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Breakin and Poppin History
This is an old post I saved. Check it out because there's some pertinent info from the pioneers on it's origins.Kind of long, so check it out in sequence at your leisure
"Breakin" and Poppin history
These are 2 separate dances. One from the West cost, the other from the East coast. It can be argued that both came from the western United States in the black community of L.A. ( Watts and Compton) The pioneers from NYC said that the basis on how they formated their style, was L.A.'s "locking" style. What ever the case, it was all seeded by African American youth. Breakdancing was created by black youth of Bronx, NY, mainly the Zulu Kings and Jr Black Spades, trying to one-up on each other at the early KoolHerc jams. The earliest recollection people have of it is 1973. Puerto Rican youth picked up on it circa 1975-76 by their own accounts, and they made a huge contribution to the development of the dance. Also creating groups around it and refining it even more. They brought the dance into the 80s were it spread like wildfire in the mainstream . It's AfroAmerican and Puerto Rican orgins where a distant memory as early as 1983
The media coined the term " breakdancing" in the early 80s as it's popularity spread. According to some of the Hispanic pioneers, the original black youth never gave it a name, but would sometimes loosely refer to the dance as " going to the floor". According to a Rock Steady member in the documentary "Freshest Kids" they had a name in the 70s to denote the original AfroAmerican style of the earlier 70s... The term was "Moreno style". In the latter 70s some called it "B- Boying.
Lockin was created by L.A.’s Don Campbell (African American) in the late 60s. The concept spread to Fresno CA, where a new derivative of locking was developed. We now know it as Popping. Imported into L.A. from Fresno by two young African American streetdancers named "Boogaloo Sam and his brother Poppin Pete (circa 75 - 76), it debuted nationally in 1978 via Soultrain. Many youngsters and performers picked up on it soon after. Poppin was all lumped into breaking later. A hyped up resurgence of breaking and Popping was created by black and Hispanic youth of L.A. starting around 1986-1990. Also by east coast groups like the extended Rock Steady Crew. With it's airmoves and extensive spins, this form is still practiced by people of many ethnic groups. Even tournaments worldwide

Though originally a African American youth dance of the early 70s, Puerto Rican youth made a huge contribution to the development of breakin. The orginal Rock Steady Crew of the latter 1970s through the very early 80s

Filmed in front of Lincoln Center 1981, by a NYC tv station, this is before the dance was really known around the country, and dormant in those circles in Bronx ---and according to renowned Frosty Freeze in an early 80s documentary, parts of Harlem.
Rock Steady Crew 1980-81

Rene, Trac2, and Boss appearantly won a competition in 1978

Obviously the late 70s to very early 80s. The Puerto Rican youth in the center is the renowned Ken Swift and the black youth with his arms folded to the left is " Lil Crazy from the late 70s RSC, and to the right next the girl is forgotten member Kippy D.

The founders say there were actually 2 different crews who joined together to form the RSC. It was TBB (The Bronx Boys) from the mid 70s and Rock City of the 70s Bronx and Manhattan. Here's Louie Lou and Frosty from the Rock City days
Miscellaneous images of TBB and Rock Steady from the 70s and very early 80s
Video compilation of 70s pioneers, mostly long forgotten African American " bboys" of that era, performing the style of that decade. Most of these are from like the 1990s and early new millennium. All videos are very brief ( less than 1 minute on most)
Looks like 83/84 (?)

The picture above are original Rock Steady Crew members from appearantly the 1980s.
RSC co-founder
Jimmy Dee, the African American co-founder of the RSC (Rock Steady Crew) in the latter 70s... The original blog is offline now. I will try to recall some basic info he shared with us on the formation of RSC. Crazy Legs asked him to write a brief summary on this. He laughed because he'd heard about dozen or so stories on how they formed - and thought it to be less important where they came from, but more relevant of what breaking and Rock Steady has become. A quick detailed story was shared from the very cofounder..
A few of them branched out from a larger mid 70s group called TBB (The Bromx Boys) to form a group of their own. With the blessings of the former group, they formed RSC (no falling out between members like Batch as some rumors had it). It was names like Jim Lee, JoJo, Popeye and a few others. He met a new recruit named Crazy legs - who was excited and determine to be the best. Not long after, Jimmy went off to college but still loosely associated with and keep up on RSC over the years. Also astonished at what it has become in modern times
Video link is in the compilation TBB RSC by shwat2013. The Rock Steady Crew @ Central Park, NYC - YouTube. At about the last 1/8 of video, Crazy Legs introduces the 1977 cofounder (African American) to the crowd at a 2013 hip-hop reunion in Central park. Many never heard of or seen, because he went off to college ( circa early 80s)
A few links
1 in more recent times https://www.pinterest.com/pin/631981760196661962/
In this rare 1981 footage, Jimmy Dee sees the ZuluKings as the first when the news interviewer asks where does this come from. Keep in mind that he was a part of TBB in the mid 70s. They were closer to the essence back then and young and humble (roughly 17). In a modern Livestream, he says that 1981 is when he left NYC for Navy and college.
Two founders of Rock Steady Crew, Jimmy D and Lee (1977) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1c/1b/99/1c1b99f349c13eab206133419375e96d.jpg
From the 1981 Lincoln Center battle. Some of the footage was used in the 1982 video for Planet Rock and Buffalo Gals 83 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/90/60/35/906035b98a0a209b096cf0cc09ffd5b3.jpg
Spy from the mid to latter 70s. He is Afro Puerto Rican. In a 2002 documentary, Crazy legs stated that Spy was the first person he had ever seen doing the dance as a 10 year old in 1976. Spy was roughly early teens. There are others who say that he was the best breaker they had ever seen in the decade of the 70s - hands down
Said to be mid 70s (76/77)
? Circa mid 70s, far right https://www.pinterest.com/pin/631981760196662268/
Probably the mid to latter 70s
These are from around 1981, NYC

This is said to be Robbie Rob, the one Trac 2 said taught floor moves to the youngster who showed him in around 1975. He is also mentioned by Legendary Twins, Bom5 of TBB and others
Caption reads
BBoy Unsung Hero: This is the man who created a well known fundamental freeze that all BBoys/BGirls do throughout the world. This is Robbie Rob, one of the "First 11" Zulu Kings bboy. He is the creator of the "CHAIR" freeze that you all do today. Shouts to Trac 2 for supplying the picture.
Trac 2 also informs us that Robbie Rob was doing chair freezes as early as 73/74 in a modern Livestream (2024).
In another magazine article of the 90s, he says the original B-boys were black, but treated it like a passing fad more so
Skip to 49:38 for Robbie Rob
Skip immediately over to 4:08 to hear Robbie Rob himself say he started chair or figure4 freezing in 1973
Known original ZuluKings like Grand Mixer DXT and Theodore, perform old style from roughly 1974-76, in more modern times (2016 post)
Aby, the brother of Batch (TBB founder), had this to say on an earlier interview. TBB (The Bronx Boys) were known as the first Puerto Rican based b-boy crew in 1975/76
(you would think people would ask what ethnicity were they before)
...As far as the Puerto Rican style of B-Boying is concerned…you know the Blacks had their own way of doing it…their own dance and from what I remember it was called The Go Off and we took some of that Go Off and added some of our style to it. You know we are also part of the African heritage…that's a part of our heritage, too. We come from the Spaniards, we also come from the African slaves that were brought to the Caribean Islands by the Spaniards and we come from the Tainos (the indigenous people of Puerto Rico)….so we got three different people in us. That's why I got green eyes, my dad is a black latino…my sister Joanna you know is a light skin Afro Rican. So we definetely got that influence."
SIR NORIN RAD (the interviewe):
"Willie Will (legendary Puerto Rican B-Boy from Rockwell Association) told me about how we was introduced to that original Black B-Boy Style of dancing which you referred to as The Go Off in 1976 by a B-Boy called Chopper that was down with the Zulu Nation. What was the relationship between TBB and the Zulu Nation? Was there any kind of contact at all?
Cholly Rock says that he first saw floor moves in 1974 with Legendary Twins and Clark Kent (African Americans). This is before the ZuluKings were formed in 1975. He stopped breaking in roughly 1978. When the latter 70s through 80s came around and he seen Rock Steady and others, he thought they were mimicking them from years prior. However impressed at what the dance evolved into

Correction. This is actually Doc aka Pooch, credited for teaching Beaver, Robbie Rob, and PowWow..floor style in roughly 1974. He's next to Alien Ness in this more modern photo. In an old post, it was mislabeled as Beaver
This is Beaver from a interview in more recent times ( roughly 2010). Pioneers like Trac2, Cholly Rock, Willie Will and others remember his heavy influence on b-boying back in the mid 70s
Fastbreaks of old Magnificent Force, says he started breaking in 75 a family party after seeing his cousins do moves. His cousins would chill with ZuluKings members at the time. Magnificent Force were from the Bronx and predate the 1983 youth craze (largely unknown outside of Bronx and Harlem before then). The group included Mr Wiggles of old Rock Steady Crew
Fast breaks Livestream interview
Fastbreaks 83 performance begins at 2:00
interviews with ole school 70s b-boys http://preciousgemsofknowledge79.blogspot.com/
Puerto Rican youth appearantly added spin moves and certain uprock styles to the dance format. This is from the Ed Sullivan show of 1957. Pay attention at 1:00 and 1:18
Seen in old African American performers
In 1894, the Edison Production company filmed 3 African American performers named Joe Rastus · Denny Tolliver · Walter Wilkins, who are clearly uprocking into breaking moves. The film was entitled The Pickaninny Dance, from the 'Passing Show' · Director. William K.L. Dickson · Writer. Sydney Rosenfeld ·
1920s - 50s
Basically rapping and breaking 1930
Modern beat added
In this 1974 footage, Roberto, an Afro Puerto Rican, does the exact moves of Little Buck from 1957, in almost same sequence, two decades prior. To credit Puerto Ricans for breaking, some bring up the Roberto footage of 74, but when one mentions Little Buck from the 50s, all of a sudden there's no relation, or the it doesn't matter position is taken
Little Buck 1955. Skip immediately over to 2:34 near end to see the routine
Robero Rona 1974. Skip immediately over to 4:18 to see the routine in a similar sequence as Little Buck in 1955
Berry Brothers
Even though the youth of Bronx and Harlem probably never seen this footage in the early 70s "ghetto" neighborhoods, these type of dance patterns are common in all people.
Nigeria 1959
It's in the dance history of every race
Opening scene 1943
Actual Zulus of South Africa with traditional dance
The first known b-boy crew was ZuluKings of 1973-75 Bronx NYC. This is PeeWee Dance of the 70s crew (roughly early 90s), as he shows original Up top/going off/Burning/SpadeDance (uprocking) style. One Puerto Rican pioneer did mention that old style breaking, the brothers would spend ample time dancing on their feet and floor moves brief at the end
Video compilation of 70s pioneers, mostly long forgotten African American " bboys" of that era, performing the style of that decade. Most of these are from like the 1990s and early new millennium. All videos are very brief ( less than 1 minute on most)
Outtakes of Flashdance's breaking scene. The RockSteady crew goes back to the essence of the dance. Black guy with Afro goes back to the original group of 1976-77. His moniker was Frosty Freeze. This movie was filmed in 1981 and 82; released 1983 (the original song played in movie was Jimmy Castor's " It's Just Begun 1972)
As seen in the 1983 movie with the Jimmy Castor song (1972)
As seen in the movie, with original Jimmy castor song. This is the first time many viewed the dance which was performed by Rock Steady Crew. Also, the 1983 video "Save the Overtime For Me" by Gladys Knight-featuring the NYC Breakers, was the first nationwide glimps of the dance for some.
More rare footage of late 70s- mid 80s breaking from the pioneers https://txt.fyi/+/7713cfe2/
Best documentary on the "b-boying component of hip-hop. From 2002, it has all pioneers from the 70s. Its African American origins are mentioned from 10;10 through roughly 15;15. Then again from 18;50 through 19;30. At roughly 15;50 through 16;20,, Spy is introduced as one of the first seen in the 70s. The West coast contribution starts at 34;00 https://youtu.be/lKb1vszkeC8
Poppin and Lockin footage
Absolutely African American in it's creation, Popping is a direct derivative of locking and roboting. Keep in mind that locking was created unintentionally by Don Campbell in 1969 as he tried to do another dance but incorrectly (from independent interviews with him and friends of the time). At some point, roboting began to get more fluid and less rigid. You can almost see the morph from roboting to popping in the first three mid 1970s videos of this link
Man on L.A' beach with home movie camera 1981. About midway through, he lucks up and captures youngsters popping. The dance is from 77
Lockin 1974 https://youtu.be/CQWsF4plYFI
Full version 1974 on Campus scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6bBNLw_4Nk&list=WL&index=257&t=0s&app=desktop
1978 Lockin (just a ittle over 3 minutes) https://youtu.be/p5eD6dt0NZg
Tho locking is becoming"old hat" at this time, young blks of 1979 still practice, but this time incorporating a touch of popping into their routine. As stated before, it's a derivative of locking anyway. https://youtu.be/n2LSkizYmpM
From the show "What's Happening" in the mid 70s. The character "Rerun" is an early pioneer of that dance style. The Lockers display a faint hint of poppin (2:30 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6CU8eUjIP4&t=8s
Poplockin 1983 with JazzyJ from Soul Sonic Force https://youtu.be/pyYXcY9KwpE
Kango and Dr Ice of UTFO perform popping and boogaloo in 1983 (slightly before they're known). They clear up the differences between that and Breaking https://youtu.be/1EG4ksiblMs
The renowned Boogaloo Srimp ( Turbo) has an outstanding performance in this 1983 footage; starting around 0:40 https://youtu.be/QJ6IAouIyLA
Best documentary(s) on West coast hip hop. The first is from 1983, and the second from present day YouTube. The second one is by a man who has the credentials to educate on hiphop's history. Researching and interview these artist for a few decades, many of these MC's and DJ's he knows personally. Exellemt docs on the history. You may want to save in a watch later playlist. Both are over an hour long
1 https://youtu.be/GFkgObeA8AU
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKvrT0orI5s&list=WL&index=2&t=15s
Lindy hop 1930s - 40s
Was created in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, and popularized in the late 30s and 40's. It spread to young Americans of all races in the 40s
1 (1939)
Second scene from 1941
1944 from African American made movie
"Old Hat" by the 1950s, but still practiced
Be sure to stop at the bottom where it says "More from @afrcnamrcn-23". Don't be distracted by the pictures and links under that. They will occur again so that you can continue with the main post in sequence
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The Dorf feat consord - Die Vollkommene Larve - a big-band sci-fi operetta
This project is based on a short story by polish SciFi author Stanislaw Lem, called “The Mask“. Roughly it is about a young woman, coming to consciousness, realizing that she is at a king´s court. She meets a young man and discovers, after short romance, that she is in fact a killer in form of an insect with artificial intelligence - built by the king to kill the lover. The question of awareness in machines, a reoccuring theme in Lem´s work, has a special reading here. The woman/ machine develops a conscience here and in the end it´s open, if she can get rid of her programming. libretto - Ruskin Watts music - Jan Klare live film - Achim Zepezauer young womann - Marie Daniels lover - samples from Franz Schubert´s Winterreise, Text: Wilhelm Müller king - tetxtsamples from Michael Scriven „The Compleat Robot“ and "Kosmos Insektenführer" consord Pavel Tseliapniou Flöte Vanessa Hövelmann Klarinette Diyi Li Fagott Enrico Taubmann Saxophon Timothy Page Horn Norbert Fabritius Trompete Karsten Süßmilch Posaune Jan Termath Tuba Gereon Voß Percussion Jaime Moragas Percussion The Dorf Julia Brüssel Geige Martin Verborg Geige Emily Wittbrodt Cello Ludger Schmidt Cello Stephan Gerhartz Trompete Markus Türk Trompete Felix Fritsche Saxophon Florian Walter Saxophon Christoph Berndt Saxophon Maria Trautmann Posaune Maximilian Wehner Posaune Moritz Anthes Posaune Adrian Prost Posaune Alex Morsey Tuba Kai Niggemann Buchla Synth Gilda Razani Theremin Serge Corteyn Gitarre Christian Hammer Gitarre Andreas Wahl Gitarre Oliver Siegel Keyboard Johannes Nebel Bass Marvin Blamberg Drums Simon Camatta Drums Jan Klare Airmovement
#the dorf#consord#Die Vollkommene Larve#jazz#punk#opera#operetta#female vocal#2018#germany#tu dortmund#stanislaw lem
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lucifer rises
When the busses stop riding, and the trains stop rolling.
When de bicycles stop cycles, and the people stop they’re legs.
When the trams and the subways and the busses and the boats and the ferry’s stop existing.
Is the day teleportation will rise.
The day that men from one blink to the next shift they’re presence
Never walking, airmoving fast
The day words stop living.
Is the day thought transfer comes to be
The day that visual thoughts shall take over the world
And symbols cease to exist
When men shall think in moving pictures
In airstreams and electric sparks
In telepathic forms
Without letters without symbols
Without signs without buildings
Radioactive waves instead of colours
Frequencies instead of sounds
That is the day that lucifer will rise ones more
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