ours.
[S_R] So.  I’ll ask you.  Again.
[S_R] What. Are you doing.  Here?
*Lennart’s grin doesn’t falter
[Lennart] Listen, this does not need to be difficult, my dear, well-armed friend.
*He stands up, cracking his knuckles a little bit. A few more bones crack than are meant to in his older form.
[Lennart] We are both here for the same reason; just picking apart a wreck, no? The only difference is you get paid by your… facilitator, or something, and I am paid by you, ideally. I have retrieved plenty of valuable material, documents, components and equipment, and would be more than happy to part with them, with only minimal labour costs incurred…
*C_K had chosen to be silent for the moment. Straightening his back and rolling back his shoulders to be the silent shadow at his Captain’s side. Breathing slowing and form becoming completely still. Almost unnaturally so. As the strange man stood and cracked his knuckles, a further shift came over the Ward. An almost dangerous air as his eyes narrowed slightly and his hands curled into fists at his sides.*
[C_K] Careful…
*The card crumpled in his palm*
[C_K] We have no intention of giving you anything. But we will be taking back what you’ve stolen.
*Lennart’s eyebrows raise, his grin remaining fixed. He briefly contemplates the distance from his hand to the drill strapped to his back-plate, the distance from the drill to his conversation partners. Perhaps later.
[Lennart] Friend, friend. My ‘stolen’ items have not even left the premises…
[S_R] Then what - exactly - makes them yours?
*He studies Lennart again.  The faintest flicker in the man’s stare, under the irritatingly-jovial facade.  Something more dangerous.  More interesting.
Something that might be useful.
*S_R tilts his gun upwards, enough to take it out of line of the man’s forehead, and his expression returns to something more conspiratorial.
[S_R] Although I’ll admit, it saves us some time.  If you’ve found anything of actual use in this chlorinated shithole, I might be persuaded to forget we met you.  Or better.
*Lennart smiles wide, his older face creasing.
[Lennart] See, much better… Even in the State, business is important… deals might as well be my lifeblood, my boy…
*He suppresses a chuckle
[Lennart] But eh, forgive me, I don’t keep up with the young ones’ interests so much. What is of use to you, dear ‘Mothermen’? Enough to come back to a barely-chlorinated shithole by this point..?
[S_R] First?  I’m not your boy.
*He holsters the pistol, and instead fishes something out of one of the pockets of his jacket.  Doesn’t show it, just yet, but folds his arms firmly with his fists closed tight across his chest.
[S_R] Captain.  S_R.  I don’t have it on a card, so I guess you’ll just have to remember me.
[S_R] Operational records.  Functioning electronics; storage ideally.  The AI’s scrap and half the general systems are outdated and fried, so you can keep any of that garbage you’ve dragged up.  Anything with a State security mark above Rank Three, or looks like it’s been Redacted in a real fucking hurry.  And -
*now his fingers uncurl, revealing a small vial, with a copper cylinder inside, stained with ichor*
[S_R] Anything that looks like this.
*Lennart frowns, leaning in to squint at the vial-held substance.
[Lennart] Electronics..? You would be lucky, friend S_R. Please, tell me you can smell the burnt plastic in the air…
*He smirks, stepping back once again.
[Lennart] There is a reason I had resorted to liberating the basic wiring, rather than more… complex technology, ha ha. Records, those I may be able to help with. Your… Facilitator’s rooms are always bountiful with information~
[S_R] The less of this fetid tomb I can breathe in, the better.  *His nose wrinkles at the mention of burnt plastic.* Right.  You know what we want.  Our own team will be joining us for our work, and I seriously suggest you don’t get in their way, or try taking any blessed opportunities.
*S_R turns to C_K, still eyeing Lennart with sharp suspicion.
[S_R] Send the signal.  And watch the door, once they’re in.  Wouldn’t want anyone getting any funny ideas.
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