#also in which heggers tries to be funny
bordermachinists · 9 years
Breaking the Rocks
In which Thyme and Will formerly introduce themselves to each other
Staring: Thyme, Will
[22:05:19] *In the dimly lit cave Thyme slowly inspects the surrounding area, deciding where to start her next mining expedition, the only noises she hears is the light noise of water dropping in a lower cave and the coolness of the rock and solitude of the area brings her back to a better time. She fiddles with her pickaxe as she mumbles to herself* [22:07:22] <Thyme> Dang, this place is an accident waiting to happen.. [22:08:04] * Will descends the mineshaft whistling to himself [22:08:35] * Will pauses on Thyme's level [22:08:38] <Will> This looks like a good spot to find some more metals [22:09:14] * Thyme jumps from the sudden voice entering the level [22:09:26] * Will cracks his knuckles and readies his pickaxe [22:09:36] <Thyme> Jesus.. Well it is so long as you don't fall into a poison trap.. [22:09:54] * Will looks around for the source of the voice [22:09:59] <Will> Who's there? [22:10:22] <Thyme> *Thyme steps out behind a corner of the cave* [22:10:31] <Thyme> Oh hey, it's just me [22:10:44] <Will> Ah yes, er... Rosemary was it? [22:10:55] <Thyme> ...Close [22:11:17] <Thyme> Thyme, if you will. [22:11:31] <Will> You got it Parsley [22:11:35] <Thyme> oh right, you're Will aren't you. [22:11:45] <Thyme> watch it Willy boy. [22:11:52] * Will spins his pickaxe in his hands [22:11:58] <Will> The one and only [22:12:03] <Thyme> I haven't seen anyone else down here at all recently. [22:12:12] <Thyme> Or at all for that matter.. [22:12:34] * Will shrugs [22:12:54] <Will> Everyone has been busy I guess [22:13:28] <Will> Only reason I'm down here is because I need more metal to teach Corus with [22:13:42] <Thyme> oh? [22:14:09] <Thyme> haha good luck with that, I could never teach someone [22:14:23] <Will> She asked me to mentor... Turns out until boss man finds some work I've nothing but spare time [22:14:55] <Thyme> Oh my he dumped someone else on me the other week [22:15:09] <Will> uh huh [22:15:13] * Will hefts his pick into the wall [22:15:19] <Thyme> He let the visitor stay in my quarters, Nights I believe? [22:15:27] * Will pauses and stiffens at the name [22:15:32] <Will> Oh [22:16:06] <Thyme> yeah only saw them for a moment or so [22:16:23] <Thyme> Crazy robotics set up, it was impressive [22:16:41] <Will> I'm sure... [22:16:54] <Thyme> You know of them? [22:17:27] <Will> We're acquainted... [22:17:50] <Will> used to be colleagues... of a sort [22:18:12] <Thyme> Huh, neat. I'm not well acquainted with most people in this area at all. You have a leg up over me then. *Thyme lazily picks out some aluminium ore from a vein* [22:18:45] <Will> Trust me... There are some you are better off not knowing [22:18:52] <Will> So what's your story then? [22:19:05] * Will rests against the tunnel wall [22:19:24] <Thyme> Ha not one of much excitement really.. *Thyme trails off in thought* [22:19:49] <Thyme> ..I lived outside of this area, to the north. And I'm just looking for someone is all [22:20:34] <Will> Oh? Who? I've been around here for what feels like far too long. [22:20:39] <Will> I might have met them [22:22:19] <Thyme> He was my mentor, A guy who specialised in robotics are there many of those around here? [22:22:53] <Will> There used to be one... But I haven't heard from them in a while. Doubt it was your sage though [22:23:04] <Will> They weren't keen on taking on apprentices [22:23:50] <Will> Also... they weren't from around here like myself [22:24:05] <Will> Sorry. I'm drawing a blank [22:24:16] <Thyme> .. Probably not, My mentor wasn't the most keen on sharing their personal life with me [22:24:32] <Thyme> I'm sort of going off of memory right now. [22:24:44] <Will> I'm sure you'll find him eventually [22:24:52] <Thyme> thank you though. *thyme turns back to mining [22:24:55] <Will> More chance of that they my returning home anyhow [22:25:05] <Thyme> Yeah I hope so.. [22:25:15] <Thyme> Is that what Lennart promised you? [22:25:42] <Will> Kinda, truth be told I know he can't fulfill that promise [22:25:48] <Will> I'm just here because I've nowhere else to be [22:26:02] <Thyme> Then why hold onto that wish? [22:26:34] * Will shrugs [22:26:38] <Will> Got to hold onto something [22:27:21] <Thyme> That's very true. *Thyme turns to the elevator, prepping to go up* [22:27:38] <Thyme> well hey, it's not a bad thing to hold onto. [22:28:54] <Will> doesn't look like what I need is on this level [22:29:00] * Will changing the subject quickly [22:29:23] <Thyme> Well be careful if you go any further down, I'll see you around? [22:29:55] <Will> Sure. You'll find me on the Rust Bucket most evenings [22:30:29] <Thyme> Alright, see you around. [22:30:46] <Thyme> *thyme tilts her head in goodbye* [22:31:14] * Will tips and imaginary hat and knocks himself with his pick
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