#sorrry about how bad the layout is on this I tried
curls101 · 10 years
RP: A Sprig of Lavender
In which Curls talks to the returned Blue
Starring: Blue, Curls
Blue is fast asleep on a pile of pillows and blankets. She has one blanket resting on top of her, but her tail, nose and wings poke out from each side. She occasionally makes a small noise
  Curls carefully elbows the door open, carrying a tray with two cups and a teapot carefully balanced on it, which is tricky with a cat on her shoulders. Seeing the snoring wolf, she sits down nearby and places the tray down on the floor. Curls knew better than to wake her, but she would sit here for a while at least. Brendon hops down from her shoulders and bounds over to his friend, nuzzling her exposed nose
  Blue lifts her head up slightly, causing the blanket to slide off her face. She blinks sleepily at the cat "Brrrrppp, furrrrrp" She yawns and pushes herself upright stretching
The cat tilts his head to the hide and makes a similar, yet slightly more confused noise in return. Curls watches them, forever amused by these strange, intangible conversations the two had.
"Good morning, Fluff."
  Blue jumps, her wings automatically raises. She makes a pained noise and quickly closes them. She rubs behind her shoulder wincing before looking at Curls and replying sleepily "Hi. You made me jump."
  Curls: She chuckles slightly, taking a sip of her tea.
"Sorry. I didn't want to wake you-" she hesitates, but then decides not to be shy about this, "I know you'll need rest after something like that.."
Curls pushes the other mug of tea forwards toward her, inviting her.
  Blue frowns slightly, suddenly more awake, but gladly takes the mug. She silently take a sip, watching her
  Curls takes a long sip of her drink. How was she going to do this again? She'd known what to say before she came in here.. Brendon wanders over, nudges Blue's leg before curling up next to her.
Curls: "You want to talk about it?"
Blue absent mindedly stroke Brendon, still looking at Curls
Blue: I ugh... I mean it might help, only I can't really remember what happened...
Curls nods solemnly,
"It would help, if you want to try and clarify anything. I'm the one of the Crew who won't be silly about it..." She takes another sip. Brendon, as if having a sudden realisation, darts off through the door.
"Besides, I..have been through /that/ enough to understand."
  Blue leaves the makeshift bed to sit closer to Curls
Blue: “Well... do /you/ want to talk about it?”
  Curls seems to pause, kinda shocked.
"Me? No, I'm here for you this time, Fluffball."
  Blue: “I'm glad to hear that. It's just there honestly isn't much I can say about it... it's all a blank”
  Blue looks sad. Everyone's so upset over what happened. I've stirred everything up and I can't even remember what happened
  Curls: “Tensions were already high around here. It comes without having someone in charge who can keep people calm…”
Curls goes to sip tea, but realises she's drunk the whole thing already
  Blue: “Yeah... I wish things could go back to how they were before...Let face it, we don't really know what to do, do we?”
  Curls grins slightly, but it's a hollow one.
Curls: “Not the faintest. I always relied on Nights to sort things around here, but now she's go- stuck in the Silo.”
Curls groans
Curls: “I need to start helping the situation-”
  Blue looks at her questioningly
Blue: “You mean like... lead?”
  Curls: “I'm...not sure I could but…”
Curls shrugs
  Blue thinks
Blue: “I think you could”
  Curls:” You think, do ya Fluff?”
Curls leans back on her hands, looking up a little
  Blue looks up at the translucent ceiling too
Blue: “I guess... you seemed to be alright at keeping us mages in check, huh?”
  Curls chuckles, "Thank you for the bought of confidence, Fluff..."
Curls: “I don't know. I am so very tired of us fighting each other... Next time, maybe I'll intervene..”
  Blue: “I'll help if I can... but it has been pointed out that I'm not exactly aggressive”
Curls: “Heh, that's good! Need someone sane around here.”
Curls laughs and shakes her head
Blue chuckles too
  Blue: "Most everyone's mad here"
  Curls suddenly looks around, slightly confused
Curls: “Where did Brendon go?”
Blue looks over the ledge down to the lower floor
Blue: “Down there. He must've gone outside”
Curls gathers up the tea stuff
Curls mumbles "I should probably make sure no one has blown anything up overnight if you're feeling okay..."
  Blue: “As good as I can be all things considered.”
Blue flexes her wings slightly "It hasn't been this bad in years... they must have done something..."
  Curls hesitates slightly before replying
Curls: "I have painkillers, if you need them? Some of them aren't too strong so will just take the edge off until they settle?"
  Blue: I'll manage. I've managed before and- ugh, Curls? Brendon just brought me a flower?
Blue take the sprig of lavender from the cat smiling.
Blue: “Ahh yes, very fragrant”
Curls: “Brendon...bought you flowers?”
Curls seems incredibly sad for just a moment.
Curls: That's...something I haven't seen since-
What a strange cat...
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