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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 1: Dark Future of Ruined Destroyed with Protection Ghost Shield/Mystery trio/three Dark Ghosts/Full Appearance of Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, Midnight Dan
**in the future, 10 years, the ruins destroyed with protectiong host shield**
**future valerie and her future allies, future muffet with others**
Kids in the future: Hi!
Future Muffet: Captain Laura, how it camara going?
Future Me/Future Laura: Doing good with my partner Sarah, Commander Muffet
Future Sarah/Future You: Yeah, it doing good
Future Muffet: That's good
Future Tim: Okay, It's cool, my love
Future Valerie: Ghost shield tower…
**Cut to the watch, Valerie’s finger is on it. It’s filled with static**
Future Valerie: …100 percent operational
**On the watch, we see Mr. Gray's image resolve and he sits down. He's wearing a uniform and an eyepatch, even he's with Muffet and Tim's daughter named "Vanilla Kingsmen Pepper"**
Vanilla Kingsmen Pepper: Hi mom, hi dad!
Future Muffet: Hi Sweetheart
Future Tim: How are u going with Mr Gray?
Vanilla Kingsmen Pepper: It's great
Mr Gray: Great, sweetie. Let's check the last tower and get ba--
**but then, The watch cuts to static again and we see Valerie and her allies, looking alarmed**
Future Valerie: Daddy? Daddy?
Future Muffet: Vanilla? sweetheart, are u there?
Future Tim: Sweetheart, where are u?
**With a beep, a pair of red eyes appear on the watch screen**
Dark Danny's voice: Hello, Valerie
Dark Sophie's voice: Hello there, Muffet, Tim, Captain Laura and her allies
Midnight Dan's voice: Welcome, Ecole
Future Me/Future Laura and Future others: U three again?!
Future Valerie: We don't care how powerful you three are, ghosts, you three can't break through the shield!
Future Muffet: Yeah, don't be such a that big deal, ghosts!
Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan's Voices: Until today **using their ghostly wails**
**the ghost shield protection are destroyed and the people are screaming and running**
Dark Danny's voice: You all like the new power? we call it our Ghostly Wails
Future Me/Future Laura: Commander Muffet, guys! Look out, Blazing purple blast was gonna hit u all!
**blazing purple blast was coming to them**
Future Muffet: Everyone, back in the FentonWorks House!
Future Ecole: Valerie!
**future muffet and future others are going to the fentonworks house, but future valerie**
**blazing purple blast hits valerie, then the Nasty Burger 2 was destroyed**
Future Valerie: You?
Fright Knight: Yes, me, And I serve a new master now
Valerie scrambles to her feet. The Fright Knight hauls back and throws another purple crystal blast at her. Future Ecole saves Future Valerie to get out of the way, the blast vaporizing the Nasty Burger 2
Future Valerie: Ecole, take fentonworks! gotta get to my dad
Future Ecole: I'm on it
**future ecole takes future valerie to the fentonworks house, find mr gray and vanilla kingsmen pepper**
Future Muffet: Sweetheart, are u okay?
Future Tim: Are u alright, sweetheart?
Vanilla Kingsmen Pepper: Yes, mom and dad, i'm alright
Future Ecole: I think we lost him
Future Valerie: Dad, the Fright Knight's here. Which means He can't be far behind. What do we do? What do we--
**it's ghostly wails again**
Mr Gray: Valerie, Run
Future Norman: They are here!
Future Muffet: **gasp** Vanilla, get safety place, Run! We'll hold them off
Future Tim: Yeah, we promise u
The red lights was shut down, leaving the lab in a green dim, and they both turn to look at the Fenton Portal. The ground splits open, starting at the base of the Portal and zigzagging toward them, green light shining from the fissure, and a dark red-eyed figure bursts up from it. We see him from the back, wearing a white and black jumpsuit with a white cape, green flame blazing around him. He lands on the shattered ground and approaches the Grays and their allies on foot. It pans up to show that it is recognizably Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan
Dark Danny: Hello, Valerie
Future Valerie was shocked at Dark Danny
Dark Danny: and Goodbye
**Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan using their ectoblasts**
**Outside, we see FentonWorks was explode We then zoom out to see this scene framed in a glowing ring set with gears. The scene in the ring changes to a wavering shot of Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan**
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 20: Clockwork with Two Ghosts puts trapped Three Dark Ghosts in Fenton Thermos/Trapped Three Dark Ghosts rattling around tried to escaped 
We zoom out to see them in Clockwork's viewer. As child Clockwork watches, smiling, with the three thermos in their hand with Past Ghost and Present Ghost. The Observants stand with their hands clasped behind him.
Observant 1: You manipulated the kids! You influenced their choice!
Observant 2: That's a direct violation of the Protocol of Temporal Displacement! In other words.
Observants 1 and 2: You cheated!
The Cloaked Hood 1 (Muffet Pepper's unknown father; ghost): Not used. They are not cheating!
The Cloaked Hood 2 (Muffet Pepper's unknown mother; ghost): Me too
Clockwork: True, I cheated. [switching to adult form] But I assure you they chose their own.
Observant 1: You realize the three kids are your responsibility now.
Observant 2: As is their evil selves, now that they exist outside of times.
Clockwork: I know. But then, I know everything.
Past Ghost: I'm right, got on.
Present Ghost: Yes, it’s true.
Flying past the Observants through a door, they sets down the three thermos. Its bulges out on the sides as though something is bouncing around and punching, then Dark Danny's, Dark Sophie's, and Midnight Dan's faces slam into the front of the three thermos, leaving an imprint on their faces. Their laughter echoes ominously.
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 19: Jazz, Arthur and Jane are joined to Phantom Team, Ghost Team? Called Phantom Team, The Legend of Ghosts
Scene change: Danny, Sophie and Dan is sitting on the front steps of Casper High. The door opens and Jazz, Arthur and Jane steps out
Danny: So, [looking up at her] how long have you known?
Sophie: So, [looking up at him] how long have you known?
Dan: So, [looking up at her] how long have you known?
Jazz: About the test? For days. But I'm really proud of you for not cheating.
Arthur: Yeah, But We're so proud of you for not to cheating
Jane: He's right, We're so proud of you for not to cheating
Danny: No, not that. Your headband, your note, [he pulls the note and headband out of his pocket and holds it out to her] your handwriting...
Sophie: No, not do that, brother **hugs arthur kingsmen** Oh and John, and your note, [she pulls the note and headband out of her pocket and holds it out to him] your handwriting...
John: Thanks.. <:)
Dan: No, not this. Your headband, your note, [he pulls the note and headband out of his pocket and holds it out to her] your handwriting one...
Jazz: What? [pointing] That? [blushing and shrugging] Oh, I didn't write that. And there must be dozens of headbands.
Danny: [raising an eyebrow] Jazz.
Jane: What? [pointing] That? [blushing and shrugging] Oh, I didn't write that. And there must be dozens of headbands
Dan: [raising an eyebrow] Jane
Sophie: So let's make a team called "Phantom Team"
Arthur: Wait, Ghost Team?
Sophie: **laugh** Phantom Team, brother
Arthur: Oh, Phantom Team
Me/Laura, Sarah/You and others: **smiling**
Jazz: [sitting next to him and taking the note and headband] Since the Spectra thing. I didn't want to tell you until you wanted to tell me. It's your secret.
Danny: Well, it's our secret now.
Arthur: [sitting next to her and taking the note and headband] So, since the Spectra thing. I don't want to tell you until you wanted to tell me. It's your secret.
Sophie: Well, it's our secret now
Jane: [sitting next to him and taking the note and headband] So, since the Spectra thing. I did not want to tell you until you wanted to tell me. It's your secret.
Dan: Well, it's our secret now.
**they hugs**
Jazz: Don't think this means I'll stop being meddling and overprotective.
Danny: [chuckling] Wouldn't have it any other way.
Arthur: Don't think this means I'll stop being so meddling and overprotective
Sophie: [chuckling] This wouldn't have it any other way
Jane: Don't think this means I'll stop being meddling and overprotective
Dan: [chuckling] That wouldn't have it any other way
Their ghost sense goes off and sirens sound. A giant tentacle monster chases a cop car past the school as the siblings watc
Jazz, Arthur and Jane: Go. [They puts her hand on their and they smile.]
Danny, Sophie and Dan: [Running and transforming] Going ghost!
Danny: [confronting the tentacle monster] Hey! Giant, green, and gruesome! Guess who's back and better than ever!
Sophie: Yeah, Guess who's back and better than this!
Dan: Yep, Guess who's back and better than that!
The slime monster makes a worried sound. Danny, Sophie and Dan hauls back and punches it, drenching Jazz, Arthur and Jane in ectoslime
Jazz: [dripping with ectoplasm] This is gonna take some getting used to
Arthur: [dripping with ectoplasm] Yeah
Jane: [dripping with ectoplasm] Me too
Muffet Pepper: **looks at necklace about the photo of her unknown parents** Thank u for everything, Ghost Past and Ghost Present
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 18: Repaired rewind to before start ready answers tests to Teachers
Clockwork: [pressing the button on his Time Staff] Time in!
Ghost Past and Ghost Present: Used rewind!
They are surrounded for a moment by ticking clocks to rewind, then reappear in the classroom, where Danny, Sophie, and Dan's classmates are taking the C.A.T., frozen in time. Clockwork picks up the answers packets from Danny, Sophie, and Dan's desk.
Clockwork: You've given everyone else a second chance. [He switches to child form] Why not you? [He hands them the packets]
Ghost Past: Right, not what happened again. They are right.
Ghost Present: OK, they are all right fine.
Danny, Sophie, and Dan take its and Clockwork with Two Ghosts vanishes. We see the clock start to tick and everyone starts to move. Danny, Sophie, and Dan stare at Lancer, standing by his own desk with the packet in their hands, then smiles slightly.
Jerry: Hmm? They are ready to answer got to Lancer?
Lancer: Mr. Fenton, Ms. Kingsmen, Mr. Turner, is there a problem?
Danny: Um, actually Mr. Lancer, there is.
Sophie: Got here
Dan: Right, going here
Out in the hall, Jazz, Arthur, and Jane sneak up to the door with the Fenton Peelers. Looking in the window, they gasp. Danny, Sophie, and Dan approach Lancer's desk.
Danny: I, uh, found this the other day. Outside the Nasty Burger. [he slides the answer packet across the desk]
Lancer: [picking its ups] Hm. The seal is broken.
Danny: Yeah. I know. A-and, I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself from looking at the answers. But I'm not a cheater! And I never will be!
Sophie: I never used cheat! Right, I'm never lied!
Dan: I'm not a cheater! I was never used to this!
Out in the hall, Jazz, Arthur, and Jane smile.
Lancer: Well, they'll have a chance to prove that when they take the make-up test next week, now won't they?
Danny: Really?
Sophie: True?
Dan: Right, sure
Lancer: You'll have plenty of time to study for your make-up test in detention. But for now...
They gestures to the door. Outside, Jazz, Arthur and Jane yelps and ducks away.
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 17: Save their Families, Friends and Teachers from stop freezing before Exploded
They and their loved ones stare at each other for an instant, and then the Nasty Burger blows up. We see the reflection of the explosion in Danny, Sophie and Dan's eyes right before the shockwave sends him flying with the dust and rubble; then everything freezes. A clock hand traces out a blue-white circle, which resolves into child Clockwork with Two Ghosts. Smiling, the ghosts flies up to Danny, Sophie and Dan and drops a time medallion around his neck. Danny, Sophie and Dan gasps and tries to gain their balances where they floats in midair without falling, then notices Clockwork with Two Ghosts
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Clockwork?
Clockwork and Two Ghost points past Danny, past Sophie and past Dan, and they looks, then gasps happily. All of his loved ones are floating, unharmed and asleep or unconscious, in a nimbus of green light.
Danny: You saved them? I-I don't understand!
Sophie: You saved them? How did u do that?
Dan: Yeah, How?
Clockwork: [switching to adult form] The Observants look at time like they're watching a parade, one thing after another passing by in sequence right in front of them. [he gestures down at the wrecked Nasty Burger] I see the parade from above, all the twists and turns it might [switches to elderly form] or might not take. [he winks]
Ghost Past: He's right, we remember muffet, she telling about her stories
Ghost Present: Yeah
Danny: You knew all this was going to happen. All of it! [they swoop down to the rescued people] Even this part
Sophie: You know all everything was is going happen, all of it!
Dan: You do know all that was going to happen. All of it!
Clockwork: Everything's the way it's supposed to be. And here we are with you three, a fourteen-year-old children, risking everything to save the people you three care about
Danny, Sophie and Dan smiles at them
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 16: Defeating Three Dark Ghosts used to Fenton Thermos and too late to rush to their Families, Friends, and Teachers
Dark Danny: Well, that's it, isn't it?
Dark Sophie: Right, what’s that?
Midnight Dan: It’s not that?
Danny: [eyes narrowing] Time's up! [Opening a Fenton Thermos, he aims it at Dark Danny and begins to suck him in.]
Sophie: Not more no, time's up! [Opening a Fenton Thermos, she aims it at Dark Sophie and begins to suck her in.]
Dan: Not done no, time's up! [Opening a Fenton Thermos, he aims it at MIdnight Dan and begins to suck him in.]
Dark Danny: Too weak to escape - and you're too late to save them!
Dark Sophie: You do not save them, too late!
Midnight Dan: You’re too late to save them! They are not save them!
Danny, Sophie, and Dan quickly realize they are too late to save them!
Dannny: [caps the thermos then looks over his shoulder] Oh no.
Sophie and Dan: [caps the thermos then looks over their shoulder] Oh no! No!
the heat indicator is now all the way over in the red. the glass over it cracks then shatters. The cracking, leaking tanks hiss with steam. Danny, Sophie, and Dan run toward the Nasty Burger, trying to go ghost, but the ring of light fizzles out.
Danny, Sophie, and Dan: I can't go ghost! [they trip on a rock and fall flat on their front] Noo!
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 15: Fight with Three Dark Ghosts used Ghost Wail to Three Dark Ghosts
Dark Danny: You don't get it, do you? "I'm still here." I still exist. That means "you" still turn into "me."
Dark Sophie: You just don't get it, do you? "We'm still here", we still exist! That means "you three" still turn into "us" forever
Midnight Dan: You don't get it, do you? "We're totally still here." we're totally still exist. That means "you three" still turn into "us."
They punches Danny, Sophie and Dan into a lightpost. The backpack falls off and tips over, revealing the Ghost Gauntlets
Dark Danny: I don't have to waste you
Dark Sophie: We don't need to waste you three
Midnight Dan: We don't want to waste three of you
We see the Nasty Sauce indicator needle go into the red, then the Fentons, Kingsmens Family, Lancer, Danny's friends, Sophie's friends and Dan's friends bound to the tank, which is beginning to crack and shudder, but Me/Laura, Sarah/You and others are survived from getting captured
Dark Danny VO, Dark Sophie VO and Midnight Dan VO: We just have to run out the clock until your entire lifes falls apart
Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan dives at Danny, Sophie and Dan, who grabs the backpack and sinks into the ground. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan knocks over the lightpost and spins around, looking for him. Behind them, Danny rises out of the street, wearing the Ghost Gauntlets
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Maybe if you'd remembered more about your family, you'd have remembered the Specter Deflectors!
They pulls it out, flying at Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan and snapping the belts around their waists. Immediately the older Danny, the older Sophie and the older Dan and screams as he is electrocuted by the anti-ghost device.
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Or the Ghost Gauntlets!
They hauls back and sends Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan crashing through an oil truck with a punch. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan looks around for a second nervously and then the whole thing goes up in a blue blast. In the air, Danny, Sophie and Dan shields his face. As the explosion subsides to blue flame, he lands and begins to walk away. Behind them, a furious Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan emerges from the flame. They rips off the Specter Deflectors, grabs Danny, Sophie and Dan by the arms with a still-burning hand, and throws them to the ground
Dark Danny: Your time is up, Danny. [copying himself into four, the copies speaking together] It's been up for 10 years
Dark Sophie: Your time's up, Sophie. [copying herself into four, the copies speaking together] It's been up for 10 years
Midnight Dan: Your time was up, Dan. [copying himself into four, the copies speaking together] It's been up for 10 years
They all punch them at once, and we get a quick beat-him-up montage. Danny, Sophie and Dan falls smoking to the ground and Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan's copies reunite.
Dark Danny: What makes you think you can change my past?
Dark Sophie: What's makes you think you can change my past?
Midnight Dan: What is makes you think you can change my past?
Danny: [getting to all fours and glaring up] Because I promised my family!
Sophie and Dan: [getting to all fours and glaring up] Us too!
Dark Danny: [laughing] Oh, you are such a child! You "promised"?
Dark Sophie: [laughing] Oh, you are such a little girl! You "promised"?
Midnight Dan [laughing] Oh, you are such a kid! You "promised"?
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Yes! We PROMISED!!!
They stands and the word turns to a Ghostly Wail, sending Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan flying and digging up a divot in the street
Dark Danny: That power, ugh, it's not possible! We don't get that power until ten years from now!
Dark Sophie: The power, ugh, how it's not possible! We don't get that power until ten years from once!
Midnight Dan: That power, ugh, that's not possible! We don't get that power until ten years from once and now!
Danny: [landing] I guess the future isn't as set in stone as you think it is.
Sophie: [landing] I agree with Danny, the future isn't as set in stone as you thinking it is.
They does another Ghostly Wail practically in Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan's faces, sending them flying again; it breaks out windows and blows them through a doorway, then demolishes the building on top of them. Completely exhausted, Danny, Sophie and Dan drops to their knees in human form. A fist rises from the rubble pile, and Danny, Sophie and Dan looks up and gasps. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan bursts from the wreckage, bruised up, flames dying, and uniform ripped.
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 14: Danny, Sophie, and Dan come back from the future with a bunch of Fenton gadgets 
Danny: [offscreen] Hey, old man! [Dark Danny stops laughing and turns Danny Phantom zips out of the swirling sky wearing a backpack and some kind of rocket belt.] Ready for a blast from your past?
Sophie: Hey! Old woman! [Dark Sophie stops laughing and turns Sophie Phantom zips out of the swirling sky wearing a backpack and some kind of rocket belt.] Ready to blast from your past?
Dan: Hey! Old man! [Midnight Dan stops laughing and turns Dan Phantom zips out of the swirling sky wearing a backpack and some kind of rocket belt.] Ready to blast from our past? Take them down!
Danny, Sophie, and Dan collide with Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan knocking him a couple blocks away.
Danny: Don't worry. I won't turn into that. Ever. I promise. [He looks over at Lancer, who is staring back at him.] I guess this sort of explains my periodic absences, huh?
Sophie: Don’t worry. We won’t turn into them. They have promised
Dan: Going to them. Huh?
A ropes of ectoenergy suddenly catches their around the waist. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan reels them in to seize them by the collars.
Danny: What are you gonna do? Waste me? What happens to you then?
Sophie: What are they doing? What happened to us?
Dan: What happened to them?
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 13: Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan's backstories/A Second Chance/Meanwhile in Present/They going to the Nasty Burger/Jazz, Arthur and Jane with Portable Fenton Ghost Peelers/Arthur saids "That's the dark ghosts in the disguises!"/Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan captures Families, Friends and Teachers
Old/Future Vlad VO: If it's any consolation, they went so quickly. They felt no pain
Old/Future Juleka VO: even No painful life
Old/Future Diesel VO: or No painful lie
As Vlad, Juleka and Diesel speaks we see a newspaper spinning out of the darkness, the Amity Park Angle. The headline story is reads NASTY ACCIDENTS FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS, with a picture of the crater where the Nasty Burger once stood. The other frontpage stories read THE SOLE SURVIVORS", and "SURVIVALS WHO SURVIVED FROM EXPLOSION"over a picture of Danny, Sophie and Dan, and "Families and Friends", with a photo of all the Fentons with Sam, Monty, Susie, Elise, Henry and Tucker
The image fades to one of Vlad's mansion, Juleka's manor and Diesel's palace. A car pulls up in front of it
Old/Future Vlad VO: With nowhere else to go, you three came to us--
Old/Future Juleka VO: and we saw you three
Old/Future Diesel VO: Even you feel hopeless and lonely
We see Danny, Sophie and Dan standing sadly in the driveway with their luggages
Vlad VO: --the only person on the planet who could possibly hope to understand your situations
Old/Future Juleka VO: Yeah, you're situations is gonna be differents
Old/Future Diesel VO: Even you feel hopeless and lonely
Vlad, Juleka and Diesel puts a hand on Danny, Sophie and Dan's shoulder and smiles, but after glancing at them Danny, Sophie and Dan just looks dully down at the photo of their Friends and his friends in front of the FentonWorks
Old/Future Vlad VO: All you three wanted was to make the hurt go away
Old/Future Juleka VO: You three will forget the hurtful things go away
Old/Future Diesel VO: Even bad things will go away
Vlad, Juleka and Diesel's face saddens. The scene switches and we see Vlad, Juleka and Diesel wearing a medical apron and facemask, then zoom out to see Danny, Sophie and Dan unconcious in a large machine, hooked up to a breathing apparatus and a beeping heart monitor.
Old/Future Vlad VO: We honored your wishes
Old/Future Juleka VO: We promise to your wishes
Old/Future Diesel VO: Even We'll do the best your wishes
Vlad, Juleka and Diesel wearing the Ghost Gauntlets, raises both hands and the Gauntlets glow purple, dark violet and dark purple.
Old/Future Vlad VO, Old/Future Juleka VO and Old/Future Diesel VO: No more painful human emotions to drag you three down
Razor claws spring out of the Gauntlets. They sticks both Gauntlets into Danny, Sophie and Dan's torso, closing their eyes and turning his face away, sweating with effort. Finally he pulls out a smoking, transparent forms of Danny Phantom, Sophie Kingsmen and Dan Turner, and stares up at it, wide-eyed. Phantoms' eyes go wide and they rips the Gauntlets out, leaving greens gashes and light yellow gashes in his chest and throwing Vlad, Juleka and Diesel into the wall, the Gauntlets falling off. They looks up to see a furious Phantoms with both fists glowing
Old/Future Vlad VO: Sadly, that freed you three up to rip the ghost out of us
Old/Future Juleka VO: It's so hopeless you three up to rip the ghost out of us like this
Old/Future Diesel VO: And one by one, you three up to rip the ghost outta of us
Grinning maniacally, Phantoms dons the Gauntlets, picks up Vlad, Juleka and Dan by the shirt, and rips their ghosts and humans halves apart, flinging the respective sides into opposite walls. Dropping the Gauntlets and going intangible, Phantoms flies into Plasmiuses, who opens blazing green eyes and blazing light yellow eyes and crackles with energy, then takes Phantoms' form.
Old/Future Vlad VO: And when my evil ghost half mixed with yours, and my evil side overwhelmed you…
Old/Future Juleka VO: When my evil ghost from mixed with yours, and my evil side overwhelmed you…
Old/Future Diesel VO: Even When my evil ghost from mixed with yours, and my evil side overwhelmed you…
Phantoms' eyes open, glowing solid greens and glowing solid light yellow. They screams as his face begins to crack, their skins turning light blues and white and white hair and even, light yellow and gold orange hair blazing into fire. Rings of energy ripple out around them. Below, Vlad, Juleka cowers in terror.
Danny: What happened to my human self?
Sophie: and What happen to my human self?
Dan: Then, what happened to my human self and next?
Vlad, Juleka and Diesel closes their eyes and turns away, putting up a staying hand.
In flashback
Old/Future Vlad VO: Some things, my boy, are better left unsaid
Old/Future Juleka VO: Same things, my girl, are better left unsaid
Old/Future Diesel VO: The some things, my boy, are better left unsaid
Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan's shadow looming over a trembling Danny, Sophie and Dan. Phantoms stares down at him for a moment, then lunges toward the camera with red eyes and a lolling snake tongue, there is a ringing scream and we see Vlad's mansion, Juleka's manor and Diesel's palace explode in a blast of green and dark yellow and dark gold orange. From it Dark Danny, Dark Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan flies, laughing
**Flashback ends**
Old/Future Vlad: If any good came out of this, it's that ten years without ghost powers [he picks up a photo of himself with Jack and Maddie in college] have given me a chance to see what a fool I'd been.
Old/Future Juleka: If any good came out of this, it's that ten years without ghost powers [she picks up a photo of herself with Eddie and Anita in college] have given me a chance to see what a fool We'd been
Old/Future Juleka: Yeah, it's that ten years without ghost powers [she picks up a photo of herself with Patrica and Dennis in college] have given me a chance to see what a fool We'd been
Danny: Maybe that's all anybody needs...a second chance. You still have those Ghost Gauntlets?
Sophie: Maybe that's all everybody needs...a second chance. You three still have those Ghost Gauntlets?
Dan: Yeah, and right?
Vlad, Juleka and Diesel's eyes go wide.
**meanwhile in present**
Scene change: Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan slaps their C.A.T. answers sheet down on Lancer and theaters' desk, smirking challengingly
Lancer: [flatly] Finished already, Mr. Fenton? Ms. Kingsmen? Mr. Turner?
Disguised Dark Danny: [leaning on the desk] Is that a "problem"?
Disguised Dark Sophie: [leaning on the desk] Got a "problem"?
Disguised Midnight Dan: [leaning on the desk] What's that "problem"?
Lancer How should I know? I don't have all the answers. [They face off over the desk.] Do you?
Smirking, Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan steps away, tossing one last challenging glance over his shoulder at the door. Sighing, Lancer reaches for his cell phone and dials 555-1221 for FentonWorks with Kingsmen Family and Turner Family. It rings once.
*meanwhile in dark future**
Old/Future Vlad: So you're saying there's a medallion lodged within you, keeping you rooted in this time period? [pulling on the Gauntlets]
Old/Future Juleka and Old/Future Dan: Right? [pulling on the Gauntlets]
Danny: Yes. And I can't reach it. But I'm guessing if you could reach into me and rip out my humanity -- which, by the way, sounds totally gross -- you can get the medallion out too! Then I'll pop back to my present like Tucker and Sam did
Sophie: Yeah, and even Elise and Monty did
Dan: Even Henry and Susan too
[raising the gauntlets] Or I could just destroy you now and prevent this future. Didn't think of that, did you?
They hauls back and brings the claws down. We hear Danny, Sophie and Dan scream and see green light blazing and yellow light blazing out of the mouth of the cave
**meanwhile in nasty burger of present**
Maddie: Mr. Lancer sounded urgent on the phone. Danny, is something wrong?
Patricia: What's wrong, Dan?
Eddie: Is this true, Sophie?
Disguised Dark Danny: Not yet.
Mr. Lancer: Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, Mr and Mrs. Turner, Mrs and Mr. Kingsmen, Daniel, Dan, Sophie, this is the Nasty Burger. When people fail, this is where they end up-- whether they fail because they don't study, or because they cheat. [holds up Danny, Sophie and Dan's test]
Jack, Maddie, Patricia, Dennis, Anita and Eddie gasp.
Jack: Danny! Is this true?
Maddie: Did you cheat?
Dennis: Dan! It is true?
Patricia: Why did you cheat?
Anita: Why, Sophie? Did u just cheat again?
Eddie: Did you just cheat again?
Sam: You have to get out of here!
Monty: Yeah, it's gonna blowing up and destroy us all!
They turn to see Tucker, Sam, Susie, Henry, Elise, Monty and others running to them
Tucker: The Nasty Burger's gonna blow, and we're three feet from it!
Me/Laura, Sarah/You and others: Yeah
Lancer: South Beach Diet, people, what's going on here!
Jazz, Arthur and Jane's foot slams down, encased in the Fenton Peelers
Jazz: We'll tell you all what's going on
[Everyone looks over, surprised, and in Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan's case, angry]
Arthur and Jane: Or better yet, we'll show you all
[they fires the Peelers at Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan, peeling away their disguises and revealing their true form. Everyone looks on in shock]
Jazz: These are not Danny, Sophie and Dan!
Arthur: That's the dark ghosts in the disguises!
Jack,, Maddie, Patricia, Dennis, Anita and Eddie go from stunned to angry, and immediately train weapons on the fallen Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan
Jack: Where is he? Where's our son?
Maddie: What have you done to our boy?
Dennis: Where is he? Where's our son?
Patrick: What have you done to our boy?
Anita: Where is she? Where's our daughter?
Eddie: What have you done to our girl?
Dark Danny: [laughs and looks up at Maddie] I am your boy!
Midnight Dan: [laughs and looks up at Patricia] I am your boy!
Dark Sophie: [laughs and looks up at Eddie] I am your girl!
Eddie, Maddie and Patrick: What?
Lancer, Sam, Tucker and others look on, shocked. Evil!Dan, Evil!Soph and Evil!Dan springs into the air, where the clouds are starting to swirl green
Dark Danny: What kind of parents are you anyway? The world's leading ghost experts, and you can't figure out your own son was half ghost!
Dark Sophie: Yeah, and you both cannot figure out your whole daughter was half ghost!
Midnight Dan: Even you will not figure out your own son was half ghost!
Dark Danny: Hello? Danny "Fenton"? Danny "Phantom" ? Ever notice the similarity? [looking sidelong at Jazz] Jazz did.
Midnight Dan: Hello? Dan "Turner"? Dan "Phantom" ? Ever notice the similarity? [looking sidelong at Jane] Jane did.
Dark Sophie: Hello? Sophie "Kingsmen"? Sophie "Phantom" ? Ever notice the similarity? [looking sidelong at Arthur] Arthur did.
Sam, Tucker, Susie, Henry, Monty and Elise: They did?
Me/Laura and Sarah/You: With what?
Jack: Liar! Don't move!
Dark Danny: Actually, nobody's going anywhere! Not until it's time for you to be blown everywhere
Midnight Dan: And no one's going anywhere! Not until it's time for you to be blown everywhere
Dark Sophie: Yeah, and nobody's going somewhere! Not until it's time for you to be blown anywhere
Me/Laura: Sarah! Guys, get duck! **ducks**
They flings out a strand of ectoplasm, Me/Laura, Sarah/You and others are ducking, binding Jack, Maddie, Dennis, Patricia, Lancer, Sam, Tucker, Monty, Elise, Susie and Henry to a tank, then releases five more blobs of it from their fingertips, gagging them. Jazz, Arthur and Jane attempts to punch them from behind, but their flesh moves around her fist, leaving a hole in their chests, Their gasps and pulls back their arms
Dark Danny Nice try, Jazz. [his chest springs back to normal] But me, [turns his neck 180 degrees to look at her] myfuture, [he turns the rest of his body around] We're inevitable
Midnight Danny: Nice try, Jazz. [his chest springs back to normal] But me, [turns his neck 180 degrees to look at her] my future, [he turns the rest of his body around] We're too inevitable
Dark Sophie: Miss it, Arthur. [her chest springs back to normal] But me, [turns her neck 180 degrees to look at him] my future, [she turns the rest of her body around] We're so invincible
Two copies manifest, surrounding them. One seizes their helmets and yanks it off. They screams and another copy covers their mouths with an ectoplasm gag. The three copies reunite and they lassos her with an ecoplasm ropes, swinging them suits and all to join the others. They laughs at them evilly
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 12: Jazz, Arthur and Jane with Portable Fenton Ghost Peelers/Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan knock Jazz, Arthur and Jane unconscious and drag Jazz, Arthur and Jane away/Meanwhile in Dark Future/Meets Reformed Vlad, Reformed Juleka and Reformed Diesel
Scene opens on Casper High, Mighty Falcon's High, University School, then to the testing room. Lancer is now sitting at the desk at the front of the room, and Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie, and Disguised Midnight Dan are still copying answers from the answer sheets to their tests. They looks up at the door and see Jazz, Arthur, and Jane frowning at them through the glass. They looks around quickly, and then a transparent copies of their adult selfs peels off and dives into the floor as they scowls back at them. Out in the hall, the copy slips up behind them and zaps them as they pull the Fenton Peelers. They scream and then collapse, unconscious, to the floor. They drag them offscreen by the ankles.
Scene change: back in the Ghost Zone...
Danny: Well, that's Vlad for ya. [We see that he is looking at a gigantic purple football.] Subtle as a flying mallet. [He pushes the football aside to reveal a swirling portal. He jumps through into a dim cave packed with equipment.]
Sophie: ? Wait... It’s football game? Going to see them, Jaleka
Dan: On the way, Diesel...
Old/Future Vlad: Come to kick a defenceless old man while he's down? [We see a beard and one arm, the fingers tapping the arm of a chair.]
Old/Future Jaleka: Not working, defenceless old woman... While she’s down? [We see a hair tied in a bun lower back, her hands held lower]
Old/Future Diesel: Not enough, not work. Helpless old man, he's down
Danny: Defenseless? Old?
Sophie: Not working?
Dan: Not enough? What?
Danny approaches Vlad's large, V-emblazoned chair from behind; he is sitting at a bank of consoles, chemistry glassware to the side. Vlad spins about abruptly. He is still wearing a suit, but it is torn and stained and he is barefoot. His hair and beard have grown long and there are dark rings under his eyes.
Sophie sees Jaleka turn to show. She is wearing Dress Long and Mary Shoes but with a coat long, She has tied her hair in a bun lower Upsweep. She has puffy eyes.
Dan sees Diesel turned to walk to show. He is wearing a suit, torn and stained, orphaned clothes and boots. His hair has grown long, faux hawk long hair and long beard. He has puffy eyes.
Danny: Man. What happened to you?
Sophie: ! Oh my God... What happened to you?
Dan: Not better, what happened to you?
Old/Future Vlad: I could ask you the very same question, my boy. Although perhaps [he stands with the aid of a cane] I should ask what "hasn't" happened to you. Yet. 
Old/Future Jaleka: I can ask you the very same question, my girl. They have what they? See it... What happened to them?
Old/Future Diesel: Right, my boy. Same ask, what happened with them? We have to tell them that they are not good.
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
Old Diesel (Reformed) Full Appearance
Family Members Relatives: Dan Turner (Adoptive Son: Dead/Deceased)
Other Family Members Relatives:
Friends: Patricia Turner (Dan's Mom: Dead/Deceased), DJ Turner (Dan's Dad: Dead/Deceased), Jane Turner (Dan's Older Sister: Dead/Deceased), Peach Turner (Dan's 2 Older Sister: Dead/Deceased), Dewey Turner (Dan's Older Brother: Dead/Deceased), Demi Turner (Dan's Youngest Daughter: Dead/Deceased), DJ.Jr/DJ Jr. Turner (Dan's Youngest Brother: Dead/Deceased), Susan/Susie Williams (Dead/Deceased), Henry Peterson (Dead/Deceased), Dan Turner (Alternate Timeline/Normal Original AU), Sophie Kingsmen (Alternate Timeline/Normal Original AU), All his Friends (Alternate Timeline/Normal Original AU), All his Friends (Dark Future AU: Survivors), All his Dead Friends and Missing Friends (Dark Future AU: Dead/Deceased and Missing/Presumed Dead/Unknown), Danny Phantom (Alternate Timeline/Normal Original AU), Aria Kingsmen (Sophie's Mom: Dead/Deceased), Eddie Kingsmen (Sophie's Dad: Dead/Deceased), Monty Myres (Dead/Deceased), Elise Libman (Dead/Deceased)
Enemies: Midnight/Midday/Mid Dan (Archenemy: Dark Future AU/Fallen Hero AU), Dark Danny/Dan Phantom, Dark Sophie/Soph Kingsmen
Species: Human with Ghost hybrid (Formerly), Fully Human (Current)
Status: Alive/Active
Alignment: Good
Goals: Helps Dan return to his own time at home
Weapons: Ghost Gloves Gauntlets
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Paraphernalia: Ghost Gloves Gauntlets
Fears/Phobias: Monophobia
Hair Colour: ___
Clothes: Same with worn-out
Hair Styles: ___
Moustache Styles:
Beard Styles:
For @laurasanchez36
Diesel Johnson (Dan's Archenemy/Reformed) (Dark Future AU) belongs to my new msa X dp oc sona enemy/reformed Arch-Enemy/Reformed
Crossovers of AUs Alternate Universes belongs to me
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me
AUs Alternate Universes and Crossovers belongs to me
The Legend of Ghosts Teams/Groups/Gangs to my new msa X dp ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs enemy
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 11: Meanwhile in Present/They are survived from getting crashing in dark future/They look worried about Danny, Sophie and Dan are still in dark future/Meanwhile in Dark Future/Danny, Sophie and Dan seeing the graves of their families and friends, even the missing posters of their families and friends/Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan are disguises as their humans from and are going to the present/Clockwork saids "Everything's fine" to Ghost Past and Ghost Present/Ghost Past remembers Muffet Pepper's stories/Jazz, Arthur and Jane discovers Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan are not truly Danny, Sophie, Dan, then Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan zaps Jazz, Arthur and Jane/Meanwhile in Dark Future Ghost Zone/Danny, Sophie, Dan are stilling having powers/Meanwhile in their present schools
**Meanwhile in present**
Jazz, Arthur and Jane drives up in a pink sedan and parks in front of it. We see that she has a personalized plate that reads "JAZZ" and a bumper sticker reading "Have you hugged your inner child today?"
Jazz: [leaning out her car window and looking around] Danny has to be out here somewhere
Arthur: Oooh, arthur, what u gonna say to Sophie?
Jane: Dan is to be out somewhere...
In the alley beside the Nasty Burger, Sam, Henry, Susan, Elise, Monty and Tucker with Mystery Trio appears in a flash of light. The still-live heating element and tanks of Nasty Sauce are visible. Tucker is on his knees, still shielding his head, screaming Sam crosses her arms and frowns at him. He looks up, surprised
Me/Laura: Huh? **gasp** Hey, i'm alive!
Sarah/You: What happen?
Sardonyx the Poltercat: Meow
Claude the Puppy: I guess we're okay
Sapphire the Dog/Kitsune: Yeah
Samantha the Polterdog: Me too
Muffet: I don't know, i think the medallions sends us back in the present
Tucker You got the medallions off, didn't you
Elise: **gasp** We forgot about Danny, Sophie and Dan!
Henry: Yeah
Sam: I don't accessorize well. Unfortunately, Danny, Sophie and Dan's still stuck in the future fighting their jerky older selves! We've gotta help them!
Monty: Yeah
Susan: Me too
Me/Laura and others: Us too!
Jazz: Tucker? Sam? Guys?
They turn and see her standing at the entrance to the alley.
Jazz You got a second? Let me answer that for you. **approaching with one hand pointing** Yes, u do. I know Danny, Sophie and Dan stole the answers to the C.A.T. That they are going to cheat!
Arthur: Yeah, and i can't believe what they do that!
Jane: I agree
Sam: Actually, Danny, Sophie and Dan wasn't going to--
Monty: They are did not going to...
Jazz: **holding up a hand** Sam, Monty, enough. I know more than you guys think I do. A lot more. So I suggest when you see Danny, Sophie and Dan, you guys tell them I wanna talk to him. Tonight! Because if I don't, I will be talking to our parents and Mr. Lancer tomorrow. **walks off**
Sam: Lancer and other teachers knows Danny, Sophie and Dan has the answers?
Monty: Maybe
Susan: I don't know
Tucker Oh, man, is they in trouble
Elise: I think not or maybe
Henry: Yeah?
Sam That's gotta be it. Danny, Sophie and Dan cheating is the thing that leads to that horrible future! Tucker Let me get this straight. Danny, Sophie and Dan gets caught cheating on a test, and we pay for it with our lives? How is that fair?
**Meanwhile in Dark Future**
*Danny, Sophie and Dan opening their eyes**
Danny: Mom? Dad? [rolls to his knees]
Sophie: What happened to them?
Dan: What's going on?
**The statues is of their family and friends. An epigraph on the large pedestal reads "GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN" and friends are missing in missing posters. At this angle we also see that Danny, Sophie and Dan's arms are bound to his torso with glowing green rope**
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Gone but not forgotten
They looks to the side and sees a statue of Lancer and other teacher off by itself. The pedestal has sunk into the ground so that it reads "MR LANCER and other teacher - GONE".
Danny: [standing] And where's the Nasty Burger?
Sophie: I think it's right there
Dan: I agree, it's right there
They looks up at the wreck of the Nasty Burger. It's been blown open, and the sign is fallen. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan walks around the corner of the building
Dark Danny: Strange how one massive fireball of highly combustible condiments can ruin your whole future
Dark Sophie: Yeah, disastering you're future
Midnight Dan: and brokening you're whole future
Danny: The time medallion?
Sophie: And time medallion?
Dan: Where's The time medallion?
Dark Danny: Fused inside you. Nice, huh? Intangible and unreachable whether you're ghost or human which means...you can't go back in time. [He raises his hand and a disc of green swirling light begins to form around it.]
Dark Sophie: Fused inside of you. Nice, don't u? Intangible and unreachable whether you're ghost or human which means...you cannot go back in the long time [She raises her hand and a disc of green swirling light begins to form around it.]
Danny: It doesn't matter if We go back in time or not. We'll never turn into you! Never!
Sophie: Yeah, We'll never turn into you! No way!
Dan: We'll never be like u! No way!
Behind Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan the swirling green vortex has grown to their heights
Dark Danny: Of course you will. [he reverts to human form, but he now appears to be Danny's age; a perfect clone.] It's only a matter of time. [seizing Danny by the bonds, he throws him screaming into the portal.] I need you three out of our way and out of my hair while I make sure nothing happens to change my past. And luckily, this [he pulls out one of the time medallions] is all we need to make sure of that...
Dark Sophie: Yes, you do. [he reverts to human form, but she now appears to be Sophie's age; a perfect clone.] It's only a matter of time. [seizing Sophie by the bonds, she throws her screaming into the portal] I want you three out of our perfect way and out of my hair while I make sure nothing happens to change my past. And then, this [he pulls out one of the time medallions] is all we need to make sure of that...
Midnight Dan: Oh yes you will. [he reverts to human form, but he now appears to be Dan's age; a perfect clone.] It's only a matter of time. [seizing Dan by the bonds, he throws him screaming into the portal.] I need you three out of our the way and out of my hair while I make sure nothing happens to change my past. And luckily, this [he pulls out one of the time medallions] is all we need to make sure of that...
A ball of blue-white light engulfs them and he vanishes. They reappears back in the present, in the alleyway next to the Nasty Burger
Dark Danny: ...And to get where and when We need to Be
Dark Sophie: Yeah, We need to do
Midnight Dan: Me too
**Meanwhile in Clockwork's Two with Two Ghosts**
Observant 1: Have you completed the task?
Clockwork: [crossly] Everything's fine. [smiling] Everything's the way it's supposed to be. [He turns to the console of the viewer and presses a button as he reverts to his elderly form. Disguised Dark Danny appears on the screen in front of the Nasty Sauce vats.] And there's your boy, back to his time. Safe, sound, and clearly not evil. [onscreen Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan starts walking.] Now. Care to observe the door?
The two Observants look at each other, then vanish. Clockwork switches to child form
Ghost Past: ...
Ghost Present: U okay, ghost past?
Ghost Past: I remember about muffet, when she telling her stories, when her parents died, she was now adopted by pepper family... if i want to see muffet again...
**back at the Nasty Burger. Disguised Dark Danny is looking up at the sign. Even disguised, he retains his adult voice**
Disguised Dark Danny: The Nasty Burger. Still standing. For now... [he looks inside where the heating element is warming the Nasty Sauce tank. The temperature indicator is still slowly creeping higher.
Disguised Dark Sophie: Yeah, for now...
Disguised Midnight Dan: Yeah, for now...
Sam and Tucker: Danny!
Monty and Elise: Sophie!
Henry and Susie: Dan!
Me/Laura, Sarah/You and Others: Guys!
Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan turns away from the hole in the Nasty Burger, surprised. Sam, Monty, Elise and Tucker with Mystery trio run, up, grinnning. Sam hugs him, Monty hugs her and Susie hugs him
Sam: You Guys made it back!
Monty: Yeah!
Susie: Me too!
Tucker: [also hugs Disguised Dark Danny] Did you three beat that evil jerky puspack alternative version of yourselves?
Elise: [also hugs Disguised Dark Sophie] Yeah, pal?
Henry: [also hugs Disguised Midnight Dan] Yeah, pal?
Disguised Dark Danny: [his eyes flash red for an instant, then return to blue, and he laughs shortly, He now speaks with Danny's voice] Always with the quips. In my weaker moment say, sometimes I miss your droll sense of humor
Disguised Dark Sophie: [her eyes flash red for an instant, then return to light yellow, and he laughs shortly, She now speaks with Sophie's voice] Always with sense of humor and manners
Disguised Midnight Dan: [his eyes flash red for an instant, then return to blue, and he laughs shortly, He now speaks with Dan's voice] It's fine always
Sam, Monty, Elise, Susie, Henry and Tucker look nonplussed
Tucker, Henry and Elise: I'm sorry?
Danny (Disguised Dark Danny): [realizing he's messed up] We just kidding! We beat my other self quite easily. Had you guys going there for a second, didn't I?
Sophie (Disguised Dark Sophie): Yeah
Dan (Disguised Midnight Dan): Me too
Tucker ...Well...we should probably do what we can to stop the Nasty Burger from blowing up, huh?
Danny (Disguised Dark Danny): Already done! Now, who's up for... [to himself]/what did we used to do together? [out loud] Playing some video games and raging against the machine?
Sophie (Disguised Dark Sophie): What did u think, guys?
Dan (Disguised Midnight Dan): Right, guys?
Sam, Susie, Monty, Elise, Henry and Tucker: [enthusiastically] We're in!
Me/Laura: But.. guys, oh i don't know what's going on
Others: Yeah
**meanwhile in ghost zone**
Danny: [grunting] We gotta get out of this!
Sophie and Dan: Yeah
Danny, Sophie and Dan: We're going ghost!
They does so. They struggles some more and finds themselves still stuck, then finally gives up
Danny: Well, it was worth a shot.
Sophie and Dan: Yeah
Box Ghost: Well, well, well.  All this time we've been planning how we'd take the fight to you, and here you are. Wrapped up like a present
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Box Ghost?
Box Ghost: Beware
Raising a hand he throws a blue-white energy beam at Danny, Sophie and Dan, knocking them into an older and much chubbier Ember
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Ember?!
Danny: You look....
Ember: Like I went to seed right after you three destroyed my vocal cords with that Ghostly Wail of yours?
Danny: We was gonna say statuesque, but uh--
Ember throws a punch chord on her guitar, knocking Danny, Sophie and Dan back. He crashes into Johnny 13, now balding and in a wheelchair
Danny: Johnny 13?! Ok, whatever happened to you, I swear I had nothing to do with--
Johnny 13: [the black blanket over his legs rises up and resolves into the bad luck shadow] Been waiting a long time for this, punk.
Danny: Wait! [The other ghosts close in on him.] No! Nooo!
Sophie and Dan: Oh no!
**meanwhile in present**
Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan: Our old rooms
Jazz: Danny? Sophie? Dan: We need to talk
Disguised Dark Danny: And my old sister, Jazz. What do you want, Jazz? We're busy.
Jazz, Arthur and Jane approaches, holding his backpack. We see that the Booomerang is on the floor between them.
Jazz Yeah, busy cheating! [She pulls the C.A.T. answer packet out of the bag.] Lancer was right, you three "did" steal the answers! Don't you understand?
Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan: That I'll be destroying my future? Haha. You don't know the half of it. [they takes the packet and bookbag from them] 
Jazz: Danny, Sophie, Dan, I know all of it.
Disguised Dark Danny shoves the packet in his bag] About everything. That you're part ghost. [she picks up the Booomerang] That you're always doing the right thing with your powers. Until now. Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan: [surprised] You three knew?
Jazz: I know. And I've been covering for you with Mom and Dad because I'm proud of you, and the good that you do. But not anymore
Arthur and Jane: Yeah
Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan: You three always were smarter than I gave you credit for. [they abandons their disguise, changing to their adult ghost forms]
Jazz, Arthur and Jane: You're- you're not Danny, Sophie and Dan! [backing up and dropping the boomerang] That's why the Boomerang wasn't homing in on your ectosignature! You're not Danny, Sophie and Dan!
Dark Danny: We was. But we grew out of it. The Danny, Sophie and Dan, you know is floating helplessly in the Ghost Zone ten years in the future.
Jazz: Thet'll escape. They'll beat you!
Dark Danny: How? Is the answer A, the Fenton Portal? Destroyed it. B, the only remaining portal? The one my idiot cheesehead archenemy has? As soon as I find it, that's going too.
Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan: Even Lady-violet and twist-creep
Jazz: Cheesehead? Lady-violet? Twist-creep? Vlad Masters, Juleka and Diesel?!
Arthur and Jane: They are your archenemies?
Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan: Is it C, you three? No. You three can't stop me from cheating on the C.A.T. and solidifying our future, so it must be D-- [They throws an ectoblast at them, freezing them with green and dark yellow lights] None of the above!
They releases them and they falls to the ground unconscious. They returns to their human disguises and pulls the answer packet out of his bag, looking at it.
Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan: [adult voice] Well, what do you know! The answer to the first question "is" D. [evil laugh]
John Kingsmen: **gasp** I must find the real them before it is too late! **runs and gets the boomerang with the letter to sends to the ghost zone**
**meanwhile in ghost zone**
Danny: Please! I didn't do all this to you, it wasn't us!
Sophie and Dan: Yeah
ST (Skulker): Oh, stop! You're responsible for the horrible things that happened to your worlds "and" ours.
ST (Technus): To everyone you've ever come in contact with! Ember Your family, your friends, [backing away] and most importantly, us.
Danny: But--I didn't do any of that! All of the ghosts power up to attack.
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Get away. Get away! Get AWAAAAAY! Their scream turns into a Ghostly Wail, knocking the other ghosts away and vaporizing their bonds. The effort of the attack makes him partially revert to human form, their eyes and hair changing but his suit and glow remaining
Danny: Whoa. All of the ghosts are floating unconscious, the Shadow half-melted and Skulktech's suit smoking. Danny My voice is changing? Great. [he goes back to full ghost mode] I'm going through evil puberty. Everywhere I turn my stupid future is smacking me in the face! [The Booomerang clocks him in the back of the head] OW! ...A note? [they takes the note and throws the boomerang to the side] [reading] Wisconsin? Plasmius with Meyer and Diesel. Figures they's involved in this!
Sophie and Dan: Yeah
**meanwhile in present**
Tucker, Henry and Elise: (Whisper) Danny, Sophie, Dan , don't! If you three cheat on the test we--
Sam, Susie and Monty: Shhh!
Lancer: Mr. Foley, Mr. Fenton. [The trio and the mystery trio all look up] Is there a problem?
Disguised Dark Danny, Disguised Dark Sophie and Disguised Midnight Dan: Uh... [they looks over at Sam, Monty, Susie, Elise, Henry and Tucker, who look back expectantly, and he snickers.] No problem at all. [their eyes go red]
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 10: Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, Midnight Dan had holding green ghost auras to stop to Danny, Sophie, Dan tell them to run/Present Ghost Teams Friends run fleeing before Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, Midnight Dan used ghostly wails to Home's Ghost built down/Danny, Sophie, Dan to save them stopping by Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, Midnight Dan/Danny, Sophie, Dan to back to Human forms/selves 
Dark Danny: You know, if I had an ounce of humanity left in me, [he walks around Sam and Tucker, still trapped in the green light] this would be a touching little reunion. [Sam and Tucker exchange a nervous glance.] But of course, I surrendered my human half a long time ago.
Dark Sophie: [she walks around Monty and Elise, still trapped in the dark yellow light] They are reunited for us! A long time ago... I defeated my human self form!
Midnight Dan: I have surrendered my human form! Not back here a long time ago! [he walks around Susan and Henry, still trapped in the green light]
Behind them, we see Danny, Sophie, and Dan rise invisibly from the street, teeth gritted and fists clenched. Dark Danny's, Dark Sophie's, and Midnight Dan's ghost sense goes off as tendrils of red smoke come from their nostrils.
Dark Danny: Oh please
They turn and punch an ectoblast at Danny, Sophie, and Dan who returns in kind. Both are knocked down by the other's blast, and the green light trapping Tucker and Sam vanishes, dropping them to the street as well
Danny: [sitting up, panicked] Tucker! Sam! Run!
Sophie: [sitting up, panicked] Monty! Elise! Run!
Dan: [sitting up, panicked] Susan! Henry! Everyone run!
They do need to flee from Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan
Dark Danny: [back on his feet] Run? Where are they going to go?
Dark Sophie: They are going?
Midnight Dan: They are gone?
Turning, they let out a Ghostly Wail. Danny, Sophie, and Dan cover their ears. Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams stop, looking up at the FentonWorks next to them. The brick begins to crumble, the Op Center tilting from the top. Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams cover their heads.
Tucker: [to Sam] For the record, I blame you.
Elise: [to Monty] Used Time Medals to need!
Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan: Ah ah ah.
Danny, Sophie, and Dan gasps as the FentonWorks falls over on top of Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams, throwing up a cloud of dust. Danny, Sophie, and Dan stares in shock for a moment, then cries out as Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan shocks them with energy. They revert to human forms, and Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan spin and throw them toward the wreckage. Getting up on their elbows, they see the few of time medallions Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams had been wearing lying abandoned on the ground.
Danny: They took off their time medallions! [getting to his feet] That returns them to their time period just like Box Lunch and Skulktech! [holding up a medallion] Tucker and Sam made it out alive! [taking hold of his own medallion] Which means I can-
Sophie: They are right used time medals!
Dan: Lucky to them are right...
Dark Danny: [seizing Danny's arm] What? [Danny cries out as he lifts him into the air, dropping the other medallion.] Go back for them? They're doomed anyway. And you aren't going anywhere if you can't remove your time medallion. [His hand glows green. Ripping off the time medallion, he makes it intangible and sticks it inside Danny's chest. Danny screams then slumps, unconscious.] In fact, you aren't going anywhere at all.
Dark Sophie: [seizing Sophie's arm] What...? No! [Sophie cries out as she lifts her into the air, dropping the other medallion.] Go back for them? They're doomed. [Her hand glows dark yellow. Ripping off the time medallion, she makes it intangible and sticks it inside Sophie's chest. Sophie screams then slumps, unconscious.] They are not done yet!
Midnight Dan: [seizing Dan's arm] What?! No! [Dan cries out as he lifts his into the air, dropping the other medallion.] Go back for them? They're doomed. [His hand glows green. Ripping off the time medallion, he makes it intangible and sticks it inside Dan's chest. Dan screams then slumps, unconscious.] They are not dead, I think they are alive in the present day!
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA x DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 9: Future Valerie and Future her Allies to stop Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, Midnight Dan end to stop them/Danny, Sophie, Dan are freed from nets to save Future Valerie and Future her Allies
We fade back in on Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan frowning down at the trio and the mystery trio, who stare back up in shock. Danny, Sophie and Dan is still caught in Valerie and her future allies' nets. Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan lands on the street and puts his fists on their hips
Dark Sophie: Elise and Monty, it's been so long
Midnight Dan: Susan and Henry, it's been long time
Dark Danny: Sam and Tucker. It's been a while. Ten years, to be accurate. (Raising a hand, he sweeps it down, and Sam, Tucker, Elise, Monty, Susan, Henry and others are encased, motionless, is green light) So, to what do we owe this little blast from the past? (His eyes widen as he notices Sam's CW medallion) Clockwork, Meddling again
He begins to raise his arm, but a purple blast from offscreen knocks him into the street. As he stumbles up and waves the smoke away we see Valerie and her future allies with Future Muffet and Tim's Daughter, Vanilla Pepper Kingsmen who hiding in the rock, blowing the smoke from a wrist-mounted weapon, a grenade in her other hand. Scowling, he gets to his feet and charges. Valerie and her future allies throws a pair of grenades at him, but he transforms to a green, blobby form and they pass through them. They fires their wrist gun, but they is too fast and grabs her by both wrists. Meanwhile, Danny, Sophie and Dan bursts from the nets with a cry. Dark Danny lifts Valerie with one hand and punches her with the other, sending her bouncing off the pavement. He follows as she props herself on one hand and one elbow
Dark Sophie: How very touchy
Midnight Dan: and very weak
Dark Danny: We suppose out of respect for our past, We should let you live **He grabs her by the holsters** But that's not how I work **lifts her and throws her**
Future Me/Laura and other future allies: Valerie!
Danny, Sophie and Dan: Valerie!
Danny , Sophie and Dan flies and catches Valerie around the middle, making them fly intangibly through a few buildings before crash-landing in the street on the other side in a tangle
Valerie: You three are from the past, aren't you three?
Danny just looks at her, getting up.
Valerie Almost forgot how cute you were back then.
**Future Valerie slumps back to the ground**
Danny: You thought I was cute? Wow! An older woman likes us
Sophie: Yeah
Dan: Me too
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 8: Ghost Teams realize that Dark Future/Future Valerie and Future her Allies are revealed Normal Original AU friends who are alive/Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan arrived and met with the present Ghost Teams
Older/Future Valerie springs out of the wreckage on her jetsled, powering up a huge shoulder-mounted blaster.
Future Valerie: Got that right, ghost!
She fires, the kickback knocking her back a little. The blast impacts the street right in front of Danny, blowing the street apart. Danny retreats into the street, then rises back up through it intangibly to face off against Valerie.
Future Sarah/Future Me and her Future Alilies think Three Ghosts are enemies of Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan with ghost weapons at three Ghosts of Ghost Teams
Danny: Valerie! Listen to me!
Sophie: Wait! We are not enemies!
Dan: !!! Not three Bad Ghosts!
Future Valerie: You can't fool me this time, Phantom!
Future Sarah/Future Me: No, not doing them! They are destroying here!
Future Laura/Future You: They’re not going to destroy them and hurt them!
She fires again and he takes a flying dodge. She fires a few more blasts then chases after, jumping into the air and letting the board continue on its own. Danny loops back around, just barely misses getting beaned by the jetsled, and gets caught in an electrified purple net which drops him to the ground. Valerie lands nearby and trains her blaster at him, powering it up with a whine, her future friends are used to capture nets tied to three Ghosts friends to the ground
Future Valerie: I've been waiting a long time for this. Goodbye and good-
Present Sarah/Me refuses to Future Allies think of Three Ghosts as Three Dark Ghosts, Present Ghosts Teams have refused not wanting to hurt their Three Ghosts Allies
Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams jump in front of Danny, Sophie, and Dan shielding them.
Sarah/Me: No! Not doing! They are not enemies! They are good friends but they are present!
Tucker: Valerie, no!
Elise: Val, don't harm my friends!
Valerie rears back in shock. Future Allies are shocking
Sam: Don’t shoot them!
Susan: Val, don't hurt my friends!
Future Sarah/Future Me: What are you and your friends... ! They are alive?! Not better...! They are dead and they’ve got missing is presumed dead!
Future Muffet: ! They are not alive, they are dead and they are missing!
Future Valerie: [wide-eyed] Sam? Tucker? I-It's not possible! This is a trick! You can't be alive!
Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams realized they had Alternate Versions of Dark Futures
Muffet: Oh my God... They have Alternate Versions of the Dark Future here!
Sarah/Me: Wait... I realize that my Alternate Universe of me and my friends? Other Future Me!
Future Sarah/Future Me: Wait... hold on, my younger/Past Me?! Oh my god... Your dogs are alive!? I have lost my one dead and one is missing!
Sarah/Me is realizing that my future version has lost her own dogs, one dead and one missing.
Sapphire and Samantha realize that they have future versions of Sapphire is dead and Samantha is missing
Laura/You: Wait... They have here an Alternate Universe of the Future!?
Future Laura/Future You: ! I think my friends are dead or alive! They are not good!
Cera: !? Future Me? Not good...
Future Cera: Yes, I'm... sorry not better to miss my Friends and Family... I think Mike and Misti are missing!
Ecole, Mike, Misti: !
Josh: !? Wait, my Alternate best friends are Bart is missing and Matilda is dead?
Future Josh: Yes, right...
Future Ecole: Bro, not good.
Josh and Ecole are very shocked and horrified they are dead and they are missing
Tucker: Wait. Not alive? [dropping his arms] That's our future? I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T.!
Future Valerie: The C.A.T. That's the last time I saw you alive. The explosion at the Nasty Burger... you, Tucker, Danny's family- [training the gun on Danny again] And it was all your fault!
her future friends are used to ghost weapons on three Ghosts friends again
A green flash of flame and other colours of fire knock Valerie and her Future Allies offscreen. The Ghost Teams and Mystery Teams look up to the source to find Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan floating there.
Dark Danny: Actually, that was me. And you, eventually.
Dark Sophie: They have to me and they are dark!
Midnight Dan: Us, ours are strong! They are weak!
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 7: Shows of Jazz, Arthur, and Jane checking out their younger brothers' homeworks/Fight Clockwork with Two Ghosts/Ghost Teams wearing Time Medallions and fled to the Dark Future
Sam: Ok, you both are "really" a jerks
Monty: You both are rude about it
Susan: I agree with Sam and Monty
Danny pushing Sam out of the way Wow, what is that? was Excited Some kind of ghostly wail? What a cool power!
Sophie: Yeah, that's so cool
Dan: ???
Me/Laura: Ouch
Sardonyx the Poltercat: Meow
Sarah/You: Oh dear
Sapphire the Dog/Kitsune
Sam, Monty, Susan, Elise, Henry and Tucker stare at them
Danny backtracking quickly ...If it weren't being used for evil!
Sophie: or mean
Dan: or dark
Tucker: turning to Skulktech and clicking on his PDA Let's see if this future boy knows any more about--
Glowing blue-white, Skulktech suddenly rises and flies into the viewer
Tucker: I didn't do that
Elise: Me either
Clockwork: I did
The trio all look up as adult Clockwork descends from the darkness
John Kingsmen: Aaaaah! it's the ghost of christmas futu--
Me/Laura and Sarah/You: ???
John Kingsmen: Oh, hmph! Sorry... **nervous smiling**
Clockwork: I sent him back to his own time. Or, should I say, [switching to elderly version] forward to his own time. You see, for me, [switching to child mode] time moves backwards [switching to adult mode] and forwards, and-- [switching to elderly form] Oh, why am I bothering. You're fourteen
Danny: Who are you? Where we are?
Sophie: Yeah?
Dan: i agree with them, and how?
Clockwork: Introductions? Fine. I am Clockwork, Master of Time. [switching to child form] I've been charged with the task of eliminating your future, so that [pointing at the viewer] ever happens
In the viewer, Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan picks up a tank and throws it, then tosses a few more ectoblasts around
Danny You've got to be kidding us, Name one evil thing I've done!
Sophie: Yeah
Dan: Me too
Smiling, adult Clockwork points his staff at the viewer. In it, we see Jazz pulling the C.A.T. answer packet out of Danny's backpack and gasping, "Danny's a cheater!", Arthur saids "I can't believe this!"
Tucker: Bet you can't find two!
Elise: I agree with Tucker
In the viewer, Arthur and Jane are feels hopes with sobbing Jazz turns into Dark Danny, Dark Sophie and Midnight Dan standing triumphantly over the wreckage of a city street, decorated liberally with fallen helicopters
Clockwork: How about two thousand. [switches to child form]
Danny: I don't have to sit here and explain myself to you! We're going ghost!
They does so, and flies at adult Clockwork
Clockwork: Time out! 
Clockwork points his now-glowing staff at Danny, Sophie and Dan, who slows and freezes in place just short of it, then rewinds to fly backward, land, and return to their human form
Danny We're going ghost! --Whoa [puts a hand to his head] Serious deja vu.
Sophie: Huh... We're going ghost again?
Dan: Yeah?
Danny: Oh! yes, thank guys
[They He goes ghost and flies at Clockwork again.]
Clockwork: [punches button on his staff again, grinning] Time out! [Danny slows way down, and Clockwork swoops off to the side; Danny watches him go] Time in!
Sophie: Wait, what?
Danny, Sophie and Dan resumes normal speed, their momentum carrying him through the spot Clockwork previously occupied and slamming them into the clock tower bell. Clockwork rewinds and forwards him through colliding with the bell a few times, Ghost Past and Ghost Present saws Danny, Sophie and Dan are in danger
Ghost Past: We have to stop him! do something
Ghost Present: We have take his staff to stop doing that!
**then Ghost Past and Ghost Present saws Muffet Pepper with them**
Ghost Past and Ghost Present: **gasp** Muffet!
Clockwork I could do this all day [changing to elderly form], but I have a schedule to keep
**He presses the button one last time, and Danny, Sophie and Dan crashes to the ground. Above, Clockwork pulls a scythe from the hands of a reaper statue and swoops down**
Sam, Monty, Elise, Henry and Tucker: Danny! Sophie! Dan! Look out!
Danny, Sophie and Dan zips out of the way and the scythe comes down on a gear, shattering it. Clockwork freezes them in midair. Over to the side, Sam, Monty, Susan and others is also frozen in the act of gasping, but Tucker, Henry and Elise is unaffected, even Muffet with Norman, Ricky and Tim was unaffected
Tucker: Hey, wait! Why would he freeze time for Danny, Sophie and Dan, and not for us? [noticing Sam, Monty and is frozen] Hey, Sam? [waving a hand in front of her face] Hm. [Looking down at his medallion and holding it] I knew these medallions were good for something. It's like a Get Out of Time Free card! [he runs and grabs a pair of medallions from the wall]
Elise: Tucker, You're a genius!
Clockwork: [looming over Danny, Sophie and Dan with the scythe] Time's up, Ghost Boys and Ghost Girl
**Clockwork raises the scythe to swing**
Ghost Past and Ghost Present: **using their powers to stop the scythe**
**the scythe goes around circles and Elise's hand reaches out and takes it from his hands**
Tucker Sorry, no sudden death overtime in this game!
Elise: **throws the medallions to everyone**
**Then elise throws the medallions to Sam, Monty, Susan, Sophie, Dan and Danny's and they abruptly resumes his flight trajectory**
Danny: Huh? What happened?
Sophie: Thanks Elise and Tucker
[They lands between Tucker, Elise, Henry, Susan, Monty and Sam]
Sam: [holding up her medallion] We leveled the playing field. Just get the bad guy!
Monty: Yeah, go kick his butt!
Clockwork: [scowling] You all have seen too much, You must be eliminated before [switch to elderly form] you permanently alter the timestream
Five ghost soldiers from different eras appear one by one, fully armed
The trio and The Mystery trio gasps
Clockwork: [switching to adult form] Nowhere to run, children
We see the viewer, displaying the desolate landscape of Amity Park 10 years in the future. Danny, Sophie and Dan looks to it and back. Danny, Sophie and Dan Nowhere but the future!
Sophie: Think again! we're going to the future!
Danny: Nowhere but the future!
Muffet: Hey! What about u guys?
Ghost Past: Muffet! Get to the future with you're friends! Hurry!
Ghost Present: Yeah, We'll hold them off, we'll promise
Grabbing Sam, Monty, Susan, Henry and Tucker, he flies into the viewer, Tucker dropping the scythe in the process, even everyone are going to the viewer
Clockwork: Then let's see if you have what it takes [switch to child form] to face that future.
The scene switches to a shattered street in future Amity Park. The Trio and Mystery Trio appear in a flare of blue-white light, Tucker, Elise, Henry, Susan, Monty and Sam falling to the ground
Daniela Kingsmen: That was close
Me/Laura: You said it
Sarah/You: Me too
Tucker: [looking around uneasily] Man. If this is what we have to look forward to, I'm definitely not taking the C.A.T. test. Sam How do you think this all happened?
Elise: Yeah?
Henry: This place looks disaster
Sam: How do you think this all happened?
Monty: I agreee with Sam, or not?
Susan: Yeah
Danny: [floating] I don't know. But based on what we just saw, I have a really bad feeling I'm the one responsible
Sophie: [floating] Yeah
Dan: [floating] How hard gonna be or something
John Kingsmen: Wow! **saws Future version of Claude the Puppy**
Future Claude: Grrrrr! **bark** **bark**
Claude the Puppy: Omg, Is that adult version of Me?
Muffet Pepper: OMG, He looks just like u
Norman Kingsmen, Ricky Kingsmen and Tim Kingsmen: Wow
For @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All her msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to @sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
All my msa ocs and new msa ocs belongs to Me
All Danny Phantom characters belongs to Nickelodeon Danny Phantom
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danturner-dpask · 1 year ago
MSA X DP: The Ultimate Enemy Chapter 6: Fights for Skulktech 9.9/They going to Clockwork's lair/Watches the destroyed ruin by Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, Midnight Dan 
Danny, Sophie, and Dan barely miss getting slammed by a cluster of arms. Going intangible, they snag Tucker, Sam, Monty, Elise, Susan, and Henry and fly them out of the room, then return through the door. Skulktech knocks him around for a bit, then grabs him by the neck and holds him up.
Sophie and Dan: Danny! *grabbed other clusters of arms*
ST (Skulker): Say goodbye,
ST (Technus): Ghost Children!
They lift a claw arm, which begins to spin like a scalesaw. Suddenly their gauntlet starts beeping the tune to Reveille.
ST (Skulker): Someone's hacked into the system? Again?! I thought we fixed that!
ST (Technus): We did! We must have accidentally synced up with somebody else's PDA!
Skulktech goes intangible, and their jets fire off. Dropping Danny, Sophie, and Dan, they take off through the ceiling. The door opens and Tucker, Sam, Monty, Elise, Susan, and Henry come in.
Tucker: Wow. I can still hack into his operating system with my handheld computer. I don't know whether that's exciting or depressing. 
Elise: I can hack off his tech.
Henry: I do hack skills.
Danny: [leaping to his feet] Come on, follow me! [Going intangible, he flies up through the ceiling]
Sophie and Dan: Going on! (Going to Danny chase after Skultech)
Tucker: ... We'll walk.
Danny, Sophie and Dan flies after Skulktech across the evening sky. Below, at Casper High, Mighty Falcon, University School, Jazz and Lancer are talking, while Mr. Jerry is thinking of Danny, Sophie or Dan not done yet to answers C.A.T. tests
Jazz: So you're saying Danny stole the C.A.T. test answers? But how?
Arthur: (Mind: Uh oh, not good! I think my Sister has not done yet before ready to answer!)
Jane: Not good...
Mr. Lancer: I don't know. [holding up the briefcase] Unless your two brothers and your one sister suddenly gained the ability to turn invisible and reach through solid objects?
Mr. Lancer: Fair enough. They have up until the test to return the answers. But if they cheat, I won't just fail them. I'll destroy their future.
Back in the air, Danny, Sophie, and Dan are still chasing Skulktech
ST (Skulker): What are you waiting for? Activate the Purpleback Gorilla Override!
ST (Technus): Don't tell me how to do my job!
Danny, Sophie, and Dan zaps them with ectoblasts, and they fall from the sky to crash into the ruin of the Nasty Burger. We see that the heating element is still on, the meter inching higher. They blast off again.
ST (Technus): Activating Phantom Palm Pummeler!
Their hand opens, sending out a bluewhite ray that catches Danny, Sophie, and Dan and knocks them off course, smoking. It hits them again and they reverts to human forms, then falls a short way before going back to ghost forms.
Danny: You're shorting out my powers?!
Sophie: Not take my powers!?
Dan: You take my powers!? Not good!
ST (Skulker): Indeed. Pummeler might not work on you in the future, but we had a feeling it would work on you here.
Danny: The Future?
Sophie and Dan are surprised to hear that the futures
Sophie: Wait, it’s the future?
Dan: ! The Future? Do they have alternate timelines for the Future?
ST (Technus): [laughing] Oh, I love it. You're much less powerful than the other Phantoms we have to deal with!
A third blast hits them, turning them into humans.
Danny: What are you two talking aboooou [falling] aaaagh! [he catches himself one-handed on a flagpole. Danny looks up.] Wow. That flagpole thing works? I thought for sure it would [the flagpole snaps] breeaaaak!! [He falls and bounces off an awning into a pile of trash bags.] Guess I don't have a future as an Olympic gymnast. [An arm snakes through the pile and grabs him around the middle, zapping him.] Aaaaaaaugh! [It slams him to the ground.]
Sophie: AHHH! [she catches herself one-handed on a flagpole. Sophie looks up.] Phew, Huh? [the flagpole snaps] Breeaaaak!! AHHH! [It slams her to the ground.]
Dan: AHHH! [he catches himself one-handed on a flagpole. Dan looks up.] Phew, ?! [the flagpole snaps] AHH!!! [It slams him to the ground.]
ST (Skulker): You don't have a future, period!
ST (Technus): Not anymore!
Tucker VO: I wouldn't bet on that.
Elise VO: Not done yet!
Henry VO: What do you think of this?
Tucker, Sam, Monty, Elise, Susan, and Henry come running up, Tucker running the override on his PDA. A red laser hits Skulktech and they short out, falling. As they fall they catch themselves on a flagpole.
ST (Skulker) and (Technus): Aw poo
ST (Technus): Wow, that flagpole thing-
It snaps and they fall, crashing to land doubled over a lamppost. We see the CW medallion around their neck.
Danny: [still trapped in the cuffed arm] Way to go, guys!
Sophie: [still trapped in the cuffed arm] Not right, guys freed them off!
Dan: [still trapped in the cuffed arm] Not good! They got off!
Sam: Come on, Tucker, let's see if we can get this off!
Sam grabs the cuff and Tucker grabs Sam as they try to wrench it open, Monty and Susan try to free them, and Elise and Henry try to get off. Skulktech's medallion falls off and tinks to the ground, and they start to glow blue-white. The glow races along the arm, enveloping them, and they all vanish.
The scene switches to the inside of Clockwork's Tower. The viewer shows swirls of green, and gears tick and turn everywhere. The viewer blazes, and Skulktech and the trio are thrown through it to land on the floor. The cuff springs open
Tucker: Where are we?
Henry: ??? They are here? Not good...
Elise: Oh my god... Do they have Ghost World?
The three teams wander, looking up into the gear-ridden darkness. They approach a window with a clockface embedded in it.
Danny: I don't know. The Ghost Zone, I think. [We zoom out to see the entire tower, floating in the green haze of the Ghost Zone.] But... no part of the Ghost Zone I've ever seen.
Sophie: Clockwork's time lair home?
Dan: Right, not good what happened to them?
Sam: It happened right after his medallion fell off.
Susan: I noticed that Time Medal? It's the CW logo, the Clockwork short name of CW.
Monty: ??? Clockwork?
Tucker: Then I think I know how to get us back!
Elise: Yes, right! We are trying back to present!
Henry: Right, I think it’s they’re coming back here!
We follow his gaze to a box on the wall, where six more of the medallions hang. Tucker seizes one and puts it around his neck.
Elise and Henry are ideas and get two Time Medals necklaces and put them around their necks.
Tucker: [pumping his arms triumphantly] Haha!
Elise: Got it!
Henry: Right got!
Nothing happens.
Tucker: [Looking around, then dropping his arms.] Nothing, huh.
Elise: Not good happening...
Henry: Not sure, what happened...
Sam: No, but nice bling. [She goes to take a closer look at the viewer.]
Danny: [Looking more closely at Tucker's medallion] I don't like this.
Sophie: I don’t think, used to Time Medalist?
Dan: See it...
Sam: You're going to like this even less.
Monty: Hey guys! I noticed that viewers of the future!
Susan: Not good! Look at the screens!
The Three Teams join Sam, Monty, and Susan at the viewer, where Dark Danny, Dark Sophie, and Midnight Dan are laughing and throwing ectoblasts at screaming people and buildings, then laughing. A label on the screen reads FUTURE: 10 YEARS.
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my msa x dp ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa x dp ocs sonas
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series 
Danny Phantom DP belongs to Butch Hartman of Nickelodeon Series 
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