#airport Liam
ryuusea · 9 months
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airport doodles from when my flight was delayed, inspired by some dude I saw asleep face down
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dreamings-free · 4 months
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liamhsource · 8 months
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Liam at Heathrow airport in London today. January 23, 2024.
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Friday, 28 June 2019
Liam gets spotted by fans, while being at Sao Paulo airport
credits: zaynliam's Tumblr
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credits: fan's Twitter
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credits: fan's Twitter
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stairnaheireann · 8 months
#OTD in 1958 – Eight players of Manchester United were killed in the Munich air disaster.
The Munich air disaster occurred on 6 February 1958 when British European Airways flight 609 crashed on its third attempt to take off from a slush-covered runway at Munich-Riem Airport, West Germany. On the plane was the Manchester United football team, nicknamed the ‘Busby Babes’, along with supporters and journalists. The disaster takes the lives of eight Manchester United players including…
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grumpling · 10 months
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evntualities · 1 year
yeah, i am still thinking about that plot. please consider:
i usually never suggest this, but i think this could be cute, so first meeting?? from "hey, this person is kinda charming" to "i really don't want this night to end". talking and just finding comfort in their company (does liam abandon his sister to spend the rest of his evening with them?)
seeing each other after the initial conversation (first kiss?? etc.) and maybe they end up doing something at the hotel together? idk. i'm thinking a white lotus vibe as far as hotels. that's where my mind is at, but they spend time getting to know each other. it's all very healing
"where have you been my whole life?? i wish i'd met you somewhere else where it could have mattered"
leaving :( do they try to stay in touch? do they admit feelings for each other? does the other person even want to?
"i don't know how to say goodbye to you"
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Taken (Pierre Morel, 2008) Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (Terminal 2E) Flyovers Roissy-en-France, Île-de-France (France) Type: beam bridge.
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
wasted like all my potential * fem!driver
jury's out: everything officially fucking sucks
pairings: liam lawson x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver
notes: again i apologise for this taking so long apparently now that I'm kinda mentally no longer struggling with a 12k assignment, I've lost all feels to hurt rocky but no woRRIES IT'S COMING TO AN END SOON
(series masterlist) | (📂 2025: fall from grace)
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just another day listening to her team explaining another change to the car and another day where she hopes that it all works out in her favour.
she glances out the window of the meeting room, finding the usual corner that’s typically occupied by matt, still empty. she sinks in her seat and folds her arms over her chest as she desperately tries to dial herself back into the meeting.
she catches liam’s eye across the table, the kiwi lifting his eyebrows with a small nod to acknowledge her. she smiles tiredly at him before sucking in a deep breath and returning her gaze to the empty table in front of her.
it’s just another weekend where she tries to save both her and the team’s faces. how long can she keep up the act of having things together in front of the media?
something’s gotta give.
when the meeting ends, she simply picks herself up and is the first one out of the room. sebastian, who’d been sitting next to her, simply sighed to himself as she walked out.
it’s been so difficult to get a grasp of her lately. it’s not just something only he’s noticed, it’s happening to everybody else in the team. since they’d touched down at the airport for the race weekend, it’s even a miracle to get her attention for 5 minutes.
she’s always reserved or simply preferred her own company.
it’s apparent with every single person she interacts with. the girl used to be able to uphold a conversation by her talking alone, but now everything’s minimal. conversations never last more than a minute and she’s always found in her driver’s room by herself.
at first, he concluded that she was unhappy with him. which, would be perfectly fine, seeing the current state of her race weekends. he’s more shocked that she hasn’t blown up in front of him yet.
not a single scream, an utter of frustration… not even a tear shed in half a year and truthfully, it’s almost worrying.
“you’ve got to tell her before she finds out from elsewhere,” sebastian mutters, patting liam on the back as they leave the room. “she’ll be even angrier if it doesn’t come from you.”
“have you spoken to her lately? i don’t think i’ll even get a reaction out of her,” liam whispers back, pointing at the girl walking up the stairs by herself with her head hung low. “do you have any idea how difficult it is to speak to her?”
“yes,” sebastian says with a scowl, “i literally talk to her every weekend.”
liam gives him a knowing stare. “then you should know how unreachable she is nowadays.” he pushes sebastian in the direction of the stairs. “maybe you should speak with her first before i go in there.”
sebastian scoffs, stumbling forward. he turns around and stands next to liam again. “no way. you’re not sending me in there to fight a war by myself.”
“do i really have to? can’t she just find out like everybody else if it goes through?” liam scowls with a sarcastic laugh when sebastian nods.
sebastian pushes him forward. “go and tell her before the media gets a hold of these things and leaks it before you get the chance to break the news yourself,” sebastian says. “let’s not cause a commotion where it’s not needed.”
“fine,” liam mutters, stomping a foot on the ground. he fixes his team shirt and sucks in a deep breath, trying to rehearse his lines in his head. it’s one thing to get the courage to speak to her nowadays, but being the bearer of somewhat bad news is an entirely different situation.
he takes a step forward and looks back at sebastian, throwing him a mean glare. meanwhile, the older man just flashes him a bright smile and an encouraging nod.
he runs up the stairs and calls out to her. the girl stops and turns around. her straight face almost makes liam jump back, not expecting to be greeted so suddenly.
“i uh,” liam huffs and straightens his shirt, “i need to talk to you.”
she tilts her head, “is everything okay?”
liam smiles. seems like he’s caught her at a great time, which should make this slightly easier. “of course. i just need to tell you something; it’s important.”
“oh,” she raises her eyebrows and points down the hallway, “do you want to sit down and talk about it? that serious?”
he shakes his head. he just doesn’t want her to burst out at him. especially that he’s not one to know how to handle her if she breaks. “i can just tell you now,” he shrugs, making his way up the steps to meet her at the top. “but i want you to know that it’s nothing personal.”
nothing personal. so it has something to do with her? she feels her heart start to race in her chest and the room starts to spin. she bites down on her lip and starts to pick at the skin around her nails. “did i do something?”
“no,” liam shakes his head. “what? no, you didn’t do anything. is everything okay?”
she blinks, “yeah, why?”
liam sucks in a deep breath and eventually decides to brush it off. “well, i wanted to let you know that i’m getting offers from other teams for next season.”
he watches her expression change, contorting into an expression he’s not quite sure how to decipher it. so he quickly tries to undo it. “i haven’t signed anything yet. but you know… with the year we’re having, i want to keep my options open. i’ll tell you if something catches my eye.”
he stumbles back, not even realising that she’d made her way down to him, throwing her arms around him. “i’m so happy for you, liam. you deserve to have options.”
he looks down at her body, tightly clinging onto him. “really?”
“of course.” she takes a step back and pats his chest. “you’re the best teammate ever. any team would be lucky to have you as their driver.”
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she climbs out of her car with a grumble, half annoyed and half amused. amused that her luck has continued its plummet with every weekend she spends in on a track.
she snarls down at her car as she tears her helmet off her head. “you’re a stupid car,” she mutters, rolling her eyes. “you’ll never be anything like last year’s car. you suck.”
she is fully aware of how crazy she sounds, and looks, telling an inanimate object off. but as of late, it seems those are the only things she can vent to that won’t turn its back on her. the only thing that won’t retaliate when she needs to scream at it.
“if i could kick you, i would,” she mutters with a scowl. “i’d break you apart like a fucking lego set if it wouldn’t get me fired.”
she feels a tap on her shoulder, whirling around to find sebastian smiling at her and her phone held in the air.
“matt’s calling you.” she nods and reaches out for her phone but he pulls it back at the last second. “are you okay? i know quali wasn’t as good as we hoped for, but they’re looking into it to make the car better for tomorrow.”
“seb,” she sighs, shaking her head with a disappointed frown, “you say that every weekend we’re in here. are you not sick of saying that?”
he drops his hand. “well, one of us needs to keep our head up with this season we’re having.” he smiles slightly and offers her the ringing phone. “you shouldn’t let it get to you — you’re still a great driver.”
“that’s not what it feels like lately,” she mutters, grabbing her phone from sebastian. “i should be able to make a car work. it shouldn’t matter if it’s good or bad.” she glances down at her buzzing phone, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. she presses the decline button. “i’ll be at the media pen if you need me.”
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she watches from the window in her driver’s room, her friends all gathered up, walking towards the gantries to exit the paddocks. they’re leaving to head for dinner without her after she’d refused their offer again.
oscar had approached her in the media pen to invite her out for dinner with them but she’d just not been feeling it. which would make this the 5th invitation that she’s rejected in 11 race weekends. oscar didn’t force her anymore; just simply shrugged and took her ‘no’ as it is.
which somehow made her feel even worse. which is even funnier, considering that just 2 races ago, she’d been wishing for her friends to invite her out after days in the paddocks. but there was something about her best friend taking her answer point blank without another word.
it feels so… isolating.
what if they’ve finally gotten tired of her rejection? what if they’re tired of her?
she whirls around to face her room. it’s messier than she’d usually keep it, her team shirts are lazily hung on the back of her chair and the sofa, her makeup is sprawled messily all over the table with a half-empty coffee cup that she had silently with sebastian for a strategy meeting.
the framed picture of her and sebastian is up on the wall again, with some attempt from sebastian to help her put it up again. she wishes that he’d never offered to help her put it back up. every time she looks at it, she remembers all her former glory and how far she’s fallen now.
and by meeting, she means that he spoke the entire time while she sat there nodding and smiling politely while thinking about how bad the car would be once she got in it.
and liam is leaving. well, he’s not technically leaving yet but seeing how their year keeps going down, it’s likely that he would. and she’s got a contract for another 3 years — where the hell is she going to go? nowhere because she has to stay here.
but everyone seems to be leaving her after her behaviour. but it’s hard to stop feeling this way.
how can she not feel this way?
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if liam’s finished in the top 5 in the race and she’s out of the points, what does that mean for her? she’s just half the driver she was, she thinks.
she finds herself in the bar after feeling the need to be here. liam now holds the record for the highest finish for her team this season, after all. and she’s not about to be labelled a sore loser by not being here at all.
though she could almost predict being the talk of the town with her tucking herself in the corner of the club half the time they spent in there. people always find a way to vilify her actions anyway.
but in a way, she shouldn’t have come out of her hotel room. she shouldn’t have gone anywhere knowing her state of mind. she hasn’t had a drop of liquor in her system for a hot minute, but the minute she was reminded of its glorious taste, she couldn’t hold herself back.
she’s on her knees in the back alley of the club they’d dragged her to, hands planted on the gravel as she struggles to hold herself over the drainage. she takes deep breaths to steady herself, blinking in desperation to steady herself.
“fuck.” she shuts her eyes momentarily, taking another deep breath as she feels a sob and another urge to vomit. moreover, her chest hurts. could it be from drinking too much too fast or is it something deeper than that? she can never tell.
“hey, you’ve been– rocky?”
“don’t,” she sobs, holding a hand up quickly to stop whatever else could have come out of the man’s mouth. she balls her hands against the gravel, the pain of dragging her skin against the rough material doesn’t register, but it does cut into her skin. “whatever you’re going to say, keep it to yourself.”
she feels a warm hand rubbing circles on her back and suddenly there’s someone kneeling on the ground next to her. she feels her hair getting brushed back, held into a makeshift ponytail. “i won’t,” liam mutters, slouching slightly. “what do you need? a glass of water? do you need me to take you back to the hotel?”
she shakes her head as another heavy sigh passes her lips. “i don’t know.”
“i’m going to get you a glass of water from the club, okay?” liam hums, squeezing her hand. “please don’t go anywhere. i’ll only be away for a second, stay conscious.”
she nods through staggered breaths. her hair falls past her shoulders to cover her face and the warm hand on her back is replaced by the cold wind.
she grabs liam’s arm just before he gets up. “don’t tell anyone about this.” she turns slightly. her red eyes and puffed cheeks almost made liam want to stay and cradle her until she felt better then and there. “please.”
there’s something about seeing someone — her, specifically — get wasted. she’s always prided herself as someone who can take her liquor, so this was a whole new look that, honestly, he didn’t want to get used to.
how exactly do you try and relight the spark in someone who seems to dwindle away with every weekend that passes?
he doesn’t ever speak up, but he spends the most time with her out of everyone at this point in their lives. he knows; he notices. it’s hard not to when the tension in the air always seems so heavy.
liam nods. “of course.”
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“i’m going to miss you,” she says with a frown, resting on her knees. she unzips the pet carrier and she cups kidnapper’s cheeks and tenderly pets his head. “i just need some time but i can’t take care of you right now.”
the cat simply tilts his head and tenderly lifts its head to rub the top of his head on her cheek. she wraps her arms around kidnapper and sighs.
she knew the day would come, sooner or later, that she couldn’t really take care of kidnapper. sure, he makes her apartment feel less isolated but it’s slowly becoming harder to take care of herself and the cat alike.
there are hours when it feels like a task to get herself out of bed for herself. much less for a cat that depends on her to be taken care of.
so she zips up the carrier and wipes her tears off her face. she composes herself before she forces herself to her feet. she knocks on the door and waits for an answer.
“must be someone we know if you’re not barking!” she hears logan laugh, followed by footsteps and then stubby’s loud footsteps against the hardwood flooring of his apartment.
the door opens, revealing logan in his pyjamas with a small grin. right by his feet is stubby, wagging his tail happily at her with a large smile and hopping on the spot at her sight and scent. “rocky,” he says in surprise with a small grin.
he wouldn’t have been so surprised if she’d been easier to reach lately. but in the passing weeks, it seems that she’s started to pull away from him and oscar.
it’s always a nice surprise when she shows up to his apartment unannounced. but with the familiar carrier by her feet, it makes him wonder what really brings her here. especially considering that she’s practically gone off the grid every single time they’re not in the paddocks for a race weekend.
she completely ignores their messages.
“what are you doing here?”
she had a whole speech prepared the entire time she walked over to his apartment building. a lie about needing him to take care of kidnapper for her while she spent the next couple of weeks in the states with matt.
but she ends up with, “i need someone to take care of kidnapper.”
“of course,” logan grins, tilting his head. “is everything okay? have you been crying?”
“watched a sad movie before coming here,” she forces a laugh out of herself, pointing at the carrier. “you don’t mind, do you? just a couple of weeks — i’m going out of town.”
she wasn’t expecting to make conversation with logan. in fact, that’s the entire reason she’d planned a speech prior to coming here with her cat in tow.
“we don’t mind,” he smiles. “arkansas with matt’s family, i suppose?”
she nods, “yeah.”
how exactly do you talk to your best friend who feels like she’s always a thousand miles away? “well, um,” logan hums, “do you want to come in for a drink? maybe a snack?”
she should accept the offer. “i’m leaving tonight, actually. i still have a lot of packing to do,” she feigns a frown, “maybe after i get back?”
logan nods with a grin. “sure. take care, dude, and have fun.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @c-losur3 @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @mclarengf @xoscar03 @nomie-11 @green-thots @tinyhrry @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
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Good 4 U (3)
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Hi guys :)
This is the next and maybe last part of Good 4 U. I had some request for it, so here it is :)
TW : Jealousy mostly. Wälti Reader.
Time passes at London and you love your life in here. You love the fact that you can see your sister every day, her girlfriend that you love too. You like the city and the life you are slowly creating in here. You miss travelling sometimes, but when it’s the case you just leave for a couple of days and after that you go back to your house in St-Albans.
And to Katie, obviously. Your girlfriend is really understanding with you, she doesn’t seem to have something bad to say when you leave. She just ask you to be careful of course, but she always manage to be the one driving you to the airport or coming for you when you’re coming home. You have a great bond together and you can see you falling for her a little more every day.
You still work at the café, usually beginning early in the morning because no one wanted to have this schedule. But you like it, even if you have to wake up early, you have your day off at 3:00pm and you are able to make a lot of things after. Usually you see Katie, but sometimes it’s some other friends.
Katie being away for a game last night, you didn’t sleep at her house, or she didn’t sleep at yours. The team slept in a hotel and they are supposed to be back this morning. It’s Monday morning and there isn’t a lot of customers today, so you take the opportunity to go tidy up in the stocks.
“I’m coming” you scream when you hear the doorbell of the door resonate.
You are just putting a cardboard in place when you feel two arms around your waist, making you jump off your skin. You turn around and push the person with all of your strength, only to face the cheeky grin from your girlfriend.
“Are you crazy?!” you almost shout.
“I’m sorry” Katie laughs.
Despite everything, she opened her arms so that you could come and hug her. You glare at her before going for her, passing your arms around her neck while she passes hers around your waist once again.
“I’m glad you know how to defend yourself though. Were you going to hit me?”
“Definitely” you mumble against the skin of her neck, before kissing it. “I had to learn how to fight, it was an exigence from my dad if I wanted to travel the world.”
Katie just hums, not really fond of the idea of you being forced to use your skills in a dark alley on the other side of the globe. Your security is maybe the only things making her worry when you leave alone.
Katie releases you, but it’s only to take delicately your face in one hand to kiss you. You smile against her lip, kissing back.
“I missed you” you whisper against her lips before kissing her again.
“I missed you too. Did you have a great night?”
“Yeah. Coopurr, Teyah, Ella and I watched the game. And after I went home to sleep.”
“I will definitely tell them that you mention the cat first.”
Katie’s looking at you with a grin and you laugh slightly. Her house is full of people sometimes, but you like it. And you like her roommates too, even if it’s hard sometimes to just have time with her. Thanks god, Lia sleeps sometimes at Caitlin’s so you can have your girlfriend only for yourself.
The doorbell resonates again, and you lean over to see who it is. But Katie distracts you, kissing the hollow of your neck and making you shivers. And, before you can see who it is, she turns your face against her to kiss you once again.
“It’s Liam” you whisper against Katie’s lips.
She sighs but release you, before following you in in the main room of the establishment. Liam laughs when he sees you and Katie.
“Oho, kissing the customers in the background now?”
“Shut up”
You smile feeling the red coloring your cheeks and watch Katie when she passes you to go and settle on the other side of the counter. Of course she slaps slightly your bum in the process.
“A mango-strawberry smoothie and a coffee pretty please” she smiles.
You chat with Liam and Katie while making her drinks, letting Liam draining the coffee machine.
“What are we doing this afternoon?” Katie asks.
You smile, loving the fact that it’s now “we” not “you” anymore. You raise your eyes on her, thinking before talking.
“Can we just… go home? I miss having you just for myself. Lia is at Leah’s tonight”
“I would love that” Katie assures you before taking the drink you are handing her.
She starts to drink it and you take the command of two men during this time. You still chat a little bit with Katie while she enjoys her smoothie, until the doorbell ring again and Liam greets the newcomer. You have your back facing the entrance so you don’t see her at first.
“Hello there, how can I help you?” Liam says happily.
“Oh uh… I’m looking for someone naming Y/N?”
You frown, turning in the direction of the voice and need two seconds to realize who was asking you. Your peripherical vision see Katie looking at the girl with suspicion.
“Maria? What are you doing here?”
You go around the bar to greet her and take her in your arms.
“I was in London and I remembered you said to my sister that you were working in a café. I asked her the name of it and here I am!”
“It’s great to see you” you smile.
Not forgetting your girlfriend, you take Maria to Katie, smiling at the Irish woman and her very neutral face.
“Katie, this is Maria. I lived in her sister’s house when I was Costa Rica. And Maria, this is Katie, my girlfriend.”
Katie takes Maria’s hand to greets her, but the exchange between the two women is very cold. You don’t realize it though, Liam remembering you that your boss wont take long to come.
“I’m really sorry but now isn’t really the good moment Maria. Give me your number, I’ll call you later, ok?”
Maria nods, write her number on your notepad before hugging you goodbye. When she’s out, Katie following her with her eyes, your girlfriend turn herself in your direction.
“I got to go; I have some laundry to do. But we still hang on together after your job, right?”
“Of course” you smile.
Katie smiles and kisses your cheek before paying for her drink and leaving the café. You can’t stop your pout when she left, but a group of people are entering the place soon after and you have to focus on something else.
Some hours later, you are at your house, lying on the couch against Katie. She cooks for you while you took your shower and now you both are just sheeling in front of Lord of the ring. Katie’s choice, but she beats at rock, paper, scissor.
“Who the hell keeps writing you like this?” Katie groans when your phone vibrates on your pocket one more time.
“Maria” you answer, taking your phone in your hand.
“What does she want?”
“Seeing me”
You have your eyes on the screen to type your answer, so you don’t realize Katie’s reaction. She’s not really happy, for a reason that she can’t explain, she thinks that something is off in Maria. But Katie just take a breath before talking.
“And when are you seeing her?”
“I don’t know for now… Maybe she can come watch next Arsenal’s game? So she can see that my girlfriend is talented in addition to being hot and beautiful.”
Katie laughs and kiss you softly, her arms taking you against her. She doesn’t like Maria, but she does like the way you’re not hiding your attraction for her. Maybe she’s stupid to be jealous about a woman who is just able to hug you, unlike her. You choose her, after all, right? You literally change your lifestyle for her.
“Will you wear my jersey?”
You bite your lips, looking at her. For now, you only were wearing a Wälti one, supporting your big sister. Leah already tease Katie about it in front of everyone, but deep down you know it count for her. It will probably attract people eyes though and you don’t know how people would react at a possible relationship between you and the Katie McCabe.
“Is it really a good idea?”
“Why not?” Katie frowns.
You smile slightly, using your thumb to erase the wrinkles between her eyebrows.
“Won’t people ask questions if you come hugging a girl wearing your jersey after the game?”
Katie just shrugs before tightening her hold around you.
“I don’t care”
You laugh and roll your eyes, cuddling back against her, like you were before taking your phone off of your pocket.
“I will wear it” you answer finally, after some more thinking.
“Awesome” Katie grins before losing all interest in the film and start to kiss you.
Like you said to Katie, you invite Maria to watch the game. Katie gave you tickets in the family and friends area and just like your promised you’re wearing her jersey. It’s the first thing she looks for when she came on the pitch. She doesn’t know why it’s suddenly so important for her to see you with her name and her number, but she’s happy for having stressed you about it when she sees you. And Maria. And how much Maria is close to you.
“Who’s with my sister?” a frowning Lia asks Katie during the drill.
“A friend from Costa Rica” Katie grumbles back, focused on her ball.
“Oh, yeah. She talked to me about it.”
That makes Katie looking up, her eyebrows frowned once again. Seeing the way she’s looking at her, Lia stops what she was doing. Kyra was next to them, but it doesn’t change the things for Katie.
“What did she say?”
“Nothing much. Just that she has a friend from Costa Rica in London.”
Lia shrugs, Katie hums and Caitlin just appeared behind her girlfriend and her friend. The Aussie seems a little concerned.
“What’s happening?”
“Katie’s girlfriend is here with another girl and Katie doesn’t seem to like competition” Kyra grins, before running away laughing when Katie glares at her.
Caitlin and Lia laugh too. Katie prefers to look for you in the stand, crossing her eyes with you. You wave at her and she smiles at you, but Maria soon takes your attention, touching your arm before talking again.
“Will you be able to focus entirely on the game?"
Katie turns herself in the direction of Caitlin, who seems genuinely worried for her friend. Katie thought it was a teasing at first, but then she saw her gaze and rolls her eyes.
“Of course I will be.”
“Plus, there isn’t any competition. My sister is crazy about her.”
Lia rolls playfully her eyes, making Katie smirks. Now that she understood and saw how much Katie cares about you and how crazy about Katie you are, Lia is nothing but supportive about your relationship. Katie as always been a friend of her after all, it’s not for nothing. She knows the Irish woman’s qualities.
The game went great. It was not always easy for Arsenal, being a gooner is sometimes hard, but the girls managed to win, and, in your opinion, Katie played very well. She got subs at the 75 minutes, and, from the bench, she kept an eye on you.
She doesn’t have anything to blame you, to be honest. But the way Maria is looking at you is going to make her crazy. The way she’s constantly touching you, the way she’s looking at your lips when you are focused on the game in front of you… She’s getting really mad.
Her knee doesn’t seem to be able to stop getting up and down and her arms are crossed on her chest. Next to her, Leah looks at her with concern, patting her knee.
“What are you up to?”
“I’m going to kill that bitch.”
Leah frowns at that, looking in the same direction as Katie. She finds you and Maria, leaning on the metal fence at the bottom of the rows of seats. You are looking at the game, Caitlin and Lia are still on the pitch. Maria, in another hand, is discreetly looking at you. From the corner of her eyes, but from Leah and Katie point of view, it’s more than obvious. You don’t have a single clue.
“Who it is?” Leah asks.
“A friend. My ass.”
“Don’t go into a fight in public please.”
Katie’s fuming and Leah doesn’t know what to say. If someone was looking at her girlfriend like this, she would lose it too.
“Do you think something happened between them?”
Katie stays silent for some times, looking at you. She hates that idea, obviously. She knows you had your life before her, of course. But if she can stay away from your exes, she won’t say no.
“No. I hope she would have told me."
“I think she would have.”
Katie grumble, letting herself go against the back of her seat. She can’t wait for the end of the game. She just wants to run to you, takes you away from Maria and returns her to her homeland.
When the game is finished and the players can start their lap, Katie makes a beeline to you. You smile at her when she came to you, not expecting her to hug you as hard. But you hug her back anyway, enjoying her proximity like always.
“You’re all sticky.” you tease her when she lets you go.
She smirks at you and get closer for being able to whisper in your ears.
“I never heard you complain about that when it’s in the bedroom though.”
You became bright red and with a wink Katie left to go with the team to hear Jonas’ speech. You just have to look at Maria to know that she heard what Katie said, your girlfriend’s boldness seeming to surprise your friend. You choose to not add anything, waving back at your sister.
Some hours later, you are with some of the Arsenal players, celebrating the important victory. Most of them are scattered all over the establishment, the same one where you first met Katie. Katie who is currently with her arms possessively passed around your shoulders to keep you against her. Maria came with you, the Irish woman couldn’t say no when you ask her if your friend can come too.
She can stop flirting with you, whispering sweet nothing in your ear, stilling you kisses when you expect it the least and covering you with attention. Between that and the alcohol you drank, you’re having a hard time not to forget where you are. Especially right now, when Katie is biting your earlobe.
Over your shoulder, Katie intercedes Maria’s furious gaze in your direction and she can’t help but smirk.
“Let’s go home?” Katie whispers in your ear and you bite your lip.
You’re dying to accept, but it’s still early and no one left for now, you don’t want to be the first to leave.
“No one left now. And I feel bad leaving Maria all alone.”
“She’s not alone, she have more than ten people to pass time with.”
You hesitate a little more and Katie sighs, taking off from you suddenly. Her reaction loses you a little and you search in your memory what did to makes her react in this way. You gently take her hand in yours and you’ve relieved when she lets you. But, just after, Maria managed to get your attention again.
Katie doesn’t say anything for longs minutes, trying to ignore the laughs that Maria is drawing from you. It lasts some minutes, before Katie snapped, suddenly getting up from the bench and training you with her, taking you by the hand that was still in yours.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
But Katie doesn’t answer, dragging you outside, where you looked at the stars with her for the first time. The memory came once again in your brain, but the upset face of Katie makes you forget it for now.
“Do I have something to worry about?"
You frown and Katie sighs. You understood what she said, you are just too surprised to react correctly right now. Katie repeats herself, making you feel like she’s going to explode soon.
“Maria. Do I have something to worry about?”
“No, why are you asking that?”
“Because she never stops looking at you like she’s going to push you against the next wall to ravish you!”
Your face becomes perfectly smooth under the surprise, only your slightly raised eyebrows cause very slight wrinkles on your forehead. Katie never raised her voice with you, but you never had any real fights either. Although we can’t talk about screaming right now, she’s rather carried away by her emotions, which you can’t blame her.
But Katie thinks the opposite and you see her face tinged with panic.
"I’m sorry, I just..."
Katie sighs again and passes both hands on the face taking a big suction before looking at you again.
"She’s clearly fancy you, and I can’t stand it. If at least she did it respectfully, but she didn’t. You told her you have a girlfriend, and she passes her time eyefucking you. I don’t like her.”
It’s your turn to sight, taking cupping one of Katie’s cheekbones with one of your hands. You are smiling slightly though, and you can feel Katie’s tension under your fingers.
“Of course not, you don’t have anything to worry about, Kate. I’m not in the slightest interested by her. I’m only looking at you, no one else.”
Katie bites her lip and come closer to you, looking deep in your eyes. Right into your soul.
“And you and her have never been a thing?”
“Never” you smile, your hand now cupping her jaw.
Your thumb is stroking the corner of her jaw when she leans in the obvious desire to kiss you. You let her, of course, passing your hands around her waist.
“Can we go home now please?” Katie asks softly.
“Of course we can.”
You’re completely surprised at how much jealousy has taken hold of Katie. The proud and strong Katie McCabe, turned into a fearful little kitten. You could tease her about that, but you decide not to do it now.
The little kitten quickly turns into the tigress that is Katie when you arrive home, anxious to remind you who you belong to.
On the other hand, the next day and the days after, you will not hesitate to tease her.
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apocalypseornaw · 6 months
Sheriff, Ranger & Marshal
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Beau Arlen x Female Reader x Cordell Walker
When a resort comes onto a few agencies' radar a task force is formed and 3 people are chose to go undercover. You, Beau and Cordell
I have no excuse. This is smut yall. J2 makes my brain go to mush.
A Sheriff, a Marshal and a Ranger walked into a hot tub. Sounded like the beginning of a joke but it was very much your current reality.
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When a joint task force had been propositioned to infiltrate a resort that was marketed as “An unconventional getaway for people who didn't live by society's standards” you knew you would be on the list for potential undercover. You had a decent track record and usually only took a couple weeks to decompress after assignments before you'd be completely back to normal as if it had never happened.
You however didn't know that Liam's older brother Cordell would also be on the list along with Beau Arlen, a Sheriff from Montana that had worked well with the bureau in the past. The resort was suspected of being a front for money laundering, weapon and drug smuggling.
When each branch of the task force which consisted of the Marshals, the Rangers and the FBI had picked their undercover the three of you met. It was basically a chemistry read like they did for movie roles. Had to make sure it was believable that the three of you were together.
You'd met Cordell in passing so you knew he was a good looking man and feigning attraction to him would be easy. The moment you laid eyes on Beau you nearly bowed out of the assignment. No one would believe these two men had chosen you.
When you'd voiced your concerns to Captain James who was overseeing the meeting Beau and Cordell had exchanged a look before Cordell moved up to your back while Beau moved to stand in front of you, effectively trapping you between their larger frames.
Beau gently brushed your hair behind your ear, green eyes holding you place while Cordell trailed his fingers over your arms “Now darling,we've talked about this. If anyone's lucky it's me and Eric. You know we love you”
Cordell leaned down to where his lips were almost touching your ear when he spoke “David's right Nessa, so just get those thoughts out of your head”
You felt your face warm so in one fluid movement you punched Beau in the stomach then threw your elbow back into Cordell's. Both men fell away from you, painful laughter falling from them as Captain James clapped “See? Proof to point you're the woman for this job because that? Really looked like you're their wife”
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You walked into the safe house the task force was using as the “home address” for your thruple. Jesus you'd gone under cover solo and as a couple with a few guys and a couple women but you'd never gone under cover with two men and had to act as if you were deeply in love with them both.
Beau and Cordell were already there considering Cordell had picked Beau up from the airport and you'd been meeting with the contact you'd formed through a few yoga classes that was in with the owner of the resort. You'd parked your persona's little yellow beetle next to Cordell's persona's range rover.
When you made it past the entry way you let out a low whistle “Honeys I'm home” you heard laughter as your response before Cordell called out “in the kitchen baby” your stomach flipped a little at his voice.
You walked into the kitchen and both men were sitting at the small breakfast table, a cup of coffee in front of them both. You walked over to stand between the two of them and placed the envelope you carried down on the table “We got an invite to the resort. Bianca came through”
Without warning Cordell pulled you down into his lap, you started to protest but he whispered into your ear “We gotta get used to acting all the time” Beau winked at you “Eric quit hogging Nessa before I spank the both of you” “Promise?” You and Cordell teased in unison. Yeah this was going to be the most interesting assignment you'd ever undertaken.
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The resort was beautiful, you had to give it that. Set back in the mountain side of Colorado the scenery was gorgeous. You, Cordell and Beau had been there for a few days but so far no one was really opening up to the three of you and you were starting to feel guilty having a California king to yourself while one man slept on the couch and the other slept on the floor in your suite.
A few times housekeeping had taken you by surprise so blankets and pillows had to be tossed around and one of them joined you in the bed while the other answered the door. You'd told them they could share the bed with you; it was plenty big enough and all of you were adults.
Cordell had apparently woken up first and ordered room service. You woke up to him and Beau testing everything on the tray to ensure nothing was drugged before you all ate.
You sat up in the bed, leaning back on your arms and admired the sight of your “husbands” Cordell was wearing a pair of jeans, hung low on his hips. He was barefoot and not currently wearing a shirt, the muscles of his back flexing deliciously in the sunlight streaming in from the high window.
Beau was wearing the gray sweatpants he wore to bed, that left little to the imagination (not that you'd looked) and he was also barefoot and missing a shirt. His light brown hair was still tousled from sleep and the way the muscles in his arms moved was damn near hypnotizing. Fuck, when was the last time you'd had sex to have you drooling over your temporary partners like this? You needed a cold shower.
Cordell glanced over his shoulder at you and grinned “Nessa you're finally awake” you smiled and tossed the blanket off your legs. You were currently wearing one of Beaus shirts or well “Davids” and panties. It fell far enough on your thigh neither men saw anything but should something happen it looked better if you were wearing one of their clothes to bed.
You walked over to stand next to the room service tray, running your nails across Beau's bare back as you leaned into Cordell's side “We need to talk” Cordell whispered in your ear. At your confused look he motioned to the tray then his ear. Your eyes widened and you nodded “What's a girl gotta do to get you fellas in that big Ole shower with me?”
Cordell laughed “Darling you know all you gotta do is ask” you grabbed Cordell's ark and then Beau's “well come on then”
Once the three of you were in the bathroom you shut the door and rolled up a towel to put under the crack before going to the corner where a shower as big as your first apartment sat. You turned the cold on full blast so there would still be hot water for your showers but enough noise you could talk freely.
Once the shower was going you beckoned them closer to it where it would drown anything out “They bugged the room service?” You whispered and Cordell nodded “From what I gather they don't trust us. Apparently everyone else here has an exhibitionist streak. We're the only people that hasn't had sex loud enough you can hear it down the hall or publicly enough anyone can see it”
You looked from him to Beau, both men close enough you could touch and sighed “Then we have to put on a show” they exchanged a look, clearly letting you take the reins on this “What do you mean?” Beau asked.
You rolled your eyes “You've both been undercover. I had to make it to third base with my last partner's wife one time to keep us from blowing our cover. If they want a show we give them one. That hot tub right outside our room would be a good place because we turn it high enough no one knows what's actually happening under the water as long as it sounds believable”
Cordell nodded slowly, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips. “The three of us need to make sure we're comfortable together. Our personas have been together for nearly eight years” you nodded then reached up to hook your arms around his neck, pulling him to you.
When your lips met his he didn't even appear to have been taken off guard, instead he backed up closer to the wall caging you between it and his body. He slid a clothed knee between your legs keeping them open as he flicked his tongue into your mouth, tasting all of you. You could feel your knees weaken from the kiss before you gasped lightly and pulled back trying to get air so he moved from your lips to your jaw then down to your neck, working the sensitive flesh there between his teeth gently as his knee pushed up into your dripping center causing a light moan to escape your lips “Fuck” you whispered when he pulled back with a grin “Good enough?” He asked and you nodded “Very”
He turned his eyes from you to Beau who was watching the two of you intently. He readjusted himself and your eyes slid down to see he was half hard under those sweats. He'd apparently enjoyed the show “Come here” Cordell spoke, pulling Beau to him.
You watched as the two men shared a kiss that was all tongue and teeth and rolled your hips against Cordell's thigh that was still between your legs, trying to soothe the ache forming there. Once the two of them broke away from each other Cordell nodded towards you “She makes the sweetest sounds doesn't she?” Beau nodded, green eyes full of hunger.
Cordell moved and let Beau in front of you. Beau grinned before he leaned down to catch your lips in a bruising kiss. Your hands went to his shoulders, gripping tightly. Damn could he kiss. He moved your hands from his shoulders to hold them both in one of his large hands before pressing them to the wall above your head.
His other hand moved to tease your hardened nipple through the shirt you wore, devouring the moan that escaped you. He kissed down your jaw opposite the side Cordell had but worked the sensitive flesh the same, enough to bring you pleasure but not to mark. Just when you felt like you might explode he placed a final kiss on your lips then backed off, dropping your hands and bracing your hips to help keep you upright as your chest heaved like you'd just ran a few miles.
You swallowed hard twice to keep from whimpering. The two men in front of you both smiled slightly “Believable that we both chose you?” Cordell asked, throwing your words from the chemistry read back at you. You nodded stiffly, finally finding your voice “Believable. I'm gonna um I'm gonna shower. I'm supposed to go to yoga with Bianca”
Beau grinned “Want us to join you or?” You felt your face warm and shook your head “Go eat breakfast. Save me some though. Tonight after dinner in the dining hall we'll give em a show to make sure they don't doubt us” Cordell tipped his head “Yes ma'am” you weren't even the senior agent here but they were letting you lead for the undercover part. Why you weren't sure but you kind of enjoyed it.
Beau started to walk out then shook his head and walked back over to you, catching your lips in another hungry kiss. Not to be outdone the moment Beau released you Cordell pulled you into another kiss. You groaned when they both finally stepped away “Later” you needed the entire day to prepare for the show you'd have to put on tonight. You had gone to third with Lindsay to keep you both safe and you'd simply been friends with her. Those two?
They could easily ruin you and if you didn't keep a hold on yourself you might just let them.
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The ground rules that had been set was no penetration and always remember that it was your peronas. Not yourselves.
Easier said than done. You'd chosen a simple back two piece because while you trusted the men you were with, the rest of the resort didn't need to see everything.
You stepped out of the bathroom and laughed at the fact that they were both leaning against the doorframe leading out to the deck area where the hot tub sat. Cordell had on dark blue swim trunks while Beau wore dark green ones. The moment they heard the door open both of their eyes landed on you and you could see them darken. “Sorry to keep you fellas waiting”
You walked past them outside and they both followed you closely. Beau had set the tub to high, like you'd said. You stopped at the edge and both men offered you a hand to help you get in. You took Cordell's and worked at Beau.
Once you were in they both climbed in “Where do you want us Nessa?” Beau asked and you grabbed Cordell's hand first “I want to sit in Eric's lap” you pushed Cordell down in the corner and once he was settled with his long legs bent at the knees you settled yourself between them, your ass brushing against his crotch as you did so and heard him stifle a groan.
You reached a hand out towards Beau “C'mere David” he grinned and dipped himself down to be kneeling in front of you, he leaned down close to your ear to whisper feather light “How far are we going darling? Me and Cordell discussed it. This is your ballgame”
“They have to think we've had sex” he nodded and glanced over your shoulder at Cordell. You'd laid back against Cordell's chest which meant Beau could easily lean over you. Him and Cordell shared a heated kiss and when they pulled away Cordell nodded towards you “Make our girl fall apart in my lap David”
Cordell shifted you higher up in his lap so Beau wouldn't have to crouch to reach you. He gripped your chin with two fingers, tilting your head “Look at her. So damn gorgeous and all ours” when his lips met yours you didn't try to swallow the whimper that escaped you. He smiled against your lips “and always so eager for us”
You felt one of his hands come up to cup one of your breasts while Cordell snaked a hand around you to cup the other. You moaned lightly and that seemed to spur them on. Beau moved down to your neck, kissing and biting gently and Cordell leaned up to claim the other side of your neck, both of them still working at your breasts, tweaking the sensitive buds and making your back arch off Cordell's chest pushing you into Beau's.
Just when you were damn near too overwhelmed they changed tactics. Cordell moved his hand to your chin so he could tilt your head back and claim your mouth while Beau slipped one of your breasts free from the swimsuit top, flicking his tongue over the nipple. Cordell swallowed every moan that you gave as Beau finished with one breast and tucked it back into the top before going to the other.
You rolled your hips back against Cordell and felt his erection pressing into your back. You slipped one hand between you and he hissed when your fingers slipped below the band of the shorts he wore, wrapping around his hardened cock. Damn he was big and thick. You began to jack him slowly, moving at the same rhythm as your lips moved against each other.
After a moment Beau reclaimed your lips from Cordell, one hand slipping between your legs to tease at your clothed core. A moan escaped your lips, one from Cordell joining you. “Do fingers count?” Beau asked low between gritted teeth and you shook your head. With your go ahead he moved your bottoms to the side plunging two fingers knuckle deep inside of you.
You moaned loudly as Beau curled his fingers finding that spot deep inside of you. A rhythm fell of your hand moving at the same speed of his fingers as he worked you towards an orgasm and you worked Cordell. You bucked your hips against Beau's fingers and he broke from your lips to move down your neck “Just like that sweet girl. Fuck yourself on my fingers while you jack Eric off”
The names didn't matter, the fact that you were technically working didn't matter. All that mattered was how amazing Beau's fingers felt and how fucking wrecked Cordell sounded behind you. You felt yourself getting close to that edge and knew from how Cordy was moving his hips to meet your movement he was close too. Beau twisted his wrist slightly and your vision went soft around the edges as your orgasm washed over you. The feeling of Cordell's warm cum coating your hand anchored you in the moment as both men bit down on your shoulders.
Beau gently slipped his fingers out of you and grinned “You're looking a little gone darling” then looked behind you at Cordell “You both do” Cordell was breathless as he said “That was intense” you turned to pull him down into a kiss, his tongue rolling against yours. When he pulled back he kissed the tip of your nose “Baby he didn't come”
You looked at Beau and smiled “C'mere David” he moved closer and placed a quick kiss on Cordell's lips before pulling you out of Cordy's lap and into his own. He moved so your back was against the side of the hot tub and your legs were wrapped around his waist. He dropped his head to your neck and whispered “I'm not gonna fuck you,don't worry”
He moved a hand under the water and if anyone nearby looked it probably appeared he was freeing his cock but instead he just tightened his grip on your hips. He gave a hard roll of his hips into yours and your head fell back with a low moan “Fuck” you gasped and he did it again. You looked up to stare into those gorgeous green eyes “Can you come like this?” You whispered against his lips and he chuckled “Fuck yes”
The feeling of his hard cock rubbing just right against your clit with every thrust of his hips were pushing you closer and closer to that edge. You wanted to feel him without the layer between you, but you'd set the rule. You looked over at Cordell who was now stroking his semi erect cock, working back up himself at watching the two of you. A silent conversation happened between the two of you and when he nodded you grinned before slipping a hand between you and Beau.
He stopped his movements and watched you with hooded eyes as you slipped your hand into his trunks to free his cock then pushed the bottoms of your swimsuit to the side. He looked from you to Cordell and when you both nodded he rolled his hips forward again this time sliding into you. Fuck he was wide and long and felt so damn good.
Your head fell back at the feeling of being stretched around him. After a moment he gave a tentative thrust and when you tightened around him he buried his face in the bend of your neck and started fucking you in earnest.
You knew it wouldn't take long for you to hit that high again and judging from how hard and fast Beau was slamming into you he was chasing his own orgasm as well. “Fuck, harder” you begged and he groaned “You're killing me darling” his thrusts got deeper and harder and when Cordell moved to slip his hand between your body and Beau's, rubbing tight circles on your clit you came hard clenching down around Beau's cock. He groaned as he gave a few more sloppy thrusts then came inside of you, you bite down on his shoulder to keep from screaming with pleasure.
He stilled with his cock still inside of you and searched your face, no doubt wondering if he crossed a line but when you simply smiled he crashed his lips against yours in a rough kiss.
You gasped when he pulled out of you then looked between him and Cordell. They were both watching you so you took a few steadying breaths before saying “How about we break in that California king?” They both grinned “Yes ma'am”
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You woke up the next morning curled up to Beau's chest with Cordell's tall frame wrapped around you from behind. You were sore everywhere, both of them were big men in every way and damn their stamina.
You considered trying to get up but both had vice grips on you. You decided to try to go back to sleep but right before you dozed back off the memories of them both whispering your real name and each other's last night came flooding back along with the fact that you were fairly certain you'd done the same. What the hell had the three of you really gotten yourselves into?
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Hey! Love the temptation danny story so much! Can i have a follow up request where reader has to go home for vacation due to a family reunion while danny is off somewhere for testing and she tells danny that its ok that she goes alone since he is busy but he keeps insisting that they should go together but reader has already booked a flight and the next following days while the family reunion is going on danny just arrives and everyone gets so starstruck by him and he is so possessive of her while the reunion is going on, LOVE THE FICS BTW YOU ARE AN AWESOME WRITER
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The Taste of Temptation || DR3 {6}
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, smut, fluff (two part request) WC: 3.4K F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven Snapshots: One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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Wednesday “Honestly, it’s fine,” you reassured him for the seemingly hundredth time. 
Daniel’s suitcase was at the door beside yours except the planes you were leaving from in Nice were going in two very different directions.
“It’s not fine,” he muttered as he checked his Passport was in his back pocket before pulling you into his arms. “I was looking forward to seeing your family again. They’re going to be mine soon too.”
You smiled at the reminder and brushed your thumb over the engagement ring. “You’ll see them at Christmas.”
“Not everyone,” he pointed out. The Christmas get together was going to have both of your immediate family members, with his flying out from Australia. “I want to talk to your cousins.”
“What? Why?” You pulled back to see the mischievous look in his eyes and the smile that promised he was up to something.
“Cousins always tell the truth,” he chuckled. “And I want to know what you were really like as a kid.”
“I was a little angel.”
His hands roamed over your body to settle on your ass and he pulled you flush against him as he teased, “What happened?” 
You giggled as you rose on your tiptoes and grazed your nose along his throat before resting your lips on his jaw as you teased him right back, “I fell for a man with a wicked tongue.��
You could see the darkening in his eyes and his lips parted with a filthy suggestion on the tip of his tongue but the blaring of an alarm from his jeans drew a groan out instead. “I’m going to have blue balls for the flight now.”
“You should probably take care of that.”
“It’s a 30 minute drive to the airport, Kitten, you could take care of it along the way.”
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It was a strange feeling returning to the town you had grown up in. The streets remained the same, trees lining the curb and kids playing in the front yards, but the faces were all unrecognisable. Like you, most of the people you knew had fled as soon as they finished high school, searching for something bigger than what this place could offer. 
Nearly every parking space on the street was taken by your extended family but your dad had saved one for you near the house with the recycling bin. It was a good thing too because Daniel had kind of spoiled you as he walked you to your boarding gate. He hadn’t been able to resist dragging you into the duty free shops in the terminal and now the extra baggage was missing the pair of hands that carried it for you. You had told him it was too much but he just kissed you until you forgot about arguing. It wasn’t fair, you could never win an argument when he cheated like that. 
You got the feeling everyone had been waiting for you because the moment your car door closed they all filed out of the house to come and help with your luggage.
“There’s the city-slicker, welcome home,” Vanessa greeted with a kiss on your cheek before pouting as she saw the empty front seat. “Damn, thought you were bringing the sugar daddy with you.”
“Don’t call him that, he’s not my sugar daddy,” you warned with a roll of your eyes but your cousin clearly wasn’t paying attention. “Daniel is with the Red Bull guys in Japan for some big event. He wishes he could come but they called in everyone: Scotty, Liam, Mad Mike, they all had to be there too. ”
Your dad took the suitcase from your hand and nodded understandingly. “That’s a shame, but at least my little girl has finally come home.”
Your bedroom hadn’t changed all that much since you left to go to university and you could see the pin pricks and faded lines in the wallpaper outlining where your posters used to be. 
“Ohh, this is gorgeous,” Nessa grinned as she helped herself to the garment bags, the tags still on the designer clothes Daniel had bought you. “So am I going to meet this not-your-sugar-daddy before the wedding?”
“You could come to Christmas if you want, and go ahead, try it on,” you sighed before flinching at the squeak she made before abandoning her clothes like you were still kids and stepping into the first dress. “Nice to see you haven’t outgrown stealing my clothes.”
“There’s a reason we are the same size, it's fate. Karma herself said, Nessa, you deserve to wear nice things too,” she joked as she turned around. “Do me up?”
“You are so full of shit,” you laughed as you zipped her up. “Am I going to get that back?”
“Do you have a sugar daddy?”
“Well there's your answer.” 
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Friday “Hey Kitten,” Daniel greeted with a bright smile when the video call connected. “How’s it going?”
You leaned the phone against your mirror so you could continue to apply your makeup and held up two shades of lipstick. “Just getting ready to go out with Nessa. How’s the event? I haven’t seen many pictures.”
“Left hand, and you won’t - they are keeping everything under wraps until they have finished filming. Think the Melbourne GP promo vid, but bigger…”
You opened the lipstick he chose, the one you knew he would since he always complimented the shade on you - and when it transferred to his skin too. He fell silent as he watched you lean closer into the mirror, leaving the swell of your breasts filling his screen.
“Kitten…I wish I was there,” he sighed when you pulled back and blew him a kiss to show the colour off. 
“I wish you were here too,” you admitted, taking the phone with you as you sat on the bed and hugged your pillow. “Two days down, four to go.”
“You’re still counting in days? I’m counting in hours, fuck it, minutes.” He sent you a screenshot and you saw the countdown timer on his homescreen, the hours and minutes slowly ticking away until you were reunited. “Where are you and Nessa going? Is Carter going too?”
You shook your head at the question. Vanessa’s brother was far too busy with his new girlfriend to want to go to the local bar. “He’s too cool to hang out with us at the Old Oak Inn.”
Daniel sat up a little straighter and didn’t appear too pleased at the news. “Is anyone going with you?”
“You know what I mean,” he huffed, “who is going to look out for you two?”
“Everyone knows everyone here, baby, we’ll be fine.” You gave him a smile as your chest warmed with the same gooey feeling you got every time he worried about you. “I love you, my protective he-man.”
“I love you too, Kitten,” his face softened until he heard Max calling his name outside his hotel door. “Send me lots of pictures, baby, I wanna see my gorgeous girl having fun.”
Nessa burst into the room as you ended the call and ripped the pillow away from your arms. “Get up, bitch, the taxi is here.”
The bar had changed a lot since you last went, the atmosphere more akin to a club than a pub, and you narrowed your eyes at Nessa who just grinned back. “You said it was a chill night out.”
“I lied,” she said with a shrug. “We can go back if you’d rather get in a fight over monopoly?”
 You cringed at the thought so she dragged you through the busy room and straight to the bar. 
“Holy shit, we have royalty in the house,” an old school friend greeted as he tended to the bar. “Did Monaco get too busy?”
“Not quite, Mark, I’m just back for a family reunion.” He placed your old favourite drink down without having to ask and you quirked an eyebrow at it.
“I have a good memory, but it might taste better than it did in the old plastic cups we drank out of,” he laughed before pouring a bourbon for Nessa. “Milady.”
He wandered off to serve someone else and you turned to Nessa. “You and Mark?”
“A few times, you know, just a bit of fun,” she said as she winked at him when he glanced back. “Oh, head down, Andrew’s here.”
You ducked into her arms and kept your head down until she said you were safe and sighed with relief. “Jesus, everyone really does come here. Is there any other bar around?”
“If you want to catch an STD off the bar top, sure. Plus, your high school sweetheart will probably find his way to Ruby’s later anyway.”
“We dated for like four months, I wouldn’t call him my highschool sweetheart,” you scoffed. 
Nessa’s brow lifted. “Need I remind you he took your V Card? Your first always has a teeny tiny place in your heart.”
“Not mine, and Danny took my A Card so that trumps it.”
“A Card…?” she trailed off before her eyes widened in realisation. “Ew gross. Did it hurt?”
“I’m not telling you anything.”
“Whatever, we both know how you get after a few drinks.” She grabbed your phone and held it up as she raised her glass and you clinked them together before tipping them back. “Perfect. And done.”
You barely caught your phone as she carelessly tossed it back and you saw she hadn’t sent it to Danny but uploaded it to Instagram. “Fucksake, Nessa, you left the location on.” 
You had learned quite quickly that most of the people that followed you only used it to see updates Daniel might not have posted himself, including using the locations of your posts thinking Daniel would be with you. It had led to a few scary situations before you learned to keep your location off or at least generalised - but she had tagged the Old Oak Inn.
Taking another photo with a pout, you posted it with the caption, ‘half of my soul is half a world away, miss you danielricciardo’ and hoped it would stop some people within driving distance from making the pointless journey hoping to see Danny.
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You opened the photo again and zoomed in to see Andrew in the background, his eyes clearly looking at your ass when the camera snapped.
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“What made you happy all of a sudden?” Nessa asked as she returned with fresh drinks.
“Danny’s on his way,” you giggled nervously as you clutched your phone to your chest.
“I thought he couldn’t come.”
“He couldn’t, and he shouldn’t, but I don’t think there’s anyone with the balls to stop him. He can be a little stubborn sometimes.” It was a severe understatement and if he wasn’t such a good driver you were certain he would have been fired for some of the escapades he found himself in because he got a little overprotective and possessive when he was away from you. “Christian Horner offered me a job just so I could be wherever Daniel was and keep him in line, but I think it was a joke.”
“You need to accept it, joke or not, your man is whipped for you.”
You took a sip of your drink before you spilled the truth about who really did the whipping and pondered the idea you had initially laughed off. You could still work a similar role with Red Bull, so maybe it shouldn’t have been brushed off so quickly. For tonight, you would focus on having fun with Nessa and catching up with old friends.
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Saturday You groaned at the dawn light that brightened the room as the curtains were ripped aside and rolled over. “Nessa, piss off.”
“Something bothering you, kitten?”
You probably looked like a zombie coming to life as you threw your blankets back and rushed up to meet Daniel as he climbed onto the bed. The old frame creaked unused to the extra weight on it but you didn’t care if it collapsed, you weren’t letting go of Daniel once he was in your arms. 
“You’re actually here,” you murmured against his lips when you finally broke apart to breathe. You had kept looking over your shoulder all night expecting him to appear but when the bar closed and he still hadn’t arrived your hope had simmered down.
His smile was blinding as he brushed your messy hair back and buried his face in your neck with a deep inhale. He was a cat high on catnip the moment his nose brushed your racing pulse and he guided you back into the sheets as he caged you beneath him. “Told you I’d see you soon.”
“My parent’s room is next door,” you whispered as his hips settled between your legs and he teased you when he rolled them against you.
“Then I suggest you find something to bite,” he chuckled, his fingers slipping into your panties and feeling how your body had instantly reacted to his touch, “because I have missed you so much. I just need to feel you around me. right now.”
His lips parted and he sighed at the pretty sight as he dragged your panties down your legs. “There’s my pretty kitty,” he mused as he shuffled down the bed so he could settle between your legs, kissing your thighs softly as he reacquainted himself after three days apart. “Have you missed me?”
“Like crazy.”
“She thinks I’m talking to her,” he whispered and you felt the warmth of his breath on the sensitive spot he was confessing to. You giggled at the silly man and squirmed with the silent plea for him to stop talking and do more, the bed creaking with the movement. Daniel grabbed your hips and held them still so the bed fell silent before shaking his head with an amused smirk. “Impatient little minx.”
Rather than take the taste you knew he wanted, he flipped you onto your knees and pushed your head into the pillow to silence the sounds that spilled forth as he curled two fingers into your cunt. A few flicks of his wrist were the only preparation he gave your body before his shorts were halfway down his thighs and he replaced his fingers with his cock. 
Your pillow heated with the heavy moan that filled it and it grew damp as your teeth clamped down on the satin slip. It had only been three days but the burn of the stretch danced the fine line between pleasure and pain until he reached around your hip and found your clit. 
“Fuck you’re tight, kitten,” Daniel grunted, his lip almost bleeding as he bit it to keep quiet and pulled back a little so you could acclimate to his size again. “You okay, baby?”
You answered by pushing yourself back, needing him as much as he needed you, and you relished in the full feeling when your ass met his body. His heavy breathing broke the quiet morning and he covered your back, pressing his lips to your spine and following the line to your neck. 
“Lay down for me.”
Unwilling to part with you for a moment, he helped you onto your stomach and carefully shifted until his legs were outside of yours and your thighs pressed together. The pillow muffled your moans as the position increased the feeling of fullness and he rode you with long smooth strokes, keeping the bed from creaking.
“Three days was too much, kitten,” he confessed quietly as he kissed your shoulder. “I can’t go a day without you. Want you with me, always.”
Despite the exhaustion of the late night and early wake up, you weren’t able to get back to sleep, even with Daniel there to spoon you. A knock at your door had put an end to that plan and you were reminded that everyone was getting ready to go to the lake for a day out on the water.
Everyone except Vanessa were surprised to see Daniel joining you for breakfast and you got the best pick of the cooked meal while they all fawned over the celebrity.
“Alright, alright, leave him be,” you said as you moved them along and handed him a plate you had filled before sitting on his lap. Seats were in short supply with so many people coming and going that you were happy to share one. “I know he’s a bit weird but try to treat him normally.”
“Morning, Sugar,” Nessa teased quietly as she took the seat beside him.
“Ness…meet Daniel, officially,” you said, since she had seen him on a video call.
“We met this morning, didn’t we, Sugar? Who do you think let him in? We had a great chat about you.”
She was finding it too amusing and Daniel’s shoulder bounced with a laugh as he stuffed bacon into his mouth to avoid commenting. “I thought you were joking.”
“I told you, cousins always tell the truth,” he chuckled before kissing your cheek. “She didn’t tell me anything new though; I already knew you were smart and beautiful.”
“She was just saying that so she could keep the Givenchy dress she stole.”
“Pfft, not true, but I can totally play it up if you want to part with the Jimmy Choos too.” She turned her attention to Daniel who had been thoroughly enjoying the interaction while idly massaging your hip. “Did she tell you that she climbed up a tree to save a cat? The fire department gave her a medal for it. Or this one time she single-handedly stopped a bank robbery.”
“Oh my god,” you snorted at the absurdity.
“Don’t get me started on how she took down an international crime syndicate with a muscle car.”
“Who am I? Vin Diesel? Just shut up.”
“No, no, give me more,” Daniel encouraged. “I thought Lando was imaginative but this is next level.”
You could see the moment her train of thought was lost and a sly smile grew. “Think you could introduce me?”
“To Lando? No way, you would eat him alive.”
“Come on, I introduced you to Drew so you owe me.” You felt Danny’s hand stop the calming circles and wished she had kept her mouth shut as he asked who Drew was. “Andrew, her first boyfriend, well only boyfriend before you, I thought you would have known, my bad.”
Breakfast was fairly quiet after that and you knew Daniel had questions he was just waiting to ask when he got you alone. Fortunately, you could put them off for a few hours as you all set off to the lake, the distraction of you in a bikini enough to placate him in the meantime.
“So this Andrew…” he stated as he pulled you into his arms and waded out deeper into the warm water. “Why haven’t I heard about him?”
“Because it was years ago?”
“Did you love him?”
“I was 17, I didn’t know what love was,” you laughed as you combed your fingers through his hair. “Are you jealous?”
“No,” he scoffed, but it was clearly a lie.
“Baby, you’re the only man I have ever loved, and the only one I will ever love - with one exception.” His eyes narrowed and you giggled as you kissed his cheek. “If we have a kid someday and it’s a boy, then I would love him too.”
The corners of his eyes wrinkled with the smile that split his face. “I suppose I could live with that.”
“Good, so forget about Andrew. You are everything I want and need.”
“So long as I don’t have to cross paths with the bastard that took your innocence.”
There were only two days left before you flew back to Monaco, what were the chances?
Click here for part seven.
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babyhoneyheslt · 3 months
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Look To The Sky
Mature | Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 82k | 10/10 Chapters
“Harry, it’s been five years,” Liam says softly, heaving an exasperated sigh. “I know it’s hard, but you need to let it go.”
“I can’t let it go.” Harry shakes his head. “He’s my husband, Ash’s father. I can’t give up on him.”
“I’m not asking you to give up on him, but you need to stop questioning them. Or trying to get your nose in places it’s not wanted.” Liam watches him. “You know you’re one of my best workers, and I can’t lose you. I’m giving you a warning now, please stop this.”
“Or what?” Harry looks at Liam. “You’ll fire me? For wanting answers to what happened to my husband?”
On the 28th January 2019, British Airways flight BA289 took off from Chile at 10:04am. The fight was due to land in London Heathrow Airport at 12:44am.
The flight was flown by experienced Captain Louis Tomlinson, accompanied by the first officer Oli Wright.
Around five hours into the flight, BA289 disappeared from air traffic controls radar, and did not arrive in Heathrow at the estimated time.
Search crews are currently looking for any signs of wreckage, but the question stands, what happened to flight BA289?
Read here
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Sunday, 20 May 2012
It's travelling time as the boys fly from Heathrow Airport to the U.S.
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credits: owner of the photos
Zayn also shows he's amazing with kids
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credits: owner of the photos
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she-whatshername · 1 month
Tyrrish Men Headcanons I made you vote for
Prompt: travel edition
When we getting to the airport: 3 hours ahead, the man is the son of aide of a duke. He is prompt
And yes, he does have a folder of everyone’s passports and flight information
He 100% owns TSA precheck/global entry
Is he holding your bags: Yes. You won’t touch a thing on your journey.
Will drop you off at check in and then go park through car so you don’t have to walk
Where are you sitting? Okay, I know he’s wealthy but are the aides of dukes aristocrats themselves or just well off people? I’m guessing you’ll do economy premium, maybe first class.
Honestly this man is a social butterfly and will just chat with the gate attendants and you’ll be bumped to first class. And yeah, he’s probably sweet talking with all the flight attendants.
Snacks and drinks: will order for you and be polite about it like “you wanted a whisky, right baby?”
He’d probably be that guy to clap when the plane lands. Idk why I just feel it lolol
When we getting to the airport: maybe 2 hours before you take off.
Let’s be real, Bodhi is easy going by nature and Xaden forced him to be prompt and on top of things due to the revolution
Bodhi probably snoozes his alarm at least 4 times and takes awhile to actually get out of bed. So showing up to the airport early, meh.
Also let’s be real, you’re flying first class so you literally breeze through security and get to hang out in a lounge before take off
This man takes care of you. Literally everything is booked and you just have to show up.
Is he holding your bags: of course. Not only that, he packed all your stuff in his carry on so you could have more room to pack
Will hold your hand the entire way to the gate, on the flight, he’s got you
Where are you sitting: first class bb. Like the fancy fancy first class. You board the plane first and the attendants are like “welcome Mr. Durran.” lol
Snacks and drinks: duh. Champagne. Fancy snacks. Also he packed your favorite snacks in his bag for you.
He’s also checking in on you often, “comfortable, love? Why don’t you take a nap and I’ll wake you up when food gets here.”
An Angel this man is
Also if you’re napping he is 100% gushing to the flight crew about you.
When we getting to the airport: whenever the fuck you want
You think this man is flying commercial.
You are in a car rolling up to the runway to a private jet. Crew waiting for your arrival
Is he holding your bag: nope. But neither are you. He’s got staff to take care of that.
You have the whole private jet to yourselves. You can sit wherever.
Snacks and drinks: your favorite drinks, snacks and foods are on board waiting for you. He’s got it all taken care of.
He will also ask the flight crew to take scenic routes to your destination, avoid paths where it could be bumpy, and basically treat you like the royalty you are
NSFW: Mile high club?? Skies the limit, BB.
His plane. His seats. His woman/man/partner
Also I feel like he’d be the guy to just get up and hop in the pilot seat like, “let me fly my girl to our destination”. And the flight crew is like, 👍🏽
If he had to fly commercial I think he’d be a wreck honestly lol. His trust issues would never
The Marked ones would draw straws/fight over who has to sit next to him lolol
Garrick is like “I usually handle him every day, it’s my vacation too. Bodhi, you get him on the way there and Im, you sit next to him when we go back.”
I don’t think this man flies. He’s more of a roadtrip type.
Loves the joy of the journey with you, it’s part of the trip
And that suites you just fine
And he will absolutely drive the whole way unless you want to.
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