#aitor dying light
dicktat · 4 months
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Hey guys!!!
I made a DL character quiz for a little fun :))
Take it and reblog with your results I wanna see what everyone got!
Also tagging ppl who asked for beta test! You guys are so awesome!
@meatchomper @dott-fox @uminekosaih @hqkon @deadkoneko
Have fun with it everyone hehe
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dying-sun-light · 7 months
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oh i guess ill post this too! barney and aitor as they would be in carnage hall as gladiators!
im fairly set on barney’s fighter name but if yall have more ideas for aitor im very open to hearing them bc idk if i love his yet
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maidreveon · 3 months
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Beating Hakon in Aitor skins is the best idea
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volatile95 · 11 months
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Day 25 - Hakon and the ocean
Modern!AU потому что я могу
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spanishsenpai · 1 month
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Oh boy. I love obsessing over every moment I get to stare at Aitor lololol.
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marshalllir · 2 years
Dying light 2 characters as chat memes:
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+ 2 bonuses
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Thanks to @dicktat for the permission to use circles with photos of characters
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idcallmyselfhuman · 2 months
i don't even remember this happening i'm fucking losing it
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insanityisthecure · 2 years
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“Genltemen! Waltz might be here! Focus, for fuck’s sake!”
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princessravenna · 7 months
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This is what Aitor's scars look like in "Humans, not places, make memories"
Some things worth of note:
The drawings depict the scars around the week after the bandages were taken off. The scars will become more pale with time but they still will be very visible
His sight and hearing on the left side are severely damaged due to scar tissue
The scars are rather sensitive and can cause pain if Aitor turns his head or flexes his wrist
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tafferling · 2 years
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A little frayed,           a little torn.
But he still remembers.
Dying Light 2 | Aitor
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playitagainmyjohnny · 2 years
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nutcracker aiden at the bazaar, what will he buy ?
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dicktat · 7 months
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New DL merch :33!!!
Villedor zoo standee/stickers
🐺 Aiden 🦊 Hakon 🦌 Vincenzo
🐅 Lawan 🦚 Juan 🐏 Sophie
🐈‍⬛ Shen Xiu 🐈 Mia🦉 Thalia
🦨 Barney 🐊 Rowe 🦁 Aitor
🦡 Ciro 🐻 Frank 🦈 Waltz 🦎 Harper
Characters requested by YOU (my lovely mutuals) and critter suggestions! If you see your idea made it claim it down in the comments! Anyways enjoy the little guys
Price: not sure yet (!)
Shipping: international
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dying-sun-light · 2 years
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um.. happy valentine’s day… have some aiden and aitor in fancy lingerie/dresses bc we deserve it :)
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ruvijager · 2 years
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volatile95 · 1 year
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Aitor. I tried new brush, he tried new barber
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spanishsenpai · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 - Day 4
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter! If you're confused at a certain part I did a little explanation in the endnotes on AO3!
Read it on AO3 if you'd rather! :D
Aitor came to in an entirely new place. His memory… was a little fuzzy. Pain came to the forefront of his mind though as he tried to take a breath. His hands, now un-ziptied, flew to his midsection as agony pulsed through the lower part of his ribcage. 
Right. Beaten. Kidnapped. Beaten again. How could he forget.
He hissed as he waited for the flash of pain to calm. Swallowing thickly, his hands hovered around the injury but he was unable to actually touch it. He was stuck, frozen until the flare dulled down. God he hoped it would dull down.
His body relaxed ever so slightly as the pain, thankfully, faded enough for him to actually think. His eyes darted around, taking in this new space. A glare settled on his face as he realized he was in a cell, complete with bars separating him from the other half of the cold clinical room full of all kinds of machines he couldn’t hope to understand. 
As he looked down at himself, he snarled as he found his body armor had finally been taken, leaving him in only his pants, button down shirt, and socks. Even the belt that had been around the outside of his shirt had been removed. He tried not to imagine the fuckers who’d undressed him. At least he still had on his original clothes. 
He dragged his feet closer to him, glad to find that his ankles had been freed too. Getting up should hopefully be easier than last time. His hands carefully slid to his sides. Aitor held his breath, wincing as he slowly eased himself up into a sitting position. He was smack in the middle of the cell which meant there was no immediate wall to lean on. Already his arms were trembling from trying to keep him up. 
The pounding in his temples was starting up again at the change in orientation. He groaned, leaning forward to sit on his hip. One arm gripped the fabric of his pants while the other rubbed a hand over his face as he tried to fight the rising nausea. It felt like someone was drumming against the back of his skull, sending wave after wave of ache across his head. He reached for the back of his head, surprised to be met with gauze instead of sticky bloody hair. His hand followed the gauze, finding that it wrapped around his forehead and back down to his injury. The old blood trail down his neck was still there though. He huffed, if that was still there they probably hadn’t looked past his outer layers.
Slowly, he slid over to the back wall, letting out a sigh of relief once he was leaning against something. It didn’t last long. His stomach growled, sending what felt like acid burning up his throat. 
How long did Waltz expect him to live without food? Or water for the matter. 
He jolted in surprise as the door outside his cell banged open. Two Renegades stood there. As they saw him, they snickered amongst themselves. 
“He’s awake!”
“Let’s tell the boss.”
Aitor paled as they took off. God, he couldn’t take another beating. He wasn’t as resilient as he used to be and passing out so much couldn't be good for him.
He heard slow steps echoing off what must be empty halls. It could only be Waltz. His broken rib seemed to throb at the notion. 
His brow furrowed. He didn’t want to be huddled against the wall when Waltz came in. Gritting his teeth, Aitor quickly pushed himself up, swaying heavily as his vision swam. His legs threatened to give out, forcing him to fall back. The wall was the only thing keeping him up as Waltz stepped into the room a second later. Aitor’s eyes were immediately drawn to the bag he had in hand. 
“Good to see you awake. I’m sure you’re dying for something to eat but first,” he brought the bag onto the desk outside the cell, opening it and grabbing something from inside. “You need your medicine.”
Waltz began setting up equipment on the desk. Beakers and flasks and needles joining the instruments already there.
Aitor’s eyes widened as Waltz pulled out a familiar container. 
Inhibitors, Aitor identified.
“What are-?” Aitor stopped himself to wet his dry throat. His voice was so raspy and sore he could have mistaken it for someone else. “What the hell… do you think you’re doing?”
“With the state of things, it's gotten a little harder to synthesize the ingredients needed,” Waltz said instead. “Luckily, I’ve always been resourceful.”
Aitor watched him handle the ingredients. He mixed and measured for a few minutes. Each second that ticked by made Aitor all the more nervous as well as unstable on his feet. He hated it, but he was going to have to sit down. Waltz was still enraptured with whatever he was mixing as Aitor slowly pressed his back to the wall and slid down to the floor. 
He glared at Waltz. That sick fuck was going to try and give him whatever he was mixing. The inhibitors were especially worrying for him. He’d never taken them himself, even when he was younger and at his peak. Nowadays even if he wanted to, he worried the danger of death or cardiac arrest would be higher. He couldn’t take risks like that with a family waiting for him.
That choice might be taken from him, he thought, swallowing thickly. 
The inhibitors were the last thing Waltz added to the test tube he’d been working out of. There was a quiet hiss from the tube shaped container as he opened it. He grabbed one injection of the three inside before closing it back. Aitor watched as he added the entire injection to the concoction, lifting it up to the light in the ceiling and swirling it a couple times. Waltz seemed to be finishing up as he took an empty needle and filled it with whatever the hell he’d made. 
“You should feel honored. You will be the first test subject of your kind I’ve had to work with,” Waltz proclaimed, approaching the cell. “Maybe the reluctance will improve your chances.”
Aitor got back up as fast as he could, stepping to the farthest corner from the door. “Stay back,” he snapped, trying to hide how helpless he felt. 
“Don’t worry. You won’t turn. This little cocktail would need something to feed off of to do that and you’re running on empty. No food. No water. No adrenaline left.”
“You ain’t getting that anywhere near me!” He snarled, eyes widening. Turn?? What the hell did he mean by that? What was he trying to give him?
Waltz chuckled. “I’m glad you’ve still got that spirit in you. You’ll need it, especially with a dose this high.” 
Waltz unlocked the door and swung it into the cell. Aitor’s heart was in his throat and god was it making him feel woozy. Waltz was right, he was running on empty. How could he fight back?
He strode over; every step his face grew more and more excited. Aitor snarled when he was little more than 3 feet away and pushed himself to the side. This cell wasn’t that big, allowing him to catch the bars and regain some balance. Waltz lunged after him as Aitor tried to shove himself towards the door. 
His chances had been slim at best. He’d known that. Yet even then, as Waltz’s hand snatched the back of his shirt and threw him to the ground Aitor’s heart sunk. He could die from whatever the hell Waltz was about to do to him. 
A knee dug into his back, pinning him while hands pressed his arm flat to the ground. Aitor’s legs squirmed, socked feet trying to find traction on the smooth floor. Fuck, his chest. He couldn’t breathe. Another knee appeared above his shoulder blades. To Aitor’s dismay, he was facing away from where Waltz seemed to want to stick him. 
“Get off me!” Aitor snapped, eyes wide. He was ignored.
When Waltz felt he was sufficiently pinned, he raised the injection up to Aitor’s forearm. The man’s squirming didn’t deter him in the slightest as he swiftly jabbed the needle into the muscle.
Aitor grunted at the sudden prick, whole body jolting. A chill went up his spine at the feeling of the liquid being pushed into his muscle. Fucker! Holy shit, what was about to happen to him?
Waltz stood, tossing the empty needle to the side. Quickly he closed the cell door, blocking Aitor from making another go at it, and stared down at his test subject.
Aitor gasped as every muscle in his body seemed to clench and tighten. He couldn’t stop himself from gasping as his lungs seemed to contract with everything else, broken ribs be damned. His vision grew black around the edges. His veins felt like a fire was running through them. He curled up into a ball on his side, fingers spasming as he tried to claw at the ground to relieve something. Most worrying of all, his biomarker was screaming.
In his pain filled world, he couldn’t remember why that mattered.
It was a relief when the black finally took over and he was out. 
He woke up with a gasp, bolting up right before quickly laying back down as his chest burned. A groan escaped him as every muscle in his body felt sore, like acid had been pumped between each one. He closed his eyes, wanting to return to unconsciousness.
“Ah, excellent. You lived.”
He flinched at Waltz’s voice. He sounded too close. He was so exhausted though, he couldn’t manage to even open his eyes again. 
Fingers forced one of his eyes open as a bright light overtook his vision. He hissed, eye watering before the next one was given the same treatment. 
“Good reaction,” he mumbled to himself. 
He pressed lightly on Aitor’s chest, making the Peacekeeper cry out, whole body tensing up with pain. Apparently this was good too as Waltz hummed in approval. 
“Well commander, I’d say you have fared just as well as I thought you would. Two more of those will determine if you will fulfill your purpose though.”
Aitor couldn’t find it in himself to care. He was so tired. Not even the army had broken him down like this.
Waltz was saying something as he shuffled around somewhere nearby but Aitor was already passing out again.
Cursing and crashing brought him slightly to awareness. Not enough for him to open his eyes or process anything, but enough to groan at being woken up. 
The loud noises stopped and hands were suddenly on him, blinding him for a moment, pressing different parts of his body. Before he passed out again, he heard something that sounded like, “One more, one more.”
The next time, he wasn’t even sure he had woken up. There was a screeching sound in his ear. He growled, one hand snapping out to try and get rid of the sound. Something stopped him, snatching his wrist before he could get rid of the screeching.
His eyes flew open and he growled, something deep and animal like. Wild eyes darted around, trying to find what was stopping him. He sat up with a snarl, jolting as he processed there was something alive near him. 
It was alive and he was starving. 
He shrieked a terrible ghostly sound and attempted to lunge at whatever was near him. He would catch it. He would destroy it.
It fought back though, slamming him back down with muscles much stronger than his. Still, he clawed at the thing, trying to kick and thrash, anything to get the upper hand. 
A roar far more guttural than he’d ever heard made him pause. He recognized the sound as… something… 
Still he bared his teeth at the thing that seemed far less enticing than it had a minute ago. And then something bathed the whole room in a blinding glow. He screeched, trying to cover his eyes as it felt like his skin was burning. He was dying.
The world faded away again.
Something was lightly slapping the side of his cheek. He grumbled and tried to smack the thing away.
“-you still in there lieutenant?”
He managed to pry his eyes open, but almost immediately closed them as the light in the room made his head throb. 
“Tur-n tha- off,” he slurred. Jesus, his voice was raw.
He received a chuckle in response.
“Good,” fabric rustled as Waltz stood, “Now sit up. You can’t drink on your back.”
Aitor decided he couldn't be bothered to listen to him. He was really trying to fall back asleep. His body was so sore. He must have been too out of it to properly feel the pain now. If he woke up, it would all come rushing back. 
He yelped, eyes flying open as two fists grabbed his shirt and hauled him up into a sitting position to lean against the wall. Automatically, his body tensed up to keep from falling. As awareness fully settled on him, he realized, hardly able to believe it, his chest wasn’t screaming at him like it had been.
“There we go. Now drink,” Waltz said, offering him a water bottle.
Even if his body didn’t hurt like it had, he was still deathly thirsty. His hand shook as he reached up to take it, no fear that it was a trick of some kind. His hands were having trouble gripping hard enough to open the cap. He was desperate for something to drink though. Sighing, he focused on gripping the top as hard as he could and twisting. A quiet crack as the seal broke was his reward. 
Two streams dripped down his mouth as he drank desperately before he remembered how wasteful that was. He drank more carefully, ignoring how his stomach was cramping at suddenly having something in it. 
When it was all gone, he took a deep breath, enjoying the ability to even do so. Jesus, what had happened? He’d been so broken down last he could remember. 
His eyes widened as the injection popped into his mind. He scrambled to his feet, nearly falling on his face as his knees felt like jelly and his muscles protested. He pointed accusingly at Waltz, who was now outside the locked cell, and glared.
“What the fuck did you do to me?”
Waltz ignored him. 
Aitor snarled, stalking over to the bars of the cell. His fist slammed against the metal, “What did you do?!”
Waltz continued to ignore him. Aitor was ready to yell at him when he caught sight of his forearm out of the corner of his eye. His stomach felt like a rock had just landed in it as he saw three nasty looking injection sites. Each had dark veins surrounding them, similar to the ones on Waltz’s face.
“What is this? What did you give me?” His voice was nearly frantic. He tried to scramble to find memories of the other two injections, but all he got was an impression of some animalistic hunger and darkness.
“I had to give you all the injections much closer together than I normally would. The fact that you survived is incredible. Congratulations lieutenant, you just might be the key I’m looking for.” Waltz finally turned to look at him. “I’ll bring you something to eat but for now, don’t strain yourself. You’re still quite… fragile.”
That didn't answer his question. It didn’t even comfort him. Waltz didn’t give him another chance to ask questions as he strode through the door, leaving him alone. 
Heart pounding, Aitor stared down at the injection sites. Veins that dark were only seen on people about to turn but his biomarker wasn’t screaming. It wasn’t even beeping.
What did Waltz do to him?
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